here - Hacalara


here - Hacalara
Do they talk about it ... to us?
Measuring conversations using three methods
This thesis was written within the framework of the HACALARA-project ( in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Business Communication.
Department of Business Communication, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Koen van Miltenburg
Student ID:
MA programme Business Communication
Prof. Dr. C.J.M. Jansen
Second examiner:
Dr. J.M.A. Hornikx
External supervisor:
Mrs. E. Lubinga
Researchers and advertisers alike have expressed positive expectations of the effects of daily
conversation on the interpretation and appreciation of messages within their target groups, and on the
acceptance and effectiveness of their messages. However, up till now no valid, reliable and usable
tool for measuring daily conversation has been developed to put these expectations to the test.
In this study three methods for measuring conversation behaviour of respondents were tested.
The first method was based on work by Stienstra and Van der Noort (2008). After listening to a radio
message the participants were asked to produce narratives in response to questions asked. The
second method, the ‘hearsay method’, was tested in two different versions. In this method, participants
will keep track of their conversations about HIV/AIDS related issues in a conversational journal. One
group received oral instructions only and one group will receive both oral and written instructions.
Results showed that both methods were able to measure conversational behaviour of the
participants. With the use of a labeling system which was developed for this MA study and for a similar
MA study by another student (Julien Harbers), a thorough analysis of conversations about HIV/AIDS
could be conducted. The narrative method seemed to provide the best results, while the hearsay
method yielded results which seemed less reliable and valid. Both methods proved to be time
consuming but easy in their use.
In conclusion, it is recommended that future research into conversations about HIV/AIDS will
focus on the use of the narrative method. However, there are certain points for improvement, most
strikingly the setting of the research, in the present research the setting was usually an empty
(dilapidated) classroom. Future research should be conducted in a more realistic setting, for example:
a waiting room of a doctor or a classroom where participants are confronted with a visual or textual
message about HIV/AIDS. If participants can be observed in their environment without being aware of
a researcher monitoring their conversation the quality of the data collected could be better.
‘ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter’
Martin Luther King Jr.
‘As long as you don’t know your status or talk about the disease you can live a happier life. You don’t
have to worry.’
A South African teenager.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who contributed in any way to this study with
their continuing support and advice:
First of all I would like to express my thankfulness to the supervisors of my thesis. Prof. dr.
Carel Jansen whose advice, enthusiasm and continuous drive to improve the research led to a
critical review and improvement of my thesis. Elizabeth Lubinga who supported me greatly
during my time at the University of Limpopo, and whose knowledge helped me navigating
through South African culture. Also Jos Hornikx, whose reviews of my thesis led to important
improvements during the different phases of my thesis.
The people of the University of Limpopo; Prof. dr. Madadzhe, Mr. Nagel, Prof Cloete, Prof.
Makalela, Mr. Kgatla, the secretaries of the department of humanities and the student
assistants who contributed greatly to the research; Blessing, Prudence and Emma. They have
all been a valuable help in my research and made sure my time in South Africa was an
invaluable experience.
The secondary schools and its learners who participated in the different methods conducted
during classes and their leisure time.
My family, Jeannette, Gerard, Anne and Else for their continuous support throughout this
Julien Harbers for making the time in South Africa an adventure, during study and travels it
has been a great time.
The Calitz family (Polokwane, SA); Sonia, Fred, Erik and Annemie who were always there for
me if any help was needed, and whose braais made sure we came back home well nourished.
All players of the football team ‘Barcelona’ which gave me the opportunity to emerge myself in
South African culture at Turfloop campus.
All my other friends who helped me with advice and supported me throughout this study.
Koen van Miltenburg
Table of content
Table of content
1. Introduction
1.1 Radio in South Africa
1.2 Requirements for methods for measuring conversational behaviour
1.3 Previous studies
1.4 Towards new methods
2. Research questions
3. Method
3.1 Labeling systems
3.2 The narrative approach
3.2.1 Procedure
3.2.2 Participants
3.3 Hearsay ethnography (two versions)
3.3.1 Procedure
3.3.2 Participants
4. Results
4.1 The narrative approach
4.1.1 The stories
4.1.2 Themes
4.1.3 Overall assesment
4.2 Hearsay ethnography
4.1.1 The stories
4.1.2 Themes
4.1.3 Overall assesment
5. Conclusion and discussion
5.1 A comparison of the narrative and hearsay method
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Suggestions for further research
7. Bibliography
8. Appendices
Appendix A – Oral instructions narrative approach
Appendix B – Story elicitation questions
Appendix C – The narrative approach questionnaire
Appendix D – The narrative approach member validation
Appendix E – Hearsay ethnography instructions
Appendix F – Hearsay ethnography example of a story
Appendix G – Hearsay ethnography questionnaire
Appendix H – Radio messages
Appendix I – Letter of request
Appendix J – Consent from
Appendix K – Markings and labels for the transcribed data
Appendix L – Data analysis ‘Narrative approach’
Appendix M – Data analysis ‘Hearsay ethnography’ – With written instructions
Appendix N – Data analysis ‘Hearsay ethnography’ – Without written instructions
Appendix O – Macro and syntax for Krippendorff’s alpha
1. Introduction
All over the world HIV/AIDS is recognised as a serious disease which should be handled carefully to
prevent it from spreading further. One of the countries hit hardest by the HIV/AIDS pandemic is South
Africa, where a large part of the population (10.8%, Shisana, Rehle, Simbayi, Parker et al., 2005) is
suffering from this disease and its consequences. In order to decrease the percentage of people
suffering from HIV/AIDS, researchers and advertisers have been looking for different ways to target
people at risk. One of these ways is health mass media campaigns and of more specific interest in this
research, advertising making use of rhetorical figures to attract attention to the message. According to
McQuarrie and Mick (1996) “a rhetorical figure occurs when an expression deviates from expectation”
(p.425) Advertisers hope that these implicit, cryptic messages will prove to be effective in stimulating
people’s actions on the subject of this message and subsequently in the spread of information on this
topic. Moreover, advertisers hope these messages will spark off conversations, in their target groups,
that might not take place otherwise, since there would be no message to discuss (for an overview of
this process see Hoeken et al., 2009). It has been suggested that the impact of a health mass media
campaign may partially depend on its ability to get a conversation going (Hornik & Yanovitzky, 2003;
Rogers & Storey, 1987). An example of an organisation using implicit messages in their
communication to spark off conversation is loveLife, which has been active in the field of HIV/AIDS
communication since 1999 and started a campaign using implicit messages in 2005. As Refilwe
Africa, editor of loveLife’s magazine Uncut, put it: ’we will get people to wonder. […] That is exactly
what we want to achieve, that people talk about HIV/Aids and sex’ (Hollemans, 2005).
However, the possible effects of cryptic messages on the conversation of its receivers is a line
of thought that has not yet been put to the test. Studies by Lubinga, Schulze, Jansen and Maes (in
press) and by Jansen and Janssen (2010) focussed on the comprehension, appreciation and
willingness to discuss certain advertisements of the organisation loveLife. It was found that the
dependent variable ‘willingness to discuss’ was difficult to measure in a direct way, for example by
observing participants. In both studies use had to be made of indirect measures; respondents were
asked to tell the researcher if they thought the messages they were presented with would spark
conversations with their peers or parents. Up till now, no reliable, valid and usable method is available
to measure aspects of conversational behaviour sparked by commercial or health related mass
communication messages (Southwell & Yzer, 2009, p.5). Hence, new adequate methods to measure
aspects of conversational behaviour are necessary, in order to make it possible for future research to
find out what stimulates discussion among messages’ recipients.
The aim of this research was to research reliable, usable and valid methods which make it
possible to measure aspects of conversational behaviour such as topics discussed. Researchers
should be able to use these methods to measure conversations in order to observe to what extent
people discuss form and/or content of the cryptic advertisements. The results of this research can be
used in future research within the HACALARA-framework, which amongst others ‘aims to investigate
the use of spoken communication as a strategy to bring about effective comprehension and
persuasion in the context of HIV/AIDS intervention programmes’ (HACALARA, n.d.).
Therefore the goal of this research is to present future researchers with annotated advice on
which method to use. In this research the possible use and effects of three new methods are analysed
and compared. The focus is on the extent to which implicit radio messages spark off the
aforementioned conversations, among the target group of loveLife (youth between 12 and 17) and to
what extent these conversations seem valid, reliable and usable.
Lastly it must be noted that simultaneously, a parallel research has been performed focussing
on the extent to which implicit billboard messages spark off conversations among the target group of
loveLife. Findings of both studies will be compared and analysed in a separate article.
1.1 Radio in South Africa
As mentioned in the previous section this research will make use of existing radio messages from the
organisation loveLife in order to spark off the conversations. Radio was chosen because of its high
coverage in South Africa (86.6%; JHHESA, 2009), therefore participants are more likely to be familiar
with these type of messages. Research by Shisana et al. (2005, p.98) showed that radio had the
highest coverage of the different media in South Africa, with the exception of urban formal areas in
which exposure to television is slightly higher than exposure to radio. Most youth is being exposed to
radio a few days a week or more, with 81.8% of the age group of 15 to 24 and 76.2% of youth
between 12 and 15 listening to radio a few days a week or more. Moreover, because of the context of
the HACALARA project and the rural region in which the research was carried out, it is interesting to
see that radio is the primary mass medium in rural areas, with other media being used or received far
less often (Shisana et al., 2005, p.98).
Apart from the high coverage of the medium radio, it must also be noted that it seems that
radio offers the most potential in educating people on HIV/AIDS. In research by Shisana et al. (2008.
p. 99) respondents of all age groups indicated they found radio the most useful media source for
understanding HIV/AIDS and prompted them most often to take HIV/AIDS more seriously. Again,
respondents in rural areas indicated radio was by far the most useful medium in understanding
HIV/AIDS compared to other media.
In conclusion, radio is one of the most prominent media in South Africa, especially in the rural
regions in which the present research took place. People in South Africa seem to indicate that radio is
the medium which they use primarily and which provides them with the most useful information.
Therefore, this research will look further into the conversations that are sparked off by radio messages
on HIV/AIDS. However, to measure these conversations a sound method will need to be designed.
1.2 Requirements for methods for measuring conversational behaviour
A possible new method to measure conversation will need to be reliable, valid and usable (Korzilius,
2000, p.20). Reliability can be described as; the consistency and repeatability of the method,
circumstances and the results of the research (Korzilius, 2000, p.22). Moreover, it concerns the extent
to which the measurements are free of other coincidental factors which can influence the research,
such as distracting noises (‘t Hart, Boeije & Hox, 2007, p.162; Korzilius, 2000, p.22). Validity is
concerned with the extent to which the method is a sound tool to measure what one wants to measure
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, n.d.; Colosi, n.d.; Korzilius, 2000, p.25). There are two aspects of
validity that have to be guaranteed; internal and external. Internal validity concerns the outcomes of
the research, and if they were solely based on the manipulated variables and not systematically
influenced by other factors, such as socially desirable answers. External validity deals with the
generalisation of the results to a wider population (‘t Hart et al., 2007; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
n.d.). The emphasis for external validity was aimed at ecological validity, the extent to which the
results from the research can be generalised from the research conditions to real life (‘t Hart et al.,
2007). Analyses has been done using face validity; this is concerned with how valid a measure or
procedure appears. ‘Does it seem like a reasonable way to gain the information the researchers are
attempting to obtain? Does it seem well designed? Does it seem as though it will work reliably? Unlike
content validity, face validity does not depend on established theories for support (Fink, 1995).’ Face
validity largely depends on the expert’s point of view whether or not the data seems reasonable
(Sargent, 2004). Finally, usability deals with the extent to which the method is an effective, efficient
and satisfactory tool for researchers and participants in a particular environment (ISO, n.d.).
1.3 Previous studies
In the search for recorded natural speech researchers went to great lengths, one of the more famous
and groundbreaking attempts was performed by William Labov (1966), who used a hidden taperecorder to record people (unaware of the recording) on the streets of New York City. Since then, a
wide variety of methods have been developed and tested, some of which will be discussed in this
An example of research in which a method for measuring aspects of conversational behaviour
sparked by commercial related mass communication messages was tried is research by Ritson and
Elliot (1999). They observed talk among peers in school canteens. One of the authors mixed with the
learners to obtain data from conversations on advertisements. The method yielded some interesting
results. It was found that advertisements had several functions in conversations. Most importantly the
authors found that people can secure their knowledge status in a group by giving a cryptic
advertisement a meaningful interpretation. However, by being present in the research situation the
researchers possibly changed the dynamics of the normal conversational behaviour of the learners.
As stated by Ten Have (2007) interactions, such as conversations and discussions, between
participants in the research should be: ‘naturally occurring […], not co-produced with or provoked by
the researcher’ (p.68). By not doing so, the reliability of the research has been compromised. Other
research methods such as an interview or focus group also compromise the reliability of the research
due to the presence of the researcher (Ten Have, 2007, p.68).
Research by Zisser and Francis (2006) and by Jansen and Janssen (2010) on cryptic poster
messages from the South African health organisation loveLife used a questionnaire, containing
quantitative and qualitative questions, with which respondents were asked to indicate their own
perceived conversational behaviour on HIV/AIDS as a result of being exposed to cryptic messages on
HIV/AIDS. However, questionnaires have serious limitations as well, such as socially desirable
answers and low internal validity (Korzilius, 2000). Especially with a socially sensitive topic such as
HIV/AIDS this poses a serious risk for questionnaires, thus it is unsure whether the results were valid.
1.4 Towards other methods
It seems current research methods such as questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews only
indirectly provide information on the natural conversation behaviour. The design of a suitable method
to measure conversation is a subject which has been avoided for a long time (Southwell & Yzer, 2009,
p.5). This is why in this study three new methods were analysed and compared. The focus is on the
selection of one or more suitable methods for measuring conversational behaviour, which is done by
comparing the results the different methods yielded and analyses of the procedure of each method.
In this research, the ‘narrative approach’ and the ‘hearsay ethnography’ have been put to the
test. The first method stems from research by Stienstra and Van der Noort (2008), who presented an
idea for re-creating realistic forms of conversational behaviour, the ‘narrative approach’. Stienstra and
Van der Noort (2008) were evaluating a ‘drinking and driving’-campaign in The Netherlands when they
came up with a new method to evaluate the effectiveness of this campaign. In order to get participants
to display realistic conversational behaviour, campaign materials were shown to groups of five
participants. Subsequently, a question was posed to which participants could reply by telling about an
experience they had had with drinking and driving, to their peers in the group. After the narratives
were produced, the participants were asked to assign meaning to their stories and explain what was
meant exactly. According to Stienstra and Van der Noort (2008), the narratives that the participants
had produced can be assumed to have valid information on the topic of ‘drinking and driving’ and the
effectiveness of the campaign.
The second method for measuring conversation has been proposed by Watkins and Swidler
(2009). They were trying to measure ‘culture in action’, the way people produced, constructed and
changed culture, in Malawi, when they developed a method called ‘hearsay ethnography’. In this
method participants were asked to keep a conversational journal, which consists of ‘texts produced by
cultural insiders who keep journals of who-said-what-to-whom in conversations they overhear or
events they participate in during the course of their daily lives’ (Watkins & Swidler, 2009, p.162). A
major advantage of these conversational journals is that the translation of the lived experience to text
is carried out by a local who is immersed in the situation. The possible disadvantage of invented
stories was perceived to be a very small risk, because it would have been more work to invent the
situations and voices than to simply record them (Kaler, 2003, p.354). The data produced by the
different participants were perceived to be very useful in capturing the context in which conversations
took place and gave a unique insight in daily conversations people engage in. The data this method
yielded differed significantly compared to data obtained through other methods, which for instance
claim there is silence about AIDS (Watkins & Swidler, 2009, p.178), this led the authors to believe
previous methods might not have produced valid results.
This research tested two versions of the hearsay ethnography. It is believed that by observing
people in their natural environment, unaware of the fact that there is an observer among them, stories
will be very realistic. Moreover, the local observer can interpret the story in the local context, whereas
the regular interviewer, who is not used to the context, might not be able to. For this research the
original method of Watkins and Swidler (2009) was used, meaning participant observers received oral
instructions on what was expected from them. Next to this method, a slightly adjusted version was
tested in which participants received oral and written instructions, instructing what is expected from
them. It was expected that the adjusted method would make it easier for participants to take part in the
method, because instructions will be easily accessible in the conversational journal at all times.
Moreover, possible important data such as the conversational partner was explicitly asked for. This
might make the results of the method more usable for the researchers. However, there is a risk that
the extended instruction might influence the validity of the stories, therefore the original method by
Watkins and Swidler (2009) will still be used and tested in this particular setting as well.
The most important focus in this research is the reliability and validity of the methods used. If
the methods appear to be reliable and valid there will be a focus on the usability of each method for
the researcher as well as the participant in order to select the most suitable method to measure
aspects of conversational behaviour. Moreover, a labeling system to analyse the stories will be
constructed and an analysis of the outcomes of this labeling system will be made to find out whether
or not this is a usable and workable tool.
2. Research questions
In this research the aim is three-fold; firstly the labeling system used needs to be analysed. Moreover,
there is a need to establish the validity and reliability of the methods and lastly the efforts compared to
the results of each method need to be analysed. Therefore, the following research questions were
1. To what extent does the constructed labeling system seem to be a reliable and valid tool to
analyse conversations between participants about HIV/AIDS related behaviour?
2. To what extent do the three methods used to measure aspects of HIV/AIDS related
conversational behaviour seem reliable and valid?
3. To what extent do each method’s results outweigh the efforts needed, from participants and
researchers, to obtain conversations sparked off by radio messages?
3. Method
In the first section of this chapter the labeling systems will be presented that were developed for
categorizing utterances after theme, message form and medium (3.1). After this, the narrative
approach (3.2) and the hearsay ethnography (3.3) will be described. For each of these methods the
procedure that was followed will be discussed, followed by the description of participants who were
involved in the research.
3.1 Labeling systems
In the following section the labelling systems used to categorize the utterances after theme, message
form and medium will be presented. With the use of a labeling system which was developed for this
MA study and for a similar MA study by another student (Julien Harbers), a thorough analysis of
conversations about HIV/AIDS could be conducted.
Firstly, an overview of the themes discussed in HIV/AIDS related conversations was
constructed. This overview was developed using the grounded-theory approach, implying that the
labeling system was open for adaptations during the research. On the basis of a pilot test carried out
in Limpopo, South Africa, a draft version of an overview of the themes related to HIV/AIDS was made.
This preliminary labeling system was open for adaptation during the transcription and labeling of the
final data. The system was adapted to include all themes that were found to be related to HIV/AIDS in
the narratives and discussions analysed in this research, Table 1 shows the themes as they occurred
in the final labeling system.
Table 1. Labels for theme in the transcribed data.
Faithfulness/Multiple relationships
Condomize/Unprotected sex
Pressure into sex
Peer pressure
Status (knowing one’s status)
10. Virginity
11. Assault/Rape
12. Focus (on different things in life e.g. studies, future)
13. Healthy lifestyle
14. Positive lifestyle/Responsible lifestyle
15. Fear to talk
16. Pregnancy
17. Education/Advice
18. Sex in exchange for goods
19. Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft
20. Immunity (for diseases)
21. Suicide/Attempted suicide
22. Relationship history
23. Sex role
24. Support
In Table 1 the different themes which were observed in the stories and conversations are shown,
listed in sequence of appearance in the pilot test and the final research, Table 1 does not show a
qualitative or quantitative distinction between the various labels. The meaning of each label should be
straightforward, for example, a label such as Condomize/Unprotected sex was used when a
participant talked about a discussion he had had with his girlfriend whether or not to use a condom
when having sex. After the labels were assigned to the conversations produced in all methods, a
summary of the themes observed was made by the researcher, which is shown in chapter 4. For the
labeled data of the narrative and hearsay method see appendices L, M and N. To estimate intercoder
reliability for the assignment of the labels a random selection of the data was analysed by two
researchers using Krippendorff’s alpha; this will be discussed into more detail in chapter 4.
A second labeling system for message form and medium was designed for the narrative
method to be able to register whether or not participants talked about the message that was played to
them. This labeling system was not used for the hearsay method, because in this method no radio
messages were played for the participants. The different labels for message form and medium can be
seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Labels for message form and medium in transcribed data
Implicit message
Explicit message
Medium (e.g. billboard, radio)
As can be seen in Table 2 there are three labels for message form and medium. Each represents a
specific topic related to the message played to the respondents. Implicit message is a label used when
participants discuss the implicit meaning of the radio message played in the research, for example
when a participant explains that the sentence ‘no til we know’ implies that someone should not have
sex with their partner until they both know their HIV/AIDS status. The label explicit message is used
when participants repeat (part of) the radio message which was played to them, for example when
part of the text in a radio message was ‘you can’t pressure me into sex’ and a participant repeated this
exact text in their stories. Lastly, the label medium is used when participants indicate which medium
sparked off the conversation, this is the case when participants, for example, started a conversation
like this: ‘I heard a commercial on the radio when I started talking to my friend about this message’.
When the data were transcribed, writing conventions without markings such as capitals and
question marks were used, because markings in the transcribed texts represent a striking occurrence
in the speech. The markings and their meaning can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Markings in the data and their meaning.
Inaudible fragment
The specific vowel/consonant is strikingly longer than normal for this speaker.
The capitalised text is pronounced relatively loud.
Classification of a non-verbal activity or other striking occurrences (coughing, sneezing,
other external sounds etc.).
Relatively soft spoken word or sentence.
Indicates silence in the story, each dot represents 1 second of silence. If there is more than
3 seconds of silence the length of the silence will be indicated in brackets, e.g. … [5
Underlined (e.g.1)
A specific word or sentence indicates a label for theme identified by the researcher, the
number refers to the specific label (see Table 1).
Light grey (e.g. a)
A specific word or sentence indicates a label for message form or medium identified by the
researcher, the letter refers to the specific label (see Table 2).
The standard writing conventions were not used in the transcribed texts, ‘Normal speech’ was
transcribed as text without any markings; each marking indicates a change in standard speech. For
example, capitals represent words that were spoken out loud (see Table 3), therefore words such as
‘HIV’ when spoken in a regular tone and volume this was transcribed as ‘hiv’. In the hearsay method
texts were transcribed literally, including spelling mistakes, therefore texts are not always easy to read,
but they are representative for the data in this method.
Finally, an analysis of the validity, reliability (using Krippendorff’s alpha) and usability was
made. To find indications of validity and usability participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire.
This questionnaire consisted of six questions, three of which were intended to tap into validity and
three other questions were intended to tap into the usability. The full questionnaires can be found in
appendix C (narrative method) and in appendix G (hearsay method). To be able to assess usability
from the perspective of the researcher, it was noted whenever a method seemed to be very useful or
very hard to use and what exactly caused this. Reliability was analysed using Krippendorff’s alpha,
which will be explained into more detail in chapter 4.
3.2 The narrative approach
3.2.1 Procedure
Firstly, a pilot test was conducted at a secondary school in the Limpopo Province. This test showed
that in general the learners felt at ease with the method used. This was confirmed using member
validation (described by Lindlof & Taylor, 2002, p.242) in which the learners were confronted with the
data they had produced in the narrative method and were asked if this matched their normal
conversational behaviour. The researcher felt that there was a need for a clear example in the
introduction of the method in order to provide the learners with a good understanding of what was
expected from them, to prevent learners from just reciting all their textbook knowledge on HIV/AIDS,
which happened a few times during the pilot test. Learners did indicate that the telling of stories in the
narrative method was fun to do and that they displayed some of their normal conversational
behaviour. Based on these findings the final procedure was designed.
Participants listened to four radio messages (see appendix H) which were produced by the
organisation loveLife. Since radio is a very common medium in South Africa, exposure to radio is
highest among the different mass communication media (JHHESA, 2009), participants felt at ease
with this means of communication. To allow interaction with the message the written version of the
radio message was also presented to the participants, as recommended by Lubinga et al.
Participants listened to all four radio messages. After each message, they were asked one
story elicitation question, to which they could respond by producing a narrative. Each group listened to
the same messages in random order for each respective group, in order to prevent a sequence-effect.
The questions focussed on conversations or situations the participants had been involved in, and led
them to reproduce these conversations in the form of a narrative. An example of such a question is:
‘Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason you
exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What stories
could you tell?’ (for all questions, see appendix B). For the complete instructions, see appendix A.
During the experiment all narratives were recorded with a voice recorder. The researcher was
not directly present during the experiment, but a Sepedi speaking research assistant from the Limpopo
University led the storytelling and made sure the script was followed.
The participants were approached through secondary schools in the Limpopo Province in
South Africa. Permission to do this was obtained through the department of education in the Limpopo
Province. Six groups of five peers from three different schools were selected. Participants were split
into groups on the basis of gender, because of difficulties that were expected when girls and boys
would discuss sexual issues together, and also because of the need for homogeneity of experience
within groups (cf. Harrison, Xaba and Kunene, 2001, p.65). Participation in this research was
3.2.2 Participants
A total of thirty participants were selected to take part in this method. The target group of loveLife is
youth between 12 and 17 years old, therefore in this research participants were chosen who were also
between 12 and 17 years old. With the use of a contact person at each respective school the learners
were selected at random from grade 9 and 10, with five learners from each grade. A division was
made on the basis of gender, therefore there was a 50%-50% division in male and female participants.
The average age of the participants was 15.83 years (SD=.791), with no significant age difference
between male M=15.87 (SD=.915) and female M=15.80 (SD=.676), p=.822. All participants had
Sepedi as their mother tongue, but they were taught in English at their secondary school.
3.3 Hearsay ethnography (two versions)
3.3.1 Procedure
In a first test of the hearsay ethnography method 40 learners were involved. The participants were
given an extensive oral instruction (appendix E), or the same oral instruction together with a written
instruction (appendix E). All participants also received an observational journal and were asked to
write down all their conversations related to HIV/AIDS in this journal. After this instruction, participants
held possession of their conversational journal for 30 days after which they had to return the journal to
their teacher.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that most learners indicated they did understand what was
expected from them and despite the fact that the researcher checked for this understanding by asking
different questions, it was found that the learners had not always understood what was expected from
them. Variances in the collected data based on the different instructions (oral vs. oral and written
instructions) were not observed. The results from this first test showed that learners in both versions of
the hearsay method were mostly writing essays instead of the everyday conversations they might
have had. Therefore, in order to increase the understanding of the method it was decided the
researcher would visit the learners more often to check the progress. To ensure that the researcher
had time to talk to each participant, it was decided to limit the number of participants. Moreover, the
learners received an example of how a conversation could be written in the conversational journal, in
order to prevent the writing of ‘essays’ such as most stories that were created in the pilot test. The
example used was one of the more suitable stories collected during the pilot test, see Fragment 1.
Fragment 1. Example of a transcribed conversation in the hearsay method.
My friend said: “Did you know that AIDS comes from HIV?”
I said: “That’s not true.”
Friend: “Many people get HIV from sleeping with more than one partner.”
I: “I heard. So how did you know that?”
Friend (LOL): “Everybody knows, we are taught about HIV/AIDS at school.”
I asked her what she would do if she had the HIV/AIDS-virus.
Friend: “I would keep quiet and keep it as a secret.”
I asked her if she would tell her parents.
Friend: “No. They would go around telling people that I have the virus and it wouldn’t be fair towards me.”
I asked her: “If someone would found out about your status, what would you do?”
Friend: “I would move out and visit my grandparents.”
Participants were given an observational journal, A5 size, in which they wrote their conversations
related to HIV/AIDS which they engaged in during the course of their day. Similar to the original
method by Watkins and Swidler (2009) participants received oral instructions. In this research five
participants received those instructions. In the adjusted hearsay method, five participants received
similar oral and a written instructions on what was expected from them (see appendix E for the
instructions). The written instruction, including questions concerning the place, date and time, person
and medium who/which triggered the conversation, was pasted on every second page of the journal,
resulting in 48 pages with written instruction and 48 pages blank pages for the writing of the
Participants were asked to write down their conversations on HIV/AIDS related issues as
quickly as possible after the conversation was ended. Moreover, participants were instructed to take
fifteen minutes at the end of the day to think about the conversations they had had during the day and,
if they had not written a specific conversation in their journal while the conversation had been about
HIV/AIDS related issues, to write these down. Stories had to be written in English, the main language
for writing at the schools of the participants in this research. If a participant did not know a specific
word in English, he/she was allowed to write the word in his/her mother tongue, but it was required to
provide an explanation on the meaning of this word.
Participants received the journals on day X and were asked to return the journals to their
teacher on day X+31. Visits to check for the understanding of the method by the participants and the
progress that was made, were carried out on day X+7 and day X+14 at the secondary school. The
researcher asked about the progress and if there were any unclarities in the method. If necessary, the
participants were asked about the truthfulness of their stories and it was indicated if essential
information was missing. Subsequently, this information should be included in future written versions
of conversations in the observational journal. A teacher kept track of which learner had a journal, in
order to make sure that the journals were returned. If participants encountered problems with the
observational journals, they could text message the researcher for help and instructions. This occurred
twice with minor questions.
3.3.2 Participants
A total of ten participants were recruited for the testing of the adjusted hearsay ethnography methods.
Again, in this method the participants had to be between 12 and 17 years old. The learners were
selected at random from grade 9, for the method with written instruction, and grade 10, for the method
without written instruction, by using a contact person in the secondary school, with five learners from
grade 9 and five from grade 10. Moreover, it was ensured that the selected learners were divided as
equal as possible on the basis of gender, thus ensuring a 40%-60% division in gender for each
method and a 50%-50% division for both methods combined. The average age of the participants who
took part in the hearsay method with written instruction was 15 years (SD=.00) and for the method
without written instruction the average age was 15.40 (SD=.55). All participants had Sepedi as their
mother tongue, but they were taught in English at their secondary school.
Participants who took part in in the narrative method and in both versions of the hearsay method were
asked for their personal information; age, gender, mother tongue, school and grade and the usability
and validity of the methods (see appendices C and G). All the stories written in the two versions of the
hearsay method and told in the narrative method were transcribed and analysed (see appendices L, M
and N).
4. Results
In this chapter the results from using the different methods will be discussed. Firstly, the results from
the narrative method will be discussed (4.1), subsequently the results from the hearsay method, with
and without written instruction, will be discussed (4.2). Each of the results sections is divided in three
parts; ‘the stories’, in which examples of the collected data will be shown together with the subsequent
analysis; next the themes that were addressed in the stories; and lastly the overall assessment of the
specific method.
4.1 Narrative method
The narrative method led to a total of 115 stories; 53 of these stories were produced by male
participants while 62 were produced by female participants. In the following section a short overview is
presented of the stories that were produced, next an analysis of the different topics discussed in these
stories is presented and analysed, lastly the overall assessment of the method is discussed.
4.1.1 The stories
The stories produced displayed a wide variety in topics and style. To provide a first, global insight in
the stories produced, several examples of these stories which are representative for the collected data
will be discussed below, together with the labels used by the researcher.
Firstly, it is important to show how the topics and stylistic features in the transcribed stories
were labeled by the researcher. An example of a story without labels, is Fragment 2 below. It is
important to note that specific normal writing conventions were not applied when the data were
transcribed; this was discussed in section 3.1. For instance, words in capitals were spoken loudly,
while full stops represent a pause in the story. For more information on the symbols used, see
appendix K.
Fragment 2. Transcribed data from the narrative method without labels.
participant number four i remember during the march holidays there is a there was a friend of mine she
was very worried to much because she all she always wanted to have sex but his boyfriend didn’t want
to have it so he eh he ask her boyfriend one day why aren’t we . do you love me he said yes i say i want
you to show me how much you care and love me . okay but i don’t think . too soon now why do you want
to have sex eh now whereas we are still young ah that girlfriend some i think this is not much for me to
show this isn’t much for me to show you how much i love you . and so that guy refused to have sex with
him so: they argued and argued when my friend told me that i i i told her that maybe he’s cheating on
you said no he can’t cheat on me we’ve been dating for almost three years i say ehm maybe you are the
lucky one other: . some other day when we were going for shopping she found out that her boyfriend
was cheating on another girl he was sleeping with that other girl whereas he refused to: sleep with my
When the story was transcribed the researcher used the labeling system (appendix K) discussed in
section 3.1 to categorize the data. Each utterance about a topic related to HIV/AIDS was given a label
by the researcher. This resulted in Fragment 3, a labeled version of Fragment 2:
Fragment 3. Transcribed data from the narrative method including labels.
participant number four i remember during the march holidays there is a there was a friend of mine she
was very worried to much because she all she always wanted to have sex but his boyfriend didn’t want
to have it so he eh he ask her boyfriend one day why aren’t we . do you love me he said yes i say i want
you to show me how much you care and love me . okay but i don’t think . too soon now why do you want
to have sex eh now whereas we are still young ah that girlfriend some i think this is not much for me to
show this isn’t much for me to show you how much i love you (b) . and so that guy refused to have sex
with him so: they argued and argued when my friend told me that i i i told her that maybe he’s cheating
on you said no he can’t cheat on me we’ve been dating for almost three years (2) i say ehm maybe you
are the lucky one other: . some other day when we were going for shopping she found out that her
boyfriend was cheating on another girl he was sleeping with that other girl whereas he refused to: sleep
with my girlfriend (2)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, b. Explicit message
The Fragments 2 and 3 above shows how the mass of data with no labels was provided with specific
labels which show the topics that were discussed in each story. In Fragment 3, the labels were
Faithfulness (theme) and Explicit message (form), with the first being labeled by underlining the text
because the label is concerned with a message theme and the second in a grey background colour,
because this label is concerned with message form. These labels were used to be able to convert the
qualitative data into quantitative data.
It should be noted that in general the participants started of nervously; it seemed at times they
were unsure as to what exactly was expected from them. This often led to stories which were related
to HIV/AIDS, but which apparently were not about conversations the participants had, or had
overheard about HIV/AIDS. For example, participants told stories about a book they had read, an
example of which is Fragment 4.
Fragment 4. Example of a story which apparently was not related to conversations about HIV/AIDS.
I am participant number two eh last year in two thousand and eight I read a book about the guy called ..
? Johnson he was hiv positive (7) ehm . have his parents died died eh SEPEDI ba hwile ka lebaka la hiv
[they died because of hiv] [sighs] he
In the return visits of the researchers, when progress and stories were discussed with the participants,
it became clear that this specific participant was not telling a story which he would normally have told
to friends or relatives. The participant was telling about a book he had read which contained a story
related to HIV/AIDS, because he thought this was the purpose of this research. It seems this often
happened, because of uncertainty as to what was expected from the participants and it seemed there
was some anxiety of individuals towards the reaction of the other participants. As soon as one
participant told of an interesting experience, this often triggered the other participants to join in the
storytelling as well. This led to interesting stories about personal experiences, or stories about known
or unknown people which were told to the participants. For example, stories about relationships issues
of the participants and their friends were told, or rumours which were overheard about neighbours
having affairs. A short example of such a story, provided with labels, is Fragment 5.
Fragment 5. Example of a conversation about HIV/AIDS.
eh there is this girl who was sleeping around eh she was so beautiful and stuff so one day eh my uncle
met her so he fell in love with her when my grandmother found out he told him about her so he said that
everybody deserves a second chance so they got married without testing and stuff (8) now they have a
son and they are all hiv positive (7) then eh: that my uncles wife has passed away at around may now
he’s afraid to get tested because he: he really knows that he is hiv positive (7, 8) and i don’t know about
my cousin because he’s still young we don’t know if he is or not and my my uncle’s wife was was
refusing to get tested (8) she got sick sometimes she was fine sometimes she was very bad so she
passed away i don’t know about my uncle but i am afraid that he is too because it was her eh his wife
and .. i think they had eh unprotected sex (3) so that’s the story i am afraid that eh he will die and then
they because he is my friend my uncle my friend so . all i i have to say is that . he should have listened to
my grandmother before they got married without testing (8, 17)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 17. Education
Stories such as these kept the other participants interested and often led to the telling of other, similar
stories by other participants. The different stories seemed to progress naturally and were in a way
‘connected’ to each other, something which happens in daily conversations as well.
Another finding was the difference in storytelling among men and women. Male and female
participants displayed a specific storytelling style. Male participants often told short stories with a lot of
information, resulting in relatively large number of labels, an example of which can be seen in
appendix L, story 4 at page 107. Female participants usually provided a lot of contextual information
and spent more time describing details in their stories, resulting in a relatively low number of labels.
This storytelling style resulted in longer stories compared to most of the stories produced by male
participants, an example of the general female storytelling style is story 8 on page 76 to 78 in
appendix L.
Furthermore, participants who had friends in the group often appeared to feel more at ease in
the research setting, which seemed to lead to the group of friends telling more stories than other
participants who did not have friends in the group. As soon as one of the participants who had a friend
at the table told a story, their friends seemed to want to keep up with this participant and often started
telling a story as well.
To see what topics participants talked about, the next step was to analyse the data and the
topics discussed in these stories,. The topics discussed and the use of the labeling system will be
discussed in the following section.
4.1.2 Themes
Firstly, it was analysed what labels could be attached to utterances in the stories that were produced
when the narrative method was applied. In the following section the themes observed in the stories,
and also the suitability of the labeling system will shortly be discussed.
Firstly, it was found that the part of the labeling system that was constructed to analyse
message form and medium was not used frequently when the data were analysed and labeled. The
label explicit message was used 22 times, the other labels medium (two times) and implicit message
(never) were almost never used at all. Moreover, the label regarding the explicit message the
participants had heard was often used for utterances produced at the start of the experiment, when
participants apparently did not seem to fully understand what was expected from them. Therefore, it
was decided not to elaborate on the labels used for message form and medium any further in this
results section.
The labels that were used for the various themes are presented in Table 4. For each label
Table 4 presents the percentage of stories in which it was used.
Table 4. Percentages of stories in which a certain theme was observed (total of 115 stories).
Percentage of stories in which the
theme was observed.
1. Faithfulness/Multiple relationships
2. Condomize/Unprotected sex
3. Status (knowing one’s status)
4. Pressure into sex
5. Pregnancy
6. Testing/VCT
7. Education/Advice
8. Focus (on different things in life e.g. studies, future)
9. Virginity
10. Peer pressure
11. Fear to talk
12. Assault/Rape
13. Cure/Treatment
14. Abstain
15. Positive lifestyle/Responsible lifestyle
16. Healthy lifestyle
17. Suicide/Attempted suicide
18. Relationship history
19. Sex role
20. Sex in exchange for goods
21. Immunity (for diseases)
22. Stigma/Discrimination
23. Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft
24. Support
As can be seen in Table 4 the most frequently observed themes in the stories produced were
Faithfulness/Multiple relationships (34.8%), Condomize/Unprotected sex (30.4%), Status (28.7%) and
Pressure into sex (27.8%). Labels which were used considerably less were the labels
Stigma/Discrimination (0.9%) and Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft (0.9%), and Support (0%).
The variation in the percentage of stories in which a certain label was used may be the result
of a tendency to base stories on the ones participants had heard earlier, resulting in some labels being
used quite often. However, with six separate groups at three different schools there was time and
opportunity for each topic to be discussed in each group, and for each group to focus on the topics
which came to mind first. Also, when one topic was discussed elaborately in one group, this did not
have any influence on the range of topics discussed in the other groups, as groups did not interact.
Therefore, it seems that some of the topics just did not play a particularly important role in the
communication about HIV/AIDS in this research, while other topics were discussed often and seemed
to play a more important role.
Another finding was that most of the utterances of the participants could easily be assigned a
certain label and that only seldom two or more labels had to be ascribed to one utterance. Most
utterances could easily be related to one specific label and, in the few cases where this could not be
done, utterances could easily be split up into two or more parts with different labels. All in all, it seems
the labeling system is a useful tool to identify topics talked about when HIV/AIDS is discussed.
It was also analysed whether or not the themes in the stories differed when a certain radio
message was played to the participants. The percentages of themes observed in the stories told after
each of the four radio messages was played to the respondents, are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Percentages of stories in which a certain theme was observed, after message played to the respondent
before the telling of the story (for the full radio messages see appendix H).
Message 2:
Prove your
protect me
Message 3:
NO till we
Message 4:
You can't
me into sex
Message 1:
If it's not
just me,
you're not
for me
1. Faithfulness/Multiple relationships
2. Condomize/Unprotected sex
3. Status (knowing one’s status)
4. Pressure into sex
5. Pregnancy
6. Testing/VCT
7. Education/Advice
8. Focus (on different things in life e.g.
9. Virginity
10. Peer pressure
studies, future)
11. Fear to talk
12. Assault/Rape
13. Cure/Treatment
14. Abstain
15. Positive lifestyle/Responsible lifestyle
16. Healthy lifestyle
17. Suicide/Attempted suicide
18. Relationship history
19. Sex role
20. Sex in exchange for goods
21. Immunity (for diseases)
22. Stigma/Discrimination
23. Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft
24. Support
To analyze the results in Table 5 four X -square tests were performed, focusing on the four radio
messages and the four most frequently observed themes; Faithfulness, Condomize, Status and
Pressure into sex. For each of the four most frequently mentioned themes statistically significant
relations were found with the four messages that were played, for Faithfulness X (3)=9.053; p<.05, for
Pressure into sex X
(3)=11.153; p<.05, for Status X (3)=17.516; p<.01, and for Condomize
X (3)=11.583; p<.01. Below relations between the themes observed in the stories and the themes
addressed in the radio messages will be discussed in more detail.
It is clear that each of the four radio messages led to more stories about the theme addressed
in the message, compared to themes which were not addressed in the messages. Message 1 is about
faithfulness to a partner, which is reflected in the frequently observed theme Faithfulness. For the
second message, it might be expected that topics about protection (Condomize, Faithfulness and
Abstain) would be used the most, as protection was the topic of the message. This expectation was
partially confirmed, as the label Condomize was used quite often. However, the theme Pressure into
sex was also observed quite often here, which was not expected beforehand. For message 3, which
focuses on knowing your and your partners’ status, the themes Status and Testing were observed
most frequently, as might be expected. Lastly, in the stories told after message 4 ‘Pressure into sex’
had been played to the respondents, the label Pressure into sex was used most frequently, which was
in line with expectations.
All in all, it seems the messages from loveLife did lead to a focus on themes in the stories that
often was coherent with the theme of the message. For instance, the message ‘you can’t pressure me
into sex’ led to more stories about the theme pressure into sex than any of the other themes did.
Hence, it seems that the messages were effective in directing the focus of the stories towards the
themes of the messages.
In conclusion, the labeling system seemed to cover all the topics which arose in the
conversations the participants had about HIV/AIDS in this research. However, while the labeling
system in this case seemed to work fairly well, this does not imply the narrative method itself is a good
method for tapping into conversational behaviour of young South Africans. In the following section an
overall assessment of the method will be presented.
4.1.3 Overall assessment
For the overall assessment of the narrative method several aspects should be taken into account; the
reliability (expressed in Krippendorff’s alpha), the usability and the validity of the method. These
aspects will be discussed in the following section.
Firstly, to determine intercoder reliability the Krippendorff alpha was calculated. This was done
by comparing the analysis of the two researchers who were involved in the present research. A
sample consisting of about 15% of all data was analysed individually by two researchers.
Subsequently, the codes of each label in the stories as marked by each individual researcher were
entered into SPSS, resulting in two sequences which could be compared to calculate the
Krippendorff‘s alpha. A reliability of α .94 was found, which meant the intercoder reliability was very
A clear pattern in behaviour of participants and style of storytelling was found at each school,
with nervous starts of most participants at each of the four schools which progressed into interesting
and lively story telling as the first nerves had calmed down. Moreover, the similarity in the style of
storytelling amongst men and women was very striking, with the male participants usually telling very
short stories and the female participants telling long stories with a lot of attention to detail and context.
To find indications of validity and usability of the narrative method participants were asked to
fill out a questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of six questions, three of which were intended to
tap into validity and three questions to tap into the usability (see Table 3). The full questionnaire can
be found in appendix C. Factor analysis revealed that the answers did not construct the expected two
factors for validity or usability, nor any other factors. Therefore, the answers to different questions in
the questionnaire were analysed separately. The results for each question can be seen in Table 6.
In order to calculate the Krippendorff alpha reliability in SPSS a macro and syntax were retrieved
from the world wide web on January 5 2010 (the URL, the entire macro and syntax can be found in
appendix O). The macro and syntax were applied in SPSS to calculate Krippendorff’s alpha.
Table 6. The average scores for the different questions on validity and usability (1=strongly agree, 5=strongly
disagree) (n=30).
The method reflected the way I normally talk about HIV/AIDS
1.63 (SD=1.03)
There is no difference between how I normally talk about HIV/AIDS and what I said here
1.63 (SD=1.13)
My conversations about HIV/AIDS are similar to the stories I told here
1.47 (SD=.94)
I felt comfortable participating in this method
1.37 (SD=1.03)
I understood what was expected from me in this method
1.30 (SD=.65)
The method was clear to me
1.27 (SD=.45)
As can be seen in Table 6, the scores for the questions are relatively similar, with average scores
between 1.27 and 1.63 and small to modest standard deviations. It seems most participants felt that
the narrative method yields valid data and is a usable method. However, a remark has to made here
regarding the fact that participants did not always seem to fully understand what was expected from
them when the questionnaire was presented to them. Even though the participants were given written
and oral instructions, most of them encountered severe problems when filling out the questionnaire.
This was observed when participants filled out contradictory answers or when they had to ask
researchers for instructions on filling out the questionnaire.
From the researcher’s point of view the narrative method was a tool which was easy to use
and provided very interesting, and more importantly, valid and reliable results which show
conversations participants have in their daily life. The preparation for the narrative method, which was
discussed in section 3.2, was extensive and a pilot test was found to be very useful to fine-tune the
method to the specific setting. However, because of the time and effort invested in the preparation the
researcher did not have to get involved during the actual experiment, apart from the selection of
schools and setting up the equipment. After the experiment had been carried out, the transcribing of
the data proved to be a time consuming task. All in all, the researcher found the usability of the
method to be very good.
As was shown in section 4.1.1, some participants told stories which might not reflect their daily
conversations on the topic of HIV/AIDS. In most groups the participants started off with some stories,
which appeared to be a repetition of information from textbooks or teachers about HIV/AIDS instead of
a story that they would tell their friends. During the debriefing it was found that these stories were the
result of some confusion amongst the participants. With help from the research assistant, who
repeated the instructions in the local language, the storytelling became more clear to the participants.
Thus, the majority of the stories produced seem to be a good reflection of stories the participants
would tell to their friends. In some cases the reality of the stories was doubtful, usually because of a
(male) participant boasting about the number of girlfriends. However, boasting is a common
occurrence in daily life as well.
As was discussed in section 4.1.2, in many cases a relation could be observed between the
themes addressed in the radio message that was played and the themes in the stories that were told
after the participants had heard the radio messages. For each of the four messages the themes
addressed in the message were observed in the participants reports more often, than the themes
which were not addressed in the message. It must be noted, that some themes were observed quite
often in participants reports without there being a clear reason in the radio message after which the
reports followed. Moreover, quite often the message itself or the medium (radio) in general was not
mentioned at all, which leaves the question for possible follow-up studies to what extent the
conversations were sparked off by the radio message.
In conclusion, the narrative method seems to provide stories which appear to be a good
reflection of the storytelling related to HIV/AIDS in the participants’ daily life.
4.2 Hearsay method
The hearsay method led to a total of 102 stories: 59 of the stories were produced when the hearsay
method was used with written instruction, the other 43 when this method was used without written
instruction. Of the 102 stories, 49 were produced by male participants and 53 were produced by
female participants. In the following sections examples of the stories which were produced in the
hearsay method by the participants will be presented; next the different topics discussed in these
stories are analysed; and finally the overall assessment of the method.
