2003 - Industrieel Ontwerpen


2003 - Industrieel Ontwerpen
Pagina 1
MID-TERM REVIEW 2001 - 2003
This report is a self-evaluation of the research of
the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering conducted in the period from 2001 to 2003. During
this period the research has been reorganized as
to become an integral part of the TU Delft
research portfolio. Compared to the previous
assessment period, the multi-disciplinary profile
of the research has become more explicit and
the scientific results improved quantitatively as
well. The information in this report is presented
at the level of the faculty as a whole and at the
level of the 14 research subprogrammes in the
current research portfolio of Industrial Design
ä More information
Facullty of Industrial Design Engineering
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MID-TERM REVIEW 2001 - 2003
MID-TERM REVIEW 2001 - 2003
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Published by
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology, 2004
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft
The Netherlands
Dr. J.S.M. Vergeest
Dr. ir. P. van Overbeeke
Cover design
Corrie van der Lelie
This report is a self-evaluation of the research of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
(IDE) conducted in the period from 2001 to 2003. This assessment is part of the national
evaluation system for publicly funded research in the Netherlands. Delft University of Technology
(TU Delft) is responsible for the implementation of the evaluation system at its faculties and
research centers. In 2001, both the research and education of IDE were evaluated over the sixyear period from 1995 to 2000. According to TU Delft's schedule, the research over the period
from 2001 to 2006 will be assessed by an external peer evaluation committee in 2007. The
evaluation system also requires each institute to produce a mid-term review in preparation to the
external review. The mid-term review for IDE over the period from 2001 to 2003 was not strictly
required since IDE entered the new evaluation system relatively late. However, TU Delft
recommended IDE to perform a self-assessment and the faculty decided to do so, and asked the
CWB (Research Committee of IDE) to prepare this report.
The form of this assessment report was adapted to the Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP)
designed for the national evaluation system. However, we deviated from the protocol at some
points. The main purpose of this mid-term review is to provide information about the
implementation of the research portfolio (2002) to the IDE community itself and to the Research
Advisory Board. Emphasis was put on 1) presenting the scientific results and highlights according
to the new research structure as defined by the research portfolio and 2) quantitative information
about personnel, funding and output for the various (sub)programmes. As mentioned, this midterm assessment should be regarded as a prelude to the full evaluation which will take place
three years from now. We aim to reuse the structure of this report for that evaluation.
This report is, according to the SEP, structured into two parts, A) documentation regarding the
level of the institute and B) documentation regarding the level of the research programme. The
CWB decided to describe part B at the level of the 14 subprogrammes as defined in the research
portfolio. A higher aggregation level, for example at the level of the 5 programmes, was believed
inappropriate. Any later changes to the research portfolio or any joins among subprogrammes
will be reflected in the report of 2007, if needed.
Although in 2001 the research portfolio was not yet defined, the input/output analysis is
presented per subprogramme, by back-extrapolation. We believe that this presentation will be
the most useful, in anticipation of the report for the time period 2001 to 2006.
Documents about the evaluation procedure and criteria can be found on the CWB's website
We thank the other members of the CWB – Prof.dr. E.J. Hultink, Prof.dr. P.J. Stappers and Dr.ir.
R.H.M. Goossens – for their contributions to the mid-term review process.
The editors,
Dr. J.S.M. Vergeest (chair of the CWB)
Dr. ir. P. van Overbeeke (secretary of the CWB)
Delft, 15 October 2004
Table of contents
A Documentation regarding the level of the institute
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
B Documentation regarding the level of the research programme
Programme 1 Design processes in product development
Programme 2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Programme 3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Programme 4 Personal energy systems
Programme 5 Engineering with new materials
Programme 6 Design for sustainability
Programme 7 Usage evaluation
Programme 8 Product aesthetics and experience
Programme 9 Consumer preference
Programme 10 Transparent interfaces
Programme 11 Intelligence in products
Programme 12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Programme 13 Design for healthy environments
Programme 14 Dynamic anthropometry
Appendix 1 Summary of external research funding to IDE
Documentation regarding the level of the institute
General documentation
General documentation
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Name of the institute
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
Date of establishment
Research area and mission
Innovation and improvement of the product development process as well as of future products
themselves are the major research themes of the faculty. The focus is on durable, mass- or
series-produced goods, primarily consumer products. The core of IDE's mission statement is
Creating products that people love to use. Societal, industrial, environmental and users' interests
are all of concern in disciplinary and multi-disciplinary programmes of research.
Institutional affiliations
The faculty has institutional affiliations with, and formal responsibilities towards the following
- The National Dutch research School of Polymer Science and Technology (PTN)
- TRAIL Research School
- Sustainable Building Programme, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft
- Integrale Productievernieuwing (IPV)
During the review period, IDE was part of the Faculty of Design, Engineering and Production.
However, this merge, which occurred in 1997, did not affect IDE's education and research
missions. In September 2004 IDE formally regained its status as an independent faculty.
Research at the faculty of IDE is an integral part of TU Delft research portfolio (2002). It is
organized within two themes: Design Theory and Support and Design of future Products,
reflecting the focus on the design process and the products themselves respectively. The
structuring of the research into two themes, five programmes and 14 subprogrammes is depicted
in the table below.
As documented in IDE's research portfolio, the theme Design Theory and Support comprises
three parts:
Methodology, Tools and Techniques, focusing on the theoretical fundamentals of the design
Life Cycle Engineering and Design, directed to the extension of knowledge with respect to
Product Functionality and Experience, focusing on the complex relation between users and
process as well as the methods, tools and techniques that will be used by designers and
design teams during the creative development of new product concepts, the new problems
and opportunities that are offered by computer-enabled product technologies and on ways to
measure the effectiveness and efficiency of these methods, tools and techniques.
product life cycles. Attention is directed to technological, ecological and economic research
products. The ability to predict the implications of product concepts such as usefulness,
acceptance and experience by the user, is a critical task for the designer.
General documentation
The theme Design of Future Products consists of two parts:
Product Intelligence is concerned with communicating product functionality to the user, and
in turn how the user can communicate needs and wishes to the product. The research
focuses on the perceptual aspects of the human-product interaction as well as on which
information should be processed by the product so as to further reduce the users’ mental
load in interacting with complex products. Additionally, the research deals with the general
problem of how marketing and technology innovators can communicate and evaluate new
product functionality based on predictors and forces in the market determining the success or
failure of new intelligent products.
Design for All focuses mainly on the way quantitative data concerning dynamic aspects of
product use are collected and subsequently translated into (computerized) design-relevant
guidelines and concepts. Data collection is primarily initiated by both a biomechanical
approach focusing on how the musculo-skeletal system and skin behave during product use
as well as an anthropometrical approach focusing on product dimensions in relation to
dynamic user dimensions.
Design Theory and Support
Methodology, Tools & Techniques
1 Design processes in product development
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping
Life Cycle Engineering and Design
4 Personal energy systems
5 Engineering design with new materials
6 Design for sustainability
Product Functionality and Experience
7 Usage evaluation
8 Product aesthetics and experience
9 Consumer preference
Dr. P.A. Lloyd
Prof. dr. P.J. Stappers
Prof. dr. I. Horváth
Prof. ir. J.A.G. de Deugd
Dr. P. Kandachar
Prof. dr. ir. J.C. Brezet
Drs. H. Kanis
Prof. dr. P. Hekkert
Prof. dr. J.P.L. Schoormans
Design of Future Products
Product Intelligence
10 Transparent interfaces
11 Intelligence in products
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Design for All
13 Design for healthy environments
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Prof. dr. H. de Ridder
Dr. D.V. Keyson
Prof. dr. E.J. Hultink
Dr. ir. R.H.M. Goossens
Dr. ir. J.F.M. Molenbroek
Within this framework of two themes, 14 subprogrammes were defined in the research portfolio,
as depicted in the table. The assessment of these 14 subprogrammes form the basis of the
documentation regarding the level of research programme (Part B of this report). Therefore, Part
B will refer to 14 Programmes, conforming to the style requirements of the documentation.
In 1999 the research programme called Ambition was initiated at IDE as a funding incentive of
TU Delft's executive board. Ambition has played an important role in the development of the
faculty's multidisciplinary research, and accounted for a number of PhD projects in the research
General documentation
Strategy and policy
Several strategic and policy developments were initiated during the reviewed period. Some were
based on the recommendations from the Quality Assessment of Education and Research 19952000 or on strategic changes implemented on the level of TU Delft. Also the yearly
recommendations from IDE's Research Advisory Board (RAB) were an important guidance to a
restructuring of the research and the development of the research portfolio.
In October 2002 IDE announced the goals concerning the development of the research to TU
Delft executive board. The five most important goals are listed below together with a brief
statement about the developments leading to those goals:
1. Improved collaboration within the faculty. The co-operation between professor chairs and
among departments of IDE was already significantly improved by the introduction of the
multidisciplinary Ambition research program in 1999. Since the revision of the IDE's research
portfolio in 2002 the integration between disciplinary and interdisciplinary research has
become even more explicit. All of IDE's research has been brought into one of the two
themes. Further, the research structure has been optimized against available expertise in the
faculty rather than according to its departmental organization. Collaborations among
(sub)programmes have been explicitly indicated in the research project plans.
2. Enhancement of the scientific results, both qualitatively and quantitatively. One of the means
to achieve this, was the establishment of larger research groups with a relatively strong
production power. In several ways PhD students and staff are being encouraged to publish
increasingly in high-ranked scientific journals, which indeed led to a 70% grow of the number
of yearly published journal articles from IDE, compared to the period 1995 to 2000.
3. Increasing the income from second and third money streams. The two research themes
(Design Theory and Support and Design of Future Products) were designed to be suited to
raise funds primarily from NWO/STW and from industry, respectively. A significant effort was
successfully put into applications to NWO, STW, the European Commission and Senter. The
process of preparing research proposals and contracting is increasingly supported by
professional staff of the faculty.
4. Stronger collaboration with other faculties of TU Delft. IDE participates in TU Delft's ICT-Delft
Research Centre; furthermore one of the STW funded projects is jointly carried out by IDE
and by Computer Science of the faculty of EWI. Plans for collaborating or even integrated
design institutes of IDE and the Faculty of Architecture are under negotiation.
5. Enhancing the relation between education and research. The new Master of Science
programs of IDE were created in accordance with the research portfolio, thus improving the
knowledge transfer from recent research results to education, and to facilitate the
involvement of graduating students in the various research projects.
The achievement of these goals was strongly supported by the process of providing IDE the
status of an independent faculty, which improved the visibility and the international positioning of
the research. Also the accommodation of all staff, labs and studios in one, new, building
contributed to the enhancement of IDE's identity.
Preparations were made during the review period to establish the Delft Design Institute (DDI).
This institute should promote and coordinate industry projects carried out by or in collaboration
with IDE staff and students. The DDI was officially launched in April 2004.
General documentation
Researchers and other personnel
The research staff (in full time equivalents) for the institute as a whole and on the programme
level are shown in the table.
Institutional level
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Total research staff
Supporting staff
Total staff
Programme level
1 Design processes in product development
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
4 Personal energy systems
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
5 Engineering design with new materials
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
6 Design for sustainability
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
General documentation
7 Usage evaluation
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
9 Consumer preference
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD student
Subtotal research staff
10 Transparent interfaces
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
11 Intelligence in products
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
13 Design for healthy environments
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Subtotal research staff
General documentation
Resources and funding
A summary of the financial resources and a breakdown of the resources into direct funding,
research funding and contracts are provided at the institutional level in the table below. Also the
expenditures per year of the review period are listed.
Direct funding
Research funds
11 300
1 100
12 600
13 000
13 800
13 700
14 700
Personnel costs
Other costs
11 400
2 200
13 600
11 300
2 200
13 500
10 900
2 300
13 200
Overview of the results
The number of scientific publications, summed over all programmes are presented in the table
below. Details about the scientific output can be found in Part B of this report.
Academic publications in refereed journal
in other journals
book chapters
Conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Brief analysis
During the evaluation period significant changes regarding the organization, the education and
the research took place around and within IDE. Nevertheless, and despite the temporary merge
of IDE with other faculties, the community of IDE as a whole committed itself to the further
improvement of both the quality and quantity of the research and to enhance its identity and
positioning. The increased scientific output as well as the implementation of the research
portfolio in 2002 are the key achievements in that respect. Besides the strong points that can be
mentioned, there are still a lot of issues pointed out by the IDE's management team, the
Research Advisory Board and by the programme/project leaders and researchers themselves
during interviews that each (sub)programme leader had with IDE's Research Committee in June
2004. These issues will be summarized here, but should be considered as a preliminary result of
General documentation
analysis, since the review period is short and includes the implementation process of the research
The definition of the research portfolio has improved the transparency of the research
structure as well as the visibility of (interdisciplinary) collaborations within IDE and among
the faculties
IDE has an excellent international name and reputation
The scientific output is increasing both in quality and in quantity
The number of externally funded research projects is (slowly) increasing
New long-term research collaborations have been and are being established
Working toward an independent faculty and moving into the new building with an improved
infrastructure were stimulating for IDE and its research
The connection between the Master of Science programs and research projects serves to
further integrate research and education
An increasing fraction of PhD students at IDE are graduates from this faculty.
Due to the interdisciplinary character of the research there are relatively few journals that
accept articles about research in industrial design engineering
Industrial design engineering is not in one of the specific areas defined by NWO or STW,
which reduces the opportunities to access funding
IDE has not sufficiently involved the Research Advisory Board in the development of future
plans for the research
In some programmes and projects, planned goals cannot be achieved due to lack of research
In some programmes there are not sufficient efforts to explore options to acquire research
contracts or STW/NWO funding
Many professor chairs have been vacant for a relatively long time.
The recognition of Human-Centered Design by TU Delft as a Delft Research Centre would
improve the faculty's position
The integration of programmes 7 (Usage evaluation) and 14 (Dynamic anthropometry) would
strengthen the research portfolio
Bringing some subprogrammes into a larger one would be of advantage, for example into a
programme called Usage and marketing research
The submission of a joint proposal by the Delft Design Institute and the Delft School of
Design (of the faculty of Architecture) would enhance the opportunities for scientific
collaboration and for direct and contract-based funding
The appointment of a research director for IDE would accelerate the development of the
research portfolio, facilitate all aspects of the research and increase its efficiency
The newly founded schools of Industrial Design in Eindhoven and Twente can become
prominent research partners.
In order to perform scientifically there can be a tendency to focus on a specialized topic
rather than on the multidisciplinary research of industrial design engineering itself
To acquire funding there is a risk of entering company-specific projects with low scientific
Staff may get overloaded with teaching and management tasks, leading to inefficiencies in
The main focus of this programme is
the way quantitative data concerning
dynamic aspects of product use are
collected and subsequently translated
into (computerised) design-relevant
guidelines and concepts.
Design for All
This programme is concerned with
communicating product functionality to
the user. And vice versa: how people
can communicate their needs and wishes
to the product.
Product Intelligence
and experiential product benefits.
Product Functionality & Experience
The question that this programme aims
to answer is: how can design mediate
between the large range of technological
possibilities and consumer demands?
Demands related to functional, aesthetic
Life Cycle Engineering & Design
Life Cycle Engineering considers mass
and material flows of the whole lifecycle
of products. Special attention is paid to
the use of alternative energy systems,
opportunities presented by new materials
and the innovation of product systems
for the optimisation of lifecycles.
and implementation of innovative
methodologies, techniques and tools to
support product designers.
Methodology, Tools & Techniques
This research theme focuses on the
exploration, development, validation
Tools and Techniques
Product Functionality
and Experience
Product Functionality
and Experience
Life Cycle Engineering
and Design
Tools and Techniques
Product Functionality
and Experience
Life Cycle Engineering
and Design
Tools and Techniques
Product Functionality
and Experience
Life Cycle Engineering
and Design
Tools and Techniques
Tools and Techniques
Product Functionality
and Experience
Products Design for all
Design of Product Intelligence
Life Cycle Engineering
and Design
Design Methodology,
themes programmes
Products Design for all
Design of Product Intelligence
Design Methodology,
themes programmes
Products Design for all
Design of Product Intelligence
Design Methodology,
themes programmes
Products Design for all
Design of Product Intelligence
Design Methodology,
themes programmes
Products Design for all
Design of Product Intelligence
Life Cycle Engineering
and Design
Design Methodology,
themes programmes
variety in the user
emphasising the wide
perspective and
from an anthropometric
product use, starting
back pain and discomfort.
product interaction during
pressure sores, RSI, low
Understanding human-
Obtaining an insight into
user problems, such as
Dynamic anthropometry
Design for healthy environments
with the product.
how to control or interact
rather than be bothered by
engage in the task at hand
a marketing perspective.
so as to enable the user to
of intelligent products from
between the user and
or unobtrusive as possible,
Examining the phenomenon
and understanding
Enhancing communication
Finding ways to make the
Product advantage and market acceptance of
intelligent products (PI-3)
of product development.
new products into the field
consumer reactions towards
acceptance by incorporating
Enhancing product
Consumer preference
user interface as transparent
Intelligence in products
Transparent interfaces
all our senses to design:
attribute meanings to the
characteristics of products.
from experience through
insights into the way people
support the transition
products by providing
featural and functional
tools and methods that
Developing knowledge,
Supporting designers in
anticipating future usage of
Product aesthetics and experience
Usage evaluation
values (ecodesign).
behaviour of plastics.
quality in respect of
sustainable development
and the mechanical
product systems of superior
technologies in design,
and design products and
opportunities to innovate
Researching problems and
Design for sustainability
materials in products and
and application of
in portable energy
optimise the selection
Developing guidelines to
Finding alternatives for the
increased use of batteries
Engineering design with new materials
design teams.
Personal energy systems
shapes in conceptual
communication within
the evolution of product
thinking and
thinking and design
of conceptual design and
Studying computer support
support both creative
Developing tools that
Increasing knowledge of
Product conceptualisation in collaborative
virtual prototyping environment (MTT-3)
design activity, design
Methods and techniques for the conceptual
phase of design (MTT-2)
Design processes in product development
Documentation regarding the level of the research
1 Design processes in product development
Programme leader
Design processes in product development
Dr. P.A. Lloyd
The goal of this research is to increase our understanding of the factors that go to make up
design processes in product development. Influencing factors break down into a number of multidisciplinary areas such as the nature of design problems, the structure of design processes, the
abilities and experience of designers, design representation, design thinking and reasoning,
creativity, and communication. The overall goal is to be achieved both through empirical studies
– recording and analyzing what designers do when they design, and through critical/theoretical
analyses – clarifying the concepts which designers and design researchers use when they talk
about the design process. The proper understanding of the design process is fundamental to the
effective development of methods, tools, and design support systems, as well as for design
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. Design communication and reflective practice, aims to show how the concept of shared
understanding can be usefully applied within a number of social design contexts, to make explicit
factors enhancing and inhibiting design communication and vision creation and to develop clear
and precise terminology for discussing issues related to design communication.
B. The interface between product development and production is concerned with two issues: 1)
How do the differences between New Product Development (NPD) and production influence the
interactions across the interface during development and during implementation. 2) In what
respect does the work of NPD influence the implementation of the new ‘product’, i.e. the ramp-up
of production.
C. Information Processing in Design aims at optimization of the conceptualization phase by A
better understanding of design thinking through information processing, with an emphasis on the
use external sources of information, and the role of expertise and by offering models and
methods on visualization which will support the designer, with special attention to the generation
of ideas and the communication through visualization techniques.
Plans for the research focus
In general the focus of the research will remain the same for the three projects within the
research programme. The only change will be that in the Design Communication and Reflective
Practice project Norbert Roozenburg, previously looking at the Meta Context of designing, will
now be concentrating more on the Educational Context and publishing within the field of design
Plans for new collaborations and funding
At present a funding bid is being prepared for a European FP6 project entitled: Incorporating
Knowledge and Innovation in the Product Design Process. The Design Methodology Group are
part of the consortium and one of the proposed work package leaders. At the beginning of 2005
1 Design processes in product development
there will be a funding bid to the NWO for a VENI and/or VIDI project. A proposal is also
underway for a joint NWO/STW initiative in Applied Cognition under project: Design
Communication and Reflective Practice of the programme
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr.ir. J.A. Buijs
dr. P.A. Lloyd
ir. N.F.M. Roozenburg
dr. H.H.C.M. Christiaans
dr.ir. R. van der Lugt
ir. F.E.H.M. Smulders
ir. W. Muller
dr.ir. A.C. Valkenburg
dr. A.C. Fernandes da Costa
ir. N.P.G. van Leeuwen
ir. M.S. Kleinsmann
ir. J.D. Restrepo Giraldo
ir. L. Jonkhoff
ir. D.J.H.C. Hendriks
drs. W. Mout
ir. O.D.C. Neijens
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The Video-Assisted Learning in Design (VALiD) project, initiated in 2001 in collaboration with
Janet McDonnell from University College London, produced a series of publications looking at the
reflective practice aspects of using digital video in the design process.
The research was set up in such a way that design students would be able to learn about their
design process while researchers could obtain valuable data about designing. The combined
result was educational and research output.
A group of design students were asked to film their own design process, and then – through the
use of digital video editing – tell the ‘story’ of that design process. The conversations that
resulted revealed valuable insights into the way design experience and design knowledge is both
constructed and de-constructed during designing.
1 Design processes in product development
Key publications
Lloyd, PA & Busby, J (2001). Softening up the facts: engineers in design meetings. Design issues
17 (3), 67-82.
Lugt, R van der (2002). Brainsketching and how it differs from brainstorming. Creativity and
innovation management, 11(1), 43-54.
Lloyd, PA & Busby, J. (2003). "Things that went well - no serious injuries or deaths": ethical
reasons in a normal engineering design process Science and engineering ethics 9 (4), 503-516.
McDonnell, J, Lloyd, PA & Valkenburg, RC (2004). Developing expertise through the construction
of video stories. Design Studies, (25), 509-525.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Fernandes da Costa, AC (1999). Theoretical considerations over trust: relevant aspects for
organizational behavior. Psicologica 13 (1/2), 85-98.
Fernandes da Costa, AC, Roe, R.A., & Taillieu, T. (2001). Trust within teams: the relation with
performance effectiveness. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 10 (3),
Lloyd, PA, & Busby, J. (2001). Softening up the facts: engineers in design meetings. Design
issues 17 (3), 67-82.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Buijs, JA (2001). A personal history of being in the field of creativity and innovation for 25 years.
In L. van der Geffen, H. van der Meer & T. Rickards (Eds.), Proceedings of the sixth European
conference on creativity & innovation (pp. 51-58). Enschede (NL): Twente University Press.
1 Design processes in product development
Christiaans, HHCM, & Restrepo Giraldo, JD (2001). Designer conditioning by early
representations. In J.S. Gero & K. Hori (Eds.), Third international workshop on strategic
knowledge and concept formation (pp. 247-259). Sydney: Key Centre of Design Computing and
Cognition, Un. of Sydney.
Christiaans, HHCM, & Restrepo Giraldo, JD (2001). Information processing in design. In H.
Achten, B. de Vries & J.M. Hennessey (Eds.), Design research in the Netherlands (pp. 63-73).
Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.
Dorst, C.H., & Hendriks, DJHC (2001). The role of the design context: in practice and in design
methodology. In P.A. Lloyd & H.H.C.M. Christiaans (Eds.), Proceedings of DTRS 5 (pp. 345-359).
Delft: DUP Science.
Hendriks, DJHC, & Dorst, C.H. (2001). Design project management in practice - the e-mail diary
study. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories, methodologies, and product
modelling, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 205-212). Bury St Edmunds:
Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Hendriks, DJHC, & Dorst, C.H. (2001). The E-mail diary research project: describing experiences
in managing new product development projects. In (Ed.), 8th international product development
management conference (pp. 447-458).
Smulders, FEHM (2001). An exploration of the differences between multifunctional NPD and the
primary process. In (Ed.), 8th international product development management conference
(pp. 811-819).
Smulders, FEHM (2001). Interface problems: exploring the relevance of inherent differences
between new product development and operations. In (Ed.), Conference The future of innovation
studies (pp. 1-19). Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology.
Smulders, FEHM (2001). The interface between new product development-projects and the line
organization: an empirical study. In L. van der Geffen, H. van der Meer & T. Rickards (Eds.),
Proceedings of the sixth European conference on creativity & innovation (pp. 213-227). Enschede
(NL): Twente University Press.
Valkenburg, AC, & Buijs, JA (2001). Integrated new product development - a case-based
approach. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories, methodologies, and product
modelling, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 353-360). Bury St Edmunds:
Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Valkenburg, AC (2001). Managing new product development teams: new roles for the project
manager. In (Ed.), 8th international product development conference (pp. 893-906).
Valkenburg, AC (2001). Reflective practice as a way of observing and analysing product design
teams. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories, methodologies, and product
modelling, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 253-260). Bury St Edmunds:
Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Valkenburg, AC (2001). Schön revised: describing team designing with reflection-in-action. In
P.A. Lloyd & H.H.C.M. Christiaans (Eds.), Proceedings of DTRS 5 (pp. 315-329). Delft: DUP
1 Design processes in product development
Lloyd, PA, & Busby, J. (2001). 'Things that went well - no serious injuries or deaths': ethical
reasoning in the engineering design process. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research -
theories, methodologies, and product modelling, 13th international conference on engineering
design (pp. 83-90). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Lloyd, PA, & Snelders, HMJJ (2001). What was Philippe Starck thinking of?. In P.A. Lloyd &
H.H.C.M. Christiaans (Eds.), Proceedings of DTRS 5 (pp. 241-256). Delft: DUP Science.
Lugt, R van der (2001). Graphic tools for creative problem solving in design groups. In L. van der
Geffen, H. van der Meer & T. Rickards (Eds.), Proceedings of the sixth European conference on
creativity & innovation (pp. 143-156). Enschede (NL): Twente University Press.
Ph.D. theses
Lugt, R van der (11-09-2001). Sketching in design idea generation meetings. Technische
Universiteit Delft (215 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Buijs, JA
Professional publications and products
Lloyd, PA, & Christiaans, HHCM (Eds.). (2001). Designing in context. Delft: DUP Science.
Cross, N., Sanoff, H, Roozenburg, NFM, & et al., ? (Eds.). (2001). Design studies 22.
Christiaans, HHCM (Ed.). (2001). Journal of design research.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Lloyd, PA (2002). Making a drama out of a process: how television represents designing. Design
studies, 23, 113-133.
Lugt, R van der (2002). Brainsketching and how it differs from brainstorming. Creativity and
innovation management, 11(1), 43-54.
Smulders, FEHM, Boer, H, Hansen, PHK, Gubi, E & Dorst, K (2002). Configurations of NPD:
production interfaces and interface integration mechanisms. Creativity and innovation
management, 11(1), 62-73.
Christiaans, HHCM (2002). Creativity as a design criterion. Creativity research journal 14 (1),
Academic publications: book chapters
Fernandes da Costa, AC (2002). Promover a confianca em contextos organizacionais: um
imperativo nas praticas de gestao. In -- (Ed.), Manual de estudos organizacionais: temas de
psicologia, psicossociologia e sociologia das organizacoes. (pp. 208-221). Lisboa: Editora RH.
1 Design processes in product development
Roozenburg, NFM (2002). Defining synthesis: on the senses and the logic of design synthesis. In
Chakrabarti, A (Ed.), Engineering design synthesis: understanding, approaches and tools.
(pp. 1.3-1.18). London: Springer.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bekker, MM, Beusmans, JWF, Keyson, DV & Lloyd, PA (2002). KidReporter: a method for
engaging children in making a newspaper to gather user requirements. In Bekker, MM,
Markopoulos, P & Kersten-Tsikalkina, M (Ed.), Proceedings of the international workshop
'Interaction design and children'. (pp. 138-143). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing BV.
Buijs, JA (2002). The Delft innovation model, forty years of development. In Buijs, JA, Lugt, R
van der & Meer, H van der (Ed.), Idea safari. (pp. 83-99). Enschede: Twente University Press.
Fernandes da Costa, AC (2002). The role of trust for the functioning of teams in organisations. In
Legge, K & Czarniawska, B (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd annual conference on innovative
research in management (EURAM). (pp. 1-15).
Lloyd, PA, Valkenburg, AC & McDonnell, J (2002). Making the final cut - re-presenting the
industrial design process using video. In Evatt, MAC & Brodhurst, EK (Ed.), Sharing experience in
engineering design. (pp. 107-114). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing.
Lugt, R van der (2002). Developing brainsketching: a graphic tool for generating ideas. In Buijs,
JA, Lugt, R van der & Meer, H van der (Ed.), Idea safari. (pp. 239-253). Enschede: Twente
University Press.
Lugt, R van der (2002). Functions of sketching in design idea generation meetings. In Hewett, TT
& Kavanagh, T (Ed.), Creativity & cognition 2002. (pp. 72-79). New York: ACM.
Lugt, R van der & Graaf, A van der (2002). Context indicator for determining links between
design ideas. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Proceedings of the DESIGN 2002 7th international design
conference. (pp. 261-266). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Lugt, R van der (2002). Including sketching in design idea generation meetings. In Marjanovic, D
(Ed.), Proceedings of the DESIGN 2002 7th international design conference. (pp. 255-260).
Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Roozenburg, NFM (2002). A theory is not a thing: a methodological comparison of design and
research. In -- (Ed.), International conference the sciences of design: the scientific challenge for
the 21st century in honour of Herbert Simon. (pp. 1-11).
Smulders, FEHM, Boer, H, Hansen, PHK, Gubi, E & Dorst, K (2002). A typology of interfaces
between new product development and production. In Buijs, JA, Lugt, R van der & Meer, H van
der (Ed.), Idea safari. (pp. 325-341). Enschede: Twente University Press.
Smulders, FEHM (2002). Implementing integrated systems: can we use theories of change? In
Jardim-Goncalves, R, Roy, R & Steiger-Garcao, A (Ed.), Advances in concurrent engineering.
(pp. 987-991). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
1 Design processes in product development
Smulders, FEHM, Caluwé, L de & Nieuwenhuizen, O van (2002). Last stage of NPD-project:
intervention in existing processes?! In Buijs, JA, Lugt, R van der & Meer, H van der (Ed.), Idea
safari. (pp. 343-355). Enschede: Twente University Press.
Smulders, FEHM, Gubi, E, Hansen, PHK, Dorst, K & Boer, H (2002). A typology of supplierinvolved interfaces between new product development and production. In -- (Ed.), 9th
international product development management conference. (pp. 801-814).
Garcia, J, & Restrepo Giraldo, JD (2002). Context modeling in a collaborative virtual reality
application as support to the design process. In D Marjanovic (Ed.), Design 2002 (pp. 767-772).
Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Amerongen, R van, & Christiaans, HHCM (2002). Retail design & communication: educating a
profession. In L Collina & G Simonelli (Eds.), Designing designers. Training strategies for the third
Millenium (pp. 35-40). Milan: Edizione POLI.Design.
Christiaans, HHCM (2002). Interaction between education and practice; experiences of the School
of Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University. In L Collina & G Simonelli (Eds.), Designing
Designers - Training strategies for the third Millenium (pp. 11-16). Milan: Edizioni POLI.DESIGN.
