cultural ecopratices of “recicladores”and ambullant sellers in
cultural ecopratices of “recicladores”and ambullant sellers in
CULTURAL ECOPRATICES OF “RECICLADORES”AND AMBULLANT SELLERS IN COLOMBIA: VALORIZATION PROPOSAL OF A HIDE ECONOMY AUTOR (ES) Maria Paula Niño Angela Maria Vanegas PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA FACULTAD DE ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO CARRERA DE DISEÑO INDUSTRIAL (Maestría en desarrollo del prodotto ecocompatibile) Bogotá D.C. 2011 CULTURAL ECOPRATICES OF “RECICLADORES”AND AMBULLANT SELLERS IN COLOMBIA: VALORIZATION PROPOSAL OF A HIDE ECONOMY AUTOR (ES) Maria Paula Niño Angela Maria Vanegas Presentado para optar al título de diseñador industrial DIRECTOR Pier Paolo Peruccio Marco Bozzola PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA FACULTAD DE ARQUITECTURA Y DISEÑO CARRERA DE DISEÑO INDUSTRIAL (Maestría en desarrollo del prodotto ecocompatibile) Bogotá D.C. 2011 Nota de Advertencia: Artículo 23 de la Resolución N° 13 de Julio de 1946. “La Universidad no se hace responsable por los conceptos emitidos por sus alumnos en sus trabajos de tesis. Solo velará por qué no se publique nada contrario al dogma y a la moral católica y por que las tesis no contengan ataques personales contra persona alguna, antes bien se vea en ellas el anhelo de buscar la verdad y la justicia”. 12 3 12 4 12 5 ANEXO 1 CARTA DE AUTORIZACIÓN DE LOS AUTORES (Licencia de uso) Bogotá, D.C., 1 de agosto de 2011 Señores Biblioteca Alfonso Borrero Cabal S.J. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cuidad Los suscritos: Maria Paula Niño Buitrago Angela Maria Vanegas Lozano , con C.C. No , con C.C. No , con C.C. No 1015394544 1018408170 En mi (nuestra) calidad de autor (es) exclusivo (s) de la obra titulada: CULTURAL ECOPRATICES OF “RECICLADORES”AND AMBULLANT SELLERS IN COLOMBIA: VALORIZATION PROPOSAL OF A HIDE ECONOMY (por favor señale con una “x” las opciones que apliquen) No X Tesis doctoral Trabajo de grado x Premio o distinción: Si cual: presentado y aprobado en el año 2011 , por medio del presente escrito autorizo (autorizamos) a la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana para que, en desarrollo de la presente licencia de uso parcial, pueda ejercer sobre mi (nuestra) obra las atribuciones que se indican a continuación, teniendo en cuenta que en cualquier caso, la finalidad perseguida será facilitar, difundir y promover el aprendizaje, la enseñanza y la investigación. En consecuencia, las atribuciones de usos temporales y parciales que por virtud de la presente licencia se autorizan a la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, a los usuarios de la Biblioteca Alfonso Borrero Cabal S.J., así como a los usuarios de las redes, bases de datos y demás sitios web con los que la Universidad tenga perfeccionado un convenio, son: AUTORIZO (AUTORIZAMOS) 1. La conservación de los ejemplares necesarios en la sala de tesis y trabajos de grado de la Biblioteca. 2. La consulta física o electrónica según corresponda 3. La reproducción por cualquier formato conocido o por conocer 4. La comunicación pública por cualquier procedimiento o medio físico o electrónico, así como su puesta a disposición en Internet 5. La inclusión en bases de datos y en sitios web sean éstos onerosos o gratuitos, existiendo con ellos previo convenio perfeccionado con la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana para efectos de satisfacer los fines previstos. En este evento, tales sitios y sus usuarios tendrán las mismas facultades que las aquí concedidas con las mismas limitaciones y condiciones 6. La inclusión en la Biblioteca Digital PUJ (Sólo para la totalidad de las Tesis Doctorales y de Maestría y para aquellos trabajos de grado que hayan sido laureados o tengan mención de honor.) SI NO X X X X X X ANEXO 2 BIBLIOTECA ALFONSO BORRERO CABAL, S.J. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA TESIS DOCTORAL O DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO FORMULARIO TÍTULO COMPLETO DE LA TESIS DOCTORAL O TRABAJO DE GRADO CULTURAL ECOPRATICES OF “RECICLADORES”AND AMBULLANT SELLERS IN COLOMBIA: VALORIZATION PROPOSAL OF A HIDE ECONOMY SUBTÍTULO, SI LO TIENE AUTOR O AUTORES Apellidos Completos Nombres Completos Niño Buitrago Vanegas Lozano Maria Paula Angela Maria DIRECTOR (ES) TESIS DOCTORAL O DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO Apellidos Completos Nombres Completos Peruccio Bozzola Pier Paolo Marco FACULTAD Arquitectura y Diseño Pregrado PROGRAMA ACADÉMICO Tipo de programa ( seleccione con “x” ) Especialización Maestría Doctorado x Nombre del programa académico Diseño Industrial Nombres y apellidos del director del programa académico Robrto Cuervo TRABAJO PARA OPTAR AL TÍTULO DE: Diseñador Industrial PREMIO O DISTINCIÓN (En caso de ser LAUREADAS o tener una mención especial): CIUDAD AÑO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE LA TESIS O DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO NÚMERO DE PÁGINAS 2011 120 Bogota Dibujos Pinturas TIPO DE ILUSTRACIONES ( seleccione con “x” ) Tablas, gráficos y Planos Mapas Fotografías diagramas x Partituras x SOFTWARE REQUERIDO O ESPECIALIZADO PARA LA LECTURA DEL DOCUMENTO Nota: En caso de que el software (programa especializado requerido) no se encuentre licenciado por la Universidad a través de la Biblioteca (previa consulta al estudiante), el texto de la Tesis o Trabajo de Grado quedará solamente en formato PDF. index 1 INTRODUCTION 2 A FRACTION AS A COMPLEX VIEW 3 IMPACT OF CONSUMPTION: 4 COLOMBIA: Design-artisan-self -production New ways to use. A different point of view. Colombian context Self- Made Colombian “creators”. The “informal” creators description “recicladores”, ambulant sellers, repairer Solution Approaches around Latin America and Colombia 5 Exhibition System Communication and connection ways Museum Examples Ecomuseo Examples 12 10 6 PROPOSAL Proposal description Objectives General Specific Why? For who? Why they still informal? General requirements How? Hypotetical partners Long term scope and critics 7 PRESENTATION 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY SYTOGRAPHY 12 11 1 Introduction This document focuses the attention in a part of the Colombian population more precisely in approximately less than the 62% of 45. 972.399 habitants, this part of the population makes part of the informal economy. This informal economy appears as a response to the current social problems that affected the country as the violence, the poverty, the lack of education, the displaced people, and the unemployment rate that is constantly going high, this year the 11,8% of Colombian population doesnʼt have a job. So the people as a response of need they look for a way to survive and get some money to live and feet the families, they develop a behavior called the “rebusque” that is the ability to find money, they become very recursive because they have to so something with the few things that they have in their hands, and they start to built some “business” opportunities, without the government help and also without all the benefits that a formal worked had, as health, pensions, and favorable conditions of work. 12 1 At this moment, we focus the attention in three different figure that are the “recicladores” , the ambulant sellers and the repairer, the last one can be considered as a formal but is not already defined in which side is. These three figure developed practices that brings benefits to the society, for example the ”recicladores” they are the only community in Colombia that even think in recycle, in Colombia there is not recycling culture, everything goes inside the same trash and anyone care about it, the labor of these people is go around the city opening and looking inside the garbage, collecting and separating all these objects and materials that can be reuse, or recycled as cardboard, plastic, glass, aluminum, paper etc, and also they found clothes, toys, books and all the stuff that the other half of the population think that is trash they give them a new opportunity of life, the “recicladores” reduce the environmental impact, giving new value to the objects an things. The other actor is the ambulant seller that helps also to reduce the environmental impact in the way that he create an ambulant store made by reused materials, the process of creation and the esthetic aspect gives to this cars the characteristics that talks a lot about the material culture in Colombia at this time they make part to the cultural language and characteristics. And the last figure is the repairer; In Colombia is very difficult bring to the guarantee some devices when they stop working so this figure is 13 12 1 the one that enters in action, they extend the life of the objects, no just doing the reparation they also paint the objects, and re build some new with the old parts of other objects. This is an important figure because as the Colombian doesnʼt have a lot of money they can not work with the consumption system so the look to preserve the object the longer they can, because they have just few possibilities of getting a new one. After the analysis of each one of these figures we arrive to the conclusion that they are a part of the population that the only thing they do is give benefit to the society and for the environment but they still working in precarious work conditions The intention of this approach is after the analyses of each figure is valorized and sensitize the other part of the population of Colombia searching for some help or team works for work together to improve the quality of live of this part of the population. The proposal that we have is to create and exhibition system where we can communicate in an emotive way this problems and the stories of these community, another way to communicate and connect the affected community and the target is with the creation of some interactive way or laboratories that includes each side of the parts and also we can communicate with a tangible document as magazines or news papers or in a virtual way creating a space where every body can participate and help for the cause. 14 12 1 We found also some associations that have being created recently but they still need some partners that support them, financial, or in others ways as giving education, everything looking for bring benefit to this part of the population that give us a lot without asking nothing in return, just a little bit of respect, help and dignity. 12 15 2 A FRACTION AS A COMPLEX VIEW Design-artisan-self-production From the beginning of times the human being have had the necessity of create objects, not just to be related with the world, but also to express themselves, giving different names and meanings based on the purpose and the characteristics of the object. Likewise overtime man has developed techniques and new tools, to transform the field based on the needs and the context in which is develop. At first the use of the hands were the main tool to create and just some people have the creativity, ability and the capacity to express themselves and the context in which they were, through their body (hands)1. The artist in this case had the mission of represent the highest values of the society. The artisan was the one who had the knowledge of the typical techniques, which were transferred generation by generation persisting in the memory of those people that were part of a group or a society, creating this movement in a traditional art, he was responsible for all the process of creation from the idea to the materialization of it, he was the only one that had a kind of a gift knowing every material, how to use it, how to mix it with other and also the techniques to transform it and give an identity in the whole process. An essential characteristic of being an artisan is that he had a direct 1 “Used to say that without the hands there would have never been any civilization” Giordano Bruno in. Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Artigianato Comunità Design off Manufatto, editorial silvana,Milano, 2008, p.12. 16 12 2 relationship with the material he is the one that handles the production process until the final product the direct contact with the matter, this can be considered work of art because is a unique piece, even if they are more of the same one, the hands of the artisan are the ones that make on "defect" one element of differentiation, it gives an attached value like the identity and authenticity, is almost the sign of the artist. Enzo Mari says that there are two possible ways in which the artisan is seen these days. The first one is very similar to the designer that would be the ideal artisan, in which each time he produces a prototype he sells himself. This could be compared to the definition of the typical craftsman of “that is the one that, work locally with elements found on the field; he/she owns technical techniques, processes and languages but he/she merely reproduces past objects, without a specific project and he/she sometimes twists its traditional image”2. In this way the only difference with the designer is that the designer produce a prototype as a reference for an industrial production, that is what could be called the industrial craftsman in “which he/she contributes to create an industrial product with parts making the artifact more prestigious; or, as for Twergi, a collection of crafts products from Cusio Valleys and distributed by Alessi, it is a total substitute for the industrial process, so that’s killed craftsmen can work within the company itself and focus on a part of the production chain creating a serial, more than industrial, product”3. 2 Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Manufatto, Artigianato Comunità Design, ed.Silvana,Milano,2008, p13. 3 Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Manufatto, Artigianato Comunità Design, ed. Silvana,Milano, 2008, p15 12 17 2 The second way that Mari see the artisan is more affected by the way the world function these days. After the industrial revolution the context and the scope of the artisan wasn't just to create an object, but also compete with the prices of the market, and in this way also to the machines. The objects become just useful to decorate, the object loose the autonomy and the cultural characteristics, because the artisan are obliged to do cheap objects even if the hand work has a better quality. Also with the entrance of the machine, “The artisan thought on the use of the machine as and a way to operate the best with less fatigue, while the technique one reads on the machine the potential reproducibility”3 They were different kinds of artisan that are focused in specific sectors. They were the technical craftsmen as the one is “in charge of the production of special and complex parts of projects, based on someone else’s design. Then, he/she turned to be a service provider (models and prototypes) for the industrial system, companies and designers as well. Now he/she is interested in a new dimension: the realization of highly technological products (as for lighting technology) using serial parts, sold on the market but that can be assembled according to a person’s requirements. The luxury craftsman works in specific sectors (jewellery, fashion, old books, restoration of precious works) where the manufacturing skills must be proportioned to the value of the artifact”4. 3 Gabriele Devecchi, Artigiano Immaginario, ed.francoangeli, Milan, 2010, p.13. 4 Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Manufatto, Artigianato Comunità Design, ed. Silvana,Milano, 2008, p.15. 12 2 The specialization of the parts make sometimes that people forget the real function of the creators, for example when Mari talks about the designer in this days he said that make a good render is becoming more important than the development of a project. Also the way of doing things has changed creating a different communication system. Many contemporary teachers give a grade in design based in the capacity to use a modeling program forgetting in the first place the idea and the support of it. In this case the design would become just a technical tool, but actually is much more than that. When we are in front of the word design many things can come to our minds, and find a specific definition become a really hard work, because jus the single word can be a noun and also and a verb, if we talk about design as a noun we talk about the intention, goal, instinct, plan, when we talk about the word design as a verb To design, means how to plan something, the strategic and the idea of getting to. The design is a creative process where objects, services, systems and ideas are developed for attend need physical and physic from human been that belong in a determinate society. Is a process in witch the creative ideas get transformed in to projects, and this conception is always a plan, has a previous development, it work in the present but for the future “ From the latin “projectus” (consisting of “pro”, forward, and “jacere” to throw), a “project” throws forward its own vision of the future”5 always looking for the possibility of the materialization of ideas-concepts. In this way the main difference between the artisan and the designer 5 Claudio Germak, Claudia de Giorgi, Exploring Design on Man at the center of the project, Allemandy & C,Torino, 2008, p.55. 