2016 Cheer Registration Form
2016 Cheer Registration Form
PLANT CITY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING MEMBER OF TCYFCC CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FOR FOOTBALL IS AS FOLLOWS: PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRES A S5O.OO NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-TRANSFERABLE DEPOSIT REGISTRATION FEE OF 5325 REGISTRATION FOR CHEERLEADING IS AS FOLLOWS: pRE-REG ISTRAT|O N REeU I RES A S50 NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-TRANSFERABLE DEPOSIT REGISTRATION FEE OF 5325 ALL REGISTRATION FEES & REQUIRED PAPERWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BYJUNE 1ST OFTHE CURRENT YEAR OR THE PLAYER WILL BE PLACED ATTHE END OF THE WAITING LIST & NO EQUIPMENT/UNIFORM WILL BE ISSUED. ALL PAYMENTS CAN BE MAILED TO: PLANT CITY DOLPHINS, P.O. BOX 993 PLANT CITY, FL 33564 Absolutely NO practicing wilt take place until a high school physical form has been certified by a doctor & given to the player agent. Physicals must be dated after May 1't or they will not be accepted! A physical form signed by a doctor must be turned in by first practice, or he/she will be ineligible to participate. The proper physical form is the Florida High School Athletic Association form. This is the only acceptable physical form. The form has been given at sign-ups for you to take to your doctor or the physical that is arranged by the Dolphins. Dates will be determined and posted on the Dolphins Website and Facebook page. A copy of your child's birth certificate must be given at the time of registration if they have played for the dolphins before we will have on file. practices will be held at the Plant City Dolphins Facility, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 6pm-8pm until beginning the first full week of school. Then practices will go down to 3 days a week Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the remainder of the season. "One'pbr:ent'is n,tp'be pr,esen! during g6sh praciice and game for'emeqgencrT'pui[o$'e-i']and/or BgOUlne inCtemeht,weather. Never assume because of the weather that practice is cancelled until you have gotten official word. Home games will be held at the Plant City Dolphins Facility. There will be one pre-season game, five home games and five away games. There may also be playoffs and super bowl. Each parent/playerwill be required to sign a parent participation agreement, parent rules of conduct and players rules of conduct. PLANT CITY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING MEMBER OF TCYFCC FOOTBALL . Each football player must participate in 8 hours of fitness training/conditioning prior to any physical contact, regardless of when he/she signs up. . o Football players will be required to purchase cleats, soft cups, chin straps, & mouthpieces. They must be worn for all practices & games. Strict age guidelines are mandatory per the TCYFCC playing rules. These are guidelines for the safety of allthe children and there will be NO EXCEPTIONS made. DtvtstoNs AGES WEIGHTS MIGHTY MIGHTS s&6 UNLIMITED 7&8 9&10 UNLIMITED 11&12 13&14 UNLIMITED PEE WEE MIDGETS JUNIOR VARSITY VARSITY UNLIMITED UNLIMITED CHEERLEADING o Cheerleaders will be required to size shoes, bloomers & practice uniforms thru the league. Practice uniform fittings & orders will be done at the April & May Registrations. The cost of the uniforms is included in your registration fee. . r Cheerleaders will be required to attend 3 competitions. Times and dates will be announced. ltems included in registration costs are: shorts, shirt, bloomers, shoes, game day hair bow, competition fees & the use of the game day uniforms' DtvtStoNs AGES MIGHTY MIGHTS 4,5, & 6 PEE WEE 7&B 9&10 MID6ETS JUNIOR VARSITY 71&72 VARSITY 13,14, & 15 Registration fee is $325.00 which consists of the following: $ 75.00 Registration Fee $rzS.oo S 20.00 Accessory Pack Physical (dates to be determined) $ ZS.OO Volunteer Fee (Regular Season Only) 5 go.oo city Fee $ so.oo Raffle Tickets (This is the only Dolphins fundraiser) You sell the tickets and you keep the money or you can put your name on them. Whatever way you decide they get turned in to the fundraising both. There