July 2012 - Fargo Kringen Lodge #25
July 2012 - Fargo Kringen Lodge #25
SONS OF NORWAY KRINGEN LODGE #25 Featuring Fargo-Moorhead’s Most Unique Club Volume 15, No. 7 July, 2012 Published Monthly 722 - 2nd Avenue North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102 • Telephone (701) 232-9222 Lodge & Library Telephone: 701-478-5727 • www.sofnfargo.com • E-mail: [email protected] From The Lodge President Gary H. Olson Hope you all had a enjoyable time at Sankt Hans Night with the CROWNING OF NEW SAKT HANS and a tasty turkey dinner and music from the Lillestrom Accordion Orchestra from Norway. Thank you to all of you that volunteered for the Smørbrød Luncheon and Craft Show here at the Lodge. Also the membership booth and our Norwegian food concession at the Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival. At this writing, we have 15 delegates from our Lodge going to Edmonton, Alberta, for the District Four Convention on June 1318th. We will be there to promote our bid to host the District Four Convention in 2014 and also the International Convention which we are hosting here in Fargo at the Ramada Plaza Suites and at our Lodge on August 22-25. Any member can attend the International Convention, you don’t have to be a delegate to attend. To register you can call 1-800-945-8851 or visit www.sonsofnorway2012.com to download a registration form. Something new this year is Innovative Leadership Conference on Wednesday and Thursday, August 22nd-23rd at the cost of only $100.00 which covers the registration fees, conference materials, two luncheons and more! Topics covered include communication and presentation skills, problem solving, how to tell illustrative stories and more! Non-delegates can attend the President’s Reception on Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday luncheons and the Grand Banquet on Saturday evening. Check it all out! Birthday Open House 90th Birthday Dorothy Kellerman Sunday, July 8, 2012 at Kringen Klub 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm ~ No Gifts please Get Your 2012 Convention Pins! Available now from your lodge officers or in the library from Doreen. Cost is $10.00. Buy one today and help support our lodge in hosting the Sons of Norway International Convention to be held here in August 2012. Thank you to all who have purchased our pins. The purchase of a 2012 Convention pin does not permit entrance to any festivities as they are a fundraiser for our lodge. From The Klub President Happy and Safe 4th of July! Bruce Bohnsack Another busy month at Kringen. As always Tuesday night socials and lunch week days 11:00 to 1:30. Thursday, July 12th, there will be a grilled steak dinner with the Ron and Opal Show. Come and enjoy! On the Nisswa tour we had hot weather and hot music. Thanks to those that came on the tour. The next tour is to Walhalla at the Frost Fire Theater featuring Johnny Cash music. Only a few seats left. There have been more kitchen break down repairs and with the age of the building, I am sure these repairs will keep on happening. We plan also on sprucing up the Ladies and Men’s bathrooms. The SON 52 fund is one way to help. Thank you for your donations. See you at Kringen! The Sons Of Norway proudly presents Live from Branson, Missouri THE RON & OPAL SHOW Join us for a great dinner of grilled steak followed by an evening of musical entertainment Branson style. Tickets available at the klub. $13.00 before July 11th or $15.00 on July 12th Dinner 5:30-6:30 Show starts at 7:00 Ron is from the Fargo area. Ron & Opal have spent years opening at the Roy Rogers Theater in Branson. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Happy 4th of July! KRINGEN LODGE #25 Lodge & Library Telephone . ............