MO Boin::`,,Vn`roc~in `i-,
MO Boin::`,,Vn`roc~in `i-,
Iin111 * ^:x~r>j.- 4 £ " ... . _.¥ "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,. -- '""^^^ , -V6 ^ A" I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~snm]^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ' ~~~~~~~~~~ CET ' ::.ALEND'-AicD ASS. ",".-:S OVEL~b ^ . To~y NOICS. .,, :^.^ !;.4~ - :".'.'_~'^ ', gy n si, -,tea'.,'.)'"?~, -gpLL ~ACADEMY" )" S^~,<~,?...;:,.-;rd ':'~ ^ < ' '::" ,:¢,A';L [GYMNASIUM EXHIBIT- T ODAY '.u....' -'T, ~¥1 WU H.LOWELL' ...- ".;Tervad.gmasteam -'·"~~~~~E 'd::.~;"-'"_,%'/P, " -' " '-' at 2 y i te d o in t e v n ng ' ':-"; ^ " ~ ' *' ; ... : : ,: :'--,oi..,:,, ::.. _:-:v:~ ~~.,';~,.-',.:-mum... - ' ' ' , .......... s u c ' / . * ." ^ * *-' - ^ ._ . 'anaevutr Function Next Monday Night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~itiofl t0Z5 its annual exliih ~P~PO~,and.give at'Lowell~~~5 at ' ogae .,Advervs-. H annual Ju- 2 gymnasiumseventhic th arv ofi h evenin'gas, Hme;the te Zi tn istea -:-:*."h' .,.- Former~~~~Pcf~~~a :pttr "shot j.:umps DchesteAtheticl ThisP. l Poehetd adewi parofe-on heldover be ti wllci :-::,.-,. Fas.boxg ,n·.-. . ,_. :,. ,:_:-ad beentournaments arranged.' At the samel Monday,'evening- m'teBordenl ~oo~,,at^te-,~ractice.-:~,'-' .... :.-v ',::.:id':::'...,'... -rprgma - r |a g' tg 'class nc given, 'bytheJunior of which will either be Lowexpllb· temot t~ei.the .winners nasiumgymma~ticexhibit 3;Gym-,:; hsar noeu. oil eet d ,te 'fintabs, iti wvi of' plaing of the b~s~exhiitios vard own floor last Wednesday after- awarded numerals or individual' .he Seni6rs,'is the greatest of Ah'; nasium"" :,:'-'' Thsyear sal-eets-f- 'ove's ineet, wrestlng noon,._25·.to.15, :he gamevas-one cups. 'The hacdndecatig ............ -. ... eewwill ibe ..... lorer Io and team: '~yorkin bxn- toiurdyaies nienthe whde oo-Tracl's~ia report. :boutswith.M. committee; has labored 'unceasS Saw-th teen-minute of 'the: ,betW'~-"eil]bltiofis ""f":ing ;-br-surpassin'-gymnaium class oo-Mak n' to' ake, it so far' i ad this'season .'the guards yea a referee The.boxing iull be , :'& ;.. -. ~,,-;, -.... '":: func-....: alfre .... ,, the. ' in three two-minute',rounds, :,t-,.v-"'f>tibiiy -' shiowingbetete.abfi ,,toe-.-ove~thetr : llei-herwithy ...... ~,.,-;.,·::~,~~:;,,, A¥:-~,',? .. s susaon..-d t,..Stackpole , .... -. , McCurd .asreer'ee,,,:' . -atMr. .............. gr.'-ioswev lor, ...... vvmikeep the;tinuboth . of^ t *Te'floor"'6 . g asiurn gou-i^amsree , .r.h..r'-...,aem a~........ . ud~vr~......... put in the. finest· condition. , ir0-Mr..' Hininn's..discussion ' bn ........... t the e.yg,,ipl inei.wle pl duhering rde the,,s wasntgeA " "" 'h 'tcpl~,.icsi -' :. *A1 t... groupse. th group.t apparatusboii 'i, Andm.issinfee. card exlpbion. the be will play duringWal ton accurate, blymr¢r was ne :30-Mr." Poynter'se'' discusion ':' cov.erted intoenticing czy;cor- . decided5- contrasf-to'work-o~ the admsson fee wiil be charged org '" -:. n , .o:' ; Lowell five. Rough pay was in the benefit of the Swimming Pool . ; ; ady" ..... group..-' ' rugs, .:.' runnings track ,bak: :.,,-:e Build_ Archaeology be no bas- ,,e--s, pilows 706-Inquiry, as ugh fund,'and, 'The tho.¥'' ... ' ... :n' ' anidou .d there will u evidencet.fronr~fh'-tr ..... ' ',.-f-greens a'ffoing eleve fuls' eecalledonly 'two ketball game, -all, fellows should at : . .O :.aplace : 'm;;s sascded pe -from.b t points were. scored from them; each tend.; .Thefolkiwing progranas ' _.-L :-proceedings.':oo-7Sni6r,.Reception, 2-', . which to watch-Ae -' team..seinne.'-.ganie-was been arranged:__' : -' '. pen- '3o-Jinior"'tand Pmeade' ;Gaff-'colored ' banners 1sg~ip2N' xTHERWEiHGw playedixina cage,and the Academy's in r'on' pro9minavish scatterea b an'?ii vs r:'y-g f y,; uifanliarii with rt., ' ' '.:' Nti ed-as m -funant~s~io , re r-;.'.