Molecular Microbiology (1992) 6(2)
Molecular Microbiology (1992) 6(2)
Molecular Microbiology (1992) 6(2), 231-238 Secretion of the Rhizobium leguminosarum nodulation protein NodO by haemolysin-type systems A. K. Scheu,^^ A. Economou,^^ G. F. Hong,^ S. Ghelani,^ A. W. B. Johnston^ and J. A. Downie^* ^John Innes Institute. John Innes Centre, Coiney Lane, Norwich NR4, 7UH. UK. ^Institute of Biochemistry, Academy Sinica. Shanghai 20031. China. ^School of Biological Sciences. University of East Anglia. Norwich NR4 7rj. UK. Summary The Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae nodutation protein NodO is partially homologous to haemolysin of Escherichia coli and, like haemolysin, is secreted into the growth medium. The NodO protein can be secreted by a strain of E, coli carrying the cloned nodO gene plus the haemolysin secretion genes hlyBD, in a process that also requires the outer membrane protein encoded by tolC. The related protease secretion genes, prtDEF, from Erwinia chrysanthemi also enable E. coli to secrete NodO. The Rhizobium genes encoding the proteins required for NodO secretion are unlinked to nodO and are unlike other nod genes, since they do not require flavonoids or NodO for their expression. Although proteins similar to NodO were not found in rhizobia other than R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, several rhizobia and an Agrobacterium strain containing the cloned nodO gene were found to have the ability to secrete NodO. These observations indicate that a wide range of the Rhizobiaceae have a protein secretion mechanism analogous to that which secretes haemotysin and related toxins and proteases in the Enterobacteriaceae. Introduction Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae has 13 identified nodulation (nod) genes that are located on the indigenous 'symbiotic' piasmid and are involved in the host-specific nodulation of legumes such as peas and vetch (Downie Received 1 August. 1991: revised 7 October, 1991. tBoth of these authors contributed equally to this work. JPresent address: Centro Nacional de Biotechnologia, Serrano 115, Madrid 28006, Spain. "For correspondence. Tel. (603) 52571; Fax (603) 56844, i and Surin, 1990). Several of the nod gene products are involved in the synthesis of a low molecular-weight signal molecule that is secreted into the growth medium. Lerouge et ai {1990) characterized the signal from Rhizobium meliloti as an acylated sulphated derivative of tetraglucosamine. This glycoNpid signai is necessary for initiating the programme of nodule organogenesis in alfalfa and can induce empty nodular structures when added to alfalfa roots even in the absence of rhizobia (Truchetefa/., 1991). It is clear that different rhizobia make structurally related but subtly different signal molecules {Spaink et ai. 1991) that can determine specificity between the Rhizobium strain and its host legumes. Although the glycolipid signal is a prerequisite for all of the steps in nodulation. one R. leguminosarum bv. viciae nod gene {nodO) encodes a secreted protein (de Maagd et ai., 1989; Economou et ai.. 1990) that plays an important role in nodulation of peas and vetch. Whereas mutations in nodO do not significantly affect nodulation (Economou et ai, 1989). a deletion analysis revealed that, in the absence of the nodFE genes, nodO is essential for nodulation of vetch (Downie and Surin, 1990). The NodO protein contains multiple repeats of a nineamino-acid glycine+aspartic acid-rich region that have been proposed to be responsible for its ability to bind Ca^* (Economou ef ai., 1990) and to be analogous to the Ca^*-binding domain of haemolysin defined by Ludwig et ai. (1988). The secretion of NodO into the grovrth medium (Economou et ai.. 1990; de Maagd etai. 1989) does not involve the general export pathway (Pugsley et ai, 1990) that utilizes an W-terminal transit sequence since there is no processing of the N-terminus of NodO. In these respects NodO is similar to haemolysin which is secreted by uropathogenic strains of Escherichia coii. These strains have a specialized secretion mechanism that involves two membrane proteins, encoded by the hiyBD genes (Wagner et ai, 1983; Mackman et ai, 1986). An outer membrane protein (encoded by tolC) is also necessary for the secretion of haemolysin (Wandersman and Delepelaire, 1990). The plant