S - Hampton Historical Society
S - Hampton Historical Society
The 2 B E A C H C O M BER ‘Finest’ Airport Opened in Washington rif S ea M olds F lexees Summer Chronicles of New Hampshire’s Most Popular Resort «TT1 « (ft I- Here is a view of the administration building and hangar (left) of the new Washington. D. C., National airport Just officially put Into use. Civil aeronautics officials ei*im It is the finest airport in the world. _ Strawberry beds that have fruit ed this year can be renewed if they are in good condition by cutting rail all weeds and most of the plants, leaving narrow rows of plants to produce new runners. The old p ants should be fertilized and cultivated in the same way as roams newly set out this spr n" S' s s% s s s s s s N s s s % % % % % vrT ^ Historic Pew FOR . . . FINE FURNITURE BEDDING RANGES LINOLEUMS LAWN AND BEXCH FURNITUREIn Fact Everythin/) For Your Sumfcner Mome at OYER 200 FLEXEES A T I IE I C O N ' S "On The Cement Bridge" H A V E R H IL L , MASS. 865 Islington Street P O R T S M O U T H , N. H, Britain’s ambassador to the TJ. S., Lord Halifax, looks at the engraved plate of the pew from which Patrick Henry made his famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech. It is in historic St. Johns church, Richmond, Va. With him is Mary Tuck, distant kin of Patrick Henry. SWIM SUITS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE 2-Pc. and 1-Pc., are C A L L H A M P T O N 142-4 For Protection $0-95 $ r .9 5 $ rr.9 5 ON YOUR SUMMER PROPERTY TOBEY D MERRILL George B. French Company INSURANCE AGENCY 37 - 41 MARKET STREET HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE PORTSMOUTH, N. H. VOL. XV., NO. 2 WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1941. FREE DISTRIBUTION Hampton Beach Advocate The S P E N C E R ’S l a r g e s t e l e c t r ic a l a n d g a s APPLIANCE DEALER IN PORTSMOUTH \ • m v Washers and Ironers ■ ■i • ft . iggest 4th of July Weekend In islory Of The Reach As Influx f Visitors T a x es All Facilities •S’ GLENWOOD RANGES Tf. PHILGAS .... . . . . / r* i .• .• •r ■ V Bottled Gas For « Homes and Cottages > V'JP No. 2 Holiday Crowd Breaks All Records SPEED QUEEN M " * '!• ■ £ ■II Wednesday, July 9,1941 PHILCO % Radios and Refrigerators V -.3 ’f•£* 1 •2> * Vol. XV. ADVOCATE B O T T L E D This Is the shop in Bradford Town Where women love to shop No need to hunt in Boston And look until you drop. We have everything you need For Beach or In-Town Wear. Why not take a ride some day? There’s no place can compare N A T U R A L G A .S \ tt SPENCER’S Radio & Appliance 80 Daniels Street Portsmouth Phone 2589 M a rjo rie P o o re s Bradford, Ma8s.p just across the river from Haverhill. GRANDMAISON BROS. D ia m o n d C M a rk e t a n d B a k e ry Meats - Fish - Groceries THE BARN Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Salisbury Beach, Mass. (In Season) W E C ARRY A C O M P L E T E L I N E OF NEWLY RENOVATED BIRDSEYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT Your Guests Will Enjoy Our 2 REVUES NIGHTLY HOME BAKERY PRODUCTS POPULAR BAND Travel 120 Miles For Sleeping Place The search for accommoda tions at the beach over the past week-end extended into nearby towns and cities but the record, we believe, is held by a party of four from Springfield, Mass., who, on finding no p.’ace to stay at Hampton Beach Fri day night, drove along the coast, stopping at least at six ty places before finding accom modations in Bath, Maine— 120 miles or so from their in tended destination. However the party was de termined that Hampton was the place they wanted to be and returned the next day, for tunately finding rooms in a pri vate home and enjoyed the re mainder of the week-end. Ross Ave. Families Hold Celebration With Street Dance Ross Ave. associates at Hamp ton Beach had a gala night before celebration, with the end of the A new chapter was written in b.le accidents were few and no ser street roped off for block dancing lampton Beach’s recreational re- ious ones occurred. Town and beach and a program of sports beginning ord book over the long Fourth of oli icials were high in their praise at nine o’clock. uly week-end as countless thou- of the efficient work of the podee Archie Gillis was director oi ands of visitors flocked to the under Chief Jerome Harkness in community s.nging. A portable vich taxing to capacity all avail- handling the tremendous traffic tro a and radio furnished music le accommodations, restaurants, without an accident. Hundreds of for general dancing. d eating places and transportta- the record-shattering crowd wno The neighbors held open hou^e. had made no reservations were •n facilities. Grounds were decorated with flags, bunting, lanterns and electric Town and beach officials agree forced to sleep in their automobi es lights of red, white and blue, beam thout hesitancy that it was by or on the sand when ,rno vacancy’’ ing a welcome to all. lar the biggest week-end Hampton signs were tacked up outside ah A large banquet table was erect each has ever experienced. Al- hotels and rooming houses. Many ed across the street where all ough hard to state accurately, it of the town’s citizens opened their neighbors gathered for a staras estimated that nearly 140,000 homes to accommodate guests and spangled supper. A Liberty cake onged the beach Friday and that help relieve the situation. lighted with candles, a patriotic Because of the unprecedented ore than 200,000 visited the beach rush of business at the beach, sev Shea of Concord, Barbara Wrenn tab’e cloth, favors and firecrackers er the long week-end. added color to the festivities. Despite the congested traffic eral of the restauranters were of Worcester, Mass., Gertrude BroA bonfire at midnight with obliged to close their doors on Sun long Lafayette highway that prephy of Jamaica P ain, Mass., ana (Continued on Page 11) day m order to give their employe* ailed from Thursday until late Winfred O’Dea of Norwood, Mass. an opportunity to prepare food for day night reports of automoTraffic over the Interstate bridge the next meal. Lines of hungry beach visitors formed on the side at Portsmouth exceeded all expec VISIT THE walks outside the eating places tations, according to Wallace PurBESSIE COOPER S waiting for a chance to get a meal. rington, secretary of the Maine. New Hampshire Bridge Authority, P A LM & OARD R E A D IN G ^ Five persons were overcome by with 42,000 cars passing over the Look For The Tent ^ the heat on the sand at the beacn toll bridge between Thursday at and had to be revived at the first Marsh Ave. Hampton Beach ^ aid room. They were Dorothy 4:00 P. M. and Sunday afternoon at the same hour. Between noun “A trip through the Adams of Manchester, WiJisiiu and 4 P. M. Sunday, 8,100 went Standish Gift Shop nver the bridge, while 5,000 crossed is like a trip around the span between midnight Thurs the world” day and 8 o’clock Friday morning. Ocean Boulevard At “A" St. Hampton Beach Please patronize our advertisers. They make this paper possible. STANDISH GIFT SHOPPE CASINO RESTAURANT TASTY FOOD AT POPULAR PRICES — Our Specialties — JAMES CAMPION DARTMOUTH OUTFITTER BAKED BEANS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Invites you to visit their newly enlarged summer store. We Invite Summer Visitors To Inspect Our Catering To Discriminating Gentlemen Who Place Lasting Quality Above Initial Cost. — S Modern Refrigeration Plant AND CLEAN, WHOLESOME BAKERY Crispy, Tender A Real Bargain CLAM FRIED $ 1.00 Shore Dinner CHOWDER CLAMS Hand-Woven Shetland and Cashmere Sport Jackets Sport Slacks — Allen Solly, London, English Wool Hose — Welch Margetson, London, English Neckwear. The largest and most complete stock of fine clothing north of Boston. Located on The Casino next