12 2 is that design think an idea not just to supply the need in the present but also to think a system in the future, based in the characteristics of the context The new works had new values that had a directly relation with the author this going forward the suppose separation between artisan and design, “ the common characteristics on these objects are: the investigation and projectation in relation to the context and the history, useful objects that can be on a production process but at the same time, conserve the virtuality of the art object, detection tools and knowledge of the points of conflict and superposition of the two disciplines: art and design, riferiments less or more explicit in the tradition and contemporary, attitudes with novelty, and of unforeseen hazards”6 The design become the bridge between the world of arts and the world of science, where isn't just important to express but also to find a technical way appropriated to the culture and the needs of the people. Making a global approach of the quality of the language, a collective language. But this “language” has to fix in a system, in the case of the design it must be a part of a productive chain. Before the designer should go to sell his work and change it based on the enterprise merchandising requirements and accept to produced it the way they want. Currently it’s been a transformation in the way the designers have to sell their ideas. Where each one finds the way to produce their own product, not just as an idea, but also thinking in the technical (material, technology). This tendency is called the SELF PRODUCTION. “The self production is an expression of a research methodology based on an 6 Ugo la Pietra, Fatto ad arte, arti decorative e artigianato, Trienale di Milano, Milano, 1997,p.6. 12 2 experimental approach that manifest the necessity of the re appropriation of the manual work, construction process, definition of the object and also a reflection about the design content independently from the industrial and market requirements, but is also the exploration of a real possibility of the commercialization of unique pieces or small series with their own brand”7. The problem of the designer is that he is looking his work as pieces. As La Pietra said, in Fatto ad arte, the designer separates the creation from the realization, materialization of the product. “It’s literally the capacity of doing the thing by themselves, to built or do something autonomously, it’s an ability derived specially from the enthusiasm and the will of do something with less intermediaries, so may ensure a direct contact with the creation of an object ” 8. The self-production is configured as a possible business model it offer a flexible type of production, allows direct experimentation with the techniques and materials taking advantage for make innovative pieces. This kind of production let the designer create a prototype that communicate all the process, concept and intention with which was thought. The self-production is for the new designers is a field that let them experiment and mold the materialization process of ideas, we can 7 Marta Rita Ferrara Produzione,autoproducione,autopromozione, Esperienze dei giovani designer in Europa in Vanni Pasca e Viviana Trapandi, Scenario del giovane design, idée e progetti dall’Europa e dal mondo, Ed Lupetti,Milano, 2001, p.254. 8 Loredana Benicasa, Le fanzine, Materiali sull’autoproduzione in Vanni Pasca e Viviana Trapandi, Scenario del giovane design, idée e progetti dall’Europa e dal mondo, Ed Lupetti,Milano, 2001, p.297. 12 2 not said that the designer turns into an artisan, because the techniques and process of treatment the materials are universal and not necessarily traditional as would be in the artisan way but they begin to have more in common when the designer start transferring the essence of the individuality of the unique object. Actually the designers had this possibility not just as a way to make their own brand and start their own business but also as a possibility to show themselves in big fairs9 that bring great benefit to both: the designers and the big companies because its a space to show what you did and the companies search new products that are innovative and had the possibility of been mass produced. This new way of self-promotion and self-production has different points of view regarding design, designers, companies and the market. Some designers just create objects to be choosing by a company and the only goal that they have is mass production they 9 One of this fair is the “Salone del mobile a Milano, Acronym of the Organizing Committee of the Italian Furniture Fair, Cosmit is the company that organizes the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, started in 1961 by the intuition of a small group of furniture, an expression of body-category Federlegno furniture, to promote Italian exports of furniture and soon became the most anticipated event for the international world of design. Apart from the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, held in Milan in April each year, organizes the biennial Cosmit Euroluce and SaloneUfficio (odd years), and Eurocucina International Bathroom (even years) and the annual International Furnishing Accessories and SaloneSatellite. Together these events called the "Salons" - open to field operators and on Sunday to the public - occupying a net exhibition area of almost 230,000 square meters in Fiera Milano Rho, representing the production of more than 2,500 between the most dynamic and creative companies in the international market and the approximately 700 young designers SaloneSatellite and are visited by over 290,000 workers per year, of which more than 50% from 160 countries around the world” Gabriele Ardemagni in Storia on the webpage,1,23,49, April 2010. 12 2 made objects guided for force of simplicity not only in shapes but also in the materials sometimes without concept they just concern about industrial feasibility. They are other designers that turns in the other way, the artistic one, to much concept and abstract shapes and no intention or function and there is also the designer that achieves a balance between design and the “industry” that means not mass production but a way or place to commercialize and sale the products. “The creativity of the designer was contrasted with the productive filter that of the company that produce it. But this limitation could be overcome by simplifying the technology of production and distribution, then creativity can no longer be limited […] because creativity so released can also make better use of mechanisms of marketing, all too often demonized but fundamental to reach the user of the object”10 This kind of new way of design integrates different fields of application, the artistic and craftsmanship as the designer becomes the direct creator of the object, besides communicate, the designer transfers to the object an added value, that in terms of mass production could be considered as a defect. For the half of 90’s the reproduction was the one thxat with the machine help create a bunch of objects equal to each other because of the initial model where they where made, as a result of this all those objects that were not equal that had some defects where considered as discard, but at this time the concept of defect start to transform in a value as symbol of handmade products 10 Carlo Martino, intervista a Carlo Martino, aprile, 2001,Gaetano Pesce, material e differenza, testo&imagine, Torino, 2003, p.18. 12 2 Gaetano Pesce11 talks about the “fundamental principle of the acceptance of the defect that from waste is transformed in a distinction element”12, is a way of make a difference in a globalize world, said that defect load value to the object because the human imperfection is the one that has more value because is the one that give identity and authenticity "Fish Design proposed is to speak of uniqueness as an evolution from the standard. The defect in humanity, its beauty, joy, touch, sensuality and attractiveness, elasticity, color, femininity, innovation"13. Begin to "admire" the beauty of the defect as a footprint of a handwork, the artist leaves his signature on the object makes it an element of distinction, almost luxury, because there is no repetition so each object it differs from each other by defect which is what generates the authenticity and uniqueness of each. Pesce has a diversified serial, were the goal is have similar objects but no identical, with a reasonable prize. He said, “The fundamental 11 Gaetano Pesce an architect designer based on new York city has under taken diverse commissions in architecture, urban planning, interior and exhibition design, industrail design, and publishing. In more than 40 years of practice, Pesce has consaived public and private projects in the Unied States, Europe, Latin America and Asia, from residences to gardens and corporate offices. Pesce´s extensive body work –recognized for its emotive and tactile qualities, unrestrained use of color, and insistence upon innovative building materials developed throught new technologies – has been described by prominent architecture critic Herbert Muschamp as “the architctural equivalent of brainstorm” Biography by Anatomic Factory April 2010. 12 Carlo Martino, Gaetano Pesce, material e differenza, testo&imagine, Torino,2003, p.51. 13 Gaetano Pesce on Filosofia Fish design, 12 2 role of the projectist is the creation of the difference”14 so is in the projectation where the designer can start thinking how he could create a way of produce a small amount but making each one different. The design of a product or a process shows the creative method that let unite the pragmatism and the functionality with the beauty. In these time when everything is the same in everywhere and the market has always a increasing offer, all products and designers are constantly looking for differentiations in relation the consumer. All these new way of “modern craft is based in adaptation and diversification, in contrast with the standardization of serial production”15 as Ugo la Pietra define these new artist / craftsman that has been able to introduce in their work all the components of a modern company: the quality the project, the techniques and innovative procedures, communication and marketing. “The creation of value in the market comes more and more from the creation of symbolic value, based on experience, so much as to talk of an economy of knowledge in which the value attributed to an object depends more and more on the inner content in terms of know how and on the interpersonal meaning attributed to it”16. In this globalized world the self-production is also a way from the designer to start to create according his context and territory but 14 Carlo Martino, Gaetano Pesce, material e differenza, testo&imagine, Torino,2003,p.50. 15 Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Artigianato Comunità Design off Manufatto, editorial silvana,Milano, 2008, p.11. 16 Andrea Magnani, Giovanni Delvecchio, Elisabetta Amatorion Metaproject, Preliminary statements. 12 2 also valorize and release those cultural characteristics that identify and describe a territory, population and culture. “We are now starting to have a relationship with the industry and I believe that the importance of diversity is that everyone can contribute with its culture and at the same time to be inside the global community without having to be equal to the others”17. The designer can go hand in hand with the craftsman, using traditional techniques in the design of new objects looking to transfer in the material, shape, function and way of use (habits) communicative elements that talks about a culture and also been aimed at recovering and promoting the cultural heritage According to François Burkhardt, an expert of design, former publishing director for “Domus” magazine, crafts production methods can be re-launched on the base of recovered local identities. “More and more, artists / designers present on the scene with their "self" renewing that for a long time, has been called the figure Craftsman / Artist confirm that we are dealing with a real new phenomenon and a attention from the designer towards art, towards the new materials, new techniques to (poor or rich) to selfproduction systems (often self-sufficient and not relating to capacity building)”18 The complexity of the self-production is that most of the designers 17 Anete Ring, Italia-Europa Scenari del giovane design, in Vanni Pasca e Viviana Trapandi, Scenario del giovane design, idée e progetti dall’Europa e dal mondo, Ed Lupetti, Milano, 2001, p.55. 18 Ugo la Pietra, Editoriale Il designer artista-artigianato from the Magazine a Artigianato tra arte e design, No. 42 luglio/settembre 2002, p.10. 12 2 are starting they professional carrier and they don’t have financial support and when they finally start producing, the final product becomes very expensive. This kind of design sometimes turns into a more artistic design; the ideal should be that these products with out the use of mass production could be affordable for the users and market. Could be a good option have different associations that support the new young designers and allow them make small series of production minimizing the cost of sale so more people can acquire real design products and the designer begin to be the responsible for democratize the design as art. One of the biggest exposition of self production is the “Salone Internazionale del Mobile” a Milano, specially in the “Salone Satelite” in which we can find the best proposal of the new designers who work themselves in each part of the project. Not just the projection and the idea but also the development of the whole process. Some examples we found this year show not only the selfproduction, but also the innovation in new materials and the re use of material as an answer to the needs of the world these days. An example of self production is in the entrance where Gaetano Pesce, an Italian architect-artist-designer, show in different color chairs the work he has developed with the use of a new material made by resin and polyurethane that gives special colors and texture to create a very particular and attractive object. 12 27 2 Inside the room we also could find the innovation in new materials that where done based in the old materials that are not used anymore, like in the project of Lorenzo Damiani, called “new life”, in which he propose alternative uses of existing materials, and as he say “this is the challenge of today and above all, tomorrow”. 12 28 2 Lorenzo Damiani, New Life, Salone Internazionale del mobile di Milano in the Salone Satelite, 2011 The re use of material and self production was also manifest in the project “fordesignfor” in which they used old materials that have lost their function and find a new order to give those materials new functions. In this way the idea of watching the forms in its first way make also a reflection in the possibility of think the object when it finish his function in a raw material for new necessity 12 29 12 30 (design - artigianato- auto produzione - Colombian creator) arte Artigiano techniche sociale linguaggi culturale valore memoria territorio materiale simbolico uso economico concetti difetto come distinzione charatteristiche Auto produzione re apropiazione del lavoro manuale rapporto diretto la materia manufatto Creatore Colombiano ricorsivo cultura materiale lavoro informale identità autenticità creatore per necesita to design idee processo di produzione opera d'arte pezzo unico scienza ponte Design processo di creazione processi tradizionale conocenza culturale arte independente creazione realizzazione materializzazione 12 progetto futuro “pro” “jacere” gettare fuori strategiche oggetti servizi sistemi 3 IMPACT OF CONSUMPTION: New ways to use. In the previous chapter we can notice that many examples have a tendency to use what we called “waste”19as a raw material for new objects, but is it a trend? Is it just an inclination of our days? Does it have any specific sense? We are living in a globalized20 world with a consumption society thinking, in which mass consume of goods and services are available thanks to mass production of them, creating in the people 19 "Wastes are materials that are not prime products (that is products produced for the market) for which the generator has no further use in terms of his/her own purposes of production, transformation or consumption, and of which he/she wants to dispose. Wastes may be generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities. Residuals recycled or reused at the place of generation are excluded.", Glossary of Environment Statistics, Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 67, United Nations, New York, 1997. 