November 2013 - Retail Merchants Association
November 2013 - Retail Merchants Association
NOVEMBER 2013 Retail Merchants Association Launches Consumer Driven RVA ShopTalk RMA launched its brand new program, RVA ShopTalk, at Saxon Shoes on Saturday, September 28, 2013. Saxon put the event to good use by celebrating its 60th Birthday. Gary Weiner, president of Saxon Shoes, and his mother, Gloria Weiner Adams, talked to patrons about the store’s history and how it succeeded. All the while a live Jazz Band filled the store with music. On top of that, Saxon Shoes gave away ten $60 gift certificates to customers. Guided by our new mission statement, “We help local retailers thrive,” RMA created this FREE event series which differs from any other RMA program. RVA ShopTalk is unique in that it was created to drive more consumer foot traffic into RMA member locations. While RMA continues to offer a variety of member programs and opportunities to connect, RVA ShopTalk is designed to reach consumers directly, telling In This Issue... 1 RVA ShopTalk Grand Prize Winners 2 President’s Letter 3 Think. Shop. Buy. Local® Saturday 4 The RMA Scene 6 New $100 Bill 7 Inc. 5,000 List 8 Richmond’s Best 9 Welcome New Members 10 RMA Event Schedule them about fun and informative happenings in RMA member stores. CONGRATULATIONS to the 3 Grand Prize Winners from the Retail Marketing Expo in August! 1ST PLACE ShopTalk allows the hosting retail member to really get creative. There is no formula to follow or to expect, but rather the host retailer can determine how to structure the program to best meet its needs. RMA helps to promote these events, but their structure and format are planned and executed entirely by the hosting merchant. While RVA ShopTalk events are open to the general public, space capacity is determined by the retailer. Depending on what the host wants to relay to attendees, they will plan their own itinerary. The hosting store has an opportunity to offer discounts on the day of the event to drive sales, cater refreshments for attendees, hold traditional talks or even host a workshop. Anything is possible and encouraged! To participate and hold an RVA ShopTalk event, RMA members apply online through the event’s website, Once the application has been received, an RMA staff member will contact the retailer to set up the date, time and details of the event. ShopTalk events are then promoted on RVA ShopTalk’s website calendar, and through email marketing and social media, at no cost to the retailer! We suggest giving RMA at least three weeks advance notice to properly promote the event. We hope you’ll contact us soon to host your store RVA ShopTalk! Sandra & Bart Carrique Smiley’s Mobile Glass Shop 2ND PLACE Leslie and Joe Crowley Optimum Ed 3RD PLACE Michelle Brumfield & Annette Lindsey Bed Crafters by Michelle FROM OUR PRESIDENT ie d an d r, I am bo th gr at if s to , on as se De ar RM A m em be ay lid to th e ho A ’s ef fo rt 20 13 an d he ad in Re fl ec ti ng on RM ye ar , A s we wi nd do wn ’s wo rk at th is ju nc tu re in ti m e. im pl em en te d th is s ve ti ia A it in RM w t ne ou ex ci te d ab pr ou d of th e ile rs th ri ve , I am he lp m em be r re ta m pl ex rs na vi ga te th e co be em m lp he in cl ud in g: to W or ks ho ps fr ee He al th Ca re • th e de liv er y of d it s im pa ct on th ei r bu si ne ss es , ba se d Vi rg in ia ra ng em en ts al th , a Ri ch m on dhe al th ca re la w an He t en ri pe ts an d se rv ic e ar Ex uc d od an pr A e nc RM n ra su ee p be tw yo u th e be st in • th e pa rt ne rs hi ve lo pe d to br in g de , ny pa m Co au be r re ta il Fa rm Bu re em pl oy ee s, pa rt ic ip at in g m em ur to yo rs d pe an u op yo sh t g to be ne fi m ed at dr iv in al k, a pr og ra m ai pT ho S A RV of d sp ec ia l • th e la un ch m em be r ne ws an e ot om pr to ns st or es , m m un ic at io er ta rg et ed e- co um ns co of on ti ia ie s fo r •an d th e in it er ou s op po rt un it is in g