Trisdesimt ketvirtoji pamoka Lesson 34
Trisdesimt ketvirtoji pamoka Lesson 34
Trisdesimt ketvirtoji pamoka Lesson 34 GINTARAS Gifitaras - tai lyg k6ks Lietuvos auksas. IS jo yra daromi kar6liai, apyrankes if kit6kie da iktai. Jm1 gilioje sen6veje lietuviq buvo prekiaujama gifitaru Sll graikais if romenais. Gintarinius karolius labai megsta nesi6ti lietuvaites. Gifitaras yra kieti sakai spygliuociq medziq, kurie pries ledf! gadyn~ augo Pabaltijy(je). Tie medziai buvo labai sakuoti. Kaftais suvarvedavo dideli gabalai sakq, kurie greit sukietedavo. Suvarvej~ sakai upiq vandefis buvo nunesami i jurf! if tefi sukl6stomi. Tefi jie maisesi su kitomis nuosedomis, buvo suslegti if vifto gifitaru. Kad gifitaras yra ne akmuo, ne stiklas, 6 sakai, r6do if tai, j6g jis dega if maloniai kvepia. Kaftais i gifitaro gabalus patekdavo if sustingdavo ivairiq vabzdZiq, musiq, skruzdZiq, skorpionq. Yra gintare if medZiq lapq, ziedq, sakeliq. IS visa to m6kslininkq buvo isaiskinta, kokie tada medziai augo ir kokie vabzdziai veisesi. Daug gifitaro yra rafidama Lietuvos pajuryje, kur jis yra vandefis isplaunamas i krafitf!. VOCABULARY gintaras (3b) - an1ber tai lyg k6ks that is something like, it is like auksas (1) - gold karoliai (plural only) (2) - neklace, beads apyranke (1) - bracelet daiktas (3) - thing, object gilus, -1 (4) - deep gilioje sen6veje - in ancient times prekiauti (prekiauju, prekiauja, prekiavo, prekiails) - to trade graikas (4) - Greek (noun) romenas (1) - Roman (noun) 267 gintarlnis, -e (2) - amber (adjective) nesi6ti (nesi6ju, nesi6ja, nesi6jo, nesiiis) - to wear lietuvaite (1) - Lithuanian (a girl; especially a young girl) sakai (plural only) (4) - resin spygliuotas medis, spygliuotis medis - coniferous tree gadyne (1) - era, epoch, age ledQ gadyne - ice age Pabaltijys (3b) - Baltic area, Baltic shores sakuotas, -a (1) - resinous kartais - sometimes suvarveti ( suvarva, suvarvejo, suvarves) to gather by dripping gabalas (3b) - piece, hunk, chunk sukieteti (sukieteja, sukietejo, suldetes) - to get hard, harden suk16styti (sukl6stau, sukl6sto, sukl6ste, sukl6stys) - to fold, to lay in layers maisytis (maisosi, maiSesi, maisysis) - to get mixed together with nuosedos (plural only, 2nd decl. fem.) (1) residue suslegti (suslegiu, suslegia, suslegc, suslegs) - to press together virsti (virstu, virsta, virto, virs) to become, to turn into stlklas (4) - glass kvepeti (kvepiu, kvi'!pia, kvepejo, kvepes) - to smell (good); to give out fragrance patekti (patenku, pateiika, pati'!ko, pateks) - to get to, to get into sustl ngti ( sustingstu, sustingsta, sustingo, sustiiigs) to get hard; to harden ivairus, -1 ( 4) - various, different vabzdys -dzio ( 4) - insect muse (2) - fly skruzde (4) - ant skorpionas (2) - scorpion lapas (2) - leaf ziedas (3) - blossom 5akele (2) - twig, little branch m6kslininkas (1) - scientist isaiskinti (isaiskinu, iM.iskina, iM.iskino, iM.iskins) -to explain (perfective) augti (augu, auga, augo, augs) - to grow veistis (veisiasi, veisesi, veisis) - to multiply, to proliferate, to live pajOris -io (1) - sea shore isplauti (isplaunu, isplauna, ispl6ve, isplaus) - to wash out, to deposit on shore (of seas, lakes, rivers) krantas (4) - shore GRAMMAR 34.1 The Tenses of the Passive Voice. As was mentioned in Lesson 33, the passive voice is formed in Lithuanian with the auxiliary verb 'to be' buti'. This means that there are as many tenses in the passive voice as there are tenses in the conjugation of the verb buti. But, since both the present passive participle and the past passive participle can be used to form the passive voice, there are actually always two tenses possible: one with the present passive participle, the other with the past passive participle. The difference in meaning is that, in the tenses where the present passive participle is used, one can render these tenses into English as a regular passive, but with the word being because the action is still being done (present tense), was being done (past tense), used to be being done (frequentative past), or will be being done (future). On the other hand, the passive tenses with the past passive par- 268 ticiple will express the action as already complete, or completed, in any tense. The former is sometimes called the actional passive, and the latter the statal passive. 