door to the Ballroom •. % Hampton Beach Advocate Have You Heard? Beach Club Goes Fireworks-Less T hat every conceivable kind of signs im p’ying “no rooms” were put into use Fric.ay and Ha turd ay At the Beach Club the usua’ nights? Fourth of July display of fireworks was most conspicuous by its ab sence. Except for an occasional firecracker set off during the day by the childen, no one would have known that it was the Glorious Fourth. With all terror that is widespread throughout Europe, the grown-ups felt that the funds ex pended for such an affair could be used to a better advantage else where. However there was a dance at the Beach club which was we11 attended. WENTWORTH TUTORING SCHOOL Wentworth Road N E W C A S T L E , N. H. Tel. Portsmouth 3256-W. Emerson School For Boys Mrs. PuFer Halsey and her daughter, Miss Hope Halsey, entertained a large group at a supper party on Sunday evening. Recent arrivals at Little Boar’s Head are Mrs. Carl S. Fuller and A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL s % S £< EXETER DAY SCHOOL \ MARLBORO S T R E E T £ ) Telephone 892 ► J Exeter New Hampshire >« lillips Exeter Academy Exeter, New Hampshire The Ham pton Beach Advocate A Vacation Digest of all th e new s inform ation tor the sum m er visitor. i t VISIT HISTORIC ISLES OF SHOALS Published W ednesdays, Ju ly 2 to S ep tem b er 3 , By The i H A M PTO N P U B L IS H IN G CO M PA N Y ' Steamer Sightseer HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHj — R O U N D T R I P D A I L Y — FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS PAPER fc Leaving Portsmouth TELEPHONE HAMPTON 17 i 10:50 A. M. Communications and Items from readers are welcome at all times. i I Round Trip $1.25 Children .75 Mrs. George Osborn of Brook line has opened her home on Mill Road for the summer. Mrs. John Haley of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, has been enterBirthdays celebrated on fi taining her daughter and son-in1 law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanger, Ave. in July include: Mrs. Margaret Lyons, July &. this week. Mrs. Annette Tierney, July 18 Also here for a brief visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Miss Janet Wells, July 19 Francis Wells, July 29 Leacock, is Mrs. Harry Swain and her husband, Mr. Swain. Mrs. John T. Bottomly of Boston 10 Congress St. and her fami y have been guests this week at the Farragut Hotel. Deborah Ann Shoj 266 Central Ave The many friends of Mrs. Alvan Gifts For Every Occasioi T. Fuller will be delighted to learn that she has returned to her home In the historic — ■ — ■ ■■ here after a long illness in Boston. John Moody Parsonage E " ~~ X j . 7T7" Still others who have opened their homes here for the season Built in 1730 are: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hixon, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lansing Ray, Mrs. Rockingham Junction, N. H Richard Hawkins, Col and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Ewing Hil , Mr. and Tel. Newmarket 223-11 Mrs. Edward V. Papien and Mr and Mrs. Harold Bailey. The New Hampshire Champion ship Junior Tennis matches for boys and girls was held at the Abenaqui club at Rye Beach on When in Portsmouth July 5-G. The winners and the run ners-up qualify for the national VISIT championships. The boys will go to Culver and the girls to Philadel phia. JARVIS B irthday Congratulations m • Have RESTAURANTS You Heard? That many of thos<‘ lily-white city folks who spent the week-end here went back with pienty of evi dence that "old Sol” shone the en tire lime’ Specializing in C elebrate F o u rth New M arch of Time W ith O pen House Film Praises N. E. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gillis of Belmont opened their Ross Ave. home for a community supper served after the beach fireworks d.splay on the ho iday eve. All Ross Ave. associates attend ing the supper on the night before were given a royal ~*n kinds of refreshments, served in the dining room attractively de corated with red, white and b’.ue. M A R I E BEAUTY SALON Permanents Our Specialty M A C H I N E or M A C H I N E L E S S Portsmouth Dover, N. H. scenes from the March of Time are all New Eng.anders. Newbold Mor ris, president of the New York City Council, officiated at the opening of the montage exhibit which was so well received that J. Howard Denny, president of Franklin Sim on’s, has decided to circulate it thrognh all the large U. S. depart ment stores. Said Mr. Denny: “The windows are intended to further that profound purpose—to drama tize national unity in the simple understandable terms of human beings who regard their sacred rights and privileges as something to be jointly treasured and guard ecj ed—and who are prepared to do something about it—come what may.” Latest March of Time film, “New England’s Eight Million Yankees,” produced by Louis de Rochemont, is already adding to New England’s fame. Following the world pre miere of the film last Thursday night before a «arge group ot im portant persons at Exeter, Near Hampshire, which is featured in the picture, thousands of New Yorkers Friday witnessed unveiling of huge dramatic photomontage exhibit based on the film m the windows of Franklin Simon, large Fifth Avenue department store. Franklin Simon displayed no mer chandise over the Fourth of July week-end but devoted the entire window space to the theme: “We’re Americans.” One window dramatiz es the position of the American worker, another crystallizes the position of American women in re lation to the present crisis, another shows the patriotism of business day and professional men, and the larg- t est window is devoted to American reti children. whe The people pictured in these little brother isn’t a Scout SALISBURY BEACH,MASS MORE GORGEOUS THAN EVER 2 REVUES NIGHTLY Outside Catering The Best Vacation A Preparatory School For Boys Hampton Beach Advocate in the world isn’t going to be very er you have to do your own laundering Let us take care nf vmit* _ laundry PAUL KIRKLAND—“Intematinal Novelty Comedian” HAHN & DeNEGREE—“Poetry in Motion” GLARE & SANA SISTERS—“Whirlwind Skaters” BETTY & LAWRENCE COOK—“Modem Dance Rhythms” HELEN CARROLL—“New England’s Favorite Songstress” 10 BEAUTIFUL FROLIKETTES HENRY KALIS and His Orchestra featuring BRAD GOWANS AL FOREST at the Hammond Organ tru ck on t h e beach e v e r y day Phone 531-W POPULAR PRICES PHONE NEWBURYPORT 250 Hampton Beach Advocate 6 CHATS IN THE KITCHEN by Ethel Morse “Darling, this sink is so low it makes my back ache to wash dishes. Couldn’t you raise it a little? It won’t take you two m nutes.” Sometimes it’s a picture to be hung, furniture that needs re arranging or a trellis to he buiit. but w hatever the innorent sound ing little request, it is sure to be the prelude to tribulation for the man who prides h raself on the ability to do odd jobs. The fol owing pathetic tale is CARBERRY’S VARIETY STORE Real Estate contributed especially for the bene, lit of women readers by a member of the long-suffering fraternity o! handy husbands. It began with the pictures in the magazines of those stream lined kitchens having fifty cupboard doors exactly alike. Then the Jones family next door had their kitchen done over and my wife immediately began to survey our m odest do main with a jaundiced eye. But Marla is a wonderful woman and if w asn’t long before she came out with a plan whereby we could move a cupboaru, which had sud denly become too high, and thus improve the general appearance of our kitchen at no additional ex pense,.except for paint. It was such a simple "equest that I decided to surprise my vife by having the work ill done when she and Insurance Rye Beach, N. H. Telephone 11 $ S A U N D E R S $ $ L O B S T E R S OUR S P E C