SPORTS FLOORINGS 2014-2015 “Success with experience, product with quality.” 3-4 ABOUT US 5-8 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE - INDOOR KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE - OUTDOOR 9-12 13-14 15-17 KENNCOAT BINDER KENNCOAT ACRYLIC 18-20 KENNCOAT INSULATION REFERENCES 21 ABOUT US Pehlivan Kimya A.Ş. has been commercially active since 2003 in the field of construction and sports industry. Turnkey floor projects required for sports premises are designed and manufactured by our Company. Our company successfully implements the manufacturing and installation of any kind of sportive premises equipment including primer to final coat, volleyball and tennis grounds for sports premises where our children and youngsters might get a chance to improve themselves. Our company has underlined a successful and quality manufacturing and rendered itself exporting half of its production to international market. Polyurethane and acrylic coating materials with various applications are served to numerous companies in Anatolia in raw material form. Our company has been gradually improving itself with every single day on a professional level in the field of sport and ındustrial coatings and dedicates itself to provide the best quality production to its clients. Pehlivan Kimya has developed a remarkable expertise on tartan tracks, jogging courses, synthetic pitches, acrylic floor coating and furthermore, work on alternative manufacturing methods like polyurethane materials of which no production yet exists in Turkey. At present, our own product, dual component polyurethane based synthetic pitch glue is used in Turkic Republics, Middle East and throughout Turkey. As a conclusion, we will have venture initiations in Europe and other countries for the widened use of our products. Pehlivan Kimya is capable of manufacturing shock-pad glue required for indoor sports halls, upper layer sealer and self-levelling polyurethane materials and is in the aim of permanently sustaining its principles of quality and honest service approach. We will be pleased to serve you with our young and dynamic team. 3 ABOUT US LABORATORY Our research development and quality control studies contiue at our R&D laboratory. 4 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE TECHNICAL DATA Colour : Natural, green, several colours Mixing mass density : 1.52 kg/l Mixing ratio(mass) : 5/1 Theoretical consumption rate : 1kg/m2 (for 0.90-1.10 kg / m2) All curing period : 6-8 hours (25°C) Heat Resistance : Approx. 100°C (for cured product) Shore A : 85 ±5 Application time : 15-30 minutes (Depends on temperature and humidity) ADHESIVE Kenncoat Polyurethane Adhesive is two component, solvent free, polyurethane adhesive. Use as an adhesive to fix rubber and joining the synthetic grass carpet. APPLICATION CONDITIONS Surface must be clean, dry, free from grease and oil. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Mix 5 kgs of Component A and 1 kg Component B for two minutes with a low speed electric mixing paddle. It is important that two components mixed homogeneously Mix only that amount of material can be used in 15-30 minutes. (Depends on air temperature) Trowell should be used. Application temperature is 10°C - 30°C The surface must be protect from water for 8-10 hours. SHELF LIFE Shelf life is 12 months from the production date in appropiate conditions. STORAGE The product must be stored in sealed containers at 15-25°C SAFETY DATA Use protective goggles and gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from children. In case of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. All equipment should be cleaned after thinner, butyl acetate or ethyl acetate. PACKAGING Component A: 21 kg metal Component B: 4 kg metal 5 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE SEALER TECHNICAL DATA Colour : Grey, white and multiple colors Mixing mass density : 1.38 kg/l Mixing ratio(mass) : 5/1 Theoretical consumption rate: 1)Rolled rubber pad : 1.Layer 760 gr/m2 2.level 200 gr/ m2 2)Cast rubber applications : 1.level 1460 gr/m2 2.level 160-200 gr/ m2 Note : Consumption rate depends on the roller rubber pad and the diameter of the rubber granules. Curing period : 6-8 hours (25°C) Heat Resistance : Approx. 