Professional publications and products
Valkenburg, AC (2002). Doe eens iets wat je nog nooit hebt gedaan! Product, 10(4), 26-29.
Wieringa, T & Valkenburg, AC (2002). De groei van industrieel ontwerpbureaus. Vormberichten,
06, 14-16.
Wieringa, T & Valkenburg, AC (2002). De ontwikkeling van industrieel ontwerpbureaus in
Nederland. Product, 10(3), 5-11.
Wieringa, T & Valkenburg, AC (2002). Groei en interne organisatie. Vormberichten, 09, 24-26.
Wieringa, T & Valkenburg, AC (2002). Wat is groei bij ontwerpbureaus? Vormberichten, 07.08,
Buijs, JA, Lugt, R van der & Meer, H v.d. (Ed(s).). (2002). Idea safari. Enschede: Twente
University Press, 387 pp.
Lloyd, PA (2002). Copy proof: a new method for design education. [Review of: Gruson, E, Staal,
G, Copy proof: a new method for design education Uitg.: 010 Publishers, Rotterdam (2000)]. In:
Journal of design research, 2, 1-2.
Buijs, JA & Lugt, R van der (Ed(s).). (2002). Creativity and innovation management, 11(1).
Roozenburg, NFM (Ed(s). (2002). Design studies, 23.
Christiaans, HHCM (2002). [Review of: Design Knowing and Learning: Cognition in Design
Education]. Design studies, 23, 433-434.
Christiaans, HHCM (Ed.). (2002). Journal of design research.
1 Design processes in product development
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bekker, M, Beusmans, JWF, Keyson, DV, & Lloyd, PA (2003). KidReporter: a user requirements
gathering technique for designing with children Interacting with computers 15 (2), 187-202.
Lloyd, PA, & Busby, J. (2003). "Things that went well - no serious injuries or deaths": ethical
reasons in a normal engineering design process Science and engineering ethics 9 (4), 503-516.
Lloyd, PA (2003). Editorial Design studies 24, 195-197.
Lloyd, PA, & Snelders, HMJJ (2003). What was Philippe Starck thinking of? Design studies 24,
Buijs, JA (2003). Modelling product innovation processes, from linear logic to circular chaos
Creativity and innovation management 12 (2), 76-93.
Smulders, FEHM, Caluwé, L de, & Nieuwenhuizen, O van (2003). The last stage of product
development: interventions in existing operational processes Creativity and innovation
management 12 (2), 109-120.
Academic publications: book chapters
Lugt, R van der (2003). Reconsidering the divergent thinking guidelines for design idea
generation activity In U Lindemann (Ed.), Human behaviour in design: individuals, teams, tools
(pp. 272-282). Berlin: Springer.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Hoefnagels, S, Geelhoed, E, Stappers, PJ, Hoeben, A, & Lugt, R van der (2003). Designing for a
frictionless mobile lifestyle:using a friction metaphor in designing appliances for mobility. In s.n.
(Ed.), 1AD: first international conference on aplliance design (pp. 133-136). s.l.: s.n.
Kesteren, IEH van, Bekker, MM, Vermeeren, APOS, & Lloyd, PA (2003). Assessing usability
evaluation methods on their effectiveness to elicit verbal comments from children subjects. In S
MacFarlane, T Nicol, JC Read & LC Snape (Eds.), Small users - big ideas (pp. 41-49). New York:
Association for Computing Machinery.
Lloyd, PA, Valkenburg, AC, & McDonnell, J (2003). The truth about designing: conclusions from
the video assisted learning in design (VALiD) project. In A Folkeson, K Gralen, M Norell & U
Sellgren (Eds.), ICED03 Research for practice: innovation in products, processes and
organisations (pp. 1-10). The Design Society.
Lugt, R van der (2003). Relating the quality of the idea generation process to the quality of the
resulting design ideas. In A Folkeson, K Gralen, M Norell & U Sellgren (Eds.), ICED03 Research
for practice: innovation in products, processes and organisations (pp. 1-10). The Design Society.
1 Design processes in product development
McDonnell, J, Lloyd, PA, & Valkenburg, AC (2003). Encouraging the development of design
expertise through the construction of video stories about the design process. In N Cross & E
Edmonds (Eds.), Expertise in design: design thinking research symposium 6 (pp. 235-250).
Sydney: Creativity and Cognition Studios Press.
Buijs, JA, & Valkenburg, AC (2003). Teaching NPD at Delft University of Technology. In A
Folkeson, K Gralen, M Norell & U Sellgren (Eds.), ICED03 Research for practice: innovation in
products, processes and organisations (pp. 1-10). The Design Society.
Kleinsmann, MS, & Valkenburg, AC (2003). Barriers to shared understanding in collaborative
design projects. In A Folkeson, K Gralen, M Norell & U Sellgren (Eds.), ICED03 Research for
practice: innovation in products, processes and organisations (pp. 1-10). The Design Society.
Kleinsmann, MS, & Valkenburg, AC (2003). Learning from collaborative new product development
projects. In K Saeed, R Mosdorf, Z Sosnowski & O-P Hilmola (Eds.), Computer information
systems and industrial management applications (pp. 416-424). WSFIZ.
Amerongen, R van, Christiaans, HHCM, & Loo, H van der (2003). The relation between culture
and design: a new challenge for retail and product designers. In L Collina & G Simonelli (Eds.),
Designing Designers: Design for a local global world (pp. 177-185). Milan: Edizioni POLI.DESIGN.
Christiaans, HHCM, & Diehl, JC (2003). The introduction of Industrial Design in developing
countries. In L Collina & G Simonelli (Eds.), Designing Designers: Design for a local global world
(pp. 27-39). Milan: Edizioni POLI.DESIGN.
Restrepo Giraldo, JD, & Christiaans, HHCM (2003). Design requirements: conditioners or
conditioned?. In A Folkeson, K Gralén, M Norell & U Sellgren (Eds.), Research for practice:
innovation in products, processes and organisations (pp. 1-10). s.l.: the Design Society.
Restrepo Giraldo, JD, & Christiaans, HHCM (2003). Problem structuring and information access in
design. In N Cross & E Edmonds (Eds.), Expertise in design: design thinking research symposium
6 (pp. 149-162). Sydney, Australia: University of Technology Sydney.
Professional publications and products
Lloyd, PA (Ed.). (2003). Design studies 24 (3).
Valkenburg, AC (2003). De rol van design in productontwikkeling Product 11 (4), 2-5.
Valkenburg, AC (2003). Design strategy Product 11 (1), 28-32.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Programme leader
Methods and techniques for the
conceptual phase of design
Prof. dr. P.J. Stappers
This research programme focuses on the development of methods and techniques to be used by
designers and design teams in the early phases of the design process. During these phases the
design problem is analyzed, initial ideas are formed and subsequently developed into concepts.
There is a growing pressure on the early phases because of increased technological complexity,
increased attention for the social, cultural, and experiential contexts of product use, and the need
for faster development of new products. Central to the early phase is the generation, integration
and communication of new ideas and existing knowledge. Much of the ideation and
communication occurs through visualizations such as sketches, storyboards, mood boards and
collages and through simple physical mock-ups as concept prototypes. These means are
becoming more important because much of the information is perceptual, emotional, cognitive
and social and thus difficult to verbalize. Furthermore these means are important because design
teams are increasingly working in (remote) collaboration with specialists from diverse
backgrounds having their own frame of reference and language. Visualizations and (interactive)
prototypes facilitate communication across disciplinary boundaries.
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. Media capabilities of the designer's tools A series of tools and techniques for supporting
designers in product conceptualization is explored, iterated, and tested in lifelike situations
(research through design). New insights stem from both experimental
testing as well as from design iterations. The prototypes developed in this project are analyzed
on two levels: (i) as tools, within the context of design techniques, and (ii) as interfaces, within
the context of user-product interaction.
B. Experience-centered design/techniques. The objective of this project is to develop techniques
that designers and design teams can use in analyzing, communicating, and designing for humanproduct interaction. The use of rich media by designers in communicating with and about users
and supported by tools and techniques, is studied. Examples are computer-supported dynamic
visualizations (video narratives), interactive simulations (sketchy VR prototypes), but also
traditional media (storyboards), and techniques such as play-acting. Further, the means for
designers to translate verbal expressions into form properties is examined. It must end up in a
design tool that acknowledges the role of the human body in expression formation and
Plans for the research focus
In this period an emphasis was put on doing research through design by creating close-topractice prototypes of design tools and testing these in real-world settings rather than laboratory
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Also, a start was made in developing context mapping techniques (constructing and
communicating information about contexts of user-product interaction), in collaboration with
prof. dr. E. B.-N. Sanders of Ohio State University and SonicRim Inc, and in collaboration with
subprogramme MTT-1. This field was explored first through student research projects, and
several Masters' graduation projects. In 2004 ir. F. Sleeswijk Visser started a Ph.D. project on
context mapping.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
In collaboration with the Faculty of Aeronautics (dr. M. Mulder) and Wright State University (prof.
dr. J.M. Flach), the application of Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE) as a framework for
modelling user-product interaction for consumer products is being explored.
The ingredients of design techniques, interactive media design, context mapping, and CSE form
the basis for a number of collaborations which aim for Ph.D. projects/applications in the next two
years (e.g. DECIS on communication support tools, TU/e and EUR on decision support systems
for fuzzy data, KAIST and SAIT on user experience modelling).
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. P.J. Stappers
prof. P.P. Mijksenaar
prof.dr. P.P.M.Hekkert
dr. P.H. Westendorp
dr. C.J. Overbeeke
ir. G.J. Pasman
ir. A. Hoeben
ir. D.P. Saakes
ir. W. Muller
dr.ir. J.P. Djajadiningrat
J.J. Eissen
dr.ir. C.C.M. Hummels
ir. H. Kuipers
F. van Mourik
dr. K. van der Waarde
ir. A.I. Keller
drs. T.J.L. van Rompay
A. Ajdari, MA
ir. J.W. Frens
ir. S.A.G. Wensveen
Total research staff
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The period's highlights were found in the realization, evaluation, and communication of research
findings through tool prototypes. ProductWorld (Ph.D. Thesis Gert Pasman, 2003), the digital
sketchbook (Hoeben), TRI (Stappers & Keller), and Cabinet (Ph.D. Thesis Ianus Keller, due 2005)
all serve as examples of 'research through design'.
A visible application of the research through design approach, and context mapping techniques,
was the Delft student entry to the Microsoft Research Design Expo 2003, which received the best
design concept award.
Key publications
Stappers, PJ Overbeeke, CJ & Gaver, W (2003). Beyond the limits of real-time realism: moving
from stimulation correspondence to information correspondence In LJ Hettinger & M Haas (Eds.),
Virtual and adaptive environments: applications, implications, and human performance issues
(pp. 91-110). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Keller, AI, & Stappers, PJ (2001). Presence for design: conveying atmosphere through video.
CyberPsychology & Behavior 4 (2), 215-224.
Keller, AI, Stappers, PJ, & Hoeben, A (2000). TRI inspiration support for a design studio
environment (niet eerder opgenomen). International journal of design computing 3, 1-17.
Westendorp, PH, & Waarde, K.M. van der (2001). Editorial introduction. Information design
journal 10 (1), 1-3.
Westendorp, PH, & Waarde, K.M. van der (2001). Icons: support or substitute? Information
design journal 10 (2), 91-94.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Academic publications: book chapters
Mourik, F van (2001). Paper and screen typography, expression and meaning. In RE Griffin, J Lee
& VS William (Eds.), Visual literacy in message design (pp. 131-138). Loretto, PA: International
Visual Literacy Association.
Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, Wensveen, SAG, & Frens, JW (2001). Set me free, give me
degrees of freedom. In A Okazi (Ed.), Report of modeling the evaluation structure of KANSEI
2001 (Evaluation of KANSEI, 5, pp. 89-95). Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Achten, H., Vries, B. de, & Hennessey, JM (2000). Design research in the Netherlands 2000:
introduction. In H. Achten, B. de Vries & J.M. Hennessey (Eds.), Design research in the
Netherlands 2000 (pp. I-VI). Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Djajadiningrat, JP, Overbeeke, CJ, & Stappers, PJ (2001). Cubby: a unified interaction space for
precision manipulation. In W. Keller (Ed.), 12th international training & education conference
(pp. 1-8). Warminster: ITEC.
Djajadiningrat, JP, Stappers, PJ, & Overbeeke, CJ (2001). Cubby: a unified interaction space for
precision manipulation. In J.D. Westwood & et Al. (Eds.), Medicine meets virtual reality 2001
(pp. 129-135). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hoeben, A, & Stappers, PJ (2001). Ideas: a vision of a designer's sketching-tool (+ video 8 min.).
In J. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), Conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-2). New
York: ACM.
Hummels, CCM, Djajadiningrat, JP, & Overbeeke, CJ (2001). Knowing, doing and feeling:
communicating with your digital products. In W. Keller (Ed.), Interdisziplinäres Kolleg: Kognitionsund Neurowissenschaften (pp. 289-308). Bremen: Arendtop.
Lee, S.H., Stappers, PJ, Buijs, M., & Soleymani, F. (2001). Kansei evaluation of matching 2D to
3D images extracted by observation of 3D objects. In N. Callaos & et Al. (Eds.), 5th world
conference on systematics, cybernetics and informatics (pp. 386-391).
Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, Wensveen, SAG, & Frens, JW (2001). Set me free, give me
degrees of freedom. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the international conference on advances in
infrastructure for electronic business, science, and education on the internet (pp. 1-7). SSGRR.
Pasman, GJ, & Stappers, PJ (2001). ProductWorld : an interactive environment classifying and
retrieving product samples. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th Asian design conference (pp. 1-11).
Rompay, T.J.L. van, & Hekkert, PPM (2001). Embodied design: the role of bodily experiences in
product design. In M.G. Helander, H.M. Khalid & M.P. Tham (Eds.), Proceedings of the
international conference on affective human factors design, June 27-29 (pp. 39-46). London, UK:
Asean Academic Press.
Stappers, PJ, & Hoeben, A (2001). Every pixel user-made: aesthetic consistency in the
development of computer-supported conceptual design tools. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th
Asian design conference (pp. 1-13).
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Stappers, PJ, Saakes, DP, & Adriaanse, J. (2001). On the narrative structure of virtual reality
walkthroughs: an analysis and proposed design. In B. de Vries, J. van Leeuwen & H. Achten
(Eds.), Proceedings of the ninth international conference (pp. 125-138). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Muller, W (2001). Order and meaning in design. : Lemma.
Professional publications and products
Djajadiningrat, JP, & Gribnau, M.W. (2000). Cubby: multiscreen desktop VR part III. MacTech 16
(12), 27-38.
Westendorp, PH, & Mijksenaar, PP (Eds.). (2001). Information design journal 10.
Westendorp, PH, & Mijksenaar, PP (2001). Creatieve instructies. Product 9 (5), 4-9.
Westendorp, PH (2001). Design of visual instructions. In (Ed.), Ninth annual WinWriters online
help conference (pp. 1-9). Seattle, WA, USA.
Westendorp, PH (2001). Exploring instructional information types. In (Ed.), Ninth annual
WinWriters online help conference (pp. 1-21). Seattle, WA, USA: WinWriters.
Mourik, F van (2001). Plaatjes kijken. Leren in Ontwikkeling 1, 19-21.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2001). Information design, part 1. 2+D Grafika Plus Produkt 1, 18-21.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2001). Tekenend voor tenenaars? [Review of: Technisch illustreren door
de eeuwen heen]. Tekst[blad], 7, 61-64.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Saakes, DP, & Stappers, PJ (2002). Designing architectural walkthroughs: from simulations to
presentations by visualising narrative transitions. International journal of design computing 4.
Academic publications: book chapters
Lee, S, Harada, A, & Stappers, PJ (2002). Design based on Kansei. In WS Green & PW Jordan
(Eds.), Pleasures with products: beyond usability (pp. 219-230). London: Taylor & Francis.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Lee, S, Stappers, PJ, Buijs, M, & Soleymani, F (2002). Kansei evaluation of matching 2D to 3D
images extracted by observation of 3D objects. In A Okazi (Ed.), Report of modeling the
evaluation structure of Kansei 2001 (Evaluation of Kansei, 5, pp. 197-202). Tsukuba: University
of Tsukuba.
Waarde, K.M. van der, & Westendorp, PH (2002). Design concepts of instruction manuals. In A
Schneider (Ed.), Information Design (pp. 110-119). Tokyo: Graphic-She-Publishing Co. Ltd.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Frens, JW, Djajadiningrat, JP, & Overbeeke, CJ (2002). Cubby+, exploring interaction. In N
MacDonald (Ed.), DIS2002: serious reflection on designing interactive systems (pp. 135-140).
New York: ACM.
Frens, JW, Djajadiningrat, JP, & Overbeeke, CJ (2002). Computer generated freedom: searching
not knowing. In (Ed.), ITEC: Europe's training, education and simulation conference proceedings
(pp. 1-6).
Hammann, E, & Hennessey, JM (2002). How to attract early teens to your mobile network. In MM
Bekker, P Markopoulos & M Kersten-Tsikalkina (Eds.), Interaction design and children
(pp. 110-124). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Making information readable and understandable. In E Gräfe (Ed.),
Making information usable and understandable: user friendly product information - barrier free
access to technical information (pp. 40-49). Brussels: TCEurope.
Djajadiningrat, JP, Overbeeke, CJ, & Wensveen, SAG (2002). But how, Donald, tell us how?: on
the creation of meaning in interaction design through feedforward and inherent feedback. In N
MacDonald (Ed.), DIS2002: serious reflection on designing interactive systems (pp. 285-291).
New York: ACM.
Ph.D. theses
Westendorp, PH (10-06-2002). Presentation media for product interaction. Delft University of
Technology (221 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Mijksenaar, PP, & Dirken, JM
Professional publications and products
Mijksenaar, PP (2002). Belangrijk bij bewegwijzering is eenvormigheid. Boekblad 169
(december), 18.
Mijksenaar, PP (2002). Visueel Esperanto of steno voor ingewijden? Van taal naar beeldtaal en
weer terug. Onze taal 71 (2/3), 54-57.
Mijksenaar, PP (2002). Wachten op de ramp. In R Smulders & N Smulders (Eds.), 09.11.2001
Infographics in de Nederlandse media (pp. 4-5). Hiversum: VIN Vakgroep Infographicmakers
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Beeldschermwerk. Ter informatie, over de vormgeving van
informatie. Vormberichten 10, 22-23.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Diagrammen bekijken. Ter informatie, over de vormgeving van
informatie. Vormberichten 12, 18-19.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Information design, part 2. 2+3D Grafika Plus Produkt 1, 24-27.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Information design, part 3. 2+3D Grafika Plus Produkt 2 (3),
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Medicijnen toedienen. Ter informatie, over de vormgeving van
informatie. Vormberichten 9, 23.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Startkabels. Ter informatie, over de vormgeving van informatie.
Vormberichten 11, 22-23.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2002). Van pillendraaiers en potjeslatijn: de vormgeving van informatie
over medicijnen. Tekst[blad] 8 (3), 20-26.
Westendorp, PH, & Waarde, K.M. van der (Eds.). (2002). Information design journal 11.
Westendorp, PH, & Mijksenaar, PP (09-04-2002). Knopjes - tussen fetisjisme en fobie. NRC
Handelsblad, pp. 8.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Frens, JW, Djajadiningrat, JP, & Overbeeke, CJ (2002). Cubby+ A desktop VR system for
precision manipulation. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2002):
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (20-04-2002 - 25-04-2002). ontwerp.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Informatievormgeving: over het ontwerpen van visuele dialogen
Kunstlicht 24 (1/2), 9-14.
Westendorp, PH, & Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). From avionics to aviation information
architecture Information design journal 11 (1), 1-3.
Academic publications: book chapters
Westendorp, PH (2003). Bewegwijzering voor doolhoven/signage for labyrinths In D van Ginkel
(Ed.), Nederlandse designprijzen 2003/Dutch design awards 2003 (pp. 54-58). BNO.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Hummels, CCM, Overbeeke, CJ, & Helm, AJC van der (2003). The interactive installation ISH: in
search of resonant human product interaction In MA Blythe, K Overbeeke, AF Monk & PC Wright
(Eds.), Funology: from usability to enjoyment (pp. 265-274). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, Hummels, CCM, Wensveen, SAG, & Frens, JW (2003). Let's
make things engaging In MA Blythe, K Overbeeke, AF Monk & PC Wright (Eds.), Funology: from
usability to enjoyment (pp. 7-17). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Stappers, PJ, Overbeeke, CJ, & Gaver, W (2003). Beyond the limits of real-time realism: moving
from stimulation correspondence to information correspondence In LJ Hettinger & M Haas (Eds.),
Virtual and adaptive environments: applications, implications, and human performance issues
(pp. 91-110). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Voorhorst, FA, Overbeeke, CJ, & Smets, G.J.F. (2003). Implementing perception-action coupling
for laparoscopy In LJ Hettinger & M Haas (Eds.), Virtual and adaptive environments: applications,
implications, and human performance issues (pp. 391-412). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Miyazawa, K, Komamiya, Y, Stappers, PJ, & Yamanaka, T (2003). GUI usability development tool
with dynamic Kansei labeling. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design international conference Journal
of the asian design international conference (pp. 1-8). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ.
of Tsukuba.
Pasman, GJ (2003). Computer-assisted product classification in design education. In H Aoki (Ed.),
6th Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design international conference
(pp. 1-9). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Umemuro, H, Saakes, DP, Hoeben, A, Stappers, PJ, & Ono, M (2003). Optic flow backgrounds:
using ergomotion perception to support navigation in a 3D computer world. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th
Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design international conference
(pp. 1-7). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Vormer, FJP (Ch. Control and Simulation), Otten, JJ, Mulder, M (Ch. Control and Simulation),
Paassen, MM van (Ch. Control and Simulation), Mulder, JA (Ch. Control and Simulation),
Stappers, PJ, Overbeeke, CJ, & Flach, JM (2003). Design and experimental evaluation of fourdimensional tunnel-in-the-sky displays. In RS Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th international
symposium on aviation psychology (pp. 1-6). Dayton: Wright State University.
Hoefnagels, S, Geelhoed, E, Stappers, PJ, Hoeben, A, & Lugt, R van der (2003). Designing for a
frictionless mobile lifestyle:using a friction metaphor in designing appliances for mobility. In s.n.
(Ed.), 1AD: first international conference on aplliance design (pp. 133-136). s.l.: s.n.
Hummels, CCM, Ross, P, & Overbeeke, CJ (2003). In search of resonant human computer
interaction: building and testing aesthetic installations. In M Rauterberg, M Menozzi & J Wesson
(Eds.), Human-computer interaction: INTERACT '03 (pp. 399-406). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hummels, CCM, Overbeeke, CJ, & Wormgoor, R (2003). The Boulevard of Inspiration: making
design education tempting, experiential and personal. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design
international conference Journal of the asian design international conference (pp. 1-11).
Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Overbeeke, CJ, Hengeveld, B, & Hummels, CCM (2003). Making intimacy tangible. In H Aoki
(Ed.), 6th Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design international
conference (pp. 1-7). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Pasman, GJ, & Lelie, C van der (2003). Designing products for everyday rituals. In H Aoki (Ed.),
6th Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design international conference
(pp. 1-5). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Stappers, PJ, Hoeben, A, & Flach, JM (2003). Learning control theory by experiencing dynamics.
In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design
international conference (pp. 1-10). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Stappers, PJ, Sleeswijk Visser, F, & Keller, AI (2003). Mapping the experiential context of product
use: generative techniques beyond questions and observations. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design
international conference Journal of the asian design international conference (pp. 1-8). Tsukuba:
Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Umemuro, H, Keller, AI, & Stappers, PJ (2003). More light on your table: table-sized sketchy VR
in support of fluid collaboration. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design international conference
Journal of the asian design international conference (pp. 1-8). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and
Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Ph.D. theses
Pasman, GJ (30-06-2003). Designing with precedents Delft University of Technology (222 pag.).
Prom./coprom.: Hennessey, JM, & Stappers, PJ
Professional publications and products
Groenen, P.J.F., & Stappers, PJ (2003). Dynamische visualisatie met meerdimensionele schaling
Stator, 4-10.
Westendorp, PH (2003). Das Gesetz von Moore für Anwenderunterstützung Technische
Kommunikation 5, 33-37.
Waarde, K.M. van der (Ed.). (2003). Information design journal.
Westendorp, PH (Ed.). (2003). Information design journal.
Waarde, K.M. van der (Ed.). (2003). InfoDesign.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: aanwijzingen voor toeristen Vormberichten, 26-27.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: afval scheiden Vormberichten, 26-27.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: de financiële bijsluiter Vormberichten, 36-37.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: vliegtuiginstructies Vormberichten, 28-29.
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: voedingsinformatie Vormberichten, 26-27.
2 Methods and techniques for the conceptual phase of design
Waarde, K.M. van der (2003). Ter informatie: wasvoorschriften Vormberichten, 38-39.
Westendorp, PH (Ed.). (2003). InfoDesign.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Programme leader
Product conceptualization in collaborative
virtual prototyping environment
Prof. dr. I. Horváth
The research programme develops and implements computer-oriented theories, methods, tools
and pilot systems for supporting conceptual design of products in a collaborative virtual
prototyping environment. To this end, it considers two foci of activities. On the one hand, it
explores methods and techniques and it prototypes tools for knowledge-intensive computer
support of product conceptualization. On the other hand, it studies the technological
infrastructure, collaboration support, information and knowledge management, and system
realization aspects of collaborative virtual design/prototyping environments. The research
programme contributes to the scientific development of the discipline as well as provides
applicable solutions for product conceptualization and remote collaboration in the industry.
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. Dynamic shape advancement (Dynash) The research project is centered on analysis,
computation, materialization, presentation and interpretation of shape to understand why, when
and how different types of shapes are assigned. Methods and pilot software tools will be
developed and their effectiveness in the industrial design process will be evaluated. The research
objectives include: analysis of existing CAD and manual shape modeling processes, development
of theories and techniques for dynamic shape context, investigation of subjective shape
appreciation as a function of shape parameters, development of optical back projection from CAD
onto the physical shape, and fast production of editable physical shapes.
B. Knowledge intensive conceptualization. This project commences with several state of the art
surveys and research case studies. Explorative research will be done in several forms to
investigate the data and information need of, use, and reuse by designers in conceptual design
activities. Solutions will be developed for (a) assessment, selection and structuring knowledge,
and (b) formalizing and embedding knowledge in aspect models for conceptual design to
proactively support the conceptualization activities of designers. To facilitate building knowledgeintensive models, natural means of interaction will be studied and applied in the user interface of
the computer aided conceptual design tools. Experiments will be done to explore the
opportunities of using knowledge intensive conceptualization tools by dislocated design teams.
Plans for the research focus
The research focus will not generally change. However, due to the increased involvement of
companies and other societal parties, there is a tendency to translate theories and methods more
into practically usable tools and methods, and to do that in a relatively early stage of the
research. For example, new methods and algorithms developed for 3D shape scanning and
recognition are directly applied to cases from partners in the industry.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Plans for new collaborations and funding
After successful applications for funding at STW and the EC Research Framework, new contacts
are being established with academic and industrial partners, including the University of Hannover,
the Zhejiang University and the Institute of Applied mathematics and Information Technologies
(CIMA) in Genova.
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr.ir. I. Horváth
dr. J.S.M. Vergeest
ir. J.J. Broek
dr.ir. Z. Rusák
ir. C.C.M. Moes
ir. J.C. Verlinden
dr.ir. R.W. Vroom
ir. W.F. van der Vegte
dr.ir. P.J. de Jager
ir. E.J.J. van Breemen
T. Wiegers
A. de Smit
A. Kooijman
dr. W. Song
A. Shevchenko
S. Spanjaard
R. Dumitrescu M.Sc.
Ch. Wang M.Sc.
M.I. Jambak M.Sc.
E. Varga
E. Akar
E.Z. Opiyo
G. Kuczogi
ir. Z. Rusák
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The main scientific achievements in the review period are:
• Development and application testing of a pre-implementation method to evaluate design
supporting tools (Abstract Prototyping)
• A theoretic model and initial implementation of product usage based on conceptual design
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Development of a digital model of the human body for the prediction of sitting comfort and
Development and testing of a vague modeling system for the conceptualization of products
Several new methods and techniques for fast evaluation of product concepts, including
augmented prototyping and physical clay machining
New methods and software for the recognition and manipulation of freeform shape features,
supporting the processing of 3D scanned objects and their reuse and redesign
Analysis and work-breakdown investigation of shape modeling processes, both physical (clay)
and virtual (CAD)
Development and evaluation of a conceptual design engineering toolbox (C-DET
Key publications
Horváth, I, Duhovnik, J, & Xirouchakis, P (2003). Learning the methods and the skills of global
product realization in an academic virtual enterprise European journal of engineering education
28 (1), 83-102
Vergeest, JSM Song & Hartge (2004). Freeform object positioning by 3D shape matching without
artifical feature points Journal of WSCG 12 (no.1-3)
Horváth, I (in press 2004). A treatise on order in engineering design research (revised paper for
Research in engineering design)
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Horváth, I, & Rusak, Z (2001). Collaborative shape conceptualization in virtual design
environments. Communications of the ACM (http://www.acm.org/cacm/1201/1201 44 (12),
Horváth, I, Broek, JJ, & Dutta, D. (2000). Editable physical concept models: opportunities and
challenges (niet eerder opgenomen). Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Informatique Graphique
15 (2-4), 409-426.
Koelman, H.J., Horváth, I, & Aalbers, A (2001). Hybrid representation of the shape of ship hulls.
International shipbuilding progress 48 (3), 247-269.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Steinfield, Ch, Wit, D., Adelaar, T, Bruins, A, Fielt, A, Smit, A de, Hoefsloot, M, & Bouwman,
W.A.G.A. Dr. (2001). Pillars of virtual enterprise: leveraging physical assets in the new economy.
INFO 2001 (3), 203-213.
Vegte, WF van der, Vergeest, JSM, & Horváth, I (2001). Towards a unified description of product
related processes. Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science 5 (2), 53-63.
Vegte, WF van der, Pulles, J.P.W., & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Towards computer-supported
inclusion and integration of life cycle processes in product conceptualization based on the process
tree. Automation in construction 10 (6), 731-740.
Vergeest, JSM, Spanjaard, S., Horváth, I, & Jelier, J.J.O. (2001). Fitting freeform shape patterns
to scanned 3D objects. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 1 (3),
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Breemen, EJJ van, & Horváth, I (2001). Taking the challenge of a new century: a teleconference
based course in global product realisation. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design applications in
industry and education, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 473-480). Bury
St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Broek, JJ, Horváth, I, Smit, A de, & Jager, PJ de (2001). Looking for minimum conditions for
FF-TLOM cutting, equal blade tangencies at both layer contours. In D. Dimitrov (Ed.),
Proceedings 2nd annual conference with international participation on rapid technologies
(pp. 83-92). Stellenbosch: Global Competitiveness Centre in Engineering.
