august 2000
august 2000
Volume 5.2 August 2000 a connection, tie or link between individuals or a group. CAPLA GENERAL MEETING Will be held: Sept. 19, 2000 at The 400 Club 710 - 4th Avenue S.W. Dinner 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. See Registration Form on Page 27 Guest Speaker: Dr. Sonia Herasymowych Topic: Fast, Smart & in Control Deadline for next CAPLA NEXUS: September 8, 2000 IN THIS EDITION.... PanCanadian’s Fee Title Lands . . . . . . . . .2 MESSAGE FROM... Candace Bakay, Conference Chair CAPLA's third biannual conference “CAPLA 2000 & Beyond” was held at the Calgary Convention Centre June 22-23 and extended to various venues for Saturday events held on June 24th. The Conference educational series included information pertaining to Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia as well as Public Lands (Federal), Yukon and North West Territories. The Conference Committee was committed to provide delegates with up-to-date information on all of the Canadian frontiers. The caliber of the conference and the volunteers was praised by our speakers. In addition to government-related courses, we had many outstanding instructors present a variety of topics. This was the first year we held a course off-site, and the SAIT Production Tour was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Our instructors turned out to be both informative and entertaining, as was evident to anyone outside the classrooms listening to the laughter spill into the reception area. CAPLA Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Getting to Know Geographic Information System (GIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Tearing Down Some Old Barriers . . . . . . . .7 Premier’s Award of Excellence for 2000 . .8 Internationally renowned speaker Darsell Karringten dazzled us with his presentation "Ignorance is not Bliss" on Thursday, and then pushed past all of our expectations with "Workplace 2000 Tools for Success" on Friday. I know many of us left the luncheons completely rejuvenated and ready to take on the world! Welcome to the IOGC Corner . . . . . . . . . .9 CAPLA Board Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 CAPLA 2000 Board of Directors . . . . . . .11 2000 & Beyond Committee Highlights . .12 “KUDOS” for CAPLA 2000 & Beyond . . .15 You Wanted to Know! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Committee Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Speaker’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Upcoming CAPLA Seminars . . . . . . . . . .28 Upcoming CAPL Courses . . . . . . . . . . . .30 New CAPLA Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Member Info Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 As our organization is fairly young, we chose to promote our objectives and accomplishments, and gain support from our management, through interaction and networking. Corporate management and landmen were invited to join us during our luncheons for a view of CAPLA's conference. Many positive responses relating to our professionalism and educational focus have been received. For those members who could not make it to the conference, we are offering copies of all presentations for a fee of $20/session. If you would like to obtain any of these notes, please contact Linda Westbury @ 260-1836. This year we filled 18 booths in the Exhibitor Hall. We had representatives from Alberta and British Columbia Governments, Indian Oil & Gas, SAIT, Mount Royal and Olds College, to name a few. Response from exhibitors was extremely favorable, with a number of companies enthusiastic to return in 2002. CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 Sponsors for this year's conference are too numerous to list, but I wish to thank each and every one of them for their contribution towards making the 2000 Conference the success it was. A listing of all sponsors will be located in the Conference section of the CAPLA website @ in the near future. revisit old ones. Time and hard work were rewarded with the opportunity to build new relationships, to enhance personal development and, most of all, the enjoyment and personal satisfaction for a job well done. CAPLA's next conference will be May 30 to June 1, 2002 at the Round-up Centre, Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Grounds. I look forward to seeing you all there! I would like to thank the Committee Chairs and volunteers for their dedication and commitment in providing delegates the opportunity to expand upon their knowledge, to meet new acquaintances and to PANCANADIAN'S FEE TITLE LANDS PanCanadian Petroleum Limited holds fee title to 10.8 million gross acres of mineral rights - 9.5 million in Alberta, one million in Saskatchewan, and 300,000 in Manitoba. The story of these fee lands goes back more than a century to the creation of the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is the story of Western Canada and of our industry. The following article, reprinted with a little editing from our July 1990 company newsletter, is a short history of our fee lands. Vicki Perkins, PanCanadian Petroleum Limited Under the terms of British Columbia's admission to Confederation in 1871, the Dominion Government committed to complete a transcontinental railway within ten years from the date of the union. Progress was slow and little was done to keep the promise to B.C. When Sir John A. Macdonald returned to power in 1878, he realized that action must be taken to prevent a threatened secession of B.C. from Confederation. He persuaded George Stephen, President of the Bank of Montreal, to form a syndicate to take over the completion and operation of the Canadian Pacific Railway, although this was considered a very risky venture. An Act of Parliament ratifying the contract was passed on February 15, 1881, whereby Canadian Pacific undertook to complete the transcontinental railway by May 1, 1891 and to "thereafter and forever efficiently maintain, work and run the Canadian Pacific Railway". (Incidentally, the railroad was completed five years ahead of the contract date.) In consideration, the government agreed to grant the Company $25 million in cash, 25 million acres of Crown land in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories (now Alberta and Saskatchewan), and the lines already constructed or under contract, totalling 713 miles, together with certain customs and tax concessions. At this time, Canada was little more than a geographical expression, and the population west of the Great Lakes did not exceed 170,000. To encourage settlement, the government also made similar deals with other companies for shorter local railways, with subsidies of land adjacent to the proposed rights-of-way, usually 640 acres per mile. Some of these companies eventually became part of the Canadian Pacific system. A pattern was established for selection of the CPR's lands - all odd-numbered sections (except sections 11 and 29, reserved for schools) in a belt 24 miles wide on both sides of the right-of-way. These lands, once settled, were expected to provide traffic for the line so the Company had the right to reject lands that were not "fairly fit for settlement". The lands between Swift Current and Calgary were rejected, as average rainfall in the area was considered insufficient for growing crops without irrigation. Consequently, some land allocations were made in areas considerably removed from the route. The acreage evaluation and selection was a big job, and the land grant was not completed until 1903 when the Irrigation Block in southern Alberta was selected. 2 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 In the early days when Canadian Pacific sold lands to settlers, they sold all rights with the surface, making no reservation of mineral rights. Consequently, most of PanCanadian's mineral rights are located in Alberta - the last province to be overtaken by the westward push of settlers. As the CPR was a major consumer of coal and coal was known to exist beneath Railway lands, it soon began to reserve coal rights. Later this was extended to "Coal and Valuable Stone" and, around 1905, to "Coal, Petroleum and Valuable Stone". It wasn't until Canadian Pacific formed the Department of Natural Resources in 1912 that the reservation was extended to "all Mines and Minerals". The first important hydrocarbon activity on CPR lands began with the Coste Agreement. Eugene Coste, a geologist from Montreal, entered into a contract in the early 1900s to explore the CPR's lands for oil in Alberta's first major exploration venture. His first big discovery was the Bow Island gas field, discovered by the "Old Glory" well in 1909. In 1911, he formed the company now known as Canadian Western Natural Gas Company Limited. It built pipelines to Calgary and Lethbridge, and communities enroute, which were completed in 1912. Gas deliveries to consumers in southern Alberta began soon after. The next big oil industry event was the discovery, with the drilling of the Dingman well in 1914, of the Turner Valley field, which brought an increased interest in CPR mineral rights. Ten years later, Royalite #4 at Turner Valley was drilled on CPR coal and petroleum land, discovering a deeper and more productive naphtha-rich gas formation and bringing new life to the field. The discovery of the Leduc field in February of 1947 kicked off the modern oil industry. A legal case - the Borys case - arose out of Leduc activity and established two important principles that are still fundamental to our business. First, it confirmed that the "rule of capture" applies in Canada, subject to conservation laws and regulations. This rule provides that "those who make the recovery become owners of the material which they withdraw from any well which is situated on their property or from which they have the authority to draw". Thus the rule of capture gives ownership of hydrocarbons to the producer, "although it may be proved that part of such oil and gas migrated from adjoining lands". The second principle involved the legal definition of "petroleum". Mr. Borys owned fee simple lands acquired from the CPR, on which the CPR had reserved "all coal, petroleum, and valuable stone". In 1949, the CPR leased the petroleum to Imperial Oil and they began drilling. Mr. Borys sought an injunction to restrain Imperial from interfering with or disposing of his natural gas. The other parties claimed that the petroleum lease included all natural gas. The case made its way through the court system and the Privy Council ruled that the reservation of petroleum included all hydrocarbons in a liquid state in the reservoir. The fact that these liquids change state, due to pressure and temperature changes when brought to the surface, does not affect the ownership of the substance. Accordingly, the titles to PanCanadian's petroleum fee lands only include natural gas if it is in a liquid state in the reservoir. The CPR's grant lands were transferred to Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas Limited when it was incorporated in 1958 to develop mineral rights owned by the Railway Company. In 1971, CPOG became PanCanadian. As you can see, Canadian Pacific played an important role in the development of Western Canada and the Canadian oil and gas industry. 