Avatar Clinicians Manual - County of Santa Cruz Health Services
Avatar Clinicians Manual - County of Santa Cruz Health Services
Santa Cruz Avatar Avatar Clinicians Manual 1|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Introduction This manual was written for mental health clinicians and provides basic information on how to use Avatar documents. It is continually updated as changes are made to Santa Cruz Avatar. You should check back periodically for changes and updates. The manual provides information on how to use Avatar documents. Clinical information (i.e. what to write) is not specifically covered. You should consult with your supervisor or the QA department for more information about clinical content. On the Avatar Website, you will find a copy of this document along with supporting documentation on other specialized topics such as Psychiatry Progress Notes, Supervisor information and Avatar Transition Plans. 2|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to Use this Document In order to find specific information in this document, you can use the table of contents or you can search for any word or phrase. In the table of contents (next page), click on any subject and you will be taken to the appropriate page. To find information using any search word or phrase, click [crtl] + [F]. Type in your word or phrase into the blank and click "enter" on your keyboard to go to that word or phrase. (This works on any page on the Internet.) To find an electronic version of this document, go to the Santa Cruz Avatar webpage at http://www.santacruzhealth.org/hsahome/hsadivisions/behavioralhealth/avatarresources.aspx You can also navigate to the County Avatar website by typing in Avatar Resources into the Search Forms blank on your Forms Widget. If you click in the link, this will take you to the website. 3|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Table of Contents Logging In to Avatar ................................................................................................................ 8 Screen Sign Out ....................................................................................................................... 9 To Change Your Current Password ........................................................................................ 9 Java Errors and Problems Logging In ...................................................................................12 Avatar Home View and Menu Bar ..........................................................................................16 Widgets ....................................................................................................................................17 Reports ....................................................................................................................................26 The Master Client Inquiry Report .......................................................................................26 Chart Views .............................................................................................................................27 Chart Overview ....................................................................................................................28 Inquiry View .........................................................................................................................29 Add a Form that is Not Listed to Your Chart View ............................................................32 To Print from the Inquiry View ............................................................................................36 To View Scanned Documents in the Chart ........................................................................36 Staff Messaging ......................................................................................................................38 Pre-Display...........................................................................................................................38 To Retrieve or Open a Message that has been sent to you ..............................................41 Use the To Do List Form to Delete Multiple Items from Your My To Do’s .......................43 Notification Users Form .........................................................................................................44 Multi-Iteration Lists .............................................................................................................45 Caseload Assignment Form ...................................................................................................46 Quick Tips and Shortcuts .......................................................................................................50 Spell Check and Automatic Correction .................................................................................50 Wiki Help and Other Resources .............................................................................................53 Scheduling Calendar ..............................................................................................................54 Scheduling an Appointment in the Scheduling Calendar: ............................................54 Finding an Existing Appointment in the Scheduling Calendar:....................................60 Progress Notes .......................................................................................................................61 Opening a new progress note ............................................................................................61 Writing a new progress note ..............................................................................................63 4|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Print a Copy of a Progress Note .........................................................................................71 Writing a progress note to document your service for an Assessment or Treatment Plan ......................................................................................................................................72 Reopening a Draft Progress Note ......................................................................................74 Deleting a Draft Progress Note ...........................................................................................77 Using the Append Progress Notes Form to Add to a Progress Note ..............................79 Indirect (MAA) Service Note ...............................................................................................82 Understanding Client Admissions and Workflow Through the System ..............................83 Client Registration & Financial Program of Admission ....................................................85 County – Pre Admit Outpatient Program of Admission ....................................................85 Service Request and Disposition Log (SRADL): ...............................................................86 Admission Form......................................................................................................................87 Search for the Client ...........................................................................................................87 CLIENT REGISTRATION & FINANCIAL Program of Admission .......................................91 CSI Admission and Cal-OMS Admission ...............................................................................94 Wait List Management ............................................................................................................95 List Detail Section .................................................................................................................100 Overview ............................................................................................................................100 Steps ..................................................................................................................................100 Wait List Management Report ..............................................................................................101 Onset of Services form (Consents) .....................................................................................102 How This Document Works ..............................................................................................102 Consent for the Exchange of Confidential Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Information tab ................................................................................................103 Consent for Mental Health Treatment tab ........................................................................107 Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPPA form) ........................................................................107 Medicare Payment Authorization .....................................................................................108 Private Insurance Authorization .......................................................................................108 Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services.......................................................................108 Disposition and Print Language .......................................................................................108 Assessments: General Concepts ........................................................................................109 Psychosocial Assessment General Concepts ....................................................................111 Santa Cruz Psychosocial Assessment Form ......................................................................113 Presenting Problem Tab ................................................................................................114 Culture/Spirituality Tab ..................................................................................................115 Mental Health Hx Tab .....................................................................................................115 5|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Risk Factors Tab ............................................................................................................116 Legal History Tab ...........................................................................................................116 Medical Information Tab ................................................................................................116 Client resources form ....................................................................................................116 Developmental History Tab ...........................................................................................117 CRAFFT/CAGE AID Tab .................................................................................................117 CRAAFT section (for children/youth) ...........................................................................117 CAGE AID section (for adults) ......................................................................................118 Substance List Tab ........................................................................................................118 Substance Use Hx Tab ......................................................................................................119 Trauma History Tab .......................................................................................................119 Strengths Tab .................................................................................................................119 Summary Tab .................................................................................................................120 Finalizing and Submitting the Psychosocial ...................................................................123 How to Reopen a Draft Psychosocial Assessment Form...................................................123 Open a Draft Psychosocial Assessment from your Home Console ..............................123 Open a Draft Psychosocial Assessment from the Chart ................................................125 How to View a Completed Psychosocial Assessment in the Chart ...................................126 How to Print a Psychosocial Assessment Form .................................................................127 Assessment Updates ............................................................................................................128 Risk Assessment Form ........................................................................................................128 Mental Status Exam (MSE) Form .........................................................................................128 ASAM Form ...........................................................................................................................129 ASI Form ................................................................................................................................129 CANS/ANSA Form .................................................................................................................129 To Print a Copy of Your CANS/ANSA...............................................................................134 Admission Diagnosis............................................................................................................135 When to complete the Diagnosis form .............................................................................135 To View a Client’s Current Diagnosis ..............................................................................136 Diagnosis Update ..................................................................................................................140 To Resolve a Diagnosis ....................................................................................................142 The Santa Cruz County Integrated Treatment Plan ............................................................144 Treatment Plan Overview .....................................................................................................145 Integrated Treatment Planning and Due Dates................................................................145 Treatment Plans for Monolingual Clients ........................................................................146 Creating an Initial Treatment Plan .......................................................................................146 6|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to Add Your Service Program Information to an Intervention (OPTIONAL) ..........157 Printing a Copy of Your Treatment Plan ..........................................................................159 Printed Treatment Plan Workflows (what to do if you don’t have a signature pad)......162 Creating a Treatment Plan Update for New Services .........................................................164 Creating a Treatment Plan Update for Updating Problems, Goals, Objectives and Interventions .........................................................................................................................169 How to Resolve Goals, Objectives, and Interventions ....................................................173 How to Resolve Problems.................................................................................................174 Creating an Annual Plan .......................................................................................................174 Who does the Annual Plan first?......................................................................................174 Discharging Clients ..............................................................................................................178 7|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Logging In to Avatar 1) Open the Link to Avatar: You can do this a few different ways. a. Click on the Avatar icon located on your desktop. b. Alternately, you can enter the web address into your browser directly. For the UAT, it is https://santacruzuat.netsmartcloud.com/radplus/index.jsp. For the LIVE, it is https://santacruz.netsmartcloud.com/radplus/index.jsp. 2) Once have navigated to the website, the Avatar launch page will open. Click Start Avatar. 3) IF AVATAR DOES NOT LAUNCH, see the section titled Java Errors for more information. 4) To log in: a. Enter your System Code (all caps). For example, UATEN or LIVEMH. Note that your system code is determined by your agency and your role. The system code is different for different users. b. Enter your username (lowercase). This will be the first 6 letters of your last name (or less if your last name is shorter than 6 characters) followed by the first letter of your first name. example: Mike Coopertown would be cooperm. (There may be some exceptions to this rule. See your supervisor or the help desk if you think you may have a different log in name.) 8|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar c. Enter your Password (case sensitive). Typically, your password=your log in name if you are a first time user. d. If this is your first login, you will be immediately prompted to change your password. Your password must be 8 characters long. It may contain special characters (#$%&) and numbers. e. Once you have entered your Username and Password, Click Sign In. f. If you forget your password: i. After five tries, Avatar will deactivate your user account and you will no longer be able to log in, even with your correct password. ii. If this happens, your supervisor or an IT person can either reactivate your account so you can try again, or they can set a new password for you. Screen Sign Out If you need to step away from your desk, remember to sign out by clicking on Sign Out located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. This will prevent unauthorized users from viewing client information in Avatar (HIPAA). When signing back into Avatar, type UAT or LIVE in the system code and then enter your user name and password. Always save when possible to avoid losing work to any surprises such as power surges. You will lose any unsaved data when you sign out, so make sure you save and close all open forms. To Change Your Current Password 1) Locate the Forms & Data widget on your home view. 9|Page Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2) Click in the Search Forms field and type Change Current Password. Double click on the form name to open up the form. 3) 4) 5) 6) Once you have opened up the form, in the Current Password field, enter your current password. In the New Password field, enter your new password. In the Re-Enter New Password field, enter your new password again. On the left hand side of the screen, click on the Submit Button. 10 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Submit Button Throughout Avatar, you will see the Submit button on most forms (or the “File” button for progress notes). Submit = Save & Close. DO NOT click the red and white "X". close without saving your data. If you do this, the form will 11 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Java Errors and Problems Logging In 1) If you see the warning below, your Java is not set up. For help with this problem, contact the helpdesk at x4657 or [email protected] 2) If you see the message below, click Allow. 12 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3) If you receive the popup below, click Save and then click Open. a. If Avatar is telling that you need to update Java (seen usually at the login screen), you can make these messages disappear by: i. Going to the Avatar UAT login screen. ii. The go to Tools → Internet Options 13 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar b. Click on the Security Tab → Trusted Sites → Click on Sites c. You should see the Avatar address in the window that appears (shown below). Click on Add, then click Close. 14 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If none of these steps help or if you need further assistance, contact the helpdesk at x4657 or [email protected] 15 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Avatar Home View and Menu Bar 1) Home View: Once you launch Avatar, the first screen that will appear is the Home View. You will see rectangles called Widgets arrayed on your desktop. Widgets show various types of information from Avatar. (See the Widgets section below for more information.) 16 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5) Menu Bar: The Menu Bar, located at the top of the Avatar screen, is an important feature. It allows you to navigate between Forms, Chart Views, and your Home view. The Menu Bar contains the Home Button that will return you to your Home View. No matter where you are within the system, the Menu Bar displays any Forms or Charts that you have open. You can have multiple forms and charts open at once and they will all be listed here so you can toggle back and forth between them and the home view without using the windows task bar. The Menu Bar also contains your Preferences and Help menus. The User ID that is logged in is displayed in the upper right hand corner. 6) Consoles or Multiple Home Views: Depending on how your access is set up, you may have more than one view. These views are known as Consoles and are displayed in a row next to My Views. To switch between views, just click on the Console name. In the example, the Home Console is selected (highlighted in green). 7) Roles: A role is essentially a job category in Avatar. Examples of roles are Clinician, ContractAdminSupport, Prescriber. Your Avatar Role determines which console or consoles to which you have access. Your role also determines what forms you can work with, what you can view, which charts you can view, scheduling and many other functions. Widgets 1) Widgets: These are the small rectangles on your Home View and in the Chart Overview. Widgets show views of information from Avatar. Some Widgets provide handy views of commonly used information, like the Service History Widget. Other Widgets are interactive, like the My Calendar Widget and the My To Do’s Widget. 17 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar One way to think of a Widget is like a window or door in a house. If you look through the window, you can see into the house, although you cannot interact with anyone in the house. Some Widgets work like this. You can view information, but you cannot interact with it. Other Widgets are like a door, where information travels in and out of the house. They allow you to have interaction with the Avatar database. 2) Widgets are assigned by Role and may vary depending on your access. A role is essentially a job category in Avatar. Examples of roles are FVLClinician, FVLPrescriber. Your Avatar Role determines which Home Console or Consoles you have and which widgets you have on your console(s). Your role also determines what forms you can work with, what you can view, which charts you can view, scheduling and many other functions.) a. If you have made changes to the layout of your widgets and want to return to the default layout, on the right side of the menu bar, reset your widgets to your default layout by clicking on the box icon shown. b. Click Reload Home View and then Apply to restore the widgets to their default layout. c. The Refresh Button: Many widgets have refresh button that you will need to click to update the widget. If you have made changes to any of the data displayed in a widget, you won’t see it until you have clicked the refresh button. 3) Forms & Data Widget: This Widget allows you to access forms in Avatar. There are several ways to search for forms using this Widget. 