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The gigantic exercise was launched simultaneously at 76 centres across the country by 20 Chief Ministers and several Union Ministers, including Information Minister Prakash Javadekar at Pune, Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad at Chennai, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj at Bhopal, Home Minister Rajnath Singh at Lucknow and HRD accidental insurance cover of C1 lakh. Later the account holders will be provided an overdraft facility of up to C5,000. “Mahatma Gandhi worked to remove social untouchability and if we want to get rid of poverty, then we have to first get rid of financial untouchability. We have to connect ?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP<^SXUT[XRXcPcTbPQT]TUXRXPahPccWT[Pd]RW^UcWT?aPSWP] every person with the financial <P]caX9P]3WP]H^YP]PX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPhfWX[T5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad] 9PXc[Th[^^Zb^] ?C8 system. And for that, this programme has been given impeMinister Smriti Irani at Surat. In said by January 28 next year it tus. When a bank account is all, 600 programmes and 77,852 will cover 7.5 crore people, opened, it’s a step towards camps were organised on the who will be provided zero- joining the economic mainfirst day to open bank accounts. balance bank account with stream,” he said. Launching the scheme at RuPay debit card, life insurance Modi regretted that even Vigyan Bhawan here, Modi cover of C30,000 in addition to after 68 years of Independence, not even 68 per cent of the population was covered by the banking system. Describing the occasion as a festival to celebrate the liberation of the poor from a poisonous cycle Modi said: “Those who open accounts by January 26, 2015, they will be given life insurance cover of C30,000 over and above the C1 lakh accident insurance. This will help the family.” In the third phase, he said, these account holders would also be provided micro-pension facility. Continued on Page 4 Related reports on P2,3 7T[\Tcb\dbcU^af^\T] _X[[X^]aXSTabbPeTBXZWb 5HVLGHQFHVRIWZRIRUPHU*RJRL 0LQVDPRQJSUHPLVHVVHDUFKHG Transport Minister Anjan Dutta, former DGP Shankar Baruah and prominent singerfilmmaker Sadananda Gogoi. The CBI teams also raided the office of TV channel News Live, owned by Himanta Biswa Sarma’s wife Riniki Bhuyan in Guwahati, and two other premises, including a biscuit factory, in western Assam’s Dhubri town. Set up by Saradha in 2010, the factory was inaugurated by Sarma, who recently resigned from Gogoi’s Cabinet. While singer-turned-filmmaker Sadananda Gogoi is known to be close to Sarma, Dutta is a Gogoi’s loyalist and owns an Assamese daily that 218^UUXRXP[bR^]SdRcX]VPaPXSPccWT^UUXRT^UP[^RP[cT[TeXbX^]RWP]]T[X] R^]]TRcX^]fXcWcWTBPaPSWPRWXcUd]SbRP\X]6dfPWPcX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 had tied up with Saradha group for a brief period. In Assam, the ?=BQ 6DF070C8 mer Assam Ministers, a former CBI also searched the premisDirector General of Police es of promoter of Brahmaputra =4F34;78:>;:0C0 (DGP), and a noted singer Jungle Resort Tridib Sarma, the he CBI on Thursday con- besides eight others. sources said. In a coordinated ducted searches in conSeparate CBI teams, head- action, the CBI carried out nection with the multi-crore ed by senior officers from New searches at 14 locations in inter-State Saradha chit fund Delhi conducted searches at the Assam, including the premisscam at 22 locations in Assam, residences of Assam’s former es of Sarma and Dutta, agency West Bengal and Mumbai, Health and Education Minister sources said in New Delhi. including premises of two for- Himanta Biswa Sarma, former Continued on Page 4 BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 W earing helmet is now mandatory for women riding pillion in the Capital, except for those belonging to Sikh community. A notification in this regard was issued on Thursday after Delhi Lieutenant-Governor Najeeb Jung had given go-ahead to it. Transport Department’s move came following Delhi High Court’s order to amend the law making headgear mandatory for all. However, Sikh women were exempted from the rule after their community strongly objected to the move on religion ground. The Transport Department had cited the risk involved in case of accident while defending the decision. It said that the move was prompted due to CaP]b_^ac3T_Pac\T]c´b \^eTRP\TU^[[^fX]V3T[WX 7XVW2^dac´b^aSTac^ P\T]ScWT[Pf\PZX]V WTPSVTPa\P]SPc^ahU^aP[[ increasing number of accidents on city roads and helmets will go a long way in saving lives. The Transport Department in the communiqué stated that many riders die every day on city roads and helmets will help save lives. Continued on Page 4 WLHVZLWK%-3 LQ+DU\DQD ?=BQ =4F34;78 270=3860A7 he Kuldeep Bishnoi-led Haryana Janhit Congress T (HJC) on Thursday called off its three-year-old ties with the BJP ahead of Assembly elections and decided to join hands with former Congress leader Venod Sharma’s Jan Chetna Party (JCP). The BJP accused HJC of playing the role of a B-team of the Congress in utter disregard of the people’s desire for a change in the State. The BJP had earlier given enough hints of the alliance breaking if Bishnoi did not scale down his demand for nearly 50 seats in the 90-member Haryana Assembly and going alone in the State where it won seven of the eight Lok Sabha seats it contested. The HJC lost both the Lok Sabha seats it contested in Haryana. Bishnoi charged the BJP with betraying his party even though he “tried” to save the alliance. The development in Haryana has created a flutter in the ranks of the Shiv Sena, a long-standing ally of the BJP, which has sought to get a clear picture on seat sharing in Maharashtra. This time round, the BJP is insisting on contesting half of the Assembly seats, allowing lesser numbers to its partner in the upcoming Assembly polls. According to an earlier agreement, the BJP would contest more Lok Sabha seats and the Shiv Sena would be the dominant partner in Assembly polls. Responding to the situation in Haryana, the BJP refuted the charges that it betrayed Bishnoi. “We have never betrayed any ally... We wanted him (Bishnoi) to understand ground realities... He has left us acting like a B-team of Congress. He had six MLAs and all of them, except for him, joined the Congress. He is a general without an army,” BJP T 8WPeT\h P__aTWT]bX^]cWPc cWTX]eTbcXVPcX^]Qh 218Xb]^cR^\_[TcT 0[[8P\bPhX]VPc cWXbbcPVTXb R^\_[TcTcWT X]eTbcXVPcX^] °BT]X^aPSe^RPcT 20Bd]SPaP\ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he CBI is set to file T chargesheet against Dayanidhi Maran in the AircelMaxis deal case on Friday after the Supreme Court on Thursday turned down a plea by the former Telecom Minister to restrain the agency claiming that investigation in the case was not complete. Top CBI sources said a chargesheet is ready and it will be filed before a designated court here on Friday. Maran’s lawyer made a desperate attempt to thwart the filing of the chargesheet. Mentioning the petition before a Bench headed by Justice HL Dattu, senior advocate CA Sundaram said, “I have my apprehension that the investigation by CBI is not complete. All I am saying at this stage is to complete the investigation. It will otherwise have huge ramifications. It will be the death of my reputation.” Continued on Page 4 7^cT[SXbX]eTbc\T]c) 218UX[Tb58APVPX]bc U^a\TabTRh1PXYP[ ?=B Q =4F34;78 T he CBI on Thursday registered a Regular Case against former Disinvestment Secretary Pradeep Baijal and other private persons for alleged irregularities in the disinvestment of ITDCowned Udaipur-based heritage category Laxmi Vilas Palace hotel at an undervalued price causing monetary loss to the Union Government. Detailed report on P5 7Z_R]]j3cR_XV]Z_ReZVeYV\_`e ?=BQ =4F34;78 T hey finally did it in a typical Brangelina fashion — understated and very much under the radar. Hollywood’s most celebrated couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally got married in France in a small private ceremony at Chateau Miraval, which they own. Jolie walked down the aisle with her oldest sons Pax and Maddox, while Zahara and Vivienne threw petals and Shiloh and Knox served as ring bearers. A spokesperson for the couple disclosed the news of their ‘secret’ wedding. The private ceremony in a small chapel was attended by the couple’s six children and a few close friends. In advance of the nondenominational civil ceremony, Pitt and Jolie obtained a marriage license from a local California judge. The judge also conducted the ceremony in France. The two started dating after meeting on the set of their 2005 film, Mr and Mrs Smith. They got engaged in April 2012. At the time, they described it as a “promise for the future” and said they were very happy to be engaged. Ever since then the speculations of their marriage were rife. Both were open to talk about their relationship and even made public appearances like a couple very much in love. The two reportedly said that they would not get married until “everyone else in the country” had the right to get married. But seems like the wait was getting too long for the couple. 60<4>5 C7A>=4B CWT19?WPSTPa[XTaVXeT] T]^dVWWX]cb^UcWTP[[XP]RT QaTPZX]VXU1XbW]^XSXS]^c bRP[TS^f]WXbST\P]SU^a ]TPa[h$bTPcbX]cWT (\T\QTa7PahP]P0bbT\Q[h P]SV^X]VP[^]TX]cWTBcPcT fWTaTXcf^]bTeT]^UcWTTXVWc ;^ZBPQWPbTPcbXcR^]cTbcTS 1XbW]^XRWPaVTScWT19?fXcW QTcaPhX]VWXb_PachTeT]cW^dVW WT°caXTS±c^bPeTcWTP[[XP]RT CWTSTeT[^_\T]cX]7PahP]P WPbRaTPcTSPU[dccTaX]cWT aP]Zb^UcWTBWXeBT]PP [^]VbcP]SX]VP[[h^UcWT19? fWXRWWPbb^dVWcc^VTcPR[TPa _XRcdaT^]bTPcbWPaX]VX] <PWPaPbWcaP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said in Delhi, soon after HJC announced breaking of ties in Chandigarh. Announcing the decision to break the alliance with the BJP, HJC chief Bishnoi, younger son of former Haryana Chief Minister late Bhajan Lal, said at a Press conference in Chandigarh that the party which did not care for its own stalwarts like AB Vajpayee and LK Advani could not be trusted anymore. Continued on Page 4 5fXXR]*eY FA2 8fge`cVdZX_ <PaP]bQXSc^bc^_218RWPaVTbWTTcUP[[bU[Pc B2cda]bS^f]_[TP c^aTbcaPX]PVT]RhX] 0XaRT[<PgXbSTP[RPbT m :ECD9>29525B 3?=@1B5C 89=C5<6D? @B9>35CC491>1 !#F9F139DI Cf^\T]_dbWPeTWXR[TcWa^dVWPfPcTa[^VVTSa^PSPUcTaXcQa^ZTS^f]U^[[^fX]VWTPehaPX]X]3T[WX AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa New Delhi: Manipur Governor VK Duggal on Thursday tendered his resignation, becoming the ninth Governor appointed by the UPA to quit since NDA Government came to power. “I have resigned on my own volition,” said Duggal as he resigned from the post. On Tuesday, former Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit too had resigned as Kerala Governor. K Sankaranarayanan (Maharashtra), MK Narayanan (West Bengal), Ashwani Kumar (Nagaland), BL Joshi (Uttar Pradesh), BV Wanchoo (Goa), Shekhar Dutt (Chhattisgarh), and V Purushothaman (Mizoram) are others Governor to resign during the last three months. PNS %DEXV¶IRUHLJQJRLQJJHWVWRXJK ?=BQ =4F34;78 A fter streamlining the foreign tours of the Union Ministers, the NDA Government has now laid down new norms for the foreign trips of bureaucrats. Now, every tour by the officers will have to be first cleared by a Screening Committee of Secretaries and then by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). But before that the officers have to give financial implications of the tour and outcomes expected. The officers will also indicate clearly whether their previous tours got any results and helped the Government in any way. The new directions on foreign tour are part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s austere approach towards unnecessarily expenses on foreign CWT]TfSXaTRcX^]b^]U^aTXV]c^dab PaT_Pac^U?aX\T<X]XbcTa=PaT]SaP <^SX´bPdbcTaTP__a^PRWc^fPaSb d]]TRTbbPahTg_T]bTb^]U^aTXV] eXbXcb8]UPRccWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa WX\bT[UcPZTbPeTah³[TP]cTP\´fXcW WX\fWX[TcaPeT[[X]VPQa^PS visits. In fact, the Prime Minister himself takes a very “lean team” with him while travelling abroad. His team comprises only a handful of officers and one or two Ministers. Noting that norms for foreign visits were not being followed properly, the Government has said that political clearances from Ministry of External Affairs and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) clearance from the Home Ministry are also mandatory before going abroad and certificates of such clearances have to be attached before sending it to the Screening Committee. The Government has directed all Ministries that the details of all such visits should be uploaded on the Ministry websites. “In the recent past, it has been observed that the instructions/guidelines related to foreign visits are not being followed in right earnest,” an official note from the Cabinet Secretariat and Finance Ministry. The note issued last month by the Central Secretariat and Finance Ministry has been circulated to all bureaucrats specifically directing them that their foreign visit proposals must be routed through the Integrated Finance Division of Finance Ministry for prior consultation and before approval from the competent authority in the Ministry concerned. Continued on Page 4 dccPaPZWP]S! % "+%, + & - ./.012 EVRTYVcdUVTZUVe` dfdaV_URXZeReZ`_ ?=BQ 347A03D= T he Dehradun district units of Prathmik Shikshak Sangh (PSS) and Junior High School Shikshak Sangh have suspended their indefinite strike call they had given against the irregularities in the inter-district transfers of the teachers. The teaching federations decided to suspend their agitation after written assurance from the Primary education director that no inter district transfer on the promotion posts of teachers would be done. On Thursday large number of teachers of Primary and Upper Primary schools of district assembled at the education directorate in the morning and started their Dharna. The senior Congress leader and Doiwala MLA, Hira Singh Bisht said that teachers should not be unduly harassed in the name of transfers. Addressing the C74C40274AB6>C0 FA8CC4=0BBDA0=24 5A><C74?A8<0AH 43D20C8>=38A42C>A C70C=>8=C4A 38BCA82CCA0=B54A >=?A><>C8>= ?>BCB>5C40274AB F>D;3143>=4 teachers the district President of PSS, VS Krishali said that the department in the inter district transfer of teachers do not take care of the policy which prohibits transfers in the promotion posts of Head Primary school, Assistant teacher Upper Primary and Head Upper Primary. He said that such inter district transfers mar the promotional aspects of the teachers posted in the district. The Senior Vice President PSS, SC Kukreti 1*7ZDQWVFLYLF RIILFLDOVWREHSUHVHQW IRUJUHHQKHDULQJ 6?B4<F0;Q ?0DA8 he National Green Tribunal has ordered the respondent T Municipal Council, Pauri and others to make sure that the concerned officers of the Government and the Council are present before the tribunal during the next hearing slated on 2 September while dealing with a writ petition of Ashok Thapliyal, president of the Himalayan Environment and Employment Cooperative Society Ltd, Pauri on Wednesday. The National Green Tribunal Principal Bench, New Delhi had directed the respondent Municipal Council, Pauri to submit in writing within 14 days of the last hearing that the land meat for the disposal of garbage and waste products was rightly earmarked. The councillor of Municipal Council, Pauri had informed that the description of land would be submitted within the stipulated period. However, Himalayan Environment and Employment Cooperative Society Ltd, Pauri president, Ashok Thapliyal told The Pioneer that on 27 August, the councilor of municipal council had not submitted the affidavit regarding the information of the land meant for the disposal of garbage and municipal waste products. “But they gave information only about the number of the plots,” he added. The petitioner said to the tribunal that the garbage and MSW are being disposed off in the residential areas and panchayat forest well in the town Pauri. Thapliyal had filed the petition in the NGT in 2013, in which it was stated that the people are agitated over the Municipal Solid Waste generated in the city of Pauri being indiscriminately disposed of without following the Municipal Solid Waste Rules 2000. Mention worthy, improper disposal of garbage is a major problem in Pauri town. Despite repeated claims and promises by the Municipal Council president Yashpal Benam, nothing has come up on the ground to allay the fear of the common people over the matter. demanded that the teachers posted in the inaccessible areas of Chakrata and Kalsi for a long period of time should be transferred to the vacant positions in the accessible schools of district. The district President of Junior High School Shikshak Sangh Anant Solanki said that the hardworking and honest teachers are feeling depressed when those with suitable approach get desired postings in the accessible schools. The Primary Education Director DS Kunwar assured the teachers that the department is in process of incorporating suitable amendments in the guidelines of the transfers. He also said that the appointment of newly recruited teachers would be made in the inaccessible schools of Chakrata and Kalsi blocks and teachers posted for a long time there would be brought to the accessible schools. 3T_dch6aP\ ?aPSWP]_^bc RP]SXSPcTbc^ UX[T_P_Tabc^SPh ?=BQ 70;3F0=8 C andidates contesting the election of Deputy Gram Pradhan post may submit their nomination papers to their respective gram panchayat headquarters on Friday. According the district administration, Nainital, the candidates may submit their nomination papers between 10 am and 11 am on Friday, while scrutiny of the nomination papers will be done between 11 am and 12 noon the same day, added the officials. The candidates may withdraw from the fray between 12 pm and 12.30 pm the same day, the officials concerned informed. Then symbols will be allocated to the candidates from 12.30 pm to 1 pm also the same day. After these formalities are over polling will be held for the deputy gram pradhan election from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm to be followed by counting of votes from 4 pm onwards, informed the officials concerned of the Nainital district administration. ³<P]_^fTaeXcP[U^a ^aVP]XbPcX^]bc^Va^f ?=BQ 347A03D= anpower is such an important resource that M without its energetic contribution, organisations can hardly grow, said SK Dubey, Chairman, CII Kumaon Zone and VP & Plant Head, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd, Rudrapur. He said so while presiding over the valedictory session of the Uttarakhand Preliminaries of the 27th QC Circle Competition 2014 organised at Rudrapur by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The preliminary competition this year has been extended to Rudrapur and it will be a regular annual feature, it was stated. Explaining the importance of Quality Circles, Dubey said in today’s context of global competition, Indian Industry cannot help looking at delivering quality better than that of Japanese and costs less than that of Chinese. This is what should be the true spirit of QC, he said, adding that QC Circle teams play a very important role in involving a wide cross %DQNVKHOSSHRSOHRSHQDFFRXQWVLQ'RRQ ?=BQ 347A03D= nthused by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s E call to provide every household with a bank account and insurance cover under his dream scheme-Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, several nationalised banks hosted camps on Thursday across Dehradun to enable the people, particularly the unprivileged ones, who are still without bank accounts in their names, to open special savings accounts under the scheme. The scheme was launched on Thursday across the country with Narendra Modi leading the campaignchristened as 'Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas'. It is touted as an ambitious financial inclusion scheme meant to provide every household with a bank account and insurance cover. Krishana Nagar branch of Bank of Baroda hosted such a camp in Deep Lok Colony in the town to ensure the participation of the neighbourhood people in the programme. According to the chief manager of the branch, Dinesh Pant, over one hundred and fifty people from the neigh- ?=BQ 347A03D= he laxity of police in conT trolling drunken driving is resulting in spate in cases <;07PaQP]b:P_^^aSXbcaXQdcTb_PbbQ^^ZbPccWT[Pd]RW^UcWT?aPSWP]<P]caX9P]3WP]H^YP]PX]3TWaPSd]^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ bouring localities like Syeed Mohalla, Loharwala and the like opened special savings bank accounts under the scheme on Thursday. “Our target is 400 in four days,” he said. “The response was electric. We asked them to continue transactions through their newly opened accounts for six months to avail of other lucrative facilities that would follow. We dwelt on the plan to deposit C2,000 in each account by way of overdraft facility if the account holders need money for children’s education or similar purposes-the only condition being that they would have to keep their accounts alive for six months. After that, if the accounts remain working the overdraft facility amount would be increased further. We also enlightened them on other features of the scheme like routing of subsidies and other financial benefits to the economically weaker sections of the society through these accounts,” he added. One Manju Devi, a resident from Suman Nagar, said after receiving the pass book that she was overwhelmed. “The passbook has given me confidence in myself,” she added. Among others, the local MLA, Harbans Kapoor was present. ?^[[bU^a3T_dch 4XQ^QYTYcSeccUc ?aPSWP]bc^SPh gQicd_]Qb[ ?=BQ 347A03D= T he elections for the positions of Deputy Pradhans in the village panchayats on Friday would mark an end to the elaborate election process of the three tier panchayati raj system in state which was held in all districts of Uttarakhand barring Haridwar. The deputy commissioner State Election Commission Ajit Singh said that all the preparations for free and fair elections have been made. He informed that the election process would be completed in one day only. The nomination for deputy Pradhan would be from 10 am to 11 am, the scrutiny of the papers would be from 11 am-12 noon while the contestants can take back their names from 12 noon to 12.30 pm and the symbols would be allotted from 12.30 to 1 pm. The elections if required would take place from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm and the counting of votes would occur from 4 pm. The results would be announced on the same day after the counting is over. According to the information available from the SEC the CWaTTZX[[TS \P]hX]YdaTSX] bT_PaPcTa^PS PRRXST]cbX]RXch C7434?DCH?A0370=B 8=C74&%$&E8;;064B >5'(1;>2:B>5 !38BCA82CB>5C74 BC0C4F>D;314 4;42C435A><0<>=6 C74=4F;H4;42C43 F0A3<4<14AB >5C74E8;;064 ?0=270H0CC74B4 <4<14ABF>D;3 0;B>5>A<C74 4;42C>A0C45>A C78B4;42C8>= polling parties have reached to all the villages where the elections would be held by Wednesday afternoon. The deputy Pradhans in the 7,657 villages of 89 blocks of 12 districts of the state would be elected from among the newly elected ward members of the village Panchayat, these members would also form the electorate for this election. Reports suggest that the elections for almost half of the positions of Deputy Pradhans would be unanimous due to consensus among the ward members of village Panchayat. G_b\TD_ebYc]4Qi ?=BQ 347A03D= D inesh Dhanai, State Tourism Minister, held a meeting on Thursday at the Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board headquarters to discuss about how to make the World Tourism Day attractive. The Minister said the theme of the World Tourism Day would b e ‘Tourism and Community Development’. The event will be celebrated involving the common people, other stake holders of the tourism business, hotel associations, investors, and the Government and non-government agencies that have interests and stakes in tourism. Keeping in mind the emotional attachment of the people with Uttarakhand Tourism, he invited views and suggestions from the people across the board to develop tourist places across the state to mark the World Tourism Day. The best view and suggestion will be dis- played in the upcoming oneday programme, he added. They are trying to ensure the presence of the Chief Minister, Harish Rawat in the inauguration ceremony, the minister said. This aside, the two- day programme to be held on 9 and 10 October 2014 at Tehri figured in the meeting. The Union tourism minister, Shripad Naik is likely to preside over as the chief guest. Para gliding, parachute jumping, rafting, hot air balloon ride , laser show and water sports will be a part of the upcoming event to be performed by experts from the fields and officials from the Indian Air Force. During the meeting Tourism secretar y Umakant Panwar, additional secretary Tourism, Shailesh Bagauli, additional director Uttarakhand Tourism Development B oard AK Dwivedi, joint director UTDB Ram Chander Bhardwaj and its deputy director VS Chauhan were also present along with other officials. accidents associated with them. In two separate cases involving drunken driving on late Wednesday night and Thursday 2 am, three people, including two women, died while a dozen sustained injuries. The f irst incident occurred near Nanda Ki Chowki area when a high speed car stuck many vehicles which resulted in death of a student of polytechnic college and injury to 10 people. In the second incident an apparently drunk group collided their car on an electric pole after hitting the road divider on the Mussoorie- Dehradun road near the National Institute of Visually Handicapped (NIVH). The collision resulted in instant death of two women passengers while two seriously injured men are battling for life at the Max Hospital. According to the district police four people were returning f rom Mussoorie when their car met with an accident. The police said that the deceased included one Kathelina Edward a resident of Dakra (Dehradun) while the identity of other dead women is yet to be established. The medical examinations of two injured youths have confirmed that they were under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident. The injured youths are Aditya Choudhary resident of Chaman Vihar, Dehradun and Akash Arora who is a resident of Kashipur. Two gory accidents which happened within hours of each other have exposed the laxity of police to check drunken driving. Though the police are equipped with devices like alcometers it rarely uses them to apprehend the drunken drivers. Though the police have taken measures like formation of the City Patrol Unit (CPU) to improve traffic regulation, the condition of the traffic in Dehradun continues to deteriorate. Traffic congestion and traffic accidents have become common occurrences in the State capital with the authorities failing to take effective measures for tackling these problems. B74F0VXeTb PfPhQ^^Zb bcPcX^]Pahc^ bRW^^[ZXSb ?=BQ 347A03D= S section of the employees in any organisation for bettering quality. “They are a critical enabler for sustained growth and also to face the international competition,” he stressed while laying emphasis on quality being seen in a holistic perspective that involves development of skills, productivity and quality of four aspects- man, machine, method and product- through cumulative process of training, work experience, brain storming sessions and active participation. Quality Circle has emerged as a mechanism to develop and utilise the tremendous potential of people for improvement in the product quality and the productivity, he said. Dubey gave away the trophies to the winning teams. Prayas team from Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Gurgaon, won the trophy for the first position. Prarambh team from Minda Corporation Ltd, Pantnagar emerged as the 1st Runner-up followed by Surya Kiran team from Lumax DK Auto-Industries Ltd as the 2nd Runner-up. The top three teams will now participate in the Regional Final as a prerunner to the national competition. Aura team from Bharat Electronics Ltd, Ghaziabad, Breakthrough Performer team from Gabriel India Ltd and Parwanoo and Toppers team from Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Gurgaon received the Consolation Prizes. The panel of Judges comprised Sandeep Jain, Plant Head, Varroc Engineering Pvt Ltd, Rudrapur, Basabdutta Jana, AGM Central Quality, TATA Motors Ltd, Pantnagar and Ashutosh Sharma, Senior Manager, Support Services, Bajaj Auto Ltd, Rudrapur. The programme was attended by delegates from within and outside the State to get inputs for initiating Quality Circles in their organisations. Over 75 participants, comprising workmen, quality, HR and plant heads from Industry, attended the competition. ociety for Health Education & Women Empowerment Awareness (SHEWA) Jakhan, Dehradun has school stationary along with books distributed among around 100 children by Dr Gaurav Sanjay. Dr Sujata Sanjay, Gynecologist at Sanjay Or thopedic Spine & Maternity Center said that the aim of the society is to raise awareness among women and children over health-related issues. Keeping this into view, over 40 free health camps have been hosted in the past one year in which awareness has been raised regarding female health issues and distribution of free medicines for the common ailments. The society has also been regularly conducting public awareness programmers and CME regarding female health issues. Dr Sujata Sanjay said a female can help in the development of the society only if she is healthy. A number of pregnant women were present in the programme. They were also counselled, free of cost, it is learnt. Children were advised to consume green leafs vegetables and milk products in sufficient quantity. Almost 2000 patients have been benefited through these free camps in the past hosted by SHEWA, it was claimed. <;0APYZd\PaSXbcaXQdcTb³CPZT7^\TAPcX^]´ZXcbU^ab[d\SfT[[Tab^UAPY_daA^PSEXSWP]BPQWPR^]bcXcdT]RhX]3TWaPSd]^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ³BcPcTQTX]Vad[TSQh\X]X]V[X`d^a\PUXPb´ ?=BQ 347A03D= L aunching a scathing attack on the State Government for failing to control the activities of mining mafia in Uttarakhand the Leader of Opposition in the State Assembly Ajay Bhatt has said that the State is virtually being ruled by the mining, land and liquor mafias. He said that the mining mafias in the State are emboldened as the police are not taking any action on them. Bhatt said that people belonging to this mafia have become so daring that they even attempted to run down Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) in Vikasnagar. In a statement released to the media Bhatt stated, “The mining mafia has become so brazen and its activities are being carried out so blatantly but the police is unable to keep a tab on such illegal activities. On August 27, the lackeys of the mining mafia tried to run over two youth riding a two-wheeler while a car narrowly escaped being hit. Why are the authorities remaining silent and inactive when it comes to the blatant criminal activities of the mining mafia? This proves that the mining mafia is working in connivance with the State Government,” he said. The LoP said that the mining mafia had tried to run over the sub divisional magistrate at Vikasnagar on August 23 but till date no action has been taken against the culprits. The position of the common people can only be imagined considering the lack of official action against those trying to intimidate Government officials. “On the one hand the State’s Chief Minister talks for forming a team to act against the mining mafia in Uttarakhand while on the other hand the officials are being stopped from taking any action against the mining mafia. That no concrete action has been taken so far to stop the activities of the mining mafia proves that illegal mining is being continued with the support of the State Government,” he alleged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dccPaPZWP]S" % "+%, + & - ./.012 1>>BC8=642>=><H 5-6'GHPDQGV µA>da]R_e`ScZ_XcV^`eV &0¶VUHVLJQDWLRQ BcX[[]^aTVd[PaU[XVWcb 90=481>H>90=0 RcVRdZ_e`SR_\Z_XW`]U ?