(701) 478-5727 OFFICERS 2012 President***.......................... Gary H. Olson-(218) 233-5130 Vice President....................... Elaine Nelson-(701) 364-0834 Counselor........................Kent Hochgraber-(701) 282-7921 Treasurer.................................Steve Roerick-(701) 232-1094 Financial Secretary...............Paul Vesledahl-(218) 227-5083 Secretary...................... Janice Tommerdahl-(218) 861-6655 The SON Rummage Sale Committee is looking for your old jewelry-earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. for our next rummage sale. Please take a look to see what you may no longer want or need. If you have any questions, contact Myrna at 364-0944. Kringen Lodge named Sons of Norway District IV Family Lodge of the Year for 2011. This yearly award is given out to the lodge in the district that best promotes youth and family activities. Our youth director, Doreen Grobe has developed an outstanding youth program at Kringen Lodge. Ten youth have had the opportunity to attend Skogfjorden and Trollfjorden Norwegian camps during 2011. The partnership with Oak Grove Lutheran Elementary School through the Adopt a School Program has promoted cultural awareness of Norwegian heritage through music, dance, folk arts, story telling, and food. Doreen’s presence at the Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival has given countless children the chance to experience Norway right here in the Red River Valley for free! The Kringen Youth Klub provides youth and families the experiences of celebrating Norwegian Christmas traditions, the joy of Syttende Mai Barnetogs, the chance to pet Fjord horses, learning to make lefse, create ferocious trolls and attempt to conquer cross country skiing. Hats off to Doreen and Kringen Lodge for the great honor of being named District IV Family Lodge of the Year. KRINGEN YOUTH KLUBB Saturday, June 2, Thirty-nine Kringen Youth Klubb members, parents and friends traveled to Roslyn, SD for their annual outing at Sally and Robert Kjorsvig’s Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm. This is truly the highlight of the year for our Youth Klubb here at Kringen Lodge 4-025, Fargo. We arrived at about mid-morning. The Kjorsvig’s welcomed us with open arms, and we then made our way to the pastures. The horses came running to the fence as the youth gathered by the fence. It was as though the horses were expecting them! There was plenty of attention given to the horses and the horses seemed very receptive to being petted and fed. The “Fjords” are very gentle and easy with the youth. We also received a nice surprise seeing some newly born colts in the pasture; and we also were able to see how the mother protects her new born. Time flew by quickly and with the murmur of being hungry, our bus driver, Luther Striker and tour assistant, Del Sanders, fired up the grill for our outdoor cook-out. Kjorsvigs have a lovely enclosed shelter plus outdoor tables which makes eating quite easy! Thanks, Luther and Del, for your expertise! The food was good and no one left hungry! Our next stop was at Ft. Sisseton to take in the large festival. There were many things to see and do. Adults and youth enjoyed spending time there. The grounds are very nice and the buildings have been restored. We stopped at the Joseph Nicollet Tower to challenge the 76 ft. climb to the top. Pictures were taken and some adults and all the children were up to the challenge. Our last South Dakota stop was a treat at the Sisseton Dairy Queen which was enjoyed by all! Our final event for the season was our participation in the Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival on June 22. Two of our youth members, 6 yr. old Caroline Larson and 5 yr. old Inger Holdman, modeled their Norwegian folk costumes and did a very nice job! Inger’s 1 ½ yr. old brother also modeled his Norwegian boys folk costume and kept the audience engaged! We will probably be seeing more of him in the future. As we close out our season, we look forward to the SON International Convention, Aug. 23-25 this summer. Kringen Youth will be represented by serving as escorts for the officers. Thanks to our youth and parents for all their support this past year. In Friendship, “Ha det bra” Doreen Grobe, SON Youth Director June 19, 2012 Sankt Hans - Paul Vesledahl A Special Thank You to Phyllis and Harry Fillafer and Nellie Vangsness for getting all the workers and overseeing the Hjemkomst Festival again this year. They always do an awesome job! Also, thank you to all the hard workers and cooks too! ATTENTION! If you have a birthday in July, come and join us at the Sons of Norway on the second Tuesday of the month. Enjoy an evening of dinner and dancing, plus cake and coffee. You will receive $2.00 off the regular meal which is served Honoring July