pathogen Erwinia chrysanthemi uses a similar secretion mechanism for the secretion of the proteases PrtB and PrtC. In this case the E. chrysanthemi prtDEF genes (analogous to hlyBD and tolC) are involved in the secretion mechanism (Letoffe et al.. 1990) and confer on £ coli the ability to secrete the proteases. Here, we demonstrate that the NodO protein is 232 A K.Scheuetal. a b e d NodO*' — e f g h — nodO + - + ' ' lnduc«r + + - - ••• + + + ^ +^ - Fig. 1. Protein gel and immunoblot showing secretion of NodO in the absence of flavones or other nod genes. Polyacrylamide gels corrtaining proteins concentrated from growth-medium supernatants were either stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (lanes a, b, c, d) or electrobtotted to a nitrocellulose filter which was then reacted with antiserum to NodO (lanes e, f. g. h). Lanes (a) and (e) were from a sample prepared from the control strain, A168(Sym' NodO*), grown with 1 M-M hasperetinto induce nod genes. Lanes (b) and (f) were from a sample ot strain A169 (Sym' NodO ), grown in the presence of 1 ^M hesperetin showing the absence of NodO (b) and the lack of antibody staining (f). Lanes (c) and (g) were from Sym-plasmid-cured strain Al65 carrying plJ1790 (with nodO expressed constitutively} grown jn the absence of nod gene Inducars. showing that NodO is secreted in the absence of the symbiotic piasmid or nod gene induction. Lanes (d) and (h) were from control samples of Sym-plasmid-cured strain A165 carrying the vector (pKT230) used to make plJI 790. The presence of riodO is indicated and 'c' refers to the constitutively expressed rmdO gene on plJ1790. signal with a similar fraction from a nodO mutant strain (Fig. 1. lanes b and t) or with total cellular proteins from either the mutant or wild-type strain {data not shown). Strain A165 (which lacks a symbiotic piasmid) containing the nodO gene expressed constitutively on plJ1790 secretes NodO protein in the absence of flavonoids {Fig. 1. lanes c and g). Therefore it is evident that genes required for NodO secretion are expressed independently of flavonoid induction and are not present on the symbiotic piasmid. NodO secretion mediated via the haemolysin secretion system No secretion of NodO protein was observed from a strain of E. coli carrying the nodO gene cloned on piasmid plJ1814 in which nodO is under the control of the lacZ promoter {Fig. 2, lane c). Since NodO protein could be identified within the cellular fraction {Fig. 3, lane d) of this strain, the lack of secretion cannot be due to a problem of expression of NodO protein. secreted by a similar mechanism. {The term 'secretion' is used here to signify release of a protein into the growth medium, whereas 'export' is used more generally to signify transiocation of a protein across the cytoplasmic membrane.) It appears that although NodO is absent from many other rhizobia, it can be secreted by a wide variety of rhizobial strains. Results To study the secretion of the NodO protein, a polyclonal antiserum was prepared to the purified NodO protein. Piasmid plJ1790 is a broad host-range piasmid in which the nodO gene is expressed constitutively (from a vector promoter) and can also be expressed inducibly {by flavones such as hesperetin) at high levels from its own promoter under the control of the nod gene transcriptional regulator encoded by nodD. When R. leguminosarum bv. viciae strain A168 carrying plJ1790 is grown in the presence of hesperetin, a large amount of NodO protein is secreted into the growth medium. NodO protein was purified from the growth medium of such a culture and used to raise an antiserum. As shown {Fig. 1, lanes a and e) the antibody reacts with the NodO protein present in the growth-medium supernatant of a strain of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae induced for nodO expression but gives no nodO hlyBD toiC prtDEF hlyA" - Rg. 2. Stained protein gel showing secretion of NodO proteins by strains of E. coli carrying the haemolysin or protease (PriB) secretion genes. Strains of E. coli were inoculated from an ovemight cutture o( L-broth and grown for 2~3h until an optical density of about 0.7 was reached, and then for 5h in ths presence of isopropyl thiogolactoside (20M.gml '), The proteins from 75ml of culture supernatant were concentrated on nitrocellulose filters, resuspended in 400 iil