Report 977-P, Keuning, J.A
Report 977-P, Keuning, J.A
DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR MONOHULLS J.A. Keuning F.H.H.A. Quadvüeg Report No. 977-P May 1993 RINA-Symposium OF FAST RINA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on HIGH SPEED PASSENGER CRAFT FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS AND THE NORDIC INITIATIVE LONDON 15 16 June 1993 © 1993 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects The Institution is not, as a body, responsible for the opinions expressed by the individual authors or speakers. THE R O Y A L INSTITUTION O F NAVAL A R C H I T E C T S 10 Upper Belgrave Street, London, S W 1 X 8 B Q Telephone: 071-235-4622 Fax: 071-245-6959 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE o n HIGH SPEED PASSENGER CRAFT FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS AND T H E NORDIC INITIATIVE 15 16 JUNE 1993 LONDON PROCEEDINGS THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS 10 UPPER BELGRAVE STREET, LONDON, SWIX 8BQ. Telephone 071-235-4622 DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF FAST MONOHULLS by: J . A . Keuning Delft University, Ship hydromechanics 1-aboratoty F . H . H . A . Q u a d v ü e g Maritime R e s e a r c h Institute Netherlands SUMMARY: A non-linear computational model has been developed to calculate the heave and pitch motions of planing ships in irregular head w a v e s . The computational model is based on the previous model as presented by Z a r n i c k [1] i n 1979. T h i s model has been extended significantly to be able to handle the behaviour of planing craft in irregular w a v e s . F o r this purpose a "wavemalcing" routine has been added w h i c h malces it possible to calculate the w a v e elevation along the length of the ship any time corresponding to a predetermined w a v e spectrum. I n addition polynomial expressions for sinlcage and trim of fhe craft at speed have been developed based on a n extensive series o f model experiments with a systematic series of planing hull forms. I n a new computational routine fhe resulting sinkage and trim are being used to asses fhe pressure distribution over the length of the planing model at speed. T h i s determines fhe relative magnitude of the hydrostatic and hydro dynamic part of the lift. T h e formulations used for the determination of the added mass and the w a v e exciting forces h a v e been examined and extended fo become dependent fo fhe geometry o f fhe craft in actual contact with fhe waves while performing large relative motions. A computer code has been developed fo solve fhe non-linear equations in the time domain. T h e results have been extensively verified with experimental resuits derived from tests in the Delft T o w i n g T a n k . F i n a l l y it will be shown that a proper formulation of fhe limiting criteria with respect to workability o f a craft is o f great importance on the final outcome of an optimisation and this determines whether a linear or a non-linear calculation method may be used. the 1 - INTRODUCTION bow shape and flare, more particular the geometry o f the hull above fhe still waterline. fhe d y n a m i c lift developed by the planing bottom, the sinkage and trim o f the c r a f l at speed, During the last decades a growing interest i n fast ships may be noticed. I n particular the possible fulfilment o f existing needs forces related fo fhe large relative motions, in the field of fast transport of light and expensive cargo, fhe the effects of high forward speeds. transportation of passengers at high speeds and the possible use for surveillance and patrol functions has drawn considerable Most o f these parameters and phenomena are the cause of interest o f both shipowner, designers and researchers to faster important non-linearities in fhe equations describing the forces ships. A l l kind o f so called "advanced" concepts h a v e been and motions. developed of w h i c h the planing craft, the catamaran, fhe air T h i s makes the u s e o f fhe commonly used calculation routines cushion vehicle, the surface effect ship, the small waterplane for ships moving with forward speed in w a v e s , area twin hull ship and the hydrofoil should be mentioned. A l l based on fhe so called linear strip theory method, less ap- w h i c h are these concepts were aimed af high speeds and possibly high plicable. sustained speeds in a seaway. C o m p a r e d fo the planing boat ail So a computational model has been developing w h i c h takes other concepts are more complicated and often in the need for those effects info account. It w a s in fhe scope of this project to a "ride control" system fo improve their seakeeping behaviour. derive for ail phenomena involved an exact formulation for use This and within the foreseen setup o f fhe present computational model, therefore