Sept 1991 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
Sept 1991 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
SEPTEMBER The Lhasa Bulletin Published Bi-Monthly by The American Lhasa Apso Club APsO CUM A M E RIC A grifig$LT Y 7 -12- $1 4#0114 Best in ALAC National Specialty Show MULTI GROUP WINNING CH FANFAIR WHO GOES THERE L ALAC OFFICERS AND BOARD from the front cover.. 'HUGO' as of September 1, 1991 PRESIDENT Joan Kendall 1044 Cedar Ave Bensalem PA 19020 215-245-6872 VICE PRESIDENT Susan S Giles 2373 Wheatland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 804-749-4912 SECRETARY Amy J Andrews 18105 Kirkshire Birmingham MI 4946 TREASURER Carolyn Herbel Route 1 Box 50 Putman OK 73659 405-661-3299 BISS Multi Group Winning Ch Fanfair Who Goes There (BIS Oh SJW Waffle Stomper X Oh Fanfair Molly Moves Out) Hugo, awarded Select at all 3 previous Nationals he'd attended, received the Ultimate Honor this year at the ALAC National in Detroit from internationally recognized Breeder-Judge Carolyn Herbel -- Best of Breed from the Veteran's Class, breeder-owner-handled! Thank you Carolyn for recognizing Hugo with the breed's highest honor. And thank you as well to all Hugo's friends in the fancy who have believed in him and encouraged us over the years. Winning the Veteran's class at this year's show was a thrill. Winning the breed was a dream realized for our once-in-a-lifetime Lhasa. BOARD MEMBERS Marie Allman Rural Route 03 Freeport TX 77541 409-233-1853 Richard Camacho 1346W Ralston St Ontario CA 91762 714-984-0812 Jean K Fergus PO Box 6369 Los Osos CA 934112 805-528-2077 Joyce Johanson 126 Kurlene Drivve Macomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop St Detroit MI 48224 313-886-6292 Nancy Plunkett 14290 Greenview Dr Greencastle PA 17225 717-597-4757 Brenda Schmetzel 9 Gettysburg Rd Belleville IL 62223 618-277-6515 Ken Troy 29 Miller Road Wayne NJ 07470 201-694-5618 AKC DELEGATE E Ray Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston VA 22090 703-471-7584 Jan and Larry Bruton FANFAIR 5406 SW Woods Ct Portland OR 97221 503-297-7267 President's Message Dear ALAC Members: I'd like to thank the Dieball's and the Greater Detroit Lhasa Club for hosting our National Specialty in such great style ... it was a pleasure to work with such accommodating people! Also, a big hand to all the ALAC committees who preformed their functions superbly - it takes a big commitment to put all this together, it doesn't just happen. While everyone couldn't be a winner, there were so many beautiful Lhasas presented so well, our Breed was displayed in a truly stunning array - from puppies to veterans, the overall quality was tremendous; we all share in their pride. Please take the time to carefully read the minutes of both meetings. Some of the topics covered will affect our participation in future shows. Members at the general meeting were subjected to displays of skirmishes and power-plays; this in itself is not a bad thing, as it indicates a diversity of opinion and strength; carried too far, with lack of respect for participants, it can damage our Club image. The Officers and Board members of ALAC spent a lot of time devoted to the detail of Club business and our coming shows - and while shows and winning are important and fun for us all, I'd like to see more time devoted to the welfare of our breed in the coming years. The primary purpose of our parent club is ultimately the protection and advancement of the Lhasa Apso. What about the development of a Breed Rescue program in ALAC - I'd like to hear your ideas on that. It's gratifying to get the response of members who will fill vacant committee positions, everyone's contribution is valuable to our Club. I heard the Cicadas humming last week - "seven weeks till frost" is the saying; but with this long, hot summer ... and Global warming - is that too much to hope for? Take precautions against the heat with your Lhasa, if you're uncomfortable,think how much worse it must be for them! Joan 2 BAYWATCH CHAMPION "SEAL" ettill Of - 441111NICA OiCtALTY 7 -12- SI SELECT CH BAYWATCH HARBOR PILOT (CH WYNDWOOD'S BORN TO BOOGIE X CH KINDERLAND TA SEN IVORY LACE) Finished with 3 majors(3pts, 4pts, 5pts) at 16 months of age.'Select" 1st time as a Special at the National Specialty on his 18 month Birthday. THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT Thank you judges: Roy Ayers Mildred Bryant Maxine Beam Anne Rogers Clark David Krogh Dorothy Hutchinson George Payton Carolyn Herbel 2 points 1 point 2 points 4 points (Specialty) 3 points 2 points 5 points ALAC Select Award 'Seal was also Best In Sweeps at the LACGH Specialty & BOS to Best In Sweeps at the NCALAC Specially. BAYWATCH Don & Margie Evans 2206 Carriage Run West Conroe TX 77384 409-321-4668 Seal sells himself for Science Diet 3 American Lhasa Apso Club National Specialty July 10,11,12, 1991 - Troy Michigan Judge - Carolyn Herbel Puppy 6-9 Months Dogs 1 Bahr-B'ss Raz-Bear-E Royale - Barbara Allendorf 2 Chiyoko's Patriot - Marie Allman 3 Meili Desert Storm - Lynn Jamison & Sue C Jamison 4 Chiyoko's Home For Christmas - Jeanne Hillendahl 8c Marie Allman Puppy 9-12 Months Dogs 1 Bymwood's Bosco Bear - Laura & Pat Walston 2 Bymwood's William H Bonney - Denise M Olejniczak & Anne M Olejniczak 3 Myty Rainbow Sir Norbulingka - Patricia A Collier 4 Mataba's Innocent Man - Carolyn & Mike Milan 12-18 Months Dogs 1 Kayla Kaleko Woodruff Wilson - Karen Lagosky 2 Whitehouse Power of The Veto - Robyn Lynn White Bred by Exhibitor Dogs 1 Oakwynd's After Dark - Michael J Reinke 2 Chiran Wyndwood's Mar Gui - Franklin Ranes 3 Kaleko Kayla's Tom Terrific Debbie Burke 4 Vanir's Challenger - Charles & Louise Fahlgren American Bred Dogs 1 Takashi's Peter Pan - Reed Evans & Chris Summers 2 Bymwood's Boots Malone - Anne & Denise Olejniczak Open Dogs 1 DanRew Ja-Ma Red Prince - Enid & Andrew Londis & Janet Whitman 2 Raz's On The Mark - R A Ziegenhom & P E Confer 3 San Jo Snapshot - Leslie A Engen & Kay & Bobby Hales 4 Carovale Billy Joel Jo-Ma - Janet & Marvin Whitman Winners Dog Reserve Dog 4 DanRew Jo-Ma Red Prince Raz's On The Mark Puppy 6-9 Months Bitches 1 Sharades Sneak A Peak - Sharon Caner 2 lath i Su Tikal Burnignbright - Elizabeth W Chidley 3 Debasa Pawprints Skys The Limit - Deborak Burke & Nancy Dam berg 4 Luv Lee's Star of Chattok - Thomas D Kmiec & Joan Bouman Puppy 9-12 Months Bitches 1 Sharbil Show Girl - Nicholas J Furillo Sr 2 Myty Rainbow's Lil Norbulingka - Patricia A Collier 3 Northwind Maiton feather Duster Marilyn Schyltz 8( Cindy Butsic 4 Northwind Matton Martiqua - Marilyn Schyltz & Cindy Butsic Bred by Exhibitor Bitches 1 Wyndwood San Jo Gimme A Break - Kay & Bobby Hales 2 Chiran Wyndwood Just A Bit - Franklin Ranes & Kay 8c Bobby Hales 3 Jedi's Little Nash Rambler - Dawn Kittleson 4 NuSeng's All That Glitters - Fran Strayer American Bred Bitches 1 Shisedo's Polly-Anna - Leslie Baumann & Sandy Nyberg 2 Orlane's Flash in The Pan - Jenny Drastura 3 Luv-Lees Princess Tiffany - Becky Maag & Joan P Bouman Open Bitchaes 1 Mokiema's Dancin In The Dark - Michael Gerber 2 Chakpori's Chloe - A DeWijs & P Boetsch & M Hytton 3 Hyllan Hoshira Dream Girl - Renate Bruck 4 Tall Oaks Be Bop Baby - A Kay Shaner & Paul E Shaner Winners Bitch Wyndwood San Jo Gimme A Break Reserve Bitch Mokiema's Dancin In The Dark Veteran Dogs 1 Ch Fanfair Who Goes There - Jan Bruton & Larry Bruton 2 Ch Misti's Play It Again Sam - Beverly Drake 3 Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka - Mary Ann Strysick & Cindy Butsic fleetfire established 1980 lhasa apsos rom s\.\)ee\ x\ ..le 1 ‘ 3°X3e1‘1 44\ 64-eo°< eNcoe ch fleetfire on the rox (ch fleetfire red rox x ch manchu's poise 'n ivy) fleetfire feeds science diet mary schroeder debbie rothman 5395 s miller 8391 london lane littleton co 80127 conifer co 80433 5 American Lhasa Apso National Specialty 1991-1992 Officers and Board July 10,11,12, 1991 -continued Judge - Carolyn Herbel Verteran Bitches 1 Ch Bala's Sugar Free - Brenda Schmetzel 2 Ch Anbara-Rimar Mary Puppins - Barbara Wood Best of Breed Best of Winners Best of Opposite Best Puppy Best Bred by Exhibitor Ch Fanfair Who Goes There DanRew Jo-Ma Red Prince Ch Ch Tall Oak's Simply Chloe' Sharbil Show Girl Oakwynd's After Dark Stud Dogs 1 Ch Kenworth's Buck-In-Ere At Marbledale - Sue Roberts 8( Anne Olejniczak 2 Benbridge Mokiema Nite Moves - Marilyn B Ricciotti & Mary E Powers Brood Bitches 1 Kaleko's Miss Priss - Karen Lagosky & Debbie Burke 2 Ch Car-Ru's Lets It All Ride - Ruth Hayden 8( Megan Paulson 3 Ch Potpourri Bihar Carousel - Undo Crabill & Elsie Basler & Carol A Strong 4 Nu Seng's Elvira O'Bud Bud La - Trances M Strayer Brace 1 Ch Bala's Sugar Free & Bala's Hot Lips Houlihan Brenda Schmetel Select Dogs Ch Kai-La-Sha Honest Injun Ch Baywatch Harbor Pilot Ch Misti Acres Kopper Penny Ch Misti's Play It Again Sam Ch Kinderaland Ta Sen Sure Fire Ch Fanfair Who Goes There DanRew Ja-Ma Red Prince Ch Orlane's The Sheik Ch Mardel's Wee Willy Wonka Select Bitches Ch Kymba-Rimars Rosie O'Grady Ch Tall Oaks Simply Chloe' Ch Anbara-Rimar Mary Puppins Chakpori's Unique Ch Maja's Sunshine Glitter Girl Ch Bolos Sugar Free Ch San Jo Shutterbug Wyndwood San Jo Gimme A Break Ch Bohnthai's Whitehouse Elation Selects are listed in catalog order 6 ALAC Officers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Dorothy Joan Kendall Susan S Giles Amy J Andrews Carolyn Herbel Board of Directors Marie Allman Richard Camacho Jean Kausch Fergus Joyce Johanson Rebecca Kraus Nancy Plunkett Brenda Schmelzel Kenneth Troy IMPORTANT NOTICE There was a tie for the 9th position on the Board of Directors. According to Robert's Rules, in such a case all those not elected are part of a run off election. Make sure you vote. Be a part of ALAC. Included on the ballot are Evelyn Bigman Robert Cooper Cindy Butsic Elaine King Elizabeth Chidley Roberta Lombardi Lynette Clooney Terre Mohr AWARDS AWARDS AWARDS Please submit your ALAC Champions, ROM's & Titles as soon as possible after their completion. The '91 files have already been started. Thank you, Eddie Hutcheson BIEZEORIAM ALLIMEDO QUINONES June 14, 1950 - June 22, 1991 We met Al over 10 years ago when he was handling Lhasas for Maria Aspuru. After Maria died, Al handled Lhasas for Sanlo. Recently, people were seeing more of Al in the ring with a Boston, a Peke, a Shih T'zu or his wonderful Silky. We at Sanlo will always remember him as he was back in the 80's showing pride of achievement as he was winning BOB from the classes under Edd Bivin with Ch Royal Cognac of Sanlo II just starting in the show ring. Goodbye. Al from Cognac. Remy and Rascal Michael Santora and Alan Loso Sanlo 12525 SW 240 Street, Princeton, Florida 33032 7 September 1991 The Lhasa Bulletin Lhasa Apsos Breeding at a Crossroad? Gerti Bracksieck The Lhasa Apso is a small, gay dog with a hard, dense coat and an overall good musculature. He moves normal and free and does not have any exaggerations. He is a healthy and sturdy dog,a real family-dog, who is somewhat chary of strangers. These descriptions of the Lhasa Apso, which are also mentioned in the breed standard turned on quite a number of people to take an interest in this old Tibetan breed. Especially since the foundation of the KTR,the first and biggest Club for Tibetan Breeds in Germany, now about 24 years ago. In the meantime many years passed, and many things did change in all possible aspects,regarding the dogscene as well. So actually we could be satisfied about the statement, that the Lhasa Apso did change also, because of the mentality of progressive people, who work in the breed. enjoyable gifts can also be his calamity! Each breed is served best by the type of breeder who strives for a healthy animal and for soundness in all aspects; a breeder who tries to preserve the breed type as far as ever possible and who does not try to get a benefit for his EGO or his pocket-book at the costs of the breed. Some alterations are preferably defined with the well sounding word betterment of the breed. But these betterments should not go as far as in some cases, where it's hardly possible to find the little Apso underneath the "improved" coat-piles; in many cases soft coatpiles. There are many, who believe, that breeders, who develop new ideas and who follow their individual taste to develop a new type of dog within the breed, serve the breed very much. In my opinion these breeders did first of all seek for an advantage for themselves. The profit for the breed itself is very questionable. 