20 “Globalization, in its most literal sense, is the process of making, transformation of things or phenomena into global ones. It can be described abstractly as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural, and political forces. The idea of globalization is, however, also often used to refer in the narrower sense of economic globalization involving integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology”. OECD definition, Global Forum on Transport and Environment in a Globalising World 1012 November 2008, Guadalajara, Mexico 12 3 the idea of posses different objects as a requirement that become a need. “Today’s culture consists of offerings, not norms. As already noted by Pierre Bourdieu, culture lives by seduction, not normative regulation; PR, not policing; creating new needs/desires/wants, not coercion. This society of ours is a society of consumers, and just as the rest of the world as-seen-and-lived by consumers, culture turns into a warehouse of meant-for-consumption products – each vying for the shifting/drifting attention of prospective consumers in the hope to attract it and hold for a bit longer than a fleeting moment”18. But the problem is that each product that we think we need, have a really short life (is used just for short time), and as fast as it can that “need” become trash (even if many times the object is still working) and again the person feel the necessity of posses another one and the cycle repeats over and over again, generating more garbage and also the excess exploitation of natural resources. Generating also environmental problems that each time become bigger and worst. The natural resources used by big enterprises are often taken from places far from the production. Big labels with money find their resources in small countries, where they can exploit it without restrictions and also take advantage of the workers, which often are poor people who have to work for little money and in hard conditions to survive19. This implies also the spending of different transportation 18 Culture in a globalised city, Zygmunt Bauman, Occupied London » Issue Three, May 2008 19 Maquiladora is a word referred to an operation in which a country use another country with their manufacturing usually of south America. In this kind of countries 12 3 from a country to another. But if we looked back a few centuries before, it wasn’t like that. This behavior is developed after the industrial revolution20 in which the machines become the new and basic element of production and also transform the way of consumption. The object fabrication was easily than ever because the hands were replaced for machines that can do more in less time and cheaper. We have to “Give priority to human agency and not treat human as a “factor” in some bigger picture, deliver value to people-not deliver people to systems, treat place, time, and cultural differences as positive values, not as obstacles”21 Each time in the market we can find almost every day a new product, or at least a new version of the same product. If you buy a computer with the higher advantages, the next week you can find the same one but maybe with more memory or at least a different color. When the consumer is in front of a world of possibilities to choose. When the person is in front of a world of possibilities have to compared what he have with what he see, and buy the best thing, that next day is going to be again in a second place. There are other theories that also talk about the necessity to buy to they don’t have to pay duty or tariff treatment basis for assembly or manufacturing. 20 The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late on the end of the XVI century and the beginning of the XVII. The Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain, and after in the whole world. 21 John Thackara, In the Bubble: designing in a complex world, MIT press edition, Cambridge, 2005, p.8. 12 3 supply other need, for example if you feel sad or anxious it can become a situation that make you buy in a compulsive way even if you don’t need the product. Another fact that makes the consumer susceptible to buy is the low quality of product. Enterprises rather to do product that you have to change in few days, not only because it is cheaper for them, but also because each time it breaks you should pay more for a piece than for a whole new object. For example if you have a camera and is broken a small piece inside the lens, it would be cheaper to buy a new one than repaired your old one. We also see another fact that increases the consumption and is the publicity. Each object is attached to a brand, and the brand use the publicity to sell not just an object but also de desire of a lifestyle we can see examples in all of the big brands that uses phrases to stimulate the consumer and make them feel emotionally involved to the brand, even if those words doesn’t even sale the product as it’s function. In this sense, the images play an essential role in the advertising and in the consumption society. The mass media are tools directly related to sale of products. The problem of our consumption society is that all of this behavior of the market and the consumers are producing lots and lots of object that are becoming trash. While the garbage grows, the natural resources are disappearing. There are some people that worried about the future of the planet take their own choice to reuse some of the materials that are supposed to be garbage, and show that all of those parts can be used in different ways, even to create new objects. But the role of the designer isn’t just the re use of materials, but also 12 3 many different proposals in which are involved not just the material but also change a little bit our own minds about our planet, and our way of living. All these industrialization effects become a big concern for some groups on society about the consequences that could happen if we still consuming and spending all the resources without thinking. One of first groups that starts talking about sustainable development is the Rome Club22 that on 1972 publish a volume calls “I limiti dello Sviluppo” (The Limits to Growth) on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that focus the attention on the problem of scarcity of resources an also about the petroleum crisis they talk about a philosophy of “do less with less”. On 1987 in the book “Our common future” publish by International Commission for environment and development comes the definition of what could be called sustainable development they define as “that what satisfied the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs” but in 1991 the World Conservation Union (IUCN) on the Environment Program of United Nations (UNEP) came with a clarification on the definition of sustainable development on the book Caring for the Earth. A strategy for sustainable Living. That defines the concept of sustainable development as the improvement of the quality of life achieved by keeping the capacity of charged of the ecosystems that underlie them. 22 The Club of Rome is a not-for-profit organization, its philosophy is to act as a global beginner to change between the identification and analysis focused on the crucial problems making humanity and communication of such problems to the most important decision makers as public and private as well to the general public it was founded on 1968 for Aurelio Peccei and the Scottish Alexander King. 12 3 Like these point of view there are more and also a lot of discussion about what is right to do or not, searching who is guilty or not all this problem because of the different actors that are part of this and also the different interests and the benefits that they bring to them, because that’s one of the big problems, no one want to stop winning, the companies still want to win more spending less, the problem is that the ambition has blinded humanity the new strategies they make the possessing the satisfaction of an induced desire not a real need. That’s why the goal is how to change the behavior of humanity making them aware of their choices. One example of an option to change the mentality of the consumers is the concept of “Preciclaggio: before thinking how to recycle if is not indispensable, start not buying it”23 But all these contraposition between industry and handmade value starts on 1850-1914 on the Arts and Crafts movement when the English William Morris, he talks about a way of make always an improvement of the life quality, the objects and also the environment looking for a balance between nature, the place of work and the mechanization of the industry prioritizing how projecting is always premise to the serial production. Since this times the designer becomes essential and the sustainable development turns in a part of design as a requirement. “ The designer Victor Papanek argued that the role and responsibility of the designer to propose the necessary transformations of the society”24 In this case the designer turns into a fundamental key 23 Carla Lanzavecchia, Cap 3, Il fare Ecologico. Il prodotto industriale e i suoi requisiti ambientali. Ed.Time &Mind, Torino, 2004, p.41. 24 Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed.Electa.Milano, 2009, p.12. 12 3 because he need to left behind the idea of just create objects, Now he has the responsibility besides the creation of products and services to start creating the same but everything sustainable suggesting the consumer to had sustainable behavior changing from the traditional methodology where form follows function becoming in a creator of relations. “Design is important because it can change the processes behind products and services, as well as the resources used to make them, use them and dispose of them”25. As Paolo Ulian said on a interview: “ecological motivation is crucial for my designing, both because I recycle waste materials and because it represents the utopia to educate more responsible consumers. However, I'm convinced that the ecological aspect is only one factor that can contribute to create global added value. That's why I always try to introduce some other elements in my work such as invention and poetry. I appreciate everything that is research, experiment and innovation in design. It's also through this route that design must pass to become a positive and stimulating message.”26 The word ecodesign it’s not longer a trend it becomes a requirement of the projectation process. This begins with the creation of new values about quality changing the models methodologies and goals on design. “We have to enhance the ability of all citizens to engage in meaningful dialogue about their environment and context, and foster new relationships between the people who make things and the people who use 25 John Thackara, In the Bubble: designing in a complex world, MIT press edition, Cambridge, 2005, p.17. 26 Gloria Refini , interview of Paolo Ulian, THE CREATIVE AMAZEMENT, 12 3 them”27. We need to start thinking in what really maters that in this case are human beings, we have to center all the attention on the man and put in a second place the product,“ Is also equally obvious how limited this vision is and how it prompts us to change our point of view, once again focusing on other values that are even more profoundly our own, in order to approach the creation of a different cultural and ethical system in a different way…This vision let us to focus and reflect on main in the context of his life, as part of a new form of humanism that is both real and cultural”28 One type of the application of these values is the systemic design that is based on the concept of how the output of a system (the production waste, lost of energy, unnecessary consume of resources) becomes the input of another one. “ Systemic design defines the flow of materials that, by moving from one system to another, create reciprocal links in a form of continues metabolism on the way, this produce a considerable economic flow and gradually eliminates the pollution parts and thus the cycles ecological foot print”29 so the creation process must had a systemic view in a integrate way of doing things because everything around us is systemic its made by different networks that had a directly relationship with each others. The systemic design allow an open vision about the process that becomes in an open system in the moment when we understand 27 John Thackara, In the Bubble: designing in a complex world, MIT press edition, Cambridge, 2005, p.8. 28 Luigi Bistagnino, Design for a new Humanism in Claudio Genmak, Man at the center of the project Allemandi&C.2008, p.10. 29 Luigi Bistagnino, Innovation, but how? In Claudio Genmak, Man at the center of the project, Design Allemandi&C.2008, p.35. 12 3 each part of it and we focus in the relations studying the leftover – output- we start thinking about it not as a waste but as a resource that becomes an –input- feed stock that enters into another process creating new opportunities of production or a way of creation a new business model. “Design in a systemic way also helps to create relationships between objects and functions (and users) to optimize, integrate or separate, transfer or remove materials and energy for the identification of innovative functions and objects”30 Another way of design is the design by components it’s a methodology based on “The planning of all those intrinsically interrelated elements (namely, components) making up the systemobject on product (or product). Each system-object is, in turn considered to be an integral element (that is a component again) of a more complex system. The final system-object is the addition of every constituent subsystem and it may be regarded as complete (no longer an element that can be integrated and expanded) when all existing interrelationships will accomplish the performances they have been planed for.”31 It’s a way of create one essential structure that can be transformed or can mutated through time according to the needs of the consumer, lengthen the object life cycle more much time that other one that has just one function and no possibilities of being transformed. This gives to the consumer the option of choose, grow with the object make it part of his life and also gives benefits to the 30 Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed.Electa.Milano,2009, Pag 26 31 Luigi Bistagnino. The outside shell seen from the inside. Ed. Ambrosiana , Milano,2010, Pag 9 12 3 environment in the way the consumer don’t have the need of going to buy another one in case of they change place or if they need more space or they want other color, because this kind of design allows to have and object composed by interchangeable parts and modules that can be modified and can create different configuration according to the needs. Its important now that we talk about the consumer, how he as the designer need to start knowing and changing the behavior the way of thinking and choosing what is good for him and the environment, he needs to start knowing that the cheap objects cost more in terms of immaterial values (energy, natural resources) he need to be a conscious consumer with a point of view about things, knowing everything about the product, where was made, with what was made, what they use to transform the material, everything so then he can have the enough knowledge to decide, because one of the big problems is the lack of knowledge its hard to change if they don’t know the other option to choose it. With the auto production and auto promotion a lot of designers start showing in the objects how the applied new ways to create, to use a material, to save energy, space, just changing small things that if we multiply them every day could be a huge change. In a sustainable way we can talk about the different options that the design can use for the creation of products and services more sustainable for example de Reduction Design that can be apply in two senses, one when we reduce the consume (here we need to talk about the ethical and behavior: companies-designer-consumer) an other one when we take care of how make the object with less material (making less pieces, or make and object with less dimension or thickness) this way of design also includes the dematerialization of the object giving to the consumer the possibility of solving the need 12 3 that he had but without the need of having the object offering a service that solves it. Behind this way of sustainable design they are a few more ways to change, giving to the object characteristic that make it sustainable as it said Paolo Tamborrini in his book Design Sostenibile in the chapter “Atlante del design” when he make a seven thematic areas around the ways of being sustainable, and also present a selection of examples that follow the eco-design guidelines32. These seven categories are besides design for reduction there are: folding and compacting, searching a reduction of space and resources with the miniaturization of technologies, flexibility, in the way that the object can be adapted according to the needs and the type of use that is giving to it, alternatives energies, talks about the solutions of energy sources that can replace the actual ones, sustainable materials, is about how to choose a material before create and produce the object having the knowledge pro and the contraindications of it and recycle and reuse, when we intend the waste as a resource a new way of beginning, it’s a revaluation and Appreciation of it. This last category of Re-use directly relationship with the new way of production, the self-production that the designers are starting to use as a new methodologies and process to produce, because the fact of starting without economic support the re use of materials and objects give to the designer the possibility of acquire almost for free the “raw material” and carry with the transformation using the object or the part of it to create another one with a different function. “In the rural world, there is a comparison that expresses very well 32 For more information see Carla Lanzavecchia, Appendice in Il Fare Ecologico, il prodotto industriale e I suoi requisiti ambientali, Ed Time & Mind, Torino, 2004, p.87. 12 3 the meaning of this concept: a good right arm of a large tree becomes a strong first pole to support the screw then, when consumed at the point and unusable in vineyard, became support for the fence subsequently used to support the broken leg of a table, then a handle of the hammer and the end is burned and also in its last function generates benefits producing the heat of the fireplace. In this respect the design can give a lot because don’t have to wait until the availability of new overtime and beautiful recycled materials to design special and beautiful market products, but you can with simple details, with a few things done well and without dispersion gain new attention and new sensitivity to the meaning of objects and to promote the long life of matter”33 The Re-Use of objects consist of giving new value and life to things (objects, parts of objects, materials) enhancing everything that we are used to see as garbage or waste, things seeing doesn’t work for anything, giving a new chance to become something else. Below we can find some examples about how the objects are re used, 33 M. De Lucci, Sull’ecologia del design, cit. in Paolo Tamborrini, Design Sostenibile, oggetti,sistemi, e comportamenti, Ed Electa, Milano, 2009, p.41. 