Every Baby has a Story - Infant Crisis Services
Every Baby has a Story - Infant Crisis Services
Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 2006-2007 Annual Report Every Baby has a Story I’m going to tell stories to the world. I think there’s time for me to grow. We’ll see. Sasha Alexander Landan caught our attention immediately. His chubby cheeks and happy blue eyes were hard to resist. His mother’s eyes however, were quite different. They reflected months of stress and heartache. Gradually Natasha began to share their story. Little 18-month-old Landan was born two weeks premature with a condition known as Smith-Magenis syndrome; a genetic defect which causes heart defects, kidney failure and low muscle tone. As a result Landan had endured numerous medical procedures. His condition had left Landan with holes in his heart and pulmonary valve issues which would require two surgeries and a two-month hospital stay. Because of the daily care which Landan required, Natasha was forced to resign from her job as a dental assistant. She told us that it was an experience no one should have to go through. Fortunately, Infant Crisis Services was there to help. We provided Landan with the special nutritional items that he required and volunteers provided the special attention his mother desperately needed. Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 1 Infant Crisis Services, Inc. OUR MISSION 2006/2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS In the richest nation of the world... no baby should go hungry. Infant Crisis Services believes that every baby and toddler deserves life’s basic necessities. Jason Osborn, President Gayla Stapleton, President Elect Joe Poe, Secretary Kevin Crowley, Treasurer Judi Crutchfield Jim Everett STAFF Polly Fleet Miki Farris, Executive Director Gerri Heidebrecht Jo Lynne Jones, Operations Director Steve Horton Pam Timmons, Development Director Susie Kemp Beth Lykins, Volunteer Coordinator Erin Page Cynthia Wilson, Program Manager Patricia Rogers Becky Philips, Client Services Manager Joey Root Jennifer Boren, Business Manager Michael Sterkel Brenda Blackburn, Development Assistant Jill Swisher Ana Davis, Latino Client Representative Jane Thompson Caitlin Buchner, Procurement Coordinator Candace Williams 2 from the president Our year at Infant Crisis Services has been filled with stories of hard work and wonderful surprises. We began 2006 by launching a comprehensive capital campaign to fund a new and larger facility. Our plan was to spend several years raising the capital to construct a 17,000 square foot facility designed to meet the growing demand for our services. The need for this new building became more apparent with each passing year. In fact, this fiscal year Infant Crisis Services saw 8,576 children, setting an all-time record for the number of babies and toddlers served. By early 2007, Infant Crisis Services had raised $7,300,000 toward the capital campaign due in large part to a generous grant from the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. The Donald W. Reynolds Foundation is a national philanthropic organization founded in 1954 by the late media entrepreneur for whom it is named. Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is one of the largest private foundations in the United States. With the foundation’s gift and the wonderful donations from many of you, our dream of a new headquarters will become a reality. But that wasn’t our only accomplishment this year. Here are a few other highlights from the 2006/2007 fiscal year: Served 1,000 more babies and toddlers than the year before. Raised almost $223,000 from appeals and other fundraising events. Hosted our 18th Annual Infant Crisis Services Golf Classic which raised more than $51,000. Collected nearly $500,000 worth of in-kind donations. Raised $96,000 in grant funding. Participated in the Newborns in Need statewide baby shower. Teen Associate Board raised $31,000 from their annual benefit auction. • • • • • • • It was an amazing year, but now the real work begins. As we begin construction on our new facility, we must work to ensure that Infant Crisis Services will be capable of serving the thousands of children who will pass through our doors. We hope to move into our new headquarters by fall 2008, but we also expect to double the number of clients we serve. The Donald W. Reynolds Foundation requires that all of its funding be used to build the new facility, therefore it is more important than ever that we continue to receive support from the community. Thank you for joining in our belief that every baby and toddler deserves life’s basic necessities. With your financial support and the spirited commitment of our volunteers we are writing a new chapter for our community’s most precious resource – our children. Always for the babies, Jason Osborn Board President Infant Crisis Services, Inc. 3 The first time we met little Patrick and Richard, they were sharing a car seat. The tiny twins were sound asleep and seemed to find comfort in sharing the same space. According to their mother, Corey, the twins were born prematurely and set in motion an unfortunate string of events. Corey told us that days following Patrick and Richard’s birth, the family car gave out leaving her without a way to work. The stress of medical bills from the twins, no car and no income was all her husband could handle. He left her with 4-year-old Sarah, 5-year-old Katherine and the newborn twins. Unable to pay rent, Corey and the children were living in a shelter. “I personally know how it feels to hit ‘rock bottom’ in life and it is a lonely place to be,” Corey said. “We lost our home... our friends and family deserted us... I just want some peace of mind.” Volunteers at Infant Crisis Services provided encouragement and some peace of mind for Corey while providing nourishment and warmth to Richard and Patrick... little things that make a huge difference to a family living on the edge. 4 Serenity, Trinity and Eternity were born to 21-year-old Bliss who was already the mother of a toddler. Bliss obviously loved her family but was struggling to make ends meet. The 2-month-old triplets were sweet and charming, but they also meant three times the amount of formula, diapers and clothing this single mother would have to purchase. And the hardships didn’t end there. The girls were also experiencing developmental delays that required physical therapy and training. Bliss was exhausted and needed some support. Infant Crisis Services was able to provide all the basic necessities for the triplets... formula for their tummies, diapers for their bottoms and clothing to keep them warm. But we were also able to provide something for Bliss... compassion and caring. Our volunteers took the time to listen to her story and provided Bliss and her children with emotional support, guidance, and the basic necessities they needed. 5 Who we served Children served Number of visits First visit Second visit Third visit Fourth visit Clothing only Ages of children 0-6 months 7-12 months 13-48 months Gender of children Female Male Family demographics Age of mother Under 20 20 to 25 Over 25 Ethnic origin of mother Caucasian African American Hispanic Native American Multiracial Other Marital status of mother Single Married Separated Divorced Other Is/was child breastfed Yes No 6 2006/7 8,568 36% 22% 16% 12% 14% 61% 14% 25% 49% 51% 19% 35% 46% 33% 25% 31% 6% 3% 2% 65% 28% 3% 2% 2% 42% 58% Annual statistics Services provided Services for infants Formula (bottles) Baby food (jars) Cereal (boxes) Services for toddlers Juice (quarts) Cereal (boxes) Crackers (boxes) Peanut butter (jars) Vegetables (cans) Fruit (cans) Macaroni & cheese (boxes) Services for infants & toddlers Diapers Pull-ups Bottles/training cups Sleepers Blankets/quilts Coats Bath items Baby wipes Clothing room visits Number of families served Number of children served Total number of visits 2006/7 2005/6 87,717 28,413 1,624 75,812 26,950 1,542 2,853 2,853 2,853 5,706 5,706 5,706 2,853 2,577 2,577 2,577 5,154 5,154 5,154 2,577 252,941 220,683 18,163 13,094 2,555 1,877 948 895 1,818 1,564 392 335 3,753 3,412 2,245 1,642 6,771 6,256 3,299 4,615 8,568 2,910 4,015 7,536 7 Financial Report Infant Crisis Services, Inc. statement of activities for the year ended March 31, 2007. Support and revenue Contributions Capital campaign receipts Grants/sponsorships Investment/other income Fundraising events Total support/revenue Expenses Program General & administrative Development Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year 8 Year ended March 31, 2007 $794,988 1,452,704 96,418 53,266 222,156 $2,619,532 980,292 47,749 152,559 $1,180,600 $1,438,932 $1,533,409 $2,972,341 Contributions by category Financials at a glance Expenses Income Capital Campaign 55% In-Kind Contributions* 19% Program 83% Individuals 15% Development 13% Businesses 9% Administrative 4% Events 8% Churches, Groups & Schools 5% Cash Contributions 12% Foundations 4% Capital Campaign 55% Investment Income 2% Board & Staff 2% Other 2% Grants 4% Events 8% *Although it is not necessary to report the value of in-kind donations, we have chosen to do so. Our in-kind donations are a significant portion of our revenue. We believe by reporting these donations, those who generously support ICS have a better overall view of the agency’s activities. 9 Runner - ($10,000.00 + ) Anonymous Barr Energy, Inc. Carl C. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Chesapeake Energy Corporation Combined Federal Campaign – PCFO Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Combs Dell Foundation Devon Energy Corporation Dominion Exploration & Production Inc. Ms. Linda Foster George Kaiser Family Foundation Ms. Nadine Holloway Mr. and Mrs. David Hudiburg Integris Health Kirkpatrick Family Fund Lighthouse Charities Inc Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McClendon Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Payne Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts Stewart Abstract & Title of Okla. The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Utz Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Ward Walker - ($5,000.00 + ) Alliance Steel, Inc. Anonymous Bob Stoops Champion Foundation, Inc. Buttram Energies, Inc. Chaparral Energy LLC Hansen Masonry Contractors Inc Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harris Herman & Mary Wegener Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horton Karen Howell Hunton Oil and Gas Corp. James R. Brown Private Foundation McLaughlin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Moon Oklahoma City Clinic Oklahoma City Community Foundation Philip Boyle Foundation Print Imaging Group The Real Estate Center, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Trent Ward Westminster Presbyterian Church Deacons Cruiser - ($1,000.00 + ) Addis Equine Auctions Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Atkins Ms. Cindy L. Batt Bill Roberts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Blackburn 10 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boettcher Boettcher, Martin, Jean & Jackson Mr. Larry Bond Bostick Services Corporation Carpet Concepts LLC Chapel Hill United Methodist Church – UMW Mr. David J. Chernickey Church of the Servant – Minister’s Discretionary Cimarron Oil Tools Inc. Ms. Kimiko Collins Computer Associates International, Inc. Conner & Winters, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Coon Mr. and Mrs. David Cottrell Dobson Communications Corporation Dominion Dr. and Mrs. John R. Dosser Elliott Architects Inc. Ms. Sandra M. Ellison Enogex Employees Kyle Essmiller Mrs. Miki Farris First National Bank of Midwest City First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church of Edmond First Unitarian Church First Liberty Bank Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fishback Foresters Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Funk Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrison Ms. Jeannice Gay Geneva Rogers Foundation Goolsby, Olson & Proctor Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hanstein Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Hartwig Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hauschild, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heidebrecht Dr. Ned D. Hemric Mr. and Mrs. Steven Henry Heritage Trust Co Horton And Neighbors, Pc HSE Architects Hudiburg Auto Group Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Huffman Inasmuch Foundation Jackie Cooper Imports Jewish Federation of Greater OKC Jim Abernathy Construction Mr. Russell Johnson III Ms. Jana Johnston Mr. Tom Mullen and Mrs. Jo Lynne Jones Mr. James P. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kemp Kimray, Inc. Kohls Mr. Brian LaBouff Ms. Sally J. Langston Lavon Hoefle Willan Irrevocable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lawrence Lemon Family Foundation Love’s Country Stores Maccini Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Maier Masterpiece Painting Mayflower Congregational Church – Benevolence Board McAfee & Taft Mr. Brady McDonough and Dr. Kelly N. McDonough Medley Material Handling Company Meridian Pipe & Equipment Co. Inc. Messiah Lutheran Church– MAT Mrs. Norma M. Moe Morris and Libby Singer Foundation Mustang Middle School Northpark Merchants Association, Inc. Northwest Christian Church Oklahoma Association of Mortgage Brokers Oklahoma County Bar Auxiliary Oklahoma County Medical Society Community Foundation Oklahoma Quiltworks Inc. Oklahoma Retina PLLC Oklahoma Tank Lines Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orner Mr. and Mrs. Jason Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Ottaway Our Lady of Fatima Church Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pierce Presbyterian Health Foundation Ms. Judith S. Raulston Mr. and Mrs. Steve Raybourn Raymond and Bonnie Hefner Family Fund RC Taylor Companies, Inc. Red Plains Professional Inc. Roberts Mortgage LLC Rock Steady, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers Roll Giving RoseRock Bank Mr. and Mrs. Lance Ruffel Ryan Bisher Ryan Mr. Patrick C. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shafer Mrs. Janice Y. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spencer St. Monica’s Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sterkel Stillwater National Bank Mr. and Mrs. N. Martin Stringer Mrs. Denise S. Suttles Mr. and Mrs. Thane Swisher Telecompioneers Chapter #41 OKC Metro Council Teppco Crude Oil The Boeing Company The Joullian Foundation, Inc. The Lamar Companies The Reserve Petroleum Co. Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons United Way of Tri-State UPS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vansickle W A Waterman & Company Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Foundation Mr. Russell R. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Weaver WestFamily Foundation Westminster Presbyterian Church – Presbyterian Women Westmor Partners LLC Whitten, Nelson, McGuire, Terry & Roselius, PLLC Ms. Linda K. Whittington Ms. Candace Williams Crawler - ($500.00 + ) Apartment Association of Central Oklahoma Suppliers Council Appraisal Source LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arbetello ARINC Incorporated – Charitable Team AT & T Dr. James A. Baker Baker’s Printing Co Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Blue Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bonney Dr. and Mrs. Larry A. Bookman Briefcase.com Dr. and Mrs. Jim Brinkworth Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Brooks Mr. Thomas A. Burkhead Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buxton Casady School – MD Chapel Life Mrs. Joanna M. Champlin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chong Dr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Christensen Communities Foundation of Oklahoma Contemporary Cabinets Cox Communications Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Harry Currie Ms. Patricia J Davis Digital Graphics Inc DJ Blanton & Co. Dolese Brothers Co. Duty Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Edmond Medical Center Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edwards Ms. Tricia L. Everest Mr. and Mrs. Jim Everett Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fairchild First American Title & Trust Co Ms. Joyce Fischer Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fors Ms. Jennifer Hacker Harpro, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Barry Henthorn Hiltgen & Brewer PC Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hoch Mrs. Jean Hudiburg Integris Information Technology James Baker Group, Inc. James Farris Associates Mr. Joshua Jenson Junior League of Oklahoma City Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kautz Keller Williams Realty Northpointe Ms. Collette C. Kidd Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinnunen Kiwanis Northwest/Casady Mr. and Mrs. Stan Koop Ms. Karyl G. Lee Mr. William Leven Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Love Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lykins Mr. Terry L. Martin Mercury Press Inc Midland Claim Administrators Inc. Mr. Randall D. Mock Morris Enterprises Mr. and Mrs. Earl Naylor Norick Investment Company O.G.R.A. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Olbert Mr. and Mrs. Bill Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Patterson Mr. Kent Phillips Mr. Thompson S. Phillips Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pickrell Mrs. Julianne F. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Pumphrey Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rainbolt Range Resources LLC RDT Trucking, Inc. Mrs. Joyce Reed Sterling Mr. William P. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Rocke Mr. Kurt Rupert and Mrs. Marcia Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Dr. and Mrs. Perry M. Santos Schonwald Land, Inc. Ms. Vanessa B. Shadix Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sharpe Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sherman Dr. David W. Smith and Dr. Erin K. Glasgow St. Luke’s United Methodist Church – UMW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suenram Thrifty Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. James A. Underwood Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Vannatta William E & Margaret H Davis Family Fund Ms. Cynthia A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Young Scooter - ($100.00 + ) AAA Electrical Contractor Inc AAA Travel & Insurance Mr. Marle O. Abshere Dr. Alana Adair Affordable Art & Frames Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Akers Albertsons Community Partners Allstate Claims Office Ms. Laurel V. Altendorf Ms. Karen Ambrose Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Ambuehl American Eagle Title Dr. Michael D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson Ardor Capital LLC Dr. Patrice Aston Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Aughtry Mr. and Mrs. David Austerman Dr. and Mrs. Jack B. Austerman Ms. Sandra K. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bahm Ms. Laura Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Bair Baker Brothers Electric Mrs. Karan K. Baker Balliets Beauty Salon Bank of Nichols Hills Mr. and Mrs. James R. Barnett Ms. Gretchen Bartee Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Elby Beal Beam’s Industries Ms. Karen Beckman Ms. Francy Beesley Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Beitsch Ms. Phyllis V. Bennett Bethel Assembly of God Women’s Ministry Ms. Nakia Birnie Mr. Jon F. Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blankenship Ms. Mary C. Blanton Boardman, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Boecking Ms. Betty Bohan Bomar, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Bramble Brawley Engineering Corp. Ms. Phyllis Brawley Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brett III Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bristol Mr. and Mrs. Aaron O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown Ms. Jean A. Brown Mr. Michael O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown Mr. and Mrs. Sean Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. David Buff Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bunce Bunco Group Calvin Presbyterian Church – Presbyterian Women Mr. John P. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Scott Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Canada Canterbury Gardens Capitol Abstract & Title Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Cappadona Mr. and Mrs. Darry S. Carlstone Ms. Jamesetta Carter Mr. Ron Carter Casady School – Lower Division Mr. and Mrs. Dee Casey Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Casper Dr. and Mrs. F. P. Cassidy Jr. Mr. Todd Catania Cathy H. Polzien, Inc. CBC Companies Ms. Keisha Chambers Choctaw United Methodist Church – UMW Mr. and Mrs. George D. Christiansen Church of the Servant Church of the Servant – Classic SS Class Church of the Servant – Encounters SS Class Ms. Cassandra Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Clark Ms. Andrea Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Clemens Dr. and Mrs. John P. Clemons Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Cobble Dr. Gary D. Conrad M.D. Construction Containers Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Conyers Mrs. Karen Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cope Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John Corpolongo Court Our Lady of Fatima 1831 Covenant Presbyterian Church – Deacons Ms. Cheri Cox Mr. Darin J. Craig Mr. Phil Crawford Crossings Community Church Crowley Engineering Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Crump Ms. Judi Crutchfield Ms. Sheri Crytzer Mr. and Mrs. Sean S. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cunningham CWF Evening Group David A. Simon, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Davis III Mr. Lawrence Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Dawkins Insurance Mr. Michael Dawson Mr. Rickey Dean Dr. and Ms. Chris Degner Ms. Karen Delaney Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Delhotal Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denman Dental Associates of South OKC Mr. and Mrs. Gary Derrick Mr. and Mrs. David Diefenderfer Dimick Green Brown & Stark PC Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dimski Donnell Appraisals & Associates Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Donnell Douglas Blvd United Methodist Church Mrs. Maria Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey W. Drake Ms. Allie Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Nick V. Duncan Mr. Jim Dunlap Mr. Glenn Dunn Ms. Nita Durant Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Earley Eastern Management Ms. Karin Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Edwards Ms. Sally Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Elkins Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ellis Emanuel Synagogue Charity Fund Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Engelbert Mr. and Mrs. James D. English Mr. and Mrs. Mory Enteshary Ernst & Young, LLP Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Evans 11 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Evans Mr. Larry Fenity Mr. Bill Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ferguson First Bethany Bank & Trust First Christian Church – Disciple Women First Presbyterian Church – Mission Council First Presbyterian Church of Edmond First Presbyterian Church of Edmond – Mission Committee First United Methodist Church – Women’s Group Flair Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Omer G. Floyd, Jr. Ms. Denise Fluke Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foster Mr. Shane T. Foster Ms. Virginia Meade Fox Ms. Wanda G. Frady Frank & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Jason Freeman Dr. Mary A. Frow M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gangwer Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Gelczer Mr. Dante R. Giancola Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Ric Gilley Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gillogly Dr. and Mrs. Neil Glass GLP Communications Inc Ms. Annapoorani Gothandaraman Grace Commercial Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grady Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Grant Mr. and Mrs. John H. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Todd Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grossman Mr. Chad Guest Guthrie Kiwanis Club Mr. and Mrs. Arlon L. Hadlock Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Hale Col. Douglas C. Hall Hamilton & Associates Inc. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Haralson Mr. and Mrs. Danny P. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hart Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Hartsfield Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Hayes Mr. Jeff Head Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Hebblethwaite 12 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Heflin Mr. and Mrs. Walt Hendrickson Mr. Craig Henry and Ms. Cindy Schultz Hillcrest Christian Church – CWF Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hobson Mr. Paul Hogner Mr. and Mrs. William R. Holmes Homeland Mortgage Marketing Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Horton Mr. David Houston Ms. Heather Howerton Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hupfeld III ING Financial Partners Mr. Michael Jackson Jamison Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Jeffries Ms. Jill Jekel Jerri’s Payroll & Accounting Mr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Jester JHP, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Johnson Ms. Peggy Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Ron D. Johnston Ms. Marti Jourden Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Kamp Mr. and Mrs. Keyton Kastner Mr. and Mrs. John F. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Keefe Dr. and Mrs Sean F. Kelley Mrs. Thomas Kemp Mr. Matthew Kendall Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Kerr Ms. Sally Ketchum-Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Gary Killough Lt. Col. Byron Kimball Mrs. Arthur King Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kipperman Kirkpatrick Bank Kiwanis Club of S Oklahoma City KPL Producation Co Ms. Patricia Kraker Ms. Jane C. Krizer Mr. Dave Kropp & Mrs. Maria Robles-Kropp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kubitza Ms. Kim LaFevers Ms. Linda Laird Ms. Jackie Landler Mr. and Mrs. William F. Lane Ms. Jane Law Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. David Leasure Ms. Mary J. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lee Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leger Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ley Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lindsey Mrs. Mary Lippert Mrs. Pauline Lisle Liuna Local #2097 FAA Mr. and Mrs. Bill Logan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Long Mr. and Mrs. Robert Looney Mr. and Mrs. Roy Love Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lovelace Lutheran Church of Our Savior Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lynn Mrs. Diann A. Mackey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magrini Mrs. Betty Mahone Mr. and Mrs. Jarrette Mankin Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Marshall Martin & Associates, Inc. PC Marvin and Ruby Petty Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Massie Mayflower Congregational Church – Plymouth Guild Mr. and Mrs. Keith McBroom Mr. and Mrs. John McCartney Mr. James McCormick Mr. and Mrs. William McDaris Mr. Bob McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Dale McHard Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. McKay Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McLain Ms. Anne Means Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mellow Mercy Facilities Management Ms. Ann Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Merritt Messiah Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Clay Miles Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Miles Millenium Fitness, LLC Ms. Minnie Miller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller Mr. David Mills Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Minter Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Mitchell Moore Norman Technology Center Mr. Randall K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Morrison Mortgage Makers/OKC Mr. and Mrs. David Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Travis Muse Nancy K. Warehime Inc. NAPMW National City Bank Dr. Jennifer K. Nelson Network For Good New Covenant Christian Church New Hope Christian Church New Hope Christian Church – Evening CWF New Millenium Realty Norman Pediatric Associates, PC Mr. and Mrs. Clint Normore Norville Oil Co, LLC Oakley’s Inc Mr. Daniel Oboyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. O’Brien Oden Roberts Rohrman Ins. OKC Boatworks Inc. OKC Freedom Riders LLC Oklahoma Air National Guard Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic Oklahoma Centennial Commemoration Fund, Inc. Oklahoma City Family Child Care Assoc. Oklahoma City GYN and OB Group Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association Mr. Joe Oldham Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Orcutt Ordermatic Electronics Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Orr Orthodontics for Children & Adults Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Toole Ms. Dorothy C. Otto Pace Butler Corp Mr. Antonio Pacheco Dr. Marion Paden Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Padgham Ms. Erin Page Panera Bread Mr. James Parrack Dr. Christopher Paskowski Ms. Pensuda Patitas Ms. Lacretia Patton Ms. Abbey Payne Ms. Piper Pfister Pharmacy Solutions Mrs. Becky Philips Philomathea Club Mr. Monty Piearcy Mr. Phil Pipkin LTC. and Mrs. Joe E. Poe Ms. D. A. Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pool Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Port Ms. Mary L. Portman Premium Liquor Mr. and Mrs. David Preuninger Putnam City Christian Church Putnam City North High School Honor Society Quail Creek Ladies Tennis Association Questar Exploration & Production Quo Vadimus LLC Rainbolt Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Raney Ms. Lynn Ranger Mr. and Mrs. Mukund Rao Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rapp Ms. Donelle Ratheal Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Rattan Realty Concepts, LLC. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Reshef Mr. and Mrs. Darrel G. Rickard Ms. Linda Rider Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ritz Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Roberts Roberts Mortgage Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Robins Mr. Keith Robison Mr. and Mrs. Reid E. Robison Dr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Rogers Room To Dream Mr. and Mrs. David Rose Mr. and Mrs. Randy Ross Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rowsam Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryder Ms. Sarah Sagran Mr. Robert S. Samis Sand Creek Ranch Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sanders Mr. and Mrs. S. Rowell Sargeant Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Scamehorn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schinnerer Schlumberger Ms. Carrie G. Scott Mr. and Mrs. David R. Selby Mr. Larry C. Selby Ms. Sheila J. Sewell Mr. Tad Shadid Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shaw, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. John Shenk Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shores Mr. and Mrs. Loyd L. Sigle Sigma Phi Gamma Delta Service Mr. Chris Slagle Mr. and Mrs. James A. Slayton Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Small Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Smith II Ms. Julia Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leland C. Smith Ms. Rachel Smith Ms. Susan M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Snyder Southern Financial Group Southern Hills United Methodist Church Mrs. Shirley Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Spencer Tracey Spencer Mr. and Mrs. William Spielberger Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Spross Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Spross St Stephens Presbyterian Church Women St. Stephens Presbyterian Mission Council Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stanfield State Farm Insurance Statewide Painting Contractors, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Sterne Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stewart Mr. Edwin M. Streuli Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Stringer Mr. Douglas Summers Mrs. Patricia A. Taliaferro Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Taylor Ms. Kathy Taylor TCCR Holdings Ltd The Capital Group Companies – Charitable Foundation The GHK Companies The Oklahoma City Abstract & Title Co. Ms. Mable C. Thomson Ms. Deborah Thorpe Ms. Vanessa D. Thurman Thursday Morning Business Boosters Ms. Jeanette Timmons Mr. David Titchenal Mr. Theodore Tolentino Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Dan Trammell Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Trautman Mr. William R. Trautman Triangle Royalty Corp Trinity Lutheran Church Mrs. Jennifer R. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Gary Underwood Ms. Joanna K. Valdez Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vanhuisen Village United Methodist Church Ruth Circle Mr. Charles Vose Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wade Ms. Nancy Waller Ward Title & Closing Company Ms. Shannon Warren Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Watkins Ms. Susan Webb Ms. Tina Webster Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wertzberger Wesley United Methodist Church Wesley United Methodist Women Westminster Presbyterian Church – Key Class Westminster Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Westmoreland Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. White Ms. Melissa White Mr. and Mrs. Pat White Mr. R. K. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Floyd D. Wicker Mr. William Wiggins Ms. Linda S. Wilkerson Ms. Erma J. Willhite Williams Automatic Sprinkler Inc. Mr. Jerry Williams Mr. Brett Willis Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Kent Woner Works & Lentz, Inc. World Savings Mr. and Mrs. James W. Worley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worstine Mr. and Mrs. Jody Wray Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yaffe Mr. and Mrs. Sean Yaffe Mr. William R. Yinger You Can Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zahl Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zahn Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Zorio Creeper - ($1.00 + ) Mr. and Mrs. Ad Acers Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Acton Mr. and Mrs. Rex B. Adams Mr. Doyle Agan Dr. and Mrs. John Ainsworth Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Albers Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. Allinson American Fidelity Corp. Founders Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Andersen Ms. Sulie Andres Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Apel Arbonne International Ms. Phyllis Armstrong Mr. David Austerman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bake Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell R. Baker Ms. Ruth Ball Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ballantine Ms. Ann C. Ballew Ms. Sue Barbee Mrs. Carolyn Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bass Ms. Mary Bates Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bath Mr. David E. Baughn Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baumwart Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Beals Mrs. Robert E. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bendorf Brandon Benson Mr. and Mrs. David Berryhill Beta Sigma Phi – Xi Alpha Beta Sigma Phi – Zeta Master Chapter Big D Industries, Inc Bishop John Carroll School Ms. Brenda Blackburn Dr. and Mrs. David G. Blackshaw Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blasingame Ms. Alisa Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Bobzien Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Bock Mr. and Mrs. John Bode Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bonadeo Mrs. Jerri Bonebrake Ms. Marcia Bonebrake Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David Boyce Ms. Nell Bozalis BPO Does #259 Ms. Marsha Brewer Ms. Janice K. Bricker Ms. Suzanne Broadbent Mr. Steven Brokaw Mrs. and Mr. Jeanette Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Fonda Brousseau Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown Dr. and Mrs. John M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lillard T. Brown Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bryant Ms. Terrye Bryant Mr. and Mrs. James C. Buchanan III Ms. Jane Buchanan Buckelew & Buckelew Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Burdette Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Burgess Ms. Mary Burgher Ms. Enda Burroughs Col. and Mrs. William J. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cabaniss Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cahalan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell 13 Mr. Stephen Cargill Ms. Maureen Carlstrom Ms. Donica Carothers Mr. and Mrs. James W. Caylor Central Presbyterian Church – Presbyterian Women Mr. and Mrs. Richard Champlin Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. David O. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. John Chapline Mr. Joe P. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Chappell Chapter BF of PEO Chapter EW-PEO Sisterhood Diane Cheatwood Chris Carey Foundation Church of the Savior Church of the Servant – Children’s Ministry Church of the Servant – Women’s Ministry Cimarron Land Services, Inc Ms. Barbara Clark Mr. Richard Clay Mr. Aaron W. Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cline Ms. Joyce Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cohlmia Mr. and Mrs. Ron Conner Ms. Linda Cooper Ms. Frances G. M. Couch Dr. and Mrs. Steve Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Tom Creegan Crown Heights Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Culp Mr. and Mrs. Shane Curtin Mrs. Susan Dage Ms. Cindy Daniel Ms. Linda Danker Ms. Beverly D. Dart Chandresh S. Dave and Ishita Thakar Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis Mr. and Mrs. Micah S. Davis Del City Christian Church Dell Computers Ms. Karen Denisoff Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Denney Ms. Traci DeSantis Destiny Christian Center Dominion Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Dowd Ms. Pam Dowell Ms. Debbie Downs Ms. Kaye Dreier Mr. and Mrs. Mark Driggs Ms. Jeannie Dubois Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dunn 14 Mrs. Marilyn M. Edens Mr. and Mrs. David W. Edmonds Edward and Leslye Phillips Family Foundation Electro Mechanical Consulting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Emerson Dr. Craig L. Engles Ms. Kathleen C. Engles Enogex Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Eskridge Mr. and Mrs. John Espen Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eubank Mr. and Mrs Jason Eubank Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ewert Ms. Catharine V. Ewing Chih Fang Yang Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farndon Ms. Sandy Faught Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fay Mr. Brad Ferguson Ms. Cynthia M. Ferguson Mr. Jerry Ferguson Ms. Jennifer Ficklin Ms. Kirsten Fielder Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Fielding Mr. and Mrs. James Finch Ms. Martha L. Findeiss First American Title First Presbyterian Church of Edmond – Martha Mabel Circle Ms. Jamie Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Fitzgerald Ms. Peggy Fitzgerald Ms. Jenny Flax Ms. Roberta J. Flinn Ms. Misti Flowers Ms. Laura Fluke Gretchen Flynn Ms. Brenda Fox Mrs. Grace M. Fox Francis Tuttle VoTech – Project Hope Mr. and Mrs. John E. Frank Mr. and Mrs. David M. Franke Ms. Mary Alice Franklin Frederick Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Froehle Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fryer Mrs. Ruth M. Fugitt Ms. Shannon Fuller Ms. Amberlee J. Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Justin S. Gallion Ms. Glenda A. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Gehr Ms. Lori Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gentry Ms. Kimi George Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gibbs Ms. Chrysa Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginzl Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glass Mr. Joshua Gleeson Mr. and Mrs. Mason Godfrey Mr. Brad Golden Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldsworthy Ms. Kelli Gorham Mr. and Mrs. John Gould Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graves LTC. and Mrs. Richard Gray Ms. Cindy Green Mr. Jack Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Griffin Groupmatters Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grove Mr. and Mrs. Vern Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hagy Ms. Margaret Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hall Mrs. Denise M. Halpin Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Hammack Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Hampton Mrs. Betty Handke Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hansing Ms. Wenoa Harber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harbison Mr. Ronald Harnar Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Harper Ms. Rose Harper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Harrah Ms. Kim Harrell Ms. Julie Harris Ms. Tina Harroz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hart Ms Elizabeth Harvey Ms. Rachel Hawkins Ms. Susan Hawkins Mr. Marvin Haworth Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Hehn Mr. Justin Heinken Ms. Kaye Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hendricks Heritage Hall 8th Grade Heritage Hall School – 1st Grade Class Bumble Bees Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hess Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hilburn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill Ms. Heather Hintz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. William Hixon Tim Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Douglass G. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Huelskamp Mr. and Mrs. Ron Huff Mr. Mikel R. Humphries Ms. Kahla Hurley Independent Realtors Operating Mr. Niles Jackson Jason S. Woods Insurance Agency Inc Mr. Vincent J. Jirik Jr. Johnnies Mr. Bryce Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Johnson Ms. Wanda Johnson Mr. William H. Johnson Ms. Cindy Jones Mr. Bruce Joseph Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kakish Kay M Ludwig MSW Inc Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keene Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Keim Mr. and Mrs. Lance Keller Darcie Kelso Ms. Kim Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kerbeshian Mr. Ted Kergan Ms. Nancy Kerr Ms. Barbara Kersey Mrs. Maxine Kessler Ms. Elizabeth Kettler Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Kickingbird Ms. Kendra Kimble J. Kirschner Kiwanis Club of Edmond Mrs. Heather Knapton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight Mr. Gregory S. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knight Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Krahl Linda L. Kremeier Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kruger Mr. Hank Laakman, Jr. Ms. Dawn LaBrue Mr. and Mrs. Garry Lain Ms. Viola Landon Ms. Carol A. Lang Mr. and Mrs. George Lang Ms. Alene Langsdorf Ms. Liz Langthorn Mrs. Hazel L. Lasher Mr. Danny Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ledbetter Ms. Jennifer Lee Ms. Theresa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lehner Ms. Laurnell Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Lippert Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lipscomb Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Litchenburg Mr. Edward J. Little Ms. Opal Locke Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lombard Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Longwell Ms. Margaret Looney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Love Mr. and Mrs. Jerre C. Lowder Ms. Peggy Lowery Ms. Julie Luster Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Malherbe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Malone Mr. and Mrs. Rod Marso Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin Ms. Barbara Maupin Mayfair Church of Christ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McAnulty Mr. and Mrs. Carter A. McBride Mr. and Mrs. John C. McBryde Ms. Alison McCalla Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. McClendon Mr. and Mrs. Ricky McClendon Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. John McGivern Mr. and Mrs. Jay McIntosh McKesson Pharmaceutical Mr. Arthur McLendon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. R. Vance Mcspadden Mr. and Mrs. Bill McVey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Meacham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Medley Ms. Nora Medley Ms. Laura Melman Mrs. Mary Menges-Myers Messiah Lutheran – 30 Plus Singles Mr. Pat Metz Ms. Debbie Mewbourn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Meyerson Ms. Maria Meza Mr. Ulrike Miersemann Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mitcham Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monnet Mr. John W. Moran Ms. Patricia E. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelon Ms. Michelle Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nichols Ms. Cathy J. Nicklau Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nix Ms. Betty Northcutt Northwest Residential Properties, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Odom Ms. and Mrs. Ronald W. Organ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Orza Mr. Todd Ossenkop Mr. and Mrs. Junior Ott Mr. and Mrs. Donald Otto Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Page, Jr. Mr. Ted Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pate Mr. and Mrs. Rob F. Patterson Ms. Beth Payne Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peer Mrs. Mary Pendley Mr. and Mrs. Roland P. Perdue Mr. Larry Perkey Mrs. Jo Ann Perkins Mr. and Mrs. William Perry Mr. and Mrs. Todd Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pitner Mr. and Mrs. Roane Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Gene Plumley Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Potter Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Pound Mr. & Mrs. John L. Powell Ms. Teresa Powell Mr. and Mrs. Lyndle W. Price Ms. and Mr. Mary Pride Putnam City Christian Church CWF Ms. Jennifer Rader Mr. and Mrs. Bart Raff Mr. Eddie Raff Ms. Marjorie J. Ramana Mr. Jack Ramos Mr. Boyce Randolph Col. Ray Reaves Mr. and Mrs. Myron Reeves Ms. Patricia Reeves Mr. and Mrs. William Reid Ms. Jean Reining Ms. Yael Revah Ms. Angela Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Rhodes Mr. and Mr. Michael T. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Gary Riseley Mr. and Mrs. David Risinger Roberts Mortgage Group Ms. LaRue Robertson Mr. Mike Rocke Mr. and Mrs. Norm Rocke Ms. Cathy Rogers Zenaida Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Joey P. Root Ms. Susan B. Rozelle Mr. Daniel Ruhl Mr. David Russell Mr. Shane A. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan S & H Tank Service of Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Salyer Mr. Michael Sanders Santa Fe Presbyterian Church – Martha Circle Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Santillie Miss. Lacey Saxton Mr. and Mrs. William C. Scheihing, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Schiesz Schlumberger Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schnabel Ms. Cindy Schreiber Ms. Carol Scott Ms. Becky Sebring Mr. and Mrs. George Selby Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Self Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Self Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sergent Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shadid Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shannon Ms. Patricia L. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sharp Mr. and Mrs. James Sharrock Mr. James Shaw Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Winford Shelton Nancy J. Shidler Ms. Nikki Shine Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shogren Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shook Ms. Dian Sill Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Simon, Jr. Ms. Connie Sims Ms. Jimalee Smart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith Mr. and Mrs. Danny Smith Ms. Flora Smith Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Smith Mrs. Jeanne Hoffman Smith Ms. Pauline Smith Charese Smitson Ms. Patricia I. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. John K. Snodgrass Ms. Gwen Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snyder Ms. Siapania Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Soriano Ms. Carol S. Soule Southern Hills United Methodist Church Ms. Mary S. Sparkman Ms. Shelley Spearman Ms. Kara Spivey St. John’s United Methodist Church – UMW Ms. Anissa Stansfield Star’s Restaurant Corporation Ms. Jennifer Stephenson Mr. Brian Sterkel Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Rooney Stewart Ms. Lucille Stone Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sutter Ms. Betty Sutterfield Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Swedlow Tabitha Baptist Church – Sunday School Primary Class Mr. and Mrs. Errol L. Teel Ms. Martha Tehan Temple Sholom Mr. and Mrs. David Tero Dr. and Mrs. Udho Thadani The Hartford Ms. Jenny Thelen Mr. David Thionnet Mr. Raul K. Thomas Dr. Tony Thomas Tinker Credit Union – 76 MXW/OMB Mr. and Mrs. George Tkatch Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Todd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Trader Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Trail Mrs. G. R. Trammell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tritthart Ms. P.A. Trotter Ms. Vickie Troxel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Turner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turpen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyrrell Ms. Erin M. Van Laanen Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vanderschans Mr. James E. Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. William K. Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Bob W. Vestal Village Christian Church, Disciple Women Mr. Kenneth V. Violette, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. David A. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Mrs. Shirley Walker Ms. Alice Walls Dr. and Mrs. Joe Warrick Ms. Ann G. Weathers Mr. & Mrs. T.M. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. George Webb Mr. and Mrs. James Webb Mr. Jeremy Webb Ms. Mary R. Webb Westminster Presbyterian Church Dinah Circle Westminster Presbyterian Church Genesis Class Westminster School 15 Mr. Wes Wetwiska Ms. Patricia E. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. William E. White Whitten, Nelson, McGuire, Terry & Roselius Ms. Carol Whittet Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Chad Wilbanks Ms. Sharon J. Wiley Will Rogers Family Support Program Mr. and Mrs. Al Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bernie E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Murray R. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilmes Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson Ms. Rachel Winston Mr. K. Lance Woodliff Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright Mr. Joshua Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wyckoff Mr. & Mrs. Grant A. Zellner In-Kind Donors 33rd Street Salon AAA Travel & Insurance Ms. Angel Abel Mr. and Mrs. David Abeln Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abner Mr. and Mrs. George Adams Ms. Melissa Adams Mr. David Adney Ms. Maria Aguilar Ms. Amber Aguilera Ms. Jaquelin Aguirre Mr. and Mrs. Damon B. Akins Ms. Evelyn Al-Batati Ms. Amy Albro Ms. Jody Albro Ms. Claudia Alcantora Mrs. Carol Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Alford All Friends One Path All Souls Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. James Allbee Ms. Maria Allen Alpha Gamma Delta Ms. Betul Altan American Fidelity Assurance – Benefits Department Mr. Elizabeth Anderson Ms. Maria Anderson Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Beau Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arbetello Arbonne International 16 Mr. Roy Arnold Ms. Amalia Arreaga Ms. Amber Artherton Ascension Lutheran Church – Women (WELCA) Mr. Benton Ashabranner Astec Charter Middle School – Magic of Why Dr. Patrice Aston Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Aughtry Mr. and Mrs. David Austerman Ms. Lura Ayling Mr. and Mrs. Allen Badgett Ms. Beth Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bailey Ms. Laura Bailey Ms. Shirley Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baker Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Ms. Kristie Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Banz Baptist Hospital – Case Management Services Baptist Temple Church Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Barlor Mr. Josh Barnes Ms. Rachel Barnes Ms. Kris Barnett Ms. Clarisa Barr Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Barry Ms. Cecilia Bass Ms. Louise Bass Ms. Amy Bates Ms. Tricia Bauer Mr. and Mrs. David Bauman Beam’s Industries Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckman Bell Investments Ms. Billie Bennish Brandon Benson Ms. Jennifer Bentley Ms. Beverly Beran Ms. Dorothy Berman Mrs. Katy Berrecloth Beta Rha Beta Sigma Phi-Mu Chapter Bishop John Carroll School Mr. Aaron Bittner Ms. Mindy Bizzell Mrs. Kelly Black Ms. Brenda Blackburn Dr. and Mrs. David G. Blackshaw Ms. Karen Blackshear Mrs. Emily Blaess Ms. Nakita Blakely Ms. Amanda Bleakley Ms. Summer Blubaugh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boecking Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bonadeo Bonnie Collins Child Care Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boren, Jr. Dr. Gina C. Bostick Mr. Afatima Bouthir Boy Scout Troop 98 Ms. Jane Boyers Mr. and Mrs. David Bozalis Ms. Lori Bozarth BPO Does #259 Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Bradford Bradford Village – Cottagers Ms. Tabitha Bradley Ms. Victoria