Covered Bond Update 2016
Covered Bond Update 2016
CAJA RURAL DE NAVARRA. COOP – Covered Bond Update 2016 1 Contents Caja Rural de Navarra, Credit Cooperative 3 • Company profile 4 • Financial highlights 6 • Main financial data 9 • Strategy 14 Operative Environment 15 Liquidity Management 19 Cover Pool 22 The Caja Rural Group 30 Contacts 34 1.-CAJA RURAL DE NAVARRA Lapazarra – Pyrenean mountains Caja Rural de Navarra – Company profile • • • • Established in 1910 as the central institution of the local co-operatives of the region and evolving from 1946 as a regional co-op bank. Its origins were rooted in the rural and agribusiness environment of that time, but the bank’s activities have developed in line with the strong industrialisation of its home region. Founding member of AECR (Asociación Española de Cajas Rurales), and its central institutions (BCE, RSI and RGA). It is the 1st Caja Rural of the AECR by assets and by equity. Caja Rural Group (through BCE) is a member of Unico Banking Group and belongs to the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB). See Caja Rural Group Section 4 Caja Rural de Navarra – Company profile • Banking culture firmly based on austerity, local focus, risk control, accountability and transparency, in line with the cooperative tradition. • Strategy of stable growth in its region. No country-wide expansion plans, no aggressive development in any other business apart from retail banking. This strategy remains within the overall strategy of the Caja Rural Group and most co-operative banking groups in Europe. • Retail business is focused on serving the needs of individuals and SMEs in our regions. • More than 145,000 co-op members (shareholders), with a wide representation of different sectors of our economy and society. • 249 branches, distributed all over the regions of Navarre, Basque Country and Rioja. Navarre and Basque Country account for 90% of the loan book. See Caja Rural Group Section 5 Caja Rural de Navarra – Financial highlights* Dec 15 Dec 14 % 15/14 Total Assets 9,733 9,517 2.3% Average Total Assets 9,944 9,815 1.3% Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) 5,451 5,088 4.5% 944 865 9.1% 867 792 2.3% Gross Loans 6,582 6,348 3.7% Deposits 6,494 6,138 5.8% Employees 918 902 1.8% Branches 247 244 0.8% Net Interest Income 155.8 148.5 4.9% Pre-impairment Profit 126.3 129.2 -2.2% Pre-tax Profit 76.4 59.6 28.2% Net Income 62.3 50.7 22.9% Total Equity of which Tier 1 6 Caja Rural de Navarra – Financial highlights* FINANCIAL RATIOS Dec 15 Dec 14 CAPITALIZATION 15.91% 15.57% 9.71% 9.09% Growth of gross loans 3.69% -0.48% Impaired loans (IL) / gross loans 3.44% 4.44% 112.17% 93.98% 1.60% 1.56% 28.90% 50.15% Pre-tax profit / Average total assets 0.77% 0.61% Net income / Total equity 6.61% 5.86% 101.36% 103.42% Core Tier 1 Regulatory Capital Ratio Equity / Total assets ASSET QUALITY INDICATORS IL Coverage ratio PROFITABILITY RATIOS Net interest income / Total assets Loans and securities impairments charges/pre-impariment profit FUNDING Gross loans / customer deposits RATINGS June 2016 Issuer rating (FITCH / Moodys) BBB+ (stable)/ Baa2 (stable) Covered Bond rating (Moodys) Aa2 7 Caja Rural de Navarra – Financial highlights* • • Solid asset quality (NPL ratio of 3.44%) and a cautious coverage policy (ratio of 112.17%) CRN has high solvency ratios (CET1: 15.23%) owing to its high level of earnings retention, as co-operative by-laws require the yearly surplus to become part of undistributable reserves • The bank´s ratings reflect this situation, keeping a level of BBB+ (stable) by Fitch and Baa3 (outlook positive) by Moody’s. Only four Spanish banks (BBVA, Santander, Caixabank and Caja Rural de Navarra) are rated as investment grade by both agencies. • Low exposure to Real Estate (5.07% of Total Loans), in regions with a much more stable housing market due to regional economic conditions and the absence of a tourism-related building boom. • Strong local franchise: 26.04% market share in deposits and 22.33% credit at December 2015 in Navarra. More than half the