3 - Community Foundation Acadiana
3 - Community Foundation Acadiana
T H E A R T O F G I V I N G 2007 C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d a t i o n o f A c a d i a n a : R e p o r t t o t h e C o m m u n i t y T H E A R T O F G I V I N G 2007 C o m m u n i t y Fo u n d a t i o n o f A c a d i a n a : R e p o r t t o t h e C o m m u n i t y c o n t e n t s Letter from the Chairman and Executive Director 3 M e s s a g e f r o m E l e m o r e M o r g a n , J r. 4 W h at i s C o m mu n i t y Fo u n d at i o n o f Ac a d i a n a 5 Board of Directors 7 Fo u n d e r s S o c i e t y 8 Members 9 Committees 10 C FA S t a f f 11 Assets and Grants 13 Financial Statements 14 2007 Grants 15 2007 Hig hlig hte d Fund s 16-36 Memorials and Honoraria 37-39 2007 Fund s 40-42 In Conclusion 43 F e a t u r e d A r t i s t : E l e m o r e M o r g a n , J r. 44 All artwork featured in the 2007 Report to the Community is by Elemore Morgan, Jr. Cover (and inside front and back cover): Gladu Road, Elemore Morgan, Jr. Left: Cow Studies, Elemore Morgan, Jr. 1 what is C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A C A D I A N A ? Texas Star, Elemore Morgan, Jr. LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND EXECUTIVE D I R E C T O R Dear Friends, Community philanthropy is a unique part of the American culture and landscape. Community Foundation of Acadiana provides the entrepreneurial and ‘can-do’ leadership necessary to satisfy needs and opportunities in Acadiana as well as the flexibility to satisfy the unique philanthropic objectives of our donors. The Foundation ended 2007 with assets exceeding $21 million and grants exceeding $3.5 million. The Foundation is proud of its progress, to be sure. However, this remarkable and consistent growth, in both arenas, should not be the only barometers by which effectiveness is gauged. Instead, the focus is on our communities, on long-term leadership and a coordinated impact – in an effort to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Acadiana. The past year realized new and diverse initiatives and projects with which the Foundation is associated. A few highlights follow. Community Foundation of Acadiana acted as an instrument of recovery from a region still reeling from the effects of the storms of 2005. From the ongoing Starbucks Foundation C.O.A.S.T. Fund, to the conclusion of the first phase of Chevron’s Energy for Learning initiative, to the marriage of the efforts to provide housing to displaced residents by the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette’s Office of Peace and Justice and the Louisiana Technical College Teche Campus, to the reopening of the South Cameron Memorial Hospital via a $2 million grant from the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund – Community Foundation of Acadiana worked to help Louisiana rebuild. In August of 2007, the new Ascension Episcopal School at Sugar Mill Pond held its groundbreaking. This state-of-the-art educational institution will occupy 80 acres and will include several phases with a total estimated value of $55 million. The Foundation will lease the campus to the Episcopal Church of the Ascension who will operate the school. Additionally, a permanent endowment has been established with the Foundation for the benefit of this institution. During 2007 and 2008, the Foundation is serving as fiscal sponsor of Louisiana HonorAir – a magnanimous and herculean effort to honor veterans of World War II by flying them to Washington D.C. to view the Memorial erected in their honor. This initiative has generated humility, pride, honor and tears – emotions that affect everyone connected to this project. The Foundation is regional in its appeal and impact. This past year realized a continued expansion in our donor base geographically. Donors from Thibodaux to Crowley to Morgan City to Opelousas recognized the Foundation as an appropriate vehicle through which their specific philanthropic objectives can be satisfied. In June of 2007, the Foundation announced the establishment of the Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund, an Affiliate of Community Foundation of Acadiana. This Fund has a local Board that attracts dollars and will grant dollars exclusively to benefit Iberia Parish. At the time of this printing, the Foundation is in discussion with community leaders in two other parishes interested in establishing a comparable affiliation. The Foundation affords the capacity to realize charitable dreams. We are proud of the capacity to accommodate the aforementioned and many others. The Foundation thanks you for your trust and confidence. Our leadership – volunteers, Board of Directors, and staff – welcomes an opportunity to accommodate you, your family, your company, or your foundation. For good – For Acadiana – For Ever. Raymond J. Hébert Executive Director Community Foundation of Acadiana Elaine D. Abell Board of Directors, Chair Community Foundation of Acadiana 3 Gladu Road, Elemore Morgan, Jr. MESSAGE FROM ELEMORE MORGAN, JR, FEAT U R E D A RT I S T 4 I am pleased to be involved in the establishment, through the Community Foundation of Acadiana, of a permanently endowed fund to benefit the visual arts of our region. As a native of Louisiana and a resident of Vermilion Parish, I have a long term interest in the restoration and protection of our endangered coastline. Much of my painting is based on the landscape of Coastal Louisiana, and I plan to donate a painting of mine relating to this landscape to be sold to raise money for the Visual Arts Endowment. I invite other artists and members of the arts community of Southwest Louisiana to join me in supporting the work of the Community Foundation of Acadiana. Elemore Morgan, Jr. VISUAL ARTS END OWMEN T This year’s report features original artwork by Elemore Morgan, Jr. Previous reports featured original artwork by Francis X. Pavy and the late Guy Ransonet. Each year artwork by the featured artist is gifted to the Foundation. The proceeds from the subsequent sale of the artwork is added to the Visual Arts Endowment at Community Foundation of Acadiana. The Visual Arts Endowment is a unique Donor-Advised Fund at the Foundation. Local artists have given of their time and talents to help build up the resources which will support their dearest passion. These artists maintain advisory privileges, recommending grants to visual arts causes they support. WHAT IS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF AC A D I A N A ? Mission Statement Community Foundation of Acadiana provides leadership in facilitating the charitable and creative giving of its donors in an effort to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Acadiana. Vision Statement To be the recognized leader in matching donors with needs in the Acadiana Region Values Integrity Credibility Trustworthiness Long-Term Stewardship High Ethical Standards Fairness Transparency In seven short years, Community Foundation of Acadiana has established itself as the philanthropic leader in Acadiana. Its broad vision, to match donors with needs in Acadiana, is as powerful as it is expansive. The 2007 Report to the Community reflects the diversity of ways in which donors are leveraging the power of the Foundation for the good of the community we all share. Community Foundation of Acadiana has positioned itself to be the objective leader in bridging gaps between resources and needs, and it offers donors easy and flexible ways to satisfy their various charitable objectives. From establishing a fund to participating as a member, the Foundation invites all those citizens who want to utilize their resources to move Acadiana forward. For those who are strategic about charitable giving, there is a simple way to make a permanent difference and leave a lasting legacy – Community Foundation of Acadiana. Community Foundation of Acadiana is a tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)3, non-sectarian public charity that provides individuals, families, groups, corporations, foundations and other nonprofit organizations in Acadiana a visionary and rewarding approach to philanthropy – immediately and in perpetuity. The Foundation is not the end-beneficiary, and therefore, it can respond to long-standing as well as to new and emerging local needs under its broad charitable mandate. As the premier charitable organization in Acadiana, the Foundation affords a vehicle through which our quality of life is enhanced in the communities we love. We invite all Acadiana citizens to consider the ways in which philanthropy can help create the community of which we all dream. For more information about establishing a fund, becoming a member, or being involved, please call or visit us: 337.266.2145, www.cfacadiana.org, 600 Jefferson Street, Suite 402, Lafayette, Louisiana. 5 who is C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT IO N O F A C A D I A N A ? Mike Doucet Playing Fiddle, Elemore Morgan, Jr. 2008 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S Elaine D. Abell* Attorney Chair Caroline C. Boudreaux* Boudreaux, Henderson & Co., LLP Chair, Legal & Financial Affairs Committee Ernest Freyou Iberia Parish President Hank C. Perret Moreno Group David T. Calhoun* Retired, Jacob North Printing Companies Vice-Chair Leonard K. Lemoine* The Lemoine Company, LLC Chair, Board & Resource Development Committee L.J. Gielen Gielen Enterprises, Inc. William W. Rucks IV William W. Rucks, IV; Investments Janet Morein Wood* Capital One Secretary/Treasurer Chair, Audit Committee Frank X. Neuner, Jr.* Laborde & Neuner Chair, Civic Leadership Committee Gregory N. Marcantel Certified Public Accountant E. Stewart Shea III The Bayou Companies Barry F. Berthelot* Chase Bank Immediate Past Chair Kathy Ashworth Sides & Associates, Inc. Kevin Moody The Moody Company E. Warner Veillon Tri-Parish Bank Michael DeHart* Stuller Family Foundation Chair, Investment Committee Mary Jane Bauer Realtor® Association of Acadiana Raymond H. Pellerin Pellerin Companies *Executive Committee Member PAST DIRECTORS Odon L. Bacque, Jr. Gerald Boudreaux Roland Dugas W.J. “Tony” Gordon III Mike Hamner Mike Hollier Michael J. Michot James H. Prince Rae Robinson Gail Romero Dennis Stine Robert E. Trahan 7 F O est. 2000 U N D E R S S O C I E T Y The Founders Society is a group of individuals and companies who understood early on the ability Community Foundation of Acadiana has to transform our community. With only a long-term goal, the founders gave of their resources for the good of Acadiana. Their vision and generosity made today’s work of the Community Foundation of Acadiana possible. 8 PLATINUM The Advocate Baton Rouge Area Foundation John R. “Bernie” and Lauren G. Dupre Lafayette General Medical Center Lee Matherne Family Foundation and Premiere, Inc. The Moody Company Foundation Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center Perret Doise, APLC The Pugh Family Foundation Bill Quinlan, ICT Insurance Southwest Medical Center Stuller Family Foundation United Way of Acadiana Women’s and Children’s Hospital GOLD Bank One (now Chase Bank) The Burts Family David and Anne Calhoun Kay Legendre Doré Fugro Chance, Inc. IBERIABANK Lenny and Christine Lemoine Martin & Castille Funeral Homes, Inc. Merrill Lynch, Clark-Kreamer-Hebert Group MidSouth Bank Michel Moreno, Dynamic Industries, Inc. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. Jim and Pat Prince Rodney and Cindi Savoy Robert and Coni Trahan, Lafayette Motor Company Adrian and Rita Vega The Wright Group SILVER Allen & Gooch Anonymous Doug and Claire Ashy, Sr., Doug Ashy Materials, Inc. Badger Oil Corporation Mary Jane and Carl Bauer Robert P. and Marcelle Billeaud Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Bourque Jerry and Judi Brents and Julie Brents Bouligny John N. and Colleen Chappuis The Daily Advertiser, The Times of Acadiana, The Opelousas Daily World Davidson, Meaux, Sonnier & McElligott Bill Fenstermaker, C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates, Inc. Chris and Karen Gambel, Northwestern Mutual Tony and Edna Gordon Haynie Family Foundation Hibernia Bank (now Capital One Bank) Robert and Mary Hollier Home Bank Max and Dianne Hoyt Pat and Truly Juneau Junior League of Lafayette The Eddy Knight Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David A. Koke, Jr. Elizabeth Busch Koke, Charlotte Busch Cryer, & Henry Busch III Lafayette Board of REALTORS George and Martha Latiolais Arthur C. LeBlanc, Jr. Tim and Tonya Lemoine Elaine L. Mann Family Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Nagem, Jr. Frank and Tracy Neuner, Laborde & Neuner Offshore Logistics, Inc. Patrick S. and Cheryl C. Ottinger Hank and Debbie Perret Rayne State Bank & Trust Company Regions Bank Carol Ross and Ron Gomez Rosary and Sammy Russo Mr. and Mrs. H. Norman Saurage III, Community Coffee Stewart and Becky Shea Larry Sides and Kathy Ashworth Art Suberbielle, Acadiana LifeStyles Dr. John Tolson III Van Eaton & Romero Whitney National Bank Richard G. and Sheila M. Zepernick, Jr. Richard and Elaine Zuschlag 2007 M E M B E R S Members believe in the good works of the Foundation and understand the potential Community Foundation of Acadiana has to transform the region we call home. Our members provide resources that support the operations of the Foundation and provide for its growth. Membership allows the Foundation to be engaged in high-impact philanthropic and community development opportunities to enhance the quality of life in Acadiana. SIGNATURE SERIES LEVEL 2 Anonymous Chase Bank Kay Doré Mr. and Mrs. William J. Doré, Sr. Fugro Chance, Inc. Bob and Sandy Giles Lafayette General Medical Center Mrs. Mildred “Mimi” McElligott Martin & Castille Funeral Homes Mr. and Mrs. Michel Moreno Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center Rodney and Cindi Savoy Stewart and Becky Shea SIGNATURE SERIES LEVEL 1 Capital One Bank Clark-Kreamer-Hebert Group Merrill Lynch Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gielen Haynie Family Foundation IBERIABANK J. B. Mouton, Inc. Knight Oil Tools Arthur C. LeBlanc, Jr. Elaine L. Mann and Family Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ottinger Realtor® Association of Acadiana Teche Federal Savings Bank Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. Whitney National Bank Richard G. and Sheila M. Zepernick, Jr. Richard and Elaine Zuschlag MASTERS SOCIETY LEVEL 2 Elaine D. and Edward C. Abell, Jr. Mary Jane and Carl Bauer David and Anne Calhoun Community First Bank Mr. and Mrs. Mike DeHart Jim and Charlotte Doyle Doug Ashy Building Materials Tony and Edna Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klutts Kolder, Champagne, Slaven & Company, LLC Lehman Brothers, Inc. Louis and Pat Michot Family, LLC Senator and Mrs. Mike Michot Kevin Moody Frank and Tracy Neuner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Pellerin Mr. and Mrs. David Romagosa Stine, LLC Tri-Parish Bank MASTERS SOCIETY LEVEL 1 Acadian Memorial Foundation, Inc. William and Carlee Alm-LaBar American Bank & Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Attaway Odon L. Bacque, Jr., CLU Ms. Eleanor Barry Harry and Estelle Barton Mr. and Mrs. G. A. “Beau” Beaullieu IV Barry and Becky Berthelot Caroline and Tim Boudreaux Gerald and Carlos Boudreaux Dan and Jackie Bouligny Linwood J. Broussard, New York Life Eric and Julie Buller Clarice and Beau Burch Julie and Michael Carloss Mr. and Mrs. John E. Coleman Ms. Linda V. Dautreuil Reverend Mark Derise Dave Domingue Robert and Toni Eddy Edge Communications Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fournerat John and Lynette Fraser Ernest and Deanna Freyou Chris and Karen Gambel Harvey and Loretta Gonsoulin Dr. and Mrs. Michael Halphen Thomas and Karren Hays Raymond and Allyson Hébert Ms. Francine Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hightower, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hollier Max and Dianne Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kergan Peter and Carole Landry George and Martha Latiolais Katherine and Todd McCormick Mrs. Karen McGlasson Benny and Yvonne Menard Bruce and Stacy Montesano J. Neil Morein Hank and Debbie Perret George and Nancy Richard Rae Robinson and Bill Brodnax Mr. Louis R. Rolfes II Larry Sides and Kathy Ashworth The Hon. Anne L. Simon Jeigh and Mark Stipe Tim’s Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Dr. and Mrs. John Tolson III Ray and Nancy Trahan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Trent Mr. and Mrs. E. Warner Veillon Peter and Jeanne Vizzi Janet and Chuck Wood 9 C BOARD AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Lenny Lemoine, Chair The Lemoine Company, LLC 10 RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Lenny Lemoine, Chair The Lemoine Company, LLC Elaine D. Abell Attorney Kathy Ashworth Sides & Associates, Inc David Calhoun Jacob North Printing Companies, Retired Bernie Dupré Dupré Partners Jeff Elmore Attorney, Jeff W. Elmore, LLC L.J. Gielen Gielen Enterprises Incorporated Al Lippman Attorney, Lippman, Mahfouz, Tranchina & Thorguson, LLC Katherine Moody McCormick The Moody Company Kevin Moody The Moody Company Ray Pellerin Pellerin Companies Hank Perret Attorney, Moreno Group William W. Rucks IV William W. Rucks, IV; Investments Rodney Savoy RR Company of America Stewart Shea III The Bayou Companies PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS SUB-COMMITTEE Don Bacque, Chair Mass Mutual Financial Group John Armato CPA, Darnall, Sikes, Gardes & Frederick Craig Babineaux CPA, Broussard, Poche, Lewis & Breaux O 2008 M M I T Harry V. Barton Harry V. Barton, CPA Russell Champagne CPA, Kolder Champagne Slaven & Rainey LLC Robert M. DeRouen CPA, Leed Petroleum LLC Marshall Guidry CPA, Kolder Champagne Slaven & Rainey LLC Larry Lewis Attorney, Onebane Law Firm John Pucheu Attorney, Pucheu, Pucheu & Robinson, LLP Larry Sikes CPA, Darnall, Sikes, Gardes & Frederick Jerome Weber Regions Bank CIVIC LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Frank Neuner, Chair Attorney, Laborde & Neuner Dawn Adams Susan Allardyce Home Bank Mary Jane Bauer Realtor® Association of Acadiana Nancy Broussard Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. Allison Clarke City of Crowley Blake David Attorney, Broussard & David Jane Guidry Onebane Law Firm Kayla Link Crowley Chamber of Commerce Ryan Petticrew BBR Creative Rae Robinson Ascension Episcopal School Gail Romero Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. Missy Ross Cajundome & Convention Center Matt Roth Robideaux & Roth Mortgage, Inc. Lise Anne Slatten University of Louisiana at Lafayette T E E S Art Suberbielle Acadiana Lifestyle Bonnie R. Will KATC TV 3 LEGAL AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Caroline Boudreaux, Chair CPA, Boudreaux, Henderson & Co., LLP Ernest Freyou Iberia Parish President Peter Landry Attorney, Landry, Watkins, Repaske & Breaux Greg Marcantel Certified Public Accountant Duayne Richard Whitney Bank Kevin Stelly Attorney, J. Kevin Stelly, LLC Janet M. Wood Capital One AUDIT COMMITTEE Janet M. Wood, Chair Capital One Caroline Boudreaux CPA, Boudreaux, Henderson & Co., LLP Ernest Freyou Iberia Parish President Peter Landry Attorney, Landry, Watkins, Repaske & Breaux Greg Marcantel Certified Public Accountant Duayne Richard Whitney Bank Kevin Stelly Attorney, J. Kevin Stelly, LLC INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Mike DeHart, Chair Stuller Family Foundation Joseph S. “Bo” Billeaud Billeaud Capital Management Dan Chassee Morgan Keegan John Fraser Edward Jones Greg Marcantel Certified Public Accountant Kevin Moody The Moody Company Mag Ritchey Whitney Bank Warner Veillon Tri-Parish Bank IBERIA PARISH ENHANCEMENT FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lynette Fraser, Co-Chair Benny Menard, Co-Chair Community First Bank Beau Beaullieu, Secretary CoSource Financial Group, LLC Taylor Barras Iberia Bank Ashlee Comeaux The Bayou Companies, LLC Harvey Gonsoulin Retired Dr. Michael Halphen Rev. Zachary Mitchell, Sr. Hon. Anne L. Simon District Judge, Retired Michael Wattigny Custom Automated Controls PERSONNEL POLICIES ADHOC COMMITTEE Joel Babineaux Attorney, Longman, Russo Diane Broussard Acadian Medical Center Gayle George The Schumacher Group Maria Manuel Attorney, Onebane Law Firm F O U N D 2008 A T I O N S T A F F The highly-qualified staff of the Foundation is committed to building philanthropy in our community, and each individual brings a broad range of expertise to his/her position. Please contact any member of our staff for more information about the Foundation. Raymond J. Hébert Executive Director Carlee Alm-LaBar Marketing and Communications Director Ashley Boudreaux Administrative Assistant Marilyn Burch Finance Director 11 Linda Dautreuil Donor Relations Pictured l-r: Carlee Alm-LaBar, Ashley Boudreaux, Raymond Hébert, Marilyn Burch, Linda Dautreuil Contact Information: Community Foundation of Acadiana mailing address: P.O. Box 3892 Lafayette, LA 70502-3892 physical address: 600 Jefferson St., Suite 402 Lafayette, LA 70501 P: 337-266-2145 F: 337-266-2162 www.cfacadiana.org how is C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A C A D I A N A SER VING AS A TRUSTED ST E WA R D O F C O M M U N I T Y A S S E T S ? Bois Sec, Elemore Morgan, Jr. A 2000-2007 S S E T S & G R A N T S The graphs below illustrate Community Foundation of Acadiana’s dynamic growth since its inception. As a philanthropic leader in the region, the Foundation has established a successful track record of attracting dollars to be used for charitable purposes. It has also become a significant grant-maker in the community, issuing over $3.5 million grants in 2007. Ranging from continued hurricane recovery to specific causes from Donor-Advised Funds, the Foundation is becoming the center of charitable giving in the greater Acadiana region. 