I A L T Y £ "A S T E A K DINNERS $ A ► ♦< Telephone Rye Beach 198 X Rye Harbor, New Hampshire V y A returned from a Red Cross m eet ng Blioulder, balanced It with my he* on Saturday afternoon. Accordingly while I blindly reached for tho ha, she had no sooner left the house mei and nails on the table, i m.s# then I donned my old clothes ana both but succeeded in brushing a cup which tinkled into a thous started right in. _____ ______ Taking out the dishes was the pieces. Then I moved the t a b l e , __ § the pieces of crockery into a b first step and in so doing I broke two of our eight sherbet glasses, and began all over again. tyj T h e a t r e P l a V C F S ^ im o a bag went the pieces, to be nails held in my teeth, tile hamin sneaked out of sight later, and the under my chin. I carefully put u cupboard in position and drove In work proceeded. The cupboard in question proved nail. It only struck the plaster * Among the events of the past the tea which was to be a conservative and for some pulled out. On the s e c o n d atten w.cek‘end time resisted all our efforts to re I pounded my thumb and had g,ven on Sunday afternoon at the move it from its accustom ed place. sit down I was so angry. Wr Farragut Summer theatre by the Farragut players. The purpose of When it finally capitulated, a large skip what I said. Then the telephone rang, i an **ea was to kave ,uinm(,r patch of plaste.* came with it filling the house with dust. T hat had not and began nailing up that cupboi residents meet the company which been on the program but I could again. Finally I got it so it wo, ^hLs year Tis comP[ete y new and fix it. Then I placed the cupboard stick on the wall without hold! d^ ,|rent- Its members are young against the wall only to find that and stepped back to view my hat B®Pirants to a Broadway w ith both hands engaged in holding work. It listed drunkenly to , ? ho have. been gathe5ed to o th er it I had no way of putting in the side and was so close in th e con from vai;ious Part? of the Umterl that the door would not open. States where they have either been screws. W hile I was pondering this prob this time the telephone had b-' attending dramatic school or else lem the door bell rang, it was Mrs. ringing steadily and r decided laking part ,n other, stock com’ Crytell selling tickets to a carnival. must be something important i pf.n,e!l p°nrers at the tea were I hate carnivals but I had t0 buy answered. It was Mrs. Nitwits Miss Mary Nutting of Little Boars or she would have stayed all the ing she was bringing over sa Head and Mrs' Edward Sawyer of afternoon. friends to see our rock garden ®eackReturning to the kitchen I c a re told her we had smallpox and ht The rePetoir,<; [ov the seems to be well chosen and if the fully raised the cupboard to my Up EXETER. N.H, if Jypicat 9Uw Farragut Players Open With “Lady of Letters” E n te rta in At Tea VISIT You'll Enjoy and Profit By a Visit to Exeter Cordial M erchants Will Gladly Serve Y our Needs With Up-To-The-Minute M erchandise For Beach Wear And Beach House. MODERN THEATRE DELIGHTFUL SHOPPES AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES IN SHOPPING DISTRICT Leading Lady T ournam ent For Seniors Will Open Thursday, July 10 The New Hampshire Shore championships for men and women which are sanctioned by the N. E. L. T. A. wil be held at the Abenaqui Club July 10-13. The list of events and their time and place follow: Men’s Singles begin Thursday, July 10, at 2:00 P. M. Entries close 7:00 P. M. Wednesday, July 9. A 1 players must play one match at least on Thursday. Women’s Singles begin Thurs day, July 10, at 10:00 A. M. Entries close 7:00 P. M. Wednesday, July Men’s Doubles begin Friday, July 11, at 4:00 P. M. Entries close 3:00 P. M., Friday, July 11. Women’s Doubles begin Friday, July 11, at 5:00 P. M. Entries close 4:00 P. M., Friday, July 11. Mixed Doub’es start Saturday. July 12, at 10:00 A. M. Entries close at 9:55 A. M., July 12. With grim determination I la, enthusiasm of the company foreed that cupboard again and after shadows the plays, then they give ing enough nails, screws and bm every P r o m i s e °f bein& a success. to build a house, had the satii It is interesting to note in passing tion of knowing that unlesi that real theatre seats have been very building were pulled a] installed in the playhouse which is that cupboard could never be a decided improvement over the comfortable wooden benches of red from its place. the past. It was a task to put all the Trophies back hut I only broke another ~ • | T$ The following trophies will be bet glass. I was just going to ct JL J3 I1 1 C 1 S X V d l l awarded the winners: out the bag of pieces when Ml 1? 11 'T 'i'rk rk V iv MISS JEFF DONNELL, who plays the leading role in “Lady of returned. I had the expansive^ .T llllC r J Men’s Singles—The Governor AI Letters,” which opened the summer season at the Farragut Playhouse. Ing of work well done and I her* vin T. Fuller Trophy. Governor as she entered the kitchen. Bruce Daniels, Worcester, Mass., Rye Beach’ N* H- on Tuesday evening’ Ju,y 8th‘ Fuller's second trophy, first year Oh, ^you’ve moved the ------- w W• U io in competition. retired the Alvan T. Fuller trophy ^he parra~ut playhouse onenea l* ie country and including among board!" she exclaimed. There * 1 * , ,• its suiunfeTtheatre season Tuesda? its members Miss Barbara Ann women's Smgles-The Women’s Singles—The Governor an expression of consternation singles in the New Hampshire evening wjth the presentation 0f Butz of California, Elizabeth Jean Huntley N. Spaulding Trophy. her face, which made my heart Shore tennis championships at tue 0f Letters.” The play wil! Bohrer of New York City, Dean Previous winners of the Spau.’da beat. I looked around and sud Abenaqui club Monday. He defeat- fae presented each evening through Thueon of Salt Lake City, Freder- ing trophy have been: Mrs. D. E. Iv realized that I had put that ed Clark Taylor of New Haven, Saturd at 8:30 p M 6 ick L. Kidder of Brookline, Mass., Cameron, 1936; Mary S. Fuller, board on the wrong side. 6-1, 5-7, 6-3, 6-1. n ,, Stanley Whitehead and Miss Anne 1937; Argyll Rice, 1938; Mrs. CathBut my wife is a wonderful Conn., Later Daniels paired with VinMlss Donnell, prominent in AppIeton of Boston, and others. arine Sample, 1939; Katharine man. iIn a moment ----— she laughed’ '*ent Brandt, Newport, R. I., to win ew England theatrical circles for then second production the Hubbell, 1940. then inquired, “What’q HUo Kv Hnwnino- t ano her outstanding performances in ^ or lls second production, tr.c . . . . “What’s in that b: McCnvpm and Granville Fuller suc^ P*ays as “The Philadelphia Playhouse has selected “Ladies in The committee m charge of the ftan“ Granville Fuller, ^ „ , Addine- Machine ” Retirement,” the thrilling murder tournament this year follows: Per(Continued on Page 11) 6 pollv Kimball of Winchester "House of Connelly," and many <1™™ wbich played to capacity cy C. Rogers, chairman; John K. JrO lly K im b all Ot W incnG S ter, A1 . ^ , ____ , . lt . ____ • K a u c a c f A r o -Fill] p n Q e A n Iviefr u a q §• R o t f n m l o r IVfnrv 5 F n llp r M « Mass., and Barbara Stanwood, others, is featured in this opening houses for a full season hut year Bottomley Mary S. Fuller Mrs. Gloucester, Mass., won the girls’ Production, a superbly amusing on Broadway. Dates for this play Ph.lip N. Hobson, Peter Fuller, E. T R A F T O N AGEN« doubles finals by defeating Joan three-act comedy b Turner Bullock are July loth to 19th, inclusive. ■■■ 39 Congress Street Jackson and Joan Straw, both of Miss Donnell is a graduate of the All plays during this summer house a background rich in theatre INSURANCE OF Manchester, 6-0, 6-1. Leland Powers School of the The- season will