population over 18 years-old in Navarre is a customer of CRN. CRN is committed to further increasing its profitability by achieving a balance between growth and sustained margins, controlled expansion and increased fee generation. However, return on equity (RoE) is somewhat limited by the Bank's policy of maintaining a high solvency margin. • 8 Caja Rural de Navarra – Main financial data Deposit taking and loan book (€ thousands) 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Loan book 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Deposit taking NIMS + fees (€ thousands) 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 9 Caja Rural de Navarra – Main financial data Solvency Ratio Common Equity Tier 1 (%) 17% 15% 13% 11% 9% 7% dic - 00 jun -01 dic -01 jun -02 dic -02 jun -03 dic -03 jun -04 dic -04 jun -05 dic -05 jun -06 dic -06 jun -07 dic -07 jun -08 dic -08 jun -09 dic -09 jun -10 dic -10 jun -11 dic -11 jun -12 dic -12 jun -13 dic -13 jun -14 dic -14 jun -15 dic -15 5% Market share (deposits in Navarre) 26% 24% 22% 20% 18% 16% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 10 Caja Rural de Navarra – Main financial data Spanish banking CET ENTITY CAJA RURAL DE NAVARRA* CET min CET (Sept 15) SURPLUS 9.50% 15.23% 5.73% 9.05% 14.13% 5.08% 10.25% 14.04% 3.79% CAIXABANK 9.31% 12.80% 3.49% LIBERBANK 10.25% 13.70% 3.45% BANKINTER 8.75% 11.85% 3.10% 10.31% 13.20% 2.89% ABANCA HOLDING FINANCIERO 9.75% 12.47% 2.72% UNICAJA BANCO 9.25% 11.90% 2.65% BANCO SANTANDER 9.75% 12.39% 2.64% 10.00% 12.53% 2.53% 9.25% 11.70% 2.45% BANCO POPULAR 10.25% 12.65% 2.40% BANCO SABADELL 9.25% 11.60% 2.35% BBVA 9.75% 11.70% 1.95% CAJAMAR 10.25% 10.97% 0.72% BANCO MARE NOSTRUM 10.25% 10.68% 0.43% KUTXABANK CAJA LABORAL POPULAR BANKIA CAJA RURAL DE CASTILLA LA MANCHA IBERCAJA Source: CNMV web page *Caja Rural de Navarra’s CET does not include 2015 retained earnings 11 Caja Rural de Navarra – Main financial data Spanish FI Impaired Loans Coverage Ratio 120 100 80 60 Average* 40 20 0 Abanca Ibercaja Liberbank* BMN Unicaja Kutxabank Bankinter Sabadell ex TSV* Popular Bankia Caixabank BBVA Santander Caja Rural De Navarra Source: CRN, public disclosures *Selected FI not including CRN. Average Non-Asset Weighted. 12 Caja Rural de Navarra – Main financial data Eurozone non-performing bank loans 16% 14% 12% 10% Spain Italy 8% Eurozone France 6% Germany Caja Rural de Navarra 4% 2% Source: Ernst&Young Eurozone Forecast Winter edition 2014 and CRN 4 di c1 4 ju n1 3 di c1 3 ju n1 2 di c1 2 ju n1 1 di c1 1 ju n1 0 di c1 0 ju n1 9 di c0 9 ju n0 8 di c0 8 ju n0 di c0 7 0% 13 Caja Rural de Navarra - Strategy • Caja Rural de Navarra -as it is the case of many co-operative banks- has recently become the only local financial institution in its home market. Deposit market share (Navarre) 26% 24% • This position offers – despite a subdued economic environment - a huge historical opportunity in light of the dismantling of many savings banks. Concentration towards ‘national champions’ is an opportunity for co-operative banks. 22% 20% • Caja Rural de Navarra’s business model is underpinned by the Caja Rural Group model, which allows economies of scale and the provision of quality products and services to the clients of all the regional co-op banks members (see Caja Rural Group section). 18% 16% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 14 2.-OPERATIVE ENVIRONMENT 15 Operative environment Region GDP Zuid-Holland Oberösterreich Trøndelag Prov. Brabant Wallon Comunidad de Madrid Provincia Autonoma di Trento Prov. Vlaams-Brabant País Vasco Nordrhein-Westfalen Övre Norrland Nord-Norge Emilia Romagna Västsverige Iceland Lazio Cheshire Comunidad Foral de Navarra Saarland Steiermark Surrey, East and West Sussex Prov. West-Vlaanderen Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Bristol/Bath area Midtjylland Berlin 130.4 129.7 129.4 128.9 128.1 126.7 126.2 122.4 121.4 121.0 120.6 120.4 119.9 119.4 117.6 116.4 116.1 115.7 115.5 114.6 114.0 113.6 113.2 112.8 GDP per capita comparable to other developed European regions and underpinning a much more stable economic environment Source: Eurostat. 