WA I KATO STUDENTS’ UNION CLUBS MANUAL CONTENTS SECTION 1 SECTION 3 Introduction Events — So you wanna throw down 1. The Waikato Students’ Union 21.Bookings 1. Who is the WSU? 22. Alcohol Event Bookings 2. Meet the Team 22. Non Alcohol Event Bookings 3. Important Dates 23. Equipment Bookings 4. Creating a Club on Campus 24. Event Planning Checklist 26. Event Budget Planner 28. After your Event 5.Affiliation 6.Renewal 7. Clubs Assitance 7. WSU Relationships 8. Clubs Day 9. Benefits for Clubs 28.Finances 29. Promtion of Club and Events SECTION 2 SECTION 4 New Clubs — Getting your ducks in a row Finances — Get your dolla billz 11.Constitution 31. Fundraising and Sponsorship 11. 31. 14. Organisational Structure 32. Sample Event Sponsorship Proposal 14. Basic Constitution Template Roles of Executive Members Who to Hustle 34.Grants 15.Meetings 34. Grant Application 15. Special Meetings 34. Grant Regulations 15. Roll Over 16. Running a Successful Meeting 17. 18. AGM template Meeting Minutes Template All clubs documents and forms can be found here: http://bit.ly/1KE5TgM Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page B WA I KATO ST U D E N T S ’ U N I O N WHO IS THE WSU? The Waikato Students’ Union (WSU) is your student association! With a board of 11 students and a team of 8 staff the WSU is here to support, encourage, and join in on all things happening on campus. Our main areas of involvement can be simplified to C.A.R.E — Clubs, Advocacy, Representation and Experience. We are committed to providing our 70 strong club network with the tools for success. Joining or forming a new club is a rewarding but challenging experience. Normal Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm Level Zero Student Space Hours: Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 1 MEET THE TEAM David West General Manager The past ten years has seen the WSU clubs system rise and fall with funding issues, university intervention and the near collapse of student associations. Throughout that period David West’s commitment to clubs and student welfare as a whole has been unwavering. As the General Manager of the WSU Dave regularly takes an interest in club activities, and fundraisers. He also sits on committees for club grants, club awards and cultural scholarships. In his spare time Dave is a good club man, specifically with Hamilton Old Boy’s Rugby and the Waikato Jazz Society. p 07 837 9447 m 027 633 1678 e [email protected] Ria Holmes Clubs and Experience Coordinator For most of you Ria Holmes will be the person that can do absolutely everything and anything for your club at the WSU. For over a year now Ria has been the WSU’s Clubs and Experience Coordinator and her record speaks for itself. Last year the WSU had the highest number of clubs, activities and engagement at any point over the last decade. Ria has a number of interests outside the WSU but she is passionate about the environment, ecology, sustainability, and recycling. While Ria isn’t the only one at the WSU to work with clubs on different projects, it’s definitely worth getting to know her. p 07 837 9448 m 027 505 0553 e [email protected] Indula Jayasundara President Most of you probably already know that Indula is the WSU President for 2016. What some of you might not realise is that his passion for the WSU and student culture began with the clubs system. Indula was a co-founder and inaugural President of the Waikato Musicians Club and the Waikato International Students’ Association and has remained involved in several initiatives and events from both clubs. In 2016 Indula will be doing a number of things including “Indula’s got you covered” and donating ten guitars and a practice amp to the WSU for music lessons in Level Zero. p 07 838 4149 m 022 305 8911 e [email protected] INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 2 I M P O R TA N T DAT E S WSU CLOSURES The WSU will be closed for observance on the following days: Monday 1st February Auckland Anniversary Monday 8th February Waitangi Day Friday 25th March – Tuesday 29th March Good Friday through to Easter Tuesday Monday 25th April ANZAC Day Monday 6th JuneQueen’s Birthday Monday 24th October Labour Day KEY CLUBS DATES Wednesday 2nd March Clubs Day Semester A Wednesday 9th March Clubs Mixer One Monday 4th April Round One Grants Closing Date Friday 15th April Final Due Date for Affiliation and Re-affiliation Thursday 12th May Clubs Mixer Two Monday 13th June Round Two Grants Closing Date Wednesday 20th July Clubs Day Semester B Thursday 4th August Clubs Mixer Three Monday 8th August Round Three Grants Closing Date Friday 9th September Club Awards Nominations Due Thursday 15th September Clubs Mixer Four Wednesday 21st September WSU AGM Thursday 6th October Clubs Awards LEVEL ZERO HOLIDAY DATES Monday 18th April – Friday 29th April Semester Break One Monday 4th July – Friday 15th July Semester Break Two Monday 22nd August – Friday 26th August Semester Break Three Friday 21st October Final Day of Level Zero INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 3 C R E AT I N G A C LU B O N C A M P U S 1. Want to Create a New Club? • What is your core purpose? • How will you benefit members of your club/students? 2. You Will Need • A minimum of 10 members (5 of these members must be current students at the UoW). • You must have recorded student ID numbers. 3. First Meeting • Nominate a minimum of three members to official roles (your executive). • Draft a constitution, or alter the example constitution found on page 11. 4. Apply to Affiliate Fill in the Affiliation Form found here. You will need: • Club contact details • Club description • Club executive details • Membership register • Constitution 5. N e e d h e lp ? Q u e s t io ns t h e re q u ir e m e nt s ? C ? D o n’ t q u it e f it o n cl u bs @ w s u .o rg .n z o nt a ct R ia H o lm e s d ro p in t o t h e W S U o , 0 7 83 7 9 4 4 8 o r k no w w h a t yo u ’r e a ll f f ic e . C o m e le t u s ca n s u p p o rt yo u r cl u a bo u t a nd h o w w e b. Consideration We then present you to the WSU for consideration and will be in contact with you following this process. 