Spring 2016 - International Miniature Zebu Association (IMZA)
Spring 2016 - International Miniature Zebu Association (IMZA)
The IMZA CON*NECTION Spring 2016 The Official Publication of the International Miniature Zebu Association INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Message The Saga of a Winter Calf Florida Show Results 2016 Annual Meeting Founded in 1991, the IMZA is the oldest registry of miniature zebu in the world. Our purpose is to collect, record, and preserve the pedigrees of all Miniature Zebu cattle. Additionally, we support our members through education and promotion of the breed, maintenance of a breed registry, and the regulation of all matters that pertain to the history, breeding, exhibition, or improvement of the Miniature Zebu breed. International Miniature Zebu Association 17500 Hamilton Arms Court, Dewitt, VA 23840 407-717-0084 – email: [email protected] – website www.imza.name Cover Photo: Cookie Dough, owned by Mary Cox, Waldorf, MD, shows off her Valentine’s Day Wreath—a testament to the docile nature of miniature zebus. See more pictures of Cookie Dough on pages 14 and 15, showing her many talents! Your Contacts at IMZA PRESIDENT Judy Rohner Centralia, IL 618-367-2994 [email protected] Term expires: April 2018 DIRECTOR Matt Loudenbeck Clinton, WI 262-206-4314 [email protected] Term expires: April 2017 VICE-PRESIDENT Dean Schocker New Liberty, IA 563-843-3848 [email protected] Term expires: April 2016 DIRECTOR Charles “Gene” Williams Crescent, OK 405-969-2284 [email protected] Term expires: April 2017 SECRETARY/TREASURER Rick Bogle Sorrento, FL 407-468-9002 [email protected] Term expires: April 2017 DIRECTOR Rick Ressler Weirsdale, FL 352-223-5428 [email protected] Term expires: April 2016 DIRECTOR Steve DeMoor Sanford, FL 407-509-9069 [email protected] Term expires: April 2018 DIRECTOR Alan Blumhorst Nashville, IL 618-424-7979 [email protected] Term expires: April 2016 DIRECTOR Kenneth Cornwell Vinita, OK 918-244-6452 [email protected] Term expires: April 2018 REGISTRAR Kathy Petersen Dewitt, VA 407-717-0084 [email protected] WEBMASTER/NEWSLETTER EDITOR Barbara McDermott Christmas, FL 407-568-7337 [email protected] Disclaimer: The IMZA CoN*Nection is published four times per year with Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issues. The views and opinions expressed in letters or other content are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent IMZA policy. The IMZA accepts no liability for any loss, damage, or claims occurring as a result of advice given in this publication or for claims made by advertisers or products or services in this publication. 2 President’s Message Hello everyone, I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you are enduring these winter months. Spring is just around the corner, and I am sure our members are looking forward to green pastures and miniature zebu calves! Spring is also when the annual International Miniature Zebu Association meeting takes place--this will be the association’s 25th Anniversary! The meeting will be held at Nolan’s Catering Banquet Hall in Macon, MO, (which is a different venue than previous years) on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. IMZA will host a Meet-and-Greet with refreshments from 5:30-6:00 p.m., followed by a BBQ dinner with all the trimmings from 6:00-7:00 pm. Our annual meeting will begin immediately following dinner at 7:00 p.m. Please plan to attend to meet your fellow members and offer your input. We love seeing new faces in the IMZA! You will find directions and more information in this issue of the newsletter. You should have received your ballot and bios of the 2016 candidates via U.S. mail for the IMZA Board of Directors. The bios are also printed in this issue of the newsletter. Please vote for your choice of BOD candidates and return your ballot in the addressed envelope that was enclosed with the ballot by 3/15/16. I encourage you to consider running for the board yourself next year--you can make a difference! I want to thank all of you for sharing your photos and stories with us. Something that seems insignificant to you may be just what our members need to see. New members or those folks wanting to learn about miniature zebus will benefit from your experiences, as well. Check out this issue for some interesting stories and cute photos. As always, we love to hear what our members are doing with their miniature zebus! Please continue to send any photos or stories to our Webmaster/Newsletter editor. We appreciate all you do to promote this wonderful breed of miniature cattle. Until next time, good luck with your calving and may your barns be filled with lots of little moo-moos. Judy Rohner, President, International Miniature Zebu Association Welcome to our New Members who joined IMZA from November 2015 – February 2016 Frank and Karen Allen, Judsonia, AR John Godbout, Rock Hill, SC Anthony Stewart, Claremore, OK Ronald Wilson, Montreal, MO 3 If you haven’t sent in your IMZA membership renewal, it’s time! You can join on-line from our website at www.imza.name, or you can mail in your membership application. If your contact information has changed, please forward new information to Dennis Beranek at [email protected], or contact the IMZA at [email protected] or 407-717-0084. TIME TO RENEW YOUR IMZA MEMBERSHIP!!! Gene Ahern from Sniper Creek Farm, Hickory Grove, SC, sends in an updated photo of our November 2015 cover model, Ginger Snap, kicking