Horváth, I (2001). A contemporary survey of scientific research into engineering design. In
S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories, methodologies, and product modelling, 13th
international conference on engineering design (pp. 13-20). Bury St Edmunds: Professional
Engineering Publishing ltd.
Horváth, I, Dutta, D., Breemen, EJJ van, & Yip-Hoi, D. (2001). Educating for global product
realization on a global scale. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME 2001 design
engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering conference
(pp. 1-11). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Horváth, I, Rusak, Z, Vergeest, JSM, & Moes, CCM (2001). Vague geometric representation and
its application in anthropometrical modeling. In M. Hamdy Elwany & M.G. Abou-Ali (Eds.), 7th
international conference on production engineering, design and control (pp. 295-306). PEDAC.
Jager, PJ de, Broek, JJ, Horváth, I, Kooijman, A, & Smit, A de (2001). An effective geometric and
kinematical analysis of ruled surface feature manufacturability for rapid prototyping. In D.T. Mook
& B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME 2001 design engineering technical conference and computers
and information in engineering conference (pp. 1-10). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Jager, PJ de, Broek, JJ, Smit, A de, & Horváth, I (2001). Automated evaluation of advanced
layered manufacturing processes by process planning. In R. Meyer & H. Kühnle (Eds.),
International user's conference on rapid prototyping & rapid tooling & rapid manufacturing
(pp. 118-125).
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Jansson, J., Vergeest, JSM, Kuczogi, G, & Horváth, I (2001). Merging deformable and rigid body
mechanics simulation. In E.J.H. Kerckhoffs & M. Snorek (Eds.), 15th European simulation
multiconference (pp. 399-406). Delft: Society for Computer Simulation International.
Koelman, H.J., & Horváth, I (2001). Application of a genetic algorithm for segmentation of a ship
hull for FF-TLOM and for 3-axis milling. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME 2001
design engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering
conference (pp. 1-10). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Kuczogi, G, Horváth, I, Vergeest, JSM, & Rusak, Z (2001). Communication model for the user
interface of a shape conceptualization system. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME
2001 design engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering
conference (pp. 1-8). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Moes, CCM, Rusak, Z, & Horváth, I (2001). Application of vague geometric representation for
shape instance generation of the human body. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME
2001 design engineering technical conference and computers information in engineering
conference (pp. 1-19). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Moes, CCM, Rusak, Z, & Horváth, I (2001). Generation of shape instances for ergonomic
optimization of shapes. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design methods for performance and
sustainability, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 131-138). Bury St
Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Moes, CCM (2001). Mathematics and algorithms for pressure distribution controlled shape design.
In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design methods for performance and sustainability, 13th international
conference on engineering design (pp. 99-106). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering
Publishing ltd.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I, & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Developing software tools for pre-implementation
testing of design support tools. In L. Icalmar & G. Patko (Eds.), Proceedings of the MicroCAD
2001 international scientific conference (pp. 1-8). Miskolc: University of Miskolc.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I, & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Knowledge representation and processing in
abstract prototyping of design support tools. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research -
theories, methodologies and product modelling, 13th international conference on engineering
design (pp. 469-476). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I, & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Using the abstract prototyping technique in the
development of design support systems. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), 2001 ASME
design engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering
conference (pp. 1-10). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Rusak, Z, Horváth, I, Jansson, J., Vergeest, JSM, & Kuczogi, G (2001). Shape manipulation of
domain distributed vague models. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories,
methodologies and product modelling, 13th international conference on engineering design
(pp. 565-572). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Smit, B. de, Jager, PJ de, Kooijman, A, & Broek, JJ (2001). Experimental results on the
application of FF-TLOM technology for the creation of a large freeform shape. In D. Dimitrov
(Ed.), Proceedings 2nd annual conference with international participation on rapid technologies
(pp. 93-101). Stellenbosch: Global Competitiveness Centre in Engineering.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Spanjaard, S., & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Comparing different fitting strategies for matching two
3D point sets using a multivariable minimizer. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), 2001 ASME
design engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering
conference (pp. 1-8). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Vergeest, JSM, & Horváth, I (2001). A fundamental limit of interoperability. In R. Mackay & et Al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th symposium on product data technology, quality marketing
services (pp. 1-8).
Vergeest, JSM, Horváth, I, & Spanjaard, S. (2001). A methodology for reusing freeform shape
content. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), 2001 ASME design engineering technical
conference and computers and information in engineering conference (pp. 1-8). New York, NY,
Vergeest, JSM, Akar, E, & Opiyo, EZ (2001). Computer-supported shape conceptualization interfacing engineers with academic research. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design applications in
industry and education, 13th international conference on engineering design (pp. 59-66). Bury St
Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Vergeest, JSM, & Horváth, I (2001). Matching 3D freeform shapes to digitized objects and its
application in shape modeling. In M. Hamdy Elwany & M.G. Abou-Ali (Eds.), 7th international
conference on production engineering, design and control (pp. 1345-1356). PEDAC.
Vergeest, JSM, Horváth, I, & Spanjaard, S. (2001). Parameterization of freeform features. In
A. Pasko & M. Spagnuolo (Eds.), International conference on shape modeling and applications
(pp. 20-29). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
Vergeest, JSM, & Spanjaard, S. (2001). The computation of 3D pattern matching as a tool for
conceptual freeform shape design. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), 2001 ASME design
engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering conference
(pp. 1-9). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Vergeest, JSM, & Horváth, I (2001). Where interoperability ends. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran
(Eds.), 2001 ASME design engineering technical conference and computers and information in
engineering conference (pp. 1-8). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
Verlinden, JC, Horváth, I, & Jager, PJ de (2001). Dialogue models of knowledge intensive
assistance in shape conceptualisation. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design methods for
performance and sustainability, 13th international conference on engineering design
(pp. 373-380). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Verlinden, JC, Wiegers, T, Vogelaar, H., Horváth, I, & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Exploring conceptual
design using a clay-based wizard of Oz technique. In G. Jahannsen (Ed.), 8th
IFAC/IFIP/FORS/IEA symposium on analysis, design and evaluation of human-machine systems
(pp. 211-216). VDI.
Wiegers, T, & Vergeest, JSM (2001). Extraction of CAD tool requirements from industry and from
experimental design projects. In D.T. Mook & B. Balachandran (Eds.), ASME 2001 design
engineering technical conference and computers and information in engineering conference
(pp. 1-7). New York, NY, USA: ASME.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Ph.D. theses
Vroom, RW (10-04-2001). Zicht op product- en procesontwikkelingsinformatie: in het bijzonder
bij toeleveranciers aan de automobielindustrie. Technische Universiteit Delft (231 pag.). (Delft:
DUP). Prom./coprom.: Ruwe, P de, & Sol, H.G.
Professional publications and products
Broek, JJ, Poelman, W., & Sleijffers, W. (2001). Rapid prototyping revisited. Product 9 (mei),
Bouwman, W.A.G.A. Dr., Fielt, A, & Smit, A de (2001). Click & Mortar eCommerce in Rotterdam.
Enschede: Telematica Instituut.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Berg, C. van den (Ch. Computer Graphics), Bronsvoort, WF (Ch. Computer Graphics) & Vergeest,
JSM (2002). Freeform feature modelling: concepts and prospects. Computers in industry, 49(2),
Broek, JJ, Horváth, I, Smit, A de, Lennings, AF, Rusak, Z & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Free-form thick
layer object manufacturing technology for large-sized physical models. Automation in
construction, 11(3), 335-347.
Horváth, I, Vergeest, JSM & Medland, AJ (2002). Computer-based tools and methods of
competitive engineering. Computer-aided design, 34, 869-870.
Horváth, I, Vergeest, JSM & Medland, AJ (2002). Editorial. Journal of engineering design,
13(1-3), 1-3.
Horváth, I & Yang, D-Y (2002). Rapid technologies: solutions for today and tomorrow (Editorial).
Computer-aided design, 34(10), 679-682.
Jansson, J & Vergeest, JSM (2002). A discrete mechanics model for deformable bodies.
Computer-aided design, 34, 913-928.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Quality assurance of design support software:
review and analysis of the state of the art. Computers in industry, 49, 195-215.
Vegte, WF van der & Horváth, I (2002). Consideration and modeling of use processes in
computer-aided conceptual design: a state of the art review. Journal of integrated design and
process science, 6(2), 25-59.
Vergeest, JSM & Spanjaard, S (2002). Direct 3D pattern matching in the domain of freeform
shapes. Journal of WSCG, 10(1), 1-8.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Academic publications: book chapters
Horváth, I (2002). Collaborative virtual prototyping environments - a big soup of new
technologies? In Shahin, TMM (Ed.), Computer-based design. (pp. 21-34). Bury St Edmunds:
Professional Engineering Publishing.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Berg, C. van den (Ch. Computer Graphics), Bronsvoort, WF (Ch. Computer Graphics) & Vergeest,
JSM (2002). Techniques for freeform feature modelling. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM
(Ed.), TMCE 2002: Tools and methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 201-211). Wuhan, PRC:
HUST Press.
Broek, JJ, Horváth, I & Smit, A de (2002). Exploration of influential parameters for speed control
of the flexible blade cutting process. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools
and methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 783-794). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Broek, JJ & Horváth, I (2002). Speed control for flexible blade cutting of thick foam layers. In
Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-10). New York: ASME.
Dumitrescu, R, Vergeest, JSM, Wiegers, T & Wang, C (2002). Towards context-sensitive modeling
tools. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th international design
conference. (pp. 471-476). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Gerritsen, BHM & Rusak, Z (2002). Fuzzy shape families. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM
(Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 287-298). Wuhan: HUST
Horváth, I, Rusak, Z & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Collaborative virtual design environments: a
treatise of the supporting technologies. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02.
(pp. 1-13). New York: ASME.
Horváth, I, Vergeest, JSM & Rusak, Z (2002). Six ingredients of collaborative virtual design
environments. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th international design
conference. (pp. 67-74). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Jambak, MI (2002). Following the evolution of the product concept with incomplete modeling by
nucleus entities. In -- (Ed.), 2002 IEEE international engineering management conference.
(pp. 708-712). Piscataway: IEEE.
Kooijman, A & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Matching minimum strain energy curves to B-spline curves
for thick layer manufacturing. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-8). New
York: ASME.
Kuczogi, G, Horváth, I & Rusak, Z (2002). Verbal interface for vague discrete shape modeler. In
Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering. (pp. 663-674). Wuhan: HUST Press.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Moes, CCM & Horváth, I (2002). Estimation of the non-linear material properties for a finite
elements model of the human body parts involved in sitting. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings
of DETC'02. (pp. 1-11). New York: ASME.
Moes, CCM & Horváth, I (2002). Finite elements model of the human body: geometry and nonlinear material properties. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and
methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 451-467). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Moes, CCM & Horváth, I (2002). Optimizing the product shape for ergonomics goodness index,
part 1: conceptual solution. In McCabe, PT (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2002. (pp. 314-318).
London: Taylor & Francis.
Moes, CCM & Horváth, I (2002). Optimizing the product shape for ergonomics goodness index,
part 2: elaboration for material properties. In McCabe, PT (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2002.
(pp. 319-322). London: Taylor & Francis.
Moes, CCM & Horváth, I (2002). Using finite elements model of the human body for shape
optimization of seats: optimization material properties. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 Proceedings of the 7th international design conference. (pp. 857-865). Zagreb: Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I & Vergeest, JSM (2002). A strategy for quality assurance of computer
based design methods. In Rohatynski, R & Jakubowski, J (Ed.), EDIPROD'2002: design methods
that work. (pp. 133-140). Zielona Gora: University of Zielona Gora.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Acquisition and processing of requirements for pre
implementation testing of design support systems. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.),
TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 705-717). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Opiyo, EZ, Horváth, I & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Case studies on the application of the abstract
prototyping stratergy in the development of design support software. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.),
Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-10). New York: ASME.
Owen, R & Horváth, I (2002). Towards product-related knowledge asset warehousing in
enterprises. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of
competitive engineering. (pp. 155-170). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Rusak, Z, Horváth, I, Kuczogi, G & Jansson, J (2002). Physically-based operators for virtual clay
modeling in a collaborative virtual design environment. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.),
TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive engineering. (pp. 299-314). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Rusak, Z, Horváth, I, Kuczogi, G & Akar, E (2002). Shape instance generation from domain
distributed vague models. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-15). New
York: ASME.
Sener, B, Vergeest, JSM & Akar, E (2002). New generation computer-aided design tools: two
related research projects investigating the future expectations of designers. In Marjanovic, D
(Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th international design conference. (pp. 539-544).
Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Smit, A de, Kooijman, A, Broek, JJ & Horváth, I (2002). Developing a tool for the direct cutting of
freeform surfaces out of extruded polystyrene foam. In Meyer, R (Ed.), Euro-u Rapid 2002.
(pp. 1-6). Fraunhofer - Allianz Rapid Prototyping.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM & Horváth, I (2002). Feature interference in free form template matching.
In Navazo Alvaro, I & Slusallek, Ph (Ed.), Eurographics 2002. (pp. 9-18). Eurographics
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM & Dumitrescu, R (2002). Feature reconstruction for freeform surface
design. In Vajna, S (Ed.), Integrated product development. (pp. 1-8).
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM & Horváth, I (2002). Reconstructing freeform surface with parameterized
features. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-10). New York: ASME.
Vegte, WF van der, Kitamura, Y, Mizoguchi, R & Horváth, I (2002). Ontology-based modeling of
product functionality and use, part 2: considering use and unintended behavior. In Rohatynski, R
& Jakubowski, J (Ed.), EDIPROD'2002: design methods that work. (pp. 115-124). Zielona Gora:
University of Zielona Gora.
Vergeest, JSM, Egmond, R van & Dumitrescu, R (2002). Correlating shape parameters to
customer preference. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods
of competitive engineering. (pp. 331-338). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Vergeest, JSM, Song, Y, Horváth, I & Wang, C (2002). Dynamic shape typing. In Kazerounian, K
(Ed.), Proceedings of DETC'02. (pp. 1-9). New York: ASME.
Verlinden, JC, Horváth, I & Kuczogi, G (2002). Verbal constraint management for shape
conceptualization. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of
competitive engineering. (pp. 261-272). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Verlinden, JC, Igarashi, T & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Snapshots and bookmarks as a graphical
design history. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th international design
conference. (pp. 567-572). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Vroom, RW, Horváth, I & Vegte, WF van der (2002). Instruments to visualize design engineering
working methods in automotive supplier companies. In Karagiannis, D & Reimer, U (Ed.),
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on practical aspects of knowledge
management. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (pp. 347-358). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Vroom, RW, Haarlem, LF van & Ootes, FPA (2002). Overview of the initiatives on the
development of designer's toolkits. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th
international design conference. (pp. 443-448). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture.
Vroom, RW (2002). Research into the practice of design engineering working methods within
automotive companies. In Rohatynski, R & Jakubowski, J (Ed.), EDIPROD'2002: design methods
that work. (pp. 183-190). Zielona Gora: University of Zielona Gora.
Vroom, RW & Verlinden, JC (2002). Transparency in documents and activities in product and
process development at automotive suppliers. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings
of the 7th international design conference. (pp. 435-442). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Wang, C, Vergeest, JSM, Horváth, I, Dumitrescu, R, Wiegers, T & Song, Y (2002). Cross model
shape reuse: copying and pasting of freeform features. In Kazerounian, K (Ed.), Proceedings of
DETC'02. (pp. 1-10). New York: ASME.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Wang, C, Horváth, I & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Towards the reuse of shape information in CAD. In
Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering. (pp. 103-116). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Wiegers, T, Dumitrescu, R & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Determining the effectiveness of shape
manipulations by observing designers at work. In Durling, D & Shackleton, J (Ed.), Common
ground. (pp. 1200-1209). Stoke on trent: Staffordshire University press.
Wiegers, T, Dumitrescu, R & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Freeform shape manipulation using contextdependent constraints and parameters. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the
7th international design conference. (pp. 573-578). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and Naval Architecture.
Professional publications and products
Vroom, RW (2002). Documentbeheersing. Optimalisatie van het aantal documenten in de
productontwikkeling. Product, 10(4), 39.
Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed(s).). (2002). TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering. Wuhan: HUST Press, 991 pp.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Jansson, J, & Vergeest, JSM (2003). Combining deformable- and rigid-body mechanics simulation
Visual computer 19 (5), 280-290.
Vergeest, JSM, Spanjaard, S, & Song, Y (2003). Directed mean Hausdorff distance of
parameterized freeform shapes in 3D: a case study Visual computer 19 (7-8), 480-492.
Vergeest, JSM, Spanjaard, S, Wang, C, & Song, Y (2003). Complex 3D feature registration using
a marching template Journal of WSCG 11 (3), 488-495.
Verlinden, JC, Smit, A de, Peeters, AWJ, & Gelderen, MH van (2003). Development of a flexible
augmented prototyping system Journal of WSCG 11 (3), 496-503.
Horváth, I (2003). Understanding the order of engineering design research Acta polytechnica;
journal of advanced engineering 43 (3), 17-27.
Vroom, RW, Horváth, I, & Vegte, WF van der (2003). Instruments to visualize design engineering
information and activities in automotive supplier companies International journal of intelligent
systems in accounting, finance & management 11 (4), 235-252.
Horváth, I, Duhovnik, J, & Xirouchakis, P (2003). Learning the methods and the skills of global
product realization in an academic virtual enterprise European journal of engineering education
28 (1), 83-102.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Academic publications: book chapters
Wang, C, Vergeest, JSM, Wiegers, T, Pant, DJ van der, & Berg, TMC van der (2003). Exploring
the influence of feature geometry on design style In NE Mastorakis, IA Stathopulos, C
Manikopoulos, GE Antoniou, VM Mladenov & IF Gonos (Eds.), Computational methods in circuits
and systems applications (Electrical and computer engineering series, pp. 21-28). WSEAS Press.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Broek, JJ, Kooijman, A, Borg, K, & Tilmans, P (2003). Dynamic shaping analysis of a flexible foam
cutting blade. In PJ Bartolo, G Mitchell & A Mateus (Eds.), Advanced research in virtual and rapid
prototyping (pp. 385-392). Leiria: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestao de Leiria.
Broek, JJ, Kooijman, A, Smit, A de, & Horváth, I (2003). Shaping minimum strain energy curves
for FF-TLOM. In s.n. (Ed.), DETC'03 (pp. 1-8). s.l.: ASME.
Dumitrescu, R, Vergeest, JSM, & Wiegers, T (2003). Analysis of a freeform shape modelling
process. In H Aoki (Ed.), 6th Asian design international conference Journal of the asian design
international conference (pp. 1-8). Tsukuba: Institute of Art and Design, Univ. of Tsukuba.
Dumitrescu, R, Lammers, JW, Dreesmann, WF, & Vergeest, JSM (2003). Development of intuitive
CAID tools-an empirical approach. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th international conference
on human and computer (HC-2003) (pp. 263-268). Aizu-Wakamatsu-City: University of Aizu.
Horváth, I, Tromp, N, & Daalhuizen, J (2003). Comprehending a hand motion language in shape
conceptualization. In AA Shabana (Ed.), DETC '03 (pp. 1-15). ASME.
Koelman, H.J., Horváth, I, & Rusak, Z (2003). Reverse engineering of ship hulls based on
photogrammetric measurements and vague discrete interval modeling. In AD Papanikolaou (Ed.),
IMDC 2003 (pp. 653-666). s.l.: s.n.
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM, Dumitrescu, R, Wiegers, T, & Wang, C (2003). Extracting freeform shape
information by template fitting. In s.n. (Ed.), DETC'03 (pp. 1-9). New York: ASME.
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM, Wang, C, Wiegers, T, & Dumitrescu, R (2003). Feature based freeform
template matching. In Y Pan, Z Lin, S Sun, G Zhu, X He & L Zhou (Eds.), CAID & CD 2003
(pp. 449-464). China Machine Press.
Song, Y, Vergeest, JSM, & Saakes, DP (2003). Parameter-driven freeform deformations. In
H Hagen, M Chover & D Tost (Eds.), Eurographics 2003 (pp. 179-186). The Eurographics
Vergeest, JSM, Wang, C, Song, Y, & Spanjaard, S (2003). Towards new transitions among shape
representations. In s.n. (Ed.), DETC'03 (pp. 1-8). New York: ASME.
Verlinden, JC, Smit, A de, Horváth, I, Epema, E, & Jong, M de (2003). Time compression
characteristics of the augmented prototyping pipeline. In R Meyer (Ed.), Euro-uRapid 2003
(pp. 8). s.l.: s.n.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Wang, C, Vergeest, JSM, Wiegers, T, & Song, Y (2003). Shape knowledge indexing using
invariant shape code. In s.n. (Ed.), DETC'03 (pp. 1-7). New York: ASME.
Wang, C, & Vergeest, JSM (2003). Supporting reuse in freeform shape design: a signal
processing approach. In MH Hamza (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED international
conference on visualization, imaging, and image processing. vol. 2 (pp. 750-755). IASTED.
Wang, C, Vergeest, JSM, Bronsvoort, WF (Ch. Computer Graphics), & Vegte, WF van der (2003).
The identity of freeform shape features. In S Andersson, M Norell, H Johannesson, L Karlsson &
J Palmberg (Eds.), ICED 2003 (pp. 139-148). Linkoping: The Design Society.
Wiegers, T, Dumitrescu, R, Vergeest, JSM, & Wang, C (2003). Analysis of interaction for shape
modification during conceptual design. In J Jacko & C Stephanidis (Eds.), Human-comuter
interaction: Theory and practice (part 1) (pp. 726-730). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Breemen, EJJ van, & Vroom, RW (2003). Towards balanced comprehension within C-DET, a
toolbox for design engineers during conceptual design. In s.n. (Ed.), Techné 5th European
academy of design conference: the design wisdom (pp. 1-6). Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
Horváth, I (2003). Design support systems: yesterday, today, tomorrow. In T Toth, P Bikfalvi &
J Göndri Nagy (Eds.), WESIC 2003 (pp. 1-8). Miskolc: Institute of Information Science.
Horváth, I (2003). Engineering design research: from seeing it through the eyes to seeing it with
the mind. In s.n. (Ed.), AED 2003 (pp. 1-10). s.l.: s.n.
Horváth, I, & Vegte, WF van der (2003). Nucleus-based product conceptualization: principles and
formalization. In M Norell, S Andersson, H Johannesson, L Karlsson & J Palmberg (Eds.), ICED
2003 (pp. 1-10). Linkoping: The Design Society.
Jambak, MI, & Vergeest, JSM (2003). Framework towards contextual information handling during
product conceptualization. In s.n. (Ed.), AED 2003 (pp. 1-8). s.l.: s.n.
Jambak, MI, Horváth, I, Akar, E, & Vergeest, JSM (2002). Introducing nucleus as a modelling
entity for product design. In s.n. (Ed.), Design 2002 (pp. 349-354). Zagreb: Fac. of Mech.
Engineering and Naval Arch.
Moes, CCM (2003). Sitting stresses inside the body. In PT McCabe (Ed.), Contemporary
ergonomics 2003 (pp. 549-554). London: Taylor & Francis.
Shevchenko, O, & Shevchenko, AA (2003). Model-based comparative techno-economical analysis
of mass-production and mass-customization paradigms. In FT Piller, R Reichwald & M Tseng
(Eds.), 2003 world congress on mass customization and personalization (MCPC 2003) (pp. 1-7).
München: TUM.
Vegte, WF van der, & Horváth, I (2003). Nucleus-based product conceptualization: application in
designing for use. In M Norell, S Andersson, H Johannesson, L Karlsson & J Palmberg (Eds.),
ICED 2003 (pp. 273-282). Linkoping: The Design Society.
Vegte, WF van der, & Horváth, I (2003). Use-driven product conceptualization based on nucleus
modeling and simulation with scenarios. In A Verbraeck & V Hlupic (Eds.), Simulation in industry
(pp. 14-23). SCS-European Publishing House.
3 Product conceptualization in collaborative virtual prototyping environment
Vroom, RW, Breemen, EJJ van, & Vegte, WF van der (2003). Developing a conceptual design
engineering toolbox and its tools. In s.n. (Ed.), AED 2003 (pp. 1-8). Praha: Process Engineering
Vroom, RW (2003). Towards a toolbox for conceptual design engineering known as C-DET. In F
McGrath & D Remenyl (Eds.), 4th European conference on knowledge management
(pp. 937-948). Reading: MCIL.
Ph.D. theses
Opiyo, EZ (21-01-2003). Facilitating the development of design support software by abstract
prototyping Delft University of Technology (206 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Horváth, I, & Vergeest,
Rusak, Z (09-09-2003). Vague discrete interval modeling for product conceptualization in
collaborative virtual design environments Delft University of Technology (159 pag.).
Prom./coprom.: Horváth, I, & Vergeest, JSM
Professional publications and products
Vergeest, JSM (Ed.). (2003). Concurrent engineering-research and applications 11 (2).
4 Personal energy systems
Programme leader
Personal energy systems
Prof. ir. A.J.G. de Deugd
During the last decades, electrically powered appliances have become common property of Dutch
households. Portable appliances contribute substantially to the growth of electrically powered
appliances. In particular in the information and communication sector and in the audio sector,
portable products are widely available and in use. Actually, they are the fastest growing sectors
in the booming market of electronic and digital products. For instance in the year 2000,
worldwide about 200 million cellular phones were in use, of which about 7 million in the
Netherlands. The global number is expected to double in the next two years. Aligned with the
growth of these portable (or personal) products there is a steady growth of primary and
secondary battery sales. The scientific challenge lies in understanding how the use of alternative
energy systems can affect the life cycle performance of personal products. The results of
research in this area can be used to develop tools and methods to assist the designer in
translating a chosen technology into a combination of technical solutions that fits within the
wishes of the consumer.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research is directed to the extension of knowledge of powering personal products in a no
conventional way with respect to product life cycles and the impact of both production and use of
products on the environment. The results are used to develop tools and methods to assist the
designer in translating a chosen technology in a combination of technical solutions that fits within
the wishes of the consumer An important aspect of the research is related with the fact that
assessing the feasibility of alternative energy systems in future portable electronic products is
hindered by the absence of data on expected energy consumption profiles of these products. This
problem could be solved by designing a method for the prediction of energy consumption
profiles, based on product features and scenarios on product usage.
Plans for the research focus
The research focus in the PES group has slowly shifted away from pure environmental aspects of
alternative energy sources. The research concentrates on three types of alternative energy:
Photovoltaics, fuel cells and human power. In the area of fuel cell system we will focus on
manufacturing and usability. In the area of photovoltaics, the focus is on exploring technologypushed product design. In the area of human-powered energy systems, the focus will shift from
environment to modeling product-user interaction. The latest project will focus on describing
methods and tools in the field of reducing the energy consumption of consumer products.
Plans for new collaboration and funding
There are no specific plans for new collaboration or funding. Initiatives in this direction, aiming at
international cooperation, are developing in a rapid pace.
4 Personal energy systems
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Total research staff
prof. J.A.G. de Deugd
prof.ir. P. de Ruwe
ir. A.P. Bremer
ir. S.F.J. Flipsen
ir. A.J. Jansen
ir. M.J. Veefkind
dr. A.H.M.E. Reinders
H. Broekhuizen
H.J.J. Deen
ir. R. Strijk
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
In 2001, the EET project “Human powered energy systems” was finished by publishing the final
report. The goal of the project was to describe the state of the art in human-powered energy
systems. The project was funded by EET and carried out by TNO Industrial Technology, DUT and
several Dutch companies.
Key publications
Jansen, AJ & Slob, P (2003). Human power: comfortable one-hand cranking. In M Norell, S
Andersson, H Johannesson, L Karlsson & J Palmberg (Eds.), ICED 2003 (pp. 661-670). Linkoping:
The Design Society.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
4 Personal energy systems
Poelman, WA, & Eekels, J. (2001). Industriele productontwikkeling: deel 3 instrumentele
vaardigheden. : Lemma.
Professional publications and products
Broek, JJ, Poelman, WA, & Sleijffers, W. (2001). Rapid prototyping revisited. Product 9 (mei),
Flipsen, SFJ, Timmers, G., & Jansen, AJ (2001). Human powered energy systems: eindrapportage
(project 007.10395). Delft: TNO.
Langeveld, LH (2001). Het spuitgieten van kunststofproducten met gasinjectie:kenmerken,
voodelen, nadelen. Kunststof en rubber, 28-31.
Poelman, WA (2001). Beurstrends: Hannover Messe en Materials Engineering. Product 9 (4), 7-9.
Poelman, WA (2001). De toekomstwijzer. Product 9 (4), 13-14.
Poelman, WA (2001). Energiedichtheid vaste-stofbatterijen. Product 9 (6), 19-21.
Poelman, WA (2001). Global design: ervaringen met de experimentele cursus global product
realization. Product 9 (2), 32-33.
Poelman, WA (2001). Huis-, tuin- en keukencomposieten: verslag van een bezoek aan de JEC
composites show in Parijs. Product 9 (3), 28-29.
Poelman, WA (2001). In de arena. Product 9 (4), 15-17 (2).
Poelman, WA (2001). Industrieel ontwerpers en batterijen. Product 9 (Januari), 26-28.
Poelman, WA (2001). MP3-spelers en pacemakers. Product 9 (2), 27.
Poelman, WA (2001). Ontwerpen in een gescande omgeving. Product 9 (2), 24-25.
Poelman, WA (2001). Optimaal ontwerpen in aluminium. Product 9 (6), 17-18.
Poelman, WA (2001). Red Dot Award 2001. Product 9 (5), 16-17.
Poelman, WA (2001). The soul of design: graduation show 2001. Product 9 (6), 13-15.
4 Personal energy systems
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Poelman, WA & Hoed, R van den (2002). Technology diffusion through industrial product design.
In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering. (pp. 391-402). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Reinders, AHME (2002). Options for photovoltaic solar energy systems in portable products. In
Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering (poster papers). (pp. 25-37). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Lewis, C, Dixon, G & Robers, KHJ (2002). Handbook NBTV. The Netherlands: NBTVA, 64 pp.
Professional publications and products
Langeveld, LH & Kandachar, PV (2002). Hydrovormen: grote vrijheid voor productontwerpers.
Product, 10(2), 8-10.
Langeveld, LH & Kandachar, PV (2002). Vierkante pannenset! Product, 10(2), 16-17.
Poelman, WA (2002). Een industrieel ontwerpen in China. Product, 10(5), 7-9.
Poelman, WA (2002). Hannover Messe 2002. Product, 10(5), 20-21.
Poelman, WA (2002). TMCE-conferentie in China, georganiseerd door TU Delft. Product, 10(5),
Robers, KHJ (2002). Bit-reduced digital recording of NBTV. NBTV, 28(2), 7.
Robers, KHJ (2002). Printed circuit boards for EPROM generator. NBTV, 28(1), 5-6.
Robers, KHJ (2001). SAG in NBTV signals. NBTV, 27(2), 5.
Robers, KHJ (2001). Simple LED driver circuit. NBTV, 27(4), 7-8.
Ruwe, P de (06-11-2002). Men neme drie concepten (afscheidsrede). (Afscheidsrede). Delft:
Delft University of Technology. pp 19.