34.2 The Paradigms of the Passive Voice . Their Meaning. Present Tense (ACTIONAL PASSIVE) (STATAL PASSIVE) as esu mufamas, -a 'I am beaten' 'I am being as esu mustas, -a (I have been beaten', beaten) etc. tu esi mufamas, -a tu esi mustas, -a jis yra mustas jis yra musamas ji yra musama ji yra musta mes esame mufami, -OS mes esame musti, -OS jus esate mufami, -OS jus esate musti, -OS jie yra musami jie yra musti jos yra musamos jos yra mustos as buvau musamas, -a 'I was being beaten' tu buvai mufamas, -a jis buvo musamas ji buvo musama mes buvome musami jus buvote mufami, -os jie buvo musami jos buvo mufamos Past Tense as buvau mustas, -a 'I was beater ('I had been beaten') tu buvai mustas, -a jis buvo mustas ji buvo musta mes buvome musti, -OS jus buvote musti, -OS jie buvo musti jos buvo mustos Frequentative Past as budavau musamas, -a 'I used to be (being) beaten' etc. as budavau mustas, -a ' I used to be beaten, I would be beaten' etc. Future 'I will be (being) beaten' as busiu musamas, -a etc. as busiu mustas, -a 'I will be beaten' ('I will have been beaten') etc. 269 There is a possibility, and some individual writers have used it, to even form the passive forms with the compound tenses of buti: esu btlV?S mufomas 'I have been beaten' , but this occurs infrequently and the student should be able to figure this out in case he runs into such usage in reading Lithuanian. For full treatment of this, see Appendix: Verbs. as 34.3 The Subjunctive of the Passive Voice. To form the subjunctive of the passive voice, one has to combine the two subjunctive tenses of the verb to be (buti) and the appropriate passive participle. Present Tense Subjunctive, Passive Voice : (Actional Passive) as bi'.i.ciau musamas, -a 'I would be (being) beaten', etc. tu bi'.i.tum mu8amas, -a jis bi'.i.t4 mu8amas ji bi'.i.t4 musama mes bi'.i.tume mufami, -OS jus bi'.i.tute mu8ami, -os jie bi'.i.t4 musami jos bi'.i.t4 mu8amos Present Tense Subjunctive , Passive Voice (Statal Passive) as bi'.i.Ciau mustas, -a 'I would be beaten', etc. etc. ('I would have been beaten') Present Perfect Subjunctive , Passive Voice (Actional Passive) as bi'.i.ciau buv~s musamas, -a 'I would have been (being) beaten' etc. etc. Present Perfect Subjunctive , Passive Voice (Statal Passive): as buciau buv~s mustas, -a 'I would have been beaten (up)' Examples for passive subjunctive: 1) Namas jaii but'll dabar stiitomas, jeigu jis but'll sumokej?s viSq kainq. - The house would be (being) built now, if he had paid (in full) the entire price. 2) Viskas jaii but'll padaryta, jeigu as tai buciau zin6j?s.* Everything would be done (already), if I had known that. • padaryta is a neuter adjective. In the passive it can be u sed only with the third person singular, primarily in impersdnal expressions, with such words as viskas 'everything', all things', tai 'that, this', etc. 270 3) Si gramatika jail seniai but'lf buvusi parasyta, jeigu jos autorius nebut'lf susifgf?s. - This grammar would have been written a long time ago, if its author had not fallen ill. 34.4 The Passive Imperative. The passive imperative is formed with the imperative forms of the verb buti and the appropriate passive participle: bi'.i.k giriamas bi'.i.k giriama bi'.i.kite giriami bi'.i.kite giriamos bi'.i.kime giriami bi'.i.kime giriamos be be be be be be praised praised praised praised praised praised (referring (referring (referring (referring (referring (referring to tu 'thou', masculine) to tu 'thou', feminine) to jus 'ye', masculine) to jus 'ye', feminine) to mes 'we', masculine) to mes 'we', feminine) The imperative with the past passive participle is as follows: bi'.i.k pasveikintas, -a 'be greeted; welcome!' bi'.i.kite pasveikinti bi'.i.k pagarbintas 'be adored, be praised' (primarily of God). bi'.i.k patenkintas 'be satisfied' 34.5 The Passive Infinitive. The passive infinitive is formed by putting together the infinitive of the verb buti and the appropriate passive participle in the dative case: (Actional Passive Infinitive) bi'.i.ti musamam to be (being) bi'.i.ti musamai to be beaten bi'.i.ti musamiems to be (being) bi'.i.ti musam6ms to be (being) beaten (masculine, singular) (feminine, singular) beaten (masculine, plural) beaten (feminine, plural) (Statal Passive Infinitive) suimti - 'to arrest' bi'.i.ti suimtam to be arrested (masculine, singular) bi'.i.ti suimtai to be arrested (feminine, singular) bi'.i.ti suimtiems to be arrested (masculine, plural) to be arrested (feminine, plural) bi'.i.ti suimt6ms 271 Examples for the use of the passive infinitives: BU.ti policijos suimtam uz vagfjst<; yra didele geda. - To be arrested (by the police) for theft is a great shame. M6kytojui labai patiiika buti visiJ: mokiniiJ: mylimam. - The teacher likes very much to be loved by all the pupils. 