Who Else Wants To Be A
Who Else Wants To Be A
"Who Else Wants To Be A Safe Money Millionaire... On Your Current Income!" It is possible to grow wealthy, even during bad economic times, when you follow a proven blueprint! Have you ever... Felt frustrated seeing money disappear in the market? Concerned that you don't know where to put your money to keep it safe? Worried about making ends meet with the high cost of living; kids, cars, homes, credit cards, bills and taxes? The book "Safe Money Millionaire" could arm you with the information you need to solve these problems. However, the book itself can never give you a PERSONALIZED plan to help you achieve your goals. For that it takes a more personal approach. That's why I've been trained as a Safe Money Millionaire Advisor to create a unique BLUEPRINT...just for you so you can get on the path to becoming a Safe Money Millionaire. In this no obligation blueprint I could help you discover: How to find -- on average -- $312 per month you are currently wasting (It's like giving yourself a $3,744 per year raise without working any extra hours.) A proven blueprint to show you how to create an income you can never outlive. (Imagine knowing you have an income for the rest of your life!) 3 ways to protect yourself from the ravages of tax increases! (This powerful strategy is the difference between growing YOUR wealth...or funding Uncle Sam's spending spree.) "The Power Down Plan": How to pay off all your debt in 9 years or less. (Imagine that wonderful day when you own everything free and clear...including your mortgage.) The 117 year old 'secret' life insurance and 'safe money' financial tools that allow you to keep your money safely out of the market...while growing EVERY YEAR guaranteed. WARNING: What you are going to discover is NOT what Wall Street and traditional guru's preach...so be ready for a totally different approach! If you're fed up with the roller coaster and want a safe way to grow your wealth...this may be a good option for you. (It's not for everyone. If it's not for you, I won't waste your time or mine, I'll just let you know and we'll part friends.) Remember, there's no obligation. I'll be happy to answer your questions and give you a blueprint that could help you solve the biggest concerns and issues in your life today. I think you'll find it extremely exciting and liberating to see there is some light at the end of the financial tunnel! Call me at 964-0637 or 1-888-464-0637. Or go to www.doubledayinsurance.com and click on the Safe Money Millionaire link and then click on the blue HERE at the very bottom. I will get back to you. If you will read it, I will personally purchase the Book and send it to you. All I ask is that you call or email me when you finish the book and let me know what you thought of it. Lew Doubleday Page 4 DO YOU RUN A BUSINESS FROM YOUR HOME OR HAVE ANY INCOME PRODUCING HOBBIES? WOULD HITTING A LEXUS FULL OF ATTORNEYS LEAVE YOU WONDERING IF YOU HAD ENOUGH INSURANCE? The homeowners policy is very explicit about excluding coverage for any business activities. While your hobby of repairing lawn mowers, or selling your hand -made crafts might not seem like a business to you, if you receive any revenue from sales, then the insurance policy will view this as a business. In some cases, the policy not only doesn’t cover any items related to your business, it also will not cover the outbuilding that you work from, or any other non-business items in that outbuilding. So, if your woodworking tools aren’t covered because you sold a stool last year that you repaired, don’t forget that your yard tools also stored in that shed will not be covered as well. Okay, the question is a bit tongue-in-cheek in the way I asked it, but the point is valid. How much protection do you have? Can you answer that? Do you know if that amount is enough? In addition to not having the tools or the products of your “hobby” covered, if someone is hurt as a result of what you provided them, or what you made, your home insurance will not provide you with any liability protection. This is what we call “going bare” in the business world and no well-run business would consider it for even a second. The risks are too great. Remember, with a property loss, you at least know what you have to lose. But, with a liability loss, the amount of the potential loss is unlimited. These types of holes in your protection need your immediate attention. The solution is to call us at once to find out if you need a businessowners policy or if you could add coverage to your current homeowners policy. HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU! If there was a way you could take some dollars and immediately, every time you put money away, you could get a 20% match on your money, would that be a pretty good deal for you? Let me tell you a story. We had a client with $100,000 coverage for property damage on his auto policy. Now you might think that there are not too many cars out there worth more than $100,000 so your coverage should be adequate. Maybe even a bit too high. Well, in this case, you would be wrong. $1,000,000 “Bill” let his daughter “Jane” borrow his car one day. While Jane was turned around to multitask with her son in the car seat behind her, she hit a telephone pole. Now when this pole fell it