4 Personal energy systems
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Jansen, AJ (2003). Engineering students and robot contests: learn life to the max!. In M Norell,
S Andersson, H Johannesson, L Karlsson & J Palmberg (Eds.), ICED 2003 (pp. 483-492).
Linkoping: The Design Society.
Jansen, AJ, & Slob, P (2003). Human power: comfortable one-hand cranking. In M Norell,
S Andersson, H Johannesson, L Karlsson & J Palmberg (Eds.), ICED 2003 (pp. 661-670).
Linkoping: The Design Society.
Veefkind, MJ (2003). Industrial design and pv-power, challenges and barriers. In s.n. (Ed.), ISES
solar world congress 2003: solar energy for a sustainable future s.l.: ISES.
Professional publications and products
Deen, HJJ, & Britstra, R (2003). Het 65ste Wereld Gieterij Congres Gietwerk Perspectief 23 (1),
Flipsen, B. (2003). Alternatieve energiebronnen voor portables en wearables Product 11 (6), 2-6.
Langeveld, LH, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Swing when you're trimming Product 11 (6), 28-29.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Programme leader
Engineering design with new materials
Dr. P. Kandachar
Both reliability and durability aspects are demanding increased attention and goal during
materials selection and product design. The number of innovative material concepts is also
growing steadily; they offer both the challenges of novelty and new design opportunities, which
need to be explored. Understanding the mechanical behavior of products manufactured using
new materials is essential to meet the requirements of the technological products in the modern
society, both from the economic and from the technological points of view. The knowledge about
the theory and practice of designing reliable and durable products is, however, insufficiently
developed and is not accessible for designers. In addition, the long-term environmental impact of
the new materials and their products is largely unknown. The scientific challenge lies in
understanding the complex mechanical behavior, implementing the numerical models in
engineering tools and predicting the long-term behavior of products, while at the same time,
optimizing products for minimal material consumption and environmental impact. The societal
relevance is in developing methodologies to design products, which are reliable and durable,
while both environmental impact and material consumption are minimized. Minimizing material
usage also means lesser energy consumption during the life cycle of products.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research objectives of this project are to (a) to generate the knowledge of methodology of
selection of (new) materials during design process, taking into consideration the technological
factors, economical aspects, environmental impact and the user needs and (b) to develop, by
means of experimentation & prediction, methodologies to design products, which are reliable and
durable, while both environmental impact and material consumption are minimized
Plans for the research focus
A new PhD activity in the area of Integral Optimisation of Materials Selection during Design
(Materialiseren in Dutch) has started in August 2003 (Ms. Ilse van Kesteren). This activity focuses
on a part of the research activity described in the description of the sub-programme. Further, it is
noted that there is an increasing awareness of the importance of advanced (material)
technologies in industrial enterprises. This is evident in the type of company assignments for
graduate students in Industrial Design Engineering. Assignments in the area of Nanotechnology,
Space Technology, Smart Materials etc are being dealt. It appears that the motivation from is not
only from scientific relevance, but also from the need to quickly convert the scientific research
findings to useful products to obtain a competitive advantage. Further the need to develop
products for a market which is largely unattended to (the so called Bottom-of-the-Pyramid
countries) is also increasing. In all these targeted activities, engineering design with new
materials continue to play pivotal role. While some preliminary trials in these areas have been
attempted, these external signals need to be considered as additional motivations to continue
with the theme selected in the sub-programme.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Plans for new collaborations and funding
Current new collaboration activities are: (1) a new research topic on materials selection during
design including aspects of material personality, leading to PhD (Ms. Elvin Karana) degree is likely
to begin in 2004. Negotiations with the Turkish Scholarship Agency is being held (2) collaboration
with the department of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, will be started in 2004,
leading to PhD degree of a candidate (Mr. Pablo van der Lugt) working on development of new
and existing value-added bamboo products in Latin America meeting European demands to
stimulate export to the European market and (3) negotiations are going on with United Nations
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to fund a project to systematically create a new
industry based on products in composite materials based on natural fibres such as Sisal, Abaca,
Coir, Jute and other fibres.
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.ir. J.L. Spoormaker
dr. P.V. Kandachar
ir. A.J. Heidweiller
ir. R.P. Koster
F.H.N. den Elzen
ir. T. van der Schoor
dr. N. Ermolaeva
I. Skrypnyk
K. Kavelin M.Sc.
ir. I.E.H. van Kesteren
S. Gurav
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The new PhD activity on Integral Optimisation of Materials Selection during Design bgon in
August 2003 has already resulted in the publication of a paper entitled “Commercialization of new
materials in consumer goods” to be presented in Futureground 2004, a fully refereed
international conference in November 2004, at Melbourne Australia. (Ms. Van Kesteren). The
research activities on product development with natural fibre composites has received
international attention and recognition. The invited keynote lecture on “Opportunities for Product
Development for Industrial Applications in Polymer Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibres”
was the opening lecture of the 23rd Riso International Symposium on Materials Science with the
theme " Sustainable Natural and Polymeric Composites – Science and Technology", Riso National
Laboratory in Roskilde, Denmark, September 2002 (Dr Kandachar). The same conference also
provided opportunity for another paper on
5 Engineering design with new materials
“Estimation of elastic modulus for natural fibres reinforced polypropylene composites” (Mr.
Kaveline). 5 papers were presented in the Annual Technical Conference (ANTEC) of the US
Society of Plastics Engineers in 2003.
Key publications
Ermolaeva, N, Nieuwkoop, P van, Welten, JEG, Hulst, EC van der, & Kandachar, PV (2003).
Conceptual design of a DutchEVO car body structure. In K Jarmai & J Farkas (Eds.), Metal
structures: design, fabrication, economy (pp. 317-323). Rotterdam: Millpress.
Gurav, SP, Bereznitski, A, Heidweiller, AJ & Kandachar, PV (2003). Mechanical properties of
paper-pulp packaging Composites science and technology 63, 1325-1334.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Heidweiller, AJ, & Zwet, M.J.M. van der (2001). Load-carrying ability of polystyrene products with
molded-in holes. Polymer engineering and science 41 (8), 1329-1336.
Skrypnyk, I, Nykyforchyn, H, Lonyuk, B, & Bilyk, NV (2000). Percolation methods for the
construction of curves of hydrogen-assisted corrosion of chromium-molybdenum steels. Materials
science 35 (6), 790-795.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bruijn, JCM de, & Heidweiller, AJ (2001). Failure behaviour of bolted connections in glass mat
thermoplastics. In D. Hui (Ed.), Eighth annual international conference on composites
engineering (pp. 179-180). New Orleans: ICCE.
Ermolaeva, N, & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Application of MARS optimization system to the optimal
design of DutchEVO car side rocker beam. In G. Cheng (Ed.), The fourth world congress of
structural and multidisciplinary optimization (pp. 1-6). Liaoning Electronic Press.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Ermolaeva, N, Willemen, R., & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Optimal design of corrugated core
sandwich panel. In O.M. Querin (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd ASMO UK/ISSMO conference on
engineering design optimization product and process improvement (pp. 79-86). Leeds: University
of Leeds.
Ermolaeva, N, Willemen, R., & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Optimal design of corrugated-core
sandwich panel in application to fast ferry passenger deck. In A.J. Gaikovich & et Al. (Eds.), The
fourth international conference and exhibition on marine intellectual technologies, vol.1,
September (pp. 128-132). Morintech.
Ermolaeva, N, Kaveline, K, & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Preliminary assessment to use natural fiber
composites in an automobile structural component. In V.G. Malinin (Ed.), 5th Likhachyov
international seminar (pp. 8-12). Novgorod: Velikiy.
Heidweiller, AJ (2001). The load carrying-ability of PMMA flexural specimens with blunt notches.
In K. Ravi-Chandar & et Al. (Eds.), Proceedings of ICF10 (pp. 1-6). Pergamon.
Koster, RP, & Heidweiller, AJ (2001). Plastics education in the Delft University Industrial Design
Engineering curriculum. In (Ed.), proceedings of the 59th annual technical conference &
exhibition, vol. XLVII (pp. 2960-2963). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Koster, RP (2001). Status of research on design for mechanical reliability of injection molded
plastics products. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the 59th annual technical conference & exhibition,
vol. XLVII (pp. 3304-3308). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Kovchyk, S.Ye., Boyko, V.M., Khodan, I.V., & Skrypnyk, I (2001). Estimation of dynamic stress
intensity factors for beam and cylindrical specimens. In K. Ravi-Chandar & et Al. (Eds.),
Proceedings of ICF10 (pp. 1-6). Pergamon.
Skrypnyk, I, Bilyk, N., & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Description of multiple cracking in UV-degraded
stressed polyethylene using percolation approach. In K. Ravi-Chandar & et Al. (Eds.), Proceedings
of ICF10 (pp. 1-6). Pergamon.
Skrypnyk, I, & Spoormaker, JL (2001). Prediction of residual deformation in clamped NORYL GTX
plates after thermal cycles. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the 59th annual technical conference &
exhibition (pp. 1551-1555). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL, & Skrypnyk, I (2001). Application of visco-elastic models in finite element
method programs. In V.G. Malinin (Ed.), 5th Likhachyov international seminar (pp. 3-7).
Novgorod: Velikiy.
Spoormaker, JL (2001). Designing of plastic products for application in a marine environment. In
A.J. Gaikovich (Ed.), The fourth international conference and exhibition on marine intellectual
technologies, vol. 1, September (pp. 133-137). Morintech.
Skrypnyk, I (2000). The development of the methods for estimation of structural materials
degradation and durability in aggressive environment under sustained static loading (niet eerder
opgenomen). : Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of national Academy of.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Professional publications and products
Bruijn, JCM de, & Zandman, J.J. (2001). Getuigendeskundige verklaring inzake de zaak van
Rentokil Hokatex B.V. (eiseres) en Norplast-Lamaf B.V. en Reobijn B.V. (gedaagden)
Reg.nummer 37621/HA ZA 99-109. Eindhoven: TNO.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Dalen, E.J. van, & Spoormaker, JL (30-03-2001). Trapauto. no.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Beijer, JGJ & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Solution strategies for FEM analysis with nonlinear
viscoelastic polymers. Computers & structures, 80, 1213-1229.
Ermolaeva, N, Kaveline, K & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Materials selection combined with optimal
structural design: concept and some results. Materials & design, 23, 459-470.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Ermolaeva, N, Kaveline, K & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Assessment of natural fibre
compositesapplication in an automobile structure. In Sol, H & Degrieck, J (Ed.), Composites for
the future (ECCM-10). (pp. 1-7).
Ermolaeva, N, Kaveline, K & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Bottom structure for DutchEVO car:
formulation of the problem and the adjustment of the optimization system. In Marjanovic, D
(Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th international design conference. (pp. 627-634).
Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
Ermolaeva, N, Kaveline, K & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Optimal design of a bottom structure for
DutchEVO car. In Gosling, P (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th ASMO UK/ISSMO conference on
engineering design optimization product and process improvement. (pp. 75-80). Newcastle-uponTyne: University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Heidweiller, AJ, Bruijn, JCM de & Riemslag, AC (sect Mechanical Properties of Materials
(TM/MGM)) (2002). Load-carrying ability of bolted connections in glass mat thermoplastics. In -(Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference & exhibition. (pp. 1-4).
Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Heidweiller, AJ & Sparenburg, F (2002). Design of an integrated crash energy absorber for
compression molded bumper beams. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual
technical conference & exhibition. (pp. 1-5). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Kandachar, PV & Brouwer, WD (Ch. Production Technology) (2002). Applications of biocomposites in industrial products. In Wallenberger, FT, Weston, NE, Ford, R, Wool, RP & Chawla,
K (Ed.), Advanced fibers, plastics, laminates and composites. (pp. 101-112). Warrendale, USA:
Materials Research Society.
Kandachar, PV (2002). Opportunities for product development for industrial applications in
polymers reinforced with natural fibers. In Lilholt, H, Madsen, B, Toftegaard, HL, Cendre, E,
Megnis, M, Mikkelsen, LP & Sorensen, BF (Ed.), Sustainable natural and polymeric composites science and technology. (pp. 15-33). Roskilde: Riso National Laboratory.
Kandachar, PV (2002). Selection & assessment of ecomaterials for Delft University experimental
car. In Yamamoto, R (Ed.), Proceedings of the fifth international conference on ecobalance Practical thought and thoufhtful principles for sustainability. (pp. 861-864). Tsukuba.
Kaveline, K, Ermolaeva, N & Kandachar, PV (2002). Estimation of elastic modulus for natural
fibres reinforced polypropylene composites. In Lilholt, H, Madsen, B, Toftegaard, HL, Cendre, E,
Megnis, M, Mikkelsen, LP & Sorensen, BF (Ed.), Sustainable natural and polymeric composites science and technology. (pp. 1-10). Roskilde: Riso National Laboratory.
Kaveline, K, Spoormaker, JL & Kandachar, PV (2002). Flax fiber reinforced polymer mechanical
properties investigation. In Sol, H & Degrieck, J (Ed.), Composites for the future (ECCM-10).
(pp. 1-6).
Kaveline, K, Skrypnyk, I & Kandachar, PV (2002). The stochastic modeling of the properties of
composite materials based on renewable resources with random distributed reinforcement. In
Atluri, SN & Pepper, DW (Ed.), Advances in computational engineering & sciences (ICES'02).
(pp. 1-6). Tech Science Press.
Koster, RP (2002). Investigation of applicability of two biodegradable polymers for mechanical
applications. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference &
exhibition, volume XLVIII. (pp. 3014-3018). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Koster, RP (2002). Usefulness of numerical injection molding simulation results for prediction of
mechanical behavior of plastics components. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th
annual conference & exhibition, volume XLVIII. (pp. 2987-2991). Brookfield: Society of Plastics
Spoormaker, JL, Skrypnyk, I & Kaveline, K (2002). Redesign of a polycarbonate spring in a
positioning device. In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of
competitive engineering. (pp. 481-490). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Spoormaker, JL, Skrypnyk, I & Kaveline, K (2002). Failure analysis and redesign of a
polycarbonate spring. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical
conference & exhibition. (pp. 1-4). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL & Heidweiller, AJ (2002). Failures due to stress concentrations. In -- (Ed.),
ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference & exhibition. (pp. 1-4).
Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL & Ermolaeva, N (2002). Reliable snap-fit connections. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002:
proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference & exhibition, volume XLVIII.
(pp. 3093-3097). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
5 Engineering design with new materials
Spoormaker, JL (2002). Ten essential pictures for understanding the mechanical behaviour of
plastics. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference &
exhibition. (pp. 1-5). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Vasilkeyvsky, T, Skrypnyk, I & Spoormaker, JL (2002). Optimisation of plastic boxes aacounting
for visco-elasticity. In -- (Ed.), ANTEC 2002: proceedings of the 60th annual technical conference
& exhibition. (pp. 1-5). Brookfield: Society of Plastics Engineers.
Professional publications and products
Langeveld, LH & Kandachar, PV (2002). Hydrovormen: grote vrijheid voor productontwerpers.
Product, 10(2), 8-10.
Langeveld, LH & Kandachar, PV (2002). Vierkante pannenset! Product, 10(2), 16-17.
Spoormaker, JL (2002). Aansprakelijkheid voor kunststofproducten. Kunststof en rubber, 8-11.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Gurav, SP, Bereznitski, A, Heidweiller, AJ, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Mechanical properties of
paper-pulp packaging Composites science and technology 63, 1325-1334.
Ludden, G.D.S., Kesteren, IEH van, Saakes, DP, & Sonneveld, MH (2003). Het ontwerpen van
kunststof consumentenprodukten; van technisch functioneren tot belevenswaardig Kunststof en
rubber 56 (12), 16-18.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Ermolaeva, N, Nieuwkoop, P van (Ch. Aircraft Materials), Welten, JEG (Ch. Aircraft Materials),
Hulst, EC van der, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Conceptual design of a DutchEVO car body structure.
In K Jarmai & J Farkas (Eds.), Metal structures: design, fabrication, economy (pp. 317-323).
Rotterdam: Millpress.
Ermolaeva, N, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Evaluation of al-foam sandwiches application to the
bottom structure of a concept car. In SK Das (Ed.), Aluminium 2003 (pp. 77-86). s.l.: s.n..
Kaveline, K, Ermolaeva, N, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Investigation of stochastic properties of the
natural fiber mats. In M Quaresimin (Ed.), 6th international seminar on experimental techniques
and design in composite materials (pp. 1-7). s.l.: s.n..
Kaveline, K, Ermolaeva, N, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Numerical modelling of properties for
sustainable development of products in natural fibre composites. In T Peijs & S Goutianos (Eds.),
EcoComp 2003: an international conference on Eco-Composites (pp. 1-7). s.l.: s.n..
Kaveline, K, Skrypnyk, I, Ermolaeva, N, & Kandachar, PV (2003). The simulation of the
heterogeneity in properties of composite materials with randomly distributed reinforcement. In
SA Paipetis (Ed.), Advances in composite technology (pp. 1-7). s.l.: s.n..
5 Engineering design with new materials
Koster, RP (2003). Prediction of mechanical properties of injection molded plastics components: a
systems approach. In s.n. (Ed.), ANTEC 2003 (pp. 2868-2872). Brookfield: Society of Plastics
Spoormaker, JL, & Skrypnyk, I (2003). Designing of reliable plastic products. In DO Carpenter
(Ed.), Quality of polymer materials and products: innovations, certification and control
(pp. 133-139). s.l.: s.n..
Spoormaker, JL (2003). Educating industrial design engineers in failure awareness. In s.n. (Ed.),
ANTEC 2003 (pp. 3075-3078). Brookfield: Society of Plastic Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL, & Kandachar, PV (2003). From Russia with respect. In s.n. (Ed.), ANTEC 2003
(pp. 2664-2668). Brookfield: Society of Plastic Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL (2003). How to present expert witness to court. In s.n. (Ed.), ANTEC 2003
(pp. 2890-2894). Brookfield: Society of Plastic Engineers.
Spoormaker, JL, & Kaveline, K (2003). Modeling of the scatter in the mechanical properties of flax
fiber composites. In s.n. (Ed.), ANTEC 2003 (pp. 2110-2113). Brookfield: Society of Plastic
Ermolaeva, N, & Kandachar, PV (2003). Structural optimization in assistance to materials
selection. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th world congress of structural and multidisplinary
optimization (pp. 1-2).
Spoormaker, JL (2003). Deformational behavior of a plastic guidance strip. In (Ed.), ANTEC 2003
(pp. 2895-2897). Brookfield: Society of Plastic Engineers.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Moret, M, & Bruijn, JCM de (27-08-2003). Dispositif de verrouillage/deverrouillage du couvercle
dún conteneur a dechets no 03292113.2-2308.
6 Design for sustainability
Programme leader
Design for sustainability
Prof. dr. ir. J.C. Brezet
The worldwide-accepted need for sustainable development implies that and goal mass
consumption goods and their functional contexts should be characterized by continuously
improving environmental, economic and social-cultural values. Therefore, the exploration,
description, understanding and prediction of problems and opportunities to innovate and design
products and product-systems with superior quality with respect to sustainable development
values (ecodesign) is the central question of the program. The envisaged research activity
comprises the systematic development, testing and international diffusion of methods and tools
for the design of artifacts with superior life cycle eco-efficiency and –effectiveness (via intelligent
materials and energy applications, via integration of emerging product-technologies and via
financial-economic optimization). Particularly, the research focus is on modeling, actual
application and demonstration for mobile electronic and new mobility – including automotiveproducts, departing form a human centered design perspective. In addition, the programme
focuses on the business aspects of ecodesign, based on current reality and expected
developments in the near future. Here, environmental aspects of products and processes are
analysed in relation to traditional business factors like financial (omnipresent), legislative (end-oflife, toxicity), quality (environmental value and performance) and marketing (competitor analysis,
benchmarking, consumer research) aspects.
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. Methodology and tool development of life-cycle eco-efficiency and effectiveness. In this project
the specific objective is - on basis of real-life experiments in interaction with the most important
stakeholders - to develop world standard methodologies and tools for life-cycle eco-efficient and
effective products and product-systems.
B. Diffusion and Operationalization of Industrial EcoDesign. This project is concerned with the
implementation and operationalisation of ecodesign in original equipment
manufacturing companies. The objective is to research this from both an applied, prescriptive
angle as well as more holistic, explanatory/descriptive one, in order to bridge the evident gap
between ‘theory’ and ‘practice’ in this field.
C. Sustainable product-system and industrial processes design. In this project the specific
objective is the development of methodologies for the design of radical, new sustainable
product-systems and industrial processes.
Plans for the research focus
This project originally started with its main focus on tools and guidelines for industrial design
engineers in the environmentally oriented redesign of existing products. Although still important,
in today’s program more attention is given to the other elements of sustainable development, the
business and social aspects. Also the emergence of new energy sources and materials stimulate
sustainable product innovation beyond redesign and beyond mere greening. New product-
6 Design for sustainability
concepts are being developed and tested, including services within the Product Realization Lab as
a part of the Delft Design Institute.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
Right from the start of the project (since 1992) the necessity of cooperation with industry and
government has gotten a high priority. Cooperation with industry not only means working
together with some of the leading product-companies in the world, like Toyota, Shell and Philips,
as well as with several innovative Dutch SME’s, but also the creation of start-ups and new
ventures from TU Delft-DfS graduate students, building their businesses on these new productconcepts. In order to stimulate this trend even further, the activities of the “Product Realization
Lab” will be enhanced, aiming at prototyping, small-scale production and user testing of new,
sustainable product-concepts. This strategy is according to the new financial directives of the
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr.ir. J.C. Brezet
prof.dr.ir. A.L.N. Stevels
prof.dr.ir. Ph.J. Vergragt
dr.ir. J.A.M. Remmerswaal
dr.ir. S. Silvester
ir. J.C. Diehl
dr. C.B. Boks
ir. J.M.C. Knot
B. Goncalves Castro M.Sc.
ir. J. Huisman
O. Pascual M.Sc.
L. Berchicci M.Sc.
ir. S.C. Hallenga-Brink
ir. R. van den Hoed
ir. S.Y. Kan
drs. M. Crul
C.N. van Nes
Total research staff
External PhD students and post-docs:
drs. M. Crul
ing. J. van de Velde
ir. W. Poelman
dr. M.H. Nagel
C. Rocha M.Sc.
dipl.ing. H. Pötter
ir. J.P. Rombouts
S.K. Beella M.Sc.
6 Design for sustainability
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
Crul, MRM (20-10-2003). Ecodesign in Central America. Delft University of Technology,
345 pp. ((Co-) promoter: Prof.dr.ir. JC Brezet & Prof.dr.ir. NG Röling).
This knowledge developed in this project forms in important input for the research being
done for the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). The UNEP-research will
deliver the basic materials for the PhD. project of Diehl.
Huisman, J, Boks, CB & Stevels, ALN (2003). Quotes for environmentally weighted
recyclability (QWERTY): concept of describing product recyclability in terms of
environmental value. International journal of production research, 41(16), 3649-3665.
The PhD-project of Huisman already had a spin-off in scientific journal publications but
also in follow-up research project subsidized by industry and national government. The
interest from the leading international industry is growing in the follow-up research on
recyclability being done within the DfS-program.
Hoed, R. van den, (17-05-2004). Driving Fuel Cell Vehicles, Delft University of
Technology, 311 pp. ((Co-)promoter: Prof.dr.ir. JC Brezet & Prof.dr. Ph.J. Vergragt).
The presentation and defense of this these has attracted a lot of attention of the national
and international press.
The DfS-program was successful in applying for funding for the SYN-Energy-program on
the application of photovoltaic (PV) cell – energy storage combinations as power sources
in consumer and professional products at both outdoor and indoor utilizations. The
program is funded by the NWO Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and is in
cooperation with the University of Utrecht, University of Twente and the Energy Research
Key publications
Crul, MRM (20-10-2003). Ecodesign in Central America Delft University of Technology (345 pag.).
internal doctoral thesis. Prom./coprom.: Brezet, JC, & Röling, NG
Huisman, J, Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Quotes for environmentally weighted recyclability
(QWERTY): concept of describing product recyclability in terms of environmental value
International journal of production research 41 (16), 3649-3665.
Hoed, R van den (2004). Driving fuel cell vehicles. How established industries react to radical
technologies, internal doctoral thesis.
6 Design for sustainability
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bras-Klapwijk, R.M., & Knot, JMC (2001). Strategic environmental assessment for sustainable
households in 2050: illustrated for clothing. Sustainable Development 9, 109-118.
Knot, JMC, Ende, J.C.M. van den, & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Flexibility strategies for sustainable
technology development. Technovation 21, 335-343.
Mulder, K., & Knot, JMC (2001). PVC plastic: a history of systems development and
entrenchment. Technology in society 23 (2), 265-286.
Quist, J.N., Knot, JMC, Young, W, Green, K, & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Strategies towards
sustainable households using stakeholder workshops and scenarios. International Journal of
Sustainable Development 4 (1), 75-89.
Quist, J.N., Knot, JMC, Vergragt, PJ, & et Al., ? (2001). Strategies towards sustainable households
using stakeholder workshops and scenarios. International Journal of Sustainable Development 4
(1), 75-89.
Roorda, N (2001). Backcasting the future. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Education 2 (1), 63-69.
Vogtlander, JG, Brezet, HC, & Hendriks, CF (2001). (CT /C); CT /MCthodology, the virtual ecocosts'99. International journal of life cycle assessment 3 (6), 157-166.
Vogtlander, JG, Brezet, HC, & Hendriks, CF (2001). Allocation in recycling systems. International
journal of life cycle assessment 6 (6), 344-355.
Academic publications: book chapters
Brezet, JC, & Rocha, C. (2001). Towards a model for product-oriented environmental
management systems. In J. Charter & U. Tischner (Eds.), Sustainable solutions: developing
products and services for the future (pp. 243-262). Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing.
6 Design for sustainability
Cramer, J.C., & Stevels, ALN (2001). The unpredictable process of implementing eco-efficiency
strategies. In M. Charter & U. Tischner (Eds.), Sustainable solutions: developing products and
services for the future (pp. 326-339). Sheffield: Greenleaf.
Hemel, C.G. van (2001). What sustainable solutions do small and medium-sized enterprises
prefer? In M. Charter & U. Tischner (Eds.), Sustainable solutions: developing products and
services for the future (pp. 188-202). Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Application of ecodesign in the electronics industry. In M.S. Hundal (Ed.),
Mechanical life cycle handbook: good environmental design and manufacturing (pp. 461-484).
New York, NY, USA: Dekker.
Stevels, ALN, & Boks, CB (2001). Design for end-of-life strategies and their implementation. In
M.S. Hundal (Ed.), Mechanical life cycle handbook: good environmental design and
manufacturing (pp. 555-581). New York, NY, USA: Dekker.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Integration of ecodesign into business. In M.S. Hundal (Ed.), Mechanical life
cycle handbook: good environmental design and manufacturing (pp. 583-603). New York, NY,
USA: Dekker.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bijma, A.S., Stutz, M., & Silvester, S (2001). Developing eco-efficient product-service
combinations. In (Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th international conference
(pp. 239-245). Surrey, UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2001). Maturing markets for recycled plastics from WEEE: an
elaboration on the consequences for the evaluation of future end-of-life scenarios. In
F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international symposium on
environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 520-526). Los Alamitos, CA,
Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2001). Ranking ecodesign priorities from quantitative uncertainty
assessment for end-of-life scenarios. In (Ed.), 2001 IEEE international symposium on electronics
& the environment (pp. 76-81). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
Boks, CB, Stevels, ALN, & Koster, J. (2001). The impact of literature references in the field of
applied ecodesign. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 1089-1094). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Brezet, JC (2001). Design of services as a strategy for sustainable innovation: TU Delft's cases,
lessons and research agenda. In (Ed.), 1st international conference on life cycle management
(pp. 187-192).
Brezet, JC, & Silvester, S (2001). Eco-efficient services design: cases and critical review. In
H. Griese & H. Pötter (Eds.), Joint international congress and exhibition electronic goes green
2000+, vol. 2 (pp. 135-146). Berlin: Fraunhofer IZM Berlin.
6 Design for sustainability
Brezet, JC, Diehl, JC, & Silvester, S (2001). From ecodesign of products to sustainable systems
design: Delft's experiences. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 605-612). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Brink, SC, & Brezet, JC (2001). The role of entrepreneurship and design methodology in
sustainable tourism. In (Ed.), The 7th European roundtable on cleaner production (pp. 1-11).
Diehl, JC (2001). (Internet based) ecodesign education in the Netherlands and the rest of the
world. In (Ed.), The 7th European roundtable on cleaner production (pp. 1-8).
Diehl, JC, Crul, MRM, & Brezet, JC (2001). Ecodesign in newly industrializing countries: examples
from Central America and India. In Y. Lee (Ed.), Post proceedings of the world conference on
green design November 2000 (pp. 544-554). Yonsei Institute of Millennium Environmental Design
Diehl, JC, Soumitri, G.V., & Mestre, A. (2001). Ecodesign methodology development within the
Indian European ecodesign program. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings
second international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 184-189). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Diehl, JC (2001). Internet based ecodesign education. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner
(Eds.), Proceedings second international symposium on environmentally conscious design and
inverse manufacturing (pp. 642-647). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Diehl, JC, Christiaans, HHCM, Nalitolela, N., & Elias, E. (2001). The introduction of the industrial
design engineering concept in Tanzania. In (Ed.), International conference on engineering design
(pp. 171-177). IMechE.
Diehl, JC, Christiaans, HHCM, Nalitolela, N., & Elias, E. (2001). The introduction of the industrial
design engineering concept in Tanzania. In S. Culley & et Al. (Eds.), Design research - theories,
methodologies, and product modelling, 13th international conference on engineering design
(pp. 171-177). Bury St Edmunds: Professional Engineering Publishing ltd.
Donk, R.H. van, & Stevels, ALN (2001). Development of an alternatively powered remote control.
In Y. Lee & et Al. (Eds.), Post proceedings of the world conference on green design (pp. 536543). Yonsei Institute of Millennium Environmental Design Research.
Ehrenfeld, J., & Brezet, JC (2001). Towards a new theory and practice of 'sustainable'
product/service systems. In (Ed.), The 7th European roundtable on cleaner production
(pp. 1-15).
Gonçalves Castro, MB, & Remmerswaal, JAM (2001). Comparison of several evaluation methods
for life cycle analysis. In S.R. Rao & et Al. (Eds.), Waste processing and recycling in mineral and
metallurgical industries IV (COM 2001) (pp. 383-394). London, UK: The Institution of Mechanical
Green, K., & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Towards sustainable households: a methodology for developing
sustainable technological and social innovations. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the ninth Greening of
Industry Network conference (pp. 1-20).
6 Design for sustainability
Hoed, R van den, & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Developing strategy for sustainable technology: the
case of fuel cell technology in the automotive industry. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the ninth
Greening of Industry Network conference (pp. 1-20).
Hoed, R van den, & Bovee, M. (2001). Responding to stringent environmental regulation, the
case of the automotive industry. In (Ed.), The 2001 eco-management and auditing conference +
research workshop on corporate environmental management and social accountability
(pp. 132-139). Shipley: ERP Environment.
