23 Bellerose Drive
23 Bellerose Drive
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Subject: DIRECT CONTROL (DC) DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION – ‘SPECIALTY STORE’ USE 23 BELLEROSE DRIVE Recommendation(s) That Development Permit application No. DP-2015-001920, by Houle Properties Inc. on behalf of Amazon Springs Water and Coffee Company, to authorize the addition of a ‘Specialty Store’ use which applies to a portion of an existing building located at 23 Bellerose Drive, be approved subject to the specific conditions outlined in Attachment 7 to the Agenda Report dated January 11, 2016. Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information regarding a Development Permit application for a new use for a portion of an existing building, municipally addressed as 23 Bellerose Drive. Council Direction N/A Background and Discussion The legal description of the property is Plan 862 2803, Block 3, Lot 5, with a municipal address of 23 Bellerose Drive. The subject property is located at the intersection of Bellerose Drive and Inglewood Drive (Attachment 1, Location Map). The Municipal Development Plan (MDP), (Bylaw 15/ 2007), indicates the proposed future land use of the parcel as ‘commercial’. One of the stated objectives in the MDP is to promote commercial development that generates opportunities for local employment. The Inglewood Area Structure Plan (ASP), (Bylaw 30/ 1985), as amended by Bylaw 3/ 2009, designates the future land uses on the parcel as ‘commercial’. City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 1 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 The land use district (zoning) for the parcel is Direct Control (DC). As stated in Section 3.9 of the Land Use Bylaw (LUB), ‘Council may issue a development permit for any use in a Direct Control District and impose such conditions as it considers appropriate.’ Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.5(3) of the LUB, Council: a) shall determine the land uses that may be allowed in a DC district; and b) may impose such standards and conditions it considers appropriate to regulate that use. From available records, the actual permitted use on the parcel is ‘Standard General Office and Yards’. In terms of the current Land Use Bylaw (9/2005), the ‘use’ which best describes the activities carried out by Standard General is ‘Construction Services’. History: The property was the former location of Standard General Construction and the permitted use on the land parcel, as per a Council decision, is currently ‘construction services’. In March of 2015, the property was sold to Houle Properties Inc. The existing building has a total floor area of 3,358m2 (36,145.2 sq. feet). (Attachment 2, Site Plan). Currently, a portion of the two-storey building is occupied by a construction service, Ram Mechanical, accounting for approximately 23% of the total building area. The current tenant has obtained development permit and building permit approval to undertake interior and exterior renovations to the building. (Attachment 3, Elevation Plan). City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 2 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 Chart 1: PLANNING PROCESS Council • Municipal Development Plan (MDP): Required by the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and sets out goals and policies for all aspects of the municipality's development • Area Structure Plan (ASP): Statutory plan which provides a framework for the build out of new development areas • Redistricting Application: A request by a property owner or applicant to change the land use district for a given property • Conditional Subdivision • Development Agreement • Subdivision Approved (Endorsement) Administration • Development Permit • Building Permit Occupancy: Houle Properties Inc., on behalf of Amazon Springs Water and Coffee Company (‘Amazon’) has submitted a development permit application, proposing a change of use and the occupancy of the remaining portion of the existing building. The submitted proposal identifies that Amazon would occupy 2,594 m2 (27,921sq. feet) of the building, and account for 77% of the total building area. (Attachment 4 and Attachment 5, Floor Plans). The submitted floor plans identify that the proposed occupancy will include a front retail component, office space, staff room(s), a boardroom, and warehouse area. The occupancy areas for the proposed specialty store Use are as follows: Space & Use Main Floor – Retail/Office Main Floor – Warehouse Second Floor – Office Total Area Occupied Area in square metres (m2) Area in square feet (ft2) 139 m2 1,496 sq. ft 2 2,029 m 21,840 sq. ft 426 