5 - Foltz Trucking
5 - Foltz Trucking
㌧∴‖自主年号口和宮上 ¥㌔一∴J T踊AGAZINE.〔OM/師g2鵬 ﹁ r し ﹂ 重 ′ ′ . γ ト 、 i - - i 〇 十 - Volvo巾ucks, Driving Success.〕 - i i ! - ) i ( `1的7・脇the l榊Stj沈l-(鯛cie所and model.1き 増し朝出¥呈C &眼目Gト冊・、、虻 き硯Cんs ol高hの■0α(1.’’ the company began in the early 197Os as a driver ofone ofhis father’s trucks. By A Family Tradi七ion that time, the company had added hopper THE HEART OF FOITZ TRUCKING LIES IN ITS ABILITY bulk commodities. The first ofthese traiL_ bottom grain trailers to its fleet to handle TO CARRY ON THE PATRIARCH’S LEGACY OF HARD ers was bought in 1965∴`Ⅵfe were one of WORK AND SERVICE. the first companies in our area to buy a hopper traneI’,’’he states. Today, 30 years after Frank Foltz took leadership ofthe company, hopper botBY」IM HARRIS Trucking. His father founded Foltz tom trailers remains Foltz Trucking’s Throughout their formative years, Trucking in 1958 in Detroit Lakes, Minn.. focus. The company operates a組eet of Frank Foltz and his siblings knew the im- Six out of 14 siblings are invoIved with POrtanCe Ofhard work. The Foltz family the company in various capacities: Ken Patriarch, Clem, PerSOnified this, aS he Foltz - Vice president; Jim Foltz - COn- OWned and operated a trucking company troller; Tom Foltz - Safety director; WW勅foI書zf「ucking, COm Donna Martin - O航ce manager and Jane Revenue5; ;25 m冊on Withjust a single tandem truck pulling a PuP trailel.. ’’My parents were instmmental in giv- ingmy siblings and I a good work ethic,” SayS Fra血Foltz, the president ofFoltz 閥札重MAaAZ重NE,cOM S胴NG調 lPROF肥巨l FoItz T「ucking, In⊂. Lunde - head bookkeeper Several other He。dqu。rte「S: Det「oit Lakes. Minn. 偽mily members are empIoyed by the Empl〔yee5: 14与 COmPany m VarlOuS CaPaCities. Specio/切Hoppe「 bottom trucking Frank Foltz’s personal path through 丁間中川嶋&千時i二両 ̄伸二 SHOWING SUPPORT 千載軍帽丁勲_ほ臨時き三朝戸戸の喪千号だ言記し理車 重揺武郎: 」OCl江にト沫闘丁腫与鮎旧軍胡J十 晒し川!汀、了㊤配も飾即を斜 ̄畑「癒冊〔しU[潮時. ・ United Way of Becke「 〔ounty . St. M∂「y’s Regiona冊ea冊〔ente「 . Lake’sCrisis and Resou「〔e Cente「 . Boys∂nd G聞SClub of Det「Olt Lakes . Hospice ofthe Red Rive「 Valley ・ Det「oit L∂kesCommunity and CuItur∂i Cente「 ・ Boy S〔OUtS OfAmer厄a ・ Holy Rosa「y 〔atho=〔 〔hu「Ch and School . andmanymo「e 125 trucks and 350 hopper bottom trailers and serves customers throughout the Ullited States and Canada, With a focus in the Midwest and Southeastem states. ‘`Located in the heart of Minnesota’s lake country, Foltz Trucking is Strategica皿y located to serve “with major Interstate and U.S. Highway Fo/lz 77’u⊂柄ng 5qyS机’伯。tS庵emp/qyees systems connecting in all directions, Pick /ikejdm叫y爪embers. whi`佃os ber)匂vfed the up and delivery ofour customers宜eight COmpOny in tems ofIow emp/eyやe turnover i- 十・〇 is quick, Safe and easy:’ Se門扉〇〇 ㌦わで‡ gion we are the lal.geSt COmPany Ofour Foltz Tmcking uses its fleet of hoppel‘ kind,” Frank Foltz notes. bottom trailers to transport a variety of The company’s sIogan - “Service is Our bulk materials including soy meal, malt- Only Business” - is exemplified by the ing barley, SPices, grain, COttOn Seed, flexibility provided by its large兄eet as canola meal, edible beans, rice. com well as its emphasis with on-time deliv- meal, Sunflower meal. and potatoes. The ery. Foltz adds∴`Wc pride ourselves on company’s customers include Anheuser- being on time in our pickups and deliver- Busch, Car.g虹ADM, Land O’Lakes, Jen- ie8. We §treSS S鏡面oe,弧億帆嶺t’s wny we nie- O. Bunge. Iams. Tllfty’s, Nestle, Yara, have a number of repeat customel.S:● at their customer,s Iocation. ``This helps accommodate our customers storage issues, the trailers can be uuloaded when our customer has room and is ready for 戸oi章こ巾∪〔畑q is °ne Of the )a「gest ove「・小e・「0∂d ⊂∂「「j合「s op・ e「atlng in the Uppe「 Midwest and 〔∂nada who spe⊂i811ZeS ln bulk hoppe「 bottom f「elght. With expe「ien〔ed management′ di印at⊂h and d「ivelC. Foltz Tru〔kino has built a 「印utatton fo「 期間別咽岬a朗的me輔∪帥y,胸Ivo血〔軸∂彊印 a proud suppIie「 to Foltz Tru〔king since 1992 assuring that all produ〔tS′ Pa「tS・ Se「Vicei and systems wo「k togethe「 to pro- Agl・ium, and Faribault Foods. ‘`I11 Our re一 関でしIMAG幽NE.C○M SP咽G 20章3 Foltz Trucking pl.OVides extl`fl tr。ilers vide a total tlanSPOn帽tlon soIし博on fo「 tnei「 b」はiness. 語謹惑溺 customers everywhere,” Frank Foltz says. 丁RJCK、ING & FR目GH丁ING PrOduction. As our customers grow we have been adding more trailers to accom- !事I」二尺亡二畠〕亡二(二 ̄口凧D ′ -「 ̄乱 ̄ ̄,牛「扶膚D割V輔S 村¥旧ご用⊃調Y巨島A与 ing’s fleet are no more tha-n four years old. The company recently invested in aerodynamic Volvo trucks with I- Shift FA曽‖葛Y 、、村ト旧引与巨AS¥( FOR l」S B巨CAJS巨WE automatic transmission, and has its trucks govemed to ensure drivers do not exceed 65 mph. Foltz Trucking uses Peo- A目巨A FA剛」了 drivers Iogs. These investments help keep fuel costs down. 〃We run the most newly expanded shop. Further expansIOn fuel e航cient and modem trucks on the came in 2O12, When the company dou- roa.d,,’Fra重血Foltz says. bled its o航ce space to handle new busi- and trailer, the company in 2OO7 buut a Many ofFolt2 Tnlcking,s drivers and empIoyees have beeh vyith the company for more then 2O years∴`We have minimal tum over in our operation;’Foltz adds. `《We respect and treat our drivers and empIoyees as family; Which is easy for us because we are a family operation,” 0控RA ̄「iON-II pleNet onboard computer logging for the To better maintain its fleet oftrucks di鯖erence, SO Our CustOmerS Can always expect the best from us,” he says. modate their needs,” Foltz says. All trucks and trailers in Foltz Truck- rience ofhis sta組“Our people make the ness. Frank Foltz credits the company’s recent growth to the dedication and expe- Foltz says. 0