6. Affiliation Approved Affiliation Denied You will receive a statement of affiliation from In the event of a dispute over applications, there the WSU to verify that your club is official. is a right of appeal to the board for review. Finances • Meet with the bank to set up a bank account (they will usually require two signatories, WSU statement of affiliation, and meeting minutes). • Provide the WSU with deposit slip/letter from the bank as evidence of your bank account and get $50 free. 7. You’re Done! Once affiliated you are bound by the rules of the union contained in the WSU Constitution and Clubs Policies. See page 9 for club benefits. INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 4 A F F I L I AT I O N To affiliate your club, complete the Club Affiliation Form which can be found here. Make sure you have: • Club contact details • Club description • Club executive details • Membership register CLUB AFFILIATION FORM • Constitution RULES • • • • he D o n ’ t p a n ic !gTe s f o ll o w in g p a p r e p w il l h e lp y o u f a ll t h is s t u f rganisation immediately s to its Constitution or aims as an o Clubs shall notify the WSU of any change from that Club. xpelled e as WSU why a member of the WSU w Clubs shall explain on request from lub ebts incurred by the c The WSU will not be liable for any d of the WSU be consistent with or similar to those The clubs aims and objectives should which are available on request. olicies p lub c ull f SU W he t o t efer r For more detail please • : Except in exceptional circumstances Clubs at WSU events e.g., The WSU AGM, will be required to be represented • Throughout the year clubs ps. orksho W Days, and possibly of the following year. WSU Board shall be valid until April • Any affiliation granted by the s from the WSU (link to benefits/room s ervice s f o ange r a tilise u o t • Affiliated clubs will be eligible available etc.) herwise stated) this section will be made public unless ot CLUB CONTACT DETAILS (all details in ___________________________ _____ _____ _____ ____________________ Club Full Name: ________________ _ ______________________________ ______________________________ Contact Persons Name: ___________ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________________ Contact Phone (confidential): ______ __________________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __________ Mobile Number: ________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ Email: __________________________ __ ______________________________ ______________________________ Website: _____________________ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________________ Mailing Address (confidential): ______ _ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _ _____ _____ ____________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION (confid ential) and can This must be in the name of the club, yet, contact Ria for help). Bank Account Number: ___________ Account Name: ________________ 07 838 4149 INTRODUCTION be added at a later date (If you haven’t ______________________________ ____________________ been able to set one up ______________________________ ___________ ______________________________ wsu@w su.org.nz www.w su.org .nz Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 5 R E N E WA L Renewal is an annual process and must be completed at the beginning of every year. It’s pretty straightforward and won’t take long at all. You need to complete the Club Renewal Form which can be found here. Make sure you have: • Updated club contact details M ak e su re yo u co m pl et e th fo rm by th e 15 th of Ap ri l is if yo u w is h to re ne w yo ur 20 16 cl ub ! • Any changes to your club description • Updated membership list • Any relevant stats from the previous year CLUB RENEWAL FORM INFORMATION Estimated membership numbers from 2015: _____________________ __________________________________ Goal/estimate of members for 2016: _______________________________ ______________________________ _________________________ Most successful event in 2015: _________________________________________ Least successful event in 2015: _________________________________________ Incorporated: YES / NO (please circle) Amount of funding received in 2015 WSU: _____________________ Other: ____________________ _________________________ Current/pre-‐organised sponsors: _______________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ Three top things club needs from the WSU: 1. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ CONDITIONS3. _OF AFFILIATION ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Changes to constitution: _________________________________________ _____________________________ Terms and conditions for affiliation are covered in the WSU Policy and Constitution which can be found here. ___________ ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ Here are the main__________ things __________ you will need __________ to cover: __________ ____________________ • Minimum of 10 members ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________ _______________________________ • Minimum membership of 50% University of Waikato Students _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________________ __________ • The club’s core focus and principles must be student oriented ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ • All members must be treated equally and fairly • Applications for renewal must be made each year by the 15th of April 2016 • Affiliation will automatically expire on the 31st of December 2016, unless the club applies for renewal 07 838 4149 INTRODUCTION [email protected] .nz www.wsu.org .nz Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 6 C LU B S A S S I STA N C E Club assistance through the Clubs and Experience Coordinator: • Resources • Topical clubs seminars • Help with incorporation • Meeting procedures • Constitution assistance • Event planning • Publicity • Other help as needed • Financial documents C o nt a ct o u r C lu bs C o o rd in a t o r R ia H o lm o n cl u bs @ w s u .o rg .n z e s 0 7 83 7 9 4 4 8 o r d ro p , in t o t h e W S U o f f ic e WS U R E L AT I O N S H I P S The WSU has a number of sponsors across the board. Without the support of these sponsors we cannot offer the services, fun stuff and free stuff the WSU does so well! If your club would like to approach any of these businesses for sponsorship you must go through the Clubs and Experience Coordinator and you must prepare a sponsorship proposal. See page 32 for help. WSU Sponsors are: • Pak n’ Save Clarence Street • NZME — ZM • Burgerfuel 5 Crossroads and Frankton re awesome, a s e s s e in s u b se T a k e n o t e ! rTth eo u r o r g a n is a t io n a n d o uErM ! t h e y s u p p o o w h e r e p o s s ib le , U S E T H students; s • Domino’s Pizza Hillcrest • Hamilton City Council INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 7 C L U B S DAY The WSU hosts two Clubs Days a year; the first is during ORI in Semester A, and the second during REO in Semester B (power is not available during the second Clubs Day). The Clubs newsletter will detail the size of space you will be awarded. Make sure you fit into this space as there must be fairness across the board with all clubs. Clubs Days are essential for both new and old clubs alike. They create