m2 4,585 sq. ft 2 2,594 m 27,921 sq. ft Use: Amazon sells bottled water, office coffee services, full vending services, and break room supplies to homes, offices, and industrial sites in the Edmonton, Calgary, and Fort McMurray regions of Alberta. City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 3 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 The proposed location of Amazon at 23 Bellerose Drive will accommodate approximately twenty (20) office staff and allow for twenty (20) delivery trucks to operate from the site. The rear of the occupied area will allow for the filtering and shipping of bottled water, while the front reception area will provide for retail sales. Amazon proposes to operate from 6:00am to approximately 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. The typical scheduled work day would have staff arriving on site for 6:00am and have delivery trucks leaving the property by no later than 7:30am. Following completion of the drivers’ scheduled route, the delivery truck(s) will return to the building. Vehicles will be loaded indoors and back-up noise outside of normal business hours is not anticipated. Delivery vehicles for the proposed use will range from cube vans to 5-ton trucks. Delivery vehicles will be parked within the warehouse bays in the evenings or on occasion, at the rear of the building. Determination of Use: Under the Land Use Bylaw provisions of the Direct Control (DC) land use district, Council may refer to a corresponding conventional land use district or any part of the LUB, when considering a prospective development permit application. In this regard, having considered the proposal (including the intended use, parking requirements, overall impacts etc.) and for the purpose of making a recommendation to Council, administration applied the provisions of the Corridor Commercial (CC) District. Accordingly under the Corridor Commercial Land Use Bylaw regulations, administration has determined that Amazon should be considered a ‘Specialty Store’ use. Defined by Section 1.6 of the LUB, a Specialty Store “includes a book store, florist, craft studio, art gallery, photographic shop, delicatessen, butcher shop, bakery or specialty food store.” As the proposed use is limited to the provision of office coffee services, full vending services, break room supplies and bottled water, administration concluded that, within the broad definition of a ‘Specialty Store’, a ‘specialty food store’ best describes the actual use which Amazon will be undertaking. Applying the provisions of the Corridor Commercial (CC) district under Section 9.14(3)(u) of the Land Use Bylaw, a Specialty Store is identified as a permitted use. The purpose of the CC Land Use District is, “to provide an area along a major arterial roadway for the sale of the widest variety of goods and services to the community and to the surrounding region”. City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 4 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 Accordingly, administration finds that the proposed Use by Amazon is both a reasonable and acceptable operation within the Corridor Commercial Land Use District. Traffic and Parking: The site is adjacent to two public roadways, being Bellerose Drive and Inglewood Drive, and has two vehicular access points off of Bellerose Drive. No new access is being proposed. The existing front parking lot is paved and demarcated, as required under the Land Use Bylaw. The existing front parking lot provides for a total of 40 parking stalls and includes one (1) barrier free stall. The rear of the property is paved and provides additional parking area for staff and larger vehicles. The site allows for adequate vehicle access and overall maneuverability. Parking regulations are directed by the provisions of Section 7.3 of the Land Use Bylaw. Parking for non-residential uses is determined by the intended use of the space. The proposed new use will have parking regulations calculated as per the Specialty Store and Warehouse requirements of Section 7.3(2)(d) and (y). Based on the warehouse area of 2,029m2 and a total of 20 employees/drivers intended to operate from this space, 30 stalls are required to accommodate the warehouse operations. With the total specialty store area being 565m2, an additional 13 stalls are required for this component of the use. Therefore, Amazon is required to provide a total of forty-three (43) demarcated, on-site parking stalls for the operation of their use. It should be noted that the existing construction service use, Ram Mechanical, is required to provide a minimum of 14 stalls based on their building area occupied. The parking requirement for the entire building is fifty-seven (57) parking stalls. Administration advises that the site provides the necessary area and paving to accommodate the total parking requirements for not only the proposed new use of Amazon Springs Water and Coffee Company, but also for the second occupant, Ram Mechanical. All required parking stalls shall be hard surfaced and clearly demarcated. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the application be approved, subject to the 5 conditions and associated notes listed in Attachment 7. City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 5 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 Stakeholder Communications or Engagement Prior to submission of the Development Permit, the applicant, Houle Properties Inc., held a public open house on October 20th, 2015. The proposed concept and design was presented to residents, with 21 people attending. The proceedings of the public consultation were recorded by a court reporter, as per City Council Policy C-P&E-01, ‘Public Consultation Requirements for Planning and Development Processes’. (Attachment 6, Public Meeting Transcript). The public open house on October 20th, 2015 was advertised in the St. Albert Gazette on September 30th, 2015 and October 7th, 2015. In addition, notice of the public meeting was circulated to properties within a 100-metre radius. No objections and/ or comments were received from adjacent landowners following the meeting. The development permit application was circulated internally to various City departments for comment. A response from Engineering Services did speak to having consideration for the landscaping of the property when future redevelopment or expansion of the building is undertaken, but not of concern at this time. No other comments were received from that undertaking. In addition, stakeholders and titled property owners within a 100-metre radius of the subject property were informed of the application for a change in use. As a courtesy, individual businesses within the 100m-radius area were also mailed a notification letter. No comments were received following those mailings. Implications of Recommendation(s) a) Financial: • None at this time. b) Legal / Risk: • None at this time. c) Program or Service: d) None at this time. e) Organizational: f) None at this time. Alternatives and Implications Considered Should Council decide to not support the first recommendation, the only alternative is to refuse the Development Permit application, as submitted. Automatically, the City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 6 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 second recommendation regarding approval conditions would no longer be applicable. The Applicant would be unable to re-apply for another development permit, for a same or similar use on the subject property, within a six-month period. Refusal of the Development Permit will have financial implications for the Applicant. Strategic Connections a) Council’s Strategic Outcomes and Priorities (See Policy C-CG-02) • CULTIVATE ECONOMIC PROSPERITY: A diversified, robust and resilient economic foundation to support growth and community service delivery. b) Long Term Plans (e.g. MDP, Social Master Plan, Cultural Master Plan, etc.) • N/A c) Corporate Objectives (See Corporate Business Plan) • Ensure our customers are very satisfied d) Council Policies • N/A e) Other Plans or Initiatives (Business Plans, Implementation Strategies, etc.) • N/A Attachment(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Location Map – 23 Bellerose Drive Site Plan Building Elevations Main Floor Plan Second Floor Plan Transcript - 23 Bellerose Drive Public Meeting, October 20, 2015. Amazon Springs Water and Coffee Company - 23 Bellerose Drive, Proposed Development Permit Approval Conditions Originating Department(s): Author(s): General Manager Approval: City Manager Signature: Planning and Development Chelsea D. Thompson, Development Officer II; Jean Ehlers, Manager, Development Branch Gilles Prefontaine, Chief Community Development Officer Date: City Council Agenda January 11, 2016 / Page 7 Central File No.: B06 Property File No.: 26.23 ATTACHMENT 1 Value Village ;Honda & Ski-Doo St. Albei iBowling Centre Lot 5 \ Block 3 \ Plan 862 2803 Belleros > Drive Staples London Drugs Safeway Location Map 23 Bellerose Drive Proposed Change of Use G.