B E E R E S E A R C H V.XXI c O P I E DECEMBER COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF TETRAPLOID CLOVER. I~LUENCE OF THE INHIBITOR ALAR-85 ON EFFECTIVE CLOVER POLLINATION BY BEES S 1977 RED Ta d e u s z W a w r y n Pszczela Wola, Poland Tetraploid red clover produces a high green mass crop but a very low seed yield. The aim of the experiment was to determine the amount of seed crop produced by some varieties of tetraploid clover as well as to define their nutritional value for bees. The experiment was modified by employing an inhibitor of growth Alar 85. The coUaboration of Prof. H u l e w i c z - Ł ę c z y s k ą induced me to examine the effects of Alar 85 on the morphology of tetraploid clover flower, its nectaring and the utilization of bees in its pollination. The experiment began in 1974. On April 10, 14 varieties of tetraploid clover were sown on plots 1 m wide and 5 m Iong. The elover came from different countries: 3 varieties came from Poland, 3 from GDR, 2 subspecies were Swiss, 2 Danish, 1 Dutch, 1 Norwegian and 1 Hungarian. The experiment was carried out 3 times in Pszczela Wola, on B elass deached soil on a former vegetable plot. Germination fell on the first of May, and increase in flowering: in the second half of August. The atmospheric conditions were favourable for the vegetation (the summer was wet.): there were 13 elear calm days with a maximum temperature of 5°C and seven cold days with occasional showers. The elover spread out. Measurements were recorded, from 17 August to 6 Septemper. For 20 consecutive days flowers were isolated, one at a time of each variety. Every three days the length of 2h flower tubes and the nectar height ń were defined in groups of 10 f.lowers; the height of the nectar was measured with a slider. 200 flowers from each variety were examined (total 2800 flowers). Prom the 23nd August for 13 eonsecutive days the visitation of all varieties of clover by bees, bumble bees and other insects was studied. The clover harvesting was done on the 15th September: threshing was done by hand. The seed yield of particular varieties was defined and the weight of 1000 seeds and the number of flowers per 1 m2 determined. In 1976 similar measurements on the first and second crops were reeorded. One hundred flowers from each variety (1400 flowers) from each crop were examined for 10 days from the 7th to the 17th J uly (first crop) and from the 22nd July to the 2nd August (second erop). Additionally, on the 15th July 1975 varieties of clover at the stage of buttonization were sprayed with 1% Alar 85. The lenght of the tubes and the nectar height in 100 flowers of each variety was recorded. On the whole, in 1975 3300 clover flowers were examined. In 1976, again, measurements were made on 2 erops using 1 and 2% solution of Alar 85. The experiment was implemented by setting up frames with enclosed bees on 3 plots 15 m2 each. One plot was treated with 1%, another with 2% solution, the third was a control ground. RESULTS The length of flower tubes. Particular varieties grown in different years and the those obtained from the first and seeond erops had different flower tube lengths (table 1). In 1974 the average for all varieties being 8,9 mm. The maximum length of individual flowers reached 11,6 mm. In 1976 the tube lengths varied among the subspecies. In the first crop it ranged from 8,7 to 10,3 mm, 9,5 mm being the averagę and in the second crop from 8,6 to 9,7 mm, the average 9,2 mm. The HungaTable Comparison of different varieties of red tetraploid clover Figures stand for averagę of 1400 flowers of 14 varieties Difference between I and second 1975 feature examined 1974 I crop tube length in mm distance to nectar in mm nectar height in mm nectar accessibillty for honey bees below 6,8% 206 8,9 7,3 1,6 9,5 7,9 1,6 30,3 14,6 I II crop 9,2 8,1 1,1 12 crop -0,3 +0,2 -0,5 -2,6 1976 I crop I II crop l rian variety and the variety "Skrzeszowice Tetra" turned out to have the shortest tubes whereas the Duteh variety and "tetri Dania" had, the longest. Quantity of nectar. The nectar eontent depended on weather counditions and varied from species to species. The quantity of nectar ranged from 0,8 to 1,9 m, the average nectar height being 1,6 mm. In 1975 the nectar height ran from 1,3 to 1,8 mm in the first erop, the averagę height being 1,6 mm, and the corresponding figures for the second erop were: 0,7-1,4 mm and 1,1 mm respictively. The distanee from the topof the flower tube to the nectar, then in 1974 was on an average 7,3 mm for all varieties, and in 1975 was 7,8 mm for the first erop and 8,1 mm for the seeond erop. The shortest distance to the nectar was in the Hungarian and "Skrzeszowice" varieties, the longest in the "Danish Tetri", "Tripo Norway" and "Red Head Holland" varieties. For each group of 100 flowers of eaeh variety the pereentage of flowers with distance to the nectar of less than 6,8 mm (aecessible to Caucasian bee hybrids) was defined with nectar aceessibility. Nectar accessibility is subject to varfation, varying both with species and years. In 1974 it ranged from 12 to 49010on an averagę 33010, in 1975 from 2 to 33010 with an averagę of 14010 on the first erop and from 1 to 31010, with an average of 12% on the second crop. The varieties with the easiest nectar accessibility for bees were: Hungarian: 49010, 33010 and 23010 "Skrzeszowice", B67/7 GDR, "Grodkowice", "Tripo Norway" and "Red Head Holland" showed least accessibility. Number of flowers. The number of flower s per 1 m? varied with years and species. In 1974 it renged from 8 to 335. The record of 335 flowers was beaten by the Swedish variety "PeIly"; the fewest flowers were observed in the "Tripo Norway" (8), "Skrzeszowice" (62) and . "Hera Denmark" (80). The averagę number of flowers for aIl species was 162. A very much greater quantity of flowers was observed in 1975, from 630 to 1592, depending on the type of clover, the averagę number being 952. The record was beaten by "Skrzeszowice", which hardly bloomed 'at all in the previous year. 5 varieties had over 1000 flowers per 1 m2: "Skrzeszowice" 1592, "Pelly Sweden" i 1359 (record breaker in 1974), "W W Rea Sweden": 1333, "Hera Denmark": 1332 and "Tripo Norway": 1039. The last two hardlły bloomed at al'lin 1974. Surprisingly, a quite small number of flowers was observed in 1975 on seeond erop. It renged from 208 to 550, the averagę being 382 flowers, barely 400/0 of the first crop figure,. despite favoureble weather conditions. The quantity of flowers per 1 m2 is elosely connected with .the height of elover seed yield. The correlation between the number of flowers and the amount of seed crop was very high, its coefficient (r) being 0,8 and the coo!fieient or regression reaching 0,008. Thismeans 207 Comparison of quantity of flowers in different varieties of tetraploid Table clover 2 Number ot nowers per l m3 Variety I 1974 1975 I crop 1975 II crop 388 353 398 411 208 398 303 441 550 312 374 374 472 348 Grodkowice Pelly Szwecja B 67/7 NRD Perenta NRD II'ripo Norwegia Red Head Holandia Hera Dania Tetri Dania NT l NRD MSG Tetri Holandia WW Rea Szwecja Jubilatka Hungary Pelly Węgry Skrzeszowicka 158 335 162 212 8 138 80 150 162 160 202 183 208 862 779 1359 871 731 1039 726 1332 636 847 758 1333 651 684 1592 Averaga 162 952 382 (40%) Table Comparison Variety of red clover seed yield in relation 1974 ~ 1975 I crop kig 1975 II crop kg Total kjg Difference between I and II crop in 1975 k!g Grodkowice Pelly Szwecja B 67/7 NRD Perenta NRD Tripo Norwegia Red Head Holandia Hera Dania Tetri Dania MT l NRD MSG Tetri Holandia WW Rea Szwecja Jubilatka Hungary Pelly Skrzeszowieka 162 238 152 178 Averaga 208 3 to 1 ha 66 18 44 110 110 164 68 174 28 520 714 437 