2015-0823 FoLI EAG_DMF Rally
2015-0823 FoLI EAG_DMF Rally
DON MONTI RALLY FOR CANCER SUNDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 2015 STARING AT: FERRARI MASERATI OF LONG ISLAND | PORSCHE OF SOUTH SHORE | GOLD COAST MASERATI ENDING AT: CREST HOLLOW COUNTRY CLUB OBJECTIVE: Please join us in a group wide rally in support of Stuart Hayim’s record breaking run around Long Island. Join us as we gather together and unXe all of our dealerships on the Island as one to fight Cancer. ACTIVATION: The rally will start at Ferrari-‐MaseraX of Long Island and pass through our other dealerships on the island (Porsche of South Shore and Gold Coast MaseraX) picking up other groups of vehicles. Each sign-‐ in at our checkpoints will earn a CHECK IN TICKET for a chance at winning the GRAND RAFFLE PRIZE. Once we are united we will rally to Crest Hollow Country Club where we will be greeted by Caroline MonX, Stuart Hayim and Recovery, the custom built 51’ MTI which will help propel Stuart to victory on his record breaking run around Long Island in the weeks to come. RALLY TO CREST HOLLOW FERRARI MASERATI OF LONG ISLAND Star7ng loca7on at FMLI at 9am for a conXnental breakfast. Receive your first CHECK IN RAFFLE TICKET for your chance for the Grand Raffle Prize. Dont forget to post on your social media #DMFRALLY2015 for our contest. Please arrive early to check in. Rally will depart to Porsche of South Shore, Freeport promptly at 9:30am. PORSCHE OF SOUTH SHORE Whether its your starXng point or your second check in, be sure to collect your CHECK IN RAFFLE TICKET to increase your chances for the Grand Raffle Prize and upload to your social media #DMFRALLY2015 to enter for your chance to win the door prize for best picture at the event. Light breakfast will be served for guests waiXng for the first leg to arrive from 9:30am. Rally will conXnue promptly at 10am to Gold Coast MaseraX, Great Neck. GOLD COAST MASERATI Enjoy the scene as our exoXc cars rally down Northern Blvd over a light conXnental breakfast available for you at CHECK IN. Arrive by 9:30am and receive Two CHECK IN RAFFLE TICKETS. Put your photo skills to the test and capture the moment as the rally approaches the store and #DMFRALLY2015 to your social media page. You just may win the door prize. Rally will convene to the final desXnaXon promptly at 10:30am to Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury CREST HOLLOW COUNTRY CLUB Join Recovery, Stuart Hayim and Caroline MonX from the Don MonX FoundaXon at the BeauXful Crest Hollow Country Club. Refreshments and Brunch will be served tol guests as we gather around Recovery before it’s race. Guests will have the opportunity to wish Stuart the best of luck as he will dedicate this race to the Don MonX FoundaXon. Don’t forget to upload to your social media #DMFRALLY2015 #RECOVERYRACING #DMFRALLYFORCANCER #EXPERIENCEAUTOGROUP RSVP and DONATE Minimum donaXons of $150 allows you and a guest to take part of the rally and the private recepXon at Crest Hollow Country Club. All proceeds will benefit the Don MonX FoundaXon RSVP: www.dmfrally2015.splashthat.com | DONATE: www.donmonXfoundaXon.org ADDED VALUE FOR ALL SPONSORS AND DONORS Sponsorship Opportunity (Minimum donaXon and/or In-‐kind donaXons for Raffle Prize) • InvitaXon for up to 5 guests to the rally + recepXon at Crest Holow • Logo and sponsor menXon at the Crest Hollow Don MonX FoundaXon RecepXon • Logo on Recovery boat (to be completed for the actual race) • Invite to the Post-‐ Race Ferrari RecepXon in September and menXon of sponsorship • Inclusion of company on any press, media and social media outlet CONTACT: Soojin Kim or Stephanie Barbuck: [email protected] or [email protected]