usually more expensive. I n particuiar the reliability of but emphasis has been placed on a qualitative correct prediction fhe ship seen from an operating point of view, makes these o f the effect of fhe predominant parameters under consideration more on fhe performance of the pianing hull in w a v e s . fends fo m a k e these concepts complicated concepts more economically complicated less attractive. T h e r e f o r e there remains a place for fhe relative "simple" and well-proven concept o f fhe planing boat, i . e . , the fast monohull, in fhe foreseeable future. Considerable effort however 2 - COMPUTATIONAL MODEL should be put in opfimising the seakeeping capabilities of the fast planing monohulls. T h e basis of the presented non-linear computational model is F r o m experience it is k n o w n that fhe heave and pitch motions formed by the w o r k of Z a r n i c k ( R e f 1.) as pubiished in 1979. and more in particular the vertical (bow) accelerations aboard H e formulated the computational model for fhe heave and pitch the ships in head seas are the limiting factors with respect fo motions of a hard chine planing craft with constant deadrise the seakeeping capabilities of planing boats. T h e r e f o r e fhe need over the length of the ship in regular head waves. for ac- A short summary o f this model will be presented here. F o r a celerations o f these fast monohulls in irregular w a v e s is ob- a suitable prediction tool for these motions and more detailed description of fhe computational model reference vious to be able to optimise their seakeeping behaviour and is made to ( R e f 2 . ) . with that their operability. T h e model is a non-linear strip theory approach, i n w h i c h fhe T h i s prediction fool should properly incorporate the effect of hull fhe p r i m e parameters and phenomena transverse strips with assumed constant cross sectional shape. motions so particular for the in w a v e s o f these planing boats. These were con- sidered fo be, amongst others: is in a number ( i . e . , 20) of T h e coordinate used is presented in F i g u r e 1, representing the ship in a steady state equilibrium position af constant forward speed. the deadrise distribution over the length of fhe hull. divided over the length where: the orbital velocity of the water, Z; the instantaneous position of strip i, i the position o f the strip. A c c o r d i n g to Wagner's formulation the dynamic lift is considered to originate from the change of momentum o f the incoming fluid and a cross flow drag force on the section. Elaboration o f the equations for the dynamic and static lift forces and moments yields: Figure I Coordinate system used. + cos$ [-MJ(xcos$-zsme)+ m^—lcosBdi- m^w^esinddi Altliougli tlie mathematical justification for using a modified striptheory is not very rigorous, both Z a r n i c k and IVIartin (Ref. 3 . ) obtained results for the motions in regular waves w h i c h compared w e l l with measured values. T h e equations of motion for heave, pitch and surge are written as: ^^CG = Tcos(e+e) MzcG = -Tsm(e+e) Id = - Nsine - DcosB - AfcosS - + Aft, + Bjx^ - + Dsinff + W (1) Dxj in w h i c h : T represents the towing force, D the drag force N the hydrodynamic lifting force the buoyancy force M the mass o f the ship B y assuming constant forward speed, the acceleration along the in w h i c h : X - a x i s may considered to be z e r o . I n the present formulation -NCOSS-BL this simplification w i l l be made, although its omittance is a NX^-I-BLX|, development foreseen in the near fiiture. Mj, B actual pitch angle T h e total lift force on a strip of the ship is determined by: w^ vertical component orbital velocity dF = - C o , , pbV'' )cosff (2) -at^pgA total vertical force total pitching moment total added mass I length coordinate body fixed axis k, added mass correction factor I n the formulations the instantaneous wetted beam and submerin w h i c h : d F ma v the force per strip ged cross sectional areas o f the sections are being used resul- the added mass of the strip ting firom the actual momentaneous relative motion o f each the vertical velocity in the plane of the section as a combined result of heave, pitch and w a v e elevati- cross section on. T h i s implies that the w a v e elevation at each time along the length of the forward moving craft must be k n o w n i n irregular cross flow drag coefficient instantaneous half beam of the strip, submerged cross sectional wave generator is being build into the M o s k o w i t z or a measured spectrum. T h e irregular w a v e train is being simulated using a random phase model according to; area g a frequency domain according to the formulations of Pierson- buoyancy correction coefficient instantaneous Hereto program, using either the w e l l - k n o w n energy distribution i n the including "pile up" A