18 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar My Forms: Here, you will see a list of forms that have been assigned to you, based on your Role. This is a list of forms that you will likely use most often, but it does not include all forms you can use. See below for information on how to add a form to this list using the Edit feature. Recent Forms: If a form is not already in the My Forms section of the Widget, and you have recently opened that form, it will appear in Recent Forms. However, if the form is already in the My Forms area, it will not appear in Recent Forms. Browse Forms: Click on Browse Forms to see a list of forms sorted by categories. Search for clinical forms in "Avatar CWS." Search Forms: You can also use the Search Forms box to find forms. Once you start typing, the matching forms will display dynamically. a. Adding Forms to My Forms: There are two ways to add a form to your My Forms list. i. You can click and drag a form from Recent Forms up to the My Forms section. ii. Or you can click on Edit, located in the upper right of the widget. 19 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar This will open a new window. Type in the name of the form that you wish to add, then click on Add Form. While in this window, you can also right click anywhere and add folders to organize your forms. Once you Right Click in the window, click Add Folder. 4) My Clients Widget: This Widget functions similarly to the Forms & Data Widget, with sections and links allowing different types of searches. 20 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar My Clients: The clients assigned to you are marked with an arrow symbol, >. Your caseload is here. You may also temporarily add clients here (see below). These clients do not have an arrow next to them. Recent Clients: Clients whose charts you have recently viewed. Note that this is not the same as clients assigned to your caseload. Clients in Recent Clients can be any clients that you have recently looked at whether or not they are on your caseload. Once you have opened a Client, the client’s name will appear in your Recent Clients list until you end the current session in Avatar. Search Clients: Type in the last name or first name of your client to search. You will get a list of potential matches. Double click on the client name to open the chart. 21 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar a. Advanced Search: Click on “advanced” to open up a window that allows a more targeted search for a client, with fields including DOB and SSN. Note that you only have to have three pieces of data to search for the client. With many forms in Avatar, before opening the form, you will first be asked to select a client using a similar search box. 5) The My To Do’s Widget: Your My To Do’s will show you forms that are saved in draft mode (i.e. documents that you need to complete, like progress notes) and messages from other staff. Most items, except for simple messages, are associated with a task that you need to complete. You must complete the task in order for the item to go away. See the section on Staff Messaging for more information. 22 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 6) My Calendar Widget a. Please Note: My Calendar Widget is NOT the Scheduling Calendar. The My Calendar Widget is for viewing existing Client appointments and for launching progress notes only. Scheduling appointments must be done through the Scheduling Calendar. b. The My Calendar Widget shows all the appointments you have on one day. Click on the arrows next to the date to move one day ahead or back. c. One benefit of the My Calendar Widget is that you can right click on a client’s appointment and open the progress note form directly from your Home Console. The Progress Note form will be prepopulated with all of the appointment information, such as the client name, the date of the appointment and the service code. 7) Service Request and Disposition Log Widget: This widget shows entries from what was previously called the Access Log or Call Logging. Note that the client must be selected or highlighted on your home console in order to view data in the widget. In the widget, clicking on 23 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar the date (in blue) in an entry will take you to the call log and you can read what happened for a single call or contact. This widget will be covered more in the Access class. 8) Service History Widget: This widget is on your Home Console. It is a quick view of recent services that you can conveniently access without having to open the client's chart. Note that a client must be selected (highlighted in green) in order to view the information in the Widget. Click once to highlight a client in your My Clients Widget (clicking twice will launch the chart, which you don't want to do with this case). Note that a client must have already had some services, or the widget will be blank. 24 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 9) Progress Note Widget: This widget shows all of a selected client’s progress notes. In the chart, notes can be sorted and filtered in a variety of ways, the Widget compiles all notes from all mental health programs into one place. The default for this widget is to show the last 30 days of notes. You can expand this range, by typing in the number of days and then pressing Tab. IMPORTANT: Remember to press tab after you type in the number of days or you won’t be able to see all of the notes you want. 25 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Reports Reports are another way to see information from Avatar. They are different from Widgets in that their information is static. However, Reports can be created daily or even more often if needed. Reports can have an arrays of information that can be useful for a supervisor or a manager, such as productivity information or team caseload information. Reports can also be printed versions of one document, such as a treatment plan or an assessment. The Master Client Inquiry Report This is similar to a Face Sheet. You can access this report by going to My Forms, searching for Master Client Inquiry Report and double clicking it from the results. This opens a select Client window. Type in your Client’s name and then double click it in the results to get the report. 26 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Chart Views To open a chart, first you must select a Client. You can use the My Clients Widget to select one of the Clients in your My Clients list. You can also select a client in your Recent Clients list, or search for a new Client under Search Clients. Once you have located the Client you wish to open, double click on the name to open the Chart View. At the top of your screen, notice your links to any charts and forms that you may have open. There is also a link back to your Home View. There are two main views in the chart, the Chart Overview and the Inquiry View. 27 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Chart Overview When you first open the chart, you will see an array of widgets and a list of forms on the left. This entire screen or view is called the Chart Overview. Some of the widgets you will see are also in your Home View. Other Widgets are unique to the Chart Overview. Depending on your role you may see a different array of widgets. 28 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Inquiry View Forms: In Chart Overview, you will see a list of forms to the left. If you click on one of these forms, you will see a view which contains the last several months of data, including draft versions. This is called the Inquiry View. If you need to enter information into a form that is not listed, you can open forms by clicking on the box that has a green cross on it. This will open the My Forms Widget (from your Home console). 29 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Program Tabs: In Inquiry View, you will see a set of tabs across the top of the Inquiry View. Each tab represents a different Program of Admission. Make sure you click on the correct Program of Admission (POA) when viewing documents. Similarly, when you open up a new form in the client's chart, make sure you have the correct POA tab. If you have clicked on the wrong POA, the document will be misfiled. If the client has several programs in the chart, you won't be able to see all of the tabs. Click on the very tiny triangles at the upper right to scroll back and forth among the chart tabs. 30 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar To Enlarge Text in the Inquiry View At bottom right in the inquiry view, you will see a button that you can slide left and right to increase and decrease the size of the font in the inquiry view. This handy button is also on many forms. 31 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Add a Form that is Not Listed to Your Chart View If you need to add a form that is not listed in your Chart View, use the following procedure. 32 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Type in the word “Diagnosis” in the blank provided. A list of forms matching what you typed in will pop up. The diagnosis form is unique in that there are two form paths. Double click on the form that says, “Avatar PM,” under, “Application.” 33 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 34 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Click on “Diagnosis” to view diagnoses that have been added to the chart. 35 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar To Print from the Inquiry View Many forms can be printed directly from the inquiry view. Note that some forms have a formatted report that you may prefer instead of printing from the inquiry view. The Psychosocial and the Treatment Plan both have formatted reports. To print from the inquiry view, locate the form you want to print, and then click “print” at upper right. Note that the text in the inquiry view prints out quite a bit larger than what you see on the screen. Use the slider bar described above to adjust the view before printing. 85% gives you a printout with font size that is about 10 or 11 points. To View Scanned Documents in the Chart At the bottom of the list of documents on the left, you may see section titled “Documents” where you can find a link to scanned documents. If there are no scanned documents for your client, this section will not be visible at all. If you do not see it, you will know that there are no scanned documents in the chart. 36 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Sort and Filter Buttons: At the top of the Inquiry View, underneath the program tabs, you will see bars or buttons that allow you to sort and filter documents in a variety of ways. To Open a Form from Inquiry View: You must open a form in order to enter data. Once you have opened the Inquiry View for the form you want, for example SC General Purpose Progress note, you will see a small "Add" in the upper right-hand corner. Click Add to open a new progress note for the client. IMPORTANT: Make sure you have clicked on the correct tab for your Program Of Admission, for example LE – 00044 County Outpatient. Otherwise, your note will be filed incorrectly and people may not be able to find it. You also may not be able to complete the note. 37 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Staff Messaging 1) Open the Staff Messaging Form: To send a message, you must first open the Staff Messaging form. Open the form in your Forms & Data Widget. 2) A window will appear called Select User ID/User Description. Type in your last name and then double-click on your name. IMPORTANT: You must TYPE IN YOUR OWN NAME, NOT THE RECIPIENT. The recipient is the person you are sending the message to. (Think of it as "logging in" so you can send your message.) 3) Click Add when you see the Pre-Display for the form. Pre-Display As with many forms in Avatar, before opening a form, Avatar will show you a pre-display. A pre-display shows you all the instances of this form being completed. For some forms, you will see a list of all instances when all staff have filled out the form. For other forms, you may only see all of the instances associated with a particular client. In the case of the Staff Messaging form, you will see only the times you have filled out the form. 38 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4) A blank Staff Messaging form will open up. a. Enter the Date and the Subject. b. In the Send Notification To field, click on the people to whom you wish to send the message. Note that you may send a single message to multiple recipients. Note that this doesn’t work like e-mail in that multiple recipients cannot see each other in the message. Essentially, when you send a message to multiple recipients, you are “blind copying” all of them. 39 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If your Send Notification To field looks blank, this means that your Notification Users has not yet been set up. See the section on the Notification Users form to see how to do this. Required items: Note that the labels for the Date, Subject and Send Notification To fields are in red font. In Avatar, red questions on forms are required. RED IS REQUIRED: When filling out Avatar forms, some questions are in red. These items are required. You will not be able to complete the form without completing these questions. 5) In the Staff Messaging form, you also have the option of adding a specific client’s name, the program to which the client was referred, and detailed comments. Once you have entered all of the information you want, click Submit to send. 40 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar To Retrieve or Open a Message that has been sent to you You will open your messages in the My To Do’s Widget. Unlike all other forms, you open a message by clicking, Review To Do Item. (For all other forms, you click on the name of the form.) STEPS: 1) Click Review To Do Item and the Review To Do Item portion of the form will open. 2) Click View Detail to see the content of the message. 41 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3) Read you message. When finished, click Dismiss in the lower right hand corner of the screen. You will be taken back to the Review To Do Item screen. 4) Click Reviewed to remove this item from your My To Do’s and then click Submit. IMPORTANT: DO NOT USE THIS METHOD TO OPEN ANY FORMS OTHER THAN MESSAGES. For all other forms, click on the name of the form to open the form to complete it. If you use the above method, you will not open the form you need and you will start down a path do delete the reminder you need for a form that needs completing. For some forms, like progress notes, there is no other way to open drafts. You cannot open a draft progress note from the chart. 42 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Use the To Do List Form to Delete Multiple Items from Your My To Do’s This feature is helpful if someone’s My To Do’s becomes too full. For example, after a vacation or leave. To rapidly go through the list and delete what is not needed, run the report, To Do List. This can be found by typing “To Do List” in the Search Forms field in your Forms & Data Widget. Once the first screen is opened, click “To Do List Maintenance” to run the report. You will now see a list of every item in your My To Do’s. You may select items by checking them off on the left and then clicking "Remove Sel Rows” in the lower left-hand corner. Click "Enable Col Resize" to see more of the information in the columns. If you want even more information about a specific item, click on that row, and then click "Display Row Detail." 43 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Notification Users Form If your Send Notification To field looks blank, this means that your Notification Users has not yet been set up. Use the Notification Users Form to add people to whom you can send message. Steps: 1) Search for, and open up the Notification Users form in your My Forms Widget in your Home Console. A window will appear called Avatar 2015 – Workflow Notification Users. 2) Use the dropdown menu (the bar in the middle of the popup) and locate your name. Click OK. 3) To Add all Avatar Users in Santa Cruz County Avatar, Click on Lists in the menu on the left hand upper corner of the screen to add users to your Staff Messaging. 4) Click on Add New Item. You should now see a green row appear in the Workflow Notification Lists table. 44 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5) Then click Select List. 6) Select the list titled “Everyone” and click “OK. When you click “Submit,” you will now be able to send a message to anyone using the Avatar system. YOU MAY NEED TO SIGN OFF AND SIGN BACK IN TO SEE USERS IN STAFF MESSAGING. Multi-Iteration Lists In Avatar, you will sometimes see a table like the one in the Notification Users form. These tables or multi-iteration lists are for adding sets of information to Avatar. When you see a table like this, know that you will always have to add a new blank row before you can begin entering data. 45 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Exercise: 1. Send a message to one or more users. 2. If you don’t have any messages, ask someone to send one to you and then view the message that was sent to you in your My To Do’s Widget. 3. Before clearing the item, you will want to read the message attached to the referral by clicking Review To Do Item. Caseload Assignment Form As of July, 2016, this form is not available for most users. If you need a client added or deleted from your caseload, send a staff message to Sylvia Vairo in Data Entry who will make the change for you. Include your Program of Service in the message. 1) Search for the Caseload Assignment form in your My Forms Widget in your Home Console. Then Select the Caseload Assignment form by double clicking on the form name in the search results. 46 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2) A Select Client box will appear on the screen. In the search field, type in the name of the Client that you want to assign or remove from a caseload and then click enter. For this search, you can use either the first name or the last name of the client and Avatar will search dynamically for the name. 3) The Clients who are similar matches will appear in the large search results box. You can either double click on the Client you want or click on the Client’s name then click Select. 47 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4) If the Client is not currently in your caseload, you will see the NonCaseload Access message appear. Click on Yes. 5) You must now enter a reason for accessing the case. In this example, we used the reason “assigning case to staff”. Once you have entered your reason, click OK. 6) You will see another NonCaseload Access message appear. This notifies you that your access date, time and reason have been recorded. Click OK. [Note that for some staff, this auditing function has been turned off. However, Avatar always records everything that you do. When you access records, make sure you have a legitimate reason for doing so. Just because you can see something, doesn’t mean you should see something.] You may see a Pre-Display if the Client has previously been assigned to other staff, otherwise, you will go straight to the form. 48 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7) Specify the action you wish to take, either adding or removing the client from your caseload. 8) Search for the Practitioner you wish to assign the Client (search for the Practitioner by last name), the Program of Service and the Type of Assignment. 9) Click on Submit. 49 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Quick Tips and Shortcuts 1) Lightbulbs on forms: These symbols are a link to helpful information about filling in a particular question or field. 2) You can use the space bar to check or uncheck a box in a list field. 3) In a list field, use the arrow keys to move back and forth between check boxes. 4) On Home Console, you can click once on Client to select the client, and then go and search for a form to pull up with that Client (works on most forms). 5) Most forms that have a name search field require you to do the search by entering the last name. You can also use the Client number or practitioner number in name search fields. 6) In date fields, you can use T for today instead of entering a date. You can also use Y for Yesterday, “T-30” for 30 days in the past. 7) To clear a radio button, checkbox or list item in a question (you want the question to be totally blank), click any of the buttons in the question, then click F5, which will clear the field. If you have done this right, none of the buttons in this field will be clicked. If this is a list item type question, the question will appear blank. Spell Check and Automatic Correction Avatar has spell check that you can use in most fields. Misspelled words will have a red, wavy line underneath them. You can right-click on the misspelled word to pull up a menu of spellings. Left click on the one you want. To add a word to the dictionary, click Add. 50 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar You can also press F7 on your keyboard to call up spell check. You can create a shortcut phrase for longer words and phrases that you use regularly. (This is similar to how autocorrect works in Microsoft Word.) To use this feature, go to Preferences, in the upper right of your home screen. Note: If you set this up, be sure to use codes that are not common in regular language or contained within a word, otherwise when you do your spell check you may add phrases in places you do not want them to be! Note: this will only work on the machine that you have set up the dictionary on. There may be times when you want to cut and paste text from another document into Avatar. When you do this, you might get a lot of red wavy lines underneath your pasted text. Avatar thinks these are spelling errors. 51 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar To get rid of the red lines, first, press F7 to call up spell check. Then, click Ignore all multiple times to get rid of the red lines. When you are done, a popup will appear letting you know that spell check is complete. Click OK. 52 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Wiki Help and Other Resources Online documentation may be available for some forms. If it is available, there will be a link on the left side of the form. Clicking on Help in the upper right of your home screen goes to general help resources. Visit the Training Folder for available materials at I:\Shared\Training Materials/MyAvatar. Other help: 1. 2. 3. 4. County Trainings (watch for e-mails and the Avatar Bulletin for more information) QI email ([email protected]) and Supervisors Written documentation posted on the County Avatar website http://www.santacruzhealth.org/hsahome/hsadivisions/behavioralhealth/avatarresources.aspx 53 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar You can also navigate to the County Avatar website by typing in Avatar Resources into the Search Forms blank on your Forms Widget. If you click in the link, this will take you to the website. Scheduling Calendar The Avatar Scheduling Calendar gives the user the ability to manage appointments at multiple sites for staff members, clients, and groups. In the Scheduling Calendar, you can create appointments, check clients in and out for their appointments, launch progress notes and more. You can also assign multiple practitioners to an appointment (e.g. groups). Progress notes may be opened and written directly from the Scheduling Calendar with all of the information from the appointment auto populated into the form. When to use your calendar: County Mental Health staff must use the calendar for all services provided, however, Avatar will not stop you from writing a progress note without an appointment. However, you are strongly encouraged to do so because of the benefits it provides. Scheduling an Appointment in the Scheduling Calendar: Use this tutorial to practice scheduling an appointment in your calendar. 