-e: kins xoshier' pu i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, being, r wel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t' -' e en- t sthrghout Boxing: Bayne, o, vs. BuehLoell t In thefirs ewnutes, teJuniorPromo th - ' -"rograms.for aom t Vi. i,tors -"t le ~12' ~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' points o'v::e,.-'d at Chap's be distributedwill .enade -Andover, are arrivingat tired East ra A... T ';:''-: - ;-;' * -,--'-::: ¢'"-,;';' ,-". :, ' r then the latter steadied, down, and ig tA ~consid^^ gameat~~~~~first ' ' ' ' v '.ar this afternoon~in return for'tickets aralll bar: H~ . Corell, . and propr a'conimoation soon oercam thuslead ... ... ,From fnd; to. dificult nmost. Parsons. B.- DVsON dhue,:Md'ss-Ke:e.-ee,~Kelseg~, t~feo oaindicaBons, |c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s Whitman,, 'Brocklin,.,.~,"y.S,_ Boxin~::~¥an ':·at': |':M. -;" .,~?;fh;~' .... ; wihart in plceps smit, cenitr, ''~p~ence . Dancng Notice .. tha,' :. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I over a hundred and" presentA, D-IVI--. I -1G _'rug e--"~' oof&'~;~ iledce~ 'rheooy ~ qiy, ernigta ilw' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ai~ , a'~dn n'"s;;'e -wilb will _ere'called~~~~~~~~~~; Roersild-a dance the takeMspart in Robinso, "froni'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.Q_ Wrestling Raymd| and andhe :'toalofyponds. inly.well, . : The Monday' eveniig' dancing itself. The'services of page of Rob'inson, '13, vs. people ;onalson, iaehe made. e. highes ptotal.of.epo'mts .Donaldsg . '2 "' Lowell have beenphW secured again to class will not meet on the nightof ~ rs . hatof pictures ~:waimed e r 'Fellost a he has i'ane~-C, Sawyech and '~-"was~:l~i~i¢~i~d'~i~?i~,~i~:"'~.' ' am~ng'{he?~:'~i~i~ niame-/ Oii:fact orLbilf Fhgg,3. "ox : ''h"-~ Q. [i'tk!e,'!v~r~s. provide refreshments, February 2ist on account the '- undertaken to furnish a menu of 'conflictwith e Junior-Promeade; ag H,'-'A GY.M*'.. gaespcial~y;i' l n'sfc, was ,s,wh', - ' : -:FEATHER~~~~~~~~~~WEIU d~~~~p wv, on t, -wi 'E N. ...unusual attractiveness -s.Corel -r 'hren[ seaosredire Xearliern th'eentyadrsi:t;-prta_e, patronesses will receive on the following-Monday night; and ofardliertin , -, -,. two~~~~~i 'Wa - tamong Shlo, ', -t ~!,.% '.. . hite_, Many repre- nold, and Dr. Page. ' ach :mWPIS::.I:HT - theriht as:one ent.t'¢" They ars: on Saturday the fifth of March.. " '-M-r'- Pot Pourri , · .. '' Mrs red' Vs. Mrs. F Mattew S._ cury, DION so weili gu~ardcedby_?Sheldon that Wrestling:,*. le failed '"io- k-;~:once: Those -. si {Morris, 'x of e; etnoi-Lee wh - .. ,"'"~',:',.:-i J: s , Fromt~~:Stiti.~:,g~:A . porraits bforthe Pot P.:.. 'Warren 7:.. Y. S.P, , O hat n- "' .specTat: beus 'tres r Fellows ar v Mrs. Jarames C. Swe .soie, Cll : : -' "" '- . '-'"'· e,,, , ersh lag ga~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~ Discount -cards-may Mr~/~.WinjredE rhsix, rill, reected. Vs.-}~'Phhips,' · ':-' masfii.... ~ A-' .....'ne-' ' ' -;l.:"~.} ':W^flih~.:.W.~·l.'%!Ii:2,'~y on't-to'otheteeq:,Th '-:!-!"i a , ['b'r'be :!,ta,te :, ':, w!tn; canleave acis ' e rovide~~~~~~~~~~~ -,-'-"'-w< woiull b)ad sstel Ht andpedesadl tl'1e ~ loith' tnerA 'BanAriold, ,W -_ oti ,b . Mr.Winifred. ,, s.. Philhps, .W., '.. ...W.lin: thescoring Flynn at;once started 1/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~udetaen :fof~ o ere~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mad*~:f~~~~~~~~~~om ~fla~[,~.'., b t~~~~~~no-godlsm, . zmo ~?~,w~t~q8a4me~n~~ ... ,cr ae 6,a fomiu :bycagint"eeetsl .. c ,e:,.,·:,<~ot a y T ex-class:-ill. me .... es. - _:me:-N.. ... -e.f'5$-th:~_ soi"Kisj~.. succ~,intessvea.l Th-e.~ ga~pe ,' csiy'odiGawl-caloeb "Ardo'-.. 'free, donanwe -- e" ,y''i '"~ ,.,..., ,Ta si ii'bah - , irteen,, Tinaes annrsd. ot -E~~~.,:,N t . ,,Ip "betweeorth c-o:withfeo'e-'anaedt C. B. H. Fonda, H. ' in~e,i{dleeight, di- Thompson, .uthef('-otwn fouls. .inners, ~i~ ~~~~~~~-h : ol;.'.-io........i.n a ',_,~t.sre~qt~oc-.?y-tsem, pat'.ron esses- ill'-Modi'nih~- te-rgta- n-et - r.,o o .i Mac.