m nu e id ov pr to ev en ts . ha s co nt in ue d ti ng an d ad ve rt an ts A ss oc ia ti on RM A al so co nt in ue d it s m ar ke ch d fo r er M il ta Re , ra m ; an d ad vo ca te ar ni ng . og le pr d an l® ca Th ro ug ho ut 20 13 ng ti Lo ra y. bo Bu p. th e RM A . ec ti ng , co lla ug h th e Th in k. S ho ra ti on , th e ad vo ca cy di vi si on of ro th ne tw or ki ng , co nn rs be em m t re ta il Re ta il Fe de ir d ye ar , ef fo rt s to su pp or of re ta ile rs th ro ug h th e Vi rg in ia ile rs . Fo r th e th ta re r ou of y lf an ha Lo ca l® rm le gi sl at io n on be Th in k. S ho p. Bu y. m e of th e ye ar fo ti h t ug es ro si th bu e es th or , st ls th an ar e up on us at ou r m em be rs ’ m ar ke ti ng an d ad ve rt is in g ch an ne ng pi op sh No w, th e ho lid ay s ay lid ss in g m or e n pr om ot e ho we wi ll on ce ag ai r 14 th . Bu t th is ye ar , RM A is ac ce d nu m er ou s di gi ta l ve nu es ! an be an d S at ur da y, De ce m g ra di o, pr in t, so ci al m ed ia , we b th ri ve , im pr ov in g rs be em m r ou in lp ov en ev er be fo re , in cl ud of ho w we ca n he wi ll lo ok in to al l th e ne w an d pr on si is m r ou to , we yo u nt in ue lo ok in g hi p an d, as al wa ys ne fi ts . W e ho pe rs be be d em an m s In 20 14 , we ’ll co ur m ra yo og in Th er e’ s va lu e iv e m em be r pr ex pa nd in g ex cl us d yo ur bu si ne ss . an u yo t fi ne be at RM A pr og ra m s th g an RM A m em be r. in be ur yo te ia ap pr ec as on , ha pp y ho lid ay se a r fo es sh wi t W ar m es Na nc y C. Th om as Pr es id en t/ CE O VISION STATEMENT Creating vibrant retail communities together. MISSION STATEMENT: We help local retailers thrive. CORE VALUES 1 We are loyal to our members, always building lasting relationships. 2 We are passionate entrepreneurial community leaders. 3 We act with honesty, integrity, accountability and professionalism. 4 We are innovators who drive change, creativity, collaboration and connectivity. 5 We expect excellence in ourselves and our work. 6 We immerse ourselves in the retail industry and our professions; and we share what we learn. 2 | Retail Partners | | | November 2013 Think. Shop. Buy. Local® Look out for Think. Shop. Buy. Local® Saturday For the third year in a row, Think. Shop. Buy. Local® Saturday is back! On December 14, 2013, RMA members are encouraged to participate on this special day, designed to drive holiday shoppers into participating Think. Shop. Buy. Local stores. As you know, the Think. Shop. Buy. Local program aims to increase consumer awareness of the importance of shopping locally all year long. TSBL Saturday provides additional emphasis on this message for the holidays, the retail industry’s busiest season. This year, RMA is promoting Think. Shop. Buy. Local Saturday in radio and print advertisements, through social media, in both consumer and RMA member targeted e-communications, on the RMA and the Think. Shop. Buy. Local websites, and on more digital advertising outlets than ever before! Additionally, RMA will once again offer a $500 gift card to be used at select Think. Shop.Buy. Local member stores! On December 14th, consumers will have the opportunity to enter for the chance to win the $500 gift card by filling out an entry form – but only at participating RMA member locations. No purchase is necessary to enter. RMA will provide participating retailers with the entry forms. Retailers will send the forms to RMA shortly after December 14th, and then RMA will notify the winner of the $500 gift card drawing. community together and drive traffic to our local Richmond stores! This Holiday season, please think before you shop and buy local whenever you can, especially on December 14. So, if you haven’t yet, register to participate in this event and take advantage of this exclusive RMA member benefit. Let’s bring the The Retail Partners Newsletter is published four times annually. Editorial Offices Retail Merchants Association 5101 Monument