March 2014
March 2014
Yavapai Library Network Monthly Report March 2014 The Sharlot Hall Museum Library and Archives is the Newest Member of the YLN Lib ra ry Ne t work M a n ager’s L ow d ow n The YLN billing was sent out by the Yavapai County Free Library District this month. If you have not received your bill please contact Priscilla Phelps at the District office or myself. Barbara Kile and I are currently working on the contract with BERK for the Return on Investment study and the Strategic Plan. The plan is, at this time, to have the Return on Investment study completed by the end of this fiscal year. Then the focus will shift to the strategic plan for the first half of FY14-15. Once the contract is approved things will move quickly. Lots of information will be gathered by BERK employees very quickly. Much of the information will be statistical in nature and will be provided by me. More information will be gathered in the form of interviews which will be conducted by BERK employees. The idea is to get a complete picture of YLN services and the impact they have on stakeholders. If things go well the project will start in April. The cataloging committee has been talking about all sorts of changes that are taking place as a result of the RDA (Resource Description and Access). Chanel and Megan have been tasked by the Management Committee to create a report of where we are at with RDA. In the mean time cataloging still has to take place. These hybrid records are certainly making things difficult but the good news is that everyone is on board with making this transitionary time work. collection. They have truly been missed and we welcome them back to the fold. The new helpdesk project is moving along nicely. Currently the Yavapai County Free Library District is beta testing the new software. Once they have worked out the kinks Chanel will start working on transferring the data from the existing helpdesk to the new one. Her work on the helpdesk has been exemplary. Jim has been in contact with TechLogic. TechLogic has almost completed an upgrade to the Circ-It software. Once the patch is ready we will upgrade our server with the patch. It will add several new features including the ability to renew items that are not present and have receipts emailed to the patron. Many good things are coming! Respectfully Submitted, Corey Christians Library Network Manager The annual report has been disseminated. If you have not received a copy of the annual report please submit a help desk request and you will get a copy. There are still several copies left so please feel free to ask. Sharlot Hall Museum has been approved as the 43rd member of the Yavapai Library Network. It was a very sad day when funding forced them to change their status from a full member of the YLN to a special 2 Yavapai Library Network Pri ori t i zat i o n Pr i or i ty One: R e so l ve Curre nt Hel p des k R eq ue s ts Priority Thre e : M igrate v host s from V M Wa re ESXi to M icros of t Hyp er V A help desk request, or work order, is the submission of a problem that one encounters during the normal operation of a YLN service. Requests are generally submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. If a request is submitted via telephone, then a YLN staff person will create the request for the submitter. Help desk requests will always be our highest priority because in some cases a member library employee cannot complete a work function until the issue is resolved. Currently several servers