-., 0Wiestlinj.,gl-C. iG::i'Sh ers': :alf0edd: Seas Msr-. thereore -'should ard. iall askedto Wolf-;Prm;are Rizi^ ;-Change h-; gymnasiumobserve fast ~~almos tougherty, ..J. Boxing: or - o'ethere Rectationst ut es 'the a ts soon p at thie.ight inmeISS r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~('MorirfI snndFOra;~5.-;" F.7· an a~i:"ad'd~'rel .10 rilb'C., ?n1)~:.;f",~' Swo~r .1'0 '-H. Matthewr fat i. -t onrbt :a, carae fuly thee-vol .S.B , heB: ma n _ ag two e-m-`i-w ""-;'"",:'\ f '*V^All"'vehicles wil "'prangfemenis _. DiVISIoN LIgHTWEJOHT. . sfirsty, dover neesr;ta -c.5:'¢-'~,~,:it':-postiel . ldo~erSnPA.;;:,z::p:d `Wi, '.' ; ii . '''- -..--. . : . :,. - . (' . :'.-" ,;-: 'Mr.-:,, ,:,;: `.i: ' -,"' %vs >. '::.-?-, -:'o,;L. ,.IG -,:,:>£r-5 :.::~,~"~.:C,? 2J~.'t,,oh;. : .' ,', ~~~~~~~~'L Rti , -A"e C~ ," G " ';-, W drom ': in ost on m e"?i a · -lie' po ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.%, its':;, "5. for the s.'e Pot.,· '-,-%::,e T~~~~~~ .·~~:~.i,.~'%-.,.;; .HManager, ~J~Gr~en~Wi,' "2g'",baa ; - -rowuss,,ou eof' H~rp ; te.s fe : l w l h'' -d at 'the %eY vs. dea ', .~Ei'', ['~..~,~',v"R:'b¥ e,upfrestlong~e~ baell'-wac" .. ,fo-n'th Juia, .. wayV .r "5. ; The sfd6'ofm' an then outn'tsith strt .' veepad score SeveI f ,: -opastkent, . MO ' "etgbemg- -- dover '~w Raym : nd o 'T'"'' ,," : , - _b___at_____o _ ed s-;frsifto .^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^l t Cfe,/'.t.,' :tribu^^ .,:':':' ^^ . he whitteordfhs~d y^?S£&t' *a do *'~*i>iT^ : - - , -'5.0 . ,,s _~~dieig K~,es Boin::`,,Vn'roc~in 'i-,-v carre~s's ro'S' '.rniM the &uifig to:,^ whi".-a r t*h's*" E g, , AI[ ' **^' _ _N _* , g__w .::i, '::"; ' ,-.-.,^^ id; e"son· muist rechnmup el , *. * -: those' goinig ot*of' 00tCh\' Sawyer's port at the office froni m sti'eefrto .tne'6ym- PAGE TWO I - e . -. ant the -H ! ^** * C be Pb J. * '- for__.- - OGD)EN D' odRtA , YdtorD Q. REYNOLDS' '-Mrs. * G. I JONES :.-..: -- %.p , '"';, .lThet following orhave r kindly -conented '.,- r to -, .-'. ?.:!"C .. M- A. E. Steams; Mrs - -.- :. Curdy, Mrs. Keep,. Mrs Phillips,- : . en _ = __er __ _ __ __ * nSaturdays from 13.30 until 1.15 upon guest of the club, and at the rest ,s. ' ofed.que ret presenttion of suscription a M ttters large number of stereoptlcon views IxllIIIUhts will be devoite d presa of the past of interest to the members of the Acadty of the school A collation was served after rent. ad the graduaties. 157 a .se ondoclss m-lam_ THE ANDOVER PRESS_ *_______________ -a "- . '0 r,* et FiiefCls ch:J o^ak Hroonis ':N I6 297 - e Y sinl~e' >lacetfo't 4~o '"'T:" -:.~...:.. ,' , 7 .,C ^ .-a. ,'-'' ?/:; - -''l- - h Sl $. -- -' -....... ^r's A [rdIP-.4 ......... .. .u . - , - -'-' ' ';" :,,;''::. " .... .- i ' titrit. .C . - 1,m ". a . ..... ^: r ~ , -..:. -:. .- -''H * . . --, ~ . fN ',i t -,. Mi11tW , , ..- CA - . .Ps,. ,0' - .' ~' . %: 1 " ORS 0 r iTep 3l.- H FIFT , 'rr.., :...... -;~.;,c ;:.;- , f.«,, ,.,..:,:.:l,.,-.,n.,.["g"'" -'~~ ' "~'~~~ v;..x,~.. : : : , . sreading o will 'besetrsicTe - ,, year...'s""' .77~~"L Xartin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,;,, op Efi The . .? ' .; · ' ,,$'*' ~; -.A. ;.- "-,/.,.TR,00U ."'-'''"; i,, ARAES a' ... - ' . - e''s Hotd tOun1Sifr ,,4.< ,..,.,: ,.g..< . o.... i;d St. Z -c. 't ~ " p ;7.",,",:./..:;' of F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.'. ..... _. -:*::%" Ci*o: :- f"" ieoW.'"-"Y' - Sto- 't.O ' ': d--'for ,^ -Fland .- N .. M h'.pw^ce %2 /:L-- pai Monday, Wednesday and #at .: -- -- e . AVE. Ne ' :l,. ,.. _:,..-', ' ,-- .''or-to KH 'f BO0 A-r se -:. ; -;^ ., .; Main Street Sue . hreet, , -.- - e PR :,..,,- , - - Men . : MitaAan:aad:uin e will r be enertia- . - . IHY --"C;LOTHESa--an . t ] ' fIFTHourE. | .. , -. : -,.' . s ^ ^;-' ' , U.~al~ursmst.oAN M. Thompson, . tlee o 'ga. . : ? ^l t*it4 - "'_'i .: C I. ha - tbal , out . .ts Biuiams,PA.s ~~, -, .O:U,A-.S c nrs *-^h..a .. bee sho:n,:. .i * member of the HarvardBoard oth eachers- ait, r -. -- PLAE ;:*** '--'- -8STON h re- *oyulto t tw t 60} eO-. was FINE,past LTE.:,. F. , T..i - ..- '_, . , . iteercosisfing roo h -. " -- Acom issuhen.'