Ave Richmond, VA 23230 804.662.5518 804.662.5507 fax [email protected] Executive Publisher/Editor Kate Fraser-Orr [email protected] Ad Sales Julie Hill [email protected] © 2013 Retail Merchants Association, Richmond VA. All rights reserved. DOWNTOWN • 125 SOUTH 14TH STREET • 23219 804.648.6210 • FREE PARKING • WWW.LADIFF.COM THE RMA SCENE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Valor Award winners: Deputy Sheriff Jason S. Bonifacio (Hanover Co. Sheriff’s Office), Deputy Sheriff Thomas E. Hauck III (Hanover Co. Sheriff’s Office), Officer Brian K. Anderson (Henrico Co. Police Division), Officer James P. Gray (Henrico Co. Police Division), Officer Latosha Lewis (Richmond Police Department), Officer Reynaldo Perez (Richmond Police Department), Master Officer Paul J. Cunniff (Chesterfield Co. Police Department) and Officer Jessica L. Fiden (Chesterfield Co. Police Department) Ken Wayland (Free Agents Marketing), Nancy Thomas, Preston Perrin (RMA), Carl McNeill (Free Agents Marketing) 1 2 3 Jonathan Raymond ( Keynote Breakfast Speaker The RMA staff at Valor Awards, listed left to right, top row to bottom: Megan Way, Kate Fraser-Orr, Sherry Minson, Jenna Mosman, Nancy Thomas, Julie Hill, Kathy Robbins, Mary Huffard-Kegley, Len East, Diana Kent, Preston Perrin Tricia Huebner ( Expo Power Session Speaker 4 Donald J. Rissmiller (Stategas), speaker at the Economic Forecast in October 5 Michael Brangan (Strategas), Nancy Thomas (RMA), John Whitlock (Whitlock) Guests at the September First Friday Forum Attendees at the Ball Office Products Expo Exhibit 10 Eric Martin (80amps) Expo Luncheon Speaker 11 Julie Hill (RMA), Jenny Price (Boomer Magazine), Mike Baum (Keep Virginia Beautiful), Nancy Thomas, Len East (RMA) 6 12 Andy Stefanovich (Venture Richmond) 7 & Nancy Thomas (RMA) 13 Police and Fire combined Honor Guard at the 24th Annual Valor Awards 14 Christy Ferguson-Snead (SunTrust Bank), Donald J. Rissmiller (Strategas), Bill Longan (SunTrust Bank) 15 The 24th Annual Valor Awards: David Gallagher (Dominion Payroll Services), Tom Silvestri (Richmond Times-Dispatch) & Bobby Ukrop (Ukrops Homestyle Foods) 16 Andy Stefanovich (Venture Richmond) speaking at September’s First Friday Forum 17 Kevin Reardon (Franco’s Fine Clothier), 8 Julie Hill (RMA) & Darryl Flick (O’ Virginia) 18 Christopher Holder & Amy Dufors (Capital Ale House) 19 Nhat Pham (SUCCESSWERKS), Norman Way, Gary Glover and Dane Gay (Puritan Cleaners) 20 Pauline Singleton, Margaret Cogar & Maria Cain (Health Diagnostic Laboratory Inc.) at the 24th Valor Awards 4 | Retail Partners | | | November 2013 2012 DISTINGUISHED RETAILER OF THE YEAR AWARD CEREMONY 9 11 10 12 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 20 RMA IN RVA Show and Tell: the New $100 Bill On September 4, 2013, Retail Merchants Association hosted a special presentation at its headquarters. Attendees and staff were joined by Jonathan Martin from the Federal Reserve Bank, who previewed the new $100 bill to be released on October 8, 2013. This sneak peek not only allowed attendees to see and feel the new bill, but they were also educated on the process of how the bill is manufactured and tested, as well as how to identify a counterfeit note. The new bill was designed for release due to the increasing usage of currency in the United States which, according to Martin, is attributed to the sluggish economy. Consumers prefer using cash because it’s a final form of payment. The debt is paid on the spot. “Money will always be used in some form,” said Martin as he explained the reason for the new bills appearance. bill is the blue security ribbon which runs down the center of the bill. If you look closely, you can see liberty bells and “100’s” alternating vertically. Martin discouraged businesses from using starch pens to check a bill’s authenticity. According to Martin, after years of handling, the ink on the bills fades, making the surface and the pens less trustworthy. For