are running virtually on a VMWare ESXi virtual host. Some of them include the YLN website, RPA, EZproxy, DNS, and many many more. The YLN will be switching to Microsoft HyperV in order to increase data redundancy and to increase support availability. The MIS Operations team also uses HyperV which will allow deep support with this product. This will require purchasing a new server, migrating current virtual servers and converting existing virtual hosts to HyperV. Total requests submitted: 50 Total requests closed: 46 Total unresolved requests opened this month: 2 Total requests still open: 29 Priori ty Two : Imp lement a L ea rn ing M anage ment S y s tem ( LM S ) Moodle has been selected for our LMS. The Learning Management System is necessary to track individual training progress, provide training materials, create assessment tools, and supplement in-person training. Determine of HyperV will work in our linux/ windows environment Spec out a new server that can house all existing virtual servers as well as any future servers. Receive approval to purchase the new server Order new server Migrate existing ESXi virtual servers to HyperV Wipe ESXi servers and install HyperV Set up the new server to backup to the old servers Priority Fou r: Rep l a ce B l u e So cket s for Y CF L D l ibra rie s Goal: Install, configure, test and go live with the Moodle Learning Management System. Project Lead: Megan Hammond Progress: Install the virtual machine using the Linux OS Create a new hostname in DNS Install the Moodle software Customize Moodle to better fit YLN needs Begin adding content to the system Add users or determine if existing user databases can be utilized to interface with Moodle Give the YLN membership access to the new LMS Replace all existing networking controllers with a new network controller running over a virtual network. This will reduce network and support costs for the YCFLD libraries. Currently two libraries are left to be setup to work with the new Blue Socket. Goal: Simplify the network of the YCFLD libraries. Project Lead: Jim Lowman Progress: Determine if the new solution will work in our networking environment. Purchase the new device Set up a test network Install Access Points at YCFLD libraries Remove each existing networking device Note concerning prioritization: The priority of projects may shift as individual portions are completed. March 2014 3 Pri ori t i zat i o n Prior i ty Fi ve: YL N St rateg i c Pl a n While the YLN has been very good about technology planning, the overall vision and strategy of the YLN has been more elusive. The Executive Committee has been working on developing a vision, mission, and strategic plan. Goal: Develop a strategic plan that will bring the YLN to the year 2020. Priority Seve n : New He lpd esk Ticke ting Sys te m New help desk software is being installed. The new software will help us manage tickets better and give us better metrics concerning how tickets are resolved. Goal: Implement a ticketing system with improved metrics and additional features Project Lead: Chanel Wheeler Project Lead: Corey Christians Progress: Develop a survey to send out to the membership. Use the results to make a list of discussion areas Start brainstorming about strategy/mission/vision Develop a final strategic plan Get approval of the plan Progress: Determine which help desk package will be used Install and Configure the new software Create documentation on how to use the software Conduct training sessions Transfer existing