3 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 CAPLA UPDATES CAPLA ROSTER - Is your information correct? This edition of NEXUS includes a Roster Information Verification form addressed individually to each CAPLA member. The form displays your current information and is used for data verification. If you wish your information to be accurately reflected in the Roster, please review the information, make the required changes and return this form to the CAPLA Office. The response deadline is Friday, September 8th, 2000. Responses received in the CAPLA Office after this date will not be reflected in the 2001 Roster. If you did not receive this form with your NEXUS, please call (571-0640) or email the Office ([email protected]) to request a copy. The 2001 Roster will be distributed with the October NEXUS. NEW WEBSITE and NEW EMAIL - Jot them down! Website: Email: [email protected] Many of the calls received by the CAPLA Office are requests for general information about CAPLA, its forms, events, and publications. Please check our website, which contains a wealth of information that is designed to save you time. CAPLA NOW ACCEPTS VISA AND AMERICAN EXPRESS CAPLA is pleased to offer the convenience of VISA and Amex. The following information is required when using a credit card: Card Holder Name Card Number Expiry Date Signature of Card Holder As a signature is required, CAPLA cannot accept faxed or emailed registrations or requests. The procedures for registration (dinner/education) and purchases are still in place, the above is additional information that will be required on the form. All transactions over $100.00 will be verified with the credit company prior to processing. Forms received by email or fax will not be processed and will be returned to the requester. See CAPLA's website for more details. FALL EDUCATION KICK-OFF - School's In! If there are courses from CAPLA's list of fall seminars that you are considering taking, register early to avoid disappointment. Visit CAPLA's website for new courses not listed in the 2000 Course Calendar (3rd Party Surface Agreements and BC Mineral Regulations & Administration). Surf regularly - new courses will be announced here first! 4 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2000 HERITAGE PARK - S.S. MOYIE PADDLEWHEELER 5:00pm to 9:30pm Tickets are $25.00 each We will board the S.S. Moyie, leaving dock at 6:00pm sharp, to take a networking cocktail cruise. True, we are not dealing with the high seas . . . but nonetheless we will be delighted by the exciting and unique experience aboard as the sternwheeler gently cruises the picturesque shores of Glenmore Reservoir. FOR TICKETS PLEASE CONTACT: GLENN MILLER at 215-8653 OR DEANA LEE at 261-7316 The S.S. Moyie brings the elegance and charm so typical of her era. The original S.S. Moyie carried mail, heavy cargo and some passengers on British Columbia's Kootenay Lakes until 1957. Heritage Park's scaled-down sternwheeler was named in honour of the last of the operating sternwheelers. 5 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 GETTING TO KNOW GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) (material taken from ESRI Inc.) What is GIS? GIS is built upon knowledge from geography, cartography, computer science and mathematics. GIS is a toolbox to capture, store, retrieve, analyze, and display spatial data. GIS applications may be web-based and include land registration, utilities, forestry, environmental planning and demography. Almost all human activity and natural phenomena are spatially distributed, and can be studied using a GIS. How does GIS work? A GIS stores information about the world as a collection of thematic layers that can be linked together by geography. This simple but extremely powerful and versatile concept has proven invaluable for solving many real-world problems from tracking delivery vehicles, to recording details of planning applications and modeling global atmospheric circulation. A working GIS integrates five key components: hardware, software, data, people and methods. A GIS can use many different database tables directly or through ODBC like Access, Oracle, or SAP technology. When was GIS started? The first recognized GIS was developed in Canada for the Canadian Federal Government in the 1960s and was known as the Canada Geographic Information System. How can GIS help you? Many computer programs, such as spreadsheets, statistics packages or drafting packages can handle simple geographic or spatial data but do not permit any spatial operations on the data. They can answer non-spatial queries such as "How many ABC stores in the city?" but can't answer spatial queries such as "How many ABC stores are within a 2 km radius of the nearest competitor store in the city?". Other questions like "What is at this road intersection?" (location), "Where is an unforested section of land at least 2000 meters in size?" (condition), "What has changed since last year within 100 meters of the river?" (trends), "Is cancer a major cause of death among residents near a nuclear power station?" (patterns), and " What if a new road is added to the network?" (modelling) can only be answered with a GIS since these queries are all based on geographical data. This ability to analyse data using this technology is applicable across all PriceWaterhouseCoopers lines of services. Industry and government agencies continue to struggle for effective and efficient means to distribute, publish, and interact with their spatial data. With the arrival of the information age, many new data exchange technologies are emerging utilising the World Wide Web within a GIS. This allows for global distribution of corporate data, which was previously unavailable to most users. Based on user selected criteria, spatial and attribute data can be gathered for dynamic publication to a web browser. This could greatly reduce lag-time inherent in preparing, bundling and shipping of hard copy information. Where to find more info about GIS and GIS solutions? Article submited by Annick A. Vachon, who works at PriceWaterhouseCoopers 6 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 TEARING DOWN SOME OLD BARRIERS processes and proposed alternatives." These objectives were used to test specific proposals when issues arose in our discussions, with changes often made after someone asked how a proposal was consistent with the "risk-reward test". The objectives were also used to provide a context for our work in our communications with industry over the project. (This article was originally printed in the Petroleum Explorer Quarterly Magazine, March 2000 edition. It is reprinted here with the permission of Nickle’s Energy Group, so that our readers can be familiar with this issue and possible developments related to it.) Over the last four and a half years, Alberta Resource Development (formerly Alberta Energy), the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), the Small Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (SEPAC), the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen (CAPL) and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Land Administration (CAPLA) have been working together to update the Alberta land tenure regime. One other decision was made at the first meeting that was a major factor in the creation of the spirit of collaboration that characterized the project. We agreed that the participants would freely share their personal observations in our discussions, regardless of the hat that they were nominally wearing. The impact of this approach on the level of trust was apparent when the department was willing to share some of the internal debates on proposals in only the second meeting. This willingness of the participants to share their personal opinions created a results focus that often allowed us to improve proposals significantly at our meetings. This work resulted in many changes in the department's administrative practices and policies, as well as major regulatory changes in 1997 and in January 2000. Taken as a whole, the changes are of significant mutual benefit to government and industry, largely because of the enhanced understanding of our respective processes and business needs. There were many lessons taken from the process that will provide a framework for our future work on mineral tenure projects. We hope that the Joint Alberta Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Review Project will also be the template for many other projects between regulators and industry, so that others may discover the gains that can be made by tearing down the historic barriers that have separated us. As Jim Moore, President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen, noted, "Many positive changes were made by working in partnership with the department on this project, and we intend to build on this relationship as we work together on future projects. We hope that similar mutual benefits can be obtained by using this approach in other industry projects with regulators." Those of us who had the opportunity to participate directly in the project are very pleased with those outcomes. The most far-reaching impact of the project, though, is the breakthrough in the relationship between the department and industry regarding mineral tenure. Early in the project, we developed a mutual desire to work together on an ongoing basis to build joint solutions to common problems. As Dr. Steve West, Minister of Resource Development, observed, "Working with stakeholders to develop strategies together has proven to be a very successful tool for building trust, consensus and partnership from the very first stages of a project." From a personal perspective, we consider ourselves fortunate to have been involved in this project - for the business results we achieved, for the collaborative environment that has been created and for the ongoing friendships that have been made. While we didn't realize it at the time, the foundation for the success of the project was created at the first meeting, when the participants jointly established the philosophy, objectives and principles that were to govern us over the entire process. (Paul Batke is Project Leader for Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Review, Alberta Resource Development. Jim MacLean is Manager, Land of Chevron Canada Resources.) The objectives were to "ensure that industry receives an appropriate reward and recognition for risks taken, ensure government optimization of economic rent (i.e., bonuses, fees, rentals, royalties) and establish and maintain an open two-way dialogue on existing Jim MacLean and Paul Batke 7 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 PREMIER'S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR 2000 On June 19, 2000 the P&NG Tenure Review Project received the Bronze Award at the 2000 Premier's Award of Excellence ceremonies in Edmonton. This award was presented to the P&NG Tenure Committee for their contribution in delivering a more streamlined way of doing business and developing new processes to update the Alberta land tenure regime. Since September 1995, CAPLA has been working together with Alberta Resource Development. Their work to date has resulted in changes to administrative practices and policies, as well as major regulatory changes in 1997 and also in January 2000. We would like to congratulate the following individuals for their dedication and commitment to this committee. Paul Batke David Coombs Jim MacLean Brenda Allbright Leo Boisvert George Green Lynn Gregory Eugene Saldanha Ted Weryshko Linda Westbury Raksha Acharya Linda Bigelow Kerrie Bordeleau Claudia Edney Rita