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myfIrst tooth myfIrstsmILe myfIrststeP myfIrstCrawL myfIrst Laugh the measure of LIfe my fIrst worD wiggle Infant Crisis services, Inc. 2007/2008 annual report giggle eat 2007/2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jason Osborn, President Gayla Stapleton, President Elect Gerri Heidebrecht, Secretary Kevin Crowley, Treasurer Ian Cooper Judi Crutchfield Jim Everett Polly Fleet Linda Hildebrant Steve Horton Susie Kemp Larry Ottaway Erin Page Joe Poe Patricia Rogers Joey Root Michael Sterkel Jill Swisher Jane Thompson PEDIATRIC CONSULTANT Patrice A. Aston, D.O., F.A.A.P. STAFF Miki Farris, Executive Director Jo Lynne Jones, Director of Operations Anne Clouse, Director of Development Beth Lykins, Volunteer Coordinator Caitlin Buchner, Procurement Coordinator Becky Philips, Client Services Manager Cynthia Wilson, Development Assistant Jennifer Boren, Business Manager Brenda Rempe, Program Manager Ana Davis, Latino Client Representative mIssIon In the richest nation of the world, no baby should go hungry… Infant Crisis services believes every baby and toddler deserves life’s basic necessities. THE FIRST GAMES WE PLAY. Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 1 A FIRST STEP, A FIRST WORD, A FIRST TOOTH… THESE ARE THE THINGS BY WHICH WE MEASURE A BABY’S DEVELOPMENT. They also mark a time for celebration; however, far too often, these milestones are overshadowed by a parent’s financial stress, divorce or drug abuse. Unfortunately, that is how 2-year-old Sophie ended up in our bustling waiting room. Sophie was a darling, blonde-headed bundle of energy. She dashed from toy to toy without a worry, talking with anyone who would listen. Her exuberance and happy attitude captured our hearts and our attention. That’s when we noticed her dad Bobby; young and fit, but wearing stress like a second skin. Bobby and his wife were married only a year when, according to Bobby, she was introduced to drugs by the wrong set of friends. Bobby, their family and friends worked to convince her to change, but her addiction was too strong. He eventually filed for divorce, and the court granted him sole custody of Sophie. “Times are real rough,” Bobby said, as he kept a watchful eye on Sophie who continued to charm our volunteers. Construction work pays their bills most of the time, but when the weather is bad or work is slow, Bobby has no income at all. When he can work, he relies on babysitters to care for Sophie, but occasionally he misses work when a sitter is unavailable. The WIC program provides some food and his family pitches in when they can. His WIC case worker referred him to Infant Crisis Services. “I appreciate the extra help. The food and diapers will help us through this rough spot,” Bobby said as he gathered up Sophie to leave. We may measure success by full tummies, dry bottoms and giggling babies, but it’s individuals like Sophie who tell our true story. How wonderful it is to be able to provide her with a few of life’s basic necessities. 2 Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. so soPhIe THE FIRST PERSON TO HOLD YOUR HEART IN THEIR HANDS. Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 3 LIFE IS NOT MEASURED BY THE NUMBER OF BREATHS WE TAKE,BUT BY THE MOMENTS THAT TAKE OUR BREATH AWAY. Anonymous 4 Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. from the PresIDent At the end of each fiscal year we stop to count our successes. This past year we served a record-breaking 9,437 babies and toddlers, providing them with 288,746 diapers and 105,314 bottles of formula. More than 1,010 volunteers spent a total of 8,690 hours waiting on clients and helping in the warehouse. And our new 17,000 square foot building is taking shape. We are very proud of these achievements, but our real sense of accomplishment isn’t measured in statistics. It’s measured by the satisfaction of knowing that one less Oklahoma baby will go to bed hungry. Unfortunately, far too many children aren’t getting enough to eat. In fact, one in four babies in Oklahoma live in poverty. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 80 percent of brain development occurs in the first three years of life. That means malnourished babies often suffer life-long behavioral and learning deficits. For Infant Crisis Services, these babies are more than a statistic; they are innocent lives on the edge. Thanks to your support, we continue to ensure a lifetime of success for the smallest citizens of our community. Seventeenth century minister and author Robert South said, “If there be any truer measure of a man than by what he does, it must be by what he gives.” Thank you for giving of your time and treasures… your gifts are immeasurable. Always for the babies, Jason Osborn Board President Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 5 annuaL statIstICs SERVICES PROVIDED 2007/08 Services for infants Formula (bottles) 105,314 Baby food (jars) 37,237 Cereal (boxes) 1,935 Services for toddlers Juice (quarts) 3,313 Cereal (boxes) 3,313 Crackers (boxes) 3,313 Peanut butter (jars) 6,626 Vegetables (cans) 6,626 Fruit (cans) 6,626 Macaroni & cheese (boxes) 3,313 Services for infants & toddlers Diapers 288,746 Pull-ups 17,238 Bottles/training cups 2,881 Sleepers 1,068 Blankets/quilts 2,106 Coats 582 Bath items 4,840 Baby wipes 2,668 Clothing room visits 7,230 Number of families served 3,570 Number of children served 5,018 Total number of visits 9,437 2006/07 87,717 8,413 1,624 2,853 2,853 2,853 5,706 5,706 5,706 2,853 252,941 18,163 2,555 948 1,818 392 3,753 2,245 6,771 3,299 4,615 8,568 THE ULTIMATE MEASURE OF A MAN IS NOT WHERE HE STANDS IN MOMENTS OF COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE, BUT WHERE HE STANDS AT TIMES OF CHALLENGE AND CONTROVERSY. Martin Luther King Jr. 6 Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. who weserve CHILDREN SERVED Number of visits First visit Second visit Third visit Fourth visit Clothing only Ages of children 0-6 months 7-12 months 13-48 months FAMILY DEMOGRAPHICS Age of mother Under 20 20 to 25 Over 25 Ethnic origin of mother Caucasian Hispanic African American Native American Multiracial Other Marital status of mother Single Married Separated Divorced Other Is/was child breastfed Yes No 2007/08 9,437 36% 23% 16% 13% 12% 2006/07 8,568 36% 22% 16% 12% 14% 62% 13% 25% 61% 14% 25% 2007/08 2006/07 18% 41% 41% 19% 35% 46% 33% 30% 25% 6% 4% 2% 33% 31% 25% 6% 3% 2% 65% 27% 3% 3% 2% 65% 28% 3% 2% 2% 41% 59% 42% 58% Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 7 statIstICs 1 in 5 Oklahoma children are at risk of being hungry 80% of brain development occurs in the first three years of life 20% of Oklahoma’s children live in poverty Every 49 minutes a child in Oklahoma is born into poverty 8,776 bottles of formula provided by Infant Crisis Services each month $11 is the cost of a can of baby formula 288,746 diapers provided by Infant Crisis Services each month Client Growth 9,432 8,568 07/08 7,200 6,606 04/05 03/04 5,122 02/03 8 Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 7,536 06/07 05/06 fInanCIaLs INFANT CRISIS SERVICES, INC. STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2007. Support and revenue Contributions Capital campaign receipts Grants/sponsorships Investment/other income Fundraising events Total support/revenue Expenses Program General & administrative Development Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $929,811 5,245,159 293,641 2,084 280,499 $6,749,194 1,080,820 61,555 155,930 1,298,305 $5,450,889 $2,972,341 $8,423,230 THE FIRST YAWN Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 9 SUCCESS IS TO BE MEASURED NOT SO MUCH BY THE POSITION THAT ONE HAS REACHED IN LIFE AS BY THE OBSTACLES WHICH HE HAS OVERCOME. Booker T.Washington All of the babies featured in this report are clients at Infant Crisis Services. 10 Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. DonatIons every donation counts to our babies every penny, every nickel, every dime, every quarter and every dollar add up to success for our needy babies and toddlers. we are grateful for our donors who give beyond measure. Infant CrIsIs servICes, InC. 11 Guardian ($25,000 and up) Anonymous Dell Foundation Donald W. Reynolds Foundation George Kaiser Family Foundation Sandridge Energies Inc. The Boeing Company The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Ward Runner ($10,000 to $24,999) Ms. Martha Burger and Mr. Donald Rowlett Chaparral Energy LLC Combined Federal Campaign – PCFO Computer Associates International, Inc. Darr & Collins Engineering Consultants Dulaney Brothers Investments Inasmuch Foundation Kirkpatrick Family Fund Living Through His Word Foundation Love’s Country Stores Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Moon Oklahoma City Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Payne Presbyterian Health Foundation Quad/Graphics Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ryan Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma The Kerr Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Utz Westminster Presbyterian Church Walker ($5,000 to $9,999) Alliance Steel, Inc. AT&T Foundation Ms. Cindy L. Batt Bob Stoops Champion Foundation, Inc. Buttram Energies, Inc. Ms. Patricia Carey Corner Energy, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Amy Crowley First Presbyterian Church of Edmond Harris Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hartwig Dr. Ned D. Hemric Herman & Mary Wegener Foundation Inc. HHS Texas Management, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horton Hunton Oil and Gas Corp. Wallace Jordan, LLC Mr. Brian LaBouff McKesson Foundation Inc. Merrick Foundation New Dominion, LLC. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Raybourn Raymond and Bonnie Hefner Family Fund The TJX Foundation, Inc. Walton Family Foundation Cruiser ($1,000 to $4,999) Accel Financial Staffing Addis Equine Auctions Anonymous Anonymous Florida Foundation ARINC Incorporated – Charitable Team Ms. Becky Armor AT&T OCLM Pioneers Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Johnny and Julia Batlett Beam’s Industries Better Days Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Susan Binkowski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Blue 12 Infant Crisis services, Inc. Boettcher, Martin, Jean & Jackson Mr. Larry Bond Dr. and Mrs. Larry and Kathy Bookman Bostick Services Corporation Mr. Gary D. Bradshaw Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buxton Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Chesapeake Energy Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chong Dr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Christensen Cimmarron Tools Ms. Kimiko Collins Conner & Winters, P.C. Crowe & Dunlevy Ms. Kelli K. Cupp Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Day Mr. Michael Deck Edmond Medical Center Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Edwards Ms. Sandra M. Ellison Enogex Epic Systems Corporation Mr. Kyle Essmiller Express Employment Professionals Mr. and Mrs. James and Miki Farris First Liberty Bank Mr. and Mrs. J. William Fishback Foliart, Huff, Ottaway & Bottom Dr. Leslie J. Rainbolt-Forbes & Mr. Scott Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrison Ms. Jeannice Gay Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Gorup Hansen Masonry Contractors Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hanstein Mr. Philip Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Barry Henthorn Heritage Trust Co Hiltgen & Brewer PC Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinton Ms. Nadine Holloway Horton & Neighbors, P.C. Ms. Heather Howerton Hudiburg Auto Group Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hudson Mrs. Sherry Hunt James Baker Group, Inc. Jean I. Everest Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kay Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kemp Kimray, Inc. Kiwanis Club of Oklahoma City Lance Ruffel Oil & Gas Corp. Ms. Sally J. Langston Lemon Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lide Maccini Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mason Mayflower Congregational Church McAfee & Taft Meridian Pipe & Equipment Co. Inc. Merrill Lynch Midlands Management Corp. Morris and Libby Singer Foundation Dr. William S. Muenzler Mr. and Mrs. Earl Naylor Norick Investment Company Northpark Limited Partnership Northwest Christian Church OKC Assoc. of Petroleum Lease & Title Analyst Inc. Oklahoma Cardiovascular Association Oklahoma City Clinic Oklahoma County Bar Auxiliary Oklahoma County Medical Society Community Foundation Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Foundation Oklahoma Hospitality Club Mr. and Mrs. Mark Olbert Order of Eastern Star-Westwood #422 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Ottaway Mr. Brian Parker Philip Boyle Foundation PL Studios, Inc. Print Imaging Group Mr. David Proctor Sr. Professional Clinical Services Red Plains Professional Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts Roberts Mortgage LLC Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Rodgers Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oklahoma City Ronald McDonald House Charities Global RoseRock Bank Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ruffin Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rupert Ryan Bisher Ryan S.H. “Jay” Green & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Perry M. Santos Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schatz Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shafer Mr. and Mrs. David P. Singer Mrs. Janice Y. Singer Dr. Tracey Smith St. Stephens Presbyterian Mission Council Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sterkel Stillwater National Bank Mr. and Mrs. N. Martin Stringer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suenram Mr. and Mrs. Thane Swisher The Real Estate Center, Inc. The Reserve Petroleum Co. The Stan Fried Foundation Thrifty Pharmacy Tom & Mary Kate Aldridge Charitable & Educational Foundation USA Screen Printing & Embroidery Co. Wal-Mart Foundation Mr. Russell R. Waters Weokie Credit Union Foundation WestFamily Foundation Westmor Partners LLC Whitten, Nelson, McGuire, Terry & Roselius Dr. Don Wilber Ms. Lavon H. Willan Mr. Brett Willis Windsor Energy Group LLC York Children’s Foundation Crawler ($500 to $999) Allstate Foundation Ardmore Surgical Associates, Inc. Beale Professional Services Ms. Betty Bohan Ms. Linda L. Bonebrake Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bonney Bremer, Whyte, Brown & O’Meara, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bristol Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Brooks Carpet Concepts LLC Casady School- MD Chapel Life Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cash Mr. James M. Clark Collins, Zorn & Wagner, PC Community Church of the Redeemer Dr. and Mrs. Lester Cowden Cox Communications Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cox Mr. Phil Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Davis III Digital Graphics Inc DJ Blanton & Co. Mrs. Judy Dobin Mr. Brad Donnell Mr. Michael Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eckman Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ellis Employee Benefit Professionals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Eskridge Mr. Bill Ferguson Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Mrs. Mary Fitzsimons Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fors Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Givens Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gorrell Mr. and Mrs. T. Pat Hallren Ms. Donna Hane Harpro, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harvey Heartline, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Hebblethwaite Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hefton Thank you from the Babies Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heidebrecht Ms. Linda Hildebrant Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hogsett Ms. Whitney B. Hooten Mr. and Mrs. David A. Huffman Mr. Ramone Jacobi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson Mr. Tom Mullen and Mrs. Jo Jones Ms. Collette C. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinnunen Kiwanis Northwest/Casady Mr. and Mrs. Stan Koop Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kuykendall Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lawrence Ms. Karyl G. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lee Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Love Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lykins Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Martin Mayfair Heights United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mellow Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Merritt Midwest Radiology Associates Millennium Fitness, LLC DBA Crosstrainers Fitness Mrs. Norma M. Moe Moon Royalty, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Mueller Ms. Connie Naifeh Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Newlin Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Newton Oklahoma Association of Defense Counsel, Young Lawyers Oklahoma Centennial Commemoration Fund, Inc. Oklahoma City Association of Petroleum Lease & Title Analysts, Inc. Our Lady of Fatima Church Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Page Painted Door Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Bill Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Pfister Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pickrell Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mary Portman Rainbolt Family Foundation Range Resources LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rapp Ms. Judith S. Raulston Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Roberts Mr. William P. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Robison Rock Steady, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rocke Mr. and Mrs. Joey P. Root Mr. Charles Russell Sam’s Club Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schonwald St. Monica’s Catholic Church Stephen A Sherman & Assoc Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Ms. Mable C. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tompson Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Vannatta Ms. Jill Walker Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Walker Ms. Carly Watson Western Flyer Express, Inc Ms. Linda K. Whittington Mr. and Mrs. John Wiggins William E & Margaret H Davis Family Fund Mr. Barry Winstead Mr. Dick Workman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Young Zion Lutheran Church Scooter ($100 to $499) 2nd Step LLC AAA Travel & Insurance Mr. Kevin Acers Mr. and Mrs. Bashar S. Alasad Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Albers Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Alexander Dr. D. Randel Allen Mr. James Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Allen Ms. Kristi Allison Mr. and Mrs. David Almon Mr. and Mrs. William D. Amalong Ms. Karen Ambrose Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Ambuehl American Fidelity Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Anderson Anglin Public Relations Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Apel Mr. and Mrs. John B. Armitage Dr. Patrice Aston AT&T Dr. and Mrs. Jack B. Austerman Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Bair Baker Brothers Electric Mrs. Karan K. Baker Mr. Kendall R. Baker Bankers Financial Benefits Ms. Sue Barbee Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Barnes Ms. Gretchen Bartee Ms. Mary Bartley Ms. Mary Bates Ms. Ashley Battison Ms. Tricia Bauer Ms. Karen Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Beitsch Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bendorf Mr. Kelly Bennitt Ms. Karen L. Berry Mr. and Mrs. David Berryhill Beyond Pink, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bierig Bill Warren Office Products Bio Performance Systems, Inc. Birchwood Homes, Inc Mrs. Emily Blaess Drs. Jim and Debbie Blalock Mr. Jon F. Blanchard Boardman, Inc. Ms and Mr. Henry Boecking Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt L. Booker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bostic BPO Does #259 Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Bramble Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Branan Ms. Phyllis Brawley Breit Investment Corp. Ms. Janice K. Bricker Mr. and Mrs. Tony Brotherton Mr. and Mrs. Aaron O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown Mr. and Mrs. Hal J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James W. Brown Ms. Jean A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown Ms. Cheryl Browne Ms. Terrye Bryant Ms. Caitlin Buchner Ms. Lola M. Burgtorf Ms. Jean C. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Burnside Buy For Less Mr. Daniel Byler Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Canada Mr. and Mrs. Darry S. Carlstone Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Carmichael Ms. Linda Carns Carpet Market Mr. and Mrs. Brad Carter Mr. and Mrs. Dee Casey Dr. and Mrs. F.P. Cassidy Cathy H. Polzien, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Caylor Central Presbyterian Church Ms. Donna Chambers Mrs. Joanna M. Champlin Ms. Nancy G. Cheek Wenling Chen Choctaw United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. George D. Christiansen Church of the Servant Mr. James Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Clark Mr. Richard Clements and Dr. Melissa Clements Dr. and Mrs. John P. Clemons Ms. Joyce Cloud Ms. Elizabeth Cohen Ms. Heidi Cohn College Board, Southwestern Regional Office Mrs. Sylvia H. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Kent Combs Commercial Carpet Contractors ConocoPhillips Dr. Gary D. Conrad Contemporary Cabinets Mr. Ian Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Cooper Mr. and Mrs. David Cottrell Court Our Lady of Fatima 1831 Covenant Presbyterian Church Ms. Cheri Cox Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cross Crossings Community Church Crown Heights Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Crump Ms. Judi Crutchfield Ms. Judith K. Culbertson Ms. Betty Cummins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Cunningham Curb Appeal, Inc. David A. Simon, D.D.S. Ms. Dawn N. Davis Mr. and Mrs. George B. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Dr. Nancy L. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Delhotal Dell Direct Giving Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denman Ms. Rebecca Denny Dental Associates of South OKC Ms. Francys H. Derrick Mr. and Mrs. David Diefenderfer Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dimski Dominion Foundation, Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Dan Donnell Mrs. Maria Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey W. Drake Ms. Nita Durant Ms. Diane K. Duren and Mr. Drew R. Collier Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dussek E. D. Hale Enterprises, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Earley Ms. Karin Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Edwards Mr. Rodney C. Edwards Ms. Sally Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Ellis Emanuel Synagogue Intercongregational Sunday School Ms. Susan Emrich Mr. Brian P. Engelbert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engelbert Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Evans Mr. and Mrs. Jim Everett Ms. Sarah Fairbetter Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Falter III Fanny Bolen Interiors Mr. and Mrs. Clay Farha Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farndon Ms. Holly R. Fecht Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Fielding Col. and Mrs. Walter L. Filipek First Bethany Bank & Trust First Christian Church of Edmond First Presbyterian Church First United Methodist Church of Moore Mr. and Mrs. David F. Fish Ms. Jamie Fitzgerald Dr. Mark S. Fixley Flair Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Polly Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foster Mr. Shane T. Foster Frank & Associates Mr. and Mrs. John E. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Brad Frensley Mr. Jon Fricke Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 13 Dr. Mary A. Frow Ms. Shannon Fuller Ms. Patricia Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Justin S. Gallion Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gangwer Mr. and Mrs. Verle R. Garnos Gary Good Entertainment & Speakers Bureau Dr. and Mrs. Brian Geister Geno’s Furs Ms. Kimi George Dr. and Mrs. Robert German Gilbert Medical Clinic Mr. and Mrs. David P. Giles Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Ric Gilley Mrs. Helene D. Girardin Girl Scout Troop #96 Dr. and Mrs. Neil Glass Global Software Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldsworthy Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gordon Mr. Scott Gordon and Ms. Ann Louise Olson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grady Ms. Megan Graham Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Grant Grant Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graves Mr. and Mrs. Shan R. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Kit Greene Ms. Jennie Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Todd Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grove Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guadalupe Mr. and Mrs. Arlon L. Hadlock Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hague Ms. Diana Hale Hamilton & Associates Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hanson Ms. Elizabeth Hanvy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Harden Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Harkey Mr. and Mrs. David R. Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Crosby N. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Julie Harris Ms. Bobbie Hartsfield Dr. and Mrs. Charles Haunschild Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hawes Ms. Deborah S. Hawkins Mr. Brad C. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hayes Ms. Regina Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. John W. Heflin Mr. and Mr. Steven D. Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hendrickson Mr. Craig Henry and Ms. Cindy Schultz Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hermes Mr. Dennis Heuer Mr. Hobie Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hilburn Hillcrest Christian Church Mr. Paul Hogner Mr. Carl Holliday Mr. Gary Holmer Mr. and Mrs. John Hood Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Hood Ms. Angela Howard Mrs. Eleanor Howell and Mr. Michael Hicks HSE Architects Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hupfeld III Immanuel Lutheran Church Independence Charter School ING Financial Partners Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Jolene Ingram Integris Information Technology Isosceles Partners, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Jackson Mr. Scott Jackson Ms. Philippa C. James Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jareske Jerri’s Payroll & Accounting Mr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Jester Jewish Federation of Greater OKC Ms. Alicia Johnson Mrs. Jacky Johnson Ms. Tia Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson 14 Infant Crisis services, Inc. Ms. Mari J. Johnston Ms. Peggy Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph JRC Revocable Trust Junior Service League of Midwest City Ms. Nancy Junkin Mr. John Justice Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kautz Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Lance Keller Keller Williams Realty Northpointe Mr. Thomas J. Kelly Mr. Thomas Kemp Mr. Matthew Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Kennedy Ms. Marcy Kenney Mr. Scott Kernan Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kerr Ms. Barbara Kerrick Kid Power, LLC Lt. Col. Byron Kimball Mr. and Mrs. James Kincaid Mrs. Arthur King Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom King Ms. Gay E. Kirby Kiwanis Choctaw Club Kiwanis Club of Bethany Kiwanis Club of South Oklahoma City Kiwanis Club of Yukon Kiwanis Mayfair Club Col. and Mrs. Bobby Knapp Ms. Debra Knight Mr. Gregory S. Knight Kokopelli Ms. Patricia Kraker Dr. and Mrs. Steven G. Krause Ms. Jane C. Krizer Ladies Nine Hole Club Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Lake Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lampton Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lane Languages on Site, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. David Leasure Mr. John W. Leavitt Mr. Carl Lee Ms. G. Ann Lee Ms. Mary J. Lee Ms. Theresa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lees Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ley Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lierman Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Lilly Mrs. Pauline Lisle Ms. Jenee Lister Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Litchenburg Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lloyd Logisticare Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long Mr. and Mrs. David Lopez Mrs. Katherine M. Love Mr. and Mrs. Roy Love Dr. and Mrs. Tim Love Ms. Deborah D. Lowe Ms. Janna Lowe Mrs. Julie Luster Lutheran Church of Our Savior Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lynn Mr. and Mrs. James MacKellar Mackellar Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrette Mankin Marc R. Hille, MD, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maroul, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall Martin & Associates, Inc. PC Mr. Terry L. Martin Marvin and Ruby Petty Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mason Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Mason Mr. Thomas Mattax May Ave United Methodist Church Mayfair Church of Christ Mayflower Congregational Church Mr. James E. Mays Mr. and Mrs. Carter A. McBride Mr. and Mrs. John C. McBryde Mr. and Mrs. Ricky McClendon Mr. and Mrs. Dale McHard Mr. Joe McKenzie McKesson Pharmaceutical Mr. and Mrs. Don McLain Mr. Rick McMullin Ms. Carolyn McMurtry Mr. and Mrs. Bill McVey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Meacham Ms. Anne Means Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mellinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Melton Mercy Health Center Meredith Group, Ltd. Ms. Samonia Meredith Ms. Ann Merritt Messiah Lutheran Church Mr. Pat Metz Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Meyer Mr. Henry A. Meyer and Ms. Robin Cauthron Mr. and Mrs. James M. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Stewart N. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meysing Midwest Regional Medical Center Mike Rice Construction Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Ms. Leslie Milsten Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Minter Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Mitchell ML Products, LLC Mom’s Club of Edmond Mr. and Mrs. Christian T. Moock Mr. Randall K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moss Mr. Paul Motley Lee S. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John N. Murray Mutual Asset Management, Inc. Nancy K. Warehime Inc. NAPMW Dr. Jennifer K. Nelson New Covenant Christian Church New Hope Christian Church New Millenium Realty Mr. and Mrs. Clint Normore Northwest Pediatrics NW OKC Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Connor Oden Roberts Rohrman Insurance Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Oden III Ms. Shealene O’Kelley Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic Research Oklahoma City GYN and OB Group Oklahoma Quiltworks Inc. OKSMA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orner Orr Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Otto Ms. Dorothy C. Otto OU Medical Center Women’s & Newborn’s Services Mr. Antonio Pacheco Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Padgham Ms. Alyce J. Page Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Susan Page Ms. Donna Palu Mr. and Mrs. James Parrack Mr. Richard H. Parry Dr. Christopher Paskowski Mr. and Mrs. Kent Patton Mr. and Mrs. Bond Payne Peakwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Pence Ms. Lisa L. Penton Mrs. Becky Philips Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pichler Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pierson Mrs. Edomina Pinger Mr. Phil Pipkin Sr. Mr. Frank Plater Jr. LTC. and Mrs. Joe E. Poe Mr. Brian D. Polhill Ms. Debbie A. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pool Thank you from the Babies Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Port Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Pound Mr. and Mrs. Santosh Prabhu Ms. Carol M. Preston Mr. and Mrs. David Preuninger Mrs. Julianne F. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prophet Mr. Chester L. Putnam Putnam City Christian Church Putnam City North High School Honor Society Questar Exploration & Production Ms. Charity R. Quick R D T Trucking Ms. Taiwo Rafiy-Smith Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Rahe Ms. Jose Austin Raj Mr. Boyce Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Mukund Rao Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Rattan Mr. Ronnie Rawson Dr. Ghazi M. Rayan RDT Trucking, Inc. Mr. Richard H. Reginald Mr. and Mrs. Torsten Rempe Dr. and Mrs. Eli Reshef Ms. Angela Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds Mr. Jeff Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Brad Richardson Ms. Nissa Richison Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ritz Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Roberts General and Mrs. Charles T. Robertson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robison Mr. and Mrs. Reid E. Robison Mr. and Mrs. James C. Robson Ms. Florence Rogers Mr. and Mrs. David Rose Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rothell Jr. Ms. Shannon Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rowsam Ms. Sally Royse Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ruffel Ms. Leslie Russell Ms. Cheryl L. Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rykard Mr. and Mrs. William Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sacriponte Ms. Sarah Sagran SAH Medical Staff Fund Ms. Alix L. Samara Ms. Jody B. Sanchez Sand Creek Ranch Mr. Robert P. Scalia Mr. Matt Schaefer Schlumberger Schulz Oil & Gas Accounting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Goetz Schuppan Mr. Bruce Scott Mr. Carson See Mr. and Mrs. David R. Selby Mr. Larry C. Selby Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Self Shadid and Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shadid Shadid Plastic Surgery Associates Mr. Tad Shadid Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shanbour Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. G. Calvin Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shaw Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. John Shenk Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shores Sigma Phi Gamma Delta Service Mr. and Mrs. Marc Silver Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Simon Jr. Mr. Robert Sisson Mr. Chris Slagle Mr. and Mrs. James A. Slayton Ms. Phyllis A. Smart Dr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Smith II Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Smith Ms. Patty Snider Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Soetaert Sooner Financial Inc. Southeast Investment Corp. Southern Claims Service, Inc. Southern Hills United Methodist Ms. Shelley Spearman Mrs. Shirley Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Speegle Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. William Spielberger Ms. Christine S. Spradling SSM Homecare St. John’s United Methodist Church St. Luke’s United Methodist Church St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stanley State Farm Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stewart Ms. Jackie T. Stinnett Streets, Inc. Mr. Douglas Summers Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Taylor Mr. William M. Taylor TCCR Holdings Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Errol L. Teel Tharp Real Estate, LLC The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation The Breit Company The Oklahoma City Abstract & Title Co. The Pediatric Group, PLLC The Ritz Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Rex B. Thomas III Ms. Cynthia L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thorpe Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Ok County Chapter Thursday Morning Business Boosters Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Timberlake Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Tolbert Mr. Theodore A. Tolentino Ms. Marie Torczon Mr. Carter S. Townsend Dr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Trachte Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trachtenberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Tracy Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Trautman Mr. William R. Trautman Ms. Annessa B. Traynor Tres Chic Inc. Triangle Royalty Corp Mr. John Trigg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Tuller Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tur Mrs. Jennifer Turner Unity Baptist Church Ms. Joanna K. Valdez Ms. Erin M. Van Laanen Mr. Will VanEgmond Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vanhuisen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vansickle Mr. and Mrs. Alain Verhille Village Christian Church Village United Methodist Church Dr. Hal B. Vorse Mr. Tim Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Brad Watson Ms. Sarah Webb Mr. and Mrs. James A. Weinland Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wertzberger Wesley United Methodist Church Western Oaks Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wetwiska Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Pat White Mr. R. K. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Wicker Mr. William Wiggins Ms. Linda S. Wilkerson Ms. Erma J. Willhite Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams Williams, Box, Forshee & Bullard, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Willis Mr. and Mrs. Ted Willis Ms. Cassie Wilson Ms. Cynthia A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wittrock Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Wood Mr. and Mrs. K. Lance Woodliff Woods Insurance Agency Woody and Associate CPA’s PLLC Mr. and Mrs. James W. Worley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Wyand Mr. and Mrs. Smith Wycoff Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yaffe Dr. and Mrs. Gaylan Yates Mr. William R. Yinger Mr. Lee Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zahl Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zahn Creeper ($1 to $99) 5-S Ranch, LLC A-1 Lending Inc. Ms. Jacqueline B. Acers Ms. Ann Ackerman Action Loan Service Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Acton Acts 2 Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Rex B. Adams Ms. Kathy Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Adler Mr. Doyle Agan Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Ainsworth Albertsons Community Partners Ms. Carla Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aliano Ms. Betty Allen Ms. Deborah Allen Ms. Robin J. Allen Ms. Kristi Ama Amai Bebe Nanny Agency, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Ms. Sulie Andres Mr. Bill Annis Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Steve Apbling Ms. Linda Applegarth Arapahoe Resources, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arbetello Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Archer Ms. Phyllis Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Ary Asset Services Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Atkins Atlas Loans AWHONN B and F Corp./DBA OK Loan Service Mr. and Mrs. Joe Backes Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bahm Mrs. Wanda S. Bahner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Troy Baird Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bake Mr. William R. Baker Mrs. Mamie Ball Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ballantine Mr. Cody Barnett Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barnett Ms. Barb Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Brett Barrowman Ms. Laurie P. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Bass Ms. Paige Bass Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bass Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baumwart Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Bean Mr. and Mrs. Prentise Beebe Jr. Ms. Francy Beesley Dr. John Bell Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bellieu Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett Ms. Patricia Bennett Ms. Phyllis V. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Berkman Big D Industries, Inc Big Ideas, Inc. Bigg Mac Security Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 15 Mr. David Bigham Mr. and Mrs. Gene Binning Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bisher Ms. Jaqueline Black Ms. Linda Blackerby Mr. Joe R. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blakley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blasingame BMA OKC Branch Mr. Jack Bobbitt Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Bogardus Jr. Mr. Tim Bomhoff Mrs. Shirley F. Booker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Borofka Mr. and Mrs. James Boswell Mrs. Secondo Bottini Mr. Jennifer Bouwkamp Mr. and Mrs. Chris Box Ms. Kristin Box Mr. Terry L. Bradley Mrs. Sharlene Branham Mrs. Sandra Brooks Ms. Jenny Broughton Mr. and Mrs. Fonda Brousseau Dr. and Mrs. John M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Mr. Michael O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown Mrs. Sally J. Brunett Ms. Brenda Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bunce Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burch Ms. Bonnie Burley Ms. Mary Etta Burns Ms. Enda Burroughs Col. and Mrs. William J. Bush Buy For Less Ms. Toni G. Cain Calvin Presbyterian Church Ms. Virginia Campbell Ms. Ann Grace Carey Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Carlson Mr. Taylor Carrie Mr. Michal Carson Cash Express of Edmond Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Casper Mr. and Mrs. John Cate Mr. JR Caton Ms. Michelle Catt Mr. and Mrs. David Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. John Chapline Ms. Sheila Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chappell Chapter CA P.E.O. Ms. Mary Chase Mr. Xuelie Chen and Mrs. Shunxin Wang Choctaw Road Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Christy Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cioli Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clark Ms. Tommie Clark Ms. Jayne W. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cline Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cline Mr. and Mrs. William M. Clover Ms. BreeAnn Clowdus Mrs. Sue M. Clowe CMS Style Ms. Kevyn L. Colburn Mr. and Mrs. Lester Colburn Mr. Todd R. Colburn Mr. Isaac Coles Mr. Doug Collett Mr. and Mrs. K. Collings Ms. Michele A. Compton Ms. Barbara L. Connell Ms. Andrea Conner Ms. Linda A. Cooper Ms. Sunny Cooper Mr. Randy Corbin Mr. Abe Cornish Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Cox Mr. Michael Cox 16 Infant Crisis services, Inc. Miss Sarah R. Cox Mr. Harry Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Crandell Sammye N. Cravens Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creegan Mr. and Mrs. John Crittenden Crowley Engineering Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crump Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cude Mr. S. Sam Culver Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cummings Ms. Nance Cunningham Ms. Karla Curtis Ms. Cori Dale Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Daniel Mr. Steve Daniels Ms. Linda Danker Mr. and Mrs. Micah S. Davis Mrs. Tiffany Davis Ms. Mary G. Dawson DBA Surface Finishing Consultants Mr. Jeff Deal Mr. Andy Deck Ms. Elaine Decker Ms. Karen Denisoff Mr. and Mrs. John R. Denneny Mr. and Mrs. Gary Derrick Designer Rugs & Import Group Mr. Derrick Dewitt Ms. Nance Diamond Ms. Peggy Diefenderfer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dillon Mr. Frank J. Dimauro Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Dinges Mr. and Mrs. Kiem C. Do Mr. Chuck Dobney Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dockrill Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dodd Ms. Kimberly Dognaux Ms. Anna Mae Donat Ms. Susan Donchin Douglas Blvd United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Mark Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Drab Ms. Suzie Drake Richard Draving Mr. and Mrs. Mark Driggs Ms. Carolyn Dryzga Ms. S L. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Trey Dupuy Mr. and Mrs. David L. Duren Ms. Tiffany R. Durham Ms. Jannis V. Dykeman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Dyksterhuis Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dykstra Mr. Greg Eakins Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Early Mr. and Mrs. Ron Echtenkamps Ms. Joanie Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eckstein Mrs. Marilyn M. Edens Mr. Chad S. Edminsten Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eissenstat Elite Title & Escrow Associates of Oklahoma, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Elkins Ms. Linda Elliot Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Elm Mr. and Mrs. David Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Emmerling Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Engelbert Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Engelbert Mr. and Mrs. Gary England Mr. Connor English Mr. and Mrs. James D. English Mr. and Mrs. Mory Enteshary Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ephraim Ms. Dolorosa S. Ervin Ms. E. P. Estle Ms. Catharine V. Ewing Ms. Jo Ann Fair Fairview Baptist Church Ms. Jennifer F. Falcone Chih Fang Yang Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Fanning Mr. and Mrs. David Farris Ms. Catherine Fellingham Mr. Elliott C. Fenton Mr. Brad Ferguson Ms. Cynthia M. Ferguson Ms. Jean Finn and Ms. Dorothy Carpenter First United Methodist Church of Yukon Ms. Eleanor Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Don Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Fitzgerald Ms. Peggy Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Flansburg Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Flesher Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Flournoy Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ford Ms. Mary Kay Foster Ms. Virginia Meade Fox Mr. and Mrs. David M. Franke Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Frantz Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Freidhoff Mr. Michael Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fryer Mr. and Mrs. John Funk Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Furnish Ms. Carol Gaddis Mrs. Reba Gallaspy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Galliart Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gardner Mr. James E. Garnett Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Garrison Ms. Glenda A. Gee Ms. Jenny Geib Ms. Lori Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gentry Mr. Evan Gerfen Mr. Jared D. Giddens Mr. Mark Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginzl GLP Communications Inc Ms. Connie Goad Ms. Suzie Golden Mr. and Mrs. John N. Goodman Ms. Debra Gordon Ms. Kelli Gorham Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Gray LTC. and Mrs. Richard Gray Ms. Nikki Green Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greene Mrs. Sydney Greenroyd Dr. E. Vann Greer Ms. Alexis Grether Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griggs Ms. Susan Grubb Ms. Barbara Gummerson Ms. Carolyn L. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hagan Dr. Douglas Hall Ms. Margaret Hall Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hamling Ms. Dorothy S. Hammert Mr. Dave Hampton Mrs. Betty Handke Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hansen III Ms. Debi Hansen Sgm. and Mrs. Paul E. Harcourt Mrs. Patricia A. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harrah Harrah United Methodist Church Ms. Cindy Harris Ms. Shirley A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Nick Harroz Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hart Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartenstein Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hasler Mr. Jack Hawkins Mr. Brad Hawley Mr. Jim Hazlewood Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Hechtner Ms. Leigh Hefner Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hefty Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Hehn Ms. Lisa Hemmer Ms. Phyllis A. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hendricks Mr. Gabriel Herald Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Herzel Thank you from the Babies Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Hill Col. and Mrs. C. T. Hill Dr. and Mrs. Gary Hill Ms. Nancy Hillman Ms. Marcie Hines Ms. Dorothy Hintz Ms. Peggy Hixon Ms. Patricia M. Hoge Ms. Stephanie C. Holbrock Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Homsey Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hood Ms. Martha P. Hoover-Upp Ms. Michelle Hoppe Ms. Patsy Hosman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hough Mr. Bob Howard Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Howard Ms. Gayla Howell Ms. Valerie Howell Mr. and Mrs. Alan Howerton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Huck Mr. and Mrs. David Hudiburg Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hudson Ms. Jill Huff Huffman Prim Investments, LLC Mr. Ricky Huffman Mr. Mike Hull Mr. Mikel R. Humphries Ms. Lisa Hussong Inprint Publishing, Inc. Investrust, N. A. Mrs. Ellen A. Jackson Ms. Susan Jackson Ms. Shirley S. James Ms. Jill Jekel Mr. Joshua Jenson Mr. Brian Johnson Ms. Carol Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Johnson Ms. Wanda Johnson Mr. William H. Johnson Mrs. Win Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jones Mr. Doug Jones Mr. Greg Jones Mr. and Mrs. James Jones Mr. and Mrs. Johnny H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Carey Joullian Ms. Meredith Kaback Mr. Michael W. Kaback Mr. Ryan Kaback Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kanaly Mr. Mac Karim Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mary Keefe Ms. Luann Kelley Ms. Shirley Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelly Mrs. Susie Kemp Ms. Paula Kempker Ms. Kim Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kepple Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kern Ms. Barbara Kersey Ms. Ann Key Ms. Danielle Khokha Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kickingbird Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kim Mr. and Mrs. Shane Kimble Ms. Anna King Ms. Zil King Ms. Cynthia Kisser Ms. and Mrs. Wilma Klaassen Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Klein Mr. Rick Klingenbug Ms. Lisa R. Kloberdanz Ms. Jennifer L. Klos Mr. Rick Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight Ms. Sherry Knight Mr. Eric T. Knorr Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Koester Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Krahl Mr. and Mrs. Emil Krings Mr. and Mrs. John Krings Krivanek Cattle Co. M. L. Kroner Ms. Linda M. Kuehnl Ms. Althea Laakman Mr. Scott Laakman Ms. Linda Laird Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lake Lamar Advertising Company Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Joe Land Ms. Carol A. Lang Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Lara Ms. Abby Lawrence Mr. Tom Layman Ms. Melba Ledford Mr. and Mrs. Kregg S. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Don Leeman Ms. Laurnell Lenz Ms. Diane Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lippold Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lipscomb Mr. Edward J. Little Ms. Catherine Llach Mrs. W. Jean Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lodes Ms. Pauli Loeffler Mr. and Mrs. G. Malcolm Louden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Love Ms. Loretta Lowery Ms. Peggy Lowery Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Lucky Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Lundstrom Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Luton Dr. Fred Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Lynn M.B. White Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Steven Magness Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Malherbe Jr. Ms. Margie E. Malone Ms. Jessie A. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mannel Ms. Sandra Maroul Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Martin Ms. Susan Martin Mr. and Mrs. Erick R. Mashaney Mason & Moon Ms. Marie Mason Mr. Michael Mauceli Mr. Brad McBride Mr. Mike McBride Ms. Carole McClendon Col. and Mrs. Russell J. McClintock Ms. Sharon McColl Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCollum Mr. and Mrs. David McCubbin Ms. Carolyn A. McCue Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDowell Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McGarry Ms. Charlotte McKay Mr. and Mrs. John T. McKnight Mr. Cam Mclain Mr. Kyle McLain Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McLaughlin Mr. Arthur McLendon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. James C. McMillin Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNutt Ms. Mollie McQueen Mr. and Mrs. R. Vance McSpadden Ms. Joanne S. Meacham Ms. Marilyn M. Meade Ms. Carolyn Meek Mrs. Andi Meilleur Ms. Laura Melman Ms. Hermione Mercer Ms. Mary E. Meredith Ms. Kenni Merritt and Mr. Thomas Barrett Ms. Patricia J. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Meyerson Col. and Mrs. Bruce Miller Ms. Minnie Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miller Ms. Louise Milliner Mr. and Mrs. David Mills Ms. Kay Mills Mrs. Carol Milster Mr. and Mrs. Willis Milton Mr. & Mrs. A. N. Miskovsky Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Mobley Ms. Diane Moershel Mr. and Mrs. Hal W. Moffatt Money Services Mr. and Mrs. David J. Montgomery Mr. Hal Moore Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Rick Moore Mr. John W. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morgan Mrs. Ellen Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Mortimer Ms. Stacey Mountford Ms. Lanna W. Moxley Ms. Susan Muehleisen Mr. Michael Mullen Ms. Mary Munkres Ms Kay Murcer Dr. Annette Murphy Mrs. Kay L. Musser Ms. Julie Myers Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Nance Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nashert Mr. Brent Neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelon Mr. and Mrs. Duston Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Ms. LuAnn Neuman Ms. Jan Neumann Ms. Natasha Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Gene Newcomb Ms. Jeanne Newman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nichols Ms. Kay Nichols Ms. Margaret A. Nickell Ms. Cathy J. Nicklau Northwest Mobile Village Inc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Norton Ms. Ruth Norton Mr. and Mrs. Claude Obar Mr. and Mrs. William O. Odgers Mr. and Mrs. J. David Ogle Oklahoma Blood Institute Ms. Nicole Olack Olin Corporation Mr. and Mrs. David Omara Omniplex Mr. Gary Orendorff Ms. and Mrs. Ronald W. Organ Mr. and Mrs. John M. O’Rourke Ms. Betty Ostendorf Pace Butler Corp Ms. Joann Pace Mrs. Pama L. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parkison Ms. Denise K. Parsons Ms. Marjorie E. Parsons Ms. Terri R. Patten Mr. and Mrs. Lavert Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Rob F. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Patterson Ms. Beth Payne Mr. and Mrs. Don Payne Mr. Ty Peck Mr. Alik Pegram Mr. Steven Pekrul Col. and Mrs. Gary W. Pence Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pendleton Mrs. Jo Ann Perkins Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Todd Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Peyton Mr. and Mrs. Roger Piette Mr. and Mrs. Al Pilaski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pinger Maj. and Mrs. Charles W. Planter Mr. and Mrs. Ray Poland Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 17 Mr. and Mrs. Randel Polk Mr. Mike Pollok Mr. Max Pope Mr. and Mrs. Derek Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Price Ms. Connie Price Ms. Janet K. Price Ms. Mary Pride Mr. and Mrs. Randall T. Priess Principle Mortgage Group, Inc. Cmsgt. and Mrs. Aaron O. Proffitt Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Puckett Ms. Lisa R. Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Pumphrey Ms. Trisha A. Quarles Mr. and Mrs. Roger Quinn Quo Vadimus LLC Mr. and Mrs. Bart Raff Mr. Michael L. Ramsey Ms. Becca Randall Ms. Jenifer Randle Ms. Lucinda H. Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray Red Dirt Rebellion Rollergirls Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Remondino Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rennell Mrs. Berta Fay Rex Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. David F. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Rice Ms. Christa Richardson Mr. David Righthouse Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ring Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ringwald Ms. Christy Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rives Mrs. Hilda Peggy Lynn Robertson Ms. LaRue Robertson Ms. Lindsay G. Robertson Brig Gen (Ret) and Mrs. Ben T. Robinson Ms. Christine Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Reid E. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson Mr. Mike Rocke Ms. Betty Rogers Ms. Cathy Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Rogers Ms. Pamela D. Roney Mr. Don Roper Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rosebeary Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ross Rotary Club of Midwest City Mr. Clark Rother Mr. Daniel Ruhl Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ruster Mr. Aubrey Ryan Ms. Carol Ryan Ms. Elizabeth E. Ryan Ms. Janene Sakara Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Salmon Mr. Jerry Salyer Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Samis Ms. Connie Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Sandman Ms. Jeannie Scalia Mr. Nathan Scalia Col. and Mrs. Warren M. Schaub Ms. Susan L. Schene Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Schick Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schinnerer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schnabel Dr. and Mrs. Brock Schnebel Mr. and Mrs. Blair Schoeb Ms. Cindy Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. E. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Schwarz Ms. Carrie G. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Al Serrano Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sestak Mr. and Mrs. Daryle Settles Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sexauer Mr. Rob Shaff 18 Infant Crisis services, Inc. Mr. John Sharp Teresa Shavney, MD Ms. Diane Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shaw Mr. and Mrs. William F. Shdeed Dr. David Shelburne Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Shepherd Ms. Hiromi Shikatani Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shogren Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shook Ms. Margie H. Short Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry Sibbernsen Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Sigmon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Silva Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simms Ms. Suzanne Simon Ms. Laurie Simpson Ms. Nancy E. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Sinclair Mr. Richard Singer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slater Mrs. Amber Smith Mr. Frank Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Smith III Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lonal L. Smith Mrs. Marilyn J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Ms. Sabrina Smythe Ms. Patricia I. Sneed Ms. Luanne Snodgrass Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snyder Ms. Carol S. Soule Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sparks Ms. Megan Spillman Ms. Kara Spivey Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott Spradling Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Spross St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Mr. Brent Stafford Ms. Carolyn F. Stager Ms. Pauline Stambaugh-Lash Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stanford Ms. M. Beth Stark Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Starkey Ms. Ann Starrett Star’s Restaurant Corporation Statewide Collections Mr. Chris Stearman Mr. Jeremy Stefanek Mr. and Mrs. John E. Steffens Mr. and Mrs. Geren T. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Scot Stephens Mr. Brian Sterkel Ms. Bobbye C. Stevens Mrs. Ann Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart Col. and Mrs. Larry W. Stone Ms. Marilyn Storm Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Streeter Mr. Mark Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Craig Suhre Ms. Marilyn Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Praba Suppiah Surgery Dept. Staff Fund Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sykora Dorey Tabor Ms. Glenda Talbot Mrs. Patricia A. Taliaferro Mr. Bruce Tallon Mr. and Mrs. Mims Talton Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tarr Ms. Betty Tate Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Taylor Dr. Lisa D. Taylor Ms. Martha Tehan Mr. Alan Terrill Dr. and Mrs. Udho Thadani Ms. Betty Tharp The B & F Corp. The First National Bank Ms. Marilyn Thies Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Thompson Mr. Ralph Thompson Mrs. Martha R. Thornbrough Mr. Steve Thornhill Ms. Dianne L. Thornton Ms. Tracy Thornton Ms. Rhea G. Todd Mr. Alex Torczon Mrs. G. R. Trammell Mr. and Mrs. Loc Quang Tran William Traylor Ms. Sara Treadway Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Truss Mr. Khanh Tu Ms. Patricia J. Tucker Ms. Jan Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turpen Mr. and Mrs. Ace Tytgat Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Tytle UCO Women’s Golf UMB Bank, N. A. United Way of Tri-State Mr. John Valentine Mrs. Margaret V. Van Dyke Ms. Jeanne Anne Van Horn Mr. Samuel Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Francis Veldman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Verden Ms. Barbie Vervack Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Vestal Via Christi Volunteers – Partners in Caring Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Violette Ms. Lisetta Vladovich Ms. Donna Wade Ms. Sharon Rapp Wade Mr. Ted Wade Ms. Shirley Wahlman Mr. and Mrs. James Waldo Ms. Dorothy Walker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walker Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Wall Ms. B. D. Wallace Ms. Alice Walls Ms. Kelsey P. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ward Ms. Donna Ward Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Warner Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Watts Ms. Ann G. Weathers Ms. Judith E. Weathers Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Webb Mr. Joel F. Wellnitz Welsh Investments Mr. and Mrs. Michael Welsh Mr. Mike Wernli Ms. Margaret West Mr. and Mrs. John Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Westmoreland Ms. Linda K. Whaley Mr. and Mrs. James C. White Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitsett Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiggins Ms. Viola M. Wild Ms. Sharon J. Wiley Ms. Mary L. Wilkes Mr. and Mrs. Al Williams Ms. Candace Williams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. Norman Williams Mr. and Mrs. Rainey Williams Jr. Mrs. Shana Willis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilmes Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilson Mr. Gene G. Wilson Ms. Magdelin Wilson Ms. Rachel Winston Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Winter Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Russ Wolfe Ms. Suzy Wolfe Mr. Robert Womble Women’s Veterans Group Ms. Jacquelyn Wood Ms. Barb Wright Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright Mr. Joshua Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Neal Wynn Mr. and Mrs. John Yager Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yarbrough Mr. David York Thank you from the Babies Ms. Larisa Yun Mr. and Mrs. Don Zachritz Mr. Ken Ziegler In-kind donors Mr. Abdeslam Abelkadri Ms. Meagan Abernathy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abner Mrs. Julieta Acosta Acts 2 Methodist Church Ms. Melissa Adams Ms. Shelia Adams Ms. Jaquelin Aguirre Mrs. Carol Alexander Ms. Eilisa Alexander All Souls Episcopal Church Ms. Viola Allen Ms. Kristi Allison Ms. Betul Altan Ms. Renee Anderson Ms. Amy Andrews Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Beau Applegate Ms. Jaquelin Aquirre Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arbetello Ms. Laura Ardetello Mr. Scott Attaway Mr. Richard Avers Mr. and Mrs. Al Ayers Babies R Us Ms. Marianne Bacharach Mr. Kendall R. Baker Ms. Maggie Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Banz Baptist Temple Church Mr. and Mrs. Matt Barba Ms. Robyn Barker Mr. Matt Barlow Ms. April Barton Ms. Mary Bates Ms. Ashley Battison Mr. and Mrs. Josh Baxter Beam’s Industries Bebe’s Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Behrens Ms. Christine Beleele Ms. Jennifer Bentley Mr. Kurt Bernhardt Bible Study Group Ms. Brandi Bird Ms. Joyce Blackmon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Cindy Boecking Ms and Mr. Henry Boecking Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren Jr. Ms. Angel Borjas Dr. Gina C. Bostick Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bourland Mr. and Mrs. David Bower Mrs. Laura Bowman BPO Does #259 Bradford Village-Stitch and Share Ms. Debbie Braxton Ms. Teresa Brent Ms. Heather Bresenham Ms. Karyn Bright Mrs. and Mr. Jeanette Brooks Ms. Jennifer Brooks Ms. Alice Brown Ms. Ashley Brown Mr. and Mrs. Brent Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown Ms. Kelly Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brown Ms. Laura Brueggen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bruno Ms. Andrea Buckelew Ms. Jacqualyn Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Truman Burns Mr. Scott Bussey Buy For Less Ms. Laura Buz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell Calvin Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Camp Ms. Donna Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Cody Carder Mr. Danny Carey Ms. Lorri Cargill Ms. Ronda Carico Ms. Jennifer Carney Ms. Susan Carns Ms. Zabrina Carroll Casey’s Ms. Shawna Celestine Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild Ms. Meagan Chaffin Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Charles Haskell Elementary Ms. Graciela Chavira Children’s Center Christmas Connection Ms. Brittney Chumo Church of Jesus Christ of LDS Church of the Savior Church of the Servant Mr. and Mrs. Richard Church Ms. Pam Cifuentes Citizens Caring For Children Ms. Shannon Claire Ms. Melissa Clark Ms. Machell Clayton Clear Channel Radio Ms. Keri Clemons Ms. Leslie Click CMRI Ms. Heidi Cohn Ms. Jodie Cole Ms. Nancy Condit Ms. Elizabeth Conn Mr. and Mrs. Ron Conner Ms. Destiny Cook Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Coombes Ms. Sunny Cooper Ms. Raye Corwin Ms. Brenda Cover Ms. Sandy Cox CPD Tech Pack Ms. Samantha Criss Crossings Community Church Ms. Chaquita Crowder Mr. and Mrs. James Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Amy Crowley Crown Heights Christian Church Crown Heights United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Rod Culley Ms. Lois Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. John Curran Ms. Anne Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis Ms. Melanie Davis Ms. Kristie Day Deaconess Home Care Ms. Barbara G. Decastro Deer Creek National Honor Society Del City Christian Church Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Delhotal Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denman Ms. Berniece Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dever Ms. Anna Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dillon Ms. Bree Dosser Dr. and Mrs. John R. Dosser Douglas Blvd United Methodist Church Ms. Sheri Douglas Mrs. Bethany A. Doyle Ms. Kim Draper Ms. Marcida DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Dudley Ms. Bronwyn Duffiny Ms. Sheryl Dunham Ms. Gloria Dunning Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Earley Mr. and Mrs. Brett Early Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Early Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Eckley Ms. Lisa Elder Elks 415 Ms. Shirley Ellis Ms. Lauren Ely Erna Krouch Preschool Ms. Gail Evans Ms. Julie Evans Ms. Kay H. Evans Ms. Stephanie Ewart Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ewing FAA-Quality System Group Fairview Baptist Church Family Dollar Store, Inc. Mr. Matt Fansher Mr. and Mrs. Clay Farha Mr. Clarke Farmer Mrs. Miki Farris Ms. Jennifer Ficklin Ms. Victoria Fields First Christian Church First Christian Church of Edmond First Christian Church of Moore First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Edmond Ms. Heather Fitzgerald Ms. Polly Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleming Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Flinton Ms. Cassandra Flores Ms. Ada Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Richard Folmar For Heaven Sake Forest Hill Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Chris Forth Ms. Alison Foster Ms. Brenda Fox Frailey, Chaffin, Cordell, Perryman, Sterkel, & McCall Ms. Debra Franks Mr. and Mrs. David Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Brad Frensley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Frieds Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fuller Mrs. Reba Gallaspy Ms. Mabel Gamino Ms. Marie Garbales Ms. Crescenciana Garcia Ms. Mikki Gardner Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett Ms. Paula Garrett Mr. Tracy Garrison Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Gelczer Ms. Kimi George Ms. Tracy George Gabe Gerard Gethsemane Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons Ms. Anneke Gillis Ms. Tiara Gist Ms. Kristin Glenn Ms. Heather Glidewell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gold Ms. Penny Golden Mr. Tyron Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Gonzalez Ms. Maria Gonzalez Ms. Delpna Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gore Mr. Steve Graham Ms. Trenna Grayson Ms. Nikki Green Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gregory Ms. Carmen Gribbin Mr. Stephen Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grob Mr. and Mrs. Victor Guarry Guild of the Christ Child Ms. Stacy Gunn Ms. Janice Guthrie Ms. Amy Gutteridge Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hague Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanke Mr. Trey Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hardin Ms. Shawnda Harris Ms. Camiri Harvill Dr. and Mrs. Don W. Haskins Ms. Mary Lou Hatcher Dr. and Mrs. Charles Haunschild Ms. Debbie Hawkins Ms. Rebecca Hayes Mr. Barry Haynes Heart and Hand Thrift Center Ms. Regina Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. Brian Henderson Mrs. Mel Henry Ms. Melissa Hensley Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 19 Ms. Veronica Herrera Ms. Denise Herring Ms. Nita Herring Ms. Christina Hickman Ms. Helen Hilbert Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Tia Hildabrand Ms. Linda Hildebrant Hillcrest Christian Church Ms. Marcie Hines Hinton Refrigeration Inc. Ms. Joyce Hladik Ms. Amy Hoffman Mr. Chris Holland Ms. Sally Holloway Ms. Tanisha Hood Hope Center Ms. Debbie Horst Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horton Ms. Angela Howard Ms. Gayla Howell Ms. Alicia Hrdy Ms. Matilde Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hughes Ms. Kaitlin Hunter Hunton Oil and Gas Corp. Ms. Lisa Hussong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. Butch Hyatt IBMC-Case Management Ms. Pam Ingalls Integris Information Technology Dr. and Mrs. Joe Isaacson Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ison Ms. Christine Jackson Mrs. Ellen A. Jackson Mr. Tom Jackson Ms. Margaret Jantzen Ms. Carol Jarrett Ms. Lisa Jaynes Ms. Jamie Jefferson Ms. Kyreanna Jefferson Ms. Jill Jekel Ms. Jennifer Jimenez Ms. Lisa Johns Mrs. Jacky Johnson Ms. Katrina Johnson Ms. Tyfanna Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Zach Jolly Ms. Irene Jones Ms. Jo Jones Mr. Tom Mullen and Mrs. Jo Jones Ms. Lorene Jones Ms. Sandra Jones Ms. Talova Jones Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jones Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones Junior League of Oklahoma City Ms. Lindsey Kanaly Ms. Stacey Kanost Ms. Becky Karpe Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kay Keedo Clothes Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mary Keefe Keller Williams Realty Northpointe Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Ketch Ms. Amy Key Ms. Mary Kiekhuff Ms. Kay King Ms. Mellodie King Kiwanis Club Guthrie Kiwanis Division 19 Ms. Laura Knight Mr. Matt Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Eric Knudtson Mr. and Mrs. David Koehn Kohl’s Ms. Pamela Kramer Ms. Ashley Kuczinski Ms. Maria Kunnkel Mr. Robbie Kyle L.O.C. Ministries Mr. and Mrs. Sean La Fleur Ms. Deneise Lacy Ms. Dana Landrum Landwehr, LTD Mr. and Mrs. George Lang Mr. and Mrs. John Lanson Ms. Katie Lathrop 20 Infant Crisis services, Inc. Ms. Betty J. Law Mr. Luz Lecona Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lee Ms. Summer Lee Mr. Michael Legge Ms. Rebekah Lemons Dr. and Mrs. Brian Lepley Ms. Shannon Lewallen Ms. Jamesetta Lewis Ms. Leshonda Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lewis II Ms. Tina Light Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lingreen Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Lippoldt Susan and Barrie Litchfield Mr. and Mrs. James Loden Ms. Leslie Lofton Ms. Yvonne Longpine Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lykins Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lytle Ms. Shmarra Mabry Ms. Heather MacMillan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Madison Mr. Kelly Mann Ms. Kellie Maples Ms. Genene Marshall Ms. Katy Marshall Ms. Christy Martin Ms. Agustina Martinez Ms. Christie Marzean Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mason Ms. Melissa Masters Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mata Ms. Dana Mathes Ms. Karen Mathews Ms. Brenda Matson Ms. Karen Matthews Mr. Robert Matthews May Avenue Children’s Center May Avenue Wesleyan Church Mr. and Mrs. Kraig May Mrs. Tausha S. Mayberry Mayfair Church of Christ Mayflower Congregational Church Ms. Kristin Maynard Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney Mr. and Mrs. Lance McCasland Ms. Brenda McClain Ms. Sherrie