\MAPS-City\lnglewood\23 BQIIQTOSQ Drivs 2015 Council Advisory-CityliQhts\A 111 23B&ll6ros&Dr_LocdtionMdp.mxd AMAZON SPRINGS MAIN & SECOND FLOOR 23 BELLEROSE DRIVE ST. ALBERT, ALBERTA ATTACHMENT 2 PROJECT CONTACTS: OWNER: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: HOULE PROPERTIES INC. STEVE HOULE 780.238.1046 [email protected] CONTRACTOR: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: WILLOWSPRING CONSTRUCTION GUY MAGEAU 780.438.1990 [email protected] DESIGNER: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: WOLSKI DESIGN GROUP LTD. CARRIE SUTTON/ 780.423.1811 [email protected]/ MECHANICAL ENGINEER: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: HRC MECHANICAL LES KOSTIUK 780.962.3573 [email protected] ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: EMAIL: ARROW ENGINEERING ARVID SCHIMKE 780.801.6100 [email protected] LICENSED INTERIOR DESIGN 100, 10130 - 105 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1C9 p 780.423.1811 f 780.425.1988 www.wolskidesign.com ISSUE 1 DATE AUG 25.15 - ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT DRAWING INDEX A01 TITLE PAGE / GENERAL NOTES A02 BUILDING CODE REVIEW - MAIN FLOOR A03 BUILDING CODE REVIEW - SECOND FLOOR A04 BUILDING EXTERIOR A05A DEMOLITION PLAN - WAREHOUSE A05B DEMOLITION PLAN - MAIN FLOOR A06 DEMOLITION PLAN - SECOND FLOOR A07 CONSTRUCTION PLAN - WAREHOUSE A08 CONSTRUCTION PLAN - MAIN FLOOR A09 CONSTRUCTION PLAN - SECOND FLOOR A10 ELECTRICAL/FURNITURE PLAN - MAIN FLOOR A11 ELECTRICAL/FURNITURE PLAN - SECOND FLOOR A12 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - MAIN FLOOR A13 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - SECOND FLOOR A14 FINISH PLAN - MAIN FLOOR A15 FINISH PLAN - SECOND FLOOR A16.17.18 MILLWORK M1 MECHANICAL - LEGEND AND SCHEDULE M-2 MECHANICAL - SCHEDULE ( CONTINUED) M-3 MECHANICAL - VENTILATION - MAIN FLOOR M-4 MECHANICAL - VENTILATION - SECOND FLOOR M-5 MECHANICAL - PLUMBING - MAIN FLOOR M-6 MECHANICAL - PLUMBING - SECOND FLOOR M-7 MECHANICAL - ROOF PLAN M-8 MECHANICAL - SPECIFICATION E1.1 / 1.2 ELECTRICAL - POWER AND AUXILIARY - MAIN FLOOR E1.3 / 1.4 ELECTRICAL - LIGHTING LAYOUT - MAIN FLOOR E2.1 ELECTRICAL - POWER AND AUXILIARY - SECOND FLOOR E2.2 ELECTRICAL - LIGHTING LAYOUT - SECOND FLOOR E3.1 ELECTRICAL - SCHEDULES E3.2 ELECTRICAL - DETAILS E3.3 ELECTRICAL - SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT AMAZON SPRINGS MAIN & SECOND FLOOR BACM INDUSTRIES BUILDING 23 BELLEROSE DRIVE ST. ALBERT, ALBERTA DRAWING TITLE PAGE AND GENERAL NOTES REFERENCE 15.6051.08 DRAWN BY MS REVIEWED BY CS ALL DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED ON SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THIS OFFICE. PARKING COUNT: COPYRIGHT RESERVED. USE COUNT Office (construction service) 999m2 Future 23 required - 1 stall per 45m2 / 23 provided 17 provided Total: 40 - with 1 barrier free stall SITE PLAN SCALE: 1:768 15/10/2015 11:12:00 AM W:\Drawings\Current\Wolski_drawings\BACM Industries Building\Houle Financial\WD\6051_TITLE.2.dwg A01 OF 3 NEW STEEL STRUCTURED A A EXTERIOR ELEVATION NEW LIGHT FIXTURE FINISH KEYNOTES EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST NEW LIGHT FIXTURE TYPICAL SUITE lOOB RAM MECHANICAL - WAREHOUSE - F2 AREA: 3560 sq,ft'./33l m2 SUITE 101B AMAZON WAREHOUSE - F2 AREA. 1^,717 sqrft./IB32m2 a- rt-Hflhs I SUITE I01C AMAZON NEW WAREHOUSE SPACE - F2 AREA* 2,112 aq,ft./KKm2 JjgU Main Floor Plan Outline of Applicant's Occupancy =1IITF in! m H -N COO n\T\ OOP ED — 133 UstlPsU Second Floor Plan OUD *&- -p-D-a - 100 Outline of Applicant's Occupancy > o X m Ol ATTACHMENT 6 23 BELLEROSE DRIVE PUBLIC MEETING St. Albert, Alberta October 20, 2015 A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. Certified Court Reporters 2 1 PUBLIC MEETING. COMMENCES AT 6:01 P.M., 2 3 MR. BATTJES: (Checkcheck)my name is Ben. 4 Aim the /ROEUTor /TKWORP. So the notice you saw, 5 the specialty retail store, that's act6ually Amazon 6 Springs Water. So a little bit about how tonight 7 is going to go: I'm going to give you a little 8 lowdown on who we are as a company and what we do, 9 kind of what our mission vision is, what our 10 operations look like, and then I'll tell you a 11 little bit about what we're doing at 23 Bellerose 12 Drive. You can see some of the information that's 13 presented here. 14 after, we'll kind of open up the floor to some 15 questions. 16 And if you have any questions So a little bit about us: We 17 are a coffee and bottled water provider. So we 18 service home, office, business type of thing. 19 that's why we've chosen the specialty retail store 20 definition, because, in insessence, we do coffee 21 and water and some vending stuff in addition to 22 that. 23 smallest portion of our -- of our operations today. 24 So we've kind of evolved to be that type of 25 company. 