ASICS Calzado Performance Otoño-Invierno 2016
ASICS Calzado Performance Otoño-Invierno 2016
ASICS Calzado Performance Otoño-Invierno 2016 2 ÍNDICE Tecnologías ...................................................................... 3 Running - PLATINUM MEN .............................................. 7 Running Hombre ............................................................ 13 Running Mujer ............................................................... 27 Trail Running Hombre .................................................... 41 Trail Running Mujer ....................................................... 45 Training Hombre ........................................................... 49 Training Mujer ............................................................... 51 Padel Hombre ................................................................ 55 Padel Mujer ................................................................... 57 Tenis Hombre ................................................................. 59 Tenis Mujer .................................................................... 63 Indoor ............................................................................ 65 Walking ......................................................................... 71 Niños.............................................................................. 73 Conversión de tallajes ................................................... 87 LAS TECNOLOGÍAS - Parte superior ASSYMETRICAL Asymmetrical Lacing Sistema de lazado asimétrico que recorre la parte alta del pie para amoldarse durante la pisada. Inner Lock Lacing System Sistema de lazado que mejora la sujeción del pie eliminando movimientos laterales y frontales mediante la sujeción alrededor el puente. Discrete Eyestay Lacing Nuevo lazado donde cada agujero donde pasa el cordón trabaja independiente de los demás, aportando la mejor tensión del lazado en cada parte del empeine, y la máxima sujeción y comodidad. Biomorphic La tecnología Biomorphic está localizada en aquella zona del empeine de la zapatilla constantemente sujeta a deformación. Esto asegura un mejor ajuste y confort, reduciendo el riesgo de lesiones y mayor rendimiento. ANTI-GRAVEL PHF PHF Espuma de alta densidad, que se adapta a la perfección a la forma del talón y del tendón de Aquiles. Disminuye el deslizamiento y mejora la comodidad y el ajuste. RhynoSkin® Piel sintética de ASICS resistente a la abrasión localizada en la puntera, zona de mayor desgaste de la zapatilla. Lace Pocket Ésta es una característica especialmente diseñada para el trail running y la marcha nórdica, que previene que los bastones se enganchen a los cordones y que éstos estén sueltos. Anti Gravel Tongue Lengüeta especial para prevenir que la gravilla entre en la zapatilla. COMFORDRY REMOVABLE Comfordry Removable Sockliner Goretex Pguard Esta plantilla proporciona un sistema óptimo de amortiguación que crea en la zapatilla un medio más relajante, sano y saludable. Plantilla de EVA moldeable a la forma del pie, que puede ser removible para acomodar una plantilla ortopédica. Gill Mesh Es el nombre que le hemos dado a un nuevo sistema de mallas en la parte lateral de la zapatilla. Ayuda a ventilar mejor el pie, gracias a la mayor transpirabilidad de la zona. 3M Reflective Un material reflectante producido por la compañía 3M, para mayor visibilidad y seguridad durante la noche. PGUARD Material Gore-Tex es incluido en este modelo. Un compuesto de goma/resina anexado al antepié que mejora la protección y durabiidad. 3 4 LAS TECNOLOGÍAS - Media suela LASTING I.G.S. El Impact Guidance System o I.G.S.® es un concepto técnico-filosófico, sobre el que se basa el sistema de construcción de la zapatilla ASICS. Permite al pie del atleta correr de la manera más natural posible. Con una construcción que se adapta al movimiento natural del pie en el momento de pisar el suelo. Combination Lasting Para estabilidad y flexibilidad, proporcionando mayor durabilidad en el talón y agarre en la parte delantera. Californian Slip Lasting Para estabilidad y confort. La parte superior es cosida a una superficie de EVA y unida directamente a la mediasuela. Para estabilidad y durabilidad. La parte superior es cosida a una delgada fibra y unida directamente a la mediasuela. g CALIFORNIA Racing Last Construida con la horma ASICS Racing. Slip Last Board Lasting g Para ligereza y flexibilidad. La parte superior es envuelta y cosida antes de ser unida a la mediasuela. g Solyte Mediasuela construida con material extremadamente ligero que aporta características de amortiguación, duración y empuje iguales al SpEVA. SpEVA Material de la entre suela cuya composición, volviendo rápidamente a su forma original, permite aprovechar siempre y en cada pisada la mejor amortiguación además de durar más en su función. g DUOMAX SOLYTE DuoMax Support System Soft Top Duomax El sistema patentado por ASICS para solucionar el problema de la pronación entre los corredores; se basa en una media suela de doble densidad, con su parte más dura en la parte interior de la zapatilla. Una nueva generación del sistema DuoMax que proporciona un mejor confort y mejora de la eficiencia de la pisada. GEL® trasero GEL® delantero El sistema ASICS de Gel es probablemente la más famosa de todas las innovaciones de ASICS. Para mayor absorción en el choque, el Gel está situado estratégicamente en la mediasuela de la zapatilla. El sistema de amortiguación de Gel utiliza distintos componentes. Dependiendo de su función, el Gel incorpora silicona encapsulada en poliuterano. Con una forma además diseñada según su función específica y posición. El sistema ASICS de Gel es probablemente la más famosa de todas las innovaciones de ASICS. Para mayor absorción en el choque, el Gel está situado estratégicamente en la mediasuela de la zapatilla. El sistema de amortiguación de Gel utiliza distintos componentes. Dependiendo de su función, el Gel incorpora silicona encapsulada en poliuterano. Con una forma además diseñada según su función específica y posición. ® Dynamic Cradle Un compuesto de EVA reforzado en la suela que proporciona una mejor distribución del peso, amortiguación y control. GEL® delantero y trasero El sistema ASICS de Gel es probablemente la más famosa de todas las innovaciones de ASICS. Para mayor absorción en el choque, el Gel está situado estratégicamente en la mediasuela de la zapatilla. El sistema de amortiguación de Gel utiliza distintos componentes. Dependiendo de su función, el Gel incorpora silicona encapsulada en poliuterano. Con una forma además diseñada según su función específica y posición. Solyte Mediasuela construida con material extremadamente ligero que aporta características de amortiguación, duración y empuje incluso superiores al SpEVA. LAS TECNOLOGÍAS - Media suela g TRUSSTIC SPEVA SpEVA La SpEVA de la entre suela cuya composición, volviendo rápidamente a su forma original, permite aprovechar siempre y en cada pisada la mejor amortiguación además de durar más en su función. Spacetrusstic Ampliación del sistema Trusstic que, por medio de una pequeña cámara entre el Trusstic y la media suela, hace más cómodo el efecto del control de la torsión y el soporte del arco. DUOTRUSS DuoTruss Pieza anatómica en PU de doble densidad, más suave en la parte exterior y más dura en la parte interior de la zapatilla, localizada en la zona mediana de la media suela para proporcionar soporte, control de la torsión y, a la vez, contribuir al control. Gender Specific Space Trusstic System Este Space Trusstic ha sido construido distinto según los modelos de hombre y mujer. Resultados en nuestros estudios de género han descubierto que las mujeres tienen una dinámica fisiológica ligeramente distinta a la de los hombres. El espacio en el sistema Trusstic es mayor para las mujeres lo que aporta al pie femenino los niveles correctos de soporte y flexibilidad gracias al mecanismo de polea. Este sistema interactivo de acoplamiento asegura que haya superficie en contacto en toda posición durante el desarrollo de la carrera. Transition Sole Media suela de triple densidad para mejorar la conducción y el movimiento de torsión. Gender Specific Forefoot Cushioning Pieza inyectada y separada de Solyte que está en la parte delantera de la mediasuela. La pieza de mujer es más blanda (48 grados de densidad) comparada a la de los hombres (53 grados de densidad). Esto permite una mayor ligereza permitiendo una mejor amortiguación en la parte delantera del pie. PROPUL SION HG10mm 3 mm de altura adicional en modelos de mujer que ayuda a proteger el tendón de Aquiles. Pieza anatómica en PU localizada en la parte mediana de la media suela que proporciona estabilidad, soporte y control de la torsión. SOLE Trail Sensor System PLUS 3 +3 Midsole Sistema Trusstic 10mm Heel Gradient Cuña de 10 mm situada en el talón que ofrece una mejor posición biomecánica y reduce la tensión en la zona posterior: tendones de Aquiles, gemelos, femoral y lumbar. PLATE Propulsion plate La placa de propulsión es una unidad reforzada especial colocada en la parte delantera del pie para ofrecer una mejor propulsión. Rock Protection plate Protege el pie de objetos agudos como rocas o ramas. 