4.2.1 The stories
The stories produced displayed a wide variety in topics and style. In this section the stories obtained
when the hearsay method was applied, with and without written instruction, will be discussed. As the
written instruction seemed to be ignored by most participants who received those instructions, hardly
any differences between the two versions of the hearsay method could be expected.
To provide a first, global insight in the stories produced, several examples of these stories will
be discussed. For labeling the stories the same procedure has been used in the hearsay method (see
section 4.1). In the present section the understanding of the hearsay method by the participants in
general will be discussed. Furthermore, the development in the stories, when participants were
involved in the research for a period of time and had had visits of the researchers will be discussed.
During the first visit of the two researchers to the participants, after the participants had been
instructed about the hearsay method, it was observed that a wide variety of writing styles were
employed by the different participants. Some participants apparently had not understood that the
journal was not to be talked about and that they were expected display their normal conversational
behaviour. An example of an apparent misinterpretation of the instructions in the hearsay method is
Fragment 6:
Fragment 6. Example of an apparent misinterpretation of the instructions in the hearsay method.
Me and my friend where sitting together and asked me about this journal book and I said that is just a
notes book and start asking about the spreading disease.
I asked her if she knows about HIV/AIDS
Kamo: Yes. At school then often tell us about this killer disease. My class teachers tells us to stay away
from sexual activities. (1, 17) Our class teacher told us that HIV/AIDS is a killer disease because once
affected always affected.
I: Tell me about the advices your class teacher advices you with.
Kamo: They always tell us to stay away from sexual activities. They tell us that if we found ourself in this
setuation we must use condoms. They are plenty of advices we get from teachers. (1, 3, 17)
I asked her to tell me about HIV in SA.
Kamo: All I know is that South Africa has almost 6 million people who are living with HIV/AIDS and most
of those do not yet know that they are infected with HIV.
I: Tell me about other countries
Kamo: In some countries HIV and AIDS affects only small groups of people, but in South Africa more
than one out of every 10 people is already infected. This means that everyone is affected by HIV.
Everyone knows someone who is HIV positive, and many of us are HIV positive ourselves. (7, 17)
Conversation ended
Date 26 August 2009
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 17.Education
The participant in Fragment 6 started asking about HIV/AIDS in a direct manner, she told the
researchers, during their visit to the school, this was something she would not normally do. The
researchers indicated if participants needed to adjust their use of the conversational journal, when
participants produced stories in which they did not display their normal conversational behaviour.
During the first visit, it was clear that most participants had not understood what was expected
from them, but there were positive exceptions as well. The following fragment is a short excerpt from
notes by a participant who asked her aunt about traditional beliefs.
Fragment 7. Example of notes from a participant about a conversation related to HIV/AIDS in the hearsay
I: Is it true that people still believe that being HIV positive means that you are bewitched?
Aunt: Yes its true, especially people from rural areas. (7, 19)
I: So what do you think triggers people to think this way?
Aunt: Well in the rural areas, once you get sick unusually they think that you are bewitch or maybe you
did something bad to someone and it their way of getting back at them. (19)
I: where do they consult?
Aunt: The sangomas; because most of them believe that in cases like these only the traditional healers
are the only once can be able to help them. (19)
In Fragment 7, the participant transcribed the conversation in a clear and concise way with a reference
to whom was speaking, something which was not done by most participants at the start of the
Participants often seemed to recite the texts from their textbook together with classmates. The
repetition of these texts could be due to the fact that some of the participants had to submit an
assignment on HIV/AIDS for one of their classes, which ‘forced’ them to talk about HIV/AIDS in a more
factual style.
In general, the stories did start of with the participants misunderstanding part of the instruction,
which can be seen in Fragment 6. Moreover, it was observed that participants wrote stories in a similar
style as the written example (appendix F), which was provided to participants in both versions of the
hearsay method at the start of the experiment. Nevertheless, during the course of the research a clear
progress was observed in the stories. The contextual information was described more often, which
improved the usability of the stories for the researcher, and it seemed participants did not force
themselves any more to talk to others about HIV/AIDS, because of the research they were involved in.
This led to stories such as the following (written by a male participant); see Fragment 8.
Fragment 8. Example of a transcribed conversation about HIV/AIDS with clear contextual information provided.
We were looking at a drama based on HIV/AIDS. That drama’s name is Soul city. It was showing how
people get HIV/AIDS. This conversation was with one of my sisters called Itumeleng (Itu).
Itu said: Do you know your girlfriends status? (7)
I: No why?
Itu: Is just that this drama tells that you and your girlfriend must both know your status or do you know
your status? (7)
I: No
Itu: Then we have a problem
I: No, we don’t
Itu: Why do you say we don’t
I: Because whenever I have sex I always use protection (3) since it was me starting from grade 8.
I: You tell me about you. Do you know your husband status? (7)
Itu: Yes.
I: Yours?
Itu: Yes
I: Okay, when last had you gone for the tests?
Itu: Around last month me and my husband. (8)
I: But do you know that it does not mean that you can get HIV/AIDS by only having sex?
Itu: I know, but i’m sure that I will always be negative (7) all the time because I know that I won’t touch
anybody’s blood without having handgloves on.
I: But what about mosquito bite, do you also get HIV/AIDS from it?
Itu: yes you can get HIV and AIDS throu mosquito bites because the suck your blood and they go again
to suck someone’s blood if that first person is HIV/AIDS positive you can also get HIV/AIDS too do you
know that?
I: Yes and no because I wasn’t sure.
Itu: Little brother you must take care of your-self because I can’t be always there when having sexual
activities, okay? (17)
I: Yes and thank you
Conversation ended
09 September 2009
In Fragment 8, the participant first describes what sparked off the conversation, the providing of
contextual information was emphasized during the visits of the researchers. Subsequently, the
conversation is transcribed by the participant, who clearly indicates the speakers and the actual
conversation. This makes the data easy to use for the researcher, but more importantly it appears that
the conversation and the context were transcribed clearly and the stories seemed to be told truthfully
by the participant.
During the transcribing of the data it appeared that nearly all participants had discussed some
topics more often than others. For instance, when faithfulness was discussed at the start of the
research this topic was often talked about in the other stories of the participant as well. Therefore,
some of the topics were used more frequent than others, a phenomenon which will be discussed in
more detail in the following section.
4.2.2 Themes
It was analysed to what extent the various labels that were used, occurred in the two versions of the
hearsay method. In this section, the themes that were observed in each story, and the suitability of the
labeling system will be discussed.
The percentage of stories in the hearsay method in which a certain theme was observed can
be seen in Table 7.
Table 7. Percentages of stories in which a certain theme was observed (total of 102 stories).
Percentage of stories in which the theme was observed
With written
Without written
instruction (59
instruction (43
Total (102 stories)
1. Status (knowing one’s status)
2. Condomize/Unprotected sex
3. Education/Advice
4. Cure/Treatment
5. Testing/VCT
6. Faithfulness/Multiple relationships
7. Support
8. Abstain
9. Pregnancy
10. Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft
11. Stigma/Discrimination
12. Suicide/Attempted suicide
13. Focus (on different things in life e.g.
studies, future)
14. Positive lifestyle/Responsible lifestyle
15. Healthy lifestyle
16. Assault/Rape
17. Pressure into sex
18. Virginity
19. Fear to talk
20. Relationship history
21. Sex in exchange for goods
22. Peer pressure
23. Sex role
24. Immunity (for diseases)
To analyze the results in Table 7 five X -square tests were performed, focusing on the two methods
applied and the five most frequently observed themes in both methods; Status, Condomize,
Education, Cure and Testing. For each of these themes, it was analysed whether or not the frequency
with which the theme was mentioned was statistically related to the two methods of instruction in the
hearsay method. No statistically significant relation was found between four of the themes and the two
methods of instruction in the hearsay method (Status X (1)=1.234; ns, Education X (1)=1.776; ns,
Cure X (1)=.979; ns, and Testing X (1)=1.415; ns). However, the X -square test did reveal a
statistically significant relation between the method of instruction in the hearsay method and the
frequency with which the theme Condomize was mentioned X (1)=5.261; p<.05.
In conclusion: it appeared that the frequencies with which the top five themes were mentioned
in the stories were comparable for both versions of the hearsay method. The labels used most in the
method with written instruction were Status (45.8%), Education/Advice (40.7%) and Cure/Treatment
(39.0%). In the hearsay method without written instruction the labels used most were Status (69.8%),
Condomize/Unprotected sex (51.2%) and Education/Advice (37.2%).
In Table 7, it can be seen that participants talked about particular themes frequently, while
other topics were not talked about, or were only discussed a few times. The participants were involved
in this research individually, therefore it is unlikely the preference for certain themes is the result of
discussion among the participants. However, the possibility that participants discussed the research
amongst each other can not be dismissed completely, since researchers were not present at all times.
Similar to the narrative method, it seems that some of the topics did not play a particularly
important role in the communication participants had about HIV/AIDS. Also similar to the narrative
method, the labeling system appeared to be quite suitable to identify the topics related to HIV/AIDS
that were referred to most frequently.
In general, the assignment of labels proved to be a relatively easy task for the researchers to
perform. However, in some cases there was a lack of contextual information, which made it difficult for
the researchers to assign a specific label. Moreover, it was nearly impossible to track the exact events
that sparked the conversation. Especially radio messages, the focus in this research, were hardly
identified as a trigger which sparked off conversations. When the medium radio was mentioned in the
transcription of the conversations (which did not happen often), the information about the radio
message was never specifically about the content of the message. Therefore, with the stories
produced when the hearsay method was applied it was difficult to specify if a specific radio message
triggered the conversation.
In conclusion, the labeling system proved to cover the topics related to HIV/AIDS
communication and could be used with relative ease. However, the quality of the way the
conversations were noted by the participants, did create difficulties when labels had to be assigned to
the data. It can be concluded that the labeling system did not work well all times.
4.2.3 Overall assessment
For the overall assessment of the hearsay method, several aspects should be taken into account; the
reliability (expressed in Krippendorff’s alpha), the usability and the validity of the method. These
aspects will be discussed in the following section.
First, to determine intercoder reliability, the Krippendorff alpha was calculated. This was done
by comparing the analysis of the two researchers who were involved in the present research. A
sample consisting of about 15% of all data was analysed individually by two researchers. This was
done similarly to the calculation of the Krippendorff’s alpha as described in section 4.1.3.
Krippendorff’s α for each version of the hearsay method was .94, which indicated that the intercoder
reliability was very good.
To be able to judge the validity and usability of the method, participants were asked to fill out a
questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of six questions, three of which were intended to tap into
validity and three questions to tap into the usability, see Table 8. The complete questionnaire can be
found in appendix G. Similar to the narrative method, factor analysis revealed that the answers to the
six questions did not construct the expected two factors for validity and usability, nor any other factors.
Therefore, the answers to the different questions in the questionnaire were analysed separately. The
results for each question can be seen in Table 8.
Table 8. The average scores for the different questions on validity and usability (1=strongly agree, 5=strongly
disagree) (n=10)
Without written
instruction (n=5)
instruction (n=5)
The method reflected the way I normally talk about HIV/AIDS
1.60 (SD=.55)
1.60 (SD=.89)
There is no difference between how I normally talk about HIV/AIDS and
1.60 (SD=.55
1.40 (SD=.89)
My conversations about HIV/AIDS are similar to the stories I told here
1.20 (SD=.45)
1.40 (SD=.89)
I felt comfortable participating in this method
1.00 (SD=.00)
1.00 (SD=.00)
I understood what was expected from me in this method
1.00 (SD=.00)
1.40 (SD=.89)
The method was clear to me
1.20 (SD=.45)
1.00 (SD=.00)
what I said here
As can be seen in Table 8, both versions of the hearsay method were similarly rated on the questions
related to validity and usability; all average scores are between 1.00 and 1.60, which implies that both
validity and usability were rated highly by the participants. From the perspective of participants the
hearsay method apparently yielded valid data and was a usable method. However, it should be noted
that participants did not always seem to fully understand what was expected from them when filling out
the questionnaire. Even though the participants were given clear written and oral instructions on how
to fill out the questionnaire; most of the participants encountered severe problems when filling out the
questionnaire, which sometimes led to contradictory answers. This is one of the reasons which make it
important to indicate to what extent the researcher found the narrative method usable and valid.
As was described in section 3.3, the hearsay method was labour-intensive to set up, because
of the conversational booklets which had to be constructed. Moreover, the regular visits to the school
meant that the researcher needed to be available for an extensive period of time. The visits to the
participants were easy tasks for the researcher and provided interesting insights into the
comprehension of the method. More importantly, the visits provided an opportunity to indicate to the
participants if useful information was missing. Subsequently, the stories produced after these visits
were more structured and complete and therefore easier to analyse. Apart from the visits to the school
most of the work needed to be done when the data were transcribed, which was a time consuming
task. In all, the method was a usable tool, but the time needed for preparation and visits to the
participants make the method labour intensive.
Finally, the validity of the hearsay method was assessed by the researcher. At the start of the
research, participants seemed to feel obliged to talk (and write) about HIV/AIDS, in order to be able to
present data to the researchers. This resulted in stories which were structured as an interview, in
which participants posed questions to a friend or relative, who then answered the question. The
stories that were structured as an interview, however, could be the result of school assignments
related to HIV/AIDS, which participants needed to fulfill in the period of this experiment. As the
research progressed and researchers had more time to indicate what was expected, the participants
felt more at ease when they did not hand in data, which resulted in apparently more truthful reflections
of their conversations about HIV/AIDS. However, at the end of one month of research some of
participants still seemed to feel obliged to talk and write about HIV/AIDS.
Overall, most of the stories produced in the hearsay method seemed like more or less
adequate transcriptions of HIV/AIDS related conversations the participants had really had, but more
time is needed in future research to emphasize what is expected from the participants in order to
obtain even greater validity. All in all, the data provided insight into the conversations of the
participants, but it was difficult to analyse if, specific radio messages triggered a specific conversation.
Therefore, this method seems difficult to use for the specific research purpose in this study; i.e. to
measure to what extent HIV/AIDS related conversations are sparked off by radio messages.
5. Conclusion and discussion
This research was set up to find suitable methods to measure conversations related to HIV/AIDS,
sparked off by radio messages. Such methods are necessary for future studies which aim at testing
the influence of health messages on daily conversations and via this route on the acceptance of a
message (Hollemans, 2005; Hornik & Yanovitzky, 2003; Rogers & Storey, 1987). Therefore, the
narrative and hearsay method were tested to find out to what extent conversations, potentially sparked
off by radio messages, could be observed and analyzed.
Firstly, in response to research question 1 an analysis was made of the labeling system, which
was constructed to categorize the data and to analyze the themes discussed. For each method, it was
found that such a labeling system was essential to analyze the data. With the use of the labeling
system that was developed most of the utterances of the participants could easily be assigned a
certain label, without morethan one label having to be ascribed to one utterance. Most utterances
could easily be related to one specific label and, if necessary, utterances could easily be split up into
two or more parts with different labels. The labeling system seemed to cover the topics related to
HIV/AIDS which were discussed in this research.
X -square tests were carried out to find possible relations between the themes of the
conversations and the themes of the radio messages that were played to the participants in the
narrative method. Results showed that each of the four radio messages led to more stories about the
theme addressed in the message, compared to themes which were not addressed in the message.
Finding such relations of radio messages played and themes discussed is essential in future research,
in order to analyze the effects of radio messages on conversations of its recipients. All in all, the
labeling system seems a suitable tool for analyzing data in HIV/AIDS related research. However, in
future research this system will need to be elaborated further.
5.1 A comparison of the narrative and hearsay method
In chapter 4, it was discussed to what extent HIV/AIDS related conversations could be observed with
the use of the narrative and hearsay method. It was found that both methods can be used to observe
HIV/AIDS related conversation. Both methods, however do have some shortcomings, some of which
are surmountable while others have more influence on the data produced when the narrative or
hearsay method was applied. In section 1.2, it was discussed what standards a method needs to
adhere to, in order to be considered a sound tool for measuring conversations. These standards
concerned; reliability, usability and validity of the method. As can be seen in the results section
(chapter 4), both methods can be used to observe HIV/AIDS related conversations. However, some
differences can be distinguished.
Firstly, the reliability of the methods will be discussed in response to research question 2: ‘To
what extent do the three methods used to measure aspects of HIV/AIDS related conversational
behaviour seem reliable and valid?’. To determine intercoder reliability the Krippendorff’s alpha was
calculated. A reliability of α .94 was found for the narrative as well as the hearsay method, which
means intercoder reliability is rated well. Another aspect in a methods reliability is the consistency of a
method as has been elaborated on by Korzilius (2000, p.22). The narrative method showed similarities
in its results at each individual school, the content of the stories and the style of storytelling were very
similar. This consistency in content in the data produced in the method was not always found in the
hearsay method. In the present research the narrative method seems to yield reliable data, more
reliable data than the data collected in the hearsay method
To answer the third research question ‘To what extent do each method’s results outweigh the
efforts needed, from participants and researchers, to obtain conversations sparked off by radio
messages?’, the usability of the narrative and hearsay method was analysed. The usability of both
methods proved to be comparable. Both methods were easy to use, even though it was time
consuming to process the data. The narrative method seems easiest to use, because here there is no
need for return visits, which is a necessity in the hearsay method. Moreover, in the narrative method
there are opportunities to immediately give extra instructions to participants when instructions seem to
be unclear. The design of the hearsay method does not provide the opportunity to instruct participants
as soon as they seem to misunderstand the method, which makes this more vulnerable for errors by
the participants.
Also in response to research question 2, the validity of the narrative and hearsay method in
this study was analysed. The focus for validity was on the extent to which each method proved able to
provide an insight into conversations sparked off by radio messages about HIV/AIDS. First, it should
be noted that there are several factors which might have influenced the validity of the stories in the
narrative as well as in the hearsay method. There is always a risk socially desirable answers are
given, because of group pressure, or because of fictitious stories being handed in by the participants
only to meet the perceived expectations of the researcher. However, possible group pressure is a
factor in daily life as well. Moreover, the risk of socially desirable answers in each method is perceived
to be relatively small; in the narrative method participants were involved in storytelling with their peers
and were probably trying to impress their peers instead of the researcher. Therefore, the stories told
were probably not adjusted to meet the expectations of the researcher, but were told to meet the
expectations of the peers in the group of participants. In the hearsay method, it was tried to prevent
socially desirable answers by guaranteeing anonymity of the participants and providing them with the
possibility to change the names of individuals in the stories. However, the researcher did feel that the
participants at times may have produced fictitious stories in the hearsay method, which was confirmed
in the return visits when participants indicated they felt obliged to hand in data and thus produced
fictitious stories. This contradicts Kaler’s expectation that participants would not do this, because ‘it
would have been more work to invent the situations and voices than to simply record them’ (Kaler,
2003, p.354). Even so, with clear instructions during the visits of the researcher the percentage of
invented stories was perceived to be minimal at the end of the one month research.
As was discussed in section 4.1.2, relations could be observed in the narrative method
between the themes addressed in the radio message that was played and the themes in the stories
that were told after the participants had heard the radio messages. All in all it may be concluded, the
narrative method seems to be a valid tool for observing and recording conversations sparked off by
radio messages. The hearsay methods seem to be a valid method as well, for observing and
recording conversations sparked off by radio messages. This method, however seems to be less
suitable to find out which conversations are sparked off by which radio messages.
Compared to more ‘traditional methods’, such as questionnaires that were used in studies by
Zisser and Francis (2006) and Jansen and Janssen (2010), with their inevitable shortcomings (as
described in section 1.3), it seems that both the hearsay and narrative method are interesting and
valuable methods to measure conversations. Compared to the hearsay method, the narrative method
does seem to offer more reliable and valid data and is easier to set up and use. Moreover, it is difficult
to make use of the hearsay method to observe to what extent the conversations are sparked off by
radio messages, while the narrative method does provide the opportunity to test for a relation between
messages played and themes discussed. Therefore, it is recommended that future research should
focus on applying the narrative method to observe HIV/AIDS communication sparked off by radio
5.2 Recommendations
An important point for improvement of the narrative method relates to
the setting in which the
research is conducted. In the present research the setting was usually an empty (dilapidated)
classroom, where participants were together with another group of learners who were discussing
billboards related to HIV/AIDS for a parallel research. Apart from the distraction of the other learners,
this setting is probably not the usual environment in which the learners talk with their peers. Future
research should be conducted in a more realistic setting, for example: a waiting room of a doctor or a
classroom where participants are confronted with a visual or textual message about HIV/AIDS. The
permission to use the data can be obtained after the recordings are made (cf. Labov, 1996).
Another point for improvement for the narrative method is related to the composition of the
group. In the present research it seems that participants who had friends in their group of five
participants often felt more at ease in the research setting than participants who did not have friends in
their group. It is possible that a group of friends would produce more realistic stories, as these friends
might be the people participants talk to about HIV/AIDS in their daily life. Therefore, researchers who
make use of the narrative method in future research should involve groups of friends as participants in
their research. Finally, it would be interesting to conduct this research over an extended period of time,
to see whether or not campaigns about HIV/AIDS would change or influence the themes discussed in
the campaigns’ target group.
Finally, it seems that the questionnaire was an obstacle for most of the participants in this
research, as a result the questions were difficult to process and factor analysis did not reveal the
expected two factors for validity and usability. In future research an alternative to the use of
questionnaires should be constructed. A possible alternative could be member validation, in which the
learners are confronted with the data they have produced in the narrative method and are asked if this
matches their normal conversational behaviour (see Lindlof & Taylor, 2002, p.242). Member validation
provides the researcher with more opportunities to analyze participants’ behaviour during the research
into more detail. Although member validation is a time consuming task, it did lead to interesting
insights in this research, which led to important alterations in the instruction. Given the results in this
research, it is believed that future research might profit from, and should make use of, member
5.3 Suggestions for further research
Future research might expand on the number of participants as well as the duration of the research.
Furthermore, use could be made of a more realistic setting for these conversations. Also, in follow-up
studies a closer look could be taken at the effects of these radio messages on participants of different
age groups.
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8. Appendices
Appendix A – Oral instructions narrative approach
Introductory talk
Hello, we are Koen and Julien. Two students from The Netherlands, doing research here in South
Africa. We are here today, because we would like to ask you to help us with our research regarding
HIV/AIDS. Today, the research involves storytelling about your experiences which, in our view, is an
easygoing and fun thing to do.
We would like to thank you in advance for your help!
Instruction participants
The research will be set up as following:
First you will listen to a radio message.
You will then be asked some questions, to which you can respond by telling a story in
English, about your experiences. Only when you can not think of a specific word in English
you can say this word in your mother tongue.
These stories can be your own experience, or a story or experience you have heard from
someone else. As long as these stories are true and not made up.
All stories are interesting for us, so feel free to tell any story which comes to your mind.
For example a story could be: I remember one day I was sitting with one of my friends
watching tv when we saw this series. In this series there was a guy cheating on his girlfriend.
My friend and I then started talking about having more than one girlfriend. My friend was like
(starts impersonating his friend): a guy needs more than one girl to show he is a man. I then
said: no man that’s wrong a guy has to commit himself. Then my friend said: don’t be stupid,
are you not a man? I said: I am a man, but don’t you know how dangerous it is to have more
than one girl?
This is just an example to give you an idea of a story you could tell about a conversation you
have had or overheard.
It is important to keep in mind that the stories should be related to the message you have
heard and/or the question which is posed.
If you think of a story please take the voice recorder, state your number and speak clearly
into this voice recorder. If you do not speak clearly into the voice recorder your story will be
If you do not have the voice recorder you are not allowed to speak, unless something in the
story, which is being told, is unclear. If this is the case, you can ask the storyteller for
clarification or more details.
When your story is finished the supervisor will state the number of the story.
Next, the following person who would like to tell a story can take the voice recorder and tell
his/her story.
The supervisor will indicate who is allowed to speak, so please wait for your turn.
Instruction research assistant
The supervisor will be provided with the following instructions:
It is important that you will only keep yourself occupied with the following instructions. Firstly, we (the
researchers) will give a short introduction and explain the rules for this method. Subsequently, we will
ask the five learners to sit around a table. You will be the supervisor who will make sure that the rules
will be followed [the participants instructions will be given to the supervisor]. It is important that you:
Give each participant a participant number (e.g. 1,2,3,4 and 5)
Play one radio message at a time.
Pose the story elicitation question.
Do not ask any other questions other than the story elicitation question. Do not probe any
further into the story.
Make sure that each participant who would like to tell a story gets the chance to tell his/her
story. You give the voice recorder to the next storyteller after a story has been completely
told, named and numbered.
You number each story after the participant has finished his/her story.
Play a new radio message, only if the question is clearly exhausted and no new stories pop
If you have any questions or if anything is unclear to you, please write your question on a piece of
paper. We will pick this up and write a response to your question on a piece of paper and hand this to
Appendix B - Story elicitation questions
1. Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason
you exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What
stories could you tell?
2. Imagine you are sitting with some friends and you hear the radio message you’ve just listened
to, what stories could you tell to the others that would make them say ‘that was a close call’ or
‘that was a good experience’?
3. Picture yourself at home with someone you really trust you are relaxing and talking about all
sorts of things. You want to tell them a story on the message you’ve just heard, what would
you say?
4. Imagine you and your friends hanging out at a friend’s place. You’re exchanging stories on
prevention methods. What would be a good story to tell? And what sort of stories would your
friends tell?
5. Picture yourself sitting with (one of) your parents at home and you hear this radio message.
What stories, if any, have you told or would you tell your parents?
6. Picture yourself discussing life orientation and sexual health with your teacher, what stories
can you tell him about your personal experiences?
Appendix C – The narrative approach questionnaire
Section A
In the first section general questions will be asked regarding your personal background.
Please remember that your response will remain anonymous and that there are no wrong answers.
This questionnaire is about your opinion! Your participation is a great input in the process of the
development of effective HIV/AIDS-related communication research methods.
What is your age?
What is your sex?
______ years old
What is your mother tongue?
What is the name of your school?
In which Grade are you?
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Section B
In this section you will be asked for your opinion about the research method you have just participated
in. Please read the statements carefully and indicate whether you agree with them or not. Give an
answer that best reflects your opinion. An example of how statements should be answered is shown
Talking about HIV/AIDS is important
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is very important, tick the first box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is important, tick the second box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is neither important nor unimportant, tick the third box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is unimportant, tick the fourth box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is very unimportant, tick the fifth box.
If you ticked the wrong box and wish to correct your answer, you can tick a new box and draw a circle
around the correct answer.
The method reflected the way I normally talk about HIV/AIDS
Strongly agree
There is no difference between how I normally talk about HIV/AIDS and what I said here
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly disagree
My conversations about HIV/AIDS are similar to the stories I told here
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Section C
Please read the statements below and indicate what you think about them by ticking the box that best
reflects your opinion.
I felt comfortable participating in this method
Strongly agree
I understood what was expected from me in this method
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly disagree
The method was clear to me
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Do you have any comments, suggestions and/or recommendations about the method or is there
anything else you would like to say? Please write them down here:
This is the end of the questionnaire.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Appendix D – The narrative approach member validation
Does the data reflect the content of your daily conversations about HIV/AIDS billboard
If not, where does it differ from your daily
Do you talk like this with your friend?
If the answer is ‘No’, please explain where it differs
Do you talk like this with your parent(s)/guardian(s)?
If the answer is ‘No’, please explain where it differs
Do you talk like this with your teacher?
If the answer is ‘No’, please explain where it differs
Appendix E - Hearsay ethnography instructions
Personal details (to be completed at the start of the journal)
years old
Mother tongue
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Instruction in writing
These are the instructions for the research. If anything is unclear you can send a text message to
0799695674 between 10am and 16pm with your questions. In case you will contact us, please
indicate your message is about the research.
Firstly fill in your personal details at the first page of the journal.
Please write down the conversations on HIV/AIDS related issues you hear or engage in as
soon as possible. We also ask you to sit down at the end of the day and think for about 15
minutes on the topics you talked about. If these are important for this research please write
them down.
The stories you write should be written in English. If you can not think of a word in English
than you can also use a word from your mother tongue, but please indicate in brackets what
this word means (for example: “word in mother tongue” [MEANING IN ENGLISH]) .
At the end of your winter holiday, the 20 of July 2009, you can bring back the diaries to
school and hand them to your teacher
The following questions will be put on each page. Participants will be expected to fill in the
Place: where did the conversation take place?
At home
At the mall
On the street
At church
At the doctor
Any other place,
Date and time: on what date did the conversation take place and around what time was it?
Who: who did you talk to?
Male friend
Female friend
Any other person, namely
Medium: was there a specific medium or event which sparked the conversation?
Relationship issues
Casual talk
Service in church
Any other medium or event, namely
Content: What did you talk about? Please write down as accurately as possible what was being said.
Oral instruction:
Hello, we are Julien and Koen. Two students from The Netherlands, doing research here in South
Africa. We are here today, because we would like to ask you to help us with our research. We are
interested in daily conversation on HIV/AIDS related issues, specifically HIV/AIDS related
communication. We would like to give you this journal [journal is presented] and ask you to write down
the conversations you have about HIV/AIDS related issues. Please write these down as soon as
possible. We also ask you to sit down at the end of the day and think for about 15 minutes on the
topics you talked about, if these are important for this research please write them down.
In this diary you will need to write down the following:
Place: where did the conversation take place?
At home
At the mall
On the street
At church
At the doctor
Any other place, namely…
[do you understand?]
Date and time: on what date did the conversation take place and around what time?
[are there any questions?]
Who: who did you talk to?
Male friend
Female friend
Any other person, namely…
[is this clear?]
Medium: Was there a specific medium or event which sparked the conversation?
Relationship issues
Casual talk
Service in church
Any other medium or event, namely…
[do you understand?]
Content: What did you talk about? Please write down as accurately as possible what was
being said.
[everything clear?]
[can someone please tell me what you are expected to do?]
At the end of your winter holiday, the 20 of July 2009, you can bring back the journals to school and
hand them to your teacher. We will collect them from the teacher. It is important to know that we will
keep all your personal information and stories confidential and safe. Please remember that all stories
are interesting for us, everything you write down is important. Please do not talk in too much detail
about this research with other people you know.
Are there any questions?
Moreover, when you come across a problem regarding this research please contact us at the phone
number 0799695674. You can send a text message to this number in which you indicate this message
is about the research. Text messages can be sent between 10am and 16pm.
Thank you very much for your attention and help in this research!
Appendix F - Hearsay ethnography: example of a conversation
My friend said: “Did you know that AIDS comes from HIV?”
I said: “That’s not true.”
Friend: “Many people get HIV from sleeping with more than one partner.”
I: “I heard. So how did you know that?”
Friend (LOL): “Everybody knows, we are taught about HIV/AIDS at school.”
I asked her what she would do if she had the HIV/AIDS-virus.
Friend: “I would keep quiet and keep it as a secret.”
I asked her if she would tell her parents.
Friend: “No. They would go around telling people that I have the virus and it wouldn’t be fair
towards me.”
I asked her: “If someone would found out about your status, what would you do?”
Friend: “I would move out and visit my grandparents.”
Appendix G- Hearsay ethnography questionnaire
Section A
In the first section general questions will be asked regarding your personal background.
Please remember that your response will remain anonymous and that there are no wrong answers.
This questionnaire is about your opinion! Your participation is a great input in the process of the
development of effective HIV/AIDS-related communication research methods.
What is your age?
What is your sex?
______ years old
What is your mother tongue?
What is the name of your school?
In which Grade are you?
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Section B
In this section you will be asked for your opinion about the research method you have just participated
in. Please read the statements carefully and indicate whether you agree with them or not. Give an
answer that best reflects your opinion. An example of how statements should be answered is shown
Talking about HIV/AIDS is important
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is very important, tick the first box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is important, tick the second box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is neither important nor unimportant, tick the third box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is unimportant, tick the fourth box.
If you believe talking about HIV/AIDS is very unimportant, tick the fifth box.
If you ticked the wrong box and wish to correct your answer, you can tick a new box and draw a circle
around the correct answer.
The method reflected the way I normally talk about HIV/AIDS
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
There is a big difference between how I normally talk about HIV/AIDS and what I said here
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
My conversations about HIV/AIDS are similar to the stories I told here
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Section C
Please read the statements below and indicate what you think about them by ticking the box that best
reflects your opinion.
I felt comfortable participating in this method
Strongly agree
I did not understand what was expected from me in this method
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Strongly disagree
The method was clear to me
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
This is the end of the questionnaire.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Appendix H – Radio messages
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Radio message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Radio message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Appendix I - Letter of request
Subject: request for participation in study on HIV/AIDS communication
Dear sir/madam,
I’m currently supervising two students from the Netherlands who are doing their master research at the
University of Limpopo. Their research is being conducted within the framework of the HACALARA
(HIV/AIDS Communication Aimed at Local and Rural Areas)-project, a collaboration between Tilburg
University (NL), the Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), and the University of Limpopo (SA).
The research is focusing on measuring aspects of conversational behaviour of South African learners,
aged 12 to 17.
[Version 1: the narrative approach] Both students are testing a new method, which is highly
participatory, using messages from the HIV/AIDS awareness programme of loveLife.
[Version 2: hearsay ethnography] Both students are testing a method using conversational journals. In
these journals learners will be asked to write down their conversations related to HIV/AIDS.
In this research, the cooperation of students within loveLife’s target group (12 to 17-year-olds) is vital
to its success.
This study could help raise awareness on HIV/AIDS and highlight the importance of communication on
such a sensitive topic in South Africa.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. E. Lubinga
University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus)
Private Bag X1106
Sovenga, 0727
Tel: (015) 268 3465
Fax: (015) 268 2868
E-mail: [email protected]
Appendix J - Consent form for participation
The importance of communication on HIV/AIDS
This is a consent form regarding your child’s participation in the research project entitled: “The
importance of communication on HIV/AIDS”. The purpose of this project is to investigate HIV/AIDSrelated communication among South African youth.
The current research is focusing on measuring aspects of HIV/AIDS-related conversational behaviour
of South African learners, aged 12 to 17.
[Version 1: the narrative approach] We are testing a promising new method, which is highly
participatory, using messages from the HIV/AIDS awareness programme of loveLife. Groups of five
learners will be exposed to four radio or billboard messages and subsequently will be asked several
story elicitation questions. Therefore, your son or daughter will be asked to tell about conversations
they have had or overheard regarding the topic of HIV/AIDS.
[Version 2: hearsay ethnography] Therefore, a method using conversational journals will be tested and
analysed. In these journals learners will be asked to write down their conversations related to
HIV/AIDS. The journals will be issued to the learners before they break off school for the holidays, to
enable them to use the journals during the holidays and return them at the beginning of the third term
at the end of July.
Participation in the study is voluntary and participants can withdraw from participation at any point if
they wish to do so. Personal information will be protected to the maximum extent allowable by law. All
the transcribed data will be locked in a personal computer and the files will be deleted at the end of the
project. The data provided for the study will be treated with strict confidentiality and no identifying
information will be used in the writing up of research reports, dissertations or articles.
This research will highlight the importance of communication on HIV/AIDS, specifically the relevance
of such messages towards rural audiences in South Africa. Your timeous assistance in this matter will
be greatly appreciated.
Should you have any questions about this project or follow up, please contact the project leader as
Elizabeth Lubinga
University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus)
Private Bag X1106
Sovenga, 0727
Tel: (015) 268 3465
Fax: (015) 268 2868
E-mail: [email protected]
I voluntarily agree to participate in the study.
Signature of the participant:
Signature of the parent or guardian:
Appendix K – Markings and labels for the transcribed data
Table 1. Markings in data and their meaning.
Inaudible fragment
The specific vowel/consonant is strikingly longer than normal for this speaker.
The capitalised text is pronounced relatively loud.
Classification of a non-verbal activity or other striking occurrences (coughing,
sneezing, other external sounds etc.).
Relatively soft spoken word or sentence.
Indicates silence in the story, each dot represents 1 second of silence. If there is
more than 3 seconds of silence the length of the silence will be indicated in
brackets, e.g. … [5 seconds]
Underlined (e.g.1) A specific word or sentence indicates a label for theme identified by the
researcher, the number refers to the specific label.
Light grey (e.g. a)
A specific word or sentence indicates a label for message form identified by the
researcher, the letter refers to the specific label.
Table 2. Labels for theme in the transcribed data and their number indicating the specific label.
1. Abstain
2. Faithfulness/Multiple relationships
3. Condomize/Unprotected sex
4. Pressure into sex
5. Peer pressure
6. Cure/Treatment
7. Status (knowing one´s status)
8. Testing/VCT
9. Stigma/Discrimination
10. Virginity
11. Assault/Rape
12. Focus (on different things in life e.g. studies, future)
13. Healthy lifestyle
14. Positive lifestyle/Responsible lifestyle
15. Fear to talk
16. Pregnancy
17. Education/Advice
18. Sex in exchange for goods
19. Traditional beliefs/Witchcraft
20. Immunity (for diseases)
21. Suicide/Attempted suicide
22. Relationship history
23. Sex role
24. Support
Table 3. Labels for message form and medium in the transcribed data and their letter indicating the
specific label.
a. Implicit message
b. Explicit message
Medium (e.g. billboard, radio, loveLife, SABC)
Appendix L - Data analysis ‘narrative approach’
School 1, starting from page 59
Group 1 starting from page 59
Group 2 starting from page 69
School 2, starting from page 85
Group1 starting from page 85
Group 2 starting from page 93
School 3, starting from page 105
Group 1 starting from page 105
Group 2 starting from page 112
03-08-2009: School 1: Secondary school, Mankweng.
Group 1: Male participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 9, average age 15.4 years.
Group 2: Female participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 10, average age 16.2 years.
Group 1
Time: 9.40-11.10
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Picture yourself sitting with (one of) your parents at home and you hear this radio message. What
stories, if any, have you told or would you tell your parents?
Story 1
File: REC 002, start at 0.09 ends at 0.32
P2: I am participant number two eh last year in two thousand and eight I read a book about the guy
called .. ? Johnson he was hiv positive (7) ehm . have his parents died died eh SEPEDI ba hwile ka
lebaka la hiv [they died because of hiv] [sighs] he
Labels: 7. Status
Story 2
File: REC 002, starts at 0.35 ends at 1.06
P2: I am participant number two eh I was one day i was sitting my friend and we had a conversation
about having sex with a girls we: were making competitions of eh SEPEDI ka baka la gore ka mokgwa
yoo re havang sex le banenyana [because we have sex with girls we start asking ourselves as to who
had most sex] (5) and then eh SEPEDI ntwe yeo a se e ntshare gabotse [i didn’t feel good about that
thing] because eh i was not interested in sex in this stage i knew well cause i am still young to have
Labels: 5. Peer pressure
Story 3
File: REC 003, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.59
P5: ok this is participant participant number five i like to share about a conversation that i had with my
other cousin . the only person that i walk with we are having this conversation like looking at how girls
are and looking at the way they ah if they are sexy look good and making bets if we are going to have
sex with these girls or not (5). eh ok then [sighs] it happened that .. i: had sex with another girl just to
prove a point to him the:n what happened is that that girl ended finding out that we made a bet but that
girl hurts me right now so i think this point like just having sex to make a bond of the relationship
stronger have to have sex when you feel ready to do it (b) .. that is all thank you
Labels: 5. Peer pressure, b. Explicit message
Story 4
File: REC 004, starts at 0.03 ends at 2.40
P1: yeah i am participant number one eh i just want to share the story the story that i had with my ? i
mean my best friend eh we we been talking about this thing of having sex with girls eh how to have
sex and eh you know what the consequences of having sex with your girlfriend . now eh my my: my
friends voiced this thing of saying ehm having protected sex (3) with your girlfriend ehm that doesn’t
show or eh your love your ah your your girlfriend (b) you know and such things . so: i ? this thing .. the
time you eh ja the time you have sex with your girlfriend eh without wearing a condom (3) that is very
ehm . that is very dangerous because the time you have sex you may found out that you your . eh
SEPEDI o dirile [you did] or maybe . you you have been eh eh eh infected by hiv and aids or some
other std’s (7) you know such things so eh my my my other friend said no to have sex doesn’t show
love (b) . because the time you have sex it will you are you are responsible for ehm for supporting your
baby eh and buy all those things that your baby needs food clothes and everything so that i said
people we should be we should be in quiet so that we should eh we should we should abort all these
thing of having sex (1) because the time you have sex . the christian says you are you are committing
a sin sex before marriage is a sin already (17) so: i said to them they should serve the lord jesus Christ
is the saviour so that they may they may they may they may avoid all these things . jah that’s that’s the
topic that we had i had with my eh . months ago thank you
Labels: 1. Abstain, 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 17. Education, b. Explicit message
Story 5
File: REC 005, starts at 0.05 ends at 1.56
P4: participant number four i want to tell a story one day i was my friends we discussing about these
girls our girlfriends and we’re discussing about having sex with them . eh my my friend told me that if
you you don’t have eh if you don’t have sex with your girlfriend eh eh that girlfriend any time she can
dump you but if you have sex with her it means that you have a bond eh eh a bond eh eh your
relationship SEPEDI mo relationship ya lena [in your relationship] which means your relationship will
be strong (b) and then i told him that eh do you know consequences of having sex i know that having
sex so many people say that having sex is good and i told him that yes having sex i know that is good
and is nice but there is some consequences when you are having sex and he told me that you know
that eh you can [coughs] you ca:n come to eh this consequences and i told him i told him that eh there
is if if you know that you can come sure of those consequences why do you . why do you have to have
sex and he told me that you will have sex for just to to feel healthy and to make your relationship
strong (b) and eh i told him that having sex is too much dangerous at our age because of that now you
you don’t know that the girl our girlfriends do have hiv and aids (7) or are they in age that they can
have babies (16) and he told me that if you know you know your responsibilities you can have sex but
. he keep on telling me that eh when you are having when eh he keep on telling me that i must have
sex with my girlfriend (5) because of eh . we can make the relationship strong (b) but i i told him that i
will think about that thank you
Labels: 5. Peer pressure, 7. Status, 16. Pregnancy, b. Explicit message
Story 6
File: REC 006, starts at 0.08 ends at 0.51
P3: participant number three i have this thing ...[5 seconds] participant number three i have this thing .
that i heard from friends we were chilling in the park .. they told me that . they told me that . sex is one
of the thing that proves that your girlfriend loves you (b) i did i believe that cause i was forced to do
that cause i was i i had this fear of rejection to to be their friends and that made me to believe them
that . sex is one of the thing that proves that your girlfriend loves you (b)
Labels: b. Explicit message
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself at home with someone you really trust you are relaxing and talking about all sorts
of things. You want to tell them a story on the message you’ve just heard, what would you say?
