Consular corps tours channel - Port of Houston Magazine Archives
Consular corps tours channel - Port of Houston Magazine Archives
Rolf Saligmann, WestGerman consul; H.R.R.V.Froger,consulgeneral of TheNetherlands;Mrs. Froger;Johann-Fredrich Knopf,vice consulof WestGermany; BernhardRottler, vice consulof WestGermany. Consular corps tours channel LarsGuldborg, vice consulof Denmark; Mrs. Guldberg; Dr. HarbS. Hayre,honorary consulof India; A.G.Zwan,Sr., honoraryconsulof Lebanon. Members of the Houston consular corps braved afternoon downpours and the resulting rush-hour traffic jams recently to make their annual inspection tour of the Port of Houston. Port of Houston Authority and consular officials and their wives enjoyed a pleasant trip down the Ship Channel as the rain stopped and the sun made a dramatic departure, lighting up the remaining clouds. The tour ended with dinner at the Monument Inn. Photo identification is from left to right. MichaelScorcio,director of community relations, Port Of Houston Authority; Mrs. Scorcio;Mrs. Hallson;CharlesHallson,honorary consulof Iceland. M.D.McBain,consulof the UnitedKingdom;ElizabethMellonof the UnitedKingdom;RichardP. Leach,executivedirector of the Port of Houston Authority. AnnieMarl, consulof France;FatherRiversPatout, Houston International Seamen’s Centerchaplain; Charlotte Mondoloni,vice consulof France. SantoshHayre,AnnaElizondoandMarianelaSoler, wivesof consular representatives of India, Argentina andSpain,respectively. M.Lawrence Barbernell,honoraryconsulof Haiti; AlanHarvey,consul generalof SouthAfrica. November 1981 33 U.S. GULF-PUERTO RICO ¯ LARGEST AND FASTEST CONTAINER VESSELS ¯ MICROBRIDGE CONNECTIONS WITH MANY INLAND POINTS NEWORLEANS ¯ REGULAR CONNECTIONS AT SAN HOUSTON JUAN TO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HAITI AND THE VIRGIN ISLANDS THE MOSTFREQUENTRO/RO & CONTAINER SERVICEFROMU.S. PORTSTO PUERTORICO YOURSHIPMENTSARE "NUMEROUNO"WITHUS. (404) 952-1244 Call these numbersAtlanta Baltimore (301) 828 4720 for bookingand Boston (800) 526-6841 Charleston (803) 747-0454 information: 34 Charlotte [704) 568-4310 Chicago (312) 398-1822 Cincinnati (800) 323-4111 Dallas (214) 343-8307 Elizabeth (201) 352 2700 Hartford (800) 526.6841 Houston(713) 470 1910 Jacksonville (904l 751-3050 Los Angeles (213) 617-2964 Miami (305) 3?4-2300 NewOrleans (504) 945 4000 NewYork (212) 349-4500 Phdadelphla (800) 526-6841 San Francisco 1415) 956-4766 San J~.Jan (809) 783-1414 $I Louis (314) 576 0907 Port of Houston Magazine TRANSPORTATION OBSERVATIONS OF THE HOUSTON PORT BUREAU Rail piggybackrate deregulation upheld Rail piggyback rate deregulation, ordered by the ICC, was upheld by the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appealsin a decision dated September21. To slow the avalancheof changescausedby deregulation during very recent years, the HoustonPort Bureauand manyothers protested the ICC order. Under the U.S. Constitution, regulation of commerce is mandatory,not optional. The constitutionality of the Staggersrail deregulation act itself is in question. However, the Fifth Circuit Court, in brief, held that the ICCdid not exceedits authority under the Staggers Act. Grain rates upheld in Lakesports case The Port Bureau and other defendants have won a major victory involving a petition of the Western Great Lakes Ports Association for lower rates from Midwesterngrain states to the Great Lakesports than to Gulf ports. In light of all the pleadings, the ICCconcludedthat a changein current rate relations was not warranted. "Open" ocean shipping conferences allow vessel operators of any flag to Senate considering participate in U.S. foreign commerce...and to use any economicadvantage they have. The for our country is a merchantfleet woefully inadequate protective measure to cope with a result national emergency.Senate Bill S.1593 would establish shipper councils, a