5 6 LAS TECNOLOGÍAS - Suela exterior g AHAR AHAR+ SOLYTE AHAR AHAR + DuoSole Outsole Magic Sole Guidance Line DuraSponge La goma ASICS High Abrasion Resistance (muy resistente a la abrasión) es una goma sólida localizada en el área del talón donde se produce el primer y más duro contacto con el suelo durante la pisada, reduciendo así el desgaste de la suela. Es una clase de goma AHAR más delgada y ligera localizada en el talón para reducir el desgaste de la suela en el primer y duro impacto al suelo. Reduce el peso y mejora la flexibilidad de la zapatilla manteniendo el agarre y durabilidad. SPONGE Goma ASICS extremadamente resistente a la abrasión. Compuesto de goma dura usado en las áreas de mayor fricción de la parte exterior de la suela para reducir el desgaste. Grietas de flexibilidad en la suela que proporcionan una estabilidad mejorada y eficiente en la pisada. Goma AHAR en la parte exterior de la suela extremadamente resistente a la abrasión de gran durabilidad. Wet grip rubber Suela compuesta por una mezcla de componentes orgánicos y no orgánicos, diseñada para aumentar la tracción hasta en superficies húmedas RUNNING - PLATINUM MEN 7 8 RUNNING PLATINUM - ESPECIALISTA - MEN GEL-FujiEndurance PlasmaGuard T640N DynaFlyte T6F3Y € 160 € 160 Peso: 335 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15, 16 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Inner Lock Lacing, Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Clutch Counter, Rock Protection Plate, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, Water-Repellent Upper 9093 BLACK / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: T6F3Y € 180 0732 SAFETY YELLOW / INFINITY PURPLE / BLACK Technologies: GT-3000 4 DynaFlyte T604N 9690 MIDGREY / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, DuraSponge Outsole, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Solyte 45 Lasting, Trusstic System®, Guidance Line® GEL-PURSUE 3 T6C0N 5890 POSEIDON / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, DuraSponge Outsole, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Solyte 45 Lasting, Trusstic System®, Guidance Line® GEL-DS RACER 11 T627N € 160 € 140 € 120 Peso: 305 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 305 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 218 gr Drop: 18/10 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Discrete Eyelets, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 5893 POSEIDON / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 0790 FLASH YELLOW / BLACK / PURPLE Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, Magic Sole, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® 2 RUNNING PLATINUM - ESPECIALISTA - MEN GEL-HYPER TRI 2 T628N € 110 Peso: 180 gr Drop: 16/10 6-13, 14 0907 FLAME ORANGE / SAFETY YELLOW / TRUE RED Technologies: Magic Sole, 3M Reflective, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Elastic Laces, Guidance Line® 9 3 10 RUNNING PLATINUM - ESPECIALISTA - WOMEN GEL-FujiEndurance PlasmaGuard T690N DynaFlyte € 180 Peso: 278 gr Drop: 18/10 5-12 3319 EGGPLANT / SPORT PINK / AQUA HAZE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Clutch Counter, Rock Protection Plate, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, Water-Repellent Upper GT-3000 4 7893 ARUBA BLUE / SILVER / GUAVA Technologies: T654N T6F8Y T6F8Y € 160 € 160 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 5-12 5-12 9606 MIDGREY / FLASH CORAL / SAFTY YELLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, DuraSponge Outsole, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Solyte 45 Lasting, Trusstic System®, Guidance Line® GEL-PURSUE 3 DynaFlyte T6C5N 3390 PHLOX / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, DuraSponge Outsole, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Solyte 45 Lasting, Trusstic System®, Guidance Line® GEL-DS RACER 11 T677N € 160 € 140 € 120 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 245 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 160 gr Drop: 18/10 5-13 5-13 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Discrete Eyelets, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9078 BLACK / ARUBA BLUE / SPORT PINK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 3507 MAUVE / FLASH YELLOW / PLUM Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, Magic Sole, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® 4 RUNNING PLATINUM - ESPECIALISTA - WOMEN GEL-HYPER TRI 2 T678N € 110 Peso: 180 gr Drop: 16/10 5-12 5307 LAPIS / SAFETY YELLOW / GUAVA Technologies: Magic Sole, 3M Reflective, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Elastic Laces, Guidance Line® 11 5 RUNNING HOMBRE 13 14 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN GEL-KINSEI 6 T642N GEL-QUANTUM 360 2 T6G1N € 190 € 190 Peso: 345 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 330 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 330 gr Drop: 22/12 6-13, 14, 15, 16 7-13, 14, 15 7-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Guidance Line® 5843 POSEIDON / BLUE JEWEL / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: T6G1N € 200 5893 POSEIDON / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: GEL-NIMBUS 18 GEL-QUANTUM 360 2 T600N 9001 BLACK / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Propulsion Plate, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-NIMBUS 18 T600N 5801 DARK NAVY / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Propulsion Plate, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-NIMBUS 18 T600N € 180 € 180 € 180 Peso: 320 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 320 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 320 gr Drop: 23/13 6-14, 15, 16 6-14, 15, 16 6-14, 15, 16 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 0990 FLAME ORANGE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9993 ONYX / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 6 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN GEL-NIMBUS 18 T600N € 140 Peso: 320 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 305 gr Drop: 23/13 6-14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 4507 IMPERIAL / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: T6C3N € 180 9093 BLACK / SILVER / CARBON Technologies: GEL-CUMULUS 18 GEL-CUMULUS 18 T6C3N 8593 GREEN GECKO / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PULSE 8 G-TX T6E2N GEL-CUMULUS 18 T6C3N € 140 Peso: 305 gr Drop: 23/13 6-13, 14, 15 0193 WHITE / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PULSE 8 T6E1N € 140 € 120 € 100 Peso: 305 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 320 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 23/13 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15, 16 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9093 BLACK / SILVER / HOT ORANGE Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, GORE-TEX® Upper, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 0790 SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK / ONYX Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 15 7 16 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN GEL-PULSE 8 T6E1N GEL-EXCITE 4 T6E3N € 100 € 80 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 290 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9793 CARBON / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: T6E1N € 100 5801 POSEIDON / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: GEL-EXCITE 4 GEL-PULSE 8 T6E3N 9093 BLACK / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-IMPRESSION 9 T6F1N 4107 ISLAND BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material GEL-IMPRESSION 9 T6F1N € 80 € 70 € 70 Peso: 290 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 282 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 282 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material 2393 TRUE RED / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / SILVER Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 8 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN GEL-CONTEND 3 T5F4N GEL-CONTEND 3 € 65 Peso: 302 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 4590 IMPERIAL / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 T619N Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T5F4N € 65 Peso: 302 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 302 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 GEL-CONTEND 3 € 65 9690 MIDGREY / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: T619N 9091 BLACK / LIGHTNING / VERMILION Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 T619N € 55 € 55 € 55 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 2390 VERMILION / BLACK / WHITE Technologies: T5F4N 6-13, 14, 15 5843 DARK NAVY / BLUE JEWEL / BLACK Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 6-13, 14, 15 9993 BLACK / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 17 9 18 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN PATRIOT 8 T619N GEL-ZARACA 5 T6G3N € 55 € 80 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 0145 WHITE / ASICS BLUE / BLACK Technologies: T6G3N € 80 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 9690 ALUMINUM / BLACK / HOT ORANGE Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting GEL-ZARACA 5 6-13, 14, 15 4290 ELECTRIC BLUE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting RUNNING MÁXIMO SOPORTE - (+90 kg) - MEN GEL-ZARACA 5 T6G3N GEL-ZARACA 5 € 80 Peso: 345 gr Drop: xx/xx 7-14,6-13, 15, 16, 14, 17 15 6-13, 14, 15 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T5G2N T6K3N € 130 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting GEL-FORTITUDE 7 fuzeX € 80 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 21/11 9093 BLACK / SILVER / VERMILION Technologies: T6G3N 4393 JEWEL/ /HOT SILVER / FLAME ORANGE 9630 BLUE ALUMINUM ORANGE / BLACK Technologies: Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot andAHAR+, ForefootSeamless GEL® Cushioning System, ComforDry™ Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, SpEVA 55 Lasting, Guidance Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Line®, Guidance Trusstic 10 6-13, 14, 15 13, 14, 15 4290 ELECTRIC BLUE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) RUNNING LONG- -MEN PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN 6G3N fuzeX fuzeX T6K3N T6K3N fuzeX fuzeX €€ 130 130 € 80 6-13, 6-13,14, 14,15 15 2349 BLUE / /ELECTRO 9630 VERMILION ALUMINUM/ /INDIGO HOT ORANGE BLACK BLUE Technologies: Technologies: T639N fuzeX fuzeXLyte 130 13, 14, 15 Sockliner, T620N T620N T639N € 130 6-13, 14, 14, 15 15 6-13, 6-13, 14, 14, 15 15 6-13, T620N T620N 0790 SAFETY SAFETY/YELLOW YELLOW BLACKGECKO ELECTRIC BLUE BLUE 9093 BLACK SILVER ///GREEN 0790 BLACK // ELECTRIC Technologies: Technologies: 9093 B B 9093 Technologi Technologi Light AHAR AHAR sponge, sponge, 3M 3M Reflective, Reflective, AHAR+, AHAR+, Seamless Seamless Construction, Construction, ComforDry™ ComforDry™ Sockliner, Sockliner, Light Solyte® Midsole Midsole Material, Material, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® Solyte® fuzeX