Story 1
File: REC 007, starts at 0.06 ends at 2.23
P5: ok this is participant number five i have this story to share based on personal experience . eh
there was this other time i was with my guys like they were pressurising me like yo you are a charmer
do this and that girls dig you like . you are stupid not to engage in sex like . i: i felt that if i had sex i
impress them and they’ll get of my case (5) so it happened that i met this other chick but i didn’t ask
about his her age like she was well older than me so: we ended up like before i had sex with her i
didn’t want to have i didn’t want to try it . ok out with a cond with a condom (3) so i told her to go:
testing with me so that we can know our status for sure before we engage into sexual intercourse (7,
8) but she just stood me up that day i went testing alone i knew my status that i was hiv posit negative
(7, 8) then it happened that this other day the chick is from the university of Limpopo so it happened
that this other day i went to visit her to her room so it happened that she didn’t want to use condoms
(3) i didn’t tell her because she . she refused to go testing then (8) she . wanted to force me to have
sex without a condom (3) but i refused so it ended like it ended like out like rape because she was
forcing me (11) using the age matter as a as to her ability like pressurising me based on my mental
stability wasn’t equal to hers but i ended up ended up running away then it happened that she went
testing (8) and she knew that she was hiv positive (7) so based on personal experience i knew that i
was too close to being hiv positive and engaging in sexual intercourse with someone who is older than
you is not nice thank you
Labels: 3. Condomize, 5. Peer pressure, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 11. Assault
Story 2
File: REC 008, starts at 0.05 ends at 1.36
P5: this is participant number five . this is a story based on personal experience .. yeah so: i had this
thing tendency when i i ? high school i like . i just told myself for i am a new i’m a new guy socially like
girls so last it happened that i made a change of the girls that i wanted to date and i made i did it like i
started in January had a chick then February i dumped her had another chick . MUCH like i had .
months like this month this like it happened that i couldn’t control myself anymore (22) i had more than
one girlfriend at a time (2) so i had to lie to another girl to go to another girl so i didn’t have time to
myself it happened that my studies started to drop low because i was even dating older people so they
didn’t wanna give eh give something if you were going to study or something if they wanted to see you
you had to go so . i just used my physical appearances to my advantage so it happened that . i
realised that having many chicks is not like a great thing to do because you can’t have time to yourself
(12) and commit to more than one chick yeah that’s all
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 12. Focus, 22. Relationship history
Story 3
File: REC 009, starts at 0.04 ends at 0.50
P2: respondent number two eh [coughs] this guy said me too i told myself that i am going to have a
many chicks (2) but when when i did one eh i i when i did one chicks i find that that girl maybe she is
better than that one and i go for her but i don’t know how to dump that chick i just leave her and forget
about her (2) [coughs] . ehm one one thing for sure is that i don’t know i don’t care about other
peoples’ feelings i only care about my feelings that’s what my other girl told me .. when she got hurt
she find out that i was cheating on her (2)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Story 4
File: REC 010, starts at 0.06 ends at 2.55
P1: yeah ehm .. i’ve been thinking about this thing of having . = LE: state your participant number =
yeah ehm ok this is participant number one yeah i have been thinking about this thing of having many
girlfriends and eh and you know jah talking about that now eh i decided to have many girlfriends ehm
two years ago so i had maybe almost seven girlfriends at the same time (2) so e:h ehm .. two of them
two of them were my classmates and ehm .. and three of them now had the ? at the same school one
[a name] a streetmate so: .. i decided my my my eh my friends were talking to me about these things
these things there was having many girlfriends you don’t have time for yourself you are eh your your
your schoolwork is dropping down and all these things (12) and i said to them you leave me and i live
my life and you live your life then i: .. friends destroy ah my life that ah ish my life is getting into ah i
don’t know something SEPEDI ke dropa down ka klasing a ke sa participate ka mokgwa yoo ke be ke
participate ka gona [my class performance has dropped i’m no longer able to participate the way i
used to participate before] (12) you know then i decided i i decided to have only one girlfriend . so ehm
ehm from last year i had one girlfriend from January to march so after then that girlfriend ehm ah i: i
went to church i went to church .. on a sunday so this lady was guiding me about this thing of having
girlfriends and all those things so i decided to: .. to experience this this this lifestyle of being alone
without a girlfriend (1) so jah now i see that .. i am well and i have too much time for my books for my
studies (12) and for my everything and jah i’m alright now for having no girlfriends (1) but it is just i am
having some ehm best friends SEPEDI tša banenyana [girls] it is just ok
Labels: 1. Abstain, 2. Faithfulness, 12. Focus
Story 5
File: REC 011, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.52
P4: eh eh respondent number four one day i was with my friends and we were talking about girlfriends
and he told me that eh . i have been taking long with one girlfriend (2) why must i take long with one
girlfriend and i told her that i trust this girlfriend i know that eh he’ll never cheat me (2) he’ll not do
anything and he told me that ehm you cannot trust a woman he told me that love them all but trust
nobody know you love her but please don’t trust him you must have . and he told me that having one
girlfriend is boring because of it is just like eating one food every day it’s even allergetic when you eat
one food every day just like having one girlfriend (5) there eh eh every time and i told him that eh i
know that it is not good and that it is boring to see one girl every time you’ll see him beautiful but
seeing her many time one day you’ll even think that she is no more gorgeous and he told me that eh
[coughs] he showed eh . three girlfriends and she told me that those girlfriends eh they told her that
they digging me and i told him that i don’t like them but she said this is opportunity for being a playboy
you can play all of them (5) and i told him that i don’t want to dump that this girl i mean he told me that
bluff them on top of that girl and . i said to him that why are you not doing this and she say no i am
taking my time there is no girls that are digging me if you can tell me those girls i’ll do so and eh
[coughs] he told me that eh . do you like eh those girls and i say no and she said you can just go just
to be a playboy not just because of you love them (5) and then finally i told him that i will think about it
yeah thank you
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 5. Peer pressure
Story 6
File: REC 012, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.00
P3: participant number three i had a friend called [name] [name] was a kind of guy who: who who
loves chicks he was a player he had more than one girlfriend (2) .. one day i ask him why do you want
many girlfriends he told me cause . cause ehm at like at school there are many hot chicks . and he
told me that he he want to date with all all the hot chicks at school and he told me like SEPEDI yena o
lebeletše gore ke mang wa go go phala, ke mang yo mobotse so so so ke mang wa go tsamaya ka
eng like yena o lebeletše gore o re yena o nyaka dicherie tsa goba sokhe a nyake dicherie tsa goba
fase like o re ke ntwe e dirilego gore yena a nyake Cherie e more than one [he is looking at who is
better than you who is beautiful so so so who is driving what he wants certain type of girls he doesn’t
want ladies who are lower class that’s what he says made him to look for more than one girl]
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Imagine you and your friends hanging out at a friend’s place. You’re exchanging stories on
prevention methods. What would be a good story to tell? And what sort of stories would your friends
Story 1
File: REC 014, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.56
P1: yeah this par ehm this is participant number one this is a personal experience eh . ehm ah this
thing jah to sleep with ehm to sleep with to sleep with one person and you you think that you you you
cannot be positive or maybe you never be positive while you are sleeping with only one person (7) . eh
i just wanna advice you that .. to sleep with one person doesn’t mean you won’t [school bell is ringing]
fall you won’t get aids because because you don’t know the status of that particular person who you
slept with (7) and the other thing is that ... it you can easily be infected because that person you are
sleeping with maybe you you have never ehm get ehm tested (8) ehm and maybe it’s not your partner
you are just sleeping with her while he or SEPEDI ge a ena le [when the person is having] sexual
feelings and all those things and i just wanna say this to all to people who want advice hiv is not
something that you’ll you can see it flows through physical image you’ve just a huge disease inside the
body .. eh you can’t just just judge a person and say this this person has hiv and aids because of he or
she is thin or or and all those things (7) and a yeah that’s that’s my experience
Labels: 7. Status, 8. Testing
Story 2
File: REC 015, starts at 0.04 ends at 2.27
P5: okay participant number five .. e:h i like to: talk about a conversation based on me and my
girlfriend . this one other time when we wanted to have sex .. ah we were just talking about out status
(7) and all of that like before i wanted to have sex with her i ask her how many people did you have
sex with like she told me how many of them (22) i asked if she know her status she said no (7) then
she asked me the same question i tested (8) after i had sex with one girlfriend and without a condom
(3) the date was the 31 of December 2008 so . it happened that i know my status so i just engage in
sex sexual intercourse with her not knowing her status (7) but . only thing that i said to her is that i
slept with one person but the only difference is that i know my status that i’m hiv negative (7) but the
chick . the chick she became worried after we . we had sex she said what if i am hiv positive (7)
because . = LE: you didn’t use a condom = yes .. she she say what if what if i’m hiv positive (7)
because the person i was sleeping with was way older than me like 25 like ok i said [supervisor is
saying something] ah ok then it happened that .. it happened that i went to test again luckily i was . i
was negative (7, 8) but i am not sure if she is but because she is ?refused to go testing (7, 8) i think
she is scared of testing (8) because of the recent ex that she had thank you
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 22. Relationship history
Story 3
File: REC 016, starts at 0.04 ends at 4.05
P4: participant number four . i want to tell this story one day i was with my my friend he told me that
it’s been long time eh eh with this girlfriend i told him that eh i was cheating with my girlfriend (2) and
he told me that ehm we we have been long time in this relationship we eh we must have sex (4) and
eh i i told him that i think about this thing and i go i go and tell my friend and my friend eh and i told my
friend that what if the this girlfriend is hiv positive (7) or she has any other disease or sexual
intercourse and he told me that look at this girlfriend she is fat she is she she is ? there is no symptom
to show that he is hiv positive (7) and i told him that eh there is this other person eh i saw him in
Motswako she said he was hiv positive but she is a good eh she can she is fat she doesn’t even show
that he is hiv positive (7) but she he say that she is hiv positive because she drinks eh medicines and
other stuff and she he told me that his girl is fifteen years old how can he have hiv positive (7) and i
told him that you know that you don’t know nothing hiv doesn’t get eh through sex only she even get
through accident (17) he told me that eh this girl he was stupid eh you are the first one who did this girl
before because of i was living in ? and i went to ? and he told me that when you were in ? this girl she
was stupid you made this girl clever because of you came to ? and did this girl she didn’t have even
any eh eh eh boyfriend boyfriend where choosing him but he didn’t like eh the boyfriend but now
because of you are here you are dating her and he told me that if you sleep with this girl it’s just an
opportunity of starting sleeping with other chicks and i told him that SEPEDI hee monna nna [hey man
I am] i am not sure about this thing that this girl she is negative (7) because of this girl when i am
cheating with him (2) he told me that i told him that i do you feel clean when using condom or no
condom he told me that this is your own choice and he told me that eh he had some friends to her that
having sex with a condom is just like eating a sweets with a plastic on top (3) ? [laughing] isn’t it that
yeah you know it is just like that you must face the reality that there is eh there is something hiv and
aids and he told me that i have never ever slept with another other boy i i i have never had a boy a
boyfriend unless and i told him that it doesn’t get only from sleeping (17) with them but even in some ?
or anything we are not sure and eh he said let’s go and test (8) and eh i was afraid of testing [laughs] i
told him that hey testing is another step (8) maybe let’s just have sex we just [laughs] he just worried
about that he had sex even though he would bring ? and we would be we would be ok and he told me
that ja let’s try this and then but eh when everyday when a persons sleeps she thinks test and one day
before i actually think that i had picture of a person who has hiv and aids and i pictured me in that
condition and eish it seems that eish this thing is too much dangerous and i realised that eh i must be
vigilant as there is other challenges (13) and then i told him that le let’s extent this thing maybe let’s be
in this relationship for a long term maybe if eh after some months we’ll go to the test and we’ll see
when i feel free i will go to the test (8) thank you
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 13. Healthy lifestyle,
17. Education
Story 4
File: REC 017, starts at 0.06 ends at 1.11
P2: respondent number two eh . SEPEDI ke be ke rata go etela bommaka mo ba dulang [I used to
visit my mother, where she stays] and one day i forgot my phone there and eh some chicks called my
called my on my phone they were trying to reach me on the phone but they eh my phone was at my
mother’s place and my mother answered it and that chick talked to my mother thinks that it’s me
[coughs] maybe there was eh maybe three chicks . and my mother didn’t tell me anything she just go
and tell my brother that i i must use a condom (3) [laughs] because SEPEDI ba be ba se sa ntshepha
ka mokgwa wo ba bonago ngwanenyana a bego a founa ka gona wa bona, bjale ba botša buti wa ka
gore ke šomiše condom ba botša le nthweki le rangwane wa ka gore a no nkgala mo banenyaneng
wa bona.[she started to doubt the way the girl started to call me you see, then she told my brother that
I should use condoms (3), she also told my uncle that he should scold me when it comes to girls (17),
you see]
Labels: 3. Condomize, 17. Education
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Imagine you are sitting with some friends and you hear the radio message you’ve just listened to,
what stories could you tell to the others that would make them say ‘that was a close call’ or ‘that was a
good experience’?
Story 1
File: REC 019, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.18
P1: okay ah this is participant number one . ehm .my my suggestions and experiences i think that to
sleep with you girlfriend or boyfriend . that doesn’t mean exactly that you are you you you love that
girlfriend of yours or boyfriend of yours (b) because the time you sleep is ehm . the time you have sex
... you are telling yourself that you eh you are responsible for everything that that gonna happen in that
time and i think that to have sex eh ah it’s broken down some of relations because some boys when
they had sex with their with their girlfriends they just wanna break up because they they got what they
want and so they got what they want and eh they think that the end of the relationship because we
had they had sex with their girlfriends
Labels: b. Explicit message
Story 2
File: REC 020, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.39
P5: okay this is respondent five i would like to share a story . yeah there was this i remember this
other night . i was with my cousin and my girlfriend so it happened that there was some there was this
party near where she lived so we were there just sitting around and talking so it got so late but the
chick refused to go home so we just stayed outside talking until like twelve o’clock in the evening then
my cousin said after the room outside the house that my home so let’s go there we’ll sit and we’ll bring
the chick back later okay we went there then when we arrived there my cousin was pressurising me
like go for it she wants it she wants it go do it do it (5) like i said . yo there is no there is no condoms
here i can’t go without a condom (3) so he just said NO condoms are not a problem (3, 5) . as long as
you know your status (7) . that’s the way to go so i i refused the chick was was just lying she didn’t
care if i used condoms or what (3) but it happened that i refused to do that but based on my on my
cousins angle i was a chicken because i didn’t go for her (5) that’s all
Labels: 3. Condomize, 5. Peer pressure, 7. Status
Story 3
File: REC 021, starts at 0.02 ends at
P2: yeah respondent number two . eh there was this days in 2007 i think it was December it was the
first time i was having sex (10) and i i ask i asked my girlfriend to have sex with me i was i was with my
friend and that my girlfriend refused and she go she run away and go home like ok then i told my
friend that i want to have somebody and he said he want to have somebody to SEPEDI a tsamaya a
ya gae [he then went home] after that that girl she came back and tell me that she she can have sex
with me but she was scared of eh that my friend he he was there he don’t want people to know that he
was having sex with me then (9) [coughs] i had sex with her that was the first time (10) and it was one
[school bell is ringing] time ok and after after that having sex with her ? somehow SEPEDI ge ke fetša
go........yena a tloga ka feeler somehow ka feeler eish somehow nyana so, napile after mokhwi ya re
January that girl a ndumper a no mpotša gore nna g eke eya high school key a go rata banenyana.
[when i finished with her leaving I feeled somehow, I feeled somehow a little bit, then after it was
January that girl dumped me she only told me that when I arrive at the high school I am going to start
love other girls]
Labels: 9. Stigma, 10. Virginity
Group 2
Time: 12.45-14.00
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Picture yourself sitting with (one of) your parents at home and you hear this radio message. What
stories, if any, have you told or would you tell your parents?
Story 1
File: REC 022, start at 0.14 ends at 2.44
P5: ok i am participant number five and it was me and my friend sitting in class and she started talking
to me about her boyfriend she told me that her boyfriend told her that if she doesn’t have sex with him
then he leave her for her friend (4) because his boyfriend is his friends’ ex he have ? friends’ ex and
they used to have to share him they used to share him before (2) but then he decided to choose her
over her because she did these things that he wanted her to do and then she told me that what she
did do because . he told me that if i don’t do this therefore if i don’t fall pregnant he leave me (4, 16)
and i told her please don’t do it because you are still young (12) and you don’t know if he has some
kind of a disease (7) because you know that he is a player you are not the only girl that he has slept
with and then she told me that if he forces her or gives her an ultimatum she is going to do it (4) and i
couldn’t say anything because if i did she say that i am nosy or something so i just left it him alone and
then tomorrow she came back to me and told me . ? my friend i have done it and i was like WHAT did
you do i’ve slept with him and i think i’m going to become pregnant (16) and i told her don’t do i:t don’t
do it and i have already done it and then i told her to go for a test . for a pregnancy test (8, 16) and she
say that it is too early and then i said ok then there is nothing i can do because i told you before i
warned you not to do it but you did it either way and then . time went by and she told me that she isn’t
pregnant (16) that her boyfriend say that he is going to leave her and i told her that it’s better if you
lose a lover then love a loser because if he forces you to do things it means that he doesn’t love you
he is just using you and she was like no: you are a bad friend why do you have to say that to me you
have to tell me something that will make me feel better you shouldn’t worsen the situation and i told
her what if you have some kind of a disease or something and she said it’s impossible he is immune to
illnesses disease and viruses (7, 20) and i was like oh my god ok then if that’s how you feel there is
nothing i can do:
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 4. Pressure into sex, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 12. Focus, 16. Pregnancy, 20.
Story 2
File: REC 023, starts at 0.04 ends at 0.54
P1: participant number one it was in a discussion at our church camp eh it was girls discussion we we
finally found out that girls like what they hear from boys and like what they boys like what they see
meaning that many boys they like having sex and many girls like what the boys tell them if if a boy can
say to a girl i love you and i want to prove sex with you the girl the girl will have a good response
although if although even if the girl doesn’t want to have sex but because she likes what the boy has
said . (b) the girl will have sex with the boy and the other thing is boys like to lie to girls saying that sex
is a way of showing our sex is a way of showing and proving how much they love one another (b)
Labels: b. Explicit message
Story 3
File: REC 024, starts at 0.03 ends at 2.25
P5: i am participant number five and i think this issue of hiv and aids isn’t you know . told to the
youngsters enough they aren’t getting any information about it even in class if a teacher raises this
topic the the learners will just laugh or make funny noises (17) because they don’t wanna listen and eh
the teachers will just give up so i think that as us as the youth we need to be educated about hiv aids
because there is nothing that we know (17) the only thing that we know enough was to know nothing
and this is that makes us to become infected because anything that could happen we wouldn’t know
what to do and if something like something bad happened and you are in a situation that situation and
you don’t know what to do and you don’t know anything about it you don’t know the details and
something could happen anything could happen and you could maybe become infected sometimes
even if like eh you are in a relationship with a boyfriend then he: tells you to sleep with him not using a
condom (3) and then you’ll do it because you don’t know anything you weren’t taught enough (17)
about protected sex and things like that (3) so i think that this issue should be raised enough and we
should be workshopped about it everytime because it is important for us to know this things cause if
you don’t we might do things silly things eh okay and this could endanger our lives cause we could
end up getting infected or even though sometimes if you are infected you won’t know what to do you
won’t get treatment (6, 7) or anything of the counsel you might just get .. like worse and the situation
will just worsen the illness would get worse and you might like DIE or anything of that kind because
you wouldn’t know what to do you wouldn’t live . just don’t the right ? just to be . you know i don’t know
.. okay then eh because sometimes we are not well informed in our classes and i think that the
educators should just inform us enough (17) so that we can know how to respect ourselves how to
treat others and how to respond to this kind of situation (14) . thanks
Labels: 3. Condomize, 6. Cure, 7, Testing, 14. Positive lifestyle, 17. Education
Story 4
File: REC 025, starts at 0.06 ends at 0.38
P1: participant number one so it’s a word in Sesotho [local language] which say which says that
SEPEDI re ka se je namune e tswalelegile [we will not eat an orange with it’s peel] which means that
we cannot have sex with with using a condom (3) we should all we should open the orange SEPEDI re
swanetše re bule namune [we should peel it] which means that we should have sex without a
protection (3) it’s a way of showing love to one another the other thing a ? young people of today like
to experience if it’s true hiv aids alive and hiv can kill someone which is wrong and unfair
Labels: 3. Condomize
Story 5
File: REC 026, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.54
P2: well it was one day when i was with my sister = LE: participant number = oh sorry participant
number two . it was this day when i was with my sister watching television (c) . it was time for
soulbuddies then they used to discuss about hiv and aids so other boys have other boys cheat over
their girlfriends (2) so i asked my sister is it right for a girl to have more than two partners and she said
if you like you can have two boyfriends if you don’t want you can have one boyfriend (2) then i asked
her do you have how many boyfriends do you have then she just kept quiet and i ask her don’t you
afraid of hiv and aids she just said a:h let’s drop the subject then it happens that she got pregnant (16)
then she told me and didn’t told my mother so .. i told her [school bell is ringing] to . i told her to tell my
mom but she denied and said she will tell her one time what’s right (15) then it happened that she kept
quiet for a long time and later she realised that she has to tell my mom that she is pregnant (16) then it
happened that she have to go to clinic [school bell is ringing] for a check-up then she then that time
she had to do some blood test (8) and she came back and said wow i was really scared i ? but i am
not hiv positive i am not i am not hiv positive (7) then i said what did you experience there she just
you’ll experience it when when you are older than the age you are now
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 15. Fear to talk, 16. Pregnancy, c. Medium (television)
Story 6
File: REC 027, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.39
P4: hi i am participant number four i think hiv and aids is strange because . i think hiv is spreading
because many youth many many teenagers get bored of this this eh message like when you when you
bring some message to them it’s like a boring to them like they have heard this story over over and
over before so i think we should think of another way of making the message get to get to them in a
maybe a fun way so that maybe they could listen and that (17)
Labels: 17. Education
Story 7
File: REC 028, starts at 0.02 ends at 0.39
P2: participant number two . I think we as a youth have to listen what our parents tell us and obey their
rules eh . now many people are open about hiv and aids so i think we have to listen to what they teach
us so that we get more informed about hiv and aids (17) cause some people don’t believe that hiv can
be caught they: often: say that .. you should sleep maybe with a girl or a boy you can be cured of hiv
and aids (4, 6) and that not that truth
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 6. Cure, 17. Education
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself at home with someone you really trust you are relaxing and talking about all sorts
of things. You want to tell them a story on the message you’ve just heard, what would you say?
Story 1
File: REC 029, starts at 0.10 ends at 1.57
P5: participant number five i think that commitment is a serious thing and it’s important to be
committed cause if you are not committed then you won’t take care of yourself (14) and according to
me commitment is just another word of saying i am decent and i care about myself and my future (12)
because if you are not committed it means that you are going to run around with a lot of guys or girls
and you might catch something because the world is full of . things diseases stuff like that so i think eh
commitment is very important it is not that just that i am saying that you should you should just say
marry that person you should marry that person to show that you are committed just give them love .
and support and discuss about many things and just talk about things because just think ay that i am
too young to be committed to someone . it’s improper you should just commit yourself to show that
you care (14) and i think that . these days hiv aids is has spreaded a lot and if ehm .. if you don’t
commit to one person then you are going to get hiv from another person because you might you don’t
know who has it and it’s invisible you can’t see it (7) and this girls have a tendency of saying i am
invincible untouchable hiv can’t touch me i’m immune to illnesses (20) and i think it’s wrong because .
our immune system is not strong enough to defeat hiv and aids and there is no cur cure for it (6) so if
you don’t want to catch hiv and aids just . remain a virgin (10) or if you can’t remain a virgin then have
one boyfriend (2) to prove that you care about yourself and you know where you are going (13) and
where where you are from
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 6. Cure, 7. Status, 10. Virginity, 12. Focus, 13. Healthy lifestyle, 14. Positive
lifestyle, 20. Immunity
Story 2
File: REC 030, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.29
P1: participant number one commitment is something which means that you are serious in whatever
you are doing you cannot just waste your time doing something because time wasted never again if
you if you are not serious with your girlfriend or your boyfriend so just drop whatever you are doing
being serious and committed of something is a way of showing that it is way of showing seriousness in
your life and showing that you respect and know what what you are (12)
Labels: 12. Focus
Story 3
File: REC 031, starts at 0.04 ends at 0.30
P2: participant number two i think you have to be committed with your partner if you are in love with
that person you don’t have to . maybe: if he he force he forces you into having sex you don’t have to
say: yes (4) because you just want to make that person happy you must . you must agree with
yourself first then making that person happy when you are not happy
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex
Story 4
File: REC 032, starts at 0.03 ends at 6.57
P5: participant five .. eh it was last days i can recall clearly was at a house party and then it was at
night and i ran away i i waited for my parents to go to sleep and then i sneaked out to go the party so
it was fun and nice and this boy approached me and he was so: handsome [laughs] and then he told
me girl i’ve been looking at you and you look fine and you know we can maybe something can happen
between us and eh and he said maybe one day i can marry you and i was like you can marry me you
are maybe like sixteen or seventeen eighteen you are not yet old enough to get married and he was
like NO we are in the same class . we can get married things like that and he he tried to persuade me
but because i knew of where i come from that i can’t do things like that if i get pregnant or if something
like i get an infection it won’t be great for me (7, 16) and it would just . it it would it would just
discourage my parents because they believe in me and they think that i can make something of myself
i just can’t become a a maid or a housecleaner so . and i am good in class so i i shouldn’t just waste
my future just because of some handsome guy: (12) and then he was like why are you quiet don’t you
want me look at me and tried you know and started turning around showing me how how: how good
he looks and how much his clothes cost and i was like come on this guy is trying to fool me and then
my friend came and said [name] why are you waiting here there is a lot of guys in there and then i i
went inside and because i don’t drink i just drink water and then that guy came again to me
approached me and said why are you drinking water you are such an idiot . if if you see here in this
party there is two by two and you are only sitting there alone why are you even here (5) go home .. go
home because there is nothing that you are here for so and i was like okay then i’ll go because this is
your cousins house and he said yeah if you want to go just go . and i didn’t go because i was enjoying
the party even though i wasn’t drinking and then he went out and bought me a soda and brought it to
me and said okay if you can’t drink beer then drink a soda and i told him no: i don’t drink anything that
that has sugar in it and he said don’t you eat a lemon no i don’t eat a lemon don’t you eat a orange no:
than why are you here this party is because everyone in here is sweet and if you don’t drink it means
you are not sweet . and i was so confused that i didn’t know what to do so i took the soda and then i
put it in my pocket so i i approached his brother and tell him that i’m going home and i need a ride and
he said that if i want to go i can just go by feet so they won’t take me home because i can get alone i
didn’t come with them if i wanna go home than i should just go and then i tried goi:ng and then on the
streets i was attacked by four guys . and they were [laughing nervously] smelling really bad and they
were drunk and one of them say what is a pretty girl like you doing in the streets and i said like you
can’t even see me because the stuff that you are telling me that i am pretty and he started telling me
can’t you see i am committed and i said you don’t even know me you don’t even know what the word
means that you are saying that you are committed what’s wrong with you and he said o:h you have a
big mouth let us show you what a big mouth is going to do to you and then they dragged me into the
woods and they tried to rape me (11) but a car was passing by and . it had the headlights headlights
on us and they ran away so it was a woman inside and she took me home and then when i got home i
was really really scare:d because my parents my parents knew that i was gone they noticed from the
moment that i left that i was gone and then . i went inside and they asked me where were you i said i
don’t know i just woke up in the night and started sleep walking and then they believed me [laughs]
because they trust me they they don’t think that i could do something so bad and then .. i went to
sleep and in the morning my friend came and said why did you leave early it was fun and i met this
cute guy and he she showed me this ring and said look he gave me a ring and then i said how come
how can he give you a ring if you know just one day and he said no: it is not an engagement ring it
showed that he loved me because his mother gave it to her to him and it’s from his grandmother . and
then i said okay then that means he loves you and . as time passed i was invited to another party and i
didn’t go and . when i was at school this people approached me and they told me how stupid i was
and they told me that the guy from before . the one who approached me told them that he really loved
me and he wanted to be with only me and he said that if i came to that party he would have taken me
as his girlfriend and he i i am not even good enough for him he was trying to give me something to feel
good about and then i heard this i realised that there is no such thing as commitment for teenagers
because they just say they are committed to get something out of it at that time so i think sometimes i
think that commitment is no such a good thing because if i am committed to this guy you don’t know
what he does outside because as you see he had a girlfriend and i don’t know if he had two or many
more (b) but i know his girlfriend and but he told his friends that he is committed to me . and i was very
very disappointed in him because i thought he was a great person and he was a good guy because he
participated well at school work and [coughs] .. i thought that .. i told myself that okay if i had gone to
that party maybe he would have been with me maybe he would have kept his word but then i said if ..
what if he was lying and i was confused and maybe now i’m confused because i don’t know what
would have happened so i think that [coughs] this thing of commitment when you are too young isn’t
good because but you shouldn’t cheat or have so many girlfriends just because you don’t wanna get
commited (2)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 5. Peer pressure, 7. Status, 11. Assault, 12. Focus, 16. Pregnancy, b. Explicit
Story 5
File: REC 034, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.08
P1: participant number one eh commitment and seriousness its things that will make us be a better pe
better people (14) for example if we people of today if we young people don’t commit our self in the
relationship who do we think what do we think we are going to do in the world because we are the we
are the one who are supposed to make a change in the world (14) our parents are divorcing today
time and again because they don’t commit their selves for an example .. one of my friends that eh her
parents have divorced because they lost trust because her father was drinking and the mother was not
drinking so that her father would come late especially month’s end so the mother realised that the
father is not serious and the father is not commited today today the family is scattered and no
progress in the family children are suffering because of commitment and seriousness so seriousness
and commitment are things that will make the youth of today to become a better people or a better
future (14)
Labels: 14. Positive lifestyle
Story 6
File: REC 035, starts at 0.02 ends at 0.51
P3: participant number three one day i came i came i came from school [coughs] .. to home and then
my neighbour told me that his mother left a book and i have to come and fetch it eh i changed my
uniform and i i went to fetch the the book . and then when i got there he told me that the book was in
his room then i gone to her to his to his with him to the room and then . he started touching me (11)
and then i said what are you doing if you don’t stop that i’ll start screaming and then .. he he left me
and then i told him where is the book and i noticed that there wasn’t a book he just called me to do
those things
Labels: 11. Assault
Story 7
File: REC 036, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.37
P4: hi i am participant number number four i remember there was this guy who had a crush on me but
but he was dating two of my two of my friends (2) and i and i he was dating two of my friends at the at
the same time (2) then i started asking myself . why what he was trying to do and then i found out that
he was a player so i had to turn him down cause he thinks that he can have more he thinks that girls
want want him more than more than any other boys
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Story 8
File: REC 037, starts at 0.01 ends at 10.40
P5: eh i was sitting in class with my friend two friends actually a boy and a girl and then this boy
started telling us he slept there were there are this girl four girls in my class and the friend he says i
slept with three of them there is only one left and i say what are you doing why don’t you just leave
them alone and he said no they want me they want to seduce me and i said that aren’t you committed
to your schoolwork and things like that (12) and he said you you treat yourself as though you are the
saint you have mistakes also is i yes but when i see that i am going to make a mistake i don’t just do it
and he said no this is not a mistake . i feel good when i do this and then he he wrote a letter to his
friend in class and asked him have you ever ridden a horse and then his friend replied and said no:
and he said you are an idiot because horses are fun and when you are sitting on top of them you can
do whatever you want if you say go to the left it goes to the left if you say go to the right it does what
you say and then i said come on why why do you have to say that to your friend he said no if you don’t
wanna talk to me about these things then just shut up and then i said i’m sorry okay okay i’m sorry and
then he said to me so don’t you have the hots for me and i said no i don’t how can you say that that . i
say even though if i had the hots for you why would i admit to it when you have just told me such a
disgusting story and he say no: it is not disgusting it’s fun and it’s it’s just great and i said no what if
you get sick and he said stop it you are not an educator i get that a lot in lo [life orientation] class (17)
and i said okay then if you get it then why doesn’t it get through to your skull and he said well my skull
is made out of a rock and i said a rock can be cracked and he’s like okay then i told if you don’t wanna
talk to me about nice things nice things then leave me alone and then i turned to my other friend the
girl who’s a girl and i said to her can you hear what your uncle is saying and she said no he is not my
uncle you are insulting me my uncle doesn’t do things like that and i said jah i know he is a bad person
right and he heard me and said i know that you want me you want me and you want me more and i
said no and he pushed my friend and came to sit next to me and said i know that you want me you
want me and you only say these things why do you always talk about hiv sex and those kind of things
and i was like no i talk about them because everyone is and you have to be aware of them and he
started telling me that i am a saint and that i should just stop being a little miss goody and that i mean
that person and that i am a bad influence to my other friends . and then i said okay then if you that’s
what you think then it’s fine and we we sat there for a while silently and then after a while he turned
my head and said look at me i looked at him he say don’t i look pretty and then i say NO you don’t look
pretty girls look pretty then he said okay then don’t i look handsome then i said okay you are
handsome but it doesn’t mean that you have to play with girls and it’s not he says i’m not playing with
them and i said what are you doing he said we’re playing together if i play with them it means i’m the
only one who is playing but we play together and we do these things together and he said i know that
you are not a virgin (10) that’s how you always say that and i said what if i am not and he said well if
you are not then then talk to me don’t tell me these things don’t lectu lecture me because if if you are
lecturing me it means that you are not doing these things and i said what if i am speaking from
experience what if i am guiding you and he said you are too young to tell me anything you are too
young to give me advice (17) and i said okay then fine .. my girlfriend says well .. the story .. well
participant five you shouldn’t just say that to him he is your friend also and you have broken his heart
and i said i am sorry and he said well give me a hug and i hugged him and he kissed me and said and
he he spit out and he said well you are so sour it shows that you haven’t had sex in a while [laughs]
and he said don’t you wanna do it with me and i said come on: i know your girlfriend and i know
everyone who you slept with and he said well i slept slept with half of the class because they wanted
me to rescue them it’s like when a house is on fire and then my a fireperson a fireman go in there to
rescue the person whose trapped inside the house and i said okay then what if you get burned and he
said no i can’t get burned because i i wear special clothes to prevent me from getting burned and i
said okay then that means that you are using protection he said i never said that (3) how can i eat a
banana with all: all the: how can i say .. okay . eh .SEPEDI nka ja [how can I eat] the skin with the skin
ok how can i eat the banana with the skin and i said well having sex is not eating a fruit it is just having
sex then you know how that is done and he was like yeah i know i am older then you remember i am
older than you i said okay it’s fine and then tomorrow when we came to class he said can i sit next to
you and i said okay because there is none here you can sit he sat and started telling me on valentine’s
day i took that girl i told you about and we went to my house we did it girl we did it i said o:h
congratulations then he said well now it’s your turn you have to come to my house and i said oh you
think i am stupid and he said no: i don’t think you are stupid if you don’t come it means you’re stupid
but if you do come it means that you do love me and i said come on you know i love you as a friend
and he said there is no such thing if you love someone you love someone there is only one kind of
love in the world and then i said okay then i li:ke you and he said well if you like me it means that you
want to sleep with me (4) and i said no i don’t want to sleep with you and he said it’s not like you have
a boyfriend anyway he nobody wants you and i said you are not sure you can’t say that because you
are not there with me you are not you are not my friend actually you are not my friend we don’t go to
places together we don’t do shopping together there is nothing that we do together we just friends
here at school and then he said well if that’s how you are going to put it then it’s fine but one day i’ll
get you into my bed and you’ll see you are going to do something very nice and i was like come o:n it’s
not like i want to sleep with you how many times should i say that and then he said it’s fine then but ..
keep this in mind any time that you need a fix you can come to me and i fix you up and then i said
okay then i’ll keep that in mind and then she called another girl and said hey i want you to to come to
my house this after school and i was like come o:n what are you doing he was like o:h you are jealous
i said i’m not and he said yes you are if you weren’t jealous you wouldn’t be telling me to stop calling
that girl because you don’t wanna come to my house i can’t sleep alone tonight and i said okay then
you you came to this world alone and why do you want to sleep with a lot of girls why is you own there
is only one of you but you want to have all of that and he said well i don’t want you anymore i said well
you never wanted me and even if you do even if you did want me you wouldn’t have gotten me and he
said okay if that’s how you are going to do it every time you and i we have to fight about something
and i said no we don’t have to fight we just have to talk and talk because we are just other at the end
stubborn [school bell is ringing] and then he said i’m not stubborn can’t you see that i love you you are
the only one that i love every girl that i slept with i have been playing with them but you because i love
you you haven’t slept with you yet and i said ye:t and he said yeah eh and he say but the moment i
sleep with you it means that i no longer want you i only want the girl if i haven’t had sex with them and
i said okay if it’s that’s how you going to put it it’s fine because there is nothing i can do and he said
come on stop pretending i know you want me and he started to touch me and said if you don’t want a
guy in this life then why are you wearing such a small skirt and i said okay this is how i want to look
and he said at home you wear pants that are too tight to show off your butt and things like that and i
said ye:s just because i have to look pretty and i have to feel good about myself i just can’t wear dirty
pants and baggy pants just because you said so and he says well other girls do and i said yes those
are the ghetto ones who wear them to feel comfortable i feel comfortable in this pants and then at
home he saw me wearing heels and he said hey [name] why are you wearing heels where are you
going why are you bus and things like that i said well i am going to my friends and he said your
boyfriend you forgot to say boyfriend and i said no i am not going to my boyfriend’s house i am going
to my friends house and then he said to me well when you come back can you please pass by my
house .. [a question is asked] well it’s true: it’s not like it didn’t happen on one day okay . and .. okay
[laughs] and then [laughs] .. when i came back i went to his house and he said i know you’d come i
know you’d come no girl can resist me and then i said well there is nothing i am here for where is your
brother and his little brother came and said hi: how are you and some more things like that and i said
can you accompany me accompany me home and then he said okay and his older brother which is
my classmate said how can you take my girlfriend she came here to be with me she’s not going
anywhere and then he locked the gate and his mother went over to take something from there i don’t
know what she wanted and said hey what are you doing open this gate i saw a girl getting in there i
know i am going to tell your mother when she comes home . and then he unlocked the gate and i went
home and at school he told me yelling idiot that’s why i told you to get inside and you never wanted to
go there i don’t want to talk to you again even today he doesn’t talk to me nicely when i talk to him he
just buzzes me of and thing like that
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, 12. Focus, 17. Education
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Imagine you and your friends hanging out at a friend’s place. You’re exchanging stories on
prevention methods. What would be a good story to tell? And what sort of stories would your friends
Story 1
File: REC 038, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.13
P2: participant number two there was one day i fell love with one a certain boy then one time past by
he told me that i i have to have sex with him then i said why he said you have to prove to me that you
love me (4) then i said I told you that i love you i don’t have to prove to you that i love you and he said
. please i fell in love with you i spent six months without having sex and i said that’s what you wanted
and he said i have been in love with maybe TEN girlfriends and i’ve slept i’ve slept with them all and i
said that’s what you choose then he said you to have to have sex with me (4) and i told him that . if
that is how he live then me and him we have to be apart and he said that we can’t just break up
without having sex and i said there’s no use for us to have sex while we are too young (1) and he said
? that we have we must have sex (4) and that’s when i decided to break up with him
Labels: 1. Abstain, 4. Pressure into sex
Story 2
File: REC 039, starts at 0.05 ends at 4.08
P5: participant number five . eh i was with my friend and she told me that her boyfriend broke up with
her because he didn’t want to sleep with her (4) he said that he is a Christian and things like that and
that he can’t she just can’t . can’t be in a relationship with someone were they don’t have physical
contact she said that they should kiss and touch and maybe like have sex and then i told her that if
that’s how she feels he she should have a boyfriend who’s going to give her all of those things and he
said she said well i want that one one day i’m going to get him into bed with me with me and i said well
how can i thought only guys could think like that how can a girl says a guy to sleep with her and he
said that well i’ve i’ve been sleeping with all those guys that i’ve been dating and i just can’t stop now
because i’m in love with a Christian and i said well a Christian he doesn’t Christian or not it doesn’t
mean that you are not supposed to have sex and he says well i i want him to have sex with me yes
that’s why i want him to have sex with me and if he doesn’t then i don’t know and i said well just
because he broke up with you doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you just because it’s because you’re
forcing him into having sex with you (4) and he says well guys some guys are stupid and he’s like i’ve
never met a a guy like this guys want to have sex you know they have to eat a cookie if you you don’t
do it then it means that you are not sweet kind you have to show a person that you love them
physically not just by words but physically and this amazed me because i have never been in a
situation like this before whereby a girl forces a guy to sleep with her (4) . and it shows that . eh girls
and guys and girls say 50-50 share on this because . eh guys are being: blamed you know everyone
says that it is the fault of the guy because guys are supposed to be forcing girls and after what i have
just experienced i can see that now the girls are the ones who actually do this and then when they see
that they their what they want isn’t past they change the story and pin it pin it all on guys . i think that
it’s wrong and unacceptable for girls to do that and but they are doing it outside then this is so like
embarrassing for me as a girl to know that a girl has forced a a guy to sleep with him to sleep with her
(4) and then that guy had no choice but to break up with her he choose that girl some girls not all of
the girls but some girls are . are ish how can i say have immoral behaviours and they don’t believe in
themselves they think that they can just do things because they are girls and . and then this ehm time
passed by and then i: i [noise in the background stop talking for 5 seconds] time passed by and i
confronted the girl: and ask her why: i had this oh my god why did you do this you shouldn’t have just
you should have just left it alone as it was and he said why what have you heard well i heard that you
you went to that guy again and she said yes i should have gone there a long time ago and i said to her
what what did you do and she said well you know a girl’s got to do what a girl got to do if you got the
goods then you got to taste them and i said wow and she’s like well if you don’t look great you won’t
feel comfortable with yourself and if you know that you look great you you are hot then you can force a
guy to sleep with you because those guys are weak (4)
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex
Story 3
File: REC 040, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.13
P1: participant number one it i was in taxi one day and some ladies were talking about eh another girl
and i know the girl they they said that the girl was dating so many boys (2) and then after she became
pregnant (16) she she didn’t know which she didn’t know which of the boys is the father is the father of
the baby so as they said that the mother took the the mother took the girl the pregnant girl a house by
house where the girl had slept with the boys and all boys denied the girl and when and when the girl
went for test the girl actually found that he she was hiv positive (7, 8) and the mother and the mother
told the girl that you will never be you will never be cured (6) you are useless person you are idiot you
don’t listen to your parents and the girl sat discouraged and the girl actually committed suicide (21) ...
so eh .. you will never know it until you go for a test (8) if if you don’t if you don’t go for a test before
having unprotected sex (3) then you’re going to have eh advantages are more for you to have eh hiv
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 6. Cure, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 16. Pregnancy, 21. Suicide
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Imagine you are sitting with some friends and you hear the radio message you’ve just listened to,
what stories could you tell to the others that would make them say ‘that was a close call’ or ‘that was a
good experience’?
Story 1
File: REC 041, starts at 0.02 ends at 6.30
P5: participant number five eh this is a story about myself it was my birthday and i my friends threw a
party for me and then i went there a little bit too early because we didn’t have the lightings there and
no proper food drinks and thing like that we were just like actually a get-together and then i i called my
friend because i don’t have money to pay for a: taxi i called my boyfriend to come and fetch me and he
took his father’s car . and then he forgot tha it is my birthday . and then i was mad at him because i
dropped hints and things like that but he didn’t pick anything up from it and then we didn’t go to my
house we went to his house and there was no one there and we went to his room and he said well girl
we have been together for like three months already and we haven’t had sex and i just kept quiet and
then [coughs] he said that if you don’t sleep with me it means that you don’t love me all those things
(4, b) you said were lies in fact they are nothing well i do love you and you know that and he said well i
know but i should i should have the proof you should prove it to me and i said well i can’t he said why
are you chicken are you chickening out on me and i said no: and he said do you have another
boyfriend were you having sex just before you came here and i said no i wasn’t having sex (2) and he
said eh then do it with me and i said well i can’t what because i’m a virgin and he said no you’re not
how can a big girl like you be a virgin at this time (10) and i said well that’s not because they think that
girls aren’t virgins anymore and she said that well all those things you’ve said to me they meant
nothing you are just making a fool out of me and i said no i wasn’t fooling you around it it was the truth
and i stole it from the heart directly and he said that well can i have your heart and i said yes then he
kissed me [laughs] and said i want to have your heart and i said well you can but not this way and then
he got up and he was so angry at me and he said you don’t love me ... he insulted me actually then he
so: hurt me and i was so embarrassed and then he went up to the door and locked it then said you
ain’t going nowhere until you give me what i want i just said this is rape (4, 11) no it’s not and then we
we said there doing nothing for a while and then .. [laughs] suddenly . i was forced we did it actually
and then [laughs] it happened (4) .. and then i [laughs] i started to regret it when i went home i called
my mother and i was crying . and she said why are you crying .. no she just said why are you crying
then i said i am not crying momma and then she said well i know you and i know whenever you cried it
means that there is something wrong and maybe someone said something bad to you because it’s
true when people say bad things to me i cry . i don’t usually respond but if these things are very bad i
cry and then when i went home i was very quiet and it was unusual because i’m always the one who is
making them laugh i’m always the one who says jokes and things like that and she was like come on
then it’s your birthday you shouldn’t be this down and . i started crying because i knew what i had
done but then i said mom i’m tired i want to go to sleep and then she called my dad and then he . she
says him that something is wrong with me and that he should talk to me because he’s the one that
who is more closer to me than my mom and then my my dad called me on my cell phone and asked
why what was wrong and i said dad i’ve done something really bad but i can’t tell you what it is . and . i
can’t believe myself right now because i know that i’ve gone against your will and if you know what it is
you’ll hate me forever (15) and then he told me not to tell him what it was but not to beat myself
around it and then . after that my boyfriend called just after my dad dropped the phone and say who
are you talking to why was your phone saying that you are busy when i was trying to talk to you you
are the only one for me and your cell phone should be called by me and i said well you are not the one
who bought me the cell phone and he said WHY is your voice like that and i said NO i was screaming
screaming at what i was having fun and my voice just changed and then he said okay are you okay
yes i’m okay are you okay about what we did . is there anything you want to tell me .. and i said NO
did you enjoy it i said yes i did and then he said why so quickly it means you haven’t we have to do it
again so that that time you’ll enjoy it and i said no breaking my virginity is not good (10) and i said then
why did you force me to do it and he said come on i know you wanted to if you didn’t want to do you
wouldn’t have done it (4) and then i started to myself that maybe i did want it because [laughs] i got
persuaded to do it and . i think that many girls are fooled by their boyfriends telling telling them that .
they love: them and that if they love them too they should prove it by having sex (4, b) with them but i
wasn’t that scared because we used protection (3)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, 11. Assault, 15. Fear to talk,
b. Explicit message
Story 2
File: REC 042, starts at 0.02 ends at 3.27
P1: participant number one eh there was this other friend of mine she was dating a boy eh seven
years older than her the boy was in the university the boy used to call the girl and say the girl please
come eh please come to my room the girl would go every after school the girl would go sometimes the
girl would go through classes go to see the boy . and then the other day eh ehm me and my other
friend we called her and said that you know what you’re doing is wrong because this might destroy
your future (12) and then the girl said that you can’t tell me you are you you are too young to tell me to
destroy my future (17) can’t you think about your own things or something do your own i’ll do my own
things and then we said no [name] no: if we can tell your parents what you are doing your parents will .
will get discouraged and the girl was a first born and as a mother trusted her so much the mother
would send her to the bank the mother the mother trusted her so the other day the boy call the girl and
says please come to my room and then the girl eh went eh went to to the room and then the girl pick
took the boy to savannah [a shopping mall] and then the girl spoiled the boy and then after the boy eh
want eh the boy wanted to have sex with the girl (4) without using a protection (3) like as i said before .
girls like what they hear from boys and boys like what they heard what they hear eh: the boy the girl
the BOY told the boy told the the girl how much eh he loved he loved her and then the boy the girl
actually started blushing and then suddenly they had unprotected sex (3) and then after having having
unprotected sex the girl came back to us and say friend i’m regretting regretting now i had sex with a
girl with a guy and the sex was unprotected so i and now i’m pregnant (3, 16) the girl took the ehm .
medical cut and went to the doctor and then the doctor gave the girl the contra contraception pills and
after and after the girl called the boy and say you know i’m pregnant (16) and the boy said don’t ever
call me again i don’t even know you the girl went to the boy’s room and . she knocked at the door the
boy looked eh looked through the window and said i am with my girlfriend right now please go away
you are disturbing us and the girl was actually . sad and was crying and then it happened the other
day it was my cousin’s friend . eh it was my cousin’s birthday so eh the boy the guy call eh the guy
who whom was dating my cousin called her and said ehm .. you know i love you so much and i don’t
have money i don’t have anything if i had gold i give you gold if i had diamonds i’d give you diamonds
if i had money i would buy you cars whatever i had i could share with you the only thing that i have is
to have sex with you with you and then the girl actually started blushing and said this boy love me
really if he had diamonds he would share with me if he had gold he would share with me so the boy
called the girl the only thing i could offer is sex and then the girl went there for for eh the girl went there
for sex and then after sex the boy started to ignore the girl (4)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 12. Focus, 16. Pregnancy, 17. Education
Story 3
File: REC 043, starts at 0.01 ends at 5.27
P5: participant five eh i was chatting on mix-it and then this Chinese guy invited me and i was very
very [laughs] . happy because [laughs] i have never spoke to a Chinese in my life and then we spoke
we spoke it was every day if he wanted me to come online he just buzz me and then i’d take my
phone and log in even if i was in class and then he told me about himself everything and then he
sends me pictures and i sent him pictures also and then he asked me if i loved him and i said no i am
not in love with you i just sent that i did but i couldn’t tell him and then he said i’m coming to South
Africa with my father because my uncle has three shops there and i want to meet you and says where
actually in South Africa and i said Jo’burg and i said well i can come to Jo’burg in june and he said
okay then we’ll meet and ? this year and then i went there and we started talking actually .. i sat there
and he was looking for me didn’t even recognise me and then he came to me and i I went up to him
and i asked him hi: are you ehm let me just say no names are you no name and he said yes that’s me
and he said wow you look great more handsome than in your pictures and i said well you are a lot
darker then i thought and i said yeah i know that i’m dark and then we started talking and he shows
me where he stays and then i met his father and . i i had a Chinese manual language book and when
they talked behind my back i could look up in the book and i knew what they were saying and he told
his father that he has never been with a black girl before and his father said no you’re too bright for her
she is too dark for you [laughs] and then .. i was very very embarrassed and feeling insulted and then i
said i want to go home and he said no: you are not going home you came here to meet me it means
that you are going to stay here and then his father left left us there . his father left us there and then
we started to talk and talk and talk and he said have you ever see a naked Chinese guy before and i
said no only in the movies and he said don’t you wanna see it live and he’s like you are my girlfriend
right i came here for you actually i wasn’t gonna come but when i heard that my father was coming i
did it for you i just said that i’m coming with you just so that i could be with you and i said wow that’s
sweet then [laughs] .. he started telling me nice things well you say that you love me on the phone and
it means that you have to prove it because in a month i’ll be gone and i said well how can i prove it
then he says come on you know how and i said HOW i did know but i was confusing myself just so
that i would make a fool out of him and he said well you have to have sex with me (4, b) and then . i
wasted time looking around the house just thinking about things and then he told me that i don’t love
him and i said no i do love you and he said you are never going to have this opportunity again . you
you are ? going to sleep with only me the only Chinese guy i am the one for you you have to sleep
with me and i said no i can’t he said why not i said okay then i’ll sleep with you when it’s dark and he
said okay at night and then [laughs] i actually set an alarm on my phone and then pretended that it
was a call from my mom and i said hello mom i am coming and then i went home and when we were
chatting on mix-it again he told me that because i didn’t sleep with him it means that i don’t love him
(b) tha:t i am going to get married to another black . well he said a big word which i cannot say and i
said yes just because i am black too and he said oh so you are a race racist and i said no i am not a
racist he just said i know what you and your father were talking about so if you hadn’t said those things
you would have slept with me i said yes and i knew that i wasn’t going to sleep with him but i was just
making him feel okay . and then he stopped chatting to me because i i refused to have sex with him
and then one day his father called me and told me that they are going back that i should come and say
goodbye but i didn’t go because his father was dodgy and i didn’t trust him . yes that’s true so this
proves that guys just want to use girls they manipulate them give them ultimatums say if you love me
then sleep with me if you don’t love me it it means that you you can’t sleep with me you don’t wanna
sleep with me (b)
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, b. Explicit message
04-08-2009: School 2: Secondary school, Mankweng.