2013 data 16 Operative environment R&D/GDP (4Q14) Spain: Unemployment by regions (3Q15) Spain: Export and Import by regions (4Q14) 50% 2,50% Exports 30% Imports 40% Spain 1.23% 1,00% 20% % PIB 1,50% % Workforce 2,00% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0,50% 0% NAV MUR PV GAL CAT ARA VAL CYL CANT RIO AND AST MAD CLM EXT NAV RIO PV BAL ARA CANT MAD CYL AST CAT GAL ESP VAL MUR CLM EXT Source: EPA CAN CEU MEL AND CEU MEL BAL CAN CLM EXT AST CANT MUR GAL ARA RIO CYL VAL AND CAT MAD NAV PV Source: INE CAN 0% BAL 0,00% Source: Expansión • Navarre and the Basque Country are the most industrialised and exportoriented regions in Spain. • They also are among those with a highest rate of investment in R&D. • Unemployment is much lower and this pattern is historically stable. Regional unemployment for Navarre and Basque Country stands at around 60% of the Spanish average. • Such an economic environment positively impacts banking performance. 17 Operative environment Standard and Poor’s rates the regions of Navarre and Basque Country two notches higher than Spain (A vs. BBB+), citing for Navarre: “Our long-term rating on Navarre is two notches higher than the long-term rating on Spain (BBB+/Stable/A-2). According to our criteria for rating above the sovereign, a local and regional government (LRG) can be rated up to two notches higher than its sovereign if the LRG can maintain credit characteristics that are more resilient than the sovereign's ….” ”We believe Navarre meets the above-mentioned conditions and therefore we apply a two-notch differential to the ratings, reflecting our view of: The region's exportoriented and competitive industry, focused on internationally diverse markets, which partly mitigates its high concentration on Spain's economy. Its special constitutional status, which isolates the region from negative intervention by the sovereign. Its financing system, with high fiscal autonomy that does not rely on transfers from the central government to any meaningful degree. As a result, we estimate that the impact of a sovereign stress scenario would come from a fall in GDP and tax collection. A track record of sound financial management and our view that the region's management shows a strong credit culture.” 18 3.- LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT 19 Liquidity Management • Retail focus: Loan book growth financed by deposit taking (and SMEs mediation finance by ICO). • CRN maintains a high volume of liquid assets, most of them eligible for monetary operations with ECB. • Despite this strategy, CRN has been active in wholesale markets since 2001: • Domestic Commercial Paper Program – yearly renewed • Schuldscheindarlehen issues (private placements, all matured) • Senior FRN Caja Rural de Navarra 2006 (matured 2011) • Several SME ABS and RMBSs programs (developed through the Caja Rural Group since 2000) • EIB specific issuance • Public Issued Covered Bonds • 2013 inaugural Issue (maturing 2018) • 2015 Issue (maturing 2022) • Retained Covered Bond • 2014 Issue (maturing 2020) • 2016 Issue (maturing 2023) • Covered Bond Private Placement in 2014 (maturing 2029) 20 Liquidity Management • The strategy has focused on diversifying liquidity sources and getting to know and test different options, but this has never led to a change in a very conservative liquidity profile, which remains firmly based on a very stable deposit base. with no wholesale market dependence. • “Stable retail deposit base and low reliance on wholesale funding” (Moody’s Credit Opinion Dec 2015) • CRN aims at issuing Covered Bonds in order to follow its strategy of diversifying its funding base and tapping growth opportunities in its retail banking business. • CRN’s Cédulas Hipotecarias (Mortgage Covered Bonds) are now rated Aa2 by Moody’s. • CRN´s Covered Bonds in the secondary market have shown a solid trend consistent with its credit quality. 21 4.