Lyte Lyte Nitrofuze fuzeX Light AHAR AHAR s Light Solyte® Mid Mid Solyte® T620N T6H3N T620N Nitrof Nitrof €€ 100 130 € 100 € €100 85 Peso: 275 gr Drop: 20/12 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 20/12 6-14, 6-13,15, 14,16 15 6-14, 15, 15, 16 16 6-14, 6-14, 15, 15, 16 16 6-13, 14, 15 6-14, 9690 / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW 9093 ALUMINUM BLACK / SILVER / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, GEL® Cushioning Syste, RemovableComforDry™ Sockliner, Seamless Light AHAR sponge, 3MRearfoot Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, Sockliner, Construction, Guidance Line® Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Nitrofuze fuzeX Lyte Lyte fuzeX fuzeX fuzeX Peso: 275 gr Drop: 20/12 Light AHAR AHAR sponge, sponge, 3M 3M Reflective, Reflective, AHAR+, AHAR+, Seamless Seamless Construction, Construction, ComforDry™ ComforDry™ Sockliner, Sockliner, Light Solyte® Midsole Midsole Material, Material, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® Solyte® 10 T639N T639N Peso: 275 gr Drop: 20/12 2349 VERMILION VERMILION INDIGO BLUE///ELECTRIC ELECTRO BLUE BLUE 0790 SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK 2349 // INDIGO BLUE ELECTRO Technologies: Technologies: Light LightAHAR AHARsponge, sponge,3M 3MReflective, Reflective,AHAR+, AHAR+,Seamless SeamlessConstruction, Construction,ComforDry™ ComforDry™Sockliner, Sockliner, Solyte® Solyte®Midsole MidsoleMaterial, Material,Guidance GuidanceLine® Line® fuzeX fuzeX € 130 Peso: 275 gr Drop: 20/12 13, 14, 15 T6K3N T639N T6K3N T6H3N 9690 ALUMINUM ALUMINUM BLACK SAFETY YELLOW 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / ONYX 9690 // BLACK // SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Technologies: 3M Reflective, Reflective, AHAR AHAR ®, ®, Rearfoot Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning Syste, Syste, Removable Removable Sockliner, Sockliner, Seamless Seamless 3M Construction, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® Construction, 9007 BLACK BLACKRED SAFETY YELLOW ONYX 2301 TRUE / WHITE / FLAME ORANGE 9007 // SAFETY YELLOW // ONYX Technologies: Technologies: 2301 TR T 2301 Technologi Technologi 3M Reflective, Reflective, AHAR ®,Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Seamless Open Mesh Upper, 3M AHARCushioning ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 3M AHAR ®, Rearfoot Syste, Removable Sockliner, Seamless Construction, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® Construction, Open Mesh Mesh U Open 19 11 -13, 14, 15 ™ Sockliner, 6-13, 14, 15 20 9093 BLACK / SILVER / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORTRUNNING - ( Pisada Neutra) LONG- MEN - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN T620N PATRIOT 8 Nitrofuze € 100 -14, 15, 16 Seamless T6H3N Nitrofuze 5 GEL-ZARACA T6G3N T6H3N GEL-ZARACA 5 Nitrofuze T6G3N T6H3N Nitrof €€55 85 € 80 85 € 80 85 Peso: 250 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 250 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 250 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 1515 6-13, 14, 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 9690 / BLACK / HOT ORANGE 4201 ALUMINUM ELECTRIC BLUE / WHITE / POSEIDON Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6H3N T6G3N Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Slip SolidLasting Rubber outsole 11 GEL-ZARACA 5 fuzor 85 €€80 T6G3N T6H4N 4290 BLUE / BLACK / SILVER 9507 ELECTRIC DARK STEEL / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: 9501 D Technolog Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Slip SolidLasting Rubber outsole fuzeX fuzor Open Mesh T6K3N T6H4N fuzor € 80 65 € €130 65 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Peso: 250 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 -13, 14, 15 T6H4N GEL-ZARACA 5 Nitrofuze 0145 ASICS BLUE / FLAME BLACK ORANGE 2301 WHITE TRUE/RED / WHITE Technologies: Technologies: € 85 outsole T619N T6H3N 9501 DARK STEEL / WHITE / BLACK 9093 BLACK / SILVER / VERMILION Technologies: Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting fuzor T6H4N 9007 / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK 5893 BLACK DARK NAVY / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®,Syste, California Slip Lasting, SolidCalifornia Rubber outsole 9630 / HOT ORANGE / BLACK 9601 ALUMINUM MIDGREY / WHITE / HOT ORANGE Technologies: 9001 B Technolog Light 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, OpenAHAR Mesh sponge, Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Open Mesh 10 6-13, 14, 15 4201 ELECTRIC BLUE / WHITE / POSEIDON Technologies: 6-13, 14, 15 9507 DARK STEEL / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - MEN Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole PATRIOT 8 fuzor 0145 WHITE / ASICS BLUE / BLACK 5893 DARK NAVY / SILVER / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Technologies: T619N T6H4N GEL-ZARACA 5 fuzor T6G3N T6H4N Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-ZARACA 5 fuzor T6G3N T6H4N € 55 € 65 € 80 € 65 € 80 € 65 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-ZARACA 5 Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 6-13, 14, 15 9501 DARK STEEL / WHITE / BLACK Technologies: 9690 ALUMINUM / BLACK / HOT ORANGE 9601 MIDGREY / WHITE / HOT ORANGE Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6G3N GEL-ZARACA 5 4290 ELECTRIC BLUE / BLACK / SILVER 9001 BLACK / WHITE / DARK STEEL Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6G3N fuzeX T6K3N 12 9093 BLACK / SILVER / VERMILION Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting € 80 € 80 € 130 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 9630 ALUMINUM / HOT ORANGE / BLACK Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® 21 10 22 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - MEN GEL-KAYANO 23 T646N GEL-KAYANO 23 € 180 GT-2000 4 LITE-SHOW PlasmaGuard 3093 HOT ORANGE / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: T6F4N Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 6-14, 15, 16 5809 POSEIDON / FLAME ORANGE / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solid Rubber outsole, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-2000 4 T606N T646N € 180 Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 6-14, 15, 16 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solid Rubber outsole, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-KAYANO 23 € 180 Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 0990 FLAME ORANGE / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: T646N 6-14, 15, 16 9093 BLACK / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solid Rubber outsole, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-2000 4 T606N € 150 € 140 € 140 Peso: 310 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 310 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 310 gr Drop: 22/12 6-14, 15, 16, 17 6-14, 15, 16, 17 6-14, 15, 16, 17 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 4390 BLUE JEWEL / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / FLAME ORANGE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 20 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - MEN GT-2000 4 (2E) T607N € 130 Peso: 315 gr Drop: 22-12 Peso: 325 gr Drop: 22-12 6-14, 15, 16, 17 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 2393 TRUE RED / SILVER / HOT ORANGE Technologies: T6B3N € 140 4390 BLUE JEWEL / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: GT-1000 5 GT-1000 5 G-TX T6A3N 9093 BLACK / SILVER / HOT ORANGE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, SpEVA® Midsole Material, GORE-TEX® Upper, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-1000 5 T6A3N € 120 € 120 Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 0190 WHITE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-1000 5 T6A3N € 120 Peso: 300 gr Drop: 22-12 6-13, 14, 15, 16, 17 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PHOENIX 8 T6F2N € 100 Peso: 310 gr Drop: 22-12 6-13, 14, 15, 16 4309 BLUE JEWEL / FLAME ORANGE / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, SpEVA® Midsole Material, SpEVA 55 Lasting, Trusstic System® 23 21 24 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - MEN GEL-PHOENIX 8 T6F2N € 100 Peso: 310 gr Drop: 22-12 6-13, 14, 15, 16 9793 CARBON / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, SpEVA® Midsole Material, SpEVA 55 Lasting, Trusstic System® 22 RUNNING RACE - MÁXIMO RENDIMIENTO EN CARRERA - - MEN GEL-DS TRAINER 21 NC T625N T624N € 140 € 140 Peso: 245 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 Peso: 248 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 8590 GREEN GECKO / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GEL-DS TRAINER 21 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Dynamic Duomax, Guidance Line® GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 T626N € 140 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 7-12, 13, 14, 15 3085 HOT ORANGE / GREEN GECKO / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Dynamic Duomax, Elastic Laces, WET GRIP® Outsole, Guidance Line® T626N € 140 Peso: 280 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 7-12, 13, 14, 15 9601 MIDGREY / WHITE / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Dynamic Duomax, Elastic Laces, WET GRIP® Outsole, Guidance Line® 25 27 RUNNING MUJER 27 28 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN GEL-KINSEI 6 T692N GEL-QUANTUM 360 2 T6G6N € 190 € 190 Peso: 295 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 270 gr Drop: 22/12 5-13 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line® T650N 0690 FLASH CORAL / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Propulsion Plate, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-NIMBUS 18 € 180 Propulsion Plate, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-NIMBUS 18 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 23/13 5-13 0107 WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW / AQUARIUM Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, Plus 3, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic T650N € 180 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 23/13 5-13 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, Plus 3, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic T650N 9001 BLACK / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: € 180 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 23/13 7620 PEACH MELBA / HOT PINK / GUAVA Technologies: T6G6N € 200 7693 PEACH MELBA / SILVER / PINK GLOW Technologies: GEL-NIMBUS 18 GEL-QUANTUM 360 2 5-13 5806 POSEIDON / FLASH CORAL / BLACK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, Plus 3, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, FluidFit, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 13 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN GEL-CUMULUS 18 T6C8N GEL-CUMULUS 18 T6C8N € 140 € 140 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 23/13 5-13 5-13 5-13 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 1978 SPORT PINK / ARUBA BLUE / BLACK Technologies: T6C8N € 140 1978 SPORT PINK / ARUBA BLUE / BLACK Technologies: GEL-CUMULUS 18 (2A) GEL-CUMULUS 18 T6D6N 0107 WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW / BLUE ATOLL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PULSE 8 T6E6N 4993 INDIGO BLUE / SILVER / PINK GLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PULSE 8 T6E6N € 140 € 100 € 100 Peso: 245 gr Drop: 22/18 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 23/13 5-13 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 5801 POSEIDON / WHITE / SPORT PINK Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 3930 AQUARIUM / CORALICIOUS / POSEIDON Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 29 14 30 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN GEL-PULSE 8 T6E6N GEL-EXCITE 4 T6E8N € 120 € 80 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 23/13 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 5-12 9093 BLACK / SILVER / FLASH CORAL Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9606 SHARK / FLASH CORAL / PARACHUTE PURPLE Technologies: T6E7N € 100 9093 BLACK / SILVER / SPORT PINK Technologies: GEL-EXCITE 4 GEL-PULSE 8 G-TX 3901 AQUARIUM / WHITE / PINK GLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, GORE-TEX® Upper, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic T6E8N GEL-IMPRESSION 9 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material T6F6N GEL-IMPRESSION 9 T6F6N € 80 € 70 € 70 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 225 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 225 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 5-12 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material 0693 FLASH CORAL / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 9078 BLACK / ARUBA BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 15 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN GEL-CONTEND 3 T5F9N GEL-CONTEND 3 € 65 Peso: 245 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 9091 BLACK / LIGHTNING / ARUBA BLUE Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 T669N Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Peso: 245 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 245 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 T669N 5893 DARK NAVY / SILVER / LILAC Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T669N € 55 € 55 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 3919 AQUARIUM / SPORT PINK / DEEP BLUE Technologies: T5F9N € 65 Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material PATRIOT 8 GEL-CONTEND 3 € 65 1990 SPORT PINK / BLACK / CERISE Technologies: € 55 5806 DARK NAVY / FLASH CORAL / WHITE Technologies: T5F9N 5-12 9993 BLACK / SILVER / ARUBA BLUE Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 31 16 32 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN PATRIOT 8 T669N GEL-ZARACA 5 € 55 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 0119 WHITE / SPORT PINK / SILVER Technologies: 9690 ALUMINUM / BLACK / HOT PINK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T6G8N € 80 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 GEL-ZARACA 5 Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T6G8N € 80 € 80 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 1993 SPORT PINK / SILVER / CERISE Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 5-12 9093 BLACK / SILVER / COCKATOO Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting T6G8N GEL-ZARACA 5 € 80 9906 ONYX / SILVER / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting GEL-ZARACA 5 T6G8N fuzeX T689N € 130 5-12 1758 GUAVA / POSEIDON / PEACH MELBA Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® 17 5-12 5-12 33 9093 BLACK / SILVER / COCKATOO Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT RUNNING - ( Pisada Neutra) LONG- -WOMEN PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN 6G8N fuzeX fuzeX € 80 5-12 T689N T689N fuzeX fuzeX 130 5-12 Sockliner, 670N fuzeX €€ 130 130 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 19/11 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 19/11 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 T6K8N T670N 3933 / PHLOX / KINGFISHER 9606 SOOTHING ALUMINUMSEA / FLASH CORAL / BLACK Technologies: Technologies: Light LightAHAR AHARsponge, sponge,3M 3MReflective, Reflective,AHAR+, AHAR+,Seamless SeamlessConstruction, Construction,ComforDry™ ComforDry™Sockliner, Sockliner, Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Solyte®Midsole MidsoleMaterial, Material,Guidance GuidanceLine® Line® Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® 17 fuzeX fuzeX Lyte Lyte T670N T670N H 2076 HO Technologi Technologie 9606 FLASHMELBA CORAL//HOT BLACK 2076 ALUMINUM HOT PINK / /PEACH PINK Technologies: Technologies: Light AHAR AHAR ss Light Solyte® Mids Mids Solyte® Light Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, LightAHAR AHARsponge, sponge,3M 3MReflective, Reflective,AHAR+, AHAR+,Seamless SeamlessConstruction, Construction,ComforDry™ ComforDry™Sockliner, Sockliner, Solyte® Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Solyte®Midsole MidsoleMaterial, Material,Guidance GuidanceLine® Line® fuzeX Lyte Nitrofuze T670N T6H8N Nitrof 130 € 100 €€ 100 100 € €100 85 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 20/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 20/12 5-12 5-13 5-13 5-13 5-13 5-12 2076 MIDGREY HOT PINK // WHITE PEACH/ MELBA / HOT PINK 9601 PINK GLOW Technologies: Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, 3M Reflective, AHAR 3M ®, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Seamless Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Construction, Guidance Line® Nitrofuze T6K8N T6K8N €€ 130 130 Light LightAHAR AHARsponge, sponge,3M 3MReflective, Reflective,AHAR+, AHAR+,Seamless SeamlessConstruction, Construction,ComforDry™ ComforDry™Sockliner, Sockliner, Solyte® Solyte®Midsole MidsoleMaterial, Material,Guidance GuidanceLine® Line® fuzeX Lyte fuzeX fuzeX €€ 130 130 3933 SEA / PHLOX / KINGFISHER 1758 SOOTHING GUAVA / POSEIDON / PEACH MELBA Technologies: Technologies: 6K8N T689N T6K8N T6H8N 9601 / WHITE / PINK/ GLOW 9006 MIDGREY BLACK / FLASH CORAL ONYX Technologies: Technologies: 3M 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Seamless 3MReflective, Reflective,AHAR AHAR®, ®,Rearfoot RearfootGEL® GEL®Cushioning CushioningSyste, Syste,Removable RemovableSockliner, Sockliner,Seamless Seamless Construction, Construction, Guidance Line® Construction,Guidance GuidanceLine® Line® 9006 FLASH /CORAL 7601 BLACK PEACH/MELBA WHITE//ONYX FLASH CORAL Technologies: Technologies: 7601 PE P Technologie Technologi 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, Rearfoot Syste, Sockliner, 3M Reflective, AHAR3M ®, Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Seamless Open Mesh Upper, AHARCushioning ®, California Slip Removable Lasting, Solid Rubber Seamless outsole Construction, Construction, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® Open Open Mesh Mesh U U 18 5-12 ockliner, 5-12 34 2076 HOT PINK / PEACH MELBA / HOT PINK Technologies: Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORTRUNNING - ( Pisada Neutra) LONG- -WOMEN PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN 70N PATRIOT 8 Nitrofuze T669N T6H8N GEL-ZARACA 5 Nitrofuze 55 €€ 85 100 Peso: 205 gr Drop: 21/11 0119 PEACH WHITE MELBA / SPORT/ WHITE PINK / SILVER 7601 / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Technologies: 6H8N GEL-ZARACA 5 Nitrofuze GEL-ZARACA 5 fuzor €€ 80 85 € 85 Nitrof Peso: 205 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 205 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 9093 DARK BLACKSTEEL / SILVER / COCKATOO 9520 / PINK GLOW / BLACK Technologies: Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, AHAR Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, ®, California SlipCalifornia Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6G8N 18 T6H8N T6G8N T6H8N € 85 80 9906 ARUBA ONYX / BLUE SILVER / FLASH CORAL 7845 / IMPERIAL / WHITE Technologies: Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole GEL-ZARACA 5 Nitrofuze € 85 80 5-12 5-12 5-13 amless T6G8N T6H8N 9601 M Technologi Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, AHAR Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, ®, California SlipCalifornia Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6G8N T6H9N fuzeX fuzor Open Mesh T689N T6H9N fuzor € 65 80 €€130 65 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 Peso: 205 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 utsole 6H9N 9690 ALUMINUM / BLACK / HOT PINK 9601 MIDGREY / WHITE / SPORT PINK Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Technologies: 5-12 5-12 Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole fuzor T6H9N 1993 SPORT SPORT PINK PINK // SILVER SILVER // BLACK CERISE 1993 Technologies: Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®,Syste, California Slip Lasting, SolidCalifornia Rubber outsole 1758 BLACK GUAVA // WHITE POSEIDON / PEACH 9001 / DARK STEELMELBA Technologies: Technologies: 4501 IM Technologi Light AHAR sponge,AHAR 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Open Mesh