The Lhasa Bulletin The Lhasa Bulletin
The Lhasa Bulletin The Lhasa Bulletin
The Lhasa Bulletin The Lhasa Bulletin Published byApso The American Lhasa Apso Club Published by The American Lhasa Club Fall 2011 Fall 2011 A KISS IS JUST A KISS, BUT A TANGO . . . . . . . . . LET THE DANCE BEGIN . . . . . . 2 3 INTRODUCING SANTA INEZ LHASAS OWNED BY DR. MARIA HENLEY AND CHARLES KARISCH Ch. Odie’s One Happy Freebird (Ziggy) (Ch. San-Dhi’s Stevie Ray Odie X Ch. Lucas’ Little Lacie Odie) Ch. Luna Brave Shining Light (Luna) Odie Zoey Be My Valentine ( Zoey) (Ch. San-Dhi’s Stevie Ray Odie X Joysln Hoolihan Odie) (Ch. San-Dhi’s Stevie Ray Odie X Ch. Odie Amazn Grace Crossfield) Maria grew up in Bogota, Columbia near her parents coffee plantation, Santa Inez. Memories of that beautiful country live on in the name of her Lhasa Kennel in Hempstead, TX. Maria bought all of her foundation dogs from Sandy Fluhart, Odie Lhasas. Owners: Dr. Maria Henley & Charles Karisch 816 Wilkins Hempstead, TX 77445 (979) 826-2296 [email protected] 4 5 Solid Gold SunDancer A chicken-based dog food is finally here. Several years ago, Solid Gold decided to develop a chicken-based dog food. Then, came the bird/avian flu and chickens were contaminated and chicken-based dog foods were pulled off the market. Solid Gold waited. Then, in 2009-2010 the chicken/egg salmonella poisoning caused many chicken-based dog foods to be recalled. Now, chickens have been given a clean bill of health, so Solid Gold introduced SUNDANCER. This unique dog food is an advance of all other chicken-based dog foods on the market. Peas are a good source of protein, but caused gas in many dogs. However, we researched and found that if tapioca and the grain quinoa were mixed with peas, gas doesn’t form. So we used these unique ingredients. Tear stains in some dogs are problems. It is usually an allergy to some ingredients in the dog’s food. However, we found Chia seed/ AKA Salba, neutralizes this problem. People may know Chia seed as Chia Pets, that clay head that sprouts “hair” when water is added. But Chia is much more than a novelty Chia has been called the Ancient Grain of the Future. Aztecs and Mayans mixed the seeds with water to form a gel. It was taken internally not only as a cleanser to remove irritants in the intestinal tract, but was used for endurance. It was the only food used by ancient warriors and athletes during an activity. When the gel was applied topically to wounds or skin irritations, the skin healed rapidly. We also put Chia for internal healing in our Sundancer dog food. The most fascinating ingredient in our SunDancer is curcumin, the root from the turmeric plant. It has a 4,000 year old history for curing a variety of health problems in India. Curcumin is known worldwide as the “Indian Solid Gold”. That’s a nice déjà vu expression. Perhaps, curcumin is most well-known for its use in cancer. The Indians say that there are 33 channels of cancer, and curcumin address all of them. The University of Maryland Medical Center found that curcumin lowered bad cholesterol to reduce the cause of stroke. It also reduced pressure on the eye. Curcumin gives mustard the yellow color and the spice flavor. See Dr. David H Frig, MBA found turmeric/curcumin inhibited amyloid plaque from forming in the brain which contributed to Alzheimer’s disease. In 1958, the U.S. Congress wanted to fund a study for the elimination of cancer using turmeric/curcumin. But the big pharmaceutical companies put forth such a large lobby, that it was stopped. They said such a study would interfere with the revenue from their cancer drugs. One pharmaceutical person said that if this curcumin were so effective, they would synthesize it and make it into a prescription drug. In 1971, President Nixon agreed to begin a new curcumin/cancer study. But the Watergate problem stopped that. Look for our shiny purple bags of Solid Gold SunDancer dog food. We also use fish to support the DNA of Oriental dogs, Arctic dogs and dogs originally from England, Scotland, Ireland, and all water dogs (such as labs, poodles, terriers, retrievers, and sporting dogs). If you don’t add fish to these dog’s diet, they may develop allergies in the lower legs and chew or lick their feet. Look for the two dancing dogs on the bag of our hermetically, vacuum sealed bags for freshness. Do not pour the food out into another container. Open the bag, scoop out what you need and close with bag clips or clothes pins. The act of pouring exposes the food to air. We use no chemical preservatives in our fresh Solid Gold dog foods. A Funny Story Sissy, the owner of Solid Gold, was recently at a dog show and it was quite warm. Someone commented that the news said that the planet, Saturn, with its rings, was heating up the galaxy. A near-by 10 year old girl standing close by said she knew what Saturn looked like. She said “that’s the planet with the hula hoops”. Now, don’t you feel old! For a catalog or store near you, call or email us at: (619) 258-7356 (M,W,F 10-5 PST) or E-mail us at [email protected] or Solid Gold Holistic Animal Nutrition Center 1331 N. Cuyamaca, El Cajon, CA 92020 6 7 The Lhasa Bulletin Editor/Publisher Bobbie Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016-1512 908-272-8995 [email protected] ALAC OnLine Susan Giles 2373 Wheatlands Dr. Manakin-Sabot, VA23103 804-749-4912 [email protected] Fall Issue 2011 Advertising Rates Business Manager Jan Bruton 5406 SW Woods Court Portland, OR 97221 503-297-7267 [email protected] Publishing and Distribution Officeware, LLC - Jackie Faust 58 Ark Road Medford, NJ 08055 609-714-0470 [email protected] Full Page................................................$80.00 Half Page...............................................$45.00 Front Cover......................................... $250.00 Back Cover..........................................$150.00 Inside Front Cover...............................$110.00 Inside Back Cover...............................$110.00 Pages 3,4,5...........................................$100.00 Centerfold (inc 2 pictures) ..................$250.00 Add’l Photo any ad................................$10.00 Please send original Photos ONLY. Payment must accompany ad(s). Make check payable to ALAC. DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE--December 1, 2011 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff IMPORTANT!!! To insure the safe return of photos Please send them in a photo mailer addressed to you. Then place that mailer in another envelope and send photos, check and return postage (stamps only) to Bobbie Wood. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Table of Contents ALAC Awards Form...........................................................31 ALAC Board Minutes..............................................24,26,27 ALAC Bulletin Rates............................................................68 ALAC Committee Chairs......................................................10 ALAC Finantial Reports....................................................28 ALAC National Information........................................32, 33 ALAC New Members..........................................................28 ALAC Officers.....................................................................10 ALAC President’s Page..........................................................9 ALAC Yearbook Info...........................................................34 Andrews..............................................18-19 Bruton...................................................11 Burton..........................................................................22, 23 Ca n n i m o re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dargie...............................................................14 D ra k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Clark......................................................................BC, 35-39 Djeredjian.............................................CenterfoldFitzgerald.........................................................15 Hamilton..............................................2-3 H a r r i s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C o v e r, 1 3 Henley..................................................4 Lombardi....................................................12 N C L AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 S o l i d Go l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Su s a g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Wo o d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Zink........................................................17 Special Thanks to Fran Strayer and Lots Apsos Specialties for the wonderful Lhasa drawings. The Lhasa Bulletin is published by the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. The Lhasa Bulletin is supported by member’s dues, utilizing $6.00 per member per year. Subscription is 3 times annually for all ALAC members. The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of ALAC, the publisher,or it’s advertisers. The advertising space provided in The Lhasa Bulletin is purchased and paid for by the advertiser. The Lhasa Bulletin and it’s staff are not responsible for opinions and statements expressed in signed articles or paid advertisements. None of the products or services are necessarily endorsed by ALAC. 8 President’s Message Fall 2011 Club Governance – a reminder on the basics ALAC is a club that is governed by its Constitution and Bylaws. The Board of Directors is elected by the membership and their responsibility is to make decisions on behalf of the club throughout the year. This is accomplished through telephone conference meetings which are conducted five times a year and one meeting held in conjunction with the National Specialty. Per our by-laws, the only voting that is required to be sent to the general membership is for the Election of Officers, AKC Delegate, and Board of Directors, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws and changes to the Breed Standard. Any other questions for decision of the members by written ballot are done at the discretion of the board. Meet The Breeds - This board has committed to supporting AKC’s Meet the Breeds in both NYC and in Orlando. These two events allow ALAC to show case our breed to the largest possible audience. It’s an opportunity to educate the public and to encourage responsible ownership of our breed. People looking for puppies can be steered toward buying from responsible breeders. There is no other equivalent exposure for our breed. Thanks are extended to Ann Burton, point person for the NYC event and to Ed Valle, point person for the Orlando event. JEC Activity -The board has also committed to supporting judges education. By “committed”, we have established a budget for this activity which allows ALAC volunteers to assist in the programs without having to incur personal expense to support the activity. Thanks go to Leslie ALAC has committees with assigned responsibilities. The committees and their responsibilities are found in the ALAC Handbook, which can be found on the website. The committees are comprised of volunteers who recommend changes to existing policies or documents within their purview to the board. The board then reviews the recommendations and makes decisions based on the information provided. Baumann and her assistants for conducting a highly successful seminar at the Penta Institute in August. Now seems like an appropriate time to thank all of the ALAC members who WORK for the club, either by serving on the board or on a committee. For others, perhaps it is time to consider volunteering for a committee or running for a position next year. If you want your voice to be heard, then consider making a commitment to work within the club and its committees. The current board of directors has a very good record of attendance and takes their responsibility seriously. We are well aware of the steep decline in registration of Lhasas – which is certainly not unique to our breed – but does impact the number of ALAC members and the number of people involved both in the club and in AKC events. The pool of volunteers to assist in running any club activity is dwindling as our overall membership age increases, and our commitment to breeding and showing dogs changes with age. Appointments - The board approved the appointment of Steve Campbell as Show Chairperson for the 2012 National Specialty and the appointment of Debby Rothman as Native Stock Committee Registrar. Thanks to both individuals for your willingness to serve the club in two important positions. And as a last – but extremely rewarding personal note - thank you Susie Fain and Sue Roeder for letting me know that the fabulous agility Lhasa, “Parkir”, would be competing 20 miles from where I live. Having now met all “3” of you, I have once again fallen in love with another very special Lhasa and have a renewed respect for those members participating in Agility. The bond that was so evident between Parkir ALAC belongs to its members – the board is open to any well thought out idea that would benefit all members. We are making efforts to reach