Fraser Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Chevron Canada Resources Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Imperial Oil Resources Anderson Exploration Ltd. Alberta Resource Development Imperial Oil Resources Canadian Hunter Exploration Ltd. Alberta Resource Development Canadian Natural Resources Limited Canadian Natural Resources Limited Alberta Resource Development Petro-Canada Oil and Gas Laurie Gitzel Dianne Johnston Kerry-Lynne Kryvenchuk Diana Lee Grace Matias Audrey Murray Carol Ng Barb Nielsen Brenda Ponde Tom Ross Joanne Stansky Jeannie Suffern Sharon Tsang Debbie Zushman Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Independent Petro-Canada Oil and Gas Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Burlington Resources Alberta Resource Development Alberta Resource Development Pogo Canada Ltd. Linda Westbury, Director of Standardization Premier Ralph Klein with members of the P&NG Tenure Committee 8 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 WELCOME TO THE IOGC CORNER NEW SURFACE LEASE AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY AGREEMENTS The following information will be of particular interest to those oil and gas companies which have or intend to secure surface leases and rights-of-way on Indian lands. In an effort to expedite completed surface lease and right-of-way documents to lessees working on Indian lands, Indian Oil and Gas Canada (IOGC) has developed new surface access approval procedures and associated documents. The main highlight of the new document is that the application information and lease contract have been combined into one instrument. Rather than issuing a written approval followed by the lease documentation some time after, the approval of surface access for surface leases or rights-of-way will be granted when the lease agreements are executed. Land administrators who presently work with IOGC surface documents know the administrative complications when the access approvals arrive considerably sooner than the actual surface lease contracts or right-of-way agreements. Under this new system, land administrators will have information in their land systems which reflects the current surface activities on Indian lands. Implementation of this new process will involve some significant amendments to the existing approval process. A two step approval procedure has been developed to ensure the information requirements under the Indian Oil and Gas Canada (1995) Regulations are satisfied prior to execution of the document. During the first phase of the new approval process, IOGC will review preliminary information which is to be submitted by the applicant. After the information submitted in phase one has been verified by IOGC Surface Land, they will notify the applicant; notification will be via fax and will include all environmental conditions which will become part of the agreement. The second stage of the approval process provides opportunity for the applicant to review the environmental conditions associated with the proposed project. If the applicant concurs with the information in the agreement, they then seek approval of Chief and Council. Once the applicant and Chief and Council have signed the agreement, it is submitted to IOGC for final execution. The issuance of the surface lease or right-of-way agreement is the applicant's approval to begin construction of their project. For those applicants seeking approval of surface leases and rights-of-way on the White Bear, Horse Lake, Blood, Siksika, Hay Lake and Amber River Indian Reserves, the process is somewhat different. The management of oil and gas resources on the above Indian lands are being jointly administered by each respective First Nation and IOGC. The applicant will be required to submit all information to both the First Nation and IOGC where it will be jointly reviewed and approved. Detailed instructions have been included with the new forms which have been mailed to all current lessees working on Indian lands. If all information received is satisfactory, IOGC will maintain its service standard of approving a surface lease within 12 working days. Visit IOGC’s website at David Blain, Indian Oil and Gas Canada 9 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 CAPLA BOARD HIGHLIGHTS At recent meetings, the Board of Directors handled the following items of business: •a proposal presented by Andrea Zambo, Conference Facilities Chair, recommending that the 2002 CAPLA Conference be held at the Round-Up Centre was approved; •it was agreed to improve CAPLA's ability to send and receive high volumes of email by investing in a dedicated mail server; •a letter of support was given to GasEDI, a group made up of representatives of numerous companies which is recommending that the Province of Alberta enact legislation that will clarify that a contract in electronic form is enforceable; •it was agreed to start accepting Visa and American Express; and •Anne Hand, Director of the Information Systems, advised that her committee is investigating the feasibility of adding a "Members Only" feature to the CAPLA website in order to provide members with secure access to on-line information and services. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding these items, or any other CAPLA business matters, please contact any member of the Board of Directors, or Delona K. Butcher, Secretary, at 234-5393. 10 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 CAPLA 2000 Board of Directors Back row: Melanie Storey, Treasurer; Lori Landry, Director of Communication; Linda Westbury, Director of Standardization Middle row: Delona Butcher, Secretary; Anne Hand, Director of Information Services; Lisa Regan, Vice-President Front row: Lisa Stein, Director of Events; Verna Moodie, President; Penny Robins, Director of Member Services Audrey Atkins, Director of Education CAPLA GENERAL MEETING Will be held: Sept. 19, 2000 at The 400 Club 710 - 4th Avenue S.W. Dinner 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. See Registration Form on Page 26 Guest Speaker: Dr. Sonia Herasymowych Topic: Fast, Smart & in Control Deadline for next CAPLA NEXUS: September 8, 2000 11 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 2000 & BEYOND Committee Highlights gone! There were 700 registrants at the conference and close to 500 attendees at the luncheons each day. The Committee worked hard as a team to be ready for the conference, and had lots of fun doing it! MARKETING COMMITTEE The Marketing Committee had tremendous results with exhibitors raising over $60,000 in sponsorship opportunities. In addition to the funds raised, we were also able to secure hundreds of dollars in donations towards prizes for the conference and Saturday social events. In all it was a wonderful experience and I encourage anyone who has some spare time to get involved in volunteering for the next conference. I would like to thank the volunteers of the committee who helped with their time, ideas and encouraging words. It is a great feeling to belong to an organization that offers such support to each other! This was accomplished during a period which saw big competition from other industry conferences, namely the World Petroleum Congress and the National Petroleum Show. During this time there was also a continued focus by our companies on cost reductions, resulting in industry cutbacks. Sandy Rogers, Registration Chair EDUCATION COMMITTEE The 24 Educational Sessions at the 2000 & Beyond Conference were attended by over 700 registrants. The focus on this year's conference was Government Regulations. Our membership had the opportunity to review the most current P&NG Regulations including: • B.C. - presented by Peg Fitzgerald • Alberta - presented by Brenda Allbright and Leo Boisvert • Saskatchewan - presented by Ron Pelletier • Yukon - presented by Brian Love • N.W.T. - presented by Mimi Fortier • Public Lands - presented by Dominic Pantalone. The sessions were very well attended and registrants will now have valuable information to refer back to. Since the conference, feedback has been received from sponsors and exhibitors indicating their level of commitment to CAPLA, with their wish to be involved in future conferences and events. Many valuable precedents have been set by the committee for future use by CAPLA volunteers. I would like to thank each individual involved on the Marketing Committee for their hard work and dedication to making 2000 & Beyond the overwhelming success that it was. Shona MacDonald, Marketing Chair The Production Tour at SAIT was a smashing success! Registration was sold out with over 40 attendees each day. Al McCue and his very organized coordinator Kathy Trofin transported the registrants to SAIT, through the Wellsite Production Education Centre, and had all of them back to the Telus Convention Centre for lunch! FACILITIES COMMITTEE The committee enjoyed another successful conference! Thank you to all committee members who worked so hard. Attendance at both luncheons exceeded 1998 conference numbers. The Closing Reception was popular with members and proved to be another favorite. CAPLA Conference 2002 will be exciting, as it takes place at the newly renovated Round Up Center. I am very enthusiastic about the planning phase and hope that I once again have the opportunity to be Chair for this committee. Our "soft topic" sessions included: • Interpersonal Skills hosted by the very knowledgeable and entertaining Brian Storey and David Bradley; • No Need To Go Home From Work Exhausted - Get Re-Energized presented by Jane Grant where registrants were even supplied with their reenergized bottled water; and • Making the Jump From Land Administration To Andrea Zambo, Facilities Chair REGISTRATION COMMITTEE From registration forms being sent out to the registration signup, another conference has come and 12 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 EVENTS COMMITTEE Golf Tournament The day started out rainy but turned out to be mostly sunny. Given the gloomy weather the turnout was great at Woodside Greens in Airdrie, where 122 of 132 registered golfers showed up. The purpose of the tournament was to get CAPLA members, their friends, spouses and co-workers out to meet each other and have fun golfing. The tournament was played as "best ball" format, so I'm certain that all levels of golfers had a lot of fun! Landman presented by Lynn Dyson was also a popular, well attended session. We presented a variety of surface sessions this year for our membership including: • Surface Issues: What To Do When Things Go Wrong presented by Ron Vermuelen, Deryl Hurl and Jim Taylor, who held a panel discussion, which was very informative and also entertaining; • Freehold Leases: Negotiating the Landmines presented by Diedre Macht; and • Land Sale To Reclamation: Timeline of a Well presented by Lynne Schellenberg. Cindy Scheck, Events Committee The mineral and contract sessions were popular and included: • Inter-Company Dynamics of Acquisitions & Divestments presented by Laurel Payten; • The PanCanadian Lease presented by Bob Glass; • Partnerships From A Land Perspective presented by Denis McGrath, • Freehold Mineral Tax presented by Audrey Murray; • Evolving Skill Sets: The Implications of CAPL Farmout & Royalty Procedure and the CAPLA Property Transfer Procedure presented by Jim MacLean; and • Current Issues in Unitization presented by John Stayura. Murder Mystery Dinner One hundred and thirty of CAPLA's finest