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MY SECRET NEW DYNAFLEX METHOD CAN BUILD YOU A MAGNIFICENT NEW HE-MAN-MUSCLED BODY IN JUST TEN MINUTES A DAY-with absolutely NO weights-NO bar-bells-NO EXERCISE AT ALL! Yes: If the girls LAUGH at you now when you take off your shirt— they'll be breaking down the doors to get dates with you— once they've seen the rugged DYNAFLEX BODY can give you! I'll build you a tough strong massive body— shoulders dad with solid inches of he-man BRAWN. I'll give you bulging biceps, trip-hammer fists, power-parked legs, and a chest that will have you popping the buttons off I (-says MIKE MARVEL, of Champion Bodies") And HOW, m the same inimitable style, by the same writer and artist... ANOTHER group of fabulous characters: BATTLE ACT/ON// F/GtfrWG MEN,('AS ONLY ME MARVEL C0M/CS6X0VP CAM PRESENT MEM/ Qureoas Qowsl CATALOG PRICE 7St -BUT YOURS to get names for our mailing list FREE Send for this valuable packet ol odd and curious coins and paper money — an exciting introduction to fast growing hobby! You'll find money from Formosa (Free China -our ally). East Africa, Austria, Turkey, etc. Catalog price 75# -but yours FREE on this special offerl JOfN THIS FUN RIGHT AWAY Get your FREE packet of coins and money — plus 8100,000 in Confederate "money" as your bonus — together with lists of popular coins available, and other interesting offers on approval. Just send coupon now, with 10$ to help a LITTLETON COIN CO., Dept. MC-8 Littleton/ New Hemp-hire INSTANT LIVE SEA ANIMALS add water just . . . you've got INSTANT LIFE It's tine. eye* ' — Now, in just right before your 24-71 hours a — - happy troupe of hundreds of playtumbling see-monkeys (exotic Saskatchewan Brine Shrimp) that arc more fun than a sea full of seals. Amaze both children and adults as you watch the comic antics of these fantastic underwater ful - - sea clowns. Day and night you'll see them chase each other in a playful game of hide and seek. The loser gets caught by the tail and is •pan in a dizzy circle. See the "showoffe" turn somersaults under water . . . see the ticklish ones scratch each others' backs. Watch them cavort singly or glide gracefully in formation creating your own underwater MIRACLE OF LIFE Right before your eyes these genuine live sea animals burst forth from "magic" powder eggs which will remain alive as long as eight years. You can raise an entire troupe in an ordinary SEE THEM CHANCE C Mail this ccapon and we'll send you 3 white, pink and red. colors of sea-monkeys These are their natural colors. Yet, with a drop of vegetable food dye in their water, yon can change the color of these little sea monkeys as often as you wish. Hake them green, blue, purple, yellow or any other hue or shade without harming them. This dye will enable you to see their internal organs and — how their life processes function. r BACK GUARANTEE - glass jar using just tap water. It's so easy . . . just empty the package into • jar or fish bowl, "instant add water and you have .created You can have a whole sea brood t life.