13 F I N A N C I 2007 A L S T A T E M E N T S Community Foundation of Acadiana continues to attract assets and grow its donor base. In 2007 alone, net assets grew by 46%. This growth has generated increased potential to be an effective and substantial grant-maker for a variety of causes. COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF ACADIANA Summarized Financial Statements For the Years Ended December 31 (unaudited) 14 Assets Current Assets Fixed Assets Other Assets Total Assets 2007 2006 $17,810,416 3,499,919 15,501 $21,325,836 $12,517,255 2,523,736 16,501 $15,057,492 Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets $1,384,584 785,000 19,156,252 $21,325,836 $1,149,150 820,000 13,088,342 $15,057,492 Revenues Contributions Investment and Other Income Total Revenues $10,689,449 1,029,817 11,719,266 $5,274,160 695,908 5,970,068 Expenses Program Expenses Support Services Total Expenses 5,180,407 470,949 5,651,356 3,381,311 428,922 3,810,233 Change in Net Assets $6,067,910 $2,159,835 Net Assets End of Year Beginning of Year Change in Net Assets $19,156,252 13,088,342 $6,067,910 $13,088,342 10,928,507 $2,159,835 G 2007 R A N T S In 2007, Community Foundation of Acadiana granted over $3.5 million to nonprofit agencies, religious organizations, and educational institutions. The grant recipients are listed below. Several of these grants were recommended by donors engaged in philanthropy through separate, named funds. Academy of the Sacred Heart Acadian Memorial Acadian Memorial Foundation, Inc. Acadian Museum of Erath Acadian Winds Symphony Acadiana Arts Council Acadiana Center for the Arts Acadiana Legal Service Corporation Acadiana Outreach Center Acadiana Symphony Orchestra Acadiana Therapeutic Riding Organization, Inc. Acadiana Youth Baseball, Inc. Alleman Center Alliance Francaise American Cancer Society - Lake Charles American Cancer Society Mid-South Division Inc. American Family Radio American Heart Association Asbury United Methodist Church Ascension Day School Ascension Episcopal School Construction Fund Ascension Episcopal School Endowment Fund Baton Rouge Area Foundation Behrhorst Partners for Development Better Than EZRA Foundation Bienvenu Counseling Services Big Brothers Big Sisters of Acadiana Bishop’s Charity Gala Bishop’s Service Appeal Bogalusa School Board Boy Scouts of America -Evangeline Area Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana Boys and Girls Country of Houston, Inc. Bridge Ministry of Acadiana, Inc. Cameron Parish School Board The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Catholic High School Catholic Relief Services Cato Institute Celebrities Fore Children Center for Louisiana Studies Children’s Museum of Acadiana Chorale Acadienne Church of the Covenant Cité des Arts City of Bogalusa School Board Concordia University Texas Curator’s Circle Corporation De La Salle Christian Brothers Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project Diocese of Lafayette Diocese of Lafayette, Office of Justice and Peace Down Syndrome Association of Acadiana Down Syndrome Association of Greater New Orleans Faith House Family Promise of Acadiana Feed The Children, Inc. Festival International de Louisiane First Baptist Church of Lafayette First Presbyterian Church The Food Bank of Covington, Louisiana, Inc. Food For The Poor, Inc. Games of Acadiana Golf Classic Gateway Foundation of Acadiana General Health Foundation/ Baton Rouge General Foundation Girl Scouts Bayou Council Healing House, Inc. Hospice Foundation of Acadiana The Housing Authority of the City of Lafayette Iberia Parish Humane Society, Inc. Immaculate Heart of Mary Archbishop James P. Lyke National Conference Institute for Breast Health, Inc. International School of Louisiana Jefferson Parish School Board Junior Achievement Junior League of Lafayette Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation LA UMC Disaster Recovery Ministry Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic Lafayette Consolidated Government Lafayette Convention and Visitors Commission Lafayette Crime Stoppers Lafayette Economic Development Authority Lafayette Education Foundation Lafayette Housing Authority Lafayette Natural History Museum Lafayette Parish Bar Foundation The Lafayette Resoration Center Le Tintamarre at Centenary College Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Lifewater Inc. Louisiana HonorAir, Inc. Louisiana Hospitality Foundation Louisiana Music Educators Association Louisiana Open, Inc. Louisiana Technical College District IV Foundation Lourdes Foundation Lower Cameron Hospital Service District LSU - Medical Alumni Association LSU Health Sciences Center Foundation Mandeville Police Dept. - Citizen Service Fund March of Dimes Mark W. Graham Scholarship Fund Marquis de La Fayette Fund Miles Perret Cancer Services Mt. St. Michael Academy NAMI Southwest Louisiana National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation National MS Society - Oklahoma Chapter New Orleans Public Schools New Start Center Opelousas Bible Church Opelousas Catholic School Orleans Parish School Board Our Lady of Lourdes Church - Slidell Our Lady of Wisdom Catholic Church Oxfam America Palates and Paté Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice Endowment Fund Plaquemines Parish School Board Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana Prison Fellowship International Project Hope Rancho Los Amigos - Youth With A Mission Recovery School Districts Sacred Heart Catholic Church Sacred Heart Ex-Students Association (SHESA) The Salvation Army SAR, Attakapas Chapter Scott Centennial Seth Foundation Shadows on the Teche/National Trust for Historic Preservation The Smile Train Society of Our Lady of Most Holy Trinity Southeast Texas Interfaith Organization for Disaster Recovery Southwest Louisiana Area Health Education Center SpayMart St. Bernard Parish School Board St. Genevieve Catholic Church St. Paul’s Episcopal Church St. Pius X Catholic Church St. Tammany Parish School Board Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Tarahumara Children’s Hospital Fund UL - Lafayette Foundation United Methodist Church - LAVIM United Theatre Artists, Inc. United Way of Acadiana United Way of Iberia, Inc. United Way of South Mississippi United Way of Southwest Louisiana University of Louisiana at Lafayette Ursuline Nuns of the Parish of Orleans Vascular Birthmark Foundation Vermilion Fire Protection Association Vermilionville Heritage and Folklife Park Volunteers of America Wings of Hope The Women’s Center of Lafayette Woman’s Foundation, Inc. World Vision International 15 what is possible W I T H C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A C A D I A N A ? 2007 HIGHLIGHTED FUND S Tribute to Clifton Chenier, Festival International Stage, Elemore Morgan, Jr. HIGHLIGHTED OPPORTUNITIES SPIRIT OF ACADIANA YOUR GOOD WILL MEETS OUR EXPERTISE. The Spirit of Acadiana opportunities are those that can take our communities to new heights and leverage the true power of the Foundation. Our staff and Board of Directors oversee these projects, setting priorities for the use of funds and determining how grants will be distributed to support the charitable needs of our communities. Spirit of Acadiana endeavors offer the greatest potential of the Foundation to respond to pressing and often changing needs and opportunities in our communities. They can be categorized in three ways: Initiatives are those endeavors which the Foundation identifies as solving critical community needs and undertakes through its flexible Spirit of Acadiana Funds. Projects are those ventures which are adopted by the Foundation Board because they have a valuable purpose and enhance the communities in which we live. These projects may include Fiscal Sponsorships in which the Foundation acts as the financial and administrative arms for charitable endeavors. These projects may be those of the Foundation or may be the endeavor of a third party. Grant-making is made possible through both Spirit of Acadiana Unrestricted Funds and Field of Interest Funds. These funds use the power of the Foundation’s expertise to maximize the impact of charitable dollars. Unrestricted Funds offer the Foundation maximum flexibility to respond to community needs. Field of Interest Funds are restricted to a specified area of interest, and the expertise of the Foundation is relied on to ensure effective grant making. 2007 HIGHLIGHTED SPIRIT OF ACADIANA OPPORTUNITIES Louisiana HonorAir Louisiana Technical College/Diocese of Lafayette 17 H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 O P P O R T U N I T I E S : S P I R I T O F A C A D I A N A Louisiana HonorAir WHAT IS POSSIBLE? RESPONDING WITH FLEXIBILITY AND DEDICATION TO UNIQUE COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITIES. TD Smith, local radio personality with Regent Broadcasting, became immediately intrigued with an effort in North Carolina whose sole purpose was to fly members of The Greatest Generation to Washington D.C. to see the World War II memorial built in their honor. After seeing this story on CBS’ Sunday Morning, he wanted to make this happen for Louisiana’s World War II veterans. “Everyone I spoke with suggested that I contact Community Foundation of Acadiana,” said TD. “This is a charitable project that, unfortunately, is quite time-sensitive. We had folks stepping up to the plate – willing to help with time and resources. What we needed was an organization that could help make this happen – the Foundation was clearly the right vehicle.” 18 World War II veterans from across Louisiana united for a day of remembrance. Community Foundation of Acadiana was eager to play a role in recognizing some of Louisiana’s most valued citizens. Its decision was to serve as fiscal sponsor. In that role, the Foundation put its weight behind the initiative, providing administrative support to the venture. In 2007, Louisiana HonorAir secured five chartered flights that transported almost 500 World War II veterans to Washington D.C. (Four more flights are scheduled for 2008.) The participation by the community has been unparalleled. From huge discounts by US Airways, to donations of sandwiches and wheelchairs, to the welcome by former Senator Bob Dole as well as members of Louisiana’s own congressional delegation, to big band sounds upon arrival at the Lafayette airport – the trips have been impressive, wellorchestrated, often emotional and, according to participants and their families, a highlight of their lives. Community Foundation leveraged its flexibility to sign on to the Louisiana HonorAir project. “This project demonstrates just one possibility of our Community Foundation,” says Executive Director Raymond Hébert, “and perfectly illustrates our Foundation’s vision. We have matched over a thousand donors with a community project and helped to honor some of this country’s greatest living heroes.” H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 O P P O R T U N I T I E S : S P I R I T O F A C A D I A N A Louisiana Technical College and the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette WHAT IS POSSIBLE? MEETING COMMUNITY NEEDS IN THE WAKE OF A DISASTER. Community Foundation of Acadiana received commitments exceeding $11 million for hurricane relief and recovery following the devastating storms of 2005. While most of those generous gifts were restricted for specific projects and objectives – Starbucks, Chevron’s Energy for Learning, Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, AmeriCares – the Foundation was given the responsibility of discerning appropriate recipients for others. Through a competitive grants process, the Foundation received several worthy requests. Appropriately, the Foundation made a variety of grants to qualified and sound organizations that were providing much needed assistance with our community’s recovery. As this grants process came to an end, it was the objective of the Foundation to focus on housing. Two organizations whose projects had the most appeal were the Louisiana Technical College, Teche Campus (New Iberia) and the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette, Office of Peace and Justice. Both projects had objectives that would help displaced residents who had received little or no help from other sources. In its role as convener, the Foundation decided to marry these two projects. Dollars were provided to the Louisiana Technical College Region IV Foundation for the purpose of purchasing materials to build Katrina cottages. Under the careful guidance and inspection of their instructors, the students provided the labor and expertise necessary for construction, electricity, air conditioning and plumbing. The Office of Peace and Justice qualified appropriate recipients and used dollars to move, secure and connect cottages. Other dollars were used to repair and/or purchase used modular homes for appropriate recipients. Two unlikely partners have joined forces to help some folks in most need. Community Foundation of Acadiana is proud of these grants and the good work and collaboration of these entities. 