up her heels, below left. A picture of their cow, Zola, and her bull calf, Wyatt Earp is on the right. Registration Information - Registration tip on Report of Birth: When doing a report of birth, the registrar needs the completed form, the calf’s picture (with the mother of the calf if possible) and $25.00, if you are a member ( $50.00 if not a member). Remember, THERE ARE NO LATE FEES!!! Send in your registrations today. There are now more than 6,900 registered miniature zebus in the IMZA! *****REGISTRATION SPECIAL FOR IMZA MEMBERS***** IMZA will give a 20-percent discount to anyone who hardship-registers five animals at one time. Regular Hardship Fee of $50 would become $40 (for a total of $200); and AMZA-registered animals can be registered for $32 each, instead of $40 each (for a total of $160). Hurry while this offer lasts! 4 Mini Zebus Featured at Tractor Supply Rick Bogle of Bogle Farms, Sorrento, FL, sends in these photos from another great exhibition at the local Tractor Supply Store in Eustis, FL, on January 30, 2016. There was a steady stream of interested people checking out his cows and lots of little kids petting them. Rick says it’s a great way to get the cattle ready for the Florida State Fair! 5 IMZA 25th Annual Meeting The International Miniature Zebu Association invites all members and all miniature zebu enthusiasts to attend the annual IMZA Meeting. The IMZA is the only miniature zebu organization that offers its members the opportunity to vote for a volunteer Board of Directors. The ballots were mailed to each member during the week of February 22, 2016. Please participate in this activity by mailing in your ballots to our CPA who will tabulate the votes. Please be sure it is postmarked no later than March 15, 2016, so that the official results can be verified. If you have not received your ballot, please contact the IMZA at [email protected]. Please see below for the candidates’ resumes. Please note that it is also necessary that members are current on their membership dues in order for their votes to count. If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact the IMZA office for clarification. The purpose of this election is to fill two Board positions for a term of three years each. WHEN: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 WHERE: Nolan’s Catering Banquet Hall, 3002 Jims Road, Macon, MO 63552 WHAT: Meet-and-Greet with Refreshments from 5:30 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. BBQ Dinner with all the trimmings from 6:00 p.m. till 7:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. DIRECTIONS: From Lolli Sale Barn at 704 Main Street, Macon, MO 63522, head north on U.S. 63 (Missouri Street). Go past Highway 36 and turn right onto Lake Street at Special D Meats. Turn right onto Jims Road. Nolan’s Catering will be at the end of the street on the left. SEE YOU AT THE IMZA 25TH ANNUAL MEETING!!!! An Introduction to 2016 IMZA Board of Directors Candidates Rick Ressler, Weirsdale, Florida My name is Rick Ressler. I would like the privilege of continuing to serve on the Board of Directors of IMZA. I live right outside of Weirsdale, Florida, on ten acres with my significant other. We have been raising miniature zebus since 2010. We keep about 20 brood cows and four bulls, and we raise about 20 calves each year. I enjoy promoting, exhibiting and educating others about this breed. I feel it is important to promote the youth to get involved in miniature zebus since they are the future of our farms. I have been a member of IMZA since 2010. I respectfully ask for your vote in the upcoming election. 6 An Introduction to 2016 IMZA Board of Directors Candidates (continued) Dean Schocker, New Liberty, Iowa I am a founding member of the IMZA, which started in 1991. I have served on the Board of Directors and am on the committee for reviewing the Hardship Registration applications. I have also served as IMZA President and am currently serving as Vice-President. I have remained steadfast in raising miniature zebu cattle for over 25 years, which is a tribute to their satisfying my bovine experience! I retired from my “city job.” I live on my “Minicornpatch” in Iowa. About 1990, I got together with Paul Seaboldt of Keikuk, IA, who introduced me to miniature zebu cattle and explained that they were very few in number. I found some heifers and bought a bull from Paul. My zebu breeding program was “on the way,” so to speak. I keep the heifer calves for replacement cows and sell the bull calves. I sell off the older cows and, from time to time, buy Foundation Pure cows. I still try to keep all heifer calves as replacements for the cows that I sell. If I find bull calves are not suitable for herd sires, I feed them out like regular beef cattle and butcher them at about 18 months of age. The meat tastes the same as any other beef breed—it just comes in smaller cuts. The IMZA zebu breed has come a long way since the registry was first formed on a small genetic base of animals. The opportunity to buy “fine” quality Foundation Pure cattle is definitely here. Anyone who wishes to own miniature zebu cattle will find them affordable and will find a wide selection of quality animals from which to choose. IMZA on Facebook Have you checked out the IMZA on Facebook lately? Here are some of the topics being discussed : I saw my bull licking the red clay dirt. Could that be a sign something is off on his diet or is that semi-normal? What minerals and/or salt blocks do you use? Happy Valentine’s Day to all our wonderful members. May your day be full of love and laughter. Are you looking to add some nice zebu to your herd? Check out what’s new in the Sale Barn . . . I wanted to take the time to thank all IMZA members for their support of me as their registrar. You are a terrific bunch! So easy to help such fantastic folks. Thank you for making my job easier (by Kathy Petersen). Breeders are raising miniature cattle that are ideal for small farms. They are sold for small-scale milk production, beef, breeding, and as pets. They are easy on facilities, equipment and pastures; they are docile, easy to handle; they can be kept on as little as an acre; and they are efficient feed converters. Check out our Facebook page to see what our members and others have to say about these topics! 