1. You are going to add a new appointment on today’s date for your calendar. Open up the Scheduling Calendar under My Forms, in the Forms & Data widget on the Home View. 54 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2. The Scheduling Calendar allows you to view appointments for one day, one week, or one month. Click on the “Week” view. You may see a list of several clinicians to the right of the calendar. If this is the case, click your name from the Clinician list on the left side of the Scheduling Calendar. 4. Site: A Site can be a workgroup or a location. If you don’t see your name, you may not be viewing the correct Site. Click on your assigned site to find your name. 3. 55 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. Right Click on the calendar at the desired appointment time and then click “Add Appointment.” 6. The Add New Appointment form will open. 56 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Program: This is the Program of Service under which you provide services, e.g. County – Adult Recovery, Encompass – Child Enhanced Sup Svcs, County – Child School. (The Program of Admission is noted in the “Episode” field.) 8. Location Code: For most programs, the Location code should auto-populate to “Office.” Change if needed. 7. 9. Service Code: Select the Service Code. Note that you must first select the Program before the Service Code. This is because Avatar won’t know what Service Codes you can add to the 57 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar appointment without knowing the Service Program. (E.g. only psychiatry can provide medication services.) 10. Select the Client and Episode. You must do this in order. Avatar won’t know what Episodes you have to pick from if you don’t select the client first. 11. Enter CO-PRACTITIONER(S) if applicable. 12. Enter RECURRING APPOINTMENT Fields as needed. a. Enter Once for a one time appointment. b. Recurring appointments: i. Enter Weekly for a weekly appointment. ii. The Recurrence End By field will open up. iii. Selecting End After allows you to elect to end the series after a certain number of sessions. Enter the number of sessions in the blank. iv. Selecting No End schedules the recurring appointments for a year. v. Note that you may go back and delete all or part of a series at a later time. To adjust a series, return to your Scheduling Calendar. Then, Right click on one of the appointments in the series. Telect “Delete.” A list of all appointments in the series will pop up. You can then select which ones you want to delete. (If you want to delete all or most of the remaining appointments in the series, remember that pressing CRTL + A on your keyboard will select all of the check boxes in a list.) vi. To schedule an appointment every other week, enter “Other” under Recurrence Schedule and then “14” in the blank for Days. 13. Click the Submit button on the left side of the screen to save your appointment and return to the Scheduling Calendar. 14. Notice that the new appointment is now listed on the Calendar 58 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 15. At this point you can right click within the appointment to see additional options. 16. One of the options is to right click to enter progress notes for the appointment, such as SC General Purpose Progress or SC Med Service Progress Note. When you open a progress note from an existing appointment, all of the information from the appointment is already added to the note, so you do not have to enter it again. 17. You can adjust the appointment time and date, or even the length of the appointment by clicking and dragging. If you have access to multiple calendars (e.g. reception or supervisors), you can even move appointments from one person’s calendar to another, by clicking and dragging the appointment. 18. When you are finished with the calendar, click on Dismiss and the bottom of the form. 59 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 19. Scheduling Calendar vs. the My Calendar Widget: (a) The Scheduling calendar is used to create appointments, find open appointments and view multiple schedules for a workgroup such as psychiatry staff or a service team. The My Calendar Widget allows viewing existing Client appointments. (b) Right clicking on individual appointments in both the Scheduling Calendar and the My Calendar Widget will launch the Individual Progress Note form, but not the Group Progress Note form. See the Group Progress Notes module for more information. Finding an Existing Appointment in the Scheduling Calendar: Unless you are a supervisor or in some clerical roles, you will not have access to other staff members calendars. However, you can check to see if a specific client has an upcoming appointment, or look for open appointments. You do this using a link in your Scheduling Calendar to open a special form for this purpose. Steps 1. Open your Scheduling Calendar. 2. In the lower right-hand corner, look for the link to the Find Existing Appointments form. (Below the Today button.) 3. Once the form opens, you will see many questions designed to narrow down your search. a. Search Sites: this narrows down your search by site. For example, if you are looking for psychiatry appointment for North County Adults, click No. Co. Adult Psychiatry. b. Note that the button to submit the form is in the middle of the form and that the Submit button on the left of the form is grayed out and disabled. 4. To find a scheduled appointment for a specific client, enter the client's name in the Client field. 5. To find an open appointment, search for the client RESERVED TIME. Appointments in Avatar must be scheduled with a client. RESERVED TIME is a "placeholder" client used to set aside appointments in the calendar that have not yet been 60 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar scheduled with an actual client. Below you can see the next 10 open appointments for Medication Management. They have all been scheduled with the “client” RESERVED TIME. Progress Notes Opening a new progress note There are several ways to open a new progress note. 1. From an existing appointment in the Scheduling Calendar. This is done by right clicking on the appointment and then clicking SC General Purpose Progress Note. 61 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 1. From the My Calendar Widget 2. From the Chart Overview, in the far upper right corner, click “add” to open a new progress note. (The “add” link is very tiny and faint.) 62 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar All of the above methods will open up the note for preselected client, and the client's name and (if any) appointment information will be automatically added to the progress note. A blank progress note can also be opened by simply double-clicking the progress note form in the Forms & Data Widget. Writing a new progress note 63 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar IMPORTANT: You must enter information and click items in order, or the form may not function correctly. 1. Select Client: Once you have opened the SC General Purpose Progress Note form, add the client’s name in the Select Client field, if the client was not preselected from an appointment. 2. Select Episode (Program of Admission): a. In the Drop-down list, select which Program of Admission is associated with the note/service, e.g. LE00044 MH COUNTY OUTPATIENT or County ADP Prevention HSA. (If the Program was not already entered from an appointment.) b. IMPORTANT: Make sure you select the correct episode or your note. Your note will be misfiled under the wrong program if you make an error and are able to finalize it. Typically though, the note will not work correctly and you will not be able to finalize and submit it. Also, if you write your note and then change your mind about the admission program, all of the data you already entered will be erased. 3. Progress Note For: Indicate whether this is an Existing Appointment or a New Service. If you click Existing Appointment, a list of available appointments for the client will pop up in the menu below, "Note Addresses Which Existing Service/Appointment." 4. Progress Note Purpose: Indicate either Outpatient Note, Residential Note or Information Note. Depending on which one of these you select, different parts of the progress note will be enabled or disabled. 5. PRACTITIONER(S)/TIME: Enter a duration for both Face-to-Face time and Other Time. Avatar will total the time under Total Duration. Enter the time in minutes. Note that Face-to-Face time 64 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar is the time spent in direct contact with the client. Other Time is all other time associated with the appointment including writing notes and travel time. You should consult with your supervisor about which services are allowable for “Other Time” under your Program of Service. 6. Service Information: Note that the field for Service Charge Code will provide a list of options once you begin typing. For example, type "M" for a list of all mental health codes. 7. Evidence Based Practices/Service Strategies: enter the appropriate practices and strategies based on the requirements of your workflow. 8. Language: Enter the language in which the service was provided. Click "No" for English. Click "Yes" for other languages. If you click Yes, you will also indicate whether or not an interpreter was used and the language. 65 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 9. Treatment Plan Elements section: a. If there is a treatment plan for the client, you will select which plan elements the service you provided addresses. b. Start with the Select Treatment Plan Version menu to select which plan and goals/objectives you want to use for the note. c. After selecting the Treatment Plan Version that you want, click Select T.P Item Note Addresses, which will open a view of the treatment plan. Double click on the item in the Treatment Plan you want to address in the note. Avatar will add everything above what you select, up through the associated goal. Typically, you will want to select an intervention. When you do this, Avatar will also add the associated objective, goal and problem for that intervention. (See Treatment Plan section for more information.) 66 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar d. After you selected what portions of the treatment plan you want to address in the note, click Return. You will now see the items you selected in the box labeled Note Addresses Which Treatment Plan Problem box. e. The Clear ‘Note Addresses Which Treatment Plan Problem’ Text button allows you to clear the treatment plan item you selected if you made an error. 10. Progress Note Section a. Note Type: Select the type of note you are writing, which will vary depending on what you clicked in the Progress Note Purpose field. 67 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar a. Write the note in the blanks that are enabled (not greyed out). b. Special types of notes: some notes, such as the information note or the residential note may have some blanks in the progress note disabled based on workflow. (IMPORTANT: If you click Information Note or Residential Note accidentally, some parts of the form won’t work for a routine progress note.) c. Information note: this replaces the “Memo” type note in previous EMR systems. It is a place to note important information that is not associated with a billable service. Example: a message from a client’s family member letting the clinician know the client has been hospitalized. Example: client called to cancel her appointment because they are moving out town and she no longer wants services. 68 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 11. Draft/Final and File Note: Once the note has been written, you may select Draft or Final and then click file note. a. Draft: An item will be added to your To Do List to remind you to complete and finalize the note. Clicking on the Form in your To Do items will launch your draft the progress note for you to complete. i. In your My To Do’s DO NOT click Review Draft Item. This will not launch the progress note. In addition, you have started down a path that will delete the reminder without your completing the note. Also, if the chart is still open, this function will not work. (The chart must be closed for the draft notes to be relaunched.) b. Final: if you select Final, a picture that will be launched for you to proofread. c. After proofreading, you have three options: i. Accept: accepts the note as final and files it. You are done at this point. ii. Reject: rejects the note so that you can return it to draft status for editing (click “Draft” once you get back to the note). 69 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar iii. Accept and Route: accepts the note and routes it to a supervisor and/or one or more approvers for a co-signature. 1. To Route to a Supervisor: Enter the supervisor’s name in the blank. Then click Add. The supervisor’s name will appear in the list at the bottom of the window. 2. To Route to one or more Approvers: Enter the approvers’ names in the blank. Then click Add after each approver. The approvers’ names will appear in the list at the bottom of the window. 3. What is the difference between a Supervisor and an Approver? Avatar sends the document to the person you have designated as “Supervisor” first. When that person signs the document, it then goes to the approver(s). It is only after the “Supervisor” signs, that the document gets released to the Approvers. Your documents show up in your supervisor’s and approver(s) My To Do’s. From there, they can sign the document, or they can return it to you for corrections. If a supervisor/approver “rejects” a document for corrections, they will not sign it and it will return to your My To Do’s as a draft. There is an option for the supervisor/approver to write a short message indicating the required changes. Once you edit the document, finalize and submit or file once again and re-route to the supervisor/approvers. 4. To Route to a Team: This will route to all the members of a team, if the team has been set up in Avatar. Enter the team name in the blank. Then click Add. 5. Once routing has been set up, click Submit. 70 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Print a Copy of a Progress Note In Avatar, as with other electronic medical record systems, it is not necessary to print your note. Avatar keeps your notes and other documentation secure. However, if you do need a copy, use the following directions. After you are finished using your printed copy, shred it as it contains confidential information. 1. Open the Client’s Chart and the link on the left side of the chart overview for the progress note type you want, either SC General Purpose Progress Note, SC Med Service Progress Note or SC Group Service Progress Note. 2. Make sure you click on the correct Admission Program tab at the top of the screen. 71 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. This will bring up a pre display where you can select a Progress Note to print. If there are a lot of notes, you can use the various Sort/Filter buttons to narrow down your note search. 4. To the left of the note, you will see the word “print.” Click this to print the document. Writing a progress note to document your service for an Assessment or Treatment Plan In Avatar, Assessments and Treatment Plans do not have a service or billing component built into the form. Therefore, you must write a progress note to account for the time spent meeting with the client and writing the assessment or treatment plan. Below, is information about the unique characteristics of writing this type of note. See above for more detailed information on writing a routine progress note. 1. Progress Note Purpose: Click Outpatient Note. 72 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2. Duration: Other Time is non-face-to-face time that is associated with provision of service including writing notes, travel time and reviewing any documentation prior to the appointment. For an assessment or treatment plan, Other Time may be significant compared to Face-to-Face time. 3. Treatment Plan Elements section: Skip this section. This section will not apply to your note documenting the creation of a treatment plan or an assessment. 4. Progress Note Section a. Note Type: Select Progress Note. b. Write the note in the content blanks that are highlighted. c. If the note documents face-to-face time, indicate the client’s presentation and response in the appropriate blanks. For the intervention, indicate that you worked on or completed an assessment with the client. d. If the note documents time spent writing the assessment or treatment plan, and the client was not present, enter NA in the blanks for client presentation and response. 73 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Reopening a Draft Progress Note If you save your note in draft, the draft note will be sent to your My To Do's. You can open up the draft notes from there to complete it. Steps First, look for the note in your My To Do’s. You can click on the name of the form to open it up. If the note is not there, you will have to open it up from the chart. 1. Open the Client’s Chart 2. Click on the link for the progress note type. In the example below, the SC General Purpose Progress Note link is clicked. This will bring up a the inquiry view where you can see the notes. 74 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. Click on the tab for your Admission Program. In the picture below, the selected admission program is episode 4: LE - 00044 MH COUNTY OUTPATIENT. If there are many, many tabs you may want to return to the chart Overview (click the word "Overview") and look at the Episodes widget to find the episode number. This will help you locate the correct tab. You may need to use the tiny triangles at the upper right to scroll among tabs. 75 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4. Locate the Draft Progress Note you would like to delete and select “Edit”. The Progress Note will open. Observe the highlighted areas (client name, episode, draft note information) and verify that this is the Draft Progress Note you want to edit. 5. Complete your note. 6. Select “Final” at the bottom of the page. 7. Select “File” and follow the steps to sign and/or route the note. 76 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Deleting a Draft Progress Note If you make an error and your progress note is still in Draft form, you can delete the note yourself. Only the original author of the draft note can delete the note in this manner. The helpdesk or QA cannot delete it for you. (If you have a note that has been Finalized and Filed, you will need to send a message to [email protected] to have the note deleted. You cannot delete it using the following method.) Avatar sends draft notes to your the draft note will be sent to your My To Do's. If the note is still in your My To Do's you can open up the note from there to delete it. If the reminder in your My To Do's as disappeared, you will need to open up the note from the chart. Steps 1. Open the Client’s Chart 2. Click on the link for the progress note type. In the example below, the SC General Purpose Progress Note link is clicked. This will bring up a the inquiry view where you can see the notes. 3. Click on the tab for your Admission Program. In the picture below, the selected admission program is episode 4: LE - 00044 MH COUNTY OUTPATIENT. If there are many, many tabs you may want to return to the chart Overview (click the word "Overview") and look at the Episodes widget to find the episode number. This will help you locate the correct tab. You may need to use the tiny triangles at the upper right to scroll among tabs. 77 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4. Locate the Draft Progress Note you would like to delete and select “Edit”. 78 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar The Progress Note will open. Observe the highlighted areas (client name, episode, draft note information) and verify that this is the Draft Progress Note you would like to delete. 5. Select “Delete Draft Note” to delete. Using the Append Progress Notes Form to Add to a Progress Note If you have already filed and signed a note, Avatar does provide an opportunity to add to the text of the note using the Append Progress Notes form. Once the Append form has been completed, the added information will appear as an addendum at the end of the Progress Note in Avatar. 79 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If you need to void (delete) a note or change the service code contact the QA help desk at at 454-4468 or [email protected]. If you need to change the client name (wrong client), or change the time spent, contact the IT helpdesk. To avoid having to add to or make changes to services, it is important to take time to look over your notes before finalizing them. 1. Select the Append Progress Notes form. A Select Client window will open up. Enter the name or number of your client to open the form. 2. You will next see a pre-display of the client’s episodes. Select the appropriate episode. 3. Select the Note Type or category of your note. 4. In List of Notes, select the note you wish to append. (IMPORTANT: If you have routed a progress note for a supervisor and are waiting for a co-signature, the progress note will not appear in the List of Notes. Ask your supervisor to “Reject” the note, 80 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar which will put it back in your My To Do’s in Draft form. You can then make your changes and submit the note again.) 5. The Original and Appended Notes section of the form will be populated with information from your Progress Note. In terms of note content, only the Intervention portion of your original note will be shown here. This does not mean that the Client Presentation, Client Response and Follow-Up sections are not there, just that you cannot see them in this particular window. 6. In the New Comments to Be Appended to the Original Note section, add your comments. You may want to add a notation about which section of the note your comments belong to. 7. Once you have submitted the form, your changes will show at the end of the note when the note is printed and when the note is viewed in the chart. 81 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Indirect (MAA) Service Note Consult with your supervisor about whether or not you should be using this note. MAA Billing is used by staff when performing activities that inform eligible or potentially eligible individuals about Medi-Cal services, including explaining how to access these services, describing the range of benefits covered, and how to obtain services. MAA notes should not contain clinical information about the client, but rather describe the outreach activities by the clinician. These notes do not connect to any particular client chart – only to the practitioner. Locate the Forms & Data widget on your home view. 82 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 1) Click in the Search Forms field and type Indirect (MAA) Service Note. Double click on the form name to open up the form. 2) Enter Date of Service, Practitioner (your name), Program, Service code (indirect MAA service) and Duration. 3) Consult with your supervisor about whether or not you need to write anything in the “Indirect Service Note” blank. Avatar does not require you to fill out this field to complete the note. This field is intended to record a brief summary of the indirect services provided by the clinician. It is not a clinical note and should not contain client information. 4) On the left hand side of the screen, click on the Submit Button. Understanding Client Admissions and Workflow Through the System 1. Avatar has two types of programs, Programs of Admission (POA’s) and Programs of Service (POS’s). A Program of Admission is a broad admission that covers many services provided in an agency. A Program of Service is narrower. Service provision (notes, billing) is completed under a Program of Service (service teams, psychiatry, substance abuse treatment programs, etc…). Clients are no longer “opened” to Programs of Service (as with prior EMR systems). Once the appropriate Program of Admission is opened, service delivery commences. The appropriate Program of Service is noted in the progress notes. 