The Spherical MHD Code MagIC, Fundamentals
The Spherical MHD Code MagIC, Fundamentals
The Spherical MHD Code MagIC, Fundamentals Johannes Wicht, Thomas Gasting, Ankit Barik MPS Katlenburg-Lindau The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 MagIC in Words MagIC solves for thermodynamic evolution, fluid flow and magnet field generation Domain = spherical shell Region below and above domain treated as boundary conditions or parametrized Frame of reference rotating with system rotation W MagIC uses a dimensionless formulation Poloidal/toroidal decomposition in employed MagIC is a pseudo spectral code MagIC uses a mixed impicite, explicite time stepping The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 MagIC github The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 MagIC homepage The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Spectral and Grid Representation The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 input precomputation radial derivatives dx0, operators, constants, ... fields on grid parameters, initial condition xo=x(t0) precomputation grid output? work yes grid output G-files,mov-files, ... no nonlinear terms fields on grid calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid non-linear terms calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid grid output? calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives time step ti+1=ti+dt update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral output spectra, total energies, ... no no new step? update spectral output spectra, total energies, ... work yes no update work update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 yes grid output G-files,mov-files, ... non-linear terms time step ti+1=ti+dt spectral output? yes no input nonlinear terms rampup MagIC Start radial derivatives dx0, operators, constants, ... work ram MagIC Structure parameters, initial condition xo=x(t0) yes MagIC Stop new step? no finale final output time averages quantities, rst-file, .... The Spherical MHD Code MagIC e final output time averages quantities, MPS 2015 Numerical Grid Non-linear terms calculated on local grid Gauss-Legendre grid points in latitude evenly spaced grid points in logitude for FFT special grid points in radius for FFT The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Horizontal Representation Spherical surface harmonics in longitude and latitude: Grid representation: With degree and order up to Spectral representation: The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Horizontal Transforms 1) FFT for f m and m f. with azimuthal grid points 2) Gauss-Legendre integration for q l. with azimuthal grid points Clever vector multiplication l q. Recently both azimuthal transforms changed to SHTns. 3) Full dealiasing with The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Horizontal Derivatives, two Examples 1) Horizontal Laplacian: 2) Latitudinal derivative: with so that The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Radial Representation 1) Chebychev polynomials up to degree with 2) Grid points are the Nr extrema of : so that 3) Thus fast cosine transforms can be 4) Dealiasing for Nr>N. The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Spectral Poloidal Dynamo Equation 1) Take radial component of the dynamo equation 2) Plug in horizontal spectral representation of . Multiply with spherical hamonic, integrate over spherical surface and use orthogonal relations: radial diffusion nonlinear dynamo term The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Solving the Nonlinear Term 1) Calculate horizontal components of EMF on grid: so that 2) Transform these to spectral space: 3) Calculate curl in spectral space using recurrence relations: How does that look like in the code? The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Calculating Nonlinear terms 0) Master: rIterThetaBlocking_seq.f90 1) transform_to_grid_space in rIterThetaBlocking.f90 2) Legendre transform: legTFG in legendre_spec_to_grid.f90 3) FFT (internal or MKL) called in rIterThetaBlocking.f90 The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 ramp precomputation radial derivatives dx0, operators, constants, ... 4) Calculate nonlinear terms on grid: get_nl.f90 calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid grid output? yes grid outp G-files,mov-file no work fields on grid nonlinear terms Calculating Nonlinear terms input parameters, initial condition xo=x(t0) non-linear terms calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral ou spectra, total ene no update work time step ti+1=ti+dt new step? no yes The Spherical MHD Code MagIC finale final output time averages quantities, rst-file, .... MagIC Stop MPS 2015 radial derivatives dx0, operators, constants, ... Back Transform to Spectral Space grid output? yes grid outp G-files,mov-fi no work 5) transfrom_to_lm_space in rIterThetaBlocking.f90 6) Gauss-Legendre back transform: legTFG in legendre_spec_to_grid.f90 nonlinear terms fields on grid calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid non-linear terms calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral ou spectra, total en no update work time step ti+1=ti+dt new step? no yes finale final output 7) FFT back transform (internal or MKL) called in rIterThetaBlocking.f90 The Spherical MHD Code MagIC time averages quantities, rst-file, .... MagIC Stop MPS 2015 nonlinear terms fields on grid calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid grid output? yes grid outp G-files,mov-file no 8) Calculate extra derivatives in get_td.F90 called by rIterThetaBlocking.f90 work Finish off Induction Term in Spetral Space non-linear terms calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral ou spectra, total ene no update work time step ti+1=ti+dt new step? no yes finale final output time averages quantities, rst-file, .... MagIC Stop 9) Output is called dbdt(k,lm)where k numbers the radial grid points and lm the spherical harmonic modes. The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Everything in Spherical Harmonic Space! Equations for each radial grid point and spherical harmonic mode! No spatial derivatives left! nonlinear dynamo term How to deal with the time integration, i.e. discretization in time? The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 rampu MagIC Structure input parameters, initial condition xo=x(t0) The most time consuming part of the code! precomputation radial derivatives dx0, operators, constants, ... calculate horizonal derivatives transform from spectral to grid grid output? yes grid output G-files,mov-files, ... no nonlinear terms work fields on grid non-linear terms calculated on grid needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives pdate ork time step ti+1=ti+dt The Spherical MHD Code MagIC update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral output spectra, total energies, ... MPS 2015 Time Stepping Scheme Generic evolutions equation with terms to be treated implicitely and terms to be treated explicitely. Implicite Crank-Nicolson type time step: Explicite Adams-Bashforth type time step: Mixed time step: The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Poloidal Magnetic Potential Time Stepping with How does that look like in the code? The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 MagIC Structure yes grid output G-files,mov-files, ... no nonlinear wo grid output? non-linear terms calculated onthe grid code! The most important part of needed for explicit time step transform to spectral space calculate horizontal derivatives update xi=x(ti+1) calculate radial derivative dxi+1 spectral output? yes spectral output spectra, total energies, ... no update work time step ti+1=ti+dt new step? no yes finale final output The Spherical MHD Code MagIC time averages quantities, rst-file, .... MagIC Stop MPS 2015 Poloidal Magnetic Potential Time Stepping We already know how the nonlinear terms is calculated The time stepping matrix is Information from previous time steps: Also used are the following expressions The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Update Routine Putting it all together: The time stepping matrix is stored in an LU-decomposed form. All done in module updateB.f90: 1) Defining the rhs: The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015 Update Routine 2) Solving the linear equation system: 3) Result is in Cheb-space! 4) Calculate and store radial derivatives in Cheb-space: 5) Calculate and store The Spherical MHD Code MagIC for next time step: MPS 2015 Mode Methods Adaptive time step according to modified Courant-Friedrich-Levy criterium. Coriolis force treated explicitely. Transform on cylindrical grid for output possible. The Spherical MHD Code MagIC MPS 2015