=BQ 347A03D= U nion Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi said that the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana will help in bringing residents of remote areas into the banking system. A total of 14 crore families are being linked with the banking system through this scheme, she said while launching the scheme along the Chief Minister Harish Rawat and others in Dehradun on Thursday. The Union Minister said that the people will be able to derive various benefits on opening their accounts in banks. They will have access to insurance, debit card and C5,000 overdraft facility in addition to which they will also get direct benefit of various Government department schemes in their accounts through direct cash transfer. Regarding the recurring disasters in the State, Gandhi said that her Ministry will accord priority to any proposal the State Government sends for the welfare of the disaster affected women and children of Uttarakhand. Speaking on the occasion, the CM said that there is connectivity problem with BSNL in Uttarakhand which needs to be resolved in order to enable banks to open accounts within the stipulated time period. The F78;4<0=4:0 60=378708;43C74 H>90=0C742< B083C74A40A4 2>==42C8E8CH F>4BF8C71B=;8= D:70=30=3 C74H=443C>14 A4B>;E435>A 10=:BC>>?4= 022>D=CB Union Minister assured him that she would apprise the Prime Minister about the problem being faced in the State. Rawat said that the State will provide all possible assistance for ensuring the success of the PMJDY. Officials concerned have been issued instructions to assist bank officers in the identification of target beneficiaries. Rawat said that a financial inclusion programme had been started in 2011 for connecting all families to the banking system. Taking this effort ahead, the campaign has now been launched for providing additional benefits for opening bank accounts. As part of the scheme at least one account will be opened per family across the nation. It is good that Uttarakhand has also been chosen for the launch of this scheme, said Rawat. He informed the Union minister for Women and Child Development that people in the remote areas of the State still have to struggle in order to meet their fundamental needs. The social sector has an important role in the development here, he said, while also expressing hope that the Women and Child Development minister will accord priority to the State in its schemes. "The PMJDY is a welcome step but in a State like Uttarakhand with difficult mountainous terrain, the lack of proper connectivity is still a major problem. Lack of mobile phone and internet connectivity could pose a problem in the implementation of the scheme," he said, while requesting the Union Minister to direct BSNL through the Government of India to facilitate mobile phone connectivity in areas where it is not available at present. There is need for adopting a more flexible attitude for opening bank branches in the mountainous regions. This will help those without access to banking facilities benefit from this scheme and become part of the development story. The CM expressed happiness at the fact that 1,500 camps were held across the State on Thursday for opening bank accounts of PMJDY beneficiaries and stressed that the State will provide its full cooperation in this national mission. ?=BQ 347A03D= he Rashtriya Jan Sahay Dal (RJSD) has demanded the T resignation of Chief Minister Harish Rawat on the grounds that the affidavit he filed with his nomination papers in the Dharchula assembly bypolls earlier this year was invalid as it was verified in New Delhi but stamped by a notary of Pithoragarh. The registration number of the notary as stated on his stamp does not tally with Government records, said RJSD national head Rajiv Gupta while addressing the media here on Thursday. According to Gupta, the affidavit of the CM was verified at New Delhi on June 30, 2014 but stamped by a notary named DS Bisht of Pithoragarh with registration number 9379. “According to the Government records the registration number 9379 is of notary Ajay Rathor of Pithoragarh and not of Bisht as stamped in the CM’s affidavit. A notary named Dhan Singh Bisht has registration number 9378 but he is authorised to work only in Pithoragarh. These anomalies make the CM’s affidavit invalid and should have been rejected during scrutiny after his filing the nomination papers. The RJSD demands that the Chief Minister take responsibility for submitting an invalid document to the returning officer while filing nomination and resign. We also demand that the chief electoral officer book a case against the CM for submitting a false document to a government officer while action should also be taken against the returning officer concerned for not doing his work properly,” said Gupta. RJSD organisation secretary VK Jain, general secretar y Aseem Kumar and others were also present on the occasion. Ua^\?P]c]PVPaPXa_^ac A094=3A0B<0A:D=0Q 70;3F0=8 he State Government which is desperately seekT ing investment in the industry sector to boost its dwindling economy, does not seem to be concerned about offering a level playing field in terms of basic infrastructure to the investors in the state. To have regular flight from Pantnagar airport in Udham Singh Nagar has always been on the top of the charter of entrepreneurs' demands. However, the State Government seems to have badly failed to run a regular air transport service from the Pantnagar airbase in Terai pocket of Udham Singh Nagar. What is worrisome is that despite the persistent demand from the entrepreneurs and other sectors, including tourism, for regular flights from the Pantnagar airport, no regular air service from this airport has come up after the private run Kingfisher air service was suspended about three years ago. Mention worthy, a state like Uttarakhand badly needs better air connectivity. It can come handy not only to provide modern and fast transport services to the people, particularly the commercial sector, but can also prove to be useful in dealing with disaster like situations during the critical times. The demand for regular flights is being persistently raised by the entrepreneurs of SIIDCUL located in Udham Singh Nagar. If the State Government is serious to boost the industrial sector in the State it must put in place the basic infrastructure facilities like better transport services, including air connectivity, said Darshan Kumar, an entrepreneur, adding that regrettably enough, nothing is coming up on the matter. A D]bRWTSd[TS _^fTa^dcPVTb WXc]^a\P[[XUT Pc7P[SfP]X ?=BQ 70;3F0=8 :WP]SdaX[Pd]RWTb9P]3WP]H^YP]PPc?PdaX 6?B4<F0;Q BA8=060A60A7F0; M ember of Parliament, Garhwal, Maj Gen (Rtd) Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri launched the Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana in a camp hosted in the Srinagar municipal council premises in Pauri district on Thursday. Twenty different banks, including HDFC, Syndicate bank, SBI, PNB, ICICI, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Almora Urban Bank, Uttarakhand Gramin Bank and Nainital banks had their camps staged for opening the accounts under the scheme. These twenty banks had opened 12,911 saving accounts in all under the scheme in course of these camps in Srinagar. A large number of interested people were seen thronging around these banks in rural areas in Pauri district. Addressing such a camp, Khanduri thanked all the banks for coming forward to open accounts of thousands within a short span of time. He hoped that with the cooperation of banks, the number of saving accounts being opeed under the scheme will increase in the rural areas. nscheduled load-shedding for nearly three to four U hours continues to hit normal 3Te^cTTb_daRWPbTXS^[b^U6P]TbW^]cWTTeT^U6P]TbW2WPcdacWXX]3TWaPSd]^]CWdabSPh <P]VTbW:d\Pak?X^]TTa 3&&FKLHIWHOOVSDUW\OHDGHUV 2^]VPX\bPcT]a^[[X]V&$;]Tf\T\QTab WRVWRSVWRNLQJFRQWURYHUV\ ?=BQ 347A03D= ?=BQ 347A03D= aking umbrage at stateT ments being made by exof f ice b earers of the Uttarakhand Pradesh Congress Committee and party leaders contradicting the party line, the PCC chief Kishore Upadhyaya has clarified that the PCC executive was automatically dissolved on his being made the PCC chief. In case of any complaints, the party leaders should raise the issue with the Uttarakhand PCC or the Congress high command in stead of making statements in the media that stoke controversy. It is pertinent to mention here that on Wednesday the Uttarakhand Rajya Nirman Andolankari Samman Parishad vice chairman and ex-PCC spokesman Dhirendra Pratap had said in the media that Uttarakhand Governor Dr Aziz Qureshi should resign from his post. Earlier, Cabinet Minister Harak Singh R awat had opposed the cabinet decision of putting a cap on foreign tours by cabinet ministers and bureaucrats while MLA Subodh Uniyal had also made a statement in the media that had elicited focus on differences within the Congress in Uttarakhand. State Congress chief coordinator Jot Singh Bisht said that according to the PCC chief, statements made in the media by various senior party leaders and office bearers of the previous PCC executive are not only contradicting each other but are also against the approved policy of the party. “Taking cognisance of this, the PCC chief has asked all party leaders and former office bearers to keep in mind before making a statement in the media whether their statement is in line with the party’s stance and in the interests of the party. If there is any doubt they should discuss it with their seniors or the party leadership before issuing a statement,” said Bisht. He further informed that since Upadhyaya’s was made the PCC chief, the new PCC executive has not b een formed yet. Coordinators have been appointed as an interim arrangement. Journalists have been requested to confirm whether any party leader making statements is holding the post concerned while television news channels have been requested to seek approval from the State Congress head office before inviting anyone to represent the party in live shows or debates. F40:6?E>49>7A>2:B ([SHUWVVHHNHDUO\IL[LQJRI FUDFNVLQ3XUQDJLUL7HPSOH A094=3A0B<0A:D=0Q 70;3F0=8 C racks and dislocation of rock pieces developing in the founding rocks of the historic Shri Purnagiri Temple situated in Champawat district in Uttarahand have raised concern. The cracks developing in the founding rocks of the Shri Purnagiri Temple are not new. Weakening of the founding rock came to light about eight years ago. Though there is no immediate danger to the temple and its surroundings from these developing cracks as the officials concerned of the Champawat district administration maintained, given Uttarakhand's fragile geographical composition, finding an early solution to the development is a need of the hour, as experts here believe. They further maintained since cracks or dislocation of the rock pieces are being CWTcaTPc\T]c^U cWTRaPRZbXb ]TRTbbPahc^ bcPQX[XbTcWT cT\_[TPaTPP]S U^acWTbPUTch^U cWT_X[VaX\b eXbXcX]VcWT bPRaTS_[PRTX] WdVT]d\QTab found on the founding rock of the temple during the past few years, the treatment of the cracks is necessar y to stabilise the temple area and for the safety of the pilgrims visiting the sacred place in huge numbers. Despite the fact that the development is not threatening enough for the present efforts are on to repair the founding rock of the Shri Purnagiri Temple, said B C Pant, Executive Engineer, Civil Circle, PWD, Champawat, while talking to The Pioneer. Many agencies like IIT Rurkee, NHPC, National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM), Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), to name a few, have already visited the site to study the cracks, added Pant. Opinions have been sought from some reputed organisation for treatment of the cracking of the founding rocks of Shri Purnagiri Temple, informed the officials concerned of the civil circle, PWD, Champawat. Notably, Shri Purnagiri Temple, located on top of a hill, at an altitude of 770.00 meter, along the Sharda river bank, is about 24 km away from the nearest railway station Tanakpuar (i.e. about 21 km by road and about 3 km on foot) and is one of the famous religious places in Uttarakhand in north India which lakhs of devotees visit every year. S Nayal, Divisional Commissioner (Kumaon) said the matter regarding commencement of regular flight from Pantnagar airport would be taken up with the Government, while echoing the entrepreneurs’ demand for the same. Since SIIDCUL is also located in the same area the regular flight from this airport would help the industrialists a great deal, he said. Regular air service from the Pantnagar airport will not just help boost the tourism industry but it would also provide better transport connectivity to the entrepreneurs, the Commissioner of Kumaon maintained. At the same time, he also asked the officials concerned of the Pantnagar airport to equip the airport with necessary basic infrastructure so as to entice the private aviation to evince interests in air ser vices from the Pantnagar airport. he Congress has set a tarT get of enrolling about 7.5 lakh new members as part of its State membership campaign 2014-17. As per the schedule fixed by the All India Congress Committee, the State member campaign will be undertaken in four stages, said the campaign chief coordinator Sunderlal Muyal while addressing the media here on Thursday. Muyal expressed hope that considering the results of the recent Vidhan Sabha bypolls and panchayat elections in Uttarakhand, the party is confident of meeting its membership target in the State. In the first stage of the membership campaign, new members enrolled for a fee of Rs five will be made till December 31 this year after which the district Congress committee will publish the primary list of members by January 15, 2015. Objections 2^]VaTbbBcPcT\T\QTabWX_RP\_PXV]RWXTUR^^aSX]Pc^aBd]STa[P[<dhP[ PSSaTbbTbcWT\TSXPP[^]VfXcWR^R^^aSX]Pc^abCXZPAP\?P]SThP]SEX_d[9PX] X]3TWaPSd]^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ will be taken by the DCC scrutiny committee by January 22 which will be addressed by January 31 while challenging the decision of the district committee in the State election authority by February 10 which in turn will address these appeals by February 20. Decision of the State author- ity can be challenged in the central authority by March 2 which in turn will address these by March 15 after which the final list of those wanting to stand election to the district Congress committee will be published by March 25. The executive of the primary committees will be formed between April 1 and 31, 2015 which will mark the end of the first phase. The second phase from May 15 to 31 will focus on the block Congress committees, the third phase from June 7 to 27 will consist of the elections of the district Congress committees’ heads, vice chairpersons, treasurers and executive, while the fourth phase will be held from July 5 to 31. Muyal said that with AICC vice-president Rahul Gandhi making it mandatory for photographs of newly enrolled members to be attached with the membership form, there is less scope for anomalies in the membership campaign. The Congress has 18 organisational districts and 158 organisational blocks in the State, he added. State membership campaign cocoordinators Tika R am Pandey and Vipul Jain along with PCC media coordinator Surendra Singh Arya were also present on the occasion. life in different parts of the region for the past few days. The electricity supply that went off around 1 pm on Thursday could be restored only around 4 pm in different parts of the Haldwani city. Some of the parts of the Haldwani city including Gasgodam Road, R K Tent House Road, Kushumkhera, Kaladhungi Road, Kamaluwaganja, to name a few places, were reported to be hit by the unscheduled power cuts on Thursday. With unscheduled power cuts becoming a routine affair here for the past few days, low voltage damaging the electric appliances has only added to the woes of the citizens. More so, delay in rectifying the fault in electricity distribution system has compounded on the plight of the citizens. According to the figures provided by the Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited (UPCL), whereas gross availability of power in Uttarakhand is around 34.59 million unit (MU) per day i.e. about 16.14 MU per day from domestic sources, about 13.72 MU per day from Central pool and rest about 4.73 MU per day from other sources, the demand for power has gone up to 38.36 MU per day in the hill State. Though rainy season is now at its fag end high atmospheric temperature coupled with humidity has added to the demand for electricity. 8`geU`TddV_UZ_XaReZV_ede`ageaReY`]`Xj]RSd >=4>5C743>2C>AB B083C74HC4;; ?0C84=CBC>64CC74 C4BCB3>=45A>< >DCB834>=;HF74= C74H0A4=>C 0E08;01;48=C74 7>B?8C0;74 2;08<43C70C<0=H ?0C84=CB3>=³C70E4 508C78=C74 7>B?8C0;;01B0=3 8=B8BC>=C4BCB 5A><>DCB834 6094=3A0B8=67=468Q 347A03D= he Uttarakhand Government is planning T to introduce free pathology tests in the Government hospitals of the State soon but the attitude of the Government doctors suggests that scheme is bound to meet the fate of free medicine scheme which was introduced last year. The doctors of Doon Hospital and Doon Women’s Hospital here show unwarranted magnanimity on the private pathology labs as they suggest patients to get the tests done from there even though the hospital laboratories are adequately equipped for almost all types of tests. The laboratories of the Government hospitals do pathology tests at very less amount and Below Poverty Line (BPL) patients are not required to pay any charge for these tests also. This correspondent visited many wards of these hospitals and was surprised to see the open nexus of the private laboratories and the doctors. The agents of these private labs openly roam the wards of the hospital and col- ?PcXT]cbP]ScWTXaaT[PcXeTbfPXcX]P`dTdTPccWT_PcW^[^VhST_Pac\T]cX]3^^] 7^b_XcP[ ?X^]TTa_W^c^ lect samples. When confronted by this correspondent one of the sample collector conceded that they take the samples and provide the report in the ward itself. Father of an admitted child said that the doctors have advised the test of malaria and suggested him to get it done from outside. He claimed that the phone number of the sample collector of private lab was provided to him by the hospital staff. One of the doctors of the hospital said that they suggest the tests from outside only when they are not available in hospital. He claimed that many patients do not have faith in the hospital labs and insist on tests from outside. The in charge of the pathology laboratory Doon Hospital, Dr N K Mishra told The Pioneer that hospital lab is very advanced and four pathologists and ten technicians are working in it. Dr T R Joshi who is serving the lab after his retirement as additional Director Health services said that hospital lab is best among the district hospitals of the State and the team of Medical Council of India (MCI) in its recent visit appreciated the facilities of the laboratory. The Chief Medical Superintendent (CMS) of Doon Women’s hospital Dr Chandra Pant told The Pioneer that hospital laboratory is adequately equipped and strict action would be taken against those doctors who are found to suggest tests available in the hospital from outside. 3>>=7>B?8C0;6>;3 <8=45>A?EC;01B. 3TWaPSd])8cP__TPabcWPccWT 3^^]7^b_XcP[P]S3^^] F^\T]³b7^b_XcP[bWPeTQTRP\T PeXacdP[V^[S\X]TU^acWT_aXePcT _PcW^[^Vh[PQbcWTbT[PQb[daT cWTS^Rc^ab^UcWTW^b_XcP[fXcW WTUchR^\\XbbX^]U^acWT_PcXT]cb cWThbd__[hc^cWT\CWTW^b_XcP[ [PQ^aPc^ah^U3^^]W^b_XcP[ R^]SdRcb_PcW^[^VhcTbcb^U PQ^dc">?3_PcXT]cbP]S$ %X]W^dbT_PcXT]cbSPX[hCWT S^Rc^ab^UcWTW^b_XcP[RWTRZ PQ^dc#$>?3_PcXT]cbSPX[hP a^dVWTbcX\PcTR^]bXSTaX]VcWPcXU cWTS^Rc^abPSeXRT_PcW^[^Vh cTbcbU^a^][h _TaRT]c_PcXT]cb ^U>?3SPX[hbW^fbcWPc[PaVT ]d\QTab^U_PcXT]cbeXbXcX]VcWT W^b_XcP[PaTU^aRTSc^R^]SdRc cTbcbUa^\^dcbXSTBX\X[Pa[hcWT W^b_XcP[WPb\^aTcWP]# _PcXT]cbPS\XccTSP]ScWTW^b_XcP[ [PQR^]SdRcbPQ^dc$cTbcbSPX[h ^][hfWXRWR[TPa[hbW^fbcWPc [PaVT]d\QTa^UPS\XccTS_PcXT]cb PaTPbZTSQhcWTS^Rc^abc^cPZT cWTbTaeXRTb^U_aXePcT [PQ^aPc^aXTb ?=B ]PcX^]# % "+%, + & - ./.012 =R]f¶dSZUe`d`WeV_;>>W`cµXcR_UR]]ZR_TV¶ ((( B0=C>B7=0A0H0=Q A0=278 U pbeat with the bye-election results in Bihar, RJD chief Lalu Prasad has stepped in and put his weight to gel a similar bloc in Jharkhand as well. Yadav under his social engineering formula has been the architect of the ‘grand alliance’ that brought even his arch rival Nitish Kumar on a single platform. The intervention is in order to soften the stiff Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) a bit. The JMM is said to be blocking all the possibilities to coming together with Babulal Marandi-led JVM for assembly polls. Sources privy to the development has confirmed to The Pioneer that Lalu before going for his heart surgery had contacted JMM top brass and also to the JVM leadership. “He stressed that talks involving all the parties-JMM, JVM and Congress-can be and should be done for forming a greater alliance to counter the BJP in Jharkhand. Though no breakthrough has been achieved yet as he had been admitted in the hospital in Mumbai,” said a top leader of the JVM. Lalu’s RJD is in alliance with Congress and JMM and running the Hemant Soren Government in the State. It thinks that all the parties in the anti-BJP camps should come together in order to stop the ‘secular’ votes to be divided. His calculations based on caste equation in Bihar can be marked as successful as the ‘grand alliance’ bagged six out of ten seats and reduced the BJP-led NDA to just four. The number has not gone down well into the BJP camp, especially after better than spectacular show in the parliamentar y elections a few months ago. JVM on its part is still open to any such understanding reached but also aware about the practical problem the ‘grand alliance’ may have in store. “We are in fact still in talks and open to make our party a partner in the alliance. Some informal discussions with a few Congress leaders have also taken place. But what we perceive is that JMM has certain problems in coming together with us which put Congress in a dilemma,” said JVM legislative body leader Pradeep Yadav. Sources in the Congress confirmed that the party was burning midnight oil to bring all anti-BJP forces on a single platform but finding the sailing tough with the JMM. The Shibu Soren’s party considers JVM as its long term rival in the State politics and at the same time is confident about a good show during Assembly polls banking on its traditional vote bank. “We are not going to budge under pressure from anyone and shake hands with the JVM. It is next to impossible. If Congress wants to come along it is up to them otherwise we are ready to walk even alone,” said Supriyo Bhattacharya, JMM general secretary. In all this, chances are that the JVM may find itself lonely as Bandhu Tirkey-led TMC with Madhu Koda and Anosh Ekka would chose the JMM headed huddle in Jharkhand over the JVM’s. From Page 1 In Kolkata, the agency searched the premises of one Bapi Karim, who was a personal assistant to a Minister, industrialists Sajjan and Sandhir Agarwal, a former IPS officer Deben Biswas and one Asif Khan. The CBI also searched the house of Bapi Karim a Trinamool leader and former CA of State Transport Minister Madan Mitra and reportedly seized various incriminating documents. Karim considered a powerful link man in the Trinamool scheme of things was grilled by more than 8 hours in two phases even as a CBI official said, “His not giving answers to some questions while some of his statements are inconsistent. We may call him again.” The name of Madan Mitra who was now admitted in a city hospital with chest problems had repeatedly come up in the media for his reported link with Saradha kingpin Sudipto Sen. According to sources, CBI had come to know that Karim used to frequent Saradha headquarters at Midland Park. “He normally came after 8 pm and left with some packets,” a sources quoting other witnesses grilled by the CBI said, adding Karim was on Thursday asked to reveal whether Mitra had any dealings with Sen and how despite being a CA he :DURQILQDQFLDOXQWRXFKDELOLW\ %DEXV¶IRUHLJQ JRLQJJHWVWRXJK From Page 1 “I believe that when a person opens a bank account, then he or she takes the first step to get connected with the economic system. Today 1.5 crore families got connected with the economic system. This will give a boost to the economy,” he said. Modi said six months after opening the account the account-holder would be able to get a loan of C5,000 from the bank. The Prime Minister said the nationwide success of the enrolment drive would give confidence not just to the officials of the Department of Financial Services and banking sectors, but also to officers across the Union Government, that they can successfully achieve the goals that they set for themselves. “Never before has the Government of India organised a programme of such scale — over 77,000 locations — with the participation of so many Chief Ministers, Union Ministers, Government and bank officials,” the Prime Minister said. Asserting that the scheme would also help in fighting corruption by plugging leakages in the Government subsidy scheme, Modi said it was easy for the rich to get a loan at low interest rates but the poor were forced to seek loans from moneylenders at five times the rates. He said a breakthrough was required to overcome the vicious cycle of poverty and debt, and that a breakthrough had been achieved today. He said there were similarities between the poor getting access to mobile telephones, and getting access to debit cards. They both had the effect of instilling confidence and pride among the poor, he added. “Now, the poor would be able to do normal bank transactions through non-smart phones as well because of the introduction of new technology by the National Payments Corporation of India,” he said. While the existing banking network would be geared up to open bank accounts of the 7T[\Tcb\dbcU^af^\T] _X[[X^]aXSTabbPeTBXZWb From Page 1 “All agencies, including the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Delhi Traffic Police and Delhi Commission for Women, have supported the move,” said a Transport Department official. uncovered households in both rural and urban areas, the banking sector would be expanding itself to set up additional 50,000 business correspondents, more than 7,000 branches and more than 20,000 new ATMs in the first phase, he said. Meanwhile, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said around 58 per cent of the population of the country had bank accounts. “In simple words it means there are still 10 crore families that are away from banking services as they do not have access to banking services, they are also deprived of means of savings,” he said. The ultimate motive of this scheme is that no family should be deprived of this service, he added. The Finance Minister said mobile banking for the poor would be available through National Unified USSD Platform for which all banks and mobile companies have come together. Normal bank transaction can be done through any phone across the country, he added. The transport department had on May 2 sought suggestions from people on the issue. The Sikh community registered its strong objection. Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee had written to the LieutenantGovernor to exempt Sikh women from wearing helmets as it would hurt their religious sentiments. Some Muslim groups have also demanded the same relief for burqa-clad women riding pillion in the Capital. However, the Government only granted relief to the Sikhs. From Page 1 The officials will also have to answer a 19point Foreign Travel Proforma (FTP) elaborating on their foreign tour. Earlier, they had to fill a 12-point proforma that broadly touched upon the expenses and relevance of the foreign tour and did not seek much detail. But now, possibly to make foreign tours more result oriented than just a junket, the new format questions in detail the purpose and outcome out the tour besides seeking details of sponsors, expenditure etc. The officers will also have to give details of the tour report of his/her last foreign visit indicating quantified outcomes, including tangible and non-tangible benefits from the tour. An officer’s case will be forwarded to the screening committee only if he/she has replied to the proforma “satisfactorily”, failing which the proposals will be returned unprocessed by the Department of Expenditure, says a note by Sudha Krishnan, joint secretary in Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. The FTP has to be accompanied with enclo- +-&VQDSV From Page 1 “We tried our level best to keep the alliance working... made sincere efforts...They (BJP) are not ready to stick to the agreed alliance principles,” Bishnoi said at the Press conference , adding that his party would join hands with former Union Minister Venod Sharma’s JCP before the State polls. JCP chief Sharma made it clear that the HJC chief would be the chief ministerial candidate of the new alliance, and if voted to power, he would serve as Chief Minister for a full five-year term. The formal parting came after a bitter spat could own a fleet of cars. The numbers of all the cars had been taken. He has also been asked whether the two international football matches organised by Madan Mitra who was also the State Sports Minister had any link with Saradha funds. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who was speaking at a Trinamool Congress Chatra Parishad rally in Kolkata, said his party and the Government was ready to cooperate with the CBI if they probed the scam in a proper manner. Though she would not say what a “proper probe” meant to her, she said, “The CBI is welcome and they will get all cooperation but they should conduct the probe properly.” The CBI officials as well as the top bureaucrats in Assam, however, remained tight-lipped over the issue and only said that the CBI headquarters in New Delhi will circulate a formal Press note once they wind up the operation. Meanwhile, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi while reacting to the raids conducted by the central agency, said that it was the State Government, which had handed over the chit fund cases to the CBI, including that of Saradha in 2013 much before the Supreme Court entrusted the investigating agency to probe the scam. sures, including invitation letter, agenda, brief/country position duly approved by the competent authority along with clearances from MEA, PMO, MHA, etc. Detail information relating to support, if any, from the sponsoring organisation to cover the cost of visit and certificate that the composite delegation has not been split and the nodal Ministry or its division concerned has been consulted on the matters covered by the visit, they add. Besides, all proposals for foreign travel seeking approval of the Screening Committee of Secretaries have to be forwarded by the Additional Secretary and Finance Adviser of the Ministry to the appropriate authority and not by any other officer. “The time-lines for submitting proposals to the PMO and Screening Committee of Secretaries are at least 10 days and 15 days respectively, before the date of departure. In case a proposal is delayed, condonation of delay from PMO/Cabinet Secretary must accompany the proposal,” the note said. On return from the tour abroad, the leader of the delegation/official concerned, besides submitting the tour report, will also have to submit a separate note summarising the major achievements of the visit, follow-up action needed and the way forward. between the parties over seatsharing and the chief ministerial nominee. Bishnoi said the “BJP wants to weaken and wipe out the regional parties. They make use of regional parties to make themselves strong and later dump them”. He said there was no longer any “Modi wave” and things are always different during the Lok Sabha polls and in the State polls. “We will go to the people and let them decide what punishment they want to give to those who have betrayed us,” Bishnoi said. BJP spokesperson Hussain mocked Bishnoi’s “delusion” of becoming the State’s Chief Minister, and said the HJC leader was acting in connivance with Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda. He said Bishoi would not succeed in “dividing votes” and check the “Modi-wave” in Haryana. Hussain said the relations between the two parties had soured during the Lok Sabha polls itself when BJP rejected Bishnoi’s proposal to field Venod Sharma as a candidate. At the Press meet, also attended by JCP chief Sharma and other HJC leaders, 45-year-old Bishnoi said “Haryana is the land of Kurukshetra, the land famous for doing justice. The very basis of our party coming into existence (in 2007) was that we stood up to fight against injustice.” E^UQcUY^2:@_fUbY^TeSdY_^_V^Ug]U]RUbc &DQGLGDWHV H\HLQJWUDGLWLRQDO VHDWZDU\RI QHZHQWUDQWV ?A0=0E?A0CHDB7Q A0=278 F lood of leaders from various political parties and prominent personalities across the state has become a new reason to worry for workers and leaders of the BJP in poll-bound Jharkhand. Though the fierce contest for seats is yet to begin in dozens of prominent constituencies, the long-term loyal BJP leaders are wary of the party’s strategy for seat allocation ahead of polls. Right from Tamar MLA Raja Peter to Bokaro MLA Samresh Singh, as on date the state BJP is full of local stalwarts, who made entry in the party after the historic win in the Lok Sabha elections and there are perhaps more candidates than needed to contest on the strongholds of the party, feel party leaders. Some seats including Ranchi and Hatia of the national capital are set to see an intense competition among several leaders – almost all claiming to have strong base in the constituencies. If one considers four-time MLA from Ranchi Assembly seat CP Singh would get a walkover one may be wrong. There are over half a dozen leaders eyeing the most favourable seat of the party. Sources revealed that a number of prominent faces associated with the party directly or indirectly were ready to claim their stake, though none were ready to come out in open. Former Minister and exMLA from Hatia constituency Ramji Lal Sarda said that the influx of new-faces in the party has definitely increased and there were strong contenders for the Hatia seat but that would not deter him from making a claim for the seat. “Hatia is my natural claim. I was defeated by 25 votes in the 2009 Assembly polls and therefore I am not at all bothered about the new entrants. The party leadership has to take care of it. I have made the central leadership aware about my claim for the seat well in advance,” Sarda said acknowledging that there were strong contenders before him for the Hatia seat. Recognising intensity of competition for seats in this Assembly polls, senior leader and former Speaker of Assembly CP Singh said that there was no ‘crowd control ?A><8=4=C=4F4=CA0=CB =0<4¯2>=BC8CD4=284B?A>101;4 QAPYP?TcTa®CP\Pa QBP\aTbWBX]VW®1^ZPa^ Q0YPh=PcWBWPWST^®7PcXP QA::XbW^aT®2WWPcPa_da Q3a3X]TbWBPaP]VX®1PWaPV^aP Q0\Xc<PWc^®BX[[X Q?W^^[RWP]S<P]SP[®BX]SaX mechanism’ formed by the party yet. However he said that it was too early to say anything about the issue and the party seniors were capable enough to take “prudent decisions”. Party insiders, however, revealed that the candidates having a blend of expertise, youthfulness and strong base in their respective constituencies are likely to be favoured by the central leadership. “Just being a former minister of MLA with a backing of someone influential will not work out this time,” said a leader. Gogoi said that the State Government had handed over the CBI to probe 15 chit fund cases, including that of Saradha. Gogoi said that out of the 15 cases, the CBI took up two cases only. “Much before the apex court asked the CBI to probe the Saradha scam, we had entrusted the investigating agency with the chit fund cases, including that of Saradha,” he said. “The State Government had handed over the cases to the CBI so that the duped poor investors get back their hard-earned money and those involved in the scam could be brought to book,” he said. “Nobody should be spared in connection with Saradha and other chit fund scams. The guilty must be punished,” he said. Sarma was once the most trusted lieutenant of Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi until he fell out with him. He had allegedly spearheaded the campaign to dislodge Gogoi. “The CBI officials examined documents pertaining to ads that Saradha gave us,” said News Live executive editor Paragmoni Aditya. After raiding the residence of Barua, the CBI officials took the former DGP to an SBI branch and examined his bank accounts. Asked by journalists as to why his house has been raided, Barua refused to make any comment. <PaP]´bQXSc^bc^_218 From Page 1 The bench, also comprising Justices SA Bobde and Abhay Manohar Sapre, dismissed the petition as being “premature”. It said, “How can you (Maran) say that charge sheet is incomplete and defective. You cannot ask us to grant a negative prayer against filing of charge sheet.” The court was of the view that such recourse was available to the accused after the filing of charge sheet. “You can come before us later to seek quashing of charge sheet on this ground. But granting an injunction on filing of charge sheet is impermissible in law,” the court said. Sundaram accepted the option given by the court to withdraw the petition, but claimed that the 2G special court did not have the power to hear the case relating to AircelMaxis deal as it had nothing to do with allotment of 2G licences issued during the peri- od of A Raja as Telecom Minister. CBI had started preliminary enquiry into the AircelMaxis deal on January 4, 2011 and on October 9 registered the FIR. CBI told the apex court in September last year that it has completed its probe against Maran. It had in July, 2011, placed a status report in the court stating that during 200407 when Maran was Telecom Minister, S Sivasankaran was coerced to sell the stake in Aircel to Maxis Group. Soon after Maxis takeover, the licence came through. The CBI found evidence against Maran on two counts. He was found guilty of showing “undue favour” to benefit Malaysian firm Maxis in award of spectrum licences during 2004-07 and also in coercing Aircel owner Sivasankaran to sell off the company stake to Maxis. BRX]SXPaPVVX]V) 6dPaSXP]b _a^cTbcST\P]SRP]RT[[PcX^] ^UbRW^^[´b21B4 PUUX[XPcX^] ?=BQ 6F0;8>A H undreds of guardians and social workers formed a human chain under All India Guardian association to register their protest against ragging of Adrash Singh in Scindia School. The association demanded cancellation of Scindia School’s recognition by the CBSE and arrest of principal and vice principal. It was alleged that police are avoiding action against Scindia School management. The senior students of Scindia School had ragged Adrash Singh, son of Bihar’s Cooperative Minister. Following this, he tried to commit suicide by hanging himself. The school management hid the case of raging but after two days the case came to light. The district administration ordered action against the guilty school management. Police took action against the students guilty of raging and staff for hiding the fact. But no action was taken against the school’s principal and vice-principal. Leading the human chain RTI worker Sudhir Sapre said that the police are trying to save the principal and vice principal. Sapre said that the police does not take action the agitation would be intensified. In another incident with the outset new session of AMITY University influential students took raging of two junior students. The case related with high profile persons so university management is tried to suppressed it. The Raghavan committee had recommended that the names of anti-ragging committee members and their mobile numbers should be displayed at every campus before the session begins, counseling of the students should be made but no board was displayed. An assistant professor of university Rajneesh Jain said that no incident of ragging had taken place. It is only a rumour. The SSP Gwalior Santosh Kumar Singh said that the case of raging is an internal matter of the university. The university administration has to take the action in the matter. If we receive any complaint we will take necessary action. 7dVTRPRWT^U<P^XbcTg_[^bXeTbSd\_aTR^eTaTSX]2WWPccXbVPaW C743D<?8=2;D343!:6 >564;0C8=A>3:4?C 8=?02:4CB!$:6>5 0<<>=8D<=8CA0C4 $:6>54G?;>B8E4B58E4 34C>=0C>AB!"10CC4A84B >=470=36A4=034 C7A4418=>2D;0ABC7A44 B>;0A?;0C4B4;42CA82 F8A40=3<0>8BC;8C4A0CDA4 BC055A4?>AC4AQ A09=0=360>= huge cache of explosives and other material A dumped by Maoists was recovered from the Aundhi area of insurgenc y-hit Rajnandgaon district on Thursday. The explosives and other items was dumped in the jungles by Maoists with plans to use them for attack on the security personnel, police said. The dump included 20 kg of gelatin rod kept in packets, 25 kg of Ammonium Nitrate, 5 kg of explosives, five detonators, 23 batteries, one hand grenade, three binocu- lars, three solar plates, electric wire and Maoist literature. The material was hidden under ground by the Maoists near the jungles of Amakodo, Peetemeta and Nideli villages under the limits of Aundhi police station area, police said. Acting on a tip off, a joint team of Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and District Police (DF) carried out a search operation and unearthed the explosives. Police said that they had received inputs about Maoists including the Secretary of Rajnandgaon-Kanker Border Division Committee Vijay Reddy and Satish Kopa planning an attack on security forces in Manpur, Kodka, Sitagaon and Aundhi areas of the district. It was since then the ITBP and District Police had launched an intensive search operation in the district. It was during the search operation the dump was recovered, police said. Calling it a major success, police said that the seizure of dump will be a setback for the insurgents desperately looking for an opportunity to carr y out attacks. ]PcX^]$ DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 (['LVLQYHVWPHQW6HF\ A>e`^R\V<j`e`"dede`a`gVcZ_;RaR_ %DLMDOERRNHGIRUFKHDWLQJ @bU]YUb1RUgY\\ ¶.RQQLFKLZD·0RGL bUSUYfU=_TY ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he CBI on Thursday registered a Regular Case against former Disinvestment Secretary Pradeep Baijal and other private persons for alleged irregularities in the disinvestment of ITDCowned Udaipur-based heritage category Laxmi Vilas Palace hotel at an undervalued price causing monetary loss to the Union Government. Besides Baijal, the CBI has named then Managing Director Ashish Guha of Delhi-based Lazard India Ltd and Kantilal Karamsey Vikamsey, Proprietor of Mumbai-based Kanti Karamsey & Co. While Lazard was a Financial Advisor at the Ministry of Disinvestment, Karamsey was an Evaluator appointed by the ITDC. An authorised agent of Delhi-based Bharat Hotels Ltd, unknown Government and private persons have also been named in the case, CBI sources said. The accused persons have been booked for offences relating to criminal conspiracy and cheating and offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act. “It was alleged that during the period 2001-02, M/s Laxmi Vilas Palace Hotel, Udaipur, a Heritage Hotel & one of the units of Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), Department of Tourism, Govt of India, New Delhi spread in 29 Acres of prime location land with 54 3VdZUVd3RZ[R]eYV 43:YRd_R^VUeYV_ >R_RXZ_X5ZcVTe`c 2dYZdY8fYR`W 5V]YZSRdVU=RkRcU :_UZR=eUR_U<R_eZ]R] <RcR^dVjGZ\R^dVj Ac`acZVe`c`W >f^SRZSRdVU<R_eZ <RcR^dVj4` rooms with all accessories was first drastically undervalued and then sold/disinvested to a Private Hotel situated at Barakhamba Road, New Delhi at a price of C7.52 crore (approx),” a CBI spokesperson said. “However, as per then DLC (District Level Committee) rates of land in which the said hotel situated was allegedly C151 crore (approx) and in this way, an alleged loss of C143.48 crore (approx) was caused to the ITDC, Department of Tourism, Govt of India, New Delhi,” the spokesperson added. After registration of the case, the agency also conducted searches at four places in New Delhi and Mumbai and recovered incriminating documents. The agency sources said the market rate of the property at that time was estimated to be C280 crore. The hotel is located in one of the best locations in Udaipur. Apart from undervaluation by the Mumbai-based company that was not an approved valuer, the ITDC also downgraded it by citing decreased occupancy in 200102 when the 9/11 terror attacks had happened in the US. While Karamsey had valued the property at C45 per square foot, the then prevailing market rate was between C1,000 and C2,000. In 2002, the Cabinet Committee on Disinvestment had approved the disinvestment of this hotel and ITDC owned other two hotels namely Qutab Hotel and Lodhi Hotel in New Delhi. The reserve price fixed by the Cabinet Committee for the Laxmi Vilas Hotel was C6.12 crore and same was sold for C7.52 crore. The Preliminary Enquiry (PE) was registered in 2013 during UPA rule and there were protests by Opposition BJP that this was a move to target former Disinvestment Minister Arun Shourie. Shourie was examined by the CBI as part of the PE. WZHHWVLQ-DSDQHVH ?=BQ =4F34;78 development of Varanasi on his mind and With his ambition to build 100 smart cities, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will make Kyoto his first stopover during his tour to Japan, starting Saturday. In Kyoto, the PM will see how the model of the Japanese heritage city that also has modern amenities can be replicated back home. Kyoto, the former Capital of Japan, is also known as City of Ten Thousand Shrines. The city despite having been destroyed several times by wars and fire has managed to preserve its old monuments and shrines and yet grown to be one of the smart cities of Japan. “Kyoto is an example of cultural tradition and modernity, dovetailing PM Modi’s own vision of building 100 smart cities in the country,” said Syed Akbaruddin, spokesperson for Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) while explaining why the PM chose Kyoto as his first stopover of the Japan visit. In Kyoto, Modi will meet the Governor and Mayor of the city. The Mayor of Kyoto will also make a presentation highlighting the city’s effort to preserve its heritage even while adopting modernity and living with cutting edge technology. Varanasi is Modi’s Lok Sabha constituency. PM will also visit the famous Togi temple, Japan's tallest pago- New Delhi: In order to connect with the people of Japan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted in Japanese for the first time on Thursday. Helped by a team of Japanese volunteers with the translation, the PM in an eight-tweet series said he was excited to meet his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe and termed Japan a timetested friend of India. “I see the Japan visit as an opportunity to take our ties with Japan to a new level and increase cooperation in various fields … Have very warm memories of visiting Japan as a CM. The hospitality & the immense scope for cooperation left a deep impression in my mind. The scale of innovation & level of precision among the people of Japan is admirable. Both our nations can learn a lot from each other. Am particularly excited to meet PM Abe. I deeply respect his leadership & enjoy a warm relationship with him from previous meetings,” Modi tweeted, sending out his personal “konnichiwa” or greetings. 8=3807 70B00BB?4280;??;02488=< <H 740AC8800<44064A;HF F08C8=655>A H>DA00AA8E0;88=::H>C>CC78B F44:4=3HH>DA558ABCEE8B8CCC> 90?0=0 0B88=380=??<F F8;;0 0330 0 =4F2 270?C4ACC>> >DAB BCA0C4682 ?0AC=4AB78? °0QTcfTTcTS da, and the centre for stem cell research in Kobe to see the coexistence of such contracts in one city. MEA officials said the PM plans to pick some ideas to develop Varanasi on a somewhat similar model. As a special gesture, Japanese premier Abe will fly down to Kyoto to receive the Indian PM who has chosen Japan for his first bilateral visit outside the South Asian subcontinent. PM will be in Japan from August 30 to September 3 during which he will have an “extremely substantive” agenda. India has “great expectations” that the tour will help the strategic and global partnership between the two nations reach a new level during the visit. While Modi will have wideranging talks with Abe and meet other leaders, agreements in the fields of infrastructure development, civil nuclear, defence and rare earth materials are also likely to be signed during the PM’s tour. 8]SXPD:Y^X]WP]Sbc^X\_a^eT B^dcW0bXP]\^]b^^]U^aTRPbc ?=BQ =4F34;78 T ?aTbXST]c?aP]PQ<dZWTaYTTX]cTaPRcbfXcWbcdST]cbUa^\7^^VW[h<^WbX]2^[[TVTPcAPbWcaP_PcX1WPeP]X]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh he vagaries of South-West monsoon in the country may get more predictable with weather experts from UK and India joining hands to improve forecast by using atmospheric research aircraft and ocean gliders to gather fresh data in the region. According to Met scientists, the initiative will improve understanding of the physical processes of the South Asian monsoon and their improved representation in weather and climate models. The data collected will be more detailed and accurate than ever before. The research will begin in 2015 and is expected to last between three-five years. Each project will be led by one British and one Indian researcher. The British team will be headed by Hugh Coe (University of Manchester), ?C8 Andy Turner (University of Reading) and Adrian Matthews (University of East Anglia). Their Indian counterparts are S. Suresh Babu (Indian Space Research Organisation), GS Bhat and PN Vinayachandran (both from Indian Institute of Science) The South Asian Monsoon research programme will receive combined funding of around 8 million pound from the Natural Environment Research Council UK, Ministry of Earth Sciences and the UK Met Office. Monsoon is very important in determining livelihood patterns in the country. It is also a very important part of the global climate system. “This major new UK-India research initiative 4027?A>942C F8;;14;431H >=41A8C8B70=3 >=48=380= A4B40A274A on the monsoon is a great example of how both the countries can work together to tackle global challenges,” said the experts. According to India Meterological Department (IMD), Northwest may get little relief from the persisting humidity and heat following drop in temperature by 2-3 degrees C accompanied by stray rainfall during the next three days. However, heavy to very rainfall has been forecast in the South including coastal Andhra, Karnataka, Konkan and Goa. Between August 31 to September 4, heavy showers are also expected in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Odisha. *DGNDULXUJHV3DVZDQWR 4YRefcgVUZT`_eVdedGRcUYR_ddeReV^V_e KHOSEHWWHUF\FOLVWV¶VDIHW\ S ?=BQ =4F34;78 ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 o improve safety and reduce accidents of onT road cyclists, Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari on Thursday asked his Consumer Affairs counterpart Ram Vilas Paswan to update norms pertaining to bicycles and make application of reflective tapes mandatory. In his letter to Paswan, Gadkari has stressed the need for fixing retro reflective tapes on certain parts of the bicycles to make them visible at night times. “Bicycle users are among the most vulnerable road users, susceptible to high rate of road acci- dents,” said Gadkari in his letter. “In the year 2012 alone, about 6,600 cyclists were killed in road accidents. Poor visibility of bicycle riders due to lack of proper reflective devices installed on bicycles, is major reason for the high rate of accidents with motorised vehicles,” he said. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has been working closely with Department of Consumer affairs and Bureau of Indian standards to improve safety of bicycles and ensuring its compliance in the manufacturing of bicycles and getting it mandated through quality control order. The Ministry of Roads has also provided the quality standard for retro-reflective tapes for use in automobiles. “The campaign to fix reflective tapes on bicycles free of cost for easy spotting of cyclists by drivers of other vehicles at night is the joint initiative of the International Road Federation (IRF), and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Government of India is already on in Delhi and likely to be taken to other major cities including Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Kochi,” said KK Kapila, Chairman, International Road Federation (IRF), a global body working for better roads. anjiv Chaturvedi, who was recently unceremoniously removed as the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of AIIMS, has contested Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan’s statement that he was not qualified for the post. He said that the CVC did not either reject or oppose his appointment as the CVO of AIIMS, as claimed by the Union Minister. “On the insistence of CVC, the Union Health Ministry had sent a panel of four people by designation on December 24, 2012, which included my name also, after which CVC asked to send specific names. ‘Subsequent to this, the Ministry again sent a panel of three specific officers including my name in March-April, 2013. After that the CVC asked the Ministry to send complete ACR dossier and vigilance clearance of the concerned officers,” Chaturvedi said in his letter to Vardhan. “In response, the institute had already sent vigilance clearance and other requisite information to the Ministry. Thus, the matter is still pending with the CVC which is yet to take a final decision,” Chaturvedi wrote in his letter. He said that with a view to influence decision making process of the CVC, repeated communications were being issued to give an impression as if his name has been rejected by the CVC. The Health Minister had tweeted last week that Chaturvedi had been twice rejected by the CVC and that his continuation as CVO of AIIMS was “irregular and indefensible”. A day later, the Minister said that Chaturvedi's candidature was opposed by the CVC in 2012 and 2013. Soon after his removal from the post on August 14, Chaturvedi, has been contesting the move claiming that the order bypasses the directions of PMO and Civil Ser vices Board's repeated commitments to the parliamentary committee statuary approvals under the AIIMS Act, 1956. His current tenure was due to last till June 2016. However, following his transfer order dated August 14, the Joint Secretary and CVO of the health ministry has been posted in place of Chaturvedi for three months. 5hZgVUZhR_edj`f_XVcXV_VcReZ`_e`TR]]eYVdY`ed 2^P[VPcT) 218UX[TbR[^bdaT ?=BQ =4F34;78 D ays after the BJP dropped its tallest and veteran leaders from its Parliamentary Board, its highest decision making body, senior Congress leader Janardan Dwivedi on Thursday advocated a similar line saying people in politics should not continue in active posts beyond 70 years of age. “I am not saying that they should retire, but the posts which require a lot of running around and physical capacity should be held by people younger. There are other responsibilities which elder leaders can take up but they should keep away from active posts,” he said. The remarks of Dwivedi, who is the general secretary in 80<=>CB0H8=6C70CC74HF7> 0A414H>=3&H40AB>5064 B7>D;3A4C8A41DCC74?>BCB F7827A4@D8A40;>C>5AD==8=6 0A>D=30=3?7HB820;20?028CH B7>D;31474;31H?4>?;4 H>D=64AC74A40A4>C74AA4B?>=B818;8C84B F78274;34A;4034AB20=C0:4D?1DCC74H B7>D;3:44?0F0H5A><02C8E4?>BCB charge of the Organisation, come close on the heels of the BJP dropping Atal Bihari Vajpayee, LK Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi from the Parliamentary Board and accommodated them in the Margdarshak Mandal, mentor’s group. His comments have also come at a time when there is intense speculation about imminent changes in the AICC setup with the younger generation likely to call the shots and leaders of Dwivedi's generation likely to be replaced. “Whatever the BJP has done, why and with whom they have done, it is their politics and nobody should be com- menting on the affairs of other parties beyond certain limits. Whatever has to be said on the issue has already been said by Congress, but I can give my personal opinion. I have been of this view for a long time that there should be a timeline for people in public life as it is in other walks of life,” Dwivedi, who will be 69 next month and feels marginalised in the party in the present scenario, said while talking to reporters. To a question on whether he wants his 65 or 70 formulae also to be applicable to 67-yearold Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Dwivedi said, “The post of Congress president has been an exception in many respects.” He pointed to Congress Working Committee resolution that no leader should hold two posts but the Congress president and Prime Minister have been kept off it. He, however, maintained that posts like that of presidents of political parties, President of India, Vice President and Prime Minister may be treated as exceptions. Dwivedi had earlier made some controversial comments like an economic criteria-based reservation and Priyanka Gandhi’s interest in politics. Citing examples of various other fields where elders hand over the batons to younger team, Dwivedi said, “Similarly, generational change is also necessary in politics. After certain age, people should not live on active posts in a political organisation”. aT_^acPVPX]bc1Xa[P6a^d_ ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he CBI on Thursday filed a closure report in the case relating to the alleged irregularities in the award of coal blocks to Aditya Birla Group company Hindalco citing lack of evidence to prove criminality against the accused persons and entities. In its FIR, the CBI had named Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla, former Coal Secretary PC Parakh, Hindalco and unknown Government officials for alleged criminal conspiracy and graft in allocation of coal blocks in 2005. According to the CBI FIR, Birla and Parekh allegedly hatched a conspiracy in later half of 2005 where after Hindalco was allocated a portion of Talabira II coal block in Odisha that was reserved for PSUs and already allocated to Neyveli Lignite Corporation. About 50 per cent of the Talabira II coal block was allocated to Hindalco on November 10, 2005. CBI sources said the closure report was filed as the allegations mentioned in the FIR could not be substantiated during the probe. With special focus of Japanese success in education sector, PM will visit an elementary school and deliver a lecture in a college in Tokyo. He will also inaugurate the Vivekanand Cultural Centre in Tokyo addressing the business community urging them to invest in India. 8=B7>AC 218@D4BC8>=B1B?<;0 8=1030D=<DA34AB =Tf3T[WX) FXcWUXeTbdb_TRcb P__PaT]c[hR[TPaTS^Ubdb_XRX^]X] 1PSPd]\daSTabcWT218WPb `dTbcX^]TS[^RP[1B?<;0BX]^S :d\PaBWPZhPX]R^]]TRcX^]fXcW cWT\daSTab^Ucf^cTT]PVTVXa[b 218b^daRTbbPXScWPcBWPZhPfPb VaX[[TSPbWXba^[TWPbQTT]U^d]S c^QTbdb_XRX^dbB^daRTbbPXSXc P__TPaTSSdaX]VcWT_a^QTcWPcWT fPbP__PaT]c[hX]U[dT]RX]VcWT UP\X[hX]\PZX]VePaX^dbZX]Sb^U bcPcT\T]cbCWThbPXScWTPVT]Rh WPbP[\^bcb^[eTScWTRPbTP]SXc fPbPfPXcX]VUX]P[U^aT]bXR aT_^acbUa^\cWT\TSXRP[Q^PaS QTU^aT_a^RTTSX]Vc^\PZT PaaTbcbX]cWTRPbT 2><?0=H1>>:435>A 2740C8=624=CA0;10=: =Tf3T[WX) CWT218WPb aTVXbcTaTSPRPbTPVPX]bc1T]VP[ 8]SXP6[^QP[8]UaPbcadRcdaTU^a P[[TVTS[hRWTPcX]V2T]caP[1P]Z^U 8]SXP^U^eTaC "(Ra^aTQhPePX[ X]V[^P]b^]U^aVTSS^Rd\T]cb CWTR^\_P]hP[[TVTS[hT]cTaTS X]c^PRaX\X]P[R^]b_XaPRhfXcW cWT3XaTRc^ab^U1W^[P]PcW8]V^cb 6^daX8a^]BcTT[?ec;X\XcTS BdQW[PQWBcTT[b?ec;X\XcTSP]S 1:=TfPcXP2WPacTaTS 0RR^d]cP]c_Pac]Ta^U9PhZXbWP] 2WPacTaTS0RR^d]cP]cb218 b_^ZTb_Tab^]bPXS^]CWdabSPh 8?B?A>10C8>=4AB´ 90?0=CA8?20=24;;43 =Tf3T[WX) 0caX_^U\^aTcWP] 8?B_a^QPcX^]Tabc^9P_P]U^a b_TRXP[XbTScaPX]X]VWPbQTT] RP]RT[[TSQhcWT6^eTa]\T]c ^fX]Vc^UX]P]RXP[R^]bcaPX]cb 7^fTeTacWT8?B^UUXRTabfW^ PaTd]STaV^X]VcaPX]X]VPccWT BE?=PcX^]P[?^[XRT0RPST\h 7hSTaPQPSfX[[caPeT[c^ BX]VP_^aTU^aPbX\X[PacaPX]X]V _a^VaP\\T]TgcfTTZ07^\T <X]Xbcah^UUXRXP[bPXScWT0RPST\h WPbTg_aTbbTSXcbX]PQX[Xchc^QTPa cWTTg_T]bTbU^acWT9P_P][TV^U cWTcaX_P]SWT]RTSTRXSTSc^ RP]RT[XcfXcWV^eTa]\T]cb]^S 2181468=B?A>14B8=C> BH=3820C42<31A814AH =Tf3T[WX) 8]P]^UUbW^^c^U Bh]SXRPcT1P]Z2<3QaXQTah bRP]SP[218WPbbcPacTScf^]Tf T]`dXaXTbX]c^a^[T^U\XSS[T\P] ?PfP]1P]bP[X]P[[TVTSTPbX]V^U [^P]R^]SXcX^]bP]SRaTSXc UPRX[XcXTbU^aR^a_^aPcTbUa^\D2> 1P]ZP]S1P]Z^U<PWPaPbWcaP 218b^daRTbbPXScWTT]`dXaXTb fX[[[^^ZX]c^P[[TVTSXaaTVd[PaXcXTb X]cWTTgcT]bX^]^URaTSXcUPRX[XcXTb QhD2>1P]ZP]S1P]Z^U<PWPa PbWcaPX]cWTQ^aa^fTabPRR^d]c UPRX[XcPcTSQh?PfP]1P]bP[^U 0[cXdb5X]bTaeTP]PRRdbTSX]cWT Bh]SXRPcT1P]ZQaXQTahbRP]SP[ P]SWXbPbb^RXPcTb A>03<8=8=:B<>D5>A 20B7;4BBCA40C<4=C =Tf3T[WX) CWT<X]Xbcah^UA^PS CaP]b_^ac7XVWfPhb^] CWdabSPhbXV]TSP]<^DU^acf^ \^aT_X[^c_a^YTRcbU^aRPbW[Tbb caTPc\T]c^Ua^PSPRRXST]ceXRcX\b ¯^]T^]EPS^SPaP<d\QPX bcaTcRW^U=7'P]ScWT^cWTa^] AP]RWXAPaVP^]<PWd[XP9P\bW TS_dabcaTcRW^U=7""CWTbT fTaTbXV]TSX]_aTbT]RT^U=XcX] 6PSZPaX^]CWdabSPh ]PcX^]% DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 Ac`SVRXRZ_de4YR_UjZ_XcRWeTRdV 19?c^[Pd]RWP\^eT\T]c >__^bXcX^]ST\P]Sb X\\TSXPcTaTbXV]PcX^] ^U:TaP[P2<P]S cf^D35<X]XbcTab EA90H0A09Q :>278 I n a development which is powerful enough to shake the very foundations of Kerala’s Congress-led UDF Government, the Special Vigilance Court in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday ordered a fresh probe into the C200-crore Travancore Titanium corruption case pertaining to the erection of a pollution-control plant. As per the order, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy will have to be named as the first accused in the case, according to legal experts. There are a total of 11 accused in the case, including State Home Minister Ramesh Chennithala of the Congress and Public Works Minister VK Ibrahim Kunju of the Muslim League. Special Vigilance Judge C74?A>14B7>D;31470=343 >E4AC>C742181420DB4C74 E868;0=24D=34AC74 6>E4A=<4=C20==>C 8=E4BC860C4C7420B4 8<?0AC80;;H<40=F78;4 270=3H0=3C74>C74A 022DB43<8=8BC4ABB7>D;3 BC0H0F0H5A><?>F4A John K Illikkadan asked the Vigilance to start the probe immediately and to submit the report within four months. The Opposition, which had failed in forcing Chandy to resign over the sensational palm oil import scam and the infamous solar scam, stepped up its attack demanding immediate resignation of the Chief Minister and the two Ministers. Rejecting the Vigilance’s earlier probe report exonerating Chandy, Chennithala and others, the judge observed that corruption had taken place in the erection of the pollutioncontrol unit at the factory of the public sector Travancore Titanium Products Ltd at Thiruvananthapuram eight years back when Chandy was heading the then UDF Government. The Special Vigilance Judge, who also rejected the Vigilance’s request to close the case, said that the plant, for which the then Chandy Government had cleared a C256.01crore draft proposal, had been erected without the required studies and disregarding the report of an expert panel on the subject. “The Titanium employees know everything,” was Chandy’s only comment. The Vigilance’s earlier probe report had said that Chandy and others could not be held guilty in the case, that the maximum loss the plant’s erection had caused was not more than C80 crore and that this could be recovered by selling the machinery purchased for the purpose. The court rejected these conclusions in the probe report also. As per the case based on a petition submitted by a former employee of Travancore Titanium, there was corruption to the tune of C200 crore behind the erection of the pollution-control unit. An FIR will have to be immediately registered in which Chandy may be named as the first accused while Chennithala and Ibrahim Kunju will be fifth and sixth accused respectively. The then Government headed by Chandy had cleared the C256.01-crore pollution control unit scrapping a C108crore project proposed earlier. Even before the project got cleared, machinery worth C62 crore were purchased for the project, which was totally wasted, according to the petitioner. Demanding Chandy’s immediate resignation, Opposition Leader VS %-3IRUPV KLJKSURILOH WHDPIRU83 FDPSDLJQ E>4>=2UcRhdW]R\ W`ccRaVcV^Rc\d ?=BQ :>;:0C0 money from their partners.” BJP MP Chandan Mitra he Bengal Opposition par- said the BJP strongly conties on Thursday went up in demned the statement wonrevolt against yet another rape dering whether the Trinamool speech by a Trinamool leader Government would take any this time an MLA and demand- action against him. “Where such comments ed his expulsion from the House. In what could sound out- are passed off as small incirageous in a civilised world, dents can we expect action in Dipak Halder a Trinamool this case.” Reacting to the MLA from Diamond Harbour on Thursday ²A0?48B0= comments made by Halder, BJP State prestended to pick up 064>;3 ident Rahul Sinha said from where the party CA038C8>= MP Tapas Paul left a 0=3F>D;3 the “he has made a statement befitting a few months ago say2>=C8=D4 Trinamool leader. ing rape was an ageC8;;C74 They have crossed all old tradition and would continue till F>A;3;8E43³ limits of decency and decorum” adding it the world lived. Haldar told in a public was futile to call for justice from meeting on Wednesday evening the Chief Minister who was herthat “rape was there earlier. It self a woman because she had continues to be there today and refused to punish other party it will remain in future as long men. “We are into a jungle raj. as the world lives.” He did not stop there and Such types of comments can went on to cast aspersions on only be made by a Trinamool the women “who have lived leader. He should not be with males for more than seven allowed to continue as an years charge their partners MLA,” Sujan Chakrabarty forwith rape after they stop getting mer CPI(M) MP said. Achuthanandan said that the order of the Special Vigilance Court was a big blow to Chandy who had been trying to somehow survive the palm oil case. Observers said that the court order would bring a serious crisis of credibility for the Chandy regime. “The probe should be handed over to the CBI because the Vigilance under the Government cannot investigate the case impartially. In the meantime, Chandy and the other accused Ministers should stay away from power. If he is not doing that, the Government will face intense people’s agitation,” warned Deputy Opposition Leader Kodiyeri Balakrishnan. Ibrahim Kunju, who was Industries Minister when the alleged corruption took place, said that it was not up to him alone to decide whether he should resign or not. “There have been cases where people had resigned and where there had been no resignation,” he said. State Congress president VM Sudheeran said he had to study the court order before making any comment. T ?