File - The Lavender Lemon
File - The Lavender Lemon
LESTER SPEIGHT HOLLYWOOD’S UNSTOPPABLE FORCE FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 2 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 3 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 4 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 5 By Traci Marquis, Esq [email protected] G E T T I N G S T A R T E D O h, the lure of fashion, photography, acting, music and entertaining. The hardest part is getting started. The easy part is getting distracted, making mistakes, and getting discouraged. There are a few things every young model or actress needs to know. Whatever state you plan to work in, check out whether minor work permits are needed. Under the provisions of the Child Performers Education and Trust Act of 2003, all minors working in New York must have a valid work permit issued by the New York State Department of Labor. Work permits may now be applied for online and are valid now for one year. For New York, please see this website for more information. ChildPerformer/welcome.html. For California, please see this website for more information. ProductionTools_WorkPermits.htm Talent Agents n California and New York, talent agents are licensed to solicit employment and negotiate wages and working conditions for performers. This is true of most of the states for licensing talent agents. And, most of these agents, if you are new, do not request exclusivity, so try to If you are under 17 (and most of you are) sign up with as many as possible so that you can please take a legal guardian with you to a be sent out to audition and book work. “look see” or audition, if possible. Too many young models want to do it all on Managers provide general career direction to their own. You may as well take your mother, or performers, as well as help the agent on behalf guardian as by law anything you sign will be null of the client find employment. Managers do not and void because you are a minor. need to be licensed but know that a manager is Minor Work Permits Again if you are under 18, there are some protections enacted by state statutes, primarily in New York and California. Generally speaking , funds for acting or modeling gigs of minors are not available to be withdrawn until that minor turns 18 or like in Ariel Winter’s case (Modern Family) is emancipated. The parent must still set up a trust account from the bank. In theory, though I have seen projects where no one cares, minors must have their Coogan Account Trustee Statement attached to the work permit at all times. In New York, so long as the minor has a trustee account set up, that account will be accepted. California Coogan Accounts satisfy both the California and New York trust account requirements for work permits for minors. However, trust accounts set up as defined by the New York requirements do not satisfy California trust account requirements. If a New York minor works for a California employer, they will need to open a California Coogan Account for their California earnings. not permitted, by law, to seek out employment opportunities for a client, unless they are doing so at the direction of a licensed agent. Managers generally charge between ten percent (on the low end) and fifteen percent (on the high end) for their services, but remember these fees are not regulated by the state. This is just the tip of the ice berg for minors working in the industry. Work hours are regulated as well as the amount of days per week. Also both the SAG website contains what to watch out for in terms of scams. Basically stated, if someone offers to represent you or find you work then tries to ask for money, run away fast! If someone wants to photograph you and you are a minor and they ask you to take your close off and you are not comfortable, again run! All for now and then some! If you have questions, be sure to check out the new ROKU TV’s Focus Broadcast Network’s website where you can ask your question to me coming in INSIDE LEGAL FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 6 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR IN CHIEF w ow…2015 has been an incredible year for FITFL Magazine, with so much more to come. The seasons have come and gone and here we are almost at the end of the year preparing for the holidays. Where has the time gone? We hope that we have encouraged and enlighten one soul to live their life, fashionably, to the fullest. FITFL Magazine believes in keeping up with designers and trends worldwide and bringing their world into your wardrobe. The focus on sizes, structure, beauty, color and artwork are all culminated into the total picture. We want our new and seasoned readers to exude excitement towards fashion, lifestyle of fashion at all times. We all want to fit sometime, somewhere, somehow. Fashion should be easy and always put a smile on your face. With FITFL Magazine has your looking glass, we intend to keep it that way. Now that the Holiday Season is upon us, and this is our last issue for 2015, FITFL Magazine decided to combine the fall and winter issue giving you a fabulous special edition. Be prepared to embark on the reviews from the Spring/Summer 2016 Fashion Week and Holiday tip and trends for Spring/Summer 2015, including a great guide to managing the holiday blues. You will not be disappointed. Look for the fabulous holiday tips in trends and beauty as well as inspirational stories from supermodels, super designers and superstars. What a way to end such a grandioso year and prepare for the next. Looking back, we were the little engine that could and looking forward FITFL is the locomotive that will. If fashion is here to stay then so is FITFL Magazine. From our family to yours, FITFL Magazine would like to wish all of our readers, supporters, advertisers, and staff, a wonderful, happy and healthy Holiday Season and, of course, a Happy New Year. Thank you. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 7 V. HANLEY DESIGNS SMALL BOUTIQUE FASHION WEEK SPRING/SUMMER 2016 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 8 FITFL Magazine YVONNE FORBES Editor-In-Chief DELVON JOHNSON Managing/Fashion Editor SHERYL DOLLEY Vice-President Sales & Marketing SAMANTHA VON SPERLING Beauty Editor JAIME LIM Art Director FRED SLY Director of Photography KRYSTAL PEREZ Editor NIKOLAS MIRONOVIC International Photography RYAN WANISH AMBER THRANE RYNE MANION Graphic Artists KAILENE EDWARDS Social Media/Event Specialist JADINA HARGROVE OCTAVIA SPENCER STEPHANIE DESTIN Administrative Assistants MATT MROWICKI Web Design & Development SHERYL DOLLEY TRACI MARQUIS, Esq. LI MILAN NIARA JOHNSON DELVON JOHNSON NATHAN JAMES STEPHEN McMILLAN Contributors FITFL Magazine is published quarterly by Fashion In The Fast Lane. LLC For content Submission guidelines, advertising rates and Other inquiries, please visit our website at for contact Information. MICHAEL MOORER DUNCAN H. WILLIAMS ALFRED BENINCASA MARKUS NIKOLA MIRON0VIC Photographers All content ©2015 by Fashion In The Fast Lane. LLC All rights Reserved. Any use of The content of this magazine without the Permission of the publisher, is strictly prohibited. FITFL Magazine is the official publication of Fashion In The Fast Lane. LLC All other Trademarks are the property of their respective FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 TRACI MARQUIS, Esq. Legal Counsel 9 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 10 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 11 CONTE 6. INSIDE LEGAL GETTING STARTED 7. LETTER FROM THE EDITOR 16. LEVEL THE FIELD NEW YORK FASHION WEEK RECAP 20. DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT FEATURED DESIGNER-ROBERT GRECO “a thought becomes a whisper” 21. CELEBRITY HIGHLIGHT LESTER SPEIGHT THE UNSTOPPABLE FORCES LOCAL NEWS 28. NEW BEGINNINGS GRAND OPENING IN A SMALL TOWN 34. FASHIONABLE FUN LIFE IN THE FAST LANE COVER PHOTO PHOTO: JAIME LIM MODEL: ALEXANDR IA BASSO DESIGNER: MERLIN CASTELL MAKE-UP: GLADYZ GONZALEZ HAIR: MICHAEL BUI FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 12 TENTS DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT 39. BETSEY JOHNSON I AM A SURVIVOR DESIGNER OF THE YEAR 45. MERLIN CASTELL 58. DEPRESSION MANAGING THE HOLIDAY BLUES 66. DELVON PRESENTS A NEW LOOK AT PUNK COUTURE SUPERMODEL SUPERWOMAN 72. TYRA BANKS TELLS HER STORY 75. ASK SAM GUIDE TO SEX PROOF MAKE-UP PHOTO ESSAY 78. THE WORLD IN BLACK & WHITE 103. BE INSPIRED FASHION AS ART 105. GUIDE TO THE BEST HOLIDAY TRENDS FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 13 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 14 UNLOCK PURE RADIANCE uncompromised organic Argan products to cleanse, moisturize and nourish SKIN and HAIR FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 15 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 16 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 17 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 18 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 19 R obert Greco FeaturedDesigner A rtist Robert Greco is a Sculptor which is evident in his Couture work, he is influenced by texture and movement. Most of his pieces have a sculptured minimalist influence. Greco’s pieces are available exclusively at Atelier Montclair, 47 South Park Street Montclair, NJ. “Greco’s work is both poetic and expressive. He works with layers, textures, and varying color palettes to create dreamlike pieces that inspire introspection and demand interaction. Like the moment a thought becomes a whisper, then a whisper becomes a scream, Greco’s pieces at first glance may appear calm and stoic, but the passionate fervor of the artist’s process quickly shines though. The frenetic and the expressive manipulation serve as a counter balance to the otherwise peaceful compositions, and highlight the chaotic beauty that confronts us daily in the world. The work speaks on the ever-present dichotomy of existence by embodying the calming beauty of a storm, and the clamor of a blooming flower. The viewer is forced to accept the random nature of inspiration but challenged to find order in the chaos. ”Li Munch 2011 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 20 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 21 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 22 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 23 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 24 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 25 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 26 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 27 201-460-8310 110 HACKENSACK STREET EAST RUTHERFORD NJ 07073 Photos: Fred Sly FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 28 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 29 “Don’t talk about it, be about it” UNSTOPPABLE FORCE sity Division 1 All American Linebacker. After a short career in