be under the personal training and experience, both in atre, Boston, and of the Yale direction of Mr. William R. Ander- Hollywood and on Broadway. As a —------ ------ 1---E V E R Y DESIGN A GERMAN HOUSEWIFE has School of Drama, where for the son, who is associate director oi director, producer, and actor, he Tel. Portsmouth 61 been arrested for hoarding goods past season she has played leading Leland Powers School of the Thea- has been associated also with some in wartime. Police found in her roles in several plays produced by tre and drama director and instruc- of the leading theatre groups in possession large quantities of face Yale University. She will be sup- tor in the Col’ege of Practical Arts America, and has appeared in mocream, perfume, shirt buttons, dust ported by a company of talented and Letters of Boston University, tion pictures as well as in legitiDo You Want — cloths and kitchen knives. players selected from all parts of He brings to the Farragut Play- mate productions. Letters, Script, or Anything Typed? Reasonably . Accurately I 12 MILES—ROUTE 101C Historic Houses Phillips Exeter Aoademy The places where George Washington and Abraham Lincoln stopped. The sites where Exeter Squires Lived and Loved and Fought Off the Indians to Establish This Quaint Old Town. Hampton Beach Advocate Then Find __ RACHAEL MENARD DeLancey Hotel Next to the Ashworth - -VJ j y Hampton Beach Advocate Bette Davis At The Olympia Gary Cooper At Ioka CASINO Coming to the Ioka Theatre Sun day, Monday and Tuesday, July 13, Hampton Beach, N. H. 14, and 15, is “Meet John Doe,” Mats. 2:30 Eve. 7:15 and 9 starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck and directed by Frank Wed. July 9 Capra. Spencer Tracy and “Meet John Doe” is Frank Cap Mickey Rooney in ra’s production for 1941—and that “Men of Boys Town” is important news for movie fan^. [n e w s shorts The Academy Award winning dir ector is noted for his fine under Thurs., Frl. July 10-11 standing of human elements, which Ruby Keeler - Harriet Hilliard Ozzle Nelson and his Band | probably accounts for the wide au dience appeal in his work. And to “Sweetheart of the Campus” round out the production, Capras’ N EW S S H O R TS co-producer, who wrote the screen play, is Robert Riskin. The Riskin Saturday July 12 script was based on a story by Charlie Chan in Richard Connell and Robert Pres“Dead Men Tell” nell. It is the Capra-Riskin team that was responsible for such re MARCH OF T I M E SHORTS cord breakers as “It Happened One Night,” “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” Sun., Mon. July 13-14 James Stewart and and “You Can't Take It With You.” Hedy Lamarr in In addition to this talent, add the “Come Live With Me” names of Edward Arnold, Walter NEWS S H ORTS Breenan, James Gleason, Gane Lockhart, Spring Byington, Irving Bacon, Rod La Rocque, Regis Toomey, and Pierre Watkin, who head the important supporting cast. OLYMPIA Fools Hampton Beach, N. H. He was doing his best to fit his Mats. 2:30 Eve. 7:15 and 9 key into the lock, singing a happy song meanwhile. A lter a tim e a Wed., Thurs. July 9-10 head looked out the window above. Bud Abbott - Lou Costello “Go away, you fool,” cried the “Buck Privates” man upstairs, “you're trying to get NEWS SHORTS into the wrong house." “Fool yourself! ” shouted back Frl., Sat. July 11-12! the man below. “You’re looking Barbara Stanwyck and A out of the wrong window." Henry Fonda in “Lady NEWS ♦ Eve” l S H O R TS V Sunday July 13 Robert Montgomery and Ingrid Bergman in 4 “Rage In Heaven” y NEWS SHORTSY Mon., Tues. ; y July 14-15 Jean Arthur in “The Devil and Miss Jones” NEWS SHORTS The Farragut Playhouse RYE BEACH, N. H. — Now Playing — “LADY OF LETTERS” A superbly amusing comedy with JEFF DONNELL Coming Next Tuesday — “LADIES IN RETIREMENT” Reserve Your Tickets Now 55c, 85c, $1.10, $1.65 Phone Rye Beach 166 * FERNCROFT ALLEYS d a ily PRIZES for la d ie s a n d gents 7 ALLEYS - COOL AND PLEASANT a strpp T A b TREET Enti«-ely Remodeled — HAMPTON BEACH, N. H. P alm e r’s At N orth IF A GERMAN AVIATOR is struck by a shell some night soon, Beach Is P o p u lar PORTSMOUTH. N. H. Friday & Saturday Wendy Barrie - Patric Knowlej Virginia Bruce in “ADVENTURE IN WASHINGTON” Anita Louise - Russell Hayden “Two In A Taxi" Wednesday & Thursday Ralph Byrd - Carol Hughes Clark Gable At The Colonial CARGO” A Laff Riot About Th e Navy with Jack Hulbert In “Jack Ahoy” Combining the versatile talents of Clark Gable and Rosalind Rus sell as co-stars, M-G-M's “They Met in Bombay,” coming Sunday to the Colonial Theatre, is a ro PH ^^1 P O RTCMfil R T S M O UiTu TH mantic melodrama graphically key ed into international complications in the Orient. Friday & Saturday Humphrey Bogart and With this headlined news front Sylvia Sidney seething with intrigue and violence “THE WAGONS as their dramatic background. ROLL AT NIGHT” Gable and Miss Russell, as a pair Johnny Mack Brown of intrepid adventurers, are given “Ragtime Cowboy Joe” wide latitude in bringing their un CARTOON COMEDY usual talents to the screen. L A T E S T NEWS The teaming of Gable and Miss Russell is accented by the perforSunday, Monday & Tuesday mances of Peter Lorre, Jessie Ralph, Edward Ciannelli, Matthew Bette Davis - George Brent Boulton, Luis Albemi, Rosina Gulli “THE GREAT LIE” ™??VeI1° and Reein£>ld Owen. ' “Forced Landing” While the story is essentially vi Richard Arlen - Eva Gabor tal action drama, its twin theme of P A TH E NEWS romance is deftly developed as the Play swings toward a smashing Ml Wednesday & Thursda climax in which Gable, returning to S i Rooney . Spencer 1 the service of his colors at a critiMEN o f BOYS TO\ ca1 point in the tide of internationE. E. Horton - Baby Sar aJ. a'fairs- acquits himself heroic “Bachelor Daddy” ally to redeem his honor and posi Novelty tion in society. P _WHAT HAPPENS A T N l' V ft QLYMPI A s WHEN AT HAMPTON BEACH nineteen years ago with the idea that home cooking was what the public liked, and the rapid progress of the business has shown that they were right. They have been compelled to enlarge their building several times since they started and at the present time they have all they can take care of each day. They have always made it a point to employ local help, and only those who understand home cook THEATRE ing and serving, and under the able Tel. 419-3 leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer H A M P TO N (N O R T H ) BEACH they have built a reputation second 2 Shows at 7:00 - 9:00 to none along the beaches. Mat. on Rainy Days 2:30 P. M. The excellency of their menu is known far and wide. That lobster Mon., Tues. July 14-15! salad dinner is one to be remem bered; if you like steak that is the “SO ENDS OUR NIGHT”' place to have dinner, or a fried clam dinner. Palmer's open sand Frederick March and wich of lobster and sliced chicken, Margaret Sullavan tomato and cucumber, chips and CARTOON NEWS coffee . . . doesn’t that sound good You will enjoy a cold plate special, Wed., Thurs. July 16-17 Hamburg roll, salads of all kinds too numerous to mention; speciai Zane Grey’s dinners that are very attractive, “WESTERN UNION” all kinds of sandwiches which are very tasty, and those chowders Robert Young - Randolph Scott; that cannot be beat. You do not NEWS CARTOON want to forget we are talking of home-cooked foods country style, Fri., Sat. July 18-19 not the common restaurant food you get in the city. If you haven’t “YOUNG PEOPLE” Shirley Temple - Jack Oakie eaten at Palmer’s you missed part of your trip. If you are still heie — also — Palmer's is still there ready to serve you with the best of food Exclusive Fight Pictures cooked by experts on home cook BILLY CONN vs. ing. Open from 11 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Mondays closed at 8 P. M. JOE LOUIS Don't forget Palmer’s at North Beach near Coast Guard station. The most sensational blow-by-j BARN blow thrills of the year Sun., Mon. July 20-21 “YOU’RE THE ONE” Bonnie Baker - Jerry Colonna Orrln Tucker’s Orchestra NEWS TRY THE CARTOON — Deep Sea Fishing Trips — Santa Christoforo 8:00 A. M. - 1:30 P. M. Daily Inq. at Office near Toll House Mrs. Gilmore, Prop. Louis Smith, Capt. Penny Arcade NEW.J? Opposite The Playground s Clark Gable and LADY SAILOR fcelen Slaughter of Kansas City, Kan., has become the first woman staff officer of the U. S. Merchant marine. She is as sistant purser on the S. S. North America. ►<Deep Sea Fishing and Pleasure^ ?