created a power surge. For about a 5 square mile area, people noticed that their electrical appliances were no longer working. Microwaves, Big Screen TV Sets, Ovens, etc. weren’t working. In addition to that, many restaurants in the area were finding that their freezers and coolers were out. Many had to close their doors because they could not function. Well, they all started calling the power company. The power company said they weren’t responsible for the loss and so they gave them our phone number. We were getting so many calls that the insurance company finally set up a separate phone number just for this one claim! So, if you put in $100,000 you would get an immediate $20,000 working for you, would you like that? After about 2 days, the insurance company called “Bill” and advised him to hire an attorney because they were already out of money for his limits and calls were still coming in. And, if you knew that when the economy did poorly you wouldn’t lose a dime and when it did good you had the opportunity to participate with the gains, would that help things out some? Would you like to be in this position? The loss was many thousands of dollars more than the limit of “Bill’s” automobile property damage limit. And, if you had the ability to pick and choose the options in the plan so that YOU were in control of your money, would that be important to you? The SOLUTION to this would have been for “Bill” to have an Umbrella policy, but he did not. For pennies a day he could have had another $1,000,000 of liability coverage. Well, I have such a product available to you. As an Elite Gold Member agent of Allianz Life and Annuity company I can offer this to you. Allianz is one of the largest companies in the world for safety’s sake. CALL ME AT 964-0637 IF YOU ARE AT ALL INTERESTED. How about you? Think it could never happen to you? “Bill” didn’t think so either! Call 964-0637 for an Umbrella quote now! Page 5 HAD A GREAT TIME FISHING A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO! My brother, Dewayne, Lloyd Talbert and Erval Shipler and I all headed South this time instead of North like we usually do. Ended up on Stockton Lake in Missouri. Beautiful man-made lake down around Springfield. We met up down there with Leonard Miller who lives a stone’s throw from the lake. Believe me, it was a great idea getting Leonard to go along. He really IS a fisherman. We took turns riding in his boat because that boat was catching more fish than the other one. The day I rode with Leonard, before we got 20 feet away from the dock, he already had 2 fish! Stayed in a nice resort that was really cheap. The entire week only cost us $201 each, including a covered dock. As you can see to the right it was a bit primitive!—–—>> Just kidding! We had great facilities there, also. The owner had just purchased the resort and this was part of his remodeling that left the stool outside so Erval and I could take a couple of goofy photos! Best fishing we have had in years. Caught a ton of croppies and walleyes. Kept about half and put the others back in the lake for another day. I even caught a couple of bass. We had deer and fox running around our area where we stayed and the owner plans on making the resort a hunting spot in the winter also. There was a 9 hole golf course there but he’s allowing it to grow up to long grass and weeds for hunting purposes. All in all, we had a great week. It’s always more fun when they’re biting. Lew P.S. We brought lots of fish back with us also. MY POOR GRANDSON…… About a month ago my grandson (only have 1), Ryan Nicholas Doubleday, decided to catch a baseball with his bare hand instead of his gloved hand. Instead, the baseball caught him! On the end of his thumb! He dislocated his thumb and cracked a bone. He just healed up enough to start baseball again and then. . . . . Two days ago, while playing basketball, he was struck on the top of his head by an apparent elbow while attempting to stop the other team’s center from scoring and it required a trip to Des Moines to a hospital where they put in staples! It wasn’t all the blood and pain that bothered him, what really bothered him was that HE was called for the foul! Sometimes you just can’t win. THINGS HAVEN’T CHANGED! “The national budget must be balanced. Public debt must be reduced. The arrogance of authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced if this nation doesn’t want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance”. Written by some hot shot Republican right?? Wrong. It was written by Marcus Tullius Cicero 55 B C (Marcus Tullius Cicero, was a Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, orator, political theorist, Roman consul and constitutionalist.) At the 200th anniversary of the New Madrid earthquakes, all eyes are on this still active seismic zone in the nation’s midsection. When I mention earthquakes, you probably think about the earthquakes in San Francisco in 1906 which registered 8.0 on the Richter scale or the Loma Prieta quake of 6.9 magnitude that resulted in more than 60 deaths, or the 1994 Northridge quake that measured 6.7 and killed some 60 people, or maybe last years quake in Virginia at 5.8, or the Oklahoma quake last year at 5.6, or maybe the quakes in Japan in 2011, or Haiti in 2010, or New Zealand in 2011 and the countries