an opportunity to see whether there is student interest and uptake in what your club aims, or already has, to offer. It is your chance to showcase what your club is about, raise awareness and even give out free stuff. First Name Surname Student Y/N ID Number Email Contact Phone Ma ke sur e you hav e a sig n-u p she et, or at lea st reg ist rat ions of inte res t. It cou ld look som eth ing like thi s INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 8 B E N E F I T S F O R A F F I L I AT E D C LU B S O N C A M P U S All services are subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated by the WSU. When booking multiple rooms and/or equipment a singular bond amount will be agreed upon and stipulated by the WSU. Costs may be enforced when gear is being taken off campus, this is at WSU discretion. Rooms Lecture theatres during class hours Free Lecture theatres after hours Minimum cost $150 Guru Phabian Lounge Free Gaura Entertainment area Free + bond Cowshed: Board Room, Meeting Room, Practice Space Free + bond Level Zero Free but with limited availability Equipment Access to WSU Vans Free + $100 bond 3x3 Gazebo Free + bond BBQ for events $5 Gas + $20 bond PA (subject to staff availability) Free + bond Lighting Free + bond Tables and ChairsFree + bond Portable Television Free + bond Any WSU property (not listed) Free + bond Gun Stapler Handover ID card Photocopying, Printing & Laminating A4 A3 Black and White Single Sided 15c 30c Black and White Double Sided 30c 60c Colour Single Sided30c60c Colour Double Sided60c$1.20 Pocket Laminating 50c Lockers N e e d h e lp d e s ig ni ng p ro m o t io na l m a t e ri a o u r C lu bs C o o rd in a t ol? S e e (s u bj e ct t o a v a ila bi litr y) Semester$10 Year$15 Promotion of Events Nexus CARE Page Posters and Fliers Free (anything else by arrangement through Clubs Coordinator) Standard photocopying/printing cost Chalk Free INTRODUCTION Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 9 r u o y g n i Gett in a row ducks SECTION TWO NEW CLUBS CONSTITUTION All new clubs affiliated to the WSU should draft a club constitution. This document formalises rules and regulations for both your club and its members. Your constitution should reflect clearly the aims and purposes of your club while providing safe guidelines and implementing dispute resolution. Below is an example constitution for you to work off. Make sure you adjust and change the constitution to suit your club. If you are looking for more information please drop in and see us, or alternatively check out www.societies.govt.nz. BASIC CONSTITUTION TEMPLATE 1. Name The name of this club shall be__________________________ and will be affiliated to the Waikato Students’ Union (WSU). 2. Purpose/aims/objectives • Duty of care to all members • Promote (name of club) within the University of Waikato campus and the wider community • Provide services in a way which is fair to everyone • Add your own purpose, aims and objectives 3. Membership 3.1 Membership shall be open to all University of Waikato students and the community, provided that 50% of members are current students. 3.2 All members are subject to the regulations contained in this constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these and the WSU regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted. 4. Officers of the Club 4.1 The officers of the club will be: • President • Vice President • Secretary/Treasurer • Add any other relevant positions NEW CLUBS 4.2 The officers combined will make up the management committee of the club. 4.3 Officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). 4.4 All officers will serve for a one year term but will be eligible for re-appointment. Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 11 BASIC CONSTITUTION TEMPLATE CONTINUED 5. Duties of Officers 5.1 President — it shall be the duty of the President to: • Represent the club, • Preside at meetings, • Perform other duties as ordinarily pertain to this office. 5.2 Vice President — it shall be the duty of the Vice President to: • Preside in absence of President, • Support the President and represent the club, • Serve as chairperson. 5.3 Secretary — it shall be the duty of the Secretary to: • Record minutes of all meetings, • Keep a file of club records, • Maintain current roster of membership, • Keep details updated with the WSU. 5.4 Treasurer — it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to: • Receive and process all funds, • Keep an itemised account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed. 6. Meetings/Events 6.1 Regular meetings shall be held weekly/monthly throughout the year. 6.2 An estimated ______ of events shall be organised throughout the year; open to all members. 7. Special General Meetings 7.1 Notice of Special General Meetings (SGM) will be given by the club Secretary with a minimum of 14 days notice. 7.2 The quorum for SGMs will be______ plus the number of executive members. 8. Annual General Meetings NEW CLUBS 8.1 Notice of Annual General Meetings (AGM) will be given by the club Secretary with a minimum of 14 days notice. 8.2 The AGM will receive a report from all officers and a statement of accounts. 8.3 Nominations and elections of officers are to take place at the AGM. 8.4 All members have the right to vote at the AGM. 8.5 The quorum for AGMs will be______ plus the number of executive members. Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 12 BASIC CONSTITUTION TEMPLATE CONTINUED 9. Finance 9.1 The club will have a bank account held in the name of the club. 9.2 All club monies will be banked into the account held by the club. 9.3 The financial year of the club will end on: _________ 9.4 A statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the AGM and made available to the WSU. 10. Discipline and Appeals 10.1 All complaints should be presented in writing to either the President of Secretary. 10.2 The committee will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of the complaint being lodged. If the committee requires guidance on the issue they will bring the complaint to the WSU Clubs Coordinator. 10.3 The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership. The outcome shall be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of a decision being reached. 11. Dissolution 11.1 A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM through a majority vote of membership. Notification must be made to the WSU. 11.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of the Waikato Students’ Union, with the aim of benefiting other clubs on campus. 12. Amendments to the Constitution The constitution can only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting (SGMs require a minimum of 14 days notice to all members). 