Huisman, J, Stevels, ALN, & Middendorf, A. (2001). Calculating environmentally weighted
recyclability of consumer electronic products using different environmental assessment models.
In (Ed.), 2001 IEEE international symposium on electronics & the environment (pp. 88-93).
Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
Huisman, J, Ansems, T., Feenstra, L., & Stevels, ALN (2001). The QWERTY concept: a powerful
concept for evaluating the environmental consequences of end-of-life processing of consumer
electronic products. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 929-934). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Janssen, K., & Stevels, ALN (2001). Method to assess the recyclability of televisions from the
perspective of consumer organisations. In (Ed.), 2001 IEEE international symposium on
electronics & the environment (pp. 268-272). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
Jelsma, J., & Knot, JMC (2001). Designing environmentally efficient services: a script approach.
In (Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th international conference (pp. 164-170). Surrey,
UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Keuning, JA, Pinkster, J, & Velde, J van de (2001). The enlarged ship concept applied to a rigid
inflatable lifeboat. In (Ed.), Intermediate operational ILF conference 2001, June 13-15 (pp. 1-15).
s.l.: s.n..
Korse-Noordhoek, M., Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2001). Pros and cons of adjusting and extending
functionality of first generation end-of-life evaluation tools in relation to user requirements. In
F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international symposium on
environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 149-154). Los Alamitos, CA,
Luiten, H., Knot, JMC, & Silvester, S (2001). Consumer involvement in the development of
sustainable product/service systems. In (Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th
international conference (pp. 307-315). Surrey, UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Luiten, H., Knot, JMC, & Horst, T. van der (2001). Sustainable product-service-systems: the
Kathalys method. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international
symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 190-197). Los
Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Nagel, MH (2001). Environmental-economic supply chain management of suppliers, contract
manufacturers and recyclers: more than requirements for environmentally hazardous substances
and environmental management systems. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.),
Proceedings second international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse
manufacturing (pp. 702-707). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
6 Design for sustainability
Partidario, P.J., & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Towards leap-frog innovations in a coatings chain: a backcasting study in Portugal and the Netherlands. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the ninth Greening of
Industry Network conference (pp. 1-20).
Remmerswaal, JAM, Klok, C., Rijckevorsel, PPLM van, & Schaffroth, NAK (2001). Comparison of
different methods of sending messages on the basis of life-cycle analyses. In (Ed.), Towards
sustainable product design 6th international conference (pp. 178-183). Surrey, UK: Centre for
Sustainable Design.
Rocha, C., & Silvester, S (2001). Product-oriented environmental management systems (POEMS):
from theory to practice - experiences in Europe. In (Ed.), 1st international conference on life
cycle management, (pp. 163-167).
Rose, C.M., & Stevels, ALN (2001). Metrics for end-of-life strategies (ELSEIM). In (Ed.), 2001
IEEE international symposium on electronics & the environment (pp. 100-105). Piscataway, NJ,
Silvester, S, & Brezet, JC (2001). Experiments in eco-efficient product-service systems design. In
(Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th international conference (pp. 137-146). Surrey,
UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Soumitri, G.V., & Diehl, JC (2001). The development of the ecodesign course for industrial design
students and professionals in India. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings
second international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 648-653). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Application of EcoDesign ten years of dynamic development. In F. Titsworth,
A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international symposium on environmentally
conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 905-915). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Experiences with the take-back of white and brown goods in the
Netherlands. In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international
symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 489-493). Los
Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN, Agema, R., & Hoedemaker, E. (2001). Green marketing of consumer electronics II.
In F. Titsworth, A. Jacobs & B. Werner (Eds.), Proceedings second international symposium on
environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 590-594). Los Alamitos, CA,
Stevels, ALN (2001). Green supply chain management, much more than questionnaires and ISO
14.001. In (Ed.), European conference on electronics and the environment (pp. 1-4). Greenpack.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Life cycle management at Philips Consumer Electronics. In S. Christiansen,
M. Horup & A.A. Jensen (Eds.), 1st international conference on life cycle management
(pp. 105-107).
Stevels, ALN (2001). Product environmental care, a praxis-based system uniting ISO 14001, ISO
14062, IPP, EEE and ecolabel elements. In (Ed.), 2001 IEEE international symposium on
electronics & the environment (pp. 52-58). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
6 Design for sustainability
Stevels, ALN, & Boekee, M. (2001). Service to extend the life of TV sets. In (Ed.), Towards
sustainable product design 6th international conference (pp. 386-392). Surrey, UK: Centre for
Sustainable Design.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Sustainable services & systems: the challenge for management and for
academia. In (Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th international conference (pp. 60-66).
Surrey, UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Teaching modules on eco design for competitive advantage. In (Ed.), 6th
international auDes conference bridging environmental education & employment in Europe
(pp. 7-12).
Stevels, ALN (2001). Teaching modules on eco design for competitive advantage. In Y. Lee & et
Al. (Eds.), Post proceedings of the world conference on green design (pp. 409-417). Yonsei
Institute of Millennium Environmental Design Research.
Tischner, U., Brezet, JC, & Grablowitz, A. (2001). Sustainable services & systems (3S):
sustainability in practice. In (Ed.), Towards sustainable product design 6th international
conference (pp. 53-58). Surrey, UK: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Vergragt, PJ, & Soumitri, G.V. (2001). Creating an ecodesign network in Delhi, India. In (Ed.),
Proceedings of the ninth Greening of Industry Network conference (pp. 1-11).
Vergragt, PJ (2001). How to achieve system innovation? some lessons from visioning and backcasting projects. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the ninth Greening of Industry Network conference
(pp. 1-2).
Ph.D. theses
Nagel, MH (18-09-2001). Environmental quality in the supply chain of an original equipment
manufacturer in the electronics industry: research, development, evaluation, validation and
implementation of environmental performance tools in the scope of total cost of ownership.
Technische Universiteit Delft (371 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Stevels, ALN
Vogtlander, JG (25-09-2001). The model of the eco-costs / value ratio: a new LCA based decision
support tool. Technische Universiteit Delft (251 pag.). (Delft: DFS). Prom./coprom.: Brezet, JC, &
Hendriks, Ch.
Professional publications and products
Hoed, R van den (2001). Brandstofcelauto's in ontwikkeling. Technieuws 39 (3), 4-10.
Janssen, K., & Stevels, ALN (2001). Beste recycling koop: consumentenbond laat methode
ontwikkelen voor het bepalen van de recycleerbaarheid van televisises. O2 Magazine 9 (3),
Jong, P de (2001). Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 12 september 2000
(lozingsvergunning - Bedum). Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 5 (54), 272-278.
6 Design for sustainability
Jong, P de (2001). Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 2 november 2000
(gecreosoteerde oeverbeschoeiing - Anna Paulowna I). Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 5 (22),
Jong, P de (2001). Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 2 november 2000
(gecreosoteerde oeverbeschoeiing - Anna Paulowna I). Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 5 (21),
Jong, P de (2001). Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State 5 oktober 2000 (berging
baggerspecie - Rotterdam). Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 5 (55), 278-281.
Jong, P de (2001). Riooloverstorten: enkele opvallende punten uit de jurisprudentie.
Jurisprudentie Milieurecht 5 (10), 691-700.
Knot, JMC, & Bras-Klapwijk, R.M. (2001). Het SusHouse-project: gebruik en onderhoud van
kleding als voorbeeld: milieuanalyse van toekomstbeelden op systeemniveau. Tijdschrift voor
Milieukunde 16 (4/5), 194-208.
Overschie, M., & Hoed, R van den (2001). Uit het moeras, de jungle in: verslag van het VVM/O2
congres product en milieu. O2 Magazine 9 (2), 36-37.
Vergragt, PJ, & Knot, JMC (2001). Strategieen voor duurzame huishoudens: het SusHouseproject. Tijdschrift voor Milieukunde 16 (4/5), 186-193.
Brezet, JC, Crul, MRM, Houtzager, B., & Overbeeke, R. (2001). Research on the network
possibilities in support of the European eco-label, focus on green-design and electric appliances
(contract B43040/99/100054/MAR/E4): final report on distributor oriented marketing of the EU
eco-label for electric appliances. Delft: Industrieel Ontwerpen.
Brezet, JC, Bijma, A.S., Ehrenfeld, J., & Silvester, S (2001). The design of eco-efficient services:
method, tools and review of the case study based 'designing eco-efficient services' project. Delft:
Industrieel Ontwerpen.
Quist, J.N., & Silvester, S (2001). Duurzame horeca en uit-eten door middel van
gedragsverandering, nieuwe technologie en dienstinnovatie. Delft: Faculteit TBM/TA & Faculteit
Quist, J.N., & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Multiple Sustainable Land Use: Towards a new sustainable
socio-economic perspective for rural areas. (report).
Vries, G. de, & Silvester, S (2001). Bewonerservaringen houtskeletbouw. Delft: Industrieel
Academic publications in refereed journals
Diehl, JC, Crul, MRM & Bijma, A (2002). Ecodesign in Central America, ecodesign methodology:
product improvement tool (PIT). Journal of sustainable product design, 1(3), 197-205.
6 Design for sustainability
Green, K & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Towards sustainable households: a methodology for developing
sustainable technological and social innovations. Futures, 34, 381-400.
Hemel, C.G. van & Cramer, J (2002). Barriers and stimuli for ecodesign in SMEs. Journal of
Cleaner Production, 10, 439-453.
Knot, JMC & Wel, M van der (2001). Creativity for sustainable development. The SusHouse
approach illustrated for clothing care. Journal of design research, 1(2).
Moors, EHM & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Technology choices for sustainable industrial production:
transitions in metal making. International journal of innovation management, 6(3), 277-299.
Partidario, PJ & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Planning of strategic innovation aimed at environmental
sustainability: actor-networks, scenario acceptance and backcasting analysis within a polymeric
coating chain. Futures, 34, 841-861.
Rose, CM, Ishii, K & Stevels, ALN (2002). Influencing design to improve product end-of-life stage.
Research in engineering design: theory applications, and methodology, 13(2), 83-93.
Rose, CM, Stevels, ALN & Ishii, K (2002). Method for formulating product end-of-life strategies
for electronics industry. Journal of electronics manufacturing, 11(2), 185-196.
Rose, CM, Ishii, K & Stevels, ALN (2002). ELDA and EVCA: tools for building product end-of-life
strategy. Journal of sustainable product design, 1(3), 181-195.
Stevels, ALN (2002). Five ways to be green and profitable. Journal of sustainable product design,
1(2), 81-89.
Vergragt, PJ & Green, K (2001). The SusHouse methodology. Design orienting scenarios for
sustainable solutions. Journal of design research, 1(2).
Vogtlander, JG, Brezet, JC & Hendriks, CF (2001). Allocation in recycling systems - An integrated
model for the analyses of environmental impact and market value. International journal of life
cycle assessment, 6(6), 344-355.
Vogtlander, JG, Brezet, JC & Hendriks, CF (2001). The virtual eco-costs '99 - A single LCS-based
indicator for sustainability and the eco-costs-value ratio (EVR) model for economic allocation –
A new LCA-based calculation model to determine the sustainability of products and services.
International journal of life cycle assessment, 6(3), 157-166.
Vogtlander, JG, Bijma, A & Brezet, JC (2002). Communicating the eco-efficiency of products and
services by means of the eco-costs/value model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 10, 57-67.
Vogtlander, JG, Hendriks, CF & Brezet, JC (2002). The EVR model for sustainability: a tool to
optimise product design and resolve strategic dilemmas. Journal of sustainable product design,
1(2), 103-116.
6 Design for sustainability
Academic publications: book chapters
Berchicci, L & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Assessing the potential of new artifacts for sustainable
mobility systems: the Mitka case. In Brebbia, CA, Martin-Duque, JF & Wadhwa, LC (Ed.), The
sustainable city II: urban regeneration and sustainability. (Advances in architecture, 14,
pp. 885-894). Southampton: WIT Press.
Hendriks, CF & Vogtlander, JG (2002). The eco-costs/value-ratio. In Brebbia, CA, Martin-Duque,
JF & Wadhwa, LC (Ed.), The sustainable city II: urban regeneration and sustainability. (Advances
in architecture, 14, pp. 559-569). Southampton: WIT Press.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Ansems, A, Gijlswijk, R & Huisman, J (2002). End of life control and management of heavy
metals. In -- (Ed.), 2002 IEEE international symposium on electronics & the environment.
(pp. 169-173). Piscataway: IEEE.
Ashford, N, Hafkamp, W, Prakke, F & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Pathways to sustainable industrial
transformations: co-optimising competitiveness, employment, and environment. In -- (Ed.),
Conference engineering education in sustainable development. (pp. 582-601).
Beella, SK, Diehl, JC & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Sustainable transport scenarios for New Delhi. In -(Ed.), 10th international conference of the Greening of Industry Network. (pp. 1-10).
Berchicci, L, Silvester, S & Knot, JMC (2002). Innovative artefacts for sustainable mobility
systems - the example of the "Mitka". In -- (Ed.), 10th international conference of the Greening
of Industry Network. (pp. 1-12).
Boks, CB & Stevels, ALN (2002). Multiple environmental benchmark data supporting ecodesign in
both industry and academia. In Marjanovic, D (Ed.), Design 2002 - Proceedings of the 7th
international design conference. (pp. 1299-1304). Zagreb: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and
Naval Architecture.
Boks, CB, Huisman, J & Stevels, ALN (2002). Eco-efficiency explored from the basis: applications
in an end-of-life context. In -- (Ed.), Integrated product policy: chance and challenge.
(pp. 79-86). Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag.
Boks, CB & Stevels, ALN (2002). Experiences with teaching applied environmental design. In -(Ed.), Conference engineering education in sustainable development. (pp. 55-64).
Boks, CB & Stevels, ALN (2002). Multiple environmental benchmark data analysis: meaningful
metrics for management. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-8).
Brezet, JC, Silvester, S & Diehl, JC (2002). An evaluation of the sustainability impact of 10 years
of design for sustainability MSc projects. In -- (Ed.), Conference engineering education in
sustainable development. (pp. 89-95).
Brown, HS, Vergragt, PJ & Green, K (2002). Learning processes in bounded social experiments:
the case of "Mitka". In -- (Ed.), 10th international conference of the Greening of Industry
Network. (pp. 1-30).
6 Design for sustainability
Castro, MBG, Remmerswaal, JAM & Brezet, JC (2002). LCA case studies: added value for the
integration in a sustainable mindset. In -- (Ed.), Conference engineering education in sustainable
development. (pp. 262-268).
Christiaans, HHCM & Diehl, JC (2002). The introduction of industrial design engineering in
developing countries. In Collina, L & Simonelli, G (Ed.), Designing Designers - Training strategies
for the third Millenium. Milan: Edizioni POLI.DESIGN.
Crul, MRM & Diehl, JC (2002). Sustainable food products and sustainable agriculture systems in
Africa: the product innovation for cleaner production (PI4CP) approach. In -- (Ed.), Proceedings
of the 8th roundtable on cleaner production (ERCP). (pp. 1-11).
Diehl, JC, Soumitri, GV & Mestre, A (2002). Ecodesign methodology development within the
Indian European ecodesign program. In -- (Ed.), Ecodesign in education (Indian European
ecodesign programme). (pp. 1-6). Ahmedabad: National Institute of Design.
Diehl, JC & Mestre, A (2002). Indian European ecodesign program: methodology and network
development in India. In -- (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th roundtable on cleaner production
(ERCP). (pp. 1-8).
Diehl, JC (2002). Sustainable product development education for industrial design engineering
students. In -- (Ed.), Conference engineering education in sustainable development. (pp. 80-88).
Dijk, L van & Stevels, ALN (2002). System innovation made practical by a case study about
improving the use of drinking water. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-8).
Ehrenfeld, JR (2001). Industrial ecology - an idea whose time has come? In -- (Ed.), 4th NTVA
industrial ecology seminar and workshop: industrial ecology - methodology and practical
challenges in industry. (pp. 1-12).
Hallenga-Brink, S & Brezet, JC (2002). Small tourism enterprises and sustainable development:
how to teach sustainable innovation? In -- (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th roundtable on cleaner
production (ERCP). (pp. 1-8).
Hammann, E & Hennessey, JM (2002). How to attract early teens to your mobile network. In
Bekker, MM, Markopoulos, P & Kersten-Tsikalkina, M (Ed.), Interaction design and children.
(pp. 110-124). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
Hemel, C.G. van (2001). Design for environment in practice: three Dutch industrial approaches
compared. In -- (Ed.), 4th NTVA industrial ecology seminar and workshop: industrial ecology methodology and practical challenges in industry. (pp. 1-6).
Hendriks, CF, Janssen, GMT & Vogtlander, JG (2002). The eco-costs/value-ratio. In Anson, M,
Ko, JM & Lam, ESS (Ed.), Advances In Building Technology. (pp. 1391-1398). Oxford: Elsevier
Science Ltd.
Hendriks, CF & Vogtlander, JG (2002). Sustainable use of materials and products. In -- (Ed.),
Conference engineering education in sustainable development. (pp. 741-758).
Hendriks, CF, Fraay, ALA & Vogtlander, JG (2002). Sustainable use of recycled materials in
building construction. In Dhir, RK, Dyer, TD & Halliday, JE (Ed.), Sustainable Concrete
Construction. (pp. 535-544). Londen: Thomas Telford.
6 Design for sustainability
Hoed, R van den & Vergragt, PJ (2002). Radical technology development by incumbent firms:
Daimler's efforts to develop fuel cell technology in historical perpective. In -- (Ed.), 10th
international conference of the Greening of Industry Network. (pp. 1-21).
Huisman, J, Stevels, ALN & Stobbe, I (2002). Eco-efficiency considerations on the end-of-life of
consumer electronic products. In -- (Ed.), 2002 IEEE international symposium on electronics &
the environment. (pp. 59-64). Piscataway: IEEE.
Huisman, J & Stevels, ALN (2002). Eco-efficiency of take-back and recycling, application in
stakeholder discussions. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-6).
Kan, SY (2002). Reduction of hidden power consumption in consumer products: an application
example of the Smart Photovoltaic Battery. In -- (Ed.), EuroSun 2002: renewable energy for local
communities of Europe (toward Rio = 10). (pp. 262-268). Bologna: ISES Italia.
McAloone, T, Bey, N, Boks, CB, Ernzer, M & Wimmer, W (2002). Towards the actual
implementation of ecodesign in industry - the "haves" and "needs" viewed by the European
ecodesign community. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-7).
Nagel, MH & Stevels, ALN (2002). Environmental-economic supply chain management from an
original equipment manufacturer's perspective: how can we make it happen? In -- (Ed.), 2002
IEEE international symposium on electronics & the environment. (pp. 101-106). Piscataway:
Nagel, MH (2002). Implementation of environmental quality in the supply chain of an original
equipment manufacturer: which steps should be taken? In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation
2002. (pp. 1-6).
Poelman, WA & Hoed, R van den (2002). Technology diffusion through industrial product design.
In Horváth, I, Li, P & Vergeest, JSM (Ed.), TMCE 2002: tools and methods of competitive
engineering. (pp. 391-402). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Smit, E, Stevels, ALN & Sherwin, C (2002). User centred ecodesign: experiences from the design
of a human-powered remote control. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-6).
Soumitri, GV & Diehl, JC (2002). The development of the ecodesign course for industrial design
students and professionals in India. In -- (Ed.), Ecodesign in education (Indian European
ecodesign programme). (pp. 1-11). Ahmedabad: National Institute of Design.
Stevels, ALN & Boks, CB (2002). Managing sustainability in electronic companies. In Charter, M
(Ed.), Managing sustainable products: organisational aspects of product and service
development. (pp. 47-51). Farnham: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Stevels, ALN (2002). Environmental considerations on electronic subassemblies in products:
consequences for company strategies in design production and reuse. In -- (Ed.), Elektronische
Baugruppen: Aufbau und Fertigungstechnik. (pp. 19-25). Berlin: VDE.
Stevels, ALN (2002). Green supply chain management much more than questionnaires and ISO
14.001. In -- (Ed.), 2002 IEEE international symposium on electronics & the environment.
(pp. 96-100). Piscataway: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN & Boks, CB (2002). Lessons learned from 10 years take-back and recycling. In -(Ed.), International electronics recycling congress. (pp. 1-6).
6 Design for sustainability
Stevels, ALN & Boks, CB (2002). On the effectiveness of currently proposed EU environmental
directives and policies for electronic products. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002.
(pp. 1-7).
Stevels, ALN & Boks, CB (2002). The lasting advantages of disassembly analysis: benchmarking
applications in the electronics industry. In -- (Ed.), Going green - care innovation 2002. (pp. 1-6).
Stobbe, I, Griese, H, Pötter, H, Reichl, H & Stobbe, L (2002). Quality assured disassembly of
electronic components for reuse. In -- (Ed.), 2002 IEEE international symposium on electronics &
the environment. (pp. 299-305). Piscataway: IEEE.
Vergragt, PJ & Soumitri, GV (2002). Creating an ecodesign network in Delhi, India. In -- (Ed.),
Ecodesign in education (Indian European ecodesign programme). (pp. 1-11). Ahmedabad:
National Institute of Design.
Hendriks, CF, Bohemen, HD van, Dorsthorst, BJH te, Dijkstra, A (OTB Research Institute),
Keeken, EPH van, Pietersen, HS & Vogtlander, JG (2001). Sustainable construction. Boxtel:
Aeneas, 158 pp.
Vogtlander, JG & Hendriks, CF (2002). The eco-costs/value ratio (EVR). Boxtel: Aeneas, 336 pp.
Ph.D. theses
Boks, CB (15-04-2002). The relative importance of uncertainty factors in product end-of-life
scenarios: a quantification of future developments in design, economy, technology and policy.
Delft University of Technology, 322 pp. ((Co-)promot.: Prof.dr.ir. ALN Stevels).
Klooster, R ten (30-09-2002). Packaging design: a methodological development and simulation of
the design process. Delft University of Technology, 277 pp. ((Co-)promot.: Prof.dr.ir. JC Brezet &
Prof.dr. JM Dirken).
Partidario, PJ (09-12-2002). "What-if": from path dependency to path creation in a coatings chain
- a methodology for strategies towards sustainable innovation. Delft University of Technology,
551 pp. ((Co-)promot.: Prof.dr. PJ Vergragt).
Professional publications and products
Bakker-Boone, M, Silvester, S & Vries, G de (2002). Grootste zonne-energieproject in gebouwde
omgeving 1 MW PV project: ervaringen op grote schaal. Duurzaam bouwen, 7(8), 22-24.
Nagel, MH (2002). Milieukwaliteit in productieprocessen: een nieuwe wijze van ondernemen.
SIGMA: Tijdschrift voor excellent ondernemen, 46(2), 20-25.
Nooijer, JJ de & Stranders, J (2002). Het product en de milieuwetgeving. Product, 10(4), 15-18.
Stevels, ALN (Ed(s).). (2001). Journal of sustainable product design, 1.
6 Design for sustainability
Crul, MRM & Diehl, JC (2002). Product innovation for cleaner production: technical report,
assessment of needs and exploration of modalities for introducing and enhancing local capacities
for product innovation for cleaner production and competitiveness in Africa. Delft: Delft University
of technology Industrial Design, 44 pp.
Diehl, JC (2002). Product innovation in the construction materials sector in Lao PDR: report on
the potential for mobilizing structural support on product innovation for industries in construction
materials in Lao PDR. Delft: Delft University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering, 35 pp.
Quist, JN (Sect. Technolgy Assessment) & Vergragt, PJ (2001). Multiple sustainable land use:
towards a new sustainable socio-economic perspective for rural areas. Delft: Delft University of
Technology, 52 pp.
Vries, G de & Silvester, S (2002). 1 Megawatt PV-project Nieuwland Amersfoort. Utrecht: REMU,
55 pp.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Kan, SY (18-02-2002). Aandrijfsysteem voor een gereedschap of vehikel. no 1015374.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Castro, MBG, Remmerswaal, JAM, & Reuter, MA (2003). Life cycle impact assessment of the
average passenger vehicle in The Netherlands International journal of life cycle assessment 8 (5),
Rombouts, JP (2001). Sustainable product research network: case-based environmental product
assessment transformation Journal of sustainable product design 1 (1), 61.
Nagel, MH (2003). Managing the environmental performance of production facilities in the
electronics industry: more than application of the concept of cleaner production Journal of
Cleaner Production 11 (1), 11-26.
Huisman, J, Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Quotes for environmentally weighted recyclability
(QWERTY): concept of describing product recyclability in terms of environmental value
International journal of production research 41 (16), 3649-3665.
Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Theory and practice of environmental benchmarking in a major
consumer electronics company Benchmarking - an international journal 10 (2), 120-135.
Stevels, ALN (2001). Teaching modules on eco-design for competitive advantage Journal of
sustainable product design 1 (4), 273-282.
Brown, HS, Vergragt, PJ, Green, K, & Berchicci, L (2003). Learning for sustainability transition
through bounded socio-technical experiments in personal mobility Technology analysis & strategic
management 15 (3), 292-315.
6 Design for sustainability
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Christiaans, HHCM, & Diehl, JC (2003). Knowledge transfer from university to industry. In JC
Diehl, HHCM Christiaans & NG Nalitolela (Eds.), Industrial design engineering for competitive
product development (pp. 98-107). UDSM/DUT.
Diehl, JC, & Christiaans, HHCM (2003). Comparative study on the implementation of IDE in
African countries. In s.n. (Ed.), Research for practice: innovation in products, processes and
organisations (ICED 03) (pp. 1-10). s.l.: Design Society.
Diehl, JC, & Mestre, A (2003). Directions for the integration of renewable energy applications into
product design. In E Corte-Real, CAM Duarte & F Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses and
sensibility in technology: linking tradition to innovation through design (pp. 236-242). Lisbon:
Diehl, JC, & Brezet, JC (2003). Ecodesign methodology, tools and knowledge transfer. In E CorteReal, CAM Duarte & F Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.), Senses and sensibility in technology: linking
tradition to innovation through design (pp. 142-147). Lisbon: IADE.
Diehl, JC, & Mestre, A (2003). Go to sustainable design: a new sustainable design knowledge
network & forum. In s.n. (Ed.), User design (pp. 1-7). Lisboa: Centro Portugues de Design.
Diehl, JC, & Mestre, A (2003). Go to sustainable design: a new sustainable design knowledge
network & forum. In s.n. (Ed.), 6th ADC Journal of the asian design international conference
(pp. 1-8). s.l.: s.n..
Diehl, JC, & Christiaans, HHCM (2003). Product innovation for cleaner production (eco-design) in
Africa. In JC Diehl, HHCM Christiaans & NG Nalitolela (Eds.), Industrial design engineering for
competitive product development (pp. 75-83). UDSM/DUT.
Kan, SY (2003). PV powered mobility and mobile/wireless product design. In s.n. (Ed.), ISES
2003: solar energy for a sustainable future (pp. 1-7). s.l.: ISES.
Mestre, A, Diehl, JC, Parra, P, & Berchicci, L (2003). Design for sustainable urban mobility. In s.n.
(Ed.), User design (pp. 1-8). Lisboa: Centro Portugues de Design.
Mestre, A, & Diehl, JC (2003). Design guidelines for the integration of renewable energy into
consumer products. In s.n. (Ed.), 6th ADC Journal of the asian design international conference
(pp. 1-11). s.l.: s.n..
Mestre, A, & Diehl, JC (2003). Go to sustainable design: a new sustainable design knowledge
network and forum for designers. In E Corte-Real, CAM Duarte & F Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.),
Senses and sensibility in technology: linking tradition to innovation through design (pp. 64-69).
Lisbon: IADE.
Quist, JN (Sect. Technolgy Assessment), Silvester, S, & Horst, H van der (2003). Towards
sustainable eating out through innovation, behavioural changes and system changes. In M
Charter (Ed.), Sustainable innovation 03: creating sustainable products, services and productservice-system (pp. 1-13). Farnham: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Reuter, MA, Castro, MBG, Schaik, A van, Boin, UMF, & Remmerswaal, JAM (2003). Modelling the
relationship between constructive choices in design and resource efficiency. In s.n. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the international automobile recycling conference (pp. 1-25). s.l.: s.n..
6 Design for sustainability
Schaik, A van, Reuter, MA, Castro, B, & Remmerswaal, JAM (2003). The role of product design
and liberation in the optimisation of recycling passenger vehicles. In L Lorenzen & DJ Bradshaw
(Eds.), XXII international mineral processing congress (pp. 1768-1777). s.l.: s.n..
Boks, CB (2003). How research institutions can contribute towards research progress in true
operationalisation of ecodesign. In M Hauchild, L Alting, C Molin & C Poll (Eds.), Engineering for
sustainable development-an obligatory skill of the future engineer (pp. 222-233). Lyngby:
Technical University of Denmark.
Boks, CB, Stevels, ALN, Houten, M. ten, & Thijsse, M (2003). Opportunities for innovative ecoefficient (bulk) packaging for consumer electronics products. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of
EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse
manufacturing (pp. 583-588). Piscataway: IEEE.
Carlier, T, Stevels, ALN, Duncan, S, Bras, B, & Boks, CB (2003). Environmental benchmarking of
medium-sized TVs sold in North America, Europe and Asia(China). In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of
the 2003 IEEE international symposium on electronics and the environment (pp. 358-364).
Piscataway: IEEE.
Huisman, J, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Balancing design strategies and end-of-life processing. In s.n.
(Ed.), Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally conscious
design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 40-47). Piscataway: IEEE.
Huisman, J, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Eco-efficiency of take-back and recycling, a comprehensive
approach. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE international symposium on electronics and
the environment (pp. 265-270). Piscataway: IEEE.
Nagel, MH, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Design for environment in the electronics industry, possibilities
and limitations:a discussion and evaluation of product metrics. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of
EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse
manufacturing (pp. 308-313). Piscataway: IEEE.
Pascual, O, Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Communicating Eco-efficiency in industrial contexts:
framework for understanding the (lack) of success and applicability of Eco-Design. In s.n. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE international symposium on electronics and the environment
(pp. 303-308). Piscataway: IEEE.
Pascual, O, Boks, CB, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Electronics ecodesign research empirically studied.
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally
conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 89-94). Piscataway: IEEE.
Pascual, O, Stevels, ALN, & Boks, CB (2003). Measuring implementation and performance of
ecodesign in the electronics sector. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd
international symposium on environmentally conscious design and inverse manufacturing
(pp. 192-197). Piscataway: IEEE.
Pötter, H, Griese, H, Müller, J, Stobbe, L, Reichl, H, & Rick, K (2003). Chances and risks of new
information and communication technologies for a global sustainable development. In s.n. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the Mobile health and the environment conference s.l.: s.n..
Pötter, H, Griese, H, Müller, J, Stobbe, L, Reichl, H, & Stobbe, I (2003). Eco-Design- Chancen und
Herausforderungen ökoeffizienter Elektronik. In s.n. (Ed.), EU-Elektro-Recycling, AnforderungenLösungswege (pp. 1-8). Nürnberg: Bayern Innovativ.