out to members via ALAC online and will continue to utilize this method of communication to publicize both past and future activities. We recognize the need to better communicate with the members – and members need to attempt to voice thoughts directly to appropriate committee chair persons or to a board member. That’s the method that works the best, and I encourage all of you to use it. and Sue was heartwarming. What a treat! ADVERTISERS PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR AD COPY (as a Word.doc) BY E-MAIL TO [email protected] If you have a special font or layout in mind, please send a hard copy with your photos. I will do my best to duplicate your layout 9 THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs Club Year November 1, 2010-October 31, 2011 PRESIDENT Barbara Schwartz PO Box 749 Mancos, CO 81328 [email protected] 970-533-1030 SECRETARY Ann Burton 9413 Corsica Dr. Bethesda, MD 20814 [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT Joyce Johanson 126 Kurlene Drive Macomb, IL 61455 [email protected] 309-837-1665 AKC DELEGATE (2010) Ray Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston, VA 20190 [email protected] 703-471-7584 TREASURER 301-346-3216 Marsha Susag 5303 River Drive, Fargo, ND 58102 [email protected] 701-235-6211 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2012 Class of 2011 Class of 2013 Jan Bruton 5406 SW Woods Court Portland, OR 97221 [email protected] 503-297-7267 Vickie Kuhlmann 1224 Autumn Purple Dr. Loveland, CO 80538 [email protected] 970-663-5910 Susan Giles 2373 Wheatlands Dr. Manakin-Sabot, VA23103 [email protected] 8 04-749-4912 Naomi Hanson 1806 Cedar Springs Lane Anacortes, WA 98221 [email protected] 360-293-7110 Jan Graunke 4626Calumet Ave. Manitowoc, WI 54220 [email protected] 920-683-2245 Beverly Simms 5 West 27th St. Merced, CA 95340 [email protected] 209-722-32351 Edwin Valle 12901 Los Alamitos Ct. Orlando, FL32837 [email protected] 407-854-9384 Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016 [email protected] 908-272-8995 Clay Williams 1315 Clearview Dr. Allen, TX 75002 [email protected] 972-727-8968 ALAC COMMITTEES AKC GAZETTE Cassandra de la Rosa 1312 11th Court SW Olympia, WA 98502 [email protected] ALAC AWARDS Cheryl Zink 30453 Birchwood St. Westland, MI 48185 [email protected] Co-Chair: Bobbie Wood ALAC BULLETIN Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016-1512 [email protected] ALAC Online Susan Giles 2373 Wheatlands Dr. Manakin-Sabot, VA23103 [email protected] ALAC WEBSITE Marsha Susag 5303 River Drive, Fargo, ND 58102 [email protected] BREEDER EDUCATION Janice Tilley 12 Church St Oxford, MA 01540 [email protected] Co-Chair: Don Evans BREED RESCUE Helen Brown 144 Stone Ridge Ct. Everett, PA 15537 [email protected] 360-357-6743 734-728-5810 908-272-8995 804-749-4912 701-235-6211 508-987-1068 814-624-5136 BREEDER REFERRAL Mid-West: Leslie Baumann East Coast: Beverly Drake West Coast: Susan Vaughn 219-462-9520 410-592-6636 949-720-1808 BREED STANDARD Don Evans 3570 Windsor La Huntingtown, MD 20639 301-494-3647 [email protected] FINANCE Ray Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston, VA 20190 703-471-7584 [email protected] FUTURITY Lynn Replogle 1218 Amsterdam Ave. Madison, WI 53716 608-221-4332 [email protected] HANDBOOK Melissa Torgerson 15244 Upper 63rd St. Sillwater, MN 55082 651-283-7571 [email protected] HEALTH & GENETICS Dr. Don Schwartz, VMD PO Box 749 Mancos, CO 81328 970-533-1030 [email protected] HISTORIAN Linda Crabill Byrne 10 Via Cimarron Monterey, CA 93940 831-647-0449 [email protected] JUDGES EDUCATION Don Hanson [email protected] Leslie Baumann [email protected] 360-293-7110 219-462-9520 MEMBERSHIP Joyce Johanson 126 Kurlene Drive Macomb, IL 61455 [email protected] NATIONAL SPECIALTY Naomi Hanson 1806 Cedar Springs Lane Anacortes, WA 98221 [email protected] 309-837-1655 360-293-7110 COMPANION EVENTS Agility Coordinator: Robin Fisher [email protected] Obedience Coordinator: Bobbie Wood Rally Coordinator: Bobbie Wood [email protected] NATIVE STOCK Debby Rothman [email protected] 303-674-0136 REGIONAL CLUB LIASON Jan Bruton [email protected] 503-297-7267 SUNSHINE & RESCUE DONATIONS Bev Drake 410-592-6636 11506 Harford Rd Glen Arm, MD21057 [email protected] WAYS & MEANS Amber Chaviano 7183 Marsh Dr. Conway, SC 29527 [email protected] YEARBOOK Carla Varney 124 Fire Department Ln. Jacksboro, TN 37757 [email protected] If you would like to work on a committee, contact the committee chair or Barbara Schwartz [email protected] 10 843-685-5228 423-562-4741 11 Rufkins - Monarch Looking Good for the QUEEN!!!!!!! Ch. Rufkins Monarch Not Just Any Mardi Gras “Vivian” (Ch Rufkins Gettin Hot In Here x Ch Rufkins Not Just Any Hurricane) Finished with 5 majors.. and a breed from the classes Breeders/Owners/ Handlers Roberta Lombardi and Kristine Harrison 12 COVER STORY “Tango” Dancing her way into everyone’s hearts... Group Winning, Best in Specialty Show GCh. Monarch Rufkins Tango in Paris (Ch Rufkins Squeezin Into A Speedo x Ch Rufkins The Ultimate Partigirl) NOW a Group Winner - Thank You KeKe Kahn Beautifully presented by Daryl Martin Owned by: Kristine Harrison, Mary Anne Stafford, Roberta Lombardi 13 Jeda Lasacas Bostonian “Boston” Ch. Wyndcatch New Kid in Town x Ch. Lasacas Jeda Midsummer Morning Thank you, Mr Shoreman, for recognising Boston’s classical Apso type, structure, movement and style without exageration, qualities we feel are hard to find in the breed today. A special thanks to Janet Lacasse, Victoria Watterson, Goldy and Dea Andrews for which all this was made possible. Breeder/Owner/Handler Jean and Jennifer Dargie Jeda Lhasa Apsos [email protected] 14 Alasara Introducing our New Champion “Airy” ALAC Futurity 2010 Best Puppy Ch. Kumi Kian Hot Diggity X Ch. Kumi Kian Cauzin A Commotion Ch. Kumi Kian Hot Affair Owned & Loved by Bobbie Wood - ANBARA Sarah Fitzgerald -ALASARA Jackie Thibaut Eubanks Thank you , Tia & Ann 15 Bred by Ann Lanterman Tia McLaughlin KUMI KIAN MLS Dakota Lhasas Meet the newest Champion at MLS Dakota Lhasa Apsos: Champion MLS Desiderata Lindy Ch MLS Jedi Prairie Cowboy X AM/CAN Ch Desiderata Mustang Sally RN, NAJ Thank you to Judges: Keke Kahn, Edd Bivin, James Frederiksen, Dr Roger Pritchard Lorraine Boutwell for awarding points to Lindy Thank you to: Lois DeMers and Tonia Holibaugh for showing her for me In Memory Ch MLS Jedi Prairie Cowboy Ch MiToya MLS Price is Right X Ch Jedi’s Rambler Re’Bell H” “BUTC It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to one of my “heart” dogs, Ch MLS Jedi Prairie Cowboy. Known as Butch (two boys in the litter and they just acted like Butch and Sundance from the time they started crawling around!), he was my first homebred champion. His spirit lives on in ND and through his get, Lindy and Twist. [email protected] Fargo, ND Marsha Susag, MLS Dakota Lhasa Apsos 16 MING LHASA APSOS ROM Shisedo Hylan Shotru Daytona x Ch. Ming’s Devine Inspiration CH. MING’S TALLADEGA NIGHTS Walker is shown winning Best of Winners for a major under Judge Mrs. Dennis (Mary Lou) Kniola. Walker finished his championship August 5th. Thanks to all the judges that have rewarded his great movement and correct type. Walker is owned and loved by Cheryl & Bred by Cheryl & Cynthia Zink. Ming Lhasa Apsos ROM David and Cheryl Zink Westland, MI 48186 734-728-5810 [email protected] 17 ~Carrington Lhasa Apsos~ Orlane’s Lady Chairman Bred By: Linda K. Smith Our sweet Clair has qualified for her ROM. We are so honored that Linda has shared this very special girl with us. We would love to share the following photos of her kids with you. Rider Ester Ch. Orlane’s Easy Rider at Carrington Ch. Orlane’s Easy on The Eyes Breeders: Sired by Ch. Orlane’s Easy To Be Me Linda K. Smith Goldy & Dea Andrews 18 ~Carrington Lhasa Apsos~ Audrey Ch. Carrington’s FIGJAM Ch. Carrington’s I Kid You Not Breeders: Goldy & Dea Andrews Mikey Sired By English Import 19 Ch. Wyndcatch New Kid In Town ~Kiddo~ 20 21 Lionhart “Hairy” Ch. Suntory Lionhart Maker’s Mark x Lionhart Buttercup Baby Ch. Lionhart Prince Hairy Hairy finished under Joan Scott at Southern Maryland Kennel Club on July 2nd. Thank you Mrs. Scott! Most of the judges who awarded Hairy have remarked of a lovely temperament among his assets. Lionhart is very proud of this Markie son.! Hairy thanks the many two legged friends who took him back in the ring! Lionhart Lhasa Apsos Bred , Owned & Handled by Ann Burton 22 301-346-3216, [email protected] Lionhart Ch. Lionhart Marco Polo Marco Polo has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. From his birth he was the intrepid explorer, cruising the borders of the whelping box while his littermates were warm and cozy with mom, Krystal. Marco finished easily and quickly but the ring was not his love. He excelled rather in his affinity for companionship, becoming the faithful devotee to my mother, now 94. Marco was an admired and accomplished visitor at Carriage Hill Nursing Home where he was always happy to visit any resident, not just his own people. Visitors to the house were greeted in a quiet but friendly manner, petting was welcomed but not demanded This wonderful Lhasa was all one could hope for in a first homebred champion. He has passed his charms to children Miss Piggy and Hugh Bear, and his granddaughters LeeAnn and Red and on into further generations. We know he is exploring over the Rainbow Bridge until his people arrive. We love you, puppy! 23 American Lhasa Apso Club Conference Call Board Meeting Board of Directors Meeting April 23, 2011 Regional Club Liaison No reports from local clubs, no comments were submitted. In Attendance: Jan Bruton, Jan Graunke, Naomi Hanson, Barbara Schwartz, Ann Burton, Joyce Johanson, Susan Giles, Ed Valle , Vicki Kuhlman, Clay Williams and Ray Sledzik. NSSC Absent: Bev Simms and Marsha Susag. Report accepted as submitted. The budget request will be moved to New Business. The committee should have some proposals by the next meeting. Barbara called the meeting to order at 8:10pm EDT. National Specialty Linda Jarrett submitted a report. Bobbie questioned whether the catalogue would be in color or not. Barbara said we should get estimates for color or black and white. Bobbie agreed to send Mary Jane Orrie a copy of the 50th anniversary catalogue to give her access to the list of advertisers. Clay is concerned that Onofrio charges a lot for the pages and the cost for color ads may be prohibitive. This information should be forthcoming. Naomi commented on the wording in the McCartney art for the specialty. They will ask for colored dogs. Minutes correction in Joyce’s committee membership. Additions to the agenda NB approval of naked dog sweepstakes Selection of show site for 2013 Selection of 2012 show chairman Secretary Report Report on correspondence sent to Dr. Marley and Amy Cross The NSC vote on the Gompa dogs passed by a vote of 154 to 64, providing the necessary 2/3 majority. 375 ballots were mailed to the membership. The secretary received a petition from Bev Simms for consideration by the board. OLD BUSINESS Awards of Merit Barbara researched how the AKC Eukanuba and Westminister KC shows compute the number of AOMs to be awarded. 20% is the figure they use. We are changing from 20 Selects at the National to 20% of the Specials entry. AOMs will be awarded at both the Regional and the National and they can be awarded to dogs other than specials (e.g. Winners or Reserve). Selects are not eligible. Bobbie moved (2011-21) and Ray seconded a motion that 20% of entries in the best of breed competition determine the number of AOMs awarded at the National and at the Regional Specialties. BOB, BOS and the Select Dog and Select Bitch are not eligible for AOM. All other entries are eligible. AOMs are awarded at the discretion of the judge. Barbara will have AKC review the wording of the motion. The motion passed. Treasurer Report Question on net income from recent agility trials and a loss posted prior to the event. The event did make a profit. Revenue had not been received at the time of the report. AKC Delegate Report Ray attended the delegate meeting. There were only two ballots for the new directors at the meeting. Elected to the Board were: Steve Gladstone, Carmen Battaglia, and Robert Amen. There was an issue regarding delegates who were employed by AKC and dismissed and then sent as delegates to AKC. Handbook By-laws Ann will send the minutes of the last meeting to Bud so he can make the changes suggested. Bud will make the revisions and Ann will send the new By-laws to AKC with a cover letter. Ask Bud to respond in two weeks. Target date is June 1. When the hand book gets out online it is easy to revise. Hold off printing the handbook until this is resolved. We could make copies of it for new members until it’s resolved. COMMITTEE REPORTS Joyce did not get to speak with Melissa. Melissa sent cost quotes from Fed Ex and she is awaiting another quote. She sent a recommendation as to size and so forth. Melissa needs feedback about her submissions. There were suggestions to take out things like the cost of plaques for BOB at the national. On the NSC section we need to take out the part