7 Polk County Youth Fair Zebu Show By Rick Bogle We had another great mini zebu youth show at the Polk County Youth Fair in Bartow, Florida, on January 28, 2016. The kids all did a great job and were a real credit to their respective FFA and 4-H clubs. They were all winners in my book, but the grand champions and reserve champions were: GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE FX Bar Mia, shown by Alexis Schreiber GRAND CHAMPION BULL Kehoe's Black Raider, shown by Rijnaldo Euson RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL FX Bar Pumpkin Spice, shown by Shelby Peterson RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Devane Oaks Kislyn, shown by Misty Devane A great time was had by all of the exhibitors and the many spectators. More pictures of the show and some of the exhibitors are shown on the next page. 8 Polk County Youth Fair Zebu Show (continued) 9 Polk County Youth Fair Zebu Show (continued) 10 Upcoming Miniature Zebu Shows in Florida For further information on Florida shows, please contact Rick Bogle at 407-468-9002 or [email protected]. ************************************ Upcoming Miniature Zebu Shows in Oklahoma IMZA Members: Send in your articles, photos, show reports or unique events with your miniature zebus for publication in the IMZA CoN*Nection and on the IMZA’s website. Sharing your experiences with your fellow members helps everyone learn, including potential new miniature zebu owners! Send to: [email protected]. 11 The Saga of a Winter Calf by Cindi Darling Most of the time, animal breeders plan on babies arriving at certain times of the year, most often when it is not freezing. This does not always happen, especially if you allow the boys and the girls to co-exist all year. Last month on a particularly cold day while checking stock in the morning, our zebu count was off by one cow. When we got to the shed in that pen we saw a lone zebu cow bolting past us as if we were wolves. This photo does not do justice to what was a “dead” and very “flat” calf When we got to the front of the building, we immediately saw a flat, apparently dead, calf. Nancy got out to photograph it, sex it and put it into the bed of the truck for disposal. When she went to move the stiff, cold carcass, a leg twitched! She immediately grabbed it and ran to the truck. We wrapped the ice cold “carcass” in a blanket and cranked up the heater. Nancy cuddled the body and rubbed her extremities while our office “Mommy,” Mayze, cleaned the face, ears and neck. Momma on the run Mayze cleaning the face, ears and neck Ice melting, she is still wet and stiff but a little better After these ministrations we placed the calf in the foot well of the truck with the heater cranked up and the blanket tented up to catch the heat. After about an hour she moved her head into a little more natural position. We had a busy morning as she cooked under the heater for about four hours before returning to the office. We had stopped and purchased a new bag of Colostrx for her. We doubted that she had been able to nurse and colostrum is 12 The Saga of a Winter Calf (continued) vital for newborn babies. It is also important as you slowly warm up a cold animal to get them warm inside and out. Body temperature on the fly can be checked by feeling the inside of the mouth. It should be warm to the touch. …dropping her blanket and getting a little help at balance from the microwave stand and the fridge. To our surprise this little trooper apparently really wants to live. A nipple in the mouth and little stimulation, and she sucked down an entire bottle on the first try. This is a very encouraging sign and extremely unusual. All too often in these situations one has to tube feed these newborns. Settled In Wandering around outside. Keeping warm with dog coats and sweaters She is amazing! She has eagerly taken her bottle from the very first day. Unfortunately, like so many bottle babies we start, she is not aware that she is a bovine. She lasted one day and night in the bathroom and a cage and then transitioned to complete freedom and chose to settle into a dog bed next to my desk with a heater right next to her. 13 The Saga of a Winter Calf (continued) She has even attempted to climb into my chair with me. Sigh! The dogs can stand and bark in her face, and she just stands there with an “isn’t- that-normal?” attitude. Zulily today, 02/25/16 We named her Zulily, and she is now happily going to spend her summer with a petting zoo. The chances of her ever believing she is a zebu at heart are very slim. The Versatility of Miniature Zebus Mary Cox of Waldorf, MD, sent us a few photos of her miniature zebus doing their “jobs.” Mini zebu, Cookie Dough, at the petting zoo. She loves her job! Another picture of Annabelle, mini zebu, enjoying a ride on the Gator. 