from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. birthdays of Sons of Norway members. Birthday Committee These SON members volunteered to answer telephones during the recent Prairie Public Broadcasting fund drive. KariJo Hanson, The former Sankt Hans: left to right: Leo Grobe, Bruce Bohnsack, Becky Olson, Gary Olson Mel Larson, Peter Backlund, Arnold Jordheim, and Elaine Nelson. Thanks for helping the Vernon Williams, Delray Sanders, Ed Hafner, SON support our community. Bruce Bohnsack, Sandford Steen Smørbrød Luncheon We had another great Smørbrød Luncheon on June 20th. A huge thank you to each one of you. This event could not happen without our terrific workers who volunteer every year and the bakers for their delicious Norwegian pastries every year. Also the faithful Sandwich makers, Potato Klubb, Sweet Soup, Rømmegrøt cooks and the Kringen Lefse crew. Mange Takk! Bruce and Sharon B. mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our MISSION STATEMENT:Therelationship with other Nordic countries, and to provide quality insurance and financial products to its members. KRINGEN POSTEN - JULY 2012 Cultural Corner Queen Sonja! Gratulerer Med Dagen A very special gratulerer med dagen to Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway who will be celebrating her 75th birthday on July 4th. National celebrations for the 75th birthdays of Their Majesties King Harald V and Queen Sonja were held on May 31st with a birthday party on the roof of the new opera house in Oslo and a church service at the Oslo Cathedral. In attendance were Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess MetteMarit, Her Highness Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn and Her Highness Princess Astrid and Johan Ferner. In addition to the festivities on the 31st, Their Majesties also received congratulatory deputations from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr Tore Schei, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and President of the National Assembly, Mr Dag Terje Andersen. In honor of this special occasion, lets learn a bit more about Queen Sonja. Her Majesty Queen Sonja was born in the Vinderen neighborhood of Oslo in 1937 to Dagny and Karl August Haraldsen. She received a diploma in dressmaking and tailoring at the Oslo Vocational School and then went on to receive a diploma from École Professionelle des Jeunes Filles in Lausanne, Switzerland and later, under graduate degrees in French, English and Art History from the University of Oslo. It wasn’t until 1959 that she first met Crown Prince Harald. Nine years later they received permission to marry, setting into motion their wedding in Oslo Cathedral on August 29, 1968 and their consecration at Nidaros Cathedral in 1991. An avid lover of arts, culture and music, the Queen attends a number of art exhibi tions in both Norway and abroad and is a patron if the Norwegian National Opera and Ballet, the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Oslo Chamber Music Festival and the Norwegian Traditional Music and Dance Association. Queen Sonja also enjoys photography and she often takes photographs of their trips and state visits. Queen Sonja is a trained skiing instructor. Each year she takes the opportunity to enjoy long ski treks or hikes in the mountains. The Queen plays an active role in a variety of fund-raising initiatives. In 1974 she was a member of the committee for the first nationwide humanitarian telethon. In 2010 she was visited the world’s largest refugee camp in Kenya and was a patron of the Norwegian Refugee Council’s telethon campaign. A recipient of the UN’s High Commissioner for Refugees Nansen Medal, Queen Sonja donated her prize money to the building of schools for refugees in Tanzania. From 1987 to 1990, she also served as Vice President of the Norwegian Red Cross. For more on Queen Sonja or the Royal Family, visit www.kongehuset.no/english Accordion band update July 8 July 9 July 11 July 13 July 14 July 16 July 16 July 22 July 23 July 30 July 30 Shoreham Chapel Polka Service...........................................................10:45 Practice SONS............................................................................................4:15 Red River Valley Fair....................................................................... 4:30-6:30 Polk County Fair at Fertle MN.................................................12:00-3:00 Prosper, ND Centennial Parade............11:00 Luncheon............12:30 Bethany on S. University................................................................ 