Upper, ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Solyte® Midsole Material, Guidance Line® Open Mesh 17 9601 MIDGREY / WHITE / SPORT PINK Technologies: 9520 DARK STEEL / PINK GLOW / BLACK Technologies: 7845 ARUBA BLUE / IMPERIAL / WHITE Technologies: RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Neutra) - WOMEN Nitrofuze fuzor T6H8N T6H9N Nitrofuze fuzor T6H8N T6H9N Nitrofuze fuzor T6H8N T6H9N € 85 € 65 € 85 € 65 Peso: 200 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 200 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 9601 MIDGREY / WHITE / SPORT PINK Technologies: 4501 IMPERIAL / WHITE / ARUBA BLUE Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Technologies: 7845 ARUBA BLUE / IMPERIAL / WHITE Technologies: 1993 SPORT PINK / SILVER / BLACK Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole fuzor Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 5-12 35 5-12 5-12 9520 DARK STEEL / PINK GLOW / BLACK Technologies: 9001 BLACK / WHITE / DARK STEEL Open Mesh Upper, 3M Reflective, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6H9N fuzor € 85 € 65 Peso: 200 gr Drop: 21/11 Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole T6H9N fuzor T6H9N 19 1993 SPORT PINK / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole € 65 € 65 € 65 5-12 5-12 5-12 9001 BLACK / WHITE / DARK STEEL Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 4501 IMPERIAL / WHITE / ARUBA BLUE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR ®, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 19 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - WOMEN GEL-KAYANO 23 T696N GEL-KAYANO 23 T696N € 180 € 180 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 5-13 5-13 5-13 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic T6F9N 9093 BLACK / SILVER / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-2000 4 € 150 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 5-13 0693 FLASH CORAL / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: T696N € 180 1978 SPORT PINK / ARUBA BLUE / FLASH CORAL Technologies: GT-2000 4 LITE-SHOW PlasmaGuard GEL-KAYANO 23 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9076 BLACK / PEACH MELBA / SPORT PINK Technologies: T656N 5893 POSEIDON / SILVER / COCKATOO Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, Seamless Construction, Dynamic Duomax, FluidFit, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-2000 4 T656N € 140 € 140 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 235 gr Drop: 22/12 5-13 5-13 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 7807 ARUBA BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW / AQUARIUM Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 36 23 37 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - WOMEN GT-2000 4 (2A) T659N GT-1000 5 T6A8N € 130 € 120 Peso: 240 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 265 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 5-13 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Light AHAR sponge, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Clutch Counter, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Dynamic Duomax, FluidRide, Gender Specific Cush, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9019 BLACK / SPORT PINK / ARUBA BLUE Technologies: T6B8N € 140 9076 BLACK / PEACH MELBA / SPORT PINK Technologies: GT-1000 5 GT-1000 5 G-TX T6A8N 9093 BLACK / SILVER / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, SpEVA® Midsole Material, GORE-TEX® Upper, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GT-1000 5 T6A8N 0601 FLASH CORAL / WHITE / PEACH MELBA Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic GEL-PHOENIX 8 T6F7N € 120 € 120 € 100 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 22/12 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 5-12 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 5893 POSEIDON / SILVER / COCKATOO Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Guidance Line®, Guidance Trusstic 9778 CARBON / ARUBA BLUE / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte 55 Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® 24 RUNNING LONG - PROTECCIÓN Y CONFORT - ( Pisada Pronadora) - WOMEN GEL-PHOENIX 8 T6F7N € 100 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 22/12 5-12 0720 SAFETY YELLOW / PINK GLOW / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte 55 Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® 38 25 39 RUNNING - MÁXIMO RENDIMIENTO EN CARRERA - - WOMEN DIMIENTO EN CARRERA - -RACE WOMEN 675N GEL-DS TRAINER 21 NC 140 5-12 oot and Solyte® 676N 5-12, 13 1721 / CERISE / PINK GLOW / COCKATOO 5807 GUAVA POSEIDON / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: T674N T676N GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 € 140 Peso: 195 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 Peso: 195 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 5-12 5-12 5-12, 13 Impact Impact Guidance Guidance System System (I.G.S., (I.G.S., 3M 3M Reflective, Reflective, AHAR+, AHAR+, Propulsion Propulsion Trusstic, Trusstic, Rearfoot Rearfoot and and Forefoot Forefoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning System, System, California California Slip Slip Lasting, Lasting, ComforDry™ ComforDry™ Sockliner, Sockliner, Solyte® Solyte® Midsole Line® Guidance Line® Midsole Material, Material, Guidance Dynamic Duomax, GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GEL-DS TRAINER 21 GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 € 140 0690 9006 FLASH BLACK CORAL / FLASH/ BLACK CORAL / WHITE SILVER Technologies: 140 ot GEL® e Material, T675N T674N T676N 9006 FLASH CORAL SILVER 0720 BLACK SAFETY/ YELLOW / HOT /PINK / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: Peso: 230 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 5-12, 13 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Dynamic Duomax, Elastic Laces, WET GRIP® Outsole, Guidance Line® T676N € 140 € 140 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 20.5/10.5 5-12, 13 5-12, 13 Impact Impact Guidance Guidance System System (I.G.S., (I.G.S., AHAR+, AHAR+, Propulsion Propulsion Trusstic, Trusstic, Rearfoot Rearfoot and and Forefoot Forefoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning System, System, California California Slip Slip Lasting, Lasting, Seamless Seamless Construction, Construction, Solyte® Solyte® Midsole Midsole Material, Material, Dynamic Dynamic Duomax, Duomax, Elastic Elastic Laces, Laces, WET WET GRIP® GRIP® Outsole, Outsole, Guidance Guidance Line® Line® € 140 0720 SAFETY YELLOW / HOT PINK / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: Impact Reflective, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, RearfootGEL® and Impact Guidance Guidance System System (I.G.S., (I.G.S., 3M AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Midsole Duomax, Guidance Line® Guidance Line® DynamicMaterial, Duomax,Dynamic Elastic Laces, WET GRIP® Outsole, GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 T676N 5807 POSEIDON / SAFETY YELLOW / COCKATOO Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Solyte® Midsole Material, Dynamic Duomax, Elastic Laces, WET GRIP® Outsole, Guidance Line® 28 28 TRAIL RUNNING HOMBRE RUNNING TRAIL - PROTECCIÓN Y TRACCIÓN EN MONTAÑA- - MEN GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 G-TX T6J1N GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 T6J0N GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 T6J0N € 145 € 130 € 130 Peso: 335 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 315 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 315 gr Drop: 18/10 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 9607 SHARK / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, GORE-TEX® Upper GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 T6J0N 0993 FLAME ORANGE / SILVER / POMEGRANATE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole GEL-FujiAttack 5 T630N 2393 TRUE RED / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole GEL-FujiAttack 5 T630N € 130 € 120 € 120 Peso: 315 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 299 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 299 gr Drop: 18/10 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 5809 POSEIDON / FLAME ORANGE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole 8007 PINE GREEN / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, Trusstic System® 5809 POSEIDON / FLAME ORANGE / BLACK Technologies: Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, Trusstic System® 42 29 43 RUNNING TRAIL - PROTECCIÓN Y TRACCIÓN EN MONTAÑA- - MEN GEL-FujiLyte T632N GEL-FujiRunnegade 2 PlasmaGuard € 120 GEL-SONOMA 2 2330 VERMILION / HOT ORANGE / BLACK Technologies: T634N Peso: 315 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / INFINITY PURPLE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Anti Gravel Tongue, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole, Elastic Laces, Trail Specific Outsole, Water-Repellent Upper GEL-SONOMA 2 T634N T638N € 100 Peso: 253 gr Drop: 11/5 6-13, 14 Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Rock Protection Plate, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole, Trusstic System® GEL-SONOMA 2 G-TX € 110 Peso: 230 gr Drop: 14/10 3293 INFINITY PURPLE / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: T633N 6-13, 14, 15 5807 POSEIDON / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole, GORE-TEX® Upper TRAIL-TAMBORA 5 T637N € 80 € 80 € 70 Peso: 303 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 303 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 325 gr Drop: 21/11 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole 9093 BLACK / SILVER / FLAME ORANGE Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole 9023 BLACK / VERMILION / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 30 TRAIL RUNNING MUJER RUNNING TRAIL - PROTECCIÓN Y TRACCIÓN EN MONTAÑA- - WOMEN GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 G-TX T6J6N GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 T6J5N € 130 € 130 Peso: 275 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 