that border the Indian Ocean in 2004. But the “big one” was in the heartland. It was in a seismic zone called the New Madrid Fault and is in the Mississippi Valley. In 1811 and 1812 this zone produced a series of 3 temblors of such magnitude that the course of the mighty Mississippi River was temporarily reversed and the water began to flow north! The quakes generated thousands of aftershocks that lasted for several years. Those quakes were estimated at 8.0 or greater and were the largest in the continental United States. (The largest U.S. earthquake was the 9.2 temblor that struck Alaska in 1964.) The quake in San Francisco was felt 350 miles away but the New Madrid earthquake of December 1811 rang church bells in BOSTON, 1,000 miles away! Recent activity suggest that the New Madrid fault is a highly active seismic zone that remains capable of triggering major earthquakes, with the potential for damage and loss of life that did not exist 200 years ago when the earthquakes struck sparsely populated rural areas. What could happen could be catastrophic this time. Ryan is a smart kid so don’t go thinking he’s like his grandpa and looks for trouble. He doesn’t. He just made the President’s Honor Roll and was honored for this at Ankeny Schools. And, this semester, his grades actually went up! Must take after his mother’s side or Connee’s side of the family huh? Many of our clients laugh when I tell them I carry earthquake coverage on my home and my office. Have for some time now. Once a quake occurs, even if a small one that is a prelude to a huge one, no agent can bind coverage anymore. In fact, many insurance companies will no longer add earthquake coverage mid-term. It has to be at your renewal time—only. If you want this coverage added, better call now. You still may have to wait until renewal time. Ryan loves sports and plays baseball, basketball and football. He may never be the next Michael Jordan but it won’t be for not trying. This is a relatively inexpensive coverage. If your home is brick, it will cost more than if it is frame. Brick homes are more easily damaged by quakes. There is a separate deductible on earthquake coverage. Usually 5%. Call today at 964-0637 And, besides all this, he is a great kid! Never an ounce of trouble from him. He will soon be 16 years old and now shares his parents with an 18 month old sister, Kaci, that he dearly loves and she, him. You are a great young man, Ryan. Connee and I are very proud of you. Page 6 Page 3 THIS PART IS ABOUT GETTING RICH . . . . . . I have to warn you that this part of my newsletter is controversial and some readers might find it offensive. You probably agree that things are bad in the economy….and aren’t really getting any better. Every economic indicator points to higher unemployment again, more domestic turmoil and extreme global market uncertainty. But with 2012 being a Presidential election year you will never hear the real truth. Politicians will only tell us what we want to hear. They’ll tell us they will balance the budget, lower our taxes, create new jobs, pick up the tab for your health care and safeguard Social Security. The truth is, America is technically bankrupt. And despite everything, the worst may be yet to come. The National Debt has ballooned to over 15 trillion dollars. We are now spending more that $350 billion a year in interest on our debt. And, it could increase drastically now that Congress has approved another debt ceiling increase. And they may have to do yet another one. Meanwhile, Wall Street and financial gurus will continue to claim to be able to predict the stock market cycle and its direction based on hypothetical theories and technical data but history proves that most of them have been completely wrong about all the biggest market trends. If you need proof of this go back and see what “Mad Money Cramer’s” history is. Or go back and replay “Suze” and/or “Dave Ramsey’s” Mutual Fund advice. The average investor has lost and is losing money in Mutual Funds. You would actually make more money if you did the opposite of what they recommended! Want more proof? Get the Dalbar Report and read it. Go online to find it. Yet Americans continue to listen to the Wall Street propaganda and risk their life savings and retirement accounts in the stock market. This year every financial publication will promote last year’s hot fund and Americans will flock to this hot fund in record numbers looking for the Holy Grail of investment returns. AM I COVERED? If you have an unattached garage on your premises, under your Homeowners policy that building is insured on a Replacement Cost basis. However, if you aren’t insured to 80% of replacement cost on it, you will have depreciation on any loss you have. Most homeowners just allow the standard coverage under the Homeowners policy to apply here. Many times that will not be enough. For example if your home is insured at $180,000 you automatically have 10% for outbuildings, including the detached garage. However, how many garages could you replace for $18,000 today? Not many. You need to insure the garage for, at least, 80% of the full REPLACEMENT cost to avoid the depreciation at loss time. This could be thousands of dollars in some cases. Call us if you have a question on this. I own some property down South that is vacant. It