Group 1: Male participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 10, average age 16.8 years.
Group 2: Female participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 9 average age 15.2 years.
Group 1
Time: 9.15-10.15
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason you
exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What stories
could you tell?
Story 1
File: REC 001, start at 0.02 ends at 2.42
P5: participant number five . participant number five the story that i am going to tell is a true story . i
have five friends and all of them have their own girlfriend so one day we were walking at the complex
they found three girls . and they talked when they talked . one day three of those friends came with
other friend two of them so me and my friends including me we are five so one day we went . at my at
my other friends house and my friend live with himself he doesn’t live with anyone his parents are
working so they went there .. and they tried to to tell to to pressure those girls to have sex with them
so those girl had sex with them because they don’t know was nothing that they can do (4) ... one day
they call me they say .. they have a another girl for me that that i can have sex with so i agreed to go
with them they day that i was supposed to go with them i started saying no . i must not go out at night
so they went they had sex again when they had sex one of my friend did not use a condom . he ask
the eh the girl did you use a condom the girl said to the guy he did not use a condom (3) so he started
he started to to feel . to feel like eh she’s going to be a father so the girl came to him and said that she
was on a pill she might not be pregnant (16) so they did not stop they went on and on having sex
without a condom (3) so one of my friend had a sex had sex with a girl that was menstruating .. in the
morning he said she . and he ask he did not tell us he went to he went to the hospital when when he
got there they told him that he should have used a condom when he had sex with a girl that was
menstruating (17) so . those girls their parents started to come they they came to us and when they
came to us and their fathers threatened to take us to the police station so that is when i stopped going
with those guys and going out with those girls
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 16. Pregnancy, 17. Education
Story 2
File: REC 002, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.03
P3: okay i am participant number three . okay i am going to tell a true a true story about myself .. in
the class i used to use girls . for sex and eh . there is one one girl that said no and i tried to force her
into having sex with me (4) .. and she saw that i was using her and then she break up with me and ran
away a few of they girlfriend . i am also using for them for sex .. and i pressure into they just want
other guy who is my friend who is having different girlfriends (2) i told him advised him that he will get
a disease (17) but . he said that he’s a man and he can change evolution . a man have to have ..
many girlfriends as he can (2, 23)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 4. Pressure into sex, 17. Education, 23. Sex role
Story 3
File: REC 003, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.50
P1: this is participant number one eh one day i was with my girlfriend we we went to the ? shop eh my
girlfriend saw another boyfriend (22) . and i feel like i was feel like .. ehm i was feel like eh ... [18
seconds, supervisor talks to him] eh i was feel like SEPEDI ne ke kwatile [I was angry] .. yeah and she
said she said she said to me that she she said he: he said boyfriend for her she’s another he’s another
boyfriend for her ... just for eh .. the past .. fo:r some three weeks ago .. and i was feel .. ashamed for
for for that girl .. and now ... SEPEDI re kgaogane a re sa boledišana [we broke up we are no longer
talking to one another] that is the the true the true story
Labels: 22. Relationship history
Story 4
File: REC 004, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.38
P2: participant number two the story that i am going to tell is a true story [coughs] one day i was with
my girlfriend then i told her or it’s been a long time we are in this relationship i want to sleep with you
(4) then she said to me no i am not ready then i said i’m ready so so she said i will tell you when i am
ready then i say what if you are going to tell or you are ready what will if i what will you do when nah i
is ready she said i will wait for you to be ready i said no: you can’t wait for me to be ready cause now
now i am always ready but when are you don’t to have sex with me she said now what can i do i said
to her you can have sex with me so that you can prove that you love me she said (4, b) i loved you
and i want to have sex with you but not now i said i love you to but i want to have sex with you NOW
so i also said now i will be broken up with you if you don’t have sex with me (4) she said no: just give
me one year i said ONE YEAR [laughs] she said yeah i said no: i give you two weeks then if you don’t
make it after two weeks i broke up with you (4, b) then she said no please then i turned around and
leave that’s the true story
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, b. Explicit message
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself discussing life orientation and sexual health with your teacher, what stories can
you tell him about your personal experiences?
Story 1
File: REC 005, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.49
P5: participant number five . it’s about one of my friends . eh the guy every time when he has sex he
[school bell is ringing] doesn’t like to use a condom .. because when he is using a condom he says
that he is not feeling that he is having sex it’s a plastic that he is wearing . so even when a girl is
menstruating he will just keep on keep on saying that he doesn’t want to wear a condom because of
sex is good without a condom and you can feel it even if you are not wearing a condom but if . but if
you are wearing a condom it’s like you are having sex with a plastic (3)
Labels: 3. Condomize
Story 2
File: REC 006, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.52
P2: participant number two the story that i am going to tell is a true story . one day i was with my my
my friend and he told me that yo it’s been a long time that i have been i have i have sex then i said
what about your ex-girlfriend . he said to me jah you are right let’s go and talk to her so so that we can
help her then i said let’s go then we go to that girlfriend we ask that girlfriend can you come and see
us late she said no: i’m not sure i will try then my friend say ah try neh then she said i will try then late
in the evening me and my friend we go and see that girl we take that girl home with us then when we
arrived at home my friend ask that girlfriend to sleep with us both that girl said no i can’t sleep with you
both then my friend said . do you love me then that girlfriend said yes i love you then you will sleep
with my friend and me (4, b) .. and without a condom (3) my friend ah that girl said no i can’t sleep with
you both of you without wearing a condom can you wear a condom then my friend said NO we are
sleeping with you without a condom (3) no that girl that is crying then i said no my friend let us wear a
condom then we had the condom sleep with that girl both of us (3) i don’t know but that girl ah eish
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, b. Explicit message
Story 3
File: REC 007, starts at 0.02 ends at 0.57
P3: participant number three the story that i am going to tell is a tru true story .. and i had a couple of
friends .. every Saturday the go to the shebeens [bars] and they don’t expect to go to the shebeens
and not to have sex with any girl .. me: i respect the girls but [sighs] they told me that they use a
condom (3) they tried to convince me that if i go with them . they will be having a lot of condoms and
eh there will be a lot of girls at the shebeens they will be drunk and we take advantage (5) of them and
.. so i didn’t like it so my parents even locked the gate ... ok
Labels: 3. Condomize, 5. Peer pressure
Story 4
File: REC 008, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.58
P1: participant number one . one day i was with my friends three of them .. they they were having their
girlfriends .and ... [7 seconds] they they were trying to have sex with them .. i i i told them that if you
have sex with them you must wear a condom they said to me that . condom is not good and we were
starting debate . and i said to them that stop debating with me condom is not good and their they they
understood me (3, 17) that is my story
Labels: 3. Condomize, 17. Education
Story 5
File: REC 009, starts at 0.07 ends at 1.32
P4: participant number four .. participant number four i was having a girlfriend at school then one of
the days i did this school with she then we go to my place and when at my place that girl i have sex
with with she and then without a condom (3) then we have done it at school and then i have sex with
him until school out then ...[6 seconds] and then when school out i go with him her .. go to her place
then i leave her then when i come back my penis start paining and then i don’t know why: then when i
asked my brother he told me that maybe it ‘s the drop [sexually transmitted disease] (7) then that girl i
dumped him because of . eh she didn’t tell me that she was she was having a drop then that girl i hate
him for that i think i will hate him for the rest of my life because because of he she didn’t tell me what’s
going on with she
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Imagine you are sitting with some friends and you hear the radio message you’ve just listened to,
what stories could you tell to the others that would make them say ‘that was a close call’ or ‘that was a
good experience’?
Story 1
File: REC 010, starts at 0.01 ends at 2.18
P2: participant number two the story that i am going to tell is a true story one day i was with my my
friend my friend’s girlfriend . then i told her can you go with me and sleep with me she said yes why
not (2) then i go with her when we arrived at home . i told her i don’t have condom she said no: i’m
preventing you can sleep with me without a condom (3) . i said okay that’s good then we have sex
after having sex she said to me no: ah eish i forget to to take my my drugs i said what are you
meaning when you are saying that she said i was supposed to take my drugs today i said so what are
you going to do she said can you give me vinegar i said to her . let me look for vinegar .. i didn’t find
the vinegar then i said let’s go and ask neighbours so that they can help us she just let’s go then when
we arrived at neighbours we didn’t find vinegar then she said i will go tomorrow to test what i am
pregnant or what (8, 16) i said to her when you find that you are pregnant you must say the the kid is
not mine it’s my friends she said yes i will do that then she she go to my friend and tell my friend that i
am not sure i think that i am pregnant my friend said why don’t you go and test that if you are pregnant
or what (8, 16) then she go then i ask my friend what she was telling you my friend say ah you know
her she didn’t tell me nothing much i said okay that’s cool and that no now i was knowing that that girl
has told my friend that she is pregnant but she is not sure then that girl she go to test whether she is
pregnant or what then she find that she is not pregnant (8, 16) then the story was ended like that my
friend i didn’t tell her i sleep with her girlfriend
Labels: 2. Faithfulness 3. Condomize, 8. Testing, 16. Pregnancy
Story 2
File: REC 011, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.02
P3: participant number three the story that i am going to tell is a true story .. one day we were in a
complex shopping complex actually and . hiv and aids testing nah they were testing hiv and aids and
this one lady came came to us and said does one of you guys want to test and we we all said no (8)
... and we said .. we said it’s better off with not knowing if i’m hiv positive or not . one of one of my
friends said that if i know that i’m hiv positive it’s knowing i know that i am going to die .. and he said
it’s better off with not knowing that i’m hiv positive or not (7)
Labels: 7. Status, 8. Testing
Story 3
File: REC 012, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.39
P1: participant number one one day i was with my girlfriend we were were going to hiv testing in
mankweng hospital and i was found that my girlfriend is hiv positive (7, 8) and then . i was sleeping
with her last week . and my message is that don’t don’t sleep with eh . positive girl without testing first
(7, 8)
Labels: 7. Status, 8. Testing
Story 4
File: REC 013, starts at 0.08 ends at 1.48
P4: participant number four .. i was having a girlfriend and when i call she to come and visit me she
don’t have any problem she come and then when i want to have sex with him with she she doesn’t like
to have sex with me when i say why: she tell me always she is menstruating she is on date always she
visit me three times she tell me the very same thing then for the first time i ask him let me see let me
see that that you are not lying . then .. when i i touch him she know then i force then when eish ... [5
seconds] and when i find out that she is not on date then she allow me to have sex with him (4) and
by that time ish it was a first thing then i don’t wearing a condom (3) then that girl next week call me
that she is pregnant then i said to: . she then i say it’s not me you sleep with me one time but i can’t
give you a baby with one time one round i can’t give that thing is unbelievable (16)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 16. Pregnancy
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Imagine you and your friends hanging out at a friend’s place. You’re exchanging stories on
prevention methods. What would be a good story to tell? And what sort of stories would your friends
Story 1
File: REC 014, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.33
P3: participant number three . eh .. i don’t want really want to commit to to to anyone because if you
commit and the person who’s will play you . she will say buy me that buy me that buy me that that’s
why i don’t want to buy to commit to one person because i’ll be putting myself in . a debt i’ll be asking
people money just to . satisfy her needs (b)
Labels: b. Explicit message
Story 2
File: REC 015, starts at 0.02 ends at 2.06
P4: participant number four .. i was having two girlfriend (2) and when another give me when i’m
waiting with if . when another then when she ask me then they ask me two of them then ask me which
one you lo:ve i say both . then they say to me you can give what we want both i say yes then both of
them ehm dump me after that i call one another than i tell him that i dumped one that girl then she
agree with me then i tell her can you come and visit me . and then she said tomorrow then i call one
another . other the other one then i tell him i dumped that one . can we go on with our relationship then
she say if you really mean it you dumped him we can go on then i ask him can you come and visit me
now and that girl agree then come and i say to she then tomorrow i i will not be there cause there is
somewhere i go and she agree with me then cause i know the one which i tell i call she first she will
come then that girl no longer worry worried again then . eh for what i was telling him but me i know
that i am lying
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Story 3
File: REC 016, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.50
P5: participant number five .. i am not the kind of a guy who goes out with only one girl and if it means
that i have to commit with that girl that means that i i just have to get to break up with her because of
if i commit it means there is no freedom of going out with other girls . having sex with other girls it
would just be her and i think that committing that relationships that committed it’s just a waste of time
(2, b) because if you if you break up with that girl you will have to just start again to find another girl so
. that’s what i don’t want . to commit
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, b. Explicit message
Story 4
File: REC 017, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.48
P2: participant number two . the the story that i am going to tell is a true story actually i don’t really
want to commit now because i just want to enjoy myself with many: girlfriends cause i am the man i
am supposed to do that (23, b) the jobs for the men so i really want to take my time enjoy my future
then after enjoying myself then i will commit (12) so that maybe i’ll be straight to my wife or my well
girlfriend cause right now i have many girlfriends (2) so i don’t know i’m good
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 12. Focus, 23. Sex role, b. Explicit message
Story 5
File: REC 018 starts at 0.04 ends at 1.18
P4: participant number four ... i have a girlfriend and that girlfriend me me that i am a fool is that
cause eh . she fall in love with the boys that are elder than me brother that . then when i ask him then
she tell me that .. she tell me that it’s not her she her boyfriend then .. she is a friend then make me
anger that one day she lie to me then my beat she then eh [sighs] .SEPEDI a nkwatela [she was angry
with me] then i go to her and apologize cause of i love her then . eh now that things she was doing
now he is no longer doing it again
Labels: none
Group 2
Time: 12.20-13.35
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason you
exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What stories
could you tell?
Story 1
File: REC 019, start at 0.07 ends at 2.18
P2: ehm a friend of mine told me that well i i had to have some and she was with a friend SEPEDI ba
tsamaya ba ya motseng o mongwe ba re ba ya go kgopela meetse [they went to a certain house to
ask for drinking water] and then . when they get there SEPEDI mokgotse wa gagwe a tsamaya ola a
šala a le tee,mošemane yola a mo tswalelela ka ntlong.[her friend left then she was left alone that guy
locked her in the house] .. and then [coughs] SEPEDI a mo tswalelela ka ntlong [he locked her in the
house] and then eh he tried to rape her he closed the door and kept the key (11) in the pocket and my
friend told me that he was trying to he was trying to . to get out and the boy kept SEPEDI a mo
ntšhetša mphaka a motša gore o a moreipa ngwanenyana yola a tšea khiye a tšhaba [he took out a
knife and told her that he is raping her (11) that girl took the key and run away] [supervisor is giving
some instruction] and the girl took the key and ran away SEPEDI mošemane yola a tšea schoolbag sa
gagwe [that boy took her schoolbag] and the my friend ca came came here and find two boys and ask
them to help her and go to to take her back when they get there that boy took out a knife and tried to ..
SEPEDI go bahlaba [stab them] (11) and then they run away and go and go to call her parents her
father . go eh her father SEPEDI papagwe a ya [her father went to the] police station and then the
police go and ... and take that boy to the police station and when when they get to the police station eh
her father eh slapped her on her face
Labels: 11. Assault
Story 2
File: REC 020, starts at 0.03 ends at 3.27
P1: eh ... [6 seconds] last few days i i was going with my friend we were going to his house he go
there [coughs] i was with my friend last few days he told me that his boyfriend let me say eish ... [13
seconds] eh last few days i was with my friend . we go to his house he we were reading some
newspapers eh ... we were busy looking watching the tv then we sit down watching a tv then eh his
boyfriend just come in he look at her say he greet us then he greet her ah what we are gossiping there
then he just say .. now is the time we have to go i just ignore her he say why you ignore me i say okay
i will go on i i will go okay then i go then the SEPEDI ba šala ba le two [they were left alone just the
two of them] then that boyfriend he told that girl that you go at twelve o’clock he say no: i don’t want to
go at twelve i want to go at ten o’clock he say okay . i will go with you that girl say okay then he is
reading there looking for the tv then that boy is eleven o’clock the girl say ah i want to go home and . i
am afraid inside the i am afraid inside its dark i’m afraid and that boy said we go at twelve o’clock say
ah okay we leave ? every day we like to go there with that boy just always reading and watching tv
then that boy said we leave at twelve o’clock we say okay he is reading there he say it’s twelve now i
have to go eh that boy said okay let me tell you something girl i i won’t go with you let’s go alone i
can’t sit with you just go that girl say ehm no: i’m afraid i i won’t leave alone i’m afraid go with me he
say no i won’t go with you then that boy pick up the knife he say i wan’t to sleep with you (4, 11) then
that girl say no i can’t i am a virgin i i won’t do this thing (10) he say yeah why why are you doing this
thing to me he say i i you know what i can’t cause i know that i am a virgin so so i won’t (10) eish ah
that girl confused me he just said you know what i can’t i can’t have this thing that boy just pick up the
knife he scratched that girl on the breast (11) that girl was crying then he sleep with her that’s the end
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, 11. Assault
Story 3
File: REC 021, starts at 0.13 ends at 2.04
P5: participant number five eh me was with my girlfriend neh and she told me that a boyfriend of her
girlfriend .. locked the door for her neh and they were looking at the tv he: showed them pornography
and he started .. pressing her and and wanted to have sex with her (4) my girlfriend said what about
the other girl and the boy said no: don’t mind her SEPEDI o a njolela mose [she is cheating me] (2)
don’t mind her and i say eh no: he she is my friend ehm when i if if SEPEDI o jola le nna yena e tla no
ba sex worker ya ka [you are in love with me she will only be my sex worker] ehm the other girl said no
i can’t do that you can’t force me and he she he carried her to the bed and started taking of her clothes
and he .. she she wear the clothes on he take them off he wear them on and he got up got up from the
bed and tried to run away he she only find out that the boy locked the door and took the key and .. the
boy was just looking at him and at her: laughing at her and ... the girl tried wanted to scream but he
didn’t want to so he was afraid that people would come in and beat the boy up and luckily the other
friend came to her house he knocked and found that out the other girl was with his her his her
boyfriend and the boyfriend opened the door .. the other girl escaped
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 4. Pressure into sex
Story 4
File: REC 022, starts at 0.07 ends at 1.18
P3: participant number three i was with my sister at home my sister ask me to to call her husband
then i go with her then we go we call her husband when we call the the phone was this SEPEDI e
swarwe ke [the phone was answered by] her another girlfriend then my sister shut that phone then he
asks me to SEPEDI gore re mokhaphe go ya go na kua napile ra tsamaya ge re tsamaya ge re fihla
kua go boyfriend ya gagwe a humana a e na le banenyana then banenyana bale [accompany her to
her boyfriend then when walked when we arrived she found him with other girls then those girls] the
with my sister that that boyfriend says i am not love you don’t leave it out (2) okay my sister she i want
i want to leave and and give me some cellphone for whatever i didn’t to you my sister says i want
everything that that you need from me my my that boy says i don’t need everything from you cause i
lose you that’s all
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Story 5
File: REC 023, starts at 0.08 ends at 2.40
P4: participant number four . ehm the day before yesterday .. the day before yesterday when eh i was
at the 21 but eh a boyfriend came then he say let’s go then i ask him that WHERE he say anywhere
then i go with him and when we we just walking at the street he say you are going to my place and
and we we are going to sleep then i say your place no i can’t go there and he say why i say no i don’t
want to go there he say okay if you love me you’ll go with me and he just go alone then wait for me
and i go he we when we get his place he get into his room and i i follow him then i . follow him get into
his room and sit on his bed and he say . let’s talk i said about what and he say we can sleep i say
what what are we supposed to do and he was like having sex you didn’t tell me that we are going to
have sex he just told me that we are going to sleep so why (4) . and eh no i i didn’t prepare to tell you
that and i say okay fine but let’s let’s talk first and he say okay fine and i tell him that me i care about
my future and my life (12) i don’t have to have sex i am a virgin (10) yeah and he say yes i like the
virgin girls i say no why why are you saying that then ? yes they are nice they sexy i like virgins i say
no you can’t like me for having sex with me then SEPEDI a re mo go nna a re, bjale o be o nyaka go
mpotša go reng ka re [he then said to me what did you want to tell me, I then said] what if i fall
pregnant (16) i know you can’t i have a condom i say no condoms are not doing anything if i fall
pregnant you are responsible (3, 16) i don’t know i am not responsible i say i have condoms (3) and i
say no he he forced me to have sex with him then lock the door he have the the keys and i say i want
to go let me go he say no: you are not going anywhere then we sleep there having sex with condom
(3, 4) that’s all
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, 12. Focus, 16. Pregnancy
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself discussing life orientation and sexual health with your teacher, what stories can
you tell him about your personal experiences?
Story 1
File: REC 024, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.11
P5: participant number five . i was with my younger brother walking to the shop and my boyfriend
called me i went there and we talked and talked he said come in and i got into the house .. he closed
the door and he never locked the door then we talked and on and on we started kissing and then he
told me that ... let’s go and sleep with me i said no: i can’t sleep with you agh why: that means
SEPEDI ga o nrate [you do not love me] (b) and stuff SEPEDI ka re a ke nyake [I said I do not want to]
.. SEPEDI a re bjale ke a understanta gore ga o nyake go robala le nna so ge re ka tlogelana go tlile
go ba bjang ka re aowa ke sharp ge re ka tlogelana a re no mara nna ke sa go rata nka se go tlogele
[he said I now understand that you do not want to sleep with me so how will it be like if we break up I
then said I am okay with it, he said no I still love you I will not leave you] and then .. he force me to
sleep with him neh and i i didn’t agree i refused to (4) and .. his younger brother walked in then i went
out of the door
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, b. Explicit message
Story 2
File: REC 025, starts at 0.02 ends at 0.56
P5: i went home participant participant five . eh me went home neh that night he called me and told
me that . ehm [name] let’s just break up it’s over it means that you don’t love me cause you never
wanted to sleep with me (b) i said okay its fine and okay sharp [slang for goodbye] the following day
he called me i went there and we started talking we talked and talked he asked me questions like do
you love me or not and i never i never answered her him i just stood there look at him in the eyes and
just be quiet and he he he said to me do you want me to prove my love i just looked at him and he
started beating me up i just look at me and . i: went home i leave him there
Labels: b. Explicit message
Story 3
File: REC 026, starts at 0.09 ends at 5.27
P1: ehm the last few days i was with my boyfriend we went to town ehm that boyfriend is like to go like
a big boy a outgoing boy he like to go to visit some beaches . something like that ehm i go with that
boy he tells he tell me that lets go for this saturday only i say okay we go we go to the taxi then we go
there at .. at the beaches there ... we arrive there at the beaches when [school bell is ringing] when we
arrive that boy tells me that [name] in fact i told her that i am too underage he say okay i understand
ne hi say yeah i know i am underage so how can you ask me such a question like this he say i ask this
because i want to do this i said what what he said i like to have sex with you i say NO i won’t do that
he say why you you don’t prove that you love me (4, b) i say i love you but i won’t do that he say why i
tell her that if i fell pregnant no one will be responsible about that (16) . that thing a:h he told that let
me tell you something i you won’t get pregnant so one round only (16) i said to him no: even its five or
ten or one i don’t want it at all he say you don’t . you don’t say you don’t want it cause i’ll do everything
for you everything you need i say what he tell us if you want money (18) i say agh money is nothing if i
don’t work for it i won’t get it i have to work for money he say okay if you don’t want to do this thing it it
means you don’t love me (4, b) so you have some other boys i told her that i don’t have some boys so
he just i don’t like that thing only that he told me that .. i’ll i will i will have sex with you but you go to the
clinic you do that thing prevention i say no i don’t want to go to the prevent i just i like just i like to be a
virgin (10) then he say no i say .. now we have so many diseases if you sleep with me we didn’t go to
a doctor to ask you are positive or maybe i’m negative i don’t know so i tell her that let’s go to the
doctor he say no me . i don’t go to the doctor (7, 8) i told her that okay it means that you are not you
don’t trust yourself he said no i trust myself so i just don’t i don’t want to go to a clinic (8) maybe next
time i saying when is the next time okay it means me i’ll have sex next time he is saying no don’t say
next time today i say no don’t say today he say okay let me tell you if you want this love to be stronger
we’ll have to do these things (4) i say yeah i know and most the girls they like to do that thing and it’s
not easy to do it if you fell pregnant no one will respond (16) e:h they have many diseases now i told
her like let me just say let me tell the girl if you love me you have to do this thing (4) i told i told him
that okay it’s over if you don’t want if you don’t want me to if you force me to do this thing it means its
over he says okay it’s over then (4) . i: i was having my pocket money i pick up the . the taxi then i go
home .. he called me and says how are you a:h i regret i meet you he’s saying where are you i say i
am at home he arrived there at home saying .. today you are still saying no i won’t do this thing i say
YEAH i won’t do this thing and he say [name] you have to listen don’t say always say yeah my friend
they like to do this thing me to i’ll do this thing i told that i am not my friend i am me i am myself i am
not that i am not that one i am myself he say okay ... okay let’s go to bed i say no i can’t he say no
okay it means it’s over it’s over i will cheat i will go to have some other girlfriends then he now he is in
love with some my friend let me say he is in love with my friend then i say i told my friend that if you do
these things you are you you are respond cause that boy he if you will fall pregnant then he’ll run away
(16) don’t want to know what’s going on what the hell are you doing there something like that
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 10. Virginity, 16. Pregnancy, 18. Sex in exchange
for goods, b. Explicit message
Story 4
File: REC 027, starts at 0.05 ends at 1.07
P2: it was march 2008 and the school was about to close i was talking with i was talking with my
boyfriend and he told me that he wants me to come to his house and i told him that i don’t want to i
don’t want to he told me that he wants to introduce me to his parents . and eh i said that’s not right
cause i’m still young and he told me that . if i love him i’ll go to his house (5) and i told him that i don’t
want to and then eh he told me that come on SEPEDI ke a monaganela gore o tlile go dira dilo tše
dingwe ka re no nna ga ke go naganele [you think that I may do something you do not like to then I
said no I do not think that] and then . eh SEPEDI dikolo tša tswalelwa [then the school closed] and
when we got back i told him that i don’t want to go out with him i don’t want to go out with him anymore
because he always tries to force me to things i don’t want to do (5)
Labels: 5. Peer pressure
Story 5
File: REC 028, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.33
P3: i was at it was at saturday morning i was at i was i was sitting then i got a message from my
boyfriend eh okay ... i got a message from my boyfriend he says lets enjoy our day ... no okay he says
let us enjoy our day then i ignore that message he repeat it then i ignore him then he SEPEDI o a
tšwelela [he came] then i was waiting for him let’s go let’s go and enjoy our day say let me finish to
sleeping then okay i was finished then we go to enjoy our day and .. then we go: to: her house then
that that boy SEPEDI ge re tsena ka kua ga gabo a mpotša gore [when we arrive at his home he told
me that] then agh i want to have sex with him but i can’t then he SEPEDI a thoma go hlakahlaka a
letša radio a e rasiša a re [he then became mixed up switched on the radio and played it loudly then
he said] i i want to have sex with him SEPEDI ka re no a thoma go mpetha then ka tšwa ka tsamaya a
mpetha ka tsamaya [I said no then he started beating me then I left then he continued beating me] (4,
11) then he leave me in the street SEPEDI ka mo ngaletša a tla a mfounela ka re [I ignored him and
then he called I told him]) meaning it’s over then you can’t trust me and now
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 11. Assault
Story 6
File: REC 029, starts at 0.06 ends at 2.01
P4: participant number four ehm some other day my friend ask me to go with her to see his boyfriend
then i go with her when we get there busy talking my friend’s phone rings then he go he go out and
answer that call her boyfriend start to ask me to date with him and i say what kind of question is that
and he say i love you i don’t like that girl (2) then i say why he say no i don’t have reasons the thing is
that i don’t love him don’t love her and i say why can’t you tell her that you don’t love her then he say
no: i i i’m scared to tell her i say no you can’t SEPEDI ka re mo go yena ka re [I then said to him] let
me tell her and no i will sent her a message or call her later i said okay its fine but give me some time
to think about it then he gave me some time .. with three weeks i think i am ready i said okay that
means you are serious about what you have told me and he say yes i don’t love that girl then we
started date and this girlfriend found out that i am dating with him and he say why why why are you
doing this to me i said no it’s not me it’s your boyfriend he told me that he don’t love you and he ask
me not to tell you this he say okay from today you are not my friend anymore and i say why go and
ask your boyfriend not me and she say okay i will go and ask him but . i don’t want to be your friend
anymore and i say me too me and your boyfriend continue to be .. ehm lovers
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Imagine you are sitting with some friends and you hear the radio message you’ve just listened to,
what stories could you tell to the others that would make them say ‘that was a close call’ or ‘that was a
good experience’?
Story 1
File: REC 031, starts at 0.07 ends at 6.04
P1: ehm last few days i was with that boyfriend . we were sitting in the that room eh in the bedroom
when we are in the bedroom he told me that [name] if we would do this .. how is it i say no: i won’t do
this thing cause we didn’t go to the clinic he say no i won’t go to the clinic cause . the clinic i know that
the doctor will tell you that you are positive if you are negative as i said eh the the doctor have he don’t
have a . good answer in fact they said they test you then they test other one they don’t tell they don’t
test one person they test two person then they tell you that results i say he he’s tell he taught me that
the doctor have a lie then (7, 8) i told that I told him that .. almost every day he told me that thing
every day i said GO to the doctor or can i go with you he say no i don’t want to go with you i say why
he say no: i don’t want i say okay maybe we’ll use a condom (3) he say no: if you get the condom we
have that thing it’s it’s like a oil say this thing is like i think it is hiv you will come eish with the condom
inside the condom there is that thing it’s like water or oil he say you know that thing i say yeah i know
it he say that thing it’s like a i don’t know what’s that thing it’s like a disease like that well if you are
using that condom you sleep with someone with that condom it means you’ll get it (3, 19) i say no: i
won’t get it he say okay let me tell you first i was in love with ehm that girl ehm the girl neh look at him
he’s not positive just look at him that girl that nice girl look at her he’s positive i tell told her that if you
are positive i won’t i won’t i won’t look at you i won’t point you then said you are positive or you are
negative he just i will look at the results test i won’t point to say you are negative or you are positive he
he told me that .. okay let’s go to the clinic if we are going we are going we are we are going to the
clinic (8) SEPEDI ra fihla [then we arrived] the doctor said we want one person i say okay he say okay
go go he say no no it is just i have something am afraid to go i say WHY he say you know what it’s just
. i don’t know my mother i have thought that it’s that boyfriend he said he thought that the mother had
that disease i say no talk to your mother he he just said you have it he’s saying no i don’t have it look
at me i don’t like girls i sit with one girl that’s the end i say no it doesn’t mean if you are sleeping with
one girl you will won’t got it he say okay i will will do it but not now i say go: the doctor is waiting for
you he say . but i will see then he he he tell the doctor that he’s coming at one the doctor just put a
appointment that the boy is coming at one then he wait for that one that boy that boy said he told me
that he go to the clinic when he came back he told me i didn’t go with her i just sit then he said when
he’s back he come to tell me that i went to the doctor: ehm they give me the results . they said i’m
nega i’m negative (7, 8) .. i say you are negative he say yes i’m negative i said why what what what
why the result they will take you the blood now then the result will come now he say yes that that
doctor he’s perfect i say why you saying he is perfect he say this thing this that that doctor he just do it
i told her that i have to do this thing so i must be quickly i say okay i say oh but i don’t trust you let’s go
to both of us let’s go he says no i won’t go at the at the at ? they were putting some other things there
if you want to if you want to know yourself you must go there then they will they will test you the blood
then they will tell you are positive or you are negative (7, 8) i say let’s go there he say no eish i don’t
want to go there i’m afraid i am afraid i say why what are you afraid of he say ehm two years back he
did an accident so he’s not sure that the blood her blood or her blood or other blood they are touches
or something i say ah it doesn’t mean if the if the that you had an accident you you have an accident
you have to you have to go to the clinic test then you they will take you whether you are positive or
what (7, 8) he say okay . he say okay . but now i don’t i i am not sure you see why or i told her i say
why you are not sure he say okay i won’t do this thing cause i am afraid of this this i say this and that
so what say if i go to test i won’t trust myself i say why if you you have to go to that clinic then you’ll get
the thing the medicals he say okay (8)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 19. Traditional beliefs
Story 2
File: REC 032, starts at 0.07 ends at 3.03
P5: participant five ... i was with my girls and we were talking about boys we were talking about boys
and he she she: suddenly kept quiet we we asked her that what’s wrong . she said to us that .. i have
missed my periods it means that i’m pregnant eh i might be pregnant (16) then if you early it’s still 21
the month will have the end and he she said but i i must get get my period my period on the sixteenth
and we said ehm go and test you might be pregnant (8, 16) and no i must tell my boyfriend and her
boyfriend is my ex and .. i i must tell my boyfriend and we asked her that . what will you say to him he
she she just said i’ll just i’ll just say i’m pregnant (16) and he and we asked her that if he refuses it
what will you do ehm . ehm . i’l just said i’ll remind him of the day we had sex when while i was on my
period then we realised that that girl was keeping secrets from us we never knew that he she was
having sex with him and ... he she she she told us that they had sex .. sex for the third time or fourth
and we were surprised we asked her questions like was it nice is it painful or what and she just said
wow at the first time it is very painful you won’t be able to walk and so she said some other time it was
just great and uh that that’s nice and then the other girl said not the one who said she might be
pregnant another one said go back to the story you might be pregnant tell us why and he said that one
of the days when we slept together when i was on my period that that night made me pregnant (16)
and . and the other girl said that oh: now you are you are revealing the secrets why didn’t you tell us
that you slept with him while you were on your period and ... he she just said i: SEPEDI le tlo ntlwaela
lena le to ntlwaela ga se na thaka ya lena [don’t disrespect me i am not of your age]
Labels: 8. Testing, 16. Pregnancy
Story 3
File: REC 033, starts at 0.04 ends at 3.15
P4: participant number four ... ehm jah some other day when i was with my boyfriend ... [10 seconds,
background noise] some other day when i was with my boyfriend i: look at him and he say why are
you look why are you looking like this then i say yes i look at you like this because i love you then he
says why and i say .. you know what we must go for the eh test (8) he say why are you ask me such a
question and i say because i love you and he say no no: why i say no i can’t then i said no i do i trust
you then he say why do you ask me to go with you .. you you must go then he say no i can’t you must
go you: will go alone then i say okay fine and i take a walk to the complex . and when i came back he
say . what is the result i say no why do you want to see my result why can’t you go yourself and he
say yes i want to see it and i say no and he . say okay let’s drop this topic and i say no we can’t i love
you and i really do i don’t want to to i don’t want you to lose your future lose your life don’t you wanna
be a nice guy and he say yes i am and i say no SEPEDI nna ga ke bone ka mokgwa woo [I do not see
it that way] i can’t trust you SEPEDI o mpotša ka molomo [if you say it by word of mouth] i want to
make sure that then he say okay fine let’s drop this topic then we drop it then the following day he say
the thing you told me keep me off line and i say why and he say i don’t like such things he told that he
don’t love me i said no i love you and i really do he say . okay but it means that you stop i don’t want to
go there and i say okay and me to i don’t want to hear you ask me to have sex with you and he say
okay but i will (4) and i say no you can’t then . we start fighting there and he say i don’t love you and i
said okay me to then . i go to my place and he called me and i go there and say what do you want and
he say i still love you i was just joking and i said him that i am not joking i am serious about what i am
telling you that i don’t love you and he refused and i go then he say come back and i didn’t come back
he say okay go you will find someone who loves you then i find someone who loves me and i say okay
fine then our relationship break up
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 8. Testing
Story 4
File: REC 034, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.22
P3: it was on holidays then i ask i ask my friend to go with to see my boyfriend then my friend [coughs]
. [laughs] .. then my friend she go with me then i i said to go with me at two o’clock then it’s okay then i
go with her at two o’clock it it was evening it was afternoon then we go and i see the boyfriend he was
still sleeping listen the music then i switch i switch up the music and i say wake up it’s me SEPEDI
napa a re [he then said] why you can’t call me you are coming SEPEDI ka re [I then said] let let’s react
my parents is not there then i okay i start to refresh her i start to kissing her that he says i don’t like i
don’t like your behave then i’m i’m don’t don’t nervous it’s me: then SEPEDI a napa a re [he then said]
okay let’s but i don’t have sex with him because before i get SEPEDI ditlaela [fools] (1) and i was like
that’s all
Labels: 1. Abstain
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Imagine you and your friends hanging out at a friend’s place. You’re exchanging stories on
prevention methods. What would be a good story to tell? And what sort of stories would your friends
Story 1
File: REC 036, starts at 0.09 ends at 2.28
P4: participant number four eh participant number four ehm some other day when i was with my
boyfriend he says you know what i love you then i say yes i know me too i love you then he say the
thing is that i want to be with you for the rest of my life that means i want to marry you and i say no
why at a time like this i am at school i don’t want a serious man in my life i’m too young (2, 12) then he
say no you love me and i love you to then why can’t we just be together and i say no i i can’t and he
say ye:s he love me he will allow me to do everything i want i said no you can’t he say okay let me go
and talk with you parents SEPEDI ke re no [I said no] why . then he say okay it’s fine the following day
he go to my parents talk to my parents with me about me he say want to marry me then he my parents
refuses he say .. my my daughter is too young she’s at she’s at school right now this things can’t be
serious and he say why: i love her ehm my mother says no go and ask her then he came to me and
ask me that you allow me to marry then i say i said no say and if you love me can wait for me and he
say okay fine .. then three weeks SEPEDI re sa boledišane [without talking to each other] then i found
out that okay there is someone else (2) and i say that SEPEDI o ntira setaela o mpotša gore o a
nrata o sa nthate ge nka be se ke ka re o nyale [you take me as a fool you tell me that you love me
while you do not love me if I never said marry me] so that you show that you love me you can wait for
me you sorry you can’t wait SEPEDI o tlo palelwa bjale [you cannot make it] i go find someone else
and he say ye:s fine okay fine
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 12. Focus
Story 2
File: REC 037, starts at 0.04 ends at 6.47
P1: eh: last day i was with my friend eh the girl who told her boy that ...[7 seconds, instruction from
supervisor] partic [laughs] partici [laughs] partici [laughs] respondent number one eh last few days i
was with my friends the boy eh with my friend and his boyfriend the boyfriend told me eh the boyfriend
told his that girl that he love a virgin girl and the boy said you love ehm: the girls who are beautiful and
the girls of who are underage and that boy nineteen he says he like girls under sixteen and fifteen ehm
that that girl told that girlfriend of that boy he said okay you know that you are old but you love younger
children he said ye:s cause i don’t want to i don’t want to have a wife in fact in my life i don’t want to
have a wife i like chicks only he say girlfriends only . eh: that girl told her that you . if now you are in
you are in love with me it means you don’t love me you just want you just want to me you just you just
want to: to go on with your life he say no: i don’t like to sit with one girl . three years (2) that girl said
okay so it means now me and you is two months he say yeah it’s two months so it means at four
months you’ll break you’ll break our love he say no why you say yeah you say i don’t like to to take
many years with loving one girl i like another one i say that girl said why you do this thing he say ehm
you know what i just like the the girls that if you go if you go the towns or the places outside you will
see the girls the hottest ones i don’t like to sit with ugly girl one one .. he said he don’t want to sit with
one ugly girl for years he just want to sit with the ugly two months then he eat the biscuit then he run
away then he want to want to go to the beautiful one that has a hips that has a hips and calfs he hate
he said he hate the girls with which the colour is black black he like the: light colours he like the hips
he like the small . small girlfriends that girl told her that he said why you do these things he say it’s it’s i
it it’s natural i just do it cause i love it that girl said no: you now now if you look at you you are nothing
and the time is not going back it’s going on he say yeah i know that the time is going on it’s not going
back so i don’t want the life i don’t i don’t want a wife in my life i just want the girlfriends only to spend
my time and i want to live alone that girl told her that . okay he told her that okay it’s now me and you
will be over so it means you go to love some other girl who is underage he say yeah i like the
underages i like the the girls who the blood eh hot he don’t like the that one the blood are old if you
[laughs] you have sex with her you don’t feel anything if you are sleeping you just feel ah you always
you always it’s always you always doing that thing so you won’t feel it he say look at now if you
pressured me i won’t do nothing cause always ah i know you i know your feelings say yeah okay it
means now if we go you go you go outside you see the younger ladies you go there he say yeah i like
the teenagers i hate the SEPEDI magogo’s [old women] that girl say okay it’s your life and i won’t
force you to do this things he say yeah . i i like to do this things cause my parent do that thing (17)
that girls said told me the news he said ah my father my father is just a bitch he like to outdoing the
girls he like the youth something like that going outside to tavern with the small ladies eh that boy said
in her life he don’t want a wife he just want a girlfriend to spend his time most of two months or two
three only that girl say if: you want that girl told that boy he said he like he like a boy who is serious in
life that kid that boy said me i am not serious if you want to go just go cause that boy you know that he
sleep with that girl that girl said i i don’t want to go cause i love you that boy he know that that girl is
pregnant (16) and since babies that boy that boy said if you don’t if you feel you want to go go . i don’t
want you that girl said but you know what what you did to me that girl said that boy said yeah i know
eh the sperm come go inside that thing that that girl girl just say okay it’s okay okay i will go and make
some abortion that boy said don’t go and do abortion they must look after the children then that girl
said the children don’t tell me about the child cause you don’t want to be responded (16) that boy said
i don’t like the ugly people you i like the SEPEDI mapotšhwa [guys with expensive clothing and with
money] i don’t want you let me say that boy liked to groove he hate the person who sleep who sit
down every day with her boyfriend or something
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 16 Pregnancy
05-08-2009: School 3: Secondary school, Mankweng.
Group 1: Male participants, grade 9, Sepedi mother tongue, average age 15.4 years.
Group 2: Female participants, grade 10, Sepedi mother tongue, average age 16 years.
Group 1
Time: 9.45- 10.40
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason you
exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What stories
could you tell?
Story 1
File: REC 001, start at 0.19 ends at 1.00
P2: eh participant number two .. i once eh had sex with my my girlfriend so i was forcing her to: . to
use protection but she was telling me that if i use protection it means you are doing nothing we are just
playing but i did what she said (3) but i: regret it cause i don’t know what’s going to happen to her and
that thing happened eh last week on saturday so now i’m frustrated cause i don’t know what to do
Labels: 3. Condomize
Story 2
File: REC 002, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.33
P1: participant number one .. [coughs] i had a girlfriend and i wanted to have sex with her . and she
she refused she said to me she is not ready to have sex with me and i didn’t force her cause i knew
that she has her right to say no (4) .so now i didn’t know what she is thinking at this moment but . i
would have regret it cause i didn’t have any protection with me (3)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex
Story 3
File: REC 003, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.52
P3: participant number three eh i was with my friend and we were talking about girlfriends my friend
said to me that he want many girlfriends (2) and me i said to her that she will have babies and she he
he don’t work and she is at school and his parents will suffer to feed hi his babies his babies . i told her
that hiv is there many people say hiv is not there is nothing like hiv in this world but i said to he him
that hiv is there and he will get infected
Labels: 2. Faithfulness
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself sitting with (one of) your parents at home and you hear this radio message. What
stories, if any, have you told or would you tell your parents?
Story 1
File: REC 004, starts at 0.02 ends at 0.51
P1: participant number one i was with my . brothers and one day and he was getting me with this ehm
. about dating many girls and having this diseases (17) .. and he is kind of doing this youth thing . and i
was listening to him telling me that he has many girls girlfriends and he doesn’t think that he will stop
now (2) . at this moment and but he’s he was getting me that he was telling me that i mustn’t do this
things cause it it’s dangerous for me and i’m still young if i get infected it won’t be easy for me to live in
this world (13, 17)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 13. Healthy lifestyle, 17. Education
Story 2
File: REC 005, starts at 0.05 ends at 0.48
P4: participant number four .. participant number four i remember i was with my friend walking at the
street then: he asked me that do you have a girlfriend and i said yes and he asked me that do you
ever had sex with her i said no (10) i say what about you and he said me yeah he had he had sex with
different girls and i said did you wear did you protect yourself he said no if you protect yourself this
doesn’t mean you are a man and i said there is no such thing as that you must protect yourself cause
there are ? infection diseases that you can get from having sex (3, 7, 17)
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 10. Virginity, 17. Education
Story 3
File: REC 006, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.32
P3: participant number three always when i’m with my friends we’d we are we are talk about about
girls and: we: we we are accepted that we are having girlfriends and we don’t watch out for hiv and
always i tell them and that i told them that hiv will will infect them and hiv is dangerous (7, 17) and
when . sometimes we go we go in the village to to look for girls and: when you’ll get you you you have
a a girl a girlfriend you’re going to to we are we are we are we are beginning to be happy about you
are having girlfriend and we we we are having sex with them and babies they just come when you are
late you are not waiting for them to come and babies baby babies are tough to be grown to to grow up
and they must be feed to to grow
Labels: 7. Status, 17 Education
Story 4
File: REC 007, starts at 0.10 ends at 1.10
P5: participant five . i remember one day chilling with my friends .. we are we were talking about
girlfriends one of my ONE of my friends told us that he have four four girlfriends and he sleep with
every with every girlfriend every day (2) so i told him that he must be aware of hiv (17) and he says he
don’t use condom when having sex with with: his girlfriend cause using cond using . condom is like is
like playing (3) so i told him that he must be careful cause this nowadays hi hiv is is is here is is a big
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 17. Education
Story 5
File: REC 008, starts at 0.01 ends at 1.08
P2: participant number two SEPEDI tšatši le lengwe ka re ke dutše le dichomi tša ka [one day while I
was with my friends] and one of my friends said to me how many girlfriends do you have i said two (2)
and he said wow: do you enjoy i said ye:s cause i don’t have many girlfriends he said to me ah you
are stupid men cause if you have two girlfriends you won’t enjoy having sex i said no i don’t like sex he
said agh SEPEDI o a pora [you are boring] (5) and i said to him sex sex sex is not good for young
people he said to me SEPEDI ke mang a go boditšeng tšona tšeo ka gobane sex ke yona ye bose go
feta dilo ka moka [who told you that because sex is the nicest thing than everything] i said no my
parents taught me not to love sex cause i will be infected (7, 17) then he said to me .. he likes to have
sex with his girlfriends and i said i ask him how many girlfriends do you have he said six of them i said
wow so many girlfriends and he said yes cause i like them (2)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 5. Peer pressure, 7 Status, 17. Education
Story 6
File: REC 009, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.40
P1: participant number one i know this person he is close to me and he has many girls girlfriends and
that person loves to have sex almost every week he have sex (2) and i don’t think it’s good for him .
even . his his friend tell him that it’s not good for his health or those girls’ health (17) cause they get
they could get infected cause sometimes they don’t use protection if they want if they don’t want they
don’t they don’t use protection (3, 7)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 17. Education
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Picture yourself at home with someone you really trust you are relaxing and talking about all sorts
of things. You want to tell them a story on the message you’ve just heard, what would you say?