18/10 5-12 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole, GORE-TEX® Upper 3303 EGGPLANT / LEMON / ARUBA BLUE Technologies: T6J5N € 145 3307 PARACHUTE PURPLE / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: GEL-FujiAttack 5 GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 T680N 0607 FLASH CORAL / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole GEL-FujiLyte T682N 5878 POSEIDON / ARUBA BLUE / SPORT PINK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Rock Protection Plate, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trail Specific Outsole GEL-FujiRunnegade 2 PlasmaGuard T683N € 120 € 120 € 110 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 18/10 Peso: 190 gr Drop: 14/10 Peso: 205 gr Drop: 11/5 5-12 5-12 5-12 Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole 3319 EGGPLANT / SPORT PINK / AQUA HAZE Technologies: Lace Pocket, 3M Reflective, Anti Gravel Tongue, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Rock Protection Plate, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole, Trusstic System® 9078 BLACK / ARUBA BLUE / SPORT PINK Technologies: Anti Gravel Tongue, Racing Last, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, RhynoSkin®, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole, Water-Repellent Upper 46 31 47 RUNNING TRAIL - PROTECCIÓN Y TRACCIÓN EN MONTAÑA- - WOMEN GEL-SONOMA 2 G-TX T688N GEL-SONOMA 2 € 100 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 5820 POSEIDON / HOT PINK / KINGFISHER Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole, GORE-TEX® Upper T684N TRAIL-TAMBORA 5 T687N € 80 € 70 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 21/11 Peso: 265 gr Drop: 21/11 5-12 9078 BLACK / AQUA HAZE / SPORT PINK Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole, Trail Specific Outsole 5-12 9078 BLACK / ARUBA BLUE / BLACK Technologies: 3M Reflective, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solid Rubber outsole 32 TRAINING HOMBRE 49 50 TRAINING TRAINING - MEN fuzeX TR S613N Nitrofuze TR S614N € 120 € 85 Peso: 243 gr Drop: 5 Peso: 243 gr Drop: 5 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 8 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 45 Lasting S614N 9685 ALUMINUM / GREEN GECKO / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 45 Lasting GEL-CRAZE TR 3 S603Y 9001 BLACK / WHITE / WHITE Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material GEL-CRAZE TR 3 S603Y € 85 € 90 € 90 Peso: 255 gr Drop: 8 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 8 Peso: 260 gr Drop: 8 6-13, 14, 15 4390 BLUE JEWEL / BLACK / WHITE Technologies: S613N € 120 4393 BLUE JEWEL / SILVER / HOT ORANGE Technologies: Nitrofuze TR fuzeX TR Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material 7-13, 14, 15 2690 POMEGRANATE / BLACK / LEMON Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, FluidAxis 7-13, 14, 15 9990 ONYX / BLACK / WHITE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, FluidAxis 33 TRAINING MUJER 52 TRAINING TRAINING - WOMEN fuzeX TR S663N € 120 Peso: 195 gr Drop: 5 Peso: 195 gr Peso: 195 gr Drop: 5 5-12 5-12 Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 45 Lasting 1993 SPORT PINK / WHITE / WHITE Technologies: S663N € 120 1717 GUAVA / GUAVA / BLACK Technologies: Nitrofuze TR fuzeX TR S664N 3893 COCKATOO / SILVER / POSEIDON Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 45 Lasting GEL-FIT SANA 2 S561N Nitrofuze TR S664N € 85 Peso: 210 gr Peso: 195 gr Drop: 8 5-12 9001 BLACK / WHITE / WHITE Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material GEL-FIT SANA 2 S561N € 85 € 90 € 90 Peso: 210 gr Drop: 8 Peso: 150 gr Drop: 8 Peso: 150 gr Drop: 8 5-12 5-12 5-12 Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, SpEVA® Midsole Material 1921 SPORTS PINK / CERISE / COCKATOO Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 3938 SOOTHING SEA / COCKATOO / PHLOX Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 34 5-12 5-12 9099 BLACK / ONYX / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting TRAINING TRAINING - WOMEN GEL-FIT SANA 2 TRAINING TRAINING - WOMEN S561N GEL-FIT GEL-FITTEMPO SANA222 GEL-FIT SANA Peso: 150 gr Drop: 8 Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 652N GEL-FIT TEMPO 2 € 90 5-12 r, California 653Y 5801 / WHITE / COCKATOO 2194 POSEIDON CERISE / PALE GOLD / WHITE Technologies: S563N Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner,Sockliner, California Slip Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+,GEL® Rearfoot GEL®Cushioning Cushioning Syste,Removable Removable Sockliner,California California Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Syste, Lasting SlipLasting Lasting Slip GEL-FIT TEMPO GEL-CRAZE TR 3 2 S563N S653Y 70 €€ 90 Peso: 192 gr Drop: 10 Peso: 192 gr Drop: 10 5-12 5-12 5-12 5801 DARK POSEIDON 5801 NAVY / WHITE / COCKATOO GUAVA Technologies: Technologies: OpenMesh MeshUpper, Upper,Rearfoot RearfootGEL® GEL®Cushioning CushioningSyste, Syste,Removable RemovableSockliner, Sockliner,California CaliforniaSlip Slip Open LastingDual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, FluidAxis Lasting, S653Y S652N S563N GEL- €€90 90 70 Peso: 204 gr Drop: 8 5-12 5-12 5-12 5801 / WHITE / COCKATOO 9099 POSEIDON BLACK/ /AQUARIUM ONYX / BLACK 9039 BLACK / NEON LIME Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: € 70 Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting GEL-CRAZE TR 322 GEL-FITTEMPO SANA GEL-FIT Peso: 150 gr Drop: 8 5-12 Open Mesh U Lasting Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting €€70 90 90 € 90 9099 BLACK / ONYX / BLACK Technologies: S563N S561N S652N 2194 C Technologie 9039 BLACK / AQUARIUM / NEON LIME Technologies: 5-12 5-12 5-12 5801 NAVY / WHITE 9039 DARK BLACK AQUARIUM NEON 2194 CERISE // PALE GOLD/ /GUAVA WHITELIME Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: 2194 C Technolog Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot Cushioning Syste, Sockliner, Open Mesh Upper, AHAR+,GEL® Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste,Removable Removable Sockliner,California CaliforniaSlip Slip Lasting, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, FluidAxis Slip Lasting Lasting GEL-CRAZE TR 3 Open Mesh Lasting S653Y € 90 5-12 5801 DARK NAVY / WHITE / GUAVA Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, FluidAxis 53 35 PADEL HOMBRE 56 PADEL PADEL - MEN GEL-BELA 5 SG E509Y E607Y GEL-PADEL PROFESSIONAL 2 SG E514N € 140 145 € 120 Peso: 393 gr Peso: 310 gr GEL-PADEL COMPETITION 2 SG EXCLUSIVE 4 SG E510Y E515N € €100 90 Peso: 284 gr 6-13, 14, 15 0701 BLUE 0790 FLASH SAFETYYELLOW YELLOW/ /WHITE BLACK/ MOSAIC / VERMILION Technologies: Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Flexion Fit Vamp, FluidRide, Trusstic System® GEL-PADEL EXCLUSIVE PRO 3 SG 4 SG E515N E511Y 6-13, 14 5301 BLUE / WHITE / FLASH YELLOW 2301 MOSAIC VERMILION / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG E511Y € 90 70 € 70 Peso: 340 gr Peso: 340 gr 6-13, 14 0701 WHITE / MOSAIC BLUE 9007 FLASH BLACK YELLOW / SAFETY/ YELLOW / VERMILION Technologies: 6-13, 14 Pguard, Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting, GEL® Cushioning AHAR+, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, CaliforniaCalifornia Slip Lasting, ForefootForefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Syste, System® TrussticTrusstic System® 6-13, 14 2301 / WHITE / FLASH YELLOW 8501 FIERY GREENRED GECKO / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 6-13, 14, 15 Pguard, P.H.F.® Heel Fit, California AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot AHAR+, (Personalized Removable Sockliner, Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Syste, Trusstic System® Material, Trusstic System® GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG E511Y € 70 6-13, 14 5393 BLUE / SILVER / FLASH YELLOW 0158 MOSAIC WHITE / POSEIDON / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: 6-13, 14 AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 5001 NAVY / WHITE / FLASH YELLOW Technologies: 6-13, 14 AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 38 36 PADEL MUJER PADEL PADEL PADEL PADEL--WOMEN WOMEN GEL-PADEL EXCLUSIVE 4 SG 2 SG GEL-PADEL PROFESSIONAL GEL PADEL PROFESSIONAL E565N E564N E564N GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG4 SG 2 SG GEL-PADEL COMPETITION GEL-PADEL EXCLUSIVE 90 120 €€€120 E561Y GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG 4 SG E560Y GEL-PADEL GEL-PADEL EXCLUSIVE E565N PRO 3 SG E561Y E565N GEL-PAD E561Y 70 100 €€€90 €70 90 € €70 Peso: 244 gr Peso: 268 gr Peso: 234 gr 5-12 5-12 3338 PARACHUTE PURPLE / COCKATOO / WHITE 0601 COCKATOO/CERISE/PARACHUTE FLASH CORAL / WHITE / PLUM 3821 PURPLE Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Tongue, Lasting, AHAR+, ForefootRearfoot GEL® Cushioning Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel and Forefoot Syste, Trusstic System® GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® E561Y € 70 Syste, PADEL PADEL - WOMEN GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG 5-12 5-12 5-12 2106 CERISE / FLASH CORAL / BLACK 3961 POOL BLUE / BLUE STEEL / PATINA GREEN 3338 PARACHUTE PURPLE / COCKATOO / WHITE Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: 5-12 5-12 5-12 0138 WHITE / /COCKATOO // FLASH CORAL 3301 PLUM WHITE / FLASH CORAL 2106 CERISE / FLASH CORAL BLACK Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Lasting, Forefoot Cushioning Syste, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit,Slip AHAR+, Rearfoot andGEL® Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® Trusstic System® System, Removable Syste, Trusstic System® Syste, Trusstic System® Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, Solyte® MidsoleTrusstic System® Material, Trusstic System® E561Y E561Y GEL-PADEL PRO 3 SG € 70 € 70 E561Y GEL-PADEL MAX 2 0138 WHI Technologies: AHAR+, Remova Trusstic System® E562Y € 70 € 60 5-12 5-12, 13 Peso: 268 gr 5-12 5-12 0139 WHITE / POOL BLUE / BLUE STEEL 5-12 Technologies: 0138 Removable WHITE Sockliner, / COCKATOO FLASH CORAL AHAR+, California/Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® Technologies: 0601 