is a drawing during half time of the JV Game at all regular season home games. The tickets will be eligible for the drawings for all games, therefore the sooner you put them in the drawing the better. We do not take out tickets after each game once they are in the raffle drum they stay there. The drawing is for $125.00. Thanks, Plant City Dolphins Board M iscel la neous I nformation Please check the website or Facebook for the following information: **Physical dates (included in sign up fee) **sizing for Cheerleading Uniforms and Accessories **lssuance of Football Equipment **Game Schedules * *Competition Schedules **Directions to away games ! t I I t tltt t a t ! tttt tttlt I I I I ttt ! llIItta ltIlIt I I I r!a l I r tallla r r rr llI l! tlrllll I I l al **All fees must be paid byJune L5,2OL5 or no equipment will be issued and it may result in your child being put on the waiting list. **There is an open board meeting the first Wednesday of every month everyone is encouraged to attend. We are one of the few organizations that have open board meetings so please take advantage of this by attending. Plant City Dolphins Youth Football and Cheerleading Contact lnformation. Please Chiid's fiII orrt one for eael. ehild partieipating. Name: Football or Cheer (Circle One) Mother's Name: Father's Name: Add ress: Home Phone: Mom's Cell Phone: Dad's Cell Phone: Preferred contact: Email: Can text messages be used for notification? No -Yes PLANT CIIY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL AND CHEERLEADING Date of Birth: Child's Namei **** _*League Football as of Age: 7/3U2016 *x** Cheer - as of 8/3U16 Address: Phone: Family Doctor Nome: me rge ncy Conto ct N a me Phone: : Grade: School Child Will Attend During Seoson: Did Child Ploy for Plant City Dolphins Lost Did Child Ploy Mother) Mother/Guordian Name: Fqther/Guordian Nome: E Cell Phone :( Cell Phone :( Father) Home Phone: Year: Yes- No Yes- No for Other Orgonizotion Lost Yeor: lf yes which organization: Participation Release We the parent(s)/guardians(s) of the above named child hereby give my/our permission and approval for his/her participation in any and all PIant City Dolphin activities during the current year. l/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from the activities, including ON PREMISES SUPERVISION at all times. l/We do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless and blameless the Plant City Dolphins, the and their organizers, sponsors, supervisors, officers, Board of Directors, trustees, coaches, trainers, participants and all other volunteer persons, for any claim arising out of an injury to my/our child, including during transportation to and from activities, except and in the amount covered by the league or conference provided accident liability insurance if any. TCYFCC Equipment Return and Care Agreement We the parent(s)/guardians(s) of the above named child agree that all equipment issued to my/our child will be cared for properly and returned to the Plant City Dolphins Board of Directors in the same condition as when issued normalwear and tear are expected. l/We understand that the child should wear only issued equipment and uniform during the games/competition unless board approved and that after the games/competitions the child is required to have a change of clothes to change into if staying for other games/competitions after their game/competition is over. lf the equipment is not returned as stated l/We agree to pay to the Plant City Dolphins the replacement cost of all equipment not returned. Parent/Guardian Signature and Acknowledgement l/We have read the entire form, certify information is correct and agree with all the above terms and conditions' (Signature) lnrirrer'< I icense {l TRT-COLJI{TY YO$TItr FC}OTBALL AFfB) CAEERLEAI}ING C{}NIIERENCE (Tcvrcc) W,A.IYER A}{} RELEASE OF' LIABILITY In corrsideraiion olbeicg pe*sitied to *iilize the thcilitie*- selTices aed progr'*a:+ of the TCYFCC iar far riy children ro so pardcip*te) for a:ry pw?sse. iuctudir:g, but nsr liiriied to obsei'latiou cr use sf facitties or equiparer:t, or pa$icipatiou itr srly oft'-site pro6 rafl attrliated with the TCYTCC, the *ndersignred, for