does have an old house that’s about ready to fall down but that’s all. Do I have liability coverage from my Homeowners policy on this land? Probably not. Vacant land is land that is unimproved in any way. Insurance people describe vacant land as “land that is still as it was when God made it!” So if the land has ANY improvements on it, such as a fence, power pole, vacant building, foundation, it is NOT vacant land and must be insured. The coverage isn’t expensive so if the above fits you, call to have it properly covered. Your cell phone is stolen. And while the thief has it they run up hundreds of dollars in expensive long distance calls out of the Country. Is there any coverage for this under your Homeowner policy? The phone is covered under theft peril, after your deductible but the calls are not covered at all. The Homeowners policy pays for Direct Damage only. You leave your sprinkler on overnight and water runs under the kitchen door damaging carpeting. It also flooded the window well before running into the basement damaging some furniture. Your insurance company denies coverage under the exclusion for “surface water”! Is he/she correct? No! Surface water is natural water such as rain or melting snow. This one was “man-made” and is a covered loss. But sadly, many will learn the hard way, that last year’s hot fund will most likely become this year’s dog. The Real Truth is they don’t care about your wealth! The system is designed to create their wealth, not yours! For years, financial celebrities and gurus have been trying to convince Americans that the road to prosperity and a secure retirement is paved through the stock market. But their objective was never intended to make your retirement secure. Their goal is to sell airtime and advertising for Wall Street. Their Conventional Wisdom is Flawed! The reality in our country is proof in itself that the financial advice and Wall Street propaganda that has been dished out for the past 30 years is not working for most Americans. Take a look at the hard proof: Half of all households headed by workers aged 55 to 64 have less than $88,000 in retirement accounts The average American household with at least one credit card has nearly $10,700 in credit card debt Trillions of dollars have evaporated from 401(k) accounts Of those between 45 and 64, 71% admit they are worried about having enough money for retirement The average American is paying up to 34.5% of their after-tax income straight to interest In 2010, every 3 months, 250,000 new homes went into foreclosure. Page 2 While you are on vacation your next door neighbor’s kid has a beer party and the empties were thrown onto the roof of your home. Your gutter then clogs up during a heavy rain! It, the gutter, breaks apart causing internal and external damage. You file a claim for vandalism. Is it covered under your homeowners policy? No. For a claim to be covered under vandalism, it must be expected that those causing the vandalism did so in an intentional manner to cause harm to your property. I doubt if these teens expected damage to occur. You are driving down the highway when the hood of your car blows up and strikes the windshield and scratches the roof of your vehicle. Do you have coverage here? If yes, under comprehensive or collision? You do have coverage. It is paid under comprehensive. Collision means the upset of your covered auto or a non-owned auto or their impact with ANOTHER vehicle or object. Not a collision with YOUR vehicle. Your Dealer gives you a loaner to drive while your car is in for repairs. While driving the loaner car, you have a total loss. The dealer’s insurer paid $62,000 and filed for subrogation against you for reimbursement. The dealer has a $1,000 deductible. You have a $500 deductible!!! How much will your insurance company pay on this loss? $500! Your insurance company only pays as “excess” coverage in this situation. The dealer’s deductible is $1,000 so he has to pay the $1,000. Your policy has a $500 deductible. So, $1,000 that the dealer paid minus $500 that is your deductible leaves $500 to reimburse the dealer’s insurance company. Well, how did you do on the above? So you want to be your own insurance agent huh???? Page 8 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID ANKENY, IA PERMIT NO. 17 “Communication is great—they take the extra step to find the best product for your needs and the best application of that product. …...Tracy Shwery, West Des Moines CHECK YOUR PHONE BILL… DO YOU HAVE A CHILD, WHO LIVES OUTSIDE YOUR YOU MAY HAVE BEEN “CRAMMED” HOUSEHOLD, DRIVING A VEHICLE TITLED IN YOUR You may be getting NAME? “All employees are very knowledgeable and are concerned with our needs. … Rick Ogle, Reinbeck, IA «FNAME» «LNAME» «ADDRESS1» «ADDRESS2» Ankeny, IA «ZIPCODE» Chad Chris USING A WILL FORCES IRA INTO PROBATE —BANK ADVISOR’S MISTAKE Mary, a widow, had contributed to her IRA for many years. It grew to over $275,000. She chose to make her contributions to a bank, whose name won’t be mentioned, to make sure her IRA would be safe and not exposed to Market risk. Mary had one son, Erik, and a step-daughter from her deceased husband. Her bank advisor recommended that she name her estate as beneficiary so her will would pass her IRA to Erik after her death. Sounded reasonable, but this advisor’s advice