- Pacific Disaster Net
- Pacific Disaster Net
Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 www.elsevier.com/locate/margeo Sea-cli¡ erosion as a function of beach changes and extreme wave runup during the 1997^1998 El Nin‹o Asbury H. Sallenger Jr. a; , William Krabill b , John Brock a , Robert Swift c , Serdar Manizade c , Hilary Stockdon a a US Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology, 600 Fourth Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, USA b NASA, Wallops Flight Facility, GSFC, Wallops Island, VA, USA c EG and G, Wallops Flight Facility, GSFC, Wallops Island, VA, USA Received in revised form 28 February 2002 Abstract Over time scales of hundreds to thousands of years, the net longshore sand transport direction along the central California coast has been driven to the south by North Pacific winter swell. In contrast, during the El Nin‹o winter of 1997^1998, comparisons of before and after airborne lidar surveys showed sand was transported from south to north and accumulated on the south sides of resistant headlands bordering pocket beaches. This resulted in significant beach erosion at the south ends of pocket beaches and deposition in the north ends. Coincident with the south-to-north redistribution of sand, shoreline morphology became prominently cuspate with longshore wavelengths of 400^700 m. The width and elevation of beaches were least where maximum shoreline erosion occurred, preferentially exposing cliffs to wave attack. The resulting erosional hotspots typically were located in the embayments of giant cusps in the southern end of the pocket beaches. The observed magnitude of sea cliff retreat, which reached 14 m, varied with the number of hours that extreme wave runup exceeded certain thresholds representing the protective capacity of the beach during the El Nin‹o winter. A threshold representing the width of the beach performed better than a threshold representing the elevation of the beach. The magnitude of cliff erosion can be scaled using a simple model based on the cross-shore distance that extreme wave runup exceeded the pre-winter cliff position. Cliff erosion appears to be a balance between terrestrial mass wasting processes, which tend to decrease the cliff slope, and wave attack, which removes debris and erodes the cliff base increasing the cliff slope. 7 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: erosion; beaches; El Nin‹o; sea cli¡s 1. Introduction Sea-cli¡ erosion is highly episodic, commonly occurring during severe storms that have elevated wave energy and rainfall. Rates of erosion are * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (A.H. Sallenger Jr.). controlled by a number of factors including the sea cli¡’s composition, and its susceptibilities to wave impact and mass wasting due to saturation of sediments by rain water and other processes. For example, in southern California, rates of seacli¡ erosion appear to be controlled by the strength of the rock rather than by spatial variations in wave energy (Benumof et al., 2000). Along reaches of coast where sea-cli¡ composi- 0025-3227 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter 7 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 2 7 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 1 6 - X MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 280 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 tion is relatively uniform, erosion has been observed to decrease as fronting beaches become more substantial (e.g. Giese and Aubrey, 1987; Everts, 1991; Carter and Guy, 1988). The implication is that beaches protect the sea cli¡s from wave attack. Shih et al. (1994) and Ruggiero et al. (1996) attempted to quantify the role of waves in sea-cli¡ erosion. They concluded that increased duration or probability of runup exceeding the elevation of the base of a cli¡, leads to enhanced sea-cli¡ retreat. In contrast, for some cases, waves may not be the dominant forcing. Hampton and Dingler (1998) documented sea-cli¡ erosion in central California primarily caused by freshwater processes such as groundwater seepage and surface-water runo¡. Hapke and Richmond (in press) compared and contrasted cli¡ failures resulting from earthquake shaking to failures resulting from wave attack. During a major El Nin‹o in 1982^1983, intense winter storms caused extensive changes to beaches, dunes, and sea cli¡s along the US west coast (e.g. Komar, 1986; Griggs and Brown, 1998). During an El Nin‹o winter, Paci¢c storm tracks move farther to the south than usual, generating unusually powerful waves in California, along the southern