McDaniels Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Lisa McDonald Ms. Mischelle McDonald Mr. Brady McDonough and Dr. Kelly N. McDonough Ms. Ashley McHone Ms. Amber McKenney McKesson Pharmaceutical Ms. Karen McLain Mr. and Mrs. William McLain Mr. and Mrs. David McNeese Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. McPherson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Means Mr. and Mrs. Frank Megow Ms. Falisha Melott Ms. Shawna Melton Memorial Christian Church Ms. Linda Menisee Messiah Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Messick Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mettenbrink Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer Mid-Del Food Pantry Ms. Janelle Miller Mrs. Nancy Miller Minco Quilt Guild Ms. Rebecca Miramontes Mr. Greg Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mitchell Ms. Susan Mitchell Ms. Tamiko Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Moncho Ms. Kari Mont Ms. Ana Montelongo Ms. Jessica Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Mr. Jimmy Moore Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Morgan Ms. May Morris Ms. Lynn Morrow Ms. Ashley Mortimer Ms. Kristy Morton Mother’s Of Multiples Ms. Kimberly Moyer Ms. Mitzi Mulford Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Mullen Ms. Luz Munoz Dr. Annette Murphy Ms. Sara Murray Ms. Kimberly Murry Ms. Manzura Musayeva Ms. Rachel Musick Ms. Fidela Najera NAPMW Neighbors Coffee Ms. Ashley Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nester New Covenant Christian Church New Hope Christian Church New Horizons Child Development Center Newborns in Need Mr. Mohamed Nfn Mr. Phan Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nichols Mrs. Stephani Nichols Ms. Ann Nick Ms. Dalisa Nickell Nickey’s Salon Mr. Joey Niebrugge Drs. Linda and Curtis Nigh Ms. Christina Nihira Ms. Amanda Nix Mr. and Mrs. Neil Norsworthy Ms. Angel Northington Northwest Christian Church Mr. Joe Nowicki Ms. Marella Nowlin Mrs. Patricia O’Bryant OC-ALC/SB Ms. Amandita Ochoa Mr. and Mrs. Tim O’Donnell OG&E Oklahoma Association of Defense Council Oklahoma County Bar Auxiliary Oklahoma Family Network Oklahoma Quiltworks Inc. Oklahoma Sewing Machine Artists Oklahoma University Nursing Student Association Ms. Ashley Oliphant Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Orr Orthodontic Associates Ms. Natalie Orton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Osborn Our Lord’s Community Church Mr. and Mrs. Bret Owen Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Padgham Ms. Alyce J. Page Ms. Melba Pankowsky Parents As Partners In Education Ms. Trisha Parker Ms. P. J. Parks Ms. Janee Parsons Ms. Jimmie N. Patee Mrs. Jennifer Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Bond Payne Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pelton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pennington Ms. Trish Pepew Ms. Monica Perdomo Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Pfister Ms. Pamela Phillips Ms. Melba Piatt Mr. Gerald Pickman Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pilcher Ms. Ashley Pineda Mr. and Mrs. Ken Plank Ms. Taylor Plumbtree Ms. Michaela Pojezny Mr. and Mrs. Jason Pooler Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Powell Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Powell Ms. Nicole Power Ms. Gwen Poznor Ms. Janelle Pride Ms. Stoney Pride Print Imaging Group Project Transformation Thank you from the Babies Provo Memorial Outreach Ministry Mr. and Mrs. Brent Purdy Putnam City Christian Church Putnam City North High School Ms. Alia Ramirez Ms. Vivian Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Damon Reavis Ms. Mickie Reece Regional Food Bank Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Remondino Mr. and Mrs. Torsten Rempe Ms. Yael Revah Ms. Casey Richards Mr. and Mrs. Brad Richardson Ms. Nissa Richison Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Riess Ms. Catherine Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ring Ms. Julie Rios Ms. Christy Ritchie RK-1 Productions Ms. Amy Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Clide Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Wes Roberts Ms. LaRue Robertson Ms. Melissa Robins Ms. Cassandra Robinson Ms. Ione Robinson Ms. Jeanette Robinson Mr. Jerry Robinson Ms. Margaret Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rocke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Rodgers Ms. Gaby Rodriguez Ms. Cathy Rogers Ms. Melissa Rogers Mr. Christopher Rohnbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Rojas Mr. Kassett Roland Ms. Adriana Romero Ronald McDonald House Charities Ms. Melanie Rosales Ms. Robin Rose RoseRock Bank Mr. John Rouse Ms. Louise Roush Ms. Sabrina Ruelas Mr. Charles Russell Ms. Titania Russell Ryan Bisher Ryan Ms. Brittany Ryan Salvation Army – Adult Rehabilitation Center Mr. and Mrs. Roy Salyers Ms. Lena Samilton Ms. Felicia Sanchez Ms. Savanah Sanders Santa Fe Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Santee Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Santillie Ms. Debra Sarmiento Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Scamehorn Ms. Tohnya Scarmuca Mr. and Mrs. Randy Schafer Ms. Sara Schakelaar Ms. Linda Schiebert Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schmidt Ms. Stephanie Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schmidt Ms. Lisa Schneider Ms. Tarena Self Ms. Sherrie Sell Ms. Paula Sendall Mr. and Mrs. Al Serrano Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. David Shear Mr. Kevin Sheldon Ms. Holly Shelton Mr. Steven Shepelwich Mr. and Mrs. James Short Ms. Elizabeth Shorter Ms. Ashley Sicairos Ms. Melissa Sikking Ms. Michele Siler Mrs. Pramila Silwal Mr. Ronald Simmons Ms. Shetarra Simon Ms. Kasey Simonich Ms. Kathy Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Simunek Ms. Jeri Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sinkankas Ms. Rebecca Slavilk Ms. Amaretta Smith Mrs. Amber Smith Ms. Britney Smith Ms. Crystal Smith Ms. Delane Smith Ms. Floy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith Ms. Latasha Smith Ms. Melba Smith Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Smith Ms. Tamara Smith Mr. and Mrs. Troy Smith Southern Hills Child Development Center Southern Hills Christian Church Southern Hills United Methodist Church Southern Nazarene University Ms. Frances Sparks Ms. Shelley Spearman Mrs. Shirley Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Speegle Ms. Taysha Spicer Ms. Linda Spiwak Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Spross St. Anthony Hospital St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Needle Work Group St. Luke’s United Methodist Church St. Monica’s Catholic Church St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church Mrs. Tracy C. Staggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Stem Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Sterne Stillwater National Bank Mr. and Mrs. John Stiner Stitch and Share Mr. and Mrs. John Stone Ms. Donna Strahorn Ms. Angela Strickland Ms. Melanie Stucky Ms. Sabrina Sublett Mr. and Mrs. John Suchak Mr. and Mrs. Craig Suhre Ms. Lauren Sullivan Ms. TaShin Sumpter Ms. Cathy Swanson Ms. Natasha Swiney Mr. Jon Tallet Ms. Jennifer Tamez Mrs. Terry Tatarian Ms. Patti Teague Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tebow Ms. Edith Telkz Ms. Julie Teller Ms. Edith Tellez Ms. Jodie Tennant Ms. Talena Teoli Ms. Karen Testerman The Christmas Connection Ms. Chenita Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Randy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Shibu Thomas Ms. Loretta Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Tony Thornton Ms. Diane Thorton Thrifty Pharmacy Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Ok Co. Chapter Tinker Airforce Base-552 CSS Dr. Heather Tipsword Ms. Dynasty Titsworth Ms. Kathryn Toahty Ms. Stephanie Tollison Ms. Bridget Tompkins Traub Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Travis Trinity Child Development Center Ms. Patricia J. Tucker Ms. Gaylene Turner Ms. Timeka Tyler Ms. Alicia Underwood Unity Baptist Church Ms. Wanda Urban Urbane ReDesign & Staging Ms. Joanna K. Valdez Ms. Vicki Van Loo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Varel Mr. Nora Vasquez Mr. Harold Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Veer Ms. Sandra Vermillion Ms. Celeste Vesta Victory Fellowship Church Village Baptist Church Village United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Scott Vincent Ms. Brandi Vining Ms. Van Vo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wade Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wagner Ms. Olivia Waid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Ms. Shelli Wall Ms. Kim Wallace Wal-Mart #622 Wal-Mart Super Center Mr. and Mrs. Lee Waltman Ms. Blythe Ward Ms. Charlotte Ware Ms. Shannon Warner Warr Acres Carrier Unit Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Watkins Ms. Linda Weathers Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Weaver Ms. Renee Weissenburger Ms. Joni Welch Mr. Shawn Wellden Ms. Ashley Wells Ms. Christina Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Greg Westermier Western Oaks Christian Church Western Oaks Middle School Westminster Blanketeers Westminster Presbyterian Church Ms. Amy Wewers Mrs. Becky Wheeler Ms. Laci Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Lane Wheeler Ms. Casie White Ms. Jennifer White Ms. Stacy Whitmarsh WIC Services-Oklahoma State Department of Health Wickline United Methodist Church Ms. Celeste Wiechmann Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilhelm Will Rogers Elementary School Mr. Greg Willard Williams Grocery Store Ms. Tish Williams Ms. Jenny Williams-Berg Ms. Joyce Willis Mrs. Shana Willis Ms. Betty Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilson Ms. Rebecca Wilson Ms. Suzy Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winans Ms. Miranda Winchester Ms. Natalie Winfree Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodson Ms. Laura Wren Ms. Dana Wright Mr. and Mrs. Sean Yaffe Kathi Yeager and John Larson Ms. Deanne York Ms. Ingrid Young Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young Ms. Kris Young We have tried our best to list all of our donors correctly; however we apologize for any mistakes we might have made. If your name has been inadvertently omitted, placed in the wrong category, or misspelled, please contact us at (405) 528-3663 to report our error. Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 21 1933 NW 39th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405/528-3663 Address Service Requested m Non-Profit US Postage P A I D Oklahoma City, OK Permit #1329 your annuaL rePort
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