33465_22 Acres on Smokey Hollow Rd_Dekorra_SBP_Sale_11TX
33465_22 Acres on Smokey Hollow Rd_Dekorra_SBP_Sale_11TX
Smokey Hollow Road · Town of Dekorra, WI For Sale - Interstate Development ±22 Acres with I-90/94 visibility Parcel Features Size: Location: Zoning: Utilities: ±22.2 Acres I-90/94 - Hwy CS Smokey Hollow Road Commercial Municipal Sewer Traffic Counts I-94/90: 46,300 VPD Tax Information Tax Key: Taxes - 2011: 11010 473.A $4,496.31 Price Sale: $2,000,000 Comments • Great freeway exposure & access to I-90/94 • Close proximity to retailers including McDonald’s, Subway & convenience store. • Located within 5 miles of Lake Wisconsin Recreational Area For Information: Stephen Provancher (414) 395-4689 [email protected] 757 North Broadway Street • Suite 700 Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 347-9400 | (414) 347-9401 fax Offices also in Appleton and Madison, WI www.mlgcommercial.com The Leader In Commercial Real Estate. 33465 Information shown herein was provided by the Seller/Lessor and/or other third parties and has not been verified by the broker unless otherwise indicated. The Leader In Commercial Real Estate. 33465 Information shown herein was provided by the Seller/Lessor and/or other third parties and has not been verified by the broker unless otherwise indicated. (414) 347-9400 | (414) 347-9401 fax 33465 (414) 347-9400 | (414) 347-9401 fax The Leader In Commercial Real Estate. Information shown herein was provided by the Seller/Lessor and/or other third parties and has not been verified by the broker unless otherwise indicated.
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