of loading buffer and a fraction (20p.! for each, except lane b which contained IOM-') was electrophoresed on a 12% polyacrylamide gel, which was stainad with Coomassie Brilliant Blue. The strains used were: a. MC4100 + pLG575 (WySD); b, MC4100+PLG575 (WySD)-* pLG609 {rt/yA'); c, fVIC4100 +p!J1814 (nodp); d, MC4100 + pLG575 (ft/yBCi) + plJ1814 {nodQ: e. MC4100 (to;C::Tn)0)+pLG575 (h/yeCJ)+plJ1814 {nodQ: f, MC4100 ((o/C::TnrO)+pRUW4 (prfD£fl+plJ1814 {nodQ: g. MC4100 + pRUW4 (prtD£f)+plJ1814 (nodQ: h, MC4100+pRUW4 ipnOEF). Strain MC4100 {tolCv.lniOi was a kind gift from Dr C. Wandsrsman. The identity o( the NodO protein in lanes (d), (f) and (g] was confirmed by immunoblotting and no NodO protein was detected in the other lar>es. Secretion of NodO by haemolysin-type systems abc d e Fig. 3. Immunobiot of total cellular proteins showing that cellular NodO protein is present within E. coli but not Rhizobium strains. The bacterial cells were washed three times with lOmM Tris-HCI (pH7.0), sonicated, and the released proteins solubilized by boiling in loading buffer. The total cellular proteins (10M.g} were electrophoresed in a potyacrylaniide gel and immunoblotted to nitrocellulose. NodO was detected using antibody as described earlier (Fig. 1). Lane (a) contains secreted NodO protein control from a semi-purified preparation. The other lanes contain total cellular proteins from: b, cells of Rhizobium strain Al 68 induced for NodO expression; c, cells ot E. co/'strain MC4100+pUCl8: d, cells of E. coli, MC41D0+pU181't (nodQ\e, cells of E. co''MC4100-HplJi814 It was established previously (Economou etai, 1990; de fyiaagd et a/.. 1989) that NodO is secreted by a mechanism that does not involve an W-terminal transit sequence and that NodO shows homology to the Ca^"" -binding domain of haemotysin (Economou etai. 1990) and a group of other proteins (including cyclolysin, leukotoxin and two metalloproteases) that are secreted by a system that does not involve an W-terminal signal sequence. Instead, it appears that these proteins are secreted by a mechanism that involves an interaction between a C-terminal secretion signal (Nicaud et ai.. 1986; Koronakis et ai, 1989; Delepelaire and Wandersman, 1990) and a specialized secretion system comprising the products of the hlyBD and toiC genes (Wagner et ai.. 1983; Mackman ef ai, 1986; Wandersman and Delepelaire. 1990). In addition to mediating the secretion of haemolysin, the hiyBD+tolC genes can allow E. coii to secrete other proteins such as ieukotoxin, cyclolysin and some proteases, and some bacteriocins (see the Discussion). To test if NodO is secreted via a similar mechanism, the noc/Ogene cloned on plJ1814 was transferred to an E coli strain cartying the hiyBD genes on a separate repiicon (pLG575) and the wild-type toiC gene on the chromosome. As shown in Fig. 2 (lane d), a significant amount of NodO protein was secreted by this strain. The amount of NodO secreted was less than that observed with the positive control, a truncated derivative of a-haemolysin (Fig. 2, laneb). However, it is clear that NodO secretion can be mediated via the haemolysin secretion system since no secretion of NodO was seen in the absence of hiyBD genes (Fig, 2, lane c). In a similar experiment it was found 233 that the E. chrysanthemi protease PrtB secretion genes, prtDEF (cloned on pRUW4). could confer on E. coii the ability to secrete the NodO protein (Fig. 2, lane g). Figure 2 (lane e) shows that the secretion of NodO from E coli is to/C-dependent, since the tolC mutant carrying the hlyBD genes could not secrete NodO. The tolC mutant strain carrying the prtDEF genes does secrete NodO (Fig. 2, lane f). Since PrtF is significantly homologous to TolC and PrtD and E are homologous to HlyB and D (Letoffe et ai, 1990), it is probable that in the presence of the prtDE gene products. prtF complements the toiC mutant for the ability to secrete NodO. The prtF and toiC gene products normally confer specificity on the secretion system since the E. coli TolC protein cannot substitute for PrtF in the secretion of the E chrysanthemi protease. PrtB (Letoff6 et ai. 1990). In this respect, it appears that NodO can be secreted via either system. However, as shown in Fig. 3 (lane e), not all of the NodO protein was secreted from the E coli strain carrying nodO and hiyBD (or prtDEF. data not