2004 / 2005 Annual Report
2004 / 2005 Annual Report
RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 1 RADIO STARMAKER FUND ★ ANNUAL REPORT 2004–2005 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. – 15. 16. ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND Message from the Chair Board of Directors and Staff | Mandate | 2004-2005 Overview Application Evaluation | Applications Submitted vs. Applications Approved Tracking Success | Grant Allocation by Type of Record Label Radio Starmaker Funded Artists Sales Certifications | Grant Allocation by Genre Grant Allocation by Music Industry Association | Grant Allocation by Province Awards Won by Radio Starmaker Funded Artists Allocation of Funding by Category Condensed Financial Statements Appendix: Criteria for Qualifying 25 Adelaide Street East, Suite 1300, Toronto, Ontario M5C 3A1 PHONE.416.597.6622 FAX.416.597.2760 TOLL FREE.1.888.256.2211 www.radiostarmaker.com R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .01 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR This year has seen some tremendous improvements at the Radio Starmaker Fund while we continued our primary objectives of remaining effective, responsive and accountable. In May 2005 we introduced a new element to our staff at the Fund in the position of Manager, Programs and Applications, Jerry Leibowitz. Jerry comes to us with an in depth background in the music industry as the former General Manager of Rykodisc. As the Manager of Programs and Applications it is his mandate to offer assistance to applicants and ensure that they file the best application possible. He has made a significant difference to our team and we have seen a great improvement in our applications, which is reflect- ed in the fact that 89% of applicants were approved for funding. In general terms the Radio Starmaker Fund continues to be focused on making a discernable difference to our artists with substantial funding. The effectiveness of this funding is perhaps best expressed in the artist profiles contained in this report, which represent only a small sample of the feedback we receive from artists and labels every week telling us that the Starmaker Fund is having a tremendously positive impact on their ability to compete in a difficult and competitive market. I am proud of the $4,550,567 committed this year to 82 applicants and have every confidence that it will continue to make a difference. We are also proud that we have balanced spending to all aspects of the music industry with over $1 million being spent on major label artists, $3.2 million being ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND spent on the independent sector (including artist owned labels) and over $300,000 in other industry initiatives such as funding regional music associations. We have responded to feedback from our stakeholder community this year by putting a large emphasis behind our international programs which was a stunning success. We had a large demand for these very new programs which proves that the Radio Starmaker Fund is able to adapt quickly and effectively to the changing needs of the industry. Over 40% of our funding ($1,512,280) was provided to artists and independent labels for international touring, marketing, promotion and publicity. We expect the demand in this area to continue to grow as we see the success of these projects. We continue to maintain the highest stan- dards of accountability to our stakeholders and the industry at large. Our audit process once again shows complete compliance with our funding rules and regulations and we appreciate the efforts made by our applicants to maintain this track record. For the first time this year, the Board has developed a detailed 3 year projected capital funding budget to ensure that we have a stable level of funding over the next few years. We are all looking forward to working further to continue this ongoing broadcaster commitment to recording artists in Canada. Chuck McCoy Executive Chair, Radio Starmaker Fund R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .02 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND STAFF | MANDATE | 2004–2005 OVERVIEW MANDATE The mandate of the Radio Starmaker Fund is to make a substantial and discernable difference to the careers of Canadian musical recording artists through artist driven marketing assistance, and to support the Canadian independent music infrastructure. Created by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s Radio Policy Review of 1998, the Radio Starmaker Fund has completed its fourth full year of operation. French language artists are supported by Fonds RadioStar, although Radio Starmaker Fund supports non-French language and instrumental projects originating from Quebec. 