football, he spent time as “Rasta the Voodoo Man” in the Global Wrestling Federation and Catch Wrestling Association. Cameras always gravitated toward Lester and dr ew him into an acting car eer . He appeared in minor roles in “Any Given Sunday”, “13 Moons”, “Cradle 2 The Grave” and television shows “Malcolm in the Middle”, “NYPD Blue”, “Prison Break” and “My Wife and Kids”. Always memorable, in 2003, he I set the bar higher in a Super Bowl commercial for Reebok rvine, CA: Lester Speight, The Unstoppable as Terry Tate. The role was based on character Lester Force guest stars on CBS hit, Scorpion. played in a short independent film in 2000. Terry Tate was Lester Speight, the athletic pr ide of Balti- extremely popular as the enforcer of office policies, recymore, Maryland lives his motto, “Don’t just cling, dutiful work ethic and courteous actions. According talk about it, be about it”. He will shake it up to the Hollywood Reporter the most watched part of the with the cast of Scorpion on October 5, 2015. In the role Super Bowl by TiVo viewers was Terry Tate. The Office of “Ten Ton”, he builds tension for the storyline of Scor- Linebacker spots r ecently retur ned in a shor t with Sapion. The show is the story of eccentric genius, Walter rah Palin emphasizing the importance of reading and O’Brien, who leads a group of genius misfits in an innova- providing lucid responses during media interviews. Lester tive think tank designed to combat high-tech threats. is the voice of the Gears of War character Augustus “Cole Lester Speight has been known thr oughout his Train” Cole. He played Eddie in Transformers: Dark of life as a force to be reckoned with. Hailing from Balti- the Moon. A plethora of roles constantly draw Lester more, Lester first came to light as a Morgan State Univer- Speight into new adventur es and new challenges with FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 30 Lester Speight is a renaissance man. He is comfortable can achieve it. “Don’t just talk about it, be about it” is his with his fierce demeanor as it juxtaposes his boyish mantra. Lester Speight will continue to challenge himself charm. He is cast in fierce rolls based on his size, but his gentle personality leads him to the high road. Ethics and truth carved his personality as he fuses charac- and to up his game. He is a role model and a friend to diverse communities as he takes action on every goal. ters with the real Lester Speight to become more than S the challenges of his childhood had predicted. He is an advocate for children diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) because he struggled with the diagnosis as a child. His message to children and adults is to conquer every challenge with the power inside. Life has not always been kind, but it has not altered the power of Lester’s belief that if a person dreams it, they FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 31 heryl Dolley NOLCHA NYFW CHARLES & RON FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 32 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 33 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 34 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 35 Delvon Johnson FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 36 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 37 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 38 I ’M A FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 39 IRINA SHABAYEVA PHOTO: FRED SLY MODEL: NIARA FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 40 Couture Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2016. Photo: Al McCotter FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 41 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 42 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 43 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 44 L atin fashion icon, Merlin Castell has been fascinated by exquisite clothing since an extraordinarily young age. As a little boy, he dreamed of creating flawless masterpieces that would be worn by beautiful people. Today, Merlin is dressing Hollywood's stars in his fabulous, unique designs, but his rise to the top was no walk in the park. Growing up, life was difficult for the eccentric Merlin. Born in the countryside of Honduras, Merlin was the youngest of seven brothers, all living and working at a local banana field. Shoes were a luxury for the Castell children; they only received one new pair each Christmas. When Merlin was seven, he severely injured his toe playing soccer barefoot. This injury grew into an infection and his mother eventually took him to U.S. Missionaries to get a vaccine. To calm Merlin down, the nurse told him that if he was a good boy and didn't cry he could pick out a book. He was silent for the treatment and to this day cherishes his very first Vogue Magazine which he picked out from the pile of books. As he flipped through the pages, he was enthralled by the vibrant colors and materials that were so eloquently draped over the models in the magazine. Even though he couldn't understand a word of the English text, he memorized every picture and sketched each design. At age eight, Merlin earned himself the name "Jumper Kid" when he started designing his own jumpsuits with big enough pockets to stash the fruit he picked while working out in the fields. Growing up his family had no spare allowance for shopping so Merlin resorted to sketching his owns designs for the local