13. Declaration (name of club) hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members. Name: ________________________________Position: President Signed: _______________________________Date: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________Position: Vice President Signed: _______________________________Date: ________________________________ NEW CLUBS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 13 O R G A N I SAT I O N A L ST R U C T U R E Each club needs a committee or executive to ensure smooth running and functionality. This group of people will take on the responsibilities of the club, organising activities and administering day to day activities. Each club is individual and your executive should reflect this. We recommend a max of 10 executive members, too many equals difficultly in decision making. Your executive should have: • President • Vice President • Secretary • Treasurer • Any other executive roles the club feels are necessary ROLES OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS Each role is equally important to ensure good governance and smooth running of both the executive and club in general. President The President has a very important role. They must be the leader, and provide direction to the rest of the executive and club. They are responsible for ensuring that the executive fulfills any responsibilities necessary for the success and governance of the club. They also work to create and maintain key relationships and act as the spokesperson for the club. Vice President The Vice President or VP must assist and help the President to fulfill their responsibilities necessary for the success and governance of the club. The VP can chair meetings and is commonly recognised as second in charge. The VP should also try to work with your President where necessary to help ensure alternative concerns or ideas are heard. Secretary The Secretary has a number of administrative duties. They are responsible for the documentation and communication of activities between the executive and other organisations. Administrative duties include but are not limited to: preparing agendas, taking and distributing meeting minutes etc. Treasurer The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters relating to the club. Their duties include but are not limited to budgets, future planning, monitoring spending and revenue gathering. It is generally accepted that your Treasurer should be well organised and have some level of financial expertise. General Executive There are a number of positions that your club may like to establish within your executive. Positions such as: events, general support, recruitment. This is completely at your club’s discretion and may need to be adjusted over the course of a few years as the club grows. NEW CLUBS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 14 MEETINGS Executive members should be given fair warning of upcoming meetings and appointments. Meeting dates should be set at least 7 days (preferably one month) in advance of meeting. Establish a ‘rolling calendar’ for the duration of the year. Meetings must be chaired or led, this is usually done by the President. The chair of the meeting is there to steer the meeting in the right direction. They must act neutrally and fairly to all members. SPECIAL MEETINGS IGM — Inaugural General Meeting The first meeting of the club. This is to elect the executive, agree and ratify the constitution and make initial plans for the club. AGM — Annual General Meeting This is the most important meeting of the club for the year. At this meeting the President, and sometimes other executive members, will give their report and the executive for next year will be elected. Each member must be given two full weeks’ notice of the AGM. SGM — Special General Meeting This meeting can be called at any stage during the year with appropriate 2 weeks notice. It is used if the club needs to pass urgent business. ROLL OVER • Make sure you have the AGM before everyone leaves town for the summer! • Pass on all notes, filings, receipts, passwords and accounts. • Change bank account signatories. NEW CLUBS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 15 RUNNING A SUCCESSFUL MEETING BEFORE THE MEETING Create a meeting agenda, distribute it to executive, and have it prepared to explain to all attendees. The Agenda • The agenda is a plan for what people at the meeting want to achieve. • The agenda items should reflect the overall purpose of the meeting. • Individual agenda items reflect specific goals the meeting members are trying to achieve. • Agenda items should always have a purpose, and an attached name of the person bringing the item to the meeting. Agenda Item 1) Welcome and Purpose Purpose Name To finalise membership and set yearly goals, agree on values (see below) President/Secretary 2) Apologies Acceptance President/Secretary 3) Goal Setting Aims for the year President/Vice President 4) Calendar To discuss and approve 5) Event Planning To discuss and approve process 6) Next Meeting – date President/Treasurer Secretary o u ld lo o k c a d n e g A e h T e t h is s o m e t h in g li k AT THE MEETING The meeting’s main focus should be on the future (80%) and the past (20%). Meeting Ground Rules • Start on time and finish on time • One speaker at a time • Put cell phones on silent • Agree on values, see below Values In order to avoid personalities, politics and personal agendas, we suggest that a set of values be agreed to by the committee and be applied both within and outside meetings: • Be vision and purpose focused • Stay on topic • Be open and honest • No surprises • Respect other’s views • Be professional • Balanced contribution • Be a team NEW CLUBS Have fu n! Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 16 AFTER THE MEETING Action minutes are to be approved by the President and circulated by the Secretary no later than 48 hours after the meeting. Meeting Minutes Template Date: Time: Present (list): Apologies (list): Moved from the Chair that the following apologies be accepted. If in agreement — unanimously carried If not — e.g. 1 absenting Moved from the Chair that the minutes of the last meeting can be accepted as a true record. If in agreement — unanimously carried Matters Arising: General Business: Carried Meeting closed at: Signed Chair: NEW CLUBS Date: Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 17 A N N UA L G E N E RA L M E E T I N G T E M P L AT E AGM of ___________________________ Date: Time: Venue: Present: (List names, alternatively use membership list and indicate attendees) Apologies: (Anyone who would usually be there but is not at this meeting) 1. Meeting opened by ___________ at ______________. 