tickets to the new system Start using the new system Priori ty S i x: In s tal l PUR L s erver A PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) server will be made available to ensure that URLs placed in documents and websites will not have to be directly modified if the linked resource’s URL changes in the future. This is especially helpful if catalog items are linked to from resources such as libguides. Priority Eight: OPAC En ha nce me nt s The new OPAC has solved several problems that eLibrary had; however, problems still exist which need to be ironed out. The list of these issues is below. Goal: Improve the catalog experience for library users. Goal: Create a functioning PURL server. Project Lead: Chanel Wheeler Project Lead: Corey Christians Progress: Determine which PURL software will work best Install a test version of the software Test the software to make sure it will meet our needs Configure the software Establish appropriate security Test with a library that will be using PURLs Put the server into production 4 Progress: Make it so the UPC retreives cover art Make it so ICat1 displays item format Remove GMD from the catalog Make it so second UPC shows cover art Make it so the book river shows cover art Determine if online registration is feasible Fix reserve item searching for YCV Add icons for ICat1s that don’t have them Have Novelist content appear first (unexpanded) Add the ability to add local cover art Yavapai Library Network Pri ori t i zat i o n Prior i ty Ni ne: Val ue o f S ervi ces for YL N Comp le te d Proje cts C Y14 • YLN FY13-14 Annual Billing The YLN annual report was the first step in making the decision makers for our governing authorities aware of all the YLN does for them. The second step is demonstrating the incredible value of the YLN. The YLN, in conjunction with the YCFLD, will create a comprehensive Return on Investment (ROI) study to show how valuable the YLN is to our members. It will be submitted with the next annual report. Work will start on it now. Goal: Determine the value of some or all library services for Yavapai County Project Lead: Corey Christians Receive proposal from BERK Present proposal to Management Committee Sign contract Have kickoff meeting Gather statistics Analyze compiled results from BERK Approve final study D is continu e d Proje cts CY14 Pri or i ty Ten : A nnu al R ep ort The time has come to create the annual report for this year. Goal: Publish the YLN 2013 annual report Project Lead: Corey Christians Progress: Determine the new AR theme Write the intro letter Write the accomplishments of the year Create the new cover Gather the statistics (post 12/31/2013) Have the rough draft edited Prepare the final version Publish the new annual report Distribute the new annual report March 2014 5 Stat i s t i c s Holds - March 2014 Pickup Library All All 33180 AJS 120 ASH 204 BAG 114 BCC 380 BMHS 34 CLA 223 CON 510 COR 402 CRK 19 CTW 3598 CVHS 140 CVPL 1822 CVUSD 192 DHL 371 DIAL 4 ERU 237 GMMS 56 JER 96 LES 29 MAY 254 MES 10 MVS ORME PCL PCM PCT PHS PMH PPL PPLA PVPL SED SEL THS VBC VER VOC WIL WTS YAR YCP YCV YFL YLN 6 17 34 197 5 16 82 33 10684 382 5673 3016 489 41 336 785 1389 118 22 474 421 132 17 2 CANCELLED 3684 29 10 30 11 3 26 59 30 3 350 16 158 18 42 2 15 7 5 27 40 9 18 1 1 42 4 1335 35 568 287 24 14 35 73 235 7 31 45 33 4 2 FILLED 27471 91 191 73 354 30 188 445 350 16 3037 119 1556 143 325 2 192 47 84 2 196 6 EXP_ONSHELF 2025 15 22 161 4 14 38 27 8682 347 4693 2512 407 27 293 650 