19 Governor Blanco talks to Katrina Cottage recipient Barbara McKenna at the house-raising ceremony for her cottage. Community Foundation of Acadiana’s grant to Louisiana Technical College and the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette enhanced an existing program of the State of Louisiana’s Office of Community Development that provided tuition and books for students at Louisiana Technical College to learn skills to help with Louisiana’s recovery. Photography by John Rowland. Reprinted with permission from the Daily Advertiser. HIGHLIGHTED FUNDS CFA AFFILIATES YOUR HOME COMMUNITY IS YOUR CHARITABLE FOCUS. Foundation Affiliates across Acadiana build endowments for their 20 respective communities to target philanthropy to a specific geographic area. Community Foundation of Acadiana supports these endowments through education, administrative resources, investment oversight, and accounting. Affiliates are led by a local Board of Directors charged with building resources to meet important community needs, immediately and in perpetuity. 2 0 0 7 H I G H L I G H T E D A F F I L I AT E Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : C F A A F F I L I A T E S Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? FOCUSING GIVING ON ENHANCING YOUR COMMUNITY. Community Foundation of Acadiana is committed to growing philanthropy in all parishes it services. True to that vision, the Foundation has engaged individuals and groups from around the region as board members, volunteers, donors, and grant recipients. In 2007, Community Foundation of Acadiana took an even bigger step in realizing this vision. Members of the young professionals group Bourgeois 2030, an organization committed to enhancing the quality of life in New Iberia, explored foundation options that would benefit their community. Community Foundation of Acadiana was contacted and engaged by Bourgeois 2030. This ongoing conversation lasted more than one year and resulted in the exchange of $100 to establish a fund to benefit Iberia Parish. Subsequently, this ambitious group of young professionals solicited the help and guidance from other, more seasoned community leaders. Thus was born the charter Board of Directors of the Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund. The Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund is an Affiliate of Community Foundation of Acadiana – established to benefit Iberia Parish exclusively. In June of 2007, the Board planned its Commencement Gala to honor the Shea Family – a family that has contributed significantly to the community in many ways. This Gala also provided the venue for the announcement of a substantial multi-year commitment to the Fund by IberiaBank. What began as a $100 commitment has now grown to an endowment of almost $100,000 in a few short months. The Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund will provide resources to meet the current and emerging needs and opportunities in Iberia Parish. Interested parties can also establish separate named funds that they advise and designate. As an affiliate of Community Foundation of Acadiana, the Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund utilizes the resources, infrastructure and professional management of assets of the Foundation while focusing attention on growing philanthropy in Iberia Parish. The Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund is advised by a Board of Directors made up of Iberia Parish residents who focus on broad philanthropic fields including social services, children and youth, the arts, education, community development, and more. From supporting existing nonprofit organizations to addressing critical community needs to enhancing public parks, the Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund offers flexibility and options that can satisfy needs in the community and satisfy the varied charitable objectives of its donors. The Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund Board of Directors pictured (l-r): Beau Beaullieu, Lynette Fraser, Co-chair, Honorable Anne Simon, Harvey Gonsoulin, Michael Wattigny, Benny Menard, Co-chair, Ashlee Comeaux, Reverend Zachary Mitchell, Sr., Dr. Michael Halphen. Not pictured: Representative Taylor Barras. 21 HIGHLIGHTED FUNDS DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS YOU ARE AN ACTIVE PHILANTHROPIST. Advised funds are established by those donors who want to be actively involved in directing their charitable dollars. Donor-Advised Funds are established by those who wish to actively participate in the grant-making process. Individuals, families, groups or companies who establish a donor-advised fund recommend charitable projects or organizations they want to support. Multiple non- 22 profits and organizations can benefit though a donor-advised fund. Our Board of Directors is legally responsible for approving all grants. Corporate Charitable Funds give Acadiana companies the opportunity to give back to their community while utilizing the expertise of the Community Foundation. 2007 HIGHLIGHTED DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS Acadian Ambulance Community Donations Fund Kibodeaux Memorial Fund Dupré Family Fund Starbucks C.O.A.S.T. Fund H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D O N O R - A D V I S E D F U N D S Acadian Ambulance Community Donations Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? MAKING GENEROSITY A PART OF YOUR CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY. As Chairman and CEO of Acadian Ambulance, Richard Zuschlag is an emblem of the entrepreneurial spirit in Acadiana. From starting Acadian Ambulance in 1971 with two friends, he has built the company into one of Acadiana’s largest local companies. In the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, Acadian Ambulance was in the epicenter of the recovery effort. The company’s selfless leadership made up the fabric of a city whose structure was fractured. While Acadian assisted those in need in dramatic and courageous fashion, some of its own were directly affected by the devastation. Generous individuals and emergency response firms across the U.S. and Canada wanted to help their colleagues in need. The Board of Directors of Acadian Ambulance turned to Community Foundation of Acadiana and established the Acadian Ambulance Employee Disaster Relief Fund. This fund granted dollars strategically and objectively to help employees get back on their feet. Richard Zuschlag and Acadian Ambulance are synonymous with philanthropy. This well-entrenched personal and corporate charitable culture has led to the establishment of a second, company-advised fund – Acadian Ambulance Community Donations Fund. This fund is a vehicle to perpetuate Acadian Ambulance’s charitable giving. Since the fund was established, Directors and Officers of the corporation have taken an active role in recommending grants, thus enhancing the company’s generous spirit. 23 The Acadian Ambulance Board of Directors pictured (front row, l-r) Hubert “Red” Dumesnil, Richard Zuschlag, Fred Mills, Jr., (back row, l-r) Tyron Picard,David Kelly, Dr. Ross Judice, David Pierce. Photography courtesy of Acadian Ambulance. H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D O N O R - A D V I S E D F U N D S Kibodeaux Memorial Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? HONORING THE MEMORY OF YOUR LOVED ONES THROUGH GIVING. Brudley and Nancy Kibodeaux lived community service during their short lives. Their careers were based on service to others, and their energies outside of their jobs were also focused on improving their communities. Nancy was a kindergarten teacher at Sugarland Elementary School in New Iberia and gave tirelessly to the children in her classroom. Brudley was a probation and parole officer who spent his evenings managing Village Bingo, a business whose profits supported local causes. When Brudley and Nancy Kibodeaux died in a tragic automobile accident in 2007, friends and loved ones searched for a way to honor their memory and their tradition of giving back. The family was led to Community Foundation of Acadiana where they established The Kibodeaux Memorial Fund and accepted memorial donations to build up the fund. Surviving members of the Kibodeaux and Delahoussaye families will advise the fund, always staying focused on the causes dear to Brudley and Nancy’s hearts. Specifically, the fund will most often benefit underprivileged children in Iberia Parish, keeping their giving close to their home. 24 Nancy and Brudley Kibodeaux H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D O N O R - A D V I S E D F U N D S The Dupré Family Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? CREATING A FAMILY APPROACH TO GIVING. The Dupré’s interest in Community Foundation of Acadiana developed out of their prior rewarding experience with planned giving through another community foundation. After the sale of a privately held business in 1999, the Duprés wanted to begin giving back to the area that had provided so many opportunities for them. “While discussing charitable gift options with our accountants in New Orleans, we became aware of the tremendous benefits and flexibility of community foundations,” said Bernie Dupré. Once they completed the easy steps of establishing their first donor-advised fund at that region’s foundation, they immediately began making grant recommendations, mostly in the Acadiana area. “The process was so easy, and the experience so rewarding, that as soon as we heard about Community Foundation of Acadiana, we jumped at the chance to get involved,” Bernie said. They began with a donor-advised fund at Community Foundation of Acadiana and simultaneously became Charter Members of Community Foundation of Acadiana’s Founders Society. They have since established a second endowed fund, the John Alexander and William Raburn Dupré Memorial Fund. For their first project, monies generated from this fund will help establish pre-natal classes for expectant parents of multiples. “We were excited to discover that having a fund allowed us to become much more proactive in our giving and greatly increased our sense of meaningful contributions to our favorite areas of interest,” said Bernie. Their grant recommendations have been to a wide range of entities from religious and educational institutions, to medical research organizations and to local social service organizations like Acadiana Outreach Center, Girl Scouts Bayou Council, Lafayette Education Foundation and Lafayette Ballet Theatre. 