8 The Lhasa Apso has a somewhat natural beauty and because of his lovely double coat he makes a nice show-dog and can be presented in a spectacular style. But these his Small, tough, well muscled, healthy, with correct coat texture and decent coat length; more than often these traits are no emotives for the showring. Different criterions are counting there increasingly. Unfortunately there are several judges who adopt this course. Especially disseminated from the USA, where the whole showscenery has a different character, importance and course for the breeding, than here in Europe,some exhibitors and breeders as well try, to bring such a perfectly groomed and down to the last detail styled Show-Lhasa to our breed-shows,to reach for the challenge cup. Some dogs are spectacularly made up, some also show a new kind of spectacular movement with tremendous speed, when gaited through the ring. But, what is "normal" on an American Beauty-Dog-Show,is not necessarily a gauge for a breedshow in Europe (or should not be). In Germany, we kept the "modernisation" of the Lhasa Apso within reasonable bounds. As we do not have many pure-exhibitors, but mainly puppy-buyers, who want a sound and healthy family dog, the more natural looking Apso has still his good chance to be bred on a FOB NOB Read All About It We've Got Ch Rufkins Katas Front Page News Page (Ch Sunset Gold Ho Shan x Ch Kinderland Ta Sen Shade OTara ROM) In just one month Page is already a Multiple Group Winner with Group I at Delaware Water Gap under Mr A Schwartz and back-to-back Group l's at St Lawrence Valley under Mr R Sharp and at North Country under Dr H Orenstein. He and Pat are a newsworthy team. Mary TailIon 10 Quarry Rd Hampstead NH 03841 Owner Mary TailIon Handler Pat Martell° Breeders D Stowe,S Giles, & E Lonigro Page shops for Science Diet 9 THE +1013 011 EXEEb +MB NOB EINEE UPON TIME dlbb MIDDLESEX COUNTY KENNEL CLUB JUNE iff ST Re IMAGE , (Ch Hylan Shotru Thunderbird x Excel Just-E-Nuff) Our pretty Jill finished her championship in very short order with 3 majors, including a 5 point major at Bucks County. Look for her in the Specials ring when she is all grown up. Jill and Charlie thank their Grein,for making their lives careersso successful with handling. Mary Talon 10 Quarry Rd Hampstead NH 03841 OWNER Mary Taillon HANDLER Craig Grein FIEF FO_Fa Patton Fitton & Virginia Lajoie Craig serves Science 10 fIG a NO3 NOB GIRLS GRP. WNG. E+1 EXEEliS DEFENDANT OF 4-19B NOB (Ch Excel Blackstone Domino x Excel Just-E-Nuff) Not yet two,"Darlin" Charlie is being specialed selectively till she is mature. Her fans still give her rave reviews. Favorite Friend, Craig so happy and their his outstanding OWNER Mary TailIon & Pat Fitton Diet to Jill & Charlie HANDLER Craig Grein REIFFn B Patton & Virginia & Virginia Lajoie Mary Talon 10 Quarry Rd Hampstead NH 03841 BEST OF BREED MISSISSIPPI STATE KENNEL CLUB FALL 1991 0 0009. PHOTO BY L. F. SOSA Danbre's La-Deih Puddin'Bear (CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT X CH BARKERS'SHEER ELEGANCE) Puddin'has it all;correct size,coat texture,and movement,and to illustrate this her first time out she went WB,BOW for a 4 point major. Thank you judge Norman Patton. The second time out she went WB,BOW,BOB.Thank youjudge Dr Alvin Krause. Many thanks to Frank and Barbara for letting Puddin'join our family. Owner/Handler Brenda White Danbre's Lhasa Apsos Breeder Frank & Barbara TrWillo The Bear's Den We feed Science Diet 12 Danbre's The Enforcer (AM CAN CH ORLANE'S SCIROCCO ROM** X CH CHRYSLAN'S CALENDAR GIRL) Already a BOB winner from the classes over specials, Tucker is pictured winning a 4 point major under Judge Norman Patton. Breeder/Owner/Handler Brenda White Tucker loves Science Diet 13 Lhasa Apso Breeding at a Crossroadd continued from page 8 other ambitious exhibitor. Puppy prospectives, who want to inform themselves about our breed on a We are responsible for the reservation of this old breed. We have to protect them from changing outgrowth, Kitsch and too much glamour. Gerti Bracicsieck /AL small scale. We hope also in the years to come. No question: also the "normal" Apsos have to be improved in their quality, but there is no reason to change them a lot. Improvement of the qualities, which are mentioned in the standard and which are often not perfect, are necessary in each breed and they are a challenge for a good breeder. Persisting on the more original type does not mean,that faults in construction and movement are to excuse. Type is very important, but it's not everything. Especially the kind of Apso, we know and love for many years, has to be overall "sound" and correctly put together and last but not least nicely balanced. He has to be able to move freely and correctly, and should have good drive frim behind. His natural coat does not allow to hide faults under clowds of artificially groomed and styled hair. When watching a dog-show, the German public is critical. Some TVand Broadcasting-reports and press publication during the last years did add a lot to awake and intensify the awareness of many people for naturalness and normality in dogs. Therefore we have to be very careful, that our Apsos do not get a wrong image because of one or the 14 dog-show, are plainly scared away by overgroomed, with coat overloaded specimen "Show-Monster". We can already realize the result of the new development because it is getting more difficult, to sell Lhasa Apso puppies as house pets. Interested puppy buyers are especially horrified because of the supposed complicated grooming, and get less encouraged, because they deeply dislike, what they sometimes can see at ringside. These grooming sessions, which never seem to end, and wrapping artistics of some exhibitors. Besides that they see all the grooming equipment, which alarmingly piles there. No wonder, that some people go and buy a wirehaired Dachshound or any other small breed instead. Yes, WE know, that a Lhasa Apso NOT prepared like this, looks very different, but can SPECTATORS except or RECOGNIZE that when they see an overgroomed, bored show-Lhasa? As everybody knows,judgements easily tend to be generalized very often. So just a few Show Stars, who are only the frosting on the cake, do win the competition. But they are sufficient, to give newcomers a completely wrong impression of the breed. ••••.'"' Model 1980 Model20002 Model2020? Reprinted in The Lhasa Apso ALAC Bulletin with permission from the author. CONTINUING IN THE ORLANE TRADITION K3%1440011 UHASAS INTRODUCES THE BROTHER and SISTER COMBO KEN WOOD DIOGENES & KEN WOOD HELEN OF TROY LADIES KENNEL ASSOC OF AMERICA MAY 7 0,014 CH. WINDSONG'S GUSTO OF INNSBROOK CH. ORLANE'S INIMITABLE(ROM) YORKTOWN'S SASSY SATIN CH. ORLANE'S IMPUDENT OF WINDWICK SIRE: (ROM) CH. MADOROS SOLO OF ORLANE ORLANE'S DAHLI(ROM) ORLANE'S MARMELADE KENWOOD DIOGENES & KENWOOD HELEN OF TROY CH, ORLANE'S INTREPID (BIS) INT. CH. SAXONSPRINGS ALAMO(ROM) SAXONSPRINGS CHOULA ORLANE'S PATTY-CAKE DAM: SAXONSPRINGS EARLE CH. ORLANE'S EARLY BIRD ORLANE'S PARTI-DOLL OF MADOROS Our two CH. ORLANE'S INIMITABLE grandkids placed Winners Dog and Winners Bitch with Helen going Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at Ladies K Con May 18, 1991. We want to thank a new LHASA judge Mrs. Dora Lee Wilson. Mrs. Wilson with her honesty and competence is a welcome addition to the ranks of Lhasa judges. We hope many other Lhasa exhibitors will have the wonderful experience of showing under this very lovely lady. Donny and Helen will continue to be shown by owner-handler Ken Troy to select judges. BREEDERS Wayne, NJ 07470 29 Miller Road Kenneth & Barbara Troy OWNERS Kenneth & Barbara Troy & Linda Kendall Smith (201)694-5618 15 RU-THE'S LITTERMATES TAKE RU-THE'S KAJUN CREOLE SPICE MISSISSIPPI COAST XENNEL CLUB SPRING 1991 a CORR. PHOTO BY L. F. SOSA (CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT X ORLANE'S FERACHI NICE N° SPICY) "WINNERS DOG and BEST OF WINNERS" at the MISSISSIPPI COAST KENNEL CLUB Thank you - Judge Ms D D Nickles and the RIVERSIDE WEST KENNEL CLUB OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS Thank you -Judge Mr R W High RUTH BRED BY - OWNED BY 42414 BAYOU NARCISSE 16 LHASAS WEEKEND" BACK TO BACK WINS! RU-THE'S HONEY N'SPICE MISSISSIPPI COAST KENNEL CLUB SPRING 1091 COPR. PHOTO BY L. F. SOSA (CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT X ORLANE'S FERACHI NICE N' SPICY) "WINNERS BITCH and BEST OF OPPOSITE" at the MISSISSIPPI COAST KENNEL CLUB Thank you - Judge Ms D D Nickles and the RIVERSIDE WEST KENNEL CLUB OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS Thank you - Judge Mr R W High HANDLED BY and LOVED BY FERACHI GONZALES, LA 70737 17 BEST OF BREED \ • .0 DUO. $19 ROCAS KENNEL CL139 •1411• AP CALLEA P1I0I0 1901 MEG . Best of Breed - Martha Olmos-011ivier Making a clean sweep on the Raisin Circuit. Bred, Owned, Conditioned, and Handled by Roberta Lombardi ALL RUFKINS LHASAS CONDITIONED WITH #1 ALL SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL CANINE HAIR CARE PRODUCTS. 18 NOT JUST A LADY'S MAN. BIS BISS MULTIPLE GROUP WINNNG CH RUFKINS RUDOLPH VALENTINO (CH RUFKINS JUMPIN'JACK FLASH ROM X CH RUFFWAY PATRA TASHI TU ROM") Rudy wins another Group I on the competitive California Mission Circuit over a Non-Sporting Group of 361! And his 2nd Champion finished May 18 with his 3rd major. Congradulations Ch Del Rays Bound for Glory and owner Shirley Benedict. "4-SPOIlh ROUP Srkli G2R1EL '4411.EN KENNEL CLUE 04" Best of Breed - Dr Inamura Co-Owner Nick Lombardi Group I - Art Davison Handling duties shared by Clay Coady ALL RUFKINS LHASAS CONDITIONED WITH #1 ALL SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL CANINE HAIR CARE PRODUCTS. 19 AKC GAZETTE Patricia Chenoweth 496 Bird Ave Los Gatos CA 95030-5466 408-395-1932 HISTORIAN Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-3647 ALAC BULLETIN Susan S Giles 2373 Whecrtland Drive Manakin-Sabot VA 23103 804-749-4912 LOCAL CLUB LIAISON AWARDS Eddie Hutcheson 4335 West 40th Highway Blue Springs MO 64015-9531 816-228-2968 BREED STANDARD COMMITTE Norman Herbel, Chair Keke Kahn Stephen Campbell Lynette Clooney Bob Cooper Peggy Huffman Dorothy J Kendall Ellen Lonigro Lynn Lowy Marianne Nixon Ray Sleet6k Janet Whitman Barbara Wood BYLAWS Don Evans 2206 Carriage Run West Conroe TX 77384 409-321-4668 MEMBERSHIP Joyce Johanson 126 Kurlene Drive Macomb IL 61455 309-837-1665 Puppy 6-9 Months Dogs 1 2 3 4 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Jenni Drastura 5262 W Pea Ridge Rd Huntington WV 25705-3223 N S COORDINATOR Jeanne Hope 9600 Accord Drive Potomac MD 20854 301-983-0990 N S CATALOG ADVERTISING Jenny Drastura FINANCE COMMITTEE Victor Cohen,Chair. Stephen Campbell Carolyn Herbel Marvin Whitman NS RAFFLE Carolyn Herbel Pt 1 Box 50 Putman OK 73659 201-431-4135 FUTURITY - SECRETARY Ann Lanterman 1746 Bellevue Way NE Bellevue WA 98004 206-788-1066 OBEDIENCE Brenda Schmelzel 9 Gettysburg Road Belleville IL 62223 618-277-6515 FUTURITY HOST CLUB COORDINATOR Debbie Burke 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 215-887-1770 PROGRAM USTING June O'Brien 11079 Loma Rice Road Marysville CA 95901 916-743-7266 HEALTH Dr. S B Bigman 120 Central Ave Needham MA 02192 617-444-0003 20 LOGO Marie Allman 111 Ivy St Pt 3 Freeport TX 77541 409-233-1853 EDUCATION HANDBOOK Susan S Giles Friday June 28, 1991 Sweepstakes Judge: Debbie Burke NS TROPHY FUND Naomi Hanson 2214 Fir St SE Olympia WA 98501-3004 206-4973-6067 FUTURITY PROMOTION Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Rd Detroit MI 48224-2317 LHASA APSO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARLO GENTLE BEN; Owner: Lynn Lowy GALAXY'S PAPER TIGHER; Owner: Ellen Voss PAWPRINTS SADIYA CHEEKY DEVIL; Owners Nancy M Damberg & Christiane Meschke GALAXY'S DASHING DUKE; Owners: Allen & Kim Strohm Puppy 9-12 Months Dogs 1 2 3 CHAKPORI'S UP TO DATE; Owners: A De WO,P Boetsch, M Hylton & P Keen. MARLO HERE WE GO AGAIN; Owners: Lynn Lowy & Sally Silva BOBBET DESERT STORM;Owners: Robert and Gayle Chase Puppy 6-9 Months Bitches 1 2 3 4 KEKOS T HI PRETTY WOMAN;Owner: Keith A Kort HOSHIRA HYLAN SHOTRU BRIE; Owner: Michael Santora & Alan Lose GALAXY'S SABLE TIGRESS; Owner: Ellen Voss MARLO POPPY; Owner: Lynn Lowy Bast Puppy In Sweeps CHAKPORTS UP TO DATE 12-15 Months Dogs 1 2 3 4 15-18 Months Dogs 1 2 YEARBOOK Any LaForest Andrews 18105 Kirkshire Birmingham MI 48009 313-644-9194 YEARBOOK PROMOTION Richard Camacho JARO'S THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC; Owners Dr Michael R Martin & Judith Carnacho DYNASTY'S HE LIKES IT; Owner; Gayle Acselrod 12-15 Months Bitches I 2 3 4 RUFKINS SHE TAKES NO PRIZNERS; Owner: Judy O'Dell SHO TRU HYLAN SUGAR BABY; Owners: Midge Hylton & Pat Keen BARJEA MARTHAS LIZ; Owners: M M Engle 8 Barbara Peterson RUFKINS DIAMONDS AND FRILLS; Owners Roberta and Nicholas Lombardi 15-18 Months Btches 1 YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Evelyn Bigman 120 Central Ave Needham MA 02192 617-444-0X13 BARJEA MARTHAS SHOW BIZ; Owners: M M Engle & Barbara Peterson MAR VONS MICHELANGELO; Owners: Marion & LaVonne Brockway SAN JO AURA'S HUSTLER;Owners: Bill Benedict & Shirley Benedict MARVONS RAPHAEL; Owners Marion & LaVonne Brockway 2 3 GALAXY'S THE FLYING NUN; Owners: Ellen Voss & Virginia Van DtePen MARLO INFINITI; Owners Jean Tinnes & Lynn Lowy GALAXY'S RISING STAR; Owners:Ellen Voss & Virginia Van Deipen Best Adult In Sweeps JAROS THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC Best In Sweepstakes JAROS'THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC REEDMAR IS PROUD OF CH ANBARA'S SAN JO TH' MERRY JESTER PENN TREATY KENNEL CLUB BEST OF BREED - JOHN LYONS GROUP IV - DESMOND MURPHY In limited showing - 2 Group l's, 3 Group 2's, 3 Group 3's, 3 Group 4's Thanks to all who have appreciated his qualities. Owner, Breeder, Handler: BARBARA WOOD ANBARA • Co-breeder: LESLIE ANN ENGEN • Co-owner MARGARET REED REEDMAR SAN JO PENN TREATY KENNEL CLUB APRIL I 991 S MUNCHIE SHARES HIS SCIENCE DIET WITH ALL GROUP JUDGES 21 INTRODUCES "MAGGIE" baa sanjo • BEST IN SWEEPSTAxES ANBARA SAN JO LOOK WHO'S TALKIN' (CH SAN JO ZANTOR JOINT VENTURE ROM X CH SAN JO-ANBARA FANCY FOOTWORK) MERRIMACK LHASA APSO CLUB SPECIALTY BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES BREEDER JUDGE - MRS LYNN LOW,' RESERVE WINNERS BITCH JUDGE - EDD EMBRY BIVIN THANK YOU. . BREEDER, OWNER, HANDLER Barbara Wood Anbara Lhasa Apsos 908-272-8995 "Maggie" gobbles Science Diet at every opportunity 22 "THEY'RE ALL TALKIN" ANBARA SAN JO LOOK WHO'S TALKIN' (CH SAN JO ZANTOR JOINT VENTURE ROM X CH SAN JO-ANBARA FANCY FOOTWORK) AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB SPECIALTY BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY BREEDER JUDGE - MRS ANN LANTERMAN ALSO 3 POINT MAJOR FROM THE 6-9 PUPPY CLASS JUDGE - MR JOHN LYONS WE ARE VERY PROUD CO-OWNER Sarah Fitzgerald Alasara Lhasa Apsos 908-276-2827 "Maggie" shares Science Diet with all the Boys 23 FOR SALE IIILEES OFFERING FOR SALE AM & CAN CH IiINDERIAND TA $EN ROCKWELL Catherine & James Groulx 84 Fairview Cresent Woodstock, Ont CANADA 144S 7V6 519-539-1182 Rockwell finished his American championship with 4 - 4 point majors handled by Susan Giles For information or questions contact either Cathy Groulx or Susan Giles, AM & ENG BIS CH ORLANE'S INTREPID CH KINDERLANDS TA SEN DAKINI ROMKinderiand's Ta Sen Kangra AM & CAN CH ORLANE'S SCIROCCO ROM" BIS CH WINDSONGS GUSTO OF INNSBROOK ROM Orlane's Brandy-ktne CH ORLANE'S BRANDYWYNE AM & CAN CH KINDERLAND TA SEN ROCKWELL Mist Acres Sailor BIS AM & CAN CH MIST1S PLAY IT AGAIN SAM ROM" CH MISTI ACRES SHESA LADI CH KINDERLAND TA SEN CANDY TUFT ROM" CH KINDERLANDS TA SEN DAKINI ROM* Kinderland's Ta Sen Isis ROM"*". CH KINDERLANDS CHOKS SENECA Breeders Susan S Giles, Ellen Lonigro, Esther DeFalcis 24 FOR SALE IR LEES OFFERING FOR SALE Catherine & James Groulx 84 Fairview Cresent Woodstock, Ont CANADA N4S 7V6 519-539-1182 CAN CH MIR'S FASHIONED FOR IRLEES Can Ch Vanir's Fashioned for Irlees in the puppy classes in Canada ; 3 points Mr R G McMurray , 2 points Mr C Francis (Pictured). And from the adult classes; 3 points Sue Miller, 1 point Michael Wolf. Congratulations to her littersister Ch Vanir's First Fling on finishing her Canadian Championship, Breeders C & L Fahlgren CH KINDERLANDS TA SEN DAKINI ROM' AM & CAN CH ORLANES SCIROCCO ROM" Oriane's Brandy-Mine AM & CAN CH KINDERLAND TA SEN ROCKWELL BIS AM & CAN CH MISTIS PLAY IT AGAIN SAM ROM" CH KINDERLAND TA SEN CANDY TUFT ROM" Kinderland's Ta Sen Isis ROM CAN CH VANIR'S FASHIONED FOR IRLEES CH BARA'S WAGS TO WITCHES AM & CAN CH MA LEES FINAGLE ROM Bara's Challtauqua CAN CH VANIR'S ALWAYS FANCI FRANC! CAN CH TRU BUL'S HUDAI MR KARALAN CAN CH AN IRLEES PLAN FOR KARALAN CAN CH IRLEES GOLDEN DREAM FOR KARALAN 25 JARO LHASAS N CHINS RICHARD AND JUDITH CAMACHO • 1346W RALSTON ST • ONTARIO CA 91762 • 714-984-0812 THEY SAW THE LYT! Ch Jaro Hrrys Hrt Delyt 0' Majahno (CH TABU'S HEART THROB X CH JARO-LIN DALAI HARRYS DELITE) LYT is shown winning BOS & Winners Bitch at the Northern California Specialty. She finished the next day under Georgia Buttrum at the Salinas Valley Kennel Club Show. LYT is Jaro's fifth home bred champion. Also in the picture is LYTs best friend Mr Howard Ray, who swears she is the reincarnation of his beloved Boogha - We believe it too Howard and for this, your affection and support we dedicate this win to Boogha's memory! YOU'RE THE BEST I LYT is OWNED & LOVED BY Tanya Campbell MAJAHNO LHASA 26 CONDMONED WM-I Crowne Royale Products BRED, CO-OWNED and HANDLED BY Richard and Judith Camacho JARO LHASAS N CHINS Yes, I heard that, bu it wasn't witchcraft just that OLD BLACK MAJIC ill Did you hear, they used witchcraft on Carlos DeBango to make him give that dog the major last Saturday ??? 41I tNNERS *•*' C! '•;•/11.. ••••*s ••• Jaro's That Old Black Magic (CH JARO'S TEXAS TEDDY BEAR X JARO'S TINA) Magic is pictured winning his second major under highly respected Judge Carlos De Bango on Mothers Day. His bewitching good looks and magical movement will cast you under his spell( MAGIC IS OWNED & LOVED BY Dr Micheal R Martin 1)0 Box 4377 Vlsaalia CA 93278 CONDITIONED WTITI Crowne Royale Products BRED. CO-OWNED and HANDLED BY Richard and Judith Camacho JARO LHASAS N CHINS <TARO LHASAS N CHINS RICHARD AND JUDITH CAMACHO • 1346 W RALSTON ST • ONTARIO CA 91762 • 714-984-0812 27 JARO LHASAS N CHINS RICHARD AND JUDITH CAMACHO • 1346W RALSTON ST • ONTARIO CA 91762 • 714-984-0812 ITS INDIAN SUMMER IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Jaros Indian Summer (CH JAROS TEXAS TEDDY BEAR X CH JAROS SUMMERHILL JHAZMYN) BOB from the classes at the 2nd back-up show of the Northern California Specialty. Thank you Mrs Dolly Ward! This exciting Bitch with the fluid movement has been undefeated in the open class and continues her winning ways with both Richard and Judith in tow! INDY is . . . OWNED & LOVED BY Harlene Rowe HARROW PO Box 550 Erin Ontario Canada NOB ITO 519-833-2150 28 CONDMONED WITH Crowne Royale Products BRED. CO-OWNED and HANDLED BY Richard and Judith Camacho JARO LHASAS N CHINS %TARO LHASAS N CHINS RICHARD AND JUDITH CAMACHO • 1346 W RALSTON ST • ONTARIO CA 91762 • 714-984-0812 and ITS INDIAN SUMMER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA te Ch Jaros Indian Summer (CH JAROS TEXAS TEDDY BEAR X CH JAROS SUMMERHILL JHAZMYN) Indy is shown being awarded WB/BOW under noted Judge Mildred K Bryant. The following day at Malibu while Ricchard was busy with the "Boys", Judith and Indy were awarded BOB over BIS specials to finish under Mr Karl Dingman. Indy will be specialed in California 'til the ALAC Specialty where she will be tearfully, but cheerfully handed over to her owner, Harlene Rowe, to hopfully Whoa them in Canada. INDY is. . OWNED & LOVED BY Harlene Rowe HARROW PO Box 550 Erin Ontario Canada NOB 1TO 519-833-2150 CONDITIONED WI11-1 Crowne Royale Products BRED. CO-OWNED and HANDLED BY Richard and Judith Camacho JARO LHASAS N CHINS 29 Membership Application THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB Mario Lhasa Apsos NAME \ Lynn Lowy 213/859-3930 STREET PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills, California 90210 CfTY,STATE2IP PHONE OCCUPATION KENNEL NAME PLEASE PRIM CLEARLY I herebyapplyfor membership and agreeto abide bytheAMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB constitution and by-laws and the rules of the American Kennel Club if accepted for membership. I am eighteen years or older and in good standing with the American Kennel Club Signed PNWERr,.:622.6:MONS.:17M46-C.,.AWRINWMP Recommended by the following two American Lhasa Apso Club members. 2 Yearly dues(July 1 to June 30) Individual: $20 Family: $25 First two persons, additional members are $15 per person. Members must be over 18 Outside the US please add $5 Make checks payable to The American Lhasa Apse Club. Inc. Mail checks and application to: JOYCE JOHANSON 126 Kurlene Drive BAIII30LHASA APSOS 1.,),i: .Teespereneet *leaden* aType , 1.1 ,(1A\\\ ‘ i l :\' 4# ik‘O Barb & Bob Preager (313) 730)-t722 $431 TImberilat Dr. Shelby Twp.o Ml. 48316 ,:,,:i,i:,.,.MgM:.,7W.M0,:n*i*,.,:5i*i:i.7•:ie.,:i*:*::*:iN:::';:M04:::.?:i*:).7.7.7.*:,:•'g:::!.::4'.:•:*-?4:::::'.0:')'7'''';'"''': Macomb IL 61455 Silloica' s 24121a, Sittios PUPPIES • STUD SERViCE • GROOMING ALL SCIENCE DIET ADVERTISERS Hill's Pet Products rebates are obtained by mailing a copy of your ad to: Rosalie West Programs Administrator PO Box 148 Topeks KS 66601 KAJHY PETRIE FALLON JOHN M. FALLON (215)322-2808 603 Hording Avenue FOOOSIVilie, PA 19047 PAWMARKS COLORED ELASTIC BANDS '=41•W • t AbN e• Debbie Bruke 215,887-1770 30 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 CH RUFFWAY TOPKAPI (AM CAN CH ORLANE'S SCIROCCO ROM" X CH RUFFWAY PATRA TASHI TU ROM) Topper is the sire of champions, and other pointed get. Congratulations to his daughter, Tijans Ruffway Whisper, owned by Steve and Karen Nichols, on her nice win first time in open. At stud for a limited time with Janie Sherdian. Owner/Co-breeder Georgia Palmer 4N048 Swift Rd Addison IL 708-627-1388 Co-breeder Roberta Lombardi Co-owner Janie Sheridan 1402 E Exchange Allen TX 75002 214-727-4667 TOPPER ENJOYS SCIENCE DIET 31 i ALAC LOGO CHARMS/PENDENT NEw*1" round cloisonne charm,in silver and turquoise,the dog in red and the lettering in black. Price $10. Get this color now, there will be a new color charm at the National Specialty. ALAC LOGO TIE TACKS NEW*3/4" round cloisonne tie tack,silver and turquoise,the dog in silver and lettering in black, Price $10. Get this color now,there will be a new color tie tack at the National Specialty. ALAC LOGO PINS 1" round cloisonne pin, in silver and turquoise, dog in white and lettering in black. Price $10 ALAC BUMPER STICKERS 15" x 3' weather proof white vinyl with the logo ad lettering in black. Price $1.50 ALAC LOGO DECAL 3" size, silver and turquoise with black lettering and details. Price 2 for $3.00 ALAC METAL DISC 2" size, silver and turquoise with black lettering and details. Price $2.00 ALAC JACKET PATCHES 3" size, swiss embroidery, in silver and turquoise, the dog in red, and the lettering in black. Price $3.00 PRICE INCLUDES SHIPPING AND HANDLING. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO : ALAC SEND ORDERS TO: Marie Alman RR3 111 Ivy St Freeport TX 77541-9803 32 lfiWo Veva, Pisan dRoM MwetifeAs Ithamps VA ST OF BREED GREENWICH 'c'NNEL CLUB , JUNE 199 I iHN ASHBEY (CH WELLINGTON'S COMEUPPENCE X BODNATH YANGZOM) Many thanks to breeder-Judge Barbara Wood (pictured) and the all of the judges who have appreciated Khampa's "special" qualities, BREEDER/O'WNER-HANDLER Echo J Rummel 45 Big Creek Road Dover, PA 17315 717-266-7413 CO-BREEDER Elaine King 2105 Linden Lane Silver Spring MD 20910 301-585-3327 We like Science Diet 33 GROUP PLACING • CH PRODUCING CH RAZ'S BESTEST BO-BOY JP 4EN MO. CLUB 8 T U MOBERLY MO. KC (BIS CH ORLANES BE SPARKY OF AL-MAR X MS CINDY JO BEAUTIFUL ROM) BO IS OUR NUMBER ONE SON AND PRODUCER THANK YOU! REBECCA ZlEGENHORN,RAZ LHASAS BO'S IN 'LOVE FOR SCIENCE DIET (Rein Frowder c_Sc' ddie oeutcheson 4 .535 OkPito.hxg, blue slintrys me 6.po?.5- sa228-2968 34 LIMITED BREEDING TO BO HAS PRODUCED: REVEL FLASH BO X BEL-AIR'S STITCH -NTIME CH CAMEO'S REVELATION OWNED BY LORRAINE COLE CH BEL-AIR'S FLASH DANCE OWNED BY LORRAINE COLE LITTERMATE BEL-AIR'S GOLDEN GIRL NEEDS MAJOR TO FINISH VERONICA ORVILLE BO X CH COZMOS CAMEO CH COZMOS CHEETARA OWNED BY MARILYN LUCAS COZMOS CONTINENTAL PRODUCER OF GROUP WINNING CH WHITEHOUSE CHIEF O'STAFF OWNED BY RON CROWDER & MARILYN LUCAS ORVILLE FLIES FOR SCIENCE DIET 35 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTY TROPHY FUND COMMITTEE 2214 South Fir Olympia, Washington 98501 To ALAC Members and Friends: The National Specialty Trophy Committee was formed by the ALAC Board in 1986. In addition to coordinating the trophies for the ALAC National Specialty and assisting the host club, the committee has been charged with solicitation of contributions to the on-going Trophy Fund. The trophies will continue with the tradition established at the 1986 National - that of Wilton-Armetaie Pewter. The pewter pieces are crested with the ALAC Logo and Include deep set engraving of the American Lhasa Apso Club. The purpose of this letter is to solicit your contribution, as It is only with a contribution from each and every ALAC member and friend that the Committee can successfully reach Its goal. Each trophy donation will be acknoiwedged in the National Specialty catalog. We have four pledge categories: Benefactor (two reserved ring side seats at Futurity and National): $50 and up; Patron: $30 to $49; Contributor $20 to $29; and Supporter up to $20. We have taken the liberty of Including a pledge form at the bottom of this letter. We would appreciate receiving your pledge Immediately. Your payment will be due in the spring of 1992. Thank you In advance for contributing to the success of the 1992 National Specialty. If you would like to make payment with your pledge, please make your check payable to 'ALAC* and send It to Naomi Hanson at the address above so the amount can be properly acknowledged. Sincerely, E. Naomi Hanson Barbara Wood for the National Specialty Trophy Committee TROPHY PLEDGE ..— NAME KENNEL NAME ..---' ADDRESS --, _...-d CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE AMOUNT PLEDGED PLEASE PRINT SO WE HAVE ACCURATE INFORMATION FOR THE CATALOG!!! 