about the trip to the Tibetan Plateau. The section on regions should be in the directory section. Suggestions were made as to other sources for printing at a lower cost. Vicki will explore some resources she has used for printing and let Melissa know. We will set a target date to get the handbook and directory up on the web site. Clay had a concern about having his name and information on the web site. That information will be in the member’s only section of the web site and this was acceptable to Clay. The target date is June 1. Plaques Jan, Marsha and Bev obtained prices. Marsha gave us the cost analysis. Susan moved (2011-22) and Joyce seconded a motion to accept the proposal submitted by Jan Graunke to do the plaques. The motion passed. ALAC Online Send a reminder to Marsha to send hard copy of this to members (23) who do not have computers. Member of the Year Award Review of the requirements for the nomination was provided by Barbara and Joyce. Nominations may be made by members and sent to the Recording Secretary. The board will vote by secret ballot to select the honoree. The nomination information will be sent to the board members. Judges Education Move Mentoring Guidelines in the report to New Business. Report accepted as is. Membership Joyce has posted the list of prospective new members. They will be accepted if she receives no demurs by Friday. Susan asked to be notified once they are accepted. Jan moved (2011-23) and Vicki seconded a motion to accept the proposal. The motion passed. 24 MISTI ACRES INTRODUCES THEIR NEWEST CHAMPION CH MISTI ACRES AUNTIE EM MISTI ACRES LHASA APSOS BEVERLY DRAKE 11506 HARFORD ROAD GLEN ARM, MARYLAND 21057 Ch Baywind Misti Acres The Jag X Ch Misti Acres Proud Mary Emma started her show career at the 2010 National. BEST PUPPY – REGIONAL JUDGE – CHRIS LEVY BEST PUPPY – NATIONAL SPECIALTY JUDGE – NEIL GRAVES Emma was never out of the ribbons, finishing from the Bred by Exhibitor class with four majors. Thank you to all the judges who recognized her fine qualities. Keke Kahn Kenneth Buxton Joan Scott Jon Cole Rita Holloway Marjorie Doane 25 American Lhasa Apso Club Conference Call Board Meeting Show Chair for 2012 Susan will get the information out on ALAC Online and we will ask for a deadline of August 1. In future years there will be an earlier deadline. The Board can vote via email. Bulletin Need a show chair in Massachusetts for 2012. Several names were suggested. Very experienced. Carol Kodis works very well with the hotel in MA and is good to work with as a site coordinator for the show chair. NEW BUSINESS JEC Mentoring Guidelines. Naomi moved (2011-29) and Jan seconded a motion to accept the guidelines. Bobbie raised the question of personal opinion when mentoring, commenting that some personal opinion has always been involved with mentoring. We agreed that as long as the opinion was not in opposition to the breed standard or the JEC program it was acceptable. Personal opinions should be identified as such. Change the first sentence to say “focus the discussion on the standard and ALAC educational material and refrain from offering personal opinion in direct conflict with those materials.” Motion passed as amended. Susan and Bobbie presented a proposal to publish the Bulletin on line. There would be a savings from the current format. Various possible benefits were mentioned. They want to try it and assess the reaction. Ray made a motion (2011-24) that we try publishing the next issue online in addition to the printed version. Vicki seconded the motion. Motion passed. This will have to be coordinated with George and Marsha. Mailings Betty Chidley has the 2nd round of judges ballot ready to go. Clay committed to having the nominations ready by May 1. Barbara wants to combine these items to save money in mailing costs. Not sure if the By-laws will be ready. The question of who will mail the information was discussed. Barb and Marsha will determine the best provider for this service after comparing costs. The Board is in Executive Session as of 9:55 EDT. The meeting was adjourned at 10:19 EDT Respectfully Submitted, Ann Burton, Secretary NSSC Steve submitted a request for a budget of $400. Susan moved (201125)and Bobbie seconded a motion to approve the budget of $400. The motion passed. Minutes ALAC Board Meeting June 22, 2011 Member Resignation Amy Cross resigned from the club due to an inquiry into her ROM status. Future award applications will require that AKC registration numbers and issue dates of certificate be provided. AKC customer service can verify championships and dates if certificates are unavailable as long as registration number is provided. The meeting was called to order at 8PM EDT. The roll was called. Present were Barbara Schwartz, Jan Bruton, Joyce Johanson, Susan Giles, Clay Williams, Bobbie Wood, Ray Sledzik, Ann Burton, Marsha Susag, Naomi Hanson, Beverly Simms, and Vicki Kuhlman. Absent: Ed Valle. Meet the Breeds New York is November 19 and 20 at the Javets Center. Ann Burton volunteered and JoAnn Germano and Etta Orenstein have agreed to help. Clay moved (2011-26) and Joyce seconded the motion to approve a budget of $1000 each for MTB in New York in November and Orlando in December. The motion passed. Secretary’s Report: The minutes were accepted as submitted on a motion by Naomi, seconded by Joyce. Treasurer’s Report: Beverly moved and Bobbie seconded a motion to accept the report as submitted. JEC Budget Clay moved (2011-27) and Jan G. seconded a motion to approve the AKC Delegate Report: budget of $1000 for the JEC. The motion passed. Ray missed the last meeting due to travel. He noted the Gazette and Awards publications will be electronic publications effective October 1. The list of Lhasa champions will be sent by email every month. Naked Dog Sweeps Linda Jarrett submitted a proposal for a special attraction sweepstakes at the National. A local breeder will be the judge. There will be a Breeder Ed program on structure presented by a local veterinarian. Jan moved (2011-28) and Clay seconded a motion to hold a cut down dog sweepstakes at the national. The motion passed. Handbook – Committee Reports requested a target date to get the Handbook on-line. We have to wait for the approval (or not) of the by-laws changes. Membership – 2013 Show Site Two new members are approved as of today. The show would normally be in the western division. Currently the Western Division is the NW and California. California has an increasing amount of anti-dog legislation. Arizona is in the section as is Las Vegas. Naomi will check into sites