part of the west coast (Seymour, 1998; Allen and Komar, 2000a; Allen and Komar, 2000b; Storlazzi and Griggs, 2000). In a series of papers focused on the Oregon coast in the Paci¢c Northwest, Komar and co-workers observed net northward sand transport in pocket beaches during severe El Nin‹o winters, presumably a result of this southerly shift in storm tracks generating a more southerly wave approach (Komar, 1986; Komar et al., 1988; Komar and Good, 1989; Komar, 1998; Revelle et al., in press). They hypothesized that the net sand transport led to exposure of sea cli¡s in the southern ends of pocket beaches to wave attack, resulting in erosional hotspots. With forecasts of extreme winter storms on the US west coast during the the 1997^1998 El Nin‹o, an opportunity arose to examine sea-cli¡ erosion with unprecedented spatial coverage using airborne scanning lidar1 , a technology only recently applied to coastal change (Brock et al., 1999; Brock et al., in press ; Carter and Shrestha, 1997; Gutierrez et al., 1998; Sallenger et al., 1999a, 1999b; Krabill et al., 2000; Sallenger et al., 2001a, 2001b; Revelle et al., in press; Sallenger et al., in press). USGS, with our partners in NASA and NOAA, conducted extensive coastal surveys on the US west coast, at the beginning of and following the 1997^1998 El Nin‹o winter (October^March) utilizing NASA’s Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) (Sallenger et al., 1999b). In this paper, we use the ATM data to develop relationships between sea-cli¡ erosion and beach changes within pocket beaches in central California. Speci¢cally, we test the following hypotheses: (1) During the 1997^1998 El Nin‹o winter, net sand transport was in the opposite direction to the long-term net direction along the central California coast. (2) This net sand transport, preferentially denuded beaches in the southern ends of pocket beaches, exposing cli¡s to the attack of waves, creating erosional hotspots. (3) The magnitude of observed sea-cli¡ erosion was a function of beach characteristics, where wide, high beaches served to protect cli¡s and limit erosion relative to narrow, low beaches. (4) A simple model, based on the horizontal position of extreme wave runup relative to the horizontal position of the sea cli¡, can be used to scale sea-cli¡ erosion. 2. Methods 2.1. NASA’s Airborne Topographic Mapper Most previous investigations of sea-cli¡ erosion used sequential aerial photography, historic maps, and/or ground surveys to develop cli¡-position time series and magnitudes of cli¡ retreat (e.g. Jones and Williams, 1991; Kirk, 1975; Lajoie and Mathieson, 1985; Carter and Guy, 1988; Sunamura and Horikawa, 1972 ; and Hampton 1 Lidar stands for ‘light detecting and ranging’, similar to radar that stands for ‘radio detecting and ranging’. Both are now accepted words. MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 and Dingler, 1998). Airborne scanning lidar provides estimates of elevation every few m2 over regional scales of tens to hundreds of kilometers of coast, allowing unprecedented assessment of the spatial variability of beach and sea-cli¡ changes. The ATM was mounted in a NOAA two-engine Twin Otter aircraft from NOAA’s Aircraft Operations Center at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL. The transmitted pulse of the ATM’s blue^green laser is re£ected to the earth’s surface using a rotating scan mirror. The rotating mirror produces an elliptical scan pattern with a swath width of 350 m, about 50% of the aircraft altitude. The aircraft pitch, roll, and heading are obtained with an inertial navigation system and the positioning of the aircraft is found with Ashtech Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers using kinematic di¡erential techniques (Krabill and Martin, 1987). The local meteorological conditions such as air pressure, temperature and relative humidity are also recorded and used to help resolve ambiguities. The precise ephemeris of the GPS constellation is used to solve for the aircraft trajectory because the distance between base station and rover exceeds 30^40 km. With the aircraft parked close to the base station, GPS data sets from both the aircraft and base station are obtained for about 45 min prior to and after each survey. These stationary data sets are used to resolve carrier phase ambiguities. Extensive intercomparisons were made between ATM and ground-based systems on beaches. In general, the vertical accuracy of the ATM for beach mapping applications was approximately 15 cm RMS (Sallenger et al., in press). 