Bramlett Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Branan Ms. Debbie Braxton Ms. Teresa Brent Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brewer Briefcase.com Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brierly Mr. Wes Briggs Ms. Karyn Bright Ms. Vickie Brightbill Mr. and Mrs. James Britt Ms. Casey Brittain Broadway United Methodist Church Mr. Steven Brokan Ms. Debra Bronson Ms. Janet Bronstom Mrs. and Mr. Jeanette Brooks Brookwood Baptist Church Ms. Bethany Bross Ms. Linda Bross Ms. Katie Brotherton Ms. Ashley Brown Ms. Cindy Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown Ms. Fonda Brown Ms. Jennifer Brown Ms. Nikki Brown Mr. Patrick Brown Ms. Shirley Brown Ms. Stacia Brown Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Brown Brownie Troop #220 Brownie Troop #437 Ms. Beth Brox Ms. Laura Brueggen Ms. Tina Bruner Ms. Brenda Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bryant Ms. Cassie Buchanan Ms. Cathy Buchanan Ms. Caitlin Buchner Ms. Nichole Buchtel Ms. Andrea Buckelew Ms. Elise Buckelew Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Buckles Ms. Brittny Buckner Ms. Lisa Budzisz Mr. and Mrs. David Buff Ms. Carrie Bugg Ms. Lavonne Burleson Mrs. Mendi Burns Ms. Enda Burroughs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Busick Ms. Andrea Butler Ms. Ashley Butler Ms. Sarah Butler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buxton Buy For Less Buyer’s Market USA CD&L Mrs. Angie Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell Calvary Mennonite Church Mr. Brian Calvin Calvin Presbyterian Church Calvin Presbyterian Church – Presbyterian Women Camelot Child Development Center Camp Fire USA Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Camp Ms. Donna Campbell Ms. Julie Campbell Ms. Monica Campos Canadian County Health Department Canadian Valley Regional Hospital Capable Custom Steel Ms. Brooke Cargill Ms. Lorri Cargill Ms. Ronda Carico Carl Albert High School – FCCLA Chapter Ms. Sarah Carnes Carpet Concepts LLC Mr. and Mrs. Brad Carter Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Carter Ms. Teresa Carter Casady Primary Division Casady School – Lower Division Casey’s Ms. Joy Cavett Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild Centralized Distribution Mr. David Chambers Ms. Jenny Chansolme Chapel Hill United Methodist Church – UMW Mr. and Mrs. John Chapline Chapter BF of PEO Ms. Casey Chavez Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cherry Chesapeake Energy Corporation Chesapeake – Land Data Mgmt Lease Records Mr. and Mrs. David Chesher Children’s Center Children’s Hospital Family Start Children’s Hospital – Infant Unit Children’s Place Choctaw United Methodist Church – UMW Christian Adoptions Services of Oklahoma Christmas to Remember Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Christy Ms. Brittney Chumo Church of Jesus Christ of LDS – OKC 5th Ward Church of the Savior Church of the Servant – Children’s Ministry Church of the Servant – Warm World Church of the Servant – Women’s Ministry Church of the Servant – Parakletos Class Mr. and Mrs. Richard Church Cimarron Middle School – FCCLA Chapter Citizens Caring For Children City Rescue Mission Mr. and Mrs. Jim C. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Steve Clark Mr. and Mrs. William Clark Ms. Lorena Claro Ms. Annabelle Clawson Ms. Amanda Clay Ms. Machell Clayton Ms. Jennifer Clouse Mr. William Clymer Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Coats Mr. and Mrs. Troy Coffey Ms. Amy Coker Ms. Cheryl Cole Mr. David Cole Ms. Eileen Cole Mr. Roger Cole Ms. Staci Coleman Mr. Isaac Coles Ms. Anne Coletti Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collums Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Combes Community Action Agency Ms. Bridget Compton Ms. Elizabeth Conn Mr. and Mrs. Ron Conner Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Coombes Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cooper Mr. Michael Corley Coronado Elementary School – Third Grade Ms. Rebecca Cost Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covington Ms. Denise Cox Ms. Rebecca Cox CPD Tech Pack Ms. Charlene Craig Ms. Shelly Crawford Crossings Community Church Ms. Allison Crowell Mr. and Mrs. James Crowley Crown Heights Bunco Group Crown Heights Christian Church Crown Heights Christian Church – Disciple Women Crown Heights United Methodist Church – Children’s Ministry Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crump Ms. Crystal Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Rod Culley Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Culp Ms. Jenna Cunningham Ms. Susan Cunningham Ms. Christina Cunnish Ms. Tonya Curry Ms. Jacki Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Daniel Ms. Trina Dart Ms. Teresa Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis Ms. Melanie Davis Mr. and Mrs. Micah S. Davis Ms. Simone Davis Ms. Tanaya Davis Mr. and Mrs. Andy Davison Mr. and Mrs. Bob Day Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dean Deer Creek National Honor Society Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. DeGuilio Mr. and Mrs. Tim DeGuisti Del City Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Jesus DeLara Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Delhotal Dell Computers Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Denman Department Of Libraries – S.O.C. Committee Ms. Stephanie Devero Ms. Katrina Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dick Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickey Dr. Gerald Dickman Ms. Aida Dickson Ms. Dawn Dilley Ms. Anna Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dimski Ms. Crystal Dixon Ms. Christina Dobbins Ms. Brandy Dobos Dolese Brothers Co. Ms. Ana Dominguez Ms. Maria Dominguez Ms. Bree Dosser Ms. Merriah Dotson Douglas Blvd. United Methodist Church Ms. Sheri Douglas Ms. Shirley Downey Ms. Carlene Drach Ms. Suzie Drake Ms. Traci Drake Ms. Ashley Duncan Ms. Heather Dunham Ms. Jennifer Dunlap Ms. Kelly Dunn Ms. Tamara Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Deron Dunnington Ms. Deanna Duvall Ms. Cari Earley Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Earley Ms. Alice Eason Mr. and Mrs. Ted Eastus Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Eckley Mr. Max M. Edgar Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. David Edge Edmond Chitchat Quilters Edmond Memorial High School/DECA Mr. and Mrs. David W. Edmonds Ms. Lisa Edwards Ms. Lisa Elder Ms. Laci Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Craig Elrod Ms. Lauren Ely Emerson Alternative Emerson Alternative School Mr. and Mrs. David Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emirch Mr. and Mrs. Kevin England Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ensz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ephraim Errand Solutions – Integris SW Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Esmond Ms. Anne H. Evans Ms. Callie Evans Ms. Gayla Evans Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Pat Evans Ms. Stephanie Ewart Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ewing Ms. Eva Fabela Ms. Jo Ann Fair Ms. Sherri Fair Ms. Vanessa Fair Fairview Baptist Church Fairview Baptist Church Family Child Care Family Dollar Family Expectations Ms. Laura Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fansher Mrs. Miki Farris Ms. Jennifer Ficklin Mr. Cary Field Ms. Kirsten Fielder Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fine First Christian Church Child Care Center First Christian Church of Edmond First Christian Church of Edmond – Disciple Women First Christian Church of Moore – CWF First Presbyterian – Pre-School First Presbyterian Church First Presbyterian Church – MOPS First Presbyterian Church of Edmond First Presbyterian Church of Edmond – Mission Committee First Presbyterian Church – Edmond – Martha Mabel Circle First Presbyterian of Edmond – Vacation Bible School First Unitarian Church First United Methodist Church – Yukon Kid’s 1st Ms. Gail Fites Ms. Kristin Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. David Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Flinton Ms. Cassandra Flores Mr. Toby Flowers Ms. Courtney Floyd Ms. Mari Ford Ms. Rebecca Ford Ms. Sharon Ford Ms. Colleen Foree Ms. Patty Forehand Forest Hill Christian Church Ms. Brenda Fox Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraley Francis Tuttle VoTech – Project Hope Francis Tuttle – AM – Health Sciences – HOSA Chapter Mr. and Mrs. David Freeman Ms. Ashley Friedline Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Frieds Ms. Nicola Frisky Ms. Jennifer Fudge Ms. Shannon Fuller Ms. Ashli Gaches Mrs. Reba Gallaspy Ms. Mabel Gamino Ms. Crescenciana Garcia Ms. Edith Garcia Ms. Virgina Garcia Ms. Alesia Gardner Ms. Linda Gardner 17 Mrs. Rachel Garnett Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett Ms. Paula Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garrett Mr. and Mrs. David Garrison Mr. Tracy Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Gatewood Ms. Martha Gaytan Ms. Crystal Gazaway Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Gelczer Mr. Jim Gentry Ms. Kimi George Ms. Shaunagh Gibbs Ms. Stephanie Gibson Mr. and Mrs. David P. Giles Mrs. Roberta J. Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gilreath Girl Scout Troop #320 Girl Scout Troop 619 Girl Scout Troop 84 Girl Scouts Troop 220 Ms. Lasheka Givings Mr. Shad Glass Ms. Dana Glendinning Ms. Heather Glidewell Ms. Connie Goad Ms. Penny Golden Ms. Siboney Gonzales Good Shepherd Ministries Ms. Amy Goodman Mr. and Mrs. David Goodman Ms. Delpna Goodman Mr. and Mrs. James Gorman Ms. Annapoorani Gothandaraman Ms. Diana Grady Mr. and Mrs. Brad Graham Ms. Elsie Graham Ms. Leigha Graham Ms. Megan Graham Ms. Irma Gramajo Ms. Rosibel Granados Ms. Rachel Grangerro Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Grant Ms. Trisha Grant Ms. Beverly Gravitt Ms. Amy Gray Ms. Amanda Green Ms. Lorey Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gregory Ms. Nicole Grose Mr. and Mrs. Trace Gross Ms. Christina Guadalupe Mr. and Mrs. Jim Guadalupe Mr. and Mrs. Victor Guarry Mrs. Robin Gustin Ms. Amy Gutteridge 18 Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hague Ms. Devi Hale Ms. Lana Haley Ms. Kristie Hall Ms. Stacy Hall Mr. Glen Halley Ms. Marlene Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hansing Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hardberger Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hardin Ms. Randi Harger Ms. Angela Hargis Mr. and Mrs. Owen M. Harkey Ms. Debbie Harkins Ms. Mildred Harkins Ms. Donna Harman Ms. Latasha Harmon Harrah United Methodist Church Ms. Gina Harrelson Ms. Heather Harris Dr. and Mrs. Joe Harris Ms. Rhonda Harris Ms. Quinquita Harrison Mr. Euclid Hart Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hart Ms. Heidi Harvey Mr. Robbie Hatem Dr. and Mrs. Charles Haunschild Ms. Angela Haure Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hawes Ms. Sarah Hawk Ms. Angela Hawpe