12 3 “The rubber that lose strength, the resistance reliability necessary to make a car run, become strong, resistant and bumper for and swing. This project is for sure a consequence for example of the anonymous design, that with a natural practicality find an answer to the most elementary needs, almost always with simple solutions and with easily found and local materials “. Anonimo, Altalena, second half of XIX Century Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed.Electa. Milano,2009, p.98 12 3 “… Proposed the same product as glass container enriched since 1990 with the serigraph of the cartoons protagonist. From a utile product the nutella container become an objects of breakfast. Also in case of discharge, the container of nutella have the characteristic of use few and easy separately elements and textures: the glass container, the paper label, (can be removed with water), the cap in polyethylene low density, that is also recyclable and the guarantee seal in plastic material shrink is also recyclable”. Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed.Electa. Milano,2009, p.100. 12 3 On 1992 Markus and Daniel Freitag wrestled in the design of a bag that satisfied an specific exigencies: the possibility of a secure transportation of their own designs protecting them of the bad weather. The Freitag brother find in the material used for the trucks tarpaulins, the PVC, which has the necessary characteristics to satisfy the projectual requirements: weather resistance, tensile and weight. Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed. Electa.Milano,2009, p. 104. 12 4 COLOMBIA: A different point of view. Colombian Context Colombia is a country located in the north west of South America. There are many things to say about Colombia, but we can start with a geographical introduction, with a total area of 1,141,748 km2 where they live 45.971.39958 people. It is bounded on the south with Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. In the north with the Atlantic Ocean. In the east with Venezuela and in the west with Panama and the Pacific Ocean. Colombia is a place full of contrast; we can find all the types of landscapes. In the first place Colombia is bathed by 2 oceans, the sunset of the Atlantic and the big waves and vegetation of the Pacific. Is the third country with over water resources of the world, and also is in the top list of biodiversity. Their landscapes can change in some hours from the desert to a volcano or the snow. The big cordillera that passes through the whole country is also landform that makes Colombia several varieties of climate and scenery. Colombia has the largest number of species per unit area on the planet, and the 10% of flora and fauna of the planet, despite its 58 Dane, population clock, may 11/2011. 12 4 geographical extent not reach 1% of the land59. The territory has a lot of advantages that sometimes can be overshadowed with other problems of mismanagement and most of all internal fights that have big consequences in the population. Since the declaration of independence from Spain in 1810 start also a division between 2 parties, the conservative and the liberal. The power struggle between both sizes has passed through peacefully moments and also lots of violence, but the biggest violence moment was in the middle of the fourteens. In the elections of 1948 was killed Jorge Elieser Gaitan, that was the liberal candidate. This murder unleashed “el Bogotazo”60 in which the country was in chaos, there where destruction of political buildings and radio stations. The importance of this part of the history is that this fact creates insurgent groups that are still alive, and is one of the biggest causes of the poverty. Based on those sides it was born 2 different groups, the guerillas part of the liberal party (today called FARC61), and the paramilitaries 59 PROEXPORT COLOMBIA, 60 “The Assassination of Gaitan (1948) produced an explosion in Bogota and other cities, which overthrew the government but peasant violence triggered by two "margins close "in the eastern plains, where the guerrillas disciplined more liberal, and in areas of small farms Andes and, in particular coffee” El conflicto, callejón con salida. Informe Nacional de Desarrollo Humano para Colombia – 2003. Marcela Giraldo (edit by). Pag 21 61 FARC: fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de Colombia: Armed forces of Colombia. 12 4 that defended the conservative party. Both still fight, and are the biggest violence groups in Colombia. All of the ideals that they have at the beginning has become in a fight of money and power bypassing the civil innocent civil people. 1980 is another bloody decade in which appeared new violence actors such as guerrillas from the left, paramilitaries62 from the right, and the narcotraficantes63. The fights between them leave always the civil population in the middle of all the conflict, specially with the decision of the government of extradition penalty, to have a several punishment. All of this violence has currently showed the consequence in the civil people. The poverty64 in Colombia is the biggest sign of all the injustice and nonsense violence that we have lived. The group that is directly related to this conflict is the “desplazados”65. The desplazados used to be people who live in the rural area also known as peasants that live of their crops. In the war between the violence 62 “in the early 80's comes a different paramilitary groups, it is not "self"nor "State", but expansion of private armies necessarily illegal industries (drugs and emerald trade.) After purchasing large tracts ground, those "entrepreneurs of coercion" are determined in "clean guerrillas" Middle Magdalena and His example is followed by owners of Córdoba, Urabá and the Orinoco”. El conflicto, callejón con salida. Informe Nacional de Desarrollo Humano para Colombia – 2003. Marcela Giraldo (edit by). Pag 26 63 Narcotraficante is the name reference to the drug dealer. 64 Unmet basic needs 65 Desplazados:displaced, people who have to moved for their own lands to biggest cities, often because armed groups threaten their life. 12 4 groups they are threatened to choose a branch, and fight with them. The peasants that can escape run to the biggest cities periphery to try to find a new future out of the war. This people that knows just the basic things of the land become poor people, many times they can’t even say their real names because of the fear of be killed by someone else. Another fact that influences the high levels of poverty in Colombia is the bad distribution of goods. In one hand we find people living in extremely poor conditions that become transparent to the rich people (the underprivileged become visible just when steal something). The entity responsible for handling this differences in the distribution of goods is supposed to be the government, but a lot of people involved in it, get dirty with the corruption, many times because they think in their own interests, leaving apart the needs of the people who voted for promises that will not be met. The politician take advantage of the needy and offer immediate solutions to get votes66, for example a lunch or a breakfast can be the price to get it. But the real problem of people who voted for this kind of incentives is that not only the hunger is talking for them, but also they are the reflection of the lack of education. The education has a cost, and there are not enough opportunities for all. This is another big fact of the poverty in Colombia. The people are uninformed of the basic things, if you don’t do the primary school, is difficult to do high school or even harder a professional career. In the 2009 were register 11.090.784 of people. Even if the number is a little bit higher than in the 2008, is not enough to cover all. 66 This election only the 49.27% voted for a president. 12 4 DANE National Administrative Department of Statistics, Formal education research, August 2010 / Information – 2009 Until now the prospect of our nation is really discouraging, but as always there isn’t just one side of the situation. According to the World Values Survey67 one of the world happiest country in the world is Colombia. Even if Colombia has all this trouble the people considered themselves happy people. This could be hard to understand, but usually the Colombians are people who always tried their best to get what they want. They always have the best attitude to face the everyday problems. Colombians are hard working, prevented but also ready to help the others. The family and friends are their motivation to accomplish something and the motor of their life. There are some examples of 67 Ronald Inglehart, Roberto Foa, Christopher Peterson, and Christian Welzel. The world’s most comprehensive investigation of political and sociocultural and change. Development, Freedom, and Rising Happiness. A Global Perspective (1981–2007). 12 4 Colombian people outside the country, but most of the examples are common people that every morning wakes up really early to find a way to survive. The “rebusque” is the protagonist of each day, in which people find more than one job even if they have to do long distance travels, or different small business to find the way to have better things. In every traffic light you can see always-different kind of shows to have some coins and bring some food to their children. There are many words to describe a Colombian, but one of the most telling word and characteristic that we find even in a person who passed through all of these problems, is an also Colombian word “hechado pa lante” that means that even in the worst situation there is always the cleverness to pass it by, and find new ways to find a solution. The creativity of a Colombian have no limits, and most of the people you find there, even in really poor conditions can be really humble. They are grateful of having their life, and proud of his country. This fact makes them wake up every morning with new energy to fin a way out. The recursively is an infinitive source of new ideas to respond to their own needs. Self- Made Colombian “creators”. It’s hard to talk about identity having all the globalization process and how this create a homogenized culture, Globalization brought with it numerous assertions that economic power is less and less rooted in a place. Distance is dead, geography is obsolete, the pundits declared”44 but we can talk about how the countries start to 44 John Thackara, In the Bubble: designing in a complex world, MIT press edition, Cambridge, 2005, p.74. 12 4 mutate and react over this phenomenon, Juan Diego Sanin45 in his article material culture and processes of identity construction, talks about this, he said that the material culture is composed by all the set of objects that are capable of the materialization of: the practical and symbolical habits but also the technical and conceptual knowledge that one person share with the members of the group that he is part of, he focus the attention not in how the object was produced or his function but in how the objects are used by people and how this create an identity in the way that this reflect what people as member of a group have in common with each other and also the what differentiates from the others, this is important in what has to do with the process of building a cultural identity. Throughout history the humanity found information of how it was the life before our civilization and this could be said by the objects that they found, all these objects tell us about the habits, the way of living, the let us see a part of the culture, because inside these objects there are cultural values that talk in three categories about the object, the functional that talks about the utility of the object, the structural that it refer to the shape of the object and the 45 Member of Research Group in Design Studies - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Industrial Designer at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Master in Aesthetics at the National University of Colombia, where his graduate work "Aesthetics of Consumption" got word "Merit" and was published by Editorial UPB. He serves as Associate Professor, Design Studies Group at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, where his research has focused on material culture studies in contemporary society, the forms of occupation of social housing, the transformations of domestic life and cultural heritage prosaic. By Mauricio Gutiérrez Pérez, Mauricio Sánchez Valencia on =13, May/2011 12 4 communicative that determinate the meaning. The essential part of these is how this material culture is in the way of objects are used and the meaning that people attribute to them when they are into the practice, how the society appropriates his culture through the use and signification of this material context is the way on they defined themselves and found and identity that is a process and is always changing. With the globalization has started a tension between global and local merchandise, Sanin, makes five categories that show how the countries are adapting to this. The fist one is called the homogenization and rootless material culture: the adopted, and explain how the socio cultural dynamics are all around the consumption, “which consists of a set of global objects and graphics that are imported by local companies and when they are implemented, deployed a range of uses and meanings that recreate life forms, in principle, foreign and belonging to a specific nation, that with time is becoming increasingly common among different societies around the world”46. 46 Juan Diego Sanin, Cultura Material e identidad contemporanea. Lo propio, lo adaptado, lo adoptado y lo ajeno, Ed Organización Latinoamérica de Producción Intelectual en la disciplina del Diseño – 2009, p.10. 12 4 This is an example of how stores of Arepas (that is a dish that is made of ground corn dough or cooked corn flour) build the identity making use of the coca-cola brand as a commercial strategy because is already a very popular brand so that bring them more clients. The second one is called the “criollizacion”47and material culture reterritorially: the adapted, “this consists in the re contextualization process through which the imported global goods are assigned local uses and meanings by the host societies. If the homogenization highlights the flow of goods from a dominant culture (the U.S. and Europe) to other parts of world, the “criollización” highlights precisely the influence of these goods, the receipt, 47 The “criollizacion” is a term used to define something that has being adapted or personalized with Colombian parameters and characteristics. 12 4 domestication and adaptation to their new environment”48, How the society looking for an identity change the original object transforming the way of using the object, the meaning and also changing the structure to have a more familiar one that fit with his own ways of living. This is an example of how they This is also an example that transform show how they change a the ALL STAR shoes brand, in the name of the soap common brand jhonson & opera that has the biggest rating at jhonson, for a common name in that moment “El Escamoso” so this Colombia Jefferson, so the make feel more more identified the people think that they are still client with the object that is buying. buying the benefits of the brand but also they associate the name with his context that’s why they prefer it. 48 Juan Diego Sanin, Cultura Material e identidad contemporanea. Lo propio, lo adaptado, lo adoptado y lo ajeno, Ed Organización Latinoamérica de Producción Intelectual en la disciplina del Diseño – 2009, p.1011. 