more information on the new $100 bill, visit Martin also gave tips to attendees on how to spot counterfeit bills in the future. His three main guidelines were: 1) Use a black light to view the presence of the security thread in the note. 2) The liberty bell watermark should change from copper to green, depending on the angle the bill is held. 3) The newest design added to the RMA Endorsed Vendors CAPITAL , LLC SINCE SINCE 1907 1907 a subsidiary of S. Freedman & Sons, Inc. PAPER, MAINTENANCE & RESTAURANT SUPPLIES CAPITAL PACKAGING & DESIGN Meaghan Brown 804.400.4449 [email protected] David Bortz 301.275.8908 [email protected] D P S DOMINION PAYROLL SERVICES DOMINION PAYROLL SERVICES Joe Labella 804.355.3430 [email protected] RICHMOND.COM Doris Ann Kane 804.649.6291 [email protected] UPS Allison White 804.743.8401 [email protected] WORLDPAY: CREDIT CARD PROCESSING Scott Johnston 804.836.6798 [email protected] 6 | Retail Partners | | | November 2013 9th Annual Retail Marketing Expo RVA ShopT alk e up everywh vents are popping ere! This is a FREE RMA memb er benefit . Draw shop pers to yo ur store b up to host y signing your own R VA ShopT alk! Visit www.r vashoptalk more info .com for or contact D ia na Kent at dkent@ret ailmerchan Four RMA Members Make the 2013 Inc. 5000 List Richmond is home to some incredible businesses. In fact, some of these companies are so impressive they’ve made Inc. Magazine’s 2013 list of the 5,000 fastestgrowing, privately-owned U.S. companies. All in all 23 Richmond-based firms made the cut. Four of them are RMA members. Need Supply Co., a brand-new addition to the list, ranked #725 with a whopping 640% growth rate over 4 years. Need Supply Co. was also named #33 for the Top 100 Virginia Companies and #45 for Top 100 Retail Companies. Need Supply Co.was founded in 2008 and currently has 31 employees. The company is a boutique clothing retailer offering a wide variety of contemporary designers and independent labels from the U.S. and abroad. D P in transportation solutions for more than 80 years, this business offers passenger transportation services, from a fleet of tour buses to sedans, and usage for corporate outings, school trips, and more. of 47%. Ball Office Products added 6 new jobs for a total of 23 current employees. The company was founded in 2000 and specializes in office furniture, supplies and business equipment. Ball Office Products made the list for the first time, ranking #4,621 with a 3-year growth We’re proud of our members for making this exclusive list and hope to see them on it for years to come! What’s Your Medicare Pickle? © Turning 65? No service? Premium on the rise? Co-pays & deductibles too high? S DOMINION PAYROLL SERVICES Dominion Payroll Services (DPS) ranked #3,293 and was listed for the fourth year in a row! It showed a 3-year growth of 97%, adding 16 jobs for a total of 34 current employees. DPS was founded in 2002 and is an RMA Endorsed Vendor. The company provides complete outsourcing services such as payroll processing, complete HR services, credit card processing, and more. James River Transportation ranked #4,521 with a 3-year growth of 50%, adding 22 jobs for a total of 281 employees. A leader Whatever it is, we have the solution. MEDICARE PLANNING & INSURANCE GUIDANCE 2025 E. Main St., Suite 118 • Richmond, VA 23223 Call Today For an Exclusive Offer: (804) 788-1965 RMA IN RVA Congratulations to our members for making Richmond Magazine’s 2013 Best list! RMA is proud to congratulate our members who were voted as winners in Richmond Magazine’s 26th Annual Best and Worst The Boathouse: Outdoor dining Restaurant to Take a Visiting Friend Buz & Ned’s Real Barbecue: Barbecue Can Can Brasserie: French Restaurant Restaurant for a Lunch Meeting Casa Del Barco: New Use for an Old Building Capri Jewelers: Shop for Anniversary Gifts for Men Carytown Bicycle Co.: Bicycle Mechanic CVS Pharmacy: Pharmacy Services Gearharts Fine Chocoloate: Local Chocolatier