Story 1
File: REC 010, starts at 0.02 ends at 1.04
P3: ehm when i am with oh [supervisor indicates participant did not state participant number] ...
participant number three when i i’m with my girlfriend we always talk about babies family and our costs
everything of ours and: . when i am with her i always tell her how i feel about her and he tell me how
he feels and he don’t pressure me into sex and i don’t pressure her to sex (4) we we when we we we
we are we are two of us we talk about when . when: can we have sex together and and i i always tell
her that i love her and . as as young as i am i am ready to marry her when when we are we are adults
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex
Story 2
File: REC 011, starts at 0.04 ends at 0.57
P5: participant five ... i remember one day . walking with my friend .. SEPEDI re tsamaya re tswere
steke napile a mpotša gore [walking while busy talking he then told me that] yes .. he he when when
eh he has a girlfriend .. he can’t eh eh he can’t he cannot be in love with a girl for a week without
having sex he say he says IF he have a girlfriend . not having sex with him will he will he will leave her
and fall in love with another girlfriend
Labels: none
Story 3
File: REC 012, starts at 0.01 ends at 1.40
P1: participant number one . i was with my friend chilling at home watching tv and we were talking .
about what is love and i ask him ehm i ask him that what is love does love mean sex or love means to
love a person who you are in a relationship with and: he responded it means sex . but you must love
that person and show her that you love her as you have sex and i said how and he didn’t respond
when i responded to him i told him that sex is not about lo love is not about sex it’s about experiencing
life like when you grow up what you’re gonna do when you are facing that kind of problem which you
had with your girlfriend .. and he said no: it’s not about that it’s about having fun with with girls like and
i said no man you don’t know what you are talking about cause you are still young and you don’t have
someone to guide you through the wind and we have people who are guiding us and he said nah you
are just strong cause no one is telling you anything (17) and and i said we have friends elder friends
tha tha than you . they are telling us about life how they experience life (17) . and then: and then he
say that nah those people are not right cause they don’t know what they are doing with these girls they
should have sex that that that’s what girls are made for (5)
Labels: 5. Peer pressure, 17. Education
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Picture yourself discussing life orientation and sexual health with your teacher, what stories can
you tell him about your personal experiences?
Story 1
File: REC 013, starts at 0.01 ends at 1.09
P2: participant two SEPEDI tšatši le lengwe ka re ke dutše le buti wa ka [one while I was seating with
my brother] so i told him that i need a real girl who can i need a real girlfriend who can make a real
relationship so that we could be a family someday (12) he said to me i am too young to have a: real
relationship SEPEDI ka motša gore [I told him that] i need a: wife i want to marry so he told me that .. i
won’t have a: ... [9 seconds] SEPEDI a re go nna nka se be le tumelelo ya batswadi [he told me that I
will not have permission from the parents] i told him that i want to marry when i’m twenty-two he told
me that .. i wa i must live my life enjoy it before i can marry so that i could have a family and he said i
said to him no i don’t want to be a player i want to be a real person who could make a real family (14)
Labels: 12. Focus, 14. Positive lifestyle
Story 2
File: REC 014, starts at 0.01 ends at 1.26
P3: participant three i was in in church someday and the pastor was preaching and he said to the to
the congregation he said that if you are a man you’d you you: must not just throw your sperm
everywhere (17) when you have when you SEPEDI ge o swere pene [when you are holding a pen]
you must not write everywhere you must not write that she that she papers you must write in a blue
paper that means when you are a man you must not just you must not throw babies everywhere you
must only have one girlfriend (2) . and i take that message seriously i have one girl and i am in serious
relationship with her and i trust her because . eh in my religion we can’t just go and do hiv test
because we must trust each other (8) we must not throw our sperm everywhere and i love her
because i’m in serious relationship with her i trust her i tell her everything about me
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 8. Testing, 17. Education
Story 3
File: REC 016, starts at 0.02 ends at 2.27
P1: [coughs] participant number one yeah i was with my bro my brother and he told me that it’s too
early for him to have a serious relationship cause he still wants to enjoy his part of life you know and
he still want to enjoy himself with girls and stuff and i said to him between all those girls i know who do
you want to marry cause i can see when i was in my town in and going out you know and he said i
know them many of them there is only one she lives at this place [name of a town] and she works at
this hospital in [name of a town] and okay i know that one and those girls who are coming in and
getting out what about them and he he: he said just you know .. ehm chilling with them just playing i
am a player like i okay and so what if they find out and he said one some of them know that i have
girlfriends other girlfriends (2) and and: i ask him what do they say they don’t say he said they don’t
say anything and i asked him how come cause i said girls they don’t want to share boys and they
always said because i’ve seen some of them fighting and he said agh don’t worry about that one you
are too young to know stuff like that i said okay and how come you are having sex with all of them
what happens when having sex . he said he is using protection (3) cause and ask him some of the
protection thing he said okay ehm i didn’t have problem with that one . what how why and i ask him
why are you fooling with girls lives and he said he is not playing with their lives they are playing they
themselves they are playing with their lives and i asked him how come cause they know that some of
them know that i am have girls but they still push themselves to me and i said okay but what you are
doing is wrong real wrong cause one day you’ll get infected with a disease (7) and me i won’t be able
to to care because i know what you are doing at this moment and he said go to hell to me
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 7. Status
Story 4
File: REC 017, starts at 0.05 ends at 1.04
P5: participant five . i remember one night spoken with my friend .. he he told me that that he is on the
way to go home he was find .. his baby his babies mother sleeping at home and he he ? he’s he’s
going to to throw her away at that night cause he ha he have another girlfriend he he he said he’s not
loving her no more cause he he have a child with her so i told her that it is not cool to throw her this
night cause he live far away from home from his home so he says he don’t love her he is going to
throw her to to throw her away
Labels: none
Group 2
Time: 12.30-15.05
Supervisor: Lebo, referred to as LE.
Participant 1 = P1
Participant 2 = P2
Participant 3 = P3
Participant 4 = P4
Participant 5 = P5
Radio message 1:
I’ve heard it all before, if you love me you’ll trust me, sleeping with me will prove that you love me, if
you really care you’ll understand, you’ll understand, you’ll understand. Prove your love, protect me.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 1:
LE: Imagine you are at a party. You have a nice conversation with friends and for some reason you
exchange anecdotes about radio commercials such as the one you have just heard. What stories
could you tell?
Story 1
File: REC 018, starts at 0.06 ends at 0.56
P4: i am participant number four during june holidays i was with my friend sitting in the diner room we
were watching tv after then she told me about she her boyfriend and then told me that her boyfriend
forced her to have sex (4) so: she told her she told him that she is not ready he boyfriend tell her that
he will leave her (4) and then my friend told her that she doesn’t know how to prevent from being
pregnant (16) that i’ll help you after then my: . my friend go . have gone with him to his room they had
sex now she is pregnant she doesn’t know how to prevent it (16) even she is afraid to tell her parents
or someone you trust (15)
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 15. Fear to talk, 16. Pregnancy
Story 2
File: REC 019, starts at 0.17 ends at 6.40
P1: participant participant number one there is this other girl called [name] friend of the friend of mine
[supervisor indicates names need not to be told] .. she tell me that .. she tell me that she’s pregnant
she was pregnant at the age of . fifteen (16) and then his . his his boyfriend said to her that . his
boyfriend said to her that ... [7 seconds] his boyfriend said to her that .. that THAT she she she she
she’s she ... [18 seconds, supervisor tells participant not to be nervous] this friend of mine has a this
friend of mine has a girlfriend called called [name] that called [name] called [name] so so SO his his
friend told told her that her boyfriend is cheating her and they were sharing one .. and they were
sharing one boyfriend (2) so so first i didn’t know that that her friend . that her friend she’s she is in
love with his . with .. she’s in love with her boyfriend so one so one day she tell me that she has a
problem ... SEPEDI ka re [I then said] what kind of problem do you have i . i’m pregnant with my boy
with my: boyfriends baby (16) then then [name] then [name] said who’s your boyfriend he she said his
boyfriend is [name] then like they said to they they were arguing that that ... [38 seconds, participant
drinks some water] after she told me that she is afraid that she is going to tell her mother (15) so she
she didn’t tell her mother she told me that i must not tell anyone about that cause she is so depressed
.. and her and her her girlfriend [name] her girlfriend [name] was crying that was crying that . that he
that that that she was crying that she when when when [name] found out about about about [name]
[name] had [name] had had other boyfriend and that boyfriend of of her . that boyfriend of her was was
was in love with her she was so she was so furious and she couldn’t let herself go she was she was
going to: she was going to hit she was going to beat her so she also told me that that she don’t know
what she doesn’t know what to do now cause now she have to go to school and: and: and look and
look after the child and and that boyfriend and that boyfriend didn’t know that they were fighting they
were fighting about him so: ... [7 seconds] so i give [name] that i give [name] advice that i advice
[name] that she she must not she must not she must leave her alone and look after the baby and later
after that she must go to school and carry on with her education (12) so so she tell me that what abou
and what about my friend [name] i said i said to her that she must leave her because . this thing that
she is doing to her ... [5 seconds] this thing that she i s doing to her is ... [19 seconds] like like this
thing that she like this thing that she did to him was not right cause ... cause everyone was telling
about it gossiping about it and she couldn’t even if even though when when she was walking on the
street when i was with her she was . she was so like . like like like she was so brave and and i told her
that she must mustn’t be brave cause cause some people they can feel the some people can see can
see can see that he has a problem which which is very seriously but
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 12. Focus, 15. Fear to talk, 16. Pregnancy
Story 3
File: REC 020, starts at 0.04 ends at 1.08
P5: eh number five eh one day i was sitting in class with my friends we were talking about our
boyfriends so: they told me that eh they are not virgins all of them so i told them that i am a virgin
cause i’m a Christian (10) so they said i will die young then my boyfriend overheard then he asked me
one day when we were sitting alone he asked me and then i said yes i am not ready to have sex now
then he said it’s okay but i can i see through his eyes that he wasn’t okay with that so one day he
asked me again are you ready then i said no then he started accusing me of having an affair with one
of the guys from the church i told him that he was my friend so he told me that if you love me you’ll
sleep with me (4, b) then i said NO i don’t have to prove to you by sex that i love you if i love you i will
love you but not by sex
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, b. Explicit message
Story 4
File: REC 021, starts at 0.04 ends at 5.33
P1: number one last year i was in love with this other guy called [name] he say he says that he say he
want to have sex with me he wan he says he want to have sex with me then i said no so he was so:
he was so angry so he was so angry with me (4) so i couldn’t let myself to talk with him i just i just ran
away and i and i was crying about it and and this othe:r friend of him she call me that i mustn’t cry .
mustn’t cry cause cause each and every boy likes it li likes to have sex with a girl . and i told and i told
and i told my my: my boyfriends friend that that i’m still a virgin (10) so i don’t like a person who i don’t
like a person who told me who who: told me that he must he must have sex with me so so i just i i just
didn’t wanna talk to him cause cause every time when i see when i see him i was like i was so
surprised that he could he could just speak he could just just just speak like that so so so my my
boyfriend my boyfriend’s friend told me that i mu i mustn’t think of it i must concentrate on my work
(12) i must leave him alone so my friend my friend say then i say then i said to my my boyfriend’s
friend that must i leave him he said ye:s cause you see now you are you you are depressed and you
don’t know what to do then i: i said . then i said okay it’s fine i wi i will leave him and carry on with my
life so . so i ask him that is is is he a virgin or . is is he a virgin or he’s not a virgin he said he’s not a vir
a virgin (10) . then i said then i then i then i said that . so: then i said why why did she why did he tell
me that he’s a he’s a virgin (10) cause he was not he was not in love with other girls and he’s a
Christian boy then then then mine my boyfriends friend say said that he’s not a he’s not a virgin cause
every time every time after after church he was going to lose after he was going to some other girls
and sleep with them (2, 10) and and i couldn’t let myself .. to . i couldn’t let myself to answer my
boyfriend to answer to answer to answer my boyfriends friend so i just said i will see you tomorrow
then he says don’t go i still i still want to tell you more then i say okay it’s okay tell me more he says
then . her mother was not working and and he he told me that he her mother was not when whe:n her
mother was young she was not a virgin (10) and her mother was like she was a person who always go
to the parties at night during the night and and: she was drinking beer every time she every time her
mother was arriving home at the morning so so .. every time her mother was was her mother was
arriving home at every: . every morning so he that that that that guy i was in love with he say he said
to her mother that where do you where do you come from her mother was was swearing at him so he
just cried and: . and some he just cried and go and told and told her dad told his dad that her mother
there is something wrong with her mother with his mother so he told me he told me when when i was
in love with him he told me that her her mother his mother his mother was a a prostitute mother when
when she was young so that i just told him that are you going are you not going to cheat to cheat me
he he said ye:s i said okay it’s fine so anyway anyway i just said that i’ll be in love with you but no sex
actually cause i hate i hate being pregnant at the age of at the age of fifteen (1, 16) so i told him that
that eh if you want to have sex it’s better we we broke up cause i i still want to focus on my schoolwork
(12) and okay ehm . i carry on with my good life
Labels: 1. Abstain, 2. Faithfulness, 4. Pressure into sex, 10. Virginity, 12. Focus, 16. Pregnancy
Story 5
File: REC 022, starts at 0.04 ends at 2.40
P4: participant four i remember on the twenty sixth of may this year i called my cousin to come on to
come and celebrate with me on my birthday on the twenty seventh so: on the twenty seventh of may
she didn’t arrive i was wondering where she is so at around past eight she called me I say hey where
are you she say i i i’m in big trouble i say what’s happened i say ehm: i was in the ? and then my my
cousin was a person who always go to the nightclubs we i told her not to go to the nightclubs so she
called me and said her i’m in trouble i said what kind of trouble i slept with my boyfriends boy i say
what i i say she forced me he he forced me to sleep with him if i didn’t sleep with him he would tell my
boyfriend that i was cheating on him with some other guy so i tried and sleep slept with him (4) when i
go the toilet i found some other girl speaking that guy was hiv (7) so i felt really . scared because i
slept with him eh some hours ago so i thought that i am i am hiv too (7) so i don’t know what to do this
happened on saturday i say why don’t you go and test (8) i say and she said i’m afraid to tell anyone
that i’m hiv (15) and even if i tell my boyfriend or my boyfriend find out to he would kill me because he
didn’t he told me not to cheat on anyone (2) because he did everything for me so i don’t know what to
do i said okay: just tell your aunt or sister what happened they will take you to the to the clinic and do
some hiv test you’ll find out if you are hiv (7, 8) you start taking some medicine to prevent it cause it’s
only last from you can only last for ten years if you can’t do this or take this some treatment carefully
you won’t make it (6) i said she said okay it’s fine i just then i said don’t say it’s fine whereas your heart
isn’t fine all you have to say is i’ll try and then he said i’ll try and speak to my aunt or sister if it if they
said okay i’ll call you and tell you what happened about my hiv test (8) i said okay and she said enjoy
your birthday
Labels: 2. Faitfulness, 4. Pressure into sex, 6. Cure, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 15. Fear to talk
Story 6
File: REC 023 starts at 0.07 ends at 1.45
P2: ehm: participant two it was on saturday after youth i am doing at mamsa clinic after youth my
boyfriend called me he said to me come to see me then i arrived there it was a special day she cooked
she did everything for me to: . romantic me so she said to me can we have sex today I said no he said
why I am not ready and she just say when will you be ready i said i don’t know because i’m still a
virgin (10) .. ah i don’t like virgin girls i said to him so just back off cause you love for for sex then love
is not about sex that’s what i told him then i said to him i don’t want to be like my mom my mom she’s .
just furious ok she keep on drinking everyday every time and a she sleep with everyone so i said i
don’t want to be like him and i: just ask him that if we are going to have i’m going to have sex with you
so will you will you use something for prevention he says no (3) and I told him that I’m not using
contraceptives I’m not preventing . then . she was accusing me for having another boyfriend outside . I
said to him it’s okay you can back off and move on with your life
Labels: 3. Condomize, 10. Virginity
Story 7
File: REC 024, starts at 0.02 ends at 2.40
P5: number five one day i was with my friend eh it was during holidays in [name of a place] and then
her sister left her with us so we were sleeping at her sister’s house so: we were three girls it was me
my cousin and her so we all had boyfriends so . on satur we slept on friday then saturday her
boyfriend came and ask her so i said yes but she have to come back very early then: . she went with
him so we waited it was around past nine then it went ten o’clock she didn’t came back eleven o’clock
she didn’t came back i was so worried because my mother is a strict person you know she can beat us
all so i was scared and then i tried to call her and her cell phone was on voicemail . and then i [sighs] ..
and then it was twelve o’clock i watched music lounge i was worried i was panicking you know i was
so scared i didn’t know what to do and i didn’t know where the guy lived so i just sitted it was one
o’clock i was so furious i didn’t know what to do eh i was i was so scared that my mother would find
out that he went out at night so at around past two she came back i slapped her like i was like how
could you do this why your cell phone was off then i said to her go and take a bath then she went she
take a bath then he came back then we started talking she tell me that e:h when he was when she
was with her boyfriend eh he asked her to sleep (4) with her so she said can we use a condom please
(3) he said no i won’t make you pregnant (16) and she refused then they started fighting about it . then
eh he beated her badly she was in a terrible pain so i told her that you are a christian but you are busy
running around with boys why did you do this i was so angry then she said i love him and then the
next morning that guy dumped him just because she didn’t want to sleep with him
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex, 16. Pregnancy
Radio message 2:
I’ve heard it all before, I’ve only slept with one person so I can’t be, why are you worried don’t you
belief me? Look at me do you really think I’m positive, positive, positive, positive. It’s no till we know.
HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 2:
LE: Picture yourself sitting with (one of) your parents at home and you hear this radio message. What
stories, if any, have you told or would you tell your parents?
Story 1
File: REC 025, start at 0.03 ends at 2.54
P4: participant number four i remember 2007 i was with other girl who was my classmate . she told me
about her boyfriend that she is in love with some other guy told her to have sex with her so she told he
told him that he’s no longer . sure about nowadays girls cause they are we are all hiv so: that guy told
her that she isn’t hiv so i’ll that girl told her that i’m i wanna prove it i want you to prove it that you are
you aren’t hiv so that guy refused and refused he said i’m the first one you are the first lover i’m going
to have i say i don’t trust you (b) then that guy was a liar and he was with other girls so he dumped
him because of that girl was cheating on her (2) so that that guy didn’t know that she was hiv positive
(7) then they: got to the clinic and do some hiv test (8) there then when the hiv test proved that that
guy was hiv (7) and that his girlfriend told her that you see i if we haven’t tested for that for hiv test i
would find that even me i was hiv too so better stay start taking care of yourself he said but how come
i be hiv cause i i was only in love with one girl said no that girl that means that she was cheating on
you (2) then that guy didn’t want to know that she was he was hiv so he got home when he get home
he cried and cried thinking about how could that girl give give give him this dangerous disease so she
started crying when her mother ask her he said i’m hiv positive so her mother said okay it’s we start
going some treatment and you you’ll be fine we we can not cure this disease but we’ll just have to . eh
. to: prevent it (6,7) o ok that guy admitted that he is hiv positive (7) so my classmate told me that eish
i was so scared when i found out that guy was hiv positive if i didn’t . go to test with him i would have
been . i would have hiv (7, 8) cause he refused to have sex with condom (3) so i did we did our test so
now it’s over between me and him
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, 6. Cure, 7. Status, 8. Testing, b. Explicit message
Story 2
File: REC 026, starts at 0.01 ends at 12.23
P1: number one there was this . there was this other girl living around here and this other girl this
other girl was was was going to the party during the night and she and she: she likes the boys .. she
she was alway she was always bathing around ten o’clock around ten o’clock and: eleven then: then
she tell me that that after that after bathing she is going she is going to call her boyfriend that she they
must meet at at SEPEDI ga Akampolara [a name of a tavern] . so so she tell me that so so she tell me
that that that she that girl she likes sex she loves having she likes sex so he he his boyfriend told his
boyfriend told him that i also like sex but i can’t have have it with you cause i’m hiv (7) and that girl
said that it’s fine it’s fine to have sex with to have sex to have sex with you to have sex with you the
only thing that i want from you is that eh that girl said that the only thing that i want from you is the
money (18) and that boy said i don’t have money and i’m hiv positive (7) so i so i can’t so i can’t have
sex with you so that girl broke that girl cried that girl cried and she said no please you are the only one
who loves me that no no one . other boys say that i’m a prostitute girl so: so i don’t think anyone any
boy can volunteer to come near me so she said that that boy said that that until that . that boy said that
don’t worry i i’ll i will always love you but i’m hiv positive i can’t love you can’t have sex with you cause
you’ll be infected (7) .. eh she said the i ? then then she called her friend she called her friend to come
and SEPEDI jakalala [dancing or enjoying] with her so the: eh her friend came and she told her that eh
her boy eh her boyfriend dumped eh her boyfriend dumped her so that girl said SEPEDI mtšhana
[friend] what did you what did what did you do to her that girl said i didn’t do anything so that so that so
that girl so that girl said that so that girl said that eh but it’s fine li life goes on so said really i can i can
make maybe i can bath . bath more maybe i can bath maybe i can bath and be more beautiful so that
the boys must come to me that girl that friend of her said do don’t worry life goes on you you don’t
need to . you don’t need to love one guy maybe there are men will come so she said that no: no: i
don’t have money now so and i and i need boyfriend so that boy so that girl told her that then don’t
[coughs] don’t SEPEDI jakalala [dancing or enjoying] this time . cause your life will be cause your life
will be miserable so the only way is that you need to go on with your life and: . and forget about forget
about him cause he’s hiv positive and you’ll get infected (7) and you’ll get pre pregnant (16) and and
and [coughs] and you’ll end up and your life will end up . and your life and your life will be like like hell
so it’s better then to go on with your life so she said so my my friend what am i going to do he said to
her that don’t worry you you must focus on your studies (12) you must leave the boys alone eh my
friend [name] says she said she heard that WHAT i like sex .. i i what she say again ah my friend don’t
do like that please you life your life is going to look like hell cause everyone is going to look at you
somehow so he said so: that girl said that my friend let’s go home that that friend of her says i’m still
SEPEDI jakalaling [dancing or enjoying] i must and this is not this is for the old men it’s not for the ah
my friend i i i’m still SEPEDI jakalaling [dancing] cause when i jive [dance] there there is there is no
one who is going to be like me cause cause SEPEDI nna ke sa jakalala [I am still enjoying] and my
mother SEPEDI o a tseba gore nna ke a jakalala [she knows that I came to enjoy] and and all this stuff
and you know that and i and he says that eh her mother knows that she likes the boys so this this i this
girl says that why: why didn’t you tell your mother that you are in love with eh with hiv . boy she said
that girl says that her mother will say that she must she mustn’t going to SEPEDI kempolara [the
tavern] again so she was so she was so scared to tell her mother (15) cause cause her mother was
her mother was not that strict . her mother was not that strict and ehm ... [5 seconds] and .. and that
and that girl said that and that girl said that let me give you an advice it’s better were like you focus on
your studies (12) and do not have sex with the hiv positive positive guy and each and every boy who:
comes to you (1, 7) says i love you don’t ... the the don’t take it seriously cause . don’t take it seriously
cause cause there is the right man who is going to be with you for the rest of your life till death . his
friend her friend says it’s okay as long as you tell me that there is the right man i will go home so they
they went home and she found that her mother her mother was with other man her mother was with
other man so like that that girl was was asking herself that who is this man cause his her mother was
laughing like they were flirting they were feeling each other and smiling and flirting all this stuff and he
say he ask he went to her room and cried and he went to her room and cried and cried and cried and
cried so after that she went to sleep afte:r sleeping that that man that man was with was with her
mother was going then then that that girl ask her her mother that who is this man .. then her mother
says don’t worry my girl he’s just a man who’s ? whatever all this stuff and he said mama i i remember
what i can see is that you you were you were smiling with him and all this stuff and and and: and what
if and what if you have sex with him and you get you’ll have hiv (7) eh what am i going to do if you die
cause i now i was SEPEDI jakalaling [dancing or enjoying] no that boy broke up with me so what am i
going to do cause now you are loving with you are in love with other guys and and eh SEPEDI daddy
ga a gona mokhwi [daddy is not around] so .. what are you going to do now her mother said my girl eh
he is not my boyfriend .. her mother say .. her mother said he is not he is not my boyfriend ... her
mother say he is not my boyfriend he say who is then who is then . who is he then he says that he is
the man he is the man he is just he is just my friend she said okay . the next morning she she was
taking her stuff and went to her aunties place and she told she told her auntie all the stories what
happened and she told her auntie that she was in love with the hiv guy her auntie was so: was so
surprised that . was so surprised that her ask and her auntie ask her that is she is she not or what and
then that girl said i am not ? that guy had too much money she said she is giving me money i said that
she give me money but he didn’t give me money so i just so i eh her auntie ask her that so: what
happened between you and he that girl said he dumped me . then her auntie said so why did you
choose to be in love with the hiv guy cause that girl said cause he has she has lots of money and my
cause my mother she doesn’t want to give me money and she is in love with the other man and didn’t
and my dad doesn’t know about that so he said she said that . that girl she said that what am i going to
do auntie cause my mother . she is starting to be a prostitute women cause now i was prostitute girl
now i’m not a prostitute girl cause i need to focus on my studies and all this stuff (12) and: carry on
with my life so i need your help auntie how can you help me can i please stay with you her auntie say .
her auntie say that you: say that [cough] you must go and ask your mother first she said no: my
mother is a pro prostitute woman and: and she won’t allow me and there is eh too much there there is
a too much men who always came to my mother’s place so so i can’t i can’t always like i can’t
concentrate in the class cause . cause these men SEPEDI ba ba tlang ka kua [who come to] like my
mother’s place like SEPEDI ge ba etla ka kua ba ya ka bedroom [when they come they go to the
bedroom] i don’t know what they are doing cause this thing i’m stressed and i don’t i don’t know what
to do cause . i don’t know what to do cause every time SEPEDI g eke nagana ka yona ke bona o ka re
life ya ka [when I think about it, I think that my life] .. like SEPEDI e mo helleng [is in hell] i say auntie i
need your help .. eh her auntie tell her that . then take your stuff and come and live with me and she
said thank you auntie but what am i what am i going to do with my mother what am i going to tell her
she says that leave your mother just go just go and take your stuff and come here and tell tell me the
whole story so the whole story for what your mother did to you
Labels: 1. Abstain, 7. Status, 12. Focus, 15. Fear to talk, 16. Pregnancy, 18. Sex in exchange for
Story 3
File: REC 027, starts at 0.07 ends at 1.52
P2: one day there was this . oh participant two one day there was there there was this friend of mine
we just sit sitting chatting and after she was she started crying and i didn’t know why started asking
her what’s wrong what’s wrong then she said to me .. i am starting vomiting i said go to the clinic and
consult she went to the clinic .. then they: said to her that you should have tested she just said that
she found out she was pregnant and also hiv positive (7, 8, 16) she got home she was afraid of telling
her .her parents (15) and she ask her boyfriend to come along with her her boyfriend refuses i think
she was knowing what exactly was going on maybe she was hiv positive to (7) . and: that friend of
mine she was so stressed i didn’t know how to help her . i didn’t know how to help her and her
boyfriend find found out that she was pregnant and hiv positive (7, 16) she ran away and that girl told
her parents .. actually her parent was SEPEDI ba be ba leka go moguider [they were trying to guide
her] so she didn’t listen to her parents (17) then they started told him they started saying we told you
what we told you what you have done she started apologising to her parents then eh she was hiv
positive (7) her life was in a misery
Labels: 7. Status, 8. Testing, 15. Fear to talk, 16 Pregnancy, 17 Education
Story 4
File: REC 028, starts at 0.02 ends at 2.47
P4: participant four i remember my neighbour came on home during the june holidays my neighbour
doesn’t attend school at home she attend school at jo’burg so she came home during the holidays i
say i sa:w him and said and greet her him and then i said how what are you so: not happy or they
forced you to come back home said no: i just came home cause i have a trouble i said what and then
he told me that she was dating another girl it was his first time dating so she he slept with him after
that she felt sick she felt she felt eh so sick after she go to the clinic and thought she was he was hiv
and aids so ask his girlfriend to go and get tested (7, 8) his girlfriend refused and say why are you
refusing do you know that you are hiv that girl said no i am not hiv (7) you are the one who who did
this to me i never cheated on you (2) and then that guy just they had an arguing they argue and argue
and then there was another guy who was a car came when they came when he came say to that
girlfriend of my neighbour hey let’s go chickie so: that girl broke up with that guy and then my
neighbour found out that girl was cheating on him with some sugardaddies (2) and he doesn’t even
want to know about his hiv status (7) so my neighbour told his no never told his parents that he is hiv
he want to keep it secret (15) i said why do you want to keep it secret cause the sooner the sooner the
better they will know everything about you better start telling them now cause girlfriend eh is the one
who did this to you and it was your first date he say okay i’ll try and talk to them and i’m regretting it
because it was my first dating and i told myself that i’ll never date until i reach the age age twenty five
so my girl my my boys who were dating so i said let me try and have a a: someone on my side so i
regret it i should have i should have followed my dream and my wish so i have to i have to take care of
myself and see what i can do i’ll stop seeing others because i will just spread this thing to other we
have to prevent this disease (13)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 13. Healthy lifestyle, 15. Fear to talk
Story 5
File: REC 029, starts at 0.06 ends at 2.11
P5: [coughs] eh: number five eh this is the sad story but i’m telling it anyway ehm my: my boyfriend
was dating ... [13 seconds] eh there is this girl who was sleeping around eh she was so beautiful and
stuff so one day eh my uncle met her so he fell in love with her when my grandmother found out he
told him about her so he said that everybody deserves a second chance so they got married without
testing and stuff (8) now they have a son and they are all hiv positive (7) then eh: that my uncles wife
has passed away at around may now he’s afraid to get tested because he: he really knows that he is
hiv positive (7, 8) and i don’t know about my cousin because he’s still young we don’t know if he is or
not and my my uncle’s wife was was refusing to get tested (8) she got sick sometimes she was fine
sometimes she was very bad so she passed away i don’t know about my uncle but i am afraid that he
is too because it was her eh his wife and .. i think they had eh unprotected sex (3) so that’s the story i
am afraid that eh he will die and then they because he is my friend my uncle my friend so . all i i have
to say is that . he should have listened to my grandmother before they got married without testing (8,
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 17. Education
Story 6
File: REC 030, starts at 0.10 ends at 2.35
P3: ehm: .. there was a certain guy ... participant three there was a certain guy around here and eh
.and eh this this this guy this girl ehm ...[4 seconds] was a friend of mine .. and then he she was
having a boyfriend this boyfriend was cheating at him at her (2) then one day she found that .. he was
cheating to to another girl then: that boy ehm .. ehm ask sleep with that girl that girl . ehm said no then
one day he take that boy to go and to test to go for the blood test (8) then when they go there they
found that boy was hiv (7) and then . that girl dumped that boy and then .. eh: ...[17seconds] eh then
... that that that boy ... [28 seconds] ehm that boy admitted that he was hiv (7) after that . when the girl
dumped that boy .. when the girl dumped that boy after the girl dumped that boy the boy then killed
himself cause he was loving that girl (21)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 21. Suicide
Story 7
File: REC, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.54
P4: participant number four . there was other girl i know a lot we sometimes sat at church so: other
day he came to my house and asked ask some advice so i said what about the advice she said okay i
was it was the first time dating with this other guy when after then that other guy ask her to sleep and
that other guy that that girl wasn’t really much into that sexual intercourse so he ask the advice about
having sex i said no if you aren’t ready just tell him that you aren’t ready so that girl told me that she
said if i am not ready i did want to have sex with him i’ll just have i’ll just have to go and find some
other girls that (4) girl told me that he was very he loved him so much interested in him so i said why
don’t you leave him and then she said i love her and then after that he told me that she will go and
sleep with my friend . i: i used i just got with him and eh have sex i said did you use a protection she
said no: (3) even now i don’t know what to do cause eh i’m not eh we didn’t use any protection (3) so i
said what are you going to do she said i don’t know what i am going to do i say where is that boy she
said he dumped me i said what he say he dumped me after having sex with me so as soon as having
sex he just laughed at me and say no i’m in love with you with your girlfriend you know i was eh
surprised and sad so i cried now i don’t know what to do
Labels: 3. Condomize, 4. Pressure into sex
Message 3:
I’ve heard it all before, having sex will make the bond between us stronger, it will show just how much
you love me, if you don’t he’ll leave you for another girl, he’ll leave you for another girl, for another girl.
You can’t pressure me into sex. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 3:
LE: Picture yourself at home with someone you really trust you are relaxing and talking about all sorts
of things. You want to tell them a story on the message you’ve just heard, what would you say?
Story 1
File: REC 032, starts at 0.02 ends at 2.55
P4: participant number four last year i was in grade nine i was having a kind of friend . so she told me
that she was in love with some mysterious guy so: other day he told me that his guy ask him about
having sex with her so she refused and that other guy didn’t say anything just okay if you are ready
just tell me whenever you are ready said okay my girlfriend thought that it was fine so it wasn’t fine she
told me that this that guy isn’t calling him any he isn’t calling her anymore so she thought that it was
over whenever at school she see that guy was with other girls and when he found her he found out
that that girl that guy was in love with someone else so i said that means if he is with someone else he
i cheating on your back and it’s over (2) that girl was says no: i am still i’m i’m still in much love with
him i have to continue i said if you have to continue he will force you to have sex (4) with that and that
girls said ah it’s okay i’ll just have sex with him to show that to show how how much i love him (b) okay
i just say if what it takes for you you have to what is best for you if you aren’t going to regret it and that
girl had sex with that other guy who that guy who was cheating on him (2) so other three months later
she was so very ill she skipped three months not coming to school when she when other day she call
me so he told me that she was pregnant (16) and i say then what about the the father of the child say
she dumped me and when i found out i found that i was hiv positive (7) ? and said my friend i’m
regretting it you told me that i shouldn’t go along with him cause he is not a trust a trustable person
cause even so i: i could have not agreed to go with him cause he cheated on me (2) surely a guy
which says how much he love me isn’t that fair enough we have to tell him that if you love him if that is
not enough have to say wait for me until i ready i show you how much i care i love you and then .. i i i
ask her about what about your parents say said i didn’t tell them i’m afraid to tell them even (15) so i’ll i
don’t think i’m gonna tell them just have to leave a voice record and told myself i said don’t do that and
then she dropped the phone over me
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 4. Pressure into sex, 7. Status, 15. Fear to talk, 16. Pregnancy, b. Explicit
Story 2
File: REC 033, starts at 0.06 ends at 0.48
P3: participant number three eh .. eh i was in love with a eh . a certain boy then one one day that boy
ask me to sleep with him and so i told him that i’m not ready then ... when days go then when i call
that boy he he she didn’t answer my call then when then when i found out i found out that boy was in
love with my friend and so .. i just i i just tell me that and so i didn’t do nothing
Labels: none
Story 3
File: REC 034, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.06
P5: eh there was this guy he’s my friend oh sorry number five eh there was this guy he’s my friend
and he one day he proposed to my friend and then they get they got along for some time then that boy
ask that girl to sleep with . him so the girl came to me and asked me should i should i not then i said
you must always follow your heart that’s my motto so eh she refused to sleep with him so that guy told
her that if you don’t wanna sleep with me please just stop calling me stop talking to me just leave me
alone then that girl went to that boy and ask him is this all about sex do you love me or do you like me
and then that guy said i just wanted to sleep with you because i like you i didn’t love you i just wanted
to have the taste of you
Labels: none
Story 4
File: REC 035, starts at 0.04 ends at 2.18
P4: participant number four . eh: last month my cousin was in love with other guy so we were reading
about the other book to eh other magazine it was about love love them and love life and then on the
book they said if you want to please your man you have to show him how much you love her (c) and
then the first thing is showing him abo about how much you love her is having sex with him (b) so my:
my cousin said that it was very good to show her boyfriend how much he he she loves him so he ask
me about sleeping with him i said ah i don’t know because i don’t know how much you love each other
is he cheating or are you cheating (2) said no: she he isn’t cheating and i’m not cheating i tell if you
think it is good for you have to do whatever you want if you are not ready said okay its fine and then
he wanted to please his . boyfriend the other day he he slept with him it was the first time he slept
sleeping with his boyfriend so they didn’t even use a condom (3) so: when they when other day he
called me that he told me everything what happened i say i say eh what happens now i say ah i
showed him how much i love him and then eh he asked me a question i say what did your boyfriend
say he say why do you want to have sex with me whereas you told me that you aren’t ready to have
sex with me so he start arguing with me after having sex i said she said i said if you didn’t want to
have sex with me you should have told me for the first time before you agreed to have sex with me
and that guy said i didn’t want you i just only want to feel you and have sex with you i am a user of the
person and i’m not in love with you i’m with other girls so goodbye just wanted to have sex with you
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 3. Condomize, b. Explicit message, c. Medium (magazine)
Story 5
File: REC 036, starts at 0.03 ends at 0.39
P2: participant number two . the other day i was with my boyfriend [name] so i was going home we
were on the road and then she started ask me WHEN do you want to have sex with me i said to her to
him that i’m not ready for that i say cause i’m still a virgin (10) .. she just said to me we’ll use a condom
(3) let’s go everywhere i just said to him that i’m not ready then she just got home upset she refuse to
take my call right now
Labels: 3. Condomize, 10. Virginity
Message 4:
I’ve heard it all before, I don’t really want to commit now, I think I’m too young for a serious
relationship, I can’t imagine myself with just one person, one person, one person. If it’s not just me
you’re not for me. HIV … face it, brought to you by loveLife and SABC
Story elicitation question 4:
LE: Picture yourself discussing life orientation and sexual health with your teacher, what stories can
you tell him about your personal experiences?
Story 1
File: REC 037, starts at 0.07 ends at 2.42
P1: last year there was a guy .. partic participant number one last year there was a guy who was in
grade eleven and he was he was in love with a grade eight girl o that girl told me that that guy he want
to sleep with her and if she doesn’t sleep with him . she will kill she will kill her (4) so i told her that go
and tell your boyfriend that it’s over cause there is no other way he told me that he is going to kill me
what am i going to do i said go to the eh you must go to the you must go to the cops and tell them .
and tell them about this thing cause there is no other way you are going to be pregnant (16) and what
if he’s not he’s not your man what if he’s not your man and you and you have many children and you
don’t know whose whose whose child is who who whose child has has his father so: that girl told me
that . she told me that that she want to have it she want to have it with for like like that guy is forcing
her that they must have it so he didn’t she was she was in the same school with him so that so that girl
was afraid to see him every every time when the guy call him she was like she she was like . she was
more like she was angry and she she didn’t want to go to him cause he she when when he go to him
she is telling him that what about that thing are you going to give me today or what he that girl said
that that girl says that today today i’m going somewhere i have an appointment with my with my doctor
so that that girls say if you are lying to me i am going to come to your place and make you and and
that girl said please i’m going to the i have an appointment so please don’t kill me cause . cause my
mother cause my mother won’t know what happened to me and i still want to enjoy my life and that
guy says if you are not having sex today with me tomorrow i’m forcing you whatever whatever you like
it or not (4)
Labels: 4. Pressure into sex, 16. Pregnancy
Story 2
File: REC 038, starts at 0.03 ends at 1.30
P4: participant number four i remember during the march holidays there is a there was a friend of mine
she was very worried to much because she all she always wanted to have sex but his boyfriend didn’t
want to have it so he eh he ask her boyfriend one day why aren’t we . do you love me he said yes i
say i want you to show me how much you care and love me . okay but i don’t think . too soon now why
do you want to have sex eh now whereas we are still young ah that girlfriend some i think this is not
much for me to show this isn’t much for me to show you how much i love you (b) . and so that guy
refused to have sex with him so: they argued and argued when my friend told me that i i i told her that
maybe he’s cheating on you said no he can’t cheat on me we’ve been dating for almost three years (2)
i say ehm maybe you are the lucky one other: some other day when we were going for shopping she
found out that her boyfriend was cheating on another girl he was sleeping with that other girl whereas
he refused to: sleep with my girlfriend (2)
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, b. Explicit message
Story 3
File: REC 039, starts at 0.02 ends at
P1: participant one there was this taxi driver who drive drive this taxi driver walking with the the nice
woman and that nice woman was sitting in front and that that taxi driver had has had has his wife so
that so after after that night after that night the: his his wife called that called that she want she want to
go to roman’s pizza so that that that that man told told told that told his his husband that told his hus
husband told his wife that tomorrow i’m tomorrow i’m going to: to jo’burg so so you must come and see
me now cause tomorrow i’m leaving early so he say that that that girl that girl said that guy says that
now i want you to see to take me out for . i want you to take me to a restaurant tomorrow cause i’m
not doing anything so that so that girl so that girl who was sitting with the taxi driver was asking who
was who was who were you talking with on the phone that driver that taxi driver said she he i was
talking with my younger sister and that and: . while they were driving the like there were two cars
behind the taxi and this: this this two cars behind that taxi stop like they stop this this taxi driver told
him that who is this girl he said he he that boy said he’s my girlfriend .. [coughs] i i: my girlfriend can
you please can you please can you please let let her to check with us SEPEDI a re okay [she said
okay] it’s fine that taxi driver tell that girl to come and go to come to go and check with to check with
them so that girl went there so the the two boys attacked attacked that girl and they raped they raped
her in the car (11) so that girl screamed and that taxi driver was not helping her that taxi driver went
away so that girl was they killed that girl and they raped her (11) after after the after that the police
found out that that girl was killed and like SEPEDI ba mo lahletše mo fase ba mo tlogela [they left her
on the ground] so so then eh SEPEDI koloi yela kgale e mo swere ya tsamaya [that car that she was
hold into left] so . so i tomor eh the other day the cops the cops SEPEDI ba rile ba etla [when they
came] like they found her SEPEDI a e na le [with]) blood and all this stuff like SEPEDI a le a ke re
before ba mohlabile mobresteng [she was stabbed on the breast] like when the the time is busy
walking the: eh this other girl opened the door and saw saw and ? her down and and they start to run
away then the other day the cops find that this girl is dead and her arm the her other arm is other side
and the other arm is too far so they take they take they took that girl they called ambulance so that
they must come and fetch her so while ambulance is there this this other man who was in ambulance
car said i know this girl and this girl is my girlfriend i don’t know what happened to him so that that boy
was so stressed and she was so that boy cried and cried and cried so that boy went to: . that boy like .
like they like that boy wa that boy that boy was in love with the gi the girl who’s dead she he went to he
went to: he went somewhere he went somewhere and go and find out who did kill her his girlfriend so
they tell him that they were two there was two boys who the they tell him that that girl was was he was
he was with the taxi driver and that taxi driver called called called called the guys that they must come
and kill her so so that so that she must leave that that that boyfriend that taxi driver that taxi driver man
that taxi driver said said he wanted that girl to be killed cause he didn’t he didn’t that man he didn’t
want his his wife to know that she was in love with her and that girl who was dead she was in love with
the . she was in love with the the man who was in the ambulance so so they raped him and when the
the girl who was the girl who was dead they raped they raped him during the the night (11) and
someone someone took his her someone took took his hand with handglove so they they they took
they took that hand to the mineral . they take that hand someone take take that hand .. that that hand
of hers like like SEPEDI a sa swanela go euser [was not suppose to use] like that person SEPEDI ba
hwetša e le gore [they found out that] what kind of a person was she so SEPEDI o ile ge a finder out
[when she found out that is] a friend of her his boyfriend SEPEDI a ke re [right] so that so that guy who
lie .. so that guy who SEPEDI o ile a tsamaya a ya gae a botša [he then went home and told] that that
guy that guy told eh that guy told her told his parents that his girlfriend is dead and they raped him
during the night (11) so so her parents her parents his his parents went there and see what happened
so they find they found that . they found that her they found that the blood of that girl was was in love
with that guy so so that girl find out that found that found out that he was in love with the taxi driver
and . and that girl she didn’t tell him that she didn’t tell him that she was in love with the taxi driver and
that that THAT woman [laughing from other participants] that woman who said who who tell who told
the taxi driver that she must take her to . to the to the ehm pi roman’s pizza .. roman’s pizza he didn’t
know he didn’t know about that and she found out that that that taxi driver was lying about him so the
other day that girl she came came and hit that man with a stone and that man was bleeding to too
much was bleeding too much (11) and that man hit her like likes to . likes to her and next to her breast
then ... then ... [7 seconds] then .. like like that boy hit hit her girlfriend next to her breast then that girl
fell down then that girl was shouting and screaming all that stuff then that boy raped him and he
fucked him while he was while that girl was bleeding (11) .. so he ran after after that thing with her he
ran away . so that girl i don’t know what happened
Labels: 11. Assault
Story 4
File: REC 040, starts at 0.06 ends at 2.26
P4: participant number four i remember there was this mysterious couples and they were and they
were dating almost for six years all their families know each other and that girl was cheating on on with
on her boyfriend with some other guy (2) her real boyfriend was giving her everything she could
money: clothes buy him all this stuff so that girl cheated on him cheated on her boyfriend with some
other guy so this this girl cheating on him thought that her boyfriend was cheating on her because of
her boyfriend always go to the: nightclubs but she never cheated on him so this other girl cheated on
her boyfriend with this other guy (2) the other guy didn’t give him all anything just he slept with him this
girl was . thought he said maybe . that guy my friend knows about this girl like cheating on him (2) so
this girl found out that she was pregnant (16) with the other girls baby so that guy didn’t know that the
girl was pregnant (16) even though they never tried sex so this guy ask him how where are you where
are you stomach so big say ah nowadays i’m eating too much food and then after he go to the hospital
and check what is going on and say the doctor said hey you are you are pregnant and eh your hiv
status doesn’t seem so well (7, 8, 16) he said what happened are you are hiv positive (7) and that girl
didn’t know what to do . just thought that his family will chase him will chase her off out cause he was
cheating on her boyfriend (2) they know each other for a long time and now she is pregnant and he is
having other guy’s baby and he’s hiv positive (7, 16) that guy that girl when he came back . he just
hang himself on the tree and he died (21) nobody knows what happened about his status and he
never told anyone only the doctor know
Labels: 2. Faithfulness, 7. Status, 8. Testing, 16. Pregnancy, 21. Suicide
Story 5
File: REC 041, starts at 0.01 ends at 0.48
P5: [coughs] ehm this guy oh eh number five this guy proposed to my friend then so my friend ask him
if eh he had any girlfriend in the moment then he said no then they’ve dated for about an week and
thereafter the guy told my friend that he he think that they should take eh their relationship to the next
level so that guy that girl ask that guy that he should commit and then he said he can’t commit right
now because eh . his ex-girlfriend is after him so my friend said if you can’t commit you are just not for
me (b)
Labels: b. Explicit message
Appendix M - Data analysis ‘Hearsay ethnography’ – With written instructions
Group: Male and female participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 9, average age 15 years.
Participant 1
Age: 15
Gender: male
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 9
Story 1.1
Place: in a taxi
Date and time: 26 August 2009, 3.44 pm
Who: Female friend
Medium: Content:
I asked my friend that “how can you trust your boyfriend that he does not have HIV?” (7) and she said
“firstly, when you choose a boyfriend you must choose someone you think he really loves you and you
know him very much”. Then I said “How?”
She said: You know man, study the person before you can even have feelings for love for him, see
how he lives and what type of friends is he havin.
I said: And how are you going to play it safe
She said: A relationship is not based on sex but at all time we use a condom (3). You know, jus to be
safe on the right side of the world.