444 278 348 629 295 377 295 561 350 383 634 82 144 102 190 43 198 103 221 280 105 116 103 283 120 764 1092 691 812 321 612 750 560 767 510 841 521 840 782 108 448 149 782 I % -438 -570 -335 -254 -235 -200 -526 74 97 -140 -445 -247 -100 -514 15,8 20,1 23,3 42,8 15,5 56,9 16,3 74,9 74,2 35,6 20,7 29,4 73,9 18,9 -514 18,9 that every increase by 100 flowers per 1 m:2heightened the seed erop by 16 kg per 1 heetare. Cłover seed yields. The clovers varied eonsiderably in respeet of the size of seed erop (table 3). In 1974 it ran from O to 238 kg/ha, the averag e being 108 kg/ha. The highest crop was obtained from "Pelly Sweden": 238 kg/ha, "Hungarian": 174 kg/ha, "WWRea Sweden" 164 kg/ha "Perenta GDR": 178 kg and "Grodkowice": 162 kg. In 1975 the amount of the first erop ran from 295 to 714 kg/ha, on averagę 448 kg/ha. Onee again, the record went to "Pe11y Sweden" 744 kg, "Skrzeszowice" 634 kg, "Hera Denmark" 629 kg, "WW Rea Sweden";: 561 kg/ha (a11 of them flowered abundantly), and "Grodkowice" 520 kg/ha. The size of the seeond seed erop for a11 species ranged from 43 to 283 kg/ha, on average 149 kg. The size of the seeond erop was lower by 64% than the first erop. The global quantity of the 3 erops obtained in 1974 and 1975 for the different varieties was as fo11ows.The highest seed yield was obtained from "Pelly Sweden": 1092 kg/ha, "Hungarian": 840 kg/ha, "Perenta GDR": 812 kg/ha, "Skrzeszowice": 782 kg/ha, WW Sweden": 841 kg, "MT 1 GDR": 762 kg, "Grodkowice": 764 kg and "Hera Denmark": 750 kg/ha. The lowest yields were obtained from "Tripo Norway", ""MSG tetri Holland" and "Jubilat'ka". The highest yield crop aft er the first erop was observed in "Pelly Sweden" 570 kg/ha, "Hera Denmark": 526 kg, "Skrzeszowice": 514 kg/ha, and "Grodkowice": 438 kg. The choice of the appropriate variety of tetraploid clover is closely eonneeted with green-mass yield. The varieties with the highest seed erop had a eorrespondingly high green-rnass yield. At the Centrę of seed growing at Ulhówek the following green-mass erop per heetare was obtained: "WWRea": 122 000 kg, The "Hungarian": 87800 kg, "Grodkowice": 85 500 kg, "Perenta GDR": 84500 kg, "Pelly Sweden": 86 500 kg. There were varieties, however, which produced a high green-mass yield though their seed crop was markedly low, ego "Tripo Norway": 90800 kg, "Jubilatka": 89 100 kg/ha. Visitation of clover by bees and other insects. An apiary with about 80 colonieś of the Caucasian hybrid bees managed to fully pollinate the clover. The number of bees on erop per 100 m2 in 1974 ranged from 3 to 75, the averagę being 50, in 1975 the eorresponding figures were 24-112 and 55. The number of bumblebees in 1974 was 6 per 100 m2 and 19 in 1975. Most frequently visited by bees and bumblebees were the varieties with the biggest quantity of flowers per 1 m2 and the highest seed erop: the most productive "Pelly Sweden" was visited by the biggest number of H - Pszczelnicze Zeszyty Naukowe 209 bees 112. Other insects (butterflies etc.) found on crop were fewer in number: 30 insects per 100 m2• The correlation between the amount of bees visiting kind of clover and its crop was visible but low (r = 0,37). stinct correlation was observed between the average nectar and the seed yield: r = 0,48. considerably a particular A more diaccessibility The effect of Alar on clover. During 10 consecutive days 50 flowers from 5 varieties of tetraploid clover was treated with Alar 85. In all 500 such flowers were compared with 500 flowers of the same control species. The heads of clover treated with Alar differed in appearance: they were more dense and had shorter flower tubes, The results of the experiment (Table 4) show that Alar brought about a shortening of the tubes in these clovers by 15%, from 9,3 mm to 7,9 mm. The height of the nectar increased by 0,16 mm, that is by 14%. As a result the distance to