14 Annabelle, mini zebu, enjoying a ride on the Gator with one of Mary’s pony walkers Cookie Dough at a live nativity The Versatility of Miniature Zebus (continued) Another picture of Mini zebu, Cookie Dough, at the petting zoo. FREE Marketing for IMZA Members Don’t forget that the IMZA’s website has a “LINKS” page where your farm name, location and website link can be listed? It is FREE! Just email [email protected] and give us your information! Your farm will be added on the next website update. Remember also that when you become a member of the IMZA, you can advertise your IMZA-registered miniature zebus for sale on our FREE SALE BARN on the IMZA’s website at www.imza.name. This is a very active part of the website— people report they are selling their miniature zebus quickly through the Sale Barn. It’s FREE to IMZA members. Find Zebus like these on the IMZA’s FREE Sale Barn on at www.imza.name 15 Tips for selling on the IMZA Sale Barn: - - Be sure your animal is IMZA-registered and that you are a member of IMZA Fill out the simple form on the Sale Barn page with all information about your animal Don’t forget to email the picture to go with your listing to [email protected] Please be sure your picture is no larger than 100kb (about 400 pixels by 400 pixels). If you need to re-size your picture, you can find a free picture-resizing tool at www.picresize.com. It is very simple to use, and it allows you to crop your photos, as well. When you have sold your animal, please let your [email protected] know—and please let her know on which page your animal is, or give the date of birth and sex of the animal so it can be found easier on the website. Another Calf is Saved by Dean Schocker Had a tough job delivering a calf last night, January 16th. The cow wasn't due until the 20th - 25th. I went to take a look at her before bed last night. She appeared to be in labor. I went back in and got warmer clothes on and went back out. She had her head toward me so I couldn't see what was going on in the back. After a while she got up and turned her butt toward me, and there was a foot sticking out. I called my brother and he came over. We tried to pull the calf out but gave up and called the vet. He was there in 15 minutes. He determined that the head was not in the right position. He was able to get it in the right position. We were then able to pull the calf out. He didn't have much life but started breathing in a little bit. I brought him to the house and put him in my mini calf warmer. In a few hours he was looking pretty good. Another calf is saved! Check out the next page to see how he’s doing after two weeks. He’s even eating hay! 16 Another Calf is Saved (continued) The little calf is doing well at two weeks of age. Gene Ahern sends in this photo below of Buckshot, residing at Sniper Creek Farm, Hickory Grove, SC. Please note that the IMZA CoN*Nection is published on-line only in pdf format. You may see some of the same news and information on our website which may seem redundant; but websites are ever-changing. By having our newsletter in printed form, we will always have a record of what’s been taking place in the history of the IMZA. Currently, we have a few back issues available for download or viewing on the IMZA website. If there are some IMZA members who do not get on the internet, please contact Barbara McDermott to make arrangements to receive a hard copy via U.S. Mail. You may contact Barbara via email at [email protected] or by telephone at 407-568-7337. 17 IMZA Membership Application International Miniature Zebu Association 17500 Hamilton Arms Court, Dewitt, VA 23840 PHONE: (407) 717-0084 – EMAIL: [email protected] I hereby apply for membership in the INTERNATIONAL MINIATURE ZEBU ASSOCIATION. If accepted I agree to follow the rules, regulations and bylaws of the association. A remittance of $___________ is enclosed for Payment of membership fees payable in U.S. FUNDS). Active Membership ($35 per year) Associate Membership ($25 per year) Youth membership ($15 per year) One-year sponsored membership gifted to non-member by active member ($20 per year) Date _____________________________ Member No.: (If Renewing) _________________ Name of Membership ______________________________________________________________ (Individual, Firm, Corp., etc. Cattle are to be registered in this name) Authorized Signature ______________________________________________________________ Complete Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Preferred Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________ Alternate Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________ Website address: ______________________________________________________________ Occupation ______________________________________________________________ ______________________ Preferred Prefix to use when naming your Zebu (to avoid name duplication). (Can be abbreviated form of Ranch/Farm or Business name or can be initials.) Number of Zebus Owned: ________ Females ________ Males Please check the information you would like to appear on the IMZA’s Website Member Lists: _____Name _____ Address _____ Phone _____Email _____ Website address PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: IMZA 17500 Hamilton Arms Court, Dewitt, VA 23840 18
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