Mr. Barry Haynes Head 2 Toe Heart and Hand Thrift Center Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hefty Ms. Caroline Hendee Ms. Amanda Henry Mr. Craig Henry and Ms. Cindy Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Barry Henthorn Ms. Tiffany Herbert Heritage Hall 8th Grade Heritage Hall – First Grade Class Camp Fire Bumble Bees Mr. Rocio Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Herzel Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Hibbard Ms. Christina Hickman Ms. Stephanie Hiett Ms. Pattye High Ms. Helen Hilbert Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hildabrand Mrs. Jean Hill Mr. Kevin Hill Ms. Laura Hill Ms. Pam Hill Hillcrest Christian Church – CWF Hiltgen & Brewer PC Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hine Ms. Marcie Hines Ms. Miriam Hinojosa Hinton Refrigeration Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hirsch Ms. Debby Hite Ms. Debby Hiti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hole Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holmberg Ms. Jennifer Homer Ms. Carol Hood Ms. Mary Hood Ms. D’Anna Hope Ms. Gindy Horn Ms. Debbie Horst Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horton Mr. and Mrs. Dow Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hukill Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hulme Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hulme Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Gary Huser Ms. Lisa Hussong Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson Ms. Ann Hyman Mr. and Mrs. John Igo Immanuel Lutheran Church Integris Canadian Valley Regional Hospital – Baby Cap Club Integris SW Medical Center International Prayer & Worship Ministries Mr. Jimmy Ipock Ms. Anita Irwin Ms. Melinda Irwin Islamic Society of Greater OKC Ms. Susan Ison Ms. Christina Jackson Mr. Tom Jackson Ms. Marci Jacobs Ms. Chanika Jacobsen Ms. Nicole James Ms. Bonnie Jameson Mr. Steve Jantz Ms. Margaret Jantzen Ms. Jill Jekel Ms. Christina Jennings Jewish Federation of Greater OKC Ms. Chelsie Johnson Mrs. Jacky Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Johnson Ms. Sheryl Johnson Ms. Stacie Johnson Ms. Stacy Johnson Ms. Toni Johnson Mr. Don Jones Mr. Tom Mullen and Mrs. Jo Lynne Jones Ms. Mary Jones Ms. Ruth A. Jones Ms. Talova Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Jordanov Ms. Yuridia Juarez Junior League of Oklahoma City Junior League of Oklahoma City – 2005/2006 Provisional Class Junior League of Oklahoma City Junior League The Remarkable Shop Just Weaves Ms. Heather Justice Ms. Elizabeth Kabrick Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kakish Ms. Jana Karim Ms. Keetra Kearns Keller Williams Realty Northpointe Ms. Dara Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley Ms. Lucy Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kemp Kenneth Cooper Middle School Leadership Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kenney Ms. Amy Key Ms. Cynthia Kidd Mr. Casey Kilgore Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Kincheloe Ms. Zil King Mr. Ralph Kirkhuff Mrs. Brittany Kitchel Ms. Brooke Kivett Kiwanis Club of Edmond Mr. and Mrs. Eric Knudtson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koenig Ms. Michelle Koss Ms. Susan Kovats Ms. Lynn Kratochwill Mr. Robbie Kyle Ms. Ashley Lahman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lake Lakeside Women’s Hospital Ms. Georgia Laman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Land Ms. Dana Landrum Landwehr, LTD Mr. and Mrs. George Lang Ms. Sasha Larson Ms. Hazel Laser Ms. Lyn Laud Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Lauth Ms. Betty J. Law Ms. Michelle Laws Ms. Kelela Layfield LDS-Relief Society Ladies Auxiliary Leadership Oklahoma Learning Tree Ms. Jessica Leas Mr. and Mrs. David Leasure Mr. and Mrs. Dan LeDonne Ms. Jennifer Lee Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lee Ms. Theresa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Trenton W. LeForce Ms. Danni Legg Ms. Ashley LeGrange Ms. Trisha Lemons Ms. Heather Lentz Ms. Sasha Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lindsey Ms. Contina Linen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lingreen Links to Learning Mr. and Mrs. John Lippert Mary Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Lippoldt Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Litchfield Little Christians Home Daycare Mr. and Mrs. Doug Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Chad Long Ms. Yvonne Longpine Ms. Monica Lopez Ms. Malia Love Love’s Country Stores Ms. Janna Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Cody Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lucas Mr. Luke Lucas Ms. Barbara Lumpkin Ms. Sara Luna Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lupardus Ms. Julie Luster Lutheran Church of Our Savior Lutheran Women Missionary League Ms. Robin Lutherbeck Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lykins Mr. & Mrs. Paul Madison Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Maguire Make a Joyful Noise Mr. and Mrs. Dick Manley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mann Mr. Michael Mannes Ms. Dellora Manske Ms. Andrea Marchant Ms. Esther Mares Ms. Michelle Marsh Ms. Katy Marshall Ms. Tracy Martin Ms. Luz Martinez Ms. Christie Marzean Ms. Karen Mathews Ms. Brenda Matson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Matthews Ms. Karen Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Tim Matzell May Ave United Methodist Church – Children’s Cent May Avenue Wesleyan Church – Wesleyan Women Ms. Iris May Mrs. Tausha S. Mayberry Mayfair Church of Christ Mayflower Congregational Church – Plymouth Guild Mayflower Congregational Church– Benevolence Board McAfee & Taft Mr. and Mrs. Mark McAlester Ms. Brenda McClain Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCormack Ms. Madlyn McCoy Mr. and Mrs. William McDaris Mr. Mike McDermott Ms. Lisa McDonald Mr. Brady McDonough and Dr. Kelly N. McDonough Ms. Julie McDonough Ms. Bev McElroy Mr. Allen McFarland Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McGarry Ms. Lisa McGhee Ms. Patricia A. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McKnight Mr. and Mrs. William McLain Mr. and Mrs. David McNeese Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. McPherson Ms. Marion Meade Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Medley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Megow Ms. Falisha Melott Ms. Karina Mendoza Mercy Facilities Management Ms. Ann Merritt Messiah Luthern Church – Quilters Messiah Middle School Ms. Cathy Mettenbrink Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Meysing Mid-Del Food Pantry Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mikesh Ms. Heather Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Ms. Nancy Miller Ms. Shelly Miller Ms. Tara Miller Ms. Katie Milligan Ms. Diana Miner Mr. Mike Minton Ms. Maria Miramontes Mr. Greg Mitchell Ms. Shawna Mitchell Ms. Susan Mitchell Ms. Tamiko Mitchell Ms. Ana Montelongo Ms. Mariceia Montiel Ms. Debra Montoya Ms. Jessica Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Christian T. Moock Ms. Pam Moody Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore Moore Medical Center Mr. Willie Moore Ms. Alecia Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan Ms. Katie Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Morrow Ms. Ashley Mortimer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Mortimer Mother to Mother Mother’s Of Multiples Ms. Susan Mulvaney Dr. Annette Murphy Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murray Ms. Melody Murrow Ms. Kimberly Murry Ms. Linda Myers Mr. David Nance Dr. Sumeeta M. Nanda NAPMW Mr. and Mrs. Brent Neeley Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nelson Ms. Stephanie Nemeck Ms. Tracy Nester New Community Church New Covenant Christian Church New Hope Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Newlin Ms. Ann Newman Mr. Mohamed Nfn Mr. Phan Nguyen Nichols Hills United Methodist Church – Children’s Day Out Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nichols Nicoma Park Church of Christ – Ladies of Nicoma Park Ms. Christina Nihira Mr. Kye Nimz Ms. Amanda Nix Ms. Dominique Nixon Ms. Cleta Norman Ms. Kristan Norris Northwest Christian Church Northwest Christian Church – LIFE Ms. Danielle Norvelle Mr. Joe Nowicki Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Bannon Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ochs Mr. and Mrs. Joe O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Oguinn OKC Bishops Storehouse Oklahoma Association of Defense Counsel, Young Lawyers Oklahoma City Fire Department Station 11 Oklahoma County Bar Auxiliary Oklahoma Family Network Oklahoma Quiltworks Inc. Oklahoma Sewing Machine Artists Oklahoma Tank Lines Oklahoma University Nursing Student Association Ms. Erin Oldfield Ms. Ashley Oliphant Ms. Maria Olivares Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Olson Ms. Regina Onarsee Optioncare of Oklahoma Ms. Ronda Oravetz Ms. Jennifer Orr Ms. Kristen Orrantia Ms. Monica Ortega Orthopedic & Sports Specialist Ms. Elsie Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Jason Osborn Mr. Duane Osmus Ms. Emily Otero Other Options, Inc. Ms. Jo Otley Ms. Shea Otley OU Medical Center Volunteers, Inc. OU Medical Center – Infant Unit Ms. Tara Owen Ms. Qumeisha Owens Oxford Spa and Salon Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Padgham Page Plus Incorporated Ms. Wilma Palma Mr. and Mrs. Bill Palmer Ms. Tracee Palmer Parents Assistance Center Mr. Dave Parker Ms. Trisha Parker Ms. Jimmie N. Patee Mrs. Christie Paton-Smith Ms. Rosie Patton Ms. Wanda Paul Ms. Abbey Payne Ms. Brenda Payne 19 Mr. Chad Pecinosky Ms. Shannon Peel Ms. Deborah Pelton Ms. Patricia Pena Ms. Emily Pendergraf Mrs. Mary Pendley Ms. Lori Perez Ms. Thelma Perez Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Perkins Ms. Sarah Perry Mr. Joseph E. Petrie Ms. Tonya Pfeiffer John Philbin Phillips McFall Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pichler Ms. Shari Pierce Ms. Cindy Pinard Ms. Maria Pintor Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pitner Mr. and Mrs. Ken Plank Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Plant Mr. and Mrs. John Poarch Ms. Lindsey Poarch POBSC Women’s Ministry Ms. Suzanne Pointer Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Pope Mr. & Mrs. David Portman Ms. Mary L. Portman Mr. and Mrs. Tom Portman Positive Tomorrows Pottawatomie WIC Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Powell Mr. Jim Powell Ms. Nicole Power Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prentice Mr. and Mrs. Derek Prentice Mr. Jerry Price Ms. Pam Price Ms. Janelle Pride Prime Time Nutrition Ms. Christina Pringle Print Imaging Group Ms. Melissa Prophet Ms. Shelly Prough Mr. Pedro Provencio Mr. and Mrs. Neal Putman Ms. Christy Putnam Putnam City Christian Church Putnam City Christian Church CWF Putnam City North High School Honor Society Quail Creek