2004-2005 OVERVIEW: ■ ■ ■ ■ Committed $4,550,567 to 82 Canadian artists through our domestic marketing, international marketing, international touring/showcasing and manager mentorship programs. Assisted 198 artists to attend industry events in a number of regions through our support to associations program ( $114,000 tracked as “miscellaneous funding”) Committed $1,512,280 to international initiatives 89% of applicants received funding ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND For the period from September 1st, 2004 to August 31st, 2005, the Radio Starmaker Fund Board of Directors was comprised of: DIRECTORS CHAIR Chuck McCoy Executive Vice-President, Programming & Marketing Rogers Broadcasting Limited VICE-CHAIR Brian Chater President, Avenue Road Music Group TREASURER Andy McLean Managing Director, NXNE Bob Harris Operations Manager Montreal, Standard Radio Inc. Dean Sinclair General Manager, CORUS Entertainment Inc. RJ Guha President, Kindling Music Inc. SECRETARY Sander Shalinsky Barrister and Solicitor, Sheppard Shalinsky Brown Steve Kane President, Warner Music Canada STAFF: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DIRECTORS Chip Sutherland Rob Farina Program Director, CHUM Limited MANAGER, FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Jian Ghomeshi President, Wonderboy Entertainment MANAGER, PROGRAMS AND APPLICATIONS Rachel Oldfield Jerry Leibowitz R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .03 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 5 ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND APPLICATION EVALUATION |APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED VS. APPLICATIONS APPROVED Applications to the Radio Starmaker Fund are evaluated on four major criteria: ■ ■ ■ ■ The track record of the artist The amount of money invested by the applicant and his/her agents The quality of the marketing plan, both the proposed RSF portion, and the portion to which the applicant has committed through their significant investment The amount of money the Radio Starmaker Fund has available for the round In order to qualify for the Radio Starmaker Fund, artists need to reach prescribed sales levels by genre and demonstrate a financial commitment to the marketing of their recorded project (see appendix for application criteria). Furthermore, the artist must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, a resident of Canada, and the ownership of the master tapes must reside with a Canadian company. We continue to fund artists from every genre of music and from every region of the country, regardless of whether they produce music appropriate for airplay by private broadcasters. # OF QUALIFYING APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TOTAL FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 148 # OF APPLICATIONS APPROVED 132 % 89.19% SUCCESS FACT: MOLLY JOHNSON (ROUND #12 & 13) “It is a challenge to launch a Canadian artist in a new market. Radio Starmaker Fund’s support for Molly Johnson’s recording in the USA and UK is making it possible for Marquis to achieve much higher levels of airplay, media and retail coverage. International success usually reinforces success in Canada, so there is a double benefit from RSF’s international programs.” EARL ROSEN PRESIDENT, MARQUIS NUMBER OF QUALIFIED APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED INCREASED BY 128% FROM 2003-2004 DUE LARGELY IN PART TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL TOURING/SHOWCASING/MARKETING PROGRAMS. R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .04 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 6 TRACKING SUCCESS | GRANT ALLOCATION BY TYPE OF RECORD LABEL We have begun to conduct interviews with applicants to discuss their use of funding to gain some “qualitative insight” into the impact we are having. Throughout this report there are samples of the feedback we have been receiving in the Artist Profiles. It is very encouraging on all fronts. Clearly the Radio Starmaker Fund is providing artists with the incremental funding they need to maintain and increase their momentum in the marketplace, both here and abroad. ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND SUCCESS FACT: METRIC (ROUND #14) Of particular importance this year is the impact of our international touring program. We approved close to $1 million in international touring grants that provided many artists with an opportunity to tour countries for the very first time. The feedback on this program has been overwhelming and we hope to expand this even further in the future. “The Radio Starmaker Fund has always been crucial in assisting Last Gang Records to elevate the profile of our artists. Starmaker money facilitates propelling a developing artist on the verge of breaking, like Metric, to the next level. Metric is an excellent example of how continued access to Starmaker (and FACTOR) has allowed us to develop and export Canadian talent successfully for both TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING FOR FISCAL YEAR % OF TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING MAJOR LABELS INDIE LABELS QUASI-INDIE MISC. FUNDING TOTAL $817,232.48 $3,263,702.28 $244,633.00 $339,000.00 $4,664,567.76 