26 we do, so the types of water, obviously, pure 27 natural point-of-use filtration and then some of And But bottled water actually makes up the So, again, just further deliniating what A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. Certified Court Reporters 1 the vending stuff. So you'll see here, we've got 2 the coolers and the kurig machine. 3 So company scope and history: We're 4 15 years old. 5 right from Fort McMurry right through to Calgary. 6 So these are kind of our major centres of 7 operation. 8 Syncrude, Nait, Agrium, just to name a few. 9 we're also members of chambers of commerce in St. 10 11 We've got province-wide coverage And we are sole suppliers to Shell, And Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, and Fort McMurray. A little bit about the management: So in 12 aggregate, we've got about 130 employees. 13 office is located in St. Albert 14 management is pretty well St. Albert -- from St. 15 Alberta. 16 in last 15 years, so that speaks a little bit 17 about the small local group we are as a 18 management team. 19 even close to minimum wage. 20 Albert, the new branch we're looking at doing 21 here, we anticipate about 45 full-time employes 22 operating out of that location. 23 admin staff, drivers, et cetera. 24 here. Head All And there's really been zero turnover Community: And none of our employees are So for the St. So that includes So every year, typically on an 25 annual basis, Amazon donates about a hundred 26 thousand in cash and products to various 27 nonprofit organizations across Alberta. A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 3 These 1 are just -- I just threw these up. 2 fit them all on here, so this is kind of the 3 gist. 4 Environment: I couldn't So a little bit about what we 5 do: We bottle water; we deliver it. The 6 18.9-liter bottles, these are -- this is what you 7 see over here on the stand there. 8 those about a hundred times. 9 their useful life. So we use That's typically And then those get recycled 10 into toys, tools, and such after that. 11 employ root management software in all of our 12 delivery operations, and that kind of lowers our 13 carbon footprint and saves us some money. 14 is paramount, obviously, like any business, that 15 operates. 16 some of the affiliations we have. 17 certified, so that's our certificate of 18 recognition in Alberta here, which basically 19 stipulates that we meet the riggers of safety 20 code here. 21 We also So these are some of the governing or So our production facility: We're CORE So we do about 22 a thousand of those bottles per hour across 23 Alberta in our three facilities. 24 fully automated. 25 a sec here. 26 redundant. 27 bottling facilities. A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. Safety Everything is I'll show you some pictures in All the disinfections systems or And they're really state-of-the-art So this is just -- this is 4 1 one of the facilities. 2 Quality control: You can see that there. So this is something we 3 pride ourself on. We're the only NSF certified 4 bottled water company in Alberta. 5 NSF? 6 They're a third-party governing body that 7 basically assesses and works with different 8 companies to say, Yeah, you meet the needs; you 9 meet these different specific -- specifications So what is The National Sanitation Foundations. 10 of what, you know -- and speaking particularly to 11 the bottled water industry, things like lead 12 (checkcheck), arcinic, these types of things. 13 we have that on of all or labels. 14 really something our buyers can hang their hats 15 on. 16 hold themselves to a high standard, and we want 17 to be that provider to them as well in what we 18 do. 19 completely unbiased. 20 know, throughout the year. 21 picture of our -- our automated quality control 22 system. 23 And it's So, you know, companies like Syncrude, they So testing is third-party, and that's And that happens daily, you So that's just a Let's talk a little bit about our fleet. 24 we've got 5-ton (chekcheck) side loaders. 25 probably seen these trucks around. 26 6-ton dock level tracks. 27 So You've So 5 and And 1-ton cube vans. So we'll chat a little bit about the site. A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 5 So 1 Everyone, if you probably live around this area, 2 you're probably familiar with this picture. 3 Standard General operated from this site for, I 4 don't know, 25, 30 years. 5 kind of a heavy industrial site to store all of 6 their equipment. 7 with construction services currently as one of 8 the uses under it. 9 to move more or less away from that use. So they used it as So it's zoned to rent control And our intention is really We want 10 to see it developed into something that's not 11 really like this, not really an eyesore. 12 first step in doing that is basically approving 13 the building. 