in the Phoenix, AR area. Jan will check into California. Clay will follow leads in Las Vegas. Regional Clubs – Discussed asking Dana Read and Melissa Torgesson to link the Merrimack and Twin Cities newsletters (electronic) to ALAC Online. Other electronic regional club newsletters could be linked also. 26 American Lhasa Apso Club Conference Call Board Meeting Bulletin – Canine Health Conference: This conference is being held at the Purina Center in St. Louis. $200 is the registration fee. Sandy Copeland is arranging to go. Susan moved (2011-36) and Bev seconded a motion to pay the registration and request a written report from Sandy. The motion passed The latest issue is online. The plan to go electronic will be presented at the general meeting in October. NSSC – The committee proposed two possible ways to realign the regions. One option was to divide the country into two regions. The second option would add two states to Region 1 in order to provide more convenient travel locations and affordable show sites. After discussion, the board decided to submit the two proposed realignments to the membership via written ballot. Website – Meet the Breeds in Orlando: Barb has contacted Rob Mitten who did the one in CA. last year. Others in the area who might help are Ed and Ray, Barbara Peterson, Connie Bindschutz Smith. We are waiting to hear from Rob. Futurity: Unfinished Business 31-32 litters were registered for 2011. June 30th is the deadline for litters for that year. Nominations for judges close July 15. Marsha and Bobbie got the latest Bulletin on the website! Meeting was adjourned at 9:45. ALAC Online Respectfully Submitted, has been mailed to the members without computers/email. Ongoing Marsha will print out copies and send. The latest issue was 14 pages. Ann Burton, Secretary 2012 Specialty Chair: Steve Campbell will advise us by August 1 if he can do it. 2013 Specialty Site: Naomi reported that the potential site in Phoenix looked good. Clay reported that clubs in Vegas show outside. Sandy Copeland is talking to the St. Louis Sheraton. Marsha moved (2011-30) and Clay seconded a motion to pursue the Phoenix site for 2013. Marsha amended the motion to include St. Louis and Vancouver. The motion was withdrawn and referred to the committee. Rescue Funds: New Business Becky Hughes is involved in rescuing a large number of lhasas and will need funds. Ray moved (2011-31) and Marsha seconded a motion for Susan to put an appeal for rescue funds for these dogs on ALAC Online. The motion passed Minutes Special ALAC Board Meeting August 2, 2011 Participation of the Show Chair: The question of whether to allow the national specialty show chair to participate in the top 20 and futurity competitions at the national was discussed. Ray moved (2011-32)and Clay seconded a motion to allow the show chair to show in top 20 and futurity. The motion passed The meeting was called to order at 8:05 EDT by Joyce Johanson, Vice President. Barbara Schwartz, President joined shortly there after. Roll call was taken. Present were Barb Schwartz, Joyce Johanson, Ann Burton, Marsha Susag, Ray Sledzik, Naomi Hanson, Vicki Kuhlman, Jan Bruton, Jan Graunke, Bobbie Wood, Clay Williams, Beverly Simms, Susan Giles, and Ed Valle. NIAI Conference: ALAC needs someone to attend this conference in Harrisburg, PA. The cost is $300 for registration and lunches. Vicki would like to go. Ray moved (2011-33) and Joyce seconded a motion to send and fund a participant. The motion passed There was a one item agenda: To accept the AKC wording for the bylaws changes; dropping the wording about electronic voting when allowed by Virginia and accepting their wording to allow foreign members to vote for specialty and futurity judges. Ann moved (2011-37) and Naomi seconded the motion. The motion passed Medallions: The board needs to determine if we will support the medallions for the Eukanuba championships (conformation and companion). Clay moved (2011-34)and Marsha seconded a motion to support the medallions. The motion passed Clay moved and Ann seconded a motion to adjourn. AKC Humane: Ann E. Burton Secretary The request is for funds for domestic abuse shelters. Marsha moved (2011-35) and Bev seconded a motion not to donate to this fund. The motion passed 27 American Lhasa Apso Club Financial Report Ginny and Del Bender 454 West 21st Street Upland, CA 91784 909/982-1911 [email protected] NEW MEMBERS Gary L. and Terri M. Haskins 30502 Wrencrest Drive Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 813/388-9846 [email protected] Patty Hoskins 648 Briarwood Dr. Brea, CA 92821 714-529-6288 [email protected] Maria Henley and Charles Karisch 816 Williams Street Hempstead, TX 77445 956-334-2041 [email protected] Melanie J LaPoint 144 Wilder Road Leominster, MA 01453 978-401-1241 [email protected] 28 CONGRATULATIONS from The Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Friday, May 20, 2011 No. California Non-Sporting Dog Club Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Judge: Mrs. Roberta Rettick Judge: Mrs. Donnelle Richards BLACK BOOTS I’M HOT YOUR NOT WD/BOW (5 pts) APSOLUTELY ON CRUISE CONTROL WD (5pts) Owner: Pat Keen Fernandes & A & L Friberg, CA Owner: Shirley M. Clark, AB, Canada SUNDANCER’S LOVES ME LOVES ME NOT WB (5 pts) BLACK BOOTS HOTTEST CHICK THERE IS WB/BOW Owner: Lori Johnson & Marsha & Tom Worlton, UT Owner:Pauline Naumann & Pat Keen Fernandes, MO GCH RUFKINS SQUEEZIN INTO A SPEEDO BOB GCH RUFKINS SQUEEZIN INTO A SPEEDO BOB Owner: Jan Lee Bernards, CA Owner: Jan Lee Bernards, CA CH TARA-MI’S O’RUMTEK FIRE AND ICE BOS GCH RIVERVIEW HYLAN SHOTRU GLAMOUR PUSS Owner: C Sarantis &, C Craft &,D McSorley, CA Owner:Pauline Naumann & Pat Keen Fernandes, MO BOS Saturday, May 21, 2011 Coyote Hills Kennel Club Judge: Mrs Mary Ellen Meyer SUNDANCER’S I WANA S’MORE WD/BOW (5 pts) Owner: Tom & Marsha Worlton & Lori Johnson, UT APSOLUTELY MY MONEY’S ON MOXIE WB (3 pts) Owner: Shirley M. Clark, AB, Canada XERALANE’S KID ROCK BOB/Group Owner: Xeralane Kennel, HI GCH APSOLUTELY DESIDERATA PARTYGAL BOS Owner: Shirley M. Clark & Arlene Miller, AB, Canada Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Judge: Mr. Rick Weyrich BONMI’S SAN QUINTIN WD (5pts) Owner: Dr. Michael R. Martin & Boni Ives, CA APSOLUTELY MY MONEY’S ON MOXIE WB/BOW Owner: Shirley M. Clark, AB, Canada CH TARA MI’S O’RUMTEK DIAMOND IN THE RUFF BOB Owner:Cathy Sarantis,Cathy Craft,Darby McSorley GCH RUFKIN’S SQUEEZIN INTO A SPEEDO BOS Owner: Jan Lee Bernards, CA Sunday, May 22, 2011 Coyote Hills Kennel Club Judge: Mrs. Gloria Geringer GALAXAY’S TAKE A CHANCE ON ME WD (4 pts) Owner: Simon Djeredjian & Ellen Voss, CA FURCHILA KY ZOE WB/BOW (4 pts) Owner: Patricia Furmedge, BC, Canada XERALANE’S KID ROCK BOB Owner: Xeralane Kennel, HI GCH SUNTORY QUE SERA BOS Owner: Yvette Supriano & Cassandra De La Rosa, CA We wish to thank all the exhibitors and owners for supporting these five shows, coming from: Colorado, Hawaii, Missouri, North Carolina, Utah, Washington, British Columbia, Alberta and of course, California. DON’T MISS NEXT YEARS LACNC REGIONAL SPECIALTIES May 18, 19 & 20, 2012 go to HYPERLINK “”, Show Calendar 29 Gateway to Enchantment ALAC National Specialty 2011 Official Logo Wear T-Shirt @$17.50 Sweatshirt @$30.50 Sizes: S - XXXL, Colors: White, Natural, Lt. Gray Nightshirt @$20.50 Tote Bags @ $20.50 Note Cards @$10.50 4 cards per pkg. Quanity Item Size Color Total Cost Grand Total: Credit Cards may be used also. Include number & Expiration date To pick up your order at the National, you order must be received by SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 Send order to: Amber Chaviano, 7183 Marsh Dr., Conway, SC 29527...843-685-5228 Name: Address Phone: E-Mail: Make Checks payable to ALAC. There will be various items to purchase at the National and we will take orders. 30 1. FILL OUT AND MAIL TO CHERYL ZINK THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB Annual Awards Form Award Year: January 1 through December 31 Type S Make D 2 T 3 M 4 Paid to Send $ Paid Total $ Submit Form by July 1st to; Cheryl Zink 30453 Birchwood St. Westland, MI 48185 734-728-5810, [email protected] Please submit ONE form per award. TYPE or PRINT information. Supply all information that applies to the award requested. Award Applying For: Name of Dog: Primary Owner: Address, City, State, Zip: Co-Owner Phone # Person Applying for Award A. CHAMPIONSHIP, OBEDIENCE, RALLY OR AGILITY AWARD -Charge for duplicates only - $15.00 Date Finished AKC Gazette Month Year A copy of your AKC Title certificate will be acceptable also. The following awards are offered as usual but will only appear in the Awards Program and Video. Plaques are available for these awards at the prices listed. All requests for plaques earned in a previous year are available for purchase also at these prices. Payment must be submitted with the Awards Form. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO ALAC B. REGISTER OF MERIT SIRE (List 5 Champions with AKC # & Date of Certificate)$20.00 C. REGISTER OF MERIT DAM (List 3 Champions with AKC # & Date of Certificate)$20.00 D. REGISTER OF MERIT BREEDER (List 10 Champions with AKC # & Date of Certificater)$20.00 E. REGISTER OF MERIT OBEDIENCE (List 3 Titles with AKC # & Date of Certificate)$20.00 F. REGISTER OF MERIT RALLY(List 3 Titles with AKC # & Date of Certificate (One must be Rally Advanced)- $20.00 G. REGISTER OF MERIT AGILITY (List 6Titles with AKC # & Date of Certificate)$20.00 H. VERSATILITY AWARD (See the Rules for eligibility) $20.00 I. VERSATILITY EXCELLENT AWARD(See the Rules for eligibility) $20.00 J. TOP PRODUCER OF THE YEAR(SIRE & DAM)(List Champions with AKC # & Date of Certificate)$20.00 K. NATIONAL SPECIALTYBEST OF BREED - $20.00 HIGH IN TRIAL - $20.00 SELECT - $15.00 L. ALL-BREED BEST IN SHOW (List Bests with AKC Gazette Month) $15.00 M. GROUP PLACEMENT AWARD(ALAC System) $15.00 N. ALL-BREED HIGH IN TRIAL(List Show & Date with AKC Gazette Month) $15.00 O. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP (List 8 wins with AKC Gazette Month) $15.00 P. TOP 20 ROM PRODUCERS (List up-dated data with AKC # & Date of Certificate) NO PLAQUE 1. (For ROM Breeders & ROM Updates, use back of form or an additional page) AKC # Date 2. AKC # Date 3. AKC # Date 4. AKC # Date 5. AKC # Date ABSOLUTE DEADLINE - JULY 1. Forms submitted after this date(including Ch. & Obed.) must be paid for in full. IF NOT ATTENDING THE NATIONAL, SEND $7.00 PER PLAQUE TO COVER MAILING 2. TO BE INCLUDED IN THE VIDEO: Photos need to be original photos(Not Scanned) E-Mailed photos need to be 300dpi and sent as a jgp file. Mail or E-Mail a photo of your dog to: Phyllis Misite 220 Newport RD Hull, MA 02045 781-925-4186 [email protected] ABSOLUTE DEADLINE - AUGUST 1 31 Gateway to Enchantment 2011 ALAC National Specialty When: Monday, October 10 to Friday October 14, 2011 WITH 3 SETS OF MAJORS POSSIBLE!!!!! W H ER E : Albuquerque C LALCAl 1 AA 2200107a nanla tioio t a N N ie ialt ecs iaSltpie SAppesco ApLsoots s t o L s Tentative Schedule:NEW Monday - *NEW* Welcome Party Lhasa Apso Top Twenty, with 3 surprise judges Tuesday LAClub of Central Colorado Specialty Judge; Bill Lee Sweeps Judge: Larry Bruton Wednesday Agility Trial-Judge: Rene Fitch Obedience and Rally-Judge: Janice Anthes Breeders Education Seminar - Anatomy Cut Down Dog Sweeps Futurity:Judge-Debbie Burke Thursday ALAC Mid-Western Regional Specialty Judge: Barbara J Wood ALAC Annual Business Meeting ALAC Awards Banquet-ALAC Auction Friday Judges Education And Mentoring American Lhasa Apso Club National Specialty Judge: Betty Leininger Hilton 1901 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico Reservations: (505) 884-2500 mention this Event #ALAC Rates:Cabanas w/balconies or patios - $109.00 RV parking $25.00 per night ($ will go to ALAC) Special Rates for Albuquerque International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta October 3-9th (world’s largest hot air balloon event) $119.00 for October 6, 7, & 8th Show Superintendent Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C. P.O. Box 25764, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0764 Phone: (405) 427-8181, Fax: (405) 427-5241 [email protected], Show Chairman FuturityChairman (505) 977-8067 seramarlhasas@ 1218 Amsterdam Ave. Madison, WI 53716 608-221-4332 [email protected] Linda Jarrett, Lynn Replogle Catalogue Ads Mary Jane Orrie 1141 Cottonwood Court Los Lunas, NM 87031 (505) 869-0213 [email protected] 32 Trophies Saundra Devlin 1117 Western Meadows Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87114-1930 (505) 280-8297 [email protected] THE 2011 NATIONAL SPECIALTY WEEK Gateway to Enchantment Albuquerque Hilton 1901 University Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico October 10-14, 2011 BY AIR - at this time the hotel does not have a shuttle, but local members will have minivans for Transport from airport to hotel…….Please call: Linda 505-977-8067 or Sandy 505-280-8297 DRIVING ;The Albuquerque Hilton sits at the juncture of I-40 and I-25, commonly called “the Big I” ADVERTISING The cost of advertising in this year’s catalog will be: $60 for full page w/photo in B/W; $130.00 for full