the nectar in the flowers treated with Alar decreased by 18%, from 8,1 to 6,6 mm. Eventually, the nectar accessibility in these flowers increased four fold, from 14 to 59% in comparison with the control species. Moreover, Alar affected the quantity of flowers per 1 m2: the aveTable 4 Comparison of different varieties of red clover after treatment with Alar-85 II crop 1975 (average of 5 varieties; 100 flowers examinned from each variety) feature examined tube lengths (mm) Distance to nectar (mm) nectar height (mm) nec tar accessibility for bees (in %) control variety treated with Alar Difference in mm Difference in % 9,3 8,1 1,18 7,9 6,64 1,34 -1,4 -1,46 +0,16 -15 -18 + 14 14 59 +421 s Table Comparison of number of flowers after treatment II crop 1975 per 1 m2 Variety control variety with Alar 85 Variety treated with Alar Grodkowice Pelly - Szwecja MT 1 NRD Jubilatka 388 335 550 374 651 490 766 479 Averagę 412 100 596 145 % 210 increase 68 46 39 28 (%> Table 6 Comparison of r~d clover seed yield treated with Alar 85 with control variety in relation to l ha. Variety control variety Difference Variety treated with Alar kg % Grodkowice Pelly Szwedzka MT l NRD Jubilatka 82 144 280 103 400 209 345 348 +318 +65 +65 + 184 388 45 23 179 Averagę 152 326 158 114 rage for the 4 control varieties of clover treated with it showed 596 flowers, that is the increase in their numbers reached 45% (Table 5). As a result of the increase in the number of flower s and the heightened nectar accessibility a remarkable rise in clover seed yield was obtained. The average crop of the 4 control species per 1 hectare amounted to 152 kg and the yield of those treated with Alar reached 326 kg/ha. The figures for other varieties ran from 23 to 388 kg. SUMMARY l) Several varieties of tetraploid clover with the highest seed crop were discussed. 2) The differences in flower tube lengths and nectar height found in particular varieties was defined, different nectar accessibility for bees recorded. 3) It was observed that first seed crop was 3 tirnes bigger than the second crop. 4) The marked influence of Alar 85 on the increase in quantity of flowers (by 45%) and a shortening of flower tubes was obseved. As a result of administerlng Alar the following was obtained: a) A twofold increase in the tetraploid red clover seed crop, b) A fourfold increase in nectar accessibiJity for hybrid bees which should ensure a higher honey crop, LITERATURE D e m i a n o w i ~ z Z. (1957) - O oblatywaniu przez pszczoły 2 odmian koniczyny czerwonej. Pszczelno Zesz. Nauk. nr 2. Gór a I St. (1965) - Wpływ niektórych czynników na zapylanie i osadzanie nasion u di- i tetraploidalnej koniczyny czerwonej. Post, Nauk Roln. 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(1966) - Zeit tur Acker.u. Flanzenbau, t. 119, s. 263-282. V a II e O., K I a u s B. (1966) - Acta Aqral, Fennica, t. 104, s. 1-20. W a w r y n T. (1973) Wykorzystanie pszczół w podnoszeniu plonu nasion koniczyny czerwonej - (Trifolium pratense L.) Rocz. Nauk. Roln. S.A.T. 98, Z. 2. POROWNANIE ROŻNYCH ODMIAN KONICZYNY CZERWONEJ TETRAPLOIDALNEJ ORAZ BADANIE WPŁYWU INHIBITORA ALAR-85 NA SKUTECZNOŚC ZAPYLANIA KONICZYNY PRZEZ PSZCŻOŁY Ta ded usz Waw l' y n, Pszczela Wola, Polska Streszczenie Wyłoniono kilka odmian koniczyny tetraploidalnej o najwyższych plonach nasion. Stwierdzono różnice w długości rurek kwiatowych i wysokości słupka nektaru u poszczególnych odmian, a w związku z tym różną dostępność odmian koniczyny dla pszczół .Uzyskano 3-krotnie większy plon w I pokosie niż w II, stwierdzono wybitnie dodatni wpływ Alaru 85 na zwiększenie liczby kwiatostanów (o 450'1) oraz skrócenie rurek kwiatowych, co dało w efekcie: a) dwukrotne zwiększenie plonu nasion czerwonej 'koniczyny tetraploidalnej b) 4-krotnie większą dostępność nektaru koniczyny dla pszczół krzyżówek, co pozwoli na większy zbiór miodu.