moreclosed conference,and strong antitrust laws--all beneficial to the United States and its national security. The National Maritime Council supports most provisions of the proposedlegislation. Manyshippers opposeclosed conferences. Obviously, foreign-flag operators are using their influence to defeat the bill. S.1S93would also removecurrent licensing requirements for freight forwarders. This provision has been criticized by various forwarder associations throughout the nation. Overcharge interest rule proposed Largertrailers again proposed November 1981 A rule to allow shippers to collect interest whenexcessfreight charges are recovered by a shipper is proposedby the FMC.Interest collected will be the average on six-month U.S. Treasury bills beginning the monthof the overcollection and ending the monthof the refund. Longer, wider highway rigs and heavier payloads ore once again before the Congress. Senate Bill S.1402 proposes a 4S-foot maximum length for a semitrailer: a width increase from 96 to 102 inches: a minimum rig length of 60 feet: a maximum rig length of 65 feet: and a 17 percent increase in maximum axle loading. As expected, truckers support and railroads oppose. Railroads once again urge user fees. Interestingly, states oncerigidly opposedto user fees for publicly-supplied facilities are taking a moreflexible position nowbecauseof reduced federal funding. 35 Jacintoport Roll-onRoll-off Ramp Heaw DutyBargeCraneAvailable 1606ClintonDrive, Galena Park, "IX 77547(713) 672-8385 Jacintoport(713)452-4591 36 Dockside Storage Areafor ProjectShipments Goodpasture Terminal ContainerOn-OffLoading We’ve expandedand modernized our two private terminals to more quickly handleships with up to 38’ draft. Special equipmentand facilities include five 300-toncranes,a dockside crating complex, and a roll-on, roll-off ramp. Containers,generalcargo,roll-on roll-off, heavy lift andbulkloading. ShippersStevedoringcan handleany job youhave.Andwecan handleit anywhere in the Port of Houston. For project shipments,weoffer a docksidestorageareaof 40 acres. Whateveryouhaveto ship, whereveryouneedit done,putthe loadonus. SHIPPERS STEVEDORING COMPANY Five300-TonMobileCranes Modular Home Capabilities. 1".0. Jerry McManus, President B.M."Bruno"Salesi, Manager TedDugey,Jr., JacintoportManager Port of Houston Magazine TRANS-CONTINENTAL Presents TCS Tire Two New Custo Service I--------I All drivers are bondedand fully insured for your protection. Our rates are competitive with other major carriers, yet we still provide personalized service. CONTINENTAL For immediate attention Houston 713/672-5120 November1981 Services ]-----] Ten new tractors operating within a 70-mile radius of the HoustonBarbour’s Cut commercial zone and Galveston. Our tractors are equipped to handle import/export loads as well as empties, and are radiodispatched for immediate service - when and where you want it. Wehave interchanges with all major steamship and leasing companies, providing direct service to and from vessels, railroads and warehouses. All drivers are bonded and completely covered by insurance. [----] The units are radio dispatched for quickest service. There are mobile units located in La Porte as well as Houston in order to avoid costly delays. TRANS- er Services TCS Trucking 1"-----] Each mobile unit is stocked with new and recapped tires,and fully equipped to meet any need or emergency. Telex Houston 790-954 SERVICES SERVICES call CDO(Central Dispatch Office): La Porte 713/470-1400 Telex La Porte 775-245 37 Good Morning World! PORT OF HOUSTON 38 When the sun rose this morning, it revealed the new and modern Port of Houston ready for action. Here is a Port that has everything--everything that is required to handle your cargo quickly and efficiently. Whether you need facilities for bulk, breakbulk, containers or ro/ro, the Port of Houston has it ready today. But even more, we are spending additional millions of dollars to provide more and better facilities for your future needs. Next time save days and money. Port of HoustonAuthority P.O. Box 2562 Houston, Tx 77001 Phone: 713-225-0671 East CoastField Office: 60 East 42ndSt. NewYork, N.Y. 10165 Phone:212-867-2780 Port of Houston Magazine ttt~ -,.