shown) since NodO could be identified in the total cellular fraction using NodO antibody. As shown (Fig. 3. lane b), NodO protein is not normally found in the total cellular fraction of R leguminosarum bv. viciae induced for expression of nodO under the control of its own promoter. Even in those situations where high levels of nodO expression have been achieved in R. ieguminosarum bv. viciae carrying the cloned nodO. no cellular NodO protein has been detected (data not shown). The NodO protein secreted from R. ieguminosarum bv, viciae is of the same apparent molecular weight as the protein found in the cellular fraction of E. coli, indicating that there is no significant alteration in the size of NodO as a result of its secretion (Fig. 3. lanes a and d). The isoelectric points of the secreted and unsecreted proteins were also identical (pi = 4.2 as judged by Western blotting of two-dimensional gels), indicating that there is no apparent alteration of NodO during secretion (data not shown). NodO is secreted by severai rhizobiai genera Since NodO secretion genes are not on the symbiotic plasmid of R. Ieguminosarum it seemed possible that other strains of rhizobia might be able to secrete NodO, although it was noted previously (de Maagd et ai. 1989) that antibody against NodO did not react with other rhizobiai strains induced for nod gene expression. Using the antibody described here, we confirmed and extended the observations of de Maagd etai (1989) in that the NodO antibody prepared here did not cross-react with strains of Azorhizobium caulinodans. Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Rhizobium meiiloti. Rhizobium fredii, or even R. ieguminosarum biovar trifoiii grown under conditions in which their nod genes were expressed. However, when ptasmids 234 A. K. Scheu et al. a b c d 6 f B g . 4. Secretion of NodO by rtiizobia and Agrobacterium. Proteins from growth-medium supernatants of strains grown in TV in the presence of flavonoids {to induce nod gene expression) were concentrated, electrophoresed, electroblottsd to nitrocellulose, and visualized with NodOantiserum as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The samples were prepared from various representative strains of Rhizobiaceae carrying plJI815 containing the cloned Ft. leguminosarum bv viciae nodO gone: a, fl. leguminosarum (bv. trifolii): b, R. fredii\ c, R. meliloii\ d, S. iaponicum: e. A. caulinodans: f, A. rhizogenes. in R melilotiXhe piasmid carrying riodO was plJ1788. The amount of NodO secreted by the different strains is approximately equivalent to that found with R. leguminosarum bv. viciae (Fig. 1). carrying the nodO gene were transferred to a wide range of bacteria in the Rhizobiaceae it was found that they could secrete NodO protein into the growth medium. As expected, R. leguminosarum strains carrying the cloned nodO gene secrete NodO and this is illustrated with R. leguminosarum bv. /r/fo//y{Fig. 4, lane a). NodO protein could also be identified (Fig. 4) in the growth-medium supernatant of strains of R. meiiioti. R. fredii. B. japonicum, A. cauiinodans and Agrobacterium rhizogenes carrying the cloned nodO gene from R leguminosarum bv. viciae. The protein profiles of the growth-medium supernatant from these NodO-secreting strains did not show any other newly appearing polypeptides when compared with those of the control strains {data not shown). Similarly, using antibody to transferase (encoded by the vector pKT230) and neomycin phosphotransferase to probe the blots, no 'leakage' of the cytoplasm was observed. These observations indicate that secretion of NodO from these strains is active and not the result of cell lysis. In conclusion, it is evident that many representatives of the Rhizobiaceae do have the capacity to secrete NodO, although it appears that they do not normally secrete a NodO-homologous protein. Rhizobium ndvA is not required for NodO secretion Genes such as hlyB and prtD that are involved in secretion of NodO and related proteins belong to a large group of genes that encode membrane-associated proteins thought to be involved in ATP-dependent transport of a wide variety of substrates (Blight and Holland. 