waves. w acceleration due to gravity i{x,t) = « , sin(co,./ + V + <i>i> ^"^ T h e buoyancy correction coefficient accounts for the difference between the actual pressure distribution over the submerged part of the h u l l , composed of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pressure, when compared with the "lift" force arising from an I n addition also the vertical and horizontal orbital velocities are assumed hydrostatic pressure distribution over the submerged being calculated as a function of time (t) and place (x) along volume. the length o f the model using T h e velocity components U and V of the relative motion of the ^ coshfc,(/i+z) water along the hull resulting f r o m the forward velocity of the craft, the heave and pitch motions and the orbital velocity i n the w a v e s may be written as: V = HcG - w ^ c o s f l +xsm9 U = i c o s f f - ( Z c G - W j ) sine (8) v(«,0 = £^ (3) sinhfc,.(/i+z) — . . • , cos(co,.f+/:^+0;) SlDnK^l (4) in w h i c h : N number of components amplitude of i"" component frequency o f i"" component w a v e number i * component h water depth 91 phase empirical formulations for the pressure distribution over the length of the planing bottom as derived from model ex- periments with planing wedges. T h e s e expressions h a v e been Using the water formulated among others by Sottorf ( R e f . 5 . ) , Sedov ( R e f . 6 . ) , generated Shufold ( R e f . 7 . ) . Savitsky ( R e f . 8 . ) used these formulations for using a random phase generator for the phase of the different the determination o f the running trim of a planing craft at waves, well-Itnown dispersion relation for deep the time history of the w a v e elevation is components. speed. Z a r n i c k derived the u n k n o w n coefficients a.^[, I n the simulation program the vessel is moving with a constant C q „ using these formulations and used those values in the and equations of motion describing the c a l m water condition, i.e., speed against these w a v e s . by omitting any w a v e induced term. B y doing so a steady state equilibrium position is obtained, w h i c h is used as the reference 2.1 position for the motions of the craft in w a v e s . T h e validity of Steady State Planing Condition the values o f the coefficients obtained from planing wedges In the case o f ships advancing at relative high forward speeds, with mostly constant deadrise remains uncertain and the results it is Icnown that the sinkage and trim of the crafl may become of sinkage and trim obtained by this method are often in no quite substantial. T h e radical change in reference position, i.e., good agreement with measured values. the position around w h i c h the craft is supposed to perform its the I n the present computational model the procedure is reversed: following modifications with respect to the equations o f motion instead of determining a^f, C p , and k^ f r o m experiments with wave induced motions, implies among other things describing the dynamic behaviour of the craft in waves: planing wedges, the value o f these coefficients is determined the existence of dynamic lift resulting from the high using a calculated value for the sinkage and trim o f the particu- relative water velocity over the inclined bottom lar planing craft under consideration at a given speed. T h e a change of the submerged geometry sinkage and trim are obtained from polynomial of the craft w h e n compared to the zero trim, zero sinkage and expressions derived from an extensive series of model tests with a large systematic series o f planing hull forms. T h e parent model of zero speed situation. Both effects account for part o f the non-linear behaviour of the this series w a s the 12.5 degrees deadrise model used by C l e - craft at speed in w a v e s and are not accounted for in the usually ment and Blount ( R e f . 9 . ) w h o tested this model in 1963 with 5 T h e introduction of these non-linearities different length to beam ratio's, 4 different displacements and 4 into the computational model may be performed in different different longitudinal positions of the centre o f gravity. T h i s used linear theory. systematic series has been extended by K e u n i n g and Gerritsma ways: in 1982 with a similar series with 25 degrees deadrise (Ref. 10.) First, one could account only for the change in reference and in 1992 with 30 degrees deadrise ( R e f . l 1.). position (sinkage and trim) and u s e the changed geometry as an T h e bodyplans o f the three parent models of these series are input in the otherwise linear calculations. T h i s has been done presented in F i g u r e 3 . among others by Beukelman ( R e f 4) and it yields improved correlation with model experiments in comparison with calculations using the zero speed reference position. It is obvious that the introduction of the reference position i n this manner only accounts for the change in geometry o f the submerged hull and not for the change in pressure distribution. S e e F i g u r e 2 . 