2.2. Calculating wave runup The parameters used in this paper to scale the magnitude of sea-cli¡ erosion incorporate, in several di¡erent ways, wave runup, similar to the approach of Sallenger (2000) to scale the impact of storms on barrier islands. Runup was calculated as described below. Using data from Duck, NC, Holman (1986) found the 2% exceedence of runup, which includes 281 both swash height and wave setup as R2% ¼ Ho ð0:83 ho þ 0:2Þ ð1Þ The Iribarren number is ho ¼ L=ðHo =Lo Þ1=2 ð2Þ where L is the local beach slope, Ho is the deep water signi¢cant wave height, and Lo is the deepwater wavelength. Hence, a representative runup elevation, that is, the 2% exceedence runup elevation relative to a ¢xed vertical datum is R ¼ R2% þ Rmean ð3Þ where Rmean is mean sea level obtained from a tide gauge and includes astonomical tides and sea level anomalies such as highs observed along the US west coast during El Nin‹o conditions (e.g. Flick, 1998). Using Holman’s data (Holman, 1986) and additional runup data they gathered on the Oregon coast, Ruggiero et al. (1996) found the 2% exceedence of runup to be R2% ¼ 0:27ðLHo Lo Þ0:5 ð4Þ 3. Observations Over time scales of hundreds to thousands of years, the net longshore sand transport direction for central California has been to the south. This is clearly indicated by the region’s coastal morphology, which displays several examples of classic log-spiral shape embayments (Fig. 1). The logspiral has been shown to develop on rugged coasts, with persistent net longshore transport direction, the spiral opening away from a relatively resistant headland in the down-drift direction (e.g. Yasso, 1965). The spiral develops until net longshore transport is minimized, i.e. when dominant waves refract so that they are parallel to the shape of the bay’s shoreline. The net southerly transport is driven by swell waves generated in the North Paci¢c by winter storms. In central California during the 1997^1998 El MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 282 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 Fig. 1. Location of the pocket beaches studied (Montara and Paci¢ca) and characteristic coastal morphology on the central west coast of the US consisting of log-spiral bays. The spiral opens to the south indicating the southerly net long-term sand transport in the region over time scales of hundreds to thousands of years. MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 283 Fig. 2. Ground photographs showing (A) Montara State Beach, a pocket beach. The view is to the north from the southern enclosing headland. (B) The seawall protecting a restaurant located in the southern end of the beach. The seawall location is shown in Fig. 3B. MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 284 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart Fig. 3. (A) Shaded relief map of Montara derived from ATM data. Note that these high-resolution topographic data clearly show the form and location of the coastal highway. Beach changes that occurred during the El Nin‹o winter are superimposed. Scale ranges from +5 m of accretion (dark blue) to 35 m of erosion (bright red). (B) Plot of shoreline (MHHW) change and beach volume change for Montara versus latitude. (A) and (B) are scaled the same in latitude. A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 285 Fig. 4. Schematic de¢ning critical terms used in scaling cli¡ erosion. Symbols: S, shoreline position; D, base of cli¡ position; B, beach width. Nin‹o winter, there was clear evidence of net northward sand transport, opposite to the longterm net indicated by coastal morphology. We focus on two pocket beaches, Montara (1.5-km long) and Paci¢ca (5-km long), each characterized by prominent headlands at both ends (Figs. 1, 2A and 7). Using the ATM, both beaches were surveyed at the beginning and end of the El Nin‹o winter, i.e during September 1997 and again in April 1998. At Montara, sand was eroded from the southern end of the pocket beach, transported to the north, and deposited against the northern headland, which acted like a groin trapping sand on its updrift side (Fig. 3A). The shaded relief depiction of the pocket beach clearly shows some of the capabilities of the spatially dense and high-resolution ATM data; note the coastal highway, the town of Montara, and the sea cli¡s with eroded ‘arroyos’ that channelize rain-water runo¡. Superimposed on the shaded relief is vertical change of the beach during the El Nin‹o winter illustrating the distinctive northward redistribution of sand. We only have two surveys, pre- and post-El Nin‹o, hence we cannot generalize as to what occurs during normal non-El Nin‹o