1990). The HlyB and PrtD proteins belong to a subgroup of these proteins that are involved in export rather than import across the bacteria! membrane. The R. meliloti noduledevelopment gene ndvA also belongs to this group and shows extensive homology with HlyB. NdvA is necessary for the secretion of a cyclic fi-1,2 glucan and is important in nodule development. The ndvA gene is not on the symbiotic piasmid and is widespread among the Rhizobiaceae (Stanfield et ai, 1988), Given these criteria, we considered the possibility that NdvA could be involved in the secretion of NodO and, possibly, related proteins. However, as shown (Fig. 5), a nvdA mutant of R. meliloti \s not blocked for the secretion of NodO. It is interesting to note that the efficiency of NodO secretion is reduced, since some NodO protein could be detected in the cellular protein fraction of the mutant strain but not in that of the control strain. However, mutation of nvdA in R. meliloti has pleiotropic effects on cell-surface and membrane proteins (Dylan et ai., 1990) and the lowered efficiency of NodO secretion is probably a secondary effect of the nvdA mutation. Discussion The NodO protein belongs to a small but growing group of proteins that are recognized as being secreted by a mechanism that does not involve an /V-terminal transit a b W.T. ndvA LUTEOLIN: + - - W.T. ndvA + SECRETED NON-SECHETEO Fig. 5. NodO secretion by an nvdA mutant. The Rhizobium strains were grown as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The secreted proteins from growth-medium supernatant (lanes a, b, c, d) were prepared as described in Fig. 1, and the total cellular (non-secreted) proteins (lanes e, f, g. h} were solubilized as described in Fig. 3. All samples were electrophoresed in a 12% polyacrylamide gel, immunoblotted to nitrocellulose, and the NodO proteins visualized by antibodies. Samples used were: a and e. wild-type R. meliloti 102F34 carrying pU 1788 {nodQ grown in the presence of 1 \LM luteolin to Induce nodO. b and f, R. meliloti ^02fZA {O\\Xa et ai. 1980) carrying plJI 788 (nodQ grown in the absence of luteolln; c and g. R meliloti LI1 {ndvA) (Stanfield et ai. 1988) carrying plJt 788 {nodQ grown in the absence of luteolin; d and h, R meliloti U^ (ndv^) carrying plJ1788 grown in the presence of 1 nM luteolin. There is a low level of constitutive expression of NodO In these strains grown in the absence of flavorralds (lanes b and c). Secretion of NodO by haemotysin-type systems sequence. Instead, these proteins, of which haemoiysin is the best characterized, are secreted by a mechanism that involves a C-terminal signal (Mackman et ai, 1987) and a specialized secretion system (Blight and Holland. 1990). For E. coli a-haemolysin this secretion system is encoded by the hiyBD totC genes, and there are analogous genes for secretion of haemolysin-like proteins from species of Proteus, Morganella and Actinobacillus (Koronakis ef ai, 1987; Gygi et ai, 1990) as well as the secretion of the related toxins cyctolysin (Masure et ai, 1990) and leukotoxin (Chang et ai. 1989). In addition to these protein toxins, metalloproteases from species of Erwinia, Serratia and Pseudomonas (Delepelaire and Wandersman, 1990; Letoffeefa/.. 1991; Guzzo etai, 1991) are secreted by an analogous system, as are the bacteriocins, microcin B17 and colicin V, made by F. co//(Garrido etai, 1988; Gitson etai, 1990). All of these bacterial genera belong to the -y-division of the Proteobacteria, whereas the Rhizobiaceae belong to an entirely different class, the a-division of the Proteobacteria (Woese. 1987). It is clear from the work presented here that many genera of the Rhizobiaceae. including Rhizobium, Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium and Agrobacterium. have a similar protein secretion system analogous to that of haemoiysin secretion from E. co//and secretion of the protease PrtB from £ chrysanthemi. There is normally a considerable degree of selectivity in these secretion systems since E. coli carrying the haemoiysin secretion genes hiyBD and toiC secretes only very small amounts of the E chrysanthemi protease PrtB (Delepelaire and Wandersman. 