14 gutted the whole building. 15 it. 16 we remediated the site as well. 17 improvements to the building for our Amazon 18 application. 19 here. 20 Standard General. 21 inside and making it look nice. 22 wanted to get an idea for what the vision was for 23 St. Albert and how -- I'm from Edmonton, so I 24 wanted to get a better idea what governing 25 principles, you know, you guys use to understand 26 development. 27 development plan and kind of -- just to grab some So the So what we are doing here is we It had aspestus in We brought it up to the specifications. And So really making You can kind of see the floor plan The floor plan is essentially the same as A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. We're just dressing up the So I kind of So I went into the municple 6 1 snippets of visioning pieces for the city. So 2 St. Albert seeks the development of commercial 3 enterprises to meet regional and local needs. 4 You know, we're a community of families, you 5 know, opportunity. 6 the last point here is to create different 7 options for places to work and live in 8 St. Albert. 9 business, you know, we've got 45 full-time And then we want -- and then So Amazon being kind of a local 10 management employees and 130 in the aggregate. 11 So these aren't, like, your construction jobs 12 that, you know, last for nine months. 13 full-time, permanent jobs, and we kind of pride 14 ourselves on that being a local piece of the 15 puzzle. These are 16 So in summary, we -- so we're making an 17 application to have Amazon as a specialty retail 18 store operating under the direct control land use 19 district. 20 more. 21 it's approved by council. 22 developer or owner brings to the table has to go 23 through rigerous, I guess, you'd say planning, so 24 one of these steps is for us to have a public 25 consultation about what we're doing. 26 part of that, that's why we're here tonight. 27 Yeah, as part of that, we'll be submitting this So I'll explain that a little bit The DS zoning allows for any use provided A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 1 Any use that the And so as 1 application and open up the floor for questions 2 kind of in a sec here. 3 So my contact information is here. Steve 4 Houle, who is the president, he's actually over 5 here just watching from afar. 6 well here. 7 let me know. We also have comment cards for you 8 to fill out. So if you think of something, you 9 can -- and it's got my mailing address on it. He is available as But if you guys have any questions, 10 You can drop it in the box here. Actually, I'll 11 just move it over there. 12 are there, so you can fire me an e-mail. Or my business cards 13 MR. HOULE: Anybody have any questions? 14 RESIDENT 1: Are you going to get all your 15 trucks in and out of that one little entrance 16 there, where it is now on Belrose, or is there 17 another entrance planned? 18 MR. HOULE: Not for this building, no. 19 That was the existing Standard General entrance, 20 so it will be the same entrance. 21 you know — 22 RESIDENT 2: I'm sorry. 23 MR. HOULE: Oh, I'm sorry. But we have, We can't hear. That's the 24 existing Standard General entrance, and they had 25 quite a few more vehicles than we did, so -- than 26 we do, so we're anticipating that will work. 27 RESIDENT 2: A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. Because that type, you know, I 8 1 envision is more like in the business park or 2 commercial sections, but that's allowed with all 3 -- a lot of delivery trucks like that? 4 MR. HOULE: Yeah, it's -- we view it as an 5 improvement over the heavy equipment that was 6 going in and out of that site previously. 7 RESIDENT 2: Yeah, I'm not familiar with 8 how much of that heavy equipment business there 9 has been over the last few years. 10 11 12 13 MR. HOULE: Yeah, it was all heavy equipment. RESIDENT 2: Did they just go out of business, or they -- 14 MR. HOULE: They moved. 15 RESIDENT 2: Okay. 16 MR. HOULE: Yeah. 17 RESIDENT 3: Okay. 18 19 like, 7/24? MR. BATTJES: They moved. So are your hours, What kind of hours do you... Yeah, so the hours of 20 operation are between 6 and 5ish Monday to 21 Friday. 22 MR. HOULE: Yeah, so office staff will 23 arrive as early as 6 o'clock. 24 start leaving at about 7, 7:30, because they have 25 safety meetings in the morning. 26 are -- obviously, they have water on board, so 27 they have to be loaded in the previous afternoon. A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 9 The trucks will But the trucks 1 So they're loaded, and they park inside the 2 building. 