FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Clutches rely on mechanical or electromagnetic action for torque transmission. However, they are usually 1 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES identified by their mode of actuation: mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic. Although the four operating modes are considered highly competitive, each mode actually is restricted to a fairly well-defined area of application. Within each area, one method provides definite advantages in terms of cost, response time, and torque transmission. FRENOS: Brakes absorb energy and convert it to heat. Thus, prime concerns in a brake are: 1. Generating a force capable of retarding a rotating shaft. 2. Dissipating or absorbing the heat generated in the process. Mechanical brakes all act by generating frictional forces as two surfaces rub against each other. The stopping power or capacity of a brake depends largely on the surface area of frictional surfaces as well as on the actuation force applied. The friction and wear encountered by the working surfaces are severe. Thus, the durability of a brake or service life between maintenance depends heavily on the type of material used to line the shoe or pad. Brake linings Most brakes use some type of friction lining. Asbestos, once the accepted friction material, has been replaced in most cases by nonasbestos materials. Contents of the new material, largely proprietary, are also fibers molded or woven into pads or discs. Copper is sometimes added to improve heat dissipation. Cotton-based linings are sometimes used for light-duty service. 2 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Electric Brakes For heavy-duty service, sintered-metal linings perform better than fiber-based linings. Cermet linings are used for extremely rigorous service. Linings are attached to the brake shoe either by riveting or bonding. Riveted attachment is simpler, but usable lining depth depends upon the depth of rivet-head countersink. Also, rivet heads may score the drum if the linings are not replaced soon enough. Electric brakes operate according to the same principles as electric clutches. The most commonly used electric brakes are electrically actuated but rely on mechanical friction for stopping action. Such brakes are almost the only electrical types suitable when the load must be brought to a full stop. The other electrical types -- magnetic-particle, hysteresis, and eddy-current brakes -- are primarily used to provide drag or retarding action where a rapid or precise full stop is not needed. Ejemplo para selección de Embragues y frenos Trig-O-Matic Model 700 tm Lite Overload Release Clutches APPLICATIONS Trig-O-Matic Lite Model 700 Mechanical This automatic reset, roller detent style overload clutch, combines Centric's 30 plus years experience manufacturing the Trig-O-Matic with a simpler design. This combination yields a reliable, low cost alternative to many of the torque overload clutches on the market today. Packaging Cartoners, Fillers, Case Packers, Cappers, Labelers, Sealers, Can Forming Paper Converting Rewinders, Log Saws, Folders, Slitters, Accumulators Food Processing Ovens, Centrifuges, Mixers, Pumps, Extruders Material Handling Belt, Drag, Chain, Bucket & Screw Conveyors, Palletizers Other Industries Chemical, Printing, Portable Lifting/Lowering Systems MODEL 700 FEATURES 3 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES MOUNTING CONFIGURATIONS For mounting flexibility the Model 700 is available in two shaft mounted bushing models. Bore Bushing Model - for easy mounting and stocking. Taper Bore Bushing Model - for more secure mounting. OPTIONS Simple Cost-Effective Design Large Bore Capacity Through Shaft or End Shaft Mounting Bidirectional Operation Single Position Indexing Automatic Reset Accurate & Repeatable Torque Settings of +/-10% Maximum Torque Limit Stop Limit Switch Actuating Plate Operating speeds up to 1000 rpm Proximity Sensor Plate Finished Bore & Keyways Spacer Bar CAPACITIES Size Max. Straight Bore Max. Taper Bore Torque Range in./mm in./mm in.-lb. Nm 720 1.438/36,5 1.125/28,6 200-700 22,6-79,1 730 2.125/54,0 1.750/44,5 600-2000 67,8-226,0 740 2.750/70,0 2.250/57,2 2000-5000 226,0-565,0 Request Catalog 764-ADV. AutoCAD & DXF Drawings Available. Centric Main Page | Centrifugal Clutch Couplings Ameriguard | Pneumatic Series H - Model 2000 ...Quality Clutches From Yesterday to Tomorrow Home 4 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES En la figura se puede apreciar el arreglo de conexión de un embrague que a la vez es cople GEOMETRIA DE LOS EMBREGUES 5 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Fn = 2ppmáxri(ro – ri ) (a) Fuerza para operar el embrague T = mFnrprom ( b) donde rprom = ½ (ro + ri ) Capacidad de transmisión de Par por sup. De contacto. Para desgaste uniforme Para presión uniforme: Fn = pp( r2o - r2i ) ( c ) T = 2m (r3o – r3i )/3 ( r2o - r2i ) ( d ) GEOMETRIA DE LOS FRENOS DE TAMBOR DE ZAPATA INERNA 6 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 7 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES ECUACIONES: 8 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Variables de Diseño: Fuerza normal Fn Coeficiente de fricción Geometría. 9 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 10 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 11 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 12 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 13 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES FRENOS DE DISCO 14 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 15 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Variables de Diseño: Fuerza normal Fn Coeficiente de Fricción m Geometría do, di, q1 y q2. 16 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES Se recomienda la lectura del artículo: Electronic Braking Control Developments. Today´s hydraulic braking systems are expected to be replaced by fully electrical systems, despite various development challenges. Automotive Engineering International. February 1999. Para obtener las ecuaciones correspondientes se hace sumatoria de momentos alrededor del punto de pivoteo de la palanca. EJERCICIO DE FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES. Explique paso a paso cómo funciona el mecanismo accionador del sistema de embrague. 17 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 1.- Un motor de un automóvil puede desarrollar un máximo par de freno de 2500 lb-pulg. ¿ Cuáles de los embragues de disco siguientes que produce un fabricante pueden ser seleccionados para este coche ?. Dimensiones de las caras en pulgadas: a.- Do = 8 7/8, Di = 6 1/8, Pa = 34 psi b.- Do = 10 , Di = 6 1/8, Pa = 30 psi c.- Do = 11 1/16, Di = 6 1/8, Pa = 26.2 psi. En cada caso f= 0.3. 2.- La figura representa los arreglos posibles para un freno de zapatas interiores de un auto. Cara b = 4.5 , r = 8, h = 5, c= 2.5, w = u = 6.5, q = 100°, f = 20°, Para una presión máxima de 120 psi, determine la fuerza Q y el par de freno para Sentido de giro manecillas en A y B Sentido de giro contramanecillas en A y en B Considere un coeficiente de fricción de 0.25 Explique el concepto de la autoenergización en ambos incisao A y B. 18 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM FRENOS Y EMBRAGUES 19 of 19 10/28/08 11:22 AM