page w/color photo; $45 for full page with no photo; $35 for half page with no photo. All ad copy must go to Mary Jane Orrie . Her email is [email protected] Her address is P. O. Box 1485, Peralta, NM 87042 - (505) 869-0213 All Ads should be copy ready, size 4.5”X 7.25. Deadline for advertising is August 30. BINGO, RAFFLE, AND AUCTION ITEMS Rescue BINGO was a huge success last year. To donate items, please contact Helen Zeppenfield-Brown at [email protected] or (814) 624-5136. Fran Strayer is organizing our RAFFLE and will accept items until October 1. Contact Fran at [email protected] These profits go to help cover the expenses of our National week shows These are the baskets, put one together from your area, or your group. Please contact Fran with what you might be bringing. Don’t forget, we will be having a contest for the top baskets. An AUCTION will be held in conjunction with the Awards Banquet. Susan Giles is organizing this event. Please advise her with specific information on items you will be donating for our auction. This exchange of interesting items is always great fun. Susan’s email is [email protected]. TROPHIES WILL BE SPECTACULAR Again this year we will be having original artwork created here in New Mexico....Mary Datwyler is our artest.. A long time resident of Rio Ranch, New Mexico a suburb of Albuquerque...Mary has been doing stained glass for several years and she is well known all over the world... On the day of the Regional we are doing stained glass New Mexico style...Ristras, a New Mexican favorite.. And mugs with Mike McCartney logo for this years National.. And 2-4th place wins..Note cards put together and donated by Fran Strayer.... For National it is Lhasas in glass.....Remember that donations of $50. and over entitles you to 2 reserved ringside seats! Saundra Devlin, [email protected] SEE YOU IN New Mexico IN OCTOBER!! 33 American Lhasa Apso Club 2009 - YEARBOOK - 2009 This year all ALAC members will receive a complimentary copy of the yearbook. Therefore, the cost of ads has been increased to 65.00 per page. The yearbook will be printed in color. Make checks out to ALAC and send to: Carla Varney, 124 Fire Department Ln., Jacksboro, TN 37757 423-562-4741 [email protected] The ALAC yearbook is part of Lhasa Apso History. Please include your dogs this year. NO ADS ACCEPTED WITHOUT THIS COMPLETED FORM FOR EACH AD. ONE DOG PER FORM NO ADS ACCEPTED AFTER MAY 15, 2011 Dog’s registered name: _____________________________________________________________________ Call name:_______________________________AKC registration number: ____________________________ Date of birth: _____________________ Male Female Color: _____________________________ Year of title: ___________ AKC/ALAC title earned (CH, CD, NA, ROM etc): _________________________ Section of book in which you want this ad to be placed: SPECIAL PRICING: 2nd identical page in a second section $25.00 Champion of Record ______ BIS _____ BISS _____ Group 1 ______ National Specialty _____ Obedience ______ HIT _______ Rally ______ Agility ______ ROM ______ Futurity _____ Breeder: _________________________________________________________________________________ Owner: _________________________________________________________________________________ Please attach a legible 4 generation pedigree, a clear photo labeled with dog’s registered name, (Original photos only, NO scanned photos, please) $65 per page and this form and submit by MAY 15, 2011 to: Carla Varney 124 Fire Department Ln. Jacksboro, TN 37757 423-562-4741 [email protected] If you have any questions, please call 423-562-4741 34 Moxie American/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY MY MONEY’S ON MOXIE Am/Can Ch. Desiderata Milehaus Blaz’n Hot x Am/Can Ch. Apsolutely Caught in the Act SCOUTing THE WEST, ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL At the Southern Oregon and Klamath Falls Dog Fanciers’ shows May 12-15/11 we go WB every day, adding BB/ BW over Specials, & making the cut for Group the first day under Judge Mr. Darryl Vice. She repeated the BB honour again under Judge Michele Billings. Thank you to these judges for their appreciation of Moxie as a BB contender, and to Mrs. Inge Semenschin & Mr. Don Rogers for their WB awards. AND HITS CALIFORNIA FOR MORE WINNING with WB for a Major at the Coyote Hills Kennel Club Show May 21, 2011 under Judge Mary Ellen Meyer. Thank you Ms. Meyer for your choice of Moxie for WB and her 2nd Major. BREEDER, OWNER, HANDLER Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] 403-887-3421 Moxie is a DREAM COME TRUE Back-up HANDLER and full-time supporter John R. Clark 35 Moxie American/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY MY MONEY’S ON MOXIE Am/Can Ch. Desiderata Milehaus Blaz’n Hot x Am/Can Ch. Apsolutely Caught in the Act CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ IS BECOMING A REALITY STARTING WITH THIS AND ENDING WITH THIS In May 2010 John and I attended the Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Specialties with 6 month old littermates, Moxie and Cruiser, and of course Paris. My dream came true when Moxie went Best Puppy in Specialty under the guidance of best buddy, John. One year later to the day Moxie went WB/BOW at the same Specialty under Judge Mr. Rick Weyrich for a 5 point Major to complete her title with 3 Majors. Thank you Mr. Weyrich for your selection of Moxie to finish her title. And thanks to hubby John for whisking the little Sweetie to her Best Puppy win a year ago, and then to BOW this year. What a Pair! 36 BREEDER, OWNER, HANDLER Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] 403-887-3421 Back-up HANDLER and full-time supporter John R. Clark CruIser American/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY ON CRUISE CONTROL Am/Can Ch. Desiderata Milehaus Blaz’n Hot x Am/Can Ch. Apsolutely Caught in the Act MORE CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ FROM HIS FIRST WIN-- A MAJOR TO HIS FOURTH MAJOR AND HIS AMERICAN TITLE Our California Dreamin’ for Cruiser also started a year ago when Cruiser took his first “Major” win at the supported entry of Coyote Hills Kennel Club under Breeder/Judge Mrs. Julie Timbers. I dreamt of finishing Cruiser with a Specialty win and he didn’t disappoint. Thank you Ms. Donelle Richards for selecting Cruiser for WD for a 5 point Specialty Major and his Am Title. Cruiser’s and Moxie’s mother Trouble also completed her Am. Ch. With 4 Majors. Cruiser’s Pit Crew BREEDER, OWNER, HANDLER Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] 403-887-3421 Another Dream come True. 37 