would eventually cost Erik unneeded time, expense and risk. When Mary died, her IRA became part of her estate and subject to the terms of her will. Her intention was for Erik to inherit all of her assets. When her husband died eight years earlier, he left some of his estate to Mary and a big chunk to his daughter from his prior marriage. In Mary’s mind, it only seemed fair that her son receive her IRA and other assets to create balance, in light of the fact that her step-daughter had already received a sizable amount of inheritance when her husband died. Neither Mary nor her son Erik were aware that naming the estate instead of Erik would force her IRA into probate, along with her other assets. Probate can be expensive and during probate anyone can file a claim for some or all of Mary’s assets, putting Erik’s inheritance at risk. You can guess the rest of the story: Erik’s step-sister challenged the will and claimed that she is entitled to some of her step mother’s IRA. billed on your mobile phone bill for a service you never asked for. This can happen when a provider other than your phone company supplies you with ringtones, sports scores, weather updates, horoscopes and other unwanted services. Then your phone company adds a charge to your bill, typically several dollars. With land lines the charge usually shows up as a line item for “miscellaneous” or “enhanced” services. Your phone company keeps a portion of the revenue. You see, the problem isn’t what happens when they drive that car. Of course they are covered, it is on your policy. The problem comes from the wording in the policy. Your policy provides coverage for all drivers in your household, even if they are driving a car not listed on the policy if it’s not owned by you or them. So, now when your child borrows a friends car they have no coverage of their own. If they have an accident in that car, they have no coverage at all. Why? Because your child is no longer a member of your household and he/ Call your phone company now, and reshe also doesn’t have his/her own insurance for coverage! And if that quest that all third-party providers be claim is large enough, you can bet that the insurance company who blocked. Look at your phone bill each month for surprise charges , often listed as actually does insure the car they just wrecked, will be coming after “service charge,” “other fees,” “calling plan” them to collect everything that the insurance company paid out. This is very common and it’s a very dangerous coverage hole with an easy or “membership.” solution. Also, avoid calling 900 numbers, accepting anonymous collect calls and signing up for contests online via your cell phone, all common methods that vendors use to cram you. If you do get crammed, call your service provider and demand a refund. SUCCESS “Life is but a brief moment of time in which to prepare for eternity. If you succeed in all other areas of this life but fail in this preparation, your life will have been wasted.” From the Bible Mark 8:36-37 This is not an unusual situation. In fact, it’s common to make this mistake! In this case, Erik’s inheritance is up for grabs. WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE………….. Would you like to have an agent who serves you locally at claim time instead of serving themselves at the time of sale never to ever meet you or speak with you again? One who is thousands of miles away when you need him/her most? Most people would choose to have a local agent at claim time even if the premium were higher. Most times it is not! This is a coverage hole that happens very often, and very few people understand it. You give your child a car, but the car was purchased in your name. They go to college, graduate and move out on their own. Of course they are still driving that car, and you have just left it on your insurance policy. After all, they are just starting out and need all the help they can get. Unfortunately, they don’t need this particular kind of help. TO CONTACT US: Call 515-964-0637 Toll-Free in Iowa: 888-464-0637 Website: www.doubledayinsurance.com Email: First [email protected] (Example: [email protected]) Put the car in the child’s name and have them get their own insurance policy in their name, with their address listed as their household. I know, this sounds like a lot of paperwork and effort but there is a huge added benefit. Now you don’t have your personal assets on the line every time they take the car out. DO YOU HAVE STENTS IN YOUR ARTERIES? Stents are not the best initial therapy for stable coronary artery disease (CAD), reports David L. Brown, MD. Medicines such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins and daily aspirin are just as effective as stents at preventing chest pain, heart attack and death in CAD patients. Patients who already have stents should be sure to continue taking their medicines as prescribed—it is the medications, not the stents, that prevent a future heart attack. David L. Brown, MD, is professor of medicine, division of cardiology, Stony Brook University, New York, and leader of an analysis of eight clinical trials, published in Archives of Internal Medicine. THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL? YOU DON’T! "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 30:3 I had 30:33 in error last month!