1) 2) NB. This usage, with the passive participle in the dative case is restricted to cases where the passive infinitive is also the subject of the (impersonal) sentence. Where the passive infinitive is not the subject of the sentence, the passive participle has to be used in the nominative case *: Jis n6ri bt1ti (visiJ:) megstamas. - He wants to be liked by everybody. Ji n6ri buti (visiJ:) megstama. - She wants to be liked . . . Jie n6ri buti (visiJ:) megstami. - They want to be liked . . . Jos n6ri buti (visiJ:J megstamos. - They want to be liked .. . EXERCISES A. Questions. 1. Kur yra rafidamas gifitaras? 2. Kas yra daroma is gifitaro? 3. Kuo buvo lietuvi4 prekiaujama SU graikais if romenais? 4. Kur buvo nunesami medzi4 sakai? 5. Kaip sakai vifto gifitaru? 6. Kas r6do, kad gifitaras nera stiklas? 7. Kaip buvo m6kslinihk4 isaiskinta , kokie medZiai sen6veje augo Pabaltijy(je)? 8. Kodel daugiausia gifitaro yra rafidama pajuryje? 9. Ar yra rafidama gifitaro Amerikoje? 10. Ar jus esate kada n6rs rad~ gifitaro? B. Give all the tenses of the passive voice of the following verbs: girti, garbinti, peikti C. Change the following sentences into the passive voice: Example: Mano br6lis skaito sicl idomi'! knygq. - si idomi knyga yra mano br6lio skaltoma. 1. Mano tevas stato si dideli namq. 2. Mano tevas state sj dideli namq. 3. Mano tevas statys sj dideli namq. 4. M6tina bara savo vaikus. 5. M6tina bare savo dukrel~ . 6. M6tina bars mus visus ... D. Translate into Lithuanian: 1. This book is (being) written by five professors. 2. This house was built by my uncle 30 years ago. 3. Only modern houses _are being built now. 4. He is liked by everyone. 5. This letter was written many years ago. * In other words, the participle is used here as an adjective, i.e. Jis geras 'He wants to be good'. 272 n6ri bOti CONVERSATION PRIEMIESTYJE saulfjs: Genfjs: Saulys: Genys: Saulys: Genys: saulys: Genys: Saulys: Genys: Sis priemiestis yra labai isaug~s . Kai as cia buvaii pries trejus metus, tai cia namai buvo dar tik statomi. 2. Taip, per paskutinius trejus metus cia buvo pastatyta keliasdesimt naujft namq. 3. Kokie namai cia yra daugiausia statomi? 4. Daugiausia yra statomi mediniai vieno aiiksto namai. 5. Kas juos cia stato: privatiis statybininkai ar miestas? 6. Miestas niekur naujft namq nestato: viskas yra statoma privaciq statybininkq. 7. 0 kas daugiausia perka t6kius namus? 8. Sie namai nera perdaiig brangiis, tai juos daugiausia perka m6kytojai, profesoriai if fabrikq darbinifi.kai. 9. 0 kur yra statomi miiriniai, brangiis namai? 10. Uz dviejft myliq nuo cia yra statomi labai brangiis namai: miiriniai, akmeniniai, . .. bet juos gali pirkti tiktai labai turtingi zm6nes .. . 1. IN A SUBURB Saulys : 1. Genys: 2. Saulys: Genys: Saulys: Genys: 3. 4. 5. 6. Saulys: 7. Genys: 8. Saulys : 9. Genys: 10. This suburb has grown very much. When I was here three years ago, houses were only being built here. That's right. In the course of the last (few) years, there were quite a few houses built here. What kind of houses are (being) built here mostly. Mostly one-story wooden houses are built here. Who builds them here: (private) builders, or the city? The city does not build new houses anywhere. Everything is done (built) by (private) builders. And who buys such houses mostly? These houses are not too (overly) expensive; thus mostly teachers and professors, and factory workers buy them. And where are there expensive brick homes (being) built? Two miles from here there are built very expensive houses: stone and brick houses, ... but only very rich people can (afford to) buy them .. . NOTES: keliasde~imt lit. 'several tens'. The real value of this phrase: somewhere betwen 20 and 100. 8. perdaug - lit. 'too much'. 2. 273 Fruits and Vegetables A. FRUITS : apple pear cherry - 274 obuolys kriause vyfoia B . VEGETABLES: kopustas cabbage - agurkas cucumber tomato - plum - slyva radish - peach - persikas spinach - pamidoras ridikelis spinatas orange - apelsinas onion - svogunas banana - bananas carrot - morka apricot - aprikosas pea - zirnis