iriurself or trersitf a*cl such patticipating chiklrea and auy persotlal teprcsertetives. heirs. tincl r:ext of kiri. hereby 6c1lluwied$es. a€tre€s aarl repesenfs thar he or she hns, or iruruediately upgu enterirrg or par"ticipati*g rviltr, io$pect arrd cerefiilly roo*ider $$ch pterises aurl facilities or rhe afliliated prnggarn. It is lluther rvarariled ihar *irch eatry iats rha TCYF{:C for ol>serrrarion *l use cf any lkrilltie* or eqlliplrre$f or p*nicipatioa il} *nch afflliate.ctr Fro:sain cotstifttes aR acl:ror*'ledgl*eul tbat such preNrises aad all laciliries and eqlrip*reat lhel'eon *nd spch trfriiare* prograltl hnve beeu inspecterl arrd carefrrlly cs$sidered and tbat fhe untlersipgred fi*ds a*tl sccepf$ x{urle Rs being safe a$d reasossbl} suited for the prnpose ofsuclt observatiou. rlse ol'participarion by the underxigred and srlch cttil<keu. Is *Ifiher c*esideratio* ol bei*g peuritted t() flltter ti:e TCITCC tbr *ny puryo$e ircluding, buf tlot li:uired to obserratior *r *se ol lae lities *r equipn:ert, sr pafiieip*:iat ilr *ny off-site prsglwlll *illliated r+"itlt tiie TCI"FCC, the ur:dersiprred bereby l. a€3ees to tlre fotlorving: BEAA.LF.{ND BEE{"{IF OF SUC:H CHILDREI';. HEREBY C:O}IVENTS NOT TO SUE TCYFCC AUd Tdl iXAgChES thETEOf, irs $irectr-lrs. ofticels. ernploye*s, ;rrrd ageuts ihereiuafter retlrrecl lo sfi' "releasees") fr'*ur a1l liability to the urr<iersigged cr suc& chiitlrcrr i*nd ai1 his perso:ral retr]fe$erltaliye$, as$i$l$, heirs. *ud rrert ofkit for anv loss or <learage. a*d *try clainr or <l**ra:rds rbereifie s$ accolirll of injury to the persoa ol plspefiy or restilting ar tle.atii of the pgdersignecl or such clrildreu whether carrl$ert by the aegligence sfthe releasees or" uihenvise rvhile the gndersignerl oi sirch chiidreu is in, upon. or about lhe preulise$ or auy facitities or eq*iplnent therein or pa1'ti{ipafiog i:r arly prograu aftiliated rvith TCITCC. TltE UaI-DERSIGNED ON HIS OR RELEASE$. W,I.IVES, DISCHARGES HER. ;{'ID l. THE UNDERSIGT{ED HEREBY AGREES T{l E{DEIIfNIFY AND S.q.VE AND H{ILD HAR*{LESS the releasees and eaeh lrf, tk*rn f,rora an.v. lo*s" liability" d*urage or cost they rnay iacru due lo fhe presence of the uudrrsigred or suci: chiicireu in. upot. ol ebout TCYFCC prearises or ia arly lvay abxeruiag or usiag any facilitim or equiparenr of TCYFCC or pafiicipating in airy proE$8111 affilia:ed rvith TCYFCC whether caused by the uegligeuce of tlre relensees or other:l'ise. 3, THE LiT'IDERSIGSIED HEREBY ASSLI$,IES FGI-L RESPONSiRTT,ITY FSR AN* RISK OF BtlDILy I}iruR}.. DEATlt" OR PROFEATI'DA}.{,{GE ta dre uud*rslgatd ot slrch eLii&efl &re fo ibe uegiigeace of releasees or other'f ise'*drile il, aborit or rrpou tlre prel*ioes of TCTTCC and,/or r*tile using rhe prcaiises or eay faciliries or equipurent rhere il or pafiicipathrg in arey proggau alfiiiated with TCITCC. Dared: Pr*:ted Nrrne of Pereut Gri*rdiar: Signature Participart $*rlre *f PareutlGuard ST.dTE 0F FL0RIDA: COIINTY OF SWSRI{ TS.{}{D SUBSCRItsE} befcre me o* flris . by as 'rvlro is rhe day either personally knot'lt identification and wtra did take an *ath. Natary Public of lt, to r:le or pltvidsd Created 06/12 Florida High School Athletic Association Consent and Release from Liability Certiflcate for Concussion and Heat-Related Illness (page t ot2) Ihistbrmisvalrdfor365calendardaystiomthedateoi'thernosl reccnt slgnature Thrscompletedibmrmustbckeptonfilebvtheschooi. Concussion Information \\'hat is a concussion? acceleration, a blorv or.jolt to thc iread. or by a blow to allother part ofthe body rvith lbrce transmitled to the head. You can't see a concussron. and more than 90% of inrmediate)y reuroved iionr play, evaluated by a nredical professional aud cleared by a rnedica) doctor. \\Ihat arc thc signs and symptoms of concussion? Concr.rssion svnrplonrs may appear irrmediate)y after the in_]ur or can take several days to appear. Studies have shoun that rt takes on average 10-14 da1,s or longer include: (not all-rnclusive) . Vzlcant stare or seeing stars . Lack ofawareness ofsurroundings . Emotions out olproportion to crrcLlmstanccs {rnapproprirte cning or anger) . Hcadache or perslstent headache, nausea. r,omiting . Altered