3:00-4:00 Practice at SONS.......................................................................................4:15 Richland Church Polka Service at Walcott........................................10:00 Practice at SONS.......................................................................................4:15 Bethany.............................................................................................. 3:00-4:00 Practice at SONS.......................................................................................4:15 Congratulations to our Kringen members elected to District IV positions. Elaine Nelson was re-elected to the position of Sons of Norway International Director from District IV. Glen Rommesmo will take over as your Zone 2 Director. Lynne Rommesmo will be the District Secretary. District IV encompasses North Dakota, Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Thank you to the all the delegates for their support. KRINGEN POSTEN - JULY 2012 New Member Sponsor JUNE Virginia Brandt Arlyss Bjornson Russell Hanson Nancy Hanson Paulette Wood Leslie Wood Donald Pederson Mitzi Pederson Bev Hanson Butenhoff Bev Hanson Butenhoff Gary Olson Gary Olson Florence Rogne Paulette Wood Doreen Grobe Doreen Grobe Thank you from Irene Backlund: A big thank you to everyone for the memorial’s, flowers, attendance at the memorial service and also at the funeral. Wally was to the May 17th celebration of Syttende Mai and our birthdays which were in May. He enjoyed the choir, the accordion band, and also who took part in the program. He attended 2 funerals/funeral home to visit. He also bought a new car and clothes that fit him. On May 19th, he passed away about 2:30 am. I think God had different plans for him. The Sons of Norway people have been appreciated very much. Wally was proud to be a member for over 30 years, worked at many things at Sons of Norway Thank you again. Irene Backlund and all the Backlund Families. I would like to thank all of the Sons Of Norway members who sent cards and greetings and remembered me in their prayers during my recent hospitalization and recuperation. Hope to be home and back down to the SONs with you soon. I am so fortunate to have such caring friends! Mange Tusen Takk - Synnove Rommesmo PLEASE SAVE CANCELLED STAMPS FOR TUBFRIM Help handicapped children in Norway. Trim cancelled stamps, leaving ¼” borders and bring them to Kringen to be sent to Norway. Thank you! 2012 Mini Tours WALHALLA FROST FIRE THEATER July 29, 2012 Johnny Cash “Ring of Fire” MYSTERY TOUR 11 August 27, 2012 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS TOUR AND CHILI DINNER December 12, 2012 For more information call: Bruce Bohnsack at 237-3768 or Julie Fladgard at 236-0092 God bedring Donations - Report from May 16 to June 15, 2012 Audrey Hochgraber Jim Berg Evan Kastet SON 52 (All donations are for S.O.N. 52 unless otherwise noted.) IN MEMORY OF WALLY BACKLUND (Get Well) Janice Tommerdahl, Vern & Carolyn Peterson, Dorothy Moorhouse, Bruce & Sharon Bohnsack, Anna Maria Johnson, Pearl Frosaker, Helge & Synnove Rommesmo, Mel & Lucy Johnson, Elsie Olson, Arnold & Gerda Jordheim, Richard & Helen Arnseth, Mel Larson, Olive Anvik, Rodney & Ruth Nesemeier, Ruth Parmer, Julie Fladgard, Barb Walen, Kari-Jo Hansen, Millie Walkinshaw, Ramona Fraase, Norma Olsgaard, Lynn & Elaine Melby, Linda Briard, Selma Black, Eunice West, Ardys Olgaard, Ron & Hallie Anderson, Anders & Carol Thiseth, Gene & Margaret Foster, Ken & Mardy Fladgard Til minne Youth Klubb Our heartfelt sympathy to: Elaine Nelson, Hubert & Joan Blegen, Donna Richards, Crystal Utke Kitchen Fund The family of Hazel Anderson The family of Peder Nystuen Garfield & Donna Andvik, Earle & Shelby Lein, John & Lillian Meyers, Nancy Decker, Sara Ramlo Larson, Agnes Liudahl, Aubrey & Catherine Thomas, Robert & Arlene Sussex,Harry & Phyllis Fillafer, Margaret Sorum, Gladys Hendrickson, Vern & Shirley Williams,Milan & Marlys Olson, Ilene Neirby, Don & Louise Wickoren, Vivian