17.52% 69.97% 5.24% 7.27% 100% domestic and international markets.” LENNY LEVINE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, LAST GANG RECORDS R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .05 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 7 ★ RADIO STARMAKER FUND ARTIST PROFILE: FEIST In May 2004, Arts & Crafts released Feist's sophomore solo album "Let It Die" to an unassuming Canadian audience. Day one shipments totaled 1,000 units. The buzz on Feist's newest incarnation grew steadily via strong word of mouth, 4 star album reviews, features in The National Post, The Globe & Mail, Macleans and a live performance on CBC's "Sounds Like Canada”. supported by an extensive TV ad campaign and helped launch Feist on to the Top 50 national sales charts, nearly 10 months after street date. The album has remained in the Top 200 for 12 weeks straight. In August, Bravo aired Feist "Live From the Rehearsal Hall" and the new single "Inside & Out" has just entered the Top 20 AC National Airplay chart. Feist and a full band supported the release with a national tour, hitting major and secondary markets across Canada. Videos for "Mushaboom" and "One Evening" received support at specialty video channels and the latter reached #1 on the Musimax Top 20 chart. By the close of 2004 "Let It Die" landed on numerous top ten album of the year lists. Thanks in large part to Starmaker funding, Canada leads the way in Feist album sales per capita world-wide, with over 42,000 units shipped. The Canadian success story created a buzz Stateside and provided a strong set-up for the U.S. release this past winter. With recent features in Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, a late night TV performance on Conan O'Brien and an upcoming national tour with Broken Social Scene, Feist looks ready to break through to all of North America and beyond. The 2004 Juno's marked a major turning point for the project. Feist was invited to perform live, was nominated for three Junos and walked away with two Juno's for New Artist and Alternative Album of the year. The resulting media exposure brought the project to a much broader mainstream level. The Juno awards were ANNUAL REPORT DANIEL CUTLER ARTS&CRAFTS RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 8 RADIO STARMAKER FUND RADIO STARMAKER FUNDED ARTISTS ROUND 12 ROUND 13 ★ ANNUAL REPORT ROUND 14 ROUND 13 (CON’T) ROUND 14 (CON’T) ROUND 15 RON SEXSMITH ($100,000) K-OS ($144,408) HAYDEN ($32,000) K-OS ($127,867) PILATE ($30,250) THEORY OF A DEADMAN ($119,937) SUM 41 ($99,500) KALAN PORTER ($124,040) JORANE ($78,500) FEIST ($76,399) SERENA RYDER ($38,000) MATT MAYS ($109,000) KESHIA CHANTÉ ($97,250) STABILO ($80,967) LES VOIX HUMAINES ($12,500) KATHLEEN EDWARDS ($57,431) SLOAN ($27,000) BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE ($135,603) SARAH SLEAN ($94,000) THE WAKING EYES ($75,000) LHASA DE SELA ($21,000) SHAWN DESMAN ($117,700) STABILO ($25,500) MASSARI ($79,739) THE TREWS ($71,133) SUM 41 ($71,776) MADVIOLET ($18,500) COLIN LINDEN ($35,023) THE BILLS ($9,000) THE DOPE POET SOCIETY ($52,751) BOB WALSH ($68,000) BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE ($203,066) MOLLY JOHNSON ($44,916) ALAIN LEFÈVRE ($39,573) HAYDEN ($19,830) SAMINA ($29,127) IVANA SANTILLI ($55,266) ANGELE DUBEAU ET LA PIETÁ ($50,000) CORB LUND BAND ($14,000) THORNLEY ($57,505) MARTHA WAINWRIGHT ($45,710) HAYDEN ($65,840) JONAS ($57,500) THE BILLS ($13,500) STARS ($143,397) JOEL PLASKETT ($10,357) SUSIE ARIOLI BAND ($33,590) JAKALOPE ($54,500) QUARTETTO GELATO ($8,451) SOPHIE MILMAN ($45,900) BUCK 65 ($22,000) LUKE DOUCET ($33,380) DELERIUM ($41,000) BLACKIE & THE RODEO KINGS ($20,464) NATALIE CHOQUETTE ($32,000) EMBER SWIFT ($25,500) NOT BY CHOICE ($25,145) SOULDECISION ($40,727) SWEATSHOP UNION ($26,200) HAWKSLEY WORKMAN ($24,000) MADVIOLET ($37,060) KAZZER ($36,750) THE DOPE POET SOCIETY ($37,134) MADVIOLET ($27,000) BLACKIE & THE RODEO KINGS ($22,500) DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 ($93,651) DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 ($38,978) RON KORB ($10,000) FLORENT VOLLANT ($1,500) IAN TYSON ($23,004) BUCK 65 ($27,000) SERENA RYDER ($6,000) JANE BUNNETT ($36,000) REZ OFFICIAL ($13,445) DANKO JONES ($22,500) SWEATSHOP UNION ($20,000) LES VOIX HUMAINES ($6,000) SLANGBLOSSOM ($13,445) JOHN LANDRY ($19,500) THE DEARS ($68,000) MOLLY JOHNSON ($6,000) WAYNE LAVALLEE ($12,950) LES VOIX HUMAINES ($3,000) YANNICK NÉZET-SÉGUIN ($13,754) SAM ROBERTS ($22,500) LUCIE IDLOUT ($12,672) LHASA DE SELA ($24,000) SLOAN ($22,500) JOHN GRACIE ($35,000) METRIC ($62,500) THE BILLS ($12,000) EMBER SWIFT ($17,000) NOT BY CHOICE ($10,000) INCLUDES FUNDING APPROVED FOR DOMESTIC MARKETING, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING AND INTERNATIONAL TOURING/SHOWCASING PROGRAMS R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .06 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 9 ALBUM ARTIST ★ RADIO STARMAKER FUND SALES CERTIFICATIONS | GRANT