20 k n , Trim /,/t8 with rtUfenct posiVion i^^tA Pitch 20 L 10 1 w l l h z e r o sfieed r « ( e r - e n c e position >. F i g u r e 2 . Influence o f reference position on the pitch motion of planing craft, using linear strip theory. Figures Bodyplans of the 12.5, 25.0 and 3 0 . 0 degrees deadrise systematic planing hull form series. T h e reference position of the craft at speed is obtained in this particular case from results of a model experiment. T h e parameters used in the polynomial expressions are: the length to beam ratio over the chine the weight of displacement related to the projected Another method w a s followed by Z a r n i c k . H e made u s e of the area of the planing bottom the deadrise angle at midship the longitudinal position of the centre o f gravity. Force (N/m) T h e polynomial expressions have been derived using a least square fitting routine through the data for a number of specific 500 volumetric F r o u d e numbers and have the following form: 0 Ig 2Vg^ 3Vg^ 4^2/3 5^y2/3^ «^y2/3^ V'/3 A n interpolation routine is being used for intermediate values of the deadrise angle between 12.5, 2 5 and 30 degrees. A typical example o f the goodness o f fit of the polynomial approximation compared with measured daUi o f a model not belonging to the systematic series is shown in F i g u r e 4. Figure 5 L i f t force distribution over the length of the model. F r o m the formulations used for the dynamic lift it is obvious that the change of sectional added mass over the length plays a predominant role. Since in this calculation procedure the added mass is being related to the wetted beam of the sections and the beam is generally reducing i n the aft body of a planing hull, a "negative" dynamic lift may occur in the aft body. T h i s trend is not confirmed by data from literature. A s stated by P a y n e (Ref. 12.) by using a different formulation for the added mass 0., h of the sections with a wetted chine this phenomenon may b e eliminated. I n the present formulation the negative slope of the added mass is neglected i f it occurs and the hydrodynamic lift set to zero for these sections. -0.2 0.< 0 0.3 1.2 I.C J 1.* 2.2 Added Mass 2.3 Fn A s may be seen from the equations derived for the lift forces on the planing hull, the added mass of the sections plays a n Figure 4 Measured and approximated sinkage and trim for an arbitrary planing hull. important role, since the derivative of the added mass over the length of the hull determines the magnitude of the dynamic lift to a large extend. I n the presented computational model the A c c o r d i n g to Shufold [7], the cross flow drag coefficient of a added mass is considered to be a function of the momentaneous section with deadrise jS may be approximated by: wetted = 1.33cos(3 (10) I f the steady state still water equilibrium position is k n o w n as beam of the section using the Wagner formulation corrected for the pile up o f the water according to: m„ - K\pb^ (11) is assumed now by making use of the derived polynomials, the remaining u n k n o w n coefficients a^f and k,, may be determined by solving the two equations of motions simultaneously. i n w h i c h k j is a constant for all sections. T h i s procedure has been used on a variety o f planing boat designs of w h i c h model test data were available to yield values Other methods to calculate the added mass and damping distri- of a(,f and k j . T h e results for the parent models o f the sys- bution over the length of a hull moving at high forward speed tematic series are presented in the T a b l e 1. are not available yet. S o for the calculation of these hydrodynamic reaction forces in those conditions use is generally being made of a strip theory approach. T a b l e 1. T o check on the validity o f this approach a series of oscillation Co.c = 1-33 30° "bf 0.8526 0.6395 Model 277 25° K "w 0.8473 0.7206 Model 276 12,5° K 1.2658 0.6239 Model 251 experiments with a segmented model of the parent of the H i g h Speed Displacement H u l l F o r m series has been carried out by K e u n i n g ( R e f . l 3 . ) at the Delft Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory. T h i s H S D H F series has been tested extensively at M A R I N on resistance and motions in head w a v e s in a research project CO- sponsored by the R o y a l Netherlands N a v y , the Royal Australian N a v y and the D a v i d T a y l o r R e s e a r c h Centre ( U S A ) . U s i n g these results B l o k and B e u k e l m a n (Ref. 14.) found quite T h e resulting lift force distribution over Ihe length o f the model is shown in F i g u r e 5 for one particular situation. It is obvious that the dynamic lift prevails in