83 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Program of Admission County LE - 00044 COUNTY OUTPATIENT Program of Admission LE - 00439 VOLUNTEER CENTER EPISODE Program of Service County - Adult Recovery North Program of Service Vol Ctr - Community Connection Adult Outpatient CalWORKS Program of Service County - North Medical FQHC Services (Psychiatry) Program of Service Vol Ctr - Mariposa Adult Outpatient Program of Service County - North ChildSchool Program of Service County - North FQHC Therapy Services Etc.... 2. This concept is slightly different in Substance Use Disorders (SUD) treatment vs. Behavioral Health (BH) treatment. a. In BH treatment, a Program of Admission is a broad “episode” that encompasses the entire time a client receives services from County BH or an entire contract agency. It can go on for many years. b. In SUD treatment, due to different confidentiality regulations, the Program of Admission is narrower and only specific to the particular treatment facility or program where the client is getting services. c. For each Program of Admission, there is only one Program of Service. 84 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Program of Admission Janus Main - Adult Residential Detox Program of Admission Encompass CS - Alto North Outpatient Program of Admission ADP Family and Children Svcs Program of Service Janus Main - Adult Residential Detox Program of Service Encompass CS Alto North Outpatient Program of Service ADP Family and Children Svcs Client Registration & Financial Program of Admission Client Registration & Financial is the first Program of Admission for all clients in Avatar. No services are associated with this Program of Admission. It exists to allow the client to be entered into the system and assignment of a client number only. The main takeaway is that the Client Registration & Financial Opening needs to be paired with another Program Of Admission (e.g. LE00044 MH COUNTY OUTPATIENT or County ADP Prevention HSA) order to provide billable services. County – Pre Admit Outpatient Program of Admission 1. This unique Program of Admission allows for limited services prior to the client receiving an Access Assessment and formally entering treatment. This allows for extended assessment periods for clients, as well as services for individuals who may never qualify for treatment, but require acute or crisis services. Some examples of the type of service allowed under County – Pre Admit Outpatient: a. Field crisis for a non-open client b. Jail crisis c. Crisis residential services d. Extended assessments for children under five e. Assessment services when the assessment is provided over a longer period of time, i.e. more than one visit is needed to determine whether client meets criteria for services 2. Under this Program of Admission, services may be provided for up to 60 days (or 90 days for children under 5). After 60 (or 90) days, the client must be discharged or admitted to another Program of Service. 85 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Client Reg & Financial Pre-Admit LE - 00044 COUNTY OUTPATIENT • Client or representative calls or comes in for services, or a referral is received. • Client opened to the Client Registration & Financial Program of Admission. • Client number assigned. • Info noted in Service Request and Disposition Log. • Assessment appointment scheduled. • No services are billed. • Unclear if client qualifies for services and an extended assessment is done over multiple sessions. • Client receives services, but no assessment is done. Client may not qualify. Examples: jail, crisis services, adult stepdown facility, extended assessment. • Client closed after 60 or 90 days. • Service provision (billable services) allowed. • Client has had an Access Assessment and had been determined to meet medical necessity criteria for services. • Client referred in for services. e.g. psychiatry, therapy, case management. • If client was previously opened to Pre-Admit, PreAdmit is closed when LE - 00044 County Outpatient is opened. Service Request and Disposition Log (SRADL): 86 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 1. Previously called the Access Log or Call Logging 2. Services are initiated by either the client, or a representative (parent, guardian, hospital, contract agency). When the client or a representative contacts County Behavioral Health with a request for services, this must be noted in the Service Request and Disposition Log. This is a state requirement. 3. Features: a. There are clerical and clinical sections on the form. The person filling out the clerical section of the form will file it in "draft" format. The person completing the form "activates" the clinical section by clicking a radio button and then completes and finalizes the form. b. There are Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder questions in the SRADL form, because clinicians from all agencies and contractors will be using the form. 4. There is an associated widget, The Service Request and Disposition Log Widget where all entries in the SRADL are shown for a particular client. Clicking on an entry in the SRADL widget opens a single log entry for viewing or, if the entry has not been finalized, for editing. (Click on the blue date, which is where the link to the form is.) 5. If you are assigned a client that is new to services, there may be information in the SRADL Widget that will be helpful to you. Admission Form Search for the Client To help you understand admissions, you will add a brand new client to Avatar, using the Admission form. For the purposes of this exercise, you will admit the client to Client Registration & Financial and then to LE-00044 MH County Outpatient. These are Programs of Admission (POA’s or Admission Programs). 1. Go to your Forms & Data Widget and search for the Admission form. Type “admission" into the Search Forms field in the forms & Data Widget. Double click on the form when it appears on the list. Note that you want to select “Admission”. There are other forms with similar names that you do not want to choose. 87 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2. A Select Client Window will pop up. Before Avatar will open the Admission form for you, you will need to search for the client. This is because you want to see if the client is already in the system before admitting the client. 3. Type in three pieces of information in order to search for the client. Once 3 pieces of information are entered, the Search button will activate. (Even if you know you're adding a brand-new client, Avatar will want you to enter the information and perform the search.) 88 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4. Click Search. (If there are matches to your search, the names will appear and you can either double click on a name to select a client, or click on the name, then click the Select button.) For the purposes of this exercise, you will enter a brand-new client. Even if the name you have selected is already in Avatar, you will treat this as a new client. However, try to pick a unique name if you can. 5. If the client name is not in Avatar at all, a pop-up window will appear, letting you know that no matches have been found for your client. Click OK. The New Client button will activate. 89 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 6. Click New Client on the Search Client window to launch the Admission form. 90 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7. Avatar will ask if you want Auto Assign Next ID Number. Click Yes. Avatar will now open the Admission form. Complete the Admission Form 1. Admission Risk Assessment tab Once the Admission form is opened, fill in the open fields Identification and Treatment Information tab. Remember, items in red are required. You will not be able to submit (save and finalize) the form unless those items are answered. At the time of publication of this document, there are several questions on the Admission form that we will not be collecting. Below is a list and description of items that are needed for California State Data collection. a. Identification and Treatment Information i. Client Name will be auto populated from the Search Client window. ii. Sex will be auto populated from the Search Client window if you used this parameter to search for the client. Otherwise, add this information in. "Other" = transgender, intersex, gender fluid, etc. "Unknown" = unknown gender. iii. Date of Birth: Although not a required question, do your very best to gather this information. This will help identify the client and ensure the client is not entered into Avatar multiple times. iv. Social Security Number: Although not a required question, do your very best to gather this information. This will help identify the client and ensure the client is not entered into Avatar multiple times. v. Program: For the purposes of this exercise, first open the client to CLIENT REGISTRATION & FINANCIAL. CLIENT REGISTRATION & FINANCIAL Program of Admission Client Registration & Financial is the first Program of Admission for all clients in Avatar. No services are associated with this Program of Admission. It exists to allow information to be entered into Avatar prior to the client coming in for services. It also allows a client number to be assigned. vi. Type of Admission: Enter First Admission. vii. Source Of Admission: Although not required by Avatar, this item is required for CSI data collection. Do your very best to answer this question if at all possible. viii. Initial Point of Contact: This is you. Enter your ID here by typing in your last name and pressing Enter. Typically, this is the first clinical staff person encountering the client. ix. Lead Provider: This is the person who will eventually be working with the client as the main contact person. Enter this information if you know who this person is. If 91 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar you are practicing in avatar, add your own name. This field will add the client to the clinician’s My Clients Widget. x. Skip the following: Practitioner Type, Disposition, Perform Discharge Alert, Type Of Alert. These items are not used. b. Presenting Problems/Disabilities tab: Only answer the Disabilities questions in this section. Skip the Presenting Problems questions and the Current Medications questions. Skip the remaining tabs and the Compliance Indicators section. Move on to the Demographics tab. 2. Demographics tab: None of these items are “required" for you to Submit the form. However, complete as many as you can. Client race/ethnicity are required CSI items. 3. Complete a new admission in a different program: You will now complete another admission for your client. This time, you will open the client to your Program of Admission. For Adult or Children's Mental Health, the program is LE-00044 MH County Outpatient. a. Double click on the Admission form from your Forms & Data Widget. b. You will again see the Search Client window. Enter three data points for your client (e.g. last name, first name, sex). Then press search. Double-click on your client's name when it shows in the search window. c. You will see a Pre-Display listing all of your client's prior admissions. Since this is a brandnew client, you will only see one admission listed, your prior admission to Client Registration & Financial. 4. In the Pre-Display, click Add in the lower left-hand corner. The Admission form will launch. 92 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. Admit the client to your Admission Program or “LE”. For County Mental Health clients, this is LE – 00044 MH County Outpatient. 6. Type of Admission will be First Admission since this is the first admission to your Admission Program. 93 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7. Complete the rest of the questions in the form, as previously described. 8. Open the chart of the client you just admitted. Do this by double clicking on the client name. In your client’s chart, see the two admissions you just completed in the Client Episodes Widget. CSI Admission and Cal-OMS Admission 1. The CSI and Cal-OMS forms in Avatar are for inputting demographic data for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Services, respectively. 2. This information is completed when the client is initially opened to services, and then annually by the clinician. Staff providing direct service delivery, such as coordinators and therapists, complete annual updates. 3. Paper forms are available for situations where there is no access to a computer or where the client is providing this information directly. 4. If you are the person completing the Access or Intake Assessment, you may need to complete a CSI or Cal-OMS form. Unless a clerical person has already done this for you, you will need to do the form yourself. 94 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. Do your best to answer the questions on the form. GATHER AT LEAST: Last Name, First Name, DOB, SSN, gender. 6. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER: Questions about Problems and Medications. These are covered elsewhere in Avatar. 7. Update Client Data form: CSI information is updated at least annually and when CSI information changes. This is done by the Lead Provider for the client using the Update Client Data form. 8. CSI Widget: This Widget is in the client chart and tells you if key information still needs to be collected. If the background of the Widget is yellow, there are items missing. The Widget background turns green when all of the information has been collected. Figure 1 Example of CSI Widget with Missing Information Wait List Management When a program/unit has reached its capacity, clients may be added to the wait list using this form. This form also allows users to modify the order of clients as well as remove them from the wait list. Steps 1. In the Search Forms Field, enter Wait List, and select Wait List Management. 95 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2. In the program field, select the program. 3. In the Unit field, select the unit. 4. In the Client ID field, select a client already on the waiting list to edit, or use the search field to select a new client. 5. In the List Position field, select the client's priority in the waiting list. If more than one client exists on a list, you will see the list number. Depending on the criteria used (pregnancy, etc.) you may move the new client up or down the priority list, 1 being highest. When you choose any number on the list other than Bottom, you will see a dialog box asking if you wish the reorder the list. If that is true, select OK. 96 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 6. In the Date Added field, enter the date this client was added to the waiting list. 7. In the Reason Added field, select the option that best describes why this client was placed on the waiting list. 8. In the Date Removed field, enter the date this client was removed from the waiting list. This can only be entered after the admission to the waiting list has been done. 97 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 9. In the Reason Removed field, select the option that best describes why this client was taken off the waiting list. 10. In the Comment field, enter any additional information that may be useful. 11. The Comment History field displays previous comments for reference. 12. Radio Button Sub-section selections: choose all that apply. 13. Click Submit. 98 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 14. To Add a Patient back to a Wait List, repeat steps 1-4 to retrieve client information. In the Date Added field, enter the date this client was added to the waiting list. 15. In the Reason Added field, select the option that best describes why this client was placed on the waiting list. 16. In the Date Removed field, remove the date this client was removed from the waiting list. It should appear as below, blank. 17. In the Reason Removed field, select F5, which should remove the selection and leave the Reason Removed blank. 18. In the Comment field, enter any additional information that may be useful. 99 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar List Detail Section Overview This section provides detailed information about current and past clients on the waiting list. Steps 1. The List Details screen displays pertinent information related to clients on the waiting list. 2. In the List Properties field, check the Show Inactive box to display details on clients who have been removed from the waiting list. 3. Click Edit Removed Clients to edit details related to these clients. 100 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Wait List Management Report Overview Generate a report on waiting lists for a specific program/unit. Menu Path Avatar PM > Client Management > Census Management Reports Steps In the Program field, select the program. 1. 2. 3. 4. In the Unit field, select the unit. In the Date Added Start field, enter the first date that clients were added to this waiting list. In the Date Added End field, enter the last date that clients were added to this waiting list. In the Date Removed Start field, enter the first date that clients were removed from this waiting list. 5. In the Date Removed End field, enter the last date that clients were removed from this waiting list. 6. In the 'Position' field, limit the results by entering the first and last position numbers to generate in the report. 7. Select Submit, and Wait List Management Report will appear. 101 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Onset of Services form (Consents) How This Document Works This Avatar form, actually a set of several tabs related to several different types of of consent forms, contains links to printable consent forms as well as areas for client electronic signatures using the signature pad. Even if a form is not signed using the signature pad, you can document whether or not the client has signed the paper form (which is then scanned into the chart). That way, users can easily see whether or not the client has signed these consents. 102 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar The following consent forms (in both English and Spanish) are linked to this Avatar form: 1. Consent for the Exchange of Confidential Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Information 2. Consent for Mental Health Treatment 3. Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPPA form) Note that releases for individual providers outside the Santa Cruz Avatar network are not linked in this form. This form should NOT be confused with the MHE 306 Authorization to Release Confidential Mental Health Information which permits information to be shared with entities/persons outside of Avatar such as Probation, Social Services, family members and others. (Pink county release form) There are sections for insurance authorization: 1. Medicare Payment Authorization 2. Private Insurance Authorization There is a section that documents whether or not the client was offered and/or provided the Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services. Consent for the Exchange of Confidential Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Information tab Please be advised that you should have the client/legal guardian sign this form at the earliest possible date. This form allows all providers inside Santa Cruz Avatar to legally share information about a client, including SUD providers. However, anyone who is not involved with the person’s care still needs to “break the glass” by filling in the Non-Caseload Access popup. Doing so creates an audit trail of anyone accessing the record. In order for SUD program data to be viewed by providers outside a particular SUD program, the client must completely fill out the form, checking off and authorizing all service providers listed. Otherwise, data from SUD programs is "sequestered." This means that any data relating to SUD programs is kept separate from other client information in the chart and can only be viewed by staff working in that particular program. If the client or representative declines to sign this form, the chart will be blocked. Blocking a record means only providers from that Admission Program would be able to view the record. This compromises any ability to collaborate with other providers and coordinate care. Steps: Printed form: If you do not already have a printed copy of the Consent for the Exchange of Information, print one out so that your client can sign it. There are links in the Avatar “Consent to Exchange…” tab for both English and Spanish versions of the form. Make sure your client checks off all of the boxes on the form so that SUD records can be available to all Avatar users. 103 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 104 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 105 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If the client declines to sign the form: If this is a mental health client, contact QA so that steps can be taken to sequester the client information if needed. If this is an SUD client inside an SUD program, the client will need to be admitted to the sequestered program. Avatar “Exchange” tab: Once the client has signed the paper consent, fill out the first tab of the Avatar Onset of Services form. 1. Fill in the Date and Time that the client signed the form. 2. Was the Authorization for Use, exchange and/or Disclosure of Confidential information scanned? The answer to this question, for the exchange form, will always be "Yes." This is because there are check boxes on the paper form for each entity in Avatar that must be checked off by the client in order to exchange information. These check boxes are not present in the Avatar Onset of Services form. 3. This authorization is being completed by: Enter the person who is authorizing or signing the document. 4. If applicable, was the Authorization for Use, exchange, and/or Disclosure of Confidential information interpreted/translated into the client's preferred language: If the consent was interpreted for the client, click "Yes" for the interpretation question. Otherwise click, "N/A.” 5. Notes on interpretation/translation of Authorization for Use, exchange, and/or Disclosure of Confidential Information: In the this field, you may add any information about interpretation/translation. 6. Client or representative's preferred language: Enter the preferred language. 7. If not client, name of representative completing this form: Enter the name of the person authorizing the exchange of information if it is not the client. Otherwise, leave blank. 8. Relationship to client: If applicable, note the relationship of the person signing the form to the client. Otherwise, leave blank. 9. Client or representatives signature: If you have a signature pad available, click "Get Signature" to activate the signature pad. Have the client sign and click "OK” to import the signature into Avatar. 10. Client's or representative's reason for reason for refusing to sign authorization for use, exchange, and/or disclosure of confidential information: If the client or representative refuses to sign the exchange form, you must note the reason why in the blank provided. (See instructions above for what to do if client refuses to sign form.) 11. Witness (Staff) signature: Do not use this question. Staff sign when finalizing and submitting document. 