Ellwood Thompson’s Local Market: Green –Focused Local Company Lunch Hot Bar Havana Connections: Cigar Chop Franklin Goose: Baby Gear Franco’s Fine Clothier: Place to Buy a Suit Place to Buy your Boyfriend/ Husband Clothes Gelati Celesti: Ice Cream so Good You’ll Eat It in the Winter Sleep Better on Our Custom Made Mattress! The Jefferson Hotel (Lemaire Restaurant): Impressive Night Out Happy Hour for Grown-Ups Restaurant Service (Tied) Lex’s of Carytown: Buy a Cocktail Dress Mark Smith, Midas of Central VA: Local Business Spokesperson The Melting Pot: Place to have an intimate dinner Mekong: Most Charismatic Chef or Restaurant Owner (An Bui) Local Beer Selection Spring Rolls Vietnamese Restaurant Nutzy the Squirrel: Local Sports Mascot Pearl’s Cupcake Shoppe: Cupcakes Puritan Cleaners: Shirt and Laundry Service Richmond Flying Squirrels Baseball: Spectator Sport Experience Ruth’s Chris Steak House: Steakhouse Find out how we can give you a better night’s sleep on a custom made mattress! We make our mattresses to fit your sleep needs. 2014 Old Brick Road, Glen Allen • 804-270-4693 5772 Monticello Ave, Suite E, Courthouse Commons • 757-564-7378 “SLEEPY PEOPLE COME TO BEDCRAFTERS.” “GIVE US ONE NIGHT...WE’LL GIVE YOU A ETTER DAY! I PROMISE.” Saladworks: Salad Saxon Shoes: Local Sale of the Year Schwarzchild Jewelers: Shop for Anniversary Gifts for Women 8 | Retail Partners | | | November 2013 RMA IN RVA Short Pump Town Center: Teen Hangout Vera’s Fine Jewelers: Statement Jewelry Selection WTVR CBS 6 Local Sportscaster (Lane Casa Donte) Sports Backers: Local Ride, Walk or Run (Monument Avenue 10k) Virginia Credit Union: Bank Customer Service WWBT Richmond NBC 12: Local Celebrity Twitter Feed (Gene Cox) Local App New Reporter (Ryan Nobles) Traffic Reporter (Tracy Lynn) Woman About Town (Sabrina Squire) TV Anchor Team (Sabrina Squire and Curt Autry) TV Anchor Who Never Ages (Sabrina Squire) Woman About Town (Sabrina Squire) Tweed: Prettiest Store Interior Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: Outdoor Sculpture Tourist Attraction Ukrop Family: Corporate Citizen Westhampton Pastry Shop: Bakery Venture Richmond: Annual Event (Richmond Folk Festival) World of Mirth: Shop for Kids Birthday Gifts WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Front Row: Kelly Valentine (James River Grounds Management, Inc.), Vilma Seymour (Multilingual Cultural Solutions) Back Row: Kevin Wilson (Sticky Rice), Chase Townshend (James River Grounds Management, Inc.), Tom Childrey (Virginia Merchant Services, LLC), Charles Fice (Tuckahoe Seafood) Front Row: Kittygayle McMoon (Tax Solutions Alliance), Vilma Seymour (Multilingual Cultural Solutions), Emma Montagu, Cachy Avila (PNC Bank), Lindsey Barden (The Rappaport Companies) Back Row: Mathew Allen (RentA-Wreck), Vaughan Long (Tax Solutions Alliance), Christopher James (West End Gallery), John Scott, Bill Monday (Experient Health), Doug Carleton (SCORE), Ernest Wright (The Wright Agency), Sherry Minson (RMA) COMMUNITY EVENTS 2013-14 EVENT CALENDAR DECEMBER 6 First Friday Forum: Distinguished Retailer of the Year & Holiday Celebration 14 Think. Shop. Buy. Local Saturday JANUARY 10 First Friday Forum 20 VRF Legislative Reception at the Hilton Garden Inn Richmond Downtown 21 Member Power Hour FEBRUARY 7 24 Annual Valor Awards and Ceremony November 1, 2013 The 2013 Valor Awards was a wonderful event! Our keynote speaker was Tom Silvestri, President and Publisher for the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the proud son of a police officer. We were proud to honor our first responders and their families for all they do for our community. Honorees were presented awards for their selfless acts involving personal risk and injury while going above and beyond the call of duty. Area Chiefs of Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS presented the awards. TITLE SPONSORS ® PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSOR First Friday