winters. However, the net transport direction during the observed El Nin‹o was opposite that indicated by long-term trends (Fig. 1). At intervals of 20 m along the beach, shoreline positions were calculated at the Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) line using procedures de- MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 286 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 veloped by Stockdon et al. (in press). This is an objective measure of shoreline position based on a contour of elevation relative to a ¢xed datum. The shoreline accreted in the north nearly 40 m, while it eroded in the south as much as 60 m (Fig. 3B). Note that the spatial variation of beach volume change closely tracks the shoreline change, indicating that the beaches maintained their general form during the redistribution of sand. The beach volume changes were evaluated within a 1-m-wide strip oriented shore-normal between the cli¡ and shoreline. Also note that the seawall is located near the location of maximum shoreline erosion (Figs. 2B and 3B). This seawall was built during the last major El Nin‹o in 1982^1983 to protect the eroding sea cli¡ which threatened a cli¡-top restaurant. As noted above, the vulnerability of sea cli¡s to erosion by waves may be a function, in part, of the degree of protection a¡orded by the beach. The wider the beach and the higher the sand elevation at the base of the cli¡, the more protection a¡orded. Beach width, B, as de¢ned here is the cross-shore distance between the MHHW shoreline position, S(x), and the position of the cli¡ base, D(x), e.g. the pre-El Nin‹o beach width, indicated by the su⁄x pre , is given by Bpre ¼ Dpre ðxÞ3 Spre ðxÞ ð5Þ (Fig. 4A). Bpre ranged from a maximum of approximately 100 m near the south end of the beach and decreased to near zero at the north end (Fig. 5A). The redistribution of sand during the El Nin‹o winter caused a signi¢cant narrowing of the beach in the south and an increase in width in the north (Fig. 5B,C). The elevation of sand at the base of the cli¡, D(z)(Fig. 4), changed similarly. Dpre (z) was as much as 2.5 m higher at the south end of the pocket beach than in the central section (Fig. 6A). This general trend reversed during the El Nin‹o winter (Fig. 6B). The vertical changes in D(z) between the pre and post surveys ranged from 3 m of erosion in the south to over W2 m of accretion in the central and north (Fig. 6C). In terms of change during the El Nin‹o winter, both beach width and sand elevation at the base of the cli¡ had minima in the vicinity of the seawall where there was extensive sea cli¡ erosion during the 1982^1983 El Nin‹o, prompting the original seawall construction. During the 1997^1998 El Nin‹o, there was no signi¢cant sea-cli¡ erosion at Montara where at least one potential erosional hotspot exposed by beach changes was protected by the seawall. In contrast to Montara, some sea cli¡s in the vicinity of Paci¢ca eroded extensively. The beach of interest here, de¢ned by Mussel Rock to the north and Mori Point to the south (Fig. 7), has a history of episodic sea-cli¡ retreat (Lajoie and Mathieson, 1985), and is heavily protected with a variety of engineering works along its southern half. We focus on beach and cli¡ changes in the northern half, i.e. North Esplanade Beach, where a number of houses were condemned as sea-cli¡ erosion threatened (Fig. 8 ; Sallenger et al., 1999b). Vertical changes during the El Nin‹o winter are draped onto the 3-D lidar-based map showing where the sea cli¡ eroded and houses were lost. Note the subtle protruding part of the sea cli¡ in the central area of the photograph and in the 3-D plot where there was little change. This is an area of resistant bedrock. The remainder of the sea cli¡ is composed of weakly lithi¢ed/indurated eolian and alluvial deposits, mostly sand and gravel. As at Montara, the sand was redistributed from south to north (Fig. 9A). At North Esplanade, however, the shoreline change trend had largescale oscillations superimposed, representing large cuspate features that had a wavelength of about 700 m, much larger than normal beach cusps whose wavelengths are typically 6 100 m (e.g. Sallenger, 1979). The development of cusp embayments was associated with W20 m of erosion and cusp horns with W20 m of shoreline accretion. Similar features were present at Montara although with a somewhat smaller wavelength, 550 m (Fig. 3). Inman (1987) and Hicks and Inman (1987) have shown how such features could migrate alongshore. These large-scale cusps may be associated with rhythmic o¡shore bar features of the same wavelength (e.g. Sallenger