- The lecureticle _ . , *'" ;. . ,.I 27 FIFTH AVE. presnt at He is ; ' ,.LULC h- ." 'o ~ge,~~R ,-:;Sf s.: .MILTON -' bNEW YORK '. York. . He was pastor of Mt. Church, Boston, for four Vernon Boston. for D., Firnon Church, elected'" year wastosmervice and last years, Class wuphold 'arecejtion eeprom. The - - . A Seminary. of Andover.York. President oass pafatioEy Abers of'tterJsineoded I-l the going rm..zo.osI : he others whond man of tomutch Dr. Fitch is may a young : ." o. t An, residen of the Fitch, t' 'in Theological' dovebr dovr TheologcalSingsary -71i Seminary 'mbo. ; ^ . to reject a communication for this The speaker 'at both services Sunday and at the Inquiry in the , ?:: ': ':." -- -'-."- OpAMITOPlACE B6sroh BLDG. TRANSCRIPT - -*,' . .. ; LI I I. '' <.....-?: .- .. Owig to lack of space, we had .- . -. ; t .- , ', ; - nu a- Sunday Speakers , -. - DUn fle& x . - . ,tM4 Andoerr:, . ,pen. Main ... n. foptte a S, -- ' -~ ;te-=c:: t:- . , : : ,' - que.-':'--., qe -'.;Z ' .' ) ~ . .: . ."i..,ENOLDS *--^;' ,'.¥ - p$;Academ , . the fs-..-r of the associationt Principal directed SteanMs was the .ear... .tivities..s pper l TOg^Puzu aw ear.------bein--e----e-,m -^ ' will dientribut fro S n ' ¢:. ;.,, , ..... ,",--....: A. ..' .evn. . F u - .'. --On tle evening ,of -February 14, NoUee to Advert'es To insure change of advertisement, the Alumni Association of Philacopy must be received for Wednesday delphia and .vicinity held an infor' . ", not later than Tuesday noon; for Satursmoker at the S'.;.University Club inalMt': day not later than Friday noo -,._all Alumni communications shouid be on Chestnut street. About thirty Mr T.' rs. , addresaed to the mana p editor .T. .ent da during the school year. ., The ,lh ", andr: " Ef - Iq)^, | P ' ''Ti .d.. ', Mrs. Sturgis, Mrs. r M moorehead, Hoayes, Miss Kelsey, Mrs. Stack- Tailor , -- ' pole, Mrs, Page, and Mrs. Merrill. - Philadelphia Almni Smoke tubisbed 'esry Wednesday and Satur- ' .::,'" ;,'-.*.?,':*[''= "**i */** :- , /- . H. RIDLEY Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Gotdhue;. Mrs. H. R. HAWLEY w LE K DouGTA . W. D. HOLDEN ' „K. TOLLES -. .-.... . .^ .:.,-- . -..... : - the' reception' room. enters * . C' R *'' . - M. A'DOYER7IA(1 Rely:TeiChosen :ANK .T-e-rials'. ,~'" : i~oura-9~ to is in., s to -:....o- .,;.,,*. -*~ ,& - ::-: :sdcioo el'rei y fr 'the v, ' ^- t. e F nTh C r iu ta r have been conipleted, and tewa ^ 3 .'6 mEeen -agam~t will-,ru d er'rast Wednsd'ay night. Thanados .. . w. aes, . C M. tos v Goo,;M,.4 rly .ro:Hayes,. ;faes, 'iqualty ' C. Mar: Essex Street , l.:-dino st..ore,hheeven Ac . Fjmi ,te. :" -l :,s; etr- r n -Tk Arco 'Building R' ts: . . 'tio': ' - .Midlebrook. 1BANMANOVION B ,' oc'erNies^' ~B.Fudge B. Pip Sundae Dckn pwell;" I. a~d~y. 3'0'', ,-,f, t C.yramen-,G ilel', .and6 *- i b .- [-" , '[_. Office ' .. :-. and Residence, ar G.UITA. WSTING, . .,Telephone_,; :ow -: 9'ai .17 '.: . . [-.' "* -Physician ...and PHILI.PS.Surgeon Dash. 7;~' SEA'S C40 Yards BkIT"IS ~P .AndoverHaMass" .......... ". :,- ',,: .. -. - 600COTT - ..... ......... ,- ' ~1 , . " ,' Oihyb i Ia cg l- . ... C.Pjiisoa:' a' :F d OFFICE .**-' . Clothes. l STREET ::7- : * --.CL no.s_ . Bn.over ,- BEST :~ISrne ' ",-- ANER - -h' i - /': ' .. . R "~ -IMPEvIAL FWENRANGES:': , that their representa- .. . 90 NOth s :; " 'f ':,..:";S : StBt, - '- : BOSO * RE T U ANT - - Wa P RA FR''.cO R N7-v E7o5. Fi h "atO DINING 375 Washington. " SWETERS- . A : i )'S~ ::_"; ;T '¢i.a< SCOTT & COMPANY 'l-Mae I: . '..' _Rdo Level - wZf-ai-~rni , - - He ' . :, ' UFACTUR1RSO.O ll We trust y'ou will favor him with hMAIN ' - C- . - P.B^*:SBE^ s' ~ L-uis A.. .o . Anon g l k wl ' o.-.} SundeWlTO BOaON, '- KourselfA aynes- AND COMPANY LIrMIT- ,nnounce -; . -I *,: „ U T-H:. *-Son ," - tWO '.e'-:shr ders G^obe-Going for Sp-ng' and Summer-,., Some y- ump.- Wo D:c beYa rdsDash. 4 -- i RI . ...... - ' ds . ..... m o th FRAiNK E..OLEASON . ., He A will s iicarry a models and samples 695 Washington Street,' Boston , -,--- ' ,-.