1134 104 15 434 343 89 13 2 3 18 Yavapai Library Network 3 11 15 1 9 6 22 211 5 108 31 4 30 2 7 18 4 1 2 2 667 412 217 58 8 62 20 7 7 9 33 10 Stat i s t i c s Items Transited Station Library Item Library ↓ All AJS ASH BAG BCC BMHS CLA CON COR CRK CTW CVHS CVPL CVUSD DHL DIAL ERU GMMS JER LES MAY MES MVS ORME PCL PCT PHS PMH PPL PPLX PVPL SED SEL THS UNDEFINED VBC VER WIL WTS YAR YAV YCP YCV YFL YLN by Library for → All AJS ASH 79 170 61 244 283 1 2 298 1 105 2 404 1 3 156 2 1 197 1 465 1 2258 4 13 30 736 1 8 87 1 1 202 1 3 10 168 56 1 1 194 5 57 1 216 2 60 7 11 1 3 337 2 4 91 11 1 5302 26 54 0 2795 20 30 3435 6 17 319 4 26 1 3 1946 1 1 607 6 197 1 34 397 5 0 1154 7 873 2 2 0 March 2014 BAG BCC BMHS 69 306 24 1 1 6 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 1 3 4 6 29 3 2 1 1 1 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 3 7 1 CLA CON COR 125 392 345 4 1 3 1 1 7 6 2 5 5 1 1 11 8 1 2 1 4 1 12 2 13 31 41 1 7 16 19 3 1 4 4 1 3 CRK 14 1 2 2 2 5 4 2 2 7 2 2 2 1 142 110 1 2 2 97 12 23 1 19 4 24 7 23 3 2 CVHS CVPL CVUSD 120 1495 180 3 9 6 10 2 24 1 1 29 1 6 13 4 34 1 14 18 5 1 10 149 21 1 6 10 2 3 1 14 1 4 4 1 3 9 10 52 31 5 2 2 4 20 19 2 41 39 10 2 50 39 9 1 1 1 391 296 37 3 12 11 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 7 4 6 7 1 14 1 5 3 2 1 7 4 32 71 25 6 41 6 8 8 9 113 89 9 5 5 2 4 12 7 1 3 3 0 March 2014 1 4 6 1 2 7 2 19 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 490 1 2 1 37 99 235 136 37 3 0 18 32 10 2 24 25 13 3 1 33 32 10 2 21 1 2 2 11 5 63 60 3 2 1 31 ERU 205 2 6 1 828 31 DIAL 2 3 14 10 1 10 1 2 2 DHL 309 1 3 3 6 1 3 2 2 2 30 3 15 5 2 2 2 97 2 11 4 7 7 16 1 44 18 1 8 CTW 2381 4 28 20 35 7 26 14 26 21 1 71 21 13 4 2 4 2 1 3 3 8 11 1 17 9 7 Stat i s t i c s Items Transited Station Library Item Library ↓ All AJS ASH BAG BCC BMHS CLA CON COR CRK CTW CVHS CVPL CVUSD DHL DIAL ERU GMMS JER LES MAY MES MVS ORME PCL PCT PHS PMH PPL PPLX PVPL SED SEL THS UNDEFINED VBC VER WIL WTS YAR YAV YCP YCV YFL YLN 8 by Library for March 2014 → All GMMS JER LES MAY MES 63 94 23 197 8 61 1 244 7 283 1 5 298 1 1 1 2 105 1 2 404 1 2 9 156 1 1 3 197 1 2 465 1 2258 4 11 2 22 1 30 736 1 7 1 6 1 87 202 1 10 168 2 1 56 2 194 1 57 216 1 1 1 60 2 0 11 1 3 337 1 2 1 4 91 1 1 11 2 1 1 5302 25 26 8 73 2 0 2795 10 10 3 21 3435 7 12 1 20 1 319 1 1 26 3 1946 1 2 607 2 3 1 5 197 2 34 1 397 2 1 3 0 1154 2 2 873 1 7 7 2 0 MVS ORME PCL PCM PCT PHS 16 34 128 2 14 71 1 3 1 PMH 27 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 4 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 7 3 14 6 4 1 35 11 23 2 1 28 10 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 14 16 2 1 11 1 Yavapai Library Network PPLA PVPL SED 350 3565 1717 11 3 1 59 12 2 57 20 5 58 21 23 10 2 77 44 1 23 8 1 34 9 1 27 11 30 466 175 7 3 8 138 51 2 16 5 2 52 14 1 1 4 21 19 1 5 4 1 22 23 11 4 1 29 15 1 14 5 1 3 107 2 35 1 4 10 4 2 1 1 1 PPL 5150 12 60 74 69 22 103 61 54 36 844 5 234 17 49 4 50 12 63 14 51 11 2 2 134 48 46 16 7 SEL 566 3 8 5 5 1 4 316 22 3 1 1 1 5 1 1256 591 97 244 38 19 0 1083 889 76 7 68 37 3 1 64 179 55 4 136 5 7 1 1 3 450 53 2 1 46 106 35 6 70 389 276 0 17 5 203 119 23 0 19 39 15 1 25 152 98 4 9 5 2 9 7 Stat i s t i c s Items Transited by Library for March 2014 Station Library → Item Library ↓ All THS VBC VER VOC All AJS ASH BAG BCC BMHS CLA CON COR CRK CTW CVHS CVPL CVUSD DHL DIAL ERU GMMS JER LES MAY MES MVS ORME PCL PCT PHS PMH PPL PPLX PVPL SED SEL THS UNDEFINED VBC VER WIL WTS YAR YAV YCP YCV YFL YLN 61 244 283 298 105 404 156 197 465 2258 30 736 87 