ALLOCATION BY GENRE DATE ANNUAL REPORT UNITS CERTIFICATION SEPTEMBER 2004 ALEXISONFIRE “WATCH OUT” GOLD 50,000 SEPTEMBER 2004 SARAH HARMER “ALL OF OUR NAMES” GOLD 50,000 OCTOBER 2004 SUM 41 “CHUCK” GOLD 50,000 OCTOBER 2004 K-0S “JOYFUL REBELLION” GOLD 50,000 OCTOBER 2004 KALAN PORTER “AWAKE IN A DREAM” (SINGLE) 4X PLATINUM 40,000 NOVEMBER 2004 SUM 41 “ALL KILLER NO FILLER” 3X PLATINUM 300,000 NOVEMBER 2004 SUM 41 “CHUCK” PLATINUM 100,000 NOVEMBER 2004 KALAN PORTER “AWAKE IN A DREAM” (SINGLE) 8X PLATINUM 80,000 DECEMBER 2004 THORNLEY “COME AGAIN” GOLD 50,000 JANUARY 2005 KALAN PORTER “219 DAYS” 2X PLATINUM 200,000 JANUARY 2005 KESHIA CHANTÉ “KESHIA CHANTÉ” GOLD 50,000 FEBRUARY 2005 K-OS “JOYFUL REBELLION” PLATINUM 100,000 JUNE 2005 THE TREWS “HOUSE OF ILL FAME” GOLD 50,000 JULY 2005 THEORY OF A DEADMAN “GASOLINE” GOLD 50,000 AUGUST 2005 JONAS “JONAS” GOLD 50,000 SUCCESS FACT: TEAM REZOFFICIAL (ROUND #13) “At this stage of introducing Team Rezofficial to mainstream, hip hop and First Nation audiences simultaneously, RSF has played a major role in supporting our wide-reaching campaign. Through radio, print and other means, we’re getting Team Rezofficial out there for all to fall in love with.” ARTHUR PEARSON GENERAL MANAGER, ARBOR RECORDS LTD. MISC. TOTAL $56,512.00 $240,000.00 $4,664,567.76 1.21% 5.15% 100.00% 1 6 6 132* 1 6 0 82 POP ROCK URBAN A/C COUNTRY FOLK WORLD BLUES CLASSICAL JAZZ TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING $515,876.00 $1,766,409.98 $728,566.08 $137,500.00 $109,004.00 $427,364.32 $176,000.00 $103,023.85 $165,278.30 $198,033.23 $41,000.00 % OF APPROVED FUNDING 11.06% 37.87% 15.62% 2.95% 2.34% 9.16% 3.77% 2.21% 3.54% 4.24% 0.88% NUMBER OF APPROVED APPLICATIONS 13 36 16 3 4 22 6 3 8 8 NUMBER OF ARTISTS 8 22 9 3 4 11 4 2 6 6 ELECTRONIC ABORIGINAL *NUMBER OF APPROVED APPLICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR INCLUDES 24 MISCELLANEOUS FUNDING APPLICATIONS INCREASE IN ROCK (+13.98%) AND URBAN (+5.39%) FROM 2003-2004 DECREASE IN POP (-7.81%); WORLD (-7.37%) AND ABORIGINAL (-5.67%) FROM 2003-2004 R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .07 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 10 ★ GRANT ALLOCATION BY MUSIC INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION| GRANT ALLOCATION BY PROVINCE RECIPIENT ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND EVENT/CITY/PROVINCE SUCCESS FACT: CANADIAN ACADEMY OF RECORDING ARTS & SCIENCES 2005 JUNO AWARDS*, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA CANADIAN SONGWRITERS HALL OF FAME 2005 CANADIAN SONGWRITERS HALL OF FAME GALA*, TORONTO, ONTARIO EAST COAST MUSIC ASSOCIATION 2005 EAST COAST MUSIC AWARDS*, CAPE BRETON, NOVA SCOTIA CANADIAN COUNTRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION 2005 CANADIAN COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS, CALGARY, ALBERTA URBAN MUSIC ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 2005 CANADIAN URBAN MUSIC AWARDS, TORONTO, ONTARIO WESTERN CANADIAN MUSIC ALLIANCE 2005 WESTERN CANADIAN MUSIC AWARDS, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA STABILO (ROUND #13 & 14) “The Radio Starmaker Fund enabled us to deliver Stabilo to a broad audience that has now become their base. The Radio Starmaker Fund was instrumental in getting Stabilo to the next level with the consumer and industry alike.” DAVE MORRIS NATIONAL MARKETING MANAGER, EMI MUSIC CANADA *2005 JUNO AWARDS, 2005 EAST COAST MUSIC AWARDS AND 2005 CANADIAN SONGWRITERS HALL OF FAME GALA WERE ALL PAID FROM PREVIOUS FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS PROVINCE ON NL NS PE NB QC MB SK AB BC NU NT YT TOTAL TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING $3,100,110.36 $0.00 $255,357.00 $0.00 $0.00 $729,652.00 $106,890.00 $0.00 $39,504.00 $430,554.40 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $4,664,567.76 % OF APPROVED FUNDING 66.46% 0.00% 5.48% 0.00% 0.00% 15.64% 2.29% 0.00% 0.85% 9.23% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 100.00% NUMBER OF APPROVED APPLICATIONS 80 0 9 0 0 22 5 0 3 12 0 0 1 132* NUMBER OF ARTISTS 45 0 6 0 0 16 4 0 3 7 0 0 1 82 *NUMBER OF APPROVED APPLICATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR INCLUDES 24 MISCELLANEOUS FUNDING APPLICATIONS R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .08 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 11 ARTIST PROFILE: DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 Death From Above 1979 has greatly benefited from Starmaker support of “You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine”. The money granted Last Gang Records on behalf of this album has facilitated our efforts in every aspect of the overall marketing and promotion of this record, both domestically and internationally. By using Starmaker money to build upon organically garnered momentum, Death From Above 1979 has been able to break through to a more sustainable and viable consumer base. We have allocated Starmaker dollars for use in print advertising (street weeklies