detectives saddled up and high-tailed it to Gunn's Dairy Barn at Heritage Park for the Murder Mystery Dinner. The rustic barn was the perfect setting for an evening on interactive dinner theater, inspired by actual events from Calgary's oil and gas history. Fortunately, all of the guests escaped with their lives (despite an "explosion" in the ladies powder room)! The home style cooking and old-fashioned hospitality was enjoyed by everyone. Special thanks to the sponsors for helping us have a great time in the Old West! Registrants learned the latest in industry trends at the "technological" sessions: • E-Business: Scorecard for the Energy Industry presented by George Forster; and • Searching on Alberta Crown Lands Using the ETS/LSAS Systems presented by Dianne Johnston and Susan Haselgruber. Lisa Stein, Events Chair Another big highlight of the conference was Darsell Karringten, the luncheon speaker. His address both days was not only dynamic but also entertaining. Darsell's encouraging words, empowering messages and infectious personality gave everyone an insight into what it will take to achieve success in our lives and build relationships in our constantly changing industry. Wine Tasting and Dinner The Northern Forest Lodge at the Calgary Zoo was a perfect venue to hold the Wine Tasting. Guests were invited to stroll on the patio and around the building, while sipping wine, viewing the frolicing otters and snacking on hors-d'oeuvres. The high-beamed ceiling, big windows and greenery created a breezy, bright atmosphere. During dinner the wine expert provided stories, details and comments about the featured wines, and wine tasting in general. It was an informative and thirst-quenching evening! Linda Westbury, Education Chair Linda Lou Rung, Events Committee 13 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 MEMBER SERVICES COMMITTEE Success for Conference 2000! An incredible amount of work goes into creating and delivering a conference, with much of the work going on behind the scenes. Thank you to all of our hard working volunteers. delegate or a conference committee member these past two days, provides great personal growth and increased value to our companies. Thank you to all the employers who support their staff attending and allowing many to volunteer their time and talent in the organization of this conference. Employers’ support of our association contributed greatly to the conference’s success. Member Services was pleased to support the 2000 Conference by offering our services in design, set-up and maintenance of the CAPLA booth. With this in mind, I wish to thank the committee individuals who put in long hours in supporting Conference 2000 Sandra Forsythe, Matilda Machado, Marianne McKay and Cher Pickett! Thank you - the booth was successful because of your efforts. Exhibitors play a vital role in the success of our conference and we hope your investment of time and money has provided you with a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products and services. We appreciate the opportunity to speak with staff members from the various government agencies, sharing challenges and ideas. I also want to thank the delegates who stopped and visited the CAPLA booth. It was great to hear your comments, chat with you about CAPLA and place names to faces. A special thanks to sponsors for their contribution to education sessions, luncheon and special events. Your investment is key to the quality of our conference. If you enjoyed attending this conference and have suggestions, please do one of the following: email CAPLA, or sign up to volunteer for Conference 2002! Our email address is [email protected]. We all waited with great anticipation for Conference 2000. We leave here today with a better understanding of ourselves and a heightened awareness of regulations, technology, various industry agreements and operations issues. Penny Robins, Director of Member Services As a member of CAPLA, I want to personally thank each and every volunteer who made this 2-day event possible. Your combined time, talents and energy have delivered another top-notch conference to the CAPLA membership. I applaud you for seizing a personal growth opportunity while serving your fellow members. I would also like to thank the Member Services committee members for the very professional presentation of our CAPLA booth and the assistance they and the Board of Directors provided to members answering questions about CAPLA or the conference. The CAPLA promotional items were a big hit this year! CLOSING RECEPTION CAPLA members, session presenters, conference committee members, exhibitors, sponsors and honored guests! Our industry is very dependent on establishing and maintaining relationships whether it be with government agencies, partners, communities, goods and service suppliers or investors. It is also very important for each of us to develop and maintain professional relationships for the purpose of administering and managing oil and gas assets through their life cycle. This conference not only provides an opportunity to build our knowledge but also a forum for establishing and renewing acquaintance with our peers. We hope to see you all at our next conference to be held May 30 - June 1, 2002. Thank you for attending and have a great summer! Address given by Verna Moodie, President The investment we have all made in ourselves, as a 14 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 "KUDOS" for CAPLA 2000 & Beyond!!! Thanks very much for inviting me to participate. The "wolves" have a home on top of our curio case at home. It's safe to say that I will always have a particularly special reason to remember the momento. Thanks for your hard work (Debra Corbin, session coordinator). You were so conscientious, when it must have sometimes looked like I wouldn't have presentation materials in advance of your deadlines. I was very impressed with the high degree of organization and quality of the sessions. All of our folks who went really enjoyed the conference. Jim MacLean, presenter I just wanted to thank you (Jim MacLean) for all your hard work and participation in the conference. I've heard only positive comments about how well the conference was organized, the exceptional quality of speakers and the information content of the various sessions. Thanks again for making my job so easy. Great job on a great session! Debra Corbin, session coordinator I was fortunate enough to attend yesterday's conference, which I thought was extremely well organized. I really enjoyed the sponsors. I felt I got value for my money and wish to congratulate all those involved in the organization of CAPLA 2000 & Beyond. It takes a tremendous amount of work and dedication! Lorraine Grant, registrant Congratulations to you (Shona MacDonald, Marketing Chair) and your fellow Chairs on a very successful conference! I was impressed by the quality of the speakers, the professional manner in which it was conducted and the value it offered the membership. You should all be proud of a job well done! Please pass on my compliments to all those who worked so hard in making it such an awesome success! John Miller, advertiser Thanks so much for the opportunity to speak at the CAPLA conference. I really enjoyed meeting you (Linda Westbury, Education Chair) and other conference organizers. Your efforts were certainly noticed and appreciated. It was well done. I had a great time speaking to many CAPLA members! Jane Grant, presenter Thank you for the lovely lead crystal ornament. It's a great momento of the conference. Also, congratulations to all of you (Linda Westbury, Education Chair) and your committee. I know that 15 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 many people said that the conference was a success! Laurel Payten, presenter Just wanted to tell you (Verna Moodie, President) and the planning committee that the CAPLA conference was great this year! A job well done! The noon speaker was the best! I certainly would like to hear him again! The "production tour" to SAIT was great! Jane Grant (the instructor) did a great presentation. I think the conference should be more on morale building, how to stay motivated and positive. The Golf Tournament was wet but fun! Claire Gorman, registrant Just to let you know how much David and I appreciated Val Albinati's (session coordinator) involvement in our conference sessions. She worked hard to ensure that all was prepared for us, even though I'm sure our "Hey, don't worry" attitude drove her nuts! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to work with her! Brian Storey and David Bradley, presenters WANTED TO KNOW! YOU OU WANTED TO KNOW! Have you ever had a work-related question you were afraid to ask because your supervisor or co-workers might think that you should know the answer? Send your anonymous question to NEXUS Editorial Team and watch for the answer in an upcoming issue. As pertains to surface land documentation, what is the difference between an asset transfer and an amalgamation? What type of certificate is issued by the Crown when an asset transfer is requested? A "Transfer of Crown Dispositions" is required when an asset is sold. It must list the dispositions applicable to the sale, and be executed by both the Purchaser and the Vendor. The document must reflect the parties (as per Crown title searches), or will be rejected by the Crown if either company is incorrect. The Crown acknowledges this transfer with a letter of confirmation to the Purchaser and Vendor. An amalgamation of companies requires that a copy of the Certificate of Amalgamation be sent to the Crown. It must state the two or more amalgamating corporations that will continue as one corporation. An amalgamation is treated the same as a Change of Name would be, i.e., the Crown would make a "global" change to its records to reflect the new company. 