visron . Sensitivity to Iight or noise . Delayed verb:rl and nrotor responses . Disorientatron, slurred or incoherent speeclr . Dizzrness. includrng lighGheadcdness, vertrgo(spirrnirrg) or . Decrelsed coordrnarion. rcrction tirnc loss ofcquilibriurr (being offbalancc or srvinrnri:rg sensation) . ( onlirsi()n ;rnJ rnabrlitl lo IucLrs atlcrtron . Menron, loss . Sudden change in academic performauce or drop in grades . lrritability,, depressro:-r. anrietr,. sleep disturbances. easy fatigabilily . In rare cases, Ioss ol consciousness \\'hat can happen if my child lieeps on playing with a concussion or retrrrns too soon? concussion have resolved and the brain has had a chance to heal are at risk for proionged concussron synrl]toms, permaneDt disability and even death (called "Second \\'hat do I do ifI suspect my child has suffered a concussion? physrcran (DO. as per Chapter 459. Florida Statutes). or a licensed phr sicrans :ssrstant under the direct supenision ofa MD/DO (as per Cl.rapters 458 and 459. Florida chrld may have a concussion Renrenrber, it's better to miss orre garne than to hrlvc yollr lif'e changcd fbrevcr. When in doubt. sit tlrenr out. \\'hen can my child return to play or practicc? protocol uncier the supervrsion ofa licensed athletic tlamer, coach or medrcal plof'essronal and then, receive rvritten mcdical clearance ofan AHCP Statcment of Student Athletc l{esponsibilily Ilvill informthcsupen'isingcoach,athletictrainer signsandsymptomsofCONCIISSION. Ihave readandunderstandtheaboveinformationonconcussion. or team ph]-sici,rn immediately if I experience any of these symptoms or rr'itncss a teammate \vith thrse symptoms. Furthermore, I have been advised of the dangers of participation ftrr myself and that of m1, child/u'ard. _/_r Narrre of Student-Athlete (printed) Signature Name of ParenVGLrardian (printed) S o1' Student-Athlete ignature of Parent/Guardian *1- Date Daf e _ Created 06/12 Florida High School Athletic Association Consent and Release from Liability Certificate for Concussion and Heat-Related Illness (Page 2 or2) This completed form must be kept on file by the school. This form is valid for 365 calendar days liom the date ofthe most recent signature FHSAA Ileat-Related Illnesses Information people suffer heat-related illness when their bodies cannot properly cool themselves by sweating. Sweating is the body's natural air conditioning, but when a person's body temperature rises rapidly, sweating just isn't enough. Heat-related illnesses can be serious and lif'e threatening. Very high body temperatures may damage the brain or other vital organs, and can cause disability and even death. Heat-related illnesses and deaths are preventable. Heat Stroke is the most serious heat-related illness, It happens when the body's temperature rises quickly and the body cannot cool down. Heat Stroke can cause permanent disability and death. Heat Exhaustion is a milder type of heat-related illness. It usually develops after a number of days in high temperature weather and not drinking enough fluids. Heat Cramps usually affect people who sweat a lot during demanding activity. Sweating reduces the body's salt and moisture and can cause painful cramps, usually in the abdomen, arms, or legs. Heat cramps may also be a symptom of heat exhaustion. Who's at Risk? Those at highest risk include the etderly, the very yormg, people with mental illness and people with chronic diseases. However, even young and healthy individuals can succumb to heat ifthey participate in demanding physical activities during hot weather. Other conditions that can increase your risk for heat-related illness include obesity, fevec dehydration, poor circulation, sunbum, and prescription drug or alcohol use. By signing this agreement, the undersigned acknowledges that the information on page I and page 2 have been read and understood. Narne of Student-Athlete (printed) Signature of Student-Athlete _r_r_ Date l/ Si gnature of ParenVGuardian Date PLANT CITY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING LEAGUE REGISTRATION POLICIES/RULES To prevent further confusion regarding some our registration policies/rules, we are now requiring all parents and/or legal