2. Apologies 3. Correspondence WSU correspondence/status of affiliation/grant applications Outside partners, sponsorship? Liaisons for events? 4. Financial Statements Annual Financial Report: Cash summary year __________. Includes a breakdown of main parts of income and expenses including: a. Purchases b. Grants/sponsorship c. Equipment hire d. Event costs/breakdowns As of Month, year, the club balance was $000.00, Net cash movement over the year was $000.00, With a closing balance of $000.00________________ on _____________. 5. President’s Report a. Membership information, increases, decreases b. Goals for the year, were these reached? c. Successful events d. Least successful parts of the year e. Thank-you? NEW CLUBS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 18 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TEMPLATE CONTINUED 6. Election of Offices a. Run through of the positions, descriptions, role within constitution. b. Floor opened up for nominations (including self-nomination); each nomination must be seconded by a club member. c. Election by ballot/vote President Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Result: Vice President Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Result: Secretary Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Nomination: _______________________ seconded by: _______________________ Total Votes: ________ Result: 7. Changes to the Constitution A concern was put forward by ___________ regarding a change to the Constitution. The change involved Clause ______ on the Constitution, regarding: Current wording: ___________________________________________________________________ Remit: _____________________ Vote:_______________________ Meeting adjourned at: __________ NEW CLUBS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 19 SECTION THREE EVENTS So you w throw d anna own EVENTS So now that you are all sorted, it’s time to start hosting events. Remember to plan in advance and always make sure you have the funding before you begin. The following pages will highlight some important information and give you some templates to work from. All events must be approved by both the WSU and University. NOTE: events on Campus excludes standard club meetings which have been booked via the room booking procedures. Events which require approval and a completed event form include but are not limited to: BBQs, ticket booths, music events, promotional exercises, giveaways, information gathering etc. Important Documents you Need to Know University Health and Safety Policy www.waikato.ac.nz/official-info/index/docs/health-and-safety-policy Campus Drug and Alcohol Policy http://www.waikato.ac.nz/official-info/index/docs/alcohol-on-university-premises BOOKINGS • All bookings must be made through the WSU and approval is at WSU discretion. • All bookings will require the correct forms to be completed and signed off. • All bookings can be started and completed at the WSU reception. You can also email through booking requests (with completed forms) to [email protected]. • Hold on to your confirmation email, it contains all important information that you may need to show to the WSU, the University, Security and anyone else involved. BOOKING CONFIRMATION FORM You must have this form available at all times during booking This form is to confirm that _________________________ on behalf o confirmed booking with the following details. f _____________________________ has a THE FUNCTION / EVENT Date: _____________________________________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________________ _________________________ ________________________________ Time of event: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Time of entry: ___________________________________________________ Time of lockdown: ___________________________________________________ MAIN POINT OF CONTACT (contact person must have ID and be present during Name: ___________________________________________________ entirety of event) __________________________________ Contact: ___________________________________________________ EVENTS ________________________ o n ly Y o u r b o o k in gc oisn f ir m e d c o n s id e r e d v e r e c e iv e d o n c e y o u h a io n o f a c o n f ir m a t o k s b o o k in g . It lok e t h is . s o m e t h in g li _________________________________ __________________________________ Name: ___________________________________________________ Contact: ___________________________________________________ _________________________________ Bond amount held by WSU: _________________________________________ ___________________________ ______________________________________________ Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 21 ALCOHOL EVENT BOOKINGS To make a booking involving alcohol, you will need to fill in the Alcohol Event Planning Form found here. • All alcohol event bookings must be received a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the event. These bookings must be signed off by both the WSU and University Security. • Put as much detail as possible on the form, the more detail you have, the more likely it is to be approved. • If you are having alcohol you cannot have door sales to your event. • Consider host responsibilities, check out alcohol.org.nz/alcohol-management-laws/managing-alcohol/host-responsibility • Make sure you have water and food available. The food must be substantial, a few bags of chips will not fly. EVENT PLANNING FORM Requirements for organisers of events being held on-‐campus INVOLVING ALCOHOL Want to host an event that involves alcohol? This is the form for you. Prepared by the University Security Manager, SASD Group Manager, WSU Manag er, University Alcohol Advisory Group. This Event Planning Form has been developed to give groups considering hosting an event on campus where alcohol will be present, either being sold or brought to the event by patrons, clarity r egarding Alcohol Host Responsibility, Health and Safety, and Sale of Liquor Act requirements. The management of alcohol consumption is an important component of event management that must be planned with harm-‐minimisation strategies well in advance of the event itself. Key issues include: • The way alcohol is served or made available at the event • The physical environment in which alcohol is consumed • The ways in which the relevant regulatory frameworks are monitored and enforced. This form has been designed to ensure that on-‐campus events are managed efficiently and safely for all involved, to inform event organisers of their responsibilities as event hosts and as a guideline to enable event organisers to collect all the required information prior to seeking approval for the