16 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 COMMITTEE UPDATES STANDARDIZATION COMMITTEE B.C. Mineral Tenure The B.C. Mineral Tenure Committee attended a brief meeting with the B.C. Government and industry representatives in June. The following items were discussed: • • • • The Government representatives were provided with a draft Continuation Application Form for their review and comments. The B.C. Government is also reviewing our proposal to incorporate a "flat fee" or an amalgamation of fees for items such as groupings, assignments, etc. at issuance of the title document (increase of acquisition fees from $200 to $500 for lease documents and retain $500 fee for drilling licences). Review of the Drilling Licence Regulations Land Sales - Automated Debit Function The committee awaits the Government's review of the above and will be meeting with them in the near future. Linda Westbury, Director of Standardization • Master Road Use Agreement - this course is not offered in 2001. • Rights of First Refusal (ROFR's) • Think & Thrive - Mental Mastery at Work (Previously called "Thinking for a Change" and has been renamed to "Think & Thrive - Mental Mastery at Work". Dr. Sonia Herasymowich is our instructor for this course and she will also be our guest speaker for September's dinner meeting. Just a reminder, you must register early for this particular course in order to complete the pre-assessment prior to your attendance.) • We will be offering an additional run of our new course Third Party Surface Agreements on October 31st, due to overwhelming interest. • Freehold Lessor Estates • How DOI's are Affected by Various Agreements • NEW COURSE - BC Mineral Regulations & Administration (watch website for updates) • Administration of Freehold Mineral Rights EDUCATION COMMITTEE Our committee would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to Yvonne Lang, Tammy Freeman and Debbie McCartney, who have each "moved on" from our committee. Yvonne has been instrumental in course development such as Analyzing Contracts - Novice, to name the most recent. Tammy was your course facilitator if you attended Alberta Crown Continuations or Analyzing Contracts this year. Debbie has moved away and we will all miss her, I'm sure. You would have seen Debbie if you were in attendance at our Admin of Surface Rights in BC course held in May. Each of these individuals has put forth a selfless and valued effort on behalf of CAPLA. Thanks ladies! We would not be anywhere without our volunteers. Please visit the CAPLA website at for more information and to register. On line registration will be made available shortly, so keep posted. Audrey Atkins, Director of Education EVENTS COMMITTEE CAPLA Tuesday Night Golf League The golf league started on Tuesday, May 23 and will go until September 26, 2000. The weather has been cooperating for us so far this year, "knock on wood"! This year the golfers in the league take their turn booking tee times. As we are in the busy season of the year it is important to remember that the Computerized Booking System opens at 6:00 a.m. So, to get the best tee times you have to call early. If anyone has questions or concerns, please contact Cindy Scheck at 290-2150. The 2001 Course Calendar will be delivered with your October issue of the Nexus. We hope to have some new courses ready for you - but remember to register early! New courses fill up quickly. Space is still space available in the following courses: • Surface Rights Board/Land Compensation Board this course is not offered in 2001. • PASC Accounting Procedure - this course is not offered in 2001. Pre-Stampede Party / Dual Networking Night Over 750 CAPLA and CAPL members and guests got together once again at Cowboys to network and socialize. The party was unforgettable, especially for all of those who rode the mechanical bull. We held a buck-off 17 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 CAPLA Mentoring Program This program: • is aimed at pairing experienced and knowledgeable mentors with mentees in the hopes of broadening the mentees' knowledge base; and between CAPLA and CAPL, and I must say that both groups did very well. For those who rode or watched, it was a great laugh. Don't worry if you didn't get a chance to ride this year because there is always next year! Cindy Scheck, Events Committee • Golf Clinic The second annual Golf Clinic was held at the Fox Hollow Golf Dome. Two evening classes were held for five consecutive weeks, so that beginner as well as more advanced players could participate. The instructor was very knowledgeable and everyone commented that they really enjoyed the golf classes. The weather cooperated and made it possible to get outside a couple of evenings a week to practise chipping, putting and sand shots. With the big interest shown we will plan on running this again next year. Watch for an advertisement in a future NEXUS! helps provide a forum for mentees to develop their skills and develop a greater understanding of land concepts and issues. As an association with a membership of 1600 members, there should be numerous mentors and mentees available to volunteer for this program. Please consider becoming a mentor or mentee and taking an active part in this program by contacting any member of the CAPLA Mentoring Committee listed below: Audrey Densham 261-1282 (phone) 261-1238 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) Marg Harty, Events Committee Carol Dickin 258-1934 (home phone) 258-1975 (home fax) [email protected] (home e-mail) [email protected] (work e-mail) MENTORING COMMITTEE What is mentoring? In Greek mythology it was a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus's son, Telemachus. The friend was to be a wise counselor to Telemachus. In ancient Greece mentoring was recognized as a mutually beneficial way of developing people. Wanda Hiebert 234-5371 (phone) 234-5734 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) Keith McFarquhar 290-2361 (phone) 290-2610 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) In modern times, the role of a mentor can vary from being a coach, advisor, counselor, advocate, teacher or a friend. Modern day research has shown that working in a nurturing, positive and supportive environment increases our productivity. Pat Nielsen 231-1452 (phone) 263-9909 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) Attributes of a mentor First and foremost it is being who you are! Also, a mentor is patient, committed, able to communicate, able to listen, and is self-confident. Robert (Bob) Purdy 238-2672 (home phone) [email protected] (home e-mail) Heather M. Stables Fofonoff, P.Land 265-9295 (phone) 232-8963 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) Attributes of the mentee Identify what your career need is and what kind of help you require before you decide to be mentored. Also, a mentee is committed, able to communicate, able to listen, and able to show appreciation. The CAPLA Mentoring Committee has developed the handout (on page 20) for your reference and use. You may have picked up the handout during the CAPLA Conference 2000. In the future you will be able to pick up the handout at the information table at the CAPLA dinner meetings. If you wish to register today as a mentor or mentee, photocopy and complete the handout, then fax it to me at 232-8963. Benefits of mentoring flows in both directions For the mentor it will provide an avenue for them to give back to the profession in a very meaningful way. Mentoring facilitates the "realization of a dream". For the mentee it will help them reach their potential in personal and professional growth by receiving needed advice and learning something new. Heather Stables Fofonoff, Chairperson 18 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 The Desk and Derrick Club is pleased to offer the upcoming course Adventures in Attitude Seminar Course Date: Saturday, October 28th, 2000 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Description This course includes four modules: Massage: To help relieve stress and tension while imparting a sense of wellbeing and relaxation. Session includes self-massage of shoulders, neck and scalp, feet and legs, head and arms. Alternative Medicine Panel: It is important to stay healthy in a stressful world. Four doctors talk about homeopathy, naturopathy, Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Using Our Voices: A communication session on speaking problems, learning to speak more clearly and use of microphone. Creative Contentment: Happiness is a choice! Unrealistic expectations, the demands of home, work relationships and traditions can be overwhelming. Learn mental coping skills to help reduce everyday pressure in our lives. Contact Sharon McClare at 246-1282 for more information 19 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 MENTORING PROGRAM AN OPPORTUNITY TO FURTHER YOUR LEARNING JOURNEY Mission Statement To enhance the functional expertise of the membership by providing a framework for mentoring. How do we do this? • Encourage CAPLA membership to become involved in the Mentoring Program. • Initiate mentor and mentee contact by either: • Providing mentees with access to experienced individuals available to answer random land-related questions; or • Establishing a one-to-one relationship between mentors and mentees. • Ensure individual expectations are being met by regular follow-up. How can you benefit? As a mentor: • Share your knowledge with a fellow CAPLA member. As a mentee: • Use a mentor to assist learning and development. As a committee member: • Have input into the future of the CAPLA Mentoring Program. HOW TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE CAPLA MENTORING PROGRAM If you would like to be a MENTOR _____ and/or a MENTEE _____ and/or COMMITTEE MEMBER _____ please complete this form and fax to Heather Stables Fofonoff at 232-8963: Your Name: _______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Phone #: _________________________ Fax #: _________________________ E-mail: _________________________ MENTOR • Would you be interested in becoming a mentor? Yes _____ No _____ • If so, what form(s) of communication with a mentee would you prefer: _____ submitting your name for the "mentor name bank". i.e., be available for random questions in your stated area(s) of expertise _____ establishing a one-to-one relationship with a mentee. • What area(s) of expertise would you be willing to be contacted about? Contract _____ Mineral _____ Joint Interest _____ Surface _____ Systems _____ U.S. Land _____ Please keep in mind that the CAPLA Mentoring Committee would only expect a limited time commitment from potential mentors (i.e., six months, one year). MENTEE • Would you utilize a mentor? Yes _____ No _____ Sometimes _____ • If so, what form(s) of communication with a mentor would you prefer: _____ being provided with a name from the "mentor name bank". i.e., mentors available for random questions in their stated area(s) of expertise _____ establishing a one-to-one relationship with a mentor. • What area(s) of expertise would you likely be contacting a mentor about? Contract _____ Mineral _____ Joint Interest _____ Surface _____ Systems _____ U.S. Land _____ Potential mentees must understand that a mentor merely provides guidance and direction, and it is the ultimate responsibility of the mentee to make decisions regarding any action to be taken. 