09-09-16 Newsletter - Luverne Public Schools
09-09-16 Newsletter - Luverne Public Schools
Stacy J. Gillette Principal [email protected] UPCOMING DATES ************ NATIONAL FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK 10/9 – 10/15 KIDS IN THE COMMONS (GRADES 3-5) 3:15-4:45 10/11 KIDS IN THE COMMONS (GRADES K-2) 3:15-4:45 10/13 HEARING & VISION RESCREENINGS 10/17 MEA NO SCHOOL 10/20 & 10/21 CLIMB THEATHER PRESENTATION WEEK 10/24 – 10/28 EARLY DISMISSAL 1:30PM 10/27 FLU SHOT CLINIC 10/28 5TH GRADE ROLLERSKATING 10/28 EARLY DISMISSAL 1:30PM 11/4 END OF 1ST QUARTER 11/4 Luverne Elementary 709 N. Kniss Luverne, MN 56156 507-283-4497 www.isd2184.net LUVERNE ELEMENTARY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER October 7, 2016 KIDS IN THE COMMONS REMINDER 11th (3-5th Tuesday, October grade) Thursday, October 13th (K-2nd Grade) This activity will run from 3:15–4:45pm in the Elementary Commons. Please be sure to talk with your child about pick-up plans for after the event. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Dinger. MEA NO SCHOOL Thursday, October 20th or Friday, October 21st (NO Family U) EARLY DISMISSAL 1:30pm on Thursday, October 27th (Due to Luverne Hosting the Sections CC Meet) (Family U will begin at 1:30pm *** MARK YOUR CALENDARS *** Early Dismissal on Friday, November 4th at 1:30pm (Family U will begin at 1:30pm) ONE WARM COAT PROJECT Rock County’s 2016 ONE WARM COAT PROJECT is collecting new and/or clean reusable coats and snow gear. Coats and snow gear of all shapes and sizes are welcome (children’s coats are especially needed). Bring your clean, reusable coats to the Luverne Elementary School NOW through October 28th. There will be a collection box located in the commons. Please contact Mrs. Dinger if you have questions. FLU VACCINATION CLINIC COMING We will hold our annual Flu Vaccination Clinic on Friday, October 28th. Forms and more information are being sent home in this week’s Friday Folder. Please note that this year we will only be offering the Flu Shot. NO Flu Mist is available or be offered. These forms will need to be completed and returned by Wednesday, October 19th. If you have any questions, you are encouraged to contact Phil Paquette, our school nurse. IS THIS YOURS??? Our “Lost and Found” has collected SEVERAL jackets, sweatshirts and lunch bag items. In an effort to make sure your child keeps any items that belong to him/her, we are encouraging you to write a name on a tag or other area so that if it is lost it can be returned. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTOBER 9TH – 15TH Next week is national Fire Prevention Week. Several of our students will be learning about fire prevention strategies and how to be safe at home and school. This year we will be telling families, “Don’t wait! Check the Date. Replace your Smoke Alarms Every 10 years”. Smoke alarms save lives. The focus on smoke alarm replacement comes as the result of a recent survey conducted by NFPA, which showed that only a small percentage of people know how old their smoke alarms are or how often they need to be replaced. DRESSING FOR THE WEATHER We would like to remind parents that students should come dressed to spend recess time outside each day. This means sending your child in warm clothing if the temperatures are predicted to be cold. Now is a good time to make sure that you have warm clothing that fits for the coming winter season. DO WE HAVE YOUR NUMBER? Please contact the elementary office if you have a change of contact information so we may update our records. This includes changes of address, phone number, email addresses, cell phone numbers, and emergency contact information. This information is used for School Reach in the event of an early dismissal/school closing, school related emergency or for an illness to reach parents. MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2016-17 MUSIC PROGRAM SCHEDULE All programs will be held at 2:00pm in the Elementary Gym. 3rd & 4th Grades – November 11th 1st & 2nd Grades – April 28th Kindergarten – May 12th COMMUNITY EDUCATION NOTES Sneaky Senses: This activity is for Girls in Grades K-1 on October 13 & 27. Find out how your 5 senses can trick you! It’s For The Birds: Students in grades 1 and older will enjoy doing crafts with the residents at the Mary Jane Brown home. On October 15, participants will paint a bird house and make bird feeders. Fee is $15. Family Volleyball: Moms, Dads and kids age Kindergarten and older will have fun at these sessions on October 17, 24, 27. Fee is $15/family or $10/individual. Cardinal Basketball League: Register by October 19 to play intramural games with the Cardinal Basketball League for grades 3-6. Those students in grades 4-6 who want to play additional basketball may register for traveling league too. Fees go up after October 19. Science Museum and Mall of America: Plan to take a child to the Science Museum and MOA on October 20th during the MEA No School days. Fee is $55 which covers the cost of museum ticket and bus ride. Mr. Hansen’s 5th Grade Class My Favorite thing about of Fifth Grade is… Math – Jackson Kids Against Hunger – Dominic Typing Class on Typing For Kids – Spencer Having A Fun Teacher – Shayla Math because I like Addition & Subtraction – unknown Two teachers and friends – Chloe Science – Tyler Mr. Hansen is my teacher and we get more privileges – Kayla Has been the Digestive System in Science – Izabel Science – Ian All the nice teachers – Julia Learning about all of the systems of the body – Gavin Science and recess – Grace Adding decimals – Valeria Mr. Hansen and Mrs. VonHoltum as teachers – Morgan The Teacher – Kiesli Mr. Hansen – Sadie The Teachers – Zane Math – Tucker Science – Tyler FUN30 and Art – Hailey FUN30 – Tyler