<Partise on reliable cabin cruiserfi i “NYOKA” * V Tuna Parties a Specialty t<18 Marsh Ave. V M Capt. Fred Williams >; Rosalind Russell in “They Met In Bombay” SHORT Wed., Thurs. NEWS July 16-17 Geraldine Fitzgerald ^Donald Crisp-James Stephenson “Shining Victory” S E L E C T E D S H ORTS IOKA THEATRE - Exeter, N.H. i nursday - Friday, July 10-11 — LORETTA YOUNG - ROBERT PRESTON EDWARD ARNOLD “THE LADY FROM CHEYENNE” FRANK CRAVEN - EILEEN OTIEARN ROGER PRYOR “RICHEST MAN IN TOWN” Saturday, July 12 — JOEL McCREA - ELLEN DREW EDDIE BRACKEN “REACHING FOR THE SUN” GENE AUTRY - SMILEY BURNETTE - MARY LEE “THE SINGING HILL” Wednesday, July 16 — ROBERT STERLING - MARSHA HUNT Clide 70 miles per hour In new sleek streamlined trains on the newest and most thrilling roller coaster in N e w England. ft s COLONIAL Selected Short Subjects s V! tured, according to advance report, in memorable fashion to make Co lumbia’s “Adventure in Washing ton” a motion picture of impor tance. Starring Herbert Marshall and Virginia Bruce, an featuring P O R T S M O U T H young Gene Reynolds, the film which opens Sunday at the Arcadia j U|y 11.12 Theatre is a gripping account of a Fri., Sat. scandal in Congress, of a blonde Wallace Beery-Virginia Weldler radio reporter determined to “get the story!” and of a Senate page “Barnacle Bill” boy bewildered by the breathless news shorts ness of today's events. The second feature on the pro gram, starring Anita Louise and >3un., Mon., Tues. July 13-14-15 Russell Hayden is “Two in a Taxi.: tf “MEET JOHN DOE” s s ft With a Glassy Stare Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 13-14-15 — GARY COOPER - BARBARA STANWYCK EDWARD ARNOLD - WALTER BRENNAN \ s V s H erb ert M arshall At T he Arcadia Selected Short Subjects S Visit 9 M aribel: “She’s a very polished girl, don’t you think?” while prowling about in London's Claribel: “ Oh. definitely. She’s Mr. and Mrs. Palmer started skies, it probably won't hurt so The excitement and drama of always casting reflections on other much if he is told that the gun was business at their present location Washington today has been cap people.” aimed by pretty blonde Pat Lovell, ‘-WOMEN IN W AR” now a full-fledged member of an anti-aircraft battery, somewhere in Charles Starrett in the danger area. However, if we ^Medico of Painted Springs1 may be permitted just one little pun this month, yes, you have Sunday, Monday & Tuesday guessed it, “we’ll bet it won't be Herbert Marshall and any ‘love pat.' ” “DESPERATE 1 s N s S \% S s s Vs s ft ft s s % s N \ s ft i s s ■A London Girl Gunner ARCADIA The new Bette Davis starring picture, “The Great Lie,” which comes to the Olympia Theatre in Portsmouth on next Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday, is a modern ove story and in it Bette Davis is sa d to surpass even her superb perfor mance in “The Leter ” Supporting the star are George Brent and Mary Astor, the latter turning in the year’s surprise acting role. On the same program the Olym pia will offer “Forced Landing,” the first film of Fifth column sa botage in the skies and packed with thrilling action. Richard Arlen, Svelyn Brent, Nils Asther, and Eva Gabor, “The Girl with the Sweater Voice,” are featured in this new hit. S S m There’s Always Something Doing At The Hampton Beach Advocate S alisbury beach “I’LL WAIT FOR YOU” HUGH SINCLAIR - SALLY GRAY “SAINT’S VACATION” — BANK NIGHT WEDNESDAY — k Hampton Beach Advocate Hampton Beach Advocate P ainting and Decoratinsr Have You Heard? That the attendants at the first aid room were kept busy sticking on adhesive tape over the Fourth? Ve doubt if the stuff will come off easy as Ruby puts it on. $ PORTSMOUTH Have You Heard? H A R D W A R E & PLUMBING S S U P P L Y COM PANY S ^ 130 Congress St. Portsmouth S \ SHOPPE Your Summer Beauty with • Well-Groomed Hair ? Smart Styling — ^ — Individual Service S Phone Hampton 8442 Delancey Hotel s s s Have You Heard? That the crowd here over the \ week-end was estimated to be ap 140.000 people—the V proximately biggest crowd in the history of s Hampton Beach? Have You B St. Market C I T Y PRICES Wholesale - Retail M E A T - FISH V E G E T A B L E S - F R U IT E. Lessard, Mgr. Delivery to All Parts of Beach T E L . CONN DOWNER’S LUNCH and the RENWOD TEAROOM Breakfast - Dinner - Luncheon Heard? That the new booth beside the Chamber of Commerce building is a ‘pundle^ for [Britain0 booth? Hand-knitted goods and other arti cles are on display to be sold here for Britain’s benefit. The Hamp ton and Hampton Bosch units have co-operated in this worthy project and Mrs. Alfred Rosser is in charge. % Have You Heard? That spry is the word for that pink-cheeked white-haired woman of some sixty odd years who cour ageously rented a bicycle and ener. v iretically pedalled down the street? £ Have You % BEAUTY . Have You Heard? About tuoae two girls whose batniug suits disappeared from the clothesline? They resolved to find the guilty parties who had “bor rowed” (kind word) the suits. They tramped from one end of the beach S to the other and their efforts were s finally rewarded when they found s% two ma dens frollicking about in s their borrowed finery. After a bit of s wrangling the suits were returned s to the proper owners. Some nerve, \ huh? SURFSIDE ^ • Have You j a D O IU lt o H o P p O Fish and Clams Fresh Daily >J LOBSTERS A SPECIALTY Near Coast Guard Station That Bill Elliot has written a book of poems? Enjoy a Deep Sea Fishing Trip Have You Heard? | MAHONEY’S LUNCH with C A P T A I N B I L L DOW About the black-haired colleen at g As famous as the beach itselfthe Delancey who one night ranted It's the food and to all and sundry about the fully of g incidentally the coffee. consulting a fortune teller and was H seen the very next day, hesitantly standing in front of a certain tent, scanning the street, and swiftly da'ting msWe. Afi, ves. women are Here’s Food for Thought: inconsistent! Remember the Silex? Have You Heard? That a few (a very few we’re -rind to report) cottage owners “jacked” up the price of rooms over the Fourth? Such incidences are indeed unfortunate, for the popularity nf the beach and are not t be tolerated. Have You Heard? Heard? Have You Heard? NORTH SHORE FISH MARKET Heard? How many dollars worth of firr That on July 10 the Ferncroft crackers went up in smoke over Alleys team will battle the Ports the Fourth? mouth City Five? According to Jim Eastman, the Alleys will en ter the fray with high hopes of Have You Heard? winning. That many of the visitors who f' equented North Beach over the Have You Heard? week-end thought that the new Mr. Spear, secretary of the s?ea wall was a place to register. Chamber of Commerce stated yes The sight of the cement wall cov terday that this little sheet is far ered with charcoal inscriptions is mproved over that of last year tar from pleasing. Perhaps they and is in great demand. (pat . have never heard that ditty about Pat * . . Ouch! Watch out for the tools’ names and fools' faces.” sunburn!) All Home Made Pastry ICE C R E A M PARLOR Home