=BQ ;D2:=>F larmed by the by-election results of Uttarakhand and A Bihar, the Bharatiya Janata CaX]P\^^[2^]VaTbbbd_aT\^P]SFTbc1T]VP[2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P\PcP1P]TaYTT P]SWTa]T_WTfSdaX]VcWTU^d]SPcX^]SPhaP[[h^UCaX]P\^^[2^]VaTbb2WWPcaP ?PaXbWPSX]:^[ZPcP^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Party has constituted a highprofile team to lead the party’s campaign for the Uttar Pradesh bypolls scheduled next month. Yogi Adityanath, a successor of Mahant Avaidyanath of Gorakhnath Peeth, along with Union Minister Kalraj Mishra and party’s State unit president Laxmikant Bajpai have been chosen by the party high command to lead the poll campaign in this politically sensitive State. BJP State spokesperson Vijay Bahadur Pathak said on Thursday that a strong campaign team had been constituted by party for the bypolls. Earlier, Kalyan Singh was also included in the committee but later his named was dropped as he was made Governor of Rajasthan. %-36HQDWRUHYLVLWVHDWVKDULQJIRUSROOV C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 hough both Shiv Sena and BJP are outwardly optiT mistic of inking the seatsharing tie-up between them within a week or so for the forthcoming Maharashtra Assembly polls, it is quite unlikely that the two longterm saffron allies will be in a position to do so. For, this time around, the seat-sharing negotiations between them will not be as smooth as they always used to be in the past. For, fresh from its superlative performance in the Lok Sabha polls which saw it win 23 of the 26 seats it contested in Maharashtra (while Shiv Sena won 18 out of 22 seats contested), the BJP has been hawkish in its approach in the seatsharing negotiations with the Sena and so much so that it has been pushing its long-term saffron ally to dump the timetested seat-sharing Mahajan formula evolved in the early 8=C74BC0C40BB4<1;H?>;;B 8=E>;E8=60C>C0;>5!''B40CBC74 B40CB70A8=65>A<D;014CF44= C74CF>B055A>=0;;80=24 ?0AC=4AB70B0;F0HB144=) & B78EB4=00=3 &19? nineties for both the Lok Sabha and Assembly polls. As per the formula devised, late BJP leader Pramod Mahajan in consultations with Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, there was a clear-cut understanding between two saffron alliance partners. As the per the understanding, the BJP was to be the senior ally when it came to the Lok Sabha polls, while the Sena would be the senior partner in the State Assembly polls. As per the Mahajan formula, the BJP has over the past several Lok Sabha elections, contested 26 (out of 48 seats), while the Sena has fielded candidates for the remaining 22 seats in the State. In the State Assembly polls involving a total of 288 seats, the seat-sharing formula between the two saffron alliance partners has always been: 171(Shiv Sena) and 117 BJP. However, in the 2009 State Assembly polls, the Shiv Sena made an exception and gave two of its seats — one each at the behest of late Gopinath Munde and Nitin Gadkari — to the BJP, thus making the seat sharing formula 169 (Sena): 119 (BJP). Ever since the Lok Sabha poll outcome, a dominant BJP has been pushing the Shiv Sena to dump the old seat-sharing formula and give it more number of seats to contest this time around. In the beginning, the State BJP leaders were insisting that Sena share the total number of seats equally — 144: 144 with it. However, it has now scaled down its demand to 135 seats as against the earlier claim for 144 seats. The BJP has also been angling for the Chief Minister’s post — a post held by the Shiv Sena when the two parties ruled the State between 1995 and 1999 during which late Gopinath Munde was the deputy Chief Minister. On its part, the Shiv Sena is no mood to tie the BJP line. It has amply clear to the BJP that it would not spare more number of seats than what is due to it (117) under the timetested Mahajan formula. While, the Shiv Sena lead- ers have not only been vociferous in their rejection of the BJP’s demand for a bigger seat share but have also gone to town saying that their party was prepared to go it alone in the polls, Sena president Uddhav Thackeray has steadfastly ignored the state BJP leaders’ clamour for bigger seat-share, saying: “The BJP has so far not made any formal demand for more number of seats. Hence, there is no question of my reacting to their statements. If such a situation arises, then I will speak to the BJP’s central leaders,” Uddhav has said. Unlike in the past when they would contest the polls as a two-party alliance, the Shiv Sena and BJP have cobbled an alliance with four other smaller parties RPI (A), Raju Shettyled Swabhimani Paksha, the Mahadeo Jankar-led Rashtriya Samaj Paksha and Vinayajk Mete-led Shiv Sangram – which have come together as “Maha-Yuti” (grand alliance). PVPX]bc_a^UXcTPa]Tab)<XcaP B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 he BJP has decided to launch a massive moveT ment to rejuvenate the Kolkata and Haldia Port system and liberate it from the grip of corrupt vested interests that had in connivance with some influential politicians from Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress been sucking the Port’s economy dry for the past several years. Launching a frontal attack against those responsible for the gradual degradation of the country’s only riverine port system, BJP MP Chandan Mitra on Thursday said, “the BJP will launch a major movement against the vested interest who have been earning huge profits at the cost of the Port’s exchequer” and “in utter violation of the law of the land”. In its endeavour to “rejuvenate and revive” the Kolkata and Haldia Ports, the BJP will work alongside all the labour unions “because if the Port is saved, the workers will be saved and if the workers are protected Bengal will be saved” Mitra added. Coming down heavily on the powers that be for conceiving “absurd schemes” for the revival of the Port, he said “instead of working on illogical and absurd schemes like constructing harbours at the sand-heads and then transporting the cargo to the main port plans should be drawn up for large-scale dredging” of the shipping channel so that 8]XcbT]STPe^da c^³aTYdeT]PcT P]SaTeXeT´cWT :^[ZPcPP]S 7P[SXP?^acbcWT 19?fX[[f^aZ P[^]VbXSTP[[cWT [PQ^dad]X^]b cargo-handling capacities of these ports could be increased. Speaking at a Port workers’ union meeting on Wednesday Mitra had said how Kolkata could cater to the large hinterland comprising Bihar, Jharkhand, North-East, Nepal, Bhutan etc. The Kolkata Port system which was running on profit till a few years ago was currently incurring huge losses. The sagging condition of the twin ports had put the career of thousands of workers and about 30,000 pensioners at stake. The BJP is expecting to enlist the support of this huge workforce of the Port area in its attempt to capture power 2016 elections. Launching a scathing attack 0.$ODJLULERRNHGIRU JUDEELQJWHPSOHODQG :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 K Alagiri, former Union Minister for Fertilisers M and Chemicals, who is also the elder son of DMK chief M Karunanidhi, has been booked by the Madurai Police in a case of land grabbing. According to Madurai District Police, an Assistant Commissioner of the Hindu Religious and C h a r i t a b l e Endowments Board has filed a complaint with the police alleging that Alagiri grabbed 44 cents of land belonging to Goddess Mariamman Temple at Sivarakottai for Dhaya College of Engineering owned by the family members of the former Minister. The police registered a case of land grabbing against Alagiri following the complaint. HRCE is the Government body which controls all the Hindu temples in the State. Though the Dhaya College of Engineering was given recognition by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) as early as 2011, it took the college more than three years and a Supreme Court verdict to begin the admission process. The college had started its admission process based on the merit list of the Anna University on August 14 this year. Previous attempts by the college to get going proved futile as the Anna University had rejected the applications for affiliation submitted by the college. Various farmers’ organisations in Madurai had complained that the college had trespassed into water bodies in the area thus depriving water for farm lands. on the a “particular company” that was looting the Port for several years in connivance with a “particular political party” of the State Mitra said how “some vested interests are making huge profits in cargo handling operation” giving almost nothing to the Government. “This will not be allowed to go on for infinity” he said demanding “a transparent system.” The Pioneer had earlier run stories on how a few cargo-handling companies were minting hundreds of crores violating the MPTS Act with the help of their virtual nominees in the advisory board of the Kolkata Port Trust. The Board had since been dissolved by the Shipping Ministry. Congratulating Shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari for promptly taking up the issue and ordering tendering out of the cargo-handling operations, Mitra said the BJP would work towards achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of a corruption-free India. Meanwhile, a number of ex-servicemen and about 120 Trinamool workers of the Trinamool Congress from Jibontala in S outh 24 Parganas joined the BJP in presence of Mitra. “We have come to realise that the BJP is the only party with a clear image and true nationalistic feelings,” Ramzan Sheikh, the Trinamool town secretary of Jibantala who led his 120 followers to the BJP, said. DV_Z`c>R`Zde ]VRUVc_RSSVU Z_<feTY ?=BQ 60=378=060A evendra Ambikaprasad Paswan, a high-ranked D Maoist leader active in parts of Jharkhand was arrested near Mundra town of Kutch. Paswan had plotted killings of nearly 15 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel in ambush and there have been many serious charges against him. According to the police, Devendra had come to Mundra only a few days back and was staying with his brother Satyendra who was working there as a labourer. Paswan had also started working as a labourer for the last few days in the bordering district before the Maoist finally nabbed by the police. During interrogation, police come to know that he had joined the Maoist forces in 2003 and was involved in killing of the Jharkhand police and the CRPF jawans. &!EP[\XZXbaTT\QaPRT7X]SdXb\ ?=BQ ;D2:=>F ension prevailed in Asroi area of Aligarh following T reports of re-conversion of some Christians to Hinduism. Around 72 Christians were reconverted into Valmikis even as Christians alleged foul play by the Hindu organisations, which are raking up ‘Love Jihad’ and other issues to make the country a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Not just the 72 Valmikis were reconverted into Hindus from Christians at Asroi village, about 25 km from the Aligarh district headquarters but a 7th Day Adventist Church was also converted into a Shiv temple, where these Valmikis used to pray, the report said. According to reports, these Valmikis converted to Christianity in 1995 and now they have again embraced Hinduism. The rituals for re-conversion were held inside the church on Tuesday last and all the 72 people were accepted in the Hindu community. a picture of Lord Shiva has been installed inside the church while the Cross was placed outside the boundary wall of the premises. But later as tension rose, the Shiva portrait was removed by the local people following objection by the pastor. Bajrang Dal leaders of the district claim that this is “home coming” of the Valmikis and not re-conversion as claimed by the media. “The decision to return to their own faith wasappreciable and they were not forced to take such decision. But we had convinced them to reconvert to their religion and met the family members several times before their decision,” the leader said. Several Valmikis also claim that they were forced to re-convert to their original religion, as they were “neglected” by Christianity. But Father Jonanthan Lal, pastor at City Methodist Church, denied such re-conversion claims and alleged it was a conspiracy against the religion. 2^\X]Vb^^])CWXaScXVTaaTbTaeTX]:TaP[P 7eZQbQd=<1cWYfU ?=BQ :>278 K erala is likely to have yet another tiger reserve soon in addition to the existing reser ves, Periyar and Parambikulam, if the steps in this direction progress seamlessly. Reports from Delhi quoting the National Tiger Conservation Authority said that the Kerala Government had given in-principle clearance for the formation of Wayanad Tiger Reserve in northern Kerala. The proposed tiger reserve will have an area of 344 square kilometers, which is presently known as the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, lying in the Nilgiri biosphere and contiguous to the Bandipur Tiger Reserve in Karnataka and Muthumalai tiger reserve in Tamil Nadu. However, the State Forest Department has denied reports on the in-principle clearance for the reserve. The Wayanad Tiger Reserve will have three forest ranges—Sulthan Batheri, Tholpetty and Kurichyad—in it. Though efforts to upgrade the wildlife sanctuary into a tiger reserve have not been successful so far, tiger census was being conducted at the sanctuary at regular intervals and the results had shown the need of transforming it into a reserve. Experts differ on the tiger population present in Wayanad. They say that studies on the population of tigers in Wayanad sanctuary cannot be conducted without taking into consideration the peculiarities of the adjacent Bandipur and Muthumalai reserves. However, they agree that Wayanad could have a minimum of 30 tigers though one study had put the number as 78. Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy had participated in the meeting held by the National Tiger Conservation Authority over the formation of the Wayanad Tiger Reserve and he had informed the authority of the concerns of the local people over the possibility of their eviction from the core and buffer areas of the reserve. The Chief Minister has reportedly given instructions for conducting awareness programmes in the region on the matter. As per rough estimates, about 800 families will have to be rehabilitated as the areas including the tiger reserve are declared a special zone. There will be strict controls on construction and other activity even in the buffer zone outside the core area. Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that the Centre will provide all technical and financial necessary assistance if the Kerala Government submits to it the project for a tiger reserve. Sources in the Kerala Forest Department agreed that the State would get increased Central assistance once the sanctuary was transformed into a tiger reserve. Kerala's first tiger reserve, Periyar, with an area of 925 sq km had come into being in 1978. The declaration of the second tiger reserve in Kerala, Parambikulam, having an area of 641 sq km took place in 2010. Meanwhile, reports on the prospect of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary getting declared as a tiger reserve have heightened the anxieties of the people living in areas that might come within its core and buffer areas. Settler farmers in the region fear that the formation of the tiger reserve would mean their eviction from their farmlands and homes. Several areas in Wayanad had witnessed intense agitations in 2012 over reports of a Kerala Government plan to convert the Wayanad sanctuary into a tiger reserve and incursions by two tigers into villages adjacent to the forests had resulted in law and order problems. The Chief Minister himself had to assure the people that there was no such move to pacify the protestors. cU^T_VVd_FQZeRXQY ?=BQ 60=378=060A his new assignment. Leader of Opposition in n a function organised to give the Gujarat Assembly, farewell to Gujarat Assembly Shankersinh Vaghela felicitated him by offering Speaker Vajubhai a colorful shawl Vala, who has been to Vala. appointed as the W h i l e Karnataka Governor, addressing MLAs, Chief Minister the outgoing Anandiben Patel Speaker urged the termed the veteran legislature to give leader as a loyal solprominence to dier of BJP. national interest While congratufirst above their lating Vala, Patel parties’ interest. said that he would EPYdQWPXEP[P He also rememmake Gujarat proud by doing good work in bered Mahatma Gandhi and Karnataka too. She said that Swami Vivekanand for their his rich experience of pre- selfless services for the nation. senting Gujarat budget for 18 Vala will assume charge as times as well as in BJP organ- Karnataka Governor on isation would come handy in September 1. I ]PcX^]& DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 9`fcdRWeVc7]RX>VVeZ_XAR\gZ`]ReVdaVRTVaRTe 0c[TPbc"1^aSTa _^bcbX]?PaVfP[ PaTPeT]dT^U 5[PV<TTcX]V fPbcPaVTcTS 1B520=24;B0=>C74A<44C S 5[PV\TTcX]VcWPcfPbbRWTSd[TS c^cPZT_[PRTPc1P[[PS1^aSTa _^bcX]BP\QPbTRc^afPb RP]RT[[TSQhcWT1B5 S ?P]XRbcaXRZT]aTbXST]cb X]cWTU^afPaSeX[[PVTb^U ?PaVfP[PaTPST\P]STSUXa\ aTb_^]bTUa^\cWT8]SXP]ca^^_b c^bX[T]RTcWT?PZXbcP]XVd]b <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D emporary calm on the International Border was T shattered once again by the roaring Pakistani guns barely hours after the first round of flag meeting ended ‘inconclusively’ without brokering ‘peace deal’ to end the cycle of spiraling border tension in the wee hours of Thursday. According to ground reports, “at least three Border posts in Pargwal area of Akhnoor sector, venue of the Flag meeting, was targeted by the Pakistan rangers twice in brazen violation of the ceasefire agreement during the S 0\XSaXbX]VcT]bX^]b _^[XcXRXP]bc^^WPeTbcPacTS \PZX]VPQTT[X]TX]cWT 1^aSTaPaTPbc^X]`dXaT PQ^dccWTfT[[QTX]V^U PUUTRcTS_^_d[PcX^] night”. According to BSF sources, “Pakistan Rangers first opened ‘unprovoked’ firing in the area around 11.50 pm and the same continued for some time. After a gap of around four hours, heavy firing from across the border resumed around 4 am and it continued till 6 am”. The BSF jawans had also noticed suspected movement of infiltrators close to the International Border and challenged them before opening fire. According to BSF sources, the infiltrators retreated towards the Pakistan territory when they were fired upon. While targeting the Indian posts and civilian areas, Pakistan Rangers used small arms, Medium range Machine guns (MMG) and other sophisticated weapons to spread panic. The BSF jawans, according to official sources, gave a befitting response to the latest provocation using similar calibre of weapons. So far, 35 ceasefire violations have been reported in the Jammu frontier since July 16, 2014. Ironically, Pakistan Rangers chose to target the same area where they had attended flag meeting with their Indian counterparts on Wednesday evening. During the meeting Pakistan Rangers reportedly accused BSF of breaching the truce by resorting to indiscriminate firing on the Pakistani posts. In Jammu IG, BSF Jammu frontier Rakesh Sharma told reporters, “Pakistan Rangers have been adopting double standards. On Wednesday, they requested flag meeting and we went there with open minds as we want to restore normalcy along the border areas but, they chose to hit back by targeting the BSF posts”. Meanwhile, as fresh tensions mounted in the area of Indian Border, guards sent out a strong message to the Pakistan Rangers by canceling flag meeting at the commandant level in Samba sector of Jammu frontier on Thursday. According to official sources commandant level flag meeting was scheduled to take place at Ballad border post in Samba sector but the same was canceled by the BSF after the grave provocation from the Pakistan side. On the other hand, panicstricken residents in the forward villages of Pargwal area demanded firm response from the Indian troops to silence the Pakistan guns. “We appeal to the Government to shift us to safer places and give a befitting reply to the Pakistan Rangers”, the villagers claimed. Amid rising tensions, politicians too have started making a bee line in the border areas to inquire about the well being of affected population. Indian Army has pitched tents and are running medical camps in the Government school buildings to assist the State Government machinery. After BJP chief Amit Shah’s visit, Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad and PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti visited the border areas in RS Pura sector and interacted with the local residents to understand their sufferings. Azad accompanied by former MP Madan L al Sharma visited Abdullian, Chandu Chak and few other border villages before interacting with the affected population in the Govt school buildings in RS Pura. 1HZWZLVW$FFXVHGWULHGWR EULEHFRSVIRUFRPSURPLVH S nake gang case, in which a group of alleged criminals used a snake to terrorise and rape a teenaged girl, has taken a serious turn following allegations that the accused tried to bribe the local police to reach a “compromise” with the victim. Pahadi Shareef police inspector, Bhaskar Reddy has been transferred following the allegations of bribery and alleged disappearance of memory cards and video CDs of alleged illegal activities of the gang. Cyberabad Police Commissioner CV Anand who was personally monitoring the case, has shifted the detective inspector P Sreedhar to Pahadi Shareef police station and has ordered a probe against his predecessor Bhaskar Reddy. Assistance Commissioner, Shamshabad division has also been shunted out from the case and investigations into the gang-rape was now taken over by the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Janaki Sharmila. After the complaints that the families of the accused were exerting pressure on the victim for a compromise, Janaki Sharmila met the girl and instilled confidence in her. She gave her mobile number and asked her to contact immediately in case of any harassment. It has been alleged that the family of the accused had offered a bribe of C2,00,000 to the police to influence the girl. Pahadi Shareef police has already booked a case under Nirbhay Act against nine accused, seven of whom have already been arrested. The allegations of mishandling against the local police 0DGUDV+&FDQFHOV OLFHQFHIRU6XQ79 :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 he Madras High Court on Thursday refused to stay T the order of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting revoking the licences of Sumangali Cable Vision, owned by Kalanishi and Dayanidhi Maran, grandnephews of M Karunanidhi, the DMK chief. Additional Solicitor General informed the court that the licence of SCV was cancelled owing to issues of national security. However, the court stayed the directive of the MIB that SCV should run a scroll for 15 days that their licence is being revoked. Justice Ramasubramanian who is hearing the petition adjourned the case to next Tuesday. Sumangali Cable Vision is the largest multi-system operator in Tamil Nadu enjoying a near monopoly in the cable TV business. The Sun Network of which SCV is a part, is facing many legal problems following the change of Governments at Chennai in 2011 and in New Delhi in May 2014. The group has emerged as south India’s biggest media conglomerate with presence in all four South Indian States in the form of satellite TV channels, FM radio stations, DTH services and more than a dozen publications including newspaper, weeklies and magazines. 2^]VaTSUPRTS)<^SX 6dadbPhbRP]SXSPcT Gandhinagar: Congress candidate for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s prior Assembly constituency — Maninagar created embarrassment for his party’s senior leaders as he termed Modi as his ‘Guru’. After filing his nomination for Maninagar constituency in Ahmedabad, Jatin Kella commented that the contest might be difficult but, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is like my ‘Guru’. “Modi is much elder than me. It was god’s wish that I have to contest from his traditional seat,” said Kella. 38-year-old Kella came to deputy collector’s office with large number of supporters to file nomination. PNS were leveled at a time when a local court has granted police the custody of three main accused including a gang leader Faisal Dayyani, Salam Hamdi and Khadar Barakaba. Senior police officials were also questioning Pahadi Shareef inspector Bhaskar Reddy about the missing video record of the activities of the gang. The inspector had also come under the lenses of senior officials when the victims revealed that he had initially refused to register the complaint of the gang-rape. The victim alleged that the “snake gang” had attacked a farmhouse on city outskirts and after overpowering her fiancé, and terrorising her with a snake, raped her. The gang had also made a video of their crime and threaten to publish it on Facebook if she lodged a complaint. <^cX3d]VaX6P]TbWcT\_[TX]9PX_daSTR^aPcTSfXcW[XVWcb^]cWTTeT^U6P]TbW2WPcdacWXUTbcXeP[^]CWdabSPh ?C8 0]gXTchX]c^daXb\bTRc^a EA90H0A09Q :>278 when debates are raging Jityust in Kerala over the practicalof the total liquor ban announced by the Congress-led UDF Government, the tourism industry has expressed serious concerns about the impact of non-availability of liquor on the sector even as the process for closing down all the bars in the State, except those in five-star hotels, started on Thursday. Congress’s Tourism Minister AP Anil Kumar, who had earlier defended the new liquor policy by saying that tourists were coming to Kerala not to get boozed, changed his stand on Thursday with the statement that there were concerns in tourism industry that the business might plummet in the absence of liquor availability and that ways should be sought to solve this problem. Tour and travel companies in Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram said that tour operators in several European countries had informed them of their unwillingness to send travelers to Kerala if hard liquor, beer and wine were not available. They said the worldwide media attention that liquor ban had got had complicated the situation. “Three agencies in Europe have informed us that the trav- 19?<;0bbW^dcb[^VP]bSdaX]V_a^cTbcPVPX]bcUaTbWRTPbTUXaTeX^[PcX^]bQh ?PZXbcP]X]cWT0bbT\Q[hX]BaX]PVPa^]CWdabSPh ?C8 :7DAB7443F0=8Q BA8=060A ven as members of the Opposition BJP and E Panther’s Party in Jammu & B1@520B4 B=0:471>7B ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 -.SDVVHVUHVROXWLRQ IRU,QGR3DNGLDORJXH :4A0;02??J510= ][ 0\X]X\d\^U"c^da^_TaPc^abX]4da^_TWPeTbT]c T\PX[bc^cWTXaPbb^RXPcTbX]:TaP[PX]U^a\X]V cWT\^UcWTXaX]PQX[Xchc^bT]ScaPeT[TabXU[X`d^a Xb]^cPePX[PQ[TPb_TaaT`dXaT\T]c ][ ATeT]dTUa^\cWTbTRc^aX]! "fPbPQ^dc C!"Ra^aTCWTX]SdbcahfPbTg_TRcX]VP WdVTX]RaTPbTX]cWXbaTeT]dTX]cWT! # $ bTPb^]Qdc^UUXRXP[b]^fbPhcWPccWTTg_TRcPcX^]b\Ph_a^eTfa^]V SdTc^cWT[X`d^aQP] ][ CW^dVWcWT6^eTa]\T]cWPb]^chTccPZT]PSTRXbX^]^]fWPcc^S^ fXcWcWT ! QTTaP]SfX]T_Pa[^dabX]cWTBcPcTXcf^d[SQTSXUUXRd[c U^aXcc^P[[^fcWT^_T]X]V^U]Tf_Pa[^dab elers who had booked with them to travel to Kerala are not willing to undertake the trip in the new circumstance. For many Europeans, Kerala is a tropical heaven. They come here mostly to relax and liquor is just one factor in their scheme. We are probably in for a crisis,” said a travel agent in Kochi. He rejected the Government’s argument that liquor would be available at five-star hotels if foreigners wanted it. “Not even 20 per cent of the European tourists coming here stay at the 20 fivestar hotels. Our mainstay is not the affluent travelers but the normal people. So it is going to be a big problem,” he added. As per the new liquor policy of the Congress-led Government, only five-star hotels will have bars, 418 bars which have already been closed will not be reopened, 312 functioning bars will be closed by September 12 and ten per cent of the retail liquor outlets will be closed each year leading to total liquor ban in ten years. According to a leading travel agent in Thiruvananthapuram, a minimum of 30 tour operators in Europe have sent e-mails to their associates in Kerala informing them of their inability to send travelers if liquor is not available as per requirement. “They are saying that the travelers are opting to go to Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc in this situation,” he said. According to the Kerala Tourism Department, the State’s revenue from the sector in 2013 was about C23,000 crore. The industry was expecting a huge increase in this revenue in the 2014-15 season but officials now say that the expectations may prove wrong due to the liquor ban. “It is true that they are not coming to booze up but booze is a vital factor,” said an official. The official also said that many foreign tourists would be happy with wine and beer but “we don’t have many wine-and-beer parlours at the crucial destinations”. Though the Government has not yet taken a decision on what to do with the 121 beer-andwine parlours in the State, it would be difficult for it to allow the opening of new parlours in the prevailing circumstances. Tourism Minister Anil Kumar admitted his apprehension that the liquor ban could seriously affect the tourism industry. There were tourists for whom liquor was part of their lives and their requirements should be taken into consideration, he said. “Liquor consumption is indeed a social problem but the tourism industry’s concerns should not be overlooked,” he added. At the same time, the Excise Department on Thursday morning started the process of serving notices for closure on the 710 bars in the State as per the decision taken by the Cabinet the other day, close on the heels of the new liquor policy becoming a law with changes being made to the Excise rules. The bars were being asked to close down within two weeks of receiving the notice. Kashmir Assembly raised slogans against continued shelling from Pakistan across the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB) in Jammu region, the Upper House passed a resolution stressing Government of India to resume the “process of dialogue” with Pakistan for ensuring peace and stability in the sub-continent. The members of the BJP raised the border shelling issue and urged the Speaker to pass a resolution against Pakistan. However, the Speaker Mubarak told the House that the issue was discussed threadbare on Tuesday and there was no scope for further discussions. The House witnessed verbal duel between BJP members and Independent legislator Sheikh Rashid. While, BJP members accused Rashid of being a “Pakistani agent”, he shot back by describing the BJP as “the biggest hurdle in the way of resolving Kashmir issue”. However, the scene was catchy at the Upper House where a resolution, moved by Chairman Amrit Malhotra himself, in order to prevent the political parties to claim credit, was passed urging the Government of India to resume dialogue process with Pakistan in the backdrop of recent border shelling in Jammu region. “The House unanimously resolves that the State Government shall urge the Union Government to take effective steps for prevention of LoC firing which has caused huge loss of life and property in the affected areas. The House also resolves that the State Government must urge the Union Government to resume the process of Indo-Pak dialogue to ensure peace and stability in the sub-continent in general and in J&K State particularlly. The House also recommends that the State Government should take immediate steps for relief and rehabilitation of the victims of LoC firing and shall provide all required help and facilities to them in this regard”, the resolution read. The unanimously passed resolution is first of its kind moved by the Chairman of the House urging the measures for restoration of peace and stability along the LoC. ^_X]X^]' DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ DRXVRUgZTVWc`^D4 7DLQWHGODZPDNHUVHURGHSXEOLF¶VIDLWKLQVWDWH Wa^dVWXcb]dP]RTSP]SRPaTUd[[hQP[P]RTSeTaSXRcX]cWT<P]^Y=Pad[PeTa bdbcWTD]X^]^U8]SXP RPbT^]FTS]TbSPhcWTBd_aT\T2^dacWPb^UUTaTS bPVTPSeXRTc^cWT6^eTa]\T]cQdcfXcW^dcbcT__X]VX]c^cWTTgTRdcXeTb S^\PX]CWTP_TgR^dacdbTScWT^__^acd]Xchc^aTSU[PVcWTXbbdT^UX]RaTPb X]VRaX\X]P[XbPcX^]^UcWT_^[XcXRP[TbcPQ[XbW\T]cP]S[TeTaPVTSXcb_^bXcX^]P]S Tg_TacXbTPbcWTUX]P[X]cTa_aTcTa^UcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]c^_a^eXSTeP[dPQ[TR^]cTgc ^]cWTP__^X]c\T]c^UcPX]cTS_^[XcXRXP]bPb<X]XbcTab1dcWPeX]VPbca^]V\^aP[ PaVd\T]cU^aZTT_X]VcW^bTRWPaVTSfXcW^UUT]bTbX]e^[eX]V\^aP[cda_XcdSTPfPh Ua^\WXVW^UUXRTcWTP_TgR^dac[TUccWT\PccTaX]cWTWP]Sb^UcWTTgTRdcXeT CWXbXbPbXcbW^d[SQTCf^QPbXRXbbdTb[XTPccWTRadg^UcWXb[P]S\PaZeTaSXRc 5XabcXbcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTabaXVWcc^bT[TRcWXb2^d]RX[^U<X]XbcTabP]SbX\X [Pa[hcWT2WXTU<X]XbcTab_aTa^VPcXeTc^_XRZWXbR^[[TPVdTbCWXbaTe^[eTbPa^d]S cWT^_TaPQX[Xch^U0acXR[Tb&$P]S %#^UcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]^U8]SXPfWXRW[PhS^f] cWPc<X]XbcTabX]cWTD]X^]P]SBcPcT6^eTa]\T]cbPaTc^QTP__^X]cTSQhcWT ?aTbXST]c^]cWTPSeXRT^UcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTaP]ScWT2WXTU<X]XbcTabaTb_TR cXeT[hCWT0acXR[TbS^]^c\T]cX^]XUcWT?aX\T<X]XbcTa^a2WXTU<X]XbcTabRP] QT_a^WXQXcTSUa^\P__^X]cX]Vc^cWT\X]XbcTaXP[R^d]RX[P_^[XcXRXP]UPRX]VRaX\ X]P[ RWPaVTb ¯ cWT P_Tg R^dac WPb STRXSTSc^ZTT_cWXbPbXcXbB^\T\Ph UTT[cWPccWTP_TgR^dacWPbbWXTSPfPh Ua^\cPRZ[X]VWTPS^]cWT_a^Q[T\^U RaX\X]P[XbPcX^]X]cWT_^[XcXRP[b_WTaT QdcbdRWP]PaVd\T]cQTcaPhbPbWP[ [^fd]STabcP]SX]V^UcWTb_XaXc^UcWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]CWT\PccTa^USXb`dP[X UhX]VcPX]cTSX]SXeXSdP[bUa^\cWT\X] XbcTaXP[_^^[WPSR^\Td_SdaX]VcWT 2^]bcXcdT]c0bbT\Q[hSTQPcTbQdc1A 0\QTSZPaP\^]V^cWTabWPSPaVdTS cWPc S^X]V b^ f^d[S d]STa\X]T cWT cadbc P]S PdcW^aXch cWPc cWT 2^]bcXcdcX^]WPSeTbcTSX]cWT?aX\T <X]XbcTa8cXb]^cPbXUcWTcWThfTaT c^^XSTP[XbcXR*^]cWTR^]caPahcWT[TPS Tab fTaT _aPRcXRP[ T]^dVW c^ Z]^f cWPcPb0\QTSZPaWX\bT[U^QbTaeTS P]S cWXb bTRcX^] fPb `d^cTS X] cWT eTaSXRcPbfT[[°CWTf^aZX]V^UP2^]bcXcdcX^]S^Tb]^cST_T]SfW^[[hd_^] cWT]PcdaT^UcWT2^]bcXcdcX^]CWTUPRc^ab^]fWXRWcWTf^aZX]V^UcW^bT^aVP]b ^UcWTBcPcTST_T]SPaTcWT_T^_[TP]ScWT_^[XcXRP[_PacXTbcWThfX[[bTcd_± CWXb_dcbcWT^]dbU^aT]bdaX]V_a^QXchX]_dQ[XR[XUT]^cYdbc^]cWTTgTRdcXeT Qdc b^RXTch Pc [PaVT 0UcTa P[[ XU RaX\X]P[b Ra^fS ^da ?Pa[XP\T]c P]S BcPcT 0bbT\Q[XTbXcXbPc[TPbcc^b^\TTgcT]cQTRPdbTcWT_T^_[Te^cTScWT\c^_^fTa CWTbTR^]SXbbdTWTaTXbcWTd]XeTabP[[hPRRT_cTS_aX]RX_[T^UYdaXb_adST]RT cWPcP_Tab^]XbX]]^RT]cd]cX[_a^eT]VdX[ch8UP_^[XcXRXP]UPRX]VRaX\X]P[RWPaVTb Xb_aTeT]cTSUa^\W^[SX]VWXVW^UUXRTS^TbcWPc\TP]WT^abWTXbQTX]V_T]P[XbTS QTU^aTQTX]VR^]eXRcTS.CWT_a^_^bXcX^]bTT\b[TVP[[hd]cT]PQ[TfWXRWXbP]^cW TaaTPb^]fWhcWTBd_aT\T2^dacbc^__TSbW^ac^UZTT_X]V^dc_Tab^]bfW^ PaTd]STaPR[^dSQdc]^cR^]eXRcTS<^aT^eTa_^[XcXRXP]bPaTa^dcX]T[hbdQYTRc TSc^UP[bTPRRdbPcX^]bP]Sb_daX^dbRWPaVTbP]SXcRP]QTPaVdTScWPcXcXb d]UPXac^bcd]ccWTXaRPaTTaVa^fcW^]cWTbTVa^d]Sb7^fTeTaPbcWTP_TgR^dac ]^cTSPRWPaVTbWTTcd][XZTP5Xabc8]U^a\PcX^]AT_^acXb_aT_PaTSQhcaPX]TS YdSXRXP[\X]Sb^]cWTQPbXb^U_aX\PUPRXTTeXST]RTcWPc_^X]cbX]SXeXSdP[fa^]V S^X]V0]ScWTc^_TgTRdcXeTfX[[QTfT[[c^ZTT_cWXb\X]S C 7f_UZ_XSRT\e`YVR]eY )RUHLJQLQYHVWPHQWZLOOKHOSUHYDPS5DLOZD\V XcWcWT6^eTa]\T]c]^cXUhX]VXcbSTRXbX^]c^^_T]d_P[\^bcP[[^U8]SXP] APX[fPhbc^U^aTXV]SXaTRcX]eTbc\T]ccWT_a^RTbb^UaTYdeT]PcX]VcWTQT[TP VdTaTS_dQ[XRbTRc^aQTWT\^cW\dbc]^fQTVX]X]TPa]TbcCWTU^aTXV] Ud]SbbW^d[SV^P[^]VfPhX]d_VaPSX]V8]SXP]APX[fPhbPRa^bbcWTQ^PaSUa^\ RaTPcX]V]TfX]UaPbcadRcdaTc^X\_[T\T]cX]VQTccTa_PbbT]VTabPUTch\TPbdaTb c^PdV\T]cX]VUaTXVWcP]S_PbbT]VTaRP_PRXchCWTPSSXcX^]P[Ud]SbfX[[P[b^WT[_ R^\_[TcT[Pbc\X[TR^]]TRcXeXch_a^YTRcbcWTaTQh_PeX]VcWTfPhU^aX]R[dbXeT Va^fcWP]SSTeT[^_\T]c6^eTa]\T]cb^daRTbTbcX\PcTcWPc^]RTcWTR^d]cahb TgcT]bXeTaPX[bhbcT\Xb\^STa]XbTSXcfX[[PSSPb\dRWPb $c^cf^_TaRT]c PVT_^X]cbc^cWTVa^bbS^\TbcXR_a^SdRc5^a]^f538fX[[QaTPcWT[XUTX]c^cWXb R^[[P_bX]VVXP]cfWXRWaT_^acTSP[^bb^UC"Ra^aTU^a! 