guardians to initial each line & sign this form, If you have any questions or do not understand any of the following please see the one of our board members before signing' that all registration fees must be paid by June 15th. Plant City Dolphins will no Longer accept payment plans after the payment dead line. lf your registration fee is not paid by the deadline date, your child will go to the bottom of the waiting list. I understand I understand that all registration deposits are NAN-REFIJNDABLE AND That first payment required at NON-TRANSFERABLE. registration is S100.00. that my child(ren) must have a sports physical dated after May 1tt. All physicals Must be submitted on a Florida High School Athletic Association physicalform with the physical Date (after May 1), doctor's signature & address. I further understand that my child's physical Must be turned in by the first day of practice; this applies to football players & cheerleaders.. t understand that if I have a returned check I will be required to pay the returned check fee along with the amount of the check, lf my returned check is not paid my child(ren) will be removed from the roster and placed on the waiting list. I further understand that all future payments will have to be made by cash or money order. I understand I have completely read the Registration Rules/Policies and understand that by signing this document I fully agree to & accept the terms, TEAM CHILD,S NAME PRINT PARENT NAME PRINT BOARD MEMBER NAME PARENT SIGNATURE DATE BOARD MEMBER SIGNATURE DATE PLANT CITY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING MEMBER OF THE FLORIDA YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING ASSOCIATION PARENT/GUARDIAN FAMILY RULES OF CONDUCT Dear Plant City Dolphins Parent/Guardian: The Plant City Dolphins Organization was organized to sponsor & promote youth sports activities for children in the surrounding community. Currently, our organization provides the opportunity for boys & girls to participate in a well-organized & highly structured football & cheerleading program. Our goal is to develop & encourage our youth the American principles of community & personal loyalty, teamwork, and constructive effort, the spirit of competition, principles of fair play, and physical & mental discipline. It is for the welfare of all the children involved with our organization that we have implemented the Family Rules of Conduct. We ask that you please inform everyone in your family concerning these Rules of Conduct because when you sign, you will be signing for everyone in your family, not just yourself' 1. Z. 3. 4. The use of any alcoholic beverage or any evidence of while attending any TCYFCC & Plant City Dolphins function is strictly prohibited. Tobacco use must be in designated areas only' This also includes electronic ciga rettes. lnappropriate physical confrontations (i.e. figh'ting)will not be tolerated. lnappropriate verbal comments, racial slurs, profanity; towards coaches, football players, cheerleaders, officials, directors, and/or other parents are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Any parent/family member volunteering as team mom, dad, etc.; shall be subject to a Hillsborough County Background check and must take a Hillsborough County Certification Course. 5. lf there are any complaints not resolved by the coaching staff, then the complaint shall be in writing to the appropriate authority. Please keep in mind to follow the proper chain of command. Jumping the chain of command will delay your response from the board as everyone will need to be informed of the complaint to reach Directo r>Trustee>Vice 6. reside nt>Presid ent) You will not be able to start practicing with your team until ALL paperwork & registration money turned in. please no video posting on social media such as Facebook. This is just a precaution, we would hate for other leagues to have an advantage by viewing our practices, plays in football, or cheerleading routines. is 7. P a decision. (Coaching staff >FootbalUCheer ACKNOWLEDGEMENT O a participant in the Plant City Dolphins Leogue, I have futly reod and understand the Fomily Rules of Conduct. I olso understand that I