25 Bernie and Lauren Dupré pictured with their children Rosemary, Alexander, and Cornelia. Photography by Terri Fensel. H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D O N O R - A D V I S E D F U N D S Starbucks C.O.A.S.T. Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? ENGAGING EMPLOYEES IN YOUR COMPANY’S CHARITABLE MISSION. In the wake of the 2005 Louisiana storms, companies all over the country searched for ways to help. Starbucks Coffee Company, with a strong Louisiana presence, was no exception, and they looked to Community Foundation of Acadiana for local expertise in their giving. In establishing the Starbucks C.O.A.S.T. Fund, the company had several goals, all of which Community Foundation of Acadiana could accommodate. First, they aimed to leverage local expertise in grant-making by partnering with local community foundations where their grant-making would occur. At the same time, they wanted to use their grant-making as an opportunity to engage their partners (i.e. employees). Finally, they intended to direct dollars to grass-roots organizations who were working to help the Gulf Coast recover. 26 2007 marked the first year of the Starbucks C.O.A.S.T. Fund three-year grant cycle, and the Fund is well on its way to accomplishing its goals. With Community Foundation of Acadiana leading the process, the partners are active participants in the grant review cycle. By engaging with local partners, local organizations and local funders in a long-term commitment to help rebuild Louisiana, they hope to maximize the sustained impact on Gulf Coast communities, including those across Acadiana. A group of Lafayette ‘Partners’ poses for a photo between drink orders. HIGHLIGHTED FUNDS DESIGNATED FUNDS YOU KNOW YOUR CHARITABLE PASSION. Donors who wish to support a specific agency, church or school can establish a designated fund. These funds for your favorite cause can help support your interests for generations to come. Donors can create a new designated fund or contribute to an existing fund. Agency Funds can also be established by forward-thinking charitable entities who are concerned about their ability to meet client needs in the long term. 2 0 0 7 H I G H L I G H T E D D E S I G N AT E D F U N D S Lafayette Public Library Foundation Fund Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development Endowment Fund Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice Endowment Fund Miles Perret Cancer Services Endowment Fund Junior League of Lafayette Endowment Fund 27 H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D E S I G N A T E D F U N D S The Lafayette Public Library Foundation Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? ENHANCING THE CAPACITY OF A PUBLIC INSTITUTION. The Lafayette Parish Public Library has provided a window to the world for generations of residents. The Library continues its modifications and growth with changes in the people who visit, transformations in the technologies used and differences in the resources demanded. To enhance the programs and mission of the Library, committed associates and friends established the Lafayette Public Library Foundation in 1992. This Foundation gives the public an opportunity to sustain the Library and its system, supplementing the ongoing support received from the public. In 2005, the Library Foundation began a relationship with Community Foundation of Acadiana by establishing the Lafayette Public Library Foundation Fund. By segregating some of its assets, the Library Foundation creates yet other choices for donors interested in benefiting the Lafayette Public Library system. “Obviously, we’re thrilled to have this relationship,” says Raymond Hébert, Executive Director of Community Foundation of Acadiana. “We hope that Community Foundation of Acadiana will play a significant role in perpetuating the good works and mission of the public library system in our community.” 28 “The purpose of our Foundation is to receive private funds to provide money for materials and services not otherwise available for the Lafayette Public Library System,” says Dr. Mary B. Neiheisel, president of the Lafayette Public Library Foundation Board. “Community Foundation of Acadiana further increases alternatives to receive these individual gifts for the benefit of the system.” This flexibility and these options will expand library quality for all residents of Lafayette Parish and will complement the expert personnel and library staff who are making our great libraries greater. A child offers a simple message: Read. Photography courtesy of Lafayette Public Library. H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D E S I G N A T E D F U N D S Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development Endowment Fund and Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice Endowment Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? MEMORIALIZING ONE OF LOUISIANA’S LEADING PUBLIC SERVANTS. Cecil J. Picard dedicated his life to public service. He began his long career as an educator at the school where his father was the principal and on the property where he had grown up. When his father died suddenly of a heart attack, the superintendent appointed Picard principal of what was at that time Maurice High School. He served as an educator for twenty years, running for the Louisiana State Legislature during his last years as a principal. There he served for twenty years, serving terms in the House and Senate, and rising to power as chair of the Senate Education Committee. Picard was appointed State Superintendent of Education by Governor Mike Foster in 1996, was retained by Governor Kathleen Blanco, and served in this position until his death in 2007. While in office, he championed accountability and the LA4 initiative to ensure that all children in Louisiana have access to pre-K. Initially, the Picard family established a donor-advised fund from which charitable grants were made. To honor Picard’s memory, the family decided to establish two additional funds that would specifically benefit causes dear to him – children and education. The first fund, the Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development Endowment Fund, supports the research of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Child Development Center. Shortly after establishing that fund in 2007, Maurice Elementary School was renamed in the late Superintendent’s honor – Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice. The family then established the Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice Endowment Fund, pioneering public school endowments in Acadiana. This fund is advised by a group of community leaders in Maurice who will oversee disbursements that will benefit the school and its mission exclusively. In his death, those causes which were closest to him will continue to benefit from his legacy. Both the elementary school and the child development center that bear his name will forever benefit from the man who dedicated his life to the education of Louisiana’s children. Cecil Picard shows he is young at heart at the 2006 Louisiana Early Childhood Summit in Lafayette. Photography courtesy of Terri Fensel. Members of the Picard Family pose with principal Greg Theriot outside the school named after Cecil Picard. Pictured (l-r): Greg Theriot, principal of Cecil Picard Elemetary School at Maurice, Gaylen Picard, wife of Cecil Picard, sons Lane and Tyron Picard. Photography by Terri Fensel. 29 H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D E S I G N A T E D F U N D S Miles Perret Cancer Services Endowment Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? ENSURING THE WORKS OF A NONPROFIT CONTINUE IN PERPETUITY. One of Acadiana’s best-loved and most-needed nonprofit organizations, Miles Perret Cancer Services, embodies the entrepreneurial spirit that Community Foundation of Acadiana extols. Established in 2002, the center filled a community need identified by the friends and family of young Miles Perret, who succumbed to a brain tumor in 1996 at the age of eight. The community rallied around enhancing the services offered to cancer patients in Miles’ honor, and the annual fund raiser Games of Acadiana brought the community together for the cause. Since then, Miles Perret Cancer Services has served nearly 2000 families who are coping with cancer. The services offered to cancer patients and their families are broad—from support groups for families, financial services, and activities aimed at enhancing the quality of life for patients. 30 The center meets a substantial and growing need in our community. As such, the same leaders who created the center also understood the importance of an endowment fund to ensure its ability to sustain its mission in the future. Miles Perret Cancer Services Endowment Fund at Community Foundation of Acadiana was established so that future Acadiana families have access to the services they need while coping with cancer. A child takes a break from the fun at Games of Acadiana. Photography courtesy of Miles Perret Cancer Services. H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : D E S I G N A T E D F U N D S Junior League of Lafayette Endowment Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? PERPETUATING GOOD WORKS OF A COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATION. Since 1957, the Junior League of Lafayette has provided trained volunteers for community service. The League currently has over 500 members, including 325 sustainers. The impact of this service organization on our community is immeasurable, and the leaders that this organization has fostered are unparalleled. Since its early days, Junior League of Lafayette has published cookbooks to provide financial support for their mission to promote voluntarism, develop the potential of women and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The names of their famed cookbooks invite the community to learn more about the work of the League and support the causes that they hold dear: Tell Me More. Junior League of Lafayette works! (In fact, they work hard.) From the annual Tinsels and Treasures to numerous service projects, Junior League of Lafayette is committed to the general well being of women and the healthy development of children. Junior League of Lafayette is good! – Talk About Good! Their success is in their professionalism, their work ethic and their undying commitment to make Lafayette a better place to live and raise our children. The entire community benefits from their selfless and tireless commitment to this mission. The Junior League of Lafayette Endowment Fund is certainly Something to Talk About. Sarah Berthelot, current president of the Junior League of Lafayette, agrees, “The women of our League have enjoyed opportunities to make a difference through voluntarism and responding to the needs of our city. For over 50 years, we have developed active women leaders with a passion to affect positive community change for Lafayette. Through strategic financial planning and building an endowment fund, we hope to provide this invaluable training opportunity to women for many generations to come.” This outstanding service organization has created the perfect recipe – ongoing support for its terrific projects and a permanent endowment fund to sustain its mission and service. The Junior League of Lafayette Endowment Fund can receive outright gifts or planned gifts, and donors can even establish separate named funds to benefit Junior League of Lafayette. This endowment provides a great way to permanently support a great organization that has supported so many in our community. 