- ,hort MeI eti -- - ^ a "f ret.......... . t .. ok Farm., atie 70' -S '.' ' ... a iffeeh 'Nt Melting -e ' H.,"kler .' Cl-" ANDOVER . rnIe ' i .e a ac;'. Woai 'ery 'Knows" ' r- !.en. flis-Maude Adam ,: in' "What I,':,,"_'.':. are twod short H. McCron. . to 8 p'.. ^--*^ ueve. en e e- , enSmokingar," a ' Appolo . hocoltes o .~ - -, :2:a-. Mo. ths the t hie-) sco ut to . Gen era l But e r - Iri Civil Wt of a:S-.-:SE T Hwf- 45Yards High · [l.... ' a :' - ^^ o., I.. tual xpe;iet: ces¢ ryur" oatche 'amtu : 1 mad *''K in th~e Confederate Lines'- is Telephone:-:he.i30'ards . 'tS.Neri.. the . itoi'nWO .. S.4.. o ""; h; S ':::'""-....;: - Manae -i:':' s^ '^":<"''' ....... exp.anatory. & eO. - hd. po of the-paper: by the ': be A L Ja assnte i0'Rid,' Giv e u S[TRIG.:..VCall VIe-mt.o: 6'e-- Y/;ards Ruck s . tf T R O WIL9.rr Ji;^ ;!?.iANDOVLER',tin,/and W. B. Meader,..substtute. 'tionpf two good poems .. , AN .;¢7.L -; - s 3 ?^ : .T., by K1Raiid' ·- have, further LEY h '-- av fiffi*' li* conains A. i.:l; r- :xcter at the'Bosto- A P ....... tsCROW ,-ot AT. -_ be -ri'.-MP .- of c :t oe , -" atr ea . ,- -inds.- - ' GARTER Students' suppliesof hie -'[ R·- I n 'H-- ."'".. - '-, . A . - -CLS .E .. SAVEi. : S, ?' -,' A Loise. Goldsmith'& ~~~~~~~~~~~~ s l s' Slth og·es o a·nd ,.f o. ab N VERY' . ) ``.?P.~-~?:~ -'pi .- -:. D: '. C9N f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l-to' Vo~~~~~~wra-v'::~ ,&.,=.;-,:-2 b-#, ........ . :-.: ._ l -: en~then~nga : -, long :t~m e, andwinters brea kin ~.u must:.cod *- -· ...... cold . [,wat~o'g ] _... ' ::.;'.,v=_%:C .',.!--":,':'-'ndwedo oer..ih l:-xozA bg ..... od.;..~:~ -'2 ',--LM-',[~[~' "2m"at ''r'ii:!. %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""::: -;,-~j,,.';~.-v~'?~ -: ,.2 -~ '." OallO K. -NOWN~f~. ; ,;L~U d 7`?-:::~:.-:~-``ev~;st.F~;caiga~~di~eF~hebes-mteia~d~~nsh-d~~[IW"':-''" p ,themallthe yeat rund. A ok' i :Miaor Plc~~~~~~~~~~tf - : , Pi0Ire',iaie:~d~ift~-b':..,:tt g 'gov e 'ructoskittdge~t-u-t"a'igi'' : t.,%z.'~/',,< ,--%: ,':-*,? ~." ';",'--......... ,? ",.-:- ,O. , ':. ,.,,.. ,, l --- z:" COM'Ail«Y '' . . . -- -E..E ~... TH PAGEFQ - . -- * .. ,. .' [ Y-o u- ', '--'- v -, ', " .. ,-(Cntinued from Pai I ,W, .sj:.---t''', W;.~W,,,* .... .'I~ .... -a , [,*,'The Mis,[ m "7'-'[ . ho h a t's hdeahnowewhat' what- . - , yopu're MMsile to~iee on the man who does hnow Waltz.. W AIgeria „,.„,; IT 11 n 1.. ,- '"» Two-step.. .^ Hello People - 2. . 3. Waltz. The Fair Co-ed. ;- - ,: . .': G^Davis G; --themand Miss" iss I--Miul De-Maulepied' ';*g-: ">i . j.-AEy anddis'Burre ..-. ^o L D. Ferald ndMiss Nles.; Abbot',, ^:::- SHUMAN & CO A. ' . -[~I'2s1/S. *avisiand B "- - By the Light of the Silvery. Moon- . - , 7. Waltz. .The Love Cure' 'r 8.r-Tw ..... ' C Hunter and-Wis rH. M. Hunter and -I4. Y DPURDT T 1£* x -- ^^ella; - '- The Gay Hussars S. Paradise and Miss Paradise . Havana i 7 . Waltz. R-?Tw i8. Two-step. 2nd Conn. N. G. -19. Waltz; A Waltz Dream BOSTON JH T\7 . ^.'^ "i i6.Two-step. TRNONTSTRTEET ,. -- ~.~~ ._ ' dance. 20. Barn „ . Little Closer 23. Elm Square, . . - Waltz. pnotic Waltz). , - '- R. L. Parker and Miss Brown L. B. Paine- and Miss Kenniy. Inn R. Randolph -and Miss Harrison. Inn Three Twins (Hy- - of a Girl *-Kind -, J., Hamilton, C Hooper, T -- . . -.- ;. >m "lS - ley - T :-. -. _ ._........GRAIN ' - - - -- - .. R -' :--- .: -' lm;,ii . . ', -; -. A^t!Rlf ,- -^ ^'1Vol ^nI] I t I ' -, I '-: ' r ; -- ,'ckns - -. ,'/ Groceries -:- "'." . "" . ; '- : " UI' CBL'. * ; *.J -?)' "J"'..'. -".-'' p- .. d l ot . opp *.'-b' ', . .D.-' , ; ...... AL:r~ :,.<E:DEM ~:le U S ~-: ,' -(/Bootiand : Shoe Th. rea ,. - :* ^""^NXESStch .- rt'~*Bidw^«^>^«B.I~~~~~d~~ilisnt-oly-- S : '' ' Boys % . .-.. ...- /_. . ?-;, · ,4....... 4_ r'' -" T: ,'T,..-A~...--. :-!0er;: Eveytld dRep"Irlss; -;tt-^o-cente ^',azch ,' emuMw. I. a'z^- .^ '" . : ''-.. ~'.- -'; ~ ' -,% , ..; . ' . -.. - : ,- ,.% c ;::::--¢;','(":; C-.......... ."wv-... '"'e.-,-~ i-':'L'';:g jqiix: ~ ~~ ' "' : 4 " '.3 .'%, -~.........z, / ,:j'' ;''-','.,--'w, .... .. ''~'. * ~....