Userguide - NN Markedsdata


Userguide - NN Markedsdata
NN Markedsdata ApS to
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Navne & Numre® Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics CRM – hereafter termed NNDynCRM – enable integration to Microsoft Dynamics CRM ver. 4.0 – hereafter termed CRM.
With NN-DynCRM it is possible to create and maintain your companies, leads as well as your
contacts in CRM, via access to NN Markedsdata’s Business Data Register and/or Telephone
Navne & Numre® Erhverv
– in the following termed NNE – is a business data register where you can seek information
on all CVR-registered companies in Denmark. CVR is the Danish “Central Business Register”.
The information can be imported into CRM, or retrieved dynamically from CRM – with a direct
link to the database.
Organisation of data
Information on the companies in the NNE-database are organised in three main categories (that
can be imported into CRM):
Particulars (name, address, phone no., fax no., CVR no., website, trade, company form,
company status, number of employees and so on.)
Information on Contacts, ”hard” (statutory – e.g. Board and Management) as well as “soft”
(voluntary – e.g. Sales, Finance, IT, HR and so on)
Financial related information (accounts, key figures, credit ratings, accountant, bank
connection and so on)
Fundamentally, NN-DynCRM can be used in two ways in relation to NNE:
Search for as well as import of a specific company from a CRM account, and later on
update of that same company
Target Group Search directly in the NNE-database based on self-chosen search
criteria. The search result (or part hereof) can – if you wish – be imported into CRM
A: Search & import of a specific company from a CRM account
On a newly created CRM account, you only have to type in company name (or phone no., CVR no.
or the like), and thereafter retrieve all corporate information directly from the
In the illustrated example the company name ”De Gule Sider” has been typed in, and the NNicon has been clicked.
As illustrated, the NNE-database holds information on 24 companies under the name "De Gule
The company marked with bold is a mother company, the one containing e.g. key figures
and accounts. It is also known as the Legal Unit.
The companies written in normal font are branch offices at De Gule Sider, and therefore
have the same CVR no.
In the illustrating case, we wish to import the mother company and therefore click on the bold
company name. If you are unsure if it is the right on, you can click on the NN-icon to the left, and
find some information on the company.
You will now see a screen display with two types of corporate information on the company "De
Gule Sider A/S":
The information that are already in your NN-DynCRM. In this case that is only the case for the
company name.
As well as the information that the NNE-database holds on the company (and that you, in
your CRM-configuration, have marked as being of interest).
When you have marked the relevant information, you click on “Save and Close” which will take
you back to the CRM account – now complete with address, phone and fax numbers, CVR no.
and website.
In addition, the NN-DynCRM has also imported those contacts in the company that you have
marked (e.g. Board members, Management, Head of Finance, Head of HR etc.), key figures
and accounts (as far back as five years), categories and trade codes.
You can continually keep your CRM accounts updated by, at any time, clicking the NN-icon and
retrieve the newest data from the NNE-database. In the middle of the CRM account you can see
when the company was last updated.
In that same way you can, from a newly created CRM account, search, import and continually update
all NNE-information on a given company. Note, however, that CRM only handles 1 contact on leads.
In “settings” you can prioritize which one. Leads are considered electronic calling cards.
B: Target Group Search in the NNE-database
You use the search page “Business Data” to search for companies. You can purchase access to
Personal Data as an ad-on. See how.
In the example below we execute a search for temp agencies with a minimum total of 400
employees – we sort out all branches.
If you don’t know the specific trade code for temp agencies (782000), you can use the search field
illustrated below. You then type “400” in the field “Employees” and you mark “Only mother
companies”. Now you click “Search”.
The search result will be shown as illustrated below.
Please notice that the icons indicate that ”Activcare A/S” already has been set up in CRM as an Account and
“Adecco” has been set up as a Lead.
All (or most) of the companies in the result can be imported into CRM. You just mark the box left of the
company names and click “Import Selected Records” or alternatively “Import All”.
You can now indicate whether you wish to import the companies as Leads or as CRM accounts:
You can, at the same time, choose to create a “Marketing list” holding the imported companies so that they will
be easier to work on in CRM
Navne & Numre® Privat
Navne & Numre® Privat – in the following termed NN – is a Telephone Register, in which you can
find information on all Danish telephone subscribers. Consequently, NN-database holds information
on both private individuals and companies.
Organisation of data
Information on individuals (and companies) in the NN-database are organised in a very simple
manner in order to oblige to present laws, which dictate how many (few) information, you are
allowed to register on private individuals. All information can be imported into CRM:
No. (telephone, fax and mobile)
Job title
Email address
Fundamentally, NN-DynCRM can be used in two ways in relation to NN.
Search directly from a CRM account for a specific individual as well as import of information on
that individual.
Target Group Search directly in the NN-database based on self-chosen search criteria. The search
result (or part hereof) can – if you wish – be imported into CRM.
Search and import of a specific private individual directly in Contact
On a newly created CRM Contact, you only have to indicate, for example, a phone no. You can then
later on retrieve name and address information directly from the NN-database.
Created as CRM contact:
In order to gain complete output, you can export leads and send them to NN Markedsdata where
the records will be added a unikID. The returned file can be downloaded via ”Import data”.
The License key you’ve received from NN Markedsdata should be typed here. You can also access by
registering your IP no.
It is important to go through all the different settings.
This is where you, among other things, indicate, which areas of function you wish to include when you create a
CRM account.