12. Staff Name: Enter the name of the staff person filling out this form. 106 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Consent for Mental Health Treatment tab 1. Was the consent scanned? If the client signed a paper copy of the consent (link to this document is at the bottom of the tab) and then was scanned in, click "Yes." Depending on your workflow, your department may simply have the client read a copy of the form and then sign electronically using the signature pad. In this case, you would click "No" for this question. 2. Was the consent interpreted/translated? If the consent was interpreted for the client, click "Yes" for the interpretation question. Otherwise click, "N/A.” 3. What is the client or representative's preferred language? Enter the preferred language. 4. Notes on interpretation/translation of consent: In the this field, you may add any information about interpretation/translation. 5. By signing below, the client or their representative acknowledges understanding the consent for MH services: Currently (8/19/16) this field for electronic signature is required (red). This means that you will not be able to finalize the Onset of Services form without electronic signature. If you do not have a signature pad available, leave this field blank and leave the form in draft. 6. Date (Client Signature): Like the signature field, this field is required (red). Note the date that the client signed the Consent to Treat. 7. If not the client, name of representative completing this form: Note the name of the parent, Guardian or other representative consenting to mental health treatment for the client, if applicable. Otherwise leave blank. 8. Relationship to client: If applicable, note the relationship of the person signing the form to the client. Otherwise, leave blank. 9. Client or representative refuses to sign a consent services: Click "Yes" if the client/representative refuses to sign. Click "N/A" if the signature is obtained. 10. Client or representative reason for refusing to sign consent: If the client or representative refuses to sign the consent, you must indicate the reason why. 11. Staff signature: Do not use this question. Staff sign when finalizing and submitting document. 12. Staff name: Enter the name of the staff person completing the document. 13. Date (Staff signature): Do not use this question. Staff sign when finalizing and submitting document. 14. Time: Do not use this question. Notice of Privacy Practices (HIPPA form) 1. If applicable, was the Notice of Privacy practices interpreted/translated into the Client's preferred language: In the this field, you may add any information about interpretation/translation. 2. Date Notice of Privacy Practice GIVEN to client: Regardless of whether or not the client accepts a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices, the client should be OFFERED a copy. Even if the client refuses the copy, add the date that you offered a copy to the client in this blank. 3. Client or a representative's preferred language: Enter the preferred language. 4. Notes on interpretation/translation of Notice of Privacy Practices: In the this field, you may add any information about interpretation/translation. 107 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. Notice of Privacy Practices Consumer Signature: Depending on your workflow, you may choose to have the client sign on the signature pad. Alternately, you may have the client sign a paper form and have it scanned into the chart. 6. Notice of Privacy Practices Staff Signature: Do not use this question. Staff sign when finalizing and submitting document. Medicare Payment Authorization 1. Medicare Payment Authorization: Indicate whether or not the client authorized Medicare to be billed. 2. Medicare Payment Authorization Signature: Client signs to authorize Medicare billing. Private Insurance Authorization 1. Private Insurance Payment Authorization: Indicate whether or not the client authorized private insurance to be billed. 2. Private Insurance Payment Authorization [Signature blank]: Client signs to authorize billing private insurance. Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services 1. Date Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services offered to client: Enter the date client was offered a copy of the guide. The client does not have to accept the guide, you just need to offer it to the client. 2. If applicable, was the Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services interpreted/translated into the client's preferred language? Indicate whether or not the guide was translated for the client. Enter "Yes" if the client was given a guide in Spanish. 3. Client or Representative's preferred language? Enter the client's language. 4. Notes on interpretation/translation of Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services: In the this field, you may add any information about interpretation/translation, if applicable. 5. Client or representative accepted copy of Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services: Indicate whether or not the client accepted a copy. 6. Client's or representative's reason for refusing copy of Guide to Medi-Cal Mental Health Services: If the client refuses, enter the reason. Disposition and Print Language 1. The printed Consent will be in: This question is not applicable, since we are not printing a copy of the entire Onset of Services form. However, the question is required (red). Click the client's/representative's preferred language. If the language is other than Spanish or English, leave blank. In this case, you will not be able to finalize the form and will need to leave it in draft. 2. Draft/Final Status: You must finalize this form before you can submit and sign. At the time of publication of this document, there are some required (red) questions that may prevent you 108 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar from finalizing the form. If you are unable to finalize the form for this reason, leave the form in draft. Assessments: General Concepts 1. Assessments in Avatar are made up of multiple groupings of forms. For example, the Psychosocial Assessment consists of the main Psychosocial Assessment form, plus the Diagnosis form, Risk Assessment, MSE, Drug Grid (Children’s) and Diagnosis. 2. Some of these forms are required and some are completed only in certain circumstances. For example, only licensed/waivered/registered staff complete the Diagnosis form. In the diagram below, see how the Psychosocial Assessment and the Crisis Assessment have several associated forms in common. 109 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 •Risk Assessment •Diagnosis •MSE •Progress Note CRISIS ASSESSMENT •Psychosocial Assessment SC (main form) •Risk Assessment SC: Required depending on certain questions about SI, HI, GD. •DRUG Grid: required for some children, no adults. Required depending on answers to other trigger questions about substances. •Diagnosis: staff role-based, only licensed, waivered, or registered clinicians •Mental Status: staff rolebased, only licensed/waivered/registered clinicians •Progress Note: required to document the service SHARED FORMS PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT Santa Cruz Avatar •(all forms are required) •Crisis Assessment form (main form) •Risk Assessment •Diagnosis •MSE •Progress Note 3. Form Bundling a. For forms like the Psychosocial Assessment, it and some of it’s associated forms can be opened up automatically using bundling. b. Sequential vs Non-sequential Bundling: With sequential bundling, forms are opened up one at a time, in order, as they are completed. With non-sequential bundling, forms are opened up simultaneously and the clinician can choose which forms to complete first, or even move around between the various open forms until they are completed and finalized. c. Type in the word Bundle in the Search Forms field in your Forms & Data Widget on your Home Console to see the various bundles that are available. Note the various sequential and concurrent bundles available. Click on one of the Concurrent bundles to see all of the forms that are available. 110 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Psychosocial Assessment General Concepts 1. Tabs: The Psychosocial Assessment form is organized into tabs that address related types of information. For example, there are separate tabs for Mental Health History, Legal History and Trauma History. As you complete the form, you can click on the separate tabs to complete the information needed. It is recommended that you move through the form, one tab at a time, in order, because of certain question logic in the assessment. However, you may return to a tab to add information at any time. 2. Sections: Some tabs have many questions and are subdivided into sections. These are set apart with gray bars at the top of the section. You can click on the triangle at the left of each section divider to open up or collapse the section. 111 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Click the triangle to open up this section in the Risk Factors tab. 3. Required Questions: In the Psychosocial Assessment, some questions are required and others are optional, although you are strongly encouraged to answer as many questions as possible, including those that are optional. Questions in red are required to finalize and submit the form. At the time of publication of this document (8/19/16) some questions that are required by Medi-Cal are not red/required in Avatar. You must answer these questions to complete the form. 4. Lightbulbs: Throughout this and other documents, you will see a small light bulb symbol. If you hover over the symbol, you will see instructions on how to answer the question. 5. Question Logic: Some questions are required depending on the answers to other questions. For example, in the Legal History tab, the first question is required. Depending on the answer to the first question in the tab, subsequent questions are either required or disabled. In the example below, because the clinician clicked "No" to 112 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar the first question about any legal involvement, all the other questions are not required and in fact are "grayed out" or disabled. No information can be entered into these questions. 6. The Psychosocial assessment is unique in that it has a Backup Form button that will save the form while it is open. The button is on the left, just underneath the Submit button. EVEN THOUGH THE PSYCHOSOCIAL HAS THIS BACKUP BUTTON, YOU SHOULD STILL CLICK “SUBMIT” WHEN YOU EXIT THE FORM. Santa Cruz Psychosocial Assessment Form Open up a new Psychosocial Assessment SC form for your client. Click once on your client (in the My Clients Widget) to highlight the client, then double-click on the link to the form (found in My Forms). If the client is open to multiple admissions, you will see a pre-display with a list of those admissions. Select the POA under which you provide services, e.g. ME – 00044 MH County Outpatient. The Psychosocial Assessment SC form will open. For training purposes, pick a client that has not had a prior assessment. See the section titled Assessment Updates for information on how to do an Update when there are previous assessments for the client. 113 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Presenting Problem Tab 1. Date Fields: In the Presenting Problem section, enter the Assessment Date. Click "Today" or "Yesterday", or for a different date, type it in. Dates can be entered in Avatar by clicking the "T" or "Y" next to the date blank (today or yesterday). You can also type in the letter T annd press enter for today's date. You can use addition or subtraction to enter dates. For example, entering T-4 gives you a date from four days ago. 2. In the Type of Assessment field, select the appropriate type of assessment. 3. In the Assessment for what population field, select the appropriate population. 4. Question Logic for population: Note that there is a great deal of question logic associated with the “population” question, so make sure you click the correct box for this item. Various questions are required or disabled depending on the answer. If you change the answer to this question mid-way thought the assessment, some text boxes may clear and you will lose your data. 5. Draft/Final: Next, skip to the very end of the assessment, to the last question at the bottom of the Summary Tab. Select Draft in the Draft/Final field radio button. At this point you have completed all the tasks necessary to save your document as a draft and return to it at a later time. Now return to the Presenting Problem Tab. 114 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 6. Complete the Presenting Problem (What made client/child come for services?) and Describe any functional Impairments fields. 7. Text Editor: If the text box requires a lengthy answer, you can pop out the text editor to see more of the field by clicking the associated icon. Click “Save” to close the popout and save your edits. If you do not click “Save,” your edits will not be saved. 8. Search Function: Click the tiny magnifying glass to search for a word or phrase in your text. Culture/Spirituality Tab Complete data entry for the, “Describe the client’s/child’s cultural practices and spiritual beliefs,” question and, “Describe the client’s/child’s gender roles and sexuality,” question. ALTHOUGH NOT RED/REQUIRED, THIS IS A REQUIRED QUESTION BY MEDI-CAL. Mental Health Hx Tab Source(s) of clinical information field: This brief field is a chance to list the types of information you are using to complete the assessment. Examples: client report, hospital records, family. 115 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Note that you only have about 20 characters in this field. If you need to discuss sources of information more thoroughly, use the larger narrative box in this section. The Mental Health History tab contains questions with radio buttons and checkboxes. Here are some helpful hints for working with these types of fields. 1. Use the arrow keys to move around in a checkbox field. 2. In list fields that contain multiple check boxes, you can use Ctrl + A to select all. To unselect all use Ctrl + D. 3. You can use the space bar to check or uncheck a box. 4. Use F5 button to uncheck a radio button. Risk Factors Tab The Risk Factors Tab contains question logic that turns various questions on and off. In addition, answering "yes" to certain questions launches another form, the Risk Assessment Form. If you answer “Yes” to either of the three questions about CURRENT DTS, DTO or GD, you must complete the Risk Assessment. Information about PAST DTS, DTO or GD does not trigger the Risk Assessment. You do not have to complete the Risk Assessment if DTS, DTO or GD is not current. In the Risk Factors Tab, in the Violence Risk Section click "Yes" to the question, Current danger to others/homicidal ideation." A pop-up will direct you to open up the Risk Assessment. If this is an error or you want to come back to the Risk Assessment later, you may click “No” and return to the Psychosocial Assessment form. However, you will need to complete the Risk Assessment form at some point if answered “yes” to any of the trigger questions. Note that the questions on the form differentiate between current and past suicidal/homicidal behaviors/ideation. Only current suicidality, homicidality and/or grave disability trigger the full Risk Assessment. Legal History Tab Note the embedded logic for current and past legal involvement. The first question about history of, or current legal involvement, activates the rest of the questions in the section. Medical Information Tab Client resources form The question regarding primary care provider launches a window to the Client Resources form. THIS QUESTION IS REQUIRED BY MEDI-CAL. ALTHOUGH NOT RED/REQUIRED IN AVATAR, YOU MUST ANSWER THIS QUESTION. The Client Resources form allows support people, family and other providers such as medical doctors to be entered into Avatar. View client resources in the Client Resources Widget on the Home console. 116 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Pregnancy and Postpartum Sections: For Janus Perinatal Program only. Developmental History Tab Answer these questions as appropriate. CRAFFT/CAGE AID Tab CRAAFT section (for children/youth) If the client is a child, the CRAAFT is enabled but not required. This is because it is required for children 12 and over only. The last question on the CRAAFT enables associated question logic. If two or more questions are answered “Yes” in the CRAAFT, then you will be prompted to complete the Drug Grid form. If you are required to complete the Drug Grid form, you will skip the Substance List Tab (next tab on the psychosocial), otherwise, you must complete the Substance List Tab, regardless of client age. (There is a single item that will allow you to enter "None” for substances.) 117 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar CAGE AID section (for adults) The CAGE AID is either required (adults) or disabled (children). Note that you do not complete the Drug Grid form for Adults. Instead, complete the Substance List Tab, which is the next tab on the psychosocial. Substance List Tab Required for: 1. Adults, and 2. Children for whom the Drug Grid was not completed. If a Drug Grid was completed for a child, then this tab is not required. Note that the label at the top of the tab is in red, but the questions here are not required and you will be able to finalize your assessment without answering the questions on the tab. The Substance List Tab contains a multi-iteration list. Information about each substance the client uses/abuses has it’s own line in the list. To add a substance to the list, you must first create a new line by clicking, Add New Item. The Substance List tab is for listing all substances used, not just those abused. For example, if the client drinks one cup of coffee per week, this should still be noted. Medi-Cal requires that we ask about the following: alcohol, caffeine, tobacco/nicotine, CAM (complementary and alternative medications), OTC drugs, and illicit substances and note the information, even if the substance (e.g. caffeine, suppliments) is used moderately and appropriately. Even if the client uses no substances at all, you must still complete the tab. In this case, proceed as if you are going to add a new substance (see below) but check, “None” for “Substance Type.” Everything else on the form will then be disabled and greyed out, so you will not have to enter any more data on this tab. STEPS: 1. Click Add New Item: Begin by adding a new row to the multi-iteration list by clicking Add New Item to start a new row. (For each new substance, you will begin by adding a new row.) 118 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 2. Fill out the rest of the row, entering information into the blanks below the table. Note that you will need to answer the questions for each substance in order, for the list to work properly. Substance Use Hx Tab Note the question logic based on the answer to the first question on the page. Trauma History Tab Does the client/child have a history of trauma? This question is required. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the assessment, your client may not be willing or able to answer questions about this topic. For example, for a psychotic individual who is currently hospitalized, this may not be the time for this discussion. Enter “Unknown” if you do not have sufficient information to answer the question. For assessments that take place over a number of sessions, you may be able to gather this information later and can add it to the assessment at that time. If you suspect, but do not have confirmation of abuse, you can discuss this in the text field below the question. Strengths Tab Describe client’s/child’s current or past strengths to achieve goals: This question is for documenting strengths specific to the client’s anticipated ability to achieve treatment plan goals. Examples are resiliency, motivation. 119 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Describe what the client/child feels is important in their life: This question is appropriate for noting what motivates the client and other issues that are important to the client. It allows the clinician to enter items that may be personally motivating for the client, but that are not appropriate for the prior question such as: playing video games, smoking, hobbies. Work/School Tab: Answer questions as appropriate. Family/Social Tab: Answer questions as appropriate. Summary Tab Note that there are two “Clinical Summary” fields. Either one or the other is activated depending on your answer to the question, “Is client being referred to/reauthorized for services?” Both will not be activated at the same time on the form. IMPORTANT: These two fields are either enabled or disabled by the question above them, "Is client being referred to/re-authorized for services?" If you click "Yes", the field, "Clinical summary of recommended services..." will be enabled. If you click "No", the field, "Clinical summary, explain reason for denial…" will be enabled. If you write your summary, and then change your mind and click the other button, everything in your summary will be erased. Below, the client is recommended for services. “Is client being referred to/reauthorized for services?” has been answered with “Yes.” The clinician has written the summary in the first of the two text fields for the summary. 120 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If the question, “Is client being referred to/reauthorized for services?” is now clicked “No,” the entire text in the summary field is greyed out, and all of the information is lost. MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE. 121 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Clinical summary of recommended services: This field is activated if the client is authorized for services. This is where the justification for referral into services (or reauthorization for services) is entered. Although no diagnosis is entered in the psychosocial assessment, discussion of diagnosis is appropriate for this field, if you wish to do so. Clinical Summary, explain reason for denial...This field is activated if the client is determined to not meet medical necessity and will be referred out. The reasons for this are documented here. Where is the diagnosis? Remember that assessments in Avatar are made up of multiple of forms. A Psychosocial Assessment consists of the main Psychosocial Assessment form, plus the Diagnosis form, Risk Assessment, MSE, and Drug Grid (Children’s). Only licensed/waivered/registered staff complete the Diagnosis form (and the MSE). How do I bill for the service? There is no place to enter service or billing information on the psychosocial. You will write a progress note documenting the service. See the section titled, “Writing a 122 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar progress note to document your service for an Assessment or Treatment Plan,” for more information about how to write this note. Finalizing and Submitting the Psychosocial At the end of the Summary tab, Select Final. If you have missed one or more required fields, a window will pop up telling you which questions you still need to answer. There will also be red flags on the tabs for the sections that have the missing questions. If all required fields are answered, the Confirm dialog box will be presented. Select OK. The Draft watermark will be removed. Select Submit. The Confirm Document dialog box and TIFF (picture of the completed assessment) is displayed. As with the Progress Note form, you will have the opportunity to proofread. You may: 1. Accept the psychosocial as final and file it, 2. Reject the psychosocial so that you can return it to draft status and edit some more, 3. Accept and Route the psychosocial to a supervisor and/or approver(s). If you require a cosignature for your assessment, this notifies your supervisor who can then sign. Your supervisor may also need to complete a diagnosis and a MSE if you are not a licensed/waivered/registered practitioner. How to Reopen a Draft Psychosocial Assessment Form You may not be able to finish your psychosocial in one session. If you need to reopen your draft to continue editing, you can open up your draft from your Home Console or from the chart. Open a Draft Psychosocial Assessment from your Home Console 1. From your Home Console, type in the word "psychosocial" into the Forms Search blank in your Forms & Data widget. 