12 4 The next to categories are: the Local and the regional material culture: our things, that talks about the research of our own territory elements that reflect the sense of cultural differentiation that is only allowed by the autochthonous creations, searching the most representative things that becomes on national icons and then on commercial products. The other one is called the foreign and the material culture of other territories: their things, that make recognize our things, our self because of what don’t make a part of what’s mine, is when we recognize the things but we don’t let them be part of our way of life. Colombia es passion is the national Another example is a Restaurant that brand that integrates all the artisan is called Andres Carne de Res that is techniques and design looking for the very development new attractive products restaurant is decorated with objects everything hand made produced with that talks about Colombian culture, the goal of create a material identity of everything is recycled, the people Colombia. where very attracted with the objects so now the owner has a store that famous because the entire sales object with the added value that is Colombian hand made. 12 4 In Colombia all this categories make a part of everyday life each one full of products an objects that fills the markets, the thing is that after the purchase and the use these objects start the aesthetic consumption that is the research of what people do with the object after, the new configurations that the owner attribute to it. In Colombia as a result for poverty the people don’t have the opportunity of buy everything that they need when they need, is is a fortune to acquire something, this make the Colombian a person that use the product as is the last one in the world and really appreciate what the have, and then he search they way of make it change, reappear. This reappearance as a rebirth of dead objects is by giving a functional, structural and communicative revalue to those things that are discarded turning them even in new goods, Juan Diego Sanin makes a classification of how the Colombian people give new birth to the objects, “becoming old and damaged objects in raw material or waste with a commercial sense (recycling) by releasing objects that had been broken and return to function (repairs), disposable packaging that serve as containers for different food goods(overloaded) in all types of items are sold as "second hand" for someone else to reuse them (reuse) and new objects, that are made of waste materials and are sold in popular markets (reused)” 49. In Colombia there is no recycle culture, the process of waste is just putting the bag with everything in the place where the waste truck pick it up, but there is a group of persons that make profit about this 49 Juan Diego Sanín, in the article REAPARICIONES Estéticas del desecho y políticas de valor, CULTURAMA,Observatorio de Cultura Material, Grupo de Estudios en Diseño - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana p.7. 12 4 and also help us to recycle, they are the “recicladores” people that go to those places where the people leave the garbage and they with their hands open the garbage and search for those objects that can be recycled, after this they wash them and they sale them in some cooperatives that pay according to the weigh, obviously they never pay a fair price, but this is a way of help the people that doesn’t have a job, this is a legitimate practice but not legal. “Today in Colombia 40.000 people are living from recycling”50 This is a typical recycling car, which goes all around a neighborhood separating the things that can be recycled. The recyclation looking as an reapperence turns literally the waste, to a new life and gives a new value not just as use value but also 50 Redacción, in Debes saber, Colombia, Bogota, Ya hay 11.000 recicladores en Bogotá: censo del Distrito on, december 22, 2010 12 4 and economical value, that has never thinked fron the company that produce it. But they also found some products that can be re sold, like toys, shoes, books, everything that they found, they had the “power” of see beyon the obvious, the see the future of life of an object that for us is all are ready dead. For example this containers of cleaning products are sold each one around 10 to 50 cents they also find goods that after a clean process they sale, shoes toys or leave for personal use. The “recicladores” are and have a very importan place on the Colombian society, because anyone has this recycle culture, no one know how or want to do it, so without they it would not exist even the intention of recycling. The Reparation of objects is a really common way of preserve object lives and also express in a aesthetical identity of how colombian people are, recursive par excellence. “The repair consists in a functional revaluation of the objects held by the settlement or replacement of items decomposed in its structure”51 from this is also derived a lor of places that start specializing on the reparation of all kind of objects, this gives another informal type of economy becouse these people is not trained for sony or samsung or some big company, these people have learn by the life because they 51 Juan Diego Sanín, in the article REAPARICIONES Estéticas del desecho y políticas de valor, CULTURAMA,Observatorio de Cultura Material, Grupo de Estudios en Diseño - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana p.13. 12 4 never went to a specialiced place to learn they just adcquierd the skills. This beneficiates if we talk in sustainable terms because the life cycle of the object is elongated, it gives a second chance of life to the products. These are some plastic chairs that lost one leg, are repaired by putting a wood leg, that gives again to them the function of hold. 12 4 These pictures correspond to those legitimate locals that are exclusive dedicated to repair objects; some are specialized in determinate sector, from electro domestics, to clothes or TV. In these places they sold also some parts of the objects as a repair parts. This had some relationship with the design by components, not because the companies already thing about the possibility of using the parts of an object, this people had discover this because of the need to repair something because they can’t buy another one or because they create and affective relation with the object. This is an example of a place that separates all the useful parts of an object to then put it on sale. Another type of reappearance way that use the Colombian is the “recharge” products that contain something, generally are packaging from soaps or cleaners and food because are the most resistant and durable. 12 4 Almost all the packaging are made with attractive shape to have the attention from the client, they are also modular for save space at the store, all these characteristics are exploited by the Colombian people to recharge, refill, repacked other things. This type of rechargeable products are normally used to re pack another product inside to sale it, and the use of the food packaging allow to have a standardized measure by weight or size, so this beneficiates the people that sale other products. Crystal is dishwasher soap but in According to the packaging Colombia they when the soap is introduce the new finished is used to save food or product, as it can look in the transported it. image the aji always goes on the coffee glass packaging and this turns in a common law for all the people that sales it. The other type of reappearance as we talk previously is the “re use” category that talk about how the people using not necessarily a monetary transaction change all type of merchandise: second hand clothes, shoes, books, toys, or antique objects that are looking for a new owner to increase the life cycle of the products. 12 4 These are some antiques This is where the clothes goes objects that are in sale, after the owner of the store some of them are not bought went all around a quarter for the function but as a changing bracelets, posters or relic. books for clothes. And the last category is reused that talks about of the creation of popular artifacts with garbage “they present a valorization of the function, the structure and the communication of everyday garbage, in that through a few technical and cognitive skills integrate different elements in the configuration of new one, transgressing each one from the dimension of the original one”52. 52 Juan Diego Sanín, in the article REAPARICIONES Estéticas del desecho y políticas de valor, CULTURAMA,Observatorio de Cultura Material, Grupo de Estudios en Diseño - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana p.24. 12 4 In some gardens we could see how they use soap bags and paint buckets to plant. Here we can see how the Colombian people do to survive and have a job, this is the local from someone that sales cold drinks, he or she adapted a cooler container with two speakers as an strategic way to get more attention. It can be intended as an informal activity as Juan Diego Sanin said is an unconscious material production because the people beyond producing objects, they accommodate the existent ones formalizing 12 4 with them new functions. This also turns in a labor activity in the way that there are some people (urban artisan) that use this garbage as raw material and is dedicated to produce handmade decorative objects where the valorization of it is the materialization of a popular knowledge. Some works of and urban artisan, that make decorative pieces from waste, as can, rubbers and bands for then sale on streets or busses. The production of these objects requires also and extensive transformation, because they need to build something for a determinate function so the reform the whole object or just a par, changing the shape, attaching other objects. For example the ambulant sellers use different kinds of cars, usually they change the wheels for a better ones that permits the fast transportation, one side because of the police and another one because they have to leave all night the car save in a place that’s near from the place that they sale. These particularly group of people, the ambulant sellers, have been developed a big universe of new portable stores, that offers all the needs that they had doing this job. This particular group of people just reuses materials for built their ambulant stores, to give structure, shapes and colors so they can sale everyday in almost each corner, on the traffic light, it depend of 12 4 type of merchandise that they sale, because according the product they develop a shape materialized in an hybridization of objects and materials that follows all the requirements of the product, the place and the way of selling. This is a coffee and tee ambulant store, is it made from the structure of an old stroll with a basket that contain thermos with coffee and tee. 12 4 This is an snack ambulant store were you can found, fried potatoes,gums, lollypops, cigarettes, plum cakes and more local snacks. All the realization of the object is thought looking in a way that they can expose all the merchandising; each product has the space and shape to be stored. We can see also how inside the structure there is also a chair if the don’t found a place with some urban chairs, they put out the “blue” chair, they also carry an umbrella in case of rain. Here we can see how the ambulant sellers design his objects following the requisites that this job has, they need to be portable, light, transformable, flexible that gives to them the possibility of sale even if it s raining or there is too much sun. 12 4 All these objects for us Colombians are almost invisible because they make part of our everyday life so is normal to have them all around, “These objects abound but are unnoticed, for filing daily shapes as well as brands and symbols widely recognized. By looking at them it emerge social traits characteristic of technical and aesthetic behavior, tends to have what is imposed as garbage, as work material”53, but the problem is that we never figure it out that this way of built, transformed objects and re merchandise could be considered as a sustainable way of living, We could not be saints in what respect to the protection of the environment but some how we help to the cause, almost all the time we made, not by ecologist convictions but as a kind of casualty, things that help: we create an emotional relation with things, we have a tight budget or maybe the recursive and survival spirit that characterize us is what bring us to create all type of things, excuses, and ways to extend the life product much longer of the apparent expiration date. The “informal” creators description “recicladores”, ambulant sellers, repairer Colombia has a significantly wide gap in reference to the distribution of resources, not to mention the high rate of corruption and political indifference that accompany it. This entire conflictive context brings in Colombia a lot of problems; the big one is the poverty that is, 53 Juan Diego Sanín, in the article REAPARICIONES Estéticas del desecho y políticas de valor, CULTURAMA,Observatorio de Cultura Material, Grupo de Estudios en Diseño - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana p.28 12 4 according with the D.A.N.E54 approximately the 45% of the total population. This part of the population includes different types of communities that are more affected, one of these are the displaced people, they are families that live in the country side and their economic support is based on the agriculture. This group of people is very vulnerable because the guerrilla asks for money each month and if they don’t pay the threats they kill the family so, the only way to survive is leaving the few things that they have and go to other place to looking for security and help. Besides this group they are other type of Colombian that can’t found a real and legal job, because of the deficit of education55, so they don’t have the capacities that are required for be a part of a company. So they have to figure it out looking for other alternatives to survive and fit their families. 54 The National Bureau of Statistics (DANE), is responsible for planning, collecting, processing, analysis and dissemination of official statistics in Colombia. 55 “Colombia has a public and private education, the first is specifically responsible for the neediest social class, which does not have many resources, and the second is basically designed for other strata. A public education provides the opportunity for many children to be in a school but does not bundle up your child for much of the population in need, as we reveal the DANE, Colombia recorded a 94.15% student population in the strata 1.2 and 3, showing that most of the people who make the neediest strata are young people and children, here are some that only 37.25% received public education, without looking that this percentage 30% completed high school, rescuing which can achieve a higher education (19.36% have access to a university of which 75.05% is a public university)” by Catalina Larrotta Gómez for newsletter for the D.A.N.E, 12 4 In this case arise an economy that is called “informal economy” and is constituted for all the people in Colombia that is affected directly with poverty and unemployment, the need to solve the problem of getting money for survive. “The informal economy comprises economic actions that bypass the cost of, and administrative rules covering property relationships, commercial licensing, labor contracts, torts, financial credit, and social security systems”56 this type of economy had positive and negative aspects. The negative aspects are: breach of legislation and tax evasion that is the aspect that makes them “illegal” but as they earn just they essential money if they start to pay some of the taxes, they will not have anything to live, it will be necessary reach an agreement between the government and these people, decreasing the price of the taxes, but is really hard because the government has political and economical interest that have preferences in multinationals and they don’t want to lose any cent of money this is not a benefit for them because they want people that pay, they are just concern about money. The government and also the society left behind the poor working health and safety conditions that are subjected to, the lack of social protection, the unstable employment and salary, the absence of safety and labor rights and the low remuneration that the earn after long journeys. 56 Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, The hand book of economic sociology, by Russell Sage Fundation, 2005, p.405. 12 4 Talking about the positive aspects, beside is the only honorable way of living, is the ability of the people, which because of the need creates unconscious, great business potential that can be implemented for the government as a new way of economic entrance to the country. The informal economy also absorb the excess labor, because they are a lot of people that don’t have anything to do, this type of economy is the only way where people found a job, a way to survive and is a way that not includes the violence that is the easy way to go, fortunately still people that prefer to work hard. The people that makes part of this informal economy develop a common behavior as a response to the social problems, generally this people is characterized by the creativity that they had for respond to the every day needs, they are labeled as “rebuscadores” that is the people that create and ability to find money, they develop the capacity of sale anything are the best sellers and traders, they are incredibly astutes, they also are “hechados pa’ lante” that is the capacity of overcome a difficult situation, we in Colombia develop a heart approves shock, we are in front of so many problems every day life and this make us resistant and persistent, some people said that the colombians don’t have memory. Another behavior that is characteristc of them is the recursivity as they don’t have the money or a lot of things they development and ability to create what they need with the few elements that they have, they always find a solution, nothing is to dificult for them nothing is imposible they always find a way. Two of the more common job that born of this economy are the recycles and the ambulant sellers, that conform the highest percentage at the interior of this economy and there is another type 12 4 of member that is not informal but the input of his work is based on the recycler work(informal), is the repairer. These three actors conform a part of the society that expose in they way of acting, working and building all about material culture57 in Colombia and in the project we name them “informal creators”. The recyclers are the only community in the whole conutry that is worried about this process, because in Colombia doesn’t exist the differentied waste or the recycling culture. The “recicladores” as everyone calls them are not precisely recycler, they are more collectors and this job consist on going all around the city, stopping in each building and looking inside of the trash for some materials that can be transformed in new ones or objects that can be still used. A common day of work starts at 3:00 or 4:00 am they take their hand made cars, and start their routes, that’s are actually determinate for the group that make part of the neighborhood, so per day, each “recycler” walk around 2 km searching inside over 200 wastes, running to get the more they can before the trash truck arrives in the morning. In this process they are in contact with toxic substances, whit the cold in the morning, they need energy but they don’t have the money to eat before, in the city there is no space destined to them so they are also expose to traffic accidents, they take the children’s 57 “ The way in which objects are placed implemented by its customers: how they are purchased, used and discarded studying for this ordinary objects made by "minor" designers to people in the real world,"SANÍN, Juan Diego. Estéticas del consumo: configuraciones de la cultura material. Medellín, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2008. p.9. 