Wensel, Elmer & Nellie Vangsness, Vern & Liz Bancroft, Clarence & Doris Krogh, Lloyd Gunderson, Harlan & Sharon Swenson, Ron & Gloria Porter, Phyllis Simenson, Gordon & Leanna Hudson, Leona Paulsrud, Audrey Bueide, Arthur Odegaard Note: If you know of a member who is ill, had surgery, is hospitalized, or has had a death in their family, please leave a message at the Kringen office: 232-9222 - or call Julie Fladgard: 236-0092. Note: When you give a gift to the Kringen Lodge Memorial Fund in memory of a deceased active member, their name will be added to the Kringen Lodge Memorial Plaque in the lobby at Kringen Lodge. Kringen Lodge wishes to thank people who give memorials. Cultural Fund Verlyn & Evonne Anderson 2012 International Convention Fund Members of this committee IN MEMORY OF WAYNE KREPS SON 52 Helge & Synnove Rommesmo, Mel Larson, Leona Paulsrud, Mel & Lucy Johnson, Julie Fladgard, Janice Tommerdahl, Marlys Hofstrand, Lloyd & Earlyce Pladson, Sharon & Bruce Bohnsack, Milan & Marlys Olson, Alden & Patricia Gjevre Kringen Lodge Memorial Fund In Memory of: Given by: Wally Backlund Chet Vosburg Kitchen Fund Lloyd Gunderson, Clarence & Doris Krogh, Vern & Shirley Williams, Harry & Phyllis Fillafer, Ron & Gloria Porter Carrol & Barb Juven, Maurice Johnson, Lois Sullivan, Ken & Dorothy Agather, Kolbjorn & Solvi Rommesmo, Del & Diane Sanders, Marv & Cora Stenberg, Milt & Armorel Arneson, Carlotta Spelhaug, Bert Stangeland, Paul Eidbo Kolbjorn & Solvi Rommesmo Library Fund Vivian Wensel, Gladys Hendrickson, Verlyn & Evonne Anderson Youth Klubb Margene Kreps, Glen & Lynne Rommesmo IN MEMORY OF CHET VOSBURG SON 52 Bruce & Sharon Bohnsack, Milan & Marlys Olson, Mel Larson, Julie Fladgard, Leona Paulsrud, Dorothy Moorhouse, Helge & Synnove Rommesmo, Stein & Stacy Rommesmo, Janice Tommerdahl Library Fund Wally & Irene Backlund, Vern & Shirley Williams, Verlyn & Evonne Anderson, Vivian Wensel Carrol & Barb Juven donated to this fund in memory of the following: Hazel Anderson, Kitchen Fund Harry & Phyllis Fillafer, Lloyd Gunderson, Ilene Neirby, Elmer & Nellie Vangsness, Marlys Hofstrand, Clarence & Doris Krogh Youth Klubb Wayne Kreps Armond Erickson, Chet Vosburg, Dan Olgaard, Adeline Andvik and Carlyle Jokstad Glen & Lynne Rommesmo IN MEMORY OF ARMOND ERICKSON IN MEMORY OF HARLAN MANSTON Helge & Synnove Rommesmo Harry & Phyllis Fillafer SON 52 JUNE LODGE DINNER WINNERS Kitchen Fund IN MEMORY OF LES BURCKHART Carrol Juven Lillian Meyer Kitchen Fund JUNE LODGE DINNER SERVERS Elmer & Nellie Vangsness Pearl Frosaker Elaine Nelson Bert Stangeland Myrna Stengrim IN HONOR OF ILENE NEIRBY 85TH BIRTHDAY A huge THANK YOU to Goodwin Hoff for taking great care of the shrubs and weeds. Looks great Goodwin! IN HONOR OF NELLS ROSS 100TH BIRTHDAY Kitchen Fund Carrol & Barb Juven Youth Klubb Glen & Lynne Rommesmo Kitchen Fund Carrol & Barb Juven Thank you for all the generous gifts and support this past month. Bob Lee 28 N 10 St, Fargo, ND Mobile: 701.866.0127 [email protected] REALTOR® 701.237.5031 • 800.288.7316 • www.BobLeeHomes.com KRINGEN POSTEN - JULY 2012 Folk Art News Sons of Norway members are invited to participate in the 2012 International Folk Art Ex- Order Your Red Kringen Lodge Vest Today! hibition and Competition. All members, both amateurs and professionals, are encouraged to display their skills at Sons of Norway’s largest folk art event as part of the International Convention in Fargo on August 22-25. Members who enter the competition can win ribbons for First, Second and Third places in a variety of categories, a People’s Choice and the Best in Show prize for the judges’ overall favorite item. Information packets which include registration information are available on-line at www.sonsofnorway.com. Go to the website, then click on International Convention Information, then on Folk Art, and then at the end of the text information, there is a place to click if you want to learn more about the competition. Then you should have the packet of registration information. If you don’t have email, pick up a packet from Doreen at Kringen Lodge or call Verlyn Anderson at (218) 233-0685 and a packet will be mailed to you. We need volunteers to help monitor the room where the Folk Art Exhibition and Competition items will be displayed