2. Double-click on "Psychosocial Assessment SC.” Do not click on the Psychosocial Assessment Report. This goes to a printout of the assessment that you do not want at this point. 123 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. Enter your client name or number in the Select Client pop up and double-click on the client name. You will see a Pre-display of all of your client episodes. 4. Select your Admission Program from the pre-display. 5. You will see a list of assessments that have been done under your Admission Program for this client. Double-click on your Draft Assessment to open it. 124 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 6. You may get a warning that says that you have an unsubmitted backup of the form. You may get this if you have a previous draft of the form that you did not submit in the normal way. This is a complicated way of asking you whether or not you want to save and use the information that you previously entered into the form. Click "Yes." IF YOU CLICK “NO,” YOU WILL LOSE ANY UNSAVED DATA FROM THE LAST TIME YOU WERE IN THE FORM. Open a Draft Psychosocial Assessment from the Chart 1. Open the chart and click on the link on the left, “Psychosocial Assessment SC.” 2. Click on the tab associated with your Admission Program. 3. Click on the word "Edit" at the upper right. (It is in the yellow or blue border next to the word "Print.") 125 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to View a Completed Psychosocial Assessment in the Chart 1. Open the chart and click on the link on the left, “Psychosocial Assessment SC.” 2. Click on the tab associated with your Admission Program. 3. View the psychosocial assessments for your program. Note that both drafts and final forms are available for viewing. 126 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to Print a Psychosocial Assessment Form You can print a paper copy of your Psychosocial from the Inquiry View in the chart or from a specially formatted report. Note that the report contains every question in the psychosocial. You may, depending on your needs, want to just print what you see in the Inquiry View in the chart, which only contains the questions that have data in them. Print a Copy of your Psychosocial Assessment from your Home Console: 1. From your Home Console, type in the word "psychosocial" into the Forms Search blank in your Forms & Data widget. 2. Click on "Psychosocial Assessment Report." 3. In the appropriate blanks, enter the Episode and then choose the assessment that you want to print. 4. Click "Process." (Located where you usually find the "Submit" button.) A formatted copy of your assessment will open. 5. To print, click the little printer icon at upper left. 127 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Assessment Updates If your client has had a previous Psychosocial Assessment under your Program of Admission, information from the prior assessment will be auto populated into your current assessment automatically when you open a new one. You may then edit the document, updating the previous information. If the client has had more than one Psychosocial Assessment under your Admission Program, Avatar will present a list of all of the client’s prior Assessments in your Admission Program. You may then select which prior assessment to use to populate your new assessment. To select an assessment from which to auto populate your new assessment: 1. Select the Psychosocial Assessment SC form in your Forms & Data Widget. 2. You will see a window listing all of the open episodes for the client. Select the episode associated with the services you provide. 3. You will then see Pre-Display listing all of the prior assessments for your client. Click once on the assessment you want to use to highlight it in green. 4. Then click Add, in the lower left hand corner of the window. Risk Assessment Form When to complete the form: When completing the Psychosocial Assessment, The Risk Assessment is completed when questions about current danger to self/suicidality, danger to others/homicidality, and grave disability are answered “Yes.” The Risk Assessment is always required when completing a Crisis Assessment. The Risk Assessment may also be used in other instances. For example, ongoing assessment of a therapy client with frequent suicidal ideation. Consult with your supervisor if you think using this form might be helpful in your clinical work. Make sure you ask clients about access to weapons such as firearms when discussing a plan to harm themselves or others. Discuss in the Comments section(s) of the form. Mental Status Exam (MSE) Form When to complete the form: The MSE is always required when completing the Crisis Assessment. It is also required for the Psychosocial Assessment if you are licensed/waivered/registered. Otherwise, your supervisor may need to complete the form. 128 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar The MSE may also be used in other instances. For example, ongoing assessment of a therapy client, so that changes in status and presentation can be compared from session to session. This form consists primarily of check boxes. Note that text fields at the end of sections are optional. Supplementary questions in the Questions Tab are also optional. ASAM Form The American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria (ASAM Criteria) assesses the client for placement and facilitates creation of substance abuse treatment plans. It is used primarily by ADP treatment programs. If clients have consented to share their SUD records, the ASAM results will be viewable in Avatar. The ASAM assesses five broad levels of treatment. These levels are medical management, the level of structure, safety, security and intensity of treatment. ASAM criteria addresses the client’s needs, obstacles and liabilities, as well as the client’s strengths, assets, resources and support structure. ASI Form The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is a semi-structured interview for substance abuse assessment and treatment planning. The ASI is designed to gather valuable information about areas of a client’s life that may contribute to their substance-abuse problems. It is the most commonly used addiction assessment tool by state agencies and treatment providers and is performed at intake. A completed ASI calculates a severity rating scale allows the interviewer to determine the seriousness of a client’s problem. The higher the score is, the greater the need for treatment. CANS/ANSA Form The Child Assessment of Needs and Strengths (CANS) and the Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment (ANSA) are combined in one form in Avatar. This multi-purpose tool has been developed for behavioral health services to support decision making, including level of care and service planning, to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services. The form also helps to facilitate the linkage between the assessment process and the design of individualized service plans including the application of evidence-based practices. 129 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar When to complete the form: The CANS/ANSA form in Avatar is completed in conjunction with the Access Assessment and then every six months. For legacy clients (clients receiving services prior to 4/1/16) the biannual due dates are determined by the date of the original Treatment Plan Anniversary date (Coordinated Care Date) for legacy clients. For new clients (clients opened on or after 4/1/16) the opening to the LE determines the due dates. A paper version of the form is available for field use. Once you return to the office, enter the data into the Avatar form. Question Logic: This form has many items that have question logic. It is important that you complete all of the questions in this form in order because of question logic. The way you answer earlier questions, affects how other questions downstream act. The way you answer one question, may affect whether or not other questions are red/required, enabled or disabled (greyed out). In order to complete the form, required (red) questions must be answered. You cannot finalize and submit the form unless you answer all required questions. Disabled questions appear with a grey background and you cannot enter data into them. Monolingual Spanish Speaking Clients: Currently, there is no Spanish form in Avatar. If your client speaks Spanish, use the pre-Avatar paper form. You should fill out this form and then turn it in to data entry. Steps to filling out the form: 1. Open the form either from the Inquiry View in the client’s chart, or from the Search Forms blank in your Forms & Data Widget. 2. Complete Overview Tab: The first tab on the form is the “Overview.” The Overview tab has questions about basic client information relevant to the rest of the questions on the form. As in any other form, required items appear in red, optional items appear in black and disabled items appear in gray. On the Overview tab, fill in the Assessment Date, which is the date you complete this assessment. (See above for information on how to determine your biannual assessment dates.) 3. Assessment Type: The first assessment for your client, will be an "Admission.” For subsequent updates, click "Update." Ask your supervisor if doing a Discharge CANS/ANSA is part of your workflow. If so, and you are completing the CANS/ANSA as part of the discharge, click "Discharge." 4. Age Group: Click the appropriate age group for your client. Three separate age groups have been integrated into one form in Avatar (0-5, 6-17, and 18+). When you select the age group, the form activates questions throughout the form that apply only to that specific age group. All other items are disabled or greyed out. IMPORTANT: Make sure that you click the correct age group. If enter the wrong age group and then correct the mistake later, you will lose data that you have already entered in the form. 130 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Shown below, if the question, "Client Current Age Group," is entered as “0-5” some questions on the next tab, Strengths Domain, are red/required, and other questions are grayed out or disabled. 131 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If the question, "Client Current Age Group," is entered as “18 and over,” different questions on the Strengths Domain tab, are red/required, and different questions are grayed out or disabled. 5. Caregiver's Relationship to Client: Answer this question for both children and adults. For adults, if there is not a primary caregiver, enter "N/A." If none of the selections in this question apply, click 132 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar "Other,” then enter the type of relationship in the question below ("If Other, Enter Type of Relationship Here"). 6. Caregiver Name: If you have entered any response other than, "N/A” to the Caregiver Relationship question, you will need to enter the name of the caregiver here. If the caregiver is associated with an agency, you may enter the information. For example, “Jane Smith/IHSS.” 7. Draft/Final: Note that this question is on the first tab rather than at the end of the form as in other Avatar documents. When you complete the form, you may find yourself looking for this question on the last tab. Remember that it is here. 8. Complete the remaining questions on the form in order. It is important that you complete all of the questions in order because there is significant question logic in this form. That is, the way you answer some questions, will affect how other questions appear. The modules of the CANS/ANSA are integrated into the body of the form. If a trigger question for a module is scored 1, 2 or 3, the items of the module will be activated, and the required items will be highlighted in red. For example, the item, "Intellectual/Developmental (IQ)" affects how questions appear in the, "INTELLECTUAL/DEVELOPMENTAL MODULE" below it. If the, "Intellectual/Developmental (IQ)" item is entered as a "3," then the questions in the associated module below are all enabled/required. 133 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar If the, "Intellectual/Developmental (IQ)" item is entered as a "0,” then the questions in the associated module below it are disabled/grayed out. To Print a Copy of Your CANS/ANSA There is a report for the CANS/ANSA that can be opened from the chart or from the Home Console. Use this to print a formatted copy of your completed CANS/ANSA to give to the client. 1. Search for the form, CANS ANSA Assessment Report, from the client chart or the Home Console. 2. Click on the name of the form to open it. 3. If you have pre-selected the client, the client’s name will appear in the “PATID” blank. Otherwise, enter the client ID. 4. From the List of Client Assessments dropdown, select the form you want to print. Forms are listed by date only, so make sure you know the date of the CANS/ANSA you want to print. 5. Click “Process” to generate a report for the form. Note that the report may take several minutes to generate. 6. If the report doesn’t pop up, click on the large Avatar symbol at the bottom of your Windows desktop to view it. 7. To print, click on the little picture of the printer in the upper left-hand corner of the report screen. 134 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Admission Diagnosis When to complete the Diagnosis form Every episode requires a diagnosis. Without a diagnosis, no services can be billed. The date of diagnosis must be on or before the date of first billed services. For example, a client is admitted on September 2nd at 10:00 AM and seen for services on that day. If the diagnosis is date is entered as September 6th, all services between September 2nd and the 6th will not bill. So the diagnosis date should be September 2nd. The time should be before 10:00 AM. Unless your program has a special need to note the exact time of diagnosis, the easiest way to make sure you are covered is to enter the diagnosis time as 12:00 am. The Diagnosis form in Avatar must be completed in conjunction with the Access Assessment. In addition, each admission must have its own diagnosis. If your client already has an Avatar diagnosis for your episode, it is not necessary to complete a new diagnosis when the annual assessment is due. If the diagnosis has not changed, it is sufficient to let the admission diagnosis stand. However, the diagnosis 135 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar may be updated at the time of the annual assessment or at any time. See the next section for more information. major depression Check the chart to see if there is an existing diagnosis before proceeding with service delivery. Each episode must have its own diagnosis. You may open a diagnosis from the client’s chart, or from the Home Console. Below are directions on how to open a new diagnosis form from the chart. When completing an update, you will first want to look in the chart for prior diagnoses. To View a Client’s Current Diagnosis 1. Open the client’s chart. 2. Select the Diagnosis form in the list of forms on the left to open the Inquiry View. (If you do not see the Diagnosis form, you may need to add it to the chart. See the section titled, “Add a Form that is Not Listed to Your Inquiry View.”) 3. You will see series of tabs across the top of the inquiry view that shows all of the client episodes. Click the tab that corresponds to the Admission Program or episode under which you provide services. For County Behavioral Health clients, the Admission Program is LE – 00044 MH COUNT OUTPATIENT, or possibly, County – Pre Admit Outpatient. You can now view the current diagnoses to see if you want to update or not. This next section describes how to add a diagnosis for a client that does not have a previous diagnosis. The following section describes how to complete an update. STEPS: 1. Open the chart for your client and then click the Diagnosis link on the left. 2. Click the tab for your Admission Program. 3. Verify that the client does not have a diagnosis for your current open episode for your Admission Program. If there is already a diagnosis, review the diagnosis. You may choose to add to it at this point. See the next section for instructions. 4. Click, “Add” in the upper right hand corner of the chart view. A blank Diagnosis Form will open. 5. Enter appropriate information in the required Type of Diagnosis and Date of Diagnosis. Since this is an admission diagnosis, the date of diagnosis will be the opening date for the episode. The date of diagnosis is automatically populated as the admission date for an admission diagnosis. 6. Enter 12:00 AM for the time of diagnosis. (For most programs, it is fine to enter the diagnosis time as 12:00 AM. Check with your supervisor if you think you might need to enter the time exactly.) (Hint: If you type “0000” the time will automatically enter as 12:00 AM.) 136 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Since this is an admission diagnosis, there will not be a diagnosis from which to default. However, if you are working with a client who has a previous diagnosis, you will be prompted to choose whether or not you want to select information from a prior diagnosis. Use the Select Episode To Default Diagnosis Information From and Select Diagnosis Entry To Default Information From drop-down menus to do this. If you select a default diagnosis, any previous diagnoses for this client will be added to the form. See the next section on how to update when there is already an existing diagnosis in Avatar. 7. Begin entering your diagnosis by adding a new row to the Diagnosis table. Click the "New Row" button underneath the table. In this form, you do not add information directly to the table. There are fields below the table where you enter your diagnosis information. 8. Type in a diagnosis in the Diagnosis Search field, then click “Enter” on your keyboard. 137 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar IMPORTANT: Take your time typing your diagnosis and then pause for a second after you press “Enter” on your keyboard. Avatar is searching a web-based data base of more than 15,000 diagnoses and this takes a bit of time. Double-click on the most appropriate diagnosis entry. To narrow down your diagnosis and get a smaller list from which to choose, type in as accurate a diagnosis as you can. For example, type "major depression" rather than just "depression" to narrow down your selections. 9. Enter the Status Field. The Status field defaults to “Active.” Note that the primary diagnosis must be Active. In addition, any diagnosis for which you are providing services must be Active. If a diagnosis becomes resolved, you can return to the diagnosis form to resolve it. 10. Enter Estimated Onset Date. Although this question is not required here, it is required for the treatment plan, so you will want to enter this information. Typically, it is very difficult to identify an exact date of onset for a psychiatric diagnosis, so use the following convention: Enter Jan. 1 for the month and date. Enter the closest approximate year. e.g. 01/01/1990. 11. Enter Present on Admission Indicator, if applicable. 12. DO NOT ENTER Classification. THIS NO LONGER APPLIES. 138 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 13. Enter the required Diagnosing Practitioner (this is you), the Ranking, and any appropriate Remarks. The Bill Order will default to 1. The bill order determines which diagnoses are attached to services first. For Mental Health services, make sure that the first diagnosis is an included mental health diagnosis. For example, schizophrenia, bipolar illness, depression. For subsequent diagnoses, the bill order should default to 2 or 3. If not, you should type in the Bill Order in the Bill Order blank. Note that Avatar wants the bill order and the ranking to match. If they don’t, you will not be able to complete the form. The Diagnosis multi-iteration table will now look like this: 14. Add To Problem List: Enter Yes. By clicking Yes you add this diagnosis to the problem list that is used in creating the treatment plan. Typically, you will click Yes when answering this question. 139 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 15. On the Additional Diagnosis Information section, if applicable, enter Prognosis, Estimated Discharge Date, Trauma (CSI), General Medical Condition Summary Code (CSI), Substance Abuse / Dependence (CSI), Substance Abuse / Dependence Diagnosis (CSI). 16. Click Submit. Diagnosis Update For all Admission Programs, a current diagnosis is required. Without a diagnosis, no services can be billed. When to complete an Update: The Diagnosis form in Avatar must be completed in conjunction with the client’s Access Assessment. Each admission program must have its own diagnosis. Without a diagnosis, no services can be billed. Once the diagnosis is completed for a client (for an admission program) it is not necessary to complete a new one when the annual assessment is due. However, the diagnosis may be updated at the time of the annual assessment or at any time. Complete an update when the client’s diagnosis has changed. For training purposes, pick a client that has a previous diagnosis. The previous section describes how to complete an initial diagnosis. You may open a diagnosis from the client’s chart, or from the Home Console. Below are directions on how to open a new diagnosis form from the chart. When completing an update, you will first want to look in the chart for prior diagnoses. TO VIEW CLIENT’S CURRENT DIAGNOSIS: 1. Open the client’s chart. 2. Select the Diagnosis form in the list of forms on the left to open the Inquiry View. (If you do not see the Diagnosis form, you may need to add it to the chart. See the section titled, “Add a Form that is Not Listed to Your Inquiry View.”) 3. You will see series of tabs across the top of the inquiry view that shows all of the client episodes. Click the tab that corresponds to the Admission Program or episode under which 140 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar you provide services. For County Behavioral Health clients, the Admission Program is LE – 00044 County BH Outpatient. You can now view the current diagnoses to see if you want to update or not. STEPS TO UPDATE THE DIAGNOSIS: 1. In the chart, in the far upper right hand corner, click on Add to create a new diagnosis. A blank Diagnosis Form will open. 2. Type of Diagnosis = Update 3. Enter the Date of Diagnosis and the Time Of Diagnosis 4. Select Episode To Default Diagnosis Information From: You may select Your Admission Program or any other program that has a diagnosis. If there is a prior diagnosis under your own admission program, you want to use that. If you don’t have a diagnosis to choose from, you MAY use a diagnosis from a different program. Alternately, if you are licensed/waivered/registered, you can add your own diagnosis, based on your clinical findings from interviewing/assessing the client. See your supervisor if you are unsure what to do. 141 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. You will get a popup warning you, “All unsaved data will be lost. Do you want to continue?” Click, “Yes.” 6. Select Diagnosis Entry To Default Information From: Select the most recent diagnosis. The diagnoses in the list are labelled with the date and time they were entered. The previous diagnosis you have selected will be populated into the Diagnosis table. You may now add additional diagnoses or resolve one or more of the previous diagnoses. 