20 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 SPEAKER’S NOTES HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! the present natural gas supply/demand balance on the continent. The key to understanding this vital balance is to closely examine the older production in the shelf area of the Gulf of Mexico and the new production coming from deeper waters in the Gulf. U.S. SITUATION The situation in the U.S. can be summarized as follows: • steadily increasing consumption, • recent declines in domestic production, and • thank goodness for the availability of increased imports from Canada. GULF OF MEXICO SHELF PRODUCTION The very prolific Gulf of Mexico is separated into Shelf production, i.e., from waters less than 660 deep, and production from deeper waters down to many thousands of feet. NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION 1980 - 2000 Natural gas consumption has been rising steadily in the U.S. over the past decade, up almost 33% over that period. This rise is being driven by the increased demand for electrical power which is partly due to the spectacular growth in new technologies and in online business applications. Virtually 100% of all new electrical generation in the U.S. planned for the next decade or so is based on the assumed availability of natural gas supplies. Three items are noteworthy of the main natural gas producing areas of the U.S.: • The slow and steady decline in production from major producing areas such as South Texas, South Louisiana, and West Texas from 1970 to the present. • The very rapid rise and the importance of the Gulf of Mexico production. This acceleration in production is a consequence of the excellent producing reservoirs in the Gulf. These rocks have very high porosity and permeability. As a result, they have what is known in the trade as a "short deliverability life index". This means that they can produce all their reserves in as few as three or four years. Most reservoirs produce their reserves over anywhere from 10 to 30 years depending on their quality. Production from the Shelf presently represents roughly 25% of all U.S. production. • There is a rapid rise in imports of Canadian natural gas. Canada is the second most important supply source for the U.S. after the Gulf of Mexico. This tells us that the gigantic U.S. natural gas market, the largest market in the world, has become dependent upon Gulf of Mexico and Canadian supplies. U.S. NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION 1980 - 2000 In the past 15 years, natural gas production in the U.S. increased from a low of about 44 Bcf/d in the mid 1980s to a high of almost 52 Bcf/d in 1998. Since 1998, production has steadily decreased. NATURAL GAS IMPORTS FROM CANADA TO THE U.S. The gap between domestic U.S. supply and demand has been filled by a sharply rising level of imports, mainly from Canada. Imports from Canada have increased almost fivefold since 1986. Over the past two decades, oil's share of the U.S. market has fallen, first due to higher oil prices and then due to competition from other fuels and environmental concerns. The Oil & Gas Journal predicts that energy from natural gas will increase by 2.1% in 2000 - that the share of natural gas in the energy market will move up to 24.2% in 2000. GULF OF MEXICO SHELF NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION In 20 years, from 1960-1980, the Gulf of Mexico Shelf came to dominate the U.S. natural gas supply. The aforementioned short deliverability life is characteristic of the rapid swings, or changes, in the production. NATURAL GAS IN NORTH AMERICA Large volumes of natural gas move from the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent onshore areas to the highly concentrated areas of consumption in the northeast. This supply/demand corridor dominates 21 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 SPEAKER’S NOTES cont’d The rapid buildup of production in the 1960s and 1970s was as a result of the discovery of several multi-trillion cubic foot "giant" fields. No giant fields have been found in the past 10 to 15 years. The production levels have been sustained by finding many smaller fields with 3D seismic, new sub-salt exploration techniques, more infill drilling, field compression, etc. fields in both Alberta and British Columbia. GULF OF MEXICO DEEP WATER NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION Research indicates great uncertainty regarding the future prospects for increased production from this area. For 25 years, from the mid-1970s to the present, this original, conventional gas supply, which has continually increased over time, was augmented by the widespread, low pressure, high decline reserves in southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The limits of this shallow production are now being reached. It is increasingly difficult and will soon prove impossible to sustain this production due to the geologic limits to the reservoirs. We are now falling back on the traditional areas in Alberta and B.C. to sustain our levels of production. The "best case" summary of these two forecasts is that hopefully the inevitable decline in the Shelf will be offset with increased production from new deep water fields. However, the industry has underestimated the difficulty in terms of lead times and capital needed to explore for and develop reserves from these deeper, more complex and higher risk targets. NATURAL GAS IN CANADA Production from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) has been increasing since gas was first discovered over 100 years ago. However it has recently begun to show signs of levelling out. Added to this shift in exploration focus is the need to combat the increasing declines in production from presently producing WCSB reserves as reservoirs age. Now, combine this with the reality that the big, easy and high quality targets have probably been discovered. I believe we can summarize the prospects for future gas supply from the WCSB as follows: The Basin will remain an excellent place to explore for and develop new supplies. The infrastructure is highly developed and producer netbacks will remain attractive but our industry will be increasingly hard pressed to sustain our present levels of production in future years. Over the past three years, the expectation that Canada would meet increased North American demand helped generate record levels of drilling and capital spending aimed at identifying new reserves of natural gas in Canada. However, the reality is that Canada's natural gas supply has not responded as expected. In 1999, despite a record of 6,300 gas wells drilled, production from the WCSB has remained relatively flat. Slightly less than half of 1999's gas wells were located in southeastern Alberta, where initial decline rates exceed 30% and reserve sizes are relatively small. These reserves, while providing good economics for producers, add little to sustainable production over the long-term. HUBBERT CURVE Years ago, the eminent American geologist, Dr. King Hubbert, published his analysis of the growth, stability and deterioration from petroleum and natural gas basins as they age. He condensed his analysis to a curve - the Hubbert Curve. The basis of the curve is that the big, easy to find and high quality reservoirs are found early in the life of a basin and, as a consequence, production Prior to the mid-1970s, our Western Canadian natural gas production was sourced in conventional 22 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 SPEAKER’S NOTES cont’d rises rapidly. Later, as exploration progresses and the basin ages, the big fields begin to decline and, even as more wells are drilled and more discoveries are made, they are inevitably of lesser size and quality even though they are, characteristically, more numerous. The consequence of all this is that although activity and investment increases, overall production declines. • • • • the initial rate of 200 to 300 mmcf/d. Within a year, this system will be full with maximum production (domestic plus exports) reaching 700 Mmcf/d. Recent discoveries and accelerated exploration and development drilling together with additional pipeline compression and expansion could conceivably increase production to 3% to 5% of 2000 North American production. (d) Mexico Mexico has roughly the same natural gas resource base as Canada and presently produces only approximately 30% of our Canadian production. Mexico, by sheer necessity, will increase its natural gas exploration and production activity in the next 5 to 10 years. And Mexico will need all of that new production to fuel its growing clean energy requirements as it further industrializes. The U.S. should not count on any imports from Mexico of any consequence in the foreseeable future. The same goes for Mexico counting on U.S. supplies to fuel their needs - that is not going to be in the cards. (e) LNG Last year, the U.S. imported roughly 120 Bcf to its two gassification plants at Boston and Lafayette, Louisiana. Imports came from Algeria, Australia, Qatar, Trinidad and the United Arab Emirates. Non-Persian Gulf has flattened out at the top of the curve. U.S. & WCSB conventional oil production has been declining for a number of years and has started down the back side of the curve. U.S. natural gas production is just over the top and will soon start to decline, if it has not done so already. WCSB production is just entering the top of the curve. Substantial production will continue for many decades in these aging basins but ever more wells and investment will be required. NORTH AMERICAN NATURAL GAS New Supplies (a) Deep Water Gulf of Mexico At best, new deep water production will offset the inevitable declines for the shallow water production. (b) Mackenzie Delta & Alaska There are 7 to 10 Tcf of potential natural gas reserves in the Delta and another 50-70 Tcf further west in Northern Alaska. There is also large exploration potential for new supplies in both areas. Northern natural gas will be attached to markets but I suspect it will take as long as 10 years and $10 billion. Maybe a bit sooner or later, but even with more enthusiastic northern governments, it will take considerable time and big bucks to connect that gas to our present pipeline grid. (c) East Coast Last winter the Northeast Pipeline started delivering Sable Island gas to U.S. markets at SUMMARY - NATURAL GAS SUPPLY/DEMAND BALANCE The strongest likelihood over the next 5 to 10 years is that North American supplies will continue to tighten as demand continues to rise and supply from conventional U.S. and Canadian basins stabilizes or begins to gradually decline. It was emphasized that this will be a good time for the producers who can compete and succeed in these maturing basins. OK, SO WHERE DOES THIS TAKE US? The U.S. is now experiencing the first reservoirlimited shortage in the history of its natural gas producing industry. In fact, the U.S. has been 23 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 SPEAKER’S NOTES cont’d natural gas deliverability short for several years. The impact of this supply shortage has been delayed by a combination of several warm winters, maximum exploitation of present reserves (frontending production) and the vitally necessary increased imports from Canada. If and when LNG imports increase to approximately 10% of U.S. demand, there will be a structural change in North American natural gas supply. Our supply in North America is presently continental. It could, with a significant increase in LNG imports, become an important part of the global market. But now, Houston we have a problem! U.S. production is starting to falter, first-year declines are up dramatically, storage levels are low and, in the near term, we Canadians cannot be counted upon to continue to increase the quantity of gas we have for export to the U.S. When that happens, it could trigger many interesting consequences. One of the more interesting ones would be to see the gas exporting countries ultimately banding together and acting much as OPEC functions today. PUBLIC EXPECTATIONS We have become dangerously complacent regarding our natural gas supplies on this continent. New frontier supplies, by their very nature, take long lead times and very large investments. If the supply/demand situation tightens in the next five to ten years, we must start today to prepare consumers for that possibility. Prices will probably be higher this summer than they were last winter. Demand for gas in the U.S. is presently 22 Tcf/year. Some forecasts are projecting demand increasing to 25 and even 30 Tcf/year by 2010 and 2015. Where will these new supplies be sourced? It is important that we communicate these possibilities early so that the public and the government don't feel that once again they have been blind-sided - taken off guard. THE LNG CARD The distinct possibility exists that LNG shipments to both coasts of the U.S. will increase substantially over the next decade. If this is to happen, many new receiving terminals will be required - there are only two presently in operation. If we are to sustain our credibility, we must plan ahead, create awareness and understanding. We must promote increased industry activity and hasten the delivery of frontier supplies. We must also create a more attractive environment for investment. There will be local resistance to such terminals. Maybe abandoned offshore platforms could be utilized? They already have the pipeline infrastructure. If we can all agree that we probably have a problem, then we can all work together toward solutions. Solutions that will work for all stakeholders. Now is the time to start the dialogue. The U.S. imported approximately 330 Mmcf/d of LNG in 1999 through two facilities which have a total capacity of 1.05 Bcf/d. In addition, there are mothballed LNG receiving terminals in the U.S. (Maryland and Georgia) with a combined capacity of 1.54 Bcf/d. (Excerpts taken from Jim Gray's address as presented at May 16, 2000 CAPLA Management Night) A further 1 Bcf/d could be added with minimal capital cost, bringing the total U.S. LNG receiving capacity to approximately 3.5 Bcf/d, 6% of 1999 U.S. demand. 