DuPuis Reserve Pine flatwood
DuPuis Reserve Pine flatwood
Martin County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, March 9, 2013 Field Trip to DuPuis Preserve On March 9, a cool yet sunny Saturday morning, fourteen (14) Native Plant members met at Gate One of Dupuis Management Area to begin a tour with Jim Schuette, its manager. Jim explained Dupuis’ water issues, the use of prescribed burning to restore and maintain its ecological diversity, and its history before becoming 22,000 acres of state land managed by the SFWMD. v Our first stop came when Clematis baldwinii’s nodding purple flower was spotted at the roadside. Near it we found Melantheria nivea’s small white flower heads. On our second stop, we stood among Spanish needle, Bidens alba; wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera; the yellow flowers of butter weed, Senecio glabellus and Primose willow, Ludwigia octavalvis; the blue flowers of toadflax, Linaria canadensis, and blue hearts, Buchnera americana, caused us to look twice at their similar growth. Clematis baldwinii At our third stop near the trees favored by the Red cockaded woodpeckers we spotted the white flowers of the White violet, Viola lanceolata, and Ladies tresses, Spiranthes vernales; the orange flowers of Polygala lutea, Candyweed; the yellow flowering Hypericum cistifolium with its terminal inflorescence and needlelike leaves and H. tetrapetalum. with its 4 petals and clasping leaves. On the boardwalk leading to the fresh water swamp Saltmarsh mallow’s, Kosteletzkya virginica, pink flowers stopped us as did a Pale meadow beauty, Rhexia mariana. The red flowering spikes of Tillandsia fasiculata, the Cardinal airplants, led us to the tail of a submerged alligator and the small brown balls of the Jingle bell orchid, Harrisella porrecta that Chuck McCartney pointed out during a May field trip from the 2009 FNPS Conference in West Palm Beach. They should bloom in September-October. As we finished our 2 hours tour, a green anole bid us good-bye. notes by Florence Chatowsky, photos by Joan Bausch Buchnera americana Polygala lutea Hypericum tetrapetalum Martin County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, March 9, 2013 Field Trip to DuPuis Preserve DuPuis Reserve has ideal habitat for the Red-cockaded woodpecker. Note box to help re-establish new birds. New generations are beginning to peck at trees to make their own holes. Population is expanding!