Made Cones Salt Water Taffy Caramel Corn ROCKY PAINTING “ Prompt quality work at reasonable prices'’ T E L . A M E S B U R Y 696-M S ^ COLEMANS’ Th , That the personable assistant all - t Y °U Heard? J thronS ieft 1;ter- manager „f Howard Johnson’s th l ° f 50st cards *nd mail Frank Frost, bowls a n>ean string > ^ ‘ p0sl 0l,ice to so rt and b • send on the r way? of the THREE SISTERS Lines and bait furnished free Courteous Service 11 Exeter Ave. Hampton 449-11 Still playing on Marsh Ave. Visit The "What Foods these Morsels Bel" TRADING POST AND TRAILER PARK LEARY’S Next to the Ashworth Hotel King's Highway at 7th S t North Shore i \ Special Dinners Daily ) Including Coffee and Dessert \ Groceries - Cold Meats Ice Cream - Tonics Candy - Magazines New Bicycles To Rent Unsurpassed Food Bring Your Car To For Range and Fuel Boar’s Head Filling Station OIL For Call GREASING WASHING - POLISHING TIRES CHANGED SOCONY PRODUCTS Wilbur Jewell Tel. Hampton 470 We AI 30 Carry Authorized Distributor of KEROSENE and W HITE GAS Petroleum Products PISH M A R K E T SE, C , a m s ■ Lobsters I „ M P F A and DELICIOUS SOUTHERN FRrED CHICI BRIDGE I F..d PRODUCED ON OUR OWN FARMS BAKER FARM “Grade A” MILK 0 =„„ to your pu(t (hs EXETER ROAD TELEPHONE HAMPTON 42 HAM PTON CHATS IN THE KITCHEN (Continued from Page Six) you oid dear? I’ll bet you bought me some macaroons. I’ll serve them with sherbet when the "Eight Of 13s Club” comes this evening to play bridge.” This carrot and pear salad looks good and tastes better. Be sure the flues from furnace and fireplaces are clean and free from soot. Soot is inflammable and with the fires out for the season wise householders see to it that their chimneys are clean. July 2: Vern Dennett, local lad and Eddie Lamire of the Fairview Tearoom tied for a score of 119. They had a roll-off the same nigh-, V IS IT T H E and Dennett was winner. Ladies’ WHITTIER HOUSE high 3Cor3r was Ann Farley with Carrot and Pear Salad 105. 6 large pear nalves FOR C HARM ING PERIOD July 3. Mrs. F. J. Klein of °ortslA cup grated carrots (raw) FURNITURE mouth was high scorer with a V6 cup finely chopped pecans •n Genuine Honduras Mahogany French dressing score of 105. Frank Frost, assistant or Solid Vermont Maple manager of the Howard Johnson Dates—cream cheese also stand scored 119. Arrange pear halves on lettuce July 4: Mrs. Klein, 107. J. Walsh, leaves, hollow side up. Pour over C O M P L E T E LINE OF F IN E S T 126. a small amount of French dressing. F U R N I T U R E PRICED A T A Mix carrots and nuts with addi BIG SAVING T O YOU tional dressing and heap in centers. ROSS A V E N U E — Lafayette Rd. Garnish with dates stuffed with Hampton Falla cream cheese. plenty of fireworks and red lights on display was greatly enjoyed. In the early evening races were an attraction with awards given out at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tierney of Lawrence, whose new house was completed last week, were given a riugh welcome back to the com munity. Chippy Robinson present Here’s the thing . . . a ed a remembrance gift with best wishes for luck and happiness in their new home. Awards in the 100-yd dash went to Walter Wells of Manchester N. IT. The 3-legged race winners . . . complete $24.95 were Jack Tierney and Chippy Robinson, Loretta Robinson and Annette Tierney taking the con solation prize. Johnny Dwyer won the pole vau’t, Bill Thompson the She’ll love t h e hose sprinkling contest. Dotty Thompson and Jane Gillis won the ease, coolness and musical quiz. compactness of Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells, Janet Wells, Francis this G-E Magic Wells, and Mrs. Margaret Lyons of Manchester, N. H.; Mr. and Mrs. R oaster. I t’s so Archie Gillis and Jane Gil is and simple . to use. Mrs. Somers of Belmont, Mass.; Mrs. M. Merrill of Arlington even for a com Heights, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thompson, Albert Thompson. plete meal. Ju st Dorothy Thompson and cofrsm of Manchester, N. H.; Mr. and Mrs. put the food in, George A. “Chippy" Robinson, Mr. set the dial to the and Mrs. Jack Tierney of Law rence, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer and Mrs. Mary Halloran of Lynn, Mass. proper heat and forget it until the food is cooked. Does a ‘‘sw ell’’ job roasting, baking, broiling. Great for summer cottage. LIMITED TIME OFFER PASTEURIZED MILK and CREAM SILEX T E A AND COFFEE 8" At F ern cro ft - A. T. Johnson & Son, Inc. Farl F,sh L U n L li£ S Lobs n e a r m il e High Scorers n FOR SIMMER COOKING COMFORT G -E ROASTER We have just a few of these G-E Roasters which we bought "right". W»hen they are gone there won’t be any more at the low price we're asking. A word to the wise is sufficient. Price Includes Rcaster, Cabinet and Broiler BUDGET TERMS Exeter & Hampton Electric Co £3 5* ■ Hampton Beach Advocate Hampton Beach Advocate THE MARCH OF PROGRESS having been associated with the It was this saving that started Peavey Co. for two years before Mr. Pickard looking for a warei . that time. Mr. Pickard has shown house so that he might pass it on by his rapid progress that he is a to you. At Pickard’s you will find tv l. fnmiture man with rare foresight and sound model rooms shown which will give Pickard s, tte leadingd n t Seeing the advantage of you so many ideas for furnishing house in Ames ury, v. s large warehouse over a store of your own home. If you like modern Mr. Pickard some two years ago, a ^ ^ ^ q{ t,)e *urniture that is real furniture the amount of stock which he wanted Heywood Wakefield groups shown to place on display he began to there should please you. This furmake plans for the warehouse. niture, which is bound to become Palmer’s And now that is a reality you as permanently American as the may drop in to Pickard’s ware- Colonial type, is sturdy and beautiNear Coast Guard Station house and take advantage of the ful with smooth taio.’red lines, saving in the overhead which he Yjiere are dozens of living room LOBSTER has accomplished by this method. set-g> kitchen sets, furniture, and of FRIED CLAMS The warehouse is located at 1 course a complete line of floor Pnend St., Amesbury and there coveringS> \n fact, there is anyC H IC K EN - S T E A K you will find on display a very filing that a home owner would large stock of fine furQiture second want to make his home comfortable to none this side of Boston, and and attractive. You will find the FISH DINNERS - CHOWDERS you will be surprised at the saving Warehouse open eve day on Fri. you can make by buying at ware- day and Saturday until 9 p. M. We house prices. mvite your inspection. Pickard’s Invites I OUT Inspection r\n CLOTHES /n iM m n n n H 4- f k a n n in t if T for children of all PORTSMOUTH 105 Congress Street Exeter, N. H. P O R T S M O U T H , N. H Tel. 1821M | | I Rockingham National Bank Rid-Jid Ironing Table Regular Price — Breakfast and Lunch — 83 Ocean Boulevard at K St. Hampton Beach, N. H. 4. $13, Graymoore Private Hospital PORTSMOUTH ELECTRIC SHOP 76 Daniels St. Portsmouth, N. H. ETHEL MacKENZIE SLATTERY, R. N. Superintendent is S IIIIIIIOJIllllHllllll'l _ = Newburyport, Mass. § = | American Made Watches I | | = g By American Workmen For American People At the Corner of SOUTH and UNION STREETS, PORTSMOUTH, N. H. g Specializing in the care of Diabetics, Heart and Nervous Disorders, Post Surgical Cases, Chronics and convalescents Open Medical Staff* — AMBULANCE SERVICE — Phone Portsmouth 2425 M g |W altham , Elgin | EXETER, N. H. ^ = 1 g Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation = g g f§ & Hamilton^ Watches Repaired by M Factory Expert jg 1 1 Safford’s Jewelry | 11 Shoppe 1 E = I g sTdiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiu ramimiiiiiiBll I Est. 1870 M LUMBER PAINTS - H A R