36 --, BAH NTHAI OFFERS "CHUNKY" GROUP PLACING CH BAHNTHAI'S DI MAAK PU-SHAI AT STUD TO YOUR LOVELY LADIES 9 BIS CH ORLANE'S BE-SPARK'OF AL-MAR Raz's Raz-Ma-Taz Ms Cindy Jo Beautiful ROM GROUP WINNING CH RAZS RED HOT PEPPERCORN CH TABUS DEJA VU OF CHIYOKO Lamoc's Natural Attraction ROM Hi-Life's Pandora CH BAHNTHAI'S DI MAAK PU-SHAI CH DONICIA'S JA-MA SIROCCO Langerud's Kaleko Sandman Kaleko's Chantilly Lace CH BAHNTHAI'S PRAHRAH CHIHNEE CH ANDOR'S RED BARON GROUP WINNING CH KALEKO'S SOPHISTICATED LADY Kaleko's Kristiana of Kam ala BAHNTHAI congratulates CH BAHNTHAI'S WHITE HOUDE ELATION for being chosen as one of the 1991 ALAC Select Bitches "Chunky" shines for Science Diet Jane Cooper Rt 6 Box 188 Lawrence KS 66047 913-749-7649 37 American Lhasa Apso Club 1990 Awards Presentation 1990 TOP 20 DAMS 1990 TOP 20 SIRES 1234567891011 12 13 14 1516 17 18 192021 22 2324- Ch. Tibet of Cornwallis, ROM "" Ch. Everglo Spark of Gold, ROM '"' Ch. Orlane's Inimitable, ROM "' Ch. Tabu's King of Hearts, ROM "' Ch. Orlane's Intrepid, ROM "' Ch. Ruffway Mashala Chu, ROM "' Ch. Cherryshores Bah Bieh Boi, ROM *** Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook, ROM" Ch Chen Korum Ti, ROM" Ch. Orlane's DuImo,ROM" Ch. San Jo Shenanigan,ROM" Ch. Chen Krisna Nor, ROM" Ch Everglo Zijuh Tomba,ROM" Ch Misti's Play It Again Sam ROM** Ch. San Jo's Rusty Nail, ROM" Ch Chen Nyun Ti, ROM' Ch. °done's Scirocco, ROM" Ch. Zijuh Seng Tru, ROM" Ch. Arborhill's Bhran Dieh, ROM" Ch. Barcon's The Avenger, ROM' Ch. Dorjon's Champagne Edition, ROM" Ch. Innsbrook's Patrician O'Sulan,ROM" Ch. Kham of Norbulingka, ROM" Ch. Tom Lee Manchu of Knolwood, ROM** 48 44 41 36 29 29 28 27 24 24 23 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 Each star is represented by the following breakdown: 1 Star = 6- I6CHs, 2 Stars = 17 -27CHs,3 Stars = 28 - 38 CHs,4Stars = 39-49CHs and 5 Stars = 50 - 60 CHs. 1234567891011 12 13 1415 161718192021 22 23 24 25 2627 28 - Kinderland's Ta Sen Isis, ROM Ch. Chiz An Sehilor, ROM Cordova Sin Sa, ROM Ch. Gindy of Norbulingka, ROM Ch. Ruffway Tashi, ROM" 11 Chok's Joppa Bu Mo,ROM " Ch. Anbara-Rimar's Footloose Fox, ROM Ch. San Jo's Hussel Mel, ROM Ch. Art Est She-Ma,ROM" Ch. Char-Ru's Double or Nothing, ROM Ch. Colarlie's Miss Shanda,ROM" Ch. Kinderland's Sang Po, ROM" Ch. Kyi Chu Kira, CDX,ROM" Ch. Light Up's Golden Graffiti, ROM" Ch. San Jo Hussel Bussel, ROM" Ch. Shyr Lyz Misa Cun Tia Kai Lei, ROM Ch. Arborhill's Lee Sah,ROM' Hamilton Chang Tru, ROM' Ch. Karma Pus Timala, ROM' Ch. Kyi Chu Kara Nor, ROM' Ch. Kyilee Cunba Kam,ROM Miradel's Ming Fu Chia,CD" Ch. Ruffway Patra Tashi Tu, ROM" Ch. Sho Tru Kiss Ma Grits, ROM" Syung's Rendition in Black, ROM' Ch. Wyndwood's Honeysuckle Rose, ROM" Ch. Zhantor Songbird, ROM' Zijuh On Ba Zim Zim, ROM" '18 17 13 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Each star is represented by the following breakdown: 1 Star = 4-6Chs,2 Stars = 7 -9Chs,3 Stars = 10- I2Chs, 4Stars = 13 - 15 Ohs and 5 Stars = 16 - 18 Ohs. 1990 ALAC SPECIALlY WINNERS BEST OF BREED CH SHO TRU MYLAN STETSON Pat Keen, Midge Hytton 8( Shirley Ray WINNERS DOG JARO'S APACHE WAR DANCIH' BEAR B. Trujillo, F. Trujillo, J. & R. Camacho BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX MUL BIS CH SAN JO SHUTTERBUG Leslie A. Engen 8( Marianne Nixon WINNERS BITCH HOSHIRA HYLAN SHO TRU FEDORA Shirley Ray, Midge Hylton & Pat Keen 1990 ALAC SPECIALTY OBEDIENCE WINNER HIT BARJEA LYNDY MIDNITE MS CHIEF, CD,HC Joddy L Mannheiner & Barbara Peterson 38 continued on page 56 fit Barbo's Aspiring Angel "Angel", shown winning WB/BOS for 2 points under Ms Dorothy Hutchinson at the Saginaw Vallwy KC show 4-6-91. Thank so much to all of you for the very special memories. Mr Arley Hussin, Kalamazoo KC Ms Lorrie Carlton, GDLAC Mr Ron ReIla, Saginaw Valley KC Dr Wm S Houpt, Ann Arbor KC Ms Dorothy Dalton, Marion KC Mr Ray Sledzik, Columbus OH KC Mr James P Cavallaro, Genessee City KC 1 pt WB/BOS Best In Sweeps lpt WB/BOS 4 pts WB 1 pt WB/BOW 3 pts WB 3 pts WB/BOW/BOS 5/27/90 7/07/90 9/08/90 9/30/90 2/17/91 4/21/91 5/19/91 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX SAGINAW VALLEY KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1991 PHOTO BY "Angel' completed her championship with three major wins, under 2 years of age, completely Owner/ Handled. A breeding to 1987 ALAC Grand Victor BISS Ch Suntory Superfudge is planned. Super puppies expected - please inquire. Pedigree in BULLETIN - Behind the Champions Column - June/July 91 issue. Barba fkasa Apses Breeder/Owners Barbara & Bob Prenger • 8431 Timberline Dr • Shelby Twp MI 48316 • 313-739-8722 39 1990 SELECTS BITCHES CH SAN JO SHUTTERBUG CH RUFFWAY PATRA TASHI TU CH MATABA SINGH IN THE RAIN CH SHO TRU HYLAN ROCKS ANNE CH ANBARA-RIMAR MARY PUPPINS HOSHIRA HYLAN SHO TRU FEDORA CH KRISNA FANCY PANTS TAKASH'S LIL GRAHAM QUACKER CH POTPOURRI BIHAR CAROUSEL DOGS CH SHO TRU HYLAN STETSON CH HYLAN HOSHIRA SHO TRU MAVERICK CH RUFKINS CHIP OFF THE OL'ROCK CH ORLANE'S THE SHEIK CH SHO TRU HYLAN NAMASTE TOP GUN CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT CH KINDERLAND TA SEN BIZZI BU2ZI CH FANFAIR WHO GOES THERE CH MIST'S PLAY IT AGAIN SAM 1990 ALAC NATIONAL SPECIALTY JR SHOWMANSHIP AWARD TAMMY L HESSER 1990 ALAC SPECIAL AWARDS 1990 1990 BEST IN SHOW AWARD MUL BIS/BISS CH RUFKIN'S CHIP OFF THE OL'ROCK Roberta Lombardi & Arlene Oley ALAC TOP WINNING BITCH AWARD CH KAR-LEE'S GOLDEN STAR SPARKLE Rose,P Martell° & S Ruota 1990 1990 ALAC TOP WINNING DOG AWARD MUL BIS/BISS CH RUFKIN'S CHIP OFF THE OL'ROCK Roberta Lombardi & Arlene Oley Jr Showmanship Award- Westminster Qualified 1990 ROM BREEDERS MI MIST! ACRES RUFKINS WESTGATE SHEN JOAN M. BUCK BEVERLY DRAKE ROBERTA LOMBARDI NAMCY SEHNERT & CINDY SEHNERT ELNORE SLETTE & EMILY SVENDSEN 1990 TOP PRODUCERS DOGS (ALL TIED WITH 5 CHAMPIONS) CH LIGHT UP'S RED ALERT Frank Trujillo & Barbara Trujillo CH ORLANE'S SCIROCCO Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro CH TATLI SU'S FLYING TIGER Elizabeth A. Chidley CH SHO TRU HYLAM TAK 'M BY STORM Midge Hylton & Pat Keen 1990 TOP PRODUCERS BITCHES (ALL TIED WITH 4 CHAMPIONS) CH CHAR-RU'S DOUBLE OR NOTHING Ruth Hayden CH CHAR-RU'S JUST ONE GLANCE Ellen Voss GALAXY'S SUMMER MOONGLOW Patti Lotus PUTTIN' ON THE RIT2 TRA-MAR'S CH Carolyn & Mike Milan 40 ANNE OLEJNIC2AK 1990 ROM SIRE'S CH BARCON'S OPENING NIGHT CH JA-MA'S A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC CH KLAN'S RAW HIDE CH MARLO ROCKY ROAD CH NYIMA'S A LITTLE NACHAS Nancy Sehnert Janet & Marvin Whitman Barry M. & Connie C. Tompkins Lynn Lowy Mary Schroeder & Debby Rothman CH ORLANE'S AUSTIN OF LORIEN Bradley W. Reese CH PAWPRINTS WEEK-END WARRIOR Nancy M. Damberg CH SHO TRU HYLAN TAK'M BY STORM Pat Keen & Midge Hylton CH TABU'S COVER STORY Susan Guilmino CH TABU'S FIRST IN LINE Becky Johnson TABU'S PRINCE MATCHABELLI Undo Tackett CH TAGLHA PARI OF TAI-YIN Jane Browning & Joan Buck 1990 ROM DAMS CH ART-EST MOST VALUABLE PLAYER CHALIN'S BRANDI JUBILEE GALAXY'S SUMMER MOONGLOW CH HYLAN °PLANE SNOW BIRD CH JU-ELL'S CALLIGRAPHY CH KINDERLAND TA SEN CANDY TUFT LAMOCS NATURAL ATTRACTION LITTLE LADY DELILAH CH LORI SHAN PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ Esther De Falcis Undo M Tackett Patti Lotus Midge Hytton & Pat Keen Carmen Temple Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro Rebecca Ziegenhorn Mary Koch Kitty Littlejohn & Lorraine D. Shannon Lynn Lowy Joan M. Buck Frank Trujillo & Barbara Trujillo Beverly Drake Deirde Drake, Cindy Butsic & Roberta Lombardi Ruth Fhimerfelt & Joyce Hadden Stan Lumbra & Connie M. Lumbra MARLO HONEYSUCKLE ROSE CH MI TAGLHA TAMBU TESSA CH MI-LING GOLDEN BEAR MIST! ACRES MUFFIN HOWARD CH NORTHWIND RAMPAGE CH PARADE'S ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY I CH PRECIOUS AS GOLD CH RUFKINS SWEETEST TABOO CH TABUS MAGIC MAGIC OF TIARA CH TISHA'S SOLITAIRE TOBARI'S DRUMMER GIRL WYNDWOOD KANDI KISSES 0'GYPSY Roberta Lombardi Becky Johnson Fred Dieball & Pat Dieball Barbara & Tony Prida Patricia Johnson & Skip Johnson 1990 CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS ABBE'S CREAM OF THE CROP JEANETTE ABBELGEN ABBE'S PARTY TIME OF KNOLWOOD MARION KNOLBOOD ANBARA SAN JO TH MERRY JESTER BARBARA WOOD ARKAY EVEREADY WILLIAM & REBECCA KRAUS ART-EST JUMPIN' JEHOSHAPHAT ESTHER DE FALCIS ART-EST TRIPLE PLAY BAHNTHAI'S DI MAAK PU-SHAI JANE COOPER BARKER'S BEAR ESSENCE DRS. RANDOLPH & SANDRA BARKER, FRANK & BARBARA TRWILLO BARJEA SAN JO THERESA MARIANNE L. NIXON & BARBARA PETERSON BEL-AIR'S AS YOU SEE IT LORRAINE COLE BODNATH DRAKCHA KAPPA KAL DEN ECHO J. REMMEL & ELAINE KING CHALIN'S LUV A PLENTY LINDA M. TACKETT CHALIN N' MA-SONS SHOWSTEALER CHALIN'S ROYAL SQUIRE CHALIN'S SPARKLING SHERRY CHAR-RU'S ACE IN THE HOLE RUTH HAYDEN & CAROLYN PAULSON CHAR-RU'S WINNING COLOR O'TAKA CH V ARI WIZARD OF VALHASAR RICHARD D. VALENTINI & MADELINE P. DURHOLZ COZMOS CHEETARA MARILYN LUCAS COZMOS CONAN DALI'S ICEY LITE CARMEN TEMPLE & DAVID TEMPLE DALI'S THIEF OF HEARTS DALI'S WHY NOT DARNO THE ROSE NORMA C. MILEHAM DARN° WILDFLOWER MARY LUGO & DOROTHY DORJON'S CHAMPAGNE TOAST SWEENEY ELTUT'S BUBBLE YUM CAROLYN HERBEL & RITA M JACKSON EVER SO PRECIOUS STAN CONNIE LUMBRA FLEETFIRE GIMME THREE STEPS MARY SCHROEDER & DEBBIE ROTHMAN FLEETFIRE MALARKY FLEETFIRE RADCLIFF FLEETFIRE SHALIMAR RUBY TUESDAY GEMSTONE'S MIGHTY MIKE JEANNIE & MIKE GEARY GOLDEN TU-NUMBER ONE SON JAN C. GRAUNKE GOLDEN TU-SNOWBALL IN HELL JEANNE HOPE HOPEFULL'S HALLMARK OF KNOWLWOOD HOPEFULL'S HAPPY HOUR HYLAN HOSHIRA INHERIT T'WIND MIDGE HYLTON & SHIRLEY RAY & PAT KEEN HYLAN HOSHIRA SHO TRU MAVERICK HYLAN SHO TRU STORM BIRD HYLAN STO TRU FLIP M'THE BIRD HYLAN SHO TRU THUNDERBIRD MICHAEL A SANTORA & ALAN J LOSO JALYN LINDY LADDELL OF JOFU PAMELA GAMBLE & JUDY O'DELL & JEAN TINNES JARO'S SPLASH DANCER RON CROWDER & JUDITH CAMACHO JARO'S APACHE WARDANCIN' BEAR BARBARA TRUJILLO & FRANK TRWILLO & JUDITH & RICHARD CAMACHO JUELL'S MELODY IN MOTION JULIE K ELLIOT JUELL'S SWEET SERENADE CAMERON A STEWART JOYSLYN FLASH OF GOLD JOYSLYN'S MASQUERADE JOYCE K JOHNSON & LYNN JOHNSON SALLY ANN HELF & A J WEAVER KACHINA TJA RED JACKET CLARE BILLMAN KAI-SHAN'S ON A FORMAL NOTE KALEKO KHASA KNICK KNACK KIAN'S VICTORY PARTI KINDERLAND TA SEN ART-EST KYI KINDERLAND TA SEN ART-EST U BET KIN DERLAND TA SEN STEAL A KISS KNOLWOOD'S JESS FOR FUN KNOLWOOD'S JOSH MY GOSH KRISNA FANCY PANTS LOIS MULLANY & JAMES P MULLANY,JR VICTOR H COHEN & ANN LANTERMAN ESTHER DEFALCIS SUSAN S GILES & ELLEN LONIGRO MARION KNOLWOOD WENEY HARPER & DONNA PETERSON LOTUS BORN BLOND OF CHAR RU PATTIE LOTUS LOTUS DOH BOI PATTIE LOTUS & CAROL ANN KEPLER LOTUS JAKE BLOND OF CHAR RU PATTIE LOTUS LOTUS ELWOOD BLOND OF CHAR RU PATTIE LOTUS 8c LILLIAN, TRISH & GERALD WEIMER LOTUS ZIGSA PATTIE LOTUS MA-JIK'S SORCERESS DIANE SELMER MAI LING RUFKINS JACKS-SON BONNIE PROVENCHER MAI SHAWL 0' GOLDEN BEAR TRACY E PUTNAM & ROSEMARY PUTNAM MARLAN LADY LIBERTY MARY KOCK MARLO BUTTERSCOTCH CRUNCH PAM AGNEW & LYNN LOWY MARLO CARAMEL FUDGE JEAN BETHE & LYNN LOW' MARL()LOREL MISCHIEF'S JOKER CONNIE SMITH & ELIZABETH TAYLOR MARLO LOREL PRECIOUS GOLD GAYLE CHASE & LYNN LOWY MARLO MR. WONDERFUL MARLO MOCHA FUDGE DR MICHAEL R MARTIN MARLO PARTF-TIME LYNN LOW,' MARLO PHANTOM MARLO SOMETHIN SPECIAL MARLO SOMETHIN WILD LYNN LOVVY & JANET WHITMAN MATABA'S MAJOR ATTRACTION MIKE & CAROLYN MILAN MATABA'S MUSIC BOX DANCER MATABA-SINGH IN THE RAIN TONI RICHMOND MATABA'S JUKE BOX HERO KRIS COLLINS & CAROLYN MILAN MAXIMILUAN OF NORBULINGKA KAY LAGOSKY MISTI ACRES KOPPER PENNY BEVERLY DRAKE MISTI ACRES SANDPIPER MOCKINGBIRD'S DAPPER DAN JOEL MEADOWS & CHERYL MEADOWS MOJA'S SAN JO RED MAN KATHY PETRIE FALLON MOJA'S SUNSHINE GUTTER GIRL KATHY PETRIE FALLON & JOHN M FALLON NED-LEE'S DANCIN 'N' THE RAIN ROBERT COOPER, FRED & MILISSA PAPKE NORBULINGKA'S SHAGGYGABLE MIST PATRICIA COLLIER & PHYLLIS MARCY NORTHWIND-MARDEL CA. DREAM'N MARY ANN STRYSICK & CINDY BUTSIC O'TAKA'S HOOT'N ANNIE PATRICIA MERZLAK & DANA READ PARADE'S ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY RUTH FLUMERFELT & JOYCE HADDEN PARADE'S LIGHT FANTASTIC RUTH FLUMERFELT PARADE'S UP IN LIGHTS PAWPRINTS RED HOT FOR BLUE NANCY M. DAMBERG RAINBOB'S BORN TO B000IE KATHY COOK & DIANE McCROSSEN & LORRAINE D. SHANNON RAMBUL'S REPEAT PERFORMANCE STAN CONNIE LUMBRA PAZ'S MY BONNIE SUE REBECCA ZIEGENHORN REMY MARTIN'S SANDIEH OF SANLO MICLAEL A. SANTORA & ALAN J. LOSO RJAY'S ROLL OF THE DICE ARNA B. MARGOLIES & EVELYN BIGMAN RJAY DIAMOND GIRL ROYAL POYAL-NORTHHIND I KNOW I KAN LAURIE OWNE & CINDY BUTSIC RUFKINS BATTERIES NOT INCL ROBERTA LOMBARDI & NICHO LAS J. LOMBARDI RUFKINS DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY ARLENE C. OLEY RUFKINS MAKE MY DAY MARCY & DEWARD BELL & continued on page 42 41 ROBERTA LOMBARDI ROBERTA LOMBARDI & JUDY O'DELL MARIANNE L. NIXON & PAM SAN JO'S FLORA DORA WOOD MARIANNE L. NIXON & LESLIE SAN JO MION NORMA JEAN ANN ENGEN SAN JO MOR-KNOLL METAMORPHIC VICTOR H. CHEN & ANN LANTERMAN SAN JO RUMORS FLYING ARLENE MILLER & LESLIE ANN ENGEN