24 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 THIRD PARTY SURFACE AGREEMENTS Course Date: October 31, 2000 Registration Deadline: October 24, 2000 Duration: Full Day, 8:30 to 4:30 at The 400 Club (710 - 4 Avenue SW) Fee: Member $160.50 ($150.00 + $10.50 GST) Non-Member $246.10 ($230.00 + $16.10 GST) All fees include lunch What to Bring: Participants are encouraged to bring their own samples and questions, which will be discussed if time permits. There is no pre-requisite required to attend this course. Description: Topics covered will include an overview of the various types of agreements in use, the legislation governing them as well as a practical hands-on workshop on how to use these agreements. Additional topics include an overview of standard requests and how to process such requests. Target Audience: Land administrators and other industry professionals who deal directly with Third Party Surface Agreements and requests for Third Party Surface Agreements and, in particular, Crossing Agreements. Instructor(s): Dave Grzyb - Senior Technologist. Dave has over 15 years experience working in various facets of the resource industry, and has worked in the Production Operations Group of the Energy and Utilities Board for three years. Dave is involved with issues arising from pipeline work, such as materials specification, hydrostatic testing, corrosion and integrity assessment, crossing agreements of orphaned pipelines, and landowner queries. Jack Evans - President, K.E.G. Consultants a division of K.E.G. Productions Ltd. Jack has over 23 years of land experience, including an extensive background in surface land. He obtained his land agents licence in 1983 and has worked as a surface land administrator, manager of surface land administration and a consultant to industry. In 1985, Jack formed K.E.G. Productions Ltd., which specializes in providing surface land information. K.E.G. has evolved into a full service consulting and surface land systems firm and features the S.L.I.M. software system. REGISTRATION (payment must accompany registration to confirm your place) CAPLA Member First Name: Non-Member Last Name: Corporation: Mailing Address: Postal Code: Email: Phone: Fax: Course Name: 3rd Party Surface Agreements Amount Enclosed: Fee Date: October 31, 2000 GST Total $ Cheques payable to CAPLA (GST# 136820362) Please return this form with applicable fee to: 440 - 10816 MacLeod Trail S., Suite 359, Calgary, AB, T2J 5N8 Phone: 571-0640 REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION POLICIES: Registration is required 5 working days prior to course date. CAPLA will reimburse the full cost of a seminar/workshop provided the participant withdraws in writing (fax or mail) 3 working days before the course date. If a participant fails to cancel registration within this time a refund will not be issued; however, a substitute may be sent in place of the registered participant. FAXED REGISTRATION FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 25 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 DATE: LOCATION: TIME: TICKET PRICE: Tuesday, September 19th, 2000 400 Club (710 - 4th Avenue SW) Cocktails 4:30 - 5:30, Dinner & Speaker 5:30 to 7:30 $20.00 for Members $25.00 for Non-Members TOPIC: FAST, SMART & IN CONTROL We respond to today's rapidly changing work environment by continually upgrading our computers, software and information systems, but how about our brain software? Recent brain research shows that you can increase your abilities to perform breakthrough thinking, influence people and develop mental mastery in dealing with personal and professional challenges. SPEAKER: Dr. Sonia Herasymowych is principal of “Self Energetics”, a consulting firm that assists organizations and teams in developing high performance by incorporating diverse ways of thinking. She is noted for her dynamic presentations about the use of science in everyday life. Her academic qualifications include receiving a BA with Honours in Chemistry, MSc in Physical Chemistry, and a PhD in Biochemistry. She is a certified practitioner in Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)® and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)®. In addition to her private practice, she is an associate of MHA Institute Inc., Calgary. Dr. Herasymowych will be kicking off CAPLA's fall season beginning with September's Dinner Meeting. She is also presenting a follow-up seminar Think & Thrive - Mental Mastery At Work on October 26th, 2000. 26 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 CAPLA DINNER MEETING REGISTRATION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 Registration Deadline: Cancellation Deadline: Location: Time: Fee: Speaker: Topic: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 Noon, September 18, 2000, by fax to CAPLA @ 571-0644 The 400 Club (710 - 4 Avenue SW) 4:30 to 8:00 pm Member $20.00, Non-Member $25.00 (GST Included) Dr. Sonia Herasymowych Fast, Smart & In Control 1. FAXES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Registration is on pre-paid basis only. 2. Fees (cash, cheque, Visa or Amex) are to be mailed to CAPLA (440 - 10816 MacLeod Trail S., Suite 359, Calgary, AB, T2J 5N8) accompanied by payment and completed registration form. Please make cheque payable to “CAPLA”. 3. Maximum seating capacity is 370. Register early to avoid disappointment. 4. Incomplete registration forms will not be processed. 5. Tickets will be sent by T2P Mail to the contact provided below. Present your ticket at the door to gain entrance to the meeting. Your ticket will indicate your assigned table. Guests have the option of sitting with their sponsor. Limit of 2 guests per member. Charge to my ❑ VISA ❑ AMEX Card Holder Name: Card Number: Expiry Date: Signature: COMPANY NAME: (information must be provided) CONTACT NAME: CAPLA MEMBER NAME PHONE NUMBER: CAPLA MEMBER NAME CAPLA MEMBER NAME NON-MEMBER GUESTS ATTENDING Guest Name Guest Corporation 27 Member to be seated with CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 with actual case studies. The topics to be addressed include the history of ROFRs, provisions in CAPL Operating Procedures and other agreements, administration of ROFRs (i.e., complying or not complying with clauses), ROFRs as a part of the sale process and in asset exchange transactions. The time frame within which a ROFR must be addressed and how to calculate the interests of the parties when exercised will also be discussed. SURFACE RIGHTS BOARD/LAND COMPENSATION BOARD September 21st, 2000 8:30 am to 12:00 p.m. Member: $100.00 + $7.00 GST = $107.00 Non-Member: $180.00 + $12.60 GST = $192.60 This course provides a review and discussion of the process involved in filing applications before the Surface Rights Board and/or Land Compensation Board. You will also be guided through the process of filling out a Surface Rights Board Application. Participants are asked to bring questions for discussion as this workshop is held primarily for that purpose. This workshop will help you to assist the Surface Landman and prepare for board hearings in which your company may have to attend. THINK & THRIVE - MENTAL MASTERY AT WORK October 26, 2000 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Member: $294.25 (275.00 + 19.25 GST) Non-Member: $374.50 (350.00 + 24.50 GST) We respond to today's rapidly changing work environment in land administration by continually upgrading our computers, software and land systems, but how about our brain software? Adapting to standardization and streamlining processes is the major task facing us today. Recent brain research shows that you can increase your abilities to perform breakthrough thinking, influence people and develop mental mastery in dealing with personal and professional challenges. In this seminar, you will: • Determine your thinking style and find out how it affects communication and the feedback loop • Explore how adapting and flexing your communication style can create rapport with coworkers, partners and clients • Find out why becoming accountable for your thinking and actions allows you to respond quickly and creatively to change and even thrive on the changes happening • Discover how to overcome mental fatigue and everyday stresses in your environment • Identify how you can add value by discovering a sense of purpose within your company • Begin a plan to create opportunities and become a master learner on your professional "learning road map" PASC ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE October 17th, 2000 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Member: $100.00 + $7.00 GST = $107.00 Non-Member: $180.00 + 12.60 GST = $192.60 This half-day course will provide you with an understanding of the PASC Accounting Procedure and how the information contained in the Procedure affects various departments. Materials provided include the 1983, 1988 and 1996 Accounting Procedures along with explanatory guides, auditing protocol and the Farmin/Farmout Bulletin. MASTER ROAD USE AGREEMENT October 19th, 2000 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Member: $100.00 + 7.00 GST = $107.00 Non-Member: $180.00 + $12.60 = $192.60 This course will review the reasons why a Master Road Use Agreement was established with special emphasis placed on Clauses 12.0 and 15.2. The handling of the addendum will be addressed with examples as well as the many different situations in which land administrators may find themselves with regard to road use. 3RD PARTY SURFACE AGREEMENTS October 31,2000 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Member: $160.50 ($150.00 + $10.50 GST) Non-Member: $246.10 ($230.00 + $16.10 GST) Topics covered will include an overview of the various types of agreements in use, the legislation governing them as well as a practical hands-on workshop on how to use these agreements. Additional topics include an overview of standard requests and how to process such requests. RIGHTS OF FIRST REFUSAL (ROFRs) October 24th, 2000 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Member: $150.00 + $10.50 GST = $160.50 Non-Member: $230.00 + $16.10 GST = $246.10 For the "novice" this course provides an excellent introduction to ROFRs as well as being a thorough overview for administrators with some exposure and experience in this area. Students will be given some hands-on examples as the course is interspersed 28 