12 4 out with them because they can not leave them at home because is insecure, so they take a lot of risks doing this job that bring benefit to the society but they society does nothing about it. At the end of the journey they carry almost three times their waste, with all the things that they collect, after this, they went to the collection center where they give materials that can be transformed as plastic, cardboard, paper, glass, metal. As they also collect objects that are in “terminal phase” (for the people that throw it) they let to them some of the objects that can be useful for satisfy their own needs. The recycler makes part of the process of re selling objects, he sales to garbage stores, which are places (warehouses) were the trash came in sale, is not like a second hand market, where the owner take care about the merchandise, this is a place where the people go a search for things that can be useful, transformed for them in a very good and cheaper price. He also went to street markets to sale all these objects that can be used again, because he found on garbage books, clothes, shoes, accessories, all type of objects that for the 45% of the population that doesn’t have anything can still work. The recycler has a direct relation with the ambulant seller because is the one that give him the raw material to build their ambulant stores. The ambulant seller as the recycler is another actor of the informal economy, but is also a character that in the way he built the tool of selling, he talks about the material culture, in the way he distribute the local products, the way of display the products and also the language that has been created around this practice. 12 4 The ambulant seller becomes in an icon of the result of unemployment in Latin America, they have a lot of characteristics in common, as they don’t have economical resources they look for the cheaper way to build, so they re-use a lot of materials and transform objects to arrive in a shape that works for them. Shapes that must have the characteristics of some object that need to be portable, flexible, need to respond all climatic changes, sun and rain, and has to be prepared to run when the police start to taking away the merchandise. But the thing that differences them is the type of product that they sale, because it depends of the typical local product and according to this starts the building process. This community of ambulant seller make easy the everyday life of all Colombians, in Bogotá for example the people can buy whatever they need (gum, snacks drinks, fruits, typical food and more) all day and night long, they just have to walk two steps and there is always some one that receive very gentle and is ready to give the best service. But the problem is that is increased in the pas few years and there is a overpopulation of ambulant sellers so this people began to fill the public space that is the reason that makes them illegal so is necessary get an accord with the government, because the solution is not to remove them from the street is to organize them and create some reasonable taxes so they can be part of the legal economy and maybe they can give more than the 39% of gross domestic product that is what they give actually. Other type of business that it doesn’t make part of the informal economy is the reparation of objects, in Colombia has development 12 4 over the years the capacity of repair all the objects because it’s very difficult get the guarantee ore some official place for the reparation. Then the Colombian people extend as long as the can the life of the products, because it’s really hard replaced not just because they don’t have the money to buy another one but they also create an affective relation with the objects, because they just have a few. As a response to this request of the Colombian population, a lot of people start opening some small garage or store where they offer the reparation services, and not only reparation they also sale some particular parts of old objects, they can personalized the object with a really extensive painting process, and the also create a lot ob hybrid objects that sold as new ones. This people is not graduated from any university, all the knowledge they had is created by experiences or by some parent that teach the “know how” of this practice, they are characterized because they are very recursively, they almost always find a solution of a broken or damage object. They belong in to the formal economy because they have a stable place and pay for taxes not all of them are covered by the health insurance, just some that make part of small companies or there is a few part that can pay. But this type of practice is in the middle of the informal and formal economy in a way that the repairer buy all the raw material (old objects, parts of objects, small pieces, etc) from the recyclers, all what they found that can serve to the reparation is sold, so the position of this practice is a little bit confused. 12 material that can be transformed in raw material plastics $ raw materials collection center ” cans toys fo r th u nd plastic em shoes $ “cacharrerias” (garbage sale) clothes $ $ discarded products external clients m ant se bu l ll local snacks er books appliances undifferentiated waste $ a paper separate the waste ganic or transform center collected/ divided ed s and me l ta gla s glass rentia t iffe waste paper icladore c e s r “ NEW accessories $ repairer build and ambullant store street markets $ local food buyer a truck for all waste repair parts pile waste unofficial reparation places 12 $ $1 new products with old components waste “informal creator” reduces environmental impact gla s und cicladores e r output collection center waste rentia t iffe collected/ divided paper fo r plastic $ shoes th em clothes local snacks “cacharrerias” (garbage sale) external clients $ repairer a truck for all waste pile waste a appliances discarded products transform center m ant sel bul le r becomes waste $ books undifferentiated waste NEW raw materials $ cans differentiated glass toys ganic or recycle for plastics ed nd me l ta sa material that can be transformed in raw material paper ” “ benefit for the society $ input accessories reuse build and ambullant store $ materials second hand objects markets parts disassembly extend the life cycle of the objects repair parts unofficial reparation places 12 $1 new products with old components local food buyer $ 4 Solution Approaches around Latin America and Colombia From these 3 actors just the ambulant seller and the “reciclador” are part of the informal economy. This phenomenon isn't just a Colombian characteristic; also in all Latin America we find both ways to survive and to find a solution to poverty. Comparative table of Ambullant sellers. In this table we can see that in all of the countries they used reused materials to build their exhibition cars, which have to be portable in case that the police arrived to penalized them. They still have no rights, and many times they are transparent to most of the other percentage of people (the people who have money). They create small cooperatives to support between them, but almost always are really small groups. There is been some projects that are supposed to helped them. For 12 4 example the major office did some stationary posts designed by an architect and a designer to make them be “legally” in the streets. The name of the project was “kiosk sales for the public space” designed by Roberto Cuervo and Alejandro Cardenas. A designer and an architect that work together with the major office and other entities of the state to make this possible. The project consist of some modules that let the ambullant sellers in fixed posts in which they could work without any problem. With this modules were considered by them as an integral solution to the problem presented by this population and the city, where as first performance includes the formalization of this activity in an organized and designed in such a way that offers stable place, with optimal working conditions and a solution of product features a contemporary aesthetic as a design object, which becomes a icon recognition of the city and a model for other cities with similar problematic. The mayor of Bogotá has installed approximately 600 and other 2000 must be constructed, and each double module costs US$ 15.000. 12 4 The project was expensive, and as the ambulant sellers say in some interviews, they could used that money to help them in a better way. It is also real that to do this project a lot of entities of the state must agree in the way they have to do this work, and they have a lot of restrictions in many aspects. In the public space they can used just 5 mts of space for the modules, the materials should be resistant to exterior problems and thefts. Is not hard to see that this project made in Bogota's street wasn't the best solution to their problematic, not just because of the non contextual lenguage, and the ergonomic difficulties to the people who work there, but also because they still have to pay to get those places, and at the end they have to use more space to be protected of the rain. 12 4 The positive part of this project is that even if it hasn't the best result as a design, it was a way to make everyone watch and critic the problem of ambulant sellers in the street. So in this way it helps to recognize that there is something that something is not right. 12 4 Comparative table of “recicladores” Also “recicadores” reuse materials to construct their vehicles in which they transport the trash that they divided. This cars can be moved by a horse or a donkey, that also transport their families. Recyclers have a worst activity, because in their jod they have to be closed to the garbage, and they can have healthy problems. But even of this we find that in Latino Amierica there are many associations working for the benefit of this people, but not enough to be a solution for all of them because they still remain in the informality. The only case that has a “formalization” of the work is in Peru, where they could have a law that at least defend their rights. This law was a hard fight of the ONG “Ciudad saludable” (healthy city) and the MNRP recyclers national movement of Peru. 12 80 4 “ciudad saludable”Peru (healthy city) Is an ONG, their goal is to contribute to raising healthy cities in developing countries through the promotion of sustainable environmental management systems, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. It was founded in the 2002. They want to establish and strengthen partnerships with various public, private and social, recyclers' associations, municipal governments, national public entities, groups and business organizations, international cooperation, etc. They have a service for the comunityt to help, in which they can be part of the solution by different ways. The first one is doing donations of money, volunteering, that means people who help with their presence or the cooperation that is a way of help the society in different ways different from money and constant help. They have work in many projects but there is one directly related to the “recicladores” that is called the MNRP. The MNRP is the recyclers national movement of Peru, that is an association of “recicladores” that recognized the office of 12 81 4 recycling as a formal system of public cleanliness. Is founded the 1st of june 2008, that is also considered after the day of the “reciclador”. Their objectives are to: -Implement institutional communication strategies. - Spread the work MNRP corporate and institutional projects in mass media nationally and internationally. - Organize training of members of MNRP - Strengthen the MNRP with the assimilation of new partnerships. Both groups together obtained the approved of the law number 29419, which regulates the activity of the recycler by financial credit, working rights and social security for them. In Colombia they have done a lot of small things that have helped the situation of the “recicladores” and ambulant sellers, but not enough to end the problem and make them formal. Some of this examples are campaigns, public manifestations, news, movies, protest, articles, documentaries, international help and events association and cooperatives. 82 12 4 From all of these solutions often the problem is that everyone knows the problematic, but this possible solutions work to give a message just for a moment and after forget again about the problem. For example “pirry” is a documentary program that almost always make cry the people who watch his program, but next week, or even worst next day is erased from the memory. He have done about both groups but is not enough. The example of cooperatives and association can't work alone because is hard to grow when they don't have any support, but also this kind of consolidation make easier to create a working team and get better results. In Colombia we can find an association of the “recicladores” called the ARN 58 that is the national asociation of recyclers in Colombia, has its origin in the 1st National Meeting of Recyclers in November 1990, organized by the Recycling Association of Bogota ARB. and promoted and sponsored by the Social Foundation59. 58 ARB was formed in 1990 when four cooperatives who were fighting against the closure of a landfill in Bogota, decided to formalize their union. At its founding, the ARB was run by a board of ten integral members of the cooperatives themselves. Its first tasks were to identify other recyclers to help form new cooperatives and try to join the ARB. today the ARB involved 24 cooperatives, each one with a representative in the assembly of the association. 59 social fundation: Founded in 1911 by Father José María Campoamor, Spanish Jesuit priest, the Fundacion is, from the legal point of view, a civil, non-profit, public utility, of a foundation. Its mission is "Working to overcome the structural causes of poverty in Colombia, to promote the construction of a more just, more humane and more prosperous." 83 12 4 National Association of Recyclers It counts with 11 regional groups of recycle around the country. To become a member people should pay 267.000 pesos, that is US$ 140. They have a documentary center and a internet consultation and their principal objective is to Technify and dignify the work to add value to the processes, promote legislation to give benefits and opportunities to the community and strengthen the image and be recognized as the representative union of the “recicladores”. Moreover, the recyclers have a support of the IPES, that is the institute for social economy who supports the relocation processes, 12 84 4 and works serving specific populations. Their goal is to "Design and develop productive alternatives, according to the policies of economic development sector of Bogota, to raise productivity and competitiveness of the economically vulnerable population in the city." 12 85 5 Exhibition System Communication and connection ways For the communication of a message is important to take care about different aspects that are those that determinate the efficiency of the process, it has to be clear and defined the way and type of exhibition is going to be used. Each theme can have a lot of way of communication; the thing is that we have to know precisely what? Is the message and how? We can communicate, to who? Is the message, and it depends of these aspects how it take shapes and sense the configuration of an exhibition system. 