7. To add a diagnosis, click, “New Row,” and follow the instructions from the previous section for adding diagnoses. To Resolve a Diagnosis You cannot edit a completed (submitted) diagnosis form. If you wish to resolve a prior diagnosis, you must first open up a blank diagnosis form and add in the prior diagnoses you wish to resolve. See above for steps. Once you have added the diagnoses you wish to resolve, follow the steps below. 142 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 1. First, click on the diagnosis you wish to resolve so that it is highlighted in yellow. When you do this, this fields below the diagnosis table will be auto-populated with information from the selected diagnosis. 2. In the Status field, click “Resolved.” 3. Enter today’s date in the “Resolved Date” field. 4. You will need to remove the “Ranking” and “Bill Order” so that the resolved diagnosis no longer bills. You want billing associated with your new diagnosis. a. To Remove the Ranking, click on any of the radio buttons in this question, then click F5, which will clear the field. (TIP: This works on any field in Avatar that has check boxes or drop down list items.) If you have done this right, none of the radio buttons in this field will be clicked. 143 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar b. Change the Bill Order number. This question is required and thus must have data in it. Enter a high number such as “100.” 5. Once you have resolved the diagnosis/diagnoses you don’t want, add the new diagnosis/diagnoses as shown previously and then click “Submit.” The Santa Cruz County Integrated Treatment Plan Integrated treatment planning is part of the movement toward integrated care. An integrated treatment plan shared across agencies, teams and providers creates improved opportunities for coordinated treatment planning and service provision. Integrated treatment planning allows multiple treatment providers to set shared goals. The goals are set within the context of the multiple treatment modalities the client may be receiving at any given time. Integrated treatment has been shown to improve outcomes such as: reduced substance use, improved psychiatric symptoms and functioning, and decreased hospitalizations, decreased hospitalizations, increased housing stability, fewer arrests and improved quality of life. In Avatar, Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health uses treatment plans that contain goals and objectives that may be shared across agencies and providers, with teams and treatment providers adding goals, objectives and interventions as needed. If clients wish to participate and sign a consent form, treatment plans for Behavioral Health and Substance Use Treatment will be viewable by each agency. 144 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Treatment Plan Overview Integrated Treatment Planning and Due Dates The Plan Anniversary Date or Plan Date for the treatment plan is shared. For information on how this date is determined, see the document entitled, “How to Find Your Plan Anniversary Date.” As clients are opened to new services - goals, objective and interventions are added to the plan. All items, no matter when they are added, expire the day before the anniversary date. Problems, goals, objectives and interventions can be viewed by all of the treatment providers for the client. If a new goal, etc…is added in the middle of a client's annual cycle, that goal will still expire one day before the Plan Anniversary date. This means that some goals, objectives and interventions may be in effect for less than a year. For example, a new client is opened to the Admission Program on January 15, 2017. The client is referred to case management and psychiatry. The case manager completes a treatment plan. The goals initiated by the case manager are valid from January 15, 2017 through January 14, 2018. Then, on July 15, 2017 the client begins psychotherapy. The psychotherapist adds treatment plan goals to the treatment plan already in effect. Those psychotherapy goals are in effect from July 15, 2017 through January 14, 2018. Admission Treatment Plan Update 1 Initial Treatment Plan Dates: Jan 15, 2017 to Jan 14, 2018 Date: A new goal, objective and intervention is added on Jul 15, 2017 Plan Name: 01/15/1701/14/18 Initial Plan Name: 01/15/1701/14/18 Update 1 Annual Expiration Date for All Treatment Plan Goals Everyone Writes a New Goals, etc.... Dates: Jan 15, 2018 to Jan, 14, 2019 Plan Name: 01/15/1801/14/19 Annual There are two pages to the Treatment Plan form. On the first page, the following items are addressed: Plan name dates type of plan client strengths/challenges plan participants problems to be addressed (diagnoses) 145 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar The second page of the treatment plan is opened by clicking "Launch Plan Builder.” This is the area where Goals, Objectives, and Interventions are written. Once the plan has been finalized, Avatar will create a document that can be viewed in the client's chart. Treatment Plans for Monolingual Clients For clients who do not speak English, the clinician should type both English and Spanish into the plan. The format is [English text] / Spanish translation text]. For each item, the English first, then a slash, then the Spanish text. Creating an Initial Treatment Plan The Initial Treatment Plan is the first treatment plan for any client coming into services. A client will only have one Initial Plan. After creating an Initial Treatment Plan, Updates are created throughout the year. An Annual Plan, is created once per year, on the anniversary of the opening date. For clients who were open to services before 4/1/16, the anniversary date is set by the Transition Plan. See the document titled, “How to Find Your Treatment Plan Anniversary Date,” which is on the Avatar website, for more information. STEPS: This shows you how to create a plan for a brand new client who does not have a treatment plan. For training purposes, use a client that does not have any existing treatment plans. 1. If you have not already done so, open your client's chart. In the chart view, find a link for SC MH Treatment Plan. Double-click on the link. 2. This will open up the display area for any previously written treatment plans. However, you should see a blank page because no treatment plan has yet been written for your client. You should see, “No Data Found,” in the inquiry view. 3. In the far upper right hand corner, click on Add to create the first treatment plan for your client. The first page of the Treatment Plan form will open. 146 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 4. Plan Naming Conventions a. Because goals will be added throughout the plan year, it is important to give plans names that identify and differentiate them from each other. Each time new goals are added, the plan is given a new name. Each new plan, with its new goals, interventions and/or objectives has a different name to separate it from the prior plan. Plan Names indicate the annual authorization for the plan (when the plan year starts and when it end) and what type of plan it is (initial, annual, update). Examples of Plan Names: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 04/05/17 – 04/04/18 04/05/17 – 04/04/18 04/05/17 – 04/04/18 Initial Update 1 Update 2 Annual Update 1 Update 2 If you are creating a plan as part of a training exercise, choose an initial date at least one month ago. (After you create this plan, you will create an updated plan with a new goal with today's date.) 5. In the Plan Type field, click the down-arrow to reveal the drop-down menu. Single-click to select Initial. 6. Note the “MH Treatment Plan Documentation” link which points to helpful clinical information about filling out a Treatment Plan. 7. At this point, the Last Updated field and the Last Updated By field are disabled and blank. Once you have saved the plan in draft, your name will be here and the date you updated the plan will be automatically entered. 147 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 8. In the Plan Date field, enter the beginning date of the plan, which is the date the client was opened to services. (See the Client Episodes Widget to get the date.) Type in the date or use the calendar icon to select a date, then tab or click out of the field. The Plan End Date and Next Review Date should auto-populate after tabbing out of the Plan Date field. The Plan End Date will automatically be entered as one year minus one day from now. The Review Date will be one month before the Plan End Date. Note that on the Review Date, a message will be sent to you in your My To Do’s, reminding you that the plan is due. 9. Answer the required question Was This Treatment Plan Discussed in a Language Other Than English? If Yes, complete the required fields Language and Interpreter or Bilingual Provider? 148 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 10. Problems Section (Table): The problems section is a multi-iteration table. You will add each of the client's problems as one line on the table. When you open up the plan, you may find that there are already problems in the plan. These problems come from the diagnosis form and also from any prior episodes the client may have had. You do not have to use these problems if you don’t want to. You may add problems as shown below. You may use a combination of pre-existing problems and new problems that you add. Use the scroll bar on the bottom of the table to navigate across each row in the table. Double-click on the entry of your choice, or single-select the item of your choice and click the Select button. For your Treatment Plan, you may use any preexisting problems, or you may add new problems. Form training purposes, you will practice adding a new problem. SNOMED CODES •In Avatar, Problems can be both Diagnoses or other types of problems called SNOMED Codes. Only licensed/waivered/registered staff can add Diagnoses. This is done through the Diagnosis form, not in the Treatment Plan. If you are not licensed/waivered/registered, by the time you are ready to complete the client’s first treatment plan, the Diagnosis form will have been completed by someone else. These diagnoses will show up in the Treatment Plan form. You can choose to create your treatment plan with the diagnoses (or Problems) already in Avatar, or you may add your own Problems (or SNOMED Codes) to work on at this time. Examples of SNOMED Codes are social isolation, homelessness, family stress. Do note that if you choose to work on a problem like this, you must tie the problem back to the client's diagnosis in the Treatment Plan and in your other documentation. For example, if you choose the problem of social isolation, you should document how this problem ties back to the client’s diagnosis of depression or anxiety. 149 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar STEPS a. Enter a new problem by clicking the New Row button. For each problem added, you must create a new row in the table. i. Type in a problem in the column titled "Problem." Then click Enter on your keyboard. A list of potential diagnoses/problems will pop up. You can enlarge this window containing the list of diagnoses by clicking and dragging in the lower right-hand corner of the pop up window. Click on the diagnosis/problem you want in your table. The selected/chosen problem will be entered in the Problem field. Be patient when typing your problem. It can take a few seconds or so for Avatar to search the data base of problems, which is internet based. Make sure you press, “enter” after you type the problem. Notice that the Date of Onset and Status fields are outlined in red. This is because these fields are required. You will not be able to finalize and submit your treatment plan of these fields are empty. b. DO NOT USE THE TYPE FIELD. c. Double-click in the Date Identified field to activate the field. This is an optional field. Enter a date if appropriate. d. Enter the Date of Onset. THE DATE OF ONSET IS NOT THE OPENING DATE FOR YOUR PROGRAM. Typically, you will not know the exact date of onset. Pick the closest approximation that you can for the year. Month and day are January 1st. For example, 01/01/1972. e. Status field: For a new problem, the status will be ACTIVE. This is a required field. DO NOT put “Monitoring” or “Inactive” as the status for your problems. If you do this, any goals, objectives or interventions associated with this problem will be invalid. (If you no longer need a problem, you can resolve it. See the section titled, “How to Resolve Problems,” for more information on how to do this.) 150 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar f. Severity field: This item is optional. To activate the field, double-click on the entry of your choice, or single-select the item of your choice and click the Select button. g. After adding all of the client problems, if appropriate, in the “Include in this plan?” column, check on all the checkboxes for those problems you wish to include in this treatment plan. Note that you do not have to use all of the items in the problems table, only the ones you want to address in the treatment plan. h. IMPORTANT: You must add your problems on this page. Do not add problems on the plan builder page, which is the next page, where you add your goals, objectives and interventions. 11. Plan Participants Section: The Plan Participants Section is also a multi-iteration table. You will add each of the plan participants (client, parent, guardian, etc…) as one line on the table. Enter each participant by clicking the New Row button. (For the first row in the table, you will enter yourself as the clinician.) a. Double-click in the Role field to activate the field. Click Staff in the pop-up window. b. In the Staff ID field type in your last name and click enter. Your name should automatically auto populate into Staff ID and Participant Name fields. c. Enter Yes in the Plan Author field. d. Enter Yes in the Notification field. By doing this, you will set up a notification reminder for when the treatment plan is due next year. This reminder will appear in your My To Do’s on the notification date. e. To add your client (or another participant) click New Row. i. Double-click in the Role field to activate the field. Click External Participant in the pop-up window. ii. Skip the Staff ID field. 151 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar iii. In the Participant Name field, type the name of the client. iv. Enter No in the Plan Author field. v. Enter No in the Notification field. a. Signature Field: If you have an electronic signature pad available, once you have added all of your goals, objectives and interventions, you will click “Sign” to activate the signature pad for your client to sign. Your client will sign on the pad and then Avatar will import the signatures into the document. However, don’t obtain the signature until you have completed the plan. b. Add your supervisor if needed: If you are required to have a supervisor sign off on your plan, you may add that person to the plan as well. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A SIGNATURE PAD OR YOUR CLIENT CANNOT COME INTO THE OFFICE: Once you have completed a draft of the plan, you will print out a copy of the plan, have the client sign the plan and then the plan will be scanned into the client's chart. See the next section for more information about workflows with printed treatment plans. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. In the Date client was offered a copy of the treatment plan field, enter the date. If the client does not sign the treatment plan, enter the reason why in the next field titled If client has not signed the treatment plan, please explain: Add Additional Comments About Client’s Support System as needed. Add information about the client’s Strengths and Challenges in the appropriate fields. You will not be able to move on to the second page of the Treatment Plan unless you fill in these fields. In the Treatment Plan Status field, select Draft status radio button. Then click the CLICK HERE to Launch Plan Builder button. You should now see the Treatment Plan Builder portion of the form with your problems from the Problem List on the first page displayed. 152 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar IMPORTANT: Remember, do not add problems on this page. If you decide you need another problem, go back to the first page and add your new problem into the problems table. Red Flags: The red flags you see tell you that the item has not been completed. As you write the treatment plan goals, objectives and interventions, use the red flags to help you see items you may have missed. All of the red flags must be gone before you can finalize and submit your treatment plan. 18. Click to highlight one of the problems brought over from the first page of the Treatment Plan. The problem selected will be highlighted green and the problem code, Date of Onset, and Status (Problem List) fields are populated/disabled. 19. Add the Date Opened, Date Due and Staff Responsible to the highlighted Problem. The Date Closed field should remain blank. (You use this field later, when you resolve problems, etc…in the plan.) The Status should remain Open. Date Closed is not required for a new plan because all the problems, goals, objectives and interventions are open. In an annual plan, when you resolve goals, etc… you change the Status to Resolved and enter the end date for the goal, etc... 153 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 20. Add a New Goal: With the Problem you want still highlighted in green, click Add New Goal and a blank goal will pop up for you to write in. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CLICK ON THE PROBLEM, GOAL, OBJECTIVE ABOVE WHERE YOU WANT THE NEXT ITEM TO BE, SO THEY ARE ASSOCIATED CORRECTLY WITH EACH OTHER. In the example above, the Problem: Recurrent major depression, moderate, is highlighted in green. This must be highlighted like this to write a goal for this particular problem. 154 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar a. Highlight the problem to which you want to add a goal. b. Click Add New Goal c. Enter the goal in the field below titled Goal. d. Date Opened: This is the opening date of the plan. If you forgot the opening date, look at the Client Episodes Widget. The Opening Date for the plan is the Admit Date. e. The status of the goal should be Open. f. Date Closed is not required for a new plan. g. Date Due is the end date for the plan. h. Enter Staff Assigning and Staff Responsible. Typically you would be the Staff Assigning and Staff Responsible. Check with your supervisor to see if your workflow involves staff assigning items to other staff besides yourself. 155 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 21. New Objective: You will now add a new objective to the goal you just wrote. a. First, click on the goal you just wrote – the text in the view of the goals above. The text of the goal should now be highlighted in green. This way, your goal will be associated with the new objective. b. Click the Add New Objective button to open a blank objective. c. Enter the data in the Objective field, Including Baseline field. d. Enter a date in the Date Opened, Date Due and Staff Responsible. 156 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 22. New Intervention: You will now add a new intervention to the goal you just wrote. This section is similar to the Objective section. Make sure you click and highlight in green, the text from the Objective you just wrote, before clicking Add New Intervention. In the intervention, add your Service Program, so other clinicians know which program your intervention is associated with. See below for instructions. How to Add Your Service Program Information to an Intervention (OPTIONAL) This is an OPTIONAL step to add helpful program information to your interventions. This helps in two ways. First, it makes it easier to ID your own interventions when bringing Treatment Plan Information into your progress notes. Second, it helps when others look at the plan and want to know who else had added to it. Add your Service Program information, in parentheses, at the beginning of the intervention. You want to add it at the beginning because goals, etc…can get cut off at the end when viewing treatment plan information in the progress notes. Use the mnemonic associated with your program, that is, the short set of letters that serves as an abbreviation for your service program. Examples: If you don’t know what your service program abbreviation is, you can find it in any note you have written where the Service Program is listed. 157 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar In this example at right, you can see the Service Program information in a progress note in the Progress Note Widget. In this example at right, you can see the Service Program information in a progress note in the chart Inquiry View. 23. Click Back to Plan Page once you are done writing your goals, objectives and interventions. Remember, all of the red flags should disappear if you have filled in all the required fields. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FINALIZE YOUR PLAN IF THERE ARE RED FLAGS. PLANS LEFT IN DRAFT ARE INVALID AND YOU RUN THE RISK OF YOUR PLAN BEING DELETED. 158 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 24. If you are finished with your Treatment Plan, in the Treatment Plan Status field, select the Draft or Final radio button. As with other Avatar documents, if you select Draft, the Treatment Plan will show up on your To Do List to remind you to complete and finalize the Treatment Plan. You can re-open your draft by clicking on the link. 25. Select the Submit button in the Navigation panel on the left to save and close your treatment plan. 26. Final: As with other Avatar forms, like Progress Notes, if you select Final, a picture of the Treatment Plan will be launched for you to proofread. After proofreading, you have three options: Accept, Reject or Reject and Route. You may also route to a supervisor or others. Printing a Copy of Your Treatment Plan 1. Return to your client’s chart. 2. Click on SC MH Treatment Plan to open the Treatment Plan Inquiry View. 3. Click Report for a formatted version treatment plan. 4. You may also click Print. This will print what you see on the page, which is not formatted. As of 9/15/16, the Treatment Plan Report cannot be used. This is because it does not contain the credentials of the person creating the plan, which is a Medi-Cal requirement. Use the “Print” function to obtain a printed copy of your 159 | P a g e report for your client to sign. Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. You will now see a formatted version of the Treatment Plan which you can print out and give to the client. If you do not have a signature pad available, use the printout to obtain the client signature and then have the plan to be scanned into the chart. 6. The report is going to launch in a separate window. Click on the large Avatar icon at the bottom of your Windows desktop. Note that it may take several minutes to generate a report. Be patient. 7. Once you have the report opened, click on the little picture of the printer in the upper left-hand corner of your screen to print. 