during the convention. See the article on volunteers to determine where you can help. Volunteers in the Folk Art room will be asked to wear their Sons of Norway red vests and work for two-hour shifts. Our Kringen Lodge Vest features an embroidered logo on the back and the Sons of Norway Emblem sewn on the front. We encourage all members to get them in time for the International Convention here in August. We want our members to be identifiable to our guests and at any function we attend anywhere and anytime. The cost is $30 and checks may be made to “2012 International Convention”. Fill out the order form and return it to the Convention Box in the second office at Kringen or email the information to [email protected] Folk Arts: Friday, August 24.......................Noon – 4 p.m. Name: ___________________________________ Saturday, August 25..................9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Verlyn and Evonne Anderson, Folk Art coordinators for the International Convention, (218) 233-0685, [email protected] Phone #__________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Vest Size: M L XL 2X If you have any questions call Lynne Rommesmo Home: 280-1674 or Cell: 552-1302. 2012 International Convention Silent Auction Fundraiser We are in the process of gathering items for the Silent Auction to be held during the convention. Hopefully there will be a variety of unique items to offer for the bidding. Some examples of the things donated thus far are: Irene Backlund has donated a beautiful handmade quilt, the Ramada has donated a night’s stay and the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County has promised items too. All items will have a minimum starting bid. Vonnie Anderson will be coordinating the Silent Auction and can be reached at 701540-8623. This form can be placed in the Convention Mailbox in the Lodge office or sent to “International Convention Committee” PO Box 1777, Fargo, ND 58107. Name____________________________________ Address___________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email_____________________________________ Description of the Donated Item or Service: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Due to space limitations at our klub, the Wednesday and Friday night events will have limited availability for non-delegates to attend. More information on this will come in the August Posten. __________________________________________ Value: _______________________________ PLEASE Support the 2012 International Convention Volunteers Needed to work at 2012 international convention • Registration Booth • Hospitality Area • Folk Art Area • Meet & Greet at Bus Depot, Train Station, Airport, etc. Call Lynne 280-1674 or 701-552-1302 Call Julie 236-0092 Please consider placing an advertisement or greeting in our convention book. We are planning a fun and exciting souvenir book for the 2012 International Convention. Ads and greetings are placed to greet and send wishes to the delegates, Sons of Norway members and staff and other lodges. The pricing for ads is listed. We are also offering a greeting page for our members to participate and support the convention. The cost for this is $30.00 for each greeting. Checks are made payable to “2012 International Convention”, due by July 1st and sent to PO Box 1777, Fargo, ND 58107 or put in the 2012 Convention Box in the Lodge office. 2012 International Convention Greetings Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone or email: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CONSIDER PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS Ja, 605 2nd Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56560 University Drive Manor 1201 2nd Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102 • 1 Bedroom Units for Senior 62+ or Handicapped/Disabled • Newly Remodeled Kitchens • 2 Elevators • Rent Based on Income - Privately Owned (Gov. Subs.) STEVE WRIGHT 218-233-1321 Ve’re Local! Openings Now Available! Call Our Office for a Personal Showing 701-232-4423 University Drive Manor does not discriminate against any person because of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex or Handicap (Disability). TTY relay number for North Dakota: 1-800-366-6888 robertspcsolutions.com Where broken PC’s go