om signing for alt family members. These parent & family rules apply to As any fomity member whose chitd/relative is participoting within the Plant City Dolphins Organizotion. Violotion of any rules con result in a verbol reprimond or suspension ond/or dismissol of parent/relative AND CHTLD from the Plant city Dalphins Footboll Leogue with no refund. Parent/G uardia n Signature Date Signature of Board Member Date PLANT CITY DOLPHINS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEERLEADING RULES ln orderto establish a more orderly organization, the Board of Directors, and the coaching staff have established rules for all cheerleaders. Cheerleading is a team effort requiring hard work & dedication. Each cheerleader will be expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will have a positive reflection on our program. Cheerleaders are to cheer in a manner to promote team spirit & support their fellow cheerleaders. Remember...., Cheerleaders are athletes too! !! PRACTICES AND GAMES All practices are mandatory. The only excused absences will be for attending church, school functions, illness, vacations, and family emergencies. lt is very important that even though they are excused that you notify the head coach as soon as possible. Practices will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 6pm - 8pm prior to the beginning of school. Once school starts practices will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm. Practice schedules are subject to change due to weather and holidays. Always show up to practice regardless of 2, 3. the weather at your home, unless you are called prior to leaving' Parents must stay with their cheerleader during practice. lf a parent does not stay at practice, the parent is to ensure that their cheerleader has an adult responsible for them. There are many times after practice has started that it will be cancelled due to weather, & they will need a ride home. ln order to participate in half-time during the games cheerleaders are required to attend all practices. lt will be solely up to coach's discretion if you are able to perform half-time, that decision will be based on what you missed at practice in your absence. The coach will let the cheerleader know the first available time as to whether they will sit out or not. Ex: if you are absent on Monday & return to practice on Tuesday the coach will notify you on Tuesday, if you are out on Thursday the coach will let you know on Friday. 4. It is the cheerleaders andlor parent's responsibility to notify her/his coach if she will not be attending a practice or game. If the coach is not notified, it will be considered and unexcused absence. Do not send messages thru other cheerleaders, parents, or team moms. 5. 6. Practices for competitions are also mandatory unless prior approval was received from the coach. The coach will inform the cheerleaders & parents when practices will begin for the competitions. lf you are unable to attend the competitions please notify the coach as soon as possible. The cheerleaders will be given a break during practice, on a norm it will be 15 minutes, this time will be used to go to the concession stand for a snack & go to the restroom. This is not a time to run around, play tag, go to the football teams practice areas, or to leave the area in which you are to cheer. lf you need money for the concession or a drink make sure it is with you, you will not be allowed to go across the field because your parent is there. Parents please know when your child's break is & bring his/her money or drink. SAFETY NO CI-IEERLEADER IS ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN STUNTS/PYRAMIDS WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF THEIR HEAD COACH , ASSISTANT COACHES, TRAINERS OR TEAM MOM. UNIFORMS L. 2. Uniforms are to be washed each week. DO NOT dry in the dryer. lf your uniform is not clean on game day you will be asked to turn in your uniform. by parent) Do not wear your uniform to the game if you have to come earlier than L hour before your designated time. When wearing your uniform on game days it must be the complete uniform. Not shell with shorts, -(initial & if it continues you will