202 10 168 56 194 57 216 60 11 3 337 4 91 11 5302 0 2795 3435 319 26 3 1946 607 197 34 397 0 1154 873 2 0 50 2 1 1 1 11 3 321 6 6 11 5 5 1 1 36 3 6 3 3 2 6 1 604 2 8 14 8 1975 1 14 7 16 6 7 4 5 71 34 4 10 10 77 18 4 3 28 4 4 3 1 6 8 1 8 3 10 1 10 6 WIL WTS YAR YCP YCV YFL YLN 110 12 415 304 82 15 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 3 4 16 1 3 1 6 1 10 1 3 1 46 22 2 1 1 1 4 1 9 8 7 1 1 6 4 2 2 21 1 3 2 1 4 1 4 4 2 1 1 3 11 4 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 6 1 2 14 3 5 93 218 8 1 2 0 322 28 6 4 39 42 6 1 78 62 6 1 108 9 1084 15 21 1 1 6 13 40 13 1 23 2 50 48 3 6 1 1 1 11 4 1 9 4 13 3 4 10 13 15 1 0 1 14 3 5 1 1 1 9 149 89 16 3 0 1 49 37 3 36 42 4 13 10 2 4 0 0 2 17 2 5 8 3 1 5 1 17 23 6 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 21 0 0 March 2014 9 Stat i s t i c s Discards March 2014 Library Items All 12289 AJS 51 ASH 3 BAG 464 BCC 109 BMHS 1 CLA 40 CON 34 COR 8 CRK 25 CTW 983 CVPL 141 CVUSD 2 DHL 3 ERU 1 JER 81 LES 105 MAY 387 MVS 50 ORME 5670 PCL 2 PHS 5 PMH 101 PPL 1276 PVPL 717 SED 733 SEL 3 THS 9 VBC 2 VER 58 WIL 5 WTS 4 YAR 18 YCP 1054 YCV 142 YLN 2 10 Items Added - March 2014 Library Total Copies All 14097 AJS 78 ASH 66 BAG 73 BCC 162 BMHS 3 CLA 101 CON 44 COR 97 CRK 20 CTW 399 CVPL 576 CVUSD 7 DHL 75 ERU 23 GMMS 30 JER 77 LES 51 MAY 102 MES 59 MVS 2 ORME 9 PCL 104 PHS 89 PMH 28 PPL 1723 PVPL 696 SED 661 SEL 66 SHM 18 THS 52 VBC 75 VER 195 WIL 50 WTS 21 YAR 82 YAV 121 YCC 2059 YCP 292 YCV 127 YFL 24 YLN 5560 Yavapai Library Network Stat i s t i c s New Users - March 2014 User Patrons Library All 1377 AJS 6 ASH 9 BAG 11 BCC 9 BMHS 2 CLA 12 CON 15 COR 19 CRK 4 CTW 163 CVHS 8 CVPL 75 CVUSD 11 DHL 6 ERU 5 GMMS 3 JER 1 LES 5 MAY 13 MES 10 MHS 5 MVS 5 ORME 0 PCL 0 PHS 9 PMH 5 PPL 421 PVPL 278 SED 101 SEL 15 THS 2 VBC 21 VER 56 VOC 17 WIL 2 WTS 10 YAR 8 YCP 32 YCV 3 Patron Bills - March 2014 Bill Number Total Library of Bills Amount Billed All 8948 36588.16 AJS 22 240 ASH 6 3.15 BAG 20 51.5 BCC 15 164.45 BMHS 115 2388.96 CLA 3 8.15 CON 31 118.85 COR 34 442.4 CTW 1286 2102.81 CVHS 4 169.77 CVPL 395 929.91 CVUSD 57 505.06 DHL 5 45.75 DIAL 6 21.8 ERU 90 460.65 GMMS 104 647.76 JER 49 371.67 LES 37 546.05 MAY 19 145.21 MVS 36 540.42 ORME 12 97.9 PCL 43 242 PHS 84 183.19 PMH 59 222.79 PPL 2049 6770.25 PPLA 32 49.55 PVPL 1477 4476.52 SED 1811 2162.12 SEL 36 363.5 THS 43 561.97 VBC 47 394.5 VER 278 361.59 VOC 150 157.44 WIL 16 135.65 WTS 32 487.93 YAR 20 121.85 YCP 364 630.4 YCV 45 89.69 YFL 6 9015 YLN 10 160 Payment Amounts Patrons with Bills 35860.73 2756 240 9 3.15 5 51.5 8 164.45 9 2386.26 43 4.15 3 118.85 13 442.4 15 2051.75 390 169.77 1 924.06 143 492.06 26 45.75 3 21.8 1 451.15 50 617.27 64 371.67 13 546.05 28 145.21 8 540.42 25 97.9 6 239.45 19 180.34 44 218.74 33 6512.92 632 49.55 7 4340.78 393 2029.27 536 363.5 11 555.07 32 394.5 13 354.87 92 154.89 68 135.65 6 487.93 26 121.85 8 577.11 79 83.69 15 9015 0 160 10 March 2014 Delinquent Patrons with Bills 749 1 0 5 1 0 0 3 5 101 0 32 14 1 0 11 0 3 9 2 2 1 4 0 0 170 4 126 184 1 13 3 18 21 1 14 1 29 8 0 1 Blocked Patrons with Bills 218 0 0 0 1 12 0 1 0 30 0 7 0 0 0 3 28 1 5 1 2 0 2 5 12 45 0 29 20 2 4 2 6 3 0 1 2 4 0 0 0 Barred Patrons with Bills 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 10 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 11 Stat i s t i c s 12 Circulation - March 2014 Station Checkout Staff Renewals Use Item Library Item Library Use Transactions Total Circulation All AJS ASH BAG BCC BMHS CLA CON COR CRK CTW CVHS CVPL CVUSD