et al., 1985), although we cannot demonstrate the association here. Komar and Good (1989) related the MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 287 Fig. 5. Beach width, B, for Montara determined as the cross-shore distance between shoreline, S(x), and the base of the cli¡, D(x). (A) Pre-El Nin‹o. (B) Post-El Nin‹o. (C) Change in beach width between the two times. position of troughs of similar scale features with enhanced dune erosion and destruction of property on the Oregon coast. Sea-cli¡ erosion, E, in the Paci¢ca pocket beach reached 14 m and was localized at one of the maxima of shoreline erosion (compare Fig. 9A,B). There were several shoreline-erosion maxima, each associated with a trough in the rhythmic shoreline change pattern. The greatest maxima occurred adjacent to the seawall, hence there was no cli¡ retreat there. The next greatest was adjacent the 14-m sea-cli¡ retreat hotspot, located immediately north of the sea cli¡ composed of bedrock. The close proximity of the bedrock may have contributed to the shoreline erosion, perhaps as a subtle groin-like feature, although there was no obvious updrift sand accumulation, or as a seawall-like feature with end e¡ects. An e¡ective beach width, Beffective , is de¢ned as the distance from the post-El Nin‹o shoreline, Sstorm (x), to the pre-El Nin‹o sea-cli¡ position, Dpre (x), i.e. Beffective ¼ Dpre ðxÞ3Sstorm ðxÞ ð6Þ (see Fig. 4). Beffective represents the exposure of the cli¡ to wave attack during the El Nin‹o winter, where the beach changes are assumed to occur ¢rst exposing the pre-El Nin‹o cli¡ position to wave attack. Similarly, we de¢ne an e¡ective sand elevation at the base of the cli¡, Deffective (z), which is the elevation of the post-El Nin‹o beach surface at MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 288 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 Fig. 6. Sand elevation, D(z), at the base of the cli¡. (A) Pre-El Nin‹o. (B) Post-El Nin‹o. (C) Change between pre- and postEl Nin‹o. the pre-El Nin‹o sea-cli¡ position, Dpre (x) (Fig. 4B). Both Beffective and Deffective (z) have minima, which are not adjacent to the bedrock or seawall, at the 14-m sea-cli¡ retreat hotspot. (Compare Figs. 9 and 10.) 4. Scaling cli¡ erosion In this section, we compare observed magnitudes of sea-cli¡ retreat to di¡erent scaling parameters. The scaling parameters are based on calculations of wave runup elevations, by methods discussed earlier, that occurred during the El Nin‹o winter. We present, in Table 1, results using Rz calculated using both Eqs. 1 and 4, based on the work of Holman (1986) and Ruggiero et al. (1996), respectively. For ease of presentation in the text and illustrations, we present the results of the calculations based only on Holman’s equation. Correlations between runup-based parameters and observed cli¡ erosion were, for the most part, similar using either equation. R was calculated hourly over the El Nin‹o winter (although some data were missing during March 1998) using wave data from NOAA San Francisco buoy, o¡shore San Francisco Bay, and sea level data from a tide gauge in San Francisco MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 289 Fig. 7. Map of the Paci¢ca cell. The southern half of the cell has extensive man-made modi¢cations such as near-continuous seawalls of various designs. This paper focuses on the more natural beach areas in the northern half of the cell. (Fig. 1). Runup was calculated using two di¡erent types of beach slopes, a variable L consisting of local estimates of L at the post-El Nin‹o MHHW every 20 m along the beach and a mean L found from all the variable L adjacent to the sea cli¡ (excluding only the estimates adjacent to the seawall and bedrock cli¡). Calculations using both slopes are included in Table 1. As discussed above, we assume that the redistribution of beach sand exposes the sea cli¡ to wave attack. Hence, a critical parameter (as in- troduced above) is Deffective (z) representing the exposure of the cli¡ due to this redistribution. We ¢rst calculate the amount of time in hours that the runup during the El Nin‹o winter exceeds Deffective (z) and investigate the relationship of this quantity to cli¡ change (Fig. 11A). We have included all data for the northern part of the Pacifica study area excluding only the resistant seawall and bedrock reaches. The cluster of points near zero represent stable sea-cli¡ areas that occur north of 37.65‡ latitude (Fig. 9B). Exclusion of MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 290 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 291 Fig. 9. (A) Shoreline