*" to give as you wish. SEE THEM OBEY TOUR SILENT COMMANDS Darken the room and watch them follow a flashlight or candle beam forwards, backwards, sideways or around like a pack of happy kids playing follow the leader. Order now. gifts or sell if nl*y 7nn* 100% dellihlcrf, I Ac/erica's most lovable characters from ^1^,^ . . . WONDERFUL cUf^'J^RLD itkiTZXsHB/'* 0%JS ^ they stand from 15" ALMOST 3 FEET TALL to Hare's good clea.i tun for *very WoltDiinay characters for hours. Ten From 12" (a will deep these toy > in the almost 3' loll, flatable, asserted briahl colors. Terrific gift for younaster! Thrillino (very youngster busy air, they always load on one-piece quality latex, in- Guaranteed to dallaMI' avary child r-MAIlTHIS HANDY COUPON NOW! Mf MOTHER HUBBARD, 17* FEDERAL ST., JZt g\ ^I ^ 1 j 1 mV wan * in check DEPT. BOSTON 10, MASS. younojter.. Enclosed Q («h'g, money order i> , «_ for- ii (C^WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS 1963 Stop spending valuable coin* worth hundreds of dallori. Now 1963 catalogue lliti hundreds of coim wo want to buy and gives the price) range we will pay for iheie United States. Coir.i. Certoin half cant coins are worth up So REWARD 13,500.00 for Canadian Coins. Our valuable Coin Book may reword you many thousands of dollars. Coins do not have to be old to be valuable. Thousands of dollars hove been paid for coins doted as recently al 1940 to 1956. Now you too eon learn the rare dates end how- 111,750.00 FOR THIS COIN! 5,000,000.00 Search For Rare Coins, OLD & NEW! FOR CERTAIN COINS WE PAY UP TO to Identify rare coins in your possession with our new 1963 Catalogue. A fortune may be waiting for you. Millions of Dollar! nave boon paid 'for rare coins. Send your order for this, valuable coin catalogue now. Hold on to your coini until you obtain our catalogue. Send $1.00 for 1963 Coin Catalogue Boat to Boil Values Co., Dept. A-463, 2B5A Market St,. Nework, N. J. S 1 Best Values Co., Dept. A-463 285 Market St., Newark, N. J. CERTAIN: Gold Cuins Before 1929... (35,000.00 Nickels Before 1945 Silver Dollars Before 16,000.00 1938. Half Dollars Before 1947... | a 11,750.00 S.550.00 J Illustrated: dollar — 1804 silver Dimes Before 1946 rest? for— 4,750.00 latest listing ! ADDRESS _ 4,500.00 19,000 minted, IZ accounted where are the Rush your NAME 4.800.00 «nly 1963 Half Cents Before 1910.... Lincoln Pennies Before 1940 3,500.00 250.00 ! CITY. TOO« • * I S g catalogue the actual price rang*, you will pay for m United States Coins listed in the catalogue. I enclose $1. Send Pstg. Prepaid. If _ MOMY YM ME _ ! BILL IE SIF NOT JMISFJEB * WMiMW _____ — "~T=>~— 1 \ SOKE TO BE ONE OF THE /SSl/ES / aZ<< HMM/mi t^Wbi ^s®^ 4LC A/EW; 18PA6ES HUMAN TORCH PAGES OF SUPER SPIDER- fiSr \ MAN// . 1 iuAnvei-'"* COMIC'-', TEN OF THE GREATEST AWm# W/NNER FROM THE TOP-RAMMNG MARVEL COMICS GROUP// k PULL- LENGTH FANTASY EPICS EVER .PUBLISHED.^ GROG GROWS OWN TAIL PLANT TAIL OUTSIDE AND IT GROWS LIKE MAD INTO A BEAUTIFUL SHADE TREE! Grog, amazing prehistoric .monster, cornea with half-a-ta.il. In a few days the tail starts growing. It grows, grows, g-r-o-w the tall from Grog's body and plant It outside and It springs quickly into a flowering, Remove fragrant shade Then Grog grows another tail. Remove the tail again and he grows e Other, and another . . . endlessly. Only $1 plus 25c postage. Satisfaction or money back. tree. WESTERN WORLD PRODUCTS, Dept. 2611 fflden Ave, Los Angeles 64. 1 am 3 Calif, enclosing cash, check or money order 25c postage for which please me my grog. I understand if am for SI plus send I not satisfied my money will (M.IA9E FTiti* MONEY BACK GUARANTEE BOYS MAKE htlMi 1 to 5 WEEKLY* Win FREE PRIZES, CAll f*DlT OCll Ulll 1 if you bm a buy — 12 •» older Grab This Grcol Opportunity! SEND THE COUPON NOW PLAfNLY) ise $ $ be returned. ritlNT Like These, Too "America"* Grwtirf Fbmlty Hewipaptr" tn/QMd b r 900,000 rom/Iiei Fvtwy Wert SHOP BY MAR STAMPS ST A £0 LLECT \g60£ft¥ff WRSAiVe™' BROWK, Deft. Virion, 10, POCKET SIZE INVENTION HELPS HYPNOTIZE Hicfc.. YOURSELF BETTER DC FAN STUMPS. BOH 10* POEMS CROWN MUSIC CO.. WANTED 49-MC V. 33 St., New 25> TRIANGLES 10c Include; Giant Indonesia dancer, I Triangles Paki; Hitler head. J«m ,_ria and other, to approval Buyers only 209E, Sania Ana, Calif WANTED POEMS; f IK SW MUSIC MlSlEfiS. ft. Free txaminatjoi 8 COIN COLLECTORS! — PHILIPPINES C0MMEM0RAT1VES BLOCKBUSTER Introductory: 30 Army, Navy, Marine emblems; e Stripes' (S3.0O value) only Sample foreign medal, i-W. flocinway 34. H. Y. 