~a ~n transitto ~olivia aragua~l Serviceto A!ge1’a’ ~ ’L to P and~ntr anslto .... B ¯ , ,nitedKingd°m’ FCLILCLSer~ice to u Continent, Scandinavia and Baltic STRACHANThe tLl ~K "&SAY and New Worldwide S ’~ "I~4EBANKLINELI~I’IED Serviceto SouthA{ricanports iI -:i! Service to WestA~rica ~ {~ ~ ~a l~l ~iIL _vRgGco~O~Tlo~ _a ~eneral cargo ~:ul/car g°es,a~)u~,, ~b/ic oi china toShe peopms r,~v~ STRACHAN SH! PU Ship Agen 2180r HOL 71 nd general cargo £ull cargoes a .... ublic o{ china toThe peoPms ~,~w 42 Cable:’ OFFICES: Charleston,S.C. Savannah,Ga. Brunsw Pensacola,Fla Mobile, Ala. Pascagoula, Miss. NewC] NewYork, N.Y. Chicago,III. St. Louis, Mo.D Service to West and East Mediterranean and North African ports HOEGH’~ LIltS word,or .~r SERVICE Service to SingaporeInd .... ooe~,o ~J. UUl/and West Coast ’ ~l[ilset O.S.K.Lines ce C°ntainer and breakbulk service to Japan~FarEast via mini-land bridge Since 1886 I! g.-~~~ "~~ Persian andArlb~n FCLand LCLGulfs service to "~’2.’~ ~ il0!lalilel~erlands $leam~il Eoml~!l Service to Haiti Neth l(; C()M PANYOF TEXAS d Stevedores op West , Texas ~-3500 ~ACHAN" ’nmlcan Republic, Jama,ca, Bermuda ’ Gu’ayaadn°aS,surina m S,’-IN~’O KISF.~ (IJ. S. ~1.)CI1 ~- ~ ~’c~,~], Import(uSAis" /anan and~’;o~["~U]Omobiles fro bulk fertilizert~ .[XlJort(usA ~ ~ ~r~.., ~J~pan ;a. Jacksonville, Fla. Port Everglades,Fla. Miami, Fla. is, La. Beaumont,Texas Galveston, Texas Houston, Texas Texas Memphis, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. Greenville, S.C. 43 Gulf EuropeExpresshas addedtwo vessels, the INCOTRANS SPEED andthe CARAIBE, to its Houston-Europe weeklyservice. Eachship hasa capacityof 1,400TEU.Traditional maiden voyagehonorswerebestowed on the INCOTRANS SPEED andher masterrecently duringa jovial buffet dinneraboard.Shown, fromleft, are 2ndEngineerDenOtter; Henning W. Theobald, vice presidentof liner servicesfor Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., agentfor GEX; ChiefEngineer J.M.C.Franke;J.R. Curtis, director of port operations,Port of Houston Authority;CaptainG.J.A.vanAmersfoort; Jack vanHouten,owner’srepresentative for IntercontinentalTransport(ICT); andChief Officer K.G.J.M.vanOppen. GEX is a joint serviceof ICT and Compagnie GeneraleMaritime. Wl~er/ yott roove... 1. For fastest service attach OLD mailing label in space below. [f mailinglabel Jsnot available,print yourold company name andaddress in this box, HOUSTONg NEW ORLEANS TO: RIO DE JANEIRO ¯ SANTOS PARANAGUA BUENOSAIRES ¯ MONTEVIDEO OTHER PORTS ON INDUCEMENT 2. Print your NEW mailing addresshere Breakbulk, containers anddeeptanksavailable. Name General Agent UNITED STATESNAVIGATION,INC. (212) 269-6000 Title Company Guff Agent RIISE SHIPPING,INC. Address City OFFICE: 609FanninSt., Ste. 417 Houston, Texas 77002 PHONE:(71 3) 229-8671 TWX:(910)881-5029 CABLE: RIISE November 1981 OFFICE: 1 CanalPlace,$te 2208 NewOrleans,La. 70130 PHONE: (504) 581-5721 TWX:(810)951-5020 CABLE: RIISE _State 71p 3. Mailto: CirculationDept. Port of HoustonMagazine P.O. Box 2562 Houston,Texas77001 4. Please allow six weeks for change to takeeffect. 