be asked to turn in your uniform. not skirt with tank. You will be given 1 reminder 3. _(initial by parent) lf you have to stay at the park after your game is over you must remove your uniform & change clothes. You will be given 1 reminder & if it continues you will be asked to turn in your uniform. _(initial by parent) 4. You are nr:t allowed to wear any part of your uniform to school (skirt or shell) & the uniform is NOT a Halloween costume. Do not wearyour uniform to a restaurant to eat in, after the game, change your 5. by parent) clothes. lf you break this rule you will be asked to turn in your uniform. _(initial Jewelry is not allowed. (post earrings that cannot be removed must be covered with tape) Durlng 6. Shoes & socks are competltions alljewelry must be removed, NO EXCEPTIONS. to be kept clean. COMPETITIONS 1. Competitions are scheduled at the beginning of the season but are subject to change. lf one is cancelled another cornpetition will be scheduled in its place & can be on a different date & location. Competition months are normally in October & November of the season. Please schedule your family events accord ingly, 2. On the Saturday before a competition, the girls are required to wear their practice uniforms, NOT their game day uniforms. & YOUR PARENTS WILL HAVE TO COME by parent) TO THE CHEER DIRECTOR & BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO GET lT BACK _(initial IF YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED TO TURN IN YOUR UNIFORM, YOU HYGIENE L. 2. 3. Hair must be kept ciean & pulled back in a designated hair borv. Older girls will please use anti-perspirant/deodorant. All fliers & tumblers must wear bloomers. PRACTICE 1. 2. 3. 4. & GAME RULES No gum or candy during practice & games unless on break. No being late for practices & games, unl.ess prior notification is given to the coach, No leaving practices or games early without prior approval of the coach. No being late meeting the coach for practice prior to game (coaches will give designated time out on Fridays). 5. 6. 7, Must return from break on time at practices. No absences from practices. No absences from games. lf you have 3 or more absences from games you will be ineligible for competitions. 8. 9. (initial by parent) No violations of the uniform. No practicing stunts without approved supervision & the knowledge of your coach 10. Nodisruptionofgamesorpractices.(Thisincludestalkingbacktothecoachand/ardirectors&horsing around) 1.1. No poor cooperation or attitude. (lgnoring, not giving full effort, rolling eyes, walking away from practice, etc.) 12. Must be respectful of coaches, tean'r moms, trainers or fellow cheerleaders. (no name calling & making fun of others) 13. No profanity, abusive language or obscene gestures at any Plant City Dolphins activity. 14. No fraternizing with boys during practice or when in uniform. 15. Show good sportsmanship towards all other organizations, before, during & after games. 16. No inappropriate physical confrontations (fighting) KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF Violating any of these rules at practice or games is punishable at the Coach's discretion or Board of Directors if necessary. lf any parent or cheerleader disagrees or has any complaints with a coach on any matter, this should be discussed with the coach first. lf an agreement cannot be reached then the matter should be taken up with the cheerleading director and/or trustee. The cheerleading coordinator and/or trustee will then make the final decision on the matter. At no time will a public discussion of a problem be conducted. Concerns and problems are to be discussed in private with the coach and/or cheerleading coordinator and not in the presence of uninvolved parties. fully read and understand all the cheerleader rules listed above & agree to abide by them to the best of my abilitil. I also understand that violation of these rules could result in suspension or removal from the team. I have Cheerleader Signature Date the parent/guardian, I have fully read and understand the rules and the consequences that will occur if my child does not abide by these rules as stated, As Parent/Gua rdia n Signature Date