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Apart from realistically assessing the balance of military and economic power, one has also to carefully assess the neighbour’s internal political equations, and whether the political and military leadership have the inclination and the will to live at peace, without and resort to terrorism, as an instrument of state policy. Sadly, there are vociferous sections in India that believe that dialogue with Pakistan is an end in itself, without really studying what the alternative options are. Moreover, has continuing dialogue produced better results than no dialogue at all? Pakistan lost its eastern half and 13,000 square kilometres of its territory in the west, one half of its Navy, one-fourth of its Air Force and Army, with India holding 90,368 prisoners of war, at the end of the 1971 Bangladesh conflict. In subsequent negotiations in Simla with her counterpart Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, India’s most hard-headed Prime Minister, was persuaded by some of her key officials that Bhutto would be devastated politically, if he went back empty handed from Simla. While returning the 90,368 POWs was inevitable, what was surprising was a decision to withdraw from 13,000 square kilometres of territory captured by our Forces, following a mere verbal assurance from Bhutto that he would, in due course, settle the Kashmir issue, on the basis of the territorial status quo. Bhutto had no intention of abiding by his verbal commitment. Within a decade, Pakistan sought to upset the territorial status quo, by promoting a communal divide in Punjab. This was followed by arming and training disaffected Kashmiri youths to promote an armed insurgency in Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan also sought to exploit “fault lines” in India’s body politic. It executed terrorist strikes, like the Mumbai bomb blasts in 1993, where 250 Indian nationals perished. The perpetrator of these bomb blasts, Dawood Ibrahim, resides comfortably in Karachi and even ventures abroad on a Pakistani passport. All these developments took place amidst continuing ‘dialogue’ with Pakistan. The continuing dialogue was called off by Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 1994, when she found that efforts to coerce India on Jammu & Kashmir had not worked. Moreover, unlike in earlier years, Kashmiri youths were becoming increasingly wary of crossing the Line of Control, to be armed and trained for jihad. What followed was the induction of Pakistani nationals from ISI-backed terrorist outfits like the Jaish-eMohammed, Harkat-ulMujahideen and Lashkar-eTayyeba. It is important to note that this shift in Pakistani strategies from support for a ‘freedom struggle’ of Kashmiris to a jihad by Pakistani terrorists occurred not because of any ‘composite dialogue’, but because of ground realities. Moreover, it was during this period that, thanks to imaginative political initiatives and effective policing, Pakistan-backed militancy in Punjab ended. Terrorists from Babbar Khalsa and the International Sikh Youth Federation, however, still reside in Lahore and elsewhere in Pakistan. Former Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral initiated discussions in 1997 with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif, later described as the Composite Dialogue Process, in which dialogue on terrorism was not given significant priority. Terrorism was merely put on the same pedestal as drug smuggling! The first round of this dialogue was held in 8QbiQ^Q:Q^XYd3_^WbUcc \UQTUb;e\TUU`2YcX^_YXQT cYh=<1cQ^TQ\\_VdXU] XQfUZ_Y^UTdXU3_^WbUcc 8UYcQWU^UbQ\gYdX_ed Q^Qb]i 2:@c`_[Uc`Ubc_^ °CXQX^QgQj8eccQY^ =4F34;780;B> D=34A4BC8<0C43 C74B86=85820=24 >5C743403;H 8B8B?>=B>A43 0CC02:>=>DA 4<10BBH8=:01D; >=9D;H&!' F70C8=4E8C01;H 5>;;>F43F0B C74C4AA>A BCA8:4>5!% 8=<D<108 1998, after the nuclear tests. Determined to ensure that India was seen as sincere in its quest for peace, then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Lahore, only to find that rather than promoting peace, the resumption of the dialogue was accompanied by Pakistani intrusions across the LoC, leading to the Kargil conflict, amidst Pakistani threats of nuclear escalation. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf ’s visit to Agra was followed by the attack on India’s Parliament in December 2001. Structured dialogue had only led to an escalation of terrorism and violence. The military stand off after the Parliament attack and the post-9/11 American invasion of Afghanistan forced General Musharraf to think afresh. He proposed a cease fire across the LoC and assured that ‘territory under Pakistan’s control’ will not be used for terrorism against India. While Gen Musharraf abided by his commitments, the UPA Government was, however, horribly wrong in presuming a weak democratic Government led by President Asif Ali Zardari, a well-meaning Sindhi Shia, would be able to rein in the jihadi propensities of General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, a hardcore Islamist. New Delhi also underestimated the significance of the deadly ISI-sponsored attack on our Embassy in Kabul on July 7, B>D=318C4 9^fUcd_bcY^CY^WQ`_bUd__[Q \_d_VY^dUbUcdY^2U^WQ\5fU^ dX_cUgX_XQT\UVddXUCdQdU QbUgY\\Y^Wd_bUdeb^DXUT__b _VY^TecdbYQ\YcQdY_^XQc_`U^UT GUcd2U^WQ\3XYUV=Y^YcdUb °=Q]QdQ2Q^UbZUU 2008. What inevitably followed was the terror strike of 26/11 in Mumbai. It was the public outcry, that followed the disastrous summit diplomacy in Sharm elSheikh, which forced the UPA Government to tread warily thereafter. Given what followed the 2008 terrorist attack on our Embassy in Kabul, New Delhi should not underestimate the significance of the recent attack on our Consulate in Herat, on the eve of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ’s visit to New Delhi. The recent demonstrations led by Mr Imran Khan and Mr Tahir ulQadri enjoy behind-the-scenes backing of the Pakistani military establishment. The Army has indicated that it will assist Mr Sharif. But, in return, it has demanded that Mr Sharif “must share more space with the Army”. To expect that in these circumstances, Mr Sharif can deliver on India’s concerns on terrorism, or promote trade and energy cooperation significantly, will be wishful thinking. The tough stance that India has taken on the links of the Pakistan establishment with the Hurriyat conveys that it is not going to be business as usual with Pakistan, especially if it continues with ceasefire violations, while abetting terrorism in India and threatening our diplomatic missions and nationals in Afghanistan. In her meticulously researched book The Pakistan Army’s Ways of War, American academic Christine Fair notes that in order to deal with Pakistani Army policies which undermine US interests and seek to destabilise India, the US should consider means to “contain the threats that emanate from Pakistan, if not Pakistan itself”. This is the first time a reputed American academic has spoken of the need to “contain” Pakistan. This cannot be done by merely chanting the mantra of “uninterrupted and uninterruptable dialogue” with Pakistan”. While calibrated engagement with whosoever rules Pakistan is necessary, it has to be complemented with measures to tighten internal security, enhance our military capabilities and raise the costs for Pakistan, if it pursues its present efforts to “weaken India from within”. (The accompanying visual is of former Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto with former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi before a summit in Simla in India, on June 28, 1972. AP photo) 9Q]^_dQWQY^cd1cYQ^ `U_`\URedQ\_d_VdXU] S_]UVb_]Q^U^fYb_^]U^d gXUbUdXUiXQfU^_ S_]`bUXU^cY_^_V b_QTbe\Uc 1ecdbQ\YQ^=@ ° FQeWXQ^:_X^c_^ ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A <QeTQR\UZeTWU]U^d Sir — This refers to the report, “Onus on PM to keep tainted netas out of Cabinet: SC” (August 28). In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court has left the decision of giving ministerial positions to persons of dubious reputation to the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers. Most political party are reluctant to penalise tainted persons for the fear of losing the latter’s vote-bank. There is no political party which has not issued tickets to tainted persons for contesting the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. If the tickets are not issued at all to tainted persons for contesting elections, in the first place, then the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers will not find it difficult to prevent these people from entering the Union and State Council of Ministers. Also, only those who have been convicted in a court of law should be considered as ‘tainted persons’, since politically-motivated charges are often framed against public figures. Sadly, not all those facing serious criminal charges are convicted in a court of law. KV Seetharamaiah Hassan 2XV_VcReZ`_R]TYR_XVZ_ ]VRUVcdYZahZeYZ_eYV3;A WXbaTUTabc^cWTaT_^ac°19?\TcP\^a_W^bXb)Ca^XZPbcT_bQPRZ±0dVdbc !&5X]P[[hcWTVT]TaPcX^]P[caP]bU^a\PcX^]^UcWT19?XbR^\_[TcT8] cWTbd]bTchTPab^UcWTXaX[[dbcaX^db_^[XcXRP[RPaTTabeTcTaP][TPSTab;:0SeP]X P]S<da[X<P]^WPa9^bWXWPeTQTT]TPbTS^dc^UcWT_Pachb_Pa[XP\T] cPahQ^PaSP]ST[TRcX^]R^\\XccTTCWThWPeTQTT]bWXUcTSc^P]TfQaP]RW cWT<PaVSPabWPZ<P]SP[fXcWcWTePVdTSTbXV]PcX^]^U²\T]c^aCWT^cWTa eTcTaP]^UcWTVa^d_<a0cP[1XWPaXEPY_PhTTWPbQTT]^dc^UPRcXeT_^[ XcXRbU^ab^\ThTPabSdTc^X[[WTP[cW 8cXbcadTcWPcQ^cWcWTbcP[fPacbX]cWTaTRT]c_PbcaTUdbTSc^bTTcWT faXcX]V^]cWTfP[[P]SVaPRTUd[[h\PZTfPhU^acWTh^d]VTa[TPSTabWX_ BcX[[cWTaTcXaT\T]c_[P]WPb]^cQTT]TgTRdcTSX]P]TgT\_[Pah\P]]Ta CWT19?]^fd]STaUd[[R^]ca^[^UcWT=PaT]SaP<^SX0\XcBWPWSd^S^Tb ]^caTP[[hTg_TRccWTeTcTaP][TPSTabc^\T]c^acWT^dcUXcCWXbXbbPSU^a cW^bTfW^U^[[^f8]SXP]_^[XcXRbfX[[aT\T\QTacWPcXcfPb<a0SeP]XfW^ caP]bU^a\TScWT19?Ua^\P_Pach^U[Xcc[TR^]bT`dT]RTc^cWT[PaVTbc_Pa [XP\T]cPah^dcUXcX]cWT (((VT]TaP[T[TRcX^] 0QWXYXcA^h 9P\bWTS_da C 1]U^T\Qgc Sir — This refers to the report, “Onus on PM to keep tainted netas out of Cabinet: SC” (August 28). A clean and corruption-free administration is what the people desire. But corruption in the corridors of power and among the political class has, of late, become alarming. Many corrupt persons are at the helm of affairs. The Supreme Court has requested the Prime Minister and Chief Ministers not to induct chargesheeted people, facing trial for offences involving moral turpitude, as Ministers. This is a welcome move. But what will happen when a Prime Minister or a Chief Minister himself has a charge-sheet against him? The apex court should have directed the Union Government to amend the law to ensure that no charge-sheeted person can contest elections in the first place. NR Ramachandran Chennai 2QcU\Uccbe]_ebc Sir — This refers to the report, “I will quit politics if misconduct by my family proved: Rajnath” (August 28). After former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Union Minister for Home Affairs Rajnath Singh is perhaps the first leader in the saffron brigade who has shown no sign of ill-temper in his behaviour on any occasion. He maintained his cool and civility even during political debates on television channels. As far as the rumour about his family’s misconduct, allegedly stemming from the denial of a party ticket to his son Pankaj Singh, is concerned, the argument does not hold water. During the 2007 Uttar Pradesh Assembly election, Mr Singh had prevailed upon his son to return the ticket for Chiraigaon Assembly constituency in Varanasi, in order to avoid being targeted for nepotism by the opposition. Incidentally, Mr Rajnath Singh was the president of the BJP at that time. Hence, the allegations of misconduct by any family members of the Home Minister falls on stony ground. They merely give credence to the public perception that there is a game of political brinkmanship being played within the party. 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Considering the series of events that have taken place in the bilateral relations in the last one year or so — former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Japan in May 2013, the historic visit of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko to India in November, last year, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to India in January 2014 — Mr Modi’s present visit will mark a significant milestone by maintaining the momentum of the bilateral partnership. It is well-known that apart from sharing similar visions on the kind of roles that their countries should play in international politics, there is a strong personal chemistry that binds both Mr Modi and Mr Abe. Even as Chief Minister of Gujarat, Mr Modi went to Japan for the first time in 2007 on an exploratory mission in search of investment and trade opportunities and met Mr Abe who was the Prime Minister at that time. Encouraged by his positive impressions, Mr Modi again went to Japan in 2012 and met Mr Abe who was out of power at that time. But Mr Modi received a positive and warm welcome from the Democratic Party-led Government under the leadership of Mr Yoshihiko Noda. Japanese business leaders were quite impressed by the remarkable economic progress of Gujarat under the leadership of Mr Modi. When in December 2012 Mr Abe returned to power following a landslide victory in the Lower House election, Mr Modi was among the first to greet him, a gesture Mr Abe reciprocated to Mr Modi following his remarkable victory in the parliamentary election in May this year. What has distinguished Mr Modi is the fact that even as Chief Minister of an Indian State, he had a broad perspective to understand the importance of forging long-term friendly relations not only with Japan but also with other Asian countries like China, South Korea and Singapore. Given the fact that both Mr Modi and Mr Abe enjoy commanding parliamentary strength, and that they will stay in power for fairly long periods of time, their personal equations should enable them to work out a roadmap for the bilateral partnership based on mutual economic and strategic interests. Civil nuclear cooperation: There is no doubt that Mr Modi’s visit has already aroused great expectations on both sides in terms of not only settling some important pending issues but also formulating a fresh agenda for the future. Among the unresolved issues, the first and foremost is how to sign a civil nuclear agreement so that both countries can carry on meaningful cooperation in that field. Despite the fact that four rounds of talks have already taken place, the prospects of an agreement appear to be elusive. Both countries stand by their well-stated positions: Japan insists on stronger assurances from India that it would not conduct any more nuclear tests and India argues that the assurances that it gave to the US at the time of signing the US-India nuclear agreement are sufficient for the present bilateral agreement. In addition, India believes that it has enhanced its transparency in its nuclear infrastructure by ratifying the additional protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency in June this year. Though Mr Abe is inclined to bring the stalemate to an end, he cannot totally ignore the strong pressures coming from several 5^SXQ^df_dUbcgYdX =_TY]QWYSQWQY^ CWT19?bW^d[SaTP[XbTcWPcXcWPbc^QaX]VQPRZcWTUTT[V^^SUPRc^a fWXRWWPbQTT]_d]RcdaTSXUXcfP]cbc^S^fT[[X]cWT0bbT\Q[h_^[[b J ust a week before the Modi Government competes its 100 days, by-election results have come as a jolt to the BJP. The saffron party, which witnessed a spectacular victory in the Lok Sabha poll, has faced a setback already. No doubt byelections are fought and won mostly on local factors, but the results have certainly punctured the feel-good factor of the BJP and given a ray of hope to the opposition. The results of the recent by-election to 18 Assembly seats across four States, including Bihar, were to say the least disappointing for the BJP. Of the 18 seats the party won seven and its ally Shiromani Akali Dal one, while the Congress and its allies bagged 10. The Congress won the key seats like Bellary in Karnataka and Patiala in Punjab and also managed to wrest one seat from Madhya Pradesh. The results of Bihar could be particularly galling for the BJP because much had been made of the parting of ways between the JD(U) and the BJP in the Lok Sabha election. Mr Narendra Modi’s two arch-rivals, Nitish Kumar of JD(U) and Lalu Prasad of RJD, won six out of 10 Assembly seats on their stride in Bihar where the BJP aims to form the Government after the next Assembly poll. The by-election was seen as a litmus test for the BJP as well as the RJD and JD(U), which came together soon after the Lok Sabha result came out in May. The jolt is all the more severe after the recent BJP defeat in Uttarakhand where the Congress won all the three seats in Assembly by-election and also in nine of the 11 zila parishad chairman election. Is there a pattern as the BJP failed to hold on to the vote-share it had in the Lok Sabha election in several of these seats? Is the BJP complacent after its stunning victory in the Lok Sabha poll? The BJP has to take these as a warning signal and pull up its socks. The Uttar Pradesh by-election is not far away. The State unit must work hard to keep the momentum as the State gave unprecedented seats to the BJP in Lok Sabha poll. The BJP explains that the byelection result should not be confused with the Lok Sabha or the Assembly polls. The BJP leaders in Karnataka and Bihar were quick to blame the losses on local factors and the failure of the State party units, stressing that the defeats were no reflection on Mr Modi’s leadership. The party must ensure that the State leaders are on their toes. The results have sent some clear signals, which should be read by the political class. The first is that perhaps the BJP, after its massive victory, has become complacent and had taken the electorate for granted. After the BJP’s spectacular show in both Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the frenzy created during the general election has died down. The stark drop in vote-share also suggests this. This was only to be expected as the reason for the frenzy has disappeared from the scene. The mood of the electorate was anti-Congress, which is defeated now. There is a question mark about the return of single-party domi- anti-nuclear groups at home. In the aftermath of the Fukushima tragedy of 2011, public antipathy to nuclear energy in Japan has become too strong. All 50 nuclear reactors in Japan are still non-functional and though the Nuclear Regulation Authority has recently cleared two reactors in Kagoshima, their resumption is being delayed due to popular resistance. The present Japanese Government under Mr Abe is in favour of encouraging the use of nuclear energy, but it is not in a position to determine its share in the overall electricity production. Defence cooperation: Another issue that remains to be resolved relates to the supply of Japan’s indigenously made US2 amphibious aircraft to India. Defence production is one area which holds out great potential for a new and mutually-beneficial partnership. In May 2013, both countries expressed their satisfaction at the expanding defence relations in areas such as naval exercises and decided to increase their frequencies. For the first time, they also agreed to explore the prospects of Japan selling its indigenously made US 2 amphibious aircraft to India. They also set up a joint task force to examine the modalities of cooperation on the issue. A Japanese defence delegation visited India subsequently and held discussions with the Indian defence establishment to take defence cooperation to the next level. Though the Abe Government subsequently modified its policy by removing restrictions on defence exports, the two countries have not come to any agreement on the modalities determining mutual cooperation in the case of US 2 amphibious aircraft. Trade and investment: Another subject that will draw the attention of the two leaders is how to enhance the volume of bilateral trade and investment. To be sure, both countries have already put into effect a comprehensive economic partnership agreement. But it has not produced any tangible results so far. On the contrary, the volume of bilateral trade has decreased to $16.3 billion in 2013 from $18.4 billion in 2012. Similarly, Japanese investment to India has fallen from $2.09 billion in 2012 to $1.3 billion in 2013. Japan has always complained that there are still many formidable barriers to the flow of Japanese trade and investment. Equally important are complaints pertaining to the inordinate delays in the implementation of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. It is high time that the new Government makes serious efforts to address these complaints and creates confidence in the minds of Japanese business people. (The writer is a Fellow at Observer Research Foundation) ,UDTLFULVLVPD\EULQJ 86FORVHUWR,UDQ :0;H0=8B70=:0A nance as the electorate has kept the opposition alive, keeping its options open. These by-election results may open up new possibilities at the national level for new permutations and combinations. The results are likely to provide a shot in the arm to a largely-moribund opposition and give confidence that it could defeat the Modi factor by ensuring anti-BJP votes are not split. It was purely out of desperation that the JD(U) and the RJD has come together to form a viable combination — which proved successful. The success of the secular combine shows that they can hope to succeed in future if they manage an effective coalition. Moreover, the RJD and the JD(U) have charismatic State-level leaders while the BJP lacks this in Bihar, Haryana and Maharashtra. The question is: Whether this unity will continue until the Assembly polls, as there is bound to be ego clashes. It is too early to say whether the Modi wave is over. The Prime Minister normally doesn’t campaign for the by-elections. The Modi magic would be tested in the Assembly elections to Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir. BJP allies like the Shiv Sena are flexing muscle after the setback. The Sena mouthpiece, Saamna, in an editorial, has said that the party cannot depend on only Modi effect any more. The jibe is seen as a pressure tactic to get back at the BJP, which has been putting pressure on the ally to part with more number of seats. For now, the BJP should realise that it has to bring back the feel-good factor, which has been punctured, if it wants to do well in the Assembly polls. The opposition too should understand it has a long way to go. Mr Modi’s honeymoon continues despite the setback. CTWaP]WPb_^[XcXRP[R[^dcX]1PVWSPScWPcRP]QT[TeTaPVTS QhFPbWX]Vc^]32c^_dbWQPRZYXWPSXb X]cWPcaTVX^] I raq’s newly-appointed Prime Minister-designate, Haider al-Abadi, won the approval of both the US and Iran, as well as that of other Shiite and Kurdish parties in Iraq. As the security situation in Iraq deteriorates, there is increasing speculation that a convergence of interests might lead to US-Iran cooperation over the crisis. Iraq’s two-time outgoing Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who was formerly supported by the US and Iran, refused to renounce his position until August 14. He called Mr Abadi’s appointment a “coup against the Constitution” and challenged that as the leader of the biggest political bloc in Parliament, he should form the new Government. While both the US and Iran ensured Mr Maliki’s two terms in power, the US was quicker to recognise the impact of his partisan politics on the mounting security crisis. Even though US President Barack Obama maintained that the US military assistance was contingent on the formation of a new Government in Iraq, Mr Maliki relied on Iran’s support to hold onto power. Iran’s withdrawal of support for Mr Maliki, therefore, created space for the resolution of the crisis. In the immediate aftermath of Iraqi President Fouad Massoum’s nomination of Mr Abadi, the US welcomed the decision stating that Mr Massoum had fulfilled his constitutional duties and urged the Prime Minister-designate to “form a Government that is representative of the Iraqi people and inclusive of Iraq’s religious and ethnic identities”. The US, having ensured Mr Maliki’s appointment as Iraq’s premier in 2006 and 2010, signalled towards receding support for his administration by calling for the formation of an inclusive Government in light of the current sectarian violence. In June, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated that Mr Maliki had not done enough to govern inclusively and thus, contributed to the crisis in Iraq. “Maliki’s sectarianism and exclusion of Sunnis has led to the insurgency”, he said. Amid a deepening political and security crisis, Iran too withdrew support for Mr Maliki’s bid for a third-term in office. Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency reported Tehran’s official endorsement for the selection of Haider al-Abadi as the Prime Minister of Iraq. Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei also reiterated support for Mr Abadi and called on him to form an inclusive Government in Baghdad. Iran exerts significant political, economic and military influence in Baghdad since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. A staunch ally of Mr Maliki, Tehran reportedly provided military support to his forces as they faced the Islamic State fighters. However, it is speculated that Tehran was involved in Mr Abadi’s selection. Even though Iran has remained muted in response to the US airstrikes against IS extremists, Tehran has indicated its willingness to cooperate with the US. :0=2786D?C0 Mohammad Sadr, adviser to Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, stated on August 11 that the US and Iran can cooperate against the IS because the Iraq crisis is not limited to a military aspect and the US can seek Iran’s help in confronting ideological and cultural obstacles to a resolution. On June 14, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated that Iran will “consider” cooperating with the US over action against terrorist groups in Iraq. US-Iran discussions over the crisis in Iraq took place alongside the nuclear negotiations in Vienna in June, where the US officials clarified that there cannot be any fundamental change in the relationship with Tehran until concerns over the nuclear programme are resolved. As the Islamic State’s rapid advances intensified the possibility of Iraq’s breakup, the US was compelled to directly intervene and bolster Kurdish forces battling the IS, whereas Iran negotiated with the Government in Baghdad. Given that Iran wields influence over Iraq’s political and security institutions, and American military involvement is crucial to neutralising the extremist threat, a common stance between both countries is essential to resolving the conflict. However, domestic and geo-political imperatives necessitate that US-Iran cooperation is tacit and limited. The US, its Sunni allies in the Gulf, and Israel will want to limit Iran’s clout over Baghdad and curb the strength of the ‘Shia Crescent’. \^]Th DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 &DQFHOODWLRQRIFRDOEORFNVPD\WXUQLQYHVWPHQWVZRUWKCODNKFULQWR13$V ?=BQ =4F34;78 W ith the Supreme Court likely to announce its final verdict on September 1 over the coal block allocation scam, and if in the likelihood of the blocks allotted between 1993 and 2010 getting de-allocated, then, a c c ord i n g t o i n du s t r y experts, investments worth C5 lakh crore will be in the danger of being declared as n on - p e r f or m i n g a s s e t s (NPAs). The Supreme Court on August 25 had said that all the (218) coal blocks issued during the aforementioned period, were “illegal” and it is going to announce on September 1 whether to cancel these reserves or not. Majority of these coal blocks were allocated for end use projects in the steel, power and cement sectors and the investments in these are to the tune of C4 lakh crore till FY14. Industry sources point out that in case blocks get de-allocated, banks from which private players had taken loans to exploit these coal reserves for running their plants, will ?`ceYVc_cVXZ`_WRTVd&!!!^ha`hVcdY`ceRXVRdT`R]de`T\dUcjfa ?