Copernicus Space Component Data Access


Copernicus Space Component Data Access
Copernicus Space Component Data Access: Operations and Processes
Rita Malosti and Veronique Amans
Table of contents
Coordinated Data Access System sub‐components
Portal and general information
Registration process
Data Request handling
Data delivery and Access
Emergency Requests handling
Coverage generation
Copernicus Coordinated Data Quality Control
CSCDA Reporting
Coordinated Data access System (CDS) layer
The Coordinated Data access System (CDS) layer of the CSCDA system ensures an harmonised access to EO data and
related information, coordinating the overall data flows between the CCMs and the Copernicus Users, by:
Processing standard and emergency data requests, dispatching them to the various CCMs based on data offer,
user requirements and missions’ characteristics/capacity
Providing EO products and metadata dissemination and access functionalities for multi‐mission collections
Guaranteeing a dedicated long term archive
Ensuring a harmonised user interface for Copernicus Users for all services related to the CSCDA
To ensures a coordinated and integrated service to Copernicus users, the CDS system is composed of four subsystems
that interface among each other as well as with the rest of the CSCDA parties:
Customer interface/Services Coordinated Interface (SCI) – dealing with user’s registrations, enquiries,
request for information, complaints management and data requests, including emergency activations
management; this is the main interface for Copernicus Users
Data dissemination (CDD) – in charge of ensuring correct dissemination and access of the data and reports
Copernicus Coordinated Data Quality Control (CQC) – dealing with data quality matters
Copernicus reporting (CRP) – collecting inputs from all interfaces to provide an overall picture of the service
and its performance
CSCDA Portal
The CSCDA Portal is the main source of
information for the Copernicus Users
community, with detailed information
‐ Data and services offer, with
detailed dataset descriptions and
Sentinels information and links
‐ Access rights and users eligibility
‐ Contact points
‐ Tools and interfaces information
and guidelines
‐ News and events
Available on
[Soon to be opened on]
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER for latest news
Information gathering
Information retrievable from main menu:
Browse datasets functionality:
Registration for access to CCMs data
(not needed to access Sentinels data)
User category and eligibility (web)
Access rights (web)
Registration template (web, to be sent by email)
ESA‐User License signature, not needed for Sentinel only (web, to be sent by email)
Access set up (SSO account) depending on rights, subscription requested, emergency service eligibility
Improvements and automation, including self‐registration, expected in the new release of the CDS system users’ front end
More information on
All info on‐
Data Request Handling
DAP (quota allocation)
User data request (web)
Validation by SCI
DAP (ADDs contributions) and ranking table
Identification of suitable CCM
Loop with Account Managers if needed
Order to CCME
SCI propagates order information to other CDS sub‐systems
Preparing for data reception in CDS infrastructure
All info on‐
Data Delivery and Access
CCME implements order instructions FTP at CDS
Data acquisition & processing or retrieval from the archive
Data and reports (CPPs) circulation to CDS
Archive and cataloguing, on‐line dissemination
Copernicus client: access to data catalogued in CDS‐CI, Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking (REACT)
The Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking (REACT, used to be GEST) service is dedicated to eligible
Copernicus Users:
‐ Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
‐ Manages the end to end emergency activation process, including handling the Earth Observation (EO) rush data
requests, identifying the first Copernicus Contributing Missions (CCMs) that can satisfy the requirements, interfacing
with the Copernicus Contributing Mission Entities (CCMEs) to secure an acquisition in the shortest time possible and
searching the archives for a pre‐disaster or very recent image
Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking (REACT)
The REACT operator selects the most suitable mission to cover the Copernicus User’s requirements with the help of the
GEST tool. Exchanges with CCMEs and confirmation loops with the User happen if and when required
Coverage generation
DAP (datasets definition)
Ordering to selected CCMEs
Tasking, processing or retrieval from archive
Cumulative delivery to CDS
The SCI operator performs the coverage
analysis with the help of the Coverage and
Planning Tool, approves proposed scenes to
be sent to production. In case of gaps in
coverage, the most suitable mission is
selected to perform the filling
Coverage analysis
Order for gap filling Copernicus Coordinated Data Quality Control
The Copernicus Coordinated data Quality
Control (CQC) service activities are split into
several tasks:
Management and monitoring of the Quality
reports sent from CCME with EO products,
including the Instruments and Products
Specifications document (IPS)
Routine quality monitoring of selected EO
products delivered by the CCMEs
Analysis of sample data provided by the
CCME over selected sites.
Investigation of product quality anomalies
as raised by Copernicus Users as well as
discovered during routine image analysis
Harmonisation of best practices
Copernicus Reporting
The Copernicus Reporting component collects inputs from interfaces within the CDS as well as external to it (i.e. CCME) in order to provide value adding information about service performance and evolution.
Reports dedicated and addressed to users are updated monthly and published on the CSCDA Portal – These include status of quota consumption for on demand datasets as well as achievement and implementation status for predefined coverages.
An interactive and querable map showing the status of CORE datasets achievements will be available in the new release of the CDS system users’ front end
Further operational information
‐ During the workshop: meet the CDS operations team and visit the demo room
‐ Copernicus Space Component Data Access Website &
Twitter @CopernicusData
‐ Keep up‐to‐date about events and activities related to CDS by watching the operational
‐ Sentinels Online Web portal
‐ Useful emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you