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status
Story 1.2
Place: Clinic
Date and time: 31 August 2009, 8.30 am
Who: Social worker
Medium: Social worker
I have 15 years living with HIV virus (7) and everybody know that but they don’t believe me when I say
so. All my kids know about it and they accept me the way I Am. On top of that I also have asma and
suga diabeties. Suga diabeties is the one that made me skinny. HIV is not a disease that can stop you
from being what you want to be or stop you from finding a job to take care of yourself. If a men comes
to me and propose, I’m going to tell him that I’m HIV positive (7) but most of them don’t believe me
because I still look smart and I don’t underestimate myself even 4 I have HIV. When I found out that
HIV and Aids is her in South Africa, I went to do the testing (8) and that’s when I found out that I Have
it (7). I accept that I have it and everytime I have sex with my men, I use a condom (3) so that I don’t
spread it and other STD’s don’t infect me. I don’t look myself in a room and and say “I’m HIV and I
don’t have to go anywhere” no when is time for fun I take my virus with me but I don’t drink or smoke
Labels: 3. Condomize, 7. Status, 8.Testing, 13.Healthy lifestyle
Story 1.3
Place: On the street
Date and time: 01 September 2009, 6.30 pm
Who: Male friend
Medium: Casual talk
I asked a friend: What would you do if I tell you that I’ve got 2 years living with HIV (7)
He said: I’ll go for testing (8) and...
I said: And then what
He said: And if I’m negative (7), I won’t risk my life by being with you anymore
I said: What!
He said: You hered me nigga, if you are HIV I’m sorry but you and I can’t go anywhere further (9)
I said: Are you serious
He said: Yeah homie, very serious.
Labels: 7.Status, 8.Testing, 9.Stigma
Story 1.4
Place: At the mall
Date and time: 02 September 2009, 11.10 am
Who: Female friend
Medium: Casual talk
I asked a friend of mine that “how are things going with your boyfriend?”
She said: Everything is great (with a long face)
I said: Are you sure ( I didn’t know what was going on but I suspected something)
She said: You know I love him right “yes” but I think him and I will break up very soon “why, you guys
look good together” I know is just that he wants to have sex and which is worse, he don’t wanna use
condom (3) “What” What do you think I should do, she asked. I said “You should emidiatly break up
and deal with the pain of loosing him (17), what if he wants to infect you with something, no friend, just
break up with him and know that he can’t force you against your wheel/will (4)
Labels: 3.Condomize, 4.Pressure into sex, 17.Education
Story 1.5
Place: At the shop
Date and time: 05 September 2009, 17.30
Who: Male friend
Medium: Casual talk
I found my friends cheering one up because he finally had sex with his girlfriend which happens to be
a twin sister to one of our friend and then I said: “Do you really think you are a star”
He said: Yeah nigga, that girl put me on hold for quite a year you know what i’m saying
Me: So now that you had sex with her, are you going to dump her like a piece of rubbish like you
always do (22) or are you going to continue the relationship
Him: Yes I’m a do like I always do, look I got what I wanted so it’s time to move on to the next plate.
Me: What if she’s pregnant... (16)
Him: Thats not my problem, she could’ve used contraception.
Me: What if she infected you with HIV (7)
Him: Hey, stop interrogating me with your silly questions boy, and just so you know, she does not
have HIV, she was a virgin (7, 10). Anyway why are you so obsessed with this, did you have feelings
for her.
Me: No!
Him: Then whats wrong homie
Me: I’m just reminding you that there are other ways of expressing affection of love than sexual
intercourse. (17)
Him: Look here, this is my game, and this is how it’s been done, so please don’t stop in front of me.
Labels: 7.Status, 10.Virginity, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 22.Relationship history
Story 1.6
Place: at home
Date and time: 07 September 2009, 02.37
Who: radio broadcaster
Medium: Radio
At sometime people seem to forgot their culture and start to live a life trying to please their friends or
feel part of the group or being afraid of being rejected by friends.(5) People adapt a life style which
they invite many girlfriends in their lives and at every place they enter, they must propose someone or
even have sex with someone and keep a report for friends. The worst part is that at the ending you are
the one to suffer all the consequences and not with your friends. Competing with friends by girlfriends
is foolish and it has no greater reward than giving you HIV etc. A wise man says ‘walk with winners, 4
you want to be a winner’. So watch out. (17)
Labels: 5.Peer pressure, 17.Education
Story 1.7
Place: on the street
Date and time: 12 September 2009, 14.50
Who: female friend
Medium: Content:
A friend said to me “you know sometimes is hard to be in love and feel like your not giving enough.”
I said: Why do you say so
She said: Because, my boyfriend is trying his level best to make me happy and I just feel like...
I said: feel like what
She said: Feel like offering him sex you know, just to make him see that I’m into him as much as he’s
into me.
I said: Come on, don’t be a fool, don’t be blinded by love, find another exept sex. Just pull yourself
together and find a way.
Labels: none
Story 1.8
Place: At church
Date and time: 16 September 2009, 19.01
Who: Pastor
Medium: Content:
Pastor speaking: You know 4 want you want a peaceful life with no worries, you need to accept Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Saviour. And as you did that, for the Holy Spirit to work in you, you have to
stay away from sinful things. For example: jalousy, hatred, unforgiveness, anger, gossip and most
importantly SEPEDI “Go jola” [means falling in love while still young] (17) Because all those things
take you out of line and SEPEDI “go jola” steals your concentration in church because thing can’t
always be right and you might even get infected with STD’s.
Labels: 17.Education
Story 1.9
Place: on the street
Date and time: 17 September 2009, 18.37
Who: partner
Medium: Content:
My partner said to me: If we have sex, would there be any harm
I said: Yes
She said: What is it.
I said: You might fall pregnant (16) or even both of us infect each other with STD’s
She said: Oh is that so
I said: Yes babes thats so.
She said: Does this going to be the way till death do us apart. (1)
I said: If it have to, yeah
She said: I don’t believe this.
I said: Sooner or later you will.
She said: Would I
I said: Yes you will
Labels: 1.Abstain, 16.Pregnancy
Story 1.10
Place: On the street
Date and time: 22 September 2009, 11.21
Who: male friend
Medium: Content:
My friend say: I’ve been watching my old friend seduced by girls where ever they find him
I said: Then what happened next.
He said: The seduced him until they have sex and few years ago I heared he died from AIDS
I said: Oh that’s sad
He said: My friend say no to seduction. (17)
I said: Okay
He said: I’m serious boy, don’t ever let a girl seduce you because you don’t know what’s in mind, so
say no to seduction (17)
Labels: 17.Education
Story 1.11
Place: at home
Date and time: 25 September 2009, 10.45
Who: Radio broadcaster
Medium: Radio
There are number of ways of showing affection without having sex (1). These ways avoid the risk of
HIV/STD and unplanned pregnancy (16).
Those ways are:
- Giving a flower
- Kissing
- Hugging
- Holding hands
- Touching
- Caressing
- Saying “I love you”
All human beings need the comfort of touch: it feels good to be touched by someone we love.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 16.Pregnancy
Story 1.12
Place: at home
Date and time: 27 September 2009, 15.10
Who: radio broadcoster
Medium: Radio
Delaying sex is not always easy (1). But there are things that a person can do which will help delay
sexuall intercourse.
Here are five ways of delaying sex (14, 17).
- Pay attention to your feelings; when they become uncomfortable with the situation, leave.
- Get involved in activities ( e.g. sports, clubs, hobbies)
- Avoid going out with people you don’t trust.
- Explore other ways of showing affection than sexual intercourse.
- Be honest from the beginning, by saying you don’t want to have sex (1).
Labels: 1.Abstain, 14.Responsible lifestyle, 17.Education
Story 1.13
Place: at home
Date and time: 02 October 2009, 20.00
Who: father
Medium: Content:
Father: Son
Me: Yes dad
Father: I can see that you’ve grown up and you started going out with girls.
Me: Yeah
Father: So what I want to say to you is that take care of yourself and beware of the HIV/AIDS desease
because many people are dying from it. (17)
Me: Okay dad
Father: I’m not encouraging you to have sex i’m just warning you as your father to really open your
eyes and be very very careful. (14, 17)
Me: Yes I will.
Father: Damn right you will.
Labels: 14.Responsible lifestyle, 17.Education
Participant 2
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 9
Story 2.1
Place: at school
Date and time: 28/08/2009
Who: female friend
Medium: casual talk
My friend said: Did you know that the rate of HIV/AIDS is increasing annually in our country amongst
the youth?
I said: No its not only amongst the youth, but everybody in the country.
Friend: I guess you are right but the majourity of people dying of this disease is the youth.
I: Why do you say so, I mean adult are the once who engage in sexual activities.
Friend: No, you can’t only get infected by engaging in sexual activities, but also through bloodtransfusion. (17)
I: So you are saying that the youth is having sex more than the adults this days
Friend: I suppose so, because the youth of today is vulnerable, they seem to make poverty as an
excuse for prostitution and they have unprotected sex (3) which can lead to getting infected with this
I: So what can I do if I find myself in prostitution and not yet infected
Friend: You can stop because poverty doesn’t mean you should sell yourself, there is always
education that can contribute to impowering you and building a better clean future for yourself.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 17.Education
Story 2.2
Place: at home
Date and time: 29/08/2009, 13.00
Who: Aunt
Medium: Funeral
I: Is it true that people still believe that being HIV positive means that you are bewitched?
Aunt: Yes its true, especially people from rural areas. (7, 19)
I: So what do you think triggers people to think this way?
Aunt: Well in the rural areas, once you get sick unusually they think that you are bewitch or maybe you
did something bad to someone and it their way of getting back at them. (19)
I: where do they consult?
Aunt: The sangomas; because most of them believe that in cases like these only the traditional
healers are the only once can be able to help them. (19)
I: So do they get helped?
Aunt: We all know that there is no cure for the virus, even traditional medicines cannot cure it. (6)
I: So thats why people die from this disease.
Aunt: Precisely, and conclude by saying the are not doing what they were taught, they just want their
I: What can be done to stop people from thinking this way?
Wunt: The department of health should educate people from the rural areas, especially the elderly
about how the disease is contracted and how it can be prevented. (17)
Labels: 6.Cure, 7.Status, 17.Education, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 2.3
Place: at the mall
Date and time: 01/09/2009
Who: male friend
Medium: Radio
Friend: Do you believe that traditional medicines can cure HIV/AIDS? (6)
I: I don’t know, but when time goes by I think they might be able to.
Friend: So what about the western/modern medicines?
I: I believe in ancestors, so they will in a way see that the world is suffering and help the Sangomas
find a cure.(19) In the modern side I think scientists and doctors should work together in order to find
the cure more quickly. (6)
Friend: In terms of the ancestors, other people don’t believe in them, they just think that they are just
lost spirits of dead people. They believe in God and that you cannot be helped by a person who is no
more. So what do you say about that?
I: The world is a planet filled with different people, who speaks different languages and believe in
different fittings. So I think that those who say ancestors are just lost spirits of the deads, they should
learn to respect and value other people’s beliefs.
Friend: So do you think the traditional and western practices/medicines should work together in order
to find a cure? (6)
I: I don’t think they should, because if you mix these two, it will just cause chaos because you cannot
believe in two things
Friend: Don’t they both use herbs to make their medicines?
I: They do but in different ways, the traditional healers medicines are unrefined and the
western/modern medicines are mostly refined.
Friend: So which one do you think has greater chances of being able to find/come up with a cure? (6)
I: They both have greater chances, especially now because our technology is enhancing and if you
look also at the traditional side, we have traditional healers who are very powerful. So I think they
could also be able to find a cure. (6)
Friend: Which one do you think is dominating?
I: The tradition ones
Friend: So do you it will some day be cured somehow?
I: Yes I do (6)
Labels: 6.Cure, 19.Traditional beliefs, c.Medium (Radio)
Story 2.4
Place: at home
Date and time: 05/09/2009, 12.00
Who: sister
Medium: casual talk
Sister: What leads us as the youth into the trap of HIV?
I: Its because we as the youth of South Africa, we do not follow our traditions and its because we are
ignorant towards the rules of our elders and traditions (19).
Sister: So what are those things or rules that we don’t follow?
I: During the olden days, our elders were the once who decided on behalf of us, who we must marry.
So people didn’t sleep with everyone they want.
Sister: Did HIV/AIDS exist during the olden day?
I: Yes it did, but it was not yet proven scientifically. People did not know that they were actually dying
from this disease.
Sister: How did they find out?
I: It was not long ago, before the government announced the spread of HIV, but they still didn´t accept
Sister: How many people accepted the fact that they have the desease.
I: Quite a number of people, but others even now still not accept.
Labels: 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 2.5
Place: at school
Date and time: 07/09/2009, 11.00
Who: male friend
Medium: casual talk
I: Do you think homosexuals/gays actually increase the high rate of HIV/AIDS?
Friend: Yes I do, because gay people have anal sex without using condoms. (3)
I: So are blaming them for this increase?
Friend: Not neccersaryly but, it contributes because they have unprotected sex. (3)
I: How do they have sex?
Friend: Gays use the anus and lesbians use their vaginas and it will be impossible to use a condom.
I: So how do they contract the disease?
Friend: Through unprotected sex (3), like when they are rubbing their vaginas against each other. The
vaginal fluids get mixed and they fluids have the virus, so the other partner will get infected. Even
having multiple partners have an impact on the contraction of this disease. (2) Sometimes these
people have other sexual partners of the opposite sex, and go back to their gay/lesbian partners and
infect them.
I: How can it be prevented?
Friend: They should just be faithful (2) or not engage in sexual activities (1) and just kiss only.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize
Story 2.6
Place: at school
Date and time: 11/09/2009, 13.00
Who: female friend
Medium: the internet
I: Does sexual abuse towards young children (11) between the ages of 6 months to 10 years
contribute to the rate of children who are infected with HIV?
Friend: Yes, because men in many countries of the African continent still think that if you have sex
with a virgin with will be cured from AIDS. (6, 19)
I: Its that true?
Friend: No, defenadly not I mean we all know that have sex with a child is wrong and considered to be
abuse. (6)
I: So why do they do this?
Friend: people desperate, they just want to be cured and also its because of lack of information about
this deseases. (6, 17)
I: So they infect this children thinking they are actually curing themselves?
Friend: Yes, which they are actually abusing this children mentally, emotionally, sexually and even
physically. (11)
I: What can we do to stop this?
Friend: Give them more information about HIV/AIDS (17), give them options on how to live with this
Labels: 6.Cure, 11.Assault, 17.Education, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 2.7
Place: at home
Date and time: 13/09/2009
Who: male friend
Medium: relationship issues
I: Is it true that boys demand sex because they say it is prove of love? (4)
Friend: Yes its true, guys this days just want to sleep with girls just to get the reputation of being a
I:So is there anything wrong with that?
Friend: Yes there is, cause if they don’t get what they want they may rape, kill or even abuse them
physically (11)
I: So they get into relationships with this girls just to get into their pants?
Friend: Yes, because they say sex can make the relationship stronger.
I: So girls fall for that?
Friend: Yes, because of fear of rejaction and insecurity.
I: Girls just put up this just to not be alone?
Friend: Yes, because they think without boys they are nothing and they can not be anything, they also
think there is no life without boys.
I: What can we do to stop this?
Friend: I think we should just tell them that boys are just boys, and you can spread your wings and fly
without them cause they are just jerks.
Labels: 4.Pressure into sex, 11.Assault
Story 2.8
Place: at the mall
Date and time: 20/09/2009, 10.00
Who: female friend
Medium: casual talk
I: Does sexual abuse contribute to the increasing rate of HIV/AIDS in our country and worldwide?
Friend: Yes it does, because men rape women and the women are the once who suffer for this. (11)
I: How do they suffer, I mean they having sex in fun?
Friend: In other country like the DRC women who are raped get imprisoned, cause they slept with
other people’s men though it happened by force.
I: Why do they do that, I mean that they are promoting sexual abuse? (11)
Friend: Because they say that they are trying to make sure that women take care of themselves and
stay virgins until they get married (10) if you are not a virgin and not married you must be arrested
because you broke the law.
I: So do they contract HIV?
Friend: Some of them because the rapists don’t condomize (3, 11) and they don’t only rape one
Labels: 3.Condomize, 10.Virginity, 11.Assault
Story 2.9
Place: at school
Date and time: 23/09/2009, 12.00
Who: boyfriend
Medium: relationship issues
Boyfriend: Why do you think young people or teenagers are not afraid of HIV/AIDS?
I: I think is because of ignorance because they know that if you have unprotected sex, you may be
infected but they just do it. (3, 7)
Boyfriend: So they know that it wrong but they still do it.
I: Yes, we all know the ego of a young person “whats wrong or right and whats right is wrong”
Boyfriend: So what are they actually afraid of?
I: Pregnancy, most young people are afraid of having children because they are afraid of support the
child, (16) and girls are afraid that they be fat and have big bellies.
Boyfriend: So they actually prevent pregnancy than HIV?
I: Yes, they use contraception pill needles and not use condoms, so they don’t get pregnant but they
contract HIV (3, 7, 16) and other STD’s. Its like they don’t know that AIDS is incurable (6) and its a
death sentence if I may put it that way. They are just stupid and ignorant.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6. Cure, 7.Status, 16.Pregnancy
Story 2.10
Place: at school
Date and time: 23/09/2009
Who: Teacher
Medium: TV
I:Are people who go to Therbeng University of Technology/ initiation school at risk of contracting HIV?
Teacher: Nowadays yes, because they use the same knife to circumcise them.
I: So how do the contract it then?
Teacher: When they circumcise them little blood remain on the knife, and it can get into the cut. If that
person is infected they are going to infect every body there.
I: What about the people who are already infected, are they safe, will their CD4 count go up?
Teacher: In most cases yes, because the food they eat there are not nutritional and they are also not
alone to use modern medicines and traditional once at the same time.
I: So they can contract other deseases?
Teacher: We all know that HIV virus attacks the immune system and making it weak, so it is easy for a
person with HIV to contract other deseases and they can get sick constantly.
I: So you are saying that his people don’t get healthy food and medicines or ARVs while they are
there? (6, 13)
Teacher: Most of them yes, because people open illigel initiation schools and they don’t actually care
about their student, but money. So they don’t give them medicines or healthy nutritional food to keep
their immune systems strong. (13)
I: They say you cannot use modern and traditional medicines at the same time, why is that?
Teacher: We all know that every medicine has its side effects and you remember that traditional
medicines are natural and in their natural forms. Modern medicines are processed and refined and
their side effect are great, so if we combine them they are going to confuse the immune system. (6)
I: So where do they stay, what do they wear and for how long?
Teacher: They stay in the mountains, they wear SEPEDI isitsiba [an animal skin which they wear to
cover their private parts] and the also cover themselves with a thin blanket. They go to the mountains
at winter for three to four weeks during the june school holidays.
I: It is very cold in winter, how will the infected people’s bodies deal with the coldness.
Teacher: It defenatly weakens their immune systems and it drains their body fat. So their bodies get
very cold and it can not longer warm itself.
I: So what happens to the blood if the body becomes very cold?
Teacher: It thickens and some of the cells in the body will be destroyed, so the person will be in
defenid need of blood.
I: Can they die?
Teacher: Yes, many young children of our country die in the mountains every year because of this and
unsuccessful circumsitions and deseases. Some of them die from HIV, starvation and neglectant.
Labels: 6.Cure, 13.Treatment
Story 2.11
Place: at home
Date and time: 25/09/2009, 14.00
Who: sister
Medium: casual talk
I: Why do HIV infected people isolate themselves from other people?
Sister: Because people are very discriminative once they know your status, they will not them right. (7,
I: So they isolate themselves because they are afraid of being treated differently?
Sister: Yes people in our societies and communities are very cruel, once they find out that you are HIV
positive they will gossip about you. Create ugly rumours and call you name that are not in your ID
book. (7, 9) They actually don’t accept the fact that HIV is real and it is incurable. (6)
I: What can we do to stop this people from doing this?
Sister: If we educate people more about HIV/AIDS and actually tell and teach the effectively about this
desease. Inform them about how they should deal with this desease and how to take care and treat an
infected person (17, 24).
I: Can a person kill themselves after being infected with this deseases? (21)
Sister: Yes, because they think that HIV is a death sentence and rather than dying from this desease
they would rather kill themselves first. (21)
I: Come on, lets get real I mean is there life after contracting this deadly desease?
Sister: yes there is, a HIV infected person can live for up to 10 to 11 years after diagnose.
I: So why are others dying early?
Sister: Because they don’t eat the right healthy nutritional food and they don’t get the right medicines
like ARV [Anti-retrol viruls] (6, 13)
Labels: 6.Cure, 7.Status, 9. Discrimination, 13.Healthy lifestyle, 17.Education, 21,Suicide, 24.Support
Participant 3
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 9
Story 3.1
Place: at school
Date and time: 28-08-2009, 12.00
Who: female friend
Medium: casual talk
I said: What do you realy think is HIV/AIDS?
She said: It is an incurable disease.
I said: What kind of incurable disease? (6)
She said: It is a disease that is caused by having unprotected sex with different partners (2, 3)
I: How?
She: By when you have sex with different partners your immune system becomes weak and cause
HIV which become AIDS.
I: How could you know that your partner is HIV/AIDS positive/negative? (7)
She: I can see him with big pimples on his face and starting to loose weight. (7)
I: There are some diseases with the same symptoms you have mentioned but how can you really
know that he is HIV/AIDS? (7)
She: We can go to the nearest clinic and get tested. (8)
I: If you get tested and find that you are HIV/AIDS negative and your partner is HIV/AIDS positive, (7,
8) will you leave him or will you stay with him?
She: Stay with him oh no way I am going to leave him.
I: Why?
She: He is going to infect me with his disease.
I: How because there are protection when wanting to have sex when he is bleeding.
She: No ways me living with him and this obviously mean he is cheating on me so is better for me to
step out. (2)
I: Oh you have a strong heart, but you are talking the truth.
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing
Story 3.2
Place: at home
Date and time: 30 August 2009, 16.00
Who: brother
Medium: casual talk
Brother: You must stay far away from boys lil sis.
Me: Why?
Brother: Because there is a terrible disease by the name of HIV/AIDS
Me: How could you think me, myself and I could do such things with boys, oh no!
Brother: Because nowadays there is no teenager to trust.
Me: I tell you that you must trust me because I will never give a boy my virginity (10) because I know a
lot about this horrible disease and I don’t trust any boy and will never.
Brother: Hmm! That is good, that is what I wanted to hear because HIV/AIDS is a dangerous disease if
it infect you oh! You are in a or walking on the thin ice which is about to melt and your life will be a
Labels: 10.Virginity
Story 3.3
Place: at school
Date and time: 02-09-2009, 12.30(am)
Who: female friend
Medium: relationship issues
I said: Did you know that you can get HIV/AIDS through kissing?
She: No! You are lying there is no such belief. But anyway how?
I said: Like when you have your partner and you don’t know his status and you start to kiss each other
that deep one but you don’t know that he have a sore inside his mouth when kissing that sore start to
bleed and his siliva get in your mouth mixed with his blood and that is where you are going to get
infected. (7, 17)
She: Mmm great knowledge, to tell you the truth I didn’t know that I can get HIV/AIDS through kissing
starting from now on I will never ever kiss someone without knowing his status. (7) Thanks for your
kindness my friend you are a true friend.
Labels: 7.Status, 17. Education
Story 3.4
Place: at the doctor
Date and time: 07 September 2009, 16.30(pm)
Who: doctor
Medium: TV
I said: I know you know a lot about HIV/AIDS so as you know what are the other body fluids that are
known to spread the HIV/AIDS virus except blood?
She said: The other body fluids are two namely male semen and vaginal secretion.
I: Oh! That are new words to my ears but any way what is male semen and vaginal secretion?
She: You know, male semen is a white fluid that comes out through the penis and vaginal secretion is
also a fluid that comes out when a women starts to feel like having sex.
I: How can you get HIV/AIDS through these two body fluids?
She: Actually you know but any way you get it by having unprotected sex with an infected partner (3,
7) while those two fluids comes out and get in your body.
I: Can you please give me two reasons why AIDS is so serious?
She: The reasons are no cure for AIDS, (6) it causes death and no vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS.
I: Oh! AIDS is so dangerous and thank you for your kind answers and can you please answer this last
question of mine please?
She: Yes, with pleasure
I: How can people stop AIDS?
She: By avoiding sex meaning abstaining, oh yes abstaining is the best way of stopping human
immunodeficiency virus. (1)
I: Argh! I almost forget to ask you about what are the HIV blood tests called and how many are they,
you know this question I should have asked you in the first place and I’m sorry this is the last ending
question plz answer?
She: Ok you will be answered, they are three and they are called “The Elisa test” The western blot test
and Rapid HIV test (8)
I: Oh! They are too many I thought it was one but any way thank you and have a nice day.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status 8.Testing
Story 3.5
Place: school
Date and time: 10 September 2009, 12.00 (am)
Who: female friend
Medium: casual talk
I said: Can you tell me between men and women who do you think can get HIV/AIDS more easily
She: Women
I: Why
She: Because of the way they are physically built
I: How
She: The female sexual organs receiving male sexual fluids.
I: You know big things but tell me here you know women cry fast, when they find out that they are HIV
positive (7) how do they react or what it is that is happening to them?
She: They are taken for counselling by a professional to understand the impact and consequences of
a positive test result. (7)
I: How should you respond to someone who is HIV positive?
She: You should give the person support and acceptance. (24)
I: Ok thank you starting from now on I will act nicely to the HIV/AIDS patients.
Labels: 7.Status, 24.Support
Story 3.6
Place: at church
Date and time: 27-09-2009, 12.00 (am)
Who: pastor
Medium: service in church
The thing that sparked the conversation is that in church it was the time for testimonies and one
women stand in front and said she was healed from HIV positive to HIV negative by the word of God.
I said: Pastor, what happened today was totally a miracle. Being healed from HIV/AIDS positive to
HIV/AIDS negative oh this is a miracle. How can this happen because you know this is an incurable
disease. (6, 7) How can you be healed by the word of God?
He said (Pastor): Yes it was a miracle, you said how can one be healed from HIV/AIDS positive to
HIV/AIDS negative by the word of God the reason being if you come to church sick even if it is an
incurable disease you must believe that God is living and he can heal you and live healthy like before.
I said: Wasn’t that women lying?
Pastor: No, no, no don’t you ever think like that. She was talking the truth I have seen her medical
I said: Sorry I will never think like that but oh that was realy realy a great miracle. I’m quiet sure she is
also happy and surprised coz HIV/AIDS is a disease that can ruin her life.
Labels: 6.Cure, 7.Status, 19.Traditional belief
Story 3.7
Place: on the street
Date and time: 30-09-2009, 15.30 (pm)
Who: female friend
Medium: billboard
She said: You know my friend I was sitting next to an HIV/AIDS infected person in the clinic and I’m
afraid that she have infected me. They have even asked me to help them to carry her to a wheelchair.
Do you think I am really infected? (7)
I said: Ha Ha Ha you are so funny you know my friend
She said: No I’m not, I’m realy serious my friend she touched me oh my friend I feel like I can start
I said: My friend you cannot get that disease sitting beside the infected person and also by touching.
You get that disease through blood, unprotected sex and sharing HIV infected blades. (17)
She said: Ohw! I’m so releaved I thought I was infected. Thanks for calming my pressure down I was
so afraid.
Labels: 7.Status, 17.Education
Story 3.8
Place: at the mall
Date and time: 01-10-2009, 14.00 (pm)
Who: female friend
Medium: billboard
We were sitting in the mall and we saw a board that says “Test before it is too late”. Then I started to
ask her questions.
I said: My friend if tomorrow you just decide to go and test and when your results come they say you
are HIV positive. (7, 8) What exactly are you going to do?
She said: That is a big question. You know firstly, I will run off out the hospital and go to the end of the
world, I don’t don’t where but I will run until I see that this is the end of the world.
I said: Wow! Will you do that?
She said: Yes!
I said: You have a weak and small heart.
She said: Why?
I said: Coz you must wait in there and receive counselling and thereafter receive treatment coz maybe
after 8 or 12 months your status will turn out to be negative nevertheless HIV is curable. (6, 7)
She said: Really?
I said: yes
She said: Noways! HIV is not curable (6) why people in the whole world are dying coz of HIV?
I said: The reason is that they don’t take their medicines according to time and they don’t exercise
regularly. (13)
She said: You are insane. Are you saying even if your body is weak you have to exercise?
I said: Yes, so that your body can fight those ill cells in your body.
She said: Really! I never thought I could believe you when you say HIV is curable but the way you
beated me with so much big answers, I really believe you when you say is curable but all the time I
thought it will stay in your body and cause AIDS and die. (6)
I said: Do you really believe me?
She said: Yes
I said: Oh no! My friend are you really like this?
She said: How?
I said: I thought you were a genius. How could you believe that a dangerous disease is curable. (6) All
the things I’ve said are not true all I wanted to see was how genius are you when coming to HIV/AIDS.
She said: I knew it that I was talking the truth but with all your answer you got me speechless and
make me believe on your false statement HIV is not curable (6)
I said: now I see that your genius is coming back I heard you saying that HIV stay in your body and
cause AIDS how many days or years does HIV take to cause AIDS?
She said: Ha! Ha! Ha you want to test my genius but any way let me tell you it can take between three
and seven years and sometimes longer for a person to develop AIDS.
I said: Now your genius is really back and I’m sorry for making you believe my false statement.
Labels: 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.testing, 13.Healthy lifestyle
Participant 4
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 9
Story 4.1
Place: On the street
Date and time: 27 August 2009, 16:17
Who: Male friend
Medium: Radio
I bumped into my friend.
I said: My friend, what do you think of AIDS?
Friend: I think AIDS is a killer and most South Africans are dying because of this huge disease that
cannot be cured (6).
I said: Have your ever tested? (8)
Friend: I’m thinking of going for testing one day (8), because I heard a rumour that my girlfriend has
slept with three guys from the University of Limpopo (22). I slept with her without protection or
condomizing (3). In other words, just after she slept with them (22).
I said: Which results are you expecting from the centre? (7)
Friend: I wish the results could come out negative (7), because I can’t deal with the fact of living with
HIV/AIDS for the rest of my days (12).
I said: My advice to you is; don’t do anything stupid, hang in there and have faith (17).
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 12.Focus, 17.Education, 22.Relationship history
Story 4.2
Place: At school
Date and time: 28 August 2009, 10:01
Who: Classmate
Medium: Relationship issues
I said: How do you feel about people dying in our country because of HIV/AIDS?
Classmate: I feel bad for the innocent ones and good for the guilty ones.
I said: How do you know that they are guilty or innocent?
Classmate: You won’t know because when they catch this disease they don’t catch it with you.
I said: Have you ever went for testing? (8)
Classmate: No.
I said: Are you scared that the results could come out positive? (7)
Classmate: No, because I believe in myself. I don’t sleep around with girls (2).
I said: How can you advice the young generation? (17)
Classmate: I think they should abstain (1), be faithful (2), or condomize (3) to avoid this disease.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing
Story 4.3
Place: At school
Date and time: 28 August 2009, 11:42
Who: Female friend
Medium: Relationship issues
I said: Do you know anyone living with HIV/AIDS?
Friend: Yes, my other friend from some place in Ga-Dikgale, and she’s also pregnant (16).
I said: Is she still in love with the guy who made her pregnant? (16)
Friend: No, the boy ran away after he found out about the girl’s status (7).
I said: Is the boy also infected?
Friend: Yes (7), he’s the one who infected the girl and also made her pregnant (16).
I said: What is you friend’s decision about this situation?
Friend: She’s thinking of having an abortion (16) and before that, she wanted to commit suicide (21).
I said: Did you do anything about it?
Friend: Yes, I helped her decide what she wanted, except for having an abortion, but she insisted (17).
I said: Thank you for your time. I really hope your friend could make the right decision.
Labels: 7.Status, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 21.Suicide
Story 4.4
Place: At home
Date and time: 29 August 2009, 16:02
Who: Sister
Medium: Casual talk
I said: Tell me sister, have you ever dated a HIV/AIDS-infected boyfriend?
Sister: Yes I did.
I said: Did you sleep with him.
Sister: No, before we tried sleeping together, we went for testing (8).
I said: Did you break up with him after you found out about his status? (7)
Sister: No, I didn’t. I loved him as I loved him before I found out about his status (7).
I said: If I was the one with HIV/AIDS, what would you do as a sister?
Sister: I would take care of you a lot, look after you, buy you healthy food and make sure you are
healthy as always (24, 13).
I said: Yah!! Are you saying this because I am here right now?
Sister: Jeez, I once dated a HIV-positive person you know?! That means I know how to take care of
people living with the disease.
I said: Ok Ok. I heard you loud and clear. Thank you.
Labels: 7.Status, 8.Testing, 13.Healthy lifestyle, 24. Support
Story 4.5
Place: At home
Date and time: 31 August 2009, 20:59
Who: Cousin
Medium: Casual talk
Cousin said: You know I’m involved with this hot guy couzi [cousin]. I’m telling you he’s so hot.
I said: Couzi, are you really in love with this guy or are you just friends?
Cousin said: You know what couzi, this guy is in University and you know that airtime is gonna pop out
whenever I want it (18), don’t you?
I said: Couzi, you have to get tested (8) before you do anything stupid.
Cousin said: You know what couzi, whatever this guy wants I’m going to give it to him just like that.
I said: You will give him anything just like that and he will give you something bad.
Cousin said: Like what couzi? I am preventing you know? Every month I’m going to a clinic.
I said: Preventing is going to stop you from getting pregnant (16), not from getting the big three letters;
Cousin said: But you know that guys demand?! (18)
I said: But you have the power to say ‘NO’.
Labels: 8.Testing, 16.Pregnancy, 18.Sex in exchange for goods
Story 4.6
Place: At school
Date and time: 1 September 2009, 08:03
Who: Female friend
Medium: Billboard
I said: Do you know of any advertisements on the issue of HIV and AIDS?
Friend: Yes I have.
I said: Where have you seen these adverts?
Friend: You can find some at the home based care for the orphans without parents and some HIVpositive.
I said: Well, I think we should once visit those places, don’t you think?
Friend: Yes, I think it’s the right thing. We have to visit them in order to learn more about this killer
I said: What do you mean by saying “we should learn more about this killer disease”?
Friend: I mean we should learn more about HIV and AIDS in order to protect ourselves from getting it.
I said: Well I think you are right, and maybe we can ask how their parents died too. I mean, if we have
Friend: Yes, that’s a great idea.
I said: Do you think this billboard helps people to stop discriminating people? (9)
Friend: I think they still do, but not all of them are still discriminating them (9).
I said: You know what my friend, I think we are all positive until we test negative (7, 8).
Labels: 7.Status, 8.testing, 9.Stigma
Story 4.7
Place: At school
Date and time: 1 September 2009, 08:42
Who: Sister
Medium: Content:
I said: What does your heart tells you when you are looking at a HIV/AIDS-infected person? (7)
Sister: It is very hurting watching another person dying in front of you because of HIV/AIDS.
I said: If you were HIV/AIDS-positive (7), what would you do as a human being? (12)
Sister: I would commit suicide (21).
I said: Do you think it’s the best choice, I mean to commit suicide it’s another thing. I love you as my
sister and you go and commit suicide. How do you expect me to feel? (21)
Sister: What’s the point of living with HIV/AIDS? People always judge you and make fun of you in front
of other people (9). So, if I get HIV/AIDS, I commit suicide and you guys cry for me. You’ll get over it…
I said: Come on sister, are you that stupid enough to kill yourself? (21) You can get help from those
who love you, never mind those who hate you (24). You’ll have a brighter future (12). So forget about
killing yourself (21).
Labels: 7.Status, 9.Stigma, 12.Focus, 21.Suicide, 24.Support
Story 4.8
Place: At school
Date and time: 1 September 2009, 12:09
Who: Teacher
Medium: Radio
Teacher: Did you know that HIV and AIDS is a virus? (17)
I said: Yes, but can you explain it in other way?
Teacher: Firstly you have to know what HIV or AIDS means. Do you know what they mean? (17)
I said: In the dictionary they say AIDS means a disease caused by a virus which destroys the body’s
immunity to other diseases.
Teacher: Wow! That’s quite an explanation. Alright, but it is right and we have many ways of
explaining things.
I said: Do you have any explanations except this one?
Teacher: Yes my girl. I think AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
I said: Isn’t that a meaning?
Teacher: Well, I don’t find the difference between explanations and meaning or is there?
I said: What can you say about treating a person who has the virus? (6)
Teacher: This virus is incurable (6) so a person who has this virus must be overprotective towards
him- or herself.
Labels: 6.Cure, 17.Education
Story 4.9
Place: At school
Date and time: 2 September 2009, 19:00
Who: Teacher
Medium: Casual talk
Teacher: What does HIV/AIDS stand for? (17)
I said: Human Immune Deficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Teacher: What can we do to cure this disease (6)? (17)
I said: The disease cannot be cured (6).
Teacher: What can you do to help a person who is infected with this disease (24)? (17)
I said: I can provide them with healthy food (13), support them (24) and give them advice (17) to take
medication (6).
Teacher: Do you have a partner?
I said: No.
Teacher: If you had one, would you sleep with him without using protection? (3)
I said: I wouldn’t risk anything. I would definitely use protection (3).
Teacher: In which places can you find information about HIV/AIDS? (17)
I said: At the hospital,media and from health workers.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 13.healthy lifestyle, 17.Education, 24.Support
Story 4.10
Place: At the mall
Date and time: 6 September 2009, 11:16
Who: Female friend
Medium: TV
I went to visit my female friend today. Her sister once worked as a prostitute.
I said: Are you thinking of following your sister’s footsteps?
Friend: No, I can never work as a prostitute, because my sister ended up being pregnant (16) and she
won’t even tell me if she is HIV-positive or not (7). So I don’t want to end up like my sister who has no
future (12). Not that I’m trying to expose her, it’s my point of view (14).
I said: Do you think she might be HIV-positive? (7)
Friend: Yes, I think so. It’s so sad watching my sister living in pain and struggling.
I said: Have you ever tried to help her to stop being a prostitute?
Friend: Yes I tried, but it didn’t work (24). As you can see we are poor in our family, so she was trying
to make money to support us (24).
I said: Yeah, it’s life. Life is tough, but don’t worry, she will get better.
Labels: 7.Status, 12.Focus, 14.Positive lifestyle, 16.Pregnancy, 24.Support
Story 4.11
Place: At school
Date and time: 7 September 2009, 10:06
Who: Classmate
Medium: Casual talk
We were sitting in class during a free period, then:
I said: Help me with an assignment, it’s more like an interview.
Classmate: Ok, my question is; do you know that HIV and AIDS do not have a cure? (6)
I said: You must be kidding me, because I heard that even SEPEDI sangomas [traditional healers]
know how to cure this disease (19).
Classmate: No, I think they can cure it if they only bewitch you and ask you to join them and become a
witch also (19).
I said: There is no such thing of witchcraft. If you have the disease, you’ll live with it forever (19).
Classmate: Yes, but you are the one who started this issue of SEPEDI sangomas [traditional healers].
Now you insist about this witchcraft situation (19).
I said: What do you think of pastors?
Classmate: Nobody can cure HIV/AIDS (6), not even a doctor, SEPEDI sangoma [traditional healer],
witches (19) or pastors. You know what, maybe one day there will be a cure for HIV/AIDS (6).
Labels: 6.Cure, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 4.12
Place: At the mall
Date and time: 10 September 2009, 17:02
Who: Sister
Medium: Content:
My sister and I were at Savannah Mall waiting for my mother, then we saw a young girl about 13 years
old hugging a boy about 19 years old.
Then I said: Tell me sister, what if it was me hugging that guy and you happen to us?
Sister: I would definitely kill you.
I said: I’m just asking you, it’s not like I’m going to date the guy. Jeez…
Sister: You know, you may never know what these old guys or suga daddies (18) are capable of. All
they want from us is to have sex with them. They even want to destroy our futures by infecting us with
their diseases like HIV/AIDS.
I said: I can image that poor girl being pregnant (16) and HIV-positive (7).
Sister: HIV/AIDS is a killer. Please baby sister, try to understand. Boys are nothing but brutes. We as
girls should look after ourselves… (17)
I said: And also play hard to get.
Sister: Exactly!
Labels: 7.Status, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 18.Sex in exchange for goods
Story 4.13
Place: At home
Date and time: 12 September 2009, 19:15
Who: Sister and cousin
Medium: Casual talk
We were at home just chatting about swine flu.
Then I said: In more than five years coming, there will be a cure for AIDS (6).
Sister: You are not sure, because there is no for swine flu.
Cousin: I don’t think HIV/AIDS is a big issue anymore.
I said: Cousin, no matter how long you live not hearing any case of HIV/AIDS, doesn’t mean it doesn’t
Cousin: Ok, do you think a person living with swine flu can live longer than a person living with
I said: Actually I’m not so sure.
Cousin: Come on, be specific!
I said: Look, guys, I think everyone or anyone living with these two diseases die earlier and some die
Cousin: Do you have any student at your school living with one of these diseases (7), especially swine
Sister: No, these no one I know.
I said: I also don’t know anyone living with this disease.
Labels: 6.Cure, 7.Status
Story 4.14
Place: At school
Date and time: 16 September 2009, 14:02
Who: Brother
Medium: Casual talk
My brother found out that a friend of mine is pregnant and then he decided to give me some advice.
Brother: I feel sorry for your friend and also for you, because you are also affected by your friend’s
pregnancy (16) as you have to be there for her (24).
I said: She decided to have sex with that even when I warned her that he was using her.
Brother: I’m your brother and we all love you in this family, so please don’t listen to your friends
because they can fool you (17).
I said: I now, but it’s not like I’m dating anyone.
Brother: That’s so wonderful of you. You are still young and you don’t have to die young. I’m sure that
you know there is a certain disease that is destroying the citizens in our world (17).
I said: Yes I know, you are talking about HIV/AIDS. I can look after myself even though I’m young and
got foolish friends.
Labels: 16.Pregancy, 17.Education, 24.Support
Story 4.15
Place: At the doctor
Date and time: 17 September 2009, 15:08
Who: Doctor/ cousin
Medium: Content:
I went to visit my cousin who is working as a doctor, so I thought discussing the issue of HIV/AIDS
would be nice.
I said: You are working as a doctor, can you please tell me how you deal with people infected by
Doctor/ cousin: As we all know this disease cannot be cured, so all we do is give those infected the
antiretrovirals (ARV’s) (6).
I said: Do you believe that the ARV’s help them? (6)
Doctor/ cousin: Some, because I can’t say all when others are dying young and early.
I said: I wish there was a cure for AIDS.
Doctor/ cousin: Let’s hope one day there will be a cure for the disease (6).
I said: Do you think there will ever be anything to prevent from getting HIV/AIDS?
Doctor/ cousin: No, I don’t think. You youngsters, you have to think positively and take care of
yourselves (14).
Labels: 6.Cure, 14.Positive lifestyle
Story 4.16
Place: On the street
Date and time: 21 September 2009, 09:41
Who: Classmate
Medium: Article
My classmate was reading an article about HIV/AIDS.
Classmate: You know, this article reminds me of a man, my neighbour, who died because of
HIV/AIDS.I said: Poor guy, was he that old?
Classmate: Actually, he was about 24 or 25 years old.
I said: Did he have to die this young?
Classmate: It was his time to leave and there was nothing anyone could do.
I said: How did it go? I mean, the funeral.
Classmate: The sad thing was that everyone spoke about his cause of death and how he suffered.
I said: I think he was a great example to all young people out there, even though he left people in a
huge pain.
Classmate: I wish there could be a cure for AIDS and everyone can leave in peace (6).
I said: So I do. But these people never listen, even a six year old child knows about HIV/AIDS. I’m not
saying they know how to have sex, but we’ll just have to deal with it.
Labels: 6.Cure
Story 4.17
Place: At church
Date and time: 24 September 2009, 11:24
Who: Pastor
Medium: Service in church
I was at church today, so I thought because it is ‘Heritage Day’ maybe I can discuss this issue of
HIV/AIDS with the pastor at church.
I said: Good morning pastor. Can you please tell me how you help those with HIV/AIDS? (24)
Pastor: My child, because I’m a man of love, all I do is pray for them so that God can make them live a
longer life.
I said: Does it really help?
Pastor: To those who don’t have strength, God answers their prayers by giving them strength (24).
I said: How do you expect these people to plead?
Pastor: My child, actually these people are all innocent. No one can ever invite the disease in his/her
I said: Why don’t we celebrate the lives of those who are HIV-positive, especially on special holidays
like ‘Heritage’ and maybe donate something for them? (24)
Pastor: You look like a person with a heart my child. That is a great idea and may the Lord bless you
my angel.
Labels: 24.Support
Story 4.18
Place: On the street
Date and time: 29 September 2009, 13:13
Who: Male and female friend
Medium: Relationship issues
Both my male and female friends are a couple. They have been dating for a year and two months
now, so I decided to interview that on the issue of HIV/AIDS.
I said: You as a couple, do you usually or often talk about sexual intercourse?
Male friend: Honestly, we spoke once, when we wanted to try it [to have sex together].
I said: What happened, did you do it?
Female friend: We both decided to go for testing first (8), then we’ll discuss after the results (7).
I said: What were the results?
Female friend: Both negative (7).
Male friend: After then we decided to condomize (3). Now that we are both clean, we are glad that we
took the right decisions.
I said: How did you both feel after the love making, or should I say after having sex?
Female friend: It was quite good that we planned, instead of jumping up to the top.
I said: My advice; please keep on condomizing (3) guys for your sakes (3).
Labels: 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 17.Education
Story 4.19
Place: On the street
Date and time: 2 October 2009, 10:02
Who: Female friend
Medium: TV
I was chatting to my friend about what we saw on TV during the ‘Zola 7’ TV show (C), where Zola was
helping disabled people like those who are living with HIV and AIDS.
I said: If you were Zola [South African music artist], what would you first consider as a need for those
people Zola was helping? (24)
Friend: A beautiful home, food, and love. That’s what they need. So if you were Zola, what would you
I said: As you said love, home, and food. I would definitely give them those three important things.
Friend: And how is that gonna make you feel?
I said: Happy and motivated, especially when knowing that I did something good once in a lifetime
Friend: Yeah you’re right. I’m sure Zola is proud of helping those who are disabled and living with
HIV/AIDS (24).
I said: He’s really a good man, honestly!
Labels: 24.Support
Story 4.20
Place: At home
Date and time: 4 October 2009, 09:36
Who: Sister and cousin
Medium: Casual talk
I said: Do you know anything about ARV’s? (6)
Cousin: No, often hear this word, but with no idea what it is actually used for.
Sister: Guys, do you know that this is a big issue because if you don’t know and if it might happen that
you are required to take care of an HIV-positive (24), you might make that person very ill.
I said: What do you mean?
Sister: Guys, ARV’s are medicines that a person living with AIDS is allocated to drink at a specific time
(17, 6).
Cousin: So if the person does not drink the medicine, she or he might get sick or die.
Labels: 6.Cure, 17.Education, 24.Support
Participant 5
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 9
Story 5.1
Place: At church
Date and time: 31 August 2009, 15:00
Who: Female friend
Medium: Casual talk
My friend: Where does the AIDS-virus come from?
I: No one is sure where AIDS originated. It is caused by the HIV-virus. Individuals can contract HIV
through sexual relations with an infected person, sharing needles and syringes, and rarely, through
blood transfusions. An infected mother can also pass the HIV-virus to her child during pregnancy,
childbirth or breastfeeding.
I: Isn’t there a cure or vaccine for AIDS? (6)
My friend: There is currently no known cure or vaccine for AIDS, not in this country or anywhere else
in the world.