D W A R E H A M P T O N F A L L S , N. H 36 Pleasant St. Tel. 29 <nanft.n^ $ Cool Confections Complete Home Furnishings Store _ 96 Main St., Amesbury a^house, Showroom- 1 Friend St, Amesb n ^ Q u a h ty at Warehouse Prices plenty “ Coffee T h a t’s Good” JACK & JILL SHOP Men's Cotton Slacks and Ensemble Suits glllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill 15 Daniels St HARVEY'S COFFEE POT Special—both for only For Men’s Bathing Trunks and Bathing Suits OFFICE EQUIPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Stationery Greeting Cards Mr. Spear pointed out that these were purely personal promotions and that the only time the Chamber of Com merce sanctions any program solicitation is once a year (usu ally in August) for the Cham ber's program for Carnival Week. Sunbeam Automatic Iron BATHING SUITS & T R U N K S Moody’s Cash Store Right Prices CHASE’S Advertising Solicitors The secretary of the C h a m ber of Commerce, Robert H. Spear, today warned all mer chants and business people cn the beach against pregram ad vertising solicitors who claim authorization by the Chamber of Commerce. The many friends of Mrs. Wil liam Pridham on Wentworth Road will be pleased to hear that she is recovering from a recent accident. Miss Muriel Campbell of Port land visited her family over the Fourth. Mr. Benjamin Hartshorn, at tached to the medical unit at Camp Devens, visited his parents over the week-end. Mrs. Malcolm Garrison of Main St. leaves shortly for Long Beach, California. Later she wi.l join her husband in Hawaii. Lieut. Gamson as formerly stationed at the Portsmouth Navy Yard. I he Skidmore family have moved into George White’s cottage on At kinson Street. Sgt. and Mrs. Raymond Owesley are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Week-end guests at the Hotel Wentworth were William Hayden of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Erb, Nashua, Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Field, Miss Mary L. Field and Miss Sarah Carney of Boston, Mrs. Jos eph P. Halihan and Mrs. Joseph Donahue of Methuen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duane and son and grand daughter of Brookline, Mrs. Wil liam E. Boggs, Mrs. A. S’. Douglas and Miss Adelaide Hall of Win chester and Mr. and Mrs. WiPiaxn J. Harper, Jr., of Bronxville. Gov. and Mrs. James Broughton and family were recent luncheon guests V IS IT FOR Men and Boys Right Goods I 1 Ka Warns Against Beach Newcastle Notes of p a r k in g sp a ce 0V Sumn1' eMapUre8r 8 a"d Sprin06 ' Summer Furniture - Shades . Lamps Kelvlnator Electrical Appliances ______ Washing Machines & Ranges Frosted Jellies, creamy mint 6 iced caramels, luscious fudges tempt you at 29c - 50c Mary Adams Candies 31 Inn St., rear Pleasant N E W B U R Y P O R T , MASS. LC SMITH! TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Typew riter (ORONa I ^ S lEMINGTOHp^ & Adding v Machines \ $0,d Rented / Repaired iXiiNDERWOOD m u n ro est. DIAL A putting contest was held at the Wentworth on Saturday. On the women’s team. Miss Allen won, with Mrs. Giles runner-up. For the men Mr. Conroy won, with Mr. Wogan runner-up. In the evening a dance was held in the ballroom. On Sunday a diving and swimming exhibition was presented by Mr. E. S m y k e, inter-collegiate diving Champion of New Eng.and, and Mr. N. Kitching. “Let’s join the army at Camp Langdon.” With these words, tne first in a series of quiz programs was inaugurated on July 1, and was broadcast at 7 o’clock through WHEB, from the theatre at Camp Langdon. Gordon Kenney served as master of ceremonies and inter viewed Colonel Walter K. Dunn The Medical Corps Glee club sang several selections, accompanied by Miss Louise Hayden Berry, and instumental numbers were heard by .the Fort Foster Swing Trio. The teams competing in the quiz contest were the 1105th CASU and Battery C of the 22nd Coast Artii lery, with the 1105th coming out on lop. This new radio program should prove interesting and entertaining, because it is written and conducted by the men of the army post. Recent arrivals at the Sea Breeze Inn include Mrs. Eva Ward and Miss Alice Ward of Edgewood, R. L, Misses Margaret Thorburn and Margaret Andrews of Riverdale, N Y., Miss Dura Hamblin of Boston and Mr. John Murphy ana Mr. Cle ment Moll of Haverhill. On July 1, nineteen members of Walbach Grange went on a mysstery ride. The trip ended at King ston pond, where swimming and a picnic supper were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald have purchased the “Quarter-deck Cabin” on Main St. Pilto Richard White visited the island town from the sky on Sun day morning. Mrs. Elmer Pierce and family are at their cottage in Center Ossipee for the summer. There were no casualties over the Fourth. Have You Heard? 1 hat it was a “safe-and-sane” Fourth at Hampton Beach with no accident being reported? The police departm ent certainly did a m ighty fine job of handling the heaviest traffic in many years. N O R T O N ’S FISH MARKET Boiled and Live Lobsters FreBh Fish and Clams Daily N E X T T O N O R TH SHORE C O A S T GUARD S T A T IO N CASINO GARAGE J. W. Tucker, Jr., Prop. Tel. 377 or 8249 PACKARD SERVICE General Repairing Welding Hampton Beach Ladd’s Potato Chips MADE FRESH DAILY In Our Own Factory ON R O U T E 1A Sagamore Road P O R T S M O U T H , N. H. Phone 79 We Deliver On Short Notice The Ashworth on Hampton Beach, N. H. “Growing With The Beach Since 1900” L O BS TER - S T E A K S SHORE DINNERS American and European Plan Catering to Banquets and Conventions Mathematics “You want your hair parted exactly in the middle, sir?” “That’s what I said, isn’t it?” “Then I’ll have to pull one out. sir. You have five hairs.” RIDE HORSEBACK Miles of private bridle paths through beautiful pine woods leading to the sea. Private riding ring. The Best Of Home-Cooked Food At Fair Prices DOUG’S G R ILL C STREET HAMPTON BEACH HOOPER’S RIDING SCHOOL Just off U. S. Route 1 at Breakfast Hill Tel. RB 139 W. Rye, N. H. Hampton Beach Advocate star outfielder, she told reporters, Have You Heard? “Tommy made a hit with me and fanned out.” Or perhaps we should say “Did * * • You Soe” those two sailors manipu MOVIE STAR IN COURT lating a tandem up and down the boulevard Sunday? Spectators whc PARENTS OF FILM STAR witnessed the exhibition certainly Gene Tierney lost a court battle to By HOPE C H A M B ER LIN hope that they are a little more prevent a film corporation from adopt at handling Uncle Sam’s signing up their daughter as an boats. HITLER’S MUSIC individual, when Judge Robert L. “I DANCED WIZ HITLER,’1 Munger of Bridgeport, Conn., de FEMININE RULE over the city said pretty Sara Be.ze, wife of a nied their petition. * * * of Dover, N. C., has ended. After Turkish government official, during running the city for two years a recent interview, while en route SERVANT SHORTAGE Mayor Anna Wilson and her three to Hollywood. A bystander gloom WOMEN taking positions in war counselwomen turned their posts ily observed that most Europeans danced, not with the Nazi leader, industries and quitting other pos.over to men. tions because husbands and fathers but rather to his tune. are now making enough money to • * * support them, is the reason for an TEACHER GRADUATES A PRETTY SCHOOLTEACH impending shortage of domestic ER, Helen Louise Froelich, has help in some *areas. * * ended 36 years of bachelorhood for ex-Senator Rush D. Holt, by be MOTHER IN COLLEGE coming the bride of the West Vir ONE CHICAGO WOMAN be ginian, -who was the youngest man lieves in more than keeping with ever elected to the United States her sons in educational matters at senate. least. She is Mrs. Hasley C. Bilter. • * ♦ A Delicious Corn Specialties 38 years old, a sophomore at Cen $ See Us Make It. $ BASEBALL CONTRADICTION tral Y.M.C.A. college. Her two V WHEN PRETTY Eileen O'Riel- sons Richard and Hasley, Jr., 16 V OCEAN BOULEVARD V V V V< K* ’y, New York nurse, married Tom and 17 years of age, have just K &sc^i*x^xc*X4X^*x*x*i^x€j*xSi my Henrich, New York Yankee graduated from high school and In The News • ■ • • - Hampton Beach Advocate plan to enter college,at once, ffo doubtedly there will be family com petition to see who can graduate* from college with the highest horr ors. * * * BLONDE JACQUELINE COCil RAN became the first woman to ferry a bomber across the Atlan: when she arrived in London receir ly with an American-built Hudeo.