1990). although it efficiently secretes the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkaline protease, AprA (Guzzo etai, 1991). Conversely, the E chrysanthemi secretion genes, prtDEF, were unable to mediate the secretion of haemoiysin A. However, it apears that the NodO protein can be secreted from E coli by either the a-haemolysin or PrtB secretion system. In most of the cases described above, some (but not necessarily all) of the genes encoding the secretion apparatus are closely linked to the gene encoding the secreted product. This does not appear to be the case for nodO, which is present on the symbiotic plasmid (the genes required for its secretion are not). Moreover, in most of these other systems, expression of the export genes {hiyB and its homologues) is under the same regulatory control as the gene encoding the secreted protein. In this respect. nodO is also different since the nodO gene is expressed only after flavonoid-mediated induction (requiring NodD) whilst those genes required for its secretion appear to be expressed constitutively. This situation is similar to that of the cyclolysin gene, which is environmentally controlled white export genes are expressed constitutively (Laoide and Ullman, 1990). These observations, together with the apparent lack of 235 nodO in several rhizobia, suggest that nodO may be a relativety recent acquisition as a nodulation gene. However, a wide range of bacteria in the Rhizobiaceae have the potential to secrete NodO (the first demonstration of a wide-ranging protein secretion system in these bacteria). This secretion system is very efficient (no NodO protein was detected in the cellular fractions) and appears to be expressed constitutiveiy. Therefore this secretion system is probably not a recent acquisition and is likety to have a 'housekeeping' function, secreting other proteins during normal (non-symbiotic) growth. Indeed, other extracellular polypeptides have been identified in rhizobial growth-medium supernatants (Katinakis et ai. 1988; Smit et ai. 1989, and our unpublished observations). Another constitutively expressed rhizobial transporter homologous to HlyB is that encoded by the ndvA genes, but this transporter is required for the secretion of pi-2 linked glucans (Dylan ef ai, 1990) and is not necessary for NodO secretion. It will be of interest to define the domain of NodO that interacts with the secretion system. By analogy with haemoiysin and the protease PrtB this domain is likely to be C-terminal. Koronakis et ai, (1989) defined three important domains within the 53 terminal amino acids of haemoiysin; an amphiphilic helix, a cluster of charged residues, and a terminal hydrophobic region rich in hydroxylated residues. There is no obvious amino acid sequence homology between these domains of haemoiysin and the C-terminal domain of NodO. Nevertheless, it is evident that a signal domain within NodO must be recognized by both the haemoiysin and protease secretion systems. Previously, Economou ef ai (1990) noted that the domain 60-100 residues from the C-terminus of NodO has characteristics similar to those found by Koronakis ef ai (1989) to be important for haemoiysin secretion. It may be of interest to note that removal of the 25 C-terminal amino acids of NodO resulted in a truncated protein that could still be exported (our unpublished observations). It is not yet clear why this mode of protein secretion has evolved in Gram-negative bacteria. It is possible that the structure of some proteins (such as haemoiysin or NodO) are such that they required dedicated haemolysin-type secretion systems that can negotiate both membranes of Gram-negative bacteria. Whatever the reasons, it appears that the haemoiysin type of secretion system is very widespread among Gram-negative bacteria. Experimental procedures Microbiological techniques Media (Tf) and general growth conditions for rfiizobia were those described by Beringer (1974). using appropriate antibiotics. The 236 A. K. Scheu et al. Table 1. Bacterial strains and piasmids. Strain/Plasmid Charactenstics Reference S ^ R. leguminosarum R. leguminosarum bv, viciae 8400 pflLlJI nod:i99 {nodF-nifH) 8400pssI::Tn5(exopolysaccharide-deficient) 8400pHL1JlpssI::Tn5 A168 notfO::Tn3 HoHoi Lamb af a'. (1982) Downieef a'. (1983) Downia and Surin (1990) This work This work This work hlyBD h//4 " derivative prtDEF nodABCOEFIJLMN TO nodO In pLAFRl nodO in pKT230 nodO in pUC 18 nodO nodD in pKT230 Mackman Gf a/. (1985) Nicaud efa/. (1986) L^toffe era'. (1990) Downie efa/. (1983) Economou ef a/. (1990) This work This work Ttirs work Strain 8400 8400 pRLI A69 A165 A168 A169 Piasmid PLG575 pLG609 pRUW4 pijiosg PIJ1788 PIJ1790 PIJ1814 PIJ1S15 tiavone hesperetin