- ~c C ~. "/ .. :-.,,,.. . - , .,.%-.t.,..., ,-V~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ' .,. ' ';~ ' ' ,1 :;'" .el,,ar : ZURURXUJ ^U, UTres AT ,-~' ' -' , _ . ' m'-;~~, ARROW -*.*' Ct--^Icents-a ^***,^' - M S. '.'. . - fe Hen- F. C. Hall and Miss' Harsh :' ' . W. *D W. Young -and.Miss, Mead .'. C.-C. Kia-'.'/-o =-= ., .'Applegate -.,:.. bbot-' Bushnell nd Mis Swai - ,':. . i. - -- *. -- H. W. Black and Miss-Van Tyne, Abbot-- F.:/Thwing and .Miss' Bigelow. Abbot iH. L. Beckwith and Miss Sanford. Doyle W. N. Bowden and Miss Wait * . . Buckley.and SMss.-LanC-Abbot-- --, H. Buriham and Miss Dudley. Inn - - '.._ iO .v . way, D. Hemingway, -;'W.W.Jci',J; will revisit Andover are: - - - ..... ,,*, M n Several alumni will alsd be preExtra Supper dance. Two-step Moving Day in Jungle Town sent.-We regret we have but a fewh Among those who will attend the of their names. . Some of those who Prom are: M;t .- -- Smith R.-M.Thompon, J. M. Wilcox, - 4z29. Waltz. Little Nemo , 30. Two-step. I've Got Rings Lage, H, Engsh, . CEng Brown, N. on My Fingers Ar. Donaldson, and . S. Gary,.$r: : ]l - . , T. York and Miss Finletter; Inn' -'. H. F. Wofrtih andMiss Haywood.': -- , 27. Waltz. -A Dollar Princess - t udent» Trai..8pe«>I.ty:. ...' . There are a number- of fellows 24 Two-step; Electric Wizard going stag this year amrong which 25. Waltz. Marcelle.. ., -. ... 26. Barn dance.. I'm not that are: Aidover "",:.',.dUturIIUIId.oafls ^ E-A-Whittemore and- Miss Disney, D. Warren and'Miss cKindley ( -- [A.,_:, t UulUlH - - 2. Two-step: Old-P. A. ftf-pnDS- -i _,U Cuddle up a F- W.'Smith and Miss Jaclson '". '. * - ..'. D ' ..'-,-K. Warren and Miss Warren.. Inn _" -As -;INw B. . illiason and Miss, Ti'. DryGoods and Blue Danube Waltz. 2 ,- ,, ........... ,. N . O. <;,- Abbotsho . .B Bp Owea; id Miss .; H. R.Potter and.MissHustleton. Abot r,-r;-,' ? R S. Porter and Miss ohnson., Wlipile "'"..-""-. .- . ,-* - , ,m~~~~~~~~~~~ 145 TREMONT STREET I45 ', and -Miss Brown.'Abbot J.'T. Ogden and Miss Sanford. Abbot, ,i: .:: - . i5. Waltz., A Stubborn;Cinder- H. 'Ocumpaughiand Miss.Caunt.-Inn-, .; - Tim Photog.rapizer Jackson Boola Two-step. [ / H H.-Harbison-and Miss Stevens Mrs. Lewis H. R. Hawley: and Miss Reigeluth ''G. R. Ha and -Miss -M Sawyer - 1 .I Miss H.-Hunter.- Inn' . 0-step. Bright Eyes of Boston design and manufacture , W. D. Holden and, Miss Hayden. bbot 9. Waltz.- Ciribiribuimn the smartest young men's clothing Hazelwood and Miss-;Hazewood. wn the Field o. Two-stepT. especially for the college trade. SamMiss Heifron. Ja-cksonX* * aindI over- Ma« re ples of their ifinest' flnestnesitsc suts 'and over- March Js Heifron ennedy and and Miss yoe. ssewis coats, and exclusive - furishings are I Waltz. The Prince of To- H. A. Morris and'MissKKnapp. Inn . frequently shown at Andover by their H. T. Morse and Mis" Lewis. Aidover K.Moore and Miss-Lewis: Andover_college representative, Mr. James E. igt I2. Barn dance.. Cubanola Glide W. C. McCormick and Miss Jenkins. . . . . King. I13. Waltz. Espana ; ' C. Martin. and Miss I, Irying/ Andover _______~~~_________________ 1 Hunter.- A -'. BPa . .. The Billikn Man C.- IA.,e and Miss<Fishe .:at -. G. Foster and Miss,.'New on. Abb The Chocolate Sol- J. H. 'Gridley andlMiss Peiil.- Inn ' . S. Gary, Jr., and' Miss Opnhol-' . 'J.P. Gifford and MisMarsh; Dr. -'Clark"' 6. Barndance. - LI-- -'. ^.D. " -;.-' ^,'s--- Two-step. 5. _Waltz., dier :' U J. C Dougherty and;Miss Newton. 'Abbot - ZU '-Abbt " Promenade will startat S.-'Cofi and; ^: iv '"pYou romptly mase 8.3. Thexdance is i ::"-'^ er printed below. The.-Columbianor- C. Donworth andMiss8 erkins Park aMsstldiceCartr chestra of Lawrenice, having fifteen . e ~pieceswill furnish the music . gh _Dickeyand?,Miss-Sciht GrandaMarach. F. .MisSi S. D:iis :anougherty.fGrand ^ Phillipian March R. S; Davis aid.MissS tveii - FOWNES :r GOV.: " GL. ~OLU ~VIS , on the nian who doesn't PIIPAE "' - :'e2':of'.e K< 'Y. .. , t -. / S - r'~n.