SUSAN RICH SAN SEI COLLECTOR'S EDITON SAN SEI ON TARGET AM. CAN. CH SHANKARA'S M-G DEBORAH BURKE & NANCY DAMBERG CHERLYNN JOZWICK SHARIL TALL OAKS INNUENDO TAMI A. f3AGLEY & MARTHA SHANSI'S ROSECREST BUGLE BOY SHADA SHARBIL'S ONE MAN SHOW SHARON & WILLIAM RUSSETT SHARBIL TRUE COLORS ELNORE SLETTE & EMILY SHEN'S WIMD IN THE WILLOW SVENDSEN ANN SONNENBERG & DONNA SHLSEDO'S CHYNNA LEAH SONNENBERG & SANDY NYBERG SHERRY SWANSON & JEFF SHOYU PLAYING WITH FIRE SWANSON RAUL & CASSANDRA DE LA SUNTORY EXTRA CELESTIAL ROSA SUNTORY NEVER AMBER ZACHARY & DEBBIE STADELMAN TABU'S ON THE ROAD OF PANDAN & CAROLYN HERBEL BECKY JOHNSON & NANCY TABU'S WINE 'N ROSES PLUNKETT TAI-KAI'S TIGER BY THE TALE ELSA LINDHARD RON CROWDER & EDDIE TAKASHI'S LIL GRAHAM QUACKER HUTCHESON A KAY SHANER & PAUL E SHANER TALL OAKS JUS-FUR-FUN TALL OAKS SIMPLY CHLOE' TALL OAKS SOARING SADDIE TALL OAKS SPOPTIN' CHANCE NANCY DAMBERG TARA'S PAWPRII-ITS GUILTY PARTI ELIZABETH CHIDLEY TATLI SU TARA HUFF ALLLANZ MARION KNOLWOOD TI-JAN'S DARLIN OF KNOLWOOD FRED DIEBALL & PAT DIEBALL TISHA'S COVER GIRL TISHA'S IMA MOT SHOT T1SHA'S IMA STORY TELLER MICHAEL A SANTORA & JOYCE TN HI DADDY'S DELIGHT HADDEN JOYCE HADDEN TN HI DRU KING OF THE MOUNT KEITH A KORT & JOYCE HADDEN TN HI KEEP ME IN MIND CANDACE & WILLIAM TOBARI'S FIRESPICE NARRIOR PROTWOOD BARBARA & TONY TOBARI'S WHERE MOLLY HID THE PEACHES PPIDA LARRY L & SUE KEELEY & WELLINGTNIH SUDIEH COMEUPSN LOIS & PAUL VOIGHT NANCY SEHNERT WESTGATE'S AIN'T MISBEHAVIN LYNN REPLOGLE WOODLYN'S LOLA WOODLYN'S MAGGIE MAE RODNEY J WEED & LYNN WOODLYN'S MR. SANDMAN REPLOGLE DON L & E NAOMI HANSON ZHANTOR DREAMSPEAKER RUFKINS SHE'S ADORABLE OBEDIENCE AWARDS 1990 CHARLES & JENNY DRASTURA ORLANES EVERYTHING NICE, CD SUSAN RICH SAN SEI LITTLE MISS CHIPS, CD MARIE EHMER TIFFANY'S TALES OF TIBET, CD JODY MANNHEIMER BARJEA LYNDY MIDNITE MS CHIEF, CD, HC 1989 ROM SIRE TABU'S PRINCE MATCHABELLI ROM 1989 ROM DAM 42 LINDA M TACKETT MI BING-BANG-BONGO, ROM CH TARA HUFF GEORGETTE DE TIKAL ROM 1989 CHAMPIONS CH BELAZIETH'S ALBERT THE GREAT CH BODNATM DRAKCHA KHAMPA CH GREAT EXPECTATIONS CH MISTI ACRES MR.SANDMAN CH MISTI ACRES BLYTHE SPIRIT CH PRINCESS ANISETTE OF SANLO II CH WELLINGTON'S INDY-GO-BLUE CH WESTGATE'S STRING OF PEARLS CH WOODLYN'S GIFT OF GAB 19U CHAMPIONS CH PRECIOUS AS GOLD MARILYN LUCAS SUZANNE M. WRIGHT CONNIE LUMBRA & STAN LUMBRA ECHO J PUMMEL CONNIE LUMBRA & STAN LUMBRA BEVERLY DRAKE BEVERLY DRAKE MICHAEL A. SANTORA & ALAN J LOSO SUE & LARRY KEELEY NANCY SEHNERT LYNN REPLOGLE CONNIE LUMBRA & STAN LUMBRA CH REDSUN RAG'S TO RICHES 1987 ROM SIRE CH LIKLAS PIG-GYP TU OF HYLAN 1987 CHAMPIONS CH GOLDEN TU-SNOWBALL IN HELL CH TRA-MAR'S ECLIFSE JAMES & LILA KAISER JAN C GRAUNKE THELMA LA LIBERTE & MIKE & CAROLYN MILAN AWA_, DS S AWL AwA The 1991 Awards File has begun. Thank you for all the applications at the National in Detroit. I'll finish filling out the application from the AKC Gazette Awards section,just send them in as they finish. Select winners need not apply unless you need a duplicate. I'll process them automatically. Please excuse the "destroyed" names I read at the National in Detroit. If you will phonetically spell your name out on the application, I will do my best to get it correct. Thanks, Eddie P.S. Thanks for everyone's cooperation and help in making the awards presentation a success areze .-arageocor, ' OFFERS ON VIDEO .THE 1991 MID-WEST DIVISION FUTURITY - JUDGE ANN LANTERMAN •THE 1991 NATIONAL SPECIALTY - JUDGE CAROLYN HERBEL FUTURITY $15.95 NATIONAL SPECIALTY $45.00 BOTH SHOWS $55.00 INDIVIDUAL CLASS at either Show $10.95 per class (Foreign orders add $5.00 for postage) Send checks or money orders to: Jan Bruton 5406 SW Woods Court Portland OR 97221 Lhasa Planter Box Wooden contrustion double sided Lhasa silhoutte planter Acrylic finish allows for use indoors or outdoors. Available in any color. Creams, golds, reds, blacks, parti colors, etc, $85 each Shipping and handling included Allow 6 weeks for delivery. Please make checks payable to Kinderland To Seri Name Address City State & Zip Color 43 The Bear's Den Lhasas "CONGRATULATES" Ch Light Up's Red Alert ROM (BIS CH ORLANE'S INTREPID X LIGHT UP'S SODA'S MY POP) At the ALAC Awards presentations "Reddy" received a "Top Producer of the Year" award. (It is the second year in a row he has received this award) "Reddy" also received the honorary award of "Select Dog". "The Bear's Den Lhasas" is now eligible for the title of "Register of Merit Kennel" with the following Champions. Ch Mi Sassie Baby Bear Ch Wyndwood's Call To Glory Ch Jaro's Texas Teddy Bear Ch Wyndwood's }Crystal Bear Ch Mai Shawl Golden Bear Ch Yuppies Klasi Sasi Kisi Bear Ch Shilo's Sir Goofus Bear Ch Wyndwood's Piwacket Honey Bear Ch Barker's Bear Essence Am & BIS Can Ch Touch 0'Golden Bear "All were sired by Reddy" Lhasa Love and Many Thanks, to all the owners of "The Reddy Kids" that made this all possible. Barbara and Frank Trujillo * 1904 Beason * Bryan TX 77801 * 409-775-8368 44 The Bear's Den Lhasas INTRODUCES "THE CHICKEN" Royale's Tres Chic La Bear "CHICKEN" is shown going Winners Bitch for a 4 point major at the Lousisana Kennel Club. Thank you, Judge Mr Roland E Adameck She is a Lovely Red Gold Bitch with a striking White Shawl and Chest. A real delight to show with Super Movement, Elegance and a Winning Personality. She received her first 2 points going Best of Breed over 2 Specials from the Puppy Class and has been awarded several Best of Breeds from the classes. She needs a major to finish and will then be bred to Ch Light Up's Red Alert. "Chicken" is Loved, Spoiled and Handled By Frank Trujillo Owner: Barbara Trujillo 1904 Beason Bryan TX 77801 Co-Owner and Bred By: Sabrina Harper 3912 Tryon Rd Longview TX 75602 Champion Stud Service Puppies SHUKTI LINGKA LHASAS THE HOUSE THAT BLACK BUILT 617-631-5196 Kenneth G.& Harriet A. Silverman 27 Brook Road Marblehead, Mass. 01945 MEMBER A.L.A.0 ai90k0 —gtada OqftdOl 0.H A. .;„ Chiycke Meant 1000 times God RitUifit 1.441.-931.5 MARIE ALLMAN III IW ST.. RT. 3 FREEPORT, TEXAS 77541 400 233-1133 OUALITY PUPPIES FOR SHOW OR PET STUO SERviCE Champion Stud Service Ruth M Hatcher (703) 562-1279 Puppies 2845 Green Ridge Rd Roanoke. Va. 24019 CONDI riONING TRAINING Al i BREEDS X ° Professional Ilandling by MAX AND CARMEN SPEARS P 0 ROx 758 (405)661-2829 Cuwuni OKLAHOMA 73601 an Frow0er 6ci a,ddre oeutchescin 4331 f'D l's7 blue #Irmis"4D'S s28-29‘8 DEBBIE BURKE 215 887-1770 KALEKO LHASA APSOS LHASA APSOS 102 Kenilworth Blvd., Cranford. N.J. 07016 Joyslyn's Lhasa Apsos Af .show puppies •companion puppies •champion stud ser- i 1. vice Lynn and Joyce Johanson 126 KurIene Drive • Macomb 11 61455 309-837-1665 317 Mill Rd. Oreland, PA 19075 Rob-Lin's Lhasas "PRESENTS" Rob-Lin's Mandi Pandi Bear "A" Golden Beauty (Ch Light Up's Red Alert ROM X Ch Mi-Ling Golden Bear ROM) Mandi follows her Sire and Dam with that special something called SHOW PIZAZzzzzz! Pictured here going Winners Bitch for 4 points and Best of Opposite over a Bitch Special at the Baton Rouge Kennel Club Show. Thank you, Judge George P Payton Mandi sends Congratulations to baby sister, Am Can Ch Touch O'Golden Bear on her BEST IN SHOW win at the Tyee Kennel Club, Mill Bay, Canada and wishes her many more. Thank You, Barbara and Frank for allowing me to have my LOVED Mandi. Owned & Loved By Linda M Robbins PO Box 184 Parker CO 80134 Bred and Co-Owned By Barbara and Frank Trujillo 1904 Beason Bryan TX 7701 GREATER DETROIT LHASA APSO CLUB 24th SPECUALTY SHOW July 8&9, 1991 Judge Ms Gerti Bracksieck PUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHS 1 ARKAY FULLY ENERGIZED. William Kraus & Rebecca Kraus 2 CHIYOKOO'S PATRIOT. Marie Allman 3 SPINDRIFTS RHAM BEAU. Kathleen Montgomery 4 POTPOURRI BIHAR EL HALCON. Carol A Strong PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHS 1 MYTY RAINBOW SIR NORBULINGKA. Patricia A Collier 2 BYRNWOOD'S WILLIAM H BONNEY. Denise M Olejniczak & Anne M Olejniczak 3 KAYLA'S CHENRESIG EX BIHAR. Karen Lagosky 4 MATABA'S INNOCENT MAN. Carolyn & Mike Milan 12-18 MONTHS DOGS 1 KAYLA KALEKO WOODRUFF WILSON. Karen Lagosky BRED by EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 SENGH KYE'S TOP KAT. Diana Dakin 2 CHAR-RU'S YES I CAN DO THAT TOO. Ruth Hayden & Megan Paulson 3 NU SENG'S GREAT BALLS A'FIRE, Randy Hesser & Frances M Strayer 4 OAKQYND'S AFTER DARK. Michael Reinke AMERICAN-BRED DOGS 1 TAKASHI'S PETER PAN. Reed Evans & Chris Summers 2 KENWOOD DIOGENES. Kenneth & Barbara Troy & Linda Smith 3 GARDE NWAY LANGPUR RAGEDY MAN. Fred & Melissa Papke & J Elliott OPEN DOGS 1 PAZ'S ON THE MARK. R A Zegenhorn 2 DANREW JA-MA RED PRINCE. Enid & Andrew Londis & Janet Whitman 3 CHAKKPORI'S UP TO DATE. A De Wiis & P Boetsch & P Keen 4 MASTERVILLE IMPRESSIVE LEGACY. Velda Masters WINNERS DOG RES WINNERS DOG SENGH KYE'S TOP KAT RAZ'S ON THE MARK PUPPY BITCHES 6- 9 MONTHS 1 TATU SU TIKAL BURNING BRIGHT. Elizabeth W Chidley 2 SAN JO ANBARA BRIGUETTE. Leslie Ann Engen & Marianne Nixon RU-THE'S BOOREY. Ruth Rerachi & Clay WYNDWOODD 3 Williams & Kay Hales 4 SUNSHINE'S INTERMEZZO. Mary C Soto PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHS 1 NORTHWIND MALTON MARTIQUA, Marilyn Schyltz & Cindy Butsic 2 BARHILL'S TAI CHI BUBL-BUBL, Barbara S Davis 3 ANBARA SAN JO LOOK WHO'S TALKINN'. Barbara Wood & Leslie Engen & Sarah Fitzgerald 4 WELLINGTON WYNDWOOD MARIANE. Kay & Bobby Hales & L& P Voigt 48 12-18 MONTHS BITCHES 1 KALEKO KAYLA'S BEATITUDE. Debbie Burke 2 DESIDERATA MISS AMERICAN EYE. Marianne Nixon & Arlene Miller 3 WIMSI MT EX ALL THAT JAZZ. Beverly A Butler & Linda J Gagnon 4 KAYLA KALEKO UPSA DAISY. Karen Lagosky BRED by EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 NU SENG'S All THAT GLITTERS. Frances M Strayer 2 SAN JO WELUNGTON CHITCHAT, Leslie Ann Engen 3 MING'S RAPUNZEL Cheryl A Zink 4 CHIRAN WYNDWOOD JUST A BIT. Franklin Panes & Kay & Bobby Hales AMERICAN-BRED BITCHES 1 SHISEDO'S POLLY-ANNA. Leslie Baumann & Sandy Nyberg 2 ME-TU DOUBLE DARE. June O'Brien 3 KENWOOD HELEN OF TROY. Kenneth & Barbara Troy & Dorothy Kendall OPEN BITCHES 1 HYLAN HOSHIRA DREAM GIRL. Renate Bruck 2 CARBUF FOUR ON THE FLOOR. Marsha Gerber 3 HARROW'S NI-L4. Harlene Rowe 4 POTPOURRI BIHAR I'M A DEVIL Patricia Chenoweth & Elsie Basler WINNERS BITCH RES WINNERS BITCH KALEKO KAYLA'S BEATITUDE HYLAN HOSHIRA DREAM GIRL VETERAN DOGS 1 CH SAN JO'S SHINDIG. Victor H Cohen 2 CH MARDEL'S WEE WILLY WONKA. Mary Ann Strysick & Cindy Butsic VETERAN BITCHES 1 CH BALA'S SUGAR FREE Brenda Schmelzel 2 CH ANBARA-RIMAR MARY PUPP1NS. Barbara Wood BEST OF BREED BEST OF OPPOSITE BEST OF WINNERS CH BALA'S SUGAR FREE CH SAN JO'S SHINDIG SENG KYYE'S TOP KAT STUD DOG 1 BENBRIDGE MOKIEMA NITE MOVES. Marilyn B Ricciotti & Mary E Powers 2 CH KENWORTH'S BUCK-IN-ERE AT MARBLEDALE. Sue Roberts & Anne Olejniczak BROOD BITCH 1 NU SENG'S ELVIRA O'BUD BUD LA. Frances M Strayer 2 CH CHAR-RU'S LETS IT ALL RIDE. Ruth Hayden & Megan Paulson BRACE 1 BALA'S HOT LIPS HOUUHAN & CH BALA'S SUGAR FREE. Brenda Schmelzel •••• _ LOCAL CLUB NEWS .... LHASA APSO CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON,INC Year 1991-1992 PRESIDENT: Don Evans VICE PRESIDENT: Marilyn Hanks SECRETARY: Patricia Johnson 9642 Meadowbriar Lane Houston TX 77063 713-782-7888 TREASURER: Terri Newsom BOARD: Marie Allman Jennie Geary David Hillendahl Marie Ross Lenore Tucker Marge Evans LOCAL CLUB LIAISON: The Heart of America Lhasa Apso Club Heart of America Lhasa Apso Club The HEART OF' AMERICA LHASA APSO CLUB invites you to participate with us in our next match. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1991, 7:00 P.M. Governor's Building, Kemper Arena - Kansas City, MO Judge - MR. FRANK TRUJILLO, the Bear's Den Lhasa Apsos This match is in conjunction with a Three (3) Show Weekend! If join us for you are looking for majors Friday. September 27 - Leavenworth Kennel Club Show Saturday, September 28 - Topeka Kennel Club Show Sunday, September 29 - Heart of America Kennel Club Show Western Division Futurity (Region 2) Hosted By The Willamette Valley Lhasa Apso Club Judge: Don Evans July 21, 1991 LHASA APSOS,Puppy Dogs,6 to 9 mos. (1)ZHANTOR CAPPUCCINO. Don L. & E. Naomi Hanson. (2)SOSUEMEI AWE INSPIRING. R. & C. de la Rosa & W. & L. Riley. (3)PAWPRINTS TAKE NOTE OF CABI. Bill 8( CandY Portwood & Nancy M. Damberg. (4)PAWPRINTS FRINGE BENEFITS Nancy M. Damberg. LHASA APSOS,Puppy Dogs,9 to 12 mos. (1)ALLSEA'S EBONY POINT. Myrna Young. LHASA APSOS,Puppy Bitches,6 to 9 mos. (1)SANJO ANBARA BRIQUETTE. Leslie Engen. LHASA APSOS,Puppy Bitches,9 to 12 mos (1)SUNTORY KARA NOIR. Raul & Cassandra de la Rosa. (2)ALLSEA'S MISTY ISLE. Myrna Young. Best puppy in Futurity....ZHANTOR CAPPUCCINO LHASA APSOS, Adult Dogs, 12 to 15 mos. (1)BARJEA MARTHAS'SHOW BIZ. M. M. Engle 8( Barbara Peterson. LHASA APSOS, Adult Dogs, 15 mos. and older (1)PAWPRINTS SHBANG OF IDYLWILD. Nancy M. Damberg. (2)DESIDERATA RED ROVER. Arlene Miller. LHASA APSOS, Adult Bitches, 12 to 15 mos. (1)BARJEA MARTHAS' LIZ. M. M. Engle & Barbara Peterson. (2)ALLSEA'S TICKLE MY FANCY Myrna Young, LHASA APSOS, Adult Bitches, 15 mos. and older (1)DEBASA'S EBONY AND IVORY. Deborah Burke. (2)PAWPRINTS PUSHETTE FOR CABI. Candy & Bill Portwood & Nancy M Damberg. Best Adult in Futurity. .. BARJEA MARTHAS' LIZ Superintendent - Moss-Bow Contact Eddie Hutcheson for more information. (816)-228-2968. Grand Futurity Winner ZHANTOR CAPPUCCINO 50 SUNNY FINISHES WITH 4 MAJORS . . . EH TALL DAIk'S SUN RISE STORY ly CARROLL CLA OCTOBER 990 JOHN ASH SIRE: CH TABU'S COVER STORY ROM DAM: CH TALL OAK'S SUNS HORIZON ROM+ Sunny is shown winning her second major under Melbourne Downing shown by Sue Guilmimo Suuny,Sue & Vic say thanks for keeping the Sun shinning Thanks to the following judges for appreciating Sunny's type and soundness: Melbourne Downing (major), Dr Samuel Draper(major), Norman Herbel (major), Dr Robert Smith, Ken Stine, & Warren Ubberoth (major). Thanks to Kay Shaner for breeding such a beautiful bitch, letting us have her, and showing her for her first major. Thanks to Linda Tackeff for giving Sunny a loving home,showing her for her 3rd major and finishing 2 points, and Conditioning her so beautifully. II With a sound body,lovely golden coat,tight reverse scissors bite, and the sweetest temperament.the Sun is %gays shinning when Sunny's around. The Sun will continue to shine for this straight hamiiton lady, she will be bred this winter, We are looking forward to her straight hamilton puppies with sound mind and structure. OWned & Loved by Linda Tackett Chalin Lhasas 2320 Malraux Drive Vienna VA 22182 703-560-7713 Co-owned & loved by Sue Guilmino Gar-San Member PHA Rt 2 Box 184N Martinsburg WV 25401 304-274-3384 *ROM eligible Sunny loves Science Diet 51 You must have been a beautiful baby . , Dan and Rosebud, born April 7, 1989, pictured at 12 weeks with Co-owner Joel Meal Meadows Does your mother realize, the stork delivered quite a prize, the day he left you on the family tree. Does your Dad appreciate that you are merely super great, the miracle of any century; if don't just send them both to me. You must have been a beautiful baby - you must have been a wonderful child. When you were only startin to go to kindergarten, I'll bet you drove the other pups wild. And when it comes to winning blue ribbons - you must have shown the other kids how. I can see the judges eyes as they handed you the prize, and I'll bet you made the cutest bow-wow. Oh, you must have been the cutest baby, because ba-by look at you now. Dan and Rosebud perform for Science Diet • .901i Mockingbird Hill Farm Zyle and Cheryl Meadows Rt. 1, Box 367 Leicester, IN WO 17011 183-4140 52 • Because Baby look at you now OAK RIDGE KENNEL CLUB SHOW PHOTOS BY ALVERSON 1991 CH MOCKINGBIRD'S DAPPER DAN (KIM-BER'S CHICO TU-MOCKINGBIRD'S CONTESSA) ban is pictured winning Group 1 at Oak Ridge KC May 18, 1991. Our thanks to Dr Berndt! Also thanks to Forrest McCoy and Mrs Jean Leply for his group placements the same week-end. Dan was bred by us and Doris Davis. Don's Sire was bred by Bill Fish and is owned by Don and Pat merzlak of Lakota Lhasas. Dan is shown by Cynthia Sawyer. Dan devours Science Diet \ Mockingbird Hill Farm Eyle and Cheryl Meadows /AY\Rt.1 lox 3O7 -4" Leicester, IC 28740 I704) 083-4140 53 ATTENTION BITCHES! HELP WANTED —Bitch(canine).6-12 months old, Lhasa Apso. Willing to travel to dog shows and run around the ring as requested. Show experience desirable but not required. No typing or shorthand. Background: preferably heavy Intrepid and/ or Inimitable line-breeding. We are an equal opportunity employer (all coat colors acceptable). Fringe benefits include lots of love and all the squeaky toys you can handle. Please send resume & photo to: Charlie &Jenny Drastura,5262 W.Pea Ridge Rd., Huntington,WV 25705,or phone 304/736-9733. 11- MATABA LHASA APSOS MIKE AND CAROLYN MILAN 11600 STALLION LN. HOLLY, MI 48442 (313) 634-1717 I Ja-Ma Lhasas Janet and Mani Whitman 9 Aspen Ct Pomona NY 10970 914-362-3859 Correction: ALAC National Specialty catalog. Norman & Carolyn Herbal The advertisement for Ch San Jo Wellington Rose Tattoo incorrectly stated that she was the first Lhasa bitch to be awarded a Group 1 in Finland. Route 1 Box 50 Putnam, Oklahoma 73659-9734 In fact, two Lhasa bitches preceeded her and are multiple group winners. Ch Orlane's Shakara (litter sister to Ch Orlane's the Sheik) and Ch Traschi-Deleg Kunga (405) 661-3299 77.7,m7::m7;777m,%g.. Puppies Occasionally Stud Service as well as the following having each captured a Group 1: Ch Tintavon Thalia Ch Milian Ka-Y-Zarina Ch Marillon Fui-Lei Int Ch Milian Karma LINDA M. TACKETT 2320 Malraux Drive Vienna, Virginia 22182 Telephone: (703)560-7713 ,Ued, il&44414 114‘,U41‘ BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE from 1983-1989 $6 per issue send request to: Janet Whitman 9 Aspen Ct Pomona NY 10970 SHARB 1 L •LHASA A?SOS• BREEDER OF MERV 4530 WEST SPRAGUE PARMA, OHIO 44134 BILL & SHARON RUSSETT • 216845-3661. .0/ 54 BRUNE .. _ , EONTINLIINS IN TfIE ORbANE TRADITION... • ....out • N• N., '• ‘s, • ',.. •••._ . ‘s1 \ .. .-„ Ner-•,:„,• 1 ••• Now .. . • .•-•., ••1.4• „... .., • 10,•, '..• •••:::. ••tor is "re 4 " ,,_ pa ,.• '•i .7,: ''•; ' .••• ttiki... 4,, * * , ''''''' ---• , t • ;::4.::i i t , 4 Wag 2 1 • A' 4 4.•. , ., 1W NNERS AWARE INTY KENNEL CLUB 1 iii fiC , . 4 4 * irvk t t i 1941 As -, . i t . Eli eitkANEts BIG miiE. (ORLANE'S INSPIRATION X WINDEMERE'S KANDI KISS) _ Thanks to these Judges ... 5/26/91 •Mrs Ruth Davidson 6/21191 Shaw Steven 'Mr •Dr Jacqueline Hungerland 6/15/91 7/06/91 •Mr Ed Kauffman Plainfield KC Delaware Co. KC Bryn Mawr KC Upper Marlboro WD BOB WD WD 2 points 3 points 2 points 1 points Winners Dog or better 7 out 10 times shown in tough eastern competiton *Pending AKC confirmation Always owner-handled by . .. Linda Kendall Smith 14. RD2 Box 123 • Wyoming DE 19934 • 302-697-6936 Mac Loves Science Diet SW BEST OF BREED' OR VARIETY GREATER HICKORY KENNEL CLUB JUNE 14389 0144.1. PHOTO e. or BONNIE . ,eiideite44tee 7a Se* ,4te- e V/e: (Ch. Ruffway Mashala Chu ROM ex Ch. Kinderiand Ta Sen Candy Tuff ROM) Kyi congratulates his son, Ch. Art-Est Byin J'Mein,on completing his championship in style with 3 Best of Breeds and a Group 2. Ben is loved and owned by Barbara Allendorf. Kyi also congratulates his son,Shanara's Shade of Allanon,on his first points breeder-owner-handled by Steve Nichols. Kyi would also like to announce his upcoming lifter due in September out of Ch. Art-Est Precious Moments. Art & Esther DeFalci5 PHONE (404) 979-0070 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30244 472 CRICKET HILL TRAIL Kyi and his kids eat Science Diet 56 WINNERS OKALOOSA KENNEL GLOB SPRING 1984 PHOTO BY LSOSA • -• FOR SALE • • Art-Est Nite Storm - "Stormy" is a black male. Art-Est Golden Opportunity - "Geo" is a golden female. Puppies from a repeat breeding that produced Ch. Art- Est Precious Moments and Ch. Art-Est Keeping the Faith. The sire is Ch. Art-Est Genteel Gizmo and the dam is Ch. Kinderland Ta Sen Nite Satin. They were whelped on 1/2/91. Fa o241 Gizmo is available at stud to the show minded. For more details contact: Art & Esther DeFalcis 472 Cricket Hill Trail Lawrenceville, Ga. 30244 (404) 979-0070 Ste,unit 44dleo 4,4 tiwz SeitAc4 Deee Breeders Guide ,Key to Abbreviations: P. Puppies: D. Grown Dogs: S. Stud Service MISSOURI AIRIZONIA LLINOIS YAH-POON WAS Hank and Patty Balconi 3035 W Camino Del Yucca Sahuarita AZ 85629 602-625-4171 PDS RUFFWAY Georgia Palmer 4N048 Swift R Addison IL 60101-1425 708-627-1388 P.D.S. TIARA Becky Johnsori 1 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314-464-3647 P. D. S. KIBECO LHASA APSOS Beverly Cowatch Box 490 Shenango Park Road Transfer PA 16154 412-646-0741 NEW MEXICO MASSACHUSETTS CALIFORNIA ME-TU LHASA APSOS June O'Brien Firewater Ranch 11079 Loma Rica Road Marysville CA 95901 916-743-7266 P. D. S. CHEN LHASA APSOS ROM Pat & Tom Chenoweth 496 Bird Avenue Los Gatos CA 95030 408-395-1932 P. S. MARLO LHASA APSOS ROM Lynn Lowy PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills CA 90210 213-859-393 COLORADO CLARET LHASA APSOS Deborah Waisleben 7 Claret Ash Littleton CO 80127 303-973-0885 P. D. S. SHUKT1UNGKA LHASAS Ken & Harriet Silverman 27 Brook Road Marblehead MA 01945 617-631-5196 P. D. S. NEW HAMPSHIRE MICHIGAN ARKAY LHASA APSOS Bill & Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit MI 48224 313-886-6292 P. D. S. BRYNWOOD LHASA APSOS Dennis & Anne Olejniczak 74565 Van Dyke Romeo MI 48065 303-752-5674 P. D. S. LORNICH KENNELS Lord() Nichiow 35445 Mound Sterling Heights MI 48310 313-979-2507 P. D. S. TAUMER Terre Mohr 110 Dearborn Rd Auburn NH 03032 603-483-0833 PDS NEW YORK JA-MA Janet & Mary Whitman 9 Aspen Ct Pomona NY 10970 914-362-3859 BIHAR Carol A Strong 4634 Uncklaen Rd Cazenovia MY 13035-9756 315-655-8037 PENNSYLVINNA MATABA Mike & Carolyn Milan 11600 Stallion Ln Holly, MI 48442 313-634-1717 PDS 58 SAN-DHI'S LHASA APSOS Saundra Devlin 1117 Western Meadows Rd.NW Albuquerque NM 87114 505-898-0813 P. S. KALEKO LHASA APSOS Debbie Burke 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 215-887-1770 P. D. S. WYNDWOOD Kay and Bobby Hales 600 Carriage Hills Blvd Conroe TX 77384 409-273-2395 P. D. S. BAYViATCH Don & Marge Evans 2206 Carriage Run West Conroe TX 77384 409-321-4668 P. D. S. ,z21 VIRGINIA RHU-HA LHASAS Ruth M Hatcher 2845 Green Ridge Rd Roanoke VA 24019 703-562-1279 P. D. S SAN SEI LHASAS Susan Rich HC 38 Box 960 Winchester VA 22601 703-888-4175 PD VERMONT NORBUUNGKA Phyllis R Marcy. PO Box 174 Thetford Hill VT 05074 802-785-4558 UTOPIA LHASA APSOS PROUDLY PRESENTS OUR LATEST RISING STAR VISIONS TABUS RISING STAR "SUSIE" RESERVE WINNER SEMINOLE 'KE NNEL CLUB PHOTO BY PETRULISO (AGE 6 MONTHS) Our lithe star is shown taking reserve winner in her first show on May 25th, 1991. We would like to thank judge Donald F Whiter Were planning our little stars route for the fall shows. Look for us, Loved, Owned and Handled By: Bill & Kawana Laseur Utopia Lhasa Apsos 2505 Brookdale Ave Edmond,OK 73034 405-348-4923 Cheering Susie on is Breeder John Burleson Visions Lhasa Apsos 59 LHASA APSO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SPECALTY Friday, June 28, 1991 Costa Mesa, California Judge: Mrs Joan Gordon Alexander DOGS 6-9 Month Puppy Dogs I. Mario Gentle Ben - Lynn Lowy 2. Galaxy's Paper Tiger - Ellen Voss 3. Pawprints Sadiya Cheeky Devil - Nancy M Damberg & Christiane Meschke 4. Galaxy's Dashing Duke - Allen & Kim Strohm 9-12 Month Puppy Dogs I. Mario Here We Go Again - Lynn Lowy & Sally Silva 2. Bobbet Desert Storm of Cameo - Robert & Gayle Chase 12-18 Month Dogs I. Jaro's That Old Black Magic - Dr Michael R Martin & Judith Camacho Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs I. Ladell Knock Your Socks Off - Judy O'Dell & Phil LaBarge 2. Marvon's Michelangelo - Marion & LaVonne Brockway 3. Barjea San Jo's Michelangelo - Barbara Peterson Open I. Chakpori's Up To Date - A DeWijs, P Boetsch, M Hylton & P Keen 2. Ladells Synergy - Judy O'Dell & Phil LaBarge 3. Mai Jo Perfect Gentleman - Sally Chenier 4. Rufkins Kindred Spirit - Roberta Lombardi Chakpori's Up To Date WINNERS DOG Ladells Synergy RESERVE WINNERS DOG 12-18 Month Bitches I. Summerhill's Sweet N Sassy - Jan Lee Bernards 2. Rufkins She Takes No Primers - Judy O'Dell 3. Rufkins Diamonds and Frills - Roberta and Nicholas Lombard Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches I. Galaxy's I've Got Style - Ellen Voss 2. Mario Poppy - Lynn Lowy 3. Barjea's Rachael - Barbara Peterson American Bred Bitches I. Hylan Sho Tru Gayle Winds - Gillian W Marks 2. Jo Fu Pasha Kawaii - Pam Gamble & Dallas and Patrice McKinnon Open Bitches I. Maijo Nut'N Honey Lori Shan - Dr Sharon Rice Speer, Lorraine Shannon & Sally Chenier 2. Remarc Namaste Las Vegas - Gillian W Marks 3. Chakpori's Chloe - A DeWijs, P Boetsch and M Hylton 4. Chakpori's Unique - A DeWijs, P Boetsch and M Hylton WINNERS BITCH Summerhill's Sweet N Sassy RES WINNERS BITCH Maijo Nut °N Honey Lori Shan Veterans Bitch I. Ch Mario Somethin Else - Lynn Lowy Stud Dog I. Ch Jaro's Texas Teddy Bear _-Judith A Camacho, F Trijillo & M and L Brockway BITCHES Bra= 6-9 Month Puppy Bitches I. Marion's Rockin Robin - Marion & LaVonne Brockway 2. Marion's Peggy Sue -Marion & LaVonne Brockway 3. Keko's TVV Hi Pretty Woman - Keith A Kort 4. Galaxy's I'm a Pepper Too - Star Daltonn 9-12 Month Puppy Bitches I. Hoshira Hylan Shotru Brie Michael Santora & Alan Loso 2. Galaxy's Sable Tigress - Ellen Voss 3. Bobbett's Porcelain Angel - Gayle & Robert Chase 60 I. Bobber Desert Storm of Cameo and Bobber Deseert Shield 0 Cameo - Robert and Gayle Chase BEST OF BREED CH SHO TRU HYLAN NAMASTE TOP GUN Gillian W Marks BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TN HI PARADES HIGHLIGHT - Keith A Lort & Joyce Hadden BISS CH BALA'S SUGAR FREE A "Classic" Combination - A 1911 Ford Roadster and Verteran BISS Ch Bala's Sugar Free. Thank you, Breeder Judge, Ms Gerti Bracksieck for this prestigious win. BISS from the