100°C (for cured product) Shore A : 75 ±5 Application temperature : 10-25°C Application time : 15-30 minutes (Depends on temperature and humidity) Kenncoat Polyurethane Sealer is two component, solvent free, polyurethane sealer. Use as a pore filler on rubber pad and casting rubber appplications. APPLICATION CONDITIONS Surface must be clean, dry, free from grease and oil. Surface should be free from moisture. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Mix 5 kgs of Component A and 1 kg Component B for two minutes with a low speed electric mixing paddle. It is important that two components mixed thoroughly. This mixture should be used in one application period(10-25 minutes). (Depends on air temperature). Metal or plastic squeegee should be used. The surface must protect from water for 8-10 hours. SHELF LIFE Shelf life is 12 months from the production date in appropiate conditions. STORAGE The product must be stored in sealed containers at 15-25°C Clean-up:All equipment should be cleaned with thinner, butyl acetate or ethyl acetate. SAFETY DATA Use protective goggles and gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from children. In case of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. PACKAGING 21 kgs tin Component A 4 kgs tin Component B 6 SELF-LEVELLING KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE TECHNICAL DATA Colour : Several colours. Mixing mass density : 1.34 kg/l Mixing ratio(mass) : 4/1 Theoretical consumption rate : 1.2 kg/m2 ( for 1 mm) All curing period : 6-8 hours (25°C) Heat Resistance : Approx. 100°C (for cured product) Shore A : 70 ±5 Application time : 5-15 minutes (Depends on temperature and humidity) Kenncoat Polyurethane Sef-Levelling is two component self-levelling coating material. Use as a coating to have the elastic effect of fitness and sports areas. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Surface must be clean, dry, free from grease. Mix 4 kgs of Component A and 1 kg Component B for two minutes with a low speed electric mixing paddle. It is important that two components mixed thoroughly. This mixture should be used in one application period (5-15 minutes). (Depends on air temperature) Squeegee or trowel should be used. Application temperature is 10°C - 30°C SHELF LIFE Shelf life is 12 months from the production date in appropiate conditions. STORAGE The product must be stored in sealed containers at 15-25°C. Clean-up: All equipment should be cleaned after thinner, butyl acetate or ethyl acetate. SAFETY DATA Use protective goggles and gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from children. In case of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. PACKAGING 16 kgs tin Component A 4 kgs tin Component B 7 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE Kenncoat Topcoat is two component polyurethane resin based elastic topcoat. Kenncoat Topcoat is used at sports/concerts halls under great circulation by the help of resistance against to chemicals and air conditions. Kenncoat Topcoat protects its color and brightness perfectly. TOP COAT TECHNICAL DATA Color : Several colors Density : 1.20 kg/l (mix) Solid matter by volume : 56 ± 1 (ASTM D 2697-3) V.O.C : 352 g / L ( ASTM D 3960-05) Dry