and national monthlies), retail marketing (throughout the life of the record) and radio advertising among other promotional outlets. For example, Last Gang will run a Death From Above 1979 national radio advertising campaign at Rock radio this autumn that will coincide with the band touring North America with Nine Inch Nails and Queens of the Stone Age. This will be perfectly timed to not only work in tandem with one of the hottest tours this fall but will also overlap with back to school retail initiatives that will promote both the album and the band, spiking sales in the critical fall plan period. This strategic utilization of Starmaker money has been essential in order to ★ have all cylinders firing at once and driving home our marketing message to the consumer. It is extremely important to be able to hit the market from various angles at the same time, reinforcing the likelihood of impacting the consumer and generating sales. By running these Starmaker funded initiatives, a band like Death From Above 1979 signed to an indie label like Last Gang Records, secures a greater vantage point and has greater leverage in the world of the multinational “priority” artist. Starmaker assisting us in filling our war chest with more marketing dollars balances the scales and evens out the terrain, so that the QUALITY of the MUSIC becomes the determining factor in a project’s success. This can be clearly illustrated with Death From Above 1979, their sales consecutively in the Top 200 for over 12 weeks and counting and their momentum just about to hit critical mass this autumn with “You’re a Woman…” fighting it’s way towards gold sales in Canada. LENNY LEVINE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, LAST GANG RECORDS ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 12 RADIO STARMAKER FUND AWARDS WON BY RADIO STARMAKER FUNDED ARTISTS EVENT 2005 MUCHMUSIC VIDEO AWARDS 2005 JUNO AWARDS 2005 CANADIAN COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS 2005 EAST COAST MUSIC AWARDS AWARD ARTIST KALAN PORTER PEOPLE'S CHOICE: FAVOURITE CANADIAN ARTIST - "SINGLE" K-OS SINGLE OF THE YEAR - "CRABBUCKIT" RAP RECORDING OF THE YEAR - "JOYFUL REBELLION" NEW ARTIST OF THE YEAR ALTERNATIVE ALBUM OF THE YEAR - "LET IT DIE" SONGWRITER OF THE YEAR ADULT ALTERNATIVE ALBUM OF THE YEAR - "ALL OF OUR NAMES" NEW GROUP OF THE YEAR R&B/SOUL RECORDING OF THE YEAR - "KESHIA CHANTÉ" ABORIGINAL RECORDING OF THE YEAR - "TAIMA" FEIST RON SEXSMITH SARAH HARMER ALEXISONFIRE KESHIA CHANTÉ TAIMA THE ROAD HAMMERS THE CORB LUND BAND GROUP OR DUO OF THE YEAR ROOTS ARTIST OR GROUP OF THE YEAR INDEPENDENT GROUP OR DUO OF THE YEAR NATALIE MACMASTER FEMALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR ROOTS/TRADITIONAL SOLO RECORDING OF THE YEAR - "BLUEPRINT" GROUP OF THE YEAR THE TREWS SWOLLEN MEMBERS OUTSTANDING COUNTRY RECORDING - "EVERYONE ABOARD" ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR OUTSTANDING RAP/HIP-HOP RECORDING - "HEAVY" K-OS KESHIA CHANTÉ HIP HOP RECORDING OF THE YEAR - "B-BOY STANCE" NEW ARTIST OF THE YEAR THE TREWS K-OS RON SEXSMITH BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 2005 CANADIAN INDEPENDENT MUSIC AWARDS THE TREWS THORNLEY THE WAKING EYES METRIC FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE 2005 NATIONAL JAZZ AWARDS CANADA MOLLY JOHNSON MOVADO VOCALIST OF THE YEAR 2004 WESTERN CANADIAN MUSIC AWARDS 2004 CANADIAN URBAN MUSIC AWARDS 2005 CANADIAN RADIO MUSIC AWARDS DOC WALKER NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP GROUP OR OR OR OR OR ★ ANNUAL REPORT SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO SOLO ARTIST ARTIST ARTIST ARTIST ARTIST (ROCK) - "NOT READY TO GO" (CHR) - "CRABBUCKIT" (HOT AC) - "CRABBUCKIT" (DANCE URBAN RHYTHMIC) - "CRABBUCKIT" (MAINSTREAM AC) - "WHATEVER IT TAKES" ALBUM - "HOUSE OF ILL FAME" SINGLE - "SO FAR, SO GOOD" GROUP POP ARTIST/GROUP SUCCESS FACT: STARS (ROUND #14) “The Radio Starmaker program has proven to be an essential part of the success of the Stars project. Without it we would struggle to compete adequately with the majors in the development of this artist. We can trace the success of Stars’ “Set Yourself on Fire” directly back to specific initiatives made possible by the Starmaker Program.” JEFFREY REMEDIOS ARTS&CRAFTS R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .09 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 13 ★ RADIO STARMAKER FUND ARTIST PROFILE: K- OS The release of k-os’ sophomore album “Joyful Rebellion” has been everything expected and more. With a debut of #7 on The Top 200, it set a benchmark as the highest debut for a Canadian urban artist since the chart’s inception. Over 150,000 units, four hit singles later and 48 weeks atop the Top 200, the rebellion still charges on. k-os has received numerous awards for Joyful Rebellion (CRIA Platinum Certification, 3 Juno Awards, 4 MMVA’s, 3 Canadian Radio Music Awards and 1 UMAC Award), yet I think the most telling recognition is the Canadian Music Week Industry Award for