2007-2008 Junior League of Lafayette Executive Committee pictured (l-r): Shawn Rhymes, Shannon Trahan, Jeannie Patton, Heather Hennigan, Sarah Berthelot, Cynthia Thompson, Dawn Alexander, Alison Alleman, and Stacy Patin. Photography courtesy of Stacey Lawrence Photography. 31 HIGHLIGHTED FUNDS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS YOU BELIEVE THE FUTURE IS IN EDUCATION. Scholarship funds are the perfect vehicle for donors whose passion is education. The creation of a scholarship fund is attractive to many donors and can be structured to benefit students at any educational 32 level or for any specific institution. As with any fund at the Community Foundation, a scholarship fund can also be established to honor a loved one. Some donors choose to stay involved through advisory relationships, while others name advisory committees to assist in the selection of recipients. Our staff will handle the paperwork and will ensure that scholarships are distributed in an equitable manner. 2007 HIGHLIGHTED SCHOLARSHIP FUND Gordon and Margarette Doré Scholarship Fund H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 F U N D S : S C H O L A R S H I P F U N D S Gordon and Margarette Doré Scholarship Fund WHAT IS POSSIBLE? GIVING OTHERS THE TOOLS TO SUCCEED BY MAKING EDUCATION POSSIBLE. Gordon and Margarette Doré ran a successful business and raised an accomplished family in beautiful Crowley, Louisiana. To memorialize their father and honor their mother, the three Doré children established the Gordon and Margarette Doré Scholarship Fund. Bill, Lon, and Gordon, Jr. wanted to honor their parents while increasing the affordability and opportunity of college for exemplary Crowley High School graduates. Honoring their parents and giving back to their community is of paramount importance to the Doré brothers. A scholarship fund is a terrific vehicle to accommodate these objectives in a way that is well-planned and permanent. Ultimately, the fund will issue four $1,000 scholarships each year to graduating seniors who plan to attend college. 33 Community Foundation of Acadiana assumes the fiduciary responsibility of this fund and will guarantee adherence to IRS guidelines, providing the family with the assurances they need to know that their parents’ legacy will live on and that the educational opportunities for deserving students in their home community will improve. Gordon and Margarette Doré in 1994 on their 50th anniversary. Photography courtesy of the Doré Family. HIGHLIGHTED OPPORTUNITIES PROPERTY DONATIONS YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY ASSETS TO BENEFIT YOUR COMMUNITY. Real estate comprises almost half of the U.S. net worth; however, only two percent of the gifts made to charities come in the form of real estate. Community Foundation of Acadiana is poised to change that statistic for Acadiana. The Foundation has received gifts of real estate, and it has positioned itself to accept future gifts through its 34 supporting foundation, Louisiana Real Estate Foundation. A donation of real estate allows you to achieve your charitable goals. You can reach a level of giving you might not have considered possible through the real estate you own. Whether an outright gift or a life estate, donated real estate can be used to establish permanentlyendowed, named funds that satisfy the philanthropic objectives of donors and families. 2 0 0 7 H I G H L I G H T E D P R O P E R T Y D O N AT I O N S Ascension Episcopal School Community Foundation of Acadiana H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 O P P O R T U N I T I E S : P R O P E R T Y D O N A T I O N S Ascension Episcopal School WHAT IS POSSIBLE? BUILDING ONE OF THE SOUTH’S PREMIER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. As Lafayette and the greater Acadiana region continue to realize a healthy economy and steady growth, enhancing quality of life factors that distinguish our communities is not negotiable. Creativity, innovation and an entrepreneurial approach are frequently engaged to meet unique opportunities. Such factors have contributed to the establishment and construction of the new Ascension Episcopal School at Sugar Mill Pond in Youngsville. “Through the efforts of many, we have the opportunity and honor to build the first new high school in Lafayette parish in over 25 years,” says Ascension Headmaster Patrick Dickens. This concerted effort will enhance the already exceptional educational options for Acadiana’s youth and will ultimately attract students and their families from other parts of our state and country. Combining a significant and generous land donation, a substantial lead gift and an objective vehicle created a perfect recipe for the successful implementation of this project. Interested parties and philanthropists are coming together to realize (through phases) what will ultimately be an estimated $55 million state-of-the-art educational institution that will occupy almost 80 acres. “Ascension is so fortunate to partner once again with Community Foundation of Acadiana,” says Dickens. The Foundation will own and lease the campus to the Episcopal Church of the Ascension which will operate the school. Additionally, a permanent endowment has been established with the Foundation for the benefit of this institution and its many future generations. “With Community Foundation of Acadiana’s leadership, the Ascension Episcopal School will set the standard for secondary education in the South,” says Mike DeHart of the school’s Board of Governors. “To achieve this lofty goal, it has taken ingenuity, vision and determination – all part of the Foundation’s DNA.” An artist’s rendering of Ascension Episcopal School. 35 H I G H L I G H T E D 2007 O P P O R T U N I T I E S : P R O P E R T Y D O N A T I O N S Community Foundation of Acadiana WHAT IS POSSIBLE? ESTABLISHING A CENTER FOR PHILANTHROPY IN ACADIANA. Permanence – Stability – Institution: words that describe the nature of Community Foundation of Acadiana. These words were used by the generous donors of this building, Rodney and Cindi Savoy, to describe what they wanted the building to portray. The Foundation, architects and contractor share the Savoys’ sentiment that the characteristics of the building should mirror those of the organization. 36 Community Foundation of Acadiana’s new home will be located in the heart of River Ranch, on the corner of Camellia and Pendleton Boulevards. The groundwork of the Foundation has already been laid through the generosity of the Moody Family which graciously housed the office of the organization over the last several years. As south-central Louisiana’s premier philanthropic vehicle, it is exciting and appropriate that a permanent home is established to fulfill the mission of the Foundation. This vision and commitment of the Savoy Family will provide the stability which will launch philanthropic enterprise in Acadiana. By enhancing the capacity of the Foundation, philanthropists are afforded permanence, stability and institution in satisfying their specific charitable objectives – all directed toward enhancing the quality of life in Acadiana. who D E M O N S T R AT E D T H E I R P H I L A N T H R O P I C S P I R I T I N 2 0 0 7 MEMORIALS/HONORARIA CURRENT LIST OF FUNDS FOR 20 0 7 Iris (Detail), Elemore Morgan, Jr. 2007 M E M O R I A L S A N D H O N O R A R I A The following honoraria and memorial gifts were received by Community Foundation of Acadiana in 2007. Listed in bold are the individuals who were honored, and the individuals names who follow are those who donated to Community Foundation of Acadiana in their name. 2007 MEMORIAL GIFTS Albert Andrepont Betty A. Lawrence David Lee Arceneaux Becky A. Mouton Mitzie Bailey Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. J. Louis Begnaud Pat B. Carroll Thomas C. Beisser Terry T. Beisser Willis Bodoin Carol B. Gaudin Robert A. Booker Carolyn L. Booker 38 Dr. and Mrs. James C. Ingram, Jr. Mrs. C.W. Kallam, Jr. Ms. Micky L. Kieta Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kreamer Lafayette General Medical Center Lafayette Parish Medical Society Ms. Sylvia S. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. May Ms. Priscilla McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Ottinger Mr. and Mrs. Dwight “Bo” Ramsay Mr. Louis R. Rolfes II Mr. and Mrs. David Romagosa Jim and Mary Buie Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Tenenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Bill Vildibill Ms. Frances P. Zink S.R. Caulking & Howard Naquin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Caulking Russell Joseph Bouillion Dr. and Mrs. David A. Tate Steve Champagne & Claude Broussard Gene and Shirley Champeaux Reneé C. Molbert Louis Bourgeois Regina M. Bourgeois A.E. Champion Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Freeland Arthur R. Brazda Ms. Mary Jean Brazda Eldridge Christ Brenda Christ Kathryn Flynn Breaux Junior League of Lafayette Malcolm P. Coco, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger St. Dizier Mr. Minus Breaux Mr. Beau Beaullieu and Mr. Shawn Harrison Orlie Robert Cook Mr. Fred R. Cook , Sr. Mr. Berchman J. Breaux CARP, LLC Mrs. Nada W. Breaux Van Eaton & Romero, Inc. Dr. Edgar P. Breaux, Jr. Dr. Patricia A. Barnes Mr. J. William Barrois, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barry Mr. and Mrs. George Berry Beta Land Services LLC Dr. and Mrs. Zerben H. Bienvenu, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Billeaud Mrs. Judy Broussard Dr. and Mrs. H.B. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Byrd Ms. Yvonne A. Champagne Mrs. John E. Chance Margaret and David Clark Mr. Daniel J. Frey Mr. Gary J. Hebert Mr. Raymond J. Hébert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hightower, Jr. Mr. Paul Hilliard IBERIABANK Daniel Cormier Russell and Karen Dailey Durio, McGoffin, Stagg & Ackermann Mr. Jim V. Miller Mr. Louie M. Cyr IBERIABANK Mr. Michael Manes, Square One Consulting, LLC Gabriel S. Dartez, Jr. Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance Robert Lee Dartez Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance John Derise Gertrude D. Chaney Snooky Derouen Mr. Mark Heard Marilyn D. McClelland Charles Jesclard & Joseph Devillier Erin J. Devillier Elais Doucet Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance John Alexander & William Raburn Dupré Mr. Cornelius Dupré II, Ms. Celia J. Hickenbotam Charles Alexis Emling, Jr. Jack Emling Paul A. Fournet Annette F. Broussard Dr. Benny Fruge Dr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Chastant Adam Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoyt Shelley P. Breaud Eloise Voorhies Gary Ms. Lynn Gary Robert D. Gelston Hugh M. Gelston, Jr. Wayne A. Gilder Broussard, Poche, Lewis & Breaux James Wayne Glazebrook Caryl L. Horn Harold Goertz, Jr & E “Milo” Daboval Mrs. Marguerite M. Goertz Mark Graham Dr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Chastant George L. Granger James K. Jagneaux Edward R. Gremillion Mrs. Joan Gremillion Harry Hanks Thomas and Joni Frey Russell P. Hebert Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance Lee W. Henry Acadian Cultural Center Acadiana Boat Crusing Club, Inc. Juliet H. Davis Sherry D. Dupre Leon, Lisa and Lee Ferguson Jimmy and Larayn Guidroz, Swags & Tassels, LLC Jack and Sylvia Habetz Kenneth and Renee W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Simeon W. Marcotte Mark and Beverly Matulik Dr. Luis A. Meza, A.E., Glenn and James Huckabay and Byron Pipes Ms. Gretchen Huckabay Ms. Lela Jones Beau and Kaci Beaullieu Brudley Kibodeaux on his Birthday Hazel and Harry Delahoussaye Brudley and Nancy Kibodeaux Abbeville Police Officers Association Ackal’s Iberia Pharmacy, Inc. Ms. Lupe L. Acosta Lou Audibert Barbara A. Beard The Calvin Begnaud Family Lewis and Charlene Bernard Rosemary E. Bernard Ms. Monica Bouillion Barbara Broussard Larry and Judy Broussard Emel and Ruth Collins Cajun Bingo Supply, Inc. The Honorable and Mrs. John E. Conery Billy and Janette Davis Ms. Debbie Denais Fire Boss of La, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Mark DeRouen Cynthia E. Dutil Ray and Delores Eastin Employees of S.B.B.S. & E.G.S.I. Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser Marilyn E. Gerrets Matthew and Tibi Hebert Otis and Becky Henson Melissa Bayard Hill and Shelly Hill Houma Terrebonne Jaycees, Inc. Ms. Gale Huval, Huval’s Trucking, Inc. Greg and Rachel Inzerellla Troy and Janet Istre Advanced Medical Consulting Camille L. Jarrell Ms. Delina LaFont Angela Langlinais, MD Miss Eunice LeBlanc Don and Norma Lester Betty Jo Marks Match and Judy Maturin Ms. Jenny McGee Russell and Joy Menard Joey and Jodie Migues Helen V. Moore Craig S. and Diana F. Neal John L. Olivier Dayna G. Perry Dennis and Millie Peterson Jane and Sylvan Richard Jimmy and Mona Rodrigue Eugene Kornak Anne T. Kornak Southwest Oncology Associates, Ltd. Terry and Simone Palmer, Palmer Graphics Betty Parker Bruce and Eilene Pottorff Michael and Linda Richard Perry and Cathy Richardson Howard and Johnell Theriot Corky Willhite, DDS Bryon and Tammi Salazar Russell and Kathy Sandridge R.K. Pipe & Supply, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simon Mary Ruth and Gene Sorrell Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Suggs Mrs. Joyce B. Thomas Randy and Ashley Toups Pat and John Underwood R.J. and Joyce Viator Mrs. James N. Williams Janet M. and Chuck Wood Dale Krone Linda Krone Rudy LaBauve Ronald Bienvenu John LaMaison, Sr. Charlotte Broussard Paulin Landry Mavis Landry Dale and Dottie LaPorte P. Alex Langlinais Paulette L. Robertson David F. Lasalle Phil C. Borel Enol Latiolais Southern Automation Sales, Inc. Clyde J. Lequeux Laurel L. Montagnet Isaac LeJeune Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Savoy Col. Roland O. Linker Judy and David Grant Allen Lormand April L. Dalfrey Hall McCord Lyons Lynn Barras-Leyse Russell Marcus & Walter Ulferts Norm and Rose Marcus Robert Martin Dennis H. and Katie Martin Roy Martin Katherine Martin 2007 M E M O R I A L S Melvin Robert Maxey Mr. Fred R. Cook, Sr. George E. McCartney Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Williams Lewis McCullough Ms. Margaret A. McCullough Jeffrey Meaux Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance Joel J. Moreau Arabie Transport, LLC Larry P. and Marie R. Bodin Barbara B. Flowers Paul and Joyce Kullman LeBlanc and Carpenter, A Corp. of Certified Public Accountants Perry Flying Center, Inc. David and Pauline Quinn Julie and Thomas Wiggins Harrel J. Mouton Mrs. Patricia David Francis R. Mouton, Sr. Ms. Camille M. Mouton George A. Oldenburg Jack Emling J.T. Owen Cece and Matt Stuller Edward Peltier Forrest Peltier Mr. Cecil J. Picard ABFORM Mr. and Mrs. Tom E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Arnold II Dr. Gary J. Asmus Augenblick, Palaich and Associates Senator and Mrs. Allen R. Bares Mrs. Susan W. Batson LA Dept of Education Mr. John D. Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Black Jr., Smith Barney Judge Marcus A. Broussard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Bruch Ms. Beth Ann Bryant Ms. Martha Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Clark Ms. Karen L. Clark The Cottonport Bank Charlotte and Russell Cryer, Caroline & Company Dr. Steven J. Dick Mr. David P. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fitzpatrick Ms. Ouida Forsyth Grant Parish School Board Ms. Angelle G. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hood Dr. Holly Howat Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoyt Mr. Phil A. Kees Ms. Melissa D. Kelly Ms. Pamela S. Kennedy Mr. John A. Lacour Mr. Charles D. Lancaster Ms. Marlyn Langley Ms. April W. Lauterbach Mr. Chris Mayers Mr. William J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. J.Y. Mula Mrs. Donna Nola-Ganey Mr. Joe W. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pace Mr. and Mrs. James Pafford Mr. and Mrs. Terrance D. Paul, Renaissance Learning Jeff, Dawn, and Mona Picard Mr. Ted Power Ms. Sheryl H. Prejean Mr. and Mrs. Emmet P. Putnam III Rep and Mr. Beverly Bruce Schulte Roth Zabel LLP Mr. Billy R. Stokes The Dodson, Jumg and Maley Families Mrs. Susan B. Tullos Rachel Martin Villien and Arline Villien Wynne Women of Hope A N D H O N O R A R I A Glady Joseph Trahan Mrs. Mary S. Trahan Col. Albert “Mickey” Domingue Danny and Patti Credeur Wilfred Turner Mr. Cordell Dartez, State Farm Mutual Insurance Gordon and Margarette Doré Gordon, Bill and Lon Doré Forrest Viator Maria K. Viator Ivan A. Webb Tad Webb Louise Wattigny Mr. and Mrs. Perry Templeton Mr. A.D. Durio John M. Azar, MD Peter Emanuel Robert L. Billeaud Mr. Woody Evans Susan E. Fowler Alice Weldon New Acadians Club Mr. Tilman J. Fertitta The Florence Mauboles Charitable Trust, Kenneth O. Privat 2007 HONORARIA Earl Flatt Matt and Cece Stuller All Veterans Mr. Charles Reiners Rose S. Landry Joseph C. Fontenot Carolyn J. Breaux Dudley Frederick Angela Broussard-Faulk Mr. Drayton McLane, Jr. The Florence Mauboles Charitable Trust, Kenneth O. Privat S. Mitchell, L. Schram, J. McCormic Mr. Cecile McComas Congressman and Mrs. Jim McCrery Elizabeth Chance Bill Neef Janette Neef Anthony Pitt Karen P. Harson Jamie Domingue Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rault Elizabeth Chance Jack and Deb Richards Mr. Jason M. Richards Mr. Chris Louis Sardella Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black Patricia N. and John J. Henningson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Moroney Zeh Elementary School 5th Grade Class Octave “Buck” Pierret Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Pierret All WWII Veterans Mr. Chad J. Courville Ms. Ella Mae Polito Realtor® Association of Acadiana Robert J. Adams Ashlyn A. Romaine Warren J. Hoffpauir Shanon and Nancy Gaspard Billy and Sandi Maples Mr. Walter Polk Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennedy Congressman and Mrs. Rodney Alexander Elizabeth Chance Bradley Hollier Nancy Granger Wayne Smith Elizabeth Chance Bruce Rackliffe & Wesley Credeur Michael E. Rackliffe Congressman and Mrs. Richard Baker Elizabeth Chance Congressman and Mrs. William Jefferson Elizabeth Chance Mr. Paul Thompson Mary V. Thompson A.J. Resweber Millie R. Zimmer Mr. George Badon Ms. Barbara McCoy Congressman and Mrs. Bobby Jindal Elizabeth Chance Alton Trahan Darlene T. Richard Effrey J. Babineaux & Harry T. Robins Mr. and Mrs. James C. Robins Congressman and Mrs. Charles Boustany Elizabeth Chance Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jones Elizabeth Chance Adrian R. Trimble Margo T. Uter Mr. Robert Romero Beau and Kaci Beaullieu Mr. L. G. Brice Kelly Brice Victor Kilchrist Karla K. Musacchia Mr. Lewis H. Twyman Martin and Lee Audiffred Carl Hunter Russell II Scott A. Pipkins Mr. and Mrs. Joe Broussard Elizabeth Chance Senator Mary Landrieu and Mr. Frank Snellings Elizabeth Chance Mr. F.K. Varrelman Ms. Linda V. Dautreuil Lucien J. Savoie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien J. Savoie III Lloyd Broussard Danny and Cynthia Roy Mr. Thomas B. Landry, Jr. Robert P. Landry Timothy Vieira Tammy V. Abshire Troy Cawfield Shaw, Sr. Dean and Darryl Foreman Mr. Alvin C. Callender Eugene L. Snyder Aubrey J. LaPlace Denise Delahoussaye Senator and Mrs. David Vitter Elizabeth Chance Sosthstane Smith Berle Pullen Truman G. Causey Lisa Puckett Joseph Stanley Legleu Kori L. Legleu Col. Michael L. Wood (Ret.) David S. and Faye W. Bryant Gurvey Sonnier Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Veillon Dr. Jim and Molly Cole Julie and Michael Carloss Clifton J. Manuel Amanda Schexnailder Richard and Margaret Yoakam Mr. Jason M. Richards James C. Stanley Jane S. Guidry Chris Cook Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams Allen Meche, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chauvin Ms. Meredith Street Beau and Kaci Beaullieu Herman Darbonne Jackie G. Boudreaux Congressman and Mrs. Charlie Melancon Elizabeth Chance Marcus Templeton Mr. and Mrs. Perry Templeton Allen Delcambre Sara D. Boudreaux Edgar Menard Sue Ling Jerry Shea, Sr. & E.S. “Buddy” Shea IBERIABANK 39 2007 C U R R E N T C F A F U N D S Listed on the following pages are the current active funds held at Community Foundation of Acadiana. Combined, these funds hold more than $20 million in assets and support diverse charitable causes. For more information about establishing a fund with Community Foundation of Acadiana, call 337.266.2145. SPIRIT OF ACADIANA FUNDS GEOGRAPHIC AFFILIATE David T. and Anne S. Calhoun Fund Established 2005 Iberia Parish Enhancement Fund Established 2007 William Doré Family Fund Established 2007 Edward Jones Financial Group Established 2007 Dr. Michael and Tommye Halphen Fund Established 2007 Shea Family Fund Established 2007 Community Endowment Fund Established 2005 FIELDS OF INTEREST FUNDS 40 Acadiana Greenspace Legacy Fund Established 2007 Jackie and Dan Bouligny