- ""7'. ' *" : ':'-%--''- ...... ,''"'e',.u'~,":':'~,':~"~'"' .*' '--': ': , -£' -- ;~ K-~.-t.~~ ~.~.~ - '. "-'l '-' ~,' a3 c,%~ ~ , .~(£,q4 ~- .ff ,R-S" n ' ,.'~.".~.,-.e g gn ''-""" V:""" ; - Wod, ~..~. saA ~ '...,:v.3,,r ... ~,.- :~._,.~.~ -'.~~,~~,~ ~E.-.a~~a 4.< , :,...,.~-,.w-..:...,.~ 1.,* _a :,.~~: ~ ,~~~ . , , ~-. -'':a : -: ' - estIMA e qnt-o~- i~pI -^ #s^ ^ w S9'^^?^ : ':' ^e?^"^ CLASSa_""-^ - ,.RNGS;i,?I© ,^E ^ 47 6 ---- -H i -' e s-- ^^^?%^cNoy& GFOd ^4MteiC' DtRSES^. - ANDilO'S ; - H I I --- -t,*- . - .- t --,. l ,N , -.... , <, HA^.^-Iam... ~,,:~ ', H ;Mw,,b, . I<>'.. ,. -.-'', `;-",0 ?POSITS, CAM $.. Ma~~ii~~twO~~osits~~2wa~~Na~~i -~ -J, bo, ',1 :~-::'6 a n g:plo,.-ayhntd 'ai Iketnf JO '11',8TB ca.AA~ nd s , hi^1-1ri^i '',e,' -~~ ,-Progpr'fier. 'I-Coh oh Ij'4 . vote-d' '-*" ' l '"^ --W -' '? ~ '^;-*^ t^v^^ ^ *'..'-::?:,:~.., . ^ x , t... 4 Tcoe- wvenue , 'T-he, yINu-n'- . i MANDO nGoaas- l -': r - -^i y^ *:2^*''-'' x,^U**' x i^ . ';-'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~'-^.--:..'~ ,-:. , o 'of Lowell. corer, I.T.r---Wa *,"::....-Sinith .ie e$~n oSa nn~e ~: Hay 2 - -C i ::' Sa,/'*. hoes- ^and-'' Rub*so '-^ ,r. -' flaor''wo - .... a.--p *rgu ay nt '-,:''. -^ ''~ : '- -·' -. '" Vw-*-.y." , ..... '' ~ . ^ / ..... ^'"^^^- ,,J';,,i;I-.*I.I,',L ~ -- , .'.~.,PW-%W. -ra~7g~ ' '"'-"" -'''' '' . . . . -'''"'~' "*:r' . ' fr.G.. omo.d f..eshing :;+-,'':::*1 :. ;~-' = ?'vL..*0ictor.s:. '.. , ,"" ·- **'-"- :~.;. -^ '^-'~---" .L|:.? ',<*~^ .;.^ ' . - L -^ ^ ^ ^,.;L.^a»3S^?Hlgsha^^ ^ Qt~~~iX~~u~~n~~laAA % " · ,SIXTEE . ' ':'~':":'?'<'<';%.:;,""::"~:::', . - . -. - - ..FO~~~R...''""^^ ~'....+-.' II-lr,- ' ,-~"-" -: "- ' -.,"'-- ' aavva;,-~-----t [;--. --"'-.-.- -' ---e'.-" "; :4 [.>'-?,:;,, - -~" .......*,- - =, -~- ,Boest -' .. .....- -~,'-... .?:.,..:,-:,.:,.--_::, ' '- ' . - -- ,-'.--:-:-<:.- < 43IWaS O1OAND S -.. I., ~ . -~ .,. v-z4: - Ulsters for Midwint weaL ~~~~~~~~Dress Cotes, - -- - Knitted-Coats and .estit - 5 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~Seate4CapsTlppitsje. ngihHtHaberdshr 7 ~~~~~~~~d Leather Gods &TATIONBRS ~~ ~ AND ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~P1~~~~~Th~~TERS TO HsL , , - -" - 7- Z. ~ saie~6~awscoo.SUPn '- Suits,Overcoats and - -- - -~~~~~~~~~~ , Cody, Wyoming., near- GRAVES, P. A., 95.. J.,H. "' . - ^ railroad-point.- Burlington ouxe. game -dGoodfishing -- - - -- - -- .-. ~~-- was a. - the R6cies at edge of Yellow-- stone Park. -. :.- E -- *-~~~~~- floor work was particula.......rl /- = 'Caps.-Tipoets~lef.,, -. '''1iaW'^-Y^-io^ minut''-. es eCloh. - : ao , t :':. :.: . t6s nw RANCH, ..,TlBAR cuntr. ~3 es'ia ia pontligp ',le -* in.-.... Th "- ' W'r2, Wapiti Wy Wyo. o . TAW32NC8 nap ~~~ mranuftu~~~~hndU~~rflr 6mw umnimer~~In E '"~'::*<' LIRUIIB-'IiULLEIIE OUR IE ~-- .. -,- .-. ,- N - ;,- th of theesta 's -game,shooting, sevenbas-ets is -. .;'-',-'·' . ....--,-- - ......... ,.Y,EAR- WGr'a~Who~ey ,hgs i ,'''"* .';, -'.-^Swea^ &'' STER -^.: C~~~jp~ ;/** L ; - ^ -^,.*...,^ ^* . "';: ':'*: *'*,:~~UUJ5P~~~fI.~~~IUAM4U4~~~~{) *:*' *:: .' '-:=.- :,' *, /;'::-£ - nTwas ¥theirshob.tin-'\ -vi ' ,-'--~ -'.*'.'k^-'-; workand -- n --bi - - ..-.Mae- '.-,;=. ai -:*'-:--:.,':'/:':-.'-..---= and an tSeors- overws eed -e -sTime the of msfAhdover- Junors last_ Wednies;dy';,,4 J4 14 ...... The, cte' -sh,:owe & splendid,,,,. ' .. ..... _curate. '' -- - :''i® ie Wittnore Sani , '. = '? -~ .- 7:.','.";:\. ..-.. . -,..^., . . , - ;-'g,.-':,-„ '.-,;::',% / --. ,*.:;.:,~:'- -hdo gam , · shooting PShedyomn, . . ',.%.: : is\' .- ofLwl ~_, :'4, ';on -,,oas-~oFayn Z~.vneN ::,~~~5 ~~XJ*~~ning. Reeree-ay e A J1A:L1UU1AL1~~~~~~~ - ~~~ LiA~~~N~~iI k 5. ,^"^^^^^ -":,' adove, a Lwel . ""'''Scre..n '^ 'i .. ;-',:;''.**--:-B<»p - i~en~a»,-''-< ^^* ^^ ^,-';;t.''I:'":';¥'r;-,,:'::::.:4. .ff'~ ::*'............. 361 - ^tie oSicime Erbut-': \viil- a ^^^^^p.^^rT""' *" Ed^4,g ^d ____ t', Office.:6. <-' . -,I: . l i t "",'"f,f Z -" "HRO .;.,. o-:-<: n' ,dia m "ie iantey-a ti,::?- -'cn¶"'' a - ^^^^^^-^ ^it^E^E* ' ?..... ,C;:' ..,- '-. ...