47 Safety prize nominations being taken Nominations are being accepted for the 1981 Rear Admiral Halert C. Shepheard Award for Achievement in Merchant Marine Safety. The award is given either for a single outstanding contribution to merchant marine safety, or for dedication to, and constructive participation in, activities associated with maritime safety over a period of time. Nominees may include individuals such as ship operators, naval architects and marine engineers, ship repairers, shipbuilders, and those associated with ship operations, government, or marine associations. The award was established by the American Institute of Merchant Ship- SPAN-CHI ping (AIMS) in 1976 in honor of the late Admiral Shepheard, who served in the United States Coast Guard as Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Safety, and who was internationally acclaimed for his work in the field. The award is administered by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). Nomination forms may be obtained by contacting: Rear Admiral Halert C. Shepheard Award, c/o Thomas J. Tucker, Committee Secretary, American Bureau of Shipping, 65 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006. The deadline for nominations is January 1, 1982. The award will be presented on April 20, 1982, at the ABS annual meeting in New York City. Santa Fe dividend IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Span-ChileS.A. is pleased to announce the appointment,effective October1st, 1981, of TTTShipAgencies Inc. as their GeneralAgentin the United States and Canada. TTTShip Agencies,Inc. maintainsoffices in majorU.S. ports andinland cities, andwill accept bookingsfor the Span-Chile independentfortnightly service between Houston, NewOrleans and Miami, to Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Valparaiso, and other Chilean ports on inducement. The board of directors of Santa Fe Industries, Inc., has declared a quarterly dividend on the company’s commonstock of 25 cents per share, payable December 1, 1981, to stockholders of record at the close of business November13, 1981. P&O Strath Services ¯......... ::::::::::::: ::::::::.::: :i~i:iiiiiii ............ iii!iii!i!~i iiiiiii~!i! iiiiiiiiiiii k:::::::::: ........ Thenext vesselsTTTwill representare the: Maria Francisca Voy. 2/81 Sailing: Houston11/26 Sailing: NewOrleans 11/29 Sailing: Miami 12/3 Maria Sailing: Sailing: Sailing: Ines Voy. 5/81 Houston11/11 NewOrleans 11/14 Miami 11/18 GeneralAgents: 71 Broadway NewYork, NewYork 10006 (212)-440-0168 (404)-952-1546 (312)-435-8600 (216)-333-8150 (214)-747-3107 (313)-559-5740 Miami (305)-371-4581 Houston Memphis NewOrleans St. Louis Savannah RETURNING VIA 48 ~iiii !iiiiiii EAST AFRICA &RED SEAPORTS iiiiiiii: (713)-225-5461 (901)-527-3369 (504)-529-2241 (314)-241-7303 (912)-233-7921 SubAgents: Chicago i!!iiiiiiii! R E D S EA, ARABIAN GULF PORTS ! TTTShipAgencies Inc. Atlanta Chicago Cleveland Dallas Detroit ...... Between U.S. iiiiiiiiiii! Atlantic & Gulf and iii!i~iii!!i Houston (713)-228-8661 NewOrleans (504)-524-0701 (312)-654-4704 Pittsburgh (412)-281-4080 i ROBERTS CORPORATION i:~:i:~:~:iTILSTON New Orleans (504)566-1723 Houston (713) 222-0251 Cleveland (216)333-8871 Chicago (312)565-0276 iiiii!!i!il ili!iii!i!i ii!~ii!~!ii Baltimore (301)685-1356 Philadelphia (215)925-3004 SanFrancisco (415)433-6955 (Beaufort Nay.,Inc.) !!!!i!iii!! !!!i!i iiiiiiiiiiii iii!~i!!~!!~ iiiiiiiii!ii iiiii!iii!!! iiiiiiiii!i i!i!i!i~i!i iiiiiii!iil iiiiiiiiiii Port of Houston Magazine A Pruitt Shipping Company, Inc., U.S. Gulf agents for Pakistan National Shipping Corporation, welcomedthe line’s chairman of the board to Houstonrecently with a luncheonat TheHoustonian.Pakistan National officials were touring U.S. Gulf andeast coast ports to promotethe line’s Karachi trade route. Theline has 26 newvessels on order, one of which hasbeendelivered. Pictured, fromleft, are W.H.Pruitt, presidentof Pruitt Shipping; BhombalA.W., chairmanof Pakistan National; W.D.Haden,II, Port of HoustonAuthority commissioner;and JosephBoroody, president of Dixie Stevedores,Inc. NORTON, LILLY & CO., INC. STEAMSHIP AGENTS 1121 WALKER STREET, SUITE 500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 CABLE VERNOTCH TELEX 774634 TWX910-881-3660 21 OFFICESTO SERVEYOU.............. HOUSTON ¯ NEW ORLEANS ¯ GALVESTON DALLAS ¯ MOBILE ¯ NEW YORK ¯ BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA ¯ SAVANNAH ¯ NORFOLK JACKSONVILLE ¯ CHICAGO ¯ CLEVELAND DETROIT ¯ SAN FRANCISCO ¯ LOS ANGELES LONG BEACH ¯ PORTLAND ¯ SEATTLE CRISTOBAL ¯ BALBOA TO BOOK YOUR CARGO DIAL .............. (713) 222-9601 REPRESENTING COMPANHIA DE NAVEGACAO LLOYDBRASILEIRO................................ BRAZIL COMPANHIA MARITIMA NACIONAL ...................................................... BRAZIL COMPANHIACHILENA DE NAVEGACION,INTEROCEANICA, S.A .............. CHILE TRANSPORTACIONMARITIME MEXICANA...... MEXICO, CENTRAL AMER., MED. BERMUDA CONTAINER LINE............................................................. BERMUDA CONCORDE LINE............................................................................. CARIBBEAN SHOWA LINELTD....................................................................... JAPAN, KOREA WESTWOOD SHIPPING LINES................................................................ EUROPE PRUDENTIAL LINE................................................................ MEDITERRANEAN PACE ..................................................................... AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND ANGONAVE .................................................................................. WEST AFRICA YANGMING MARINE LINE................................................................... FAR EAST SHIPPING CORPORATION OFINDIA.......................................................... INDIA AIRCONTACT ................................................................................ AIR SERVICE 1841 -- 140 YEARSOF SERVICE 1981 Labay/Summers Labay/Summers International, Inc. ¯ Ocean Freight Forwarders ¯ U.S. CustomhouseBrokers ¯ Export Crating & Packing ¯ Ocean Cargo Insurance 1314 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 52170 Houston, Texas 77052 Telephone:(713) 237-9431 Telex: 775642 TWX:910 881 2594 Cable: LABSUMSEA HOU November 1981 Labay/Summers Labay/Summers AIR FREIGHT Maritime Agency, Inc. ¯ Air Freight Forwarders ¯ U.S. CustomhouseBrokers ¯ Export Crating & Packing ¯ Air Cargo Insurance 3100Igloo Road P.O. Box 60627 Houston, Texas 77205 Telephone:(713) 443-0601 Telex: 775627 TWX;910 881 2597 Cable: LABSUMAIRHOU ¯ General Ship Agents ¯ Line Operators ¯ Chartering ¯ Cargo Brokers 1314 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 52249 Houston, Texas 77052 Telephone:(713) 237-9431 Telex: 775642 TWX:910 881 2594 Cable: LABSUMSEA HOU 49 lchem COMECJTO THE SOURCE FOR SERVICE/SUPPLIES IndustriaP and Commodity fumigation ,s our only business With the developmentof our servlceapphcat~onarm theJ-Ohemcircle~s complete Unt~lrecently theapplicahon of J Chemformulations were available only thru outside companies. Nowcometo the source for fast J-Ohemserwce w~th J-Chemformulat=ons equipment expertise OneCall for total service and supphes 24 Hours A Day I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~=’~ I ~ BROWNSVILLE TO PENSACOLA You’ve 6otJ-Chem Service andSupplies - 24Hours ADay! R Phostoxin MethylBromide Malathion andLiquid Fumigants DEGESCH / /’ [ / /, Welike oil industry cargo, all of it, parts, supplies, rigs, drills, motors to name some. Their shippers like us too. For very good reasons. Like the very special attention they get, and our regular, fast, dependable sailings to Brazil and other South American Ports. NACIONAL LINE General Agent 1841--140YEARS OFSERVICE--1981 NORTON, LILLY & CO., INC. tl-chem (713)923-9401 307 Millet - p.o. Box 5421 Houston, Texas 77012 1121WalkerStreet, Houston, TX77002 (713)222-9601 CHICAGO CLEVELAND 312-641-3555 216-696-4622 NEW ORLEANS MOBILE DETROIT 504-581-6215 205-433-1536 313-259-7600 Port of Houston Magazine ! \ "Thecamera doesn’tlie" is anold axiomthat is mostlybut not complete- smallcrewboat, waitingto beshippedthroughthe Port of Houston.The ly true. At least the observersometimes hasto look twice to