event. Under the University of Waikato Alcohol Policy Provisions (2002) on-‐campus alcohol events require the approval of the University Security Manager. This form must be completed and submitted to the University Security Manager for approval at least two weeks prior to the event. ORGANISERS DETAILS What group is organising this event __________________________________ ____________________________________ NON ALCOHOL EVENT BOOKINGS What is the purpose of this event __________________________________ ______________________________________ To make a booking involving no alcohol, you will need to fill in the Non Alcohol Event Planning Form found here. ______________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________________ Who is responsible for organising this event _______________________ ________________________________________ Will this person be present at the event? __________________________________ ________________________________ • Want to host a BBQ on the village green? Got a great movie you want to screen? Thinking about a fundraising bake sale? Supply contact details for this person ____________ • All non alcohol booking forms must be___________ received at least one___________ week prior to__ the event. ___________ ___________ ___________ If ‘no’ above, who is the person in charge during the event (provide name and contact number) _____________________ as much detail as possible and do not tell lies. • Put down___________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________________ THE FUNCTION/EVENT What is the proposed date for the event? _______________________ __________________________________________ Where is this event planned to be held __________________________________ _________________________________ What is the time frame for this event from set up to clean up? ____________ ____________________________________ Potential Noise: are you planning to have a live band or other entertainment (please give details)? ___________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ 07 838 4149 EVENTS [email protected] .nz www.wsu.org .nz Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 22 EQUIPMENT BOOKINGS • Equipment bookings run alongside event bookings — make sure you complete the right form to accompany your equipment requests. The Equipment Request Form can be found here. Feeling confused? Check out below. • If you’re taking equipment off site, be prepared to discuss safety and security. • Equipment bookings are on a first come first served basis, the sooner you book the better. • Equipment hire will have a cash bond associated, this must be paid before you take or use any of the gear. • Each club is liable for any damage, dents or bits that going missing. • If we don’t have something you require, come in and have a chat to us. We have a number of places we can source other gear from. See page 9 for the benefits and gear list. EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM request the use of the WSU equipment I/We ______________________________________________________ ______________________________ __________ _ t(Venue) a sed u e b o t __ On (Date) _____________________ For _____________________________________________________________ WE REQUEST THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Want to borro w our stuff ? Fill in this form with all the gear you think you will requir e. _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ AGREEMENT OF USE _______________________________ we will pay a bond of $ _______________ I/We ______________________________________ understand that for the use of the equipment listed above. lose our bond and may be liable for We understand that if it is returned in a dirty or damaged state we will further cost if damage is greater than the bond amount. TAURANGA CLUBS Room to WSU reception.) (Please refer to Equipment rates when completing this form and present Bookings _____________________________ On behalf of ___________________________________________________ ___ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ Need some to__________ have your meetings? Looking to host a lunch or meet and greet? There are spaces __________ Signed: _space ___________________________________ ______________________________ __________ ___________ Date: available free of charge during normal office hours (9am-5pm) in the Maharia building. To book, see the ______________________________ Mobile No. ___________________________________________________ friendly staff at reception. Remember it’s on a first in first served basis, so it pays to book in advance. You can also book rooms in the Polytech library — these come with a DVD player and Monitor but can only be booked for a total of 2 hours. Pick up a booking sheet from the library or email [email protected]. Vehicle Hire Want to drive over and visit us in Hamilton? There is an 8 seater sexy people mover for you to hire free of 07 838 4149 [email protected] .nz www.wsu.org .nz charge. To book, pop in during normal office hours (9am-5pm) at the Maharia building and see the friendly staff at reception. Be sure to book well in advance so you don’t miss out. EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 23 EVENT PLANNING CHECKLIST Event Planning Checklist Name of Event: Date: Time: Location: Event Purpose: Brainstorming • Will the event work? • How many people do you need to make the event happen? • Does the event serve the purpose/goals of the club? • Do you have the resources to make it happen? Budgeting See sample budget planning sheet on page 26 Scheduling Officer in charge: • What size room do you need? See available spaces on www.wsu.org.nz • What kind of tech needs do you have? • Tentatively book dates with Clubs and Experience Coordinator? • Call your performer or vendor (if applicable) and schedule the performance date • Schedule the travel arrangements if necessary Grants/Fundraising Officer in charge: • If you are applying for grants, did you get your applications in by the deadline? • Have you scheduled an appointment to meet with the Clubs Coordinator to discuss external sponsorship? EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 24 EVENT PLANNING CHECKLIST CONTINUED Advertising Officer in charge: • Create fliers • Chalking • Advertisement on website/Nexus Magazine? This must be 3 weeks in advance • Other forms of marketing? Shopping Officer in charge: • Supplies needed for your event • Plates/cutlery/napkins/cups • Decorations • Cashbox • Performer specific items/requests Week Prior Officer in charge: • Make sure all details are secured • Check with WSU and make sure all forms/agreements have been signed and are completely ready • Assign event shifts for group volunteers (setup, during, take down) • Create any programmes or fliers needed at the event Day of Event Officer in charge: • Arrive early for the event for setup • Greet guests at the door and have fun! • Clean up, remember that your reservation location may have special clean up regulations After the Event Officer in charge: • Send thank you notes to performers and to volunteers who worked extra hard • Do a post-event evaluation • Make sure to pay all bills and turn in all grant work/ thank-you/reports on time EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 25 EVENT BUDGET PLANNER Income Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Club Funds Grants Fundraising Donations Miscellaneous Income Totals Totals Starting Balance Total Income Total Expenses NET (Income – Expenses) Projected End Balance Accommodation Accommodation Totals Food Food Totals EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 26 EVENT BUDGET PLANNER CONTINUED Transport Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Budget Actual Difference Transport Totals Transport Transport Totals Venue/Equipment Venue/Equipment Totals Registration Registration Totals Misc. Misc. Totals EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 27 AFTER YOUR EVENT MONIES • Have you handed all receipts and info over to the Treasurer? • Do you need to chase up any grants or sponsorship monies? • Have you broken even or maybe made a profit? Make sure you bank any profits and keep a record for transparency REPORT • Have a de-brief as an executive: what worked, what didn’t, what could you have improved on? • Do you need to prepare a report on the event to give to WSU or other sponsors? • Look over finances • Prep thank-yous THANK YOUS • Make sure you actually thank the people who have helped you. Personally tailor these to the company or organisation or even individual humans who have helped you out. • Thank University staff where appropriate, don’t forget about grounds and security. • Send the WSU photos of your event. Send them. FINANCES CLUB ACCOUNTS It is important that all club funds are kept in order. Your club bank account must be in your club name. It cannot be in an individual club member’s name. The accounts is generally the role of the Treasurer, but the entire executive must be aware of financial responsibilities. If you have any concerns or queries, pop in and see us. PAYMENTS Try and make all payments by direct debit or cheque. If you day pay in cash make sure you get a receipt. Hold on to and file away all expenditure. If you are reimbursing a member make sure you have the copy of the receipt and try and make sure it is done by direct debit to ensure there is a record. PETTY CASH Sometimes direct debit or cheque is difficult or unnecessary due to it being a very small amount. Petty cash is a small amount of cash held by the club to be used in these circumstances. EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 28 PROMOTION OF CLUB AND EVENTS SOCIAL MEDIA It is up to the club to run and create social media platforms. Remember other people can often see what you are putting up, think of the images you are projecting. WSU Facebook If you would like anything shared or pushed through the WSU Facebook please approach the Clubs Coordinator with a minimum of one week in advance. POSTERS Want to put stuff up around campus? Make sure you only put posters on actual notice boards. Don’t go overboard, everyone needs to share these spaces. Do not put posters on doors or tape to painted walls. You will end up getting a smack on the hand. Level Zero To put a poster in Level Zero, clear this with the staff member on duty. Again, only put them on the actual noticeboard. CHALKING You can request chalk from the WSU and then go nuts. Make sure you follow the following rules: • Only use chalk that will wash away • You can only chalk on concrete paths and paved areas that are NOT under shelter. • Do not chalk on walls • Do not chalk in front of entrances • Do not chalk in places that don’t see the rain WEBSITE All clubs will have an image, blurb and contact details on the WSU website. It is your responsibility to send the Clubs Coordinator any updated information. Events and other information can also be put up on the website — send all requests to the Clubs Coordinator. EVENTS Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 29 Get your SECTION FOUR FINANCES dolla bill z! FUNDRAISING AND SPONSORSHIP FUNDRAISING Fundraising opportunities are endless, but try and think of something that is unique and fits your club. Any food fundraising requires a charitable permit and permission from the WSU. You can find the form at: www.hamilton.govt.nz/our-services/permits-and-alcohol-licensing/foodsafety/Documents/Charitable%20 Organisation%20Food%20Permit%202015-16.pdf SPONSORSHIP So the club still doesn’t have any money… Flat broke but want to hold events? Already handed in all your WSU Grant applications? It’s time to consider sponsorship for events. Remember that sponsorship is a business arrangement which gives value to both parties. You want to approach business that fit with your club and event plan. Key information potential sponsors need to know: • Who you are and what you do • Demographics • For events — a full plan and schedule • What will your club offer their business? What will they gain from partnering with you? • What do you need from them? Cash money, product, or perhaps advertising? Make sure you book appointments and talk to the right people. Use your own personal contacts if you have them! And finally make sure you approach sponsors well in advance. NEED SOME IDEAS OF WHO TO HUSTLE? Think about companies that are specifically related to your club, is there a business that could benefit from advertising through you? Still stuck for ideas, consider the following: • Cultural Committee (University of Waikato) • ULesiure Grants (University of Waikato) • Skycity Hamilton • Pub Charity • GrassRoots Trust • The Lion Foundation • Harcourts Foundation FINANCES Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 31 SAMPLE EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL Club Name Insert Club Logo Here Introduction The best way to start your proposal is with an outline of the event. Discuss what it entails, why you are holding it, and briefly how it will pan out. This should give the WSU, other parties you are working with, and sponsors, a clear idea of the event, and pique their interest. • What the event is • Why you are holding it • Outline of how it runs Details Once you’ve covered the intro, delve into the details more. Chose how you want to set this out, it is often best to split it into different main headings. Things we suggest you include are details such as: • Deadlines • Team Members & Roles • Dates and Times • Equipment needed • Costs • Participants/ Target Audience • Locations • Advertising plan Sponsorship If you are using this proposal to gain sponsorship, make it clear what you want from sponsors, and what they get in return. The examples below are just a starting point, but a good idea is to set out tiers of sponsorship with different values. This gives sponsors a range of options to chose from, or a point from which to begin negotiating: Bronze Sponsorship Cost: $250 Benefits: Company logo on posters, and 2 tickets to attend Silver Sponsorship Cost: $500 Benefits: Company logo on posters, flier distribution opportunity, and 4 tickets to attend FINANCES Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 32 SAMPLE EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL CONTINUED Gold Sponsorship Cost: $1000 Benefits: Logo on posters, flier distribution opportunity, event named after company, 6 tickets to attend Health and Safety Plan This does not need to be included in the sponsorship proposal, but is an important part of event planning. Think about any health and safety risks that may arise, and note down how these can be removed or mitigated. Some things to consider are: • Fire hazards • Equipment • Weather • Injuries Site Map Also not necessary for a sponsorship proposal, but important when planning an event, is the site map. Figure out which spaces you would like to use. Campus maps can be found on the University of Waikato website, Google Maps, or even just a hand drawn map will do the trick. This map should also include the placements of each part of your event, and details such as power and water needs. Conclusion Any other remarks you’d like to make on your proposal, any last words that may encourage sponsorship or participation. If you are writing a sponsorship proposal, it is a good idea to thank the reader for their time and consideration. Contact Information Provide an email address and phone number, often it can be helpful to include two: Name: Title/Club Position: Phone: Email: Name: Title/Club Position: Phone: Email: FINANCES Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 33 GRANTS The WSU loves to give clubs cash money, but only for the right reasons! Once affiliated, each club will receive a $50 administration grant, this is yours to do whatever with. Buy pizzas for a meeting, set up funds for fundraising, it up to you! There are three rounds of grants, and the closing dates are as follows: Round One — Monday 4th April Round Two — Monday 13th June Round Three — Monday 8th August Once applications have been received the panel will sit to make a decision as quickly as possible. Results will be released within one month. Each grant received will contain regulations which you must follow. The grant monies are awarded for a specific purpose it must be spent on that purpose. Receipt of the monies must be given to the WSU. GRANT APPLICATION The Grant Application Form can be found here. • Make sure you fill in the form with as much detail as possible. The more detail, the easier it is for the decision panel. • Get quotes and attach wherever possible. • Hand it in on time. Late applications will not be considered. WAIKATO STUDENTS’ UNION CONTESTABLE FUND GRANT APPPLICATION To apply for a grant you must be an affiliated club of the WSU. GRANT REGULATIONS 1. The purpose of this contestable fund is to provide financial resourcing to WSU affiliated Clubs. 2. The programme is managed by the WSU Clubs Coordinator, who will provide administrative and strategic support to club student groups. 3. The award of grant funding does not confer liability on the WSU for any event. FINANCES Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 34 GRANT REGULATIONS CONTINUED Criteria for Selection 4. A panel will be convened to consider applications and select grant recipients. The panel will consist of: 4.1 General Manager of the Waikato Students’ Union 4.2 Communications Manager of the Waikato Students’ Union 4.3 Clubs and Experience Coordinator of the Waikato Students’ Union 5. The following criteria will be used to assist with the selection: 5.1 Degree to which the proposed event/project/item supports the participation, retention 5.2 Prior and consistent interaction with the WSU. 5.3 Club aims and goals for 2015. 5.4 Applicants must be AFFILIATED clubs, registered with the Waikato Students’ Union. Award Conditions 6. The funding is only available for the 2016 academic year. 6.1 The recipient group will be expected to work closely with the WSU Club and Experience Coordinator for administration and strategic management of the grant. The recipient group must notify the Clubs and Experience Coordinator immediately of anything that could 6.2 materially affect the outcomes of the funded project. The fund may be terminated at any time and monies recouped if the recipient group is not following the 6.3 required programme or are not otherwise complying with the conditions governing the fund. If the fund is terminated, the club will be ineligible for further funding. 6.4 There is an expectation that the WSU will be acknowledged in the most appropriate manner. 6.5 The WSU’s involvement is to be disclosed to other parties also participating in the project. 6.6 Further consultation and support from WSU to be sought outside the above conditions. 6.7 On completion of the event/project/item the recipient of the grant must provide the Waikato Students’ Union and achievement of that particular club at the University of Waikato. Audit Acknowledgment 7. All grants MUST ONLY be used for the purposes outlined in the approval letter. 7.1 Any funds NOT used for the purpose outlined in the approval letter must be returned in full to the WSU. 7.2 A Grant Audit Report, associated documents including GST receipts must be received by the WSU within one month of the completion of the event/project/item. If you do not provide evidence of proper use of the Grant awarded, the WSU may take action to recover the money/equipment and all collection costs incurred through any means necessary. Payment 8. The value will be decided on a case by case basis by the panel to be convened. 8.1 There are two options for the payment of the fund: 8.1.1 The fund will be paid directly to the supplier or service provider where an official invoice is supplied. 8.1.2 On a reimbursement basis after final completion of the project. Reimbursement requires proof of 8.2 purchase and a GST number. Funding is for the period of 2016 — funds cannot be carried over to 2017. Appeal 9. If you have questions or concerns regarding the WSU decisions please contact the Clubs and Experience Coordinator. FINANCES Waikato Students’ Union Clubs Manual Page 35