Local former Dolphins cheerleader recounts special memories
Local former Dolphins cheerleader recounts special memories
M IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU Local former Dolphins cheerleader recounts special memories By Kelly Merritt Wendy Happeny has a colorful sports history. The Southwest Florida resident was a Miami 2 m a e T Dolphins football cheerleader not o G long after the team was established. FEBRUARY | Marco | 11 T here herewere wereonly onlyeight eightto to10 10girls girlsat atthe thetime, time,aagroup groupof offriends friendswho whogrew grewup upcheerleading cheerleading together. together.Happeny’s Happeny’sfriend friendBetty BettyWilson’s Wilson’sdad dadhad hadaamanagement managementposition positionat atthe theOrange Orange Bowl Bowlin inMiami Miamiwhere wherethe theDolphins Dolphinsplayed. played. “Somehow “SomehowBetty’s Betty’sdad dadput puttogether togetherthe thegroup groupof ofgirls girlsand andwe wewore woresweater sweatervests, vests,bobby bobby socks, socks,skirts skirtsand andsaddle saddleshoes shoes––even evenin inthe theAugust Augustheat heatin inthe theOrange OrangeBowl, Bowl,””says saysHappeny, Happeny, who whocheered cheeredin inthe the1968 1968and and1969 1969seasons. seasons.“Back “Backthen then the theDolphins Dolphinsdidn’t didn’twin winvery verymany many games gamesas asititwas wasbefore beforetheir theirglory gloryyears.” years.” Happeny Happenycheered cheeredfor forthe theDolphins Dolphinsjust justaashort shorttime timeafter afterDolphins Dolphinsfootball footballbegan beganin in1966. 1966.She Sherecalls recallsthe the contest contestto toname namethe theteam. team. “My “Mygrandfather grandfathersent sentin inIIdon’t don’tknow knowhow howmany manyentries entriesand andthe thefirst firstseason seasonwas wasin in 1967, 1967,””she shesays. says.An Animportant importantdistinction, distinction,Happeny Happenysays, says,isisthat thather herteammates teammatesand andshe she were werecheerleaders, cheerleaders,not notto tobe beconfused confusedwith withthe theDolphins DolphinsDolls. Dolls.“At “Atthat thattime timethere therewere were only onlyten tenof ofus uswho whowere wereDolphin Dolphincheerleaders, cheerleaders,while whilethe theDolphin DolphinDolls Dollswere wereaagroup groupof of baton batontwirlers twirlersand anddancers dancerswho whoperformed performedat athalftime.” halftime.” Happeny Happenygraduated graduatedNorth NorthMiami MiamiSenior SeniorHigh HighSchool Schoolin in1970 1970and andwent wenton onto to attend attendcollege collegeat atFlorida FloridaInternational InternationalUniversity. University.She Shealso alsoattended attendedthe theUniversity Universityof ofthe the Americas Americasin inMexico Mexico––aaconnection connectionfostered fosteredby byher hermother motherwho whotaught taughtSpanish Spanishand andtook took groups groupsof ofstudents studentsto toMexico Mexicofor forsix sixweeks weeksto tostudy studythe thelanguage. language.Happeny Happenygot gotto totake take classes classesso soshe shespent spentsix sixsummers summersin inMexico. Mexico. “I “Iintended intendedto toteach teachSpanish Spanishbut butactually actuallyyears yearslater, later,IIwound woundup upvolunteering volunteeringfor forthe the Literacy LiteracyVolunteers Volunteersof ofCollier CollierCounty Countyteaching teachingEnglish Englishto toSpanish Spanishspeaking speakingpeople, people,””she she says. says.The TheDolphins Dolphinsfootball footballplayers playersdid didfundraising fundraisingwork workin inthe thecommunity communityand andHappeny Happeny and andthe theother othercheerleaders cheerleadersgot gotto toattend attendcommunity communitybasketball basketballgames gameswhere wherethe theDolphins played Dolphins against played local against policemen, local policemen, all for charity. all for Happeny charity.also Happeny got to also be on gottelevision, to be on in television, Tampa when in Tampa Tampawhen was trying Tampa to was bring trying the Buccaneers to bring theto play at Buccaneers the stadium. to play Theat city thebuilt stadium. the stadium The cityfirst built and brought the stadium the Baltimore first and brought Colts down the to play Baltimore the Dolphins. Colts down to play the Dolphins. “It was the only time we were ever on television “It was the butonly backtime thenwe it were was the everera on with television famous Dolphin but back players then it was like the Mercury era with Morris, famous LarryDolphin Csonka players and quarterback like Mercury BobMorris, Griese,”Larry she Csonka says fondly andofquarterback the team she Bob cheered Griese, on. ” she “Our sayspayment fondly ofwas thefree team she parking cheered andon. a coke “Our at payment halftime.”was free parking and a coke at halftime.” Happeny still has her megaphone and uniform which still fits. Back then she spelled spelledher hername namewith withan an“I” “I”on onthe themegaphone. megaphone. “We “Wewere werehigh highschool schoolgirls girlsand andwe wethought thoughtthat thatwas wascool, cool,””says saysHappeny, Happeny,whose whose husband husbandisisproud proudof ofhaving havingaaMiami MiamiDolphins Dolphinscheerleader cheerleaderas ashis hiswife. wife.Happeny Happenymoved movedto to Marco MarcoIsland Islandin in1973 1973and andeventually eventuallybegan beganworking workingin inreal realestate estatein in1987. 1987.Today Today Happeny Happenyspends spendsher hertime timecheering cheeringfor foraadifferent differentlineup. lineup.She Shecurrently currentlyworks worksat atReMax ReMax Affinity AffinityPlus PlusRealty Realtyon onthe theCaruso Carusoreal realestate estateteam. team.n n 2 m a e T Go 12 | Marco | FEBRUARY “We were high school girls and we thought that was cool...” Wendy Happeny, of Marco Island, displays her Miami Dolphins cheerleading uniform. The real estate agent is proud that her uniform still fits and has been known to wear it on Halloween. FEBRUARY | Marco | 13