to get healthy! Free Pickup & Delivery ~ FM Area Brian Roberts Computer Repairs Owner Build New Computers Ph: 701-261-1023 Virus/Spyware/Malware Removal [email protected] This space donated by Charles E. Olson 73 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 President 1572 - 45th St. N. Fargo, ND 58102 215 South 7th St., Fargo, ND 58103 West Side of Island Park Reasonably priced accommodations Conveniently located next to MeritCare Hospital 1202 27th Street South P.O. Box 9135 Fargo, ND 58108-9135 www.heartlandtrust.com 717 - 4th St. N. • Fargo, ND 58102 For Reservations Only Call Toll Free for ND, SD, MN & WI 1-800-223-2913 HERITAGE HOUSE 401 6th Ave. North Fargo, ND 58102 DONNA BYE Family Owned...Serving All Faiths For Over 80 Years Owner, Licensed Funeral Director (701) 237-6441 800-393-6441 larryboulgerfuneralhome.com President FUNERAL HOME JOHN RUNSVOLD 123 South Tenth Street Fargo, ND 58103 www.boulgerfuneralhome.com Steven M. Halverson Phone (701) 235-2002 Fax (701) 235-8771 Toll Free 1-877-333-3494 [email protected] Office: 701-237-4950 Fax: 701-237-5027 “Financial relationships built on trust” Quality Herring And Lutefisk Lutefisk Hotline: 1-800-882-0212 Website: www.olsenfish.com Larry Boulger FRED SCHLANSER HANSON-RUNSVOLD Since 1910 Specializing in fine gifts from Norway, Sweden, Denmark & Finland Olsen Fish Company We Know You Susan Rusch (701) 282-0421 reside.relax.rehab. 201 University Dr S ♦ 701.239.3000 4255 30 Ave S ♦ 701.478.8900 www.bethanynd.org Member FDIC | statebanks.com (218) 287-2311 (218) 233-2371 Dilworth, MN Moorhead, MN Toll Free: 888-771-7228 Carrol T. Juven Telephone (701) 232-2491 Manager Office 701-234-9326 701-232-3222 KRINGEN POSTEN - JULY 2012 Home 701-232-6632 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE Permit No. 1002 FARGO, N. DAK. PAID Kringen Posten Permit #1002 is the official publication of Kringen Lodge #4-025. Kringen Posten is published 12 times a year by Kringen Lodge #4-025. 722 22nd Ave. N., Fargo, ND 58102. Non-profit bulk permit paid at Fargo, ND. Annual membership in Kringen Lodge includes subscription to this newsletter. Sons of Norway Kringen Lodge #25 722 Second Avenue North Fargo, ND 58102 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Happy 4th of July!!! Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 W 4 11 18 25 T 5 12 19 26 JULY 2012 T 3 10 17 24 31 F 6 13 20 27 S 7 14 21 28 3 Social – BBQ Ribs $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (includes tax)...5:00-6:30 4 Closed - Happy 4th of July 5 NO LODGE MEETING 9 Accordion Band Practice..................................................... 4:15 Corporate Board Meeting................................................... 5:30 10 Social – Chicken Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (includes tax)...5:00-6:30 Honoring July Birthdays Dance to Brian Breitbarth................................................... 6:45 12 Grill Steak Dinner $13.00 before July 11, $15.00 on July 12................5:00-6:30 Ron & Opal Show from Branson...................................... 7:00 14 No Kringen Youth Klubb until Fall 16 Accordion Band Practice..................................................... 4:15 17 Social – Meatloaf Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (includes tax)...5:00-6:30 23 Accordion Band Practice..................................................... 4:15 24 Social – Grilled Hawaiian Chicken Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 (includes tax)...5:00-6:30 Dance to Wee Willie............................................................ 6:45 26 NorSweDane Folkdance Practice...................................... 7:00 30 Accordion Band Practice..................................................... 4:15 31 Social – Roast Pork Dinner $10.00 Adults / $5.00 Ages 6-12 Meat Raffle Lunch Served Daily - Mon.-Fri.: 11:00-1:30 Daily Specials plus Homemade Soups and Salad Bar Thank you. your extra home grown produce to the club during the summer. REMEMBER TO BRING
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June 2012 - Fargo Kringen Lodge #25
A huge Thank you to Phyllis, Harry, Gerda, Arnold, Julie, Mel,
Ron, Gloria, Bert, Marlys, Del, Ron, Catherine, Marlys ,Vikki, Elizabeth and Sharon who helped butter and serve lefse from 2:30 to