I: Is it true that having sex with a virgin can cure HIV? (19, 6)
My friend: Having sex with a virgin will not cure HIV. There is no cure for HIV/AIDS. Having sex with a
virgin will only place the virgin at risk of HIV infection.
My friend: Why should an employee with HIV be allowed to work?
I: Day-to-day contact with HIV poses no threat to co-workers, family members or other in the
community. People with HIV should not be discriminated against (9) because of their HIV-status (7).
I: Isn’t HIV/AIDS just a lie, made up to scare people?
My friend: HIV and AIDS are real. No one wants HIV and AIDS to exist, but they do. You can protect
yourself from HIV by getting tested together with your partner (8), remaining mutually faithful (2), and
avoiding recreational use of intravenous drugs.
I: What if my religion says I shouldn’t use condoms? (19, 3)
Friend: Your religion probably also discourages sexual relationships outside of marriage. By following
this religious principle, you and your partner can do engage in sex outside of a mutually faithful
relationship (2) or if either of you have had previous sexual partners (22), then you should get tested
(8) and use condoms (3) to protect yourselves. You can talk to your religious leader for more guidance
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 9.Stigma, 17.Education,
19.Traditional beliefs, 22.Relationship history
Story 5.2
Place: At school
Date and time: 3 September 2009, 10:00
Who: Female friend
Medium: Casual talk
My friend: What is the main fact of HIV/AIDS?
I: The main fact is that if you are bleeding and you touch someone with that blood where he or she has
a scratch somewhere on the skin by mistake then he or she will get infected.
My friend: How?
I: If that person who is bleeding has HIV/AIDS.
Friend: Okay. Now I understand.
I: Yah! No problem.
Friend: But it is not only by touching, but even if you also sleep around (2) you can be infected by the
I: But not always, because some of the people are using condoms (3).
Friend: I know that, but remember some other people are trying to ignore condoms, so they normally
use unprotected sex.
I: And some other people say you can’t eat a sweet without opening it, so that means you cannot have
sex with using the condom, so you need to take off the condom (3, 19).
[Friend laughing out loud]
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 5.3
Place: At home
Date and time: 3 September 2009, 19:00
Who: Brother
Medium: Casual talk
I: Can the disease called HIV/AIDS be treated? (6)
Brother: At the other side I say “yes”, because if you follow the instructions you will reach more days
than you think. And at the other side I say “no” because even if you follow the instructions you will still
die because you didn’t want to take care of yourself or your life.
I: Eish! You’re right, you got all my point. So there is nothing that I can say, AIDS is…
Brother [laughing out loud]: Haha… You see, you can’t debate with me better than me boy.
I: You win. So anyway if it was you having HIV/AIDS, not knowing that you have that kind of disease
and seeing that you’re starting to become thin, what will you do? (12)
Brother: There are three things to say; 1) tell my parents about it, 2) go to the hospital for check up,
and 3) follow the directions directly (12).
I: As you said you’re right, but there is one thing that I’m going to argue with you and your lying boy.
You can’t follow the instructions that you don’t know and not being aware that you have such of a
disease in your life.
Brother: Did you just hear me?
I: No, not exactly.
Brother: I said I will go for check up or do you want me to say HIV-test? (8)
I: Okay, now I understand you my brother.
Brother: I knew that you didn’t understand me, so now you do.
I: Yah, I do.
Brother: Okay.
Labels: 6.Cure, 8.Testing, 12.Focus
Story 5.4
Place: At school
Date and time: 9 September 2009, 10:00
Who: Male friend
Medium: Casual talk
I: Do you think that HIV/AIDS is increasing?
Friend: Yes, because many people have unprotected sex (3) and they affect others.
I: Do you think that’s how HIV/AIDS increases?
Friend: Yes, by having unprotected sex (3) and touching someone’s blood.
I: Okay. As I see you, everything you say is always “yes”.
Friend [laughing out loud]: No, because that’s what I think.
I: If you have a friend who have HIV/AIDS what will you do?
Friend: I will tell him or her to go to the hospital to get ARV’s (6).
I: Are you still going to be friends?
Friend: Ya!
I: Why?
Friend: I can’t hate him or her just because he or she is positive and I cannot leave him or her just
because he or she is infected with HIV/AIDS and if you life with him or her who can help him or her?
Who can support or take care of him or her? You see what happens if you’re not there to encourage
him or her (24).
I: Ya! I agree with your opinion my friend. So what if it were you who was infected with it? (12)
Friend: I will kill myself (21).
I [laughing out loud]: Why? For what reason?
Friend: I will get a heart attack.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 12.Focus, 21.Suicide, 24.Support
Story 5.5
Place: At home
Date and time: 9 September 2009, 20:00
Who: Male friend
Medium: Casual talk
I: Why are many people dying because of HIV/AIDS?
Friend: Because most of the people don’t listen to their elders, most of them.
I: So do you think there are all of them who don’t listen to their elders?
Friend: Not all of them. Some they pretend, some they listen to them (17).
I: What do you think might make people to force the girls to have sex with them? (4)
Friend: Who is forcing them?
I: Their boyfriends.
Friend: Why?
I: Because some of them they want to prove to a girl the does she really love him or what… (4)
Friend: Okay.
I: Do you think it’s good to force a girl to have sex with you? (4)
Friend: No, because she have to make an agreement first, that she wants or not.
I: If it was you being forced to have sex with you?
Friend: I will go and report to the police (4).
I: To do what?
Friend: To tell them that they raped me (11).
I: Even if they didn’t rape you?
Friend: Just because they forced me to have sex with them (4).
I: So if you find out that you have AIDS, what are you going to do? (12)
Friend: I’m going to take care of myself and also tell my parents.
I: With which care?
Friend: By eating healthy food (13) and getting real health care from the hospital (6).
Labels: 4.Pressure into sex, 11.Assault, 12.Focus, 17.Education
Story 5.6
Place: At home
Date and time: 11 September 2009, 08:00
Who: Female friend
Medium: Casual talk
I: Where do you think AIDS comes from?
Friend: I don’t know, but I think it comes from outside countries.
I: How?
Friend: I don’t know. Do you know what that disease was called in DRC [Democratic Republic of
I [laughing out loud]: No I don’t.
Friend: It was called “slim disease”.
I: What can you do if your boyfriend forces you to have sex with him? (4)
Friend: The better way I will just talk to him about it.
I: How?
Friend: Just to let him know about what will happen after that.
I: What will happen?
Friend: There are few things that will happen.
I: Like what?
Friend: Ok, find myself being diagnosed with incurable diseases (7), being pregnant (16), you know
something like that. And don’t forget that AIDS is alive and it will be there taking place.
I: But he keeps forcing you… (4)
Friend: Ok, I would once ask him if that’s what he want on me, then if that is, I will brake up.
I: He says if you brake up with him, he will kill you… (11)
Friend: I will tell my parents about it.
I: Your parents say you must report him to the police, will you do that?
Friend: Yes, of course. I will because they are my parents, they have the right to know any- or
everything about me, and I don’t want to get HIV/AIDS while I’m still young.
Friend: And don’t forget that sex is a risk. You might have sex and get pregnant (16) or you can get
HIV/AIDS and if you have HIV/AIDS being pregnant it’s either you or the baby who will die. That is why
I don’t want to get pregnant or have sex.
Labels: 4.Pressure into sex, 7.Status, 11.Assault, 16.Pregnancy
Story 5.7
Place: At the doctor
Date and time: 3 October 2009, 10:00
Who: Doctor
Medium: Casual talk
I: How can we stop HIV?
Doctor: Half of all teenagers have had sex by age 17. Waiting ‘til you’re older to have sex (1) reduces
the risk of HIV. A quarter of 15-24 year old men say they’ve had more than one sexual partner in last
year (22). Having one partner reduce you risk of HIV (2). A third of 15-24 year old women who have
had one sexual partner in the part year never use a condom (3). Using a condom every time you have
sex prevents HIV transmission. Only a third of South Africans know where they stand with HIV (7).
People who have been tested for HIV (8) are more likely to protect themselves and their partners. (17)
I: What will you do if he pressurizes you into sex? (4)
Doctor: Most young people know about sexual intercourse and oral sex. They talk about it at school or
see it on TV or in magazines. The more open you are with them, the more they’ll understand that sex
is not something sleazy that should be done, but not talked about (15)! Instead, your openness will
help them see that sex is a normal part of life, and like any other part of life should be shaped by your
values and your goals (14).
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 4.Pressure into sex, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 14.Positive
lifestyle, 15.Fear to talk, 17.Education, 22.Relationship history
Appendix N - Data analysis ‘Hearsay ethnography’ – Without written instructions
Group: Male and female participants, Sepedi mother tongue, grade 10, average age 15.4 years.
Participant 1
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 10
Story 1.1
26 August 2009
I: what do you know about hiv/aids?
Cousin: I know that hiv/aids is a killer disease that cannot be cured (6)
I: are you afraid of hiv/aids?
Cousin: Yes definitely
I: Why?
Cousin: If I get this disease I couldn’t be myself again
I: If your boyfriend had this disease would you support and encourage him to love his life?
Cousin: I will end our relationship (24)
I: If next month you found that you are pregnant (16) and infected by him with this disease, what would
you do?
Cousin: I would be miserable and hate him for the rest of his life
I: What about the pregnancy? (16)
Cousin: I’ll abort
I: Why abortion
Cousin: Because I’d be terrified that the baby could be infected with the disease
I: Would you tell your mother?
Cousin: Yes, because it’s matter of life and death
I: So to you hiv/aids is the end of life?
Cousin: Yes
Labels: 6.Cure, 16.Pregnancy, 24.Support
Story 1.2
30 August 2009
I: Hi
Classmate: Hi
I: How was the life science project?
Classmate: Not so well
I: How come
Classmate: I didn’t submit it on time, and i lost some marks
I: thats bad, which topic did you choose on diseases?
Classmate: hiv/aids
I: you got me thinking, let me test your mind on your topic
Classmate: ok
I: Tell how much do you know about hiv/aids
Classmate: I know that hiv/aids is a chronic disease
I: what are you doing as learner or young teenager to prevent this chronic disease?
Classmate: I abstain (1)
I: between abstaining and condomising which one do you think it’s better? (1, 3)
Classmate: I thinbk abstaining
I do you know anyone who is infected by this disease?
Classmate: No!
I: If you know a person who is infected by hiv/aids
Classmate: Fairly, because in our constitution rights book, it clearly states that every South African has
the right not to be discriminated (9)
I: If anyone in your family had this chronic disease and comes to visit, you family decides that he/she
will be sharing a bed with bedroom, what would you reaction be?
Classmate: I would change rooms
I: but isn’t she family?
Classmate: but what if i catch the disease why sleeping
I: no, hiv/aids cannot spread through touching, sharing a toilet, sharing clothes, sharing a plate, so
you’re scared?
Classmate: No
I: So you accept her, but you still discriminate (9) even believing in the constitution book, I think you
should educate yourself more and found out more information, image you have the disease and being
discriminated ok
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 9.Stigma
Story 1.3
03 September 2009
I; Hi
Motau (classmate): Hi, are you going to attend math study?
I: No, I don’t think so
Motau: but, you know you need the marks in order to pass
I: ok, I get your point
I: hey, how is you girlfriend?
Motau: you mean girlfriends?
I: Can I ask you something, and please be honest?
Motau: Sho, anything not human
I: ok, it’s hiv/aids
Motau: you can start
I: can you tell me what is hiv/aids?
Motau: hiv/aids is a disease that doctors can cure with their medicines (6)
I: people who are hiv/aids are they accepted in your church?
Motau: Yes
I: If you found that your brother is hiv/aids, how would you treat him?
Motau: I would encourage him to get proper health care and a live a healthy lifestyle (13, 24)
I: Motau do you abstain? (1)
Motau: no, I only condomize (3)
I: how many girls are you involved with?
Motau: Three girls (2)
I: why don’t you choose one girl?
Motau: because, if i’m going to see one girl and found that she is on holiday, I would go and sleep with
number 2 and sleep with her. (2)
I: do you know the more partners you have, the chance of getting the disease increases (17)
Motau: what are you saying, you telling me you rather be with one partner, you are really weird
I: I’d rather be weird than hiv/aids positive, Motau you need to stop using a condom and start
abstaining because a condom cannot prevent hiv and aids the 100% percent way (1, 3, 17)
Motau: the girls i’m involved with are not hiv/aids positive (7)
I: Tell me how do you know, have you saw their test results or you’re just guessing?
Motau: you, are talking nonsense
I: Just imagine, being in love with one girl married, the next morning you found that you and her are
infected with hiv/aids, what would you do?
Motau: I would love her till the end of the world
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 13.Healthy lifestyle, 17.Education,
Story 1.4
10 September 2009
I: hi
Church member: hello
I: Can I talk to you about a serious and a educational matter?
Church member: Sho
I: as a young Christian and as a young learner, how much do you about hiv/aids?
Church member: as a Christian I think think that hiv/aids is a punishment to those who attempt
adultery and sins and as a learner I think that hiv/aids is a virus and aids is a disease
I: do you think that god could cure the disease
Church member: no (6)
I: what if you were raped by an infected person and that person infected you, what would you do? (11)
Church member: I would commit suicide (21)
I: do you know that even if you have hiv/aids you can live longer than a uninfected person
Church member: yes
I: then why do you want to commit suicide? (21)
Church member: because I would be discriminated (9)
I: did you know that when you kill yourself you making a huge sin
Church member: ya, but I would have to live my whole life knowing that i’m a dirty unhealthy person
I: so to you, you rather not know that know?
Church member: yes, because if I die not knowing, I will rest in peace
Labels: 6.Cure, 9.Stigma, 11.Assault, 21.Suicide
Story 1.5
30 September 2009
Gace: Hi
I; Hi
Grace: how is you day going
I: good, can I ask you something that you do not mainly talk about?
Grace: ok, I hope that something is not a joke
I: no, tell what does hiv/aids mean to you
Grace: hiv is a virus that infects the body cell and aids is a disease that destroys your immune system
I: are you afraid of hiv/aids
Grace: yes, because it kills
I: It kills whose who cant care for their infected bodies, because without the medicine they are at high
risk of dying, because of lack of knowledge, so tell me is your boyfriend hiv/aids positive?
Grace: no (7)
I: how do you know?
Grace: because he said so
I: what if he was lying and wanted to infect because of revenge and he success and infects, how
would you know that you have the disease?
Grace: By getting tested (8)
I: are you hiv/aids negative
Grace: yes, and i’m willing to be hiv/aids negative (7)
I: For how many years are you willing to be hiv/aids free?
Grace: until the day I die
I: have you ever went tested? (8)
Grace: no, because I know i’m still a virgin (10)
I: If you going to have sex are you going to be protected condomize (3)
Grace: yes
I: does love beat hiv/aids?
Grace yes, if you are commited to your partner by being faithful (2) and trusting him with your life
I: do you know anyone who is hiv/aids positive? (7)
Grace: no
I: how can you prevent hiv/aids
Grace: By abstaining, Faithful and Condomize (1, 2, 3)
I: do you hiv can be cured maybe in the near future? (6)
Grace: yes and i know that hiv/aids can kill you, but if you and you partner know each other status you
can prevent it (7)
I: thanks
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 10.Virginity
Story 1.6
01 October 2009
I: good morning
Uncle: good morning my boy
I: uncle did you enjoy yesterdays hiv/aids drama?
Uncle: yes, I wish maybe the show it could repeat itself right now
I: I have an idea, we can pretend that i’m the interviewer and you are the guest?
Uncle: ok, I’m up for the challenge
I: how much are you educated by hiv/aids
Uncle: a lot, i’m lost a teacher
I: ok, explain
Uncle: hiv is a human immune virus and not a disease and aids is an acquired immune deficiency
syndrome and it cannot be cured (6)
I: do you teach learners who are infected with the disease?
Uncle: yes, every child must be taught, whether they are hiv/aids positive or the colour of their skin
I: while teaching do you overcome learners who are ignorant of what you teach about this disease?
Uncle: yes, and other keep blaming getting the disease on drugs and alcohol and others keep
I: So do learners feel that you are not talking sense while teaching and some writing petition because
they feel you are criticizing them with the words hiv/aids
Uncle: all i can say is hiv/aids is no joke it can kill over 2 million people per year, thats enough people
to be sold for a new country
I: Thanks, for watching see you next week bye
Labels: 6.Cure
Story 1.7
03 October 2009
I: Hi
Best friend: hi long time no talk
I: I know, what happened to your Facebook and twitter
Best friend: some cheap criminal stole it while I was going to Cape Town on a school trip last month
I: why the long face, I thought Cape Town was a happy place for anyone
Best friend: while we were there, there was a workshop about hiv/aids and the things we learned were
I: so tell me about hiv/aids
Best friend: I know that hiv/aids is a sexual transmitted disease that affects our everyday lives and our
family member can be infected without knowing (17)
I: what are the symptoms of hiv/aids? (7)
Best friend: sweating at night, having sores and rush that are no to your loss of weight and loss of
appetite nearly the symptoms of TB (17)
I: what booklets were given to you at the workshop that were very educational
Best friend: The booklets were sponsored by the department of health in Cape Town and some
contain real stories that happen to real people
I: I wish I could’ve gone with you, you know I like educational stuff
Best friend: I may have been fed now i’m ready to be a workshop talker
I: oh really, we will see won’t we
Labels: 7.Status, 17.Education
Story 1.8
04 October 2009
I: good morning
Church member: Hi Mpho
I: how are you this cold morning?
Church member: I’m good
I: did you hear the pastor while preaching about discrimination amongst us community members? (9)
Church member: yes, but I think he’s just imagining things, I know in our community we are all sure of
us being healthy
I: don’t be so sure what if a community member was hiv/aids positive and you hear rumours about it,
wouldn’t you react unhuman?
Church member: I would ask god for guidance, how to treat that person
I: really, or you are just saying because it hasn’t attacked yet?
Church member: I really mean it people cannot be treated unwealthy because of their illness (9)
I: do you think hiv/aids is caused by witches?
Church member: no, but to uneducational they think and say that its either a curse or just a
punishment and it none of the above (19)
I: what are you doing to educate this people
Church member: nothing, but when I grow up things are going to change, I’m going to start with my
children and later community members
I: ok, Thanks I also learned something
Labels: 9.Stigma, 19.Traditional beliefs
Participant 2
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 10
Story 2.1
Conversation with my sister “Marapeng”
I said: Tell me everything you know about HIV/AIDS. My sister said: All I know about HIV/AIDS is that
it affect you in many ways and it kills because once you are affected by these disease it will never be
healed. (6)
I asked her what she would do if she had the HIV/AIDS-virus.
Sister: I will go to the hospital there after go to councelling and get tested and if i’m positive then i’ll go
for CD4 count and if it is below 200 I will get monthly treatment. (6, 7, 8)
I asked her if she knew anyone who is affected.
Sister: Yes, some are my staff member even my late friend
I: Tell me about your late friend’s actions.
Sister: My friend was a sexy looking girl clean and shy also attractive. But she started losing weight
and starting to have lack of appetite and being confused also have flavy hair and oral trash. She first
didn’t want to tell me about her status (7, 15) and stop visiting me and always crying when I see her.
But at the end I went to the nearest clinic and ask if a person starts to have flavy hair etc and the
nurses told me that she/he might have HIV/AIDS and I was alarmed. I went to visit her later that day
and find her garden. She was crying and I told her to step in the house. Five minutes later I asked her
if she is affected and she totally told me the truth. I said to her that she mustn’t panic for anything
because i’m always with her (24), Then 4-5 days later she sent me a text message, the text message
was about “You must take care of your-self girlfriend because life is short and please enjoy the rest of
your life”. This message gave me a shock and I went to her house wanting to ask her that what was
the meaning of that text message and arrived there. I went to her backdoor because the front door
was locked and found the door wide-opened and went straight to her room and she was hanged on
the roofing. I freezed didn’t even believe that she is dead and I thought that she commited sucied
because she is HIV/AIDS positive. (7, 21) That all I can tell you about my late friend.
I asked her if she knew ways of getting affected by HIV/AIDS.
Sister: Yes. First is that, if you sleep with a person who is affected already and sleep with him/her
without using protection (3) you also get HIV/AIDS. I’m not sure about mosquito bites.
I asked her if she sometime get tested.
Sister: Yes (8)
I asked her if she would advise an affected person.
Sister: Truely I don’t know because I couldn’t advice my own friend (17) but all I can say to her/he that
she must go for a montly treatment. (6)
Here is the end of my conversation with my sister.
Date 26 August 2009
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.testing, 15. Fear to talk, 17.Education, 21.Suicide,
Story 2.2
Conversation with my friend Kamogelo “Kamo”
Me and my friend where sitting together and asked me about this journal book and I said that is just a
notes book and start asking about the spreading disease.
I asked her if she knows about HIV/AIDS
Kamo: Yes. At school then often tell us about this killer disease. My class teachers tells us to stay
away from sexual activities. (1, 17) Our class teacher told us that HIV/AIDS is a killer disease because
once affected always affected.
I: Tell me about the advices your class teacher advices you with.
Kamo: They always tell us to stay away from sexual activities. They tell us that if we found ourself in
this setuation we must use condoms. They are plenty of advices we get from teachers. (1, 3, 17)
I asked her to tell me about HIV in SA.
Kamo: All I know is that South Africa has almost 6 million people who are living with HIV/AIDS and
most of those do not yet know that they are infected with HIV.
I: Tell me about other countries
Kamo: In some countries HIV and AIDS affects only small groups of people, but in South Africa more
than one out of every 10 people is already infected. This means that everyone is affected by HIV.
Everyone knows someone who is HIV positive, and many of us are HIV positive ourselves. (7, 17)
Conversation ended
Date 26 August 2009
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 17.Education
Story 2.3
Conversation with my best friend Rose.
I just started asking her about HIV/AIDS
I: What do you know about HIV and AIDS
Rose: HIV is a human immune virus or a disease which could be infected from person to person by
ways of sexual intercourse or anyway by means of blood transmission if the other person has the virus
I asked her what would she do if she had the HIV/AIDS-virus.
Rose: Its hard to express my status to someone else but for the sake of you, I would tell my status (7)
and try to protect people who are more closer to me. Being positive is more important or having a
positive attitude.
Rose: So would you tell your parents that you are HIV/AIDS positive? (7)
I: I never thought of something like that but I think I will tell them.
Rose: Tell me, do you know what cause or ways in which you can be infected?
I: All I know is that HIV/AIDS is caused by an infection from one person to the other person if one
person has the virus and you can be affected by AIDS if you have a sexual intercourse with a person
with HIV/AIDS or if someones blood who has AIDS could drop to your body maybe if you have a scare
or sore, then you could be infected.
I: what advices would you give to a person who is affected
Rose: I would tell the person that its not the end of life, you can still live many years to come with that
virus as long as you are taking your medication and living a healthy life (13).
Rose: What about you?
I: I would tell him/her that she mustn’t listen to other people who tells you that as long as you are
positive is the end of your life (7), try to avoid those people and live a healthy life to be healthy so that
you can live many years. (13)
Conversation ended
Date 27 August 2009
Labels: 7.Status, 13.Healthy lifestyle
Story 2.4
Conversation with Gilbert
I said: My friend, do you know wher this virus comes from?
Gilbert: To tell the truth I don’t know were this virus comes from but people say its from an animal.
Gilbert: What about you?
I: Me neither I really don’t know where it comes from.
Gilbert: Did you ever met someone who has the virus?
I: Never! What about you?
Gilbert: Me too, but I wish to
I: Do you know the symptoms of this virus?
Gilbert: I’m not really sure but the only thing that I know is that TB is there, sores in their mouth or
vomiting. You wont really see them. (7)
He asked me if I know ways that I can get this virus.
I: You could be infected by sleeping with someone with HIV/AIDS.
I: What about you, do you know any?
Gilbert: Yes, by touching someone’s blood who is HIV/AIDS positive without wearing protecting
gloves, if you have scares or sores.
Gilbert: So tell me any way you can prevent this virus.
I: Easy as ABC, abstain, be wise and condomize (1, 3)
I: Tell me about you
Gilbert: You could prevent AIDS by always using a condom when having sexual intercourse. (3)
End of conversation
Date 28 August 2009
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 7.Status
Story 2.5
Conversation with a church member “Sister Grace”
Grace: Some people in this world says that HIV/AIDS is one way which God is punishing us with do
believe in those words?
I: I really don’t know because this virus is ending many lives, destroying people’s relationships but I
wont say that is true.
I: What about you, do you believe in those words?
Grace: Yes, as a Christian, Because it is also written in the Bible that at the end of the world there
would be an uncurable disease and many people would die from it only those who don’t protect
themselves. (19)
I: In your life, did you ever thought that what could you do if you have this virus?
Grace: Yes
I: Why?
Grace: Because being a Christian I used to change cars, changing boyfriends and sleeping with men
without using protection. (3)
I: How come did you get yourself out of this mess?
Grace: My parents told me more about HIV/AIDS and its disadvantages but I didn’t listen to them but
one of my friend told me that HIV/AIDS is killing many people around the world and I noticed that
quickly, so I told myself that I won’t ever try to sleep with any man more often without knowing their
status (7, 17)
I: So tell me sister, are you positive or negative?
Grace: Negative. Why ask? (7)
I: Because you told me that you used to sleep around and changing boyfriends. (22)
Grace: HIV/AIDS is a killer in this world. But tell me did you ever met any one who has the virus?
I: Never! And you?
Grace: Yes
I: How do they look like, live like?
Grace: They look like us but live a positive life.
Conversation ended
Date 30 August 2009
Labels: 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 17.Education, 19.Traditional beliefs, 22.Relationship history
Story 2.6
Conversation with Lebogang “Lebo”
I: Do you believe that HIV/AIDS is a killer in this world?
Lebo: Obvious! Because even my younger brother can tell you that AIDS is a killer and even at school,
TV’s and newspaper tells every living person that HIV/AIDS can kill and destroy your life.
Lebo: Eh do people have many partners at the same time? (2)
I: Sex is a very important part of our live. We want sex to be fulfilling and fun. But some people do not
have good sex with their main partner. This can be for many reasons: they may be tired, they may not
have time, they don’t feel attracted to their partner any more. Sometimes we find that when we first
meet, we love and full of tenderness. We kiss everytime we see each other. Once we are married and
have children, though, we don’t even kiss everytime we see each other. Every once in a while I pull
you into bed- there is no romance
I: What about you, why do people have many partners at the same time? (2)
Lebo: Some people (especially men) feel that if they want to have sex in more interesting or different
ways they cannot do it with their wives or partners and that they must go to someone else to
experiment (2) and if you have this virus, that is why this virus spread.
Lebo: What do you know about multiple or many partners? (2)
I: No you tell me!
Lebo: When you have more than one sexual partner at one time you become part of what is called
sexual network. If just one person in this sexual network is infected HIV is easily passed on to
everyone else in that network (17)
Lebo: Tell me any risk of getting this virus?
I: Sleeping around with girls or boys without using protection (3)
End of conversation
31 August 2009
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 17.Education
Story 2.7
Conversation with uncle Paul
Uncle said: Do you have a girlfriend?
I said: Yes
I: Why do you ask?
Uncle: Is just that in this busy world there are many different types of dangerous diseases.
I: Uncle I know that because at school they teach us about those different types of killer diseases.
Uncle: Tell me any
I: HIV/AIDS the most killer disease
Uncle: So, do you sometimes you and your girlfriend visit the doctors and test for HIV/AIDS?
I: No (8)
Uncle: Why?
I: Because if I get tested or let me say if I went to hospital for testing and find that I am HIV and AIDS I
will start to change my looks, loose weight and do such things. (7, 8)
Uncle: No, it is important to test because if you don’t get tested you wont even know who or how did
you get that HIV/AIDS (7, 8)
I: I know but if I get tested and get my results saying I am HIV/AIDS positive (7, 8) I will have many
things running in my head “do this do that” all time maybe at the end thinking to kill myself. (21)
I: So tell me did you ever get tested since you and your wife are married?
Uncle: Yes, we get tested every after 3 months. (8)
Uncle: Let me tell you what you can do to prevent HIV/AIDS in your community, people and their
partners must at least visit the nearest clinic for checkup so that they must have a save sex and to
prevent HIV/AIDS, in that case most young stars can do more to save themselves from getting this
dangerous diseases.
I: But uncle most people say that men who are circumcised are lucky because HIV/AIDS doesn’t go
throw them. Is it true?
Uncle: Not sure but men who are not circumcised are more likely to get HIV. But although circumcised
men are partly protected they can still get infected with HIV/AIDS (17), and must use condoms every
time they have sex (3).
I: What about inequality?
Uncle: Poor people living next to wealthier people means that poor people may use sex to get food
and other things that make their lives easier. Wealthier people can use their money to have many
sexual partners. (18)
End of conversation
Date 1 September 2009
Labels: 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 17.Education, 18.Sex in exchange for goods, 21.Suicide
Story 2.8
Conversation with Tumiso
Tumiso said: Did you ever have sex?
I said: Yes. Why ask?
Tumiso: Is just that I heard someone saying that if you have sex without using condoms you may be
standing a chance to get HIV/AIDS. (3)
I: Yes that is true.
I: What about condom use? (3)
Tumiso: Condoms do protect you from getting HIV/AIDS infection. But they only protect you when you
use them every time you have sex. (3)
I: Yes that is true. In South Africa it has become clear that although people are using condoms much
more than ever before, they do not use them every time they have sex (3) - and then they are
exposing time not to use relationship – the most dangerous time unless you both know your HIV
status and remain faithful to each other. (2, 7)
Tumiso: That is 100% true. So even if you are in a long term relationship it is important to know your
HIV status and the HIV status of your partner. You need to keep on using condoms everytime you
have sex. (3, 7)
I: Do you know that circumcised men also have to use condoms because circumcision does not fully
protect them?
Tumiso: yes, my father told me so. (17)
Tumiso: So Katlego, every time you have sex use protection meaning condoms. (3, 17)
I: Thank you.
End of conversation
02 September 2009
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 17.Education
Story 2.9
Conversation with Peter
I said: Do you know that culture can put most people at risk?
Peter said: Obvious
Peter: When coming to culture, our culture is killing us as black people. The culture is killing us
because women are taught that a man is the head of the family, and that a man is an axe that can be
borrowed around (23)
I: A cultural practice that protects people from HIV/AIDS infection is waiting until marriage to have sex.
This can be protective if both partners wait until marriage and do not have other sexual partners
outside of the marriage. (1, 2)
Peter: And one cultural practice that puts people at risk are those that say a woman cannot challenge
or ask him where he has been. This puts a woman at risk even when she knows that her partner is
probably having sex with other partners – she doesn’t believe she can ask him where has he been
and has being doing. (23)
O: Even other practices that place people at risk are those that encourage men to have many sexual
partners. Sometime men who have lots of partners are seen a strong or important men. This
encourage men to have many partners. (2, 5)
Conversation ended
Date 02 September 2009
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 5.Peer pressure, 23.Sex role
Story 2.10
Conversation with Lerato
I said: What can people say about the youth of today?
Lerato: Youth of today is destroyed because they loose their lives by the virus called HIV/AIDS and is
killing our young brothers and sisters.
Lerato: Did you know that HIV/AIDS is just like around the world?
I: Yes i knowed that
Lerato: What can you do to help our young brothers and sister because day by day more than 3
people dies?
I: I will tell all people that if you are HIV/AIDS positive it does not mean that it is the end of the world
(7) because some people live longer than they had ever thought because they are following the rules
of living with HIV/AIDS.
Lerato: What can you do to keep safe?
I: It is important for men and women to make an effort to make their sex life more interesting and enjoy
sex in their loving relationships. This means spending time together and talking to each other about
both of your feelings and needs. If you have been together for more than a few weeks many people
stop using condoms. This is dangerous if you do not know each others HIV status. You need to be
sure of your partners status and that they do not have other partners before you can think about not
using condoms. (3, 7)
I: You tell how to love safe
Lerato: Space your relationships. Wait at least six (6) weeks before starting a new relationship. But
remember it is still risky to have many partners (2) even if you wait to have sex. And it is important that
you know your HIV status. (7) This means that you can go together as a couple.
Lerato: What about being married?
I: Being married does not protect you from getting HIV unless you both tested negative for HIV before
you got married and you both only have each other as sexual partners after you get married. (2, 7, 8)
Ended conversation
03 September 2009
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing
Story 2.11
Conversation with Thabo
Thabo: Do you know that talking about sex is difficult and many people measure themselves by their
sexual performance. But in loving relationship it is easier to talk about sex.
I: Yes that is true. I can even tell you tips on how to talk about difficult topics
Thabo: Tell me them.
I: Don’t give up! Be honest about how you feel. Choose the right time and place when you are both
relaxed and have time. Explain why you want to talk e.g. by saying “Our relationship is so important to
...” and try to listen to everything.
Thabo: Who told you that?
I: My mother (17)
Thabo: If someone comes to you and ask for help because that particular person is HIV/AIDS positive.
I: I would tell that person that he/she must visit the nearest clinic and get pills and therefore each
healthy food to keep him/herself healthy and protected. (6, 13)
I: I you went to an ordinary school and they ask you to tell the school about HIV/AIDS, what will you
tell them?
Thabo: I would tell them that they mustn’t listen to their friends more often than themselves because
friend will want to tell you what is right for you. And also tell them that if they are in a small relationship
they must always make use of condoms (3) because their partners( most of them) are not being
honest to their partners.
Conversation ended
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 13.Healthy lifestyle, 17.Education
Story 2.12
Conversation with Phoebe
We were looking at a newspaper then Phoebe had sawn a heading which talks about the rate of
HIV/AIDS and thats how our conversation started.
Phoebe said: Do you know that our country is one of the most country that has this virus.
I: No, I don’t.
Phoebe: HIV/AIDS in South Africa is spreading like a poison is water. People nowadays doesn’t use
condoms because they think that their partners are faithful to them while they are not. (2, 3)
I: That one I know, because most people have sex with anybody who ask for sex and while it is not
save to have unprotected sex. (3)
Phoebe said: But young stars of today are at risk.
I: Why?
Phoebe: Because they think that this world is their friend but while it is not their friend. Let me tell you
young stars like too much entertainment while it is destroying their lifes.
I: Yes, and they drink too much there after they go to bed with someone while they don’t use condoms
while having sex. (3)
Phoebe: Your right. But if you and your friends decides to go to a party or somewhere else you must
always have a protection because you don’t know whats going to happen where you are going with
your friends. You first don’t know your girlfriends status because you had never been to a hospital for
test. (7, 8)
I: That is true. And you also don’t know your friends status because your friend may have sex with a
girl you are going to have sex with and get HIV/AIDS from your friend to you. (7)
Phoebe: All I can tell you is that where ever you are going you must have enough protection to protect
yourself. (3)
End of conversation
08 September 2009
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing
Story 2.13
We were looking at a drama based on HIV/AIDS. That drama’s name is Soul city. It was showing how
people get HIV/AIDS. This conversation was with one of my sisters called Itumeleng (Itu).
Itu said: Do you know your girlfriends status? (7)
I: No why?
Itu: Is just that this drama tells that you and your girlfriend must both know your status or do you know
your status? (7)
I: No
Itu: Then we have a problem
I: No, we don’t
Itu: Why do you say we don’t
I: Because whenever I have sex I always use protection (3) since it was me starting from grade 8.
I: You tell me about you. Do you know your husband status? (7)
Itu: Yes.
I: Yours?
Itu: Yes
I: Okay, when last had you gone for the tests?
Itu: Around last month me and my husband. (8)
I: But do you know that it does not mean that you can get HIV/AIDS by only having sex?
Itu: I know, but i’m sure that I will always be negative (7) all the time because I know that I won’t touch
anybody’s blood without having handgloves on.
I: But what about mosquito bite, do you also get HIV/AIDS from it?
Itu: yes you can get HIV and AIDS throu mosquito bites because the suck your blood and they go
again to suck someone’s blood if that first person is HIV/AIDS positive you can also get HIV/AIDS too
do you know that?
I: Yes and no because I wasn’t sure.
Itu: Little brother you must take care of your-self because I can’t be always there when having sexual
activities, okay? (17)
I: Yes and thank you
Conversation ended
09 September 2009
Labels: 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.testing, 17.Education
Story 2.14
Conversation with my friend Alias. We were sitting in the class and our class teacher gave us an
activity based on HIV/AIDS and the symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
Alias:Do you know where HIV/AIDS comes from?
I: No, you?
Alias: Yes?
I: Where then?
Alias: I was told that there was a man who formed it and tested it on a rat then to human.
I: So why is it not healed?
Alias: Because...
I: Because what?
Alias: Because he is dead, he was arrested and told that he must heal it and he refused.
I: So you want to tell me that HIV/AIDS comes from a man who formed it?
Alias: Yes of course
I: I don’t believe it.
Alias: Why
I: because it really doesn’t make sense.
Alias: That is what I have been told.
I: And you believed that.
Alias: Yes because there is no other reason to tell where HIV/AIDS comes from.
I: Okay man, tell me how can you tell that, that person is HIV/AIDS positive? (7)
Alias: By looking at them.
I: By looking at them, it is not true you mean it is by just judging them.
Alias: Ya
I: your are a liar
Alias: Okay then you tell me these symptoms. (7)
I: You start loosing weight, and starting to have lack of appetite.
Alias: Is that so?
I: Obvious
End of conversation
Labels: 7.Status
Story 2.15
Conversation with my aunt
My aunt receives a magazine called nursing UPDATE then the symbol representing the magazine is
the same symbol as AIDS (drawing of red ribbon). Then I started a conversation based on HIV/AIDS.
I: Aunt, were you work is there any patients having this virus?
Aunt: Yes.
I: How do they react?
Aunt: They cry, talk strong words and says that they are going to kill themselves. (21)
I: So tell me, what advice do you tell them.
Aunt: I just tell them that they must not listen to their mind listen to your heart. God gave us life to live
not to destroy it, killing yourself doesn’t solve anything (21) but if you just tell yourself that it is not the
end of the life you live but if you just tell yourself that I am suppose to live with HIV/AIDS and there is
nothing we can do.
I: So most people in Limpopo has this virus?
Aunt: All I can say is that it is medium. So if you are a nurse or doctor what advise can you give to
your patients who lives with it?
I: I will tell them that life is a most precious gift from God. So we must not tell ourselves that if i’m
positive I am going to spread it or kill myself, those are the negative thoughts because many people
think bad things in your mind thats why we must listen to our heart not minds. So if you are HIV/AIDS
positive you must go and visit the councelings and know more about HIV/AIDS. (7)
Aunt: That is a good advise.
Conversation ended
Labels: 7.Status, 21.Suicide
Story 2.16
Conversation with my girlfriend (Thato)
I know that I’m given a research about HIV/AIDS so I wanted to ask my girl friend about it because we
never talked about HIV/AIDS so that was the way to have a new conversation.
I: Hi babes!
Thato: Hey baby boy
I: how was your day?
Thato: Not bad and you?
I: Same here
Thato: So why do you ask?
I: Because I love you and I want to chill with you and talk about anything.
Thato: You mean sex?
I: No something like that
Thato: What about kissing each other?
I: Maybe sex or kissing
Thato: You mean that you want to have sex with me?
I: Eh... eish, let me say yes
Thato: okay I want to say no but...
I: But what
Thato: Where’s condoms?
I: In my pocket.
Thato: Okay lets go then
I: Are you serious?
Thato: Yes if you want
I: No babes, I’m just fooling around I don’t want to have sex with you at this moment. (1)
Thato: Okay babes there is no problem at all.
I: Thanx
Thato: Your welcome.
I: Babes do you sometimes think about HIV/AIDS
Thato: Yes everytime I want to have sex with you. Why ask?
I: Is just thath...
Thato: What?
I: I just don’t want to have any problem with you
Thato: What problem
I: Like risking e.g having babies or getting HIV/AIDS (7, 16)
Thato: Ya that what I wanted to ask you at the same tell you that what would you do of you are
HIV/AIDS positive?
I: I don’t know. But I would just not tell everybody that I am HIV/AIDS positive because if I tell them
there will be rumours about me maybe start to think to kill myself, and you? (15, 21)
Thato: I would kill myself. (21)
I: Eish ... babes don’t even think of that please, if you kill yourself what will I do then babes?
Thato: I don’t know because at that moment I would be dead.
I: Please babes don’t think of killing yourself because you are HIV/AIDS positive. Babes, do you know
that people can live with HIV/AIDS for more than many years with HIV/AIDS.
Thato: Yes I know
I: I don’t think so
Thato: Why?
I: Because if you had knewd that people can live with HIV/AIDS for many years to come, you wouldn’t
even think of killing yourself and you didn’t even see the rest of the work
Thato: That is nothing to me at all.
I: Okay do you know that you will die young and get old in the grave?
Thato: No
I: Thato please babes don’t even think of killing yourself for nothing.
Thato: I won’t baby I was just joking I wont kill myself I still love you.
I: Me too
End of conversation
Labels: 1.Abstain, 7.Status, 15.fear to talk, 16.Pregnancy, 21.Suicide
Participant 3
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 10
Story 3.1
28 August 2009.
Engelinah said: Morning Maria, why the look on your face?
Maria: Morning to you too Engelinah.
Engelinah: Maria I can swear you are avoiding my question.
Maria: No… I just have a lot on my mind.
Engelinah: What? Speak your mind my friend.
Maria: It’s about Thabang.
Engelinah: Thabang?
Maria: Yes, my boyfriend.
Engelinah: What about him, I mean he seems like a nice guy.
Maria: Yaa! My friend he looks nice but he is a bad guy, he even ruined my life.
Engelinah: My friend what did he do that made him ruin your life.
Maria: He is unfaithful, he has three other sleeping partners besides me (2).
Engelinah: Oh! No! My friend you should get tested (8), any way how did you find out?
Maria: I confronted him and at first he denied but he told me he was cheating before but now he is
totally faithful (2).
Engelinah: And you believe him?
Maria: Yes, until today morning, I caught him red handed with a girl who happens to be my closest
classmates (2). I mean me and that girl share everything we are like friend in a way.
Engelinah: My friend the only solution right now is for you to know your status (7) and prepare for your
future (12 ) because, this little incidence can change your life for ever.
Maria: I know my friend, I have already done that.
Engelinah: Ok, but you know it’s up to you to decides, who you tell and not tell - even though I will
support you in any decision you make (24).
Maria: Engelinah! Am HIV positive (7).
(Maria bust into tears and cries)
Engelinah: Maria come here! It will be alright. You still have a long way to go. It’s
not the end of the world. Please don’t kill yourself for this mess (21) it wasn’t your fault.
Maria asks: What am I going to do? My life is a mess and am going to die, who will look after my
parents. Engelinah what have I done?
Engelinah: Maria its going to be alright, right now you are still shocked and confused but if we go to
the clinic councelling it would be better because they will give you professional advice (17).
Maria: Are you sure my friend?
Engelinah: Yes, am sure, and they would not tell a soul about your status (7), all you need is to just sit
and talk, that will help you clear your mind.
Maria: Okay my friend lets go now.
Engelinah: Let’s go.
Maria: Thank my friend I don’t know what I would have done without you.
(Then they walk out and go to a clinic)
At The clinic.
Maria: Good day sister Betty. How is your day?
Sister Betty: My day is fine and how is yours?
Maria: Not bad… (Maria starts crying).
Sister Betty: Maria don’t cry… It’s not helping crying alone without telling someone what is bothering
Maria: Sister I should have listen to you and did counselling about my status (7).
Sister Betty: It’s okay Maria, you know what they say “it’s never too late to mend”. Let’s talk, what’s
worrying you or what do you want to know. I am here to help you, talk to me (17).
Maria: It’s about my status (7). Am worried that am going to die young and leave my poor parents
Sister Betty: Maria being HIV positive (7) does not mean it’s the end of the world (12 ). You can still
live a long and healthy lifestyle (13) as long as you take care of yourself.
Sister Betty: All you need to do is just eat the right food and exercise and keep fit (13) so that you
keep your CD4 count on the right level.
Maria: But sister Betty, what will happen to me if my CD4 count drops down?
Sister Betty: You will be requested to take the ARV’s (6) and… the rest will be alright if you take your
medications accordingly.
Maria: Thank you sister Betty, I feel much better now.
Sister Betty: Thanks to you, am making a difference to my people.
Maria: Bye.
Sister Betty: Take care and remember is not the end of the world for you.
(Maria walked out and found her friend Engelinah outside waiting for her)
End of conversation 28 August 2009.
Real names: Gloria and Betty, Refilwe.
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 6. Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 12.Focus, 13.Healthy lifestyle, 17.Education,
21.Suicide, 24.Support
Story 3.2
30 August 2009.
Conversation between Refilwe and Gloria.
Gloria: Hi pal.
Refilwe: Hi friend.
Gloria: You look tired, where is the long road from?
Refilwe: Long road, you wish.
Gloria: Why? (LOL) I mean since when has anything been hard for you?
Refilwe: Since I have went to take HIV test (8).
Gloria: No, you are joking right?
Refilwe: No, am as serious as I will ever be.
Gloria: Am… I don’t know what to say.
Refilwe: Am HIV negative (7)…
Gloria: See I told you, going to clinic to test your status is a waste of time (8). I mean still believe
HIV/AIDS is brought by witchcraft (19).
Refilwe: No my friend HIV/AIDS is real and kills.
Gloria: So are you relieved that you are not positive (7)?
Refilwe: Yes, as relieved as I could never be.
Gloria: Naah! In my own understanding I think HIV is transmitted by witchcraft only (19). I mean I have
more than enough sleeping partners (2) but I feel healthy (13) as I will ever be, so you see that HIV is
just a disease of those who believe in it (19).
Refilwe: Gloria you need to be tested (8) it’s dangerous to sleep with more than one partner (2).
Anyway do you have protected sex (3)?
Gloria: No way, sex is more fun without a condom than with a condom (3).
Refilwe: But my friend you are running a risk of getting HIV/AIDS virus (7) and being pregnant (16).
Gloria: No way I wouldn’t be pregnant am taking prevention pills (16).
Refilwe: Prevention tablets does not prevent HIV virus (7) it only prevents unwanted pregnancy (16).
Gloria: Look my friend I don’t mean to be rude but it’s my choice to look after myself, so save the
speech to those who need it.
Refilwe: Okay, but just know that AIDS it’s out there and it’s killing.
Gloria: Then I guess is bye then.
Refilwe: Sharp my friend.
End of conversation 30 August.
Real names: Refilwe and Gloria.
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 13. Healthy lifestyle, 16.pregnancy,
19.Traditional beliefs
Story 3.3
2 September 2009.
Conversation between Lulu and Thokozile.
Lulu: Hello ses - Thokozile
Thoko: Hi Lulu, how was school today?
Lulu: Fine, you know our teacher just introduced a new topic today in our Life Orientation period (17).
Thoko: (LOL): That is what teachers are supposed to do.
Lulu: Yes, I know but this one is different.
Thoko: Ok, then tell me about it.
Lulu: It’s about HIV/AIDS. Mrs. Letsoalo told us a lot about it today. And it’s a shame that most people
in rural areas does not know about it and the majority is infected (7) as well as others are affected.
Thoko: Really? It looks like it’s not only people in rural areas but also people in urban areas. For
example people like me don’t know enough about the disease that much. Tell me about it.
Lulu: For starters you get HIV virus by having unprotected sex (3), blood transmission, when a HIV
positive women gives birth to a baby and even through breast feeding.
Thoko: So, a positive woman do not breastfeed their babies?
Lulu: Yes, but they have to consult a doctor before making the decisions, for the sake of their babies.