the forepart o f the wetted length of the planing ship and the hydrostatic part aft. T h e lift force due to the cross flow drag is of minor importance. good correlation between measured and calculated heave and pitch response operators of these models even at high forward speeds (i.e. F n = 1.14) using a linear strip theory calculation method. F r o m the presented study in Reference 13., it may be concluded that the introduction of the actual reference position of the model at speed into both the experiment and the calculations was important for improving the agreement between acceleiation/g the measured and calculated data for the added mass. Beyond this, the measured lift force distribution over the length of the fast moving model in its proper reference position with Bow acc (lims dep.) respect to sinkage and trim has been brought into the procedure used for the determination of the added mass from ' Bow acc (fixed) tlie • • • • • / ' ^ •/ i f / ^ • ^ C G acc (tiine dep.) measured in-phase forces on the segments o f the model. T h e CG acc (fixed) lift force distribution over the length of the model due to the • forward speed and the change herein due to the change of submergence of each section during the oscillatory motion has been measured i n a quasi steady w a y . T h e time histories of the force transducers of each section h a v e been elaborated using - r^^^"""!^ ; Model 276 these data to yield the added mass of each section. T h e derived results show that the added mass of the sections, using this d method, becomes almost independent of the forward speed and d d = d d d .d d W a v e f r e q u e n c y (rad/s) the frequency of oscillation, ranging in that experiment from M 4 to (0 = 15 for a two meter long model. A typical result o f these measurements is shown in F i g u r e 6. The results of these measurements justify the use of the frequency independent formulation of Wagner for the added Figure 7 mass. By Response operator bow vertical accelerations with and without time dependent added mass. using this frequency independent formulation for the added mass, w h i c h is only based on the waterline beam of the section, it becomes easily possible to make the added mass time dependent. In the formulation the momentaneous 2.3 Wave Forces. waterline beam o f the section based on the relative motion is taken into A the calculations. forces, another source o f non-linear behaviour of a planing Hereto use is being made of a complete geometry description of the ship from baseline to deckline. similar approach has been followed with the w a v e exciting boat in waves. I n assessing the limits of the operability of a fast craft in w a v e s , one is more interested i n extreme motions Trim Based - 1.62° on a c t u a l restoring force and peak values of accelerations than in the extrapolation of behaviour derived from otherwise linear calculations with infinite small amplitudes. T h i s implies that the large relative Fn. motions o f the craft with respect to the waves should be taken =• L . 14 into account. = 0, 01: With the same segmented model of the H S D H F parent w a v e force measurements h a v e been performed at high speeds, 1 1 Fn = 0.57 and F n = i.e. 1.14. T h e results of these measurements showed that the w a v e forces w e r e dominated by the F r o u d e K r i l o f f component. T h i s enables the introduction of the non• linear parts o f these forces into the calculation procedure by using the actual momentaneous submerged volume o f the craft, due to heave, pitch and w a v e elevation, for the determination of the Froude Kriloff force. In this procedure also the geometry of the craft f r o m baseline to decldine is being used. Z a r n i c k in his method turned to vertical sidewalls above the chine. T h e influence of this on the calculated results for the 2 5 . 0 degrees deadrise model is shown in F i g u r e 8. It should be noted that this influence extends in both the w a v e forces and the added mass calculation ( and therefore the lift ) . 1 *. Figure 6 Aco./g 1 torsion 2 •loasLiromont Added mass distribution along the length of a model at high forward speed. To illustrate the relative importance of the time dependency of the added mass, figure 7 shows the response operator for the vertical bow accelerations on the 2 5 degrees deadrise parent model calculated with and without the time dependency of the added mass. 2 3 4 5 Wave Frequency (rad/s) Figure 8 Bow accelerations with sidewalls above the chine. and without vertical It is important to note tliat tlie buoyancy correction coefficient %l 4 OPERABILITY ANALYSIS is also used in the determination o f the F r o u d e K r i l o f f forces on the ship in waves. T h i s is an arbitrary method but based on the assumption that the character of the flow around the hull, i.e. flow separation at