- COVER POOL 22 Cover Pool - Mortgage portfolio overview Total mortgage cover pool €4.23bn Outstanding covered bonds 1,850m Total overcollateralization (%) 128.49% Central Bank eligible covered bonds 1,850m Fixed rate covered bonds (%) 100.0% Number of loans 38,538 Number of debtors 56,136 Average loan size €109,685 Average LTV 59.89% (%) Average seasoning Average remaining maturity Average rate 66.92 (months) (years) 20.30 (%) 1.78% 90+ days arrears (cover pool) 2.16% 90+ days arrears (residential cover pool) 1.03% Floating rate loans (%) 99.97% Loans in Euros (%) 100.00% Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 23 Cover Pool – Outstanding Covered Bonds Covered Bonds ES0415306002 500M Public issue Fixed rate 11-06-2018 EUR ES0415306010 600M Retained Fixed rate 27-11-2020 EUR ES0415306036 500M Public issue Fixed rate 16-03-2022 EUR ES0415306044 200M Retained Fixed rate 15-04-2023 EUR ES0415306028 50M Private placement Fixed rate 07-02-2029 EUR Maturity Structure (%) Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 Cover Assets maturity calculated on a final maturity basis 24 Cover Pool - Total mortgage portfolio Total Portfolio Total amount (Million of euro) €4,227 Number of loans 38.538 Number of borrowers 56,136 Average loan balance €109,685 Interest only loans WA LTV* 1.56% 59.89% (%) WA Seasoning 66.92 (months) WA Remaining Maturity WA Rate Floating Rate loans (%) 99.97% 2.16% (%) 10 largest exposures Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 20.30 1.78% (%) Arrears >90 days (years) (%) 1.77% 25 Cover Pool - Total mortgage portfolio Breakdown by current loan balance* Geographical Distribution Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 *Current Loan Balance calculated on a WA basis Breakdown by loan seasoning Reference rate 26 Cover Pool – Residential and Commercial mortgage portfolio Residential Total amount (Million of euro) Number of loans Number of borrowers Average loan balance Interest only loans WA LTV* (%) WA Seasoning (months) WA Remaining Maturity (years) WA Rate (%) Floating Rate loans (%) Arrears >90 days (%) 10 largest exposures (%) Commercial €3,145 32,878 51,232 €95,674 0.38% 61.17% 70.93 23.51 1.53% 99.96% 1.03% 0.29% Total amount (Million of euro) Number of loans Number of borrowers Average loan balance Interest only loans WA LTV* (%) WA Seasoning (months) WA Remaining Maturity (years) WA Rate (%) Floating Rate loans (%) Arrears >90 days (%) 10 largest exposures (%) Geographical Distribution €1,082 5,660 4,904 €191,074 5.00% 55.93% 55.23 10.96 2.52% 99.99 % 5.44% 6.93% Geographical Distribution Navarre 50.80% Navarre 53.21% Basque Country 38.93% Basque Country 31.43% La Rioja 7.45% La Rioja 8.82% Other spanish regions 2.81% Other spanish regions 6.54% Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 27 Cover Pool - Residential mortgage portfolio Residential-Breakdown by loan size Residential-Breakdown by property type Residential-Breakdown by LTV Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 *Current Loan Balance calculated on a WA basis 28 Cover Pool - Commercial mortgage portfolio Commercial-Breakdown by loan size Commercial-Breakdown by property type Commercial-Breakdown by LTV Cut-off date: 30th June 2016 *Current Loan Balance calculated on a WA basis 29 5.-CAJA RURAL GROUP 30 Caja Rural Group – main features • The Group is the result of the will of the Spanish regional co-operative banks to join forces and obtain synergies and economies of scales. • Different business strategy to that developed in the past by other Spanish financial institutions: local focused, no capital markets dependence, no aggressive expansion. • All members enjoy a relevant market share in their home regions and develop a similar business model adapted to the diverse features of each area. • Total assets of €56.8 billion and €4.7 billion of equity. • +8,000 employees. +2,250 branches and a wide presence in the different Spanish regions. More than €6 million clients and €1.1 million co-operative members. 