Forum AWARDS SPONSOR C.P. Dean 11 Connect@Custom Kitchens SILVER SPONSORS MARCH 7 First Friday Forum (Lunch) APRIL 4 First Friday Forum 15 Member Power Hour REGISTER NOW Scan the code below to go to the event registration page Bon Secours Richmond Health Systems Puritan Cleaners Stony Point Fashion Park SunTrust Village Bank Virginia Credit Union TABLE SPONSORS Admiral Security Services AlliedBarton Security Services Christian Barton Dominion Payroll Services EVB Global Spectrum Haley Buick GMC Henrico Police Foundation James River Transportation Owens & Minor Richmond Alarm Company Richmond Department of Economic and Community Development Richmond Flying Squirrels Richmond Region Tourism Vector Security SPECIAL GIFTS SPONSOR Jack Kreuter Jewelers SIGN SPONSOR Keith Fabry Reprographic Solutions PRINT SPONSOR Printersmark PHOTOGRAPHY SPONSOR Robert Thomas Photography AV SPONSOR Visual Aids Electronics VENUE HOST AND PARKING SPONSOR Greater Richmond Convention Center PRINT MEDIA SPONSOR Richmond Times-Dispatch ONLINE MEDIA SPONSOR 10 | Retail Partners | | | November 2013 REGISTER TODAY! December 6 First Friday Forum & Distinguished Retailer of the Year The Distinguished Retailer of the Year Awards have been presented since 1966. This award it is designed to honor a member of the Richmond retail business community who is a proven leader in his/her firm and who is actively involved in community endeavors without regard to personal benefit. Please join us as we pay tribute to RMA’s 2013 Distinguished Retailer of the Year and celebrate the holiday season. Scan to Register December 14 Think.Shop.Buy.Local® Saturday Come out and do your holiday shopping on Think. Shop. Buy. Local® Saturday! By shopping at participating stores, you’ll help grow awareness of the importance of shopping locally during the holiday season—and any time of the year—by driving traffic to our local Richmond stores. Scan to Register January 10 First Friday Forum The First Friday Forum is an RMA signature breakfast event. By the end of each Forum, you are guaranteed to leave with some key takeaways that will help you grow your company. And with an average of 200 business professionals attending the Forums, you’re likely to walk away with a few new relationships as well. Speaker: Dr. Tara Dall, Chief Medical Officer for Health Diagnostics Laboratory Scan to Register January 20 Legislative Reception Get to know your Virginia legislators one-on-one, while connecting with fellow RMA members and guests at the 2014 Virginia Retail Federation Legislative Reception. All proceeds will go toward the VRF PAC (Political Action Committee), which was formed to help elect men and women who support policies fostering Virginia’s economic growth. Scan to Register January 21 Member Power Hour You’re invited to come in for coffee, snacks, good networking and conversation, new connections, and an overview of RMA. This is a great opportunity to see and learn how your membership can help improve your business, its profitability, and save money. You will also see how to take full advantage of many other RMA benefits and services. And of course, there will be door prizes. Scan to Register Scan QR codes with your mobile device to go to event page to register. PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RICHMOND, VA PERMIT #2254 Retail Merchants Association | 5101 Monument Avenue | Richmond, VA 23230 Phone (804) 662-5500 | Toll free (866) 750-2532 | Designed by: Mailed by: Printed by: Advertise With Us! The Retail Partners Newsletter covers RMA news with the latest updates on retail and service industry practices, RMA member updates, and upcoming events. Advertising with the Retail Partners Newsletter is an excellent opportunity for your business to reach more than 2,500 readers who receive our publication. To advertise in future issues, contact Julie Hill at [email protected] or call 804.673.5249.
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