* bomber. She “hopes” to fly more ships across to England. C A L L ON Ship ahoy! Here’s new beauty! S. A. Dow & Son HAMPTON AND NORTH HAMPTON FOR GROCERIES and HARDWARE Please patronize our advertisers They make this paper possible. INSURANCE? S P E C IA L IZ IN G IN S. S. Pierce Fancy Groceries Native Fruits and Vegetables (In Season) ’aoOpw We Carry A Complete Line Of Frank A. Bownes Co. CALL Modene Paints The PENNIMAN Agency LAWN AND GARDENING TOOLS t ’s sm art to keep yourself looking lovely a t all times. T ry one of our easy-to-m anage hairstyles this week. I Y ou’ll be so pleased! Phone 265 for appointment T E L . H A M P T O N 302 TWO BIG STORES AT YOUR SERVICE Looking For A Place To Stay? Become Acquainted With Our Work PHONE 7 P H O N E RB 39-3 NORTH HAMPTON HAMPTON C EN TER Evelyn’s Beauty Shoppe High Street Hampton Center Here’s a list of approved Hotels, Guest Houses, Cabins and Camp Grounds THE WINONA THE MARILYN Mrs. Winona J. Croteau Mrs. Anna M. Arnfield, Prop. ROOMS - MEALS $14 - $17 Weekly Tel. Hampton 5429 17 “ I” St. Hampton Beach, N. H. (Booklet on Request) Church St. Tel. 235 “A Real Home Away From Home” THE PURITAN Comfortable Rooms Reasonable Rates 109-111 Ocean Boulevard Hampton Beach, N. H. Mrs. Wm. J. O’Brien Phone 652 t h e a u n t ie Rooms, Bath and Shower Cottages - Apartments Lillian McDermott, Prop. 28 Marsh Avenue Hampton Beach, N. H. PAGE’S CABINS C L E A N AND COOL Mrs. E. A. Page Tel. 8347-2 "P” St. and Boulevard Hampton Beach, N. H. THE SPRINGFIELD Home Cooked Meals Hot Water, Showers Mori * d Large Alry Rooms Moderate Rates Tel P7 Q 89 Ocean Blvd. Hampton Beach NUDD’S CAMP GROUND AND ROOMS Boar’s Head Hampton Beach A Good Clean High-Ground Place To Camp Mrs. John Dwyer, Prop. ROOMS One Minute from Beach 9 J St. Tel. 218 Hampton Beach, N. H. 3-cp and Eat ct the The W entworth-By-The-Sea Let Us Cook Your Sunday Dinner PORTSMOUTH, N. H. M E A L S and ROOMS 3 I St. Hampton Beach, N. H Selected Clientele A m erican Plan W IST PO R T C elebrated Cuisine Golf - Tennis - Boating - Swimming Pool Two Orchestras Concert and Dance We roast your choice cut of meat for only 50c with gravy Week-End Turkey Special 10-tb. Fancy Northern Young Turkey Roasted with Stuffing and Quart of Hot Gravy only • — Stay at ROOM THE GRAYCE Large, Airy Rooms Innerspring Mattresses Hot and Cold Showers 3 L St’ Hampton Beach AT THE HELEN Tel. Lowell 23956 10 J St. Hampton Beach Hampton 602 Mrs. E. W. Dadmun 75 Marsh Ave. Cor. of H St. Affording quiet and attractive living quarters Only a short distance from t*e Casino and all Important activities Mrs. Elsie Depocher on Marsh Ave. between F & G Hampton Beach, N. H. YOU’LL FIND JUST THE TEMPTING, DELICIOUS PASTRY YOU’RE LOOKING FOR IN OUR The Farragut House Home Bakery W h e th e r for an overn ig h t's stay to break a journey, DANISH P A S T R Y - POPPYSEED ROLLS - BREAD B I R T H D A Y C A K E S MADE T O ORDER B A K E D BEANS AND BROWN BREAD E V E R Y SAT. N I G H T Why Not T r y The LAWRENCE HOUSE YOUNG’S CABINS DINING ROOM & C A F E T E R I A For Shore Dinners “A ” S T R E E T Tel. 5644 ROOMS Ocean Blvd., near Church St. a w eek’s diversion, or a charm ing and com fortable Hampton Beach, N. H. hom e for th e sum m er m onths — T H E FARRAGU1 DIXON TOURIST HOME LEAVITT’S TOURIST CAMPS A R E S T F U L HOME Z 2 T 1 7 R.? m' wi,h H°* • <*>* B. & M. ‘ 332 M«ls Optional $4.50 SALLY ANN SUNSET APARTMENTS THE ARCADIAN Edna Kimball, prop. Homelike Atmosphere Wlnnacunnet Rd., near Blvd, double0*^*®-00 PCr double $10 per week. Telephon • 319. Why Spend Your Vacation Over A Hot Stove Preparing Meals? THE DEERFIELD LINCOLN HOUSE Ann McCaughey ROOMS BY D A Y OR W E E K Delicious meals served to transients Tel> 368 95 Ocean Blvd. Hampton Beach, N. H. NEW HAMPSHIRE'S FINEST SEASHORE HOTELS Near Coast Guard Station Running Water - Rest Rooms Hot Showers - Reasonable Rates Best Location on the Coast NORTH SHORE dispenses oldtim e hospitality and good cheer. RYE BEACH NEW HAMPSHIRE Casino Market Tel. 240 Ocean Boulevard Hampton Beach Advocate Jim likes snappy clothes, clothes with an air of careful tailoring about them. I sauntered into Cam pion's, who are noted as Durtmouth Outfitters, feeling a trifle AR OUN D T H E BEACH ili-at-ease as I always do when I enter what is essentially a man s Onvmn Daymom domain _But the courtesy and much-needed help I received in This morning I sat on the beach, selecting a jacket soon found me leisurely surveying the sand, the my 0id self. ea and the people, and idly thinkQut on the boardwalk again with Ing of that tall, dark man wiio was my box tucked securely under my o enter my life. Bessie Cooper had arm a card was what I needed let me in on this little secret the now—expressing my exact sen night before. I kept wrigg ing my timents, not too drippy, just saying •oes in the sand, wislrfully hoping was a swell guy and all that. Of she was right, when I suddenly course I could dash off a verse or rtopped. What was I doing here two very easily, but somehow Jim tretched out in the sand so lazy* nevcr appreciates the verses I ike? Today was no ordinary day! wrjte> He says the thought may be •'oday was my brother Jims’ birth- there, but oh, the way it’s ex* l-aY* pressed! It may have been an association The gtandish Gift Shop has a of ideas that brought this seeming- fine assortment of cards, so 1 walkly irrevelant discovery to my miml, e(1 jn anc| soon f0Und the exact for Jim is tall and dark too. What cardf worded just as I wanted it to to get him as a token of my es* ke WOrded. teem? Thirct. lipcrnn tn hold of me Your Summer Hosiery Needs Proportioned in Ever y D etaU Summer Chronicles of New Hampshire’s Most Popular WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1941 GEORGE K. JONES REAL E S TA TE and INSURANCE 401 Ocean Boulevard Tel. 123 Hampton Beach In Fact Everything For Your Summer Home — trade at — A T IIO ^ T C 'N ’S On The Cement Bridge H A V E R H IL L , MASS. 365 Islington Street P O R TS M O U TH , N. H. Waken by the loud ringing of the phone in the early hours, the battalion doctor sleepily picked up the receiver and grunted into it: “Yes. what d’you w ant?” ‘‘Look here, doctor, we’ve been having a party in the me^s." came the agitated reply, "and I‘m te r ribly worried about Major T wiggle." W hat’s wrong with him?” snortthe doctor, “is he seeing pink elephants or something?” •‘T hat’s just the trouble, sir. The rooms full of them and he caa’t see one!M Try this perfect fitting hosiery! You*ll find youf legs lovelier looking and, your stockings lo n g e r wearing because this hose is proportioned in every detail for perfect fit, Tallr average, small . . . three lengths, three proportions. The new Phoenix Picture Personality Colors are the y * A * delight of the season* CALL HAMPTON 142-4 For Protection ON YOUR SUMMER p r o p e r t y TOBEY AND MERRILI UP V •» Why not buy a cottage? FINE FURNITURE BEDDING RANGES LINOLEUMS LAWN AND BEACH FURNITURE m George B. French Comp in s u r a n c e a g e n c y 37 - 41 MARKET STREET HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE PORTSMOUTH, N. H. FREE DISTRIBUTION