12 5 Museum According to Council Of Museums (ICOM): The museum is "a permanent institution, not profit in the service of society and its development, open to the public and conducts research on material evidence of human and environment, which acquires, conserves, communicates and exhibits, with purposes of study, education and enjoyment”60. In this concept there is also included the monuments ad natural sites, ethnographic and historic ones with museum character that conserve and communicate material testimonies about human being and the environment. But in the beginning of times the museum concept was really close to have some specific topics and show objects that let the public just admire, it has the role to transmit what we must remember and how we have to remember it, but sometimes was influenced by some political interest. This has transform since the art start to change not suddenly but in the beginning on the XX century with the vanguards “more freedom of expression, the theme of relationship between art objects and its area of jurisdiction, not talking about the museum as a container but as a contest”61 letting behind the stereotype of museum as an historical building in the center of a capital city. The subject of the democratization of the cultural field, with the new 60 ICOM. Código de ética profesional de los museos: adopted by Consejo Internacional de Museos. ICOM. Bogotá: Colcultura, 2000. P.53 61 Michele Costanzo, Museo fuori dal museo, nuovi luoghi e nuovi spazi per l’arte contemporaneo. Serie di architettura e design FRANCOANGELI, Milan,2007, p.53 12 5 plastic manifestations like body art or land art, born as a reflection in relation with the philosophy of traditional museums claiming new virtues that can be implemented a new way of thinking and creating a museum a way that gives more that just show the objects but the possibility to feel the history had an experience, open and exploded, braking with the tradition structure. As the times change also the people interest, “unlike in the past the user does not wait for more replies to questions on the opera tracendenti general value or as a reflection on the most limited sense of their existence, but rather acknowledges the reality with which we compare cycle, entering in directly and immediate contact with art materials, trying to weave a kind of relationship addressed in terms of sensitivity more than the logical/thoughtful way”62. It start a system that correlate the environment, the artist, the work of art, and the viewer in the same place letting the viewer been an active part of the play. The environment had a relation with the work and also with the spectator that is introduced in some how as a part of the work creating meanings, that are in contant change and transformation. It begins to talk about three factors, the place, the exhibition building and the aesthetic object. The museum concept its open and let behind the container concept that was asigned to it, to become in some characteristics that are atribuated in some works, not that are stablished in a place but that make part of a contest tha also talk about them. 62 Michele Costanzo, Museo fuori dal museo, nuovi luoghi e nuovi spazi per l’arte contemporaneo. Serie di architettura e design FRANCOANGELI, Milan,2007, p.51. 12 5 Michele Costanzo in the book “Museo fuori dal museo” make a categorization and examples of how the museum concept has being change, the author starts talking about the relation between the exhibition building and place and make reference with some examples of museum without place, that mean “the most radical form of detachment from the work to the place, however, is not denied, but it becomes completely abstract value as it can be everywhere regardless of the museum building itself”63 there are also the decentalizated museums, are those that are looking for some place where the art is in contact relation with the territory and nature looking for the care and balanace between art and public, going out the big urban centers64, or the museums that are located on the outskirts of a big city ” is characterized by the separation from the heart of the city, and the specificity of the museum projects that in some how reflect the complexity and deformation of the situation in which they are located by their choice ... is not only the relationship with the periphery of the urbanized area but is his character without a spatial structure and disomoggeneo space that make the disorder as an element of creative stimulus”65 for example the Zentrum Paul Klee di renzo Piano, and there are the museums 63 In the book the author mention some examples as the Boìte-en-valise by Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) where the artist creates a suitcase that includes all his famous works, letting the public have the “museum” everywhere he goes. In this category are included also the virtual museums as it is the ASYMPTOTE, virtual Guggenheim is almost de dematerialization of the museum and the democratization of art. 64 For example the Dulwich picture gallery in Dulwich in United Kindom.. 65 Michele Costanzo, Museo fuori dal museo, nuovi luoghi e nuovi spazi per l’arte contemporaneo. Serie di architettura e design FRANCOANGELI, Milan,2007, p.106. 12 5 that are builted on a small city or town this type of museum had a relation between art space abd urban realty, so the type of relation with the context define the structure of the place. Other category that Michele Costanzo make is the relation between aesthetic object and exhibit building, and he talks about those museums that have been adapted to an specific building, he called the aesthetical object in an architectonical organism improper, because are some building that were built different purpose, not the museum one, are old building that are re-use and resignified to become a place that contain a museum66. And the las category is the relation between the aesthetical object and the place as the contest, he talk about the ones that had a direct relation with the ambient becouse they went out of the traditional museum space and make the ambient being directly relationated with the wor of art, for example the Giardino de Tarocchi in Garavicchio, Italy. Another type is the aesthetic object with the urban contest, that look in how knit a complex perceptual, emotional, logical and rational relationship, with spaces that are part of, in some how, of an ambiental dimension related to daily life, and inclusive of both the business and residential aspects. As derivation of these is one type that is an hybrid between the natural and artificial dimention where the artist intervent in some natural ambients or urban ones to became them in art works, for example the Parco d’arte Marzona in Villa di Verzegnis on Italy, or Castello d’ama in Gaiole on Italy that allow contemporany artists to create instalations and let them be permanent so it became a part of the context, make the context a whole museum space. 66 For exaple il Filatoio in Caravaglio Italy, or the Magasin on Grenoble France. 12 5 Eco-Museum “The overlap, in recent times, of ambiental, cultural and economic paradigms has enriched and transformed the concept of cultural heritage, giving characteristics that bind today, much more than in the past, two crucial concepts in this turn of the century: those of territory and identity”67. In the globalization era this institution are more related with their history, habits and nature and the continuity of a community, but they are also concern about the economic development, because with the globalization problem some part of the community look how to survive taking non traditional ways to do it because is not profitable for them, so this memory and legacy of a community is going almost to the extinction. That’s why eco museums can be a way of give new live to this memories, habits, history and traditional ways of life. “a growth in demand for identity and a greater attention scholars and administrators to the local heritage as an opportunity which may allow the construction”68. To go more inside the concept of and ecomuseum, the addition of the word eco to the museum start on 1972 in a meting with the presence of the environment minister, there they were talking about the relation between a museum and environment, was define by French Huge de Varine. At the beginning the intention was not to create a new category but because they have not being change since it’s established on XIX 67 Maurizio Maggi on the article Ecomusei, musei del territorio, musei di identità, Tratto da Nuova Museologia, Numero 4, Anno 2001,p.9 68 Maurizio Maggi on the article Ecomusei, musei del territorio, musei di identità, Tratto da Nuova Museologia, Numero 4, Anno 2001,p.9. 12 century and still had the same disciplinary and structure. This cause a lot of controversy between the people that make part of the museum circle as the artists and scientist, that were concern about cancel the interdisciplinary because they said that it’s the only way of the insertion of social in “So, what is called the eco-museum, regardless of the definitions that lend themselves to this end, are as philosophical and anthropological context of a regrouping, the territory where it occurs, of various forms of small businesses museum adopted by the populations under hat ecomuseology unifying the link defined as cooperative”69. First of starting defining what is the meaning from the concept ecomuseum as Pierre Mayrand talk in his book, an eco museum is not the instant state of the community or some specific one, is not rebuild in some aesthetic way the past, is not an ethnographic or ethnologic museum, is not a simple way of make tourism, is not also a zoo garden of human beings, it doesn’t make par of the conventional museology, is not the result of a trend. What might be an eco museum is something that its build with the population, in some belonging territory it’s built by an alive patrimony, includes also new patrimonial arrivals and integrate the cultural contributes, it’s a big door for the collective imaginary it’s functions of conservation and reconstruction of the memory are strongly driven by the creation process. This is a new way of museum, another way to learn something, in this new type of museum exist the possibility of been out side with direct contact with thing, people, and touch the reality, not as the 69 Pierre Mayrand, Manual del proceder del ecomuseo, El libreto del productor, ediciones alternativas, puntagordaSpain, 2009, p.14. 92 12 conventional way does, that they show beautiful works but in some is almost impossible appreciate the entire work of art or object they had a barrier between the thing and the person that admires it. A traditiotional museum talks about of collections, of an property, and the people that visit the is the public instead for an ecomuseum they talk about a patrimony, the places is called a territory and the people that make part of is the population. The eco museum principal goal is to center the focus on the identity of the territory and the participation of its habitants that help growth of welfare and community development. But there are more than one definition, Natural History Committee del ICOM (International Council of Museums) define the ecomuseum as "An institution that manages, studies, and values (for scientific research, educational and culture) the general legacy of an specific community, including the natural environment and cultural environment " and that developed by the European Network which Ecomuseums states that "an eco-museum is a dynamic process in which communities preserve, interpret, and value their heritage for sustainable development. An eco-museum is based on an agreement with the community"70. It can be considered as a share philosophy as a way of sensitization of a territory that is alive “ is an expression of some population, in time and space in relation with a territory and a natural and cultural patrimony”71. 70 Pierre Mayrand, Manual del proceder del ecomuseo, El libreto del productor, ediciones alternativas, puntagordaSpain, 2009, p.14. 71 Pierre Mayrand, Manual del proceder del ecomuseo, El libreto del productor, ediciones alternativas, puntagordaSpain, 2009, p.20. 93 12 5 There are some general points that an eco museum seeks to preserve: The principal idea is to remember a forgotten landscape, those things that are present, but many times are transparent to some people. The esthetics of deindustrialization, that means those things that were before the globalization and the similarity between the different countries. The eco museum must have a public use to let the local and the international people know better about the culture in which the eco museum is. It also can be enrich with personal experiences. An advantage is that it become a new way of truism, that shows not only the commercial features, but also specific characteristics that sometimes aren’t easy to approach. The connection between the object collection is also different, because it must have a logical sequence, and not just some single that haven’t a relation between them. The eco museum represent, tried to preserve and revitalize mainly the links between the social local actors and their territory. 12 94 ecomuseo almaserrana Created may 18/2002 Characteristics aldea de los anchos, santiago - pontones - jaén, spain Goals dignify the habitants recover culture and create memory preserve and disseminate culture based on knowledge os traditional techniques area of 193,412 hectares mosaic of traditional knowledge 1200 original pieces 700 old photos 20,000 ethnographic and nature photos 60 hours of audio and video on crafts, customs, traditions, stories, novels, jokes, trivia, planting and harvesting Activities Benefits is self-sufficient live shows or exhibitions produces three direct jobs talks on agriculture and livestock production courses self-employment support from others concerts 12 traditional games workshops ecomuseo Caicena Almedinilla-Córdoba, Spain Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ecomuseo quateirão cultura do matadouro 1994 2000 Goals Goals research, protect and disseminate the rich historical, cultural and environmental bring together a core group of museums Characteristics Activities developing the appreciation of local history and heritage (natural and cultural) of the territory Characteristics Activities archaeological sites this space presents, in its latest version, a effort to share experiences, projects, methods, achievements, ideas and utopies thematic tours and entertainment activities and research frendly tourism Conferences and workshops Room Benefits Benefits the diversification of resources improve quality of life of the habitants typical events meetings open to the community spontaneous and democratic relations among social groups create memory and knowledge to the habitants about the territory helps to maintain infrastructure and jobs, generating a economic movement (bars, restaurants, lodgings ...) research projects and share assets to be developed temporary exhibitions 12 ecomuseo Kalyna Characteristics Alberta, Canada Goals invites exploration by visitors from near and far travel around the area to learn about the past preserve the unique historical, cultural, and natural features of the landscape open-air museum 20,000 square kilometers houses over 30 historic buildings Activities Infrastructure territory Benefits enjoyable as it is educational farmland roadside attractions volunteer non-profit society implementing a long-term conservation Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village Heritage Attractions Elk Island National Park 12 pioneer homesteads typical events collection virtual museum buildings, homes and various locations throughout the city 2001 goal development of cultural activities (exhibitions, debates, public awareness) on topics such as architecture, urban planning and design. characteristics objects are not hanging on the walls development and promotion of cultural activities related to architecture, art, environment. organizes and runs guided tours in Ivrea area, services for culture and communication s products. exibitions exhibitions, or personal issues: architecture, design and, local art. design dedicated to the Olivetti design, ranging from product design to graphic communication and advertising. 12 didactics bibliography webgraphy extras wallpapers postcards 6 Proposal Description of the proposal The proposal is to create communication and connection system in team work with the ARN (national association of recyclers) and the IPES (institute for social economy) searching to valorize and sensitize the other part of the society (approximately 38%) using four types of levels where is going to be present the communication and connection between, the affected community and the target. The first one is the emotional level, where the type and way of communication is going to be stunning and shocking, with some sensorial stimulation to have and effective communication of the message. The second level is an instruction level where the visitor has the possibility to interact as a part of a work of art, or can have different laboratories and experiments learning and feeling how is to be the others. The third one is the documentary level where we found the information in a tangible way; the communication of the information is directly and precisely more as a documentary type. Inside of these three levels we have the requirements of the proposal for the exhibition system these are: 12 95 The first one is interactive, creation a direct relation between the visitor and the topic; it can be in an artistic way as we proposed the performances that are made directly with an ambulant seller that becomes an “artist” when he creates his work inside of the museum, so the people can be part of this, interact with the materials, elements and with the “artist” getting in direct contact with a cultural knowledge. It can be interactive also with the participation in the workshops made by the museum in collaboration with some universities and local museum as maloka, this workshops are focused in an a laboratory where is developed and experimental work in the way that the visitor had a direct contact with the elements following instructions of a member of the museum that teach in a didactic way how we can help this community just by separating the waste at home so they don’t have to search inside all the trash, so the workshop consist on teaching how to recycle and categorize the common garbage. The second requirement of the exhibition museum is that it has to be representative, in the way that need to communicate the felling of what it means be in the other side (what it feel being a recycler or an ambulant seller) so we proposed two exhibition rooms where are going to be projected the chronics and testimonies of this people having a social focus and using a narrative that bring the visitor in a reflection state also having sensorial stimulation to put them in the real context. We also proposed a photo gallery that narrates how this practices past generation to generation and is a very honorable inside this community. 