seamstress to create. At age nine, his mother was diagnosed with cancer forcing his family to move to the city for her treatment. While her cancer was benign and improved, she made the decision to stay in the city for Merlin's benefit. She believed her youngest son had prodigy-like talent that would be wasted if they moved back to the countryside. At age 10, Merlin began attending a public school and was instantly more advanced than his peers. He found class to be boring and sat in class often sketching drawings of his beautiful, well-dressed teacher. When his principal discovered his sketches, he called Merlin's mother into his office and both were nervous of his perverted behavior. There wasn't however any truth to his mother's accusations, and instead Merlin marveled at the way clothes hugged his teacher's model-esque frame and thus she became his very first muse. Continue on page 48 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 45 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 46 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 47 Continued from page 45 Designer of the year, Merlin Castell Two years later, Merlin saved up to buy a bicycle to ride around with his older brothers. However, on his way to the store he passed by a store selling used sewing machines. He realized that with a few more weeks of saving he could buy his own sewing machine instead of getting a bike. Merlin continued excelling in school, always at the top of his class. Merlin went on to graduate from a college in Honduras with a Patterns and Sewing degree. The three month program didn't challenge Merlin's intellect and only covered the basics leading Merlin to seek out higher education. After eight months of tirelessly seeking a scholarship to allow him to attend London's American Career College, Merlin was disappointingly denied. At age eighteen, he enrolled at a university in Honduras to study architecture. He enjoyed the new outlet of creativity, but seemed to struggle with the math intensive program. During this time he also began working for an interior decorator, which gave Merlin an opportunity to let his imagination run wild. The job included an assignment to design a home for an extremely wealthy woman. She fell in love with Merlin's designs and hired Merlin to design an extravagant 5-story mansion over the next four years. This woman became his "Fairy God Mother" and after four years of mentoring, she sent him to a prestigious fashion university in Milan, Italy, paying for his education. In Milan, Merlin attended the Institution Marangoni where he specialized in leather. When he finished school he decided to move to Los Angeles where he thought he would have the best opportunity to succeed. He landed in the US with $265 in his pocket and nothing but the clothes on his back because the airline had unfortunately lost his luggage. As he stepped into a taxi, he realized he had no place to go. Luckily, the taxi driver had a kind heart and let him sleep on the couch. For some time after, Merlin then stayed with the taxi driver's brother, and was finally able to repay his debt when he designed his wife's wedding dress. Once he was settled in Los Angeles, Merlin went to work at Cosmo's where he sketched for the store's seamstress, and eventually moved into the studio. Jealous of Merlin's work, the seamstress took advantage of his illegal immigrant status, and would threaten to contact the authorities if he did not do as she said. She alarmed the building so he couldn't leave, which kept him constantly working. He would sell some of his samples to Playmates and be forced to give his check to the seamstress. She would then only pay him a fraction of what he earned, and this proved to be his motivation to quit. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 48 Merlin moved to downtown Los Angeles where he had to put his dreams on hold while he struggled to get by. He worked in a restaurant as a dish washer and then a server. One day a customer asked him where he bought his pants, and he explained that he had made them. Impressed, the customer got him an interview with designer Amy Bond. He landed the job and began working as her assistant. After just two years of working for her, he saw the studio grow from one to twenty-two sewing machines. In an attempt to forward his career, Merlin went to work as the head designer at Red Ball, but a disagreement with the new owner resulted in him going back to work with Amy Bond. One day, Merlin attended a White Party in Santa Barbara wearing his own creation made from pocket linings since he couldn't afford cloth. The shirt was such a hit he ended up selling twelve of them on the spot for 350 dollars each. After receiving such a great reaction he started making them in different colors and even tiedying them himself. Today, the Los Angeles-based designer is best known for his Haute Couture Tailored Clothing. The Merlin Castell line has become one of the most talked about collections and has been featured in national and regional press. Merlin has been voted "One of the Top Designers to Watch Out For" and he recently appeared on The Janice Dickinson Modeling Show on Oxygen. To date, his fabulous clothing has graced the likes of Paris Hilton, Priscilla Presley, and Paula Abdul among others. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 49 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 50 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 51 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 52 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 53 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 54 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 55 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 56 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 57 Depression …. The Holiday Haunt Happy holidays are here. You feel the joy, the brotherhood, the celebration, then snap, DEPRESSION sucks the life out of you. You manage to hide your symptoms at first, even though the shame preys on your mind. You make it through the day and hit the pillow only to find you cannot sleep. Pressures of the day, insecurities about finances, questions about relationships and doubts about your ability to make good choices at this critical juncture bombard your exhausted mind. Somehow, as tired as you are, sleep evades you. The next morning begins with sleep deprivation and the pattern returns. Sound familiar? Depression can nip at anyone regardless of financial, political or social status. It is a human condition. Holidays tend to invite mood swings. So many reasons lay behind the mood swings. There are turbulent emotions tied to holidays. Expectations, memories and obligations drown out the happiness. In theory, the holidays are the most wonderful time of year….but not for some. The question is “Why do we get depressed during the holidays, and how do we deal with the depression?” Images of bliss dominate television and stores, but the reality looms with a dark covering. Increasingly cold and dark winter days, poor eating and excessive drinking practices, annual deadlines and family issues cloud the pretense, colliding with the cheery images. Inside the mind is a seasonal imbalance that overwhelms the happy quotient. The blanket of reminders of the happiness of others serves as a painful reminder of love and happiness lacking in our own lives. For those dealing with family issues, divorce, break-ups, loss, loneliness, and health concern, holidays are a stark reminder of all that is not right. Depression and darkness affects many people during the holidays, not just those diagnosed with clinical depression. The holiday effect is real and statistics regarding depression and suicide are measurable. Everyone is at risk. The biggest danger is setting up unrealistic expectations. Whether the expectations come from film images, happy childhood or daydreams of what should be, the expectation sets the bar so high you cannot achieve results. The failure is the foundation for the crash. According to psychiatrist Dr. Mark Sichel, author of Healing From Family Rifts, every mental health practice gets much busier during the holidays because “it’s never exactly as people anticipate and it’s often disappointing. There’s often strife within families that comes out at holiday times.” Family expectations are the worst because we live in delicious denial most of the year. During the holi- days we are forced to see the family flaws and feel the pressure of expectations and the underlying anxiety. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 58 The solution is to list the things you are thankful for. Have a mantra of thankfulness that you repeat mentally whenever the twinges tell you that depression is settling in. As you remember all that you are thankful for, your mood shifts. Gratitude is the best prescription for depression. Those who do not immerse themselves in gratitude experience the weight of depression and sometimes cannot escape the darkness. Having a physical list and reading it aloud in the morning and before sleep can shift the darkness to hope. Hope is the richest infusion of light into the darkness. The danger of trying to do too much brings pressure. The desire to create the perfect holiday, meet dead-lines, find the perfect gift, manage to see each member of the family and touch each friend brings a boiling point and a frantic feeling that you are not enough. Unrealistic time commitment is a buzz-kill. Fear of not managing to complete every task with the fear of not connecting with each individual on your list breeds depression. Knowing the family expectation and having too little time exacerbates the mood. Temperamental family members trigger memories of depression and self-accusations of former failures. The fear of family disappointment brings the cloak of darkness. The real problem is that you set goals you could never reach. Comparing yourself to others can defeat you in so many ways. Every trauma from the past, every weakness, every dysfunctional family story of you in the past, every failed recipe grows in dimension and tears at your self-esteem. Comparisons tend to make one “bad” and one “good”. If the comparison is done during a depression, it tends to bring low self-esteem, unfavorable feelings and selfimposed isolation. Rampant neglect of self through the holidays brings underlying physical and mental symptoms that we diagnose as inferiority. Holidays are the busiest time of the year. Routines are skewed by the pressure of a calendar with demands that cannot be met. Social obligations, gift obligations, cooking obligations and sleep deprivation build the darkness inside. Sleep deprivation, poor eating habits and over-consumption of sugar and rich foods take a toll on the physical body while lack of time for exercise, yoga and meditation rob the soul. Even worse, binge drinking and the implied