detectthe ship in the background waslocatedconveniently for this photo. truth, as in the photoabove.Thatjaunty-looking little vesselis really a Southern Export 2221 Canada Dry Street Houston, Tx. 77023 November1981 Crating Co. Inc. Phone: 921-4407 Nites: 466-8745 51 Universal Telex Service We send/receive telex, cable and telegram for both international and domestic. For large and small businesses, over the counter, and companies who do not have their own machine. For Message Service Information Call 713-222-1004 713-222-1070 Open 24 hours Including Holidays & Weekends ~l Universal Telex Service World Trade Center 1520 Texas Ave., Suite 240 Atlanticargo provides the first and only ro/ro liner service between North Europe and US Gulf/Mexico. We also pioneered container traffic direct to Mexico. But being first is of course not an endin itself. Ro/ro offers newopportunities for this fast-growing trade. Cargo is rolled on board or ashore simply and efficiently. Cars and tractors by their own power, containers and out-of-gauge pieces on trailers. TEXAS STAR SHIPPING CO., INC. Steamship Agents Stevedores Charter Brokers Texas GulfPorts Houston Office: 506CottonExchange Bldg. (713) 228-4343 TWX910-881.1535 Corpus Christi OfAco: 521 Atlantic MobilBldg. (512) 884-7769 1310Prairie Ave.- Suite 825 Cotton ExchangeBldg. Houston, Texas 77002 SEA CableAdd."SEAGULF" Houston GULF MARITIME INC. --Serving All Texas Gulf Ports-Brownsville,CorpusChristi, Freeport, Galveston, Texas City, Port Arthur, Houston, Beaumont,and Orange TWX:910-881-6271 TLX:790-463 Phone(24 Hrs.) (713) 222-6760 The next time you have a transport problem, call us. Our job is always to present the most suitable solution. Nowand for the future. General Agents STRACHAN SHIPPING COMPANY Atlantic Cargo Division P.O. Box 52490 ¯ Houston, Texas 77052 Phone: 683-3516 52 TWX:910-881-5079 Port of Houston Magazine Hellenic AmericanAgencies,Inc. held an open houserecently celebrating the relocation of their office to 5005Mitchelldale Street. Thereception was well attended by Hellenic customers and associates.Pictured from left to right are: Edgar Montes,Hellenic sales representative; Michael G. Reaves,Hellenic regional sales manager;Armando S. Waterland, international sales manager, Port of HoustonAuthority; BarbaraAnderson,AllTransport; Dave Mikes, Brown & Root; W.D. Haden, II, commissioner, Port of Houston Authority; Pete Reixach, WestGulf Managerfor Hellenic; and Ernest Bezdek,assistant WestGulf manager. ~.~ PosT~ sl.v.:l l STATEMENTOF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT ANO CIRCULATION i m~~ ~1 u.s.c. J~4k~j 1. n’n.l o~II~IIJCA~0N J ~’Ue~:~T~CNt0 Z oArl or FLUNG Port Of Houston Magazine l ] ’ i i ! I 3.FIIlq~Ullh~’~’ 0, ISSUll i g *NNU~sulr~cmmr;oN *- NO.NuOI’ +ssU~|y m~JmusMto i ~mcl Monthly ~-.&~e(12) i. ~9~i i t i i I i o~to~ar t tree ¯ COMloUrflE ~IUAmG AOOII|I8 05KNOWN oF1mtcl Or IIMIILIC.AT~ON {Steer.Cay,C~*my. lime laezIP caee~~ ~fln~ P. O. BOX 2562, Houston, Harris County, Texas 7TOOl P. O. Box 2562, Houston, Harris County, Texas 7~001 & ~%N.cN*~I/*.oco~m.l-?l[ ~*IUN<~ *oo~$sor~.ulus.em, emTo..*NO~*N*GING ~olTo.r~..~ ~rus~ ~or~ ow,*~ Por~ of Houston Authority, P. O. Box 2562, ~ous~on, I Edward L. Horn, 9. O. Box 2562, Houstcn, Texas Texas 77001 77001 ~oz%e i Port of ~ouston Authorizy P. O. Box 2562, HousKon, Texas v7001 F "OTALAMCUNT CF BONDS ~C~TGAG~S ~ C~w(~S~CL~ITIES (if f~ ~m ,~~ ii~e~ SUD AMERICANA Express Freight DE VAPORES OR~C~DtNG Service From ORffCEDING ~X~NT~,NONA~Or Cll=CUl~rtON 5SUEOU~’NG~CEDING ? ’.’CNr~S HOUSTON¯ GALVESTON MOBILE ¯ NEW ORLEANS 15 , 800 AND OTHER PORTS AS CARGO OFFERS TO PANAMA ECUADOR ¯ BOLIVIA OneWorldTradeCenter, Suite 3861 NewYork 10048--Tel. (212) 432-2525 r i Gulf Agents KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY 2727 Allan Parkway, Suite 1500 Phone:(713) 521-9600 November 1981 SSUE OUBLISI-,eD ~,~m~sr T3 ;’L~GOATH l ’ ,, I c~ftl Ihat the states nI 16 , 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,650 16,090 15,650 16,090 !50 150 o o 15, ~I00 w*~S’O"~+"i-’~O.