=B Q =4F34;78 E ven as the fate of 218 coal blocks - whose allotment was declared as “illegal” by the Supreme Court earlier this week - hangs in balance as speculations regarding their cancellation are rife, t he count r y’s nor t her n region on Thursday reported a power supply shortfall of over 5,000 mw mainly owing to depleting coal stocks in power plants across States like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi. This happened a day after the western region had on August 27 faced a shortfall of around 7,000 mw of power supply, again owing to poor coal reserves. In fact Adani Power had to shut down around six of its genturn them into NPAs. Towards the power sector alone, the total exposure of the banking sector is to the tune of C5 lakh crore, erating units at its 4,620 mw Mundra plant in Gujarat. Power and Coal Minister Piyush Goyal on his part blamed “rampant corruption and lopsided policies” of t he pre v i ou s U PA Government for the coal shortage that has impacted power generation in the country. Tata Power had to close down its two generating u n it s at it s 4 , 0 0 0 mw Mundra ultra mega power plant (UMPP) due to technical issues. National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC) also had to shut down its four units of 890 mw capacity on August 27 owing to coal shortage. On the same day, the peak power shortfall - deficit in electricity supply when demand is at its maximum - was 5,572 mw at 2000 hours, according to the latest report by the Northern R e g i on L o a d D e s p atch Centre (NRLDC). It is the apex body to ensure integrated operation of the power system in the northern region. The total electricity requirement of the region during that time was 50,173 MW of which 4,4601 MW was met. The poor coal supply at var i ous p ower st at ions across the country is mainly due to the fact that Coal India Ltd (CIL, which is responsible for augmenting 80 per cent of the country’s supplies) has failed to maintain the demand-supply cycle of plants. With the Supreme Court set to announce its final verdict on the coal blocks a l l o c at i on s c am on September 1, the entire power as well as coal sector would be waiting with bated breath for its observation, as in case the blocks (218 of them issued between 1993 and 2010) are cancelled, then it could lead to a full blown power crisis. Reacting to the situation, Goyal said, “our coal production during the past five years has not gone up at all, while demand for coal has increased by almost 50 percent. Power generation has also increased during this period. Thanks to rampant corruption and the lopsided policies of the past Government, we have come to a position which did not allow coal mines to open and raise production.” Meanwhile in a separate report dated August 26 by t h e C e nt r a l E l e c t r i c it y Authority (CEA), nearly one-fourth of the country’s 100 thermal power projects were shown to have fuel stocks to last less than four days. Actual electricity withdrawal by all the north Indian states exceeded the demand even then these states were unable to meet their electricity requirement during that period. The of f peak power demand in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarak hand, Himachal sources pointed out. Out of the 218 blocks which were given away between 1993 and 2010, 119 were allotted to private entities and 99 to public sector undertakings. Of these only 31 mines are c u r re nt l y op e r at i on a l , sources said. Coal is a significant raw material for the steel, power and cement industries and despite the fact that there is no dearth of the dry fuel within the country, owing to shortfall in its demand-supply cycle, the domestic produ c e r s h ave t o rely on imported coal. In 2013-14, 169 million Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Chandigarh, recorded at 0300 hours was 48,959 mw of which 45,173 mw was met, leaving the region with a shortage of 3,786 mw. According to latest information on the website of NRLDC, high demand is prevailing in the northern region system due to reduced availability. Of the 27 power projects which have less than four days of coal reserves, six are in the northern region. These six plants also include state-run NTPC’s Indira Gandhi thermal power project at Jhajjar in Haryana, Rihand and Singruali plants in Uttar Pradesh, the CEA report said. Singrauli has two days of stock where as Jhajjar and Rihand have only one day of stock left. tonnes of coal was imported at a cost of C95,000 crore. By 2 0 1 6 - 1 7 , t h i s f i g u re i s e x p e c t e d t o b e a rou n d C1,44,000 crore. Considering the fact that owing to poor coal supplies from Coal India Ltd (CIL), power plants have long been functioning at lesser plant load factor (PLF) and this had led to a power crisis-like situation in 2012, in case the Supreme Court de-allocates these blocks, it is not only going to affect the power and steel sectors, but will lead to a crisis in the overall power supply chain of the country. Already in the span of last two days (starting from August 27), the Government has received distress signals from western and northern grids regarding major shortfalls in power supply owing to fast depleting quota of coal in plants. Industry sources further pointed out that in case blocks get cancelled, then the overall business environment within the country will get adversely affected and even wondered that if the allocations were indeed arbitrary, then why didn’t other companies complain about them at the time when these were being distributed. 8`ge_`eZWZVd2Tee`V^a`hVcDVSZhZeYViecRa`hVcd >RYZ_UcRe`Z_gVdeC%!!!Tc `_4YR\R_a]R_eViaR_dZ`_ ?=BQ =4F34;78 iving more teeth to Sebi to clamp down on illicit G money-pooling schemes and other frauds, the Government has notified a new law empowering the capital market regulator to pass orders for attachment of properties, arrest of defaulters and to access call data records. The Securities Laws Amendment Act, which was cleared by Parliament earlier this month and amends all legislations governing capital markets, would also facilitate setting up of a special Sebi court to fast-track the investigation and prosecution process, including by granting approval for search and seizure operations in suspected cases of frauds. The Act, which has come into force through a gazette notification dated August 25, is part of the government and regulators’ efforts to tighten the noose around fraudsters in the wake of several cases of illicit money-pooling activities including by ponzi operators in various parts of the country. The new Act has as many as 57 clauses to amend various sections of the Sebi Act and two other related legislations. The bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on August 6 and in 1HZSRZHUVWRIDVWWUDFN SURVHFXWLRQUHIXQGV6HELFKLHI =4F 34;78) Armed with new powers to clamp down on illegal money-pooling schemes and other defaults, Sebi today said offenders can no longer ignore its orders and drag on the cases for years as the new law would fast-track action against them and ensure refund of money to investors. These additional powers, as also setting-up of a special Sebi court, would ensure that fraudsters do not go scot-free and the regulator is be able to initiate recovery proceedings against them and even conduct search and seizure operations at defaulters’ premises, Sebi chief U K Sinha said. There should be a sea-change from the earlier occasions when offenders would tend to “ignore orders from Sebi” and the legal cases would drag on for years without recovery of any money, Sinha told the news agency in an interview. “The cases have gone for 10-15 years and there no money has been recovered. So except for a little bit of ‘naming and shaming’ for individual or a company, it did not have much impact on them,” he said. Rajya Sabha on August 12. The notification comes more than one year after the first ordinance was promulgated in July 2013 to grant these After clearance from Parliament earlier this month, the government has notified the Securities Laws Amendments Act, which empowers capital markets watchdog Sebi to take action against all unregulated money-pooling schemes involving Rs 100 crore or more. The new Act gives Sebi authority to pass orders for attachment of properties, arrest and detaining of defaulters in prison and for disgorgement of ill-gotten money. It also gives Sebi access to call data records, or any other information from any entity during investigations, while it can now conduct search and seizure operations after permission from a special Sebi Court to be set up soon. “The new Act clearly defines what can be a Collective Investment Scheme and therefore falls under Sebi jurisdiction. This would make it very difficult for operators of such schemes to circumvent the regulations,” Sinha said. The recovery and disgorgement powers would help in facilitating refund of money to investors, he added. ?C8 additional powers to Sebi. The ordinance was promulgated for the second time in September last year, followed by a third ordinance in January, as a bill could not be passed in Parliament at that time to grant permanent powers to Sebi. The third ordinance also lapsed late last month, leaving Sebi without these extra powers which were used by the regulator in nearly 1,500 cases during their validity period. The ordinance, which had 30 clauses, was brought in against the backdrop of lakhs of small investors being duped by numerous fraudulent investment schemes across the country, like in the alleged Saradha scam in West Bengal. With the new powers, Sebi can now act against all illegal money-pooling schemes involving Rs 100 crore or more, launch recovery proceedings, pass disgorgement orders for ill-gotten money and facilitate its return to identifiable investors, among others. The market watchdog would have powers seek call data records and other information from any person, company, bank, authority or organisation during its probes. However, these powers do not include authority to tap phones and other electronic data directly. Under the amended law, there is a dilution from the direct powers granted to Sebi Chairman through as many as three ordinances in the past one year to authorise search and seizure operations and is being seen as a safeguard against any possible misuse of such powers by the regulator. <D<108)Auto major Mahindra & Mahindra will invest C4,000 crore over a 7-year period to double the production capacity of its facility at Chakan in Maharashtra to 7.5 lakh units annually. The company, which had earlier put on hold the expansion at the plant and considered other options citing lack of support from the Maharashtra government, said the fresh infusion would take its total investment in Chakan to C8,000 crore. “This investment will be for doubling our production capacity at the Chakan plant to 7.5 lakh units annually,” Mahindra & Mahindra Executive Director Pawan Goenka told the news agency. He said the investment is part of the C10,000 crore investment over a 3-year period that the company had announced last year. “We will manufacture two out of the three new platforms which we have also announced at the Chakan plant,” Goenka said. Mahindra & Mahindra said a total of C4,000 crore will be utilised towards infrastructure development, product development and capacity expansion for vehicles to be 4OLTXLGLW\SRVLWLRQ FTfX[[ \P]dUPRcdaTcf^ ^dc^UcWTcWaTT ]Tf_[PcU^a\b fWXRWfTWPeT P[b^P]]^d]RTSPc cWT2WPZP]_[P]c <PWX]SaP <PWX]SaP 4gTRdcXeT3XaTRc^a ?0F0=6>4=:0 rolled out from the Chakan plant. A joint declaration was signed today between the company and Maharashtra Government, in the presence of state Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan. Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra said Maharashtra Government’s visionary industrial policies and ,QGLDVKRXOGUHYLHZDLUSRUW UHJXODWRU\PRGHOIRULQYHVWPHQW$&, FRPIRUWDEOHVD\V)LQ0LQUHSRUW ?=BQ =4F34;78 I ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he liquidity position during the April-June quarter has been comfortable, b ar r i ng t h e p e r i o d of advance tax outflow, according to a Government report. “The cash position of the government during Q1 of FY15 was comfortable and remained in surplus mode during the quarter, barring a few occasions, when it took recourse to WMA (Ways and Means Adv an c e s ) , t h e D e bt Man a ge m e nt re p or t of Finance Ministry said. Referring to the liquidity conditions, it said barring the period during which companies paid advance taxes, the money supply position as reflected by net borrowings from RBI under L i qu i d it y Adju s t m e nt Facility (LAF) remained in comfortable zone of about one per cent of the total deposits of the banking system. For fiscal year 2014-15, gross and net market bor- rowing of the Government stood at C6 lakh crore and over Rs 4.61 lakh crore, respectively. This shows an increase of 6.4 per cent and 1.6 per cent over 2013-14 levels of over C5.63 lakh crore (gross) and over C4.53 lakh crore (net), respectively. During Q1 of FY15, the government issued dated securities worth C1.98 lakh crore, higher than C1.51 lakh crore in Q1 of last fiscal. “Net market borrowings during the quarter at 26.6 per cent of budget estimates were, however, lower than 28.6 per cent of budget estimates in the previous year, reflecting higher repayments in the first quarter this year,” the statement added. Internal debt constituted 91.4 per cent of public debt as at end-June 2014, while marketable securities accounted for 83.4 per cent of total public debt. The total public debt of the Government increased by 3.7 per cent in June quarter from the previous March quarter. efficient governance practices have prompted the company to to take the decision to scale up the Chakan plant. Earlier, the company had decided to put on hold all investment at its Chakan plant due to VAT refund issues with Maharashtra Government. The plant currently manufacture M&M’s entire medium and heavy commercial vehicle range, including the 0.75 tonne Maxximo, Single and Double Cab Pik-Ups and the whole new range of Mahindra Trucks and SUV XUV 500 besides assembling SsangYong Rexton. Besides Chakan, the company also has manufacturing plants at Nashik and Haridwar. Last year, Mahindra had announced to invest C10,000 crore in the next three years on capex and launching new products. As part of overall capex, the company is developing twothree new platforms for brand new products which will hit the market around FY 2016. The company is also working on six new engines out of which three will be from Mahindra and Mahindra and three from Sangyong. Mahindra and Mahindra is also working on smaller engines with higher power. ?C8 ?a^cTbcTabbW^dcb[^VP]bPbcWThQ[^RZP]PeT]dTSdaX]VPbcaXZTX]1dT]^b0XaTb0aVT]cX]PCWdabSPh0dV!'! #CadRZSaXeTabaTbcPdaP]cf^aZTabP]Sb^\T \T\QTab^UTSdRPcX^]d]X^]bY^X]TSP!#W^dafP[Z^dc^]CWdabSPhPbP\^aTaPSXRP[^__^bXcX^][PQ^ad]X^]R^]cX]dTScWTXa"%W^dabcaXZTcWPcbcPacTSFTS]TbSPhCWT _a^cTbcb^eTacPgTbfPVTbP]ScWT^eTaP[[R^bc^U[XeX]VX]cWTR^d]cahR^\TP\XSSTT_T]X]VTR^]^\XRca^dQ[TbU^a0aVT]cX]PfXcWcWTTR^]^\hX]aTRTbbX^]P]S X]U[PcX^]ad]]X]VPa^d]S#_TaRT]c0? %0:ODXQFKHVQHZ;SULFHGXSWRCODNK A0:4B71870A8970Q =>830 erman luxury carmaker BMW on Thursday G launched facelift of the second generation of the SUV X3 priced up to C49.9 lakh (exshowroom Delhi). “In order to strengthen our presence in the country, we would aggressively expand our product range in the luxury segment,” said BMW Group India President Philipp von Sahr. “We would launch the M3 sedan, M4 Coupe, M5 sedan and hybrid car i8 in 2014 ,” he added. The new X3 is being locally produced at the company’s Chennai plant and is available only in diesel option. It goes on sale across the country from Thursday onwards. The new X3 will be available in two variants priced at C44.9 lakh and C49.9 lakh (ex-showroom). It is equipped with various luxury features, including the eight-speed automatic transmission with cruise control. The company had first launched the X3 model in 2003, followed by the second generation in 2011. The model launched on Thursday is the facelift of the second generation of the SUV.” The company also plans to expand dealer network in the country by 2015 end by taking the overall number to 50 from 37 currently. BMW India, which is wholly-owned subsidiary of the Germany’s BMW Group, currently produces various vehicles at its Chennai facility including the 1 Series, 3 Series, X1 and X3. ndia’s prevailing airport regulatory model has yielded “poor returns” for investors, global airports body Airports Council International (ACI) has said and sought its review to attract investment to develop aviation infrastructure in the country. Asserting that transparent economic regulatory processes must be put in place in India, ACI Director General Angela Gittens said, “The current regulatory model has yielded poor returns for investors and this could stifle development of India’s airports in the long run.” Gittens, who met top government officials including those from the Civil Aviation Ministry here, said India needed the “right” economic regulatory framework in place to encourage the development of the much-needed airport infrastructure. The Government should “review their approach towards regulation....India really needs to think about how much economic regulation is necessary,” she told reporters. “It is outmoded to have a very prescriptive economic regulatory model,” she said, giving the example of the United Kingdom which had “stepped away from such a system”. The ACI chief said the private investors came in to invest in airport infrastructure with “one set of expectations but got something different”. Asked to elaborate, Gittens gave the examples of Hyderabad and Bangalore airports where the investors expected ‘dual till’ to be the concept of revenue sharing but landed up with the ‘single till’ model. Under the single till prin- ciple airport activities - both aeronautical and commercial are taken together to determine the level of airport charges. By contrast, only aeronautical activities are taken into consideration under the dual till principle. Hence, airport charges derived using the single till approach are generally lower than they would under a dual till because of the sharing of profits generated by commercial activities. Noting that a key challenge for Indian aviation was thedevelopment of airport infrastructure, Gittens said, “The right incentives should be in place. All you have to do is downsize risks. So, what is needed is a predictable, reliable regulatory regime to encourance investments in airports.” In reply to questions, she said during her discussions with aviation and other officials here, she had suggested the introduction of “the best practices in other countries and alerted them to the dangers of repeating what they did earlier”. She said other countries too have faced this dilemma and “we will provide examples for the Government to explore”. Aviation was a key for socio-economic development and “India should be one of the three largest aviation markets in the world. ACI wants to see India take its rightful place in the aviation world,” she said. Observing that India had full potential with a large population, a large country and a growing middle class, she said, “However, it still has a long way to go in view of the fact that other countries with similar or lower population bases handle relatively larger volumes of passenger traffic.” \^]Th DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 435EdVedfaYZXY]VgV] 3ca^4 T`^^ZeeVVe`UVTZUVcVec`eRiTRdVd ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Central Board of Direct T Taxes on Thursday set up a high-level committee to A:aXbW]P]3XaTRc^a7A174;PSSaTbbX]V174;T\_[^hTTb^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]SXPb%'cW8]ST_T]ST]RT3Ph scrutinise all Income Tax cases arising out of the retrospective tax amendment. The four-member committee will be headed by the Joint Secretary of the Foreign Tax and Tax Research-I unit of the CBDT. It will decide on such cases within of 60 days of receiving them from the Assessing Officer. It will be incumbent upon the AO to approach the committee when faced with an I- T case that is for the period before April, 2012. The other members on the panel include Joint Secretary (Tax Planning and Legislation-I), the Commissioner of Income Tax Appeals and the Director (Foreign Tax and Tax Research-I), who will also be the Secretary of the committee. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced this new mechanism in his Budget 2014-15 speech on July 10. According to the terms of reference for the new committee, it would, on receipt of .DO\DQLFRFKDLURI ,QGLD-DSDQEL]OHDGHUVIRUXP ?=BQ =4F34;78 rime Minister Narendra P Modi has re-nominated Baba Kalyani, Chairman and 0bPVTbcdaT^UaTR^V]XcX^]^UR^]cX]d^dbbTaeXRTaT]STaTSQhXcbT\_[^hTTb=C?22^a_^aPcT2T]caT^aVP]XbTScWT ;^]VBTaeXRT0fPaSRTaT\^]hX]=Tf3T[W3a0ad_A^h2W^dSWdah2<3=C?2P]S3XaTRc^ab^UcWTR^\_P]h PfPaSTS!(%T\_[^hTTbU^acWTXa[^]VP]S\TaXc^aX^dbbTaeXRTCWXbX]R[dSTS&&PfPaSTTbU^a"$hTPab^UbTaeXRT &( PfPaSTTbU^a!$hTPab^UbTaeXRTP]S#PfPaSTTbU^a $hTPab^UbTaeXRTB6W^bW4gTRdcXeT3XaTRc^a7A fT[R^\TS2<3P[[cWT3XaTRc^ab?aTbXST]c^UBP]hdZcP<PWX[PBP\XcXBWPa\X[PA^h2W^dSWdahP]S^cWTabT]X^a \T\QTab^UcWT<PWX[PBP\XcX0fPaSTTbcWTXaUP\X[h\T\QTabP]S^cWTaSXV]XcPaXTb_aTbT]c 8aP9^bWX036?dQ[XRPcX^]b3XeXbX^]PSSaTbbX]VPccWTSXbRdbbX^]^]´7X]SX1P[?PcaXZP^]ZP?PaXSaXbWhP´PccWT!cW 3T[WX1^^Z5PXa3TeT]SaP:d\PaH3BWPa\PAP\TbWCPX[P]VP]S3TeT]SaP<TfPaXPaTP[b^bTT] Managing Director of Bharat Forge Ltd. as the Co- Chair from the Indian side of the India-Japan Business Leaders' Forum (IJBLF). Modi will be accompanied by the members of IJBLF on his forthcoming trip to Japan at the end of August. Kalyani was appointed by the Prime Minister of India to leverage the developing trade and investment between the two countries for greater cooperation between their businesses The 17-member forum includes Mukesh Ambani, chairman Reliance Industries, Sunil Bharti Mittal, chairman, Bharti Enterprises, Shashi Ruia, chairman, Essar t he reference f rom t he Ass essing Of f icer "shall examine the proposed action of the Assessing Officer and after providing an opportunity to the assessee, take a decision on the proposed action". In a notification, CBDT said: "The committee shall convey its decision in writing to the Assessing Officer with copy to t he Pr incipal C ommissioner or t he Commissioner concerned and the assessee." The apex body of direct taxes system in the country said: "The committee shall 0LQLPXPSHQVLRQRIC.XQGHU (3)2ZDJHFHLOLQJXSDWC. =4F34;78)The much-awaited minimum monthly pension of C1,000 and a higher wage ceiling of C15,000 for social security schemes run by retirement fund manager EPFO will be implemented from September 1. The government's decision to fix pension entitlement of C1,000 under the Employees' Pension Scheme 1995 (EPFS-95) will immediately benefit 28 lakh pensioners who get less than this amount at present. The move to enhance the minimum wage ceiling for becoming a subscriber of Employees' Provident Fund Organisation to C15,000 per month is expected to bring 50 lakh additional formal sector workers under the ambit of the body. "The government has notified enhancement of wage ceiling to C15,000 per month, fixed minimum monthly pension at C1,000 under EPS-95 and enhanced the maximum sum assured. Group, Gautam Adani, chairman, Adani Group, Azim Premji, chairman Wipro, Dilip Shanghvi, chairman, Sun Pharma, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Chairman Biocon Limited, S Ramadorai, vice chairman TCS and Chanda Kochhar, CEO&MD, ICICI Bank. ?=BQ =4F34;78 T he markets continued their dream run on the back of capital inflows with the Sensex on Thursday gaining for the sixth day as it rose 78 points to end at new closing peak of 26,638.11, wrapping up the seventh straight month of gains in August. >=621>0A30??A>E4BAB$! (2A8=E4BC<4=C8=30<0=60B584;3B BcPcT^f]TS>X[P]S=PcdaP[6Pb2^a_>=62^]CWdabSPhbPXSXcfX[[X]eTbcAb$! (Ra^aTX]QaX]VX]Vc^_a^SdRcX^] 3P\P]VPbUXT[SbX]cWT0aPQXP]bTPQh9d[h! %CWTQ^PaS^U>=62PcXcb\TTcX]Vc^SPhP__a^eTSX]eTbcX]VAb $! (Ra^aTc^fPaSb3P\P]3TeT[^_\T]c_a^YTRcc^T]WP]RT_a^SdRcX^]^U]PcdaP[VPbP]SR^]ST]bPcTX]XcbCP_cX3P\P] 1[^RZX]0aPQXP]BTPcWTR^\_P]hbPXSX]PbcPcT\T]cCWT_a^YTRcXb[^RPcTSPQ^dc( ZX[^\TcTaUa^\3P\P]R^PbcP]S X]R[dSTbPSSXcX^]P[STeT[^_\T]c^U2!#UXT[SP]S\^]TcXiPcX^]^U1 !\PaVX]P[UXT[Sb1 ! 1 ! "P]S1 ! $ ?a^SdRcX^]XbTg_TRcTSQh9d[h! %fXcW_TPZ^dc_dc^U'"$\X[[X^]bcP]SPaSRdQXR\TcTab_TaSPh^UVPbP]S(!'%QPaaT[b ^UR^]ST]bPcT_TaSPh FXcWPeXTfc^bWPaTcWTR^]RT_c^U^][X]T_Ta\XcbhbcT\Pf^aZbW^_^]7^c?Ta\Xc<P]PVT\T]cBhbcT\X]B0?fPb ^aVP]XiTSPccWTCaPX]X]V2T]caTQh?P]X_PcATUX]Tah?Tca^RWT\XRP[2^\_[Tg^]CWdabSPhfWTaTX]cWXachcWaTTTgTRdcXeTb SaPf]Ua^\ePaX^dbST_Pac\T]cb[XZT?a^SdRcX^]5B?DP]S<TRWP]XRP[<PX]cT]P]RT_PacXRX_PcTSR^\X]VUa^\ePaX^db 8]SXP]>X[ATUX]TahD]Xcb1?10;860437B48RUa^\A7@X]PdVdaPcTScWTf^aZbW^_X]cWT_aTbT]RT^UEXYPh?aPZPbW43 ?AP]SB?1^aS^[^X6<7B4?AP]S1?2WPZaPQ^acX6<7B4A7@8]cWTX]PdVdaP[Ud]RcX^]EXYPh?aPZPbW43?A WPbP__aTRXPcTScWXbX]XcXPcXeTP]SbcaTbbTScWPccWTUXT[S_Tab^]]T[c^T]bdaTcWTR[TPaP]RTPcbXcTQTU^aTP]hW^c_Ta\XcXb XbbdTS 4R^UaXT]S[h0Xa_^acbXbcWT]TTS^UcWTW^daU^abdbcPX]PQ[TVa^fcWP]SSTeT[^_\T]c*X]^aSTac^bT]bXcXiTcWT TgTRdcXeTb^U008fXcWaTb_TRcc^4]TaVh2^]bTaePcX^]P]STR^UaXT]S[hPXa_^acb8]SXP]0eXPcX^]0RPST\h800WPb ^aVP]XiTSP!SPh<P]PVT\T]c3TeT[^_\T]c?a^VaP\\TRd\f^aZbW^_^]6aTT]1dX[SX]VP]S4]TaVh 2^]bTaePcX^]Pc800X]R^^aSX]PcX^]fXcWCWT4]TaVhP]SATb^daRTb8]bcXcdcTC4A8CWTf^aZbW^_fPbX]PdVdaPcTS QhBWaXBdSWXaAPWTYP2WPXa\P]008 6BBP]SWdBTRaTcPah 3T_Pac\T]c^U5X]P]RXP[ BTaeXRTb<X]Xbcah^U5X]P]RT 6^ec^U8]SXPWP]SX]V^eTa _PbbQ^^Zc^PRR^d]cW^[STa d]STacWT?aPSWP]<P]caX9P] 3WP]H^YP]PSdaX]VcWTRP\_ ^aVP]XbTSQh>aXT]cP[1P]Z ^U2^\\TaRTPcXcb ?P]RWZdXP]A^PS1aP]RW =Tf3T[WX0[b^_aTbT]c^] cWT^RRPbX^]fTaTB]TW[PcP BWaXePbcPeP0SS[BTRaTcPah 3T_Pac\T]c^U5X]P]RXP[ BTaeXRTb<X]Xbcah^U5X]P]RT B;1P]bP[2<31Wd_X]STa =PhhPaBdaTbW=?PcT[ 43b^U>aXT]cP[1P]Z^U 2^\\TaRT 80=BQ F0B78=6C>= Chase and at least other US banks have JbeenPfourMorgan victims of a "sophisticated" series of cyber attacks this month, sources close to the investigation told The New York Times. Hackers gained access to large amounts of bank data, including information from the savings accounts of customers, the sources said. The FBI is investigating the attack and seeking to determine whether its purpose was economic or part of an international espionage or intelligence operation. "Companies of our size unfortunately experience cyber attacks nearly every day. We have multiple layers of defence to counteract any threats and constantly monitor fraud levels," JP Morgan spokeswoman Patricia Wexler said in a statement. According to cyber security experts consulted by the newspaper, there is no evidence of any political motivation behind the attacks, nor has any connection with countries like Russia or Iran been established. Recently, the US banking sector has been targeted by economically-motivated hackers. But the fact that JP Morgan has not detected fraud after the latest attacks has led investigators to be open to all possibilities. 'UHDPUXQFRQWLQXHVIRUVWRFNVPDUNHW CWT=226Xa[b4g_TSXcX^]c^<cAdSdVPXaPfPbU[PVVTS^UUQhATPa0S\XaP[:P_X[6d_cPEB<0SS[3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[ 0=PcX^]P[2PSTcb2^a_Ua^\=Tf3T[WXCWTcTP\Xb[TSQh2^[>:?PfPaP]SBdQ<PY?aPQWd3PhP[P] 4eTaTbcTaCWTTg_TSXcX^]fX[[QTV^X]Vc^cWT6PaWfP[7X[[b]TPa6P]V^caXP]SfX[[caPX]PcDccPaZPbWXQTU^aTV^X]VU^a XRTRaPUccaPX]X]VP]ScaPX]X]VPcWXVWP[cXcdSTaTVX^]QTU^aTPccT\_cX]V<cAdSdVPXaP?TPZCWXbXbcWT&"cW <^d]cPX]TTaX]V4g_TSXcX^]QTX]VR^]SdRcTSQhcWT=22CWTTg_TSXcX^]fX[[WT[_X\QXQTcWT`dP[XcXTb^UR^daPVT R^\aPSTbWX_SXbRX_[X]T[TPSTabWX_P]SPb_XaXc^UPSeT]cdaTP\^]VbccWT=22RPSTcb 6:2WPdZXhP[<T\QTa>_TaPcX^]b0Xa_^acb0dcW^aXch^U8]SXP2T]cTaAPZTbW:P[aPA43=^acWTa]ATVX^];TUc APYXe6^T[3XaTRc^a8]SXP]0eXPcX^]0RPST\hAXVWcP]S^cWTabT]X^a^UUXRTab^U008P]ScWTcaPX]TTbUa^\ 0UVWP]XbcP]´b2XeX[0eXPcX^] endeavour to decide the reference within 60 days of its receipt by the Secretary of the committee. However, the committee shall have due regard to any limitation period involved in the proposed action." An AO "shall seek prior approval" of the committee when faced with a situation that any income is deemed to accrue or arise in India before April, 2012 through transfer of a capital asset situated in India following the amendments introduced with retrospective effect, the notification said. FDSR_\dgZTeZ^d `Wµd`aYZdeZTReVU TjSVcReeRT\ The NSE Nifty index rose by 18 points to a fresh closing high of 7,954.35 as stocks inched northwards on hectic activity on expiry day of monthly derivative contracts, despite weak global cues in form of rising tension in Ukraine.Brokers said investors continued to focus on the series of steps taken by the Modi gov- ernment to boost the economy and attract FDI. Buying was mainly seen in capital goods, refinery and FMCG stocks while realty, metal and IT shares fell. The BSE 30-share index resumed higher and moved in a narrow range throughout the day in positive terrain before settling up 77.96 points &&,H[SDQGVSUREHLQWR 6XQ5DQED[\GHDOVHHNVSXEOLFVFUXWLQ\ ?=BQ=4F34;78 air trade watchdog CCI has asked Sun Pharma-Ranbaxy F deal to make public specific details of their proposed merger within ten days. This is probably the first instance where the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has ordered a public scrutiny of a proposed merger and acquisition (M&A) deal to ensure compliance to fair trade regulations. Sun Pharma and Ranbaxy, which had announced a $ 4-billion deal in April this year, were asked late last night to make public details of their proposed transaction in a "prescribed format" within 10 working days. "The company has received direction vide letter dated August 27, 2014 under Section 29(2) of the Competition Act, 2002 from the Competition Commission of India (CCI) directing the company to pub- lish the details of the proposed combination in the prescribed format within 10 working days from the date of the said letter of the CCI," Ranbaxy Labs said in a stock exchange filing this morning. In a similar filing, Sun Pharma also informed the stock exchanges that they "are in receipt of direction under Section 29(2) of the Competition Act, 2002 from the CCI directing Sun Pharma to publish the details of the proposed combination within 10 working days from August 27, 2014 in Form IV contained in Schedule II to the Combination Regulations". Under this section, if the CCI is "prima facie of the opinion that the combination has, or is likely to have, an appreciable adverse effect on competition, it shall... Direct the parties to the said combination to publish details of the combination within ten working days of such direction...". f^a[S ! DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 ?0:@?<9D931<2A8B8B DYRcZW`WWVcde`WRTV^fcUVcTRdV 2[TaXRCPWXad[ @PSaXaTYTRcb ?0:0A<H27845<44CB B70A85C>38B2DBB ?>;8C820;CDA<>8; ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 I or the second time in three days, Pakistan’s powerful Army Chief Raheel Sharif on Thursday met beleaguered Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to discuss the over two weeks-long political turmoil in the country. The Government did not issue any details of the meeting but after their previous meeting on Tuesday, the Prime Minister’s Office had said they agreed on the need for a quick resolution of the deadlock. 86ODZPDNHUVZDQW2EDPDWR VHHN&RQJUHVVQRGRQ6\ULD S 2_`eYVc2^VcZTR_[VYRUZ\Z]]VUZ_SRee]VS >`eYVc`WY`deRXVD`e]`WWa]VRUdhZeY:D:D BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= and airstrikes has increased significantly in Iraq, after what started as a limited military mission earlier this month, the group says Congress needs to examine any expansion of the operation to Syria. The White House has broadly suggested that the President may not need to seek Congressional authorisation since this is a “markedly different” situation in which the administration is talking about “confronting a terrorist group that has sought safe haven in Syria” and “poses a threat to Americans in the region”. “We all share concerns about the Islamic State’s brutal tactics and further destabilisation of the region,” lawmakers Barbara Lee, James McGovern and Walter B Jones write in their letter to the Speaker, adding: “But current military operations now underway in Iraq appear to be beyond the scope of these limited purposes, and even greater expansion is under discussion. These are serious matters that require Congressional debate and a vote on whether to authorise them.” Opinion in Congress, however, appears to be divided broadly, regardless of political affiliation, with some prominent Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, advancing the view that if the matter comes before the Congress, President Obama will “very likely” get the authorisation, since it is a question of American national security. In contrast, Democratic Senator Tim Kaine, even while admitting that ISIS represents a significant terrorist threat to US interests, said there needs to be a full debate, with the Congress then voting up or down on it. In the midst of the political posturing, Shirley Sotloff, mother of the journalist taken hostage by ISIS, came out with her direct appeal to the militant outfit. “My son is Steven is in your hands. He is a journalist who made a journey to cover the story of Muslims suffering at the hands of tyrants,” she said, adding: “As a mother, I ask your justice to be merciful and not punish my son for matters he has no control over.” 2WX]PcT[[bDB c^T]SUaT`dT]c bdaeTX[[P]RT ^UUXcbR^Pbc 9CUhUSedUc´]_bUdXQ^!