need to drink with friends undermine health and build the downward spiral. If you feel the sadness or the edge of depression, have the courage to skip the alcohol because alcohol can bring on the full-blown symptoms and drop the mind into the depth of depression. One of the most overlooked causes of depression is Seasonal Affective Disorder. Knowing mood personal patterns can make it clear that Seasonal Affective Disorder affects you. What appears to be holiday blues can be based in the depression caused by lack of sunshine and the resulting depletion of Vitamin D. Overcast days and staying inside because of stormy weather cause many people to suffer a seasonal sadness. This sense of doom, if detected can be helped by outdoor Continued on page 61 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 59 Addicted To The Elegance Of vintage FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 60 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 61 MY STYLE IS UNIQUE AND MY FASHION IS DEEMED PURITY FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 62 CONTINUED FROM PAGE walks with no sunscreen no matter what your location. Increased intake of vitamins may help to adjust this rampant cause for depression. Noticing your behavior on a yearly basis will give you a very good indication. If the symptoms are stronger than mere “winter blues”, talk to your doctor and find a treatment that works for SAD for you. Depression is a cautionary tale. Every human experiences, to some degree, “the blues”. By adjusting behavior, you can adjust your season from darkness to light. Taking time for you is the answer, but you must take time before the crash. Avoiding over-scheduling, sleep deprivation and alcohol may have a positive effect. Probably the most valuable step to take is to adjust your gratitude. Spend time writing gratitude lists, meditating, praying and assessing what you “have” can overpower the blight of the dark feelings. You have the power to take your mood from dark to light. Proper steps to improve your mood pay dividends. Diet, sleep, alcohol consumption and avoiding confrontational people have the power to take your holiday season from the depths of despair to the joy that was meant to be a part of the season. You are the answer to the blues. You can take your power back by adjusting your thoughts. Find the joy inside through GRATITUDE. Sheryl Dolley FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 63 www.cinema FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 64 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 65 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 66 Delvon Presents FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 67 punk /peNGK/ noun 1. a style or movement characterized by the adoption of aggressively unconventional and often bizarre or shocking clothing, hairstyles, makeup, etc., and the defiance of social norms of behavior, usually associated with punk rock musicians and fans. 2. loud, fast-moving and aggressive form of rock music, popular in the late 1970s and early 1980s. adjective 1. In poor or bad condition “I felt too punk to eat” 2. Relating to punk rock and its associated subculture “A punk band” cou*ture /koo-too r/ French koo-tyr, kut’ur noun 1. The occupation of a couturier dressmaking and designing. The business of designing, making and selling highly fashionable, usually custom made for women. 2. Fashion designers or couturiers collectively. adjective Created by a fashion designer or pertaining to or suggesting creation FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 68 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 69 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 70 Interior Designers FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 71 T he lovely Ms. Tyra Banks, who we all know and love pride herself as an Entrepreneur, former supermodel, actress, talk show host, author, television personality and owner of many significant businesses. Yes, her determination, drive and desire has allowed her to wear numerous hats of occupation. Tyra Banks is a business women and role model who is known internationally for her large forehead, striking personality, autumn green eyes, and poised physique. Her ability to continuously reinvent herself has allowed her to excel and remain a well-respected public figure. CONTINUED ON PAGE 94 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 72 arlem Fashion Row FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 73 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 74 I' S ex proof makeup. “Start with your body” m currently on the M5 system developed by Michael T. Cole. It's a meditative exercise program that firms and strengthens everything quickly and painlessly. I also use the special M5 Scrub with coconut oil, salt, and eucalyptus promotes circulations and exfoliation. It makes my skin so soft and smooth I practically slide of my sheets. The scrub is not yet available to the public, and already I can't get enough of it! [email protected] Next, go all out for smooth, hairless skin. If you have some cash to burn and you want a permanent solution, I suggest laser hair removal. It's just a handful of slightly uncomfortable sessions for years of peace. If your uptown I recommend Dr. Adam W. Mauer MD at LRX- Medical Aesthetics Center For flawless skin downtown, I recommend Dr. Sherwin K. Parikh MD at Tribeca Skin center For a less expensive option, try