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GXl's fine home study course is expertly written, clearly illustrated, easily understandable: It offers up-to-date knowledge. It includes mechanic's tools and accurate test instruments. It provides Job Experience Projects which help you put knewledge and tools to use. It's so practical that many students earn money in spare time while training. Get the full story:' Mail coupon below. for the CTI catalog, sample | and a booklet, "Proof From Gradtlafes." Now 30 Job Experience Projects! Engine Tune-Up Kit With Case '^%Mbl tS!>M *"<T E °™ , Pump Tetter; Ignition Cash Soon After Storting Course Timing Light; poru These accurate quality instruments help you locate engine Wuublci quielclj-. Simple steel cast- and jpeedy mechanical work. DiMeJ or Bodyjl Fender This Is How You Get BjhMyjlriMia| the Complete Story coupon. Wei! send COMMERCIAL TRADES INSTITUTE 1400 GBEENLEAf AVENUE Chicago CUP COUPON BEFORE YOU TURN T£|jS ^S-Mait. 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These folks alone can bring you in at least S50.00, probably $100.00 to S200.00 extra money in just a few hours spare time. And this is just a start! Almost everyone you know needs Christmas Cards, and when you show them the spectacular nationally famous 196J Wallace Brown Line of Cards and Gift Items — it's love at first sight. They'll snap up 2, J, 6 or more Christmas Card Boxes right on the spot. Keep up io 50c of every dollar you take in! This is the fun way to making money because it's so easy. We send you samples that do the selling for you. And, besides making money you'll save money on your own personal Christmas Cards, Gifts, Wrappings, etc. See for yourself without risking a penny. Mail coupon, you'll be glad you did! Get These 2 Assortments ON APPROVAL PARCHMENT SPLENDOR CHRISTMAS ASS'T GET FREE CATALOG, TOO! -Send Coupon Below Be first in your nei nil horhn.ii.] io cash in on this way to extra money with the 1963 Wallace Brown Line of Christmas Cards and Gift Items. Mail coupon this minute! You'll get 2 Christmas Card Assortments on approval. And FREE Samples of Name-Imprinted Personal Christtrtas easy Cards. Pius Samples MORE MONEY A 1 1 everybody can afford. They sell just by being shown. It's easy, too, because u-e ship direct to your customers and We pay the postage. Yc wasted time making di Send . ies. away the for your of the A Gtear . . coupon FREE New Samplt Lir these fast-selling Pe alized Christmas Cards! nEos,26,hs, Ifl€> New York 10, ' De(' tH ' FREE full-color catalog showing lots more money-makers, including many Christmas Assortments, Everyday Greeting Card Assortments, Decorated Stationery. Gift Wrappings, Household Items, etc. Every thing you need to start making money at once— and we show you how. of Popular-Priced, Name-Imprinted PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS Thrill your friends and neighbors and make even for yourself with exquisite, custom-designed NAMEIMPRINTED Christmas Cards at amazingly low pcices. large variety of exclusive, origiin designs for folks who want the finest quality in [Vrsonaliitd Christmas Cards at prices m New York