Fund Established 2006 South Louisiana Rural Recovery Fund Established 2006 St. Martin Parish Disaster Relief Fund Established 2007 FISCAL SPONSORSHIP Louisiana HonorAir Fund Established 2007 Anonymous Fund 1 Established 2004 Frankie Fund Established 2006 Anonymous Fund 2 Established 2006 Leonard and Michelle Franques Family Fund Established 2006 Daniel and Jeanine Bourque Family Fund Established 2004 Fund for Katrina’s/Rita’s Kids Established 2005 Bradley & Kathleen Broussard Family Fund Established 2005 Gulf Coast Recovery Fund Established 2005 Carbo Family Fund Established 2005 Raymond and Allyson Hébert Family Fund Established 2007 2007 Marquis de La Fayette Fund Established 2006 Chefs Cook for Katrina Fund, a charity effort by Chef Paul Prudhomme Established 2005 Max and Dianne Hoyt Family Fund Established 2003 Elaine D. and Edward C. Abell, Jr. Family Fund Established 2007 Culinary Arts of Acadiana Fund Established 2006 Acadian Ambulance Charitable Fund Established 2006 Bobby P. Dupre Charitable Fund Established 2007 Acadian Ambulance Community Donations Fund Established 2005 The Dupre Family Fund Established 2003 DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS Acadian Ambulance Employee Disaster Relief Fund Established 2005 AHBA Community Housing Fund Established 2006 Alldredge Family Fund Established 2006 John Alexander & William Raburn Dupré Fund Established 2006 Esmerelda Fund Established 2006 Fox - Pharr Family Fund Established 2007 The Jewell Parkerson Lowe Foundation Fund Established 2007 Kibodeaux Memorial Fund Established 2007 Let’s All Be Cool Fund Established 2004 Manuel Family Fund Established 2005 The Master’s Fund Established 2001 Margaret and Lee Matherne Family Fund Established 2005 McDaniel/Chappuis Fund Established 2006 2007 C U R R E N T Louis and Pat Michot Family Fund Established 2004 Wilkinson Family Foundation Fund Established 2006 Joel J. Moreau Memorial Fund Established 2007 The Thomas J. and Rosemary G. Zaunbrecher Family Fund Established 2006 National Katrina/Rita Relief Fund Established 2005 Picard Family Charitable Fund Established 2007 Prince Family Fund Established 2003 Pucheu Family Fund Established 2004 Pugh Family Fund Established 2003 Realtor® Association of Acadiana Hurricane Relief Fund Established 2005 Jim and Rosemary Zehnder Fund Established 2005 CORPORATE CHARITABLE FUNDS Dynamic Industries, Inc. Fund Established 2004 Heart Hospital of Lafayette Community Fund Established 2006 JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Fund Established 2007 Lemoine Company, L.L.C. Fund Established 2004 The Rodriguez Family Fund Established 2005 Manuel Builders Fund Established 2005 Stuller Inc. Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund Established 2005 Realtor® Association of Acadiana Fund Established 2005 E. Warner Veillon Family Fund Established 2005 Starbucks Community Fund Established 2006 Visual Arts Endowment Established 2006 Stuller Family Foundation Giving Fund Established 2007 Warner Family Fund Established 2005 Van Eaton & Romero Community Fund Established 2004 White Family Fund Established 2004 Women’s and Children’s Hospital Fund Established 2003 C F A F U N D S DESIGNATED AGENCY FUNDS Gail Romero Fund for the benefit of Academy of the Sacred Heart Established 2005 Acadian Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund Established 2006 Ascension Episcopal School Endowment Fund Established 2007 Bridge Ministry of Acadiana Endowment Fund Established 2005 Basin Resources Fund for the benefit of Bridge Ministry of Acadiana, Inc. Established 2005 CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Fund Established 2005 Chevron Energy For Learning Fund Established 2007 Children’s Advocacy Center and Sexual Abuse Response Center Endowment Fund Established 2003 Endowment fund for the benefit of Community Foundation of Acadiana Established 2005 Curator’s Circle Fund Established 2004 Bobby P. Dupre Family Fund Established 2007 Family Missions Company Fund Established 2004 Family Promise of Acadiana Established 2004 Healing House: Hope for Grieving Children Fund Established 2007 Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum Fund Established 2007 Holy Rosary Institute Alumni and Friends Association, Inc. Fund Established 2004 Iberia Parish Humane Society, Inc. Established 2006 Junior League of Lafayette Endowment Fund Established 2003 Lafayette Ballet Theatre Endowment Fund Established 2006 Charles and Fay Richard Family Fund Established 2007 Gruver Legacy Fund Established 2006 Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic Endowment Fund Established 2004 Lafayette Council on Aging Vesta Bourgeois Fund Established 2006 Lafayette Outreach for Civil Justice Fund Established 2005 41 2007 C U R R E N T The Lafayette Public Library Foundation Fund Established 2005 Lourdes Foundation, Inc. Fund Established 2006 42 Miles Perret Cancer Services Fund Established 2001 Miles Perret Cancer Services Robert E. Trahan - ULL Internship Established 2007 Miles Perret Cancer Services Endowment Fund Established 2004 Rodney and Cindi Savoy Fund for Miles Perret Cancer Services Established 2007 Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development Endowment Fund Established 2007 Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development Design Team Fund Established 2007 Carl J. and Glenda W. Streva Fund for Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Morgan City Established 2007 William O. Stutes and Marie Alleman Stutes Fund for the benefit of the Lafayette Association for Retarded Citizens Established 2005 Addison and Betty Wilkinson Family Fund for the benefit of the Children’s Museum of Acadiana Established 2006 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Dr. Wilton and Juanita Bergeron Family Seminary Scholarship Fund Established 2004 Gordon and Margarette Doré Scholarship Fund Established 2007 Cecil Picard Elementary School at Maurice Endowment Fund Established 2007 Eloise Voorhies Gary Memorial Award Fund Established 2005 Pitney Bowes Literacy & Education Fund Established 2006 Home Bank Scholarship Fund Established 2007 The Presidents’ Fund – a Sub-fund of the South Louisiana Rural Recovery Fund Established 2007 Jack Shirley Memorial Scholarship Fund Established 2004 The St. Martin Land Company Scholarship Fund Established 2006 C F A F U N D S PLANNED/LEGACY GIFTS Anonymous Martha B. Brown Endowment Fund for Episcopal School of Acadiana Established 2004 Robert and Coni Trahan Fund for the Benefit of United Way of Acadiana Established 2004 I N 2007 C O N C L U S I O N Community Foundation of Acadiana thanks all of the individuals and companies who work and volunteer to contribute to the success of the Foundation. Listed on this page are some of the parties who ensure our professionalism and enable us to be a model for other foundations and nonprofit organizations in our community and beyond. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Custodian of Funds: Merrill Lynch Tax Preparer and Auditor: Broussard, Poche, Lewis and Breaux, L.L.P. Community Foundation of Acadiana is committed to having a group of professional staff and volunteers who are respected in their field monitor investment decisions and performance. For more information about the investment policies and options of the Foundation, contact the Community Foundation of Acadiana office at 337.266.2145. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 2007 Artwork: Elemore Morgan, Jr. Graphic Design: Kate Ferry Printer: TriStar Graphics Group, Inc. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Council on Foundations Giving Net (formally Community Foundations of America) Community Foundation of Acadiana regularly consults with national organizations and foundations to learn best practices and enhance our operations for the benefit of Acadiana. Staff members are presented with regular professional development opportunities and have access to leaders in the field of Community Foundations. Community Foundation of Acadiana has made every attempt to acknowledge its 2007 activity accurately and completely. Should there be any additions, errors or omissions in this document, please contact the Community Foundation of Acadiana office at 337.266.2145. 43 F E A T 2007 U R E D A R T I S T Elemore Morgan, Jr. painting Manhattan from Liberty State Park in Brooklyn, New York, 2007. Brian Guidry, photographer. E L E M O R E 44 M O R G A N , J R . Elemore Morgan, Jr. was born August 6, 1931, in Baton Rouge. An only child, he was raised on his grandfather’s farm which is now the corner of Essen Lane and Perkins Road. Today, the farm no longer exists, but, as a child, Morgan was able to roam the woods and cotton fields of the area developing an early affinity for nature and the rural life of Louisiana. Air Force as a supply officer for a fighter squadron during the Korean War. With the aid of the GI Bill, Morgan attended the Ruskin School of Fine Arts at the University of Oxford in England. He toured and painted while in Europe and returned to Louisiana in 1957, moving to Lafayette to work with longtime friend and architect Neil Nehrbass. His father, Elemore Morgan, Sr., was a major influence on his decision to become an artist. Morgan Sr., worked and farmed with the great Louisiana architect Hays Town and eventually became a full-time photographer. Morgan Jr. realized how easy a career in art seemed to be when in high school, with his talent, he could get commissions of $25 for an oil painting. Said Morgan Jr., “I thought to myself, ‘This seems pretty nice. I think I’ll just keep doing this.’” Elemore Morgan, Jr. devoted over 30 years of teaching as a professor of Visual Arts at USL from 1965 until 1998. Today, Morgan is recognized as one of the south’s finest landscape artists; hundreds of his paintings of the rice farming country in Vermilion Parish have been widely exhibited and hang in many private collections from Paris, New York, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Like any “starving artist”, Morgan tried to live solely on his art, and money was scarce. He describes being an artist as “similar to entering the priesthood, a vocation that requires sacrifice and devotion to other matters.” With the encouragement of his parents, Morgan graduated from LSU with a degree in Fine Arts. In 1952, he served two years in the United States Morgan was honored by the Delgado Society, of the New Orleans Museum of Art, in 2000 with the Distinguished Artist Award. In 1990, the Acadiana Arts Council presented him with the Outstanding Achievement in the Arts Award, while in 1985, the USL Foundation bestowed upon him, the Distinguished Professor Award. In 1984 he received the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award by the Amoco Foundation. All artwork featured in the 2007 Report to the Community is by Elemore Morgan, Jr. Above: Flooded Field, Elemore Morgan, Jr. C O M M U N I T Y F O U N D AT I O N O F A C A D I A N A P.O. Box 3892, Lafayette, LA 70502-3892 / 600 Jefferson St., Suite 402, Lafayette, LA 70501 P: 337-266-2145 F: 337-266-2162 www.cfacadiana.org
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