Canadian Talent Development Story of the Year and The Radio Starmaker Fund has been there every step of the way. While k-os’ album is the number one priority for EMI Canada, the contributions from RSF made a crucial assist to the growth of this project. Its funds greatly aided in focusing our efforts of breaking into new and developing Canadian markets and audiences, as well as facilitating international showcases and support. More ANNUAL REPORT importantly, it allowed us to translate the success of our Top 5 CHR and #1 Video (“Crabbuckit”), and Top 10 CHR and #1 Video (“Man I Used To Be”) into album and digital sales (both tracks are certified Gold digital singles). I think you would be hard pressed to find another Canadian artist who garnered airplay on CHR, Hot AC, Urban and Modern Rock stations in this country! All the domestic success has helped expedite activity abroad for “Joyful Rebellion” with releases in over 20 territories. While avenues to achieve success have been ever present for k-os, RSF has facilitated and provided an ability to react and capitalize on opportunities, be creative and execute numerous marketing and promotional initiatives. DUANE WATSON DIRECTOR OF URBAN MARKETING, EMI MUSIC CANADA RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 14 RADIO STARMAKER FUND ALLOCATION OF FUNDING BY CATEGORY CATEGORY TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING % OF TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING ★ ANNUAL REPORT CATEGORY TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING % OF TOTAL APPROVED FUNDING 7.08% TOUR BUS $43,291.00 0.93% $513,801.00 11.01% OPENING ACT TOUR SUBSIDY $20,000.00 0.43% $629,155.00 13.49% MISCELLANEOUS (MUSIC ASSOC., ETC.) $339,000.00 7.27% WEB ADVERTISING* $19,979.50 0.43% INTERNATIONAL PRINT ADVERTISING* $63,585.04 1.36% SHOWCASING $61,100.00 1.31% INTERNATIONAL RADIO ADVERTISING* $2,206.13 0.05% INDEPENDENT RADIO PROMOTER $106,402.00 2.28% INTERNATIONAL T.V. ADVERTISING* $12,047.70 0.26% INDEPENDENT PUBLICITY $95,623.00 2.05% INTERNATIONAL WEB ADVERTISING* $1,470.76 0.03% CONTESTS $83,695.92 1.80% INTERNATIONAL RADIO PROMOTER* $78,005.20 1.67% POSTERING $274,886.00 5.89% INTERNATIONAL PUBLICITY* $207,000.00 4.44% PRINT ADVERTISING RADIO ADVERTISING T.V. ADVERTISING $330,401.76 RETAIL PROMOTIONS $237,047.07 5.08% INTERNATIONAL POSTERING* $203.64 0.00% PROMO TOURS $103,750.00 2.22% INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS* $104.47 0.00% CD SAMPLERS* $35,812.00 0.77% INTERNATIONAL RETAIL PROMOTIONS* $51,122.17 1.10% T.V. SHOWS $26,900.00 0.58% INTERNATIONAL CD SAMPLERS* $6,880.13 0.15% WEB DESIGN $69,500.00 1.49% INTERNATIONAL PROMO TOURS* $26,655.21 0.57% TOUR - ADDITIONAL MUSICIANS $45,209.00 0.97% INTERNATIONAL TOURING $981,750.00 21.05% TOUR - PRODUCTION $46,962.00 1.01% INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASING $64,420.00 1.38% TOUR - ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL CREW $57,417.40 1.23% INTERNATIONAL T.V. SHOWS* $16,829.66 0.36% 0.26% TOTAL $4,664,567.76 100.00% REHEARSAL SPACE RENTAL $12,355.00 *NEW CATEGORIES IN 2004 - 2005 R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .10 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 15 ★ RADIO STARMAKER FUND ARTIST PROFILE: THORNLEY It’s been 16 months since Thornley’s debut gold-selling album “Come Again” entered the Top 200 SoundScan charts at #7….and it’s still going strong! Record sales are consistent, the band is still touring and selling out shows across Canada and a 4th single has again landed on rock radio across the country. With 4 singles released in Canada, Thornley dominated the rock radio airwaves for the last 18 months with thanks to significant Radio Starmaker Fund support. Touring has also been key to the success of this band due to their phenomenal live performances. With Starmaker’s help, local radio stations, great TV campaigns and print advertising supported the tours and helped increase the band’s profile. Thornley’s success has been recognized with 2 Juno nominations (“Rock Album Of the Year” and “New Group of the Year”). They were able to attend the Junos in Winnipeg with the help of Starmaker, continuing on their western tour afterwards. Thornley also won “Single of the Year” at the Canadian Independent Music ANNUAL REPORT Awards during 2005’s Canadian Music Week and were invited to perform at the event. Performing is one of the band’s specialties, a fact made clearly apparent when they appeared on Jay Leno prior to the release of their album. Thornley is a band in which 604 Records & Universal Music Canada have a lot of faith. With a small indie label behind the band, it was very important to have the support of the Radio Starmaker Fund. We fully believe that the marketing and promotion behind Thornley was largely made possible with the support of the Fund. It helped jump start this new Canadian rock group and establish it in the industry. With the assistance of the Radio Starmaker Fund, a strong foundation has been