12 96 The third requirement is the exposition, more precisely the objects that are going to be exposed as art objects, it could be the a real model but made in a bigger scale so the people can admire the magnitude of the object and detail all the characteristic of the process, distribution of the products and the way is built because each object had a complete identity of the characteristic of the material Colombian culture, It can be projected also in some strategical points of the museum and change at determinate period of time so we can show the typology collection of the objects. The last one is the participation level where the visitors and the affected community can create a direct connection using the virtual museum as an option to connect and share easy and free, the theme, ways of solution, becoming part of a supporting group, etc. This level is more or less the feedback that the visitor can have after visiting the exhibition system, is a full time space dedicated to this problem. Another type of participation is the possibility to become an active member of the two associations and start helping depending on the experiences and interest of the visitor. Other way to participation in more in a financial way in the museum shop where the visitor can buy real mini objects of this community, books with stories of life, pictures and all of merchandising objects that can provide money to this communities and associations. All these is made with the scope to find in some how a way of improve the life quality if this community, getting them in a legal way so they can have all the social benefits like health, pension etc, or strengthen local groups, getting financial support so they can improve getting an adeguate uniform and maybe creating some educational groups for them so they can look for another option beside the informal work. 12 97 6 Objectives General Recognize, appreciate and exalt the work of a part of the Colombian population that does their job as a response to current social problems, using the waste as an economic potential when is not considered for the society as a raw material. Specific Dignify the recycling work as a benefit for the society, because it collects materials and objects in the trash that can be turn in raw material helping to reduce environmental impact. Create a society more aware of the potential of waste through the way in which ambulant sellers reuse this material for the construction of their merchandise display objects. Recognize the “informal creator” who doesn’t have economic resources, as a generator of material culture. why? -Because they haven an intuitive way of acting that brings benefits to the enviroment and society. -Because they have a “know how” that talks about material culture. 12 98 6 -Because it is a part of the society that rather work hard, instead of use the violence as the solution to their problems. -To reduce poverty and therefore the violence and insecurity To who? -Kids, young and adult people -economically stable 54.5% -indifferent: know about the problem but doesn’t care about it -disinterested: have no interest about the social problems -ignorant: don’t know about the problem -powerless: people that know the problems but it doesn’t know how to proceed or help Why they still remain informal? In Colombia the power is in a small percentage of people that almost always fight for their own interest and not for the general wellness, there are political and economic interest that doesn't let them become formal, and the government seeks to encourage the large companies, over the small groups. Also is expensive to 12 99 6 organize them and the corruption of some people in the power keeps having them in the informality. The formalization of this activity includes the pay of taxes that they are not able to pay because of their low profits. 100 12 General requirements 101 12 6 How? After the analysis of the partial solution in Latin america, and the approach ideas and projects in Colombia, it would be necessary to unite some of the association of “recicladores” and the project for the ambulant sellers, with a bigger communication, finding a way to connect all together in an only project to exalt the value of this people who work everyday helping the society and the environment. 102 12 6 The proposal is to do a communication and connection system in team work with the ARN (national association of recyclers) and the IPES (institute for social economy) on the basis of valorize and sensitize the rest of the community to this social problematic. Below we present a scheme with levels and develop of the respective areas of intervention an the options of solution of the activity and in each of these the potential local partners or sponsors that can help us by intervening in their development. 103 12 6 Sponsors “Maloka Corporation was articulated through the initiative of the Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science, ACAC, with support from the Department of Administrative Science, Technology and Innovation-Colciencias-the Institute of Culture and Tourism, IDCT, the Organization Ardila Lülle and contribution of many partners from public and private sectors Throughout its 12 years of existence, Maloka Corporation has established itself as the symbol of Bogotá, a city of over eight million inhabitants and nationally as a symbol of innovation, creativity, teamwork, informal education formal and democratized, sense of belonging, honesty, openness, love and trust in the country” Activities developed: -Exhibition of interactive rooms with mediators -Experimental workshops and demonstrations to groups -Science and technology clubs for children and youth -School activities and exhibitions -virtual Environments -Teacher Networks -Joint research with universities and other national and foreign -Ways you can structure a PAM (project to the extent) with an ally in the labor camp Maloka. 104 12 The Children's Museum Foundation is a nonprofit organization focused on educating children and youth of all ages. The foundation open in 1987 by selfless contributions of many private companies. There are housed around 25 modules covering topics in different areas of knowledge and art. The Children's Museum receives approximately 150,000 people annually, 60% children under age 13. They receive many visitors from outside of Bogota and foreigners who come to the city. Activities developed: -Provide families, educators and students in particular, a large space with a variety of educational exhibits that allow them to learn about many subjects and areas of knowledge. - Providing visitors the opportunity to ask questions about art, science and technology and the world around us. - Stimulate in each of the visitors to develop their creativity, skills and individual potential using different teaching strategies. - Encourage and promote the rights of children, human rights and values of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence in the general population. 105 12 “Their mission is to provide the community with a comprehensive cleaning service quality, timeliness and efficiency using high-tech equipment and excellent human resources working with effort and dedication to meet the needs of the costumers. Continuously promote a culture of cleanliness that contributes to improving the quality of life of our users without affecting the environment.” Their objective is to educate the citicen throught informative activities, meetings, and cleaning days to learn how to manage the solid waste in the public space. More than 60 neighbors involved: Timiza, Jacqueline, Roma, San Martín de Porras, El Socorro, El Palenque, La Igualdad I, Alquería la Fragua, La Libertad, Santa Fe, Brasilia, El Anhelo, Islandia, Jose Antonio Galan, Las Margaritas, Laureles, Meryland, Naranjos, San Bernardino, Villa Colombia, Villa Nohora, Asovivir, El Toche, Carbonell I Y Carbonell II. Identify, address and control points or critical areas to achieve permanent behavioral change in favor of undisciplined people good waste management. 106 12 6 The Ministry of Culture is an entity that work in 3 areas, recognition of cultural diversity, strengthening cooperation and consideration of culture as an instrument of economic development and social cohesion. Action lines: Administration Tools for Electronics: Implementation of tools for supporting Electronic Administration, electronic signature platform, Telematics Registration, Payment Gateway telematics, Telematics and Digital Identity Notifications for Ministry officials. Network Access to Administrative Procedures: Internet publication of administrative procedures to facilitate citizen access to the administration with all legal guarantees. Informatic system: Improved management information systems of the Ministry that are the backbone of the proceedings as part of building the Information Society. Training and technical assistance: Organization of professional events and plans training and recycling, especially aimed at the implementation of new archival technologies to improve servicesand 107 12 6 overcome traditional barriers in access to the Archives. Invitations to assistance:Aid for both public and private sectors for projects of production, exhibition and tours. Bella flor is a fundation stablished by a group of university students in a neigborhood with many needs but more than everything a group of kids who change their lifes. The children lived in poor conditions: canned housing, unsanitary conditions, some children without education, other serious diseases, some with disabilities, many with difficult family histories. Many of this kids are the sons of “recycladores” and ambulant sellers who lived in the difficult condition of the informal economy. They are stablished since 2002 and the idea of working with them could at least have another point of view to fight with the social differences and the problems that have some people in Colombia. This foundation have worked with childrens, searching for a way to teach them, and in this way change their future, by learning other ways to survive, and learn about their rights to project a better future. Achievements: -Coverage of 150 children and their families -150 children with education and food needs met -130 children attending the playgroup Monday through Friday -35 volunteers and teachers of recreational 108 12 6 -See for Rent Paradise located in the district with rooms equipped for: systems, library, game room, activity rooms, audiovisual equipment, kitchen. -Room with 12 computer systems. -Permanent assistance of parents to parent workshops The “Pontificia Universidad Javeriana” is a university of Bogotá that in their mision talks about the strengthen its interdisciplinary university status, and invigorate their presence in the country, contributing in particular to solving the following problems: The ethical crisis and the instrumentalization of human beings. The little appreciation of the values of citizenship and lack of awareness of cultural identity. Intolerance and ignorance of the plurality and diversity. Social discrimination and the concentration of economic and political power. 109 12 6 The inadequacy and inefficiency of its major institutions. Deficiency and slow the development of science and technology. Irrationality in the management of environment and natural resources. Modern Art Museum of Bogotá is a private non-profit entity that work to preserve and disseminate cultural heritage collections of the nation. Their mission is to investigate, promote, publicize, promote, protect and promote interest in all forms of visual arts, modern and contemporary in Colombia, being multicultural and dynamic space that encourages interaction with current artistic activities for the public to sensitize understanding, based on research, conservation and dissemination of such events, being so generating tolerance and coexistence. 110 12 6 Was founded in 1823. Their mission consist in “support and strengthen research, organization, preservation, increase, protection, publication and dissemination of collections of movable cultural heritage of the country that are part of the museums of the Ministry of Culture and establish procurement policies to increase collections of museums state, design and update the development plan of the Ministry of Culture museums, aimed at ensuring continuity and sustainability of its operations, programs and services, based on studies of attention and priorities established by the Ministry and direct and organize the National Museum in order to recover, preserve and disseminate the cultural heritage of the country, in coordination with local authorities and government agencies committed to its development Encourage editing and publication of scientific catalogs and performing temporary and traveling exhibitions at the National Museum, based on research that are of interest to the country and contribute to knowledge of cultural diversity in the Nation to establish minimum requirements to be met different public or private entities to be recognized as museums, keeping the core database of museums in the country and ensure its reliability, in coordination with the National System of Cultural Information and local authorities”. 111 6 Long term scope and critics The Long-term scopes of this proposal are: Create strategic alliances between companies and entities that can contribute for the benefit of the associations so the can have a stable financial economy and as a response of it, can persist for a long period of time. Continue the research on these three figures with the help of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, so we can go deeply and analyze in a multidisciplinary way the problem looking for more option to improve continuously in the social problematic. In teamwork with the university create some courses for the affected community, so they can receive basic education with the basic concepts as read and write so we can improve the quality of life giving them another choice to get a formal job. The Critics of this proposal are: The internal management of the earnings, because as we talk at the beginning Colombia has a terrible characteristic an is the corruption, so, is important leave clear the percentage of the earnings and what is for who, because we are working with two associations and also the sponsors. The critic of the research in team work with the university is that sometimes when a research have so many participant and in different areas, the research can last more that the expected, so is important to understand the gravity of the problem and as consequence the need of give a quick response. 112 6 For the educational courses it could be a criticism the type of courses and the way of those are exposed to them, because is necessary search and equilibrium in the language it cannot be so much technical, because if they feel in some part that they can’t learn is very possible that they leave the courses, because they are used to live with the only knowledge that gives them money so they prefer remain with the things that they already know, that is the recycle or ambulant seller practice. 113 bibliography Claudia De Giorgi, Claudio Germak, Artigianato Comunità Design off Manufatto, editorial silvana,Milano, 2008 Gabriele Devecchi, Artigiano Immaginario, ed.francoangeli, Milan, 2010 Claudio Germak, Claudia de Giorgi, Exploring Design on Man at the center of the project, Allemandy & C,Torino, 2008 Ugo la Pietra, Fatto ad arte, arti decorative e artigianato, Trienale di Milano, Milano, 1997 Edited by Vanni Pasca , Viviana Trapani Scenario del giovane design, idée e progetti dall’Europa e dal mondo, Ed Lupetti,Milano, 2001, Carlo Martino, intervista a Carlo Martino, aprile, 2001,Gaetano Pesce, material e differenza, testo&imagine, Torino, 2003 Carlo Martino, Gaetano Pesce, material e differenza, testo&imagine, Torino,2003, Ugo la Pietra, Editoriale Il designer artista-artigianato from the Magazine a Artigianato tra arte e design, No. 42 luglio/settembre 2002, John Thackara, In the Bubble: designing in a complex world, MIT press edition, Cambridge, 2005 Carla Lanzavecchia, ,Il fare Ecologico. Il prodotto industriale e i suoi requisiti ambientali. Ed.Time &Mind, Torino, 2004 Paolo Tamborrini. Design sostenibile,oggetti sistemi,comportamenti.ed.Electa.Milano, 2009, Gloria Refini , interview of Paolo Ulian, THE CREATIVE AMAZEMENT, 114 Luigi Bistagnino. The outside shell seen from the inside. Ed. Ambrosiana , Milano,2010 Neil J. Smelser and Richard Swedberg, The hand book of economic sociology, by Russell Sage Fundation, 2005 Pierre Mayrand, Manual del proceder del ecomuseo, El libreto del productor, ediciones alternativas, puntagordaSpain, 2009 Maurizio Maggi on the article Ecomusei, musei del territorio, musei di identità, Tratto da Nuova Museologia, Numero 4, Anno 2001 Michele Costanzo, Museo fuori dal museo, nuovi luoghi e nuovi spazi per l’arte contemporaneo. Serie di architettura e design FRANCOANGELI, Milan,2007 Juan Diego Sanín, in the article REAPARICIONES Estéticas del desecho y políticas de valor, CULTURAMA,Observatorio de Cultura Material, Grupo de Estudios en Diseño - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 115 sitography 116