film thickness : For one layer 40-80 μm Theoretical Consumption Area : 11.60 m2 / kg (50 μm DFT) Touch after dry : 5 hours (20 °C) Full cure : After 7 days (20 °C) Curing time depends on the air temperature, film thickness, air and environmental conditions. When the temperature is low, curing time increases. APPLICATION CONDITIONS Surface must be clean, dry, free from grease. In a dirty environment for a long time, the surface must be cleaned with water and allowed to dry and a second layer should be applied after the surface has dried thoroughly. To prevent the moisture in the air condense, the surface temperature should be 3°C greater than dew point. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Kenncoat Topcoat protection system mixing ratio by volume: 2,5 parts A and 1 part B. It is recommended that the following rules should be followed during application. Equipment should be cleaned with a suitable thinner before application. A component mixed separately then the mixture of A and B components must be mixed for 5 minutes. Paint should not be diluted more than %10. For homogenous of the paint, mix several times during application. Indoor aplications, good ventilation should be ensured. After application, the equipment should be clean with thinner. SHELF LIFE 4-50°C, in its original packaging, shelf life is one year. SAFETY DATA Comply the regulations of flammable liquids. Take safety precautions on the product label. Keep in a cool,dry and well ventilated area. Keep away from children. Do not breathe, avoid contact with skin and eyes. PACKAGE A component 9 kgs B component 3 kgs 8 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE SANDWICH SYSTEM Primer : 150-160 gr/m2 1100 cp Granular rubber : 1-3,5 mm 1250 gr/2 mm Binder : 20% of total granule weight, 1,08 gr/cm3 Sealer : 1460 gr/m2 %10-30 thixotropic with EPDM powder Self levelling : Two-component 1,20 gr/cm3 Brick red : 1-3,5 mm EPDM 3,2 kg/m2 Dust, oil and foreign substances must be removed from surface. On this clean surface, primer must be applied. Poliurethane binder and 1-3,5 mm granules are mixed in mixer and then applied on surface with 10 mm thickness by finischer. After this two-component thixotropic sealer is laid on elastic layer. In this way, this system has become waterproof. And finally, Polyurethane self levelling is applied. At this stage, 1-3,5 mm Red EPDM granules are applied on this layer by broadcasting system. Excess quantity of spread granules are removed and lines are set. 9 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE FULL SYSTEM Primer:150-160 gr/m2 1100 cp 1st layer: Self levelling 3000-3500 gr/m2 and 2500-3000 gr/m2 black granule 2nd layer: Self levelling 3000-3500 gr/m2 and 2500-3000 gr/m2 black granule 3nd layer: Self levelling 3000-3500 gr/m2 and 3000-3200 gr/m2 coloured EPDM Dust, oil and foreign substances must be removed from surface. On this clean surface primer must be applied, after primer, polyurethane self levelling is applied and SBR or EPDM granules spread on layer. After surface drying, excess quantity of granules is removed from surface. Whole application is checked, In case of any default, it is repaired and 2nd layer application is started. First layer application is repeated at this step. Excess quantity of granules is removed from surface. For last layer, polyurethane self levelling is applied and then coloured EPDM granules are spread. Excess quantity of EPDM granules is removed and running track application is completed. 