built for Thornley’s future success. JULIE BALDWIN DIRECTOR OF MARKETING, PROMOTION & ARTIST RELATIONS, 604 RECORDS RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 16 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FISCAL YEAR 2004–2005 ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND The accompanying condensed financial statements provide an overview of the Fund’s operations and are derived from the complete financial statements of Radio Starmaker Fund as at August 31, 2005 and for the year then ended on which our auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, have expressed an opinion without reservation in their report dated November 7, 2005. These condensed financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Complete financial statements are available on request from Radio Starmaker Fund. R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .11 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 17 RADIO STARMAKER FUND CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT AUGUST 31, 2005 ASSETS ADMINISTRATION FUND CAPITAL ASSET FUND GRANT FUND TOTAL $ $ $ $ 17,830 – 573,927 591,757 – – 5,345,211 5,345,211 7,416 – – 7,416 25,246 – 5,919,138 5,944,384 300,000 – – – 300,000 8,328 – 8,328 325,246 8,328 5,919,138 6,252,712 3,086,049 CURRENT ASSETS CASH SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS PREPAID EXPENSES INTERNALLY RESTRICTED INVESTMENTS CAPITAL ASSETS – NET ★ 2005 ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES GRANT LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES – – 3,086,049 20,298 – – 20,298 20,298 – 3,086,049 3,106,347 – 8,328 – – 8,328 300,000 2,883,089 3,133,089 4,948 – – 4,948 304,948 8,328 2,883,089 3,146,365 325,246 8,328 5,919,138 6,252,712 FUND BALANCES INVESTED IN CAPITAL ASSETS RESTRICTED UNRESTRICTED R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .12 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 18 RADIO STARMAKER FUND CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ...CONTINUED AS AT AUGUST 31, 2005 ASSETS ADMINISTRATION FUND CAPITAL ASSET FUND GRANT FUND TOTAL $ $ $ $ 77,074 – 831,363 908,437 – – 3,267,958 3,267,958 11,375 – – 11,375 88,449 – 4,099,321 4,187,770 300,000 – – – 300,000 10,941 – 10,941 388,449 10,941 4,099,321 4,498,711 CURRENT ASSETS CASH SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS PREPAID EXPENSES INTERNALLY RESTRICTED INVESTMENTS CAPITAL ASSETS – NET ★ 2004 ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES GRANT LIABILITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES – – 2,433,423 2,433,423 39,070 – – 39,070 39,070 – 2,433,423 2,472,493 – 10,941 – – 10,941 300,000 1,665,898 1,965,898 49,379 – – 49,379 349,379 10,941 1,665,898 2,026,218 388,449 10,941 4,099,321 4,498,711 FUND BALANCES INVESTED IN CAPITAL ASSETS RESTRICTED UNRESTRICTED R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .13 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 19 ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND RADIO STARMAKER FUND CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2005 RESTRICTED FUNDS 2005 CAPITAL ASSET FUND GRANT FUND TOTAL REVENUES $ $ $ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CAB – 5,035,402 5,035,402 DISCRETIONARY FUNDS FOR CANADIAN TALENT DEV. – 20,000 20,000 INTEREST – 89,819 89,819 – 5,145,221 5,145,221 EXPENSES AND LOSSES GRANTS, NET OF REALLOCATED UNUSED FUNDING – 3,503,030 3,503,030 5,585 – 5,585 5,585 3,503,030 3,508,615 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (5,585) 1,642,191 1,636,606 FUND BALANCES – BEGINNING OF YEAR 10,941 1,665,898 1,676,839 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 2,972 (475,000) (472,028) FUND BALANCES – END OF YEAR 8,328 2,833,089 2,841,417 AMORTIZATION R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .14 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 20 ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND RADIO STARMAKER FUND CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES ...CONTINUED FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2005 RESTRICTED FUNDS 2004 CAPITAL ASSET FUND GRANT FUND TOTAL REVENUES $ $ $ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CAB – 1,731,819 1,731,819 INTEREST – 61,451 61,451 – 1,793,270 1,793,270 EXPENSES AND LOSSES GRANTS, NET OF EXPIRING AMOUNTS – 2,431,683 2,431,683 5,092 322 5,414 5,092 2,432,005 2,437,097 DEFICIENCY OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES (5,092) (638,735) (643,827) FUND BALANCES – BEGINNING OF YEAR 14,069 2,779,633 2,793,702 1,964 (475,000) (473,036) 10,941 1,665,898 1,676,839 AMORTIZATION AND OTHER INTERFUND TRANSFERS FUND BALANCES – END OF YEAR R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .15 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 21 ARTIST PROFILE: LES VOIX HUMAINES Susie Napper and Margaret Little have been thrilling audiences with their performances of exotic masterpieces of the 17th and 18th centuries for the past twenty years. Les Voix Humaines are renowned for