Building Patient Relationships 9-11
Building Patient Relationships 9-11
By Kathy Foltner,AuD KEYSTO CUSTOMER REIATI0NSHIP MANAGEMENT lSVITAIto everybusiness {CRM} practices. includingaudiology Infact,thebusiness of audiology andhearing qualityreaiddispensing is highlydependent uponbuildingandmaintaining lationships with patients.Notonlyis it moleexpensive to attractnewpatients to a practicethanit is to maintaincurent patients,butcurrentpatientsare typicallymoreresponsive to marketing messages fromyourpracticethanare coldprospects. Everyaudiologybusiness mustdevelopa balancebetween patients, its numbersof new andestablished with eachrepresenting about 50percentofthetotalpatientdatabase. Successfulaudiologybusinessis not only about building relationshipswith patients, but also includesmaintaining thoserelationships. Once established,your patients arefamiliar with you andyour practiceand theyhopefullyhavedevelopedsomelevelof trust in you. Theydo businesswith you not only becauseofthe productsyou sell,but alsobecauseofthe long-term relationship you havebuilt alongwith the fact that they like you and haveconfidencein your knowledge,expertiseandthe servicesyou provide that help to solvetheir hearing and understanding problems.Patientsneedto trust that the adviceand recommendationsyou provide arealwaysin their bestinterest. Most audiologypractice management softwaresystemsinclude someversion of a CRM program, but there can be distinct differencesbetweensystemsincluding the completenessor the scopeof the CRM program.Consideringthe importanceof maintaining current patientsto the life of a practice,this is one areaofpracticemanagementin which a practiceowner should not compromise.Keep in mind your competition is also marketing,targetingand temptingyour patients.Everypracticeneeds an easyand afiordableway to build patient loyalty and keep existing patientscoming back to the practicefor services,products and new hearingaids. hearingcare professionals lnformation sponsored by Sonus-USA lnc. MinnesotaRegi stration *F-l032,5000Cheshire Parkway North,Plynouth,MN 55446 Marketing expertssuggestcontactwith patientsno less than L2-16times a year. A contactcould be an appointment,call, card,remindernotice,warranty expiration notice,battery special,newsletteror any touch point that placesyour nameand your practicein front of patientsand into their consciousness. Remind your patientsthat you are alwaysthereto servethem whether they havea problem with their hearing or current hearing aids or when they receive a promotion from a competitor touting a newtechnology.Establishyourselfas"THE hearing expert" and your practiceas the "go-to" placefor hearing care.Createan goals of any marketing program are to generatecalls and to setappointments,but tracking thosegoalsaloneis not enough. UltimatelyROI shouldbe determinedbased on dollars generatedversusdollars spent. In other words, identify how many dollars aregeneratedfor everydollar spentin your CRM program. A double-digit ROI can be expectedfrom any quality CRM program. Thereare many factorsthat impact ROI, including the patient database,the marketing piece,the offer,the envelope,timing, frequency,follow-upcallsand the script uti lized. whether or not a friend or loved ohe is alsoscheduledand much more.Access A n o n l i n el i b r a r yo f a l l K e y st o S u c c e s sc o l u m n si s a v a i l a b l ea t www. advan cewe b,com/ Heari n g KeystoSuccess. opening for your competition'smarketing to alsowork for you. AutomatedCRM programsdo existthat can take the "work" out ofthe program for audiologists.It canbe assimpleaschecking oneor more of 20 touch point boxes,which then triggersthe processingand mailing of cards,noticesandvariousothertouchpoint pieceson a regularbasis.Someprograms chargefor suchserviceswhile othersinclude productionandmailing costs the associated aspart oftheir servicebenefits.Investigation is key to finding a match and the best CRM program for your practice. As with anymarketingcampaign,a CRM programshouldbe trackedfor results."Feeling" a programis successful is not enough. A practice owner should objectivelytrack the resultsand determineactualreturn-oninvestment(ROI).Of course,two important R A c r c EM A N A G E M E N 1 O a o v e r ' r c eF o RH E A R T NpG I sTE p t l o c t z o r r to marketing professionalsthat not only understand,but also track the variables to identify those most likely to impact patients' decisionmaking is a huge benefit of a quality CRM program.Knowledge, completeness, organization,planningand follow-up arekey to a successfulCRM program. Simply having a CRM program is not enough.You must leverageyour CRM program to achievemaximum resultsand ROr!lm KathyFoltner, AuD,is vicepresideut of Sonus Franchise $ales*East. $hehas3$y*arsof industry experience andhaldsadjunctfa$illlys!at*$ at RnshllniversityMedir:nlCenterand$alusUniversity.Conta*lherat katlry.foltneMlar*plil* or31?-286-7$S8. Visitwvyw.sonus.ecm lor more inlonnation. www.advanceweb-com/hearin g
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