April 10, 2016 3rd Sunday of Easter
April 10, 2016 3rd Sunday of Easter
Holy Family 2400 South Franklin St. Decatur, IL 62521 www.decaturholyfamily.com Parish April 10, 2016 3rd Sunday of Easter PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Led by the spirit and example of the Holy Family, our parish community embraces as its mission the salvation of all people. Rooted in the celebration of the Eucharist, we go forth to serve, to educate, and to live daily the message of Jesus Christ. DEAR PARISHIONERS: It has been 2 weeks since Easter. How are we doing at bringing that Easter message of peace, hope, & joy to those we meet? Are we still those “Alleluia” people? That is one of the important challenges of our faith---to keep the life, excitement, & exuberance going. At times we may feel bored, sluggish, or indifferent. That happens to all of us. But, despite those times, we need to be enlivened with the Easter event in living our Catholic faith. The first thing we can do to help ourselves be alive, concerned, dedicated, & joyful is to assemble at Eucharist each weekend & let the Risen Lord touch our souls & hearts with the spark of faith. The Eucharist feeds us with the faith, love, & community we need to make His Risen Presence known & felt. The Eucharist is where we gather to praise the Risen Lord with others, & where we feel the strength of communal prayer reaching into the depths of our being. That memorial sacrifice of Jesus is a powerful event in our Church & in our lives. It can transform us from being lukewarm into being on fire for the Lord! Let us never underestimate the power, place, & need of Mass. Let us remember that God thought it so important to gather on the Sabbath that He made it a commandment. That command to keep holy the Sabbath day, our Sunday, is still alive today. To disregard that command is seriously sinful. Also, private prayer is very important in keep the joy & peace of Easter going. Prayer can be that elixir, that enlivener, that we need. Prayer can help us return & reorient our lives. Prayer can draw us to the Lord. We are the ones still called to be those Easter people for others! And we have no better example of that than in the life of Pope Francis. He daily shares the joy & hope of the Easter event. We, too, can follow his example. And in doing so, the Resurrection of our Lord on that Easter Sunday will continue to be alive & celebrated in & through us. YOUR PASTOR, FATHER JOE HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL FINANCIAL AID & ST. TERESA TIRPAK SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Holy Family School & St. Teresa HS financial aid forms are now available in the parish office for the 20162017 school year. Financial assistance is available for families who are parishioners & send their children to HF School. The Tirpak Scholarship Fund is available for families who are parishioners & send their children to St. Teresa High School. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE PARISH OFFICE BY May 1, 2016. PLEASE NOTE: THE MAY 1ST DEADLINE MEANS MAY 1ST. NO APPLICATIONS CONSIDERED AFTER MAY 1ST. PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Florene Alcorn, Laura Allen, Steve Brinkoetter, Donna French, AJ Hahn, Pat Hamilton, Rick Harmon, Gretchen Peters-Hantel, Kathy Kirby, Jim Mattchen, Gayle Moffet, Jim Murray, Terri Schram, Garnet Woolard SICK LIST POLICY: Names that are submitted will be removed after 4 weeks unless resubmitted. The new names added each week will be in BOLD for that one week, so that it will be easier to know a new name. The policy is to ensure that the list is “up-to-date”. MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Deacon Braden’s Priesthood Ordination at the Cathedral in Spfld. on May 28th at 10:30 a.m. All are invited! WDCR DECATUR CATHOLIC RADIO 5th Annual Dinner, Thurs., April 14th, Mt. Zion Convention Center. Keynote speaker will be Bishop Carl Kemme, Bishop of Wichita, KS and former pastor of Holy Family. Tickets are $50 per person. Call 464-1099 for more info. CATHOLIC CHARITIES ROUND-UP will be Fri., Apr. 22, 6:30-11:00 p.m. at the KC Hall. Food by “Mac’s Pigskin Diner” and music by “The Glendale Riders”. Tickets are $50 each, cash bar will be available. For tickets and info., contact Catholic Charities at 428-3458. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) will be held here from June 13-17. Mark your calendars! More info later. ST. TERESA H. S. Board of Directors has 2 positions available beginning July 2016. Board members are asked to commit to a 3 year term, attend monthly meetings year round, and to serve on one or two sub-committees. Stop by the St. Teresa School office for an application or find the application on-line at www.st-teresahs.org. YEAR OF MERCY REFLECTION FOR APR. 9/10 Jesus cooks breakfast. Sometimes we just go back to what we did before, to what we know, to what is comfortable – just like Peter and Thomas and the boys after the Resurrection of Jesus. Read the story in John 21:1-19. We may not know what to do. But Jesus does. He shows up again. He reveals himself to us. Again! This Sunday. And Sunday after Sunday! He feeds us with himself, his Body and Blood. And then tells us to feed others. This is the mercy work for this week – loving and feeding. • Who needs breakfast? • Who needs the food I can buy and give away? • Who will I feed in love? HOLY FAMILY LITURGICAL MINISTERS Apr. 16 & Apr. 17, 2016 MONDAY, Apr. 11 7:30 a.m. End of Abortions (Lorraine Howard) TUESDAY, Apr. 12 7:30 a.m. Bev Penning (Dr. Philip & Kathleen Sharkey) WEDNESDAY, Apr. 13 8:00 a.m. Mass at OLHS THURSDAY, Apr. 14 8:00 a.m. Irene Williamson (Peggy Mosier) FRIDAY, April 15 7:30 a.m. Steven Holthaus (Mom & Dad) SATURDAY, Apr. 16 4:30 p.m. Shirlene Richardson (Richard & Teresa Steil) SUNDAY, Apr. 17 7:45 a.m Holy Family Parishioners 11:00 a.m. Don Rettburg (Don & Mary Lou Meyer) YEAR OF MERCY CONFESSIONS Mon., Apr. 11th, 11 a.m.-Noon; Fri., Apr. 15th, 6-7 p.m. PRAY for the repose of the souls of Edith Caruso, aunt of Richard Steil; Elizabeth Atwood, mother of Jase Wirey & grandmother of Caleigh Craft. May they rest in peace & their families be comforted. HOOKS & NEEDLES FOR HOPE will meet at Linda Valdahl’s on Apr. 11th from 1-3 p.m. They will start to make lapghans. Any questions, call 423-0437. BRAVO to all HF teens who were on the recent Mt. Zion Honor Rolls. We are proud of you!! MEETINGS: Pastoral Council—5:15 p.m. on April 11 School Board Meeting—5:30 p.m. on April 13 MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The paper shower for the Dominican Sisters will be Apr. 25 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Please bring paper products for the Sisters. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. Meat, bread, drinks, and table service will be provided. See you there. CONGRATULATIONS to Mason Edward Eugene Staples, son of Jared & Melissa (Durbin) Staples. He was baptized recently. May he have a faith-filled life in the Catholic Church! SS. JAMES & PATRICK has an opening for a parttime person to do general accounting and HR duties. This includes payroll with PayChex and health insurance with the diocese. Apply to Fr. John Burnette, 407 E. Eldorado, Decatur, IL 62523 or [email protected]. HEARING AIDS are available for use during Mass. SATURDAY, 4:30 p.m. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Teresa Garrett, Katlyn Pruitt, Marianne Stehr, Karen Barding, Debbie Alexander, Peg Phipps, Brenda Duncan GIFT BEARERS: Dwayne Creek Family GREETERS: Linda Brilley & Pat Mulvany READERS: Mark Barthelemy & Dale Tomlinson SERVERS: Grace Buxton, John Krafka, Lindsey Scherer USHERS: Nathan Berger, Pete & Judy Hoene, Gary Durbin SUNDAY, 7:45 a.m. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Mary Kate Kenney, Carol Paglino, Judy Saloka, Franz Grossman, Patty Frey, Deena Warrick, Jake Warrick GIFT BEARERS: David Fitzgerald Family GREETERS: Frances Jones & Rosanna Frey READER: Shannon Striglos SERVERS: Emma Babb & Carlie Delbridge USHERS: Kevin Peters, John Bennyhoff, John Merli, John Fitzgerald SUNDAY, 11:00 a.m. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Fran Campbell, Diane Keller, Rita Hogan, Edison Hogan, Kathy Green, Jerry Green, Gracie Sexton GIFT BEARERS: Paul & Barb Christensen GREETERS: Jonnie Taylor, Sheryl Murray READERS: Marci Rockey, Ryle Frey SERVERS: Zia Boulier, Camila Caceres, Joleigh Kostenski USHERS: John Duncan, Luichi Caceres, Adrian Caceres, Matt Naber CONGRATS to HFCS students Hannah Hollis, Rachel Smith, Michael Martini, & Caleigh Craft who will move on to the State Science Fair. BRAVO to you all! CONTEMPORARY GROUP will sing on Sun., Apr. 17th, 11:00 a.m. Mass. PARISH CHOIR will sing on Sat., Apr. 23rd, 4:30 p.m. Mass. ST. TERESA MEGA RAFFLE TICKETS: For every $100 ticket sold, Holy Family receives $10. Call Mike Lees, our parish chairperson, at 454-3290 to help sell tickets or for more info. This Raffle benefits St. T as well as us. NOTE: At HF, for every 7 tickets sold, your name will be put into a raffle for cash prizes of $500 & $300. So, please---sell, sell, sell!!! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52;Rv 7:9, 14-17; Jn 10:27-30 PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN. MAY THE LORD GRANT THEM SAFETY. PRAYER LINE REQUESTS: Rosanna Frey, 429-6657, or Barb Lesyna, 428-0058. ROSARY is prayed 20 minutes before Mass on Mon., Tues., & Fri. Come & pray & stay for Mass. HOLY FAMILY WEBSITE: decaturholyfamily.com ADORATION is on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please sign up on the sheet in the vestibule. If you have any questions, call Sandy Yelovich, 855-1196. F.Y.I.: $50,000 in 40 scholarships of $1,250 each are available through the Jack & Barbara McCoy scholarship benefiting St. Teresa students. To apply, families should contact St. Teresa H.S.’s main office, 875-2431. MASSES AT MILLIKIN at 4 p.m. on the following Sundays– April 10, 17, 24; May 1, 8. (Masses will be celebrated in Perkinson Music Building, Room 110.) K.C. BREAKFAST on Sunday, Apr. 10th at the Hall downtown. They will serve from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. OUR LADY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT RUMMAGE SALE will be Fri., April 15th from 8-5 and Sat., April 16th from 8-2. If you have items you wish to donate, you may drop them off Mon. thru Wed. 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. HOLY FAMILY DECATUR LIKE US ON FACEBOOK GARFIELD MONTESSORI MAGNET SCHOOL will present its 11th annual spring musical, Guys and Dolls, Jr. on Fri, Apr. 14th & Sat., Apr. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at MacArthur HS. Tickets: adult $7, student $5 . Peter Miller is accompanist and his wife Mary is the director. INVITE SOMEONE BACK TO CHURCH!! THE DCCW has (4) $500 scholarships to award to outstanding diocesan Catholic female H.S. seniors. For more info., contact Mary Ann Scopel at 835-2505 or [email protected]. Deadline is April 15th. Thank you for your generosity! Weekend of Apr. 2 & Apr. 3, 2016 Envelopes…………………….$ 16,419.00 Building Fund………………...$ 207.00 Sister Parish……………….….$ 120.00 Children……...……………….$ 10.00 Mass Schedule Weekend Liturgies Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 7:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Weekday Liturgies Monday 7:30 a.m. Tuesday 7:30 a.m. Thursday 7:30 a.m., and during school year 8:00 a.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. Holy Day Liturgies Masses 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., and during school year 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment. Communion Calls Please contact the parish office to make arrangements. Sacrament of Baptism Arrangements for Baptisms are made by calling the parish office. Participation at the Baptismal Preparation Class for parents is a requirement for the celebration of the sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for all weddings must be made at least six (6) months in advance. Please call the parish office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes for those interested in joining the Catholic faith begin in the fall of each year and continue through the Easter season. Please call Sr. Janet to inquire about the sessions. Staff Very Reverend Joseph Molloy……………………..Pastor Sister Janet Pfile, O.P…………………Pastoral Associate Email: [email protected] Mrs. Joanne Kater.....................................Parish Secretary Email: [email protected] Mrs. Debbie Alexander.........................................Principal Email: [email protected] Ms. Lisa Roddis……………………..…...School Secretary Mrs. Patrice Hunt..……..………………PSR Coordinator Mr. Peter Miller…………... Director of Music Ministries Mrs. Ann Carr…..……..…………...….Business Manager Email: [email protected] Rectory.............423-6223 Rectory Fax......423-6237 School...............423-7049 School Fax........423-0137 Pastoral Associate...423-0240 Convent……….429-5931