10 SPRAY SYSTEM KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE Primer: 150-160 gr/m2 1100 cp SBR or EPDM: Black granule 6250 gr/m2 for 10 mm, (Approximate consumption amount for smooth surface) Primer application-repeat: 110-120 gr/m2 1100 cp 0,5-1,50 mm coloured EPDM 800-100 gr/m2 Two-component self-levelling: 1200-1400/ gr/m2 ; 1,20 gr/cm3 Dust, oil and foreign substances must be removed from surface. On this clean surface primer must be applied. After primer, 1-3,5 mm black SBR or EPDM granules mixed with polyurethane binder are laid on 10 mm thickness with finischer. On this elastic layer, primer application is repeated and finally, 0,5-1,5 mm coloured EPDM granules mixed with two-component polyurethane self levelling are sprayed on surface. 11 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE STANDARD SYSTEM Primer: 150-160 gr/m2 1100 cp 8 mm black granule coat:5 kg/m2 theoretically proper surface primer 110-120 gr/m2 1100 cp 7 mm coloured EPDM coat: 1-3,00 mm 4kg/m2 theoratically Dust, oil and foreign substances must be removed from surface. On this clean surface, primer must be applied. After primer 1-3,5 mm black SBR or black EPDM granules mixed with polyurethane binder are laid on surface with 8 mm thickness by finischer. On this elastic layer, primer pplication is repeated and standard system EPDM coating is completed by laying 7 mm thickness of coloured EPDM granules. 12 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE INSUTU BINDER Kenncoat Binder is one-component, polyurethane based, isocyanate prepolymer. Kenncoat Binder is used as insitu binder at sports fields and children playgrounds. TECHNICAL DATA Colour: Light yellow Density: 1,1 gr / cm3 Viskocity: 3000-3500 cps NCO: 9,5-10,5% APPLICATION PROCEDURE Kenncoat Insıtu Binder is mixed with EPDM or SBR granules as 20% ratio and laid by finischer. SHELF LIFE Shelf life is 6 months from production date at 15-45 °C temperature and appropriate conditions. PACKAGING 200 kg metal barrels. 13 KENNCOAT POLYURETHANE PRESS BINDER Kenncoat Binder is one-component, polyurethane based, isocyanate prepolymer. Kenncoat Press Binder is used for sports fields and children playgrounds projects, and in manufacturing rubber tiles. TECHNICAL DATA Colour : Yellow Density : 1,1 gr/cm3 Viskocity : 4500-5500 cps NCO : % 9,5-10,5 APPLICATION PROCEDURE Kenncoat Press Binder is mixed with EPDM or SBR granules with 5-6% ratio and pouring into a mould. SHELF LIFE Shelf life is 6 months from production date at 15-45 °C temperature and appropriate conditions. PACKAGING 200 kg metal barrels 14 RESURFACER KENNCOAT ACRYLIC Kenncoat Resurfacer is water-based acrylic binder, apply with mixing the silica sand and its used for the concrete and asphalt bases for adherence the upper layers, pores filling and make the smooth surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA Product : Kenncoat Resurfacer Binder : Acrylic Drying time : 1 hour (25oC), 2-6 hours wait for apply the second layer, it should be observed that the surface completely dry. Color : Black Theoretical consumption rate : Kenncoat Resurfacer theoretical consumption rate is 400-750 gr/m2 SURFACE PREPARATION Dust, oil, foreign substances must be removed from the surface. The temperature of the surface must be between 10oC - 35oC. Kenncoat Resurfacer is applied between the temperature 10oC and 35°C. Min. 14 days for new asphalt surfaces and min. 22 days for new concrete sufaces should be waited before an application. Repairing fine cracks and surface defects, use a mixing of pure acrylic binder, cement and silica sand. One day after repair, Kenncoat Resurfacer should be applied. It is recommended that Kenncoat Resurfacer is applied after the epoxy or polyurethane primer coating on concrete surfaces. MIXING RATIO Kenncoat Resurfacer, %50-%60 silica sand, %30-%40 water *It changes depending on the asphalt surface and application temperature. APPLICATION AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT Kenncoat Resurfacer is applied with squeegee. Clean tools and equipment with water, after use. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Kenncoat Resurfacer is available in 65 kg plastic drums, should be stored at room temperature. Acrylic binder is deteriorated above 40oC and below 10oC. Shelf life is 1 year from production date at room temperature and appropriate conditions. Material must be protected from freezing. SAFETY DATA In case of contact with skin please wash the skin clearly. 15 CUSHION KENNCOAT ACRYLIC TECHNICAL DATA Product : Kenncoat Cushion Binder : % 100 Acrylic Drying time : 1 hour at 25oC, 2-6 hours wait for apply the second layer (It should be observed that the surface completely dry.) Color : Grey Theoretical consumption rate: Kenncoat Cushion theoretical consumption rate is 350-500 gr/m2’dir. Kenncoat Cushion is water-based acrylic binder, prepared with 0.5 mm1.0 mm or 1.0-2.0 mm of rubber granules. This material used for flexibility of the surface. SURFACE PREPARATION Dust, oil, foreign substances must be removed from the surface. The temperature of the surface must be between 10oC – 35oC. APPLICATION AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT Kenncoat Cushion is applied with squeegee. Clean tools and equipment with water after use. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Kenncoat Cushion is available in 60 kgs plastic barrels, should be stored at room temperature. Acrylic binder is deteriorated above 40oC and below 10oC. Shelf life is 1 year from production date at room temperature and appropriate conditions. Material must be protected from freezing. SAFETY DATA In terms of skin contact, wash skin clearly. 16 TOP COAT KENNCOAT ACRYLIC TECHNICAL DATA Product : Kenncoat Topcoat Binder : Acrylic Drying time : 1 hour at 25oC, 2-6 hours wait for apply the second layer it should be observed that the surface completely dry. Color : RAL colors Kenncoat Topcoat theoretical consumption rate: Kenncoat Topcoat 2nd layer (500-650 gr/m2) %50-%60 sand %30 water Kenncoat Topcoat layer (250-350 gr/m2) %5-%10 sand %40 water Kenncoat Topcoat is %100 acrylic binder, water-based, high UV resistance tennis court paint. MIXING RATIO Kenncoat topcoat 1st layer: %50-%60 silica-sand, %20-%30 water Kenncoat topcoat 2nd layer: %5-%10 silica-sand, %30-%40 water For 3rd layer: only mix %10-%25 water SURFACE PREPARATION Dust, oil,foreign substances must be removed from the surface. The temperature of the surface must be between 10oC – 35oC. APPLICATION AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT Kenncoat Topcoat is applied with squeegee. Clean tools and equipment with water after use. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Kenncoat Topcoat is available in 70 kgs plastic barrels, should be stored at room temperature. Acrylic binder is deteriorated above 40oC and below 10oC. Shelf life is 1 year from production date at room temperature and appropriate conditions. Material must be protected from freezing. SAFETY DATA In terms of skin contact wash skin clearly. 17 ONE COMPONENT PRIMER KENNCOAT INSULATION Kenncoat One Component Primer is one component, solvent-free polyurethane based primer. Kenncoat One Component Primer is used for water insulation at roof, terrace, garage and balcony. Besides this it is used as primer on concrete surfaces. TECHNICAL DATA Color : Light yellow, blue, green, grey Density : 1.17 kg/l Theoretical consumption rate : 100-150 gr/m2 Curing time : 3-6 hours (20oC) SURFACE PREPARATION Dust, oil, foreign substances must be removed from the surface. The temperature of the surface must be between 15oC – 25oC. APPLICATION AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT Pot Life: 15-30 minutes (Depends on temperature and humidity) Equipment: Roller should be used. Tools can be clean with ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and thinner. Do not use below 10oC. SAFETY DATA Use protective goggles and gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from children. In case of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Kenncoat One Component Primer is available 20 kg tin drums, 200 kg metal barrels at 15oC – 25oC for one year from the production date. 18 TWO COMPONENT PRIMER KENNCOAT INSULATION TECHNICAL DATA Color : Light yellow, blue, green, grey Density : 1.03 kg /l Theoretical consumption rate : 100-150 gr/m2 Curing time : 3-6 hours (20oC) Kenncoat Two Components Primer is double component, solvent free, polyurethane based primer. Kenncoat Two Components Primer is used for water insulation at roof, terrace, garage and balconies. Behind this it is used as primer on concrete surface. SURFACE PREPARATION Dust, oil,foreign substances must be removed from the surface. The temperature of the surface must be between 15oC – 25oC. APPLICATION AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT Mixing ratio (mass): 12 kgs A + 4 kgs B Pot Life: 15-30 minutes (Depends on temperature and humidity) Equipment: Roller should be used. Tools can be clean with ethyl acetate, butyl acetate and thinner. Do not use below 10oC. PACKAGING AND STORAGE Kenncoat One Component Primer is available 20 kg tin drums, 200 kg metal barrels at 15oC – 25oC for one year from the production date. SAFETY DATA Use protective goggles and gloves. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from children. In case of skin contact, wash skin thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. 19 KENNCOAT INSULATION INSULATION SYSTEM Kencoat Insulation System is applied on concrete surface in order to provide water insulation. Before application; oil, dust and foreign substances must be removed from surface. For first layer Kenncoat Polyurethane Primer is applied (100-150 gr/m2) After primer totally dried (6 hours) Kenncoat Polyurethane Self Levelling is applied (1-2kg/m2). If required, silica sand spread over the layer in order to provide durability. After self levelling completely dry, Kenncoat Top coat is applied (app.100-150g/m2). Kenncoat Insulation System provides water insulation with the resistance against to UV, chemicals and erosion especially at car parks and terraces. 20 KENNCOAT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADACAN İNŞAAT AKDAĞMADENİ BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI AKDAM İNŞAAT AKSA PEYZAJ ALP İNŞAAT KÜTAHYA DUMLUPINAR ÜNİVERSİTESİ ALTERNATİF A.Ş ANADOLU MESLEK LİSESİ YENİMAHALLE ANK. ATATÜRK LİSESİ BASKETBOL VE FUTBOL SAHALARI, ATAK TİC. ANKARA BÜYÜKŞEHİR BELEDİYESİ, 14 ADET KÖY PARKI ÇEVRE ÇİTİ ANKAS İNŞAAT ATAK TİCARET K. IRAK SÜLEYMANİYE ATAK TİCARET ZONGULDAK ÜNİVERSİTESİ ATAPARK ŞEHİTLER PARKI FUTBOL SAHASI AYGAZ A.Ş. B.B ANKARA SPOR AKTEPE STADI BADEMLİK MAH. BASKET VE FUTBOL BATIKENT DEMİRYOLCULAR SİTESİ BİLİM KOLEJİ 100. YIL BUKE FIRAT ZEMİN KAPLAMALARIT CEMRE SPOR ÇALIŞMA BAKANLIĞI ATAK TİCARET ÇANKAYA BELEDİYESİ YILDIZ MAH. FUTBOL SAHALARI ÇAYYOLU Ç. EMEK SİTESİ TENİS KORTU ÇELİK İNŞAAT RİZE DEMİRSPOR BEHİÇBEY SAHALARI DENİZ KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANLIĞI TENİS KORTU DORE İNŞAAT ASYA FİNANS KIZIL CAHAMAM SPOR SAHALARI DURMAZ İNŞAAT EMİN KURT İNŞAAT İSTANBUL ERDEM MÜHENDİSLİK ERGİN SPOR SANAYİİ ESKRİM FEDERASYONU ETİMESGUT BELEDİYESİ ETİMESGUT BELEDİYESİ PARKLARI 22 ADET EYNEHAN İNŞAAT MSB SİLAHLI KUVVETLER SPOR OKULUSAHALARI EY-TUR EĞİMİM PROJE LTD ŞTİ FATİH STADI ÇEVRE FENS TELİ FBK YAPI FTŞ İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİK GALATASARAY SPOR TES. FUTBOL, TENİS VE BASKETBOL SAHALARI GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ GÖLBAŞI TESİSLERİ GENÇLERBİRLİĞİ VE ANKARAGÜCÜ ORTAK GİRİŞİMİ 19 MAYIS STADI REFERENCES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GENÇLİK SPOR İL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ANKARA GENÇLİK SPOR İL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ARTVİN GENÇLİK SPOR İL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ŞANLIURFA GENÇLİK SPOR İL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ TRABZON GİRESUN GENÇLİK SPOR İL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ GÖKTÜRK PARKI SAHASI HATKO TEKSTİL TÜRKMENİSTAN HALI SAHA VE TENİS KORTU YAPIMI HAYRETTİN ŞATIROĞLU RİZE HEDEF ÇİM HST TEKSTİL SANAYİİ İMAY İNŞAAT İNTERSEL İNŞ. İNTERSEL LTD. ŞTİ İSTANBUL BAĞCILAR BELEDİYESİ K.H.O. PENTATLON SAHASI KALE KAUÇUK KAMİL OCAK BASKET SAHASI KARA HARP OKULU KAZAN BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI KAZANKAYA BELEDİYESİ YOZGAT PANEL ÇİT KEÇİÖREN AKTEPE 2 ADET FUTBOL VE 1 ADET BASKETBOL KEÇİÖREN BELEDİYESİ KETU İNŞAAT KONYA İL STADI SENTETİK ZEMİN KAPLAMASI KUŞCAĞIZ FUTBOL SAHASI MDA SPOR BATIKENT METRO SAHALARI MEGA A.Ş. ANTALYA MEGA A.Ş. PRENCES HOTEL BODRUM MEGA PAZARLAMA İSTANBUL MESCİOĞLU İNŞAAT MİLTAŞ İNŞAAT MUTA İNŞAAT NORM İNŞAAT ANTALYA OKYANUS GRUP YALITIM ÇÖZÜMLERİ, İSTANBUL ORCAN SPOR ALANYA TENİS KORTU OSMANİYE İL STADI ÖNÇİT ÖZDEKAN KAUÇUK SANAYİİ ÖZERK İNŞAAT ANTALYA ÖZGÜR MÜHENDİSLİK ÖZKONAKLI İNŞAAT PARK HOLDİNG SENTETİK GOLF PİSTİ 21 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PEBA TEKSTİL POLİN İNŞAAT BODRUM POLİS AKADEMİSİ MALTEPE MDA PURSAKLAR BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI PYS İNŞAAT LTD. ROBİNSON CLUP ERKLER İNŞAAT S.B.E. KOŞU PİSTİ SAYGINLAR İNŞAAT SEA GARDEN HOTEL BODRUM SER İNŞAAT SİLAHLI KUVVETLER SPOR OKULU SÜLEYMAN KURT SİVAS ŞEHİT KUBİLAY PARKI TEKNİK GÜÇ BİRLİĞİ YAPI KOOPERATİFİ BALIKESİR TEMPO TEL ÇİT TEMPO TİCARET AHMET EKER UĞURSEL LTD. ULUSOY ELEKTRİK WATERLAND TOURISM YALOVA BELEDİYESİ YARSH-HUMA İNŞ. YENİMAHALLE BELEDİYESİ CEMRE PARKI BASKETBOL SAHASI ZE-YE İNŞAAT ZİRAAT BANKASI SOSYAL TESİSLERİ YENİMAHALLE ZİYA-ÜL HAK FUTBOL SAHASI REFORM SPOR SİSTEMLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. İLKE YAPI MAKİNE MEHMET YILMAZ ŞEREFLİKOÇHİSAR BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI TÜRKİYE FUTBOL FEDERASYONU TÜRK TRAKTÖR VE ZİRAAT MAKİNELERİ A.Ş. ÇANKAYA BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI ÇANKAYA İMAR PROJE İNŞ. MAD. SAN TİC. A.Ş. KOZ-KENT SPOR ZEMİNLERİ PRO-SPORT İNŞ. TAAH. SPOR MAL İTH. İHR. A.Ş. SUSUZ BAHÇE SPORT PEYZAJ SAN. LTD. ŞTİ. T.S.K. SPOR OKULU VE EĞİTİM MERK. KOM. T.C. CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI TEKNİK İŞLER MÜD. TAVŞANLI BELEDİYESİ SİNCAN BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI POLATLI BELEDİYE BAŞKANLIĞI rgü Ö Tel ire zli W ani ized v l Ga alvan G Spor Sahaları Sports Pitches ı has s l Sa bo Pitche t e ll sk Ba ketba Bas ı has l Sa ches o b it Fut tball P Foo Tel Örgü Çeşitleri Wire Mesh Pvc K Pvc aplı T e Co ate l Örg dW ü ire Vole Volle ybol S a yba ll Pit hası che s Ten i Ten s Saha nis P s itche ı s ça Fır h s Bru Saha Bakım Ekipmanları Maintanence Equipments Ball Top Yu Roll ve T varla Ramırmı ma p, Dk rag ma t 22 n eta sı e ı liür Po ıştırıc hesiv d Yap ane A th ure Poly in Zem rilik c Ak Acryli cun Ma ler Sea Poliüretan Polyurethane Self Lev ellin g Tart a Run n Pist le ning Truc r k aro k K ber uçu ub Ka ed R uld Mo 23 Hal Yap ı Saha ı Pitc ştırıcıs hes ı Glue Kau ç Rub uk Rulo ber Mat İvedik Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Melih Gökçek Blv. 1485. Cd. 1363. Sk. No: 78-79-81 Yenimahalle/ANKARA-TÜRKİYE T:+90 312 395 10 34 - 35 [email protected]
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