6 Design for sustainability
Sherwin, C, Smit, E, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Sustainable innovation..powered by people. In M
Charter (Ed.), Sustainable innovation 03: creating sustainble products, services and productservice-system Farnham: The Centre for Sustainable Design.
Smeels, E, & Stevels, ALN (2003). Influencing product lifetime through product design. In s.n.
(Ed.), Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally conscious
design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 267-271). Piscataway: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN, & Huisman, J (2003). An industry vision on the implementation of WEEE and RoHS.
In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally
conscious design and inverse manufacturing (pp. 9-16). Piscataway: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN (2003). Environmental competence and ecodesign for consumer electronics. In s.n.
(Ed.), CIWM 2003 (pp. 1-4). Northampton: CIWM.
Stevels, ALN, & Boks, CB (2003). ISO 14062: a practical approach for embedding ecodesign into
the business. In M Hauchild, L Alting, C Molin & C Poll (Eds.), Engineering for sustainable
development-an obligatory skill of the future engineer (pp. 234-238). Lyngby: Technical
University of Denmark.
Stevels, ALN (2003). Is the WEEE directive ecoefficient. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2003
IEEE international symposium on electronics and the environment (pp. 7-12). Piscataway: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN (2003). Take back and recyling of consumer electronics at work in the Netherlands.
In s.n. (Ed.), Metals and energy recovery: international symposium in Northern Sweden
illustrating integrated resource and waste management s.l.: s.n..
Stevels, ALN (2003). Towards an operationalization of the proposed European Directive on
EcoDesign (Design for Environment) of electronic end use products (EuP). In s.n. (Ed.),
Proceedings of EcoDesign2003: 3rd international symposium on environmentally conscious design
and inverse manufacturing (pp. 185-191). Piscataway: IEEE.
Stevels, ALN (2003). Is the WEEE Directive Ecoefficient. In s.n. (Ed.), IERC 2003 (pp. 1-15).
Muri: ICM.
Beella, SK, Brezet, JC, & Diehl, JC (2003). Innovation, sustainability and quality of life of New
Delhi. In s.n. (Ed.), Knowledge and economic and social change: new challenges to innovation
studies (pp. 1-13). s.l: s.n..
Berchicci, L, & Silvester, S (2003). Mapping networks in innovation process. In s.n. (Ed.),
Knowledge and economic and social change: new challenges to innovation studies (pp. 1-16). s.l:
Berchicci, L, Brezet, JC, & Silvester, S (2003). The role of entrepreneurship in sustainable mobility
innovation. In M Charter (Ed.), Sustainable innovation 03: creating sustainable products, services
and product-service-system (pp. 1-8). Farnham: The Centre for Sustainable Design.
Hallenga-Brink, S, & Brezet, JC (2003). Micro-sized entrepreneurship in sustainable tourism:
resource dependent or institutional dependent?. In s.n. (Ed.), Innovating for sustainability
(pp. 1-13). s.l.: s.n..
6 Design for sustainability
Hoed, R van den, & Hekkert, M (2003). Competing technologies and the struggle towards a new
dominant design: the emergence of the hybrid vehicle at the expense of the fuel cell vehicle. In
s.n. (Ed.), Innovating for sustainability (pp. 1-27). s.l.: s.n..
Hoed, R van den, & Brezet, JC (2003). Incumbent's curse in the automotive industry?: prospects
for fuel cell vehicles from the automotive industry perspective. In M Charter (Ed.), Sustainable
innovation 03: creating sustainable products, services and product-service-system (pp. 1-11).
Farnham: Centre for Sustainable Design.
Hoed, R van den, & Vergragt, PJ (2003). Institutional change in the automotive industry: or how
fuel cell technology is being institutionalized. In s.n. (Ed.), Innovating for sustainability
(pp. 1-23). s.l.: s.n..
Hoed, R van den, & Vergragt, PJ (2003). Technological shifts and industry reaction: shifts in fuel
preference for the fuel cell vehicle in the automotive industry. In s.n. (Ed.), Knowledge and
economic and social change: new challenges to innovation studies (pp. 1-21). s.l: s.n..
Ph.D. theses
Crul, MRM (20-10-2003). Ecodesign in Central America Delft University of Technology (345 pag.).
Prom./coprom.: Brezet, JC, & Röling, NG
Huisman, J (20-06-2003). The QWERTY/EE concept: quantifying recyclability and eco-efficiency
for end-of-life treatment of consumer electronic products Delft University of Technology
(347 pag.). (Delft: Delft University of Technology). Prom./coprom.: Stevels, ALN
Professional publications and products
Remmerswaal, JAM (2003). LCA van DutchEVO, een lichtgewicht auto In RM Bras-Klapwijk,
R Heijungs & P van Mourik (Eds.), Levenscyclusanalyse voor onderzoekers, ontwerpers en
beleidsmakers (pp. 146-153). Delft: DUP Blue Print.
Remmerswaal, JAM (2003). Levenscyclusanalyse van het ontwerpen In RM Bras-Klapwijk,
R Heijungs & P van Mourik (Eds.), Levenscyclusanalyse voor onderzoekers, ontwerpers en
beleidsmakers (pp. 102-126). Delft: DUP Blue Print.
Christiaans, HHCM (Ed.). (2003). Industrial design engineering for competitive product
development Delft: UDSM/DUT.
Diehl, JC (Ed.). (2003). Industrial design engineering for competitive product development Delft:
Remmerswaal, JAM (2003). Eco-design in perspectief: waarom doen we eigenlijk aan ecodesign?. In (Ed.), Toekomst van afgedankte elektrische & elektronische apparaten (pp. 1-5). s.l.:
Indeken, E, Knot, JMC, & Sandick, E van (2003). Het HiCS project: maaltijdoplossingen op maat
O2 Magazine 10 (3), 28-36.
6 Design for sustainability
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Kan, SY (19-02-2002). Batterij en werkwijze voor het vervaardigen van een dergelijke batterij no
7 Usage evaluation
Programme leader
Usage evaluation
Drs. H. Kanis
Actual usage is the arena for the success of new designs as effective, and goal efficient and
satisfactory products in supporting, protecting, replacing and extending all kinds of human
activities. In fact, designers are often surprised by the actual usage of newly designed products.
Even worse is that in many cases the surprise is unwelcome because unanticipated users’
operations deteriorate designed functionalities or may lead to accidents. The difficulty for
designers is that activities of users – e.g., their individual perceptions, cognitions and use actions
– tend to be highly unpredictable within the boundaries set by sensory, brain and motor
capacities of human beings. The envisaged research aims at supporting designers to anticipate
future usage in three ways. 1) More insight will be gained into the way people, as users, attribute
meanings to featural and functional characteristics of products. 2) It is recognized that generic
insights will never specify the situatedness of actual usage in context. Hence, anticipative
methods have to be developed, including the use of early models and the application of
techniques involving self-reports. 3) Uncertainty about future usage may be partly neutralized by
transforming the actual users’ behavior to a source of inspiration for new product development.
This approach should shed light on the possibilities of "usage-driven innovation".
The scientific challenges of the subprogramme are to integrate observational research in design
processes, both as an effective and efficient tool as well as a methodology that is fully
respectable in terms of scientific credibility.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research is concerned with generic principles of behavior of users in operating everyday
products, and with the study of anticipative methods that account for the situatedness of userproduct interaction in context. Usage as a source of inspiration for new designs is investigated as
Plans for the research focus
Currently, no changes have been envisioned. However, after the appointment of the new
professor, the research focus will be reconsidered in the near future, including the further
integration of the subprogrammes Usage Evaluation and Dynamic Anthropometry.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
At the moment, pilot projects are being carried out, which may result into more substantial
projects. Further contacts with the industry are to be initiated under the supervision of the new
7 Usage evaluation
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.ir. D.J. van Eijk
(since August 2004)
drs. H. Kanis
dr. H.H.C.M. Christiaans
dr. S.U. Böss
dr.ir. A.M. de Jong
dr.ir. M.J. Rooden
drs. F.H. van Duijne
ir. T.F.J.M. Verheijen
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
PhD thesis Design models for anticipating future usage, M.J. Rooden.
This study explored how design models, such as drawings, foam models and computer
simulations, can assist designers in anticipating future usage. A state of non-functioning
appears to be the most relevant limitation of design models for observing ‘natural’ usage.
Practitioners’ expertise in terms of empathy and sensitivity turned out to be more
important for the anticipation of usability problems than ‘hard’ ergonomics knowledge.
PhD thesis User cognition in product operation, G.J. Gelderblom.
By studying cognitive fixation in product operation, the thesis offers insight into the
mental processes that control our actions. The study shows the importance of product
appearance as a possible misleading factor in users' expectations.
Christiaans, H.H.C.M. (2002). Creativity as a design criterion, in Creativity Research
Journal, 14 (nr. 1), 41-54. One of the most difficult and challenging issues in design is to
determine the creativity of the designer or the design. This article shows how product
creativity can be assessed in a scientific way.
Key publications
Van Duijne, Kanis & Green (2002). Risks in product use: observations compared to acident
statistics. Injury control and safety promotion 9(3), 185-191.
Kanis (2002). Can design supportive research be scientific? Ergonomics 45 (14) 1037-1041.
Boess (2004). Designing towards ways of living. Design philosophy papers 2004 (1) 1-8.
7 Usage evaluation
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Duijne, F.H. van, Kanis, H, & Green, WS (2001). Risk perception in do-it-yourself activities. In
E. Zio, M. Demichela & N. Piccinini (Eds.), Proceedings of the European conference on safety and
reliability (ESREL 2001), vol. 1 (pp. 693-700). Torino: Politecnico di Torino.
Duijne, F.H. van, Green, WS, & Kanis, H (2001). Risk perception: let the user speak. In M.A.
Hanson (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2001 (pp. 297-302). London (UK): Taylor & Francis.
Kamerbeek, M., Kanis, H, & Green, WS (2001). Ferrari and ergonomics in design. In M.A. Hanson
(Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2001 (pp. 403-408). London (UK): Taylor & Francis.
Kanis, H (2001). Scientific credentials for qualitative and quantitative research in a design
context. In M.A. Hanson (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2001 (pp. 389-394). London (UK):
Taylor & Francis.
Verheijen, TFJM, Kanis, H, Snelders, HMJJ, & Green, WS (2001). On observation as inspiration for
design. In M.A. Hanson (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2001 (pp. 383-388). London (UK):
Taylor & Francis.
Ph.D. theses
Rooden, MJ (10-12-2001). Design models for anticipating future usage. Technische Universiteit
Delft (247 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Green, WS, & Wilson, J.R.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Duijne, F.H. van, Kanis, H, & Green, WS (2002). Risks in product use: observations compared to
accident statistics. Injury control and safety promotion 9 (3), 185-191.
Kanis, H (2002). Can design supportive research be scientific? Ergonomics 45 (14), 1037-1041.
7 Usage evaluation
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Boess, SU, Durling, D, Lebbon, C, & Maggs, C (2002). An Indian who doesn't know how to grow
the maize. In D Durling & J Shackleton (Eds.), Common ground (pp. 1-16). Stoke on Trent:
Staffordshire University press.
Duijne, F.H. van, Green, WS, & Kanis, H (2002). A safe blender? Learning from the users'
perspective. In van D Aken (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th international conference on product
safety research ECOSA.
Kanis, H, Rooden, MJ, & Duijne, F.H. van (2002). Observing user-product interaction. In PT
McCabe (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2002 (pp. 323-328). London: Taylor & Francis.
Professional publications and products
Duijne, F.H. van, & Kanis, H (2002). Replacing pierceable cartridges in gas lamps. Delft: Delft
University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Jong, AM de, Vink, P, & Kroon, JCA de (2003). Reasons for adopting technological innovations
reducing physical workload in bricklaying Ergonomics 46 (11), 1091-1108.
Jong, AM de, Vink, P, Andriessen, JHTH (Sect. Work and Organisational Psychology), & Schaefer,
WF (2003). Arbeidsomstandigheden in de bouw: factoren die de adoptie van innovaties ter
verbetering van arbeidsomstandigheden op de bouwplaats beinvloeden Tijdschrift voor
ergonomie 28 (2), 4-10.
Jong, AM de, Molen, H van der, Vink, P, Eikhout, S, & Koningsveld, E (2003). Reasons for
applying innovations for scaffolding work International journal of occupational safety and
ergonomics 9 (2), 161-175.
Academic publications: book chapters
Jong, AM de (2001). Participation In W Karwowski (Ed.), International encyclopedia of
ergonomics and human factors London: Taylor and Francis.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Boess, SU, & Rooden, MJ (2003). The role of the users' context in usage research. In R Coleman
& J Myerson (Eds.), Include 2003: inclusive design for society and business (pp. 14:518-14:523).
London: Helen Hamlyn Research Centre, RCA.
7 Usage evaluation
Duijne, F.H. van, & Kanis, H (2003). Data analysis in a study on risk perception in product use. In
T Bedford & PHAJM Gelder (Eds.), Safety and reliability (pp. 583-589). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
Kanis, H (2003). Research in design: situated individuality versus summative analysis. In s.n.
(Ed.), IEA 2003 (pp. 1-4). s.l.: s.n..
Duijne, F.H. van, & Kanis, H (2003). Risk of gas lamps with disposable cartridges. In (Ed.), 4th
European convention in safety promotion and injury prevention (pp. 67-68). European Consumer
Safety Association.
Professional publications and products
Vink, P, Koningsveld, EAP, Jong, AM de, & Kroon, JCA de (2003). Comfortabel en slim metselen
Product 11 (2), 38-40.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Programme leader
Product aesthetics and experience
Prof. dr. P. Hekkert
Although the functionality a product offers has always been, and will remain, an essential
precondition for product satisfaction and market success, various developments – technological
innovations, ‘experience economy’, etc. - point at an increasing importance of product experience
as a major driving force of product acquisition and use. Product experience is a multi-dimensional
construct that can be operationalised by verbal and behavioural measures tapping appraisal,
emotional and aesthetic reactions. In this programme the focus is on the active user, interacting
with a product through all his senses and within a particular context, and thereby undergoing a
dynamic and multi-layered experience This programme examines relationships between
perception through various senses and the experience of product properties. Research is directed
towards identifying, classifying, and designing relevant experiences and relating them to product
and interaction properties. The aim of this research orientation is to contribute to experience
centered design. Our focus is human-centered, i.e. understanding the processes underlying
product experiences, and design driven, by focusing the end goals of research projects on
theoretical models, tools, or methods that can be disclosed to the industrial design community
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. Design for the senses. The goal of this research is to generate knowledge and methods for
sensorial and experiential design in order to develop a profound and powerful design strategy
that contributes to the development of original, impassioned, appropriate, and experiential
consumer products. New insights are turned into design principles that are tried and tested in socalled experiential prototypes (i.e., research through design.
B. Experience centered design / theory. This project examines how these experiences can be
generated, classified and measured, and which underlying processes and contextual
factors affect or determine the origin of an experience.
Plans for the research focus
With respect to project A, the focus will be shifted more and more towards the interaction
between the senses, rather then studying them in isolation. This shift is already visible in a new
PhD project on sensory dominance. For project B, the focus will be more and more on
experiences that result from a physical interaction with products and on dynamic changes in the
experience as a result of prolonged exposure and use.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
We have recently signed a 5-year collaboration agreement with Procter & Gamble (starting date
April 2004). Projects will be defined on a regular basis.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
On September 1, 2004, an EU Coordinated Action program has started on ‘affective engineering’
in which we play a major role (WP leader).
Further collaborations include:
For project A:
- New projects for Philips Design.
- Project multi-sensory experience: Grant application for one PhD will be submitted for the open
competition of NWO.
- Project visual aesthetics: Grant application for one PhD will be submitted for the NWO
programme Evolution & Behavior (deadline December 15, 2004).
For project B
- A 4-year collaboration agreement has been signed with TNS-NIPO on ‘measuring emotions’
(starting date October 2004).
- Assignment of PhD student on P&G contract (start 2004).
- Assignment of PhD student on TNS-NIPO contract (start 2005).
- Application for PhD student on LinguaBytes project, funded by ‘Instituut voor doven’.
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. P. Hekkert
prof.ir. J.J. Jacobs
prof.dr. J.W. Drukker
prof.ir. M.B. van Dijk
dr. R. van Egmond
ir. M.E. Peters
dr.ir. P.M.A. Desmet
dr.ir. C.C.M. Hummels
dr. T.R.A. de Rijk
ir. A.G.C. van Boeijen
dr.ir. H.N.J. Schifferstein
ir. M.H. Sonneveld
ir. R. den Otter
ir. E. Özcan
ir. G.D.S. Ludden
ir. R. Mugge
ir. P.M.A. Desmet
ir. S.A.G. Wensveen
Total research staff
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
In 2002, Pieter Desmet finished his PhD project on ‘Designing Emotions’ (with honors). Next to a
theoretical model on how products evoke emotions, the project resulted in an instrument to
measure product emotions, PrEmo, that was praised and acquired by both the academic and
industrial community. In the field of multi-sensory experience, two NWO applications were
successful, leading to new PhD projects on surprise in product design and sensory dominance
(Schifferstein & Hekkert). A conceptual framework for the identification and experience of
product sounds (van Egmond & Ozcan) and a tactile experience guide for designers (Sonneveld)
were developed. We also determined the main parameter for the use of sound in branding (van
Egmond & den Otter), identified two parameters, typicality and novelty, that are jointly
responsible for the aesthetic appeal of a product (Hekkert), and acquired much insight in one of
the main parameters of user-product attachment, personalization (Mugge). Most of these studies
did not only lead to publications in scientific journals, but also attracted much attention from
industry, resulting in a great number of 3rd stream funded projects and long-term cooperation
agreements. At an applied level, a series of interactive installations for the study of resonance
were built (Hummels) and a book on Dutch Designers of the 20th century was edited and
published (de Rijk). Finally, through our participation in the Design & Emotion society (Hekkert &
Desmet), we co-organized the 3rd conference on Design & Emotion (Loughborough, 2002).
Key publications
Hekkert, PPM, Snelders, HMJJ, & Wieringen, PCW van (2003). "Most advanced, yet acceptable":
typicality and novelty as joint predictors of aesthetic preference in industrial design British journal
of psychology 94, 111-124.
Desmet, PMA (2003). A multilayered model of product emotions Design journal, the 6 (2), 4-13.
McDonagh, Hekkert, vErp & Gyi (eds.) (2004). Design and emotion. The experience of everyday
things (book with many articles from IDE-researchers)
Egmond R van (2004). Emotional experience of Frequency Modulated sounds: implications for the
design of alarm sounds. In: de Waard, Brookhuis & Weikert (eds.) Human factors in design.
Schifferstein HNJ & Tanudjaja (accepted, in press 2004). Visualizing fragrances through colors:
the mediating role of emotions Perception.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bult, J.H.F., Schifferstein, HNJ, & Roozen, J.P. (2001). The influence of olfactory concept on the
probability of detecting sub- and peri-threshold components in a mixture of odorants. Chemical
senses 26, 459-469.
Desmet, PMA, Overbeeke, CJ, & Tax, S. (2001). Designing products with added emotional value:
development and application of an approach for research through design. The design journal 4
(1), 32-47.
Drukker, JW (2001). Der schizophrene Designer. Form Diskurs, Journal of Design and Design
Theory 8/9, 18-25.
Locher, P.J., Cornelis, E., Wagemans, J., & Stappers, PJ (2001). Artists' use of compositional
balance for creating visual displays. Empirical studies of the arts 19 (2), 213-227.
Verlegh, P.W.J., Schifferstein, HNJ, & Wittink, D.R. (2001). Range and number-of-levels effects in
derived and stated measures of attribute importance. mansholt Paper (elektronisch gepubl.),
Academic publications: book chapters
Leeuwen, C. van, Verstijnen, I.M., & Hekkert, PPM (2000). Common unconscious dynamics
underlie uncommon conscious effects: a case study in the iterative nature of perception and
creation (niet eerder opgenomen). In J.S. Jordan (Ed.), Modeling consciousness across the
disciplines (pp. 179-218). Lanham: University Press of America.
Rijk, TRA de (2001). Efficiency en hygiene: principes voor de modernisering van het huishouden.
In N. de Vreeze (Ed.), 6,5 miljoen woningen: 100 jaar woningwet en wooncultuur in Nederland
(pp. 39-59). Rotterdam: 010.
Schifferstein, HNJ (2001). Effects of product beliefs on product perception and liking. In L.J.
Frewer, E. Risvik & H.N.J. Schifferstein (Eds.), Food, people and society: a European perspective
of consumers' food choices (pp. 73-96). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Schifferstein, HNJ, Frewer, L.J., & Risvik, E. (2001). Introduction. In L.J. Frewer, E. Risvik &
H.N.J. Schifferstein (Eds.), Food, people and society: a European perspective of consumers' food
choices (pp. 3-8). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Frens, JW, Guttermorsen-Schär, S., Kancar, M., & Krohn, M. (2001). A proposal for measuring
perceived emotional content of products. In E. Gomringer & I. Laubstein (Eds.), Internationales
Forum für Gestaltung (pp. 154-165). Ulm: IFG.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Hekkert, PPM, & Dijk, MB van (2001). Designing from context: foundations and applications of
the VIP approach. In P.A. Lloyd & H.H.C.M. Christiaans (Eds.), Proceedings of design thinking
research symposium 5 (pp. 383-394). Delft: DUP Science.
Hekkert, PPM (2001). The experience of design. In R. Cooper & V. Branco (Eds.), 4th European
academy of design conference proceedings (pp. 396-401). Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.
Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, Wensveen, SAG, & Hummels, CCM (2001). From seeing to
experience: from affordance to temptation. In E. Gomringer & I. Laubstein (Eds.), Internationales
Forum für Gestaltung (pp. 26-36). Ulm: IFG.
Overbeeke, CJ, Vink, P, & Cheung, F.K. (2001). The emotion-aware office chair: an exploratory
study. In M.G. Helander, H.M. Khalid & T.M. Po (Eds.), Proceedings of the international
conference on affective human factors design (pp. 262-267). London, UK: Asean Academic Press.
Professional publications and products
Desmet, PMA, & Rijcken, T. (2001). Furby is dood, lang leve Furby: ontwerpers over product en
emotie. Product 9 (1), 2-7.
Drukker, JW, & Rijk, TRA de (2001). Designers-archieven: een eerste inventarisatie van
bedreigde designers-archieven in Nederland. Delft: Industrieel Ontwerpen.
Frewer, L.J., Risvik, E., & Schifferstein, HNJ (Eds.). (2001). Food, people and society: a European
perspective of consumers' food choices. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Hummels, CCM, & Overbeeke, CJ (2001). De schoonheid van de interactie. Product 9 (4), 21-25.
Hummels, CCM, & Overbeeke, CJ (2001). De schoonheid van het gebaar. Product, 22-26.
Rijk, TRA de (2001). The eternal number 14 thinking on typology in the design debate of the
twentieth century: continuity or rift? Boijmans Bulletin (www.boijmansbulletin.nl) 001 (003),
Rijk, TRA de (2001). Vormgeving bij Rijkswaterstaat: een korte analyse van het functioneren van
vormgeving en huisstijl bij Rijkswaterstaat. Delft: Industrieel Ontwerpen.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bult, JHF, Schifferstein, HNJ, Roozen, JP, Dalmau Boronat, E, Voragen, AGJ, & Kroeze, JHA
(2002). Sensory evaluation of character impact components in an apple model mixture. Chemical
senses 27, 485-494.
Locher, PJ, & Stappers, PJ (2002). Factors contributing to the implicit dynamic quality of static
abstract designs. Perception 31, 1093-1107.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Schifferstein, HNJ, & Michaut, AMK (2002). Effects of appropriate and inappropriate odors on
product evaluations. Perceptual and motor skills 95 (2), 1199-1214.
Schifferstein, HNJ, & Blok, ST (2002). The signal function of thematically (in)congruent ambient
scents in a retail environment. Chemical senses 27, 539-549.
Verlegh, PWJ, Schifferstein, HNJ, & Wittink, DR (2002). Range and number-of-levels effects in
derived and stated measures of attribute importance. Marketing Letters 13 (1), 41-52.
Academic publications: book chapters
Desmet, PMA, & Hekkert, PPM (2002). The basis of product emotions. In WS Green & PW Jordan
(Eds.), Pleasure with products: Beyond usability (pp. 61-68). London: Taylor & Francis.
Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, Hummels, CCM, & Wensveen, SAG (2002). Beauty in usability:
forget about ease of use. In WS Green & PW Jordan (Eds.), Pleasure with products: Beyond
usability (pp. 9-18). London: Taylor & Francis.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Hekkert, PPM (2002). Introduction. In D McDonagh, PPM Hekkert & J van Erp (Eds.), Design and
emotion: the experience of everyday things (pp. 3-5). Loughborough: Department of Design and
Ph.D. theses
Desmet, PMA (25-06-2002). Designing emotions. Delft University of Technology (246 pag.).
Prom./coprom.: Jacobs, JJ
Professional publications and products
Desmet, PMA, Rooden, MJ, & Hekkert, PPM (2002). Gebruik & beleving van Sterrewereld 2.0.
Delft: Delft University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering.
Erp, J van, & Hekkert, PPM (2002). De Design & Emotion Society. Vormberichten 10, 25.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Hekkert, PPM, Snelders, HMJJ, & Wieringen, PCW van (2003). "Most advanced, yet acceptable":
typicality and novelty as joint predictors of aesthetic preference in industrial design British journal
of psychology 94, 111-124.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Desmet, PMA (2003). A multilayered model of product emotions Design journal, the 6 (2), 4-13.
Hekkert, PPM, & McDonagh, D (2003). Design and emotion Design journal, the 6 (2), 1-3.
Academic publications: book chapters
Schifferstein, HNJ (2003). Human perception of taste mixtures In RL Doty (Ed.), handbook of
olfaction and gustation (pp. 805-822). New York: Marcel Dekker.
Desmet, PMA (2003). Measuring emotion: development and application of an instrument to
measure emotional responses to products In MA Blythe, K Overbeeke, AF Monk & PC Wright
(Eds.), Funology: from usability to enjoyment (Human-computer interaction series, 3,
pp. 111-123). Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Desmet, PMA, & Dijkhuis, EDJ (2003). A wheelchair can de fun: a case of emotion-driven design.
In J Forlizzi & B Hannington (Eds.), DPPI '03 (pp. 22-27). New York: Association for Computing
Hekkert, PPM, Mostert, M, & Stompff, G (2003). Dancing with a machine: a case of experiencedriven design. In J Forlizzi & B Hannington (Eds.), DPPI '03 (pp. 114-119). New York: Association
for Computing Machinery.
Looze, M de, Krause, F, Reijneveld, K, Desmet, PMA, & Vink, P (2003). Seat appearance and
sitting comfort. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the XVth triennial congress of the IEA and the 7th
joint conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea/JES (pp. 1-4). Seoul: Ergonomics Society of
Reijneveld, K, Looze, M de, Krause, F, & Desmet, PMA (2003). Measuring the emotions elicited by
office chairs. In J Forlizzi & B Hannington (Eds.), DPPI '03 (pp. 6-10). New York: Association for
Computing Machinery.
Professional publications and products
Egmond, R van, & Erp, J van (2003). It looks like it sounds: ritme in muziek en beeld Turn the
page 4 (2), 12-13.
Hekkert, PPM (Ed.). (2003). Design journal, the 6 (2).
Desmet, PMA (2003). Oog in oog met een stofzuiger: emoties als uitgangspunt van het
industrieel ontwerpen Kunstlicht 24 (1/2), 15-20.
Desmet, PMA (2003). Influence of adverts on the emotional impact of product design Delft: Delft
University of Technology Industrial Design.
Desmet, PMA (2003). Lenor experiment Delft: Delft University of Technology Industrial Design.
8 Product aesthetics and experience
Desmet, PMA (2003). Measuring emotions with CAPI@HOME Delft: Delft University of Technology
Industrial Design.
Hekkert, PPM, & Desmet, PMA (2003). Belevingswereld van sterrekinderen (2 delen) Delft: Delft
University of Technology Industrial Design.
9 Consumer preference
Programme leader
Consumer preference
Prof. dr. J.P.L. Schoormans
Consumer preference for new products is an issue in buying, using as well and goal as in nonusing/discarding of products. Knowledge about consumer preference can enhance the quality of
product development. Until recently, consumers linked product preferences mainly to product
functionality. Nowadays, preferences are believed to be linked to product experience/emotions as
well: in addition to functional demands, products must fit consumer demands such as emotions
and individuality of persons. In addition, designers/manufacturers are not only confronted with
the wider scope of consumer preferences but also with the increased technological possibilities
that can be used to include new functionalities in products. In many cases these new
functionalities are not or only partly expressed through product form. The challenge of the
research is to enhance the knowledge about expectations and preferences of consumers during
the process of buying and using a new product. This knowledge may be used to design products
that can mediate between technological possibilities and increasing consumer demands, and to
develop tools to assess realistic consumer expectations about new products.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
In this research, theory and tools are developed that enable reliable assessment of consumers’
reactions toward product functionality and form. The objectives are to gain knowledge about
consumer reactions toward new products in general and for the form of these new products in
particular. Such knowledge supports and strengthens a customer-orientated approach to new
product development.
Plans for the research focus
Two important changes in the research focus are the recent interest in consumer skepticism and
the planned research into the use of the observation research techniques into the idea generation
phase of the new product development process.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
An STW research proposal on the topic of consumer scepticism (in collaboration with Prof dr. A.
Pruyn, University of Twente) will be presented to STW by the end of October 2004. A research
project on the presentation of product visions with the Design Centre MUOVA in Finland is in its
setup phase. Collaboration with the programme Usage evaluation with respect to the research
into the methods of observation research are discussed and will be presented before the end of
9 Consumer preference
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. J.P.L. Schoormans
prof.dr. W.M. Oppedijk van Veen
dr. M.E.H. Creusen
dr. K.P.N. Morel
drs. P. Govers
drs.ir. N. Vink
ir. R. Mugge
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
In her dissertation Govers tested and presented a method to assess consumer personality that
can be used to provide guidelines that can underscore the design process of product personality.
In his dissertation Vink researched the way consumers react on mass customization of products.
He showed that there is a trade-off between the number of product choices and the amount of
effort consumers want to invest in a product choice.
Creusen and Schoormans (JPIM forthcoming) showed that consumers use product appearance
not only to to judge the aesthetic product value but also its ergonomic, symbolic and functional
(quality) product value.
Key publications
Creusen, M.E.H. and J.P.L. Schoormans (forthcoming, 2005). The Different Roles of Product
Appearance in Consumer Choice. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
9 Consumer preference
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Creusen, MEH (2001). The role of product appearance in a purchase decision: a study into
telephone purchases in retail outlets. In E. Breivik, A.W. Falkenberg & K. Gronhaug (Eds.),
Proceedings from the 30th EMAC conference (pp. 1-5). Stockholm: European Marketing
Snelders, HMJJ, & Schoormans, JPL (2001). The relation between concrete and abstract product
attributes. In E. Breivik, A.W. Falkenberg & K. Gronhaug (Eds.), Proceedings from the 30th EMAC
conference (pp. 1-6). Stockholm: European Marketing Academy.