was made up as a 1 tnM solution in ethanol and added to a final concentration of 1 p.M. Strains of E. coii were grown in L-broth (Maniatis et al.. 1982) at ST^C. Piasmids were transferred to strains of E. coii by transformation and to rhizobial strains by conjugation using a helper piasmid to mobilize piasmid transfer in patch matings. Strains A l 65 and Al 68 were made by transduction using a derivative of 8401 pRLI Jl pss1::Tri5 carrying plJ1427 (Borthakur et ai, 1986) as a source ot the pss1::Jn5 allele. Microbial strains and piasmids The strains and piasmids used in this study are described in the text or in Table 1. Routine DNA manipuiations were carried out as described by Maniatis et al. (1982). Piasmid plJ1790 was constructed by subcloning a 1.45kb EcoRi fragment from plM236 (Economou et al.. 1990) into the EcoRI site of pKT230 (Bagdasarian e( ai. 1931), oriented such that the nodO gene is expressed from the promoter that normally expresses the streptomycin-resistance gene on pKT230; the 1.45 kb EcoRi fragment also carries the normal nodO promoter that is inducible by flavonoids in the presence of the nodD gene product, Piasmid plJ1814 was made by subcioning a l.5kbPsri-Hfndiil fragment carrying nodO (Economou etai. 1990) into the Psfl-H/ndill sites of pUC18 (Yanisch-Perron et ai. 1985), such that nodO was expressed from the lacZ promoter. Piasmid piJ1815 was derived by cioning the nodO gene on a 1.45kb EcoRI fragment into plJ15l8. a derivative of pKT230 carrying the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae nodD gene (Rossen ef al., 1985). In this piasmid the nodO gene is expressed at a iow ievel from a vector promoter and is strongly inducible by fiavones under the control of NodD. Protein preparation and electrophoresis The strains of R. leguminasarum bv. viciae used for the analysis of secreted proteins were exopotysaccharide-deficient (pss) mutants, and this simplified the preparation of the proteins from the growth-medium supernatant. Strains of Rhizobium were grown for 48h at 28"C in tryptone-yeast (TY) medium. Proteins from the growth-medium supernatant were concentrated on 0.22-micron nitrocellulose filters and solubilized as described by Economou et al. (1990). This method was also found to be suitable for concentration of the truncated HlyA protein encoded on piasmid pLG609. The proteins were solubilized in sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) loading buffer and eiectrophoresed in 12% acrylamide gels as described by Bradley ef ai. (1988). The proteins in the gets were visualized with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R.250, and the NodO protein electroblotted to nitrocellulose filters was visualized immunologically using antiserum to NodO. Antibody binding was detected with goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (Sigma) using the staining procedures described by Bradley ef a/. (1988). Preparation of NodO antibody The NodO protein was concentrated and purified from the growth-medium supernatant of strain A168+plJ1790 essentially as described by Economou etal. (1990). As a final step, the NodO protein was electrophoresed on a preparative SDS-polyacrylamide gel and electroeluted from the acrylamide with a BioRad model 422 electroeiuter using the conditions described by the manufacturer. The protein was collected in 500 (tl of running buffer, desalted using a Pharmacia PDIO (Sephadex G-25M) column, and freeze-dried. The resulting purified protein (about 500 M.g) was redlssolved in phosphate-buffered saline, mixed with complete adjuvant, and injected subcutaneousiy into a rabbit at 10 d intervals. After three such injections, the serum, which had previously not reacted with Rhizobium or E. coli proteins, was found to have a high titre of NodO antibody. The NodO antiserum was collected and stored frozen at -20°C. Acknowledgements We are indebted to Dr C. Wandersman, Dr B. Holland. Dr G. Ditta, Dr H. P. Spaink and Dr P. Young for the gifts of strains and piasmids and for communicating results prior to publication. Dr T. Kieser kindly made available antiserum to neomycin phosphotransferase and we thank DrV. Koronakis, DrC. Hughes and DrM. Dow for helpful discussions. Mrs J. Peart and the staff of the antibody facility at the Food Research Institute, Norwich. 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