changes at Paci¢ca during the El Nin‹o winter showing the developing giant cusps and net redistribution of sand to the north. (B) Measured cli¡ erosion from pre- and post-El Nin‹o winter lidar data. Sea-cli¡ erosion is estimated from volume of material removed from the cli¡ (m3 /m) divided by the height of the cli¡; hence, it is a measure representing change over the entire height of the cli¡ rather than at one speci¢c elevation. The occurrences of cli¡ advance (positive values) are noise, complicated somewhat by occurrences of debris at the base of the cli¡ caused by mass wasting higher on the cli¡ face. data adjacent to the seawall and bedrock assures that we are considering sea cli¡s that have similar strength (i.e. erosion potential). There appears to be a rough relationship between increasing sea cli¡ erosion and increased time when runup exceeds Deffective (z), where r2 = 0.49 using the mean slope for all locations and 0.56 using measured slope at each location. (Mean slope example shown in Fig. 11A.) On the coast of Oregon, Ruggiero et al. (1996) compared the hours that runup exceeded the sand elevation at the base of the cli¡ and sea cli¡ retreat with encouraging results. However, this kind of analysis utilizing D(z) does not include the role of Fig. 8. (A) Photograph of the Paci¢ca region where extensive sea-cli¡ erosion occurred during the El Nin‹o winter showing threatened houses at the top of the cli¡. Location of the photograph is shown in Fig. 7. (B) 3-D view using lidar data acquired prior to the El Nin‹o winter of the area shown in (A). Note that the buildings are clearly shown. Superimposed on the topography is vertical change with hot (red) colors indicating loss over the El Nin‹o winter. MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 292 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 Fig. 10. Beffective and Deffective (z) at Paci¢ca showing the increased vulnerability of the southern beach to cli¡ erosion over the course of the El Nin‹o winter. beach width in protecting sea cli¡s. If there was a wide beach, say hundreds of meters wide with a prominent berm, the sea cli¡ will not necessarily be attacked by runup when D(z) is exceeded. With the spatially dense lidar data de¢ning the geometry of the beach, we can examine horizontal thresholds that incorporate the protective role of beach width. We estimate the horizontal position of the runup relative to MHHW shoreline position by RðxÞ ¼ ðRðzÞ3 corÞ=Lstorm ð7Þ where cor is elevation of MHHW above NAVD88. Recall that e¡ective beach width, Beffective , is relative to MHHW as well. Hence, we ¢nd the hours during the El Nin‹o winter that R(x) s Beffective (i.e. when the runup collides with the sea cli¡) and correlate hours of exceedence versus cli¡ change (Fig. 11B). The correlation with cli¡ change is improved for hours exceeding Beffective , r2 = 0.71(mean slope), compared to hours exceeding Deffective (z), r2 = 0.49 (Table 1; Fig. 11A,B). The improvement is presumably because beach width is a signi¢cant factor for protection of the beach by wave attack. Komar et al. (1999) proposed a simple model for dune erosion where the amount of erosion is determined by the cross-shore distance that extreme wave runup exceeds the position of the initial dune scarp. The assumption is that the erosion process is independent of time, that the dune MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 scarp retreats until no longer impacted by runup. We have applied this type of model here to scale sea-cli¡ erosion (Fig. 4B). The beach slope is assumed to be constant as the sea cli¡ retreats. The cli¡ erodes landward until runup elevation, R(z), no longer exceeds D(z) or, as depicted in Fig. 4B, until runup position, R(x), no longer exceeds D(x). Hence, where R(x) s Dpre (x), the magnitude of sea-cli¡ retreat is Epredicted ¼ Dpre ðxÞ3RðxÞ ð8Þ (Fig. 4B). However, R(x) is a distribution of runup realizations over the El Nin‹o winter, not a single value. There is no clear choice of the proper statistic to use in a prediction of E. Rather, we examine the general approach of Eq. 8 by de¢ning a scaling for sea-cli¡ retreat where we hypothesize Eobserved should vary with Escaled , i.e. Eobserved ¼ fðEscaled Þ ¼ fðDpre ðxÞ3Rmean ðxÞÞ ð9Þ where Rmean (x) is the mean of R(x) for all R(x) s Dpre (x). Escaled appears to vary reasonably well with Eobserved accounting for nearly 70% of the variance (r2 = 0.69 for mean slope ; Fig. 12, Table 1). 