Verheijen, TFJM, Kanis, H, Snelders, HMJJ, & Green, WS (2001). On observation as inspiration for
design. In M.A. Hanson (Ed.), Contemporary ergonomics 2001 (pp. 383-388). London (UK):
Taylor & Francis.
Professional publications and products
Vink, NY, Schoormans, JPL, & Ruigrok, M. (2001). Websites onder de loep: wat vinden
consumenten belangrijk in commerciele websites? Tijdschrift voor marketing 35 (7/8), 56-59.
Academic publications: book chapters
Creusen, MEH & Snelders, HMJJ (2002). Product appearance and consumer pleasure. In Green,
WS & Jordan, PW (Ed.), Pleasure with products: beyond usability. (pp. 69-75). London: Taylor &
Morel, KPN (2002). Wat is het? Een motor, een auto of een ehhh...? Consumenten categorisatie
van hybride producten. In Bronner, AE, Dekker, P, Hoekstra, JC, Leeuw, E de, Poiesz, Th, Ruyter,
K de & Smidts, A (Ed.), Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek: jaarboek 2002. (pp. 205-224).
Haarlem: de Vrieseborch.
Professional publications and products
Schoormans, JPL (21-06-2002). De nieuwe producten van de consument. (). Delft: TU Delft.
pp 25.
9 Consumer preference
Ph.D. theses
Vink, NY (24-06-2003). Customization choices: consumer product decisions in mass customization
environments Delft University of Technology (222 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Schoormans, JPL, &
Oppedijk Van Veen, WM
Professional publications and products
Morel, KPN, Oppedijk Van Veen, WM, & Vandehoek, B (2003). Succes hybride producten
overschat Tijdschrift voor marketing 37 (11), 46-46.
Vink, NY, & Schoormans, JPL (2003). Mass customization: de wens van de consument? Tijdschrift
voor marketing 10 (37), 1-3.
10 Transparent interfaces
Programme leader
Transparent interfaces
Prof. dr. H. de Ridder
The introduction of new technologies has led to a range of consumer and (semi-) professional
products with complex and embedded functionality. Increasingly products are being designed to
handle a number of complex tasks and offer growing amounts of information streams to the user.
Such products, in particular (mobile) ICE (information, communication, and entertainment)
appliances, incorporate an increasing number of functionalities with which the user can interact
only indirectly through an interface. As a consequence, users often struggle with the complexity
of the interface instead of interacting with the content. Ideally, the interface should be
transparent, thus becoming invisible. That is, the focus should be on interacting through an
interface at the task level instead of with an interface. The focus of this research is on finding
ways to make the user interface as transparent or unobtrusive as possible to enable the user to
engage in the task or content at hand rather than be bothered by how to control or interact with
the product.
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. User understanding. This research provides insight into the features of human behavior that
may help a product to guess and track user intentions and thus reduce unwanted
ambiguities/uncertainties, in this way increasing trust in the product. Hence, the objective of the
project on User Understanding is to determine the required knowledge about human behavior to
accomplish successful intention guessing and tracking.
B. Information presentation. This research focuses on visual perception investigating the relation
between (flexible) forms and perceived product meaning as well as the impact of peripheral
vision on local task performance and vice versa. The first objective is to link physical description
of forms to perceptual description. Secondly, the relation between meaning (psychological
experience) and the perceptual descriptions has to be identified.
Plans for the research focus
The research on user understanding will focus on the evaluation of DEVAN, an in-house
developed tool for detailed video analysis, in the context of a European research program on
usability testing. This is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2005, resulting in a PhD-defense.
Meanwhile, the possibilities of combining data from eye movement registrations and DEVANanalyses will be explored in order to gain knowledge about the mental process underlying the
user's overt behavior. The research on trust will continue to shift towards willingness to share in
peer-to-peer networks (CACTUS Impulse project) and extended towards perceived trust and
willingness to share multimedia-related data in virtual communities (I-Share project as part of the
BSIK-programme Freeband; start: May 2004, a PhD-student starts in September 2004).
The research on information presentation will deal with multimodal interaction as a new project
on gesture recognition and speech starts in 2004. It should provide insight in the (potential)
implications of employing gestures and speech in future intelligent environments. This research is
already financed through funding from the ICT-Delft Research Centre, but external funding has
10 Transparent interfaces
been applied for at STW (project: NOGRIP, Non-Obtrusive Gesture Recognition for Intuitive
Performance). One PhD-student started in January 2004. A second PhD project is scheduled to
start at the beginning of 2005. Finally, the research on shape in picture perception will continue
and extended into the field of composition, contour and color perception.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
See description above.
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. H. de Ridder
prof.dr. J. Aasman
prof.dr. P.J. Stappers
dr. D. Keyson M.Sc.
dr. A.J. Koenderink-van Doorn
dr. Th. Boersema
ir. A.P.O.S. Vermeeren
ir. E.C.M. Steenbergen-v.d. Weijgert
ir. R.E. Mannak
drs. E.V.K. Cornelis
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The programme has been invited to become part of ICT-Delft Research Centre. Prof. De Ridder is
member of the ICT board.
Key publications
Vermeeren, APOS, Bouwmeester, K den, Aasman, J & Ridder, H de (2002). DEVAN: a tool for
detailed video analysis of user test data. Behaviour & information technology, 21(6), 403-423.
Cornelis, EVK, Doorn, AJ van, & Ridder, H de (2003). Mirror-reflecting a picture of an object:
what happens to the shape percept? Perception & psychophysics 65 (7), 1110-1125.
10 Transparent interfaces
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Docampo Rama, M., Ridder, H de, & Bouma, H. (2001). Technology generation and age in using
layered user interfaces. Gerontechnology 1 (1), 25-40.
IJsselsteijn, W.A., Ridder, H de, Freeman, J., Avons, S.E., & Bouwhuis, D. (2001). Effects of
stereoscopic presentation, image motion, and screen size on subjective and objective
corroborative measures of presence. Presence-teleoperators and virtual environments 10 (3),
IJsselsteijn, W.A., Freeman, J., & Ridder, H de (2001). Presence: where are we? CyberPsychology
& Behavior 4 (2), 179-182.
Ridder, H de (2001). Cognitive issues in image quality measurement. Journal of Electronic
Imaging 10 (1), 47-55.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Doorn, AJ van, Koenderink, J.J., & Ridder, H de (2001). Pictorial space correspondence in
photographs of an object in different poses. In B.E. Rogowitz & T.N. Pappas (Eds.), Proceedings
of SPIE (pp. 321-329). Bellingham: International Society for Optical Engineering.
Koenderink, J.J., & Doorn, AJ van (2001). Shading in the case of translucent objects. In
B.E. Rogowitz & T.N. Pappas (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE (pp. 312-320). Bellingham: SPIE.
Misker, JMV (Ch. Knowledge Based Systems), Taatgen, N., & Aasman, J (2001). Validating a tool
for simulating user interaction. In E.M. Altmann & et Al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2001 fourth
international conference on cognitive modeling (pp. 163-168). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Inc.
Ridder, H de (2001). Image processing and the problem of quantifying image quality. In
B. Mercer (Ed.), 2001 international conference on image processing, October 7-10 (pp. 3-6).
Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE.
10 Transparent interfaces
Ridder, H de (2001). Naturalness and image quality: towards perceptually optimal color
reproduction of natural scenes. In J. Morreale (Ed.), SID international symposium digest of
technical papers (pp. 496-499). San Jose, CA, USA: Society for Information Display.
Professional publications and products
IJsselsteijn, WA, Freeman, J, & Ridder, H de (Eds.). (2001). CyberPsychology & Behavior.
Ridder, H de (2001). Mens in techniek (intreerede / inaugural speech).
Academic publications in refereed journals
Ridder, H de (2002). Mens in techniek. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 27 (4), 11-17.
Schoumans, N, Kappers, AML, & Koenderink, JJ (2002). Scale invariance in near space: pointing
under influence of context. Acta psychologica 110 (1), 63-81.
Vermeeren, APOS, Bouwmeester, K den, Aasman, J, & Ridder, H de (2002). DEVAN: a tool for
detailed video analysis of user test data. Behaviour & information technology 21 (6), 403-423.
Westerink, J, Bakker, C, Ridder, H de, & Siepe, H (2002). Human factors in the design of a
personalizable EPG: preference-indication strategies, habit watching and trust. Behaviour &
information technology 21 (4), 249-258.
Academic publications: book chapters
Koenderink, JJ, Doorn, AJ van, Arend, L, & Hecht, H (2002). Ecological optics and the creative
eye. In D Heyer & R Mausfeld (Eds.), Perception and the physical world: psychological and
philosophical issues in perception (pp. 271-304). Chicester: Wiley & Sons.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Doorn, AJ van, Boersema, T, Ridder, H de, Jorens, CW, & Harteveld, A (2002). Shape perception
in pictures: eye movements during local surface attitude probing. In BE Rogowitz & TN Pappas
(Eds.), Human vision and electronic imaging VII (pp. 48-56). Bellingham: SPIE.
Hoenderdos, R, Vermeeren, APOS, Bekker, M, & Pierik, A (2002). Design for experience: the
"look, mama!" experience. In MM Dekker, P Markopoulos & M Kersten-Tsikalkina (Eds.),
Interaction design and children (pp. 4-10). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.
IJsselsteijn, WA, Freeman, J, & Ridder, H de (2002). Presence as an experiential metric for 3-D
display evaluation. In B Berkeley & E Colgan (Eds.), SID International symposium digest of
technical papers (pp. 252-255). San Jose: Society for Information Display.
10 Transparent interfaces
Ridder, H de, & Endrikhovski, S (2002). Image quality is FUN: reflections on fidelity, usefulness
and naturalness. In B Berkeley & E Colgan (Eds.), SID International symposium digest of
technical papers (pp. 986-989). San Jose: Society for Information Display.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Cornelis, EVK, Doorn, AJ van, & Ridder, H de (2002). Reflecting a picture of an object: what
happens to the shape percept? Perception 31, 6.
Doorn, AJ van, Cornelis, EVK, Ridder, H de, & Koenderink, JJ (2002). Comparison of pictorial
reliefs for identical two-dimensional images in different orientations. Perception 31, 29.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Koenderink, JJ, & Doorn, AJ van (2003). Local structure of Gaussian texture IEICE transactions
on information and systems E86-D (7), 1165-1171.
Cornelis, EVK, Doorn, AJ van & Ridder, H de (2003). Mirror-reflecting a picture of an object: what
happens to the shape percept? Perception & psychophysics 65 (7), 1110-1125.
Academic publications: book chapters
Koenderink, JJ, & Doorn, AJ van (2003). Pictorial space In H Hecht, R Schwartz & M Atherton
(Eds.), Looking into pictures: an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial space (pp. 239-403).
cambridge: MIT Press.
Koenderink, JJ, & Doorn, AJ van (2003). Perspectives on colour space In R Mausfeld & D Heyer
(Eds.), Colour perception: mind and the physical world (pp. 1-56). New York: Oxford University
Koenderink, JJ, & Doorn, AJ van (2004). Shape and shading In LM Chalupa & JS Werner (Eds.),
The visual neurosciences (pp. 1090-1105). Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Heiligers, MM (Ch. Flight Mechanics and Propulsion), Holten, T van (Ch. Flight Mechanics and
Propulsion), & Boersema, T (2003). On a computer based prediction of pilot scanning workload
and control workload. In s.n. (Ed.), 12th international symposium on aviation psychology
(pp. 508-513). s.l.: s.n..
Kesteren, IEH van, Bekker, MM, Vermeeren, APOS, & Lloyd, PA (2003). Assessing usability
evaluation methods on their effectiveness to elicit verbal comments from children subjects. In
S MacFarlane, T Nicol, JC Read & LC Snape (Eds.), Small users - big ideas (pp. 41-49). New York:
Association for Computing Machinery.
10 Transparent interfaces
Vermeeren, APOS, Kesteren, IEH van, & Bekker, MM (2003). Managing the evaluator effect in
user testing. In M Rauterberg, M Menozzi & J Wesson (Eds.), Human-computer interaction
INTERACT '03 (pp. 647-654). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Sagawa, K, & Ridder, H de (2003). Detection and recognition of a flash of light. In s.n. (Ed.),
Temporal and spatial aspects of light and colour: perception and measurement (pp. 7-10). s.l.:
Commission Internationale de l' Eclairage.
Professional publications and products
Boersema, T (2003). Graphical symbols for use on banknotes: comprehensibility judgment test
Delft: Delft University of Technology Industrial Design.
Boersema, T (2003). Graphical symbols for use on banknotes: location and comprehension Delft:
Delft University of Technology Industrial Design.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Boersema, T (20-08-2003). Oculomotor behaviour and cognitive task difficulty 12th European
conference on eye movement: Dundee (20-08-2003 - 24-08-2003). conference contribution.
11 Intelligence in products
Programme leader
Intelligence in products
Dr. D.V. Keyson
The possibilities of products equipped with connectivity, data storage, and goal wireless
communication, sensors, and information processing techniques create new opportunities for
industrial designers. Many appliances will have adaptive visual displays showing icons and
symbols depicting functions and procedures. Multimodal channels of user-product communication
such as graphics combined with gesture input, speech
driven dialogues and auditory feedback are envisioned. Given such technological developments,
designers need new design techniques and interaction design concepts, leading to products that
recognize needs and empower the user. The research focuses on (1) multimodal interaction
design, (2) user and task modeling, (3) user-product collaborative dialogue design, (4) trust and
agent personality design, including trustworthy visual design, dialogue design aspects,
progressive disclosure of system functionality, and establishing as sense of mutual user-product
Strategy and policy
Research subjects
A. User interfaces to intelligent products. The research is concerned with (1) multimodal
interaction design, i.e. on concrete and abstract multimodal representations of information and
input, including use of tangible interfaces, gestures and non-speech sound, to enable rich and
expressive input control and information represent actions. (2) Design theory towards
understanding balances between hedonic and ergonomic qualities of multimodal interaction so as
to create an optimal flow level between product and user. Included here are the hedonic and
aesthetic aspects of appeal and the design for resonance. (3) Design of conversational interfaces
in a multimodal context of interaction, including utilization of theory developed in the project on
user models for intelligent products.
B. Modeling the user and context in intelligent products. This research focuses on (1) user and
task modeling, i.e. modeling of the users preferred and assumed state of interaction based on
common practices or profiles, real-time events, and system learning, (2) user-product
collaborative dialogue design, i.e. the design of mixed user-product initiative and turn taking as
well as the integration of collaborative
dialogue with visual-manual interaction and (4) requirements engineering for intelligent medical
product, including translation to design examples with a focus on intensive care units
Plans for the research focus
All the plans layed out in the current version of the research portfolio are on track. With an
additional new AIO project for 2005 proposal being developed with Philip Lighting, to focus on
atmoshpere and activity modeling.
11 Intelligence in products
Plans for new collaborations and funding
The Smart Surroundings BSIK project was approved with a budget of 1.118K euro funding for
TUD Industrial Design in work package on Interaction and Design. Keyson lis eading the work
package. An AIO was hired in September 2004 and a Post-Doc is to be hired for proejct in 20042005 timeframe. Keyson is also participating in I-Share Freeband BSIK program in cooperation
with Transparent Interfaces program. Fruedenthal is currently planning two AIO projects in the
area of intelligence in medical technology and at least one Post-Doc position. Collaborations here
are being developed with EU 6th framework and direct funding from medical institutions in the
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. H. de Ridder
prof.dr. J. Aasman
dr. D. Keyson M.Sc.
dr.ir. C.C.M. Hummels
dr.ir. A. Freudenthal
ir. M.P.A.J. de Hoogh
ir. J.W.F. Beusmans
ing. M.C. Rozendaal
E. DeKoven M.A.
ir. M. Melles
ir. M. Vastenburg
ir. S.A.G. Wensveen
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
Residential Gateway Environment project (487K euro budget) with TU Eindhoven, Philips
Research and KPN Research/TNO Telecom completed.
Home Lab developed in IO to support future research on intelligent home systems and
interaction techniques. Home Lab currently being used to support Smart Surroundings Research.
Key publications
Keyson DV, Freudenthal A & Hoogh MPAJ de (2001). Intelligent Thermostt. Netherlands patent
11 Intelligence in products
Bekker, M, Beusmans, JWF, Keyson, DV, & Lloyd, PA (2003). KidReporter: a user requirements
gathering technique for designing with children Interacting with computers 15 (2), 187-202.
Keyson, DV, Hoogh, MPAJ de, & Aasman, J (2003). Designing for pen and speech input in an
object-action framework: the case of email Universal access in the information society 2 (2),
Dekoven, EAM, & Keyson, DV (2002). Measuring task models in designing intelligent products. In
Y Gil & DB Leake (Eds.), 2002 international conference on intelligent user interfaces
(pp. 188-189). New York: ACM.
Freudenthal, A, & Mook, HJ (2003). The evaluation of an innovative intelligent thermostat
interface: universal usability and age differences Cognition technology and work 5, 55-66.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Dekoven, EAM, Keyson, DV, & Freudenthal, A (2001). Designing collaboration in consumer
products. In J. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), Conference on human factors in computing systems
(pp. 195-196). New York: ACM.
Freudenthal, A, Keyson, DV, Dekoven, EAM, & Hoogh, MPAJ de (2001). Communicating extensive
smart home functionality to users of all ages: the design of a mixed-initiative multimodal
thermostat-interface. In (Ed.), OIKOS 2001 workshop (pp. 34-39). Molslaboratoriet.
Wensveen, SAG, & Overbeeke, CJ (2001). Adapting through behaviour: what my alarm clock
should know, do and feel. In M.G. Helander, H.M. Khalid & T.M. Po (Eds.), Proceedings of the
international conference on affective human factors design (pp. 242-247). London, UK: Asean
Academic Press.
Professional publications and products
Freudenthal, A (2001). Ontwerpen van gebruiksvriendelijke menu's. In (Ed.), Documentatie
ouderen en technologie (pp. 127-132). Groningen: KITTZ.
11 Intelligence in products
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Keyson, DV, Freudenthal, A, Hoogh, MPAJ de, & Dekoven, EAM (25-10-2001). Interface unit. no.
Academic publications: book chapters
Freudenthal, A (2002). Transgenerational design to facilitate senior citizens' independence. In
R Pieper, M Vaarama & JL Fozard (Eds.), Gerontechnology: technology and aging - starting into
the third millennium (pp. 101-114). Aachen: Shaker.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bekker, MM, Beusmans, JWF, Keyson, DV, & Lloyd, PA (2002). KidReporter: a method for
engaging children in making a newspaper to gather user requirements. In MM Bekker,
P Markopoulos & M Kersten-Tsikalkina (Eds.), Proceedings of the international workshop
'Interaction design and children' (pp. 138-143). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing BV.
Dekoven, EAM, & Keyson, DV (2002). Empirical comparison of task modeling techniques for
design and development. In LL Constantine (Ed.), Proceedings forUSE 2002 (pp. 287-306).
Rowley: Ampersand Press.
Dekoven, EAM, & Keyson, DV (2002). Evaluating task models embedded in consumer products.
In C Pribeanu & J Vanderdonckt (Eds.), Task models and diagrams for user interface design
(pp. 143-150). Bucharest: INFOREC.
Dekoven, EAM, & Keyson, DV (2002). Measuring task models in designing intelligent products. In
Y Gil & DB Leake (Eds.), 2002 international conference on intelligent user interfaces
(pp. 188-189). New York: ACM.
Freudenthal, A (2002). Designing transgenerational usability in an intelligent thermostat by
following an empirical model of domestic appliance usage. In CW Johnson (Ed.), Proceedings of
the 21st European annual conference on human decision making and control (pp. 134-142).
Glasgow: Department of Computing Science, Univ. of Glasgow.
Keyson, DV (2002). An electronic mobile guide for Artis Zoo. In RL Lagendijk, R Heusdens,
KG Langendoen & WA Serdijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the third international symposium on mobile
multimedia systems and applications (pp. 77-84).
Melles, M, Freudenthal, A, & Bouwman, CAHM (2002). Introducing intelligent systems into the
intensive care unit: a human-centred approach. In C Johnson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 21st
European conference on human decision making and control (pp. 110-117). Glasgow: University
of Glasgow.
Vastenburg, MH, & Keyson, DV (2002). Creating and modeling the user experience in a
residential gateway environment. In RL Lagendijk, R Heusdens, KG Langendoen & WA Serdijn
(Eds.), Proceedings of the third international symposium on mobile multimedia systems and
applications (pp. 101-108).
11 Intelligence in products
Wensveen, SAG, Overbeeke, CJ, & Djajadiningrat, JP (2002). Push me, shove me and I show you
how you feel: recognising mood from emotionally rich interaction. In N MacDonald (Ed.),
DIS2002: serious reflection on designing ineractive systems (pp. 335-340). New York: ACM.
Wensveen, SAG, Overbeeke, CJ, Djajadiningrat, JP, & Luxen, RF (2002). A nod is as good as a
wink to a blind horse: how rich behavioural interaction opens up the experiential. In (Ed.), User
interface software & technology companion (pp. 1-2). Association for Computing Machinery.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bekker, M, Beusmans, JWF, Keyson, DV, & Lloyd, PA (2003). KidReporter: a user requirements
gathering technique for designing with children Interacting with computers 15 (2), 187-202.
Freudenthal, A, & Mook, HJ (2003). The evaluation of an innovative intelligent thermostat
interface: universal usability and age differences Cognition technology and work 5, 55-66.
Keyson, DV, Hoogh, MPAJ de, & Aasman, J (2003). Designing for pen and speech input in an
object-action framework: the case of email Universal access in the information society 2 (2),
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Eggen, B, Rozendaal, MC, & Schimmel, O (2003). Home radio: extending the home experience
beyond the physical boundaries of the house. In s.n. (Ed.), HOIT 2003: the networked home and
the home of the future (pp. 1-14). s.l.: s.n..
Dekoven, EAM, Hoogh, MPAJ de, & Keyson, DV (2003). Rapid prototyping collaborative dialogue
interfaces. In M Rauterberg, M Menozzi & J Wesson (Eds.), Human-computer interaction,
INTERACT '03 (pp. 753-756). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Melles, M, & Freudenthal, A (2003). Next generation equipment in the intensive care unit: data
collection for design guidelines. In MH Lützhöft (Ed.), EAM 2003 (pp. 65-73). Linköping:
University of Linköping.
Other results (patents/awards/prizes)
Geer, MJF van der, Vrooman, HAV, & Freudenthal, A (13-10-2003). Inrichting voor opslag en
weergave van beelddata no 1020351.
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Programme leader
Product advantage and market
acceptance of intelligent products
Prof. dr. E.J. Hultink
This research deals with the phenomenon of intelligent products that have recently become en
vogue within the marketplace. These intelligent products deliver a whole new range of
capabilities that cannot be found in other products. For example, many of these products are
autonomous and reactive or they can co-operate with other products. Examples of such products
are car navigation systems, autonomous lawnmowers, smart thermostats and Sony’s Aibo.
Although intelligent products may seem attractive to consumers in that they are more efficient
and effective versions of their predecessors, it is not clear whether product intelligence
contributes to consumer acceptance and new product success. For example, consumers may
perceive intelligent products as complex and the use of such products risky. In addition,
consumers cannot easily derive the benefits of a new intelligent product from inspecting the
product form, as most benefits are software-related. Marketing communications are therefore
necessary to educate the market so that consumers will comprehend and appreciate these
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research is concerned with the definition of product advantage of new, intelligent products,
and how it can be measured. Product developers can benefit from using such a scale to make
corrections during the NPD process if customer reactions require so. It is investigated how new
functionalities contribute to new product advantage, and how product advantage can be
measured for new intelligent products. Communicating relevant product advantages to the target
group contributes to success. It remains unclear, however, how invisible new intelligent
functionalities should be communicated. It is investigated if the use of analogies helps to
enhance consumer learning of the benefits of new intelligent products. Finally, this programme
also deals with factors influencing the use of market knowledge in high tech new product
development, and how this use of market information is related to the advantages offered by the
new product, and its success rate in the market.
Plans for the research focus
The focus of this research program will remain on the market acceptance of new high-tech,
intelligent products. Three PhD defenses are planned for 2005 (Ait el Houssi, Rijsdijk &
Veldhuizen). The first two PhD students will leave the department in 2004; Veldhuizen will stay
around for some time. To preserve continuity in the research program, it is our intention to start
two new PhD projects in the next six months. One Ph.D. project will focus on the “evaluation of
scenarios for discontinuous products”. This project will investigate if, and when, the use of
scenarios can provide useful and valid market input in the early stages of a new high-tech
product’s development. Consistent with the plans that I discussed in my inaugural speech, we will
also start a new PhD project on branding in new product development. The relationships
between branding and new product development are important but have not been investigated
to a full extent yet. Investigating these relationships is also important as they are core elements
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
of our Master on Strategic Product Design (SPD). Therefore, in January, we start a second PhD
project that will build on a soon to be finished graduation project on “co-branding in new product
launch”. We already have a good candidate for this position.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
We will submit the first PhD proposal on scenarios to STW and to the ICT “speerpunt”.
Unilever is likely interested to be the external partner for this project. Prof. Dr. Cees de Bont
(Free University of Amsterdam) will be the second promoter for the Ph.D. project on co-branding.
This project will likely be sponsored by Philips. We plan to use our contacts with Campina for
additional research funds.
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
prof.dr. E.J. Hultink
prof.dr. W.M. Oppedijk van Veen
prof.dr. J. Aasman
dr. H.M.J.J. Snelders
dr.ir. S.C. Mooy
drs. S.A. Rijsdijk
drs. H.G. Veldhuizen
drs. A. Ait El Houssi
Total research staff
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
Veldhuizen has recently submitted two papers to scientific journals. One paper on the
consequences of market knowledge use in high-tech new product development is now in the
second round of review at the Journal of Product Innovation Management. The other paper on
the antecedents of market knowledge use has been sent out for review to the Journal of
Engineering & Technology Management. Rijsdijk submitted his paper on the development of a
scale to measure product smartness to the A-level Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
(JAMS). This paper is now in the second round of review. Another conference paper by Rijsdijk
on product smartness dimensions and their interactions was invited to be submitted to JPM. El
Houssi won the price for the best paper based on a doctoral dissertation at EMAC, and got her
next paper accepted for the ACR conference. Both papers address the question whether the use
of analogies in marketing communications is helpful to increase consumer comprehension of a
new high-tech product. Papers by Hultink on market orientation in new product launch got
published or accepted in 2004 in journals such as R&D Management, Journal of Product
Innovation Management, and Industrial Marketing Management. He was also selected to be one
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
of the 30 world-wide most active and prolific researchers in the Technology Innovation
Management field by the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT).
Key publications
Rijsdijk, SA, & Hultink, HJ (2003). "Honey, have you seen our hamster?": consumer evaluations
of autonomous domestic products Journal of product innovation management 20, 204-216.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Santema, SC, & Rijt, J van de (2001). Strategy disclosure in Dutch annual reports. European
Management Journal 19 (1), 101-108.
Thoelke, J.M., Hultink, HJ, & Robben, H.S.J. (2001). Launching new product features: a multiple
case examination. Journal of product innovation management 18, 3-14.
Academic publications: book chapters
Santema, SC (2001). E-business in interactieperspectief. In S.C. Santema (Ed.), Marketing voorbij
2001: de visie van 11 hoogleraren (pp. 209-225). CEBO.
Santema, SC (2001). Marketing voorbij 2001, oordelen over tien stellingen. In S.C. Santema
(Ed.), Marketing voorbij 2001: de visie van 11 hoogleraren (pp. 23-34). CEBO.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Ait El Houssi, A., & Mooy, SC (2001). Making the invisible visible and comprehensible: using
learning by analogy to communicate imperceptible functionalities. In P.J. Kitchen (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on corpor@te and m@rketing communications,
April 23-24 (pp. 164-165).
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Langerak, F., & Hultink, HJ (2001). The proficiency in new product commercialization activities of
market-oriented firms. In E. Breivik, A.W. Falkenberg & K. Gronhaug (Eds.), Proceedings from the
30th EMAC conference (pp. 1-5). Stockholm: European Marketing Academy.
Lloyd, PA, & Snelders, HMJJ (2001). What was Philippe Starck thinking of?. In P.A. Lloyd &
H.H.C.M. Christiaans (Eds.), Proceedings of DTRS 5 (pp. 241-256). Delft: DUP Science.
Mooy, SC, & Robben, H.S.J. (2001). The effect of product typicality on information processing in
a direct experience situation. In E. Breivik, A.W. Falkenberg & K. Gronhaug (Eds.), Proceedings
from the 30th EMAC conference (pp. 1-5). Stockholm: European Marketing Academy.
Rijsdijk, SA, & Hultink, HJ (2001). Consumer responses to smart domestic products. In (Ed.), 8th
international product development management conference, June 11-12 (pp. 753-766).
Rijsdijk, SA, & Hultink, HJ (2001). Honey, have you seen our hamster? : consumer responses to
smart domestic products. In E. Breivik, A.W. Falkenberg & K. Gronhaug (Eds.), Proceedings from
the 30th EMAC conference, May 8-11 (CD-ROM) (pp. 1-6). Stockholm: European Marketing
Veldhuizen, H.G., Hultink, HJ, & Griffin, A.J. (2001). A market information model for the
development of new intelligent products. In (Ed.), 8th international product development
management conference, June 11-12 (pp. 933-947).
Professional publications and products
Mooy, SC (2001). Product: Baby Care-flessenwarmer- en sterilisator. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Mooy, SC (2001). Product: Chrysler PT Cruiser. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Mooy, SC (2001). Product: Huggies luiers. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Mooy, SC (2001). Product: Senseo Crema. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Mooy, SC (2001). Productintroductie: Ambi Pur Car. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Rijsdijk, SA (2001). Product: Blackberry from Telfort. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Rijsdijk, SA (2001). Product: HP Laserjet 4100. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Rijsdijk, SA (2001). Product: Siemens wasautomaat WIQ 1430. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Santema, SC (2001). De 4 P's zijn nog niet passé: twaalf hoogleraren over marketing. Tijdschrift
voor marketing 35 (10), 36-39.
Santema, SC, & Posthuma, S. (2001). Interactie marketing model en E-business. MEC Marketeer
8 (35), 24-27.
Veldhuizen, H.G. (2001). Product: 2viewvideo. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Veldhuizen, H.G. (2001). Product: Grolsch 2.5 pink grapefruit. Marketing Actueel, 5.
Veldhuizen, H.G. (2001). Product: Philips DVD recorder (DVDR-1000). Marketing Actueel, 5.
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Debruyne, M, Moenaert, R, Griffin, A, Hart, S, Hultink, HJ & Robben, H (2002). The impact of
new product launch strategies on competitive reaction in industrial markets. Journal of product
innovation management, 19(2), 159-170.
Genang, R & Santema, SC (2002). Rethinking education: from teacher led to learner led learning.
CSS Journal (Computers in the Social Studies), 10(1).
Hultink, HJ & Langerak, F (2002). Launch decisions and competitive reactions: an exploratory
market signaling study. Journal of product innovation management, 19, 199-212.