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 Course Registration Photocopy and retain for future use CAPLA Member First Name Non-Member Last Name: Position: Corporation: Mailing Address: Postal Code: Email: Phone: Fax: Course Name: Amount Enclosed: Fee Date: GST Total $ Cheques payable to CAPLA (GST #136820362) ❑ Cheque Enclosed or Charge to my ❑ VISA ❑ AMEX Card Holder Name: Card Number: Expiry Date: Signature: Please return this form with applicable fee to: (payment must accompany registration to confirm your place) 440 - 10816 MacLeod Trail S. Suite 359 Calgary AB T2J 5N8 Phone: 571-0640 REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION POLICIES: Registration is required 5 working days prior to course date. CAPLA will reimburse the full cost of a seminar/workshop provided the participant withdraws in writing (fax or mail) 3 working days before the course date. If a participant fails to cancel registration within this time a refund will not be issued; however, a substitute may be sent in place of the registered participant. FAX AND EMAIL REGISTRATION FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 29 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 THE CAPL CONTINUING EDUCATION COMMITTEE IS PLEASED TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING COURSES Alberta Energy & Utilities Board Regulations G56/60 Well Spacing and Holdings October 19 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is designed for landmen and other individuals who wish to become familiar with concepts and regulations associated with Drilling Spacing Units and Target Areas in Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan and the implications of these. September 13 & 14 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is an "in-depth" educational seminar that will explore and apply the full impact of the G56/60 requirements on all land personnel and engineers as well as their companies who may be responsible for AEUB applications. Contractual Issues Relating to Acquisitions and Divestments Saskatchewan P&NG Regulations October 24 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is intended for land personnel who require an understanding and working knowledge of the Saskatchewan Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulations. September 19 8:30 - 12:00 This seminar will focus on the legal aspects of the acquisition of oil and gas reserves and facilities. Special emphasis will be on legal issues as to the rights to deposit, basis tax issues, the treatment of effective date vs. closing date, conditions precedent, consents, ROFRs, due diligence and indemnities. Property Trades, Acquisitions and Divestments October 11 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is intended for land personnel who require an understanding and working knowledge of the Alberta Mines and Minerals Act and associated Regulations. October 25 & 26 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is intended for oil and gas industry personnel who are involved in a corporate rationalization, acquisition and divestment environment. It will be of most benefit to those individuals responsible for land functions related to the acquisition and divestment process. Production Agreements Alberta Crown Lease Continuation Alberta P&NG Regulations October 11 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is designed for industry personnel who require a good understanding of agreements commonly used in relation to the production of joint venture oil and gas. October 25 8:30 - 12:00 This seminar is intended for land personnel who are involved in the Alberta Crown lease continuation application process. For registration or more information on these or any other CAPL course, please contact Denise Grieve at CAPL office at 237-6635 or fax 263-1620. CAPL Operating Procedure Operations Issues/Horizontal Wells October 17 8:30 - 4:30 This seminar is intended for industry personnel who require a working understanding of how the CAPL 1990 Operating Procedure addresses specific operational issues. 30 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 WELCOME TO OUR NEW CAPLA MEMBERS!! Paula Bailly Laurie Barrett Chris Bartole Sharon Beaudette Diane Berman Teresa Chorneyko Leigh Cunes Mike Downie David Drinnan Rosanne Dugandzic Karen Elliot Susan English Cara Fast Marilyn Feeg Peg FitzGerald Mary Foster Jordanna Fraser Michelle Gourlay Christine Hampton Joe Hayter Ryan Heath Arlene J. Hill Alison Hough Brian Hudson Margrit Johnson Celestine Karst Ed Kozbial Karen Kyffin Jason Lainof Thomas J. Leakos Tammy Leskun Laura Lockhart Jeanette Madson Delena McConville Lainie Nyl Cherie Opden Dries Lois Pozzobon Brandy Reddaway Kate Ronald Ken Rossi Sherry Rourke Paula Rowe John Sanford Sherri Sawyer Nesha Shaw Monica Simpson Robin Smiechowski Hazel Tolentino Josie Arcega Turingan Elizabeth Urquhart Manjeet Virdee Doreen Walker Brenda Waugh Tracy Williams Wanda Wilson Kit Woo Loni Zaharko Anita Zarn 31 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 MEMBER INFO CHANGES Gloria Andrews Canor Energy Ltd. to Velvet Exploration Ltd. (403) 303-3119 Carrie Arsenault Scott Land & Lease Ltd. to Genesis Exploration Ltd. (403) 298-0870 Jennifer Bailie Talisman Energy Inc. to Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. (403) 213-4320 Deanna Barrell to PriceWaterhouseCoopers (403) 509-8330 Charmaine Belley Cabre Exploration Ltd. to Intrigue Energy Ltd. (403) 232-1393 Gay Bildersheim PanCanadian Petroleum Limited to Independent (403) 362-5883 Shawna Blanchard to Independent (403) 701-9632 Roberta Brost Harvard Energy to Meota Resources Corp. (403) 781-2407 Miranda Brown (403) 509-8357 Search Energy Corp. (403) 781-2375 Wendy Bursey Fletcher Challenge Energy to Upton Resources Inc. (403) 218-8976 Cindy Ganong ISH Energy Ltd. to Maxx Petroleum Ltd. (403) 750-1173 Joanne Gilbert Amoco Canada Petroleum to Independent (403) 242-2463 Susan Chaffee Highland Energy Inc. to Independent Jan Chamberlain Meota Resources Corp. to Independent Robin Govier Independent to Barrington Petroleum Ltd. (403) 303-3925 Frank Cortese Merit Energy Ltd. to Promax Energy Inc. (403) 261-8880 Pam Gusek Newquest Energy Inc. to Founders Energy Ltd. (403) 781-5327 Sharon Culley Ulster Petroleums Ltd. to Anderson Exploration Arlene Hill to Regent Land Services (403) 265-8709 Chantal Duval Bellator Exploration Inc. to Baytex Energy Ltd. (403) 267-0780 Maureen Huck Independent to Marathon Canada Limited (403) 974-7608 Juliette Faucher Founders Energy Ltd. to Independent Lynn Isaak Ulster Petroleums Ltd. to Anderson Exploration Ltd. (403) 232-7562 Sandra Forsythe Pengrowth Management Limited to 32 Robert Jansen Tri Link Resources to Independent (403) 278-0772 Bonnie Jones Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. to Independent (403) 547-4948 Chelsea Kirkpatrick First Star Energy Ltd. to Landrite Systems International (403) 233-0600 Dianne Kearns Grey Wolfe Exploration Inc. to Celsius Energy Resources Ltd. (403) 231-1467 James Kesegic Sahara Land Consulting to PennWest Petroleum (403) 777-3333 Monica Louise Kesjar Independent to Cavalier Land Ltd. (403) 264-5188 Kristine M. Luft Independent to Conoco Canada Limited (403) 260-2431 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 Laura Kuzmiski Indian Oil and Gas Canada to Independent (403) 201-4065 Chi Le Paramount Resources to Gauntlet Energy Corporation (403) 216-8665 Teresa D. Leavitt Independent to PanCanadian Resources (403) 290-3436 Teresa Lunam Dominion Energy Canada to AEC Oil & Gas (403) 213-2617 W. Frances Maier AEC Oil & Gas to Retired Glenn Miller Newport Petroleum to Hunt Oil Company (403) 215-8653 Elsie Packer Packer Land Services Ltd. (403) 218-8651 Kathryn Palmer to Applied Terravision Systems Inc. (403) 236-0946 August 2000 Christa Pearson Maverick Land Consultants to Petromet Resources Limited (403) 213-7382 Lana Sawatzky Canadian Natural Resources to Stellarton Energy Corporation (403) 250-5226 Kimberley Penney Signalta Resources Limited to Summit Resources Limited (403) 269-4410 Dave Scabar Sunoma Energy Corp. to Danoil Energy Ltd. (403) 261-7371 Jody Schellenberg APF Energy Group to Anderson Exploration Ltd. (403) 232-7540 Lois Pozzobon Talisman Energy Inc. to Land Solutions Inc. (403) 290-0008 Leslie Thomas Hunt Oil Company to Independent (403) 247-1280 Judy Quinn Independent to Talisman Energy Inc. (403) 237-1782 Raelynn Thomson PanCanadian Petroleum Limited to Ionic Energy Inc. (403) 264-8668 Ext. 61 Harv Rasmussen Ulster Petroleums Ltd. to Anderson Exploration Ltd. (403) 232-7606 Canada, Inc. (403) 298-4415 Jennifer Wolfe Maverick Land Consultants to Cypress Energy Inc. (403) 294-1559 NAME CHANGE Lisa Cybulski to Lisa Hoshizaki Kim Johnson to Kim Miller Monica Kennedy to Monica Baranec Juliette Perron to Juliette Faucher Tricia Sampson to Tricia Pearson Coreen Smith-MacDonald to Coreen A. Smith J. Leaha Waite Independent to Linda Szabo to Murphy Oil Company Ltd. Linda Bratrud (403) 294-8811 Celeste Rissling Northstar Energy Corporation to LandSolutions Inc. (403) 290-0008 Tracy Williams Cabre Exploration Ltd. to Cavalier Land Ltd. (403) 264-5188 Darlene Rogers Indian Oil and Gas Canada to QBYTE Services Ltd. (403) 509-7394 Trevor Williams to Coastal Oil & Gas 33 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 AUGUST 2000 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 NEXUS Mail Out SEPTEMBER Monday 2000 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 4 5 6 7 8 Cocktail Cruise Networking Night with IRWA 11 12 13 14 NEXUS Deadline for October Issue 15 COURSE: Third Party Surface Agreements 18 19 20 21 Dinner Meeting 25 26 22 COURSE: Surface Rights Board/Land Compensation Board 27 28 34 29 CAPLA NEXUS Vol 5.2 August 2000 OCTOBER 2000 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 25 26 NEXUS Mail Out Thanksgiving 16 17 COURSE: PASC 23 24 COURSE: Think & Thrive Mental Mastery at Work COURSE: Rights of First Refusal 30 31 COURSE: Master Road Use Agreement 20 27 NEXUS Deadline for December Issue COURSE: Third Party Surface Agreements NOVEMBER 2000 Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 Dinner Meeting 13 14 COURSE: Freehold Lessor Estates 20 21 COURSE: DOI’s - Day 1 27 28 COURSE: DOI’s - Day 2 29 COURSE: BC Mineral Regulations & Administration 30 NEXUS Mail Out 35 Job Bank & Info Line The Canadian Association of Petroleum Land Administration 440, 10816 MacLeod Tr. S, Suite 359 Calgary, AB T2J 5N8 (403) 571-0640 Fax: (403) 571-0644 Website: Email: [email protected] 233-4550 CAPLA NEXUS is a publication of CAPLA, Produced by the Communication Committee Director: Lori Landry ([email protected]) Editor: Linda Lou Rung ([email protected]) Editorial Board: Phyllis Aberle Les Bailey Karen Barrera Tracey Copeland Linda Hart Maureen Keough Sherry Koftinoff Vicki Perkins 2000 PUBLICATION SCHEDULE MEETING DATES ARTICLE SUBMISSION DEADLINE MAILOUT September 18 September 8 October 10 November 7 October 27 November 27 January 16 January 12 February 13 All articles printed under an author’s name represent the views of the author. Publication neither implies approval of the opinions expressed nor accuracy of the facts stated. Roster Change Name: Printed by Mailing Address: Address: Former Company: Present Company: Name Change: City: Phone: Fax: Email: OPTION: Postal Code: To be announced in CAPLA NEXUS. Roster list only. Please Fax to: CAPLA Fax: (403) 571-0644 See CAPLA Roster for Change Form
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