3 have all their paperwork and safety meetings 4 complete, then they'll pull out, and they're 5 straight away. 6 early as probably 1 o'clock, as late as probably 7 about 4 o'clock. 8 immediately once they're back. 9 how the operation - 10 RESIDENT 3: And in the morning when the drivers And then they're arriving back as And they're reload and parked So that's kind of I think that was probably some 11 of the issues from Standard General was the noise 12 factor. 13 MR. BATTJES: Sure. 14 RESIDENT 3: You know, it wasn't all the 15 time, but it certainly was irritable when they 16 were... 17 MR. HOULE: Yeah, so these guys, all 18 you'll notice starting at 7 is the trucks 19 leaving. 20 it's not a loud process anyway. 21 putting the water - 22 23 RESIDENT 3: And the loading is done inside. It's just So it would be the same as the normal traffic on Bellrose or - 24 MR. HOULSE: Yeah. 25 RESIDENT 3: — whatever. 26 MR. HOULE: Yeah. 27 And morning. A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. We don't load in the The trucks are all loaded the previous 10 1 2 afternoon. RESIDENT 4: What's the schedule that 3 you're operating under as you move forward? 4 You're doing this public consultation now, and 5 then you're going to be applying. 6 foresee being in front of council? 7 the new year? 8 schedule? 9 10 When do you Is this in Or what's your approximate MR. HOULE: Yeah, do you want -- MR. BATTJES: Yeah, I'll speak to that. So 11 after this public consultation, we'll put 12 together and compile all of our reports, and then 13 we'll submit that to the city. 14 that in Planning and Development for, I think 15 it's about two -- two-ish weeks. 16 I'm hoping to have it before the new year, be in 17 front of council. 18 MR. HOULE: They'll circulate And then, yeah, That's when I anticipate.. Yeah, I think we were given a 19 rough timeline by the staff, and it was quicker 20 than that. 21 MR. BATTJES: M-hm. 22 RESIDENT 5: So you've already gone in and 23 renovated and purchased this building and the 24 whole entire land site? 25 MR. HOULE: Yeah. 26 RESIDENT 5: Okay. 27 MR. HOULE: Yeah, and it's -- there is A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 11 1 currently one tentant that has leased the entire 2 building and yard. 3 is add a use for Amazon to replace that tenant in 4 this part of the building, most of the building. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESIDENT 5: But what we're trying to do Oh, so there will be more tenants in there than Amazon? MR. HOULE: Ram Mechanical. There's one tenant here. It's It's just a plumbing - RESIDENT 5: Oh, I see. MR. HOULE: -- company, yeah. It's there now, so — 12 RESIDENT: Oh. 13 MR. HOULE: Yeah . Well, they're not in 14 the offices, but they've got a few trailers and 15 stuff in the back here. 16 17 18 RESIDENT 2: So what other types of tenants would you be looking for, MR. HOULE: That will be a hundred percent 19 of the project right now. Except for the 20 backyard here. 21 hundred percent occupied at that point. But the building itself will be a 22 MR. BATTJES: So it will be full. 23 MR. HOULE: That's correct. 24 MR. BATTJES: Just the two tenants. 25 RESIDENT 6: So it won't be any remodified, 26 modifications done to the actual elevation or 27 anything like that of the yard and the -- and, A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 12 1 like, the boundary between the property and the 2 existing lots that border that property, then? 3 4 MR. HOULE: Back here, nothing's going on . right now. So - 5 RESIDENT 6: Okay. 6 MR. HOULE: Because we don't have a use 7 for this yet. 8 with respect to the boundaries or -- is that what 9 you're asking? 10 But over here, nothing's changing RESIDENT 6: Well, yeah, because there was 11 a problem with the development of that apartment 12 facility there, because the undercut -- the 13 developer, whoever that was, undercut right at 14 the fence line, and now all the fences are 15 starting to slide -- slide away, so... 16 MR. HOULE: Oh, these fences here? 17 RESIDENT 7: No. It would be more No. The Diamond Residential 18 19 residential. RESIDENT 6: 20 on the other side. 21 It's in that pie. 22 23 MR. HOULE: assistant. Yeah, the old property line. Okay. Oh, here we go. Oh, these ones. 24 RESIDENT 6: So that used to be — 25 RESIDENT 8: So this land was 26 27 An (indiscernible). MR. HOULE: A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. Oh. 13 Yeah, I mean, I don't 1 know anything that, but, obviously, that's -- 2 RESIDENT 6: Well, that's why -- 3 MR. HOULE: We're not changing -- we're 4 not doing anything here ourselves to change 5 anything. 6 RESIDENT 1: Basically, though, because 7 you're already renovating, that you're probably 8 feeling that you're 99 percent assured that you 9 will get the approval? 