31 Caja Rural Group – Group Institutions GRUPO 100% 70% Spanish co-operative banks 88% 30% 12% 32 Caja Rural Group – Group Institutions • • • • • Banco Cooperativo Español Central treasurer for Group members. Access point to markets: Interbank. Fixed Income, Derivatives, RMBS issues,... Custody and payment services Asset manager and Private Banking Syndicated loans Leasing / Renting International relations (UNICO banking group) Asset and Liabilities analysis and management tools ECB Collateral management Rural Servicios Informáticos (RSI) – IT service provider. Rural Grupo Asegurador (RGA) – Insurance, Pension funds, ... Espiga Capital – Private equity. Asociación Española de Cajas Rurales (AECR) – Strategic Decision and management of the Caja Rural Group. 33 Contacts Headquarters Caja Rural de Navarra Plaza de los Fueros.1 31003 Pamplona Navarre Spain Tel: +34 948 168100 E-mail: [email protected] Miguel García de Eulate Martín-Moro Leire Trojaola Crucelaegui Head of Treasury and Capital Markets department Investor Relations Tel: +34 948 168198 Fax: +34 948 240867 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +34 948 168281 Fax: +34 948 240867 E-mail:[email protected] 34 Disclaimer All rights reserved for Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito. This document was created by Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito exclusively for the purpose of giving corporate presentation by Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito. This presentation may only be shown to business customers and institutional clients. This document may not be changed or shared with third parties without the express consent of Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad.Coop. de Crédito. Anyone in possession of this information or document is obliged to learn about the legal regulations governing possession and sharing of such information and comply with those regulations. This presentation may not be shared withtransmitted to any country with laws restricting the sharing or transmission of such information. Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito is not nor can it be held responsible for the usage, valuations, opinions, expectations or decisions which might be adopted by third parties following the publication of this information. This presentation is exlusively for general information purposes. It does not represent an offer to conclude an agreement on the provision of investment advisory services or the purchase of securities. Where this presentation cites information not originating from Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito or not produced a its request, such information has been compiled from sources deem trustworthy without being verified. For this reason, Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito assumes no guaranteee that such information is complete or correct. Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for expenses, losses or damage from or in connection with the use of all or part of the information contained in this presentation. Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito cautions that this presentation may contain forward looking statements with respect to the business financial condition results of operations, strategy, plans and objectives of the Caja Rural de Navarra Sdad. Coop. de Crédito. While these forward looking statements represent our judgement and future expectations concerning the development of our business, a certain number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from our expectations. These factors include, but are not limited to: (1) general market, Macroeconomic, governmental, political and regulatory trends; (2) movements in local and international securities markets. currency exchange rate and interest rates; (3) competitive pressures; (4) technical developments; (5) changes in the financial position or credit worthiness of our customers, obligors and counterparts. These risk factors could adversely affect our business and financial performance published in our past and future filings and reports. including those with the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). 35
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