getting a professional wax job including a full Brazilian at one of the best places in the city to get it done. . For a tan that doesn't end up on the sheets, opt for a professional spray tan, or my preference, because it's natural looking, fast and it's one less appointment I need to get to, Neutrogena Self Tanner in the gold spray can. It comes in a couple of shades and is available at most large pharmacies. A manicure and a pedicure are a must! If your going to be rolling around in the sheets you'll want smooth impeccable feet. Choose a happy color on the toes, one that's nice on your skin tone. Your manicure shouldn't be too pointy or crazy. Hands are best in a pretty color, natural tone or light shimmer. This is not the time for long, pointy, glittery, green fingernails. Your eyes can be your best weapon of seduction. However, mascara that ends up all over the place is not a good look. Although expensive, you might consider investing in lash extensions. No need for mascara and your eyelashes will be full and fluttery. A more affordable option is buying false individual lashes at the drug store and glue in a full set one by one. If one should fall, he might think it's one of your own! It's tragic when you use strip lashes and they come unglued and askew as your trying to look irresistible. If you have shaky hands buy your lashes at Sephora and have one of their makeup artists do it for you. In a pinch, opt for waterproof mascara. I like Cover Girl's Lash Blast in the orange tube. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 75 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 76 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 77 the lens identifies only beauty and needs no color “ FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 78 LACK & WHITE FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 79 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 80 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 81 I Banks than started a acting and television career, hosting and featuring in tv shows and movies such as Life Size, Fresh prince of bel Cannon's: Wild'n Out, the price is right, higher learning, love & basketball and more. In 2003, Banks aired a reality tv show called "Amer next top model". This show is way to help struggle, aspiring and determined models get the exposure and gain the network they need. S ated a platform for local, passionate and potential models to be seen and scouted internationally by professionals in the fashion industry cas next top model is still airing at its 22 cycle. In 2005, Banks aired a daily talk show called "The Tyra Banks show" helping and relating young women nationwide. This show received a daytime Emmy award in 2008, and in 2009 received an award for being a significant t filled with enlightenment. Amongst this, Banks company "Bankable productions" has produced these TV shows along with several mor tions. In 2010 Banks wrote a novel called "modelland" based on her experiences as a model, which was later published in 2011. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 82 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 83 “I express who I am” FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 84 SOMETIMES THE WORLD IS JUST BETTER IN BLACK AND WHITE FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 85 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 86 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 87 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 88 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 89 Styling & Production: Nadia Oussalem Photography: Sanne Grasdijk Hair and Make-Up: Elise Langenhuisen @HMS Amsterdam for Aveda Model: Lotte @Ego's International Modelagency B.V. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 90 Styling & Production: Nadia Oussalem Photography: Sanne Grasdijk Hair and Make-Up: Elise Langenhuisen @HMS Amsterdam for Aveda Model: Lotte @Ego's International Modelagency B.V. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 91 Styling & Production: Nadia Oussalem Photography: Sanne Grasdijk Hair and Make-Up: Elise Langenhuisen @HMS Amsterdam for Aveda Model: Lotte @Ego's International Modelagency B.V. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 92 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 93 A UTUMN WOODS I like the woods In autumn When dry leaves hide the ground, When the trees are bare And the wind sweeps by With a lonesome rushing sound. I can rustle the leaves In autumn And I can make a bed In the thick dry leaves That have fallen From the bare trees FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 94 Styling & Production: Nadia Oussalem Photography: Sanne Grasdijk Hair and Make-Up: Elise Langenhuisen @HMS Amsterdam for Aveda Model: Lotte @Ego's International Modelagency B.V. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 95 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 72 Tyra Banks was born on December 4, 1973 in Inglewood, California. Banks brother (Devin Banks) is five years older than her. Her mother (Caroline Linda-Johnson) was a photographer and her father (Donald Banks) was a computer consultant. From an early age Banks was ridiculed about her odd and thin figure at age 11. This led her to feel ashamed and insecure about her appearance. She had thoughts of being a model at the age of 12, when a new friend approached her in school and asked if she's ever modeled before. This drove her to later visit local modeling agencies. She was denied by more than 5 modeling agencies, although she was frequently denied this did not discourage her. She finally signed with a local modeling agency in Los Angeles. She then went on to signed with international modeling agency Elite models at age 16. At age 17, she was scouted by a Paris scout, leading her to model in 1991 Paris Fashion week booking 25 shows. Banks has graced the runway for major high end brands such as Valentino, Chanel, Betsy Johnson, Fendi, Michael Kors, Oscar De La Renta, Nicole Miller, Todd Oldham and many more. She has been featured in various campaigns like Ralph Lauren, Nike, Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, as well as shooting a spread for seventeen magazine in her teen years. As Banks got older she decided to compromise with her career due to her curves, which led her to become a lingerie and commercial model. Banks modeled for popular lingerie brand Victoria Secret and was the first black women ever to land the cover of trendy magazines such as GQ, Victoria Secret catalogue and sports illustrated. CONTINUE ON PAGE 98 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 96 PHOTO: FRED SLY FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 97 Live It Up Productions FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 98 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 99 Moving forward, Banks than started a acting and television career, hosting and featuring in tv shows and movies such as “Life Size’, “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, “Nick Cannon's: Wild'n Out”, “The Price is Right”, “Higher Learning”, “Love & Basketball” and the list goes on. In 2003, Banks aired a reality TV show called "Americas Next Top Model". This breakout show, facilitated a prolific change for aspiring and determined models by pushing the models to their limit. Models live would be changed in an instant just by being a contestant, as their visibility, networking, model platforms catapulted. She created a platform for local, passionate and potential models to be seen and scouted internationally by professionals in the fashion industry. Americas Next Top Model is still airing at its 22 cycle, This is her last season. show" helping Tyra Banks plays many roles and wears many hats in her line of occupation. Her determination and ability to adapt to any situation and any field is impeccable. Her hard work, determination and spunk inspires a single thought to keep pushing forward. BY NIARA JOHNSON FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 100 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 101 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 102 FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 103 Your Ad Could Be Here, In The Next Issue Of FITFL Magazine! Great Rates—Great Reach Advertise with FITFL, and get your brand or product seen in print and online! Contact [email protected] for details today! FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 104 FASHION PERFECTION– YOUR GUIDE TO THE BEST HOLIDAY TRENDS K eeping up with trends can leave you a bit frazzled. Those suede boots that was all the rage last year that you had to have, may sadly be a no no for this season. Don’t go into panic mode just yet. I’ve put together a few trends that will help you keep both you and your home fashionable this holiday season! We all can appreciate a great fur/faux-fur coat. Let’s face it, it is a warded staple during the holidays when attending parties and other special events. However this year instead of sticking to basic colors such as the browns and blacks, opt for more bold vibrant colors such as blues, greens, reds and even yellow! Gloves are essential in order to keep your hands warm. But no one said they couldn't be fashionable. Gloves with bold prints, fringes and decals are all the rage this season. Nothing screams the holiday are here quite like a bold lip. Ditch the colorful eyeshadows and instead go for a more natural face and complete with your boldest red, plum or burgundy lipstick for a look that compliments almost every outfit. Let’s face it we all hate traveling during the holiday season but, unfortunate- ly, at some point it must be done. I say if you’re going to travel, why not do it in style? After all, the world is your runway! Ditch the boring luggage and grab hold of bold vibrant luggage. This season bold colors and prints are in. Oh yes, my personal favorite, holiday candles. Candles that fill the air with warm and inviting scents are sure to lure in the guest. Candles that look as great as they smell are definitely in. No dinner party is complete without them. Speaking of dinner party, ditch your boring china and get on trend with statement dinnerware that is sure to spruce up your table and leave your guests in awe. Follow these tips and you are sure to be on trend and fabulous! Kailene Edwards FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 105 THE PERFECT PICTURE MOVES AND WARMS YOUR SOUL. TO BE INCLUDED IS YOUR ONLY WISH, IF ONLY FOR A MOMENT TIME STANDS STILL! LOVE, LAUGHTER, FRIENDSHIP, BEAUTY AND FASHION FUSE TO BECOME ONE. THE PICTURE BECOMES A WHISPER. FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 106 R O B E R T G R E C O FITFL Magazine Fall/Winter 2015 107 NEWFall/Winter YORK FITFL Magazine 2015 • LONDON • PARIS • MILAN • TOKYO 108 Prepared by MagCloud for Rana Kerry The Lavender Lemon. Get more at