veteran bitch class at the Detroit Specialty Show held in conjunction with the American Lhasa Apso Club's National Specialty. A special Thank You to all those who cheered Freeda on to this win. lhasa apsos & tibetan spaniels brenda schmelzel 618/277-6515 We Feed Science Diet 9 gettysburg road belleuille, Illinois 62223 Ch Art-est Byin JiMein (CH KINDERLAND TA SEN ART-EST KYI X ART-SET MAIDEN KNOLWOOD) BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY CENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB AKE ofx SABR•NA rono f r e BOB - 5point major - Thank you judge Frank Obestar Yeah! Ben's a champion and he's coming home! Under Lani Howell's expert hands, he finished with 3 BOB's(Judge Richard Gueuara, Judge Frank Oberstar and Judge Arley Hussin) and a Group 2 under Judge Stephen Shaw. He's done alright for himself! Thank you Esther for letting me have this lovely pick of the litter - he's a joy. Ben's going to be a father - litter due Aug 3rd. Loved, owned, sometimes handled by Breeder ESTHER DE FALCIS BARBARA ALLENDORF ART-EST LHASAS BAHR-B KENNELS 1135 Ralph Rd Handler Atlanta GA 30324 LAN! HOWELL 404-633-8898 Baby Ben continues chiming for Science Diet 62 hennelz 1 Bahr-B's Raz-Bear-E Royale (CH ART-EST JUMPIN' JEHOSHAPHAT X ART-SET ART-EST JN-E OF'CAMELOT) BEAR'S ON A ROLL 1st point at 6 months Judge Paula Hartinger BOW - 1 point Judge Merrill Cohen BOW -2 points Judge Eleanor Rothman and 1st in 6-9 month class - ALAC National Specialty July 1991 Judge Carolyn Herbel Many, many thanks to Esther De Falcis and her Special. stud dog - Joseph - for helping Produce this wonderful puppy. We're planning a repeat breeding in September. Bear wishes luck to his kennel mate - HoIli (Hope-full's Best Hollibear-e) as she goes to the able, loving hands of Lani Howell for finishing school. Bear is owned, loved and handled by 1135 Ralph Road Atlanta GA 30324 404-633-8898 BARBARA ALLENDORF BAHR-B KENNELS kennels 63 THE AMERICAN LHASA AF'SO CLUB ORDER NOW SPECIAL OFFER! CHAMPION - C.D. YEARBOOKS • 1 1976 CH-CD YEARBOOK (SOFTBOUND) $10 + $2 shipping 1977 CH-CD YEARBOOK (SOFTBOUND) $10 + $2 shipping 1978-81 CH-CD YEARBOOK (HARDBOUND) $30 + $4 shipping 1982-83 CH-CD YEARBOOK (LOOSELEAF) $20 + $4 shipping 1984 CH-CD YEARBOOK (LOOSELEAF) $10 + $2 shipping $50 + $6 shipping 1978-81, 1982-83 & 1984 SPECIAL PACKAGE OF THE 3 NAME ADDRESS (no p o box numbers please) ZIP STATE MAKE CHECKS(OR MONEY ORDERS) PAYABLE TO ALAC MAIL TO: / EVELYN BIGMAN 1600 CENTRAL AVENUE NEEDHAM MA 02192 vs. NEW CHAMPION *CH TISHA'S TMA STEPPINN' OUT (Ch Ira-Mar's A View To A Kill X Ch Tisha's Solitaire ROM*) Joey: is pictured finish' ing his Championship under Dr Ziessow at Muskegon KC June 30, 1991 and he went onto zriit a Group 3 the same day from the classes. ' Joey" is our 10th Breeder-Owner-Handled Champion, which makes "Tisha Lhasas° ROM eligible. ' Joey' can occasionally niny be seen in the "Special' ring this Fall. REST OF BREED ",11hEY1 TIRE ,1311TR.MIUSKEGONN , JUNE 1991 aiirk / 1 4 TISHA LHASA APSOS Fred, Pat & Jeanette Dieball 2304 Koper Drive Sterling Heights MI 48310 313-979-6749 *AKC pending "Joey" love Steppin' Out with Science Diet! 65 The Members and Friends of the Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club would like to extend our gratitude to the Fancy for their participation in making the 1991 National Specialty the largest in history and also for their good sportsmanship, comradery, and warm words of commendation. Our Club was complimented throughout Specialty Week for its sense of Hospitality but it was YOU who made the Show the grandious event it was. We'd like to reciprocate your kind compliments -- the success is all yours! Thank you all for the indelible memories and for leaving us with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. -- The Membership of the Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club Qod,eadlUiltiff and .2incli -Announcing A Great New Taste Sensation! The SHARIL Chocolate Litter! giep a4icie Ch. Likalas Tyg-Gyr Tu of HyIan Ch. Tai Chi Vouvray Chen Kris-Shana Nor Ch. Tall Oaks Jus-Fur Fun Ch. Everglo Eager Beaver Ch. Tall Oaks Suns-Hanson Ch. Kyilee CunBa Kam ROM Tall Oaks Mr. Bo Dean (brother to Ch. Tall Oaks Simply Chloe, BOS '91 Nat'l Spec.) Ch. Karma Tat-Ka-La ROM Ch. Shen Pa Ni-Khyim ROM Licos Shugu La Gr. Pl. Ch. Tall Oaks Somethin Special Ch. Tulku's Yeti of Milarepa Ch. Kyilee CunBa Kam ROM Kyilee Tiglican of Maru "SAMPLES": Sharil Chocoholic - "Alky", red male w/ wht. trim Sharil Dip't In Chocolate - "Dipper", gold male w/ blk tips Shari! German Chocolate - "Geri", dk red male Sharil Kill-Fur Chocolate - "Kyle", golden bitch Shari! Chocolate Drop - red bitch w/ wht trim Ch. Likalas Tyg-Gyr Tu of HyIan Ch. Tai-Chi Vouvray Chen Kris-Shana Nor Ch. Tall Oaks Jus-Fur Fun Ch. Everglo Eager Beaver Ch. Tall Oaks Suns-Horizon Ch. Kyilee CunBa Kam ROM Shari' Jus-Fur The Halibut Llenroc Oliver of Llenroc Kai-La-Sha Fudge Sundae Kai-La-Sha Mariposa DanBa Sharil Shiawassee Kai-La-Sha Sequoia Kai-La-Sha Indian Summer Everglo Autumn Amber Born July 21, 1991 SHARIL Chocolatiers: Cherlynn Jozwick & Amy Andrews 23819 Barfield Farmington Hills MI 48336 (313) 478-3894 67 JE A RISING "FORCE" IN LHASAS IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE TWO NEW CHAMPIONS CH. SEDIS TEE ea Pictured finishing with a 3 point major under noted breeder judge Ray Sledzik Saturday June 8th The next day his litter sister . . . 4110041641,A, CH SEDIS WEE Sifi finished with a 3 point major under noted judge Dawn Vic Hansen All Jedi Lhasas are Breeder Owner Handled Thanks to all the judges who apprecialted these two littermates 68 Making thier Mom ... . . . ROM ELIGIBLE "CJ" only needed her majors when she retired from the ring to become a Mom She now has two Champions from her first litter with another pointed son just coming back to the ring She has one Champion son from her second litter with a daughter who only needs a major and a point to finish Her third litter is only 10 months old and already one daugther is pointed We expect good things from this litter Her fourth litter will be expected late Fall to early Winter Jedi Lhasa Apsos Dawn Kittleson Box 293 Amery WI 54001 715-948-2703 69 SENTINEL CONSULTANTS INC. Kenneth Troy, President - Member ALAC& LACOGNY (201) 694-0424 ALAC & GREATER DETROIT SPECIALTY TAPES We taped the LHASA APSO SPECIALTY and GREATER DETROIT LAC SPECIALTY shows that were held on July 8th to 12th in Troy, Michigan. There was a large turnout of over 200 Lhasas from all parts of the United States. With two world renowned Judges, Ms. Gerti Bracksieck from Germany and Carolyn Herbel of Oklahoma we had outstanding judging which produced winning dogs that were a credit to our Breed. One of the most interesting aspects of the show was how well owner-handlers did in garnering the top class and Breed awards. This show was an inspiration to many owner-handlers to see their dogs winning in the toughest competition of the year. The large entries at both shows created the need for six tapes to cover all the classes and Best of Breed competition. However, we are providing complete sets of the show for the same $100 price that we projected for 5 tapes. We also taped the Sweepstake judging at GREATER DETROIT LAC which ran close to 2 hours. This tape will be available for only $20. Other prices(see below in coupon). We want to thank the five commentators that provided an outstanding commentary of the Judging: Dorothy Kendall, Lynette Clooney, Amy Andrews, Terre Mohr and Barbara Troy. If you have purchased our tapes of specialties or allbreed shows in the past, you know we give you a running commentary of every dog entered. This includes the sire, dam, owner, breeder and handler at the show. We used the new SONY V XT-PRO VHS master tape. These new tapes provide a 50% increase in picture quality. Our copies are duplicated on Sony ES tape. We purchased a new SONY VCR for copying and quality is excellent. SPECIAL NOTICE: This year we will be donating 10% of the gross sales of both the ALAC and the Greater Detroit Specialty tape sales for the 1992 Trophy Fund to each of these shows. You can order either or both tape sets today by filling in the coupon below. Please enclose your check or money order. Don't forget to include postage of $2.90 for one tape, or $4.00 for two tapes and $6.00 for three or mor tapes. Since a complete set takes 10 hours to reproduce, orders will be filled on the basis of the earliest orders recieved. Please allow at least one week for delivery. Sentinel Consultants Inc. 29 Miller Road Wayne, NJ 07470 Please send me the tapes indicated below: $100.00 + $6.00 postage ALAC & Greater Detroit Specialty tape set $60.00 + $6.00 postage ALAC Specialty set only $40.00 + $4.00 postage Greater Detroit set only $20.00 + $2.90 postage Greater Detroit Sweeps Individual tape (fill in) $25.00 + $2.90 postage Name Address City Phone Number 70 State Zip Parade Lhasa Apsos CH PARADE'S UP IN LIGHTS(L) AND CH PARADE'S LIGHT FANTASTIC (R) is now Register of Merit Eligible* We are the FIRST breeder in Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois to quality for this honor. Special thanks to my friend Lorraine Cole, who trusted a novice with her best breeding, and is always generous with her time and kind assistance. And to Pat Page, who allowed me to have Madam's beautifuul dam,Glory. Of cousre this would never have developed without the help and encouragement of Joyce Hadden and her wonderful Zeus, who sired seven of my ten home bred champions, with more pointed. Ruth Flumerfelt 3132 Lackland Ave St Louis MO 63116-2020 We Feed Science Diet THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH ! *Pending AKC connfirmation of four new champions in a six week period. Ch Tn Hi Parade's Highlight Ch Parade 'N Tn Hi Flying Circus Ch Parade's Comic Relief Ch Parade 'N In Hi Parti Boy 71 CII-1 13,411MVS PIIHCIA 1111-11 itlIDN (Multi BIS Ch SuIan's Master Blend X Ch Barker's Crime of Passion) Felony dines on Science Diet 72 PUCIA FUI MASA AIDSCS SAITTIS: CU LAMM'S FUCIA FUI fFIC Felony finished his championship in grand style with three majors, including a Best of Breed over three specials and then on to a Group Ill. Felony is my first homebred champion and also makes Barker Lhasa Apsos ROM eligible. What a special boy he is. Many thanks to Sandy Barker for showing Felony to all of his wins. Also to Sandy and Randy Barker special appreciation for their care and conditioning of Felony. Most of all thank you for your friendship over the last seven years since you entrusted that lovely pick bitch puppy to me, now Ch Barker's Crime of Passion (Cookie) and Felony's Mother. Like her son, Cookie is also a group placer from the classes owner handled. Felony is now retired from the show ring and living a life of leisure as a house dog with his co-owner Dolores Hutson. Thank you Dolores for your unflagging support and encouragement of Felony. Felony will be bred to the latest star here at Photo Khi, Ch Dorjon Barker's Zip Code at her next season. Zipper is Cookie's half sister. Zipper also finisher her championship with three majors and a group placement from the classes owner handled. We're hoping for some really exciting puppies from this breeding. PHOTA KHI LHASA APSOS John Klarenbeck 11716 Copper Place NE Albuquerque NM 87123 505-294-5226 BARKER LHASA APSOS Drs Randolph and Sandra Barker Rt 1 Box 559C Doswell VA 23407 HU-SON LHASA APSOS Dolores Hutson PO Box 260 404 New York Ave Harrisville WV 26362 302-643-2687 73 CH PARADE'S COMIC RELIEF Bred & Owned by Ruth Flumerfek Behind the Champions CH JEDI'S TEE BO & CH goys NEE SA Owned & Bred by Dawn Kittelson CH jAMPOS I'M STEPPEN OUT OF SYUNG ROM CH SHI SEDOS MACHO Krackerfack's Brandywine ROM Shi Sado': Ornea ROM (eligible) Wynsippi's Pop-Oye-R O'Orlane Orlane's Griselda Tibb's Dream Rusty "TEE BO AND NEE SA" 0-1 TABUS FAME AND FORTUNE CH SRI SEDO'S TOCHI KELE TAMAKA CH SHI SEDOS TOCHI KELE TU Jedi Shi Sedo's Showtime ROM (eleigible) CH Everglo Eager Beaver Shi Sedo's Sparrow 'Crackerjack's Brandywine ROM CH KINDERLAND TA SEN TANTERRA Owned by Susan S Giles and Ellen Lonigro Bred by Doyle Stowe, Susan S Giles & Ellen Lonigro BIS CH RUFFVVAY MASHAKA CH RUFFWAY MASHALA CHU ROM Ruffway Doshala CH SUNSET GOLD HO SHAN Joymarc's MagiIla Gorilla CH SUNSET GOLD MID-1-LO-D Sunset Gold Tzu Reba San 'SABLE" Misti Acres Sailor BIS BISS AM BIS CAN CH MISTI'S PLAY IT AGAIN SAM CH MISTI'S SHESA LADI CH KINDERLAND TA SEN SHADE °TARA ROM CH KINDERLAND'S TA SEN DAKINI Kinderland's Ta Sen Isis ROM4**** CH KINDERLANDS CHOKS SENECA CH TN HI PARADE HIGHLIGHT Owned by Joyce Hadden CH PARADE'N TN HI FLYING CIRCUS Owned by Joyce Hadden & Ruth Flumerfelt CH PARADE'N TN HI PARTI BOY Owned by Keith A Kart Bred by Ruth Flumerfelt & Joyce Hadden CH DONICIA'S CHIM ZU HONEYDEW ROM CH CAMEO'S KHOR-KE SAN Honeydew Krissie Ku CH TN HI ZEUS THE DETHRONER ROM CH OCON KAREA SENG ROM Tn Hi Me N'My Shadow CH TN HI PAHTI SHY SHY "3 CHAMPIONS" AM & ENG BIS CH