160 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 8. See the next section for information about the workflow with printed treatment plans where you do not have a signature pad. 161 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar This is the signature area at the end of the treatment plan report for wet signature. Printed Treatment Plan Workflows (what to do if you don’t have a signature pad) This workflow applies if you do not have a signature pad. First, print out a copy of your draft treatment plan. Do not finalize the treatment plan until you obtain the signature. If the client approves and signs the plan, when you return to the office, turn in the signed paper copy to clerical staff who will scan in the document and route electronically to the client’s chart. Once this is done, you will enter information about the signature and finalize the treatment plan. Steps: 1. Complete your treatment plan, leaving it in draft. Leave the question, “Date client was offered a copy of the treatment plan,” blank. You do not enter anything here until you obtain the signature. SAVE THE PLAN AS A DRAFT. DO NOT FINALIZE. You want to wait to finalize until after you get the client signature. 2. Print out a copy of the plan, using the directions above. 162 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. 4. 5. 6. Meet with client to obtain the signature. Submit the signed paper plan for scanning into the chart. Reopen to the Draft Treatment Plan in Avatar. In the Date client was offered a copy of the treatment plan field, enter the date the client signed. 7. In the blank where it says, “If client has not signed the treatment plan, please explain," explain that the client signed a paper plan that was then scanned in. 8. Finalize and submit the electronic Treatment Plan to Avatar. To View Your Scanned Treatment Plan Links to scanned documents are located in a section called “Documents.” Look for the link that says, “CLN – Treatment Plan,” and click to open. (If you do not see this link, or the documents section at all, you will know that there are no scanned treatment plans in the chart.) Although most MH plans are not episodic, plans are filed by episode. Click on the tab for your Admission Program to find the scanned plans for your program. 163 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Creating a Treatment Plan Update for New Services You will create an update when you want to add new services midway through the client’s plan year or authorization period. For example, you are a therapist who has a new client. Your client already has a case manager and a psychiatrist and they’ve completed the tx plan a while ago. You are starting services somewhere mid-year in the Tx Plan cycle. You want to add your goals, etc…to the existing plan. When you do this, you are adding to a shared plan. You want to preserve the problems, goals, objectives and interventions that others have added. You have seen how treatment plan elements are added to progress notes. If you do not bring previous items by others into your plan, these other providers won’t be able to add treatment plan elements to their progress notes. If you neglect to bring forward treatment plan items by others, you run the risk of your plan being deleted. First, you will need to open a new Treatment Plan form from the client's chart, with the information from the previous plan defaulted into your new plan. By doing this, you bring forward all of the previous problems, goals, objectives and interventions that others have already added to the chart. STEPS: 1. Open the client's chart if you have not already done so. 2. Click SC MH Treatment Plan in the list of forms on the left in the Chart Overview. You should now see an Inquiry view of the client’s Treatment Plan(s). 164 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. Look through the plans to see which is the most recent shared plan (skip over the EDC and Telos plans, these are not part of the shared plan). You want the most recent shared plan. This is the plan you are going to add to. Before starting your plan, look at the plans in the chart. This is a good opportunity to see if there is anything problematic that needs to be fixed. Shared treatment plans can be complex and there are sometimes errors. You don’t want to add to the wrong plan or add to a plan that has been created incorrectly. If you have questions, contact the send a message to the QI help desk at [email protected] or call 454-4468. WHICH PLAN DO I USE FOR DEFAULT INFORMATION? •When you create a Treatment Plan Update, you need to make sure that you choose the correct plan from which to default information. This should be the most recent shared plan. Do not use Telos or EDC plans. An example of a correct set of treatment plans, in sequence, is shown below. When picking the plan to default from, you want to skip over the Telos and EDC plans. •11/20/2016 – 11/19/2017 Transition Plan •8/15/2016 – 9/13/2016 TELOS •9/13/2016 – 12/11/2017 EDC •11/20/2016 – 11/19/2017 Gap 1 •11/20/2016 – 11/19/2017 Gap 2 •11/20/2017 – 11/19/2018 Annual •11/20/2017 – 11/19/2018 Update 1 •11/20/2017 – 11/19/2018 Update 2 4. Once you have located the plan from which you want to default information, Click Add in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open a new form. 5. Click Yes when you see the pop up asking if you want to, "default plan information from a previously entered plan.” 6. Default From Previous: You will see a second pop up that provides a list of previous Treatment Plans for the client (the long bar with the plan name on it). If there is more than one plan, you want to pick the most recent plan shared plan. Remember to skip over Telos or EDC plans. Do not use these plans to default information. 165 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7. Enter Plan Date: You will see a third pop up asking you to enter the plan date. For an Update where you are adding new services, the plan date is the first day you began services for the client. (For a Gap Plan, the plan dates goes back to the beginning of the plan year or authorization period.) IMPORTANT: You cannot adjust the plan date after you enter it in the pop up. Once you open the treatment plan, this date will be greyed out or disabled and you will not be able to change it. Make sure that you enter the correct date, otherwise, you will need to have your plan deleted and then write it again. 8. Once you have entered the plan date, click OK. 9. You will see yet a fourth pop up asking if you are sure you want to default information from a previous plan. Click Yes. 166 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 10. Enter the Plan Name: The plan name contains the whole plan year, even if you add your services in the middle of the plan year. Example If the most recent shared plan was titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Initial Your plan update will be titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 1 Example If the most recent shared plan was titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 1 Your plan update will be titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 2 11. In the Plan Type field, you will select Update. 12. The Plan End date and the Next Review Date are auto populated with information from the initial plan. Note that the problems(s), goal(s), objective(s) and/or intervention(s) you add today still expire on the Plan End Date and that the timeframe for your additions will likely be less than one year. 167 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 13. Was This Treatment Plan Discussed in a Language Other Than English? Notice that this question is pre-populated from the previous plan. 14. Problems Section (Table): In the Problems Section, you will see the client's previously entered problems/diagnoses. You may choose to leave this section as is, add a problem or, check off a problem that was previously left off of the Treatment Plan. Select or add problems according to your treatment needs. You won’t be able to “uncheck” any problems because they are “in use” for the previously written goal(s), objective(s) and intervention(s). 15. Plan Participants Section: If needed, add your name and any additional Plan Participants. DO NOT DELETE ANY PLAN PARTICIPANTS. To add yourself or other participants, click “new row.” 16. Complete the rest of the fields on the Plan Page (first page), click Draft and then click the CLICK HERE to Launch Plan Builder button to go to the Treatment Plan Builder portion of the form with your problems from the Problem List on the first page displayed. You will now see the previous goals, objectives and interventions. 17. Add Your Goal(s), Objective(s), and/or Intervention(s): IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CLICK ON THE PROBLEM, GOAL, OBJECTIVE ASSOCIATED WITH THE ITEM YOU WANT TO ADD, SO THEY ARE ASSOCIATED CORRECTLY WITH EACH OTHER. In the example below, to add a new Objective to the Goal, "reduce overall level, frequency and intensity of anxiety…,” the text of the goal is highlighted in green. This must be highlighted like this to write a new Objective for this particular problem. 168 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar Red Flags: Remember to clear all the red flags before going back to the Plan Page. Red Flags tell you that the goal/objective/intervention has not been completed. All of the red flags must be gone before you can finalize and submit your treatment plan. Plans left in draft are invalid. 18. Click Back to Plan Page once you are done writing your goals, objectives and interventions. Remember, all of the red flags should disappear if you have filled in all the required fields. 19. If you are finished with your Treatment Plan, in the Treatment Plan Status field, select the Final radio button. Creating a Treatment Plan Update for Updating Problems, Goals, Objectives and Interventions Follow this procedure when you need to update the treatment plan for a client for whom you are already providing services. You do this when a new treatment plan is not necessarily due, but the treatment has changed and you want the plan to accurately reflect what you are currently working on in treatment. For example, you have a client with a history of outbursts. You have been working on these problems steadily in therapy and the client has improved to the point where she no longer exhibits angry outbursts. You want to remove the items associated with this behavior from the plan to reflect the client’s progress. You may want to add new goals to work on as well. 169 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar This procedure is nearly identical to the update procedure from the previous section, that describes how to do an update for new services. The difference is that the Plan Date here is the date you update the plan ("Today") instead of the first date of services. First, you will need to open a new Treatment Plan form from the client's chart, with the information from the previous plan defaulted into your new plan. By doing this, you bring forward all of the previous problems, goals, objectives and interventions that others have already added to the chart. 1. Open the client's chart if you have not already done so. 2. Click SC MH Treatment Plan in the list of forms on the left in the Chart Overview. You should now see an Inquiry view of the client’s Treatment Plan(s). 3. In the Inquiry View, look through the plans to see which is the most recent shared plan. This is the plan you are going to add to. This is a good opportunity to see if there is anything problematic with the treatment plans. Shared treatment plans can be complex and there are sometimes errors. You don’t want to add to the wrong plan or add to a plan that has been created incorrectly. If you have questions, contact the send a message to the QI help desk at [email protected] or call 454-4468. 4. Once you have located the plan from which you want to default information, Click Add in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open a new form. 5. Click Yes when you see the pop up asking if you want to, "default plan information from a previously entered plan.” 6. Default From Previous: You will see a second pop up that provides a list of previous Treatment Plans for the client (the long bar with the plan name on it). If there is more than one plan, you want to pick the most recent plan, except for Telos or EDC plans. Do not use these plans to default information. 170 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7. Enter Plan Date: You will see a third pop up asking you to enter the plan date. In this case, you are not adding new services, but simply changing the plan to reflect a change in treatment. The plan date is today’s date, the date you are updating the plan. Because you are not adding on services, you do not have to backdate to the date when services commenced. IMPORTANT: You cannot adjust the plan date after you enter it in the pop up. Once you open the treatment plan, this date will be greyed out or disabled and you will not be able to change it. Make sure that you enter the correct date, otherwise, you will need to have your plan deleted and then write it again. 8. Once you have entered the plan date, click OK. 9. You will see yet a fourth pop up asking if you are sure you want to default information from a previous plan. Click Yes. 10. Enter the Plan Name: The plan title will have the same start and end dates as the last shared mental health plan, but with the word Update and a number to differentiate from any previous updates. The plan name contains the whole plan year, even if you add your services in the middle of the plan year. Example If the most recent shared plan was titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Initial Your plan update will be titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 1 Example If the most recent shared plan was titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 1 Your plan update will be titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Update 2 11. In the Plan Type field, you will select Update. 171 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 12. The Plan End date and the Next Review Date are auto populated with information from the initial plan. Note that the problems(s), goal(s), objective(s) and/or intervention(s) you add today still expire on the Plan End Date and that the timeframe for your additions will likely be less than one year. 13. Was This Treatment Plan Discussed in a Language Other Than English? Notice that this question is pre-populated from the previous plan. 14. Problems Section (Table): In the Problems Section, you will see the client's previously entered problems/diagnoses. You may choose to leave this section as is, add a problem or, check off a problem that was previously left off of the Treatment Plan. Select or add problems according to your treatment needs. You won’t be able to “uncheck” any problems because they are “in use” for the previously written goal(s), objective(s) and intervention(s). If there are problems that you will not be using and that you want to resolve, you will first need to make some changes on the Plan Builder Page. See below. 15. Plan Participants Section: You should not need to make any adjustments to this section if you are creating a not date to change goals, etc. 16. Complete the rest of the fields on the Plan Page (first page), click Draft and then click the CLICK HERE to Launch Plan Builder button to go to the Treatment Plan Builder portion of the form with your problems from the Problem List on the first page displayed. You will now see the previous goals, objectives and interventions. 17. Resolve any goals, objectives and interventions that are no longer needed. See the next section for information on how to do this. 18. Add new goals, objectives and interventions if desired. 172 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to Resolve Goals, Objectives, and Interventions Before you can resolve any Problems, you need to resolve any of the associated goals, objectives and interventions. You will also resolve problems when you close a client to services. Start from the bottom, resolving interventions first, then objectives, then goals. 1. Click on one of the interventions you want to resolve so that it is highlighted in green. 2. Change Status from “Open” to “Resolved” 3. Date Closed = Plan Date 4. Continues resolving interventions. When you have resolved all of the interventions you no longer need, resolve the objectives, then resolve the goals. DO NOT resolve any problems, goals or objectives that are being used by another program. Identify these items by looking for associated interventions that belong to another program (not yours). 173 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar How to Resolve Problems In order to resolve problems in an Avatar Treatment Plan, you must first resolve all of the goals, objectives and interventions associated with the problem (see above). Avatar will not allow you to delete problems. You can only resolve them. Once you have resolved the goals, etc. associated with a problem, return to the Plan Page and resolve the problem in the problems table. In the Problems Table, in the row that has the problem you want to resolve, click in the status column and change the status to "Resolved." Enter the Date resolved. Creating an Annual Plan This describes how to create an Annual update for your client. You may finalize and submit your Annual plan up to 28 days prior to the due date, which is the plan anniversary date. The plan will not take effect until the due date or anniversary date. You will not be able to see your added treatment plan items in a progress note until the day after the plan date. Each client only has one Annual Plan per year. If you are doing your annual update for your client and you see that someone else has already started and created the Annual Plan, you will create an Update. There should not be multiple Annual plans. Who does the Annual Plan first? Any provider participating in the shared plan can create the Annual plan. There is no need to wait for the county coordinator, or anyone else to start the plan. Steps: 174 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 1. Open a new Treatment Plan form from the client's chart by clicking, “Add” in the Treatment Plan inquiry view. a. Open the client's chart if you have not already done so. b. Click SC MH Treatment Plan in the list of forms on the left in the Chart Overview. c. Click Add in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open a new form. d. Click Yes when you see the pop up asking if you want to, "default plan information from a previously entered plan.” e. Default From Previous: Select the most recent shared plan. f. Enter Plan Date: This is the shared plan anniversary date. For clients entering into services on or after 4/1/16, it is one year from the plan date for the Initial Plan and one day after the Initial Plan expires. Click OK. g. You will get a warning that you are entering a future date. This is OK. You may create an Annual plan up to 28 days prior to the expiration date of the previous plan. Additionally, it is good practice to begin the plan well in advance of the deadline to allow time for coordination with other providers, editing and obtaining needed signatures. Click OK. 175 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar h. You will see another popup asking if you are sure you want to default information from a previous plan. Click Yes. The new plan will open. 2. Enter the Plan Name: In this case, you are creating the Annual plan for your client. The plan title will have the same month and day the previous plan(s), just one year later. Example If the Initial Plan was titled: 04/05/16 – 04/04/17 Initial Your Annual Plan will be titled: 04/05/17 – 04/04/18 Annual Example If last year’s Annual Plan was titled: 08/02/16 – 08/01/17 Annual This year’s Annual Plan will be titled: 08/02/17 – 08/01/18 Annual 176 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 3. In the Plan Type field, you will select Annual. 4. The Plan End date and the Next Review Date are auto populated with information from the previous plan. YOU MAY NEED TO ADJUST THE PLAN END DATE WHICH SHOULD BE ONE YEAR MINUS ONE DAY FROM THE PLAN DATE. The plan dates might initially look like this. Note that the Plan End Date is incorrect. You will need to adjust the Plan End Date to one year later. The Next Review Date will automatically change. You may get a warning from Avatar about changing the Next Review Date. If this happens, click, “Yes.” 5. As with previous plans, adjust the plan as needed, resolving and adding problems, goals, objectives and interventions. Add new plan participants if needed. Edit the Strengths and Challenges as needed. 6. Click Draft and then click the CLICK HERE to Launch Plan Builder button to go to the Treatment Plan Builder portion of the form. You will now see the previous goals, objectives and interventions by you and by others. 177 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 7. Resolve any problems, goals, objectives and interventions that are no longer needed. Change the Status from “Open” to “Resolved.” Date Closed = Plan End Date 8. Add New Goals, Objectives and Interventions as shown previously. Discharging Clients Your first step is to complete a Progress Note OR complete a Treatment/Discharge Summary. You do not have to do both. 1. Complete a Final Progress Note if billable services are provided in the final contact with the client. If you have a final session/meeting with the client where you provide billable services, you will want to complete final progress note to document, as well as create a service charge for, the service. Include the discharge date in the note. You can only bill if you have interaction with the client on the date of closing that meets documentation criteria for Medi-Cal Specialty MH Services. 2. Complete the Treatment/Discharge Summary form if your last note/contact is not billable (e.g. client drops out and you don’t have a last session). The Treatment/Discharge Summary form is a non-billable note where you can provide information about the course of treatment, reasons for discharge, client response to treatment, etc... Use this when the client drops out or for some other reason, you do not have a final session. Note that there are sections on the form that may not apply to your workflow. Consult with your supervisor on how to best fill out this form. 3. Resolve your problems, goals, objectives and interventions on the treatment plan. DO NOT resolve items still in use by others. Use the default method to create a duplicate copy of the most recent shared treatment plan. The plan date is the closing date for your program. The plan type is, “Update.” Resolve your items as described in the previous sections titled, “How to Resolve Goals, Objectives and Interventions,” and, “How to Resolve Problems.” On your treatment plan, in the question, “If client has not signed the treatment plan, please explain,” type in the following: “Client is discharging from __________ program. Problems, goals, objectives and interventions have been resolved or closed as indicated in the problems table and on plan builder page.” Finalize and submit the plan. Do not leave the plan in draft. 4. Send a message to county data entry (Sylvia Vairo) to have the client removed from your caseload. 178 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16 Santa Cruz Avatar 5. Check to see if your client is open to other services within your Program of Admission. For example, for County Mental Health (LE – 00044 Mental Health Outpatient), check to see if the client has a therapist, a psychiatrist, or any other provider associated with the Admission Program. 6. If the client is discharging completely from all services within your Program of Admission, send a message to your supervisor that the Discharge form is necessary. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE THE LAST PROVIDER TO CLOSE THE CLIENT. If the client is still getting other services under your Admission Program, the discharge form is not necessary. For most episodes (e.g. LE-00044 MH County Outpatient), you will use the Discharge form. (For the County – Pre Admit Program of Admission, you will use the “Pre Admit Discharge form”, not the regular Discharge form.) 179 | P a g e Santa Cruz Avatar Clinicians Manual Updated: 10/26/16