Mooy, SC & Robben, HSJ (2002). Managing consumers' product evaluations through direct
product experience. Journal of product & brand management, 11(6-7), 432-446.
Vanhamme, J & Snelders, HMJJ (2001). The role of surprise in satisfaction judgements. Journal
of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behaviour, 14, 27-45.
Academic publications: book chapters
Creusen, MEH & Snelders, HMJJ (2002). Product appearance and consumer pleasure. In Green,
WS & Jordan, PW (Ed.), Pleasure with products: beyond usability. (pp. 69-75). London: Taylor &
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Dieffenthaler, AR, Tooren, MJL van (Ch. System Integration: Aircraft Design), Santema, SC &
Beukers, A (Ch. Production Technology) (2002). Assessing the potential of high-technology new
ventures. In -- (Ed.), InnoVisions - International conference on innovation and entrepreneurship.
(pp. 1-15).
Rijsdijk, SA & Hultink, HJ (2002). Product smartness: scale development and validation. In
Farhangmehr, M (Ed.), Marketing in a changing world: scope opportunities and challenges.
(pp. 1-6). Braga: University of Minho.
Rijsdijk, SA & Hultink, HJ (2002). The impact of product smartness on consumer satisfaction
through product advantage, complexity, and compatibility. In Kahn, KB (Ed.), Tomorrow's
product today - from imagination to implementation, PDMA Research conference proceedings
2002. (pp. 177-196). Product Development and Management Association.
Rijsdijk, SA & Hultink, HJ (2002). Smart, smarter, smartest: the development of a measure for an
emerging product characteristic. In -- (Ed.), 9th international product development management
conference. (pp. 743-757).
Veen, W (Sect. Education & Technology), Valkenburg, WF van (Sect. Education & Technology),
Santema, SC & Genang, R (2002). The new generation working force: the Homo Zappiens. In
Driscoll, M & Reeves, TC (Ed.), E-learn 2002. (pp. 1093-1095). AACE.
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Santema, SC (2002). Visie op beleid: in gesprek over de rol van het jaarverslag. Baarn: Scenter,
116 pp.
Professional publications and products
Rijsdijk, SA & Hultink, HJ (2002). Consumentenproducten krijgen steeds hoger IQ. Eye, 5(11),
Rijt, J van de, Santema, SC & Essen, A-S (2002). De effectiviteit van het planningsproces.
Hospitality management, 44-45.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). Bouwen aan relaties. De ontwerpmanager, 5, 21-25.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). CRM in business to business: de cruciale rol van
inkoopgedrag. Tijdschrift voor marketing, 36(12), 48-49.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). Het hoe en waarom van marketingplanning. Bedrijfskundig
vakblad, 14(3), 18-22.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). Marktkennis in b-to-b: voor elke klant een eigen actieplan.
Tijdschrift voor marketing, 36(10), 42-43.
Santema, SC (2002). Spanningsvelden tussen diensten en afnemer. Food commITment, 5(2),
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). 4.E.1 Het hoe en waarom van verkoopplanning. In -- (Ed.),
Praktijkboek Sales. (pp. 4.E.1-01-4.E.1-11). Deventer: Kluwer.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). 4.E.3 Effectieve verkoopplannen: de kunst van het kiezen.
In -- (Ed.), Praktijkboek Sales. (pp. 4.E.3-01-4.E.3-13). Deventer: Kluwer.
Santema, SC & Rijt, J van de (2002). 4.E.4 Effectieve verkoopplannen: de kunst van het kiezen
(deel II). In -- (Ed.), Praktijkboek Sales. (pp. 4.E.4-01-4.E.4-12). Deventer: Kluwer.
Santema, SC (21-12-2001). E-business in ketenperspectief. (). Eindhoven: TU Eindhoven. pp 27.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Hart, S, Hultink, HJ, Tzokas, N, & Commandeur, HR (2003). Industrial companies' evaluation
criteria in new product development gates Journal of product innovation management 20, 22-36.
Rijsdijk, SA, & Hultink, HJ (2003). "Honey, have you seen our hamster?": consumer evaluations
of autonomous domestic products Journal of product innovation management 20, 204-216.
12 Product advantage and market acceptance of intelligent products
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Ait El Houssi, A., Morel, KPN, & Hultink, HJ (2003). The effectiveness of true analogies for
consumer learning of really new products. In s.n. (Ed.), Marketing: responsible and relevant?
(pp. 1-7). s.l.: s.n..
Garrett, T, Hultink, HJ, & Otten, M (2003). International packaging decisions and the new
peoduct development process. In s.n. (Ed.), 10th international product development
management conference (pp. 313-327). s.l.: s.n..
Rijsdijk, SA, & Hultink, HJ (2003). Defining and measuring new product advantage with formative
indicators. In s.n. (Ed.), 10th international product development management conference
(pp. 889-898). s.l.: s.n..
Vanhamme, J, & Snelders, HMJJ (2003). What if you surprise your customers..will they be more
satisfied/? findings from a pilot experiment. In PA Keller & DW Rook (Eds.), Advances in
consumer rsearch annual conference Vol. 30. Advances in consumer research (pp. 48-53).
Valdacosta: Association for Consumer Research.
Veldhuizen, H.G., Hultink, HJ, & Griffin, A (2003). Market information processing for high-tech
products: an empirical investigation. In s.n. (Ed.), 10th international product development
management conference (pp. 1119-1133). s.l.: s.n..
Veldhuizen, H.G., Hultink, HJ, & Griffin, A (2003). Market information processing for more
innovative products: does market information use matter?. In G Barczak (Ed.), The business of
product development: people, process & technology across the life cycle (pp. 11-33). s.l.: s.n..
Driel, H van, Ait El Houssi, A., Kaashoek, P, Morel, KPN, Stokmans, M, & Vink, NY (2003).
Consument en web: een inleiding digitale marketingcommunicatie Amsterdam: Boom.
Professional publications and products
Dresselhuys, C, Snelders, HMJJ, & Schoormans, JPL (2003). Horizontale productlijnen, een goed
idee? Product 11 (5), 2-6.
13 Design for healthy environments
Programme leader
Design for healthy environments
Dr. ir. R.H.M. Goossens
The main focus of the research is on the reduction of the strain on the human body during
professional product use. The emphasis is on the musculo-skeletal system and skin. The
approach entails mathematical modeling, verification experiments on anatomical specimens as
well as healthy subjects and patients. The goal is to generate design requirements for products
so that these do not cause complaints on the musculoskeletal system of the users. The
requirements should anticipate the implementation of these products on a large scale and in
every day activities. One goal of this research is to
obtain insight in problems for the user such as pressure sores, RSI, low back pain, discomfort
and lipoatrophia semicircularis. Understanding the underlying medical aspects of these complaints
and the anatomical deviations of the different users form the basis for biomechanical modeling.
Another focus is on designing products that provide an optimal human-product interaction
necessary to guarantee quality in surgical performance.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research is concerned with the implementation of a dynamic biomechanical model of the
musculo-skeletal system (Anybody) in body supports and with tools that can be used in the
design process. Another subject is the generation of knowledge and a design approach for
products in minimal invasive surgery, such as tele-operation of products, for situations in which
the product handling and vision of the user are indirect.
Plans for the research focus
The research in minimal invasive surgery is focused on the design of the Surgeons Cockpit,
where a physical as well as an informational interface for surgeons will be created, based on
findings of PhD and research students.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
A grant has recently been awarded from the Catharina Hospital, while an STW application is in
progress. A new collaboration has been set up with project group ESQUIRE of the Erasmus
Medical Center.
13 Design for healthy environments
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Total research staff
prof.dr.ir. C.J. Snijders
dr.ir. R.H.M. Goossens
dr.ir. M.A. van Veelen
ir. M.A. van Veelen
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
The main results of the research sre:
• Design outline for future operation rooms in Mininal Invasive Surgery
• New design guidelines for (office) chairs
Key publications
Goossens, RHM, Snijders, CJ, Roelofs, GY, & Buchem, F (2003). Free shoulder space
requirements in the design of high backrests Ergonomics 46 (5), 518-530.
Veelen, MA van (2003). Human-product interaction in minimally invasive surgery: a design vision
for innovative products Delft University of Technology (243 pag.). Prom./coprom.: Jacobs, JJ, &
Snijders, CJ
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
13 Design for healthy environments
Academic publications in refereed journals
Deursen, DL van, Deursen, L.L.J.M. van, Snijders, CJ, & Goossens, RHM (2000). Effect of
continuous rotary seat pan movements on physiological oedema of the lower extremities during
prolonged sitting (niet eerder opgenomen). International journal of industrial ergonomics 26,
Deursen, DL van, Snijders, CJ, Dieen, J.H. van, & et Al., ? (2001). The effect of passive vertebral
rotation on pressure in the nucleus pulposus. Journal of biomechanics 34, 405-408.
Goossens, RHM, & Veelen, MA van (2001). Assessment of ergonomics in laparoscopic surgery.
Minimally invasive therapy & allied technologies 10 (3), 175-179.
Putten, E.P. van der, & Snijders, CJ (2001). Shoe design for prevention of injuries in sport
climbing. Applied ergonomics 32, 379-387.
Snijders, CJ, Griffioen-Van Dijk, I.P.M., Vlaanderen, E., & Augustijn, C.D. (2001). Responsibilities
and involvement of players in the development of successful medical products. Technology and
Health Care 9 (1/2), 105-107.
Snijders, CJ, Griffioen-Van Dijk, I.P.M., Vlaanderen, E., & Augustijn, C.D. (2001). Responsibilities
and involvement of players in the development of successful medical products. In (Ed.), Sixth
biennial conference of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine (pp. 105-107).
Veelen, MA van, Meijer, D.W., Goossens, RHM, & Snijders, CJ (2001). New ergonomic design
criteria for handles of laparoscopic dissection forceps. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced
Surgical Techniques 11 (1), 17-26.
Veelen, MA van, Goossens, RHM, Jakimowicz, J.J., Jacobs, JJ, Meijer, D.W., & Snijders, CJ
(2001). New ergonomic guidelines for laparoscopic instruments. Minimally invasive therapy &
allied technologies 10 (3), 163-167.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Ponson, KJ, Hoek van Dijke, GA, Joosse, P, & Snijders, CJ (2002). Improvement of external
fixator performance in type C pelvic ring injuries by plating of the pubic symphysis: an
experimental study on 12 external fixators. Journal of trauma-injury infection and critical care 53
(5), 907-913.
Veelen, MA van, Kazemier, G, Koopman, J, Goossens, RHM, & Meijer, DW (2002). Assessment of
the ergonomically optimal operating surface height for laparoscopic surgery. Journal of
laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques- part a 12 (1), 47-52.
Veelen, MA van, Jakimowicz, JJ, Goossens, RHM, Meijer, DW, & Bussmann, JBJ (2002).
Evaluation of the usability of two types of image display systems, during laparoscopy. Surgical
endoscopy-ultrasound and interventional techniques 16 (4), 674-678.
13 Design for healthy environments
Veelen, MA van, Meijer, DW, Goossens, RHM, Snijders, CJ, & Jakimowicz, JJ (2002). Improved
usability of a new handle design for laparoscopic dissection forceps. Surgical endoscopyultrasound and interventional techniques 16, 201-207.
Snijders, CJ, Goossens, RHM, & Vink, P (2002). Comfortabele collegebanken. In P Vink (Ed.),
Comfortabel en slim werken (pp. 76-77). Zeist: Kerckebosch bv.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Goossens, RHM, Snijders, CJ, Roelofs, GY, & Buchem, F (2003). Free shoulder space
requirements in the design of high backrests Ergonomics 46 (5), 518-530.
Plantenga, RA, Voorbij, AIM, Snijders, CJ, & Voorbach, H (2003). Work load reduction through a
new roll container traction device Disability and rehabilitation 25 (4-5), 242-246.
Tuijthof, GJM, Engelen, SJPM van, Herder, JL, Goossens, RHM, Snijders, CJ, & Dijk, CN van
(2003). Ergonomic handle for an arthroscopic cutter Minimally invasive therapy & allied
technologies 12 (1-2), 82-90.
Veelen, MA van, Nederlof, EAL, Goossens, RHM, Schot, CJ, & Jakimowicz, JJ (2003). Ergonomic
problems encountered by the medical team related to products used for minimally invasive
surgery Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques 17, 1077-1081.
Veelen, MA van, Snijders, CJ, Leeuwen, E van, Goossens, RHM, & Kazemier, G (2003).
Improvement of foot pedals used during surgery based on new ergonomic guidelines Surgical
endoscopy and other interventional techniques 17, 1086-1091.
Veelen, MA van, Meijer, DW, Uijttewaal, I, Goossens, RHM, Snijders, CJ, & Kazemier, G (2003).
Improvement of the laparascopic needle holder based on new ergonomic guidelines Surgical
endoscopy and other interventional techniques 17, 699-703.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Goossens, RHM, & Snijders, CJ (2003). Just noticeable pressure differences on the buttocks. In
s.n. (Ed.), IEA 2003 (pp. 1-4). s.l.: s.n..
Ph.D. theses
Veelen, MA van (31-03-2003). Human-product interaction in minimally invasive surgery: a design
vision for innovative products Delft University of Technology (243 pag.). Prom./coprom.:
Jacobs, JJ, & Snijders, CJ
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Programme leader
Dynamic anthropometry
Dr. ir. J.F.M. Molenbroek
This research has a focus on understanding human-product and goal interaction during product
use starting from an anthropometric point of view, emphasizing the wide variance in the
population of users. There is no exclusion of target groups or lifestyles; dependent living elderly
and students with RSI are examples of relevant populations. In many cases understanding and
describing the interaction between man and product cannot be in physical terms only, but require
cognitive and perceptual aspects too. This certainly holds when the dynamics of product usage is
the focus of research. The goal of this research is twofold: first, an analysis of these dynamic
aspects during use; second, development of tools to provide these data to the designer of
everyday products.
Strategy and policy
Research subject
The research is dealing the following issues. (1) The causal factors of RSI in terms of user
activities, and how these factors can be neutralized by design. (2) AIS (Anthropometric
Information System). On the basis of mathematical modeling, 1-D and 2-D data can be
‘dynamized’ into 3-D data, including a time axis (4-D). Methods to present the to designers in a
significant and applicable way.(3) Computer based tools and the extent predictions on the basis
of such tools may be biased as a consequence of the way of tool application.(4) Observational
study into the usage of ladders and the study of participatory ergonomics.
Plans for the research focus
The focus is shifting to 3D Photogrammetry of humans in relation to
the development of educational tools for designers. Another possible focus point is to explore our
increasing knowledge on the usage of elderly and handicapped of toilet and hygiene products
through our current (EU-funded) Friendly Rest Room project.
Plans for new collaborations and funding
One of the spinn offs of the European FRR network is the involvement in HYPER, a new
EU-project that will research and develop innovative products in the field of hygiene for elderly
and handicapped. This subsidy will be requested within the 7th framework and together with our
partner CSO from Debrecen, Hungary.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Researchers and other personnel
Table 1 Research staff in fte
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Other tenured staff
Total tenured staff
Non-tenured staff
PhD students
Total research staff
prof.dr.ir. P. Vink
dr.ir. J.F.M. Molenbroek
ir. M.C. Dekker
ir. P.N. Hoekstra
ir. I.A. Ruiter
ir. R. de Bruin
M.H. van Weeren
ir. R. Veenstra
dr.ir. A.I.M. Voorbij
B. Zhang M.Sc.
Overview of the results
Scientific highlights
A succesful completion of the EU-GENIE-project: a collaboration of 44 partners in the field of
gerontechnology see www.io.tudelft.nl/research/ergonomics/genie.
A journal paper about this project has been published in 2004. in Gerontechnology.
The start of the Friendly Rest Room project (3 Million Euro), coordinated by Molenbroek and de
Bruin. This project was presented at the conference Include in London in 2003
As a spin-off of the Geron-project (1993-1998), a journal paper about the forces of emergency
doors was published in Applied Ergonomics in 2001, which caused a lot of publicity.
Trough the Delft anthropometric measurements of 2400 children in 1993 the CEN-standard of
school furniture is essential modified on 3 points:
-with a new 7th seat height (for the tall Dutch)
-with another key dimension (popliteal height in stead of stature)
-with a user friendly manual and a simple measuring equipment that explains how the standard
This was published also in Applied Ergonomics in January 2003
The DINED-table has lasted 20 years (1982-2002) as a standard for a good estimation of the
anthropometry of Dutch adults; This is also available trough internet for designers on an
interactive way on the website of Dynamic Anthropometry www.dined.nl
Together with TNO a new design has been made in 2003
In 2000 a international group WEAR was founded during the Ergonomics
Conference in SAN DIEGO; the objective of WEAR is to develop a web portal
to show which country has which anthropometry available and to make this
accessible. See http://ovrt.nist.gov/projects/wear/
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Key publications
Molenbroek, JFM, Kroon-Ramaekers, YMT, & Snijders, CJ (2003). Revision of the design of a
standard for the dimensions of school furniture Ergonomics 46 (7), 681-694.
Table 2 Results of the programme
publications in refereed journals
publications in other journals
publications: book chapters
publications in conference proceedings
Total academic publications
Ph.D. theses
Professional publications and products
Academic publications in refereed journals
Bruin, R de, & Molenbroek, JFM (2001). RSI bij studenten: een casestudie naar de omvang, ernst
en oorzaken van RSI-gerelateerde klachten. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 26 (4), 17-28.
Looze, M.P. de, Urlings, I.J.M., Vink, P, & et Al., ? (2001). Towards successful physical stress
reducing products: an evaluation of seven cases. Applied ergonomics 32 (5), 525-534.
Molenbroek, JFM, & Voorbij, AIM (2001). Aanzet tot een nieuwe Nederlandse antropometrie-tabel
voor lichaamsmaten: de DINED revisited. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 26 (3), 25-30.
Vink, P, Pennock, H., Scheijndel, P. van, & Dort, B. van (2001). Verschillende rollen bij het
toepassen van partitatieve ergonomie. Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 26 (3), 19-23.
Voorbij, AIM, & Steenbekkers, LPA (2001). The composition of a graph on the decline of total
body strength with age based on pushing, pulling, twisting and gripping force. Applied
ergonomics 32, 287-292.
Academic publications: book chapters
Zhang, B, & Molenbroek, JFM (2001). 3D anthropometric data to support human centered
industrial design. In (Ed.), Occupational ergonomics (pp. 142-144). Tianjin Science and
Technology Press.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Hoekstra, PN (2001). Some notes on the issue of anthropometrical accuracy in digital human
modeling manikins. In K.M. Robinette & et Al. (Eds.), SAE digital human modeling for design and
engineering conference (pp. 1-7). Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers.
Jong, AM de (2001). A three-phased model of participatory ergonomics processes to improve
work in the construction industry. In (Ed.), Proceedings of the international conference on
promotion of health through ergonomic working and living conditions (pp. 383-387). Tampere,
Finland: University of Tampere.
Ruiter, IA (2001). Applied ergonomics - teaching ergonomics to first-year students. In
L.M. Pacholski, J.S. Marcinkowski & W.M. Horst (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th international
seminar of ergonomics teachers (pp. 157-166). Poznan (Poland): Poznan University of
Ruiter, IA (2001). Development of a checklist for the use of anthropometric man-models. In
(Ed.), 2001 digital human modeling for design and engineering conference proceedings (pp. 1-5).
Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers.
Professional publications and products
Groot, M.D. de, & Molenbroek, JFM (2001). Zintuigstimulering: nieuw snoezelmateriaal voor
mannen met dementie. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie 32 (okt.), 210-212.
Hoekstra, PN (2001). Computer manikins: de menselijke werkplek digitaal getoetst. Product 9
(2), 7-10.
Molenbroek, JFM (2001). Op maat, ook van ouderen. In (Ed.), Documentatie ouderen en
technologie (pp. 111-118). Groningen: KITTZ.
Molenbroek, JFM, Stephan, C.A., & Swarte, G. (2001). Design for all in werksituaties:
inventarisatie van werkaanpassingen. : Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.
Steenbekkers, LPA (2001). Ontwerprelevante ergonomische gegevens van ouderen in Nederland.
In (Ed.), Documentatie ouderen en technologie (pp. 119-125). Groningen: KITTZ.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Haines, H, Wilson, JR, Vink, P, & Koningsveld, E (2002). Validating a framework for the
participatory ergonomics (the PEF). Ergonomics 45 (4), 309-327.
Jong, AM de, & Vink, P (2002). Participatory ergonomics applied in installation work. Applied
ergonomics 33 (5), 439-448.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Lingen, P van, Rhijn, JW van, Looze, M de, Vink, P, Koningsveld, E, Tuinzaad, G, & Leskinen, T
(2002). ERGOtool for the integral improvement of ergonomics and process flow in assembly.
International journal of production research 40 (15), 3973-3980.
Veenstra, R, & Molenbroek, JFM (2002). Design for All, de stand van zaken. Tijdschrift voor
ergonomie 27 (5), 19-22.
Vink, P, Miedema, M, Koningsveld, E, & Molen, H van der (2002). Physical effects of new devices
for bricklayers. International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 8 (1), 71-82.
Voorbij, AIM, & Steenbekkers, LPA (2002). The twisting force of aged consumers when opening a
jar. Applied ergonomics 33, 105-109.
Academic publications: book chapters
Eijnatten, F.M. van, & Vink, P (2002). Participative simulation in the PSIM project. In FM van
Eijnatten (Ed.), Intelligent manufacturing through participation - A participative simulation
environment for integral manufacturing enterprise renewal (pp. 9-19). Hoofddorp: TNO Arbeid.
Molenbroek, JFM, Snijders, CJ, & Vink, P (2002). Comfortabele schoolbanken. In P Vink (Ed.),
Comfortabel en slim werken (pp. 82-84). Zeist: Kerckebosch bv.
Overbeeke, CJ, & Vink, P (2002). Comfortabel zitten door aanpassing aan emotie. In P Vink (Ed.),
Comfortabel en slim werken (pp. 61-63). Zeist: Kerckebosch bv.
Overbeeke, CJ, Vink, P, & Cheung, FK (2002). The emotion-aware office chair. An exploratory
study. In (Ed.), Report of Modeling the Evaluation Structure of KANSEI 2001 (Evaluation of
Kansei, 5, pp. 117-121). Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba.
Vink, P (2002). Comfortabel en slim werken. Zeist: Kerckebosch bv.
Vink, P, & Beune, E (2002). Participatieve ergonomie. In p Voskamp, PAM van Scheijndel & KJ
Peereboom (Eds.), Handboek ergonomie (pp. 327-336). Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
Vink, P, & Eijnatten, F.M. van (2002). Participation: a key for intelligent manufacturing. In B
Stanford-Smith, E Chiozza & M Edin (Eds.), Challenges and achievements in E-business and
E-work, part 2 (pp. 1328-1335). Amsterdam: IOS.
Vink, P, Overbeeke, CJ, & Krause, F (2002). Overwegingen over comfort. In P Vink (Ed.),
Comfortabel en slim werken (pp. 8-15). Zeist: Kerckebosch bv.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bovenkamp, M van de, Jongkind, R, Rhijn, JW van, Eijnatten, F.M. van, Grote, G, Lehtelä, J,
Leskinen, T, Vink, P, Little, S, & Wäfler, T (2002). The E/S tool: IT-support for ergonomic and
sociotechnical system design. In H Arisawa, Y Kambayashi, V Kumar, HC Mayr & I Hunt (Eds.),
Conceptual modeling for new information systems technologies Vol. 2465. Lecture notes in
computer science (pp. 67-80). Berlin: Springer.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Jong, AM de, Vink, P, & Koningsveld, E (2002). Factors influencing adoption of innovations: the
use of participation in a case-study on glaziers' work. In S Hecker (Ed.), Power through
partnerships conference proceedings (pp. 433-437).
Molenbroek, JFM (2002). Some tools for understanding anthropometry. In HU Lemke, MW
Vannier, K Inamura, AG Farman, K Doi & JHC Reiber (Eds.), Computer assisted radiology and
surgery (pp. 593-598). Springer.
Ruiter, IA (2002). Towards the design of safe(r) products. In LM Pacholski, JS Marcinkowski &
W Horst (Eds.), Occupational risk in didactic, learning and training of ergonomics, work safety
and labour protection (pp. 305-312). Poznan: Poznan University of Technology.
Vink, P, & Eijnatten, F.M. van (2002). Participation: the key to intelligent manufacturing
improvement. In H Arisawa, Y Kambayashi, V Kumar, HC Mayr & I Hunt (Eds.), Conceptual
modeling for new information systems technologies Vol. 2465. Lecture notes in computer science
(pp. 1-9). Berlin: Springer.
Zhang, B, Molenbroek, JFM, & Snijders, CJ (2002). Fundamental research of mathematical model
of the human body. In (Ed.), Proceedings of digital human modeling conference, VDI Berichte
1675 (pp. 65-68). Dusseldorf: VDI Verlag & SAE International.
Ph.D. theses
Jong, AM de (26-11-2002). Het verbeteren van arbeidsomstandigheden op de bouwplaats.
Innoveren op participatieve wijze. Technische Universiteit Delft (137 pag.). (Delft: Technische
Universiteit Delft). Prom./coprom.: Vink, P, Andriessen, JHTH, Schaefer, WF, Ridder, HAJ de,
Frings-Dresen, MHW, Cauberg, JJM, & Witteveen, J
Professional publications and products
Dekker, MC (2002). www.gerontechnology.info/genie. website.
Dekker, MC (2002). www.io.tudelft.nl/rsi. website.
Koningsveld, EAP, Jong, AM de, Kroon, JCA de, & Vink, P (2002). Comfortabel en slim metselen.
In (Ed.), Comfortabel en slim werken (pp. 94-96). Zeist: Uitgeverij Kerckebosch bv.
Neveryd, H, Molenbroek, JFM, & Panek, P (2002). Friendly rest rooms for elderly and disabled
persons - a user centered R&D project. Gerontechnology 2 (1), 94.
Nicolle, C, Dekker, MC, & Molenbroek, JFM (2002). The GENIE workshops and their contribution
to curricula for inclusive design. Gerontechnology 2 (1), 152-153.
Osinga, DSC, Becker, JC, & Vink, P (2002). Comfortabel .... en veilig trambesturen. Product 10
(5), 35-36.
Osinga, DSC, Becker, JC, & Vink, P (2002). Design einer komfortablen und sicheren
Strassenbahn-Fahrerkabine. Stadtverkehr 47 (5), 38-40.
Vink, P, & Grinten, MP van der (2002). Comfortabel vliegtuigbeladen. Product 10 (2), 27-28.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Vink, P, & Grinten, MP van der (2002). Comfortabel zitten .... door aanpassing emotie. Product 10
(4), 36-37.
Vink, P, Jong, AM de, Koningsveld, E, & Molen, H van der (2002). Slim en gezond bouwen:
ergonomische innovatie in bedrijf (deel2). Arbeidsomstandigheden 78 (3), 46-49.
Vink, P (12-06-2002). Comfort. (). Delft: TU Delft (48 pag.).
Vink, P, & Breed, NF (2002). Innovatie, ergonomie en implementatie: verslag van een Senterbijeenkomst "Preventie van arbeidsuitval". Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 27 (4), 28-31.
Jellema, AH (2002). De tussenwervelschijf: mechanische eigenschappen van de
tussenwervelschijf; gevolgen voor het denken over staan, zitten en beweging. NVBF Nieuwsbrief
7 (1), 4-10.
Academic publications in refereed journals
Molenbroek, JFM, Kroon-Ramaekers, YMT, & Snijders, CJ (2003). Revision of the design of a
standard for the dimensions of school furniture Ergonomics 46 (7), 681-694.
Groot, M.D. de, Voorbij, AIM, & Molenbroek, JFM (2003). Het gebruik van antropometrische
gegevens bij het opstellen van normen voor kantoorstoelen Tijdschrift voor ergonomie 28 (4),
Schotte, ER, Molenbroek, JPM & Rotink, RIM, Heidweiller A.J. & Flipsen, SFJ (2003). Het
herontwerp van een zuurstofconcentrator. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie 28 (6), 21-28.
Academic publications in conference proceedings
Bruin, R de, Molenbroek, JFM, Groothuizen, T, & Weeren, MH van (2003). On the development of
a friendly rest room. In R Coleman & J Myerson (Eds.), Include 2003: inclusive design for society
and business (pp. 14: 570-14:576). London: Helen Hamlyn Research Centre.
Molenbroek, JFM, & Steenbekkers, LPA (2003). Age effects in body joint motion of older and
younger adults. In s.n. (Ed.), IEA 2003 (pp. 1-4). s.l.: s.n..
Veenstra, R, & Molenbroek, JFM (2003). Design for all in the working environment: inventory of
workspace adaptations. In R Coleman & J Myerson (Eds.), Include 2003: inclusive design for
society and business (pp. 12:488-12:493). London: Helen Hamlyn Research Centre.
Professional publications and products
Visser, J., Vink, P, Ruiter, IA, & König, T (2003). Development of a handheld steelfixing tool
Communiqué, 8-11.
14 Dynamic anthropometry
Visser, J., König, T, Ruiter, IA, & Vink, P (2003). Comfortabel betonstaalvlechten Product 11 (4),
Appendix 1
Summary of external research funding to IDE
Overview of externally funded research projects (second or third stream money) in IDE. Projects
that started in 2002 or later, with external contribution of more than € 10,000 are listed.
Project title
Project leader
Customer / Subsidizer
/ Programme
Friendly Restroom
2002 to 2005
Subsidy /
€ 252,254
Residential Gateway
Senter TS
2002 to 2004
€ 292,796
Multi-modal experience
2002 to 2007
€ 404,000
Christiaans, Diehl
2002 to 2004
E-HUBs - Holonomic UBS
2002 to 2004
Cactus (Freeband)
De Ridder
2002 to 2004
€ 211,500
Connecting 3D scanning to
industrial design
Freeform Shape Techniques for
Improved ..
licentie PrEmo
2003 to 2005
€ 116,000
2003 to 2005
€ 247,400
Procter& Gamble
2003 to 2004
Meten is weten
Senter TS
2003 to 2006
€ 115,291
2003 to 2007
€ 217,952
Rots Matbase-Idemat
Rots Design
2003 to 2008
Sound design
Van Egmond
Philips Design
2003 to 2005
ARIS*ER - Augmented reality in
EU KP6 Marie Curie
2004 to 2008
€ 369,259
EU KP6 Coord. Action
2004 to 2007
Smart Surroundings
2004 to 2007
€ 559,127
I-Share (Freeband)
De Ridder
2004 to 2008
€ 195,741
Secondment of Pieter Desmet at
P&G phase 1
Mr. Clean Magic Motion
Procter& Gamble
Van Egmond
Procter& Gamble
2004 to 2008
> € 40,000
Licence PrEmo + further
Applied EcoDesign: sponsoring of
Sensory Dominance
2004 to 2007
2004 to 2009
€ 166,721
Entrance Future
Boon Edam Group
2004 to 2005
Secondment of Pieter Desmet at
P&G phase 2
Procter& Gamble