10 MR. HOULE: Well, we're hope -- we're 11 optimistic. But at the end of the day, the 12 building will be leased to somebody. 13 Amazon, it's going to get leased to somebody 14 else. 15 anyway. 16 somebody else, it probably will not be as good an 17 occupant as Amazon, so that's what we're hoping, 18 but, you know, the property has to be used; 19 right? 20 previous one. 21 was saying about the NSF wouldn't mean much to 22 anybody in the room, but it means that we 23 actually are mandated to look after not only the 24 interior of the building, it's more about how we 25 operate. 26 exterior of the building. 27 of that that. If it's not And the building needed to be renovated Unfortunately, if it gets leased to So we think this is a better use than the A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. It's a very — you know, what Ben Very, very clean operation. We have to monitor all It's all part -- 14 And the 1 2 RESIDENT 2: When I was in business, NSF mean non-sufficient funds. 3 MR. BATTJES: Still does. 4 (LAUGHTER) 5 RESIDENT 1: Yeah. 6 MR. HOULE: So it's a real clean -J operation. CO What was the next... Much cleaner than Standard General ever was, for 9 sure. 10 11 It has to be maintained that way. Nothing against them. They're just in a different business; right? MR. BATTJES: Yeah, if you guys have any 12 other questions, don't hesitate. 13 the front. 14 leave a comment. 15 We've got a comment box. Thanks for coming out, guys. 16 17 PUBLIC MEETING CONCLUDED 6:18 P.M. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. My cards are at 15 You can Appreciate it. 1 CERTIFICATE OF TRANSCRIPT 2 3 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the 4 foregoing pages are a complete and accurate 5 transcript of the proceedings taken down by me in 6 shorthand and transcribed from my shorthand notes 7 to the best of my skill and ability. 8 Dated at the City of Edmonton, Province of 9 Alberta, this 27th day of October, 2015. 10 12 13 Jenna Mearns, CSR(A) 14 Court Reporter 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A.C.E. Reporting Services Inc. 16 ATTACHMENT 7 Amazon Springs Water and Coffee Company – 23 Bellerose Drive Proposed Development Permit Approval Conditions: 1. The development shall occur as per the plans stamped, signed and conditionally approved by the Development Officer on behalf of City Council of the City of St. Albert. 2. Any proposed changes including but not limited to design, elevation or site plan configuration, are to be submitted in writing to the Development Officer and the said changes are not to be undertaken until and if, written authorization is provided by the Development Officer. Any proposed change considered to be substantial or inconsistent with this approval, as determined by the Development Officer, may be referred to City Council for approval. 3. On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with the parking provisions of Section 7.3(2) of Land Use Bylaw 9/2005. All required on-site parking stalls shall be hard surfaced and adequately demarcated. 4. Any garbage/recycle containers, as proposed and future installations of same, shall be located within enclosures that are screened to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. 5. The following shall be subject to separate development permit applications: a. On-site signage; b. Future alterations to the building or site; and c. Any changes to the approved Use or intensity of the Use. Proposed Development Permit Approval Notes: 1. A person applying for, or in possession of, a valid development permit is not relieved from full responsibility for ascertaining and complying with or carrying out development in accordance with the conditions of any covenant, caveat, easement or other instrument affecting the building or land. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws, regulations and standards, as well as ensuring compliance with, and is responsible for obtaining, all applicable permits, licenses and approvals, at its own expense. 3. The City of St. Albert does not conduct independent environmental checks of land within the city. If you are concerned about the suitability of this property for any purpose, you should conduct your own tests and reviews. The City of St. Albert, in issuing this development permit, makes no representations and offers no warranties as to the suitability of the property for any purpose or as to the presence or absence of any environmental contaminants on or within the property. 4. Addressing of individual interior units shall be coordinated with the City of St. Albert. Please contact Kim Hamson, Planning Technician at 780-459-1635.