& µ 2ZUW]`hdZ_e`8RkR CibYQdb__`cY^^UgQdb_SYdi RWeVc:dcRV]9R^RdecfTV 81(ERODFDVHV FRXOGHYHQWXDOO\ UHDFK ?C8Q 14898=6 05?Q 30<0B2DB n a bid to defuse Pakistan’s p olitical crisis, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday agreed to face a case of murder of 14 supporters of cleric Tahir-ul- Qadri who rejected it saying terror charges should also b e slapped on the Premier. Police in Lahore finally registered the murder case against Prime Minister Sharif, his brother and Punjab province Chief Minister Shahbaz, key Cabinet ministers and senior officials for their alleged role in the killing of Qadri’s supporters in the Model Town area, meeting a major demand of the fiery cleric. “The FIR has been registered on the order of the Lahore High Court (LHC),” Punjab police spokesperson Nabila Ghazanfar told PTI. She said the FIR had been registered on PAT ’s application. F Bd__^acTab^U?PZXbcP]X<db[X\R[TaXRCPWXad[@PSaX[XbcT]c^cWTXa[TPSTaSdaX]VP bXcX]_a^cTbc]TPacWT?Pa[XP\T]cQdX[SX]VX]8b[P\PQPS^]CWdabSPh 0? However, the cleric was not satisfied with the Government’s concession, saying “I do not accept this FIR, until the Terrorism Act is included in it.” For the second time in three days, Pakistan’s powerful Army Chief Raheel Sharif met the Prime Minister on Thursday to discuss the over two weeks-long political turmoil. The Prime Minister and the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) discussed security matters and uncertainty created by the ongoing protests hina on Thursday asked slamic State jehadis have exethe US to end the military Icuted more than 160 fleeing C surveillance off its coast, warn- Syrian soldiers, a monitor said on ing that the frequent “close-in” air sorties by American fighter jets have “gravely undermined” bilateral ties and could cause “air and sea accidents”. Chinese military would closely monitor US flights and adopt appropriate measures to ensure the country’s security, Ministry of Defence Col Yang Yujun told a news briefing. He said it has become a routine for the US to showup off Chinese coast. “In particular when PLA conducts weapon tests in maritime area, US showed up without an invite.” “This behaviour could easily cause misperception and cause air and sea accidents,” Yang said. “As a developing country, China values its aircraft and pilots’ lives, certainly compared to some countries that have their military pilots fly close to other’s doorsteps on a daily basis.” He said American fighter jets have conducted frequent reconnaissance against China for a long time, which has “gravely undermined China’s security interests as well as ChinaUS strategic mutual trust and bilateral ties.” Thursday, the latest in a string of brutal abuses alarming Western powers who fear a global spread of the terror. News of the killings comes as US President Barack Obama is reportedly weighing air strikes on IS positions in Syria and coming closer to greenlighting a mission to aid Shia Turkmen trapped in an Iraqi town by the jehadis. Syrian regime air strikes killed six IS leaders on Thursday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, but in the country, sources said. Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan and Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) chief Qadri have snapped communications with the official negotiators after the fifth round of talks failed to produce any result on Wednesday night. Qadri termed supporters of PTI and his party as first cousins. He said that he and PTI Chairman Khan were brothers. Khan continued to demand Sharif ’s resignation, saying “I will not leave here. I will not accept this monarchy. D=2>=58A<B#" ?4024:44?4ABB48I43 8=BHA80=6>;0= D]XcTS=PcX^]b)CWTD]XcTS =PcX^]bR^]UXa\TScWPcP] Pa\TSVa^d_RP_cdaTS#"D= _TPRTZTT_Tab^]cWTBhaXP]bXST ^UcWT6^[P]7TXVWcb^] CWdabSPhbPhX]VXcfPbS^X]V TeTahcWX]Vc^bTRdaTcWTXa aT[TPbT°5^achcWaTT _TPRTZTT_TabUa^\cWTD]XcTS =PcX^]b3XbT]VPVT\T]c >QbTaeTa5^aRTD=3>5fTaT STcPX]TSTPa[hCWdabSPh \^a]X]VQhP]Pa\TSVa^d_X] cWTeXRX]Xch^U0[@d]PhcXaPW±Xc bPXSX]PbcPcT\T]c 05? I want real democracy.” “It has been decided that an FIR will be registered against Shahbaz Sharif, but he has decided that he will not resign,” he said. Amid mounting pressure from the protesters, Sharif chaired a high-level meeting in the capital to discuss the current political crisis, media reports said. Washington has so far baulked at cooperating with Damascus against the jehadis. French President Francois Hollande added his voice to the disquiet that has been growing since the jehadis marauded through Iraq and beheaded US journalist James Foley. The latest killings took place in the Syrian province of Raqa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, adding that the victims were soldiers fleeing towards Governmentheld territory to the west after the jehadis overran their base at Tabqa. The jehadis boasted on Twitter that they had killed 200 defeated troops and posted video of what they said was the garrison in headlong flight. DBbPhbAdbbXP³SXaTRc[h X]e^[eTS´X]DZaPX]TR^]U[XRc 05?Q 3>=4CB:D:A08=4 he United States on Thursday accused Russia of T being directly involved in the Ukraine conflict after proKremlin rebels seized swathes of territory from Government forces in a new southeastern front. “An increasing number of Russian troops are intervening directly in fighting on Ukrainian territory,” the US ³!C0=:2>;D<=B5A>< ADBB804=C4AD:A08=4´ Novoazovsk (Ukraine): Two columns of Russian tanks and military vehicles fired Grad missiles at a border post in southeastern Ukraine, then rolled into the country on Thursday as Ukraine’s overmatched border guards fled, a top Ukrainian official said. AP ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt wrote on Twitter. “Russia has also sent its newest air defence systems including the SA-22 into eastern Ukraine and is now directly involved in the fighting,” he said. After weeks of Government offensives that have seen troops push deep into the last rebel bastions in the industrial east of Ukraine, the tide has turned dramatically in the four-month conflict. ven as President Barack E Obama contemplates expanding airstrikes against the Islamic State militants into their strongholds in Syria, with a report suggesting that he wants a plan ready by this weekend, several lawmakers have begun to demand a Congressional debate and vote on the military push. The stage for a possible Congressional battle appeared to be getting set even as one more American jehadi was reported killed in the ongoing battle in Syria, and the mother of Steven Sotloff, the American journalist in ISIS custody, pleaded for her son’s life in an emotional televised appeal to the outfit’s leader, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. A small bipartisan group of lawmakers has written to House Speaker John Boehner, urging him to take up the matter when the Congress reconvenes in the second week of September. Noting that the number of American troops 0?5Q 60I028CH?0;4BC8=80= C4AA8C>A84B ital humanitarian aid was arriving in Gaza on V Thursday as residents began rebuilding their lives following a devastating 50-day war between Israel and Hamas that experts say left no winners. Millions in and around the war-torn coastal enclave were enjoying a second day of peace after the guns fell silent following a permanent ceasefire agreement, allowing people to begin putting their lives back together. The truce, which went into force on Tuesday evening, saw the warring sides agree to a “permanent” halt to seven weeks of bloodshed in a move hailed by Washington, the United Nations and top world diplomats. Under the deal, Israel agreed to immediately lift restrictions on fishing, allowing boats to work up to six nautical miles from the shore in a move which went into effect early on Wednesday. It also pledged to ease restrictions at the two crossings into Gaza, Erez and Kerem Shalom, to allow the entry of goods, humanitarian aid and construction materials, in a move which began on Thursday. Debate on crunch issues such as Hamas’s demand for a port and an airport, and the release of prisoners, as well as 4aS^VP]bf^a]X] PbCdaZTh?aTbXST]c 05?Q 0=:0A0 T urkey’s outgoing Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan was on Thursday sworn in as Presient as opponents who accuse him of authoritarianism after more than a decade in power walked out of the ceremony. Erdogan, 60, took the oath in Ankara to begin a five-year mandate in which he has vowed to build a “new Turkey” by pushing through a new constitution and driving on with an ambitious development programme. Deputies of the Opposition Republican People’s Party, who accuse Erdogan of violating the constitution, noisily walked out of parliament just before he was sworn in. CdaZTh´b]Tf?aTbXST]cATRT_CPhhX_ 4aS^VP]cPZTb^PcW^U^UUXRTPccWT ?Pa[XP\T]cX]0]ZPaPCdaZTh 0? Erdogan has made clear he wants to wield genuine executive power as President after becoming the first directly elected head of state, taking 52 per cent of the vote in the August 10 poll. 8BA04;8BB24?C820; >5?<´B60I0 E82C>AH2;08< Jerusalem: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Israel achieved a “great military and political” victory over Hamas in the latest round of fighting in the Gaza Strip has met with scepticism from many Israelis, according to a poll published on Thursday. The poll, published in the leftleaning Haaretz newspaper, shows that 54 per cent of those surveyed believe there was no clear winner in the 50 days of war. The fighting killed 2,143 Palestinians, most of them civilians, according to Palestinian health officials and UN officials. On the Israeli side, 64 soldiers, five civilians and a Thai worker were killed. The poll underscores the unease pervading Israeli society after the third round of fighting between Israel and Gaza-based Islamic militants in the seven years since Hamas took control of the densely populated coastal strip. AP Israel’s calls to demilitarise Gaza have been postponed for another month until the sides resume talks in Cairo. 3cZeZdY>fd]Z^d dVV\RTeZ`_ RXRZ_deTYZ]U RSfdVZ_F< London: British Muslims have sought actions against those responsible for the sexual exploitation of at least 1,400 children by gangs mainly of Pakistani origin in the country. A report released earlier this week had said that at least 1,400 children were sexually exploited from 1997-2013 mainly by gangs of Pakistani origin in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire. Professor Alexis Jay’s report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, said: “Several councilors interviewed believed that by opening up these issues they could be ‘giving oxygen’ to racist perspectives that might in turn attract extremist political groups and threaten community cohesion”. PTI <^abXPRRdbTS^Ub\dVV[X]V c^_bTRaTcS^Rd\T]cbc^@PcPa ?C8Q 208A> gypt’s ousted Islamist President Mohammed E Morsi has been accused of smuggling top secret documents to Qatar through Dohabased Al-Jazeera Channel harming national security during his rule. The toppled and jailed President has been charged with passing secret files to Qatar, a close ally of his Muslim Brotherhood group, through Al-Jazeera hampering national security, media reports said. The Egyptian prosecutor general extended the detention of Morsi for another 15 days, pending investigations into the fresh charges, according to MENA State news agency. The investigators of the General Prosecution on Wednesday moved to Tora Prison, where Morsi has been lodged, to question and confront him with the allegations, the agency said. Morsi, Egypt’s first freely elected President who was ousted by the Army in July 2013 amid nationwide protests against his year-long rule, is already facing charges of killing peaceful protesters, espionage, escaping from prison during the January 25 Revolution in 2011, and insulting the jurisdiction. 6T]TeP) CWT4Q^[P^dcQaTPZX] FTbc0UaXRPTeT]cdP[[hR^d[S TgRTTS!RPbTb\^aTcWP] bXgcX\TbPb\P]hPbPaT]^f Z]^f]cWTF^a[S7TP[cW >aVP]XbPcX^]bPXS^]CWdabSPh 0]Tf_[P]aT[TPbTSQhcWTD= WTP[cWPVT]Rhc^bc^_4Q^[PP[b^ Pbbd\TbcWPccWTPRcdP[]d\QTa^U RPbTbX]\P]hWPaSWXcPaTPb\Ph QTcf^c^U^dacX\TbWXVWTacWP] RdaaT]c[haT_^acTS8UcWPc³b PRRdaPcTXcbdVVTbcbcWTaTR^d[SQT d_c^ !RPbTbP[aTPSh 2daaT]c[hPQ^dcWP[U^UcWT _T^_[TX]UTRcTSfXcW4Q^[PWPeT SXTSb^X]cWTf^abcRPbTbRT]PaX^ ^dc[X]TSQhcWTF7>cWTSTPcWc^[[ R^d[SaTPRW °CWXbUPa ^dcbcaX_bP]hWXbc^aXR4Q^[P ^dcQaTPZX]]d\QTabCWT[PaVTbc ^dcQaTPZX]cWT_PbcfPbPQ^dc #RPbTb±3a1adRT0h[fPaS F7>³bPbbXbcP]cSXaTRc^aVT]TaP[ U^aT\TaVT]Rh^_TaPcX^]bc^[S aT_^acTab 0? 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 8=3>=4B800DBB86= 340;C>4=3B?H8=6A>F =dbP3dP8]S^]TbXP)8]S^] TbXPP]S0dbcaP[XPbXV]TSP] PVaTT\T]cPX\TSPcSaPfX]VP [X]Td]STaPSP\PVX]VTb_X^]PVT a^fP]S_PeX]VcWTfPhU^acWT aTbd\_cX^]^UUd[[R^^_TaPcX^] ^]XbbdTbbdRWPbSTUT]RT 8B8B02C8>=B0608=BC 8B;0<82;0F)=0981 :dP[P;d\_da)<P[PhbXP]?aX\T <X]XbcTa=PYXQAPiPZWPb bca^]V[hR^]ST\]TScWT8b[P\XR BcPcTX]8aP`P]SBhaXP8B8B bPhX]VcWTVa^d_³bPRcX^]bPaT PVPX]bccWTcTPRWX]Vb^UcWT ?a^_WTcP]Sad]R^d]cTac^cWT 8b[P\XR[Pf BHA80´B0BB035>A<B 6>EC =4F<8=8BC4AB 3P\PbRdb)BhaXP³b?aTbXST]c 1PbWPaP[0bbPSU^a\TSP]Tf 6^eTa]\T]c^]CWdabSPhcf^ \^]cWbPUcTaWXbaTT[TRcX^] [TPeX]VZTh\X]XbcaXTbd]c^dRWTS PbPQadcP[fPaR^]cX]dTbc^ aPePVTWXbR^d]cah ':8;;430B;0=3B;834 78CB278=0E8;;064 1TXYX]V)0c[TPbcTXVWc_T^_[T fTaTZX[[TSP]S &^cWTab aT\PX]TS\XbbX]VPUcTaP [P]Sb[XSTbcadRZPeX[[PVTX] b^dcWfTbc2WX]PQdahX]V bTeTaP[W^dbTb 947038B1DA=(8A0@>8; F4;;B0B:DA3B0CC02: :XaZdZ8aP`)ATcaTPcX]VYTWPSXb bTccWaTTfT[[bPQ[PiTPcP ]^acWTa]8aP`^X[UXT[S^] CWdabSPhPbcWThQPcc[TS:daSXbW U^aRTbfW^[Pd]RWTSP\PY^a PccPRZ]TPaQh^UUXRXP[bbPXS ?<C><0:41DB8=4BB 20B45>AB2>C;0=3 ;^]S^])1aXcXbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa 3PeXS2P\Ta^]XbVTPaX]Vd_c^ \PZTPbca^]VQdbX]TbbRPbTU^a BR^c[P]Sc^aT\PX]fXcWX]cWT D]XcTS:X]VS^\PUcTa! 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I wanted to do this movie because Robert Rodriguez was directing it, first and foremost. I didn’t really know it was a comic book when I read (something), when I saw that he was directing something. I just tell my agents every month, ‘What’s Robert doing? I want to do something with him.’ And Lee, one of my agents, said, ‘You’ve got an opportunity.’ I said, ‘Excellent!’ So I took that opportunity and ran with it. I auditioned the old fashioned way. I met with the casting director, put myself on tape, and he had to approve. QNancy Callahan in the comic favourite characters I’ve ever played, and Sin City is hands-down my favourite movie I’ve ever been in. If I wasn’t in that movie I would’ve wanted to be in that movie. QHow did you prepare for the dancing in the movie? I trained with this woman named Jennifer Johnson who’s done a lot of competitive dancing — jazz, tap — and went on tour with Beyoncé. Now, she gives lessons in LA. Basically, I’d just map out where Nancy was emotionally, and really wanted the dancing to portray where she was emotionally, so when you get to the last dance, it’s very vulgar, raunchy, and scary. QHow was it working with Robert Rodriguez ²8C78=:148=6 =D345>A<4 F>D;370E4 144= 38BCA02C8=6 8A40;;H 2>D;3=C14 1>CC><;4BB 8=5A>=C>5 <H303743 38B>F=<4 7435A40: >DC³ again? Working with Rodriguez and within the unique world of “Sin City” is an opportunity. He really creates a world and a universe that’s like nothing else. And as an actor, he doesn’t see any limitations on your capabilities or what you can do. He’s constantly challenging the status quo and pushing the limits, so it’s great to be part of it. QYou seem quite comfortable in book is showing more skin and is wilder. After seeing the comic, did you double think about the role and why don’t we see you in the original comic avatar? When I looked at the graphic novel and I saw the picture, I then found out that she was a stripper and she was bottomless and topless. You know, nudity was an option. We could have done it if we wanted to. Nudity was definitely negotiable, if that was how Rodriguez wanted to go. It absolutely was an option. Robert said we could do it if we wanted to. Obviously it would have been more authentic. But I felt like dancing around with a lasso and chaps was going to be sexy enough. I think being nude for me would have been distracting. I really couldn’t be bottomless in front of my dad. He would really… I don’t know. He’d disown me or something. He’d freak out.” your own skin today, and you’re now running a business and have two kids. Was that self-confidence something you were born with, or something you had to reach? No. It took me a long time to get to this place, but it’s making mistakes and figuring it out and being paralysingly insecure sometimes and being very unsure of myself and overthinking things constantly. I’m just so happy I’m not in that headspace anymore because it’s pretty much exhausting. It’s a lot to put on a young person, where you go from being anonymous to being completely exposed and in a fishbowl, and everything you say comes back to haunt you and everything you do is magnified, it’s hard to be human, make mistakes, and figure things out. You feel the magnitude of every little, tiny choice. That’s why pop culture and media swallow up a lot of people while they’re young. QDid you have any apprehension as far as play- QWould you like to be a part of Sin City 3 also, if ever it gets made? Absolutely! Hopefully, it won’t be in ten years. Hopefully, it’ll be sooner than that. ing Nancy again? No way! I was stoked. Nancy’s one of my 0]bP[ D]XeTabXch _[PhTSW^bcc^ cWT3PQP]V 3T[WX:PQQPSX cTP\PccWT RP\_db aTRT]c[hCWT 3PQP]V3T[WX cTP\PRR^\_P]XTSQhcWTR^PRW fTaT_aTbT]cPb_Pac^UP] TSdRPcX^]P[c^dac^cWTD]XeTabXch P]Sc^RaTPcTPfPaT]TbbPQ^dccWT W^\TVa^f]b_^acCWT:PQPSSX _[PhTabPRR^\_P]XTSQhcWTcTP\ RP_cPX]9Pb\TaBX]VWP]ScWT R^PRW0aYd]BX]VWR^d[SQTbTT] T]VPVX]VfXcWcWTbcdST]cbX]P] X]cTaPRcXeTbTbbX^]W^[SX]V^]cWT b_^c`dXiR^\_TcXcX^]P]SVXeX]V PfPh_aXiTbc^cWT[dRZhfX]]Tab 1XTQTaTbRP_Tb PRRXST]cX]Ydah Ca^dQ[TSbX]VTa9DBC8=18414A WPbR^\_PaTSWX\bT[Uc^cWT[PcT ?aX]RTbb3XP]PPUcTaWTaT_^acTS[h Tg_TaXT]RTSP\X]^aRPaR^[[XbX^] fWT]WTfPbX]UdaXPcTS PQ^dcQTX]V_dabdTSQhP _W^c^VaP_WTa CWT2P]PSXP]1PQh WXc\PZTaWPbaTPRWTS ^dcc^°aTRZ[Tbb± _P_PaPiiXbPhX]V cWThbW^d[SWPeT [TPa]TSUa^\cWT _aT\PcdaTSTPcW^U cWT?aX]RTbb^U FP[Tb7Tc^^Zc^ CfXccTac^eT]cWXb UadbcaPcX^]aT_^acb SPX[hbcPaR^dZ °CWTaTbW^d[SQT[Pfb PVPX]bcfWPc8Ydbc Tg_TaXT]RTSFT bW^d[SWPeT[TPa]TS Ua^\cWTSTPcW^U ?aX]RTbb3XP]P8 S^]cWPeTP_a^Q[T\ fXcW_P_PaPiiXQdc fWT]cWThPRc aTRZ[Tbb[hcWTh_dc dbP[[X]SP]VTa± 1XTQTabPXS 1XTQTafPbX]e^[eTSX]P\X]^a R^[[XbX^]fWX[TSaXeX]VWXbQaXVWc aTS5TaaPaXX]FTbc7^[[hf^^S aTRT]c[h7XbeTWXR[TfPbaTPa T]STSQhP\P]cW^dVWcc^QTP _W^c^VaP_WTa AXSTPVPX]bccWTSTbcX]h 6$17$18%26(¶V&KDQG%DQLNHU3DODGHOYHGLQWRWKHPLQGRID PHUFKDQWZKRUHIXVHVWRERZGRZQWRDGHLW\GHVSLWHVXIIHULQJ WUHPHQGRXVORVVHV%\873$/ .%$1(5-(( the West, the ancient IrolenGreeks acknowledged the of fate as a reality outside the individual that shaped and determined human life. Fate represented a terrifying, irresistible force and was, indeed, the will of the gods — an invincible reality : ritually revealed by the oracle at Delphi, who spoke for Apollo himself in mysterious pronouncements. By the 5th centur y B C, Athenians questioned the power of the oracle to convey the will of the divinity. Philosophers, such as Socrates, opened rational debate on the role of the gods in human affairs. But the citizens still insisted on the propriety of tradition surrounding the gods and fate, and the city condemned the philosopher to death for impiety. In the same century, the oracles in the Oedipus Trilogy by Sophocles speak truly — although obliquely — as an unassailable authority. Indeed, this voice of the gods — the expression of their divine will — represents a powerful, unseen force throughout the classic Greek drama. In India, however, the gods never interfered in the human affairs. In our tradition, the puranic gods and the holy trinity — Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva — gave away boons and benedictions to humans and denizens of the nether world in response to fervent prayers, and clipped their wings if lust, greed and might became overarching. But, otherwise, the gods were men’s true friends, coming down to earth, when need be, and even playing with mother’s affection, as Balgopal, as every Indian family knows. In our tradition in contrast, the folk deities were remarkably possessive — perhaps to assert themselves against the greater gods. The goddesses like Santoshi Ma in the northern belt and Ma Manasa with her snakes in the rural east demanded unflinching compliance of devotion: through regular rituals and unshakable faith: not to be interrupted, to escape dire punishment. Chand Baniker Pala (Ballad of the Merchant Chand), presented by the Delhi’s ensemble of elite artistes, organised by Impresario India, was their homage to the thespian Shombhu Mitra for his forthcoming birth centenary. Directed by Santanu Bose, currently dean of NSD, the play was written by Mitra himself based on an inversion of Manasa Mangal, the cultpoetry concerning the goddess Manasa: as prevalent in Bengal villages. The intrepid merchant is single-minded in his devotion to the greater god Shiva (who still does not come to his rescue) and declines to worship the folk-goddess Manasa, inviting the latter’s endless wrath. Despite his wife Sanaka’s faith in Manasa and constant exhortations, Chand remains steadfast in opposing Manasa’s machinations: making him lose all his sea-faring fleet of ships, his six sons and eventually both his youngest boy Lakhinder and his new bride Behula; but his spirit remains unbroken. In an action-oriented playreading, the show yet achieves its cohesive purpose: steeling of Chand’s mind against the onslaught of ‘Little Tradition’; the rising of his unequal struggle against Ma Manasa to a crescendo; the denouement of Chand coming out a cropper; and especially where Mitra departs from the traditional folklore — Chand’e resolve to carry on regardless. In as much as the Pala had never been showcased in its entirety, Impresario India deserves kudos for getting it accomplished. Says B ean Mukherjee, who heads Impresario, “I’m pleased to see the audience response and shall certainly look forward to its full-scale performance”. Excerpts from Interview with the Director: Q Does the play depict fate as in Gre ek drama or like Shakespearean drama? It’s far nearer the spirit of Greek drama where the gods play ducks and drakes with characters’ destiny. A Shakespeare tragedy like Macbeth is much more dependent on the character’s own action. Q But Shiva doesn’t rise to save his ardent devotee either… That’s the irony to which Mitra also points out, there’s allround despair, more on keeping with the prevailing depression and disillusionment between 1965 and 1975 when he wrote the play; he would soon leave theatre altogether… Q How have you chosen your music? I’ve mostly retained the music suggested in the original script, except, I’ve used a classic folk-song: Badar Badar… initially and at the end: to visualise the river-journey. The wedding music of BehulaLakhinder is also from a popular ditty. Q Mitra has etched the death of both Behula and Lakhinder, unlike the popular folklore on them: both going on a mythic journey to heaven… I agree. The two deaths, together, make the play look like a Greek tragedy: with the final catharsis. Q How do you place the play today? It’s the irrepressible élan for Chand’s journey, notwithstanding every tragedy! 6HFUHWDIIDLU 0bcWT\^bcUP\^dbR^d_[T^U7^[[hf^^S^UUXRXP[[hfP[ZTScWTPXb[T fTVTch^db^\TTgR[dbXeT\^\T]cb^UcWTXaa^\P]cXRe^hPVT 0b9^W] B\XcW_[PhTS Qh1aPS?Xcc P]S9P]T B\XcW _^acaPhTSQh 0]VT[X]P 9^[XTS^P bTghcP]V^ \^aT^UcWTXa bTRaTcbPaT d]R^eTaTSX] <a<ab B\XcW 0]VT[X]P9^[XT[TUcP]SPRc^a1aPS?XccaXVWcPaTTbR^acTSQhd]XST]cXUXTSD=72A^UUXRXP[bc^fPaSbP WT[XR^_cTaX]<diPUUPaPQPS?PZXbcP]PUcTabTTX]VP]TPacW`dPZTPUUTRcTSPaTP CWTR^d_[Tc^dacWT8\\PRd[PcT2^]RT_cX^] BRW^^[X]?^acPd?aX]RT7PXcX CWTR^d_[TPaaXeTPccWT>bRPabPccWT 3^[QhCWTPcaTX];^b0]VT[Tb CWThPaaXeTPc cWT±4]S BTgdP[ EX^[T]RTX] 2^]U[XRc² bd\\XcX] ;^]S^] 0? eXePRXch354 # DEHRADUN+%, + & - ./.012 5PaTUa^\ YRh\Vcd¶TRced S cucumber in chicken broth are also served as accompaniments. Satay is one of the earliest foods to be associated with Singapore. It is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, served with a sauce. Satay may consist of diced or sliced chicken or other meats or even tofu. These are grilled or barbecued over a wood or charcoal fire, then ser ved with various spicy seasonings. Singaporean street food, which is famous among the food connoisseurs from across the globe, is all about satay, laksa and Hainanese chicken rice. The flavours of these dishes are enhanced by the generous use of stock, whether it be chicken, pork or any other meat. Vegetable stock also adds rich flavour to dishes. Singaporean dishes mostly use fresh ingredients, be it fresh vegetables, meat, herbs and spices. The freshness of any ingredient automatically improves the flavour of the dish. A bowl of fresh hot Singaporean laksa is a treat for the BCA44CB0<?;4AB 8]RPbTh^dPaT_[P]]X]Vc^eXbXc BX]VP_^aTb^^]WTaT³bP[Xbc^UbcaTTc bXSTST[XRPRXTbh^dbW^d[SSTUX]XcT[hcah) 2WTU9>7=27H4fW^WPbR^\Td_fXcWP BX]VP_^aTbcaTTcU^^SUTbcXeP[Pc9F<PaX^cc0Ta^RXch bWPaTbW^fbX\_[TR^^ZX]VP]SdbT^U UaTbWX]VaTSXT]cbRP]\PZTP SXUUTaT]RT palate. Apart from being a gastronomical delight, Singaporean cuisine is also wholesome with a healthy mix of meat and vegetables and a minimum use of oil. Since most Singaporean dishes are either braised or steamed, they are rich in nutrition and less in fat. For instance, the filling in a poh piah is mainly finely steamed, grated or stir fried turnip along with other nutritional vegetables such as bean sprouts, lettuce, French beans. Apart from the greens, poh piah may also include chicken sausages, pork, shrimp, crab meat or tofu, carrots, eggs and peanuts. An all time favourite is the popular stir fried vegetable cooked in less oil. A dish like the steamed fish with soy sauce is not only flavoursome but also nutritional. With no oil and very less ingredients involved in the cooking, this dish is a treat that is both tasty and healthy. /HDYHVIRUKHDOWK 0b_TaP2WX]TbT[TVT]ScTPfPbUXabcSXbR^eTaTSQh4\_Ta^aBWT]=^]VX]!&"&12fWT][TPeTbUa^\cWT cTPQdbWTbUT[[X]c^fPcTaWXbbTaeP]cbfTaTQ^X[X]V8cfPbUXabcR^]bXSTaTSPc^]XR QTea comes from the leaves of a tree called Camellia sinensis. The three main types of tea are black, oolong and green. Herbal tea does not come from the leaves of a tea plant, therefore, is not considered to be real tea. Roots, stems, flowers and parts of plants are used to make herbal tea. QStudies in the Netherlands have shown that men who drink black tea which contains catechins are 50 per cent less likely to die of ischemic heart disease. This takes place when our arteries become clogged and are unable to work properly because of constriction. QRecent studies have shown that drinking between one and two cups of tea per day may promote fertility by stopping abnormalities in our chromosomes. In a recent test 250 women drank as little as half a cup of tea per day and their pregnancy rates were twice as high as those who did not. QTea can be used to soothe burns and sunburns. Put wet tea bags onto the affected areas or keep in place with gauge. You can also put tea into your bath water. This works for other types of burns as well. QIn recent Australian studies CSIRO scientists found that the occurrence of skin cancer in laboratory mice was greatly reduced when they were given black tea. It is thought that polyphenols which are very strong antioxidants and are contained in the tea are the most T]Ta^dbX]Xcb_^acX^]bB^RXP[³b`dXaZhaP]VT^UQaTPZUPbc 6R^\TbPcP]PUU^aSPQ[T_aXRT5^aPbX\_[T\^a]X]VQXcTV^fXcW WT0aPQTb`dTU^^SfTTZ CPc2PU|¯ cWTP[[SPh SX]X]VaTbcPdaP]cPc7hPcc UTPcdaTbPST[XRX^dbPaaPh^U Tg^cXRST[XRPRXTbUa^\ CdaZTh;TQP]^]P]S 9^aSP]AT[XbWb^\T ST[XRX^db_aT_PaPcX^]bQh 2WTU0[X0[WPYCPZTh^da _XRZUa^\ST[XRPRXTbcWPc aP]VTUa^\Wd\\db \^cPQT[ \dWP\PaaP cPQ^d[[TWUPcc^dbWQPQP VWP]^dbWZXQSPcSPYPY RWXRZT][XeTafXcW[T\^] P]SVPa[XRP]SUXccTa \^dcPUPCX\X]V) =^^]c^ !"_\P]S&c^ " _\?aXRX]V) C!_[db cPgTb_Ta_Tab^] cWT²B^RXP[FPZT1PZT³fWTaTPbU^acWTSTbX b^d[bcWTaTXb ²7PaSh³b1WPX8bch[T 1aTPZUPbc³fWXRWR^\TbfXcW ZWTT\PVW^cP[P ²7Pa\TTc³b ²2WXR³1aTPZUPbc³ Xbd_U^aVaPQb QhcWTWTP[cWh b^d[bfWX[TcWT QXVQ^hbRP] X]Sd[VTX] ²AXhPPi³b 1aTPZUPbc^U 2WP\_X^]b³ CX\X]V) P\ c^&"_\ Pa^QPZTahWPbR^\Td_fXcWcWTRW^R^[PcTUTbcXeP[^UUTaX]VP AePaXTch^URW^R^[PcTbH^dRP]_P\_Tah^dabfTTcc^^cWfXcW RW^R^[PcTQ^dRWT1T[VXP]RW^R^RWX_R^^ZXTaXRWRW^R^[PcTcTP RPZTcadUU[T Rd_RPZTQXccTa R^R^P\^dbbT bW^cbP]S Pbb^acTS WP]S\PST RW^R^[PcTbCWT UTbcXeP[fX[[ R^]cX]dTcX[[ >Rc^QTa!$ CX\X]V) 'P\ ^]fPaSb WTUbPc3P]XT[[³bCPeTa]CWT 8\_TaXP[WPeT_dcc^VTcWTab^\T P[[cX\TUPe^daXcTW^\Tbch[T b_TRXP[cXTb[XZTRWPP_[XZTQPQ ¯ bWP[[^fUaXTS\dcc^]_PccXTbfXcW ^]X^]bP]Sb_TRXP[_^c[X b_XRTb QWPafP]bWX\[P\XaRW P]S\P]h \^aTbPcXPcX]VSXbWTbX]bcPacTab CWT\PX]R^dabTUTPcdaTb\daVWZP QWPacPQWX]SXP\RW^^aXP\^]V ^cWTaSXbWTb4]ScWT\TP[fXcW QPSP\ZPWP[fP P]S\P]hb_TRXP[ STbbTacb 2 10::DCC47) 8cXbbPXScWPccWTSXbWfPbX]eT]cTS fWT] P _^^a bcPaeX]V QTVVPa RP\T Qh P a^PSbXST _^aZ ]^^S[T bc^aT c^ QTV U^a U^^S CWT bcP[[ ^f]Ta fP]cTSc^WT[_WX\7TQ^X[TSb^\T^UWXb[TUc^eTa _^aZQ^]TbP]SPSSTSfWPcTeTaRWTP_b_XRTbWTWPS c^U[Pe^dacWTb^d_X]R[dSX]VbcPaP]XbTP]S_T__Ta fWXRWRaTPcTSPb^d_aTbT\Q[X]VcTPX]R^[^daCWdb _^aZQ^]TcTPfPbQ^a] F0=C>=<44) 8cXbdbdP[[hTPcT]SahSaT]RWTSfXcW b^\T[XVWcbfTTcbPdRTb[XRTb^U_^aZRWPabXTfP]S fP]c^]Sd\_[X]VbUX[[TSfXcW_^aZfXcWPb\P[[Q^f[ ^Ub^d_^]cWTbXSTFP]c^]Sd\_[X]Vb\PhQTTXcWTa STT_UaXTS^aR^\TX]b^d_Sd\_[X]Vb :0H0 C>0BC 0=3 B>5C1>8;43 466B) 8c Xb P caPSXcX^]P[BX]VP_^aTP]QaTPZUPbc0aTRcP]Vd[PafWXcT [^PU ^U QaTPS Xb c^PbcTS fXcW QdccTa P]S TVVb PaT bTaeTSP[^]VbXST ;0:B0) CaPSXcX^]P[ BX]VP_^aT Rdaah [PZbP dbTb eTa\XRT[[X R^R^]dc \X[Z cPd _^Z QTP]RdaS _dUUb UXbW b[XRTb P]S bWaX\_ 0 d]X`dT BX]VP_^aT ePaXP]c Z]^f] Pb ZPc^]V [PZbP WPb Xc³b eTa\XRT[[X Rdc X]c^ bW^acT]SbP]SXbTPcT]^][hfXcWPb_^^] 2DAAH58B77403) 4XcWTaWP[UPWTPS^acWTfW^[T WTPS^UPaTSb]P__TaXbbcTfTSX]RdaahfXcWPbb^acTS eTVTcPQ[Tb [XZT ^ZaP P]S QaX]YP[ CWT 8]SXP] bch[T ^U Rdaah WPb WTPeXTa b_XRTb P]S U[Pe^dab fWX[T cWT 2WX]TbTbch[TbPaT[XVWcTaP]SbfTTcTa 10: 27>A <44) CWTbT PaT ]^^S[Tb bTaeTS fXcW \X]RTS _^aZ [XeTa \TPc QP[[bUXbW QP[[b UXbW RPZT b[XRTbP]SPeX]TVPaQaPXbTSbPdRT >HBC4A ><4;4CC4) CWXb Xb R^\\^][h U^d]S SXbW P]S `dXcT _^_d[Pa fXcW cWT eXbXc^ab X] BX]VP_^aT ?^cPc^bcPaRWXbdbdP[[h\XgTSX]c^UahX]VcWTTVVP]S VXeTbPcWXRZTaUd[[TacPbcT 7>::84= ?A0F= <44) 8c Xb P R^\QX]PcX^] ^U TVV P]SaXRT]^^S[TbX]PaXRW_aPf]bc^RZfXcWRdQTb^U UaXTS_^aZUPc_aPf]bUXbWRPZTP]Sb`dXSCWXbSXbW fPb P _a^SdRc ^U _^bcfPa 7^ZZXT] ]^^S[T UPRc^ah f^aZTabfW^f^d[SVPcWTaP[^]VA^RW^aa^PSP]SUah P]hTgRTbb]^^S[TbcWThWPS B0C0H) 8c^aXVX]PcTbUa^\8]S^]TbXPQdcWPbQTR^\TP R^\\^]WPfZTaUPaTX]BX]VP_^aTH^dRP]UX]Sc^^ \P]h ePaXTch c^ RW^^bT Ua^\ ^] cWT bcaTTcb ^U BX]VP_^aT C0D 7D0H) 8c Xb P 2WX]TbT STbbTac \PST fXcW QTP]RdaS c^Ud cWPc Xb bfTTcT]TS fXcW bdVPa bhad_ CWTcaPSXcX^]P[SXbWXbb^Ucb[XVWc[hVaPX]hP]Sb^PZb X]bhad_c^QTTPcT]c^VTcWTa8cXbbTaeTSQ^cWW^cP]S R^[S likely reason for this phenomenon. QThe costliest teabag ever was created for the 75th anniversary of the PG TIPS tea company. The bag was filled with two hundred and eighty diamonds and expensive limit^UUPRcb ed edition tea leaves. The bag costs 7,500 pounds. QUntil the 19th century, nearly all tea was grown in China and its major export partner was Great Britain. As trade with China became more difficult, the British began to look for other areas to cultivate tea including regions of India (Assam and Darjeeling) and Africa (Kenya) and managed to begin cultivation by illegally smuggling plants out of China. These “new” areas remain some of the biggest producers of tea to this day. QTea is believed to have arrived in Europe thanks to a Portuguese Jesuit priest named Jasper de Cruz. He visited China in 1590 when Portugal was granted trading privileges with the country and was allowed to bring some of the plants he discovered with him when he returned home. QThough drinking all types of tea is considered to be beneficial to one’s health, it is green tea that has the best reputation as a super food. Various studies have shown that drinking green tea may well be helpful in the fight against heart disease, certain forms of cancer and diabetes as well as a valuable tool in the battle to lower cholesterol. QAs per the Chinese legend, it is believed that Emperor Shen Nong first discovered tea in 2737 BC, when leaves from the tea bushes fell into water his servants were boiling to purify. It was at first considered a tonic, however, and used for medicinal purposes only. A 4 2 8 ? 