FLASH CORAL / WHITE / PLUM Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 3321 PLUM / BERRY / LIME Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 58 3747 TENIS HOMBRE 59 60 TENNIS TENNIS - MEN GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 E600N GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 CLAY E601N € 150 € 150 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / BLACK Technologies: E600N € 150 0790 SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK / WHITE Technologies: GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 CLAY GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 E601N 0190 WHITE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 CLAY E601N 0790 SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK / WHITE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp GEL-RESOLUTION 6 E500Y € 150 € 150 € 140 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp 0190 WHITE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp 0701 SAFETY YELLOW / WHITE / POSEIDON Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Flexion Fit Vamp, FluidRide, Trusstic System® 38 TENNIS TENNIS - MEN GEL-RESOLUTION 6 CLAY E503Y GEL-CHALLENGER 10 CLAY E505Y € 140 € 100 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Flexion Fit Vamp, FluidRide, Trusstic System® 4209 METHYL BLUE / ORANGE / LIME Technologies: E503Y € 140 0701 SAFETY YELLOW / WHITE / POSEIDON Technologies: GEL-GAME 5 GEL-RESOLUTION 6 CLAY E506Y 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / WHITE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Flexion Fit Vamp, FluidRide, Trusstic System® GEL-GAME 5 CLAY E513Y 5801 POSEIDON / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® GEL-DEDICATE 4 E507Y € 80 € 80 € 65 6-13, 14 6-13, 14 6-13, 14 Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 5001 SKY CAPTAIN / WHITE / ORANGE Technologies: Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 0143 WHITE / ASICS BLUE / LIME Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 61 39 62 TENNIS TENNIS - MEN GEL-DEDICATE 4 CLAY E508Y € 65 6-13, 14 0143 WHITE / ASICS BLUE / LIME Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 40 TENIS MUJER 64 TENNIS TENNIS - WOMEN GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 CLAY E651N GEL-CHALLENGER 10 CLAY E555Y € 140 € 100 5-12 5-12 5-12 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Open Mesh Upper, Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp 2101 BERRY / WHITE / PLUM Technologies: E553Y € 150 3301 PARACHUTE PURPLE / WHITE / HOT PINK Technologies: GEL-GAME 5 CLAY GEL-RESOLUTION 6 CLAY E563Y 0133 WHITE / PARACHUTE PURPLE / HOT PINK Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, ComforDry™ Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, SpEVA® Midsole Material, Flexion Fit Vamp, FluidRide, Trusstic System® GEL-DEDICATE 4 E557Y 3801 COCKATOO / WHITE / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Pguard, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Anti Gravel Tongue, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, Trusstic System® GEL-DEDICATE 4 CLAY E558Y € 80 € 65 € 65 5-12 5-12 5-12 Pguard, AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 0117 WHITE / COTTON CANDY / PLUM Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 5001 INDIGO BLUE / WHITE / CRYSTAL BLUE Technologies: AHAR+, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 41 INDOOR 65 66 VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL- HOMBRE VOLLEYBALL - MEN GEL-VOLLEY ELITE 3 B500N B507Y GEL-NETBURNER BALLISTIC B507Y € 150 € 130 € 130 6-13, 14, 15, 16 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / HOT ORANGE Technologies: Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., NC Rubber® Outsole, Open Mesh Upper, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Propulsion Plate, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Dynamic Wrap, SpEVA® Midsole Material, SpEVA 55 Lasting, Trusstic System®, WET GRIP® Outsole GEL-BEYOND 5 GEL-NETBURNER BALLISTIC 0758 SAFETY YELLOW / POSEIDON / GREEN Technologies: NC Rubber® Outsole, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, FluidRide, WET GRIP® Outsole 5801 POSEIDON / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: NC Rubber® Outsole, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, FluidRide, WET GRIP® Outsole B601N € 110 6-13, 14, 15 8501 GREEN GECKO / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: NC Rubber® Outsole, Open Mesh Upper, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, RhynoSkin®, SpEVA® Midsole Material, SpEVA 55 Lasting, Trusstic System® 42 VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL- MUJER VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN GEL-NETBURNER BALLISTIC B557Y € 130 6-12, 13 0633 FLASH CORAL / PARACHUTE PURPLE / COCKATOO Technologies: NC Rubber® Outsole, P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, Propulsion Trusstic, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Solyte® Midsole Material, FluidRide, WET GRIP® Outsole 67 43 68 HANDBALL HANDBALL- HOMBRE HANDBALL - MEN GEL-BLAST 7 2301 VERMILION / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW E608Y GEL-BLAST 7 E608Y GEL-DOMAIN 4 E609Y € 130 € 130 € 100 6-13, 14 6-13, 14 6-13, 14, 15 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW 2390 VERMILION / BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW 44 MULTICOURT MULTICOURT- HOMBRE MULTICOURT - MEN GEL-SQUAD E518Y GEL-ROCKET 7 B405N GEL-ROCKET 7 B405N € 75 € 65 € 65 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 9023 BLACK / VERMILION / WHITE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® GEL-ROCKET 7 B405N 9001 BLACK / WHITE / SILVER Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® GEL-ROCKET 7 B405N 0190 WHITE / BLACK / VERMILION Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® GEL-UPCOURT B400N € 65 € 65 € 55 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 6-13, 14, 15 4396 BLUE JEWEL / GLACIER GREY / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 9085 BLACK / GREEN GECKO / WHITE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 69 46 70 MULTICOURT MULTICOURT- MUJER MULTICOURT - WOMEN GEL-SQUAD E568Y GEL-ROCKET 7 B455N € 65 € 65 5-12 5-12, 13 5-12, 13 Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 0601 FLASH CORAL / WHITE / CERISE Technologies: B455N € 75 4993 INDIGO BLUE / SILVER / FLASH CORAL Technologies: GEL-ROCKET 7 GEL-ROCKET 7 B455N 9001 BLACK / WHITE / SILVER Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® GEL-ROCKET 7 Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® B455N € 65 € 65 5-12, 13 5-12, 13 Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 0190 WHITE / BLACK / COCKATOO Technologies: 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting, Forefoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Trusstic System® 47 WALKING 71 WALKING COMFORT - MEN WALKING COMFORT - MEN GEL-MISSION Q500Y GEL-ODYSSEY WR Q400L € 110 € 65 6-13, 14 6-13, 14 9099 BLACK / ONYX / CHARCOAL Technologies: 9090 BLACK / BLACK Technologies: AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Trusstic System® WALKING COMFORT - WOMEN WALKING COMFORT - WOMEN GEL-MISSION 9099 BLACK / ONYX / CHARCOAL Technologies: Q550Y GEL-ODYSSEY WR Q450L € 65 € 110 6-12 6-12 AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® 9090 BLACK / BLACK Technologies: P.H.F.® (Personalized Heel Fit, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, DuoMax® Support System, Solyte® Midsole Material, Solyte 55 Lasting, Trusstic System® 72 48 NIÑOS 73 74 NIÑOS RUNNING GEL-NIMBUS 18 GS C600N SOOTHING SEA / SPORT PINK / COCKATOO GEL-CUMULUS 18 GS C624N € 80 € 70 1-7 1-7 1-7 Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, Plus 3, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, FluidRide, Trusstic System® 3919 C600N € 80 2393 TRUE RED / SILVER / BLACK Technologies: GEL-CUMULUS 18 GS GEL-NIMBUS 18 GS C624N 1901 SPORT PINK / WHITE / PRIMROSE PURPLE Technologies: 4107 ISLAND BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Impact Guidance System (I.G.S., 3M Reflective, Plus 3, AHAR+, Rearfoot and Forefoot GEL® Cushioning System, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Construction, Dual Density Midsole, Solyte® Midsole Material, FluidRide, Trusstic System® GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GS C603N GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GS C603N € 70 € 70 € 70 1-7 1-7 1-7 4920 OCEAN DEPTH / PINK GLOW / LAPIS Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark 9793 CARBON / SILVER / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark 50 NIÑOS RUNNING GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GS C603N GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 PS C604N € 70 € 65 1-7 1-7 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark 2021 HOT PINK / CERISE / CORAL Technologies: C603N € 70 0785 SAFETY YELLOW / GREEN GECKO / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 PS GEL-NOOSA TRI 11 GS C604N 2021 HOT PINK / CERISE / CORAL Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark NOOSA TRI 11 TS C605N 0785 SAFETY YELLOW / GREEN GECKO / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark NOOSA TRI 11 TS C605N € 65 € 55 € 55 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System®, Glow In The Dark 0785 SAFETY YELLOW / GREEN GECKO / ELECTRIC BLUE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting 2021 HOT PINK / CERISE / CORAL Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, California Slip Lasting 75 51 76 NIÑOS RUNNING GT-1000 5 GS C619N GT-1000 5 GS C619N € 60 € 60 1-7 1-7 1-7 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: C619N € 60 2390 TRUE RED / BLACK / BLUE JEWEL Technologies: GT-1000 5 GS GT-1000 5 GS C619N 6743 MINT / BLUE JEWEL / ORCHID Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® GT-1000 5 GS C619N 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / PINK GLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® GT-1000 5 GS C619N € 60 € 60 € 60 1-7 1-7 1-7 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® 7601 PEACH MELBA / WHITE / FLASH