ORLANES INTREPID ROM Bel Air's I Am A Parade CH BEL AIR'S KEE KEE DE CH PARADES ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY ROM CH KY KEN'S BAD BOY Ky-Ken's Made In USA Ky-Ken's Giggles Galore a 74 BIS CH WIN DSONGS GUSTO OF INNSBROOK ROM AM & ENG BIS CH ORLANES INTRPID ROM CH ORLANES BRANYWYNE Bel Air's I Am A Parade AM & CAN CH BEL AIR'S IL TORO ROMEO ROM CH BEL AIR'S KEE KEE DE Cameo's Anika BIS AM & CAN CH OR LAN FS BESPARKY OF AL-MAR ROM CH MIKADOS TOBIAS OF APKU Tasha Gae Lady Miss Sassy Sweet Sashay CH CAMEOS KHOR-KE SAN O'HONEYDEW ROM Bel Air's Honeydew Melton Bel Air's Sinn-A-Mon CH MARLO SOMETHIN WILD Breeder/Owner Lynn Lowy BIS CH ARBOR HILL'S RAPSO DIEH ROM CH JA-MA'S BOHEMIAN RAPSO-DIEH CH LIFELONG'S STOLEN HOURS CH JA-MA'S A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC ROM CH JAMPOS I'M STEPPEN OUT OF SYUNG CH JA-MA'S SCARLET OF DOLSA SYUNG CH DOLSA CALIFORNIA GIRL "MARY" CH SUNTORY SILVER SHADOW CH SUNTORY FOUR ON THE FLOOR Suntory Anemone CH MARLO SOMETHIN ELSE ROM (eleigible) AM & CAN CH PAWPRINTS PIED PIPER ROM CH MARIO'S ONE OF A KIND ROM Marlo's Icecream Sundae CH MARLO SOMETHIN EXTRA Breeder/Owner Lynn Lowy BISAM CAN MEX INT SLITCH LUX RN CH MARLO ROCKY ROAD CHMARLO BELLS ARE RINGING CH YOJIMBO FEATHER CH MARLO SOUTHERN COMFORT Mark Chimney Sweep Mario April Love Marto Louesa “SOMETHIN EXTRA" CH SUNTORY SILVER SHADOW CH SUNTORY FOUR ON THE FLOOR Suntory Anemone CH MARLO SOMETHIN ELSE ROM (eleigible) AM & CAN CH PAWPRINTS PIED PIPER ROM CH MARLO'S ONE OF A KIND ROM Marlo's kecream Sundae CH LOREL MARLO TICKLE ME PINK Bred By Elizabeth Taylor Owned By Lynn Lowy & Eliabeth Taylor CH MI TAGLHA PEBBLES RAMI3U CH CAROVALES INDIANA HOT SHOT Tashi J J's Topsi Mario Lorel Mischiefs Joker CH SAN JO'S SOSHOME UP ROM CH MARLO MEL-O-DEE CH MARLO'S I LOVE LUCY ROM "PRUDY" CH SUNTORY FOUR ON THE FLOOR CH MARLO DOLSA COMING OUT PARTI CH MARLOS ONE OF A KIND ROM CH LORALUS GRIN GHER MARLO Don Pads Drum Ma Jor Dolly Lama's Miss PHs: Syhl Khe's Dolly Urns BISS GROUP WINNING CH LAMOCS FRISCO JONES JOLEE GROUP THIRD atAturcioN. • KENNEL CLOS 991 CIV (CH LAMOCS INDIANA JONES X CH JOLEE'S WINDANCER) With very limited showing Frisco has won a BISS, Group win & multiple group placements. Frisco sends a BIG THANK YOU! to the JUDGES, and to the Friends who cheered him on! He is a producer as well as a winner & congratulates his children Cadet, Rose & Ninja. Inquires welcome. Owned, Loved & Shown by Kristine Harrison & Randolph Arand Breeders Elizabeth Faust & Jolene Cazzola (CH LAMOCS FRISCO JONES JOLEE X CH JOLEE'S GHOLD DIEH LOCKS) Cadet garnishes the WD & BOW from the Bred by Exhibitor class for a 5 point major at just 1 year of age,at the Milwaukee Lhasa Apso Specialty! Many thanks to Judge James Matema! Cadet is a typey elegant dog, with a super reach and driving gait, pretty head,structurally sound with a sweet ternperment. Bred & Owned by MONARCH LHASAS MONARCH'S YANKIEH ROSE • • BEST OF OPPOSITE MASON CITY KENNEL CLUB •APRtL% 199 BILL MEYER PHOTO (CH LAMOCS FRISCO JONES JOLEE X CH JOLEE'S GHOLD DIEH LOCKS) Rose is pictured with her first points from the puppy class. Rose would like to thank Marcy Zingler, Lois Wolff White & Tom Conway for recognizing her quality. We proudly boast her proper converging movement,soundness, elegance, gorgeous head & proper coat. MONARCH LHASAS Kristine Harrison & Rita Cottrell 9576 Pitz Road Lamotte Iowa 52054 319-556-2675 77 MOIVIRCH'S DRAGOI)MASTER BEST OF BREED OR \IPRETt CRAB ORCHARD KENNEL CL'OB BILL Ninja would like to thank all the Judges who have appreciated his fine qualities. A Special thanks to Margaret Young Renihan for the Best of Breed win from the puppy class. Ninja congratulates his Dad, Ch Lamocs Frisco Jones Jolee (BISS) and his brother Monarch's Cadet Jones(5 point major & BOW)for their wins at the Greater Milwaukee Lhasa Spso Club. Pedigree and Stud Fee upon request Owned By: Randy Arand Astarte Kennel PO Box 301 Iowa City IA 78 Co-Owned By: Carlene Gatz Gatzby's Genesse Rd Sterling IL Also Co-Owned & Bred By: Kris Harrison & Rita Cottrell Monarch ISABEA0 OF ASSTARTE v ,.„. .,f,. . _,,. , , , . BEST Of NNitiXEK, , ' ILLINOIS cox CAPITMAC et. ic 00 LAM MAI 91 (CH SHANSI'S GENERAL SHERMAN X CH SHANSIS GOLDEN SHANNON) What a beginning: Back To Back 5 point majors Thanks to J Hungerland & S Gardner for the Honors FLASH! 2 more pts at Iowa City under Arley Hussin, only 3 singles to go Owned By: • Randy Arand • Astarte Kennel PO Box 301 Iowa City IA Co-Owned By: Carlene Catz Gatzbys Genesse Rd Sterling IL Subscription s.° issues)$28 USA,$32 C ana Advertising rates: fullpage da/overseas Deadlines.- F $89 ebruary 1, Afay 1, August I, N ovember I One year(4 UNLIMITED flpsD tea4A4'ev 'az Litivset. fULL-SEVICE 41.401541An'e LHASAS TgA resource, information an by Every issue is with articles filled generously on: -winning writers award HEALTH CARE WS • VETERINARY • GROOMING • NUTRITION MANMENT • AGE KENNEL STRATEGIES • BREEDING • scheduled: regularly And INTERVIEWS • PERSONALITY PROFILES STATISTICS • RS WINNE • TOP Lhasa Apso Rankings (Top 51) - Jan. 1, 1991 to April 28, 1991 REC# Lhasa Name BOB BISIBISS GP.1 GP.2 GP.3 GP.4 GP.TOT PTS + +- +--++--+ ---+ ±- - 1 CH. RUFKINS RUDOLPH VALENTINO 10 1 3 2 2 8 34 2 CH. RUFKINS CHIP OFF THE OL ROCK 8 5 2 7 31 3 CH. RHU-HA'S HOU-CHI KOU 23 1 1 3 5 10 28 4 CH. CHAR-RU'S GOT A TIGER TOO 22 1 3 2 3 9 25 5 CH. KAR-LEE'S GOLDEN STAR SPRINKLE 4 1 1 2 3 20 6 CH. KINDERLAND TA SEN SURE FIRE 6 3 2 5 18 7 CH. ANBARA-SAN JO TH' MERRY JESTER 5 1 1 1 2 5 16 8 CH. MARLO PHANTOM 13 2 4 8 14 9 CH. T-RITZ JAZZIN FLORA-BAMA 10 1 2 2 5 14 10 CH. TALIMER SHOW OFF 6 3 1 4 11 11 CH. ORLANE'S THE SHEIK 16 1 1 1 3 10 12 CH. SAN JO MORKNOLL WELLINTON PHD 6 1 2 3 10 13 CH. MANTA'S THIS BUDS FOR YOU SJ 13 1 1 2 8 14 CH. WHITEHOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF 4 1 1 2 8 15 CH. SANDY BEACH BLEW BY-YOU 6 1 1 2 7 16 MARLO DOUBLE AGENT BARBO 3 1 1 5 17 CH. NORBULINGKA'S SERENDIPITY SAMI 2 1 1 2 5 18 CH. FLEETFIRE ON THE ROX 1 1 1 5 19 CH. BODNATH DRAKCHA KHAMPA 1 1 1 4 20 ART-EST BYIN J'MEIN 1 1 1 4 21 CH. RUFKINS KATAS FRONT PG NEWS 1 1 1 4 22 CH. BARJO'S JUST IN TIME 7 1 1 3 23 ABBE'S ANASTASIA OF KNOLWOOD 2 1 1 3 24 CH. HYLAN SHOTRU THUNDER-BIRD 2 1 1 3 25 CH. LAMOCS FRISCO JONES JOLEE 2 1 1 3 26 CH. MARDEL'S WEE WILLIE WONKA 2 1 1 3 27 KIBECO'S ROWDY RASCAL 1 1 1 3 28 CH. CHAR-RU'S READ EM AND WEEP 7 1 1 2 29 CARAVALE'S BILLY JOEL JA-MA 1 1 2 30 CH. TOBARI'S JUST TRUCKIN 1 1 1 2 31 CH. TRA-MAR'S THE TERMINATOR 1 1 1 2 32 RAMBUL'S SINGLETARY 1 1 1 2 33 SHARIL FYRECRACKER 1 1 1 2 34 CH. MOCKINGBIRD'S DAPPER DAN 4 35 FANTASY'S GOLDEN ILLUSION 4 36 KNOLWOOD'S TESS FOR TRUE LOVE 4 37 CH. CAMEO'S REVALATION 3 38 CH. CAMELOT ROYALE 3 39 CH. DALI'S ICEY LITE 3 40 CH. KAI-LA-SHA HONEST INJUN 3 41 CH. MADOROS RENEGADE GEMSTONE 3 42 CH. MARLO SOMETHIN EXTRA 3 43 CH. MISTI ACRES KOPPER PENNY 3 44 CH. ART-EST KEEPING THE FAITH 2 45 CH. FANFAIR WHO GOES THERE 2 46 CH. MARLO SOMETHIN SPECIAL 2 47 CH. ORLANE'S AUSTIN OF LORIEN 2 48 CH. TABU'S WINE N' ROSES 2 49 DANBRE'S THE ENFORCER 2 50 FLEETFIRE ON THE ROX 2 51 SAN JO WYNDWOOD FOOT FETISH 2 Compiled from the records of 1991 THE JUDGING FORM (Copyright publication of Sentinel Consultants Inc. - Ken Troy, Preside nt) The Lhasa Apso standings for 1991 are based on a point system as follows : Best In Show Best In Specialty Show Group 1 10 points 5 points(ALAC 10 pts.) 5 points Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 4 points 3 points 2 points In the event of point ties, dog with the highest number of Best of Breeds first. After that dogs are listed alphabetically. 81 Sentinel Consultants Inc. 29 Miller Road Wayne, New Jersey 07470 A COMPLETE LOW COST COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR ONLY $700 price of a computer The current competitive market for Personal computers have brought the , computer and Letter system down to it's lowest levels in history. You can own a complete system but a computer as powerful as quality printer for as low as $965. We are not talking about a toy was available in a mini-computer just 5 years ago. 286 PC - 12 Mhz - 1 Mgb RAM - 5/1.2 Mgb Floppy - 101 Keyboard 43 Mgb Hard disk - 12" Monochrome Monitor $ 700 es 286 PC- 12 Mhz - 1 Mgb RAM - 5/1.2 Mgb & 3 1/2" 1.44 Mgb Floppi r monito Color VGA 14" disk Hard 101 Keyboard - 43 Mgb es 386SX PC - 16 Mhz - 1 Mgb RAM - 5/1.2 Mgb & 3 1/2" 1.44 Mgb Floppi r 101 Keyboard - 85 Mgb Hard disk - 14" VGA Color monito 950 1,225 es 386 PC - 25 Mhz - 2 Mgb RAM - 5/1.2 Mgb & 3 1/2" 1.44 Mgb Floppi r monito Color 101 Keyboard - 85 Mgb Hard disk - 14" Super VGA PANASONIC KX-P1 123 240 cps 24 pin Letter Quality Dot Matrix Printer 1,750 265 fonts in 5 font sizes. This latest model printer offers front panel font selection of 5 popular Completely Epson compatible. e price as follows: There are several options that will either raise or lower our packag add Color VGA monitor deduct ... color) of ad (inste hrome Monoc add Mgb 43 of d instea disk Hard 85 Mgb add . Mgb... 85 of d instea disk hard 120 Mgb add Mgb 1 each Extra RAM $ 150 150 100 100 60 Mhz computers, Laser We have other models such as 386/33Mhz, 486/25Mhz-SX, 486/33TITIV E QUOTES. printers, modems and Tape Back up systems. ASK FOR OUR COMPE FREE EXTRA OFFER 0 and recieve a FREE Purchase the "JUDGING FORM" report software for Lhasa Apso's at $25.0 for 1 year. value) ($50 rly quarte issued 1 year subscription of the LHASA APSO data base, ''PEDMAKER" am progr ee Pedigr known y tionall OR.... we will provide a FREE copy of our interna (a $30.00 value.) cturer. Each computer has a 1 year parts and labor guarantee by the manufa ************** *********************************** *********************************** printer. $30.00 charge for Terms are: Check or money order for the cost of the computer &fax outside of New Jersey. (NJ sales No ng. shippi shipping and handling. Printer only $ 10.00 ARGE...and AMERICAN EXPRESS. residents add 7% sales tax). We also accept VISA...MASTERCH tants Inc. at (201) 694-0424 from el For more information or to place an order call Sentin Consul 5PM to 10PM EST or all day Saturday. 82 ON THE BACK COVER . .. . SANLO - Puouo owneus oc AMIR' _ZAN CANAZ:21N CHAMP-ON 7HtUNlo)1EARIC9) FEW1,21N1 OHCD BISS Ch Ssho Tru Hylan Tak'm By Storm ROM X Ch Hylan Orlane Snowbird ROM elegible) T-Bird is now lovingly handled by Barbara Finanger with multiple group placements. Owners: Breeders: Michael Santora & Alan Loso "T-Bird flies on Science Deit" Pat Keen & Midge Hylton 12525 SW 240 St • Princeton FL 33032 • 305-258-2240 New Members G Jean Taylor 1417W Walnut Independence MO 64050 461-7204 Marilyn B Ricciotti 112 Clubhouse RD West Greenwich RI 02817 401-397-7543 Diana M Dakin 36 Pleasant Circle Canton MA SENGH KYE 617-828-7528 Sally J Weisse & William Weisse 3664 W CR 100S New Castle IN 47362 317-529-4229 ESTEEM Susan Lopez & Cirilo Lopez 20410 SW 116 Rd Miami FL 33189 305-255-0301 Ida Watts 324 Manchester Rd West Timperly Altrincham WA 145NB England KENIDA 061-973-1577 Rhana Hanood 7301 Briggle SW E Sparta OH 44626 216-484-3222 Megan Morrison 23016 Garzota Dr Valencia CA 91355 805-297-3741 Sylvia Mallin Nestle 4026 Manner Circle Westlake Village CA 91361 818-889-7958 NIL Ney Greene Debbie Greene 16407 Hexham Drive Spring TX 77379 713-251-9852 Claire Yates Box 1427 Baytown TX 77522 421-3028 Bill Baldwin Mary Jo Baldwin 6469 S Garland Ct Littleton CO 80123 303-979-2237 Leslie DuShane PO Box 834. 112 N 5 Noble OK 73068 405-872-5205 Richard Voss & Barbara Voss 824 E 4th Ave Milan IL 61264 309-787-4274 Mary Powers & Stephanie Kodis & Carol Kodis 291 Pleasant St Canton MA 02021 617-828-0553 Sylvia Prat 16535 103 St Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5X 2E5 403-456-7476 H Lorne Davis 418-112 St East Saskatoon, Sask Canada S7N 1V6 DAVILOR William Eugene Warren PO Box 681 Mims FL 32754 KIPU LHASAS 407-267-5632 George Setchell Yvette Setchell 1819 Overhill Road Concord CA 94520 415-798-3382 Juha Kares Pajatie 5 21450 Tarvasjoki Finland 358-21-847039 CHIC CHOIX Patricia L Havis 1221 Wakefield Houston TX 77018 713-956-1098 Sara Kautz 9665 Flordia Rd Durango CO 81301 303-247-2836 Ellen & Stacy Voss 101 N Vista St Los Angeles CA 213-934-8292 GALAXY Mona Reinholdt Peterson & Susanne Carlsen Linde Alle'7 Vester Nebel DK-6040 Egtved, Denmark +45 75 554283 CONSETT Renee Kirkland & Chris Kirkland 4904 S Birch Ave Broken Arrow OK 74011 918-455-4651 Graham Maxwell Treacey 65 Clarke St Northcote, Victoria. 3070 Australia 011-61-3-481-5035 HOXTER John A Salamone 1421 4th Ave Terre Haute IN 47807 812-235-2226 83 SECOND 1N GROUP •TONKA, K.0 AM CAN CH HYLAN SHO TRU THUNDERBIRD The Lhasa Bulletin BU< RATE US POSTAGE PAID RICHMOND VA PERMIT #141 SUSAN S GILES 2373 WHEATLAND DRIVE MANAKIN-SABOT, VA 23103 804-749-4912 address correction requested Paul S Voigt Lois H Voigt 13745 Wellington Crescent Burnsville MN 55337-4336
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Mr & Mrs Max Spears
PO Box 758
Clinton, OK 73601