DHL DIAL ERU GMMS JER LES MAY MES MVS ORME PCL PCM PCT PHS PMH PPL PPLA PVPL SED SEL THS VBC VER VOC WIL WTS YAR YCP YCV YFL YLN 20241 573 90 508 197 10 167 39 32 43 1704 43 330 3 85 0 54 98 151 324 554 0 51 5722 185 0 0 7 105 2887 0 1702 1790 21 35 99 513 39 32 132 103 1561 150 7 95 192501 2505 1210 425 1827 703 1010 1557 1927 489 19337 155 9461 2240 1173 3 1733 607 728 1720 1274 98 686 70 1191 7 16 401 208 62856 365 32384 21561 2571 2130 2153 4170 2368 547 1021 1835 2951 1596 26 1206 156375 2499 1119 376 1641 661 841 1377 1815 441 15543 146 7550 2084 1064 3 1340 481 567 1527 1027 94 669 45 534 2 14 299 173 50817 350 26282 17951 2514 1630 2026 3585 1975 491 869 1518 1602 818 15 0 31925 6 91 49 186 42 169 180 112 48 3441 9 1911 156 109 3996 139 0 161 0 247 4 17 25 597 5 2 57 35 12039 15 4476 3301 57 412 127 585 393 56 59 317 692 381 11 1206 63 126 353 193 60 45 1626 309 88 93 644 396 Yavapai Library Network Stat i s t i c s Checkins by Library for March 2014 Station Total Change Vs. Previous Year FY July June Library Checkins All 168158 2% AJS 2740 3% ASH 1296 16% BAG 553 -10% BCC 1978 -4% BMHS 527 21% CLA 938 -9% CON 1410 4% COR 1982 18% CRK 460 12% CTW 16490 7% CVHS 89 -30% CVPL 8499 6% CVUSD 2129 1% DHL 1138 -26% DIAL 32 433% ERU 1547 36% GMMS 549 39% JER 677 5% LES 1512 -5% MAY 1294 -46% MES 77 MVS 818 26% ORME 107 4% PCL 872 16% PCT 26 420% PHS 463 19% PMH 180 -60% PPL 52447 10% PPLA 1 0% PPLX -100% PVPL 28267 -11% SED 18647 4% SEL 2604 52% SHM -100% THS 1637 2% VBC 2152 -31% VER 4552 -7% VOC 2868 0% WIL 567 -4% WTS 884 -30% YAR 1849 7% YCP 2441 17% YCV 738 13% YFL 102 5% YLN 19 -10% March 2014 13 Stat i s t i c s - E brary Library Pages Viewed PCL 9,737 YCP 12,108 YLN 3,488 Month of: 3/2014 Category: All Categories Usage Type: All Documents Selected Pages Pages Unique User Chapter/Range Copied Printed Documents Sessions Downloads 286 198 368 196 54 76 519 68 103 97 286 382 96 Full Title Downloads 33 35 74 Stat is t i c s - Overd ri ve Month of: 3/2014 One Copy/One User Usage Type: All Documents Selected Format Advantage Titles Advantage Copies Consortium Titles Audiobook 96 123 3,191 Ebook 244 371 4,201 Total 340 494 7,392 Metered Access, Licensed Content Audiobook 1 1 7 eBook 14 18 110 Total 15 19 117 Metered Access, Licensed Content Ebook 52 2,262 270 User Activity Unique Users with titles checked out: 1,908 Checkouts Holds Audiobook 2,812 Audiobook Ebook 5,674 Ebook Total 8,486 Total 14 Yavapai Library Network Consortium Copies 3,433 4,583 8,016 7 150 157 9,906 720 2,218 2,938 Stat ist i c s - I -Ti va ( T M 3 ) Date Messages Imported Messages Rejected Calls Made Number of Deliveries 3/1/2014 124 5 152 110 3/2/2014 108 6 108 97 3/3/2014 34 8 38 31 3/4/2014 110 9 143 99 3/5/2014 170 9 212 153 3/6/2014 177 7 230 153 3/7/2014 133 2 166 124 3/8/2014 109 3 133 100 3/9/2014 105 1 105 93 3/10/2014 28 36 25 3/11/2014 98 10 114 89 3/12/2014 170 6 220 152 3/13/2014 166 6 201 151 3/14/2014 137 8 176 123 3/15/2014 142 184 123 3/16/2014 93 2 93 82 3/17/2014 23 1 27 21 3/18/2014 126 4 167 116 3/19/2014 198 10 255 181 3/20/2014 186 7 220 173 3/21/2014 137 4 168 122 3/22/2014 136 6 169 127 3/23/2014 114 3 114 91 3/24/2014 36 2 43 35 3/25/2014 139 7 163 133 3/26/2014 181 13 220 168 3/27/2014 147 19 190 130 3/28/2014 140 17 162 133 3/29/2014 149 3 189 136 3/30/2014 101 3 101 76 3/31/2014 38 1 48 33 182 4547 3380 Grand Total: 3755 Patron Logins on MESSAGE call I-Tiva Month To Date MESSAGE Report used March 2014 15
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