5. Discussion Since the observed location and magnitude of sea-cli¡ erosion could be positively correlated 293 with parameters representing the spatial variability and magnitude of wave runup, wave attack appears important to the observed erosion. The waves could serve to (1) remove debris that accumulates at the base of the cli¡ due to other processes forcing erosion, such as mass wasting of rain-saturated sediments, and (2) attack the cli¡ base directly undermining the overburden directly inducing erosion. If mass wasting processes are important, as described for example by Hampton and Dingler (1998), a sensible balance, similar to that described by Emery and Kuhn (1982), is as follows. Mass wasting processes tend to decrease the cli¡ slope by moving sediment from higher on the cli¡ face to lower. Wave attack removes sediment that accumulates at the cli¡ base by mass wasting, increasing the cli¡ slope. If wave attack is absent, mass wasting would proceed until the cli¡ slope is decreased su⁄ciently to limit further mass wasting. Hence, sustained cli¡ retreat cannot, in principle, proceed with mass wasting alone. Wave attack is required to maintain a relatively steep slope and sustained cli¡ retreat. On the other hand, waves could force both the erosion, by undermining the cli¡, and removal of the sediment at the cli¡’s base. Hence, waves alone could induce a sustained cli¡ retreat. Our lidar survey data, consisting of two snapshots in time, cannot distinguish the relative importance of these potential processes. Potentially, each of the described processes has a role, yet their individual dominance is elusive. Table 1 Correlation coe⁄cients for di¡erent comparisons Comparison Runup equations L r2 Eobserved (measured) versus Escaled (Eq. 9) Holman (Eq. 3) Holman (Eq. 3) Ruggiero et al. (Eq. Ruggiero et al. (Eq. Holman (Eq. 3) Holman (Eq. 3) Ruggiero et al. (Eq. Ruggiero et al. (Eq. Holman (Eq. 3) Holman (Eq. 3) Ruggiero et al. (Eq. Ruggiero et al. (Eq. mean variable mean variable mean variable mean variable mean variable mean variable 0.69 0.63 0.65 0.43 0.71 0.71 0.77 0.72 0.49 0.56 0.53 0.61 Hours Rx exceeds Beffective (Eq. 2) versus Eobserved (measured) Hours Rz exceeds Dzeffective (measured) versus Eobserved (measured) MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) 294 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 Fig. 11. Hours that R(z) s Deffective (z) (A) and hours that R(x) s Beffective (B) for Paci¢ca during the El Nin‹o winter. MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 295 Fig. 12. Plot of scaled sea-cli¡ erosion versus measured sea-cli¡ erosion. 6. Conclusions (1) Along the central California coast the long term (hundreds to thousands of years) net transport direction is from north to south. However, on pocket beaches during the El Nin‹o winter of 1997^1998, sand was transported from south to north and accumulated on the south sides of resistant headlands. This resulted in beach erosion in the south ends of pocket beaches and deposition in the north ends. The beach morphology evolved into prominent giant cusps with longshore spacing of 400^700 m. (2) The beach evolution during the El Nin‹o winter preferentially exposed sea cli¡s to wave attack, creating hotspots of cli¡ retreat. Speci¢cally, beach width and the elevation of the beach at the base of the cli¡ were minima where maximum shoreline erosion occurred due to both the net northward transport and the development of cusp troughs. (3) The observed magnitude of sea-cli¡ retreat, which reached 14 m, was correlated with the number of hours extreme wave runup exceeded certain thresholds representing the protective capacity of the beach during the El Nin‹o winter. A threshold MARGO 3136 16-7-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 296 A.H. Sallenger Jr. et al. / Marine Geology 187 (2002) 279^297 representing the width of the beach performed better than a threshold representing the elevation of the beach. (4) A simple model was tested as a means to scale sea-cli¡ retreat. The model predicts that the cli¡ would erode the cross-shore distance that extreme wave runup exceeded the pre-El Nin‹o cli¡ position. The observed sea-cli¡ retreat was found to vary with a scaled estimate of this predicted erosion. (5) We assume a balance between terrestrial mass wasting which tends to decrease cli¡ slope and marine wave attack which tends to increase slope by removal of debris and eroding the cli¡ base. Acknowledgements This paper is part of a NASA (Sold Earth and Natural Hazards Program) and USGS (Coastal and Marine Program) collaboration. We thank J. Sonntag, E.B. Fredericks, and J.K. Yungel of EG and G, Wallops Island, VA, and Gaithersburg, MD; D. Eslinger, A. 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