Thoko (LOL): Lulu do you mean I have to consult even if I have to change the baby nappies.
Lulu (LOL): No, I mean when coming to big decisions like breastfeeding etcetera.
Thoko: Ok, but you have not told me about the danger of this disease.
Lulu: HIV/AIDS is very dangerous if you are not alert enough, it can even kill you.
Thoko: Alert? What do you mean.
Lulu: It’s simple you have to follow your doctor’s instructions.
Thoko: And what kinds of instructions will I get?
Lulu: Drink your medication (6) in time, exercise regularly, eat healthy food (13) etcetera.
Thoko: So what kinds of medicines (6) will I have?
Lulu: Unfortunately we don’t have the right cure measure for AIDS, but there are treatments to boost
your immune system and they are called anti-retrovirals – ARV’s (6).
Thoko: So, how do I know that a person is HIV/AIDS positive (7)?
Lulu: You can not see that a person is HIV/AIDS positive by just looking at (7).
Thoko: So what are the symptoms of HIV/AIDS (7)?
Lulu: There are symptoms such as skin rash, loss of hair, weight, appetite and energy (25).
Thoko: So how will she/he know he’s positive (7)?
Lulu: Doctors are experts they know their job. You will receive a counselling first then, if you agree,
you will have to sign certain forms. Then the doctors will take you blood, just a little drop from your
finger. Take it to the laboratory and you will receive your results after 30 minutes and another
counselling too. And there are also HIV/AIDS clinic test tubes (8).
Thoko: 30 minutes! I thought it will take forever, but it sounds expensive (8).
Lulu: Ya neh, but it’s not, just free (8). SEPEDI Mahala [free]! In every public clinic or hospital (8).
Thoko: Really. Wow life is full of surprises. I wish I could test (8) but I don’t wanna die young plus
everybody will know about my status (7).
Lulu: No, as long as you don’t want people to know, they will not, your results are your secret plus the
doctors will never tell anyone about it (7).
Thoko: Are you sure?
Lulu: That’s the law sweetheart. You are not going to die as long as you as you are alert plus you can
life more years.
Thoko: Like how many years?
Lulu: Like up to 15 years or more.
Thoko: 15 years sick, I don’t believe it is a lifespan.
Lulu: You will receive more information at your local clinic or any health centre.
Lulu: Thoko I have something in mind, see you in few hours.
Thoko: OK Lulu anyway I enjoyed talking to you, plus I learned a lot from you (17). Where are you
Lulu: To the clinic. Am gonna do my HIV/AIDS test for a change (8), I am that case I can teach you
more (17).
Thoko: Why don’t you ask me to join you. Let me get my ID book. I need to do it for a change too
End of conversation 2 September 2009.
Real names: Refilwe and Thato.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 17.Education
Story 3.4
11 September 2009 | At street near home.
Conversation between Nico and Lerato.
Lerato: Hi love.
Nico: Hey babygirl, how is you?
Lerato: Am ok.
Nico: But you look like you are a mile away from here.
Lerato: No, am just worried.
Nico: Worried?
Lerato: Yes, am worried.
Nico: Worried about what babez.
Lerato: Am worried that am risking my life by sleeping with you.
Nico: That’s an insult to me, do you want to start abstaining (1) because you are worried, that is
Lerato: No, you don’t understand.
Nico: So what are you saying?
Lerato: Am saying it’s about time we took our relationship to the next level.
Nico: Next level, what do you mean?
Lerato: I mean we should go tested for HIV/AIDS (8).
Nico: HIV/AIDS no ways.
Lerato: Please love, we have to.
Nico: I rather break up with you than to do the HIV test (8).
Lerato: OK Nico if that how you want it then let it be.
(Then she storms out and go home)
Nico calls her…
Nico: Lerato, wait please.
Lerato: What? What do you want, I mean you don’t want to do the test (8) but you say you love me.
Nico: Yes, I do but I just can’t do it (8).
Lerato: Then we have nothing to say to each other. Bye Nico.
Nico: Lerato… come on.
Lerato: Go to hell Nico, it’s over.
Nico: I will do it.
Lerato: What?
Nico: I will go to do the test with you tomorrow (8).
Lerato: No I want to do it today, what if you don’t pitch?
Nico: I will show up babez trust me.
Lerato: If we don’t go now then am really sorry, it’s over.
Nico: Please babez.
Lerato: No, it’s over.
End of conversation 11 September 2009.
Real names: Refilwe and Frans.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 8.Testing
Story 3.5
17 September 2009.
Conversation between Refilwe and Lucky.
I was sitting at home, eventually when the phone started to ring. I take a look on it, before I could
answer and I realise is Lucky, then I pick it up.
Refilwe: Hello.
Lucky: Hi, how are you holding up?
Refilwe: Am ok and you?
Lucky: Cool.
Refilwe: What can I do for you?
Lucky: Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if we could meet and talk.
Refilwe: Talk?... Talk about what?
Lucky: About you and Nico.
Refilwe: What about me and Nico?
Lucky: He told me that you guys broke up.
Refilwe: So, what?
Lucky: So is it true?
Refilwe: Yes, it’s true.
Lucky: What happened?
Refilwe: We had an argument and he just called it quits.
Lucky: But that’s not what he said.
Refilwe: What did he say?
Lucky: He told me you were cheating (2) and when he asked you about it, you told him it’s over.
Refilwe: Do you think am like that? Dude don’t get me freaked out, because that’s not what happened.
He lied to you.
Lucky: Then what really happened?
Refilwe: I offered that we take our relationship to the next level and…
Lucky: Next level… You mean go to HIV testing (8).
Refilwe: Yes and he refused, that’s why I broke up with you.
Lucky: He refused to know his status (7)… He is a fool.
Refilwe: I know but it’s okay.
Lucky: So you, did you go to do the test (8)?
Refilwe: No, but I am going in the next coming days, am still preparing myself for whatever the
outcome is (12).
Lucky: OK girlfriend I chat to you soon.
Refilwe: Bye Lucky.
Then I hung up the phone.
End of conversation 17 September 2009.
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 12.Focus
Story 3.6
21 September 2009.
Conversation between Refilwe and Nancy.
Me and my aunt were sitting in my bedroom at home watching TV (c) suddenly when an
advertisement showed up. The advertisement was about people who want to get married. So the
advert advise people who want to get married to go and test for HIV/AIDS so that they can know their
status and we started talking about it.
Refilwe: Yo! Life has no guarantee you know.
Nancy: What makes you say that?
Refilwe: The advert.
Nancy: In what way does the advert show that life has no guarantee?
Refilwe: I mean it tells us that loving a person is not enough. You have to look after yourself one way
or the other (14).
Nancy: Yes and it also shows that there will be no trust until you both know your status.
Refilwe: But people can get married based on trust only.
Nancy: Yaa! But that happened mostly in the older days, so in this century you cannot expect oneself
to believe in word. Everything is about proof this days.
Refilwe: What about condoms (3)?
Nancy: What about them.
Refilwe: I thought they prevent HIV?
Nancy: No way my nieci, the only way to prevent HIV/AIDS is by abstaining (1).
Refilwe: OK, so let’s say I want to get married, will I also have to go to HIV testing (8)?
Nancy: That’s absolutely your choice but if you also want your partner to come along, you will have to
consult him.
Refilwe: So what happens if someone gets you infected on purpose?
Nancy: I don’t know much about that one, but it might happen. That it is a crime.
Refilwe: So it means I can report it?
Nancy: Yaah! You can.
Refilwe: It’s good what the government is doing you know.
Nancy: What do you mean?
Refilwe: I mean it’s fighting against the spread of HIV/AIDS in so many ways.
Nancy: Yaah neh! All those lot of campaigns.
Refilwe: There is now bigger campaigns like Napwa, Youth Aids and etcetera.
Nancy: The NGO’s organisations and lots more.
Refilwe: Yaah neh! It’s really a big problem we are facing.
Nancy: Naah! I think we can beat it. Only if we stay together and help one another.
Then the soapie we have been waiting for start to play.
End of the conversation 21 September.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 8.Testing, 14.Positive lifestyle
Participant 4
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 10
Story 4.1
28 August 2009.
Conversation with my neighbour sister Emily.
My character is Tumi because is the nickname that they use to call me at home. The conversation
started because there was a rumour over the internet that said there was a guy from Pretoria and he
was riding a Hummer to attract girls so that he can infect them with his STI which was uncontrollable.
It was midday when I and my neighbour sis Emily started talking about HIV/AIDS over the fence.
Emily said: Tumi where do you really think HIV/AIDS comes from?
Tumi: I don’t know but I don’t believe the rumours also.
Emily: I think it comes from evil doers (19).
Tumi: Really! How?
Emily: Aren’t you surprised at how it spread faster?
Tumi: I am but how?
Emily: It came from Nigeria, because lots of STD’s come from there.
Tumi: Then how would it infect one?
Emily: They’ll make you sleep with their evil things without knowing (19).
Tumi: Why do you think so, I mean please convince me.
Emily: I myself I am positive (7) and I don’t think I got it from having unprotected sex (3) or any of the
causes (19).
Tumi: So you think the evil doers villains made you sleep with those things and surprisingly you got
the virus.
Emily: Yes, I think so with no doubt (19).
Tumi: I am sorry that you are positive (7) but I don’t really think that that is the cause.
Emily: The only reason you won’t trust me is because you have never been through it. And evil doers
made sure that no scientist can discover the real origin of HIV/AIDS (19).
Tumi: But why then did they not find it first in Nigeria?
Emily: It’s because by then it was spread to America where they first discovered it.
Tumi: Eish! That is tough, I can’t imagine what your are going through.
Emily: I’d rather not talk about that my child, let’s talk about the disease in general.
Tumi: What do you really think about the rumour that say “HIV/AIDS was spread by gays”?
Emily: That I don’t know maybe there must be more into it.
Tumi: Ok, do you think that traditional healers (19) here in South Africa can find the cure (6) for it?
Emily: Yeah, but because of clearance of forest for making roads, construction or roads etcetera. I
think the herbal might be extinct.
Tumi: You might be right there.
Emily: I really think that they should do more because one of the traditional healers might be lucky and
maybe his or her ancestors show him the herb to cure HIV/AIDS (19, 6).
Tumi: What if it was really a punishment from God?
Emily: Why then do you think God would do that to his children he loves the most no matter what.
Tumi: Because people are not being faithful to their partners and they are sleeping around (2). They
would stop doing that knowing that having unprotected sex (3) is very dangerous and there is no cure
for the disease (6).
Emily: I still stand with what I think caused HIV/AIDS.
Tumi: I just wish to find the cure (6) myself, I can’t imagine the rewards.
Emily: That will happen only if you don’t sleep around (2), don’t touch the affecter’s body fluids no
matter what. I am sure you are aware of the “ABC” preventive measures (1, 2, 3)? To you I would
advise that you “Abstain” until you are responsible and old enough to have sex (17, 1).
Tumi: Yeah that I know and it is one of my goals to achieve, though it’s tough you know!
Emily: Just keep that up, because fun can wait (1) and you would be grateful when you are old you
Tumi: Thanks a lot, I will, I know I will. Got to go!
As I write, she had passed on from a HIV/AIDS related disease.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faithfulness, 3.condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 17.Education, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 4.2
28 August 2009
Conversation with my parents.
I had this conversation during March holidays.
How it started: I became a friend with my opposite neighbour who weren’t home for 3 years coz he
went to study in Gauteng. He exchanged stuff with my lil bro and the other day he came to my house
and my father found me with him. So he sort of figured that we were dating though it was a
While watching television my father brought up the issue.
Daddy: When I returned home I found Bafana with Tumi.
Mom: What?
Daddy: I found Bafana with Tumi.
Mom: Since when did he start coming to my house?
Tumi: Today and it was the first time.
Daddy: I don’t know why he started to come to my house but I think Tumi knows.
Tumi: He came her asking for a charger. I was bored and I asked him to stay.
Mom: Who do you think you are fooling and stop telling us those nonsense. [reprimanding]
I remained silent.
Daddy: I am afraid these two are up to something.
Tumi: Papa! That’s not true, we are just friends and that’s it.
Mom: I am afraid your little friend is going to leave you pregnant (16) and HIV positive (7).
Daddy: I am not definitely going to support you and your baby (24).
Mom: Once you get AIDS I won’t nurse you because you would have brought the virus to yourself and
don’t look at me when things get worse (24).
Daddy: I am definitely not pleased by what you are doing Tumi!
Mom: I am serious, when you start to get sick I will dump you at the [part of sentence left unwritten]
and never come to see you until you are dead, that’s when I will collect your body to burry you.
Tumi: (LOL!) I can’t believe how you make that thing an issue.
Daddy: I don’t want to see you with boys again! Because you think that you are beautiful, just wait until
boys use you, you will be like an old dead flower (17).
Mom: I am so disappointed at you my girl what went wrong? You definitely don’t know what HIV/AIDS
is do you (17)?
Tumi: I do know HIV/AIDS mama.
Labels: 7.Status, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 24.Support
Story 4.3
31 August 2009.
Conversation with my friend Keitumetse.
I had this conversation around September in 2008.
It was in the afternoon in class, there was no teacher/educator, she seemed stressed.
I: What’s actually bothering you because your mind seems to be elsewhere?
Keitumetse: To be honest I’m stressed but I can’t tell you (15).
I: Jeez, why?
Keitumetse: It’s more of a personal issue. I am sorry my friend.
I: How do I then call you my friend if we can’t share what’s eating you inside?
Keitumetse: You’ll have to swear.
I: I swear.
Keitumetse: What will say if I told you that I am HIV positive (7)?
I: I will treat you the same way I used to treat you like my friend whom I love the most (24).
Keitumetse: It’s really hard to tell you this.
I: Please tell me.
Keitumetse: My mom is HIV positive (7).
I: I am sorry my friend and I promise I won’t tell anyone.
Keitumetse: It’s my dad who infected her in 2005 and he threatened him not to tell us.
I: Then how did you find out?
Keitumetse: While my father was away my mom called me and my sibling. She started to tell us about
I: It must have been tough for her to come out but what did she say exactly?
Keitumetse: She just told us and she said we must not worry, everything will be fine.
I: Who was actually sleeping around between the two (2)?
Keitumetse: My mom is always away because she is now working in Venda and my dad is a florist,
sometimes he works in Jo’burg and he can leave there for a week or two and leave us at home alone.
And he receives phone calls from her other girlfriends and shout at them and tell them to use private
numbers so that my mom can’t trace them and if she asks he will say it is a wrong number (2). When
my mom asks too many questions he gets upset and beat her up in front of us (11). The other day we
found movie cards in his wallet and he never takes my mom out to movies nor us.
I: But why then does your mother not divorce him, because he abuses her emotionally and physically
Keitumetse: I think it’s because she can’t afford to take care of eight children. Maybe it’s because she
loves him. Eish, I don’t know.
I: I can imagine what you are going through, it must be very bad. But my friend just hang in there, be
strong and support your parents fully ok (24)?! They really need you now more than ever.
Keitumetse: I know, that’s what is stressing me. I mean you be faithful and not sleep around (2) and
the virus just comes and infect you. I just wish I had eyes so that I could see the innocent people and
never infect them you know.
I: This is an irreversible situation you have to accept my friend. I am so sorry for you and I hope you
know that I will never treat you differently because you parents are infected (9).
Keitumetse: The funny part is that they don’t show that they are positive, I mean my mom is healthy
and so is my dad. The only time my mom found out was when she was pregnant (16) and she got
sick. The nurses had to take her blood for test (8), unfortunately they came back positive (7).
I: How unfortunate. And is you little sister also positive (7)?
Keitumetse: No, they found out soon and they tried by all means to make sure that she doesn’t get
I: So they gave her the prevarapine to do that (6)?
Keitumetse: I’m not sure. I was just surprised why she took so many tablets (6) during her pregnancy
I: Ok, she was lucky to find out soon.
Keitumetse: I feel al lot much better.
I: You must know that you are not alone at all times. And don’t be afraid to share with me.
Keitumetse: I just never thought that I can cope.
After a while an educator came to my class.
Labels: 2.Faithsulness, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 9. Discrimination, 11.Assault, 16.Pregnancy,
Story 4.4
3 September 2009.
Conversation with friends.
I had this conversation around September last year.
The conversation started because our natural science teacher was teaching us about HIV/AIDS and
he gave us an example that’s in this fashion. He said: “one day I was sitting at home and unexpected
visitors came to my house saying that my son must pay for the damages he has done to their
daughter by making her pregnant”. And his son said: “I only slept with her once, and the child is not
mine because there was no way I could have impregnanted her”. And they said: “you can impregnante
a girl for the first time you have sex with her as long as you didn’t use protection”. And our sir cited that
it only takes a few minutes to impregnant a girl and that’s the same way you can get the HIV virus.
So during break we brought the subject up.
Dineo and I: Hello boys!
Emmanuel and Ike: Hello girls!
Dineo: Wasn;t Mr. Sekote funny when he told us about that incident.
Emmanuel: Oh man! I laughed my ass out.
Ike: Poor man, he should have played his thing right, but because he was inexperienced he made the
biggest mistake ever.
Dineo: The teacher was right when he said it takes you once to fall pregnant (16) and get infected with
the virus.
I: I agree with him 100%.
Ike: Yeah, but I’ve been playing this game and until now I don’t have the virus.
Emmanuel: Yeah tell them buddy, that guy was a flop.
Dineo: You mean you have been sleeping around (22) unprotected (3)?
Ike: Yeah because you can’t eat a banana with it leaves (3, 19), you know.
Emmanuel: Or a sweet with its cover (3, 19).
I: I feel pity for you guys. One day you will be lying in a hospital bed infected with HIV/AIDS (7) and
you won’t believe it’s you!
Ike: I just want to tell you Annah that you will be the first to be infected because you are busy playing
‘Ms. Innocent’ and you will wish that you have started now.
I: At least by then I will be older and responsible (14) I will not bow for any man who wishes to sleep
around and by then you will be sick or dead wishing that you never slept around like a dog desperate
to have sex (2).
Dineo: You guys stop it…
Emmanuel: Annah, just let us do our thing. You’d better not interrupt.
Dineo: Jeez! Sleeping around is not good (2), especially when you are still young and you can’t spot a
person with HIV because it’s not written on the forehead.
I: And the worst part is, you don’t know your status (7) and your sleeping partner’s.
Emmanuel: That doesn’t touch me because our forefathers used to sleep with more than five wives
and still live long (19).
Dineo: I wish you could move on with time and stop being selfish because whatever you are doing is
going to affect you badly in the future (12).
Ike: You two are just jealous that we are having a good time with hot girls.
I: Hot or not, HIV doesn’t choose, it infect the poor and the rich, black or white, ugly or beautiful,
faithful or not my friend.
Ike: We know about HIV, but we are still young fresh blood.
Emmanuel: Sharp!
I: SEPEDI Sala gabotse [Goodbye], but boys you got to take care.
Labels: 2.Faithfulness, 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 12.Focus, 14.Positive lifestyle, 16.Pregnancy,
19.Traditional beliefs
Story 4.5
9 September 2009.
Conversation with Moshibudi.
The conversation started after we had nothing to talk about at my house.
I: Girlfriend, where do you think HIV and AIDS differ?
Moshibudi: I think and know that HIV is a virus and AIDS is a serious illness and both can’t be cured
I: Tell me more.
Moshibudi: HIV slowly spreads and attacks your immune system. If you eat healthy you can survive
longer before you get AIDS… (13)
I: Not only eating healthy can make you survive longer, but also exercising and leaving bad habits
such as drinking alcohol, smoking and doing illegal drugs (13).
Moshibudi: When does a HIV infected person start taking treatment (6)?
I: I am not well informed about that, but well I hear you start taking treatment when your CD4 count is
low (6).
Moshibudi: I hear taking the medication is quite boring and when you start taking the ARV’s you must
not stop or switch to another medication until you are dead (6).
I: Jeez! And the effects too…
Moshibudi: They are called the side effects right!
I: Yeah, when people can’t handle the ARV’s they start to take immune boosting medication e.g. the
aloe extra you see on adverts,(6).
Moshibudi: But you must never switch to those kind of medication.
I: What will you do if you heard your best friend was infected?
Moshibudi: I will give her advice (17) and support (24), you know I will try by all means to show her
that being HIV positive is not the end of the world, life can still continue and no one is really wrote on
the forehead that I’m HIV positive.
I: That will be a good advise, but do you know your HIV status? (7)
Moshibudi: No! Do you?
I: I’ve never tested (8), but I advise people to know their HIV/AIDS status (17, 7).
Moshibudi: Yeah, we should at least know our status (7). We will do ourselves a big favour.
I: I agree my friend. My mother always says (17) that one should know one’s partner’s HIV status (7).
Moshibudi: Especially when you are ready to sleep with him…
I: So that you don’t get the virus or you will be able to choose whether you condomize (3) or abstain
Moshibudi: To be honest, I don’t trust the other preventative method of being faithful to your partner
I: Me too, especially when we are still young and boys sleep around (2).
Moshibudi: Even girls sleep around (2) unprotected (3). It’s unfair and disgusting to see how some
people still discriminate against people who are HIV positive (9).
I: Yeah it is, I know people who are positive and I treat them the same way. I really avoid talking about
HIV and AIDS when I am around them because when you say “HIV” they go like “what?” (15).
Moshibudi: Do you still remember back in the days where when a kid said the word condom would get
I: Yes I remember it happened a lot when I was still living with my grandmother (LOL).
Moshibudi: The only thing that spreads faster than HIV is a positive attitude (14).
I: Yeah I know, and a HIV free generation begins with us.
Moshibudi: To tell the truth, at first I didn’t believe that HIV/AIDS was there (19).
I: What made you believe that it was there?
Moshibudi: I started believe when I was in Grade 7, because I saw pictures, and we were even taught
about it in class. It was a topic on TV that we saw daily.
I: Are you saying that media made you believe that AIDS is real?
Moshibudi: Yes, definitely. Do you know that children who’s parents are strict, are more likely to get
pregnant or HIV or both (17, 16)?
I: It’s more likely, but the chances are less because if you don’t respect yourself you’ll use that small
chance to have sex just because your mother is not there. Jeez, it sucks and it’s stupid.
Moshibudi: It might sound stupid to you, but it’s happening. Tumi, I really got to go.
I: Let me take you out.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 2.Faitthfulness, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 9.Discrimination, 13.Healthy
lifestyle, 14.Positive lifestyle, 15.Fear to talk, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 19.Traditional beliefs,
Story 4.6
29 September 2009.
Conversation by my suspicious mother and my cousin who had nothing to but agree on everything she
The conversation started when I came home at 14:15 from school study. I found them painting the
I: SEPEDI Thobela [Hello]!
Given and Mom: Eh SEPEDI Thobela [hello]!
I: How are you doing?
Both said: I’m fine and you?
I: I am good.
Mom: Why did you come home this late [said with some cheeky attitude]?
I: We attended till late because my sir came to school a little bit late.
Mom: How do we know for sure?
I: Ha. Look there at the ground, do you see those three girls?
Mom: Yeah.
I: They are my classmates. I can call them if you like [and I shouted “Dariel!”. When she looked, my
insecure mother just looked the other way].
Mom: I don’t care if those are your classmates or what.
I [I waved my hand to Dariel]: But then that’s the only way I can proof I went school.
Mom: Axe! Aren’t those your friend, you’ve probably pimped them anyway.
[Brother laughing out loud like a mad chicken]
Mom: I won’t goddamn by the time you are sick, stinky by AIDS or if you come home pregnant (16).
Even though if you are pregnant we will accept the baby because we won’t be able to reverse the
situation, but it will be your responsibility and you must know that you won’t go back to school. You’ll
stay here like a dead flower and take care of your kid with no future (12).
I: Can you stop it please, because whatever you are talking I know it already. I even know that a hurry
hurry bird lays one egg.
Mom [being sarcastic]: A hurry hurry bird lays one egg. I know people who then thought that they are
clever! Where are they now? Hmm, I know that you kids forget that we were once students,
adolescents like you. SEPEDI Ana en age motho a do tsena ke AIDS mo a ke e toene (17, 24) [When
you get AIDS I won’t give a damn]. I’ll be going out with my kids, I’ll take them to Meropa [a casino]
and we’ll come back at 01h00 in the morning. When people ask “why did you leave your sick daughter
at home?”, I’ll just tell them that she brought all that to herself. This is my time to go out and enjoy, or
what Given?
Given: Ah eh, aunty you are right!
Mom: Tumi thinks that she is clever. [LOL] When she is sick I’ll be playing drums as if nothing
happened (24).
Given: Ah, there people who thought that they are clever but where are they?
Mom: Hmm, she will be sick and her butt will be having wrinkles, so skinny I can imagine that.
While I was standing listening to all this I just kept quiet, I just nodded my head. She always does this
to me when go to studies. I sometimes ask myself whether she is doing this to hurt me or to build me,
because nothing hurts more than being suspected of doing something you have never done. I told her
that I hate this kind of conversations. She kept going on and on about it and I told her that I know why I
am going to school and that’s why I have the energy to wake up every morning and to head there.
Mom: We’ll see what the results say, coz you might say ? to school though you didn’t because I don’t
know whether you go there after or before school.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I just left and they still continued to have this conversation when she said
that she would leave me at home sick, she was actually performing the dancing saying that she will be
grooving and the guy who would have infected me, will be dancing too with chicks around him
ordering beer like nobody’s business. Knowing that I’m not even dating makes this even more
disgusting! She also mentioned that if those things will she will walk free because she knows that she
has done her job.
Labels: 12.Focus, 16.Pregnancy, 17.Education, 24.Support
Story 4.7
1 October 2009.
What happened? I went to Paledi Complex at Ga-Thoka with my friend Mthabiseng and there was an
AIDS campaign.
I: What’s happening over there?
Mthabiseng: It’s probably the AIDS campaign you and Gloria were discussing yesterday.
I: Oh, the one I heard about it on the radio.
Mthabiseng: Yeah, let’s first go buy airtime and we’ll check out what’s happening.
I: I need to go buy myself a big slice of Black Forest.
After going to buy our stuff we went to check out the AIDS campaign.
I: It looks like the programme just started.
Mthabiseng: The MEC is still reading the programme nah this late.
I: Yeah.
MEC: We would like our priest to open the ceremony by a prayer.
Mthabiseng: Are we leaving or what?
I: Let’s pray first and see what’s happening.
Mthabiseng: Yeah right.
After the prayer.
MEC: Let’s get the show started by a HIV/AIDS poem.
They recited a poem. Afterwards we decided to leave.
I: Is that Kgamaki?
Mthabiseng: Yeah, I think it’s him.
I: Hey yoh Kgamaki!
Kgamaki: Eh yo, come here. [Kgamaki was under a HIV testing tent]
I: Let’s go there Mthabiseng.
I: Hello Kgamaki, what are you doing here?
Kgamaki: Eita! I’ve just tested (8) and I’m HIV negative (7).
I: Mthabiseng, do you want to test (8)?
Mthabiseng: No, I want to go home.
I: Ah please, let’s test and we’ll go home. Not that I’m forcing you but I want to.
Mthabiseng: OK!
We went to open our files and after like five minutes I was called to be counselled by a counsellor.
I: Hey!
Counsellor: Hello! You may enter the tent.
I: OK.
We entered the tent, I sat down and the counselling began.
Counsellor: I am going to ask you questions and some are very sensitive. Do you still want to
I: Yes.
Counsellor: How do you think you could have got infected by HIV?
I: I don’t think of any way that I could have got.
Counsellor: How does HIV/AIDS infect people?
I: You can get HIV by having unprotected sex (3), blood contact etcetera.
Counsellor: Did you know that you could get HIV/AIDS by kissing someone with bleeding gums, sores
in the mouth, by doing a blow job if the male person is not wearing a condom and by finger fucking if
you have cuts on the fingers.
I: Ah!
Counsellor: You look surprised. You didn’t know about this?
I: Oh yeah.
Counsellor: HIV can spread by many ways in which you could have not known, e.g. by getting in touch
with body fluids.
I: Ok.
Counsellor: Have you experienced any of the following symptoms of HIV:
a) painful skin rashes;
b) sores on the lips which do not heal;
c) trash inside the mouth or on private parts;
d) swelling in the neck, behind the ear, under the arm or in the groin.
I: Definitely no.
Counsellor [He asked so many other questions which I forgot.]: Read this and tell me if you are still
going to continue?
After reading I decided to continue.
Counsellor: You can now go outside. We’ll call for testing (8).
I: OK, cool.
I went out. After a while they called me for testing and told me to wait for 15 minutes until my results
are out. The 15 minutes passed and my counsellor called me in.
Counsellor: Sit down.
I: Thanks.
Counsellor: Your results are out, but I would like to ask you some questions first.
I: I am listening.
Counsellor: Do you expect your results to be negative or positive?
I: Negative! (7)
Counsellor: If you are positive (7), would you accept?
I: I will, but though it will be difficult for me.
Counsellor: If you are positive (7) we will send you to your nearest clinic or hospital (6).
I: OK.
Counsellor: Who would you tell your status to if you are positive? (7)
I: I would definitely not tell my parents (15).
Counsellor: Would you tell your medical practitioner if your CD4 count is lower than 200?
I: Yes.
Counsellor: Would you like to know your status? (7)
I: Yes
He gave me my results and I saw my status and he told it to me louder.
Counsellor: How do you feel now that you know your status? (7)
I: I am relieved.
Counsellor: Now that you know your HIV status (7) what will you do to stop/prevent yourself from
getting HIV/AIDS?
I: I would still continue to abstain (1) and when I am old and responsible I would go HIV testing with
my partner (8) and condomise (3).
Counsellor: That’s nice! You may go now.
Labels: 1.Abstain, 3.Condomize, 6.Cure, 7.Status, 8.Testing, 15.Fear to talk
Story 4.8
Conversation overheard in which my brother, father and mother were talking about HIV/AIDS.
Mom: You know I don’t like eating in funerals and ceremonies.
Brother: Yeah, coz what catering women in the kitchens is disgusting and we eat food with germs
especially raw, uncooked food.
Mom: You’ll find women sneezing with their mouth and nose uncovered and you can never know if
they are infected or not (7).
Brother: Yacks! That’s disgusting, that’s why I don’t want to eat in funerals (9). I just eat baked biscuits
or cakes or scones because they are cooked, but otherwise we are eating rubbish.
Mother: The other thing is the apron’s that woman are wearing, some put their handkerchief which
they use for removing mucus mixed with snuffs in the apron’s pockets.
Brother: The ? is worse because it’s red and you never see if you are bleeding while grating/cutting or
slicing it.
Labels: 7.Status, 9.Discrimination
Participant 5
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Mother tongue: Sepedi
Grade: 10
Story 5.1
31 August 2009
On Mxit
Me: Hey.
Angel: Hi!
Me: How are you doing?
Angel: Fine and you?
Me: Fine, what are you doing?
Angel: Just chilling, you?
Me: WTV (watching TV).
Angel: Ok.
Me: What do you know about HIV/AIDS?
Angel: I know that HIV is a virus and AIDS is a syndrome.
Me: Now tell me what is a syndrome?
Angel: I don’t really know but I think a syndrome is a disease.
Me: Where actually do you think they originate from?
Angel: America.
Me: Why do you say that?
Angel: Let me put it straight, it is actually from monkeys but it was discovered by an American
scientist, but I don’t actually know his or her name.
Me: What actually causes the virus or the syndrome?
Angel: That I can’t answer.
Me: Why?
Angel: Because I’m not a monkey. Got to go. Bye.
Me: Bye.
This conversation was on Mxit.
Labels: none
Story 5.2
1 September 2009
Me: Hi! Everybody.
All: Hi!
Me: Mom can I have a little talk with you?
Mom: No problem.
Me: I don’t know how this may sound to you?
Mom: Just cut to the case.
Me: What do you know about HIV/AIDS?
Mom: I know that it is a very deadly disease which is at high risk in our country South Africa and it’s
has it’s causes.
Me: Namely…
Mom: Unprotected sex (3) is one of the major causes of this disease mostly on you teenagers
because you can tell yourself that you can’t eat a banana which is not yet open (19) because I was
once in class then I brought the topic of HIV/AIDS, then we got to the causes and a young girl said
“unprotected sex” and a boy said “I can’t eat a banana which still has it’s leaves on” and the learners
laughed then I saw how boys or a majority of boys are so stupid.
Me: But some guys like making stupid jokes.
Mom: Other jokes are not meant to be but otherwise let’s continue. Another cause is sharing needles
with people who may be HIV positive (7).
Me: Ok. Thanks mom.
This conversation was at home with my mother.
Labels: 3.Condomize, 7.Status, 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 5.3
3 September 2009
Me: Hi! Dad.
Dad: Hi! Son.
Me: How was your day?
Dad: Interesting and yours?
Me: Just ordinary.
Dad: Can I help you with something, because I see that you want to talk.
Me: Do you know anything about HIV/AIDS?
Dad: Yes, pretty much.
Me: Where do you actually think HIV/AIDS is from?
Dad: I don’t believe in that.
Me: Be honest.
Dad: The thing is HIV/AIDS was known this nowadays, in the older days there was no such thing as
HIV/AIDS, it is just a thing known now, I think that or shall I say in my opinion the white people are just
wanting to take over the world because if you just study the thing of HIV/AIDS, it is mostly infecting
black people (19).
Me: But in the older days there wasn’t anything like microscopes meaning that there wasn’t technology
or it was of low quality now it has improved in high standards.
Dad: Maybe, maybe not.
Me: Thanks for the information dad, you are the best.
Dad: With pleasure son.
Labels: 19.Traditional beliefs
Story 5.4
9 September 2009
Me: Hey!
Gloria: Hi!
Me: HUD (how are you doing).
Gloria: Good and you?
Me: Fabulous, how was your day?
Gloria: Good and yours?
Me: Good, you know this nowadays life is difficult.
Gloria: What do you mean difficult, explain please.
Me: Ok, I’ll tell you.
Gloria: Do so please.
Me: Ok! Ok, nowadays there are many different kinds of diseases like HIV/AIDS and swine flu.
Gloria: Yeah! You are right.
Me: As always.
Gloria: Ok. AIDS is a very serious disease.
Me: G2G, chat later.
Gloria: Bye.
This conversation took place at school before we went to assembly with my friend Gloria.
Labels: none
Story 5.5
25 September 2009
Me: Hi.
Mom: Hi! Son.
Me: How are you doing mom?
Mom: Good and you?
Me: Good, what are you doing mom?
Mom: I’m preparing an assignment for the kids.
Me: What assignment?
Mom: They have to research about swine flu.
Me: Speaking of research, they gave us a research about HIV/AIDS at school.
Mom: Let me see it so that I can be able to help you with it.
Me: Where do you think HIV/AIDS originates from?
Mom: I think it comes from everybody because it is mainly caused by a mixture of different people’s
Me: I know, my argument is where it discovered and by who?
Mom: Well! I think it’s America, because America is a very developed country and America is a place
where you can get many things, for example prostitutes, because the place is overcrowded and I think
people lack jobs in that continent.
Me: Ok… Who discovered HIV/AIDS?
Mom: Well! I forgot who it was my boy.
Me: Ok… Is it preventable or not?
Mom: It’s preventable in a variety of ways.
Me: Thanks.
Mom: Pleasure.
This conversation took place at home with my mother over the holidays.
Labels: none
Appendix O – Macro and syntax for Krippendorff’s alpha
To run a test for a Krippendorff’s alpha reliability Hayes and Krippendorff (2007) designed the
following macro which has to be run first in SPSS. After running this macro a syntax for the calculation
of Krippendorff’s alpha is included in the last section of this appendix. The following is the macro
provided by Hayes and Krippendorff (2007) downloaded from at february 4th, 2010:
/* This macro computes Krippendorff's alpha reliability estimate for judgments */.
/* made at any level of measurement, any number of judges, with or */.
/* without missing data. The macro assumes the data file is set up */.
/* in a SPSS data file with judges as the variables and the units being */.
/* judged in the rows. The entries in the data matrix should be */.
/* the coding (quantified or numerically coded for nominal judgments) given */.
/* to the unit in that row by the judge in that column. Once the macro is */.
/* activated (by running the command set below), the syntax is */.
/* */.
/* KALPHA judges = judgelist/level = a/detail = b/boot = z.
/* */.
/* where 'judgelist' is a list of variable names holding the names of the */.
/* judges, 'a' is the level of measurement (1 = nominal, 2 = ordinal, */.
/* 3 = interval, 4 = ratio), 'b' is set to 1 if you desire SPSS to print */.
/* the coincidence and delta matrices, and 'z' is the number of bootstrap */.
/* samples desired for inference; z must be at least 1000 and is truncated to the */.
/* lowest 1000 entered (for exampole, 2300 is truncated to 2000) */.
/* The '/level' and '/detail' and '/boot' subcommands are */.
/* optional and default to 1,0, and 0, respectively, if omitted */.
/* */.
/* Missing data should be represented with a 'period' character */.
/* Units that are not coded by at least two judges are excluded from */.
/* the analysis */.
/* */.
/* This macro is version 2.1, updated on July 15, 2007 */.
/* */.
/* */.
/* Written by Andrew F. Hayes */.
/* School of Communication */.
/* The Ohio State University */.
/* [email protected] */.
DEFINE kalpha (judges = !charend ('/')/level = !charend('/') !default(1)/detail = !charend('/')
!default(0)/boot = !charend('/') !default(0)).
SET MXLOOP = 900000000.
get dat/variables = !judges/file = */names = vn/missing = -9999999.
compute btn = !boot.
do if (!boot > 0).
compute btn = trunc(!boot/1000)*1000.
end if.
do if (!boot > 0 and btn = 0).
print/title = "Number of bootstraps must be at least 1000.".
end if.
compute btprob = 0.
compute rw = 1.
loop i = 1 to nrow(dat).
compute good = 0.
loop j = 1 to ncol(dat).
do if (dat(i,j) <> -9999999).
compute good = good + 1.
end if.
end loop.
do if (good > 1).
compute dat(rw,:) = dat(i,:).
compute rw = rw+1.
end if.
end loop.
compute dat = dat(1:(rw-1),:).
compute nj = ncol(dat).
compute nobj = nrow(dat).
compute dat3 = dat.
compute m = reshape(t(dat),(nobj*nj),1).
compute allm = nobj*nj.
compute j = 0.
loop i = 1 to nrow(m).
do if m(i,1) <> -9999999.
compute j = j + 1.
compute m(j,:)=m(i,:).
end if.
end loop.
compute m = m(1:j,1).
compute mss = nrow(m).
compute mss = allm-mss.
compute m = {-9999999;m}.
loop #i = 2 to (nrow(m)).
compute ix = m(#i,1).
loop #k= #i to 2 by -1.
compute k = #k.
do if (m(#k-1,1) > ix).
compute m(#k,1)=m(#k-1,1).
else if (m(#k-1,1) <= ix).
end if.
end loop.
compute m(k,1)=ix.
end loop.
compute m = m(2:nrow(m),1).
compute m2 = make(nrow(m),1,m(1,1)).
compute yass = csum((m = m2))/nrow(m).
do if (yass <> 1).
compute des = design(m).
compute uniq = ncol(des).
compute coinc = make(uniq,uniq,0).
compute delta = coinc.
compute map = make(uniq,1,0).
loop i = 1 to nrow(m).
loop j = 1 to uniq.
do if (des(i,j) = 1).
compute map(j,1) = m(i,1).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
loop i = 1 to nobj.
loop j = 1 to nj.
do if dat(i,j) <> -9999999.
loop k = 1 to uniq.
do if dat(i,j) = map(k,1).
compute dat(i,j) = k.
end if.
end loop.
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute datms = (dat <> -9999999).
compute mu = rsum(datms).
compute nprs = csum(mu&*(mu-1))*.5.
compute btalp = make((btn+1),1,-999).
loop k = 1 to nobj.
compute temp = make(uniq, uniq, 0).
loop i = 1 to nj.
loop j = 1 to nj.
do if (dat(k,i) <> -9999999 AND dat(k,j) <> -9999999 AND i <> j).
compute temp(dat(k,i),dat(k,j)) = temp(dat(k,i),dat(k,j)) + (1/(mu(k,1)-1)).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute coinc = coinc + temp.
end loop.
compute nc = rsum(coinc).
compute n = csum(nc).
compute coinct = coinc.
compute dmat = diag(coinc).
compute nzero = csum(dmat > 0).
compute bootm = nprs.
compute nx = (dmat/n)&**bootm.
compute nx=rnd(btn*csum(nx)).
compute numone = 0.
compute expect = coinc.
loop i = 1 to uniq.
loop j = 1 to uniq.
do if (i = j).
compute expect(i,j)=nc(i,1)*(nc(j,1)-1)/(n-1).
else if (i <> j).
compute expect(i,j)=nc(i,1)*nc(j,1)/(n-1).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
loop z = 1 to (btn + 1).
do if (z > 1).
compute rand = uniform(bootm,1).
compute numsum = 0.
loop i = 1 to bootm.
loop j = 2 to indx+1.
do if (rand(i,1) <= pmat(j,1)).
do if (rand(i,1) >= pmat(j-1,1)).
compute numsum = numsum + pmat(j,2).
end if.
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute alpha = 1 - (numsum*(1/(expdis*bootm))).
do if (alpha < -1).
compute alpha = -1.
end if.
do if (alpha = 1 and nzero = 1).
compute alpha = 0.
end if.
do if (alpha = 1 and nzero > 1).
compute numone = numone + 1.
end if.
compute btalp(z,1) = alpha.
end if.
do if (z = 1).
do if (!level = 2).
compute delta = make(uniq,uniq,0).
loop i = 1 to uniq.
loop j = i to uniq.
do if (i <> j).
compute delta(i,j) = (csum(nc(i:j,1))-(nc(i,1)/2)-(nc(j,1)/2))**2.
compute delta(j,i) = delta(i,j).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute v = {"Ordinal"}.
do if (z = 1).
compute deltat = delta.
end if.
end if.
do if (!level = 1).
compute delta = 1-ident(uniq).
compute v = {"Nominal"}.
compute deltat = delta.
end if.
do if (!level = 3).
loop i = 1 to uniq.
loop j = i to uniq.
do if (i <> j).
compute delta(i,j) = (map(i,1)-map(j,1))**2.
compute delta(j,i) = delta(i,j).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute v = {"Interval"}.
compute deltat = delta.
end if.
do if (!level = 4).
loop i = 1 to uniq.
loop j = i to uniq.
do if (i <> j).
compute delta(i,j) = ((map(i,1)-map(j,1))/(map(i,1)+map(j,1)))**2.
compute delta(j,i) = delta(i,j).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
compute v = {"Ratio"}.
compute deltat = delta.
end if.
compute num = csum(rsum(delta&*coinc)).
compute den = csum(rsum(delta&*expect)).
do if (den > 0).
compute alp = 1-(num/den).
compute btalp(1,1)=alp.
compute expdis=csum(rsum((expect&*delta)))/n.
end if.
compute pcoinc = 2*(coinc/n)-(mdiag(diag(coinc))/n).
compute temp = mdiag(diag(coinc))/n.
compute pmat = make((uniq+((uniq*(uniq-1))/2)),2,0).
compute psum = 0.
compute ct = 1.
loop i = 1 to uniq.
loop j = i to uniq.
compute psum = psum+pcoinc(j,i).
compute pmat(ct,1)=psum.
compute pmat(ct,2)=delta(j,i).
compute ct=ct+1.
end loop.
end loop.
compute indx = nrow(pmat).
compute t3 = {0,0}.
compute pmat = {t3;pmat}.
end if.
end loop.
compute alpfirst = btalp(1,1).
do if (btn > 0).
compute btalp(1,1)=-999.
do if (nx > 0 and nzero > 1).
compute chk1 = 0.
compute chk2 = 0.
loop i = 2 to nrow(btalp).
do if (nx >= numone and btalp(i,1) = 1 and chk1 < numone).
compute btalp(i,1) = 0.
compute chk1 = chk1 + 1.
end if.
do if (nx < numone and btalp(i,1) = 1 and chk2 < nx).
compute btalp(i,1) = 0.
compute chk2 = chk2 + 1.
end if.
end loop.
end if.
loop #i = 2 to nrow(btalp).
compute ix = btalp(#i,1).
loop #k= #i to 2 by -1.
compute k = #k.
do if (btalp(#k-1,1) > ix).
compute btalp(#k,1)=btalp(#k-1,1).
else if (btalp(#k-1,1) <= ix).
end if.
end loop.
compute btalp(k,1)=ix.
end loop.
compute btalp = btalp(2:nrow(btalp),1).
compute mn = csum(btalp)/btn.
compute low95 = trunc(.025*btn).
compute high95 = trunc(.975*btn)+1.
compute low95 = btalp(low95,1).
compute high95 = btalp(high95,1).
compute median = btalp(0.50*btn).
compute q = {.9, 0; .8, 0; .7, 0; 0.67, 0; .6, 0; .5, 0}.
loop i = 1 to 6.
compute qcomp = (btalp < q(i,1)).
compute qcomp = csum(qcomp)/btn.
compute q(i,2)=qcomp.
end loop.
end if.
do if (btalp(1,1) = -999).
compute btprob = 1.
end if.
print/title = "Krippendorff's Alpha Reliability Estimate".
do if (btn = 0 or btprob = 1).
compute res = {alpfirst, nobj, nj, nprs}.
compute lab = {"Alpha", "Units", "Obsrvrs", "Pairs"}.
end if.
do if (btn > 0 and btprob = 0).
compute res = {alpfirst, low95, high95, nobj, nj, nprs}.
compute lab = {"Alpha", "LL95%CI", "UL95%CI", "Units", "Observrs", "Pairs"}.
end if.
print res/title = " "/rnames = v/cnames = lab/format = F10.4.
do if (btn > 0 and btprob = 0).
print q/title = "Probability (q) of failure to achieve an alpha of at least alphamin:"/clabels = "alphamin"
"q"/format = F10.4.
save btalp/outfile = 'c:\alpboot.sav'/variables = alpha.
print btn/title = "Number of bootstrap samples:".
end if.
print vn/title = "Judges used in these computations:"/format = a8.
do if (!detail = 1).
print/title = "====================================================".
print coinct/title = "Observed Coincidence Matrix"/format = F9.2.
print expect/title = "Expected Coincidence Matrix"/format = F9.2.
print deltat/title = "Delta Matrix"/format F9.2.
compute tmap = t(map).
print tmap/title "Rows and columns correspond to following unit values"/format = F9.2.
end if.
print/title = "ERROR: Input Reliability Data Matrix Exhibits No Variation.".
end if.
do if (btprob = 1).
print/title = "A problem was encountered when bootstrapping, so these results are not printed".
end if.
print/title = "Examine output for SPSS errors and do not interpret if any are found".
Syntax for the macro:
Once the macro command set is executed exactly as downloaded (click here to download the SPSS
version), the syntax for the macro is
KALPHA judges = judgelist/level = lev/detail = det/boot = z.
where judgelist is a list of variable names holding the names of the judges, lev is the level of
measurement (1 = nominal, 2 = ordinal, 3 = interval, 4 = ratio), det is set to 1 if you desire SPSS to
print the coincidence and delta matrices (as defined by Krippendorf, 2004), and z is the number of
bootstrap samples desired for inference. The '/level', '/detail’ and '/boot' boot subcommands are
optional and default to 1,0, and 0, respectively, if omitted. The number of bootstrap samples, if
requested, must be at least 1000 and should be a multiple of 1000. Bootstrapping can take
considerable time, so I recommend leaving off the /boot subcommand (or setting z to 0) until you are
ready to generate confidence intervals and other inferential results.