their spectacular arrangements of a wide variety of music for two viols and their brilliant performances of contemporary music commissioned by the duo. Their Montreal concert series offers a unique opportunity for an international array of instrumentalists and singers to explore unusual repertoire that includes virtuoso viols. The duo is regularly joined by some of Montreal’s finest young gambists to form the Voix Humaines Consort specializing in the vast 17th-century repertoire for viol consort. Les Voix Humaines record for the ATMA label and were nominated for four Opus prizes in 2004. They have recorded over 20 CD’s which have received critical acclaim and several prizes including the Prix Opus, Diapason d’Or, Félix de l’Adisq awards. They include the complete “Poeticall Musicke“ of Tobias Hume, “The 4 Seasons“ of Christopher Simpson, the complete “Le Nymphe di Rheno“ of Johannes Schenck, several discs with ★ soprano Suzie LeBlanc and countertenor Daniel Taylor and a Telemann disc with renowned Belgian flutist Barthold Kuijken. Their recording of the complete “Concerts a deux violes esgales“ by Sainte-Colombe is a world premiere. The duo has performed at many of the most important music festivals in North America, Mexico and Europe including the Boston Early Music Festival, Early Music Vancouver, the Festival Internacional Cervantino, Mexico, the Brighton International Music Festival, England, the Festival Oude Musiek, Holland and the Summer Festivities of Early Music in Prague. Thanks to the help of the Radio Starmaker Fund, they made their debut in Australia and New Zealand and toured New England in 2005. The RSF contributions to international touring costs made it possible for Les Voix Humaines to perform ten concerts, give two master classes and teach at the Australian Viola da Gamba Society Easter Workshop. ÉLISABETH COMTOIS ARTIST MANAGER ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 22 ★ ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND APPENDIX: CRITERIA FOR QUALIFYING Applicants must have sold a qualifying number of units on a previous or current release, determined by their genre. ■ ■ ■ The artist, their label or agent, must invest (“Significant Investment”) the dollar amounts below by genre in third party, non-recoupable marketing costs. Ownership of the masters must reside with a Canadian company, and the royalties must flow through a Canadian company. The artist must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant, and resident of Canada. GENRE UNITS SOLD SIGNIFICANT INVESTMENT POP/ROCK/AC 15,000 MAJOR LABEL 10,000 INDIE LABEL $75,000 $25,000 COUNTRY/FOLK/URBAN/ ELECTRONICA /DRUM AND BASS 7,500 MAJOR LABEL 5,000 INDIE LABEL $20,000 $10,000 WORLD/JAZZ/CLASSICAL/BLUES 2,500 MAJOR LABEL 2,500 INDIE LABEL $20,000 $10,000 ABORIGINAL 2,500 MAJOR/INDIE LABEL $7,500 R A D I O S TA R M A K E R F U N D A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 .16 RSM ANNUAL REPORT 23.1.06 1/24/06 9:34 AM Page 23 ARTIST PROFILE: KATHLEEN EDWARDS Hailed as one of the finest and most distinctive singer-songwriters to emerge in 2003 with the release of her debut record “Failer”, Kathleen Edwards has triumphantly returned with her critically acclaimed sophomore album, “Back To Me”. It has received rave reviews nationally and internationally while Kathleen has been hard at work touring North America and the UK. She has headlined her own club shows in major markets across North America and been selected as opening support by artists such as Willie Nelson, Aimee Mann and John Prine. In 2005 alone, Kathleen has appeared on numerous television programs, performing on Austin City Limits, The Late Late Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and of course, David Letterman. This was the third invitation extended by Letterman made in honour of the release of “Back To Me”. Kathleen also recorded a Bravo Television special and has appeared on countless regional television programs in Canada and the States. ★ The Radio Starmaker Fund was fundamental in the marketing of this project, contributing toward the cost of a street campaign for album launch, allowing us to purchase additional print advertising in support of retail initiatives and supplementary advertising surrounding and incorporating tour dates. With this support, we were able to create a greater presence in the marketplace, integral to the momentum of the project. The Radio Starmaker Fund has been fundamental in furthering Kathleen’s touring internationally. This money has provided the foundation for the success of the tours, bringing her live show to a higher professional level with the addition of supporting musicians and extra crew. The fund has allowed Kathleen to tour new regions in Europe and the US, creating new markets while reinforcing support in existing territories. CARLA PALMER SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER, MAPLEMUSIC RECORDINGS ANNUAL REPORT RADIO STARMAKER FUND
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