4 ingaporean cuisine has been fundamentally influenced by Chinese, Malay, Indonesian, Indian, Peranakan and some Western traditions. The essence of Singaporean cooking technique is based on time, temperature and ingredient used. While some dishes are slow cooked on low flame, others such as stir fried dishes are cooked on high temperature for a short time. Essentially slow cooking with fresh herbs and spices make the food incredibly tender. This method also infuses the dish with rich flavours that are quite different from the flavours obtained from any other method. An array of fresh herbs and spices including ginger, turmeric, galangal, lemon grass, curry leaves, pungent belachan (shrimp paste), chillies and coconut milk are an integral part of cooking. Singaporean cooking technique also incorporates the use of charcoal that further enhances the flavour of the dish. The most popular Singaporean dishes are undoubtedly the Singaporean laksa, Hainanese chicken rice and chicken satay. Laksa is made with a creamy rich coconut milk gravy consisting of noodles, fishcake, prawns and chopped bean sprouts ser ved in a spic y coconut based soup. In Hainanese chicken rice, the chicken is prepared in traditional Hainanese style which involves immersing the entire chicken at sub-boiling temperature in a pork and chicken bone stock. The rice is cooked in a fresh chicken stock producing an oily, flavourful rice with sometimes Southeast Asian pandan leaves added to it. They are served in an authentic way with a hot chilli sauce dip made up of minced red chilli and garlic. Dark soy sauce and a heap of freshly pounded ginger with fresh <027;8:>5C0 2DAAH 8=6A4384=CB 5XbW\X]RT 4VVh^[Z 2W^__TS^]X^] 2W^__TSVaTT]RWX[[XTb 2W^__TSVX]VTa 2W^__TSVPa[XR <dbcPaS^X[ 6PaP\\PbP[P 2^aXP]STa_^fSTa Cda\TaXR_^fSTa ATSRWX[[X_^fSTa 1Ph[TPeTb 2[^eT 6aTT]RPaSP\^\ C^\Pc^_daTT ;T\^]YdXRT 6aTT]R^aPX]STa BP[cc^cPbcT 2d\X]bTTSb "V\b !$V\b <4C7>3 O<PZTP_PbcTfXcWRd\X]bTTSb VaTT]RWX[[XVPa[XRVX]VTaP]SbP[c !$V\b OCPZTPWTPehQ^cc^\_P]PSSb^\T V\b \dbcPaS^X[Rd\X]bTTSbQPh V\b [TPeTbR[^eTP]SRPaSP\^\0UcTa !V\b cWTRaPRZ[TPSS^]X^]_PbcT5ahcX[[ $V\b Qa^f]P]SPSSP[[b_XRTb O7TPc^X[X]Pf^Z^eTa\TSXd\WTPc $V\b cX[[PSa^_^UQPccTaSa^__TSX]c^cWT $V\b ^X[bXii[TbP]SaXbTbc^cWTbdaUPRT $V\b O<XgUXbW\X]RTfXcWRW^__TS^]X^] $V\b VX]VTaVPa[XRVaTT]RWX[[XR^aXP]STa ! 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India humbled the hosts by 133 runs via Duckworth/Lewis method after the visitors posted 304 for six while batting first and Dhoni said Raina’s knock made the difference. “By the end of the 30th over, we had not scored too many runs. It was important that he stayed at the crease because he was a set batsman. And we have realised that if we can get a partnership going and have wickets in hand, we can score a lot of runs in the last 1012 overs. So his innings was very crucial in that respect,” he added. Raina and Dhoni put up 144 runs for the fifth wicket, batting together for 16.5 overs and scoring at 8.55 runs per over, as India plundered 147 runs in the last 15 overs. The Indian skipper himself scored 52 runs, but the star of the day was surely Raina, who hit 12 fours and 3 sixes during his stay at the crease. “Raina is someone who scores at a very quick pace and he plays authentic cricketing shots. So I feel he played a fantastic innings as once he got his fifty, he continued and moved on to play some fantastic shots and got his hundred,” said Dhoni. With the ODI World Cup just six months away, when asked if this innings C1D9C6I9>71>4C@5391<*B19>1 20A3855) His match-winning century earned India a win in the second ODI against England and Suresh Raina said it was a special innings as it helped the visitors break their losing streak. After the Lord’s Test win, India suffered embarrassing defeats in the next three matches to lose the five-Test series 1-3, but Raina’s 75-ball 100-run knock helped the visitors get back to winning ways in the second ODI here on Wednesday. “I felt really good scoring my first ODI century in three years. I wanted to bring in fresh energy in the team, and I’m glad I could do that,” Raina told BCCI.TV. “This knock is one of the most special ones for me given the circumstances and the conditions. We hadn’t won the game in a long time and to help the team break that jinx with a century was very satisfying.” It was Raina’s first ODI century since 2010 and his first outside the subcontinent, and the left-handed batsman said he had worked hard on his game ahead of the ODI series. “After all the work I had put into my game in Mumbai with Sachin paaji and (Praveen) Amre sir, I was determined to join the team and bring them some happiness, whether it is by scoring a hundred or taking a brilliant catch,” he said. “I had to bring the smiles back on my teammates’ faces. I am glad I could do that today. The team’s environment 2>>:38B0??>8=C4305C4A³6>>3 5A84=3´BF0==2A8C828B4BC40< 20A3855)B\PacX]VUa^\6aPT\TBfP]]³bR^\\T]ccWPc4]V[P]S S^Tb]^cWPeTPRWP]RT^UfX]]X]VcWT! $F^a[S2d_RP_cPX] 0[PbcPXa2^^ZWPbbPXScWTaT\PaZbUa^\P°b^RP[[TS±UaXT]SPaT]^c WT[_Ud[PccWXbbcPVT °8 S^]³c cWX]Z Xc³b cWPc WT[_Ud[ Tb_TRXP[[h .K©YKTZOZRKJZU Ua^\Pb^RP[[TSUaXT]S±2^^ZbPXS NOYUVOTOUTH[Z B_TPZX]V PQ^dc 4]V[P]S³b RWP]RTb X] OZ©YTUZOJKGRLUX cWTF^a[S2d_]TgchTPaBfP]]WPSbPXS)°8U SKKYVKIOGRR_ WT 2^^Z cad[h QT[XTeTb 4]V[P]S RP] fX] ]NKT_U[MKZ cWXb F^a[S 2d_ 8³\ cWT VaTPcTbc _PcaX^c ZNXU[MNZNK cWTaT Xb Qdc fT S^]³c WPeT P RPc X] WT[[³b Y[SSKX/©\KNGJ RWP]RT±BfP]]bPXScWPcU^a\TacTP\\PcT 1\QcdQYb3__[ 2^^Z °bW^d[S]³c QT Q^cWTaX]V _[PhX]V ^]T SPhRaXRZTc± 7TWPSbPXS2^^Z³b^]TSPhbcaXZTaPcT ¯ RdaaT]c[hPc&&(' ad]b_Ta QP[[b¯ S^Tb]³cbTccWTc^]TcWPcfX[[\PZT4]V[P]S R^\_TcXcXeTX]]TgchTPa³bF^a[S2d_X]=TfITP[P]SP]S0dbcaP[XP °7T³b T]cXc[TS c^ WXb ^_X]X^] Qdc Xc³b ]^c XSTP[ U^a \T Tb_TRXP[[h fWT]h^dVTccWa^dVWcWTbd\\Ta8³eTWPS±bPXS2^^ZfW^WPb WPSc^aTbXbcRP[[bc^`dXcPb4]V[P]S³bCTbcRP_cPX] 2^^ZP[b^R^]UXa\TSWTWPS]^cb_^ZT]c^BfP]]PQ^dcWXb eXTfbQdcPSSTS)°CWT_W^]TXbP[fPhb^_T]cWT^cWTafPh8³\P [Xcc[TQXcSXbP__^X]cTSQTRPdbTWTXbPV^^SUaXT]S^U\X]TP]S WPb QTT] P bd__^acTa 8c³b ]^c WT[_Ud[ Pc cWXb cX\T QTRPdbT 8³\ V^X]Vc^QTRP_cPX]X]cWXbF^a[S2d_8³eTS^]TXcU^acWaTTP]SP WP[UhTPabFT³aTV^X]Vc^QdX[Sd_c^cWPcP]SfT³eTV^cPV^^S RWP]RT±WTbPXS 0VT]RXTb is very good right now and I hope we continue this performance in the remaining matches,” he added. Despite India losing the Test, Raina said they were a good side and praised skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni for motivating the team during this lean patch. “We didn’t do well in the Test series but that doesn’t mean we are a bad team. We are ranked No. 2 in ODIs and are the reigning World Cup and Champions Trophy winners. MS did a very good job of leading the team after the Tests and maintain the confidence of the young boys. We had decided that we would run for each other and share each other’s success. That showed in our fielding performance.” 0VT]RXTb >=4>5C7414BC>E4AB40B) 60E0B:0A>=A08=0´BC>= 20A3855)8]SXP]QPccX]V[TVT]SBd]X[6PePbZPa[PeXbWTS_PaXbTb^] BdaTbW APX]P³b \PcRWfX]]X]V Z]^RZ X] cWT bTR^]S >38 PVPX]bc 4]V[P]SP]SaPcTScWT[TUcWP]STa³bWd]SaTSPb^]T^UcWTQTbc>38 X]]X]Vb^eTabTPb 8GOTG©YGRRZNK °H^dWPeTV^cc^aPcTXcPb^]T^UcWTQTbc ZOSKZNKXK X]]X]Vb H^d RP]³c RP[[ Xc cWT c^_ X]]X]Vb ]NKZNKXOZ©Y ^eTabTPb8c³bV^cc^QT:P_X[3Te³b &$PVPX]bc HGZZOTMHU]ROTMUX IX\QPQfT X] cWT ?adST]cXP[ 2d_ X] ('" LOKRJOTM.K©YUTK fWT]8]SXPfTaT$S^f]U^a &^]P_XcRWcWPc ULZNUYKM[_Y]NU fPb P [^c \^aT VaTT]Ta cWP] P]h ^U cWT MO\KK\KX_ZNOTM _aTbT]c_XcRWTbB^APX]P³bfX[[QT^]T^UcWT c^_ X]]X]Vb cWPc fPb _[PhTS Qh P] 8]SXP] X] Ce^Y\7QfQc[Qb ^eTabTPbR^]bXcX^]b±6PePbZPac^[S=3CE APX]PfW^aTVXbcTaTSWXbU^dacW>38c^] P]SWXbUXabc^dcbXSTcWTbdQR^]cX]T]cbca^ZTSPQT[[XVTaT]c&$QP[[ c^WT[_cWTeXbXc^abca^d]RT4]V[P]SQh ""ad]b3;\TcW^S 0]S6PePbZPabPXSAPX]P³b\PcdaXchU[^^aTSWX\°CWTfPhWT PSYdbcTSWXbQPccX]VcWTfPhWTPSYdbcTSWXbQPcb_TTSbW^fTSWXb \PcdaXchP]SXc³beTahaTUaTbWX]Vc^bTTcWPcX]PQPcb\P]±bPXScWT U^a\Ta8]SXPbZX__Ta 6PePbZPabPXScWPcAPX]PWPbP[fPhbVXeT]WXb _TaRT]cc^ cWTcTP\°APX]PWPbP[fPhb_[PhTSRaXRZTcfXcWP]T]TaVhfWXRWXb P[fPhbb^aPaTX]8]SXP]RaXRZTc7TXbP[[cWTcX\TcWTaTfWTcWTaXcXb QPccX]V Q^f[X]V ^a UXT[SX]V 7T Xb ^]T ^U cW^bT Vdhb fW^ VXeT TeTahcWX]V 0]S \^aT X\_^acP]c[h WT WPb STeT[^_TS P bT]bT ^U PbbTbbX]VcWTbXcdPcX^]cWPccWTcTP\UX]SbXcbT[UX]0SYdbcX]VWXb QPccX]VPRR^aSX]V[hCWPcXbfWPcWTTgPRc[hSXS±bPXS6PePbZPa ?C8 confirmed Raina’s spot in the squad for India’s title-defence, the Indian skipper replied, “The thing is that if a batsman plays one good innings, he is put up on a pedestal. If he doesn’t play good cricket or indeed if Raina had not played this innings, the questions could have been very different. “If Raina doesn’t score in a couple of games against the West Indies (at home in October), some other questions will be asked. So let us just say that it was a very good hundred. The World Cup is still three-four series away. Hopefully he won’t be injured and will be available for selection at that time.” Ravindra Jadeja also stood up with his 4-28 in seven overs as England collapsed to 161 all out in 38.1 overs. It further improved Jadeja’s ODI record against England, especially in the limited-overs format. “If we talk about the last few series we have played, whenever the ball has turned slightly, we have seen that it is difficult to score against Jadeja,” said the Indian skipper. “He (Jadeja) bowls in the same area and gets a bit of purchase from the wicket and that is one of the main reasons for his success. At the same time, he has also struggled when there is no purchase for him and he has to improve as a bowler and has to do things slightly differently. “The key thing is that he keeps improving and gets wickets for us because he is a very useful player for us lower down the order. He can smash a few runs when there are few overs left,” he added. Indeed playing Jadeja in the eleven allows India to go in with five bowlers in ODIs as Ravichandran Ashwin too can bat a bit. On the day, the duo had added a few runs in the end of the innings while sharing 6 wickets between them. “We have been playing in ODIs with five bowlers for ages now,” said Dhoni. “With Jadeja and Ashwin, both of them can bat a bit and bowl a bit. There is also Raina as an option because he can bowl a bit too. If one of the bowlers has a bad day Raina gives me 5 or 6 good overs. Five bowlers get me out of trouble. “Still the fast bowlers will have to improve a bit more,” he added. 5RRQH\DSSRLQWHG(QJODQGFDSWDLQ ;>=3>=) Wayne Rooney was named England captain on Thursday, taking over the leadership role of an inexperienced team in a rebuilding phase following its worst-ever World Cup. “He certainly deserves it, his commitment to the cause,” England coach Roy Hodgson said at Wembley. “He is prepared to accept the pressures the England captaincy brings.” Hodgson confirmed the Manchester United player’s appointment — from a small pool of potential captains — while naming the squad for England’s first European Championship qualifier against Switzerland on Sept. 8 and a friendly against Norway on Wednesday. Defenders Calum Chambers and Danny Rose, and midfielders Jack Colback and Fabian Delph were called up for the first time. Rooney has been handed the symbolically-prestigious captaincy role following Steven Gerrard’s international retirement despite a rocky relationship in the past with fans, questions about his temperament following red cards on international duty, and facing criticism over indiscretions in his personal life. B@D03 6^P[ZTT_Tab) 5aPbTa5^abcTa1T] 5^bcTa9^T7Pac 3TUT]STab) ;TXVWc^]1PX]Tb6Pah 2PWX[[2P[d\2WP\QTab?WX[9PVXT[ZP ?WX[9^]Tb3P]]hA^bT9^W]Bc^]Tb <XSUXT[STab) 9PRZ2^[QPRZ5PQXP] 3T[_W9^aSP]7T]STab^]9P\Tb <X[]Ta0[Tg>g[PST2WP\QTa[PX] APWTT\BcTa[X]V0]Sa^bC^f]bT]S 9PRZFX[bWTaT 5^afPaSb) AXRZXT;P\QTacFPh]T A^^]Th3P]XT[BcdaaXSVT3P]]h FT[QTRZ “He has that baggage with him and he will have to accept that =Tf[hP__^X]cTS4]V[P]SRP_cPX]FPh]TA^^]Th[TUcfXcW]PcX^]P[R^PRWA^h7^SVb^]AXVWc<P]RWTbcTaD]XcTS´b]TfbXV]X]V as a further part of the 0]VT[SX<PaXPX]aTSfXcWR^PRW;^dXbeP] 6PP[^]CWdabSPh 0? pressure,” Hodgson said. “It’s wrong of me to read too nament in France shouldn’t be a attack. much into the past and any mis- major challenge, with the tournaPSG will play Sunday against 10H4A=B4CC>B86=G018 demeanors he might have had in ment newly-expanded to 24 in the second-place Saint-Etienne, a 5A><A40;<03A83 that time,” the coach added. “In 54-nation UEFA region. The team that has caused the defend- <D=827)Bayern Munich hopes to the two years he has been with me biggest test in Group E is first up ing French champions problems complete the transfer of Real I have had no reason to question at Switzerland on September 8 over the past two seasons. Madrid defender Xabi Alonso in anything about him - his desire, after a friendly against Norway at Ibrahimovic’s return should the next day or two, club officials Wembley Stadium. his commitment.” take the pressure off Uruguay for- said Thursday. At Euro 2016, Rooney will ward Edinson Cavani, who is still Bayern financial director Janhoping to become only the second I;0C0=81A078<>E82102: struggling to find his best form Christian Dreesen said Alonso England captain to lift a major tro- 8=CA08=8=6F8C7?B6 since joining PSG last season. and Bayern have “in principle” phy after Booby Moore at the 1966 ?0A8B) Zlatan Ibrahimovic has Bordeaux will be looking for agreed on a transfer and that World Cup, but just reaching the resumed light training, and Paris a fourth straight win when it hosts Alonso was expected in Munich later rounds would be a sign of Saint-Germain coach Laurent Bastia on Sunday. on Thursday for his medical. progress. Here are some things to know “We are in friendly and final Blanc will be hoping that is Qualifying for the final tour- enough to spark a lackluster about this weekend’s games. talks with Real Madrid and hope- FOOTBALL ROUNDUP fully we will reach an agreement in a day or two,” Dreesen said at a news conference. Alonso’s expected transfer was announced one day after Bayern signed defender Mehdi Benatia from Roma. 3>=´C4G?42C<8A02;4B 5A><38<0A80)E0=600; <0=274BC4A) Angel Di Maria will provide an ailing Manchester United with plenty of missing qualities following his big-money move from Real Madrid — pace, energy, incisiveness and goals. Just don’t expect instant miracles from the Argentina midfielder. “I hope he shall give us good results,” Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal said at Di Maria’s official presentation on Thursday, “but we cannot expect after two days’ training that he is the miracle what I already read. “No, you have to work for the miracle and he knows that.” At its lowest ebb since the late 1980s, United is attempting to buy its way out of trouble with Di Maria’s arrival for 59.7 million pounds ($99 million) taking the 20-time English champions’ spending to about 130 million pounds ($215 million). And investment is definitely required. 0VT]RXTb Mumbai: CWTRPbWaXRW8]SXP]Bd_Ta;TPVdTcWTUXabc ^UXcbZX]SX]8]SXP]U^^cQP[[c^SPhd]eTX[TSXcb RWP\_X^]bWX_[^V^X]PV[XccTaX]VRTaT\^]hPccT]STSQh fW^bTfW^^U8]SXP³bb_^acbP]SV[P\^daX]Sdbcah 8]SXP³bVaTPcTbcTeTaRaXRZTcTaBPRWX]CT]Sd[ZPaP]S 1^[[hf^^S³bRdaaT]cWTPacWa^QAP]QXa:P_^^afTaT _aTbT]cPb^]TRTacPX][hTg_TRcP]TfSPf]X]8]SXP] U^^cQP[[PcPcX\TfWT]cWT]PcX^]P[cTP\Xb[P]VdXbWX]V PcQT[^f %X]5850aP]ZX]VbFWX[T[haXRXbc?aPb^^] 9^bWXWPb_T]]TScWTcWT\Tb^]V° Ra^aT QWPaPcXh^]Z^S^_^bcZTQTTRW[PP]PWPX]±cWT[XZTb^U 9^W]0QaPWP\EPad]3WPfP]P]S0QWXbWTZ 1PRWRWP]³b_aTbT]RTP[b^PSSTSV[P\^dac^cWTTeT]c 1PRWRWP]Yd]X^aP]S0QaPWP\X]RXST]cP[[hPaTP[b^R^ ^f]Tab^U2WT]]PXP]S=^acW4PbcUaP]RWXbTb aTb_TRcXeT[hfWX[T3WPfP]WPbbcPZTbX]cWT6^P UaP]RWXbT0bPbW^f^UbcaT]VcWQTWX]ScWT7Ta^8]SXP] Bd_Ta;TPVdT<ab=XcP0\QP]X5^d]SX]V2WPXa_Tab^] 5^^cQP[[B_^acb3TeT[^_\T]c[TScWTTXVWc;TPVdT ?Pac]Tabc^P_[TSVTR^\\XccX]Vc^cWT;TPVdT³b eXbX^]X]QaX]VPU^^cQP[[X]VaTe^[dcX^]PRa^bbcWT R^d]cah²;Tc³bU^^cQP[[³cWT;TPVdT³b^UUXRXP[[X]TXbP] P_cUXcc^XcbP\QXcX^]X]R^]]TRcX]VfXcWc^SPh³bh^dcW P]SRaTPcX]VX]cTaTbcX]\X[[X^]bc^_[PhcWTb_^ac _a^UTbbX^]P[[hCWTT\Q[T\fXcWWTgPV^]bR^\QX]TSc^ U^a\PU^^cQP[[bh\Q^[XbTbR^[[PQ^aPcX^]^U_PbbX^] T]TaVhP]ST]cWdbXPb\P\^]VXcbbcPZTW^[STab B_TPZX]V^]cWT^RRPbX^]<ab0\QP]XbPXS±8c³bP \^\T]c^dbSPhU^adbPbfTbTc^dabT[eTbX]QdX[SX]VP VaP]SR^P[XcX^]P\^]VP[[bcPZTW^[STabc^STeT[^_ U^^cQP[[X]cWTR^d]cahP]ScPZTXcc^XcbSTbTaeX]Vb_PRT X]cWT8]SXP]b_^acb°8B;W^_Tc^PRcPbPU^d]SPcX^]X] RaTPcX]VP]TR^bhbcT\c^]dacdaTcP[T]cP]S\PZT^da ^f]]PcX^]P[U^^cQP[[WTa^TbcWa^dVWXcbP\QXcX^db VaPbba^^cbSTeT[^_\T]c_a^VaP\±bWTPSSTS ³=>A>;48=12284;42C8>=B0B>5=>F´ New Delhi: 0[cW^dVWaT[XTeTSPcWXb_Pbb_^acQTX]V aTbc^aTSU^[[^fX]VcWT3T[WX7XVW2^daceTaSXRc;P[Xc <^SXbPXScWPcWT°fX[[]^cWPeTP]ha^[Tc^_[Ph±X]cWT d_R^\X]V122806<PbcWTBd_aT\T2^dacP__^X]cTS <dZd[<dSVP[R^\\XccTTWPb]^cbdQ\XccTSXcbaT_^ac hTcCWTU^a\Ta8?;RWPXa\P]P[b^X]SXRPcTScWPcXU RdaaT]c_aTbXST]cX]TgX[T=BaX]XePbP]VTcbPR[TP]RWXc Ua^\cWT<dSVP[R^\\XccTTXcfX[[TUUTRcXeT[hQaX]V S^f]RdacPX]b^]WXbRPaTTaPbPRaXRZTcPS\X]XbcaPc^a °0bUPaPb\hZ]^f[TSVTV^TbcWT122806<fX[[QT _^bc_^]TScX[[cWT<dSVP[2^\\XccTTaT_^acXb^dc8 QT[XTeTcWTbhbcT\]TTSbc^QTR[TP]TSd_P]S]^ WTPeT]fX[[UP[[XUcWT06<XbST[PhTSQhcWaTT\^]cWb 0b^U]^ffXcW^dcS^dQc8S^]³cbTT\hbT[U_[PhX]VP]h a^[TX]cWT1228T[TRcX^]b±<^SXc^[S=3CEUa^\ ;^]S^]°;Tc\TcT[[h^dXUcWT<dSVP[aT_^acS^Tb]^c V^PVPX]bcBaX]XXcfX[[QTTgcaT\T[hSXUUXRd[cU^a\Tc^ \PZTPR^\TQPRZ8]cWPcRPbT8fX[[aTbc\hRPbTP]S WP]Vd_\hQ^^cb8fX[[VXeTd_RaXRZTcPS\X]XbcaPcX^]± <^SXbPXS 8=C4A8<A4?>AC8=B2C>30H)<D360; New Delhi: CWTBd_aT\T2^dacP__^X]cTS_a^QT R^\\XbbX^]WTPSTSQh9dbcXRTATcS<dZd[<dSVP[ fX[[QTbdQ\XccX]VP]X]cTaX\aT_^ac^]QTccX]VP]Sb_^c UXgX]VbRP]SP[aT[PcTSc^8?;%c^\^aa^f°CWT[TVP[ R^d]bT[fX[[bdQ\XccWTaT_^acX]Bd_aT\T2^dac c^\^aa^f±<dSVP[bPXS^]CWdabSPh7TW^fTeTa aTUdbTSc^Uda]XbWP]hUdacWTaX]U^a\PcX^]X]cWXbaTVPaS 7^fTeTafWT]PbZTSfWTcWTacWTR^\\XccTTfX[[QT bTTZX]VP]TgcT]bX^]PbQTX]Vb_TRd[PcTS<dSVP[ aT_[XTS±8RP]³cR^\\T]c^]cWPcH^dfX[[UX]S^dc c^\^aa^f±WTbPXS B70:8120=´C?;0H5>A::A8=2;C! 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Sharapova, who lifted her fifth Grand Slam title at the French Open this year, fought back from a set down to beat 95thranked Romanian Dulgheru 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 on Wednesday. The fifth-seeded Russian was reluctant to blame the windy conditions in the cavernous Arthur Ashe Stadium court for her difficulties, which included 46 unforced errors. And after two hours and 26 minutes on court — in a match that began in hot sunshine and ended under the floodlights — she had her 17th three-set win of the season, the most on the WTA tour. “It was difficult,” Sharapova said. “Obviously the conditions were tough. You start in the sun, you finish under the lights. Overall I felt like in the end I was in much better shape than she was and I could have played another few sets. Mentally that helped me a lot.” Sharapova was one of the day’s headliners, along with Australian Open winner Stan Wawrinka and five-time Grand Slam champion Venus Williams on a day that saw two-time defending women’s champion Serena Williams along with top men Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Andy Murray all having a day off. Wawrinka, the third seed from Switzerland, faced Brazil’s Thomaz Bellucci in one of two men’s second-round matches on the slate. If US fans were looking for home-grown heroes to cheer among the men, they were in for a disappointment. The first-round exits of Steve Johnson and Ryan Harrison on Wednesday meant just three American men reached the second round, the fewest in US Open history. John Isner, the 13th-seeded US number one, Sam Querrey and wildcard Tim Smyczek all booked their second-round berths on Tuesday. American women were keeping the flag flying, and Venus Williams did her part. The two-time winner, who hadn’t made it past the second round the past three years, reached the third round with a 6-1, 6-4 victory over Timea Bacsinszky. Fourth-seeded Pole Agnieszka Radwanska became the tournament’s biggest upset victim, falling 6-3, 6-4 to China’s Peng Shuai. Peng avenged a loss to Radwanska at the 2011 Australian Open where the Chinese player had held two match points. Poland’s Radwanska, a former Wimbledon finalist who counts this year’s <4= BCA>D=3 C^\Pb 1TaShRW % STU ;[Thc^] 7TfXcc 3X\Xca^e & 0dbcaP[XP%"%#%"* 6aXV^a3 STUAhP]7PaaXb^]%!&%#%!*44a]Tbcb 6d[QXb STU:T]]hSTBRWT__Ta % % # %!* <PaX] 2X[XR # STU <PaR^b 1PVWSPcXb %" " $ aTcXaTS* :TeX] 0]STab^] ' STU ?PQ[^ 2dTePb %" %& " #% %! &% * 5T[XRXXP]^ ;^_Ti ( STU8eP]3^SXV %&$!%%# $ aTcXaTS* BP]cXPV^ 6XaP[S^ !& [^bc c^ CTh\daPi 6PQPbWeX[X %" % &% % %"* 9^P^ B^dbP "! ?^acdVP[ STU 5aP]Z 3P]RTeXR&%%%""%%%%!!##%%&&%%! !=3A>D=3 BcP]F FPfaX]ZP"STUCW^\Pi1T[[dRRX%" 2WPaSh"[^bcc^ %#"%&% * 9TaT\h2 1[Pi:PeRXR%!%&%%" <PaXPBBWPaP_^eP^^UA AdbbXPRRWPbTbSS^f]PPbbW^cPPVPX]bc00[TgP]SaP3 3d[VWTad^^UA A^\P]XPSSdaX]VccWTXabbTR^]Saa^d]S\ \PcRWPPcD DB> >_T]^^]CCWdabSPh Australian Open among two other Grand Slam semi-final spots, was left to ponder why she has never made it past the last 16 in nine US Open appearances. “I really want to know the answer, then maybe I will find a way to play better here and just try another way to be in the second week,” said Radwanska who had also lost to Peng in New York in 2010. World number two Simona Halep, seeded second behind world number one Serena Williams, needed less than an hour to book her third-round berth, with a 6-2, 6-1 victory over Slovakian Jana Cepelova. Halep was broken early to trail 0-2, but won 12 of the next 13 games to secure the win. Sixth-seeded German Angelique Kerber 0CC744=3>5C7430HC74H B?42C0C>ABBC0ACC>64C 0;8CC;418C3AD=:8CF0B >:8703C>C0;:C>054F >5C74<0CC744=38C³B =>A<0;4E4AH1>3H F0B8=C>C74<0C27 C70C³B>:8C20=70??4= BC0=8B;0BF0FA8=:0 F><4=!=3A>D=3 BX\^]P7 7P[T_!STU9P]P2T_T[^eP%!% * 0V]XTbiZP APSfP]bZP # [^bc c^ ?T]V BWdPX %" %#* <PaXP BWPaP_^eP $ STU 0[TgP]SaP3d[VWTad#%%"%!*0]VT[X`dT :TaQTa % STU 0[[P :dSahPecbTeP %! %#* 9T[T]P 9P]Z^eXR ( STU CbeTcP]P ?Xa^]Z^eP &$ %#* 2Pa^[X]]T F^i]XPRZX STU 0[XPZbP]SaPBPb]^eXRW%"%#*BPaP44aaP]X "STU0]PbcPbXPA^SX^]^eP%#&%!* ;dRXTB BPUPa^eP #STUIWT]VBPXbPX%"# %%!*0]SaTP??TcZ^eXR 'STU<^]XRP?dXV "% %" &% $* ET]db FX[[XP\b ( STU CX\TP1PRbX]biZh% %#*B[^P]TBBcT_WT]b ! [^bcc^9^WP]]P;Pabb^]$&%#%!* 0[XiT 2^a]Tc !! STU 3P]XT[P 7P]cdRW^eP %"%" BPQX]T;;XbXRZX!%STU<PSXb^]1aT]V[T% #% *A^QTacPEEX]RX !'STU8aX]P2P\T[XP =PaP " [^bcc^ 1TVd!%%#% *:dad\X= 1T[X]SP1T]RXR%##%% 0? also advanced on cue, downing Russian Alla Kudryavtseva 6-2, 6-4. As the men’s first round wrapped up, sixth-seeded Czech Tomas Berdych brought Lleyton Hewitt’s 62nd Grand Slam appearance to a quick end, downing the former world number one, and 2001 champion, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3. The 33-year-old Hewitt, who has had five surgeries in five years to keep his career going, had early breaks in both the second and third sets, but couldn’t deny Berdych a 100th career Grand Slam match win. 38<8CA>E1A40:B98=G Seventh-seeded Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov finally ended his US Open jinx. ²FTbW^d[SfX]"#\TSP[bPc0bXPSb³ ?=BQ =4F34;78 Y BPX]PX]`dPacTabQdc ]^fUPRTbf^a[S]^ ?C8Q 2>?4=7064= O lympic bronze medallist Saina Nehwal fought her way back from a game down to register a 14-21, 21-18, 21-12 victory over Sayaka Takahashi of Japan to enter the quarterfinals of the women’s singles event of the World Badminton Championships, here on Thursday. World No. 7 Saina, seeded seventh in the tournament, lost the first game, but rallied in a fine fashion to prevail over her 13th seeded Japanese rival in a match that lasted an hour and five minutes at the Ballerup Super Arena here. Saina will take on World No. 1 Li Xuerui of China in the last eight stage of the tournament. In the opening game on Thursday, the Indian looked completely off colour and was never in contention. From the very beginning she started to trail behind and there was not even one instance in the game when Saina could catch her opponent. The World No. 14 Japanese straight away opened up a 4-0 lead and throughout the game, Saina was lagging behind. The nearest she could reach her rival was at 5-6. In the second game, the F^a[S=^& BPX]PbTTSTS bTeT]cWX]cWT c^da]P\T]c[^bc cWTUXabcVP\T QdcaP[[XTSX]P UX]TUPbWX^]c^ _aTePX[^eTaWTa "cWbTTSTS 9P_P]TbTaXeP[X] P\PcRWcWPc [PbcTSP]W^da P]SUXeT\X]dcTb Indian got her act together and surged ahead with a 7-3 lead, but Takahashi soon earned four consecutive points to make it 7-7 and then moved swiftly to extend the gap. At one stage the Japanese had opened up a huge 13-8 lead and the Indian was seen playing only the catch-up game. But just when it was looking as if it was all over for Saina, she maintained her clam to brought the gap down to 15-16 before catching Takahashi at 17-17. At 18-18, Saina upped the ante and reeled off three straight points to take the match to the decider. The third and final game turned out to be a cake walk for India’s ace shuttler, who broke away from a tied 7-7 situation to topple her rival 2112 at the end. ogeshwar Dutt will lead India’s challenge at the upcoming Asian Games is expecting the grapplers to win three to four freestyles medals for the country in the megaevent known to have much tougher competition than the Commonwealth Games. India won an impressive 13 medals in the Glasgow Commonwealth Game last month but the figure is expected to drop drastically at the September 19-October 4 event in Incheon, South Korea. India could only manage three wrestling medals in the 2010 edition. Ace wrestler Sushil Kumar would also not be participating. “Asian Games are much tougher of course with wrestlers from Iran, Japan, North Korea, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan taking part. If you 5a^\[TUc0cW[TcTb3TT_XZP:d\PaXH^VTbWfPa3dccEX]TbW?W^VPcP]S1PQXcP 0? :d\PaXPcPbT]S^UURTaT\^]hU^a0bXP]6P\TbX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh do well at Asian Games, then you get confidence of winning a medal at World Championships. Having said that, the boys are working hard. We should get around three to four medals in freestyle,” Yogeshwar said at the sidelines of Samsung promotional event for the Asian Games here on Thursday. Yogeshwar, who won the CWG gold last month in the new 65kg category, is eying his maiden Asian Games title. He missed the 2010 edition in Guangzhou owing to an injury but had won bronze in the 60kg category at Doha 2006. “I have already won the Asian Championships and now the aim is to win gold at Asian Games,” said the 31-year-old Olympic bronze medallist, who is giving the World Championships a miss for success in Incheon. “I would have competed at worlds had it been after the Asian Games. The continental event comes once every four years and it is really important for India. Plus I am injury prone so could pick only one competition. Hopefully I and the other boys make the country proud,” said Yogeshwar. On the overall men’s squad, he added: “Barring myself and Narsingh Yadav (74kg), all boys are young. They are good and they are hungry. I am confident they will be up to the task.” After coming up empty in three straight appearances, he defeated US wildcard Ryan Harrison 6-2, 7-6 (7/4), 6-2. South African Kevin Anderson rallied from a break down in the final set to defeat Uruguay’s Pablo Cuevas 6-3, 6-7 (3/7), 46, 6-2, 7-6 (7/1) in just over four hours. But three men’s matches were cut short by injury retirements. Wimbledon quarterfinalist Marin Cilic of Croatia advanced when a right ankle injury forced Cypriot Marcos Baghdatis to retire while trailing 6-3, 3-1. Spain’s Feliciano Lopez advanced when Croatian Ivan Dodig with cramping and muscle cramps also left American Steve Johnson unable to continue against Japan’s Tatsuma Ito. 3`iVc<f^Rce`SVT`_dZUVcVU RXRZ_W`c2c[f_R+4V_ecVe`94 New Delhi: The Centre on Thursday said the case of boxer Manoj Kumar, who challenged the Arjuna Award committee’s decision to not consider him for the honour, will be placed before the panel again and irrespective of its decision, the Sports Ministry will consider his eligibility for the award. The ministry, represented by Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Sanjay Jain, also informed the Delhi High Court that the panel would give its decision uninhibited by the fact that another sportsperson from the same discipline has been recommended for the award. The ASG informed Justice Vibhu Bakhru that Manoj was not initially considered for the award by the committee of 11 members as they mistakenly believed that he was involved in a doping case. He also informed the court that thereafter, a rep- resentation was made on the pugilist’s behalf after which the panel sat again, but without giving reasons, the committee rejected his plea. On the basis of the ministry’s statement that Manoj’s case would be considered afresh by the committee and thereafter by the government also, the court disposed of the interim applications seeking stay of the Arjuna award ceremony as well as for reconsidering him for the honour. The court, however, listed the main petition seeking quashing of the selection committee for the Arjuna Awards for the year 2013-14 for further hearing on December 17. The petition also sought “reconstituting of the committee for the Arjuna Award to include a majority of sportspersons as per the earlier scheme”. PTI $JHVKRXOGQ¶WEHDIDFWRU0DODLND ?=BQ =4F34;78 I n the week that witnessed two teenagers stealing the limelight from the likes of Roger Federer and Serena Williams at the US Open, it wouldn’t be apt to doubt the chances of the 16year-old shooter Malaika Goel at the upcoming Asian Games in Incheon, Korea. Even more so after her silver-medal-winning feat at the last month’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland where she beat much more experienced competitors, including compatriot Heena Sidhu, in the women’s 10m air pistol event. Even sponsors understand her potential as among the 12 ‘Sports Ratnas’ - Manajit Singh Sandhu (shooting), Yogeshwar Dutt (wrestling), Deepika Kumari (archery), Vinesh Phogat (wrestling), Babita Kumari (wrestling) and L Devendro (boxing) (only seven were present) — unveiled by electronics giant Samsung here on Thursday, Malaika was the youngest. “Age shouldn’t be a factor,” Maliaka said in reply to persistent questions about her being so young and tough challenge at the Asian Games. She may still be in school but her understanding of the shooting and related aspects is beyond her age. It’s not difficult to see where that knowledge is coming from. She has several veteran shooters at a phone call’s distance. She is an ardent fan of Abhinav Bindra, who helped her in Glosgow. “I met him (Bindra) for the first time in Glasgow. He is such a knowledgeable person. There is lot to learn from him. The best part about him is that he doesn’t only talk about shooting. “I usually get nervous before competition and he helped me immensely on that front in Glasgow,” Malaika said. She knows the level of competition at the Asian Games will be a couple of notches higher than the CWG but she is con- fident of a good show in Incheon. “I didn’t expect to win a medal in Glasgow,” Malaika said on the sidelines of Samsung’s official send-off ceremony for the Asian Gamesbound athletes here on Thursday. “It (performance) is more about your form on the given day, along with some luck going your way, than the form of your opponents. I am confident that things will fall in place in Incheon,” she added. More than anything, it is the mental fatigue that bogs down 8\TcWX\0QWX]Pe 1X]SaPU^acWTUXabc cX\TX]6[PbV^f7T XbbdRWP Z]^f[TSVTPQ[T _Tab^]CWTaTXb[^c c^[TPa]Ua^\WX\ CWTQTbc_PacPQ^dc WX\XbcWPcWT S^Tb]´c^][hcP[Z PQ^dcbW^^cX]V8 dbdP[[hVTc]Tae^db QTU^aTR^\_TcXcX^] P]SWTWT[_TS\T X\\T]bT[h^]cWPc Ua^]cX]6[PbV^f <0;08:06>4; athletes. The out-of-suitcase life and continuous pressure to perform wear down players mentally. Malaika, too, is going to face a similar scenario with back-to-back competitions — World Championships (from September 6) in Granada, Spain and Asian Games (from September 19) - lined up for her. “The World Championships is a crucial event and I’ll try to give my best there but focus will remain on the Asian Games,” said Malaika, who has not yet graduated to the senior level at World Championships and will be competing in the junior category. She leaves for Spain on the fifth of next month. Her exploits in the shooting range has made her a star in her school — Sacred Heart Convent — in Ludhiana. “(Laughs) Yes, I have started getting special attention, especially in school. All of it can be distracting sometimes but it is more of a positive than negative,” she said.