CORAL Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / HOT ORANGE Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System, Trusstic System® 52 NIÑOS RUNNING GT-1000 5 PS C620N GT-1000 5 PS C620N GT-1000 5 PS C620N € 55 € 55 € 55 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® GT-1000 5 PS C620N 6743 MINT / BLUE JEWEL / ORCHID Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® GT-1000 5 TS C621N 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / HOT ORANGE Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® GT-1000 5 TS C621N € 55 € 45 € 45 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / PINK GLOW Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Trusstic System® 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 6743 MINT / BLUE JEWEL / ORCHID Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 77 53 78 NIÑOS RUNNING GEL-LIGHTPLAY 3 GS C629N C629N GEL-LIGHTPLAY 3 PS C630N € 60 € 60 € 55 1-7 1-7 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 4207 ELECTRIC BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW / ISLAND BLUE Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Glow In The Dark GEL-LIGHTPLAY 3 PS GEL-LIGHTPLAY 3 GS C630N 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / SPORT PINK Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Glow In The Dark GEL-ZARACA 5 GS C635N 4207 ELECTRIC BLUE / SAFETY YELLOW / ISLAND BLUE Technologies: 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Glow In The Dark GEL-ZARACA 5 GS C635N € 55 € 50 € 50 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 1-7 1-7 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / SPORT PINK Technologies: 4509 ASICS BLUE / AUTUMN / WHITE 9043 BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / WHITE 3M Reflective, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Glow In The Dark 54 NIÑOS RUNNING GEL-ZARACA 5 GS 3606 ORCHID / FLASH CORAL / WHITE GEL-ZARACA 5 PS C636N GEL-ZARACA 5 PS C636N € 50 € 45 € 45 1-7 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 ORCHID / FLACH CORAL / WHITE GEL-ZARACA 5 PS 3606 C635N 4509 C636N ASICS BLUE / AUTUMN / WHITE GEL-GALAXY 9 GS 9043 C626N BLACK / BLUE JEWEL / WHITE GEL-GALAXY 9 GS C626N € 45 € 47.5 € 47.5 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 1-7 1-7 8507 GREEN GECKO / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 79 55 80 NIÑOS RUNNING GEL-GALAXY 9 GS C626N GEL-GALAXY 9 GS C626N € 47.5 € 47.5 1-7 1-7 1-7 1906 SPORT PINK / FLASH CORAL / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 9036 BLACK / ORCHID / WHITE Technologies: C626N € 47.5 9093 BLACK / SILVER / TRUE RED Technologies: GEL-GALAXY 9 GS GEL-GALAXY 9 GS Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting C626N PRE GALAXY 9 PS C627N 3693 ORCHID / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting PRE GALAXY 9 PS C627N € 47.5 € 45 € 45 1-7 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 Open Mesh Upper, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 1906 SPORT PINK / FLASH CORAL / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 3693 ORCHID / SILVER / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 56 NIÑOS RUNNING PRE GALAXY 9 PS C627N C627N PRE GALAXY 9 PS C627N € 45 € 45 € 45 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 4301 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: 8507 GREEN GECKO / SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting PRE GALAXY 9 PS 9093 BLACK / SILVER / TRUE RED Technologies: PRE GALAXY 9 PS 9036 BLACK / ORCHID / WHITE Technologies: Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting C627N ANIMAL PACK Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting C639N ANIMAL PACK C638N € 45 € 50 € 50 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 Open Mesh Upper, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 4301 ELEPHANT BLUE / WHITE Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 2001 BUNNY PINK / WHITE Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 81 57 82 NIÑOS RUNNING ANIMAL PACK C640N GEL-FujiTrabuco 5 GS C634N GEL-VENTURE 5 GS C584N € 50 € 65 € 50 K4, K5, K6, K7, K8, K9 1-7 1-7 8408 ALLIGATOR GREEN / RED Technologies: 9009 BLACK / FLAME ORANGE / POSEIDON Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting GEL-VENTURE 5 GS AHAR+, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, DuoMax® Support System 9009 BLACK / FLAME ORANGE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Trusstic System® C584N € 50 1-7 3278 PRIMROSE PURPLE / ARUBA BLUE / CORALICIOUS Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, Trusstic System® 58 1-7 1-7 0190 WHITE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: ting, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting TENNISTENNIS TENNIS NIÑOS 502Y GEL-RESOLUTION CLAY GS GEL-RESOLUTION 66 CLAY GS GEL-SOLUTION SPEED 3 GS GEL-RESOLUTION 66 CLAY CLAY GS GS GEL-RESOLUTION C501Y C501Y C606Y C501Y C501Y GEL-GAME 55 GS GS GEL-GAME C502Y C502Y € 50 € 80 75 € 75 € 50 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 5001 SKY CAPTAIN / WHITE / ORANGE Technologies: Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning Syste, Syste, Removable Removable Sockliner, Sockliner, California California Slip Slip Lasting Lasting Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Rearfoot Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning Syste, Syste, Removable Removable Sockliner, Sockliner, California California Slip Slip Lasting Lasting Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Rearfoot Pguard, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Pguard,Rearfoot RearfootGEL® GEL®Cushioning CushioningSyste, Syste,Removable RemovableSockliner, Sockliner,California CaliforniaSlip SlipLasting, Lasting, Pguard, Pguard, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® FlexionFit FitVamp, Vamp,Trusstic TrussticSystem® System® Flexion Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® Pguard,Rearfoot Rearfoot GEL®Cushioning Cushioning Syste,Removable Removable Sockliner, California SlipSeamless Lasting, Pguard, GEL® Syste, Sockliner, Slip Lasting, Pguard, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, CaliforniaCalifornia Slip Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® FlexionFit FitVamp, Vamp, Trusstic System® Flexion Trusstic System® Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® Construction, Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® GEL-GAME 55 GS GS GEL-GAME 0190 WHITE / BLACK / SILVER Technologies: Technologies: 3901 POOL POOL BLUE BLUE // WHITE WHITE // INDIGO INDIGO BLUE BLUE 3901 Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: 0588 ORANGE LIME // PINE PINE INDIGO BLUE 0588 LIME // INDIGO BLUE 0990 / BLACK / LIME Technologies: Technologies: Technologies: Pguard, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, C502Y C502Y 59 GEL-GAME 55 GS GS GEL-GAME C502Y C502Y GEL-SOLUTION SPEED SPEED 33 GS GS GEL-SOLUTION C606Y C606Y € 50 € 50 € 80 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 1-7 2101 BERRY / WHITE / PLUM Technologies: Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning Syste, Syste, Removable Removable Sockliner, Sockliner, California California Slip Slip Lasting Lasting Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting Rearfoot 0990 ORANGE / BLACK / LIME Technologies: Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® GEL® Cushioning Cushioning Syste, Syste, Removable Removable Sockliner, Sockliner, California California Slip Slip Lasting, Lasting, Seamless Seamless Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Seamless Rearfoot Construction, Flexion Flexion Fit Fit Vamp, Vamp, Trusstic Trusstic System® System® Construction, Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® Construction, 83 592 59 59 84 NIÑOS PADEL GEL-BELA 5 SG GS 0790 SAFETY YELLOW / BLACK / VERMILION Technologies: C504Y GEL-PADEL PRO 3 GS C505Y GEL-PADEL PRO 3 GS C505Y € 70 € 50 € 50 1-7 1-7 1-7 Pguard, Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting, Flexion Fit Vamp, Trusstic System® 9007 BLACK / SAFETY YELLOW / VERMILION Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 0138 WHITE / COCKATOO / FLASH CORAL Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 61 NIÑOS INDOOR GEL-BEYOND 5 GS 4301 C642N 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting C643Y GEL-BLAST 7 GS C643Y € 60 € 60 € 60 1-7 1-7 1-7 BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / HOT ORANGE GEL-SQUAD GS GEL-BLAST 7 GS 2301 C336Y VERMILION / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW GEL-UPCOURT GS 4301 C413N BLUE JEWEL / WHITE / FLASH CORAL GEL-UPCOURT GS C413N € 50 € 45 € 45 1-7 1-7 1-7 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 2390 VERMILION / BLACK / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Rearfoot GEL® Cushioning Syste, Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 85 62 86 NIÑOS INDOOR PRE-UPCOURT PS C414N PRE-UPCOURT PS C414N € 40 € 37.5 € 40 € 37.5 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 K10, K11, K12, K13, 1-3 4501 ASICS BLUE / WHITE / SAFETY YELLOW Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 2390 VERMILION / BLACK / GREEN GECKO Technologies: Removable Sockliner, California Slip Lasting 63 CONVERSIÓN DE TALLAJES MEN + UNISEX US 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 14 15 16 EURO 36 37 37,5 38 39 39,5 40 40,5 41,5 42 42,5 43,5 44 44,5 45 46 46,5 47 48 49 50,5 51,5 22,5 23 23,5 24 24,5 25 25,5 26 26,5 27 27,5 28 28,5 29 29,5 30 30,5 31 32 33 5 5,5 6 6,5 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 EURO 35,5 36 40,5 41,5 42 42,5 CM 22,5 26 26,5 27 K12 K12H K13 K13H 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 32 32,5 33 33,5 34,5 35 35,5 20 20,5 21 21,5 22 CM WOMEN US 7 37 37,5 38 39 39,5 40 23 23,5 24 24,5 25 25,5 K8 K9 K10 K10H K11 K11H 28 28,5 29,5 30 30,5 31,5 17,5 18 18,5 19 19,5 KIDS US EURO CM K4 K5 K6 K7 19,5 21 22,5 23,5 25 26 27 12 13 13,5 14,5 15 16 17 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 40 36 37 37,5 38 39 39,5 22,5 23 23,5 24 24,5 25 87 Polígono Mas Blau Canudas, 9-11 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Tel. 902 886 768 [email protected] 88