Country Club – Tennis Association Ms. Taiwo Rafiy-Smith Ms. Donisha Railback Mr. Kelii Rain Ms. Lizet Ramirez 20 Mr. and Mrs. Misael Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Azhar Rashid Ms. Cindy Reaser Mr. and Mrs. Damon Reavis Red Hatters of Midwest City Group 69937 Red Rock Behavioral Health – Achievement House Ms. Leigh Reece Ms. Amy Reen Regional Food Bank Ms. Debbie Reichert Ms. Julie Reid Ms. Shaprena Rentia Ms. Yael Revah Mr. Damon Revas Ms. Mayte Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Pepe Reynares Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rice Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rice Ms. Tonya Richards Mr. and Mrs. Brad Richardson Ms. Rosemary Rider Ridgeview Elementary School 2nd Grade Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Riess Ms. Catherine Riggs Ms. Molly Riley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ring Ms. Aurora Rios Ms. Olga Rios Ms. Dawn Ritter Ms. Callie Roberts Ms. Dana Roberts Ms. Tara Roberts Ms. Beth Robinson Ms. Jeanette Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Ron A. Roden Ms. Brenda Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Jose Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers Ms. Melissa Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rolston Ms. Adriana Romero Ronald McDonald House Ms. Amanda Rosalez Ms. Robin Rose Rose State College – Dental Hygiene Department Ms. Angela Ross Ms. Connie Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Routh Ms. Shannon Rowe RSVP Ms. Sabrina Ruelas Mr. Daniel Ruhl Ms. Arianne Russell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell Ms. Jeannie Russell Ms. Titania Russell Ms. Kristen Rwan Ms. Carol Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ryan Ms. Audra Rytter Saint Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church Saint George Greek Orthodox Saint John Nepomuk Catholic School – Pre-K Class Ms. Rhonda Salas Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Salazar Ms. Maria Salinas Ms. Lena Samilton Ms. Mary A. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sanford Sani-Sheen System, Inc. Santa Fe Presbyterian Church – Martha Circle Santa Fe Presbyterian Church – Mission Committee Santa Fe Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Santee Ms. Debra Sarmiento Ms. Tawny Savage SBC Pioneers – OKC Life Members Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Scamehorn Mr. and Mrs. Randy Schafer Schlumberger Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schnabel Ms. Crystal Scholz Ms. Nicole Schumaker Ms. Tammie Schumann Ms. Emily Schuter Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Scott Ms. Becky Sebrina Ms. Becky Sebring Selecman United Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Scott Senner Ms. Earlene Shaffer Drs. Afshan & Arif Shakir Mr and Mrs. David Shanbour Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sharp Shawver & Son Inc. Employees Mr. and Mrs. David Shear Mr. and Mrs. David Shed Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sheffield Ms. Holly Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Pankaj Sheth Ms. Louanna Shields Ms. Wendy Shields Ms. Nikki Shine Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shoffner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shores Ms. Melissa Shores Mr. and Mrs. James Short Mr. and Mrs. Valentin Sifuentes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigrist Ms. Mirta Silva Ms. Kasey Simonice Mr. and Mrs. Ron Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skalovsky Smart Start of Central Oklahoma Ms. Amaretta Smith Mrs. Amber Smith Ms. Britney Smith Ms. Cassidy Smith Crystal Smith Dr. David W. Smith and Dr. Erin K. Glasgow Ms. Delane Smith Ms. Doris Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith Ms. Jane Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith Ms. Leesa Smith Ms. Lucille Smith Mr. Shaun Smith Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Smith Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Smith Ms. Trudi Smith Sooner Start Southern Hills Baptist Church Women’s Group Southern Hills Child Development Center Southern Hills United Methodist Church Southwest Airlines Yarn Angels Ms. Mary S. Sparkman Ms. Frances Sparks Ms. Shelley Spearman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Speegle Ms. Jessica Spencer Ms. Taysha Spicer Ms. Kara Spivey Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Spross Mr. and Mrs. Nicky Spross Ms. Regina Srenco St Paul Cathedral Guild of St George St Stephens Presbyterian Church Women St. Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church St. Eugene Catholic Church – St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Francis of Assisi – Youth Group St. Gregory University St. John’s United Methodist Church – UMW St. Luke’s United Methodist Church – UMW St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Needle Work Group St. Matthew United Methodist Church St. Monica’s Catholic Church St. Stephens Presbyterian Mission Council Mr. and Mrs. Blake Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stanfield Ms. Barbara Stark Ms. Kari Starkey Mr. and Mrs. Eric Starns Ms. Melanie Starr Ms. Lorrie Staton Mr. and Mrs. Scott Stayton Ms. Jennifer Stehr Ms. Tiffany Stein Ms. Tanya Stephens Ms. Jennifer Stephenson Ms. Julie Stepps Ms. Stacye Stevens Ms. Chandra Stevenson Stewart Abstract & Title of Oklahoma Mr. and Mrs. Rooney Stewart Ms. Megan Still Stillwater National Bank Ms. Shayna Stillwell Stitch and Share Ms. Melanie Stocky Ms. Cindy Stone Ms. Rachel Stone Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Stone Ms. Jolene Stricker Ms. Melanie Stucky Ms. Lauren Sullivan Ms. TaShin Sumpter Ms. Keri Talamantes Mr. and Mrs. Santos Tamez Mrs. Terry Tatarian Ms. Anne Tatton Ms. Caroline Tawwater Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Mr. Jay Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor Ms. Vera Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tebow Ms. Julie Teller Ms. Talena Teoli Mr. and Mrs. David Tero Ms. Krystle Thayer The Homeless Alliance The Pediatric Group, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Alex Theodoridis Ms. Rita Thiel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Randy Thomas Ms. Sharla Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Ms. Christina Thompson Thrifty Pharmacy Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Ok County Chapter Mr. and Mrs. John Tidholm Ms. Lavonna Tiger Tinker Credit Union – 76 MXW/OMB Tinker Federal Credit Union Adjustment Dept. Ms. Ayisha Toliver Ms. Stephanie Tollison Ms. Joann Torres Ms. Sondra Tovar Ms. Shantel Towe Traub Elementary – Fourth Grade Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Travis Mr. Rex Travis Ms. Jewel Trawick Ms. Ana Trejo Ms. Danna Trevino Ms. Krystal Triplett Ms. Julia Trotter Ms. Patricia J. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tullis Ms. Cyndi Turman Mr. Michael Tyler Ms. Alicia Underwood Unity Baptist Church University of Central Oklahoma – Family Life Education Ms. Adlele Upchurch Ms. Ludivina Uribe US Foodservice – Davis Division Ms. Kristin Vagg Ms. Tammy R. Valadez Ms. Joanna K. Valdez Ms. Pamela Van Dusen Ms. Kim Varel Mr. Geoff Varner Mr. Harold Vaughn Ms. Joseph Vega Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Velazquez Ms. Jessica Verduzco Ms. Celeste Vesta Ms. Jennifer Vice Ms. Candice Vickery Victory Baptist Church Ms. Modesta Vidana Village Baptist Church – 5C Sunday School Class Village Christian Church, Disciple Women Village United Methodist Church Ruth Circle Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vincent Ms. Van Vo Ms. Barbara Vose Ms. Karen Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Jon Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Kristofer Wagner Ms. Olivia Waid Ms. Carla Walker Ms. Jill Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker Ms. Tammy Wall Ms. Kim Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Woody Wallace Wal-Mart #622 Wal-Mart Super Center Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters Mr. and Mrs. Lee Waltman Ms. Charlotte Ware Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Warning Warwick West Apartments Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wasinger Ms. Kelley Watkins Ms. Stacey Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Lance Watson Ms. Ethel Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Webb Wednesday Essential Tennis – WET Ms. Susan Wegner Ms. Renee Weissenburger Ms. Ashley Wells Ms. Lillian Wells Ms. Mary R. Wells Wesley United Methodist Church – Abiders SS Class Mr. and Mrs. John C. West Westminster Blanketeers Westminster Presbyterian Church Deacons Westminster Presbyterian Church Dinah Circle Westminster Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church – SPARK Ms. Amy Wewers Mr. and Mrs. Lane Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Pat White Ms. Melinda Whitmire Ms. Tiffany Whitson Ms. Linda K. Whittington WIC Services – Oklahoma State Department of Health Ms. LaChelle Wicker Wickline United Methodist Church Ms. Celeste Wiechmann Ms. Latisha Wiley Ms. Claudia Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams Ms. Lynette Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams Ms. Sara Williams Ms. Shenita Williams Ms. Stacy Williams Ms. Tamera Williams Ms. Jenny Williams-Berg Ms. Linda Williamson Ms. Joyce Willis Mr. Shawn Willis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilmes Ms. Betty Wilson Ms. Carol Wilson Mr. Floyd Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Wilson Ms. Karen Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wilson Ms. Shelli Wilson Ms. Sharon Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Clint Windom Ms. Shelly Winebrinner Women in Communications Women of Islam – Dawwah Circle Women’s Health Boutique Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wood Ms. Nancy Woodard Ms. Joyce Woodring Dr. and Mrs. Doug Woodson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Woodson Works & Lentz, Inc. Ms. Kandi Wyer Mr. and Mrs. Sean Yaffe YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City Ms. Alison Young Mr. and Mrs. Eric Young Mr. and Mrs. Jason Young Yukon High School – Leadership Club Yukon Kids First Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zacarias Mr. Kevin Zarate Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zeno We have tried our best to list all of our donors correctly; however we apologize for any mistakes we might have made. If your name has been inadvertently omitted, placed in the wrong category or misspelled, please contact us at 405/528-3663 to report our error. 21 Non-Profit US Postage 1933 NW 39th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405/528-3663 www.infantcrisis.org Address Service Requested Please advise ICS of mailing list corrections or deletions by calling Brenda Blackburn at 405/528-3663 or via e-mail at [email protected]. P A I D Oklahoma City, OK Permit #1329
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