the chine and transom and a stagnation line with spray area, on w h i c h the correction factor is based, remains roughly unchanged. F r o m correlation with experimental results this appeared to yield quite satisfactory results. O n e particular aspect of F i g u r e 10 should be emphasised a little more. A s may be seen from this figure the relation between the significant and the m a x i m u m value o f the vertical bow acceleration is strongly dependent on tlie deadrise angle at ordinate 10 (midship) but rather on the deadrise of the whole planing bottom, since all three models used were derived from the same parent and the distribution o f the deadrise over the length of the ship is similar in a non-dimensional w a y . T h i s implies 3 VALIDATION that there is a considerable discrepancy between the predicted m a x i m u m value o f the vertical acceleration in an irregular sea T h e computational model has been validated extensively using using a non-linear or a linear theory. F o r the high deadrise the data of model experiments carried out at the large towing craft the relation between significant and peak value is roughly tank of the Delfl Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory. The a factor of 2 , while for the low deadrise hull it may increase to models used in the experiments were the three parent models 4 or 5. o f the systematic series of planing hull forms, as depicted i n U s i n g linear theory and assuming the w a v e heights to be R a y l - F i g u r e 3 . T h e models have been tested in three different w a v e eigh distributed, w h i c h is generally accepted spectra of w h i c h the particulars are presented in table 3 ocean w a v e statistics, assumption i n the m a x i m u m (or rather the 1/1000 wave) is approximately 2 times the significant value, both for Table 3 the w a v e and the vertical acceleration. F r o m calculations it appears that a linear strip theory motion calculation program is Spectrum 1 H[/3 = 0.55 m T p = 5.9 sec capable to predict the significant values of heave and pitch o f a Spectrum2 H,/3 = 1.10 m T p = 6.7 sec plamng craft i n a moderate w a v e condition quite reasonable. Spectrum 3 Hy^ = 1.60 m T p = 9.0 sec T h e extrapolation to m a x i m u m values however may lead to seriously underprediction of the peak accelerations. T h e ship length is 15 meters. A non-linear theory like the one here presented is capable o f predicting the peak values quite reasonable using the T h e speeds used during the experiments corresponded to a same w a v e spectrum as an input. volumetric F r o u d e number of 1.65 and 2.70 respectively. T h e heave, pitch and vertical accelerations at the centre o f S o , i f the operability of a planing craft is under consideration, gravity and the bow have been measured and elaborated in the it depends largely on the kind of limiting criteria that are being usual w a y to yield significant values and maximum values. used, what the outcome will be: T h e results o f the calculated and measured vertical bow acce- Most commonly the limiting criteria are based on significant lerations are presented in F i g u r e 9 on a basis o f deadrise angle values o f for instance vertical accelerations, because these are at midship section. rather easy to measure and to calculate. I n particular say a decade ago, no non-linear computational models were available SpccCL-um I to designers irregular for assessing waves. The the motions underlying o f planing craft in assumption was that the m a x i m u m values would be twice the significant ones (for all craft similar) and these would therefore not exceed certain values. F r o m full scale experiments on coastal patrol boats at the Dutch North Sea coastal waters however, it was concluded that rather the occurrence o f one peak value was the limiting criterium for the voluntary speed reduction by the crew and not signtficanc the significant value. T h i s may lead to a different outcome of an optimisation as is Spcccrun ÏII shown by the results presented in F i g u r e 10, i n w h i c h the results o f an operability analysis on a fast patrol boat are shown. F o r the optimisation, the beam of the craft has been increased and decreased by 10% and the effect on the operability is calculated using a scatter diagram from the North Sea and the same limiting criteria. It should be noted that through the change in beam while maintaining the depth a considerable change in deadrise does occur. 0 S 10 IS 20 25 JO 3S DoatJfise Figure 9 Measured and calculated significant and m a x i m u m vertical bow accelerations as fiinction o f deadrise. Generally it was concluded from this validation study that the agreement between the measured and calculated values heave pitch and vertical accelerations was in although discrepancies still do occur. for good agreement,