^ -^ .. :~>,,. ].,"-:/.* ~.. "t-.f'-'.^ .^ '"- ! _,~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~ * .....,.--,,, ;-:4. leA~iA~LY-AAsmay '~:~.BAkJO,'GU ~!,,~ejL~q:~..~i ' -Kpno NN- .,, 00a Rates $3.oo 2"; ;i:-'Y,',' 4'':'- - ,.-~ ~,.~._~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....... - .-.. -uli~and~iiet~e 'm8 gue....... ",,,,, ,,.-' I---,-.. a w a n~.g S y ^P'd^. Bnqu^t -'-' ~ *^^f^^^&^«o,^^ -;, -i?-'j. TEWAR' :.: ^«iis~. - i R-... *" 4-$XV "--A '::':, ^' u .i......^f....rf..t - I . rot...,- OoJt s -~~~~~-' o -g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mt"; T' ee' -j4~7~r.W 4 .""th 'p(|^aa~ .Ma ,*, -, .- ^ph~o.«.^ ^^^ H~~fe.4P ILtIP -P J --* ' ^g aiici^ shsl.bCyan-Maingk-follow- *;,^- p Bros.^;*.-:B<t^ ti.o^udiehan^mof I TIIII S N sy~ou~an S^4I^S 'I *no^.treii^fwtt^^ 14g7f T3oponentstdcore Tre ontS1jbetonM . U ~'PA ~ l ^ T h e ~ m i l ^%*^W^% ^ -~ - ~I-Z H-'-.."?. ; K^-t?^ TRptW . ^"J'-^-^ys ;.~R -' ' ^^ ' - M :'.: :-" NikEET,' - - 7/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 r~4 - . -' . . - PAGE ,s x .,:* . .' - - ,.'I z:" Discussion Groups lMr Stackpole'' A--': : i.o Sunday noon their next, meeting.. , - h 'rienbe building' " -, 5 ::.-,;:-.- :;v^.. ' _.:- many of :hfirst That. the national parties should * "Samson", next Sunday. in municipal 'elecdisis hold Mr. Hinman will cussion [group on "Great Men' of tions." A vote on the merits of the ject of "A Student's Religious Hart and Tupper., A vote taken on the merits ofthe debate resulted in a-tie, 5 to 5; but:the critic decided class will in favor of the negative. "'An ex-' Life"'at their next meeting -- not meet thisweek. JThe-lesson'for cellent critique.was given' by Mr. Tuesday, March *i, will', bethe'fifth Hinman. After..some 'miscellaneed. Paul..-, . ,:_ X * rW .,.. ...-.. ._ R.* : D-GRIDL^T^-V"EY'S ' N -!.,--. : - F- - ; -,,,.*. ,_ 'w ,8 * ,,_ ..: , ' " *_,:-,:%.;::-' * - ; .8 ' . -. ;>. . , i . TH,. ^, ': -,- t i -- , ' ' r ' ,;/., , A,,E k ' ,o« -,'.; - %' . ' .,, >':" - ' :, : :-rs . ":i . 5s ~; P _ , J ! * i' ' - ., ' '.'$. . .- :':,,."<< 1 f .. * ,: ' - O; . , ,-., :- · I{ , I . os ,_s . '4 ;*it .. ,'*' - $5!, '^''"*? c ',^:m'ern^x.-; T}:K e,.ee'd.'eprst':.r.-e1, date_1in~2fY::5 i'' I- , I. *.. ... H........ , ; ,"' v ,1 - 2, I -S >r , ~i5-*~z |* ' ,' ' -2 Eiiilr i r- ' '* - .' , e, ..,-1 " ',, > ' -* * , ', T ,' .... r,:,r i I ' :,i " ' "-;'B G : E r...,i .. - '-- : . . .. .. .... '^ ' - ,' " ,- : Id '""' < -: ':"t: ;;; ' - At Frnch's ..... ' i - j OE v'"' -:' : ^ - " .- . - T.... -.... : B OLt, On.-.- U*'HO - t O' -. t- ,,-'-*"v,.:..... 1, - . ' i . _ ^ - n . - * - t^ .. YO UNG : .-. ;',,-%.: ' . - _ OPEN-ALL, N W W E_ 2- ; ;', NIGHT g = * i , . - .. - i 'i -- * '. roblems C1ot I * $ ' 0n - ,„.,-- i 'AURkANT AND`. 'REST ' ' 'N "' , " GOOD. FOOD AT POPULAR' *PRIC. _ . ' - '' y A8K ANY COL - ^ - /: -' Mr,;Harrington's ,Bible .... : , . ^,th ,': '' -'" , M C, - Wednesday assisted by Gordoni.,while te -Mr. Stackpole's evening class will continue th 'sub- speakers -for,-the negative-were i ' ' ,.---s.-hl ,' ; Histoiy" next. Sunday at I.30. question taken before the debate The life of "Martin Luther" will favored the affimative, 6 to o.'Tfe be discussed. , affirmative was; upheld by. Tilton, -- ^ °,. ' will discuss subject for debate was, "Resolved, the Old ,Testament," .".,.--:*. ustome | '. - a l NN N See .' te Pendulum.". -Mr. Poynter's class on "Men, of "THe Pit and, S c ,- . .. Mr. Stackpole's' Tuesday even- topics of the'week, and Bell spoke 'j' ,,.l.!py. ing group will not meet next week, extemporaneously." A- selected read- l ,' . ,',' . .Ogden' from Poe's Tuesday being a-holiday.' '- "' ' He tWentyyars. Aio P 3 orur 1meeting in, the -- Friday evening the-ieraryprogram withe 'gan , B The regular ,disussion group' will'continue the was held topic of "Law'asi'profession" at Archaeolo -¥ -, ' .: ':-',':' -:1 "-z" . '* .... >Z.: '.. " - :77k'' W ti ,,,,Orer'n ' ,: : ", .:-.,:)r .,-,,---. -: .''.' " :, ' ' · MR / - /' ' , ., : 'h ":