FrtX ,gtd&ess ${&* 5:rqe*r p0. : E9,t Et $ep. 2AtE 12:35 ?s 33?$g?$? P t /(e rr: (aon. NOTIFICATION GoveronrnEnt of SuJarat En*ngy End P$trschsnlieals popartrnont $aehivaloyn, Gandhlnagnr. Sqtgr,, tho lsr $gpternhsr, 30'13 ETECTRICITY ACT.2OO3 Ne. SU-2012"11S-E[-A-13.3012.?373"1^( :- ln exercisc' of the Bowero eonferred Fy qub-qection {al of section 1SB sf the Eleotricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), the Government of Gujurat hereby anrends the Government Notification, Energy and PPtrochemicals Department No. GU.2004- 1 1 -ELA-1 1 03-GOl- 1 03-K dated ilre 5rh February, 2004, as amended 'vide Governmqnt Notifieation, Energy and Petrochemicals Department No. GU-2005-S2-ELA-1103-GOl-103-K dated the 29th June, 2005, as follows, nanrely;ln the said Notiflcation,- (1) Sr. No, 4, after the word-s "EBEar Power Lirnited", the fullowing words, 'n be insafied; shall "Juhilant lnfragtrusture Ltd. Mundra Fert & SEZ Ltd. Toruent Energy Linrited Adani Power Ltd." n * + * , (2) After $r. No, 4. the follgwing shall be insertod, ': 4tE.'The,ViCe Chairnran, Kandls Port Trust 6. Ths Shief Enginesr; '$tate Load'OioBateh e entre 7, The e hief Electrieal lnnpoctor, Ciujarat State B, The CIirestor, Gujarat Energy Develnpnrent Agsnoy Mernber Member Merflber Memb&r" (S) The exioting Sr. No. S, shalt be renumbered ae Sr. No. g. Fy order and in the neme of the Goverrror clf Gujarat, u Ts, n ei er -J*r*If,-?jlu*,o **ot The Maneger, Sovernrnont eentral Press, Sandhinagar. tWittr a request to publinh the above notification irr Part lV"A of the extra. orelinary Gevt. Gaaette of tE-day and eend 100 pr.interl ies thereof te thio elepsrtment. '.",;,' nr\ /\/ l. $/ . i.-. i:, SIP ):1 ', i f,, i rl iT'- '1,. \ ,- ..' . \,,'I- tt , ,! i l,\l r \ \ F&!1 hlo. :891 ?9 33?$E?97 El Sep, BEt? tA:33 Copy fsru'rarded wittl *trxrplimentg to :. The Friqcinar $ecretary to F{on'brq ehief Minister, 6ovt of Gr"rjarat, $aehivalaya, Gandhinas"r. "l"he Ps toi{on'tlre Mos*(utol, saehivaraya, Gancrhinagar, The Jojnt-.$9ry9t4ry to GCIvt. ef lndia, Miniutry of Fswer, $hram shakti Bhavan, Rafi Vtarg, New Delhi_ 110 001. The c.hairman. Gularat Electricity Reguiatory cornrnission, Ahmeclabad. ['he Mentbers, Gujarat Electricity Re{ulatory Oommission, Ahnredabacl. The Managing Director, Gujarit uriiVr<a*'ruigry Linrited, sardar patet Vidyut Bhj'vai, nacu boirse, Vadodara. Th.e Managing Director, QulEprt f nJusiries power Company Ltd., p.O, I r"' 'Petrobtidmicajs, Dist. Vadoiara. The Director, Gujarat stbte rnergybeneration Ltd., udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar. ' . tr'*',''r-r'' - The Managing Director, Gujarat paguthan Energy corporation pvt. Ltd,, ir,ai',trya briroing, e-Enil'H*o Arrnredabad. The Managing Director, Essqy power Limited, pr.emcnariO iouu* Annexe, Behind popurart4ou$8, Ashsrn Road, er,ruoruad _ sgO 0CIg.' L-"'/The s.eeretary, Gujqrat Eleetrinity RegutJtory eomrnioeion, Ahmedqbad. Tho Mn, G$ECIL. Vadodara, Tho Mn, GHTOO, Varloelara. The Mn, USVC L, Mettaana. The IktD, DGVSI, $urat, 'fhe MD, [{GVC]1, Vadr:dqra. J-f,cu MD, PGVCL, Rajkot. 'l'he Direetor, Terrent'Fower Limited, Ahmedabad/ {iurat 'Thq Mqnaging Director, Jubilant lnfrnstruetu; L.tci., ptot No 5, vilayat lndurstrial Estite, Tal. Vagra, Dist. Bhaructr. The Managing Dilector, Mundra port & Lto., post Box No. 1, Navinal lslancl, Mundra, Kutch _ 3TO 421. Tho vice chairman, Kandra port Trust, 06, Ground Ftoor, port & custom Building, New Kandla _ 370 210. The Managing Directqr. Torrent Energy [.td , Torrent Hnuse, $tation Road, Surar - gg$ 003. Tho Managing Diroctor, Adani powor Ltd., $ambla, BuitOing, Judges I.!rad, Bodakdov, *'ggCI Ahmedabad $.ung-]g* 0tg. The Cfrier Enginegr^($Ln-!t, staie p[i,itch eentre, 132 KV substarisn eernpoLnd, Near r.'e. r{o$pir;i The Direetor,.Gujarat En*rsy neviroe,niliAs;;;y idEb^),trock No. 1112, 4d'Flqar, udyog ghavai, eandhinagar" i**.-** Jfe Qtrier ErectricpT lnspector. udyog &fiavan, Garrdhinagar., *,rd Tho Chief E*ngineer (Legat), CenirliEtd";ii Aurhoriry, :,;Miirirtfy of Friwer, ee*f niiavan, Hamakrishra Fursrn, e i. New Delhi * 1 10 006. The " $eleet Fite, 6tr' [:roor, bii . ." . " ' ' ' - sri ' , - r : loil G;inb.rrlv;llr;;;; " Pe
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