~ .,r~e~ o,eO,ro~ ,’ 16,240 . 53 24 HOUR 7 DAY SERVICE ALL PERSONNEL ARE EQUIPPEDWITH RADIOS FOR PROMPT SERVICE STEWARD, DECK AND ENGINE STORES * BONDED STORES REPAIR SERVICE * NAVIGATIONAL& SAFETY EQUIPMENT COMPUTERIZED OPERATIONS FOR EXTRA EFFICIENCY EXCLUSIVE REGISTERED AGENT FOR CASTROL MARINE LUBRICANTS AND SEASAFE TRANSPORT CONTAINER LASHING EQUIPMENT @ MEMBER OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONOF MARINESERVICES MEMBER OF INTERNATIONAL SHIP SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WHOLESALER DISTRIBUTORS THURMOND SUi)I)IX CIDII~INY, INC. THE COMPLETE SHIP CHANDLERY CABLE"THURMOND" P.O. BOX 45726, HOUSTON,TEXAS77045, TEL. 713-224-0008, TELEX 791-141 i P. O. Box 15273 m 1250 Boyles St. -- Houston, TX 77020 (713) 672-8396 Cable: ATGULTelex: 77-5539 GENERAL,HEAVYLIFTS, CONTAINERS & BULK CARGOES CRANE& HEAVYLIFT EQUIPMENT RENTALS Gulf Area’s Largest Stevedores A& PORTSOF SERVICE John W. McGrath Corporation New York & Albany Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores, Inc. Houston, Galveston, PortArthur,Beaumont, Freeport, TexasCity, Corpus Christi, LakeCharles,NewOrleans, Mobile,Baltimore,Philadelphia, Norfolk,Camden, Newport News,Portsmouth. Pacific Atlantic & Gulf StevedorgsInc. Columbia River and Puget Sound East Gulf Marine, Inc. All East Gulf Ports CAPT. CHARLES A. ALCORN Vice-President 54 CHARLESH. JACOBS AssistantSecretary Port of Houston Magazine FOR¯ Widestpossiblelisting of commercial, industrial, landandinvestmentproperties. ¯ Broadexposure throughsome350 member firms. ¯ Greatest early-sale potential. Listwitha mls Commercial Realtor Barclay Terhune(left) of Kuehne & Nagle, Inc. a Houston-based foreign freight forwarder, visited the Port Authority’s executiveoffices recently with Nazih Khattar, Naqeeb & Khattar Co. W.I.I. Mr. Khattar wasvisiting Houstonfrom Safat-Kuwait, wherethe companyhe represents is located. To Avoid Irregularity andBypass Foreign Intrigue we Prescribe... SEAWARD OCEANLINES SEAWARD OCEAN LINES, LIMITED 2100 Travis Street, Suite 1207, Houston, Texas 77002 713/759-1469 ¯ TWX 910-881-1570 Sales offices also in Houston, New Orleans, Chicago HOUSTON AGENTS - Coastal Marihrne Agency Inc. NEWORLEANS AGENTS - Coastal Maritime Agency Inc. CHICAGO AGENTS - Coastal Maridrae Agency Inc. NEWYORKAGENTS - Seaward Maril/me Agency Inc. November 1981 and New York 713/759-0497 504/522-0147 312/991-7200 212/466-9200 Houston Board of Realtors Commercial Multiple I Listing Service " n~ REALTOR I{ your cargo’s destination is North Africa, or Lebanon, and you are looking for regularity and dependability, look no h~her. Seaward Ocean Lines Limited is an experienced, aggressive, independent who can take the foreign intrigue (and delays) out of your shipping problems. You’ll like our dockside manner. Whether you are shipping pianos to Casablanca, drill bits to Benghazi or bottles to Beirut. Seaward wants to be your carrier. Sailings depart every 21 days t-rom Houston and New Orleans using modemvessels with lift capacity up to 120 tons. Seaward is your prescription tor headache-free shipments to Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt or Lebanon. Remember, we treat your cargo like it was ours. Seaward Ocean--just what the doctor ordered. 55 EXPRESS SERVICE GULF PORTS TO JAPAN DALTON STEAMSHIP CORPORATION HOUSTON¯ GALVESTON¯ BEAUMONT¯ DALLAS PORTARTHUR¯ NEWORLEANS ¯ MEMPHIS¯ MOBILE -C~E-D-Eb~-T-~r~E-R ’I T. SMITH & SON(TEXAS)INC. CONTRACTING STEVEDORES SERVING THE TEXAS COAST Houston¯ Galveston¯ Freeport ¯ TexasCity Beaumont¯ Port Arthur ¯ Orange 609Fannm Su,te 529Houston,Texas77002 (713) 222-6223 TWX 9!0 8816260 FFORSALE: 20’ & 40’ = I For EXPORTPACKINGpurposes we maintain in I Houston, in New Orleans and other cities an I inventory of used containers for sale: 8’ x 8’ x 20’ and 8’ x 8 1/2’ x 40’. All units in watertight, I I structurally sound condition: prices competitive; I your prior inspection welcome. Boxes spread out I for easy Inspection at our Barbour’s Cut yard. Most of our quotes include free Houston area delivery. I I Containerhouse 400 E. Main Street l.~aPo_.rte 775_.71Phone 713-471-930__4_ _ -. l I Southern Steamship Agency is determined to put your needsfirst. Measure our determination by the numberof offices we operate -- more than any other agency on the west Gulf. Call us first. We’venowgot our people in the Houston/ Galvestonarea to put you first. SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, INC. 1121 Walker Street, Ste. 1702 P.O. Box 53566 Houston, Texas 77002 713-227-1555 56 Corporate Headquarters: P.O. Box 2188, Mobile, AL 36652 TWX810-741-4262 PH 800/633-6758 November 1981 A delegation from West Germanyrepresenting the Ports of Bremen/Bremerhaven called onthe Port of Houston Authority recently to tour BarboursCut andgather information on CONICS, the computer system usedto control, track andrecordall containermovement at the terminal. Picturedfromleft seatedare Karl-OttoLechner,IBMGermany; Dr. GunterBotdt, Bremer Lagerhaus-Gesellschaft; Karl Willms,senatorfrom Germany. Standing fromleft are F.W.Colburn,director of administration, of the Port Authority; Armando Waterland, internationalsalesmanager of the Port Authority; BruceLyle, data processingmanager of the Port Authority;J.R. Curtis, directorof port operations of the Port Authority; HansPohl, Bremer Lagerhaus-Gesellschaft; HansWiedemann, ports promotiondirector, the Ports of Bremen/Bremerhaven; Fritz Spang,sales representative, IBM;andMichaelScorcio,community relationsdirector of the PortAuthority. USED OCEAN CARGO CONTAINERS i,1.1 O ,¢1: SHELTER SHED l O l I- CALL FOR FREE BROCHURE 20n (713) 671---0993 OR TOLL FREE (800) 227-3118 7875 MARKET STREET HOUSTON, TEXAS 77029 SAN FRANCISCO * LOS ANGELES * SEATTLE *, November 1981 HONOLULU’* 40’ NEW YORK 57 TRANSPORTATION DISTRIBUTION IS OUR I~BOUSE BROKERS CuS~O RoERS I:OREIGB I:REIGB~ FOR¢II~ Members: m-at~ociation Forwarders Ass no. &ComP~~1 ~" New o{ AmeriCa Orleans ,,2 cooo, ~,~:=~:~" ~°,o,3o ~e~epho~e ~ e ~ele~: 58-4286 ~.~ ~4ouS*On~ex t4ouStOn Bid& Suite’" "’ 4 8101 60g Formin ’713) 22 ¯eleph°ne ~ B4 l"eleX: ~7 " 5606 I"WX 9~0~ 57 BUSINESS 77002 Serving of the services the Transportation Industry Southwest by professional and modern Ideas since 1976. Mobile Box2242 /q, obdeA)a. 36601 ,~e~ephone/205~ 433-84"" FMC NO. 597 TRANS.MARINE, INC, PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS "A FULLSERVICE AGENCY, ALLPOSITIONS - FEEPAID" POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN ALLPHASES OF: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ TRANSPORTATION: INT’L DOMESTIC STEAMSHIP: LINER/AGENCY CHARTERING: DRY CARGO/TANKERS INT’L FREIGHT FORWARDERS EXPORTERS/IMPORTERS OIL 8, GAS PETROCHEMICAL EXPLORATION: GEOLOGISTS/ GEOPHYSICISTS/LANDMEN ENGINEERS: STRUCTURAL~PROJECT PROJECT8, CONSTRUCTION: DOMESTIC/INT’L SALES: MARINE/OIL g GAS/MUD & CHEMICAL PROGRAM ANALYSTS BUYERS: STORE STOCK/PROJECT PURCHASING MATERIAL FORECASTERS PROJECTMATERIALS SPECIALISTS FINANCE SECRETARIES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS WORD PROCESSING TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING SERVICES ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ DamagePrevention Distribution Analysis Ex/Import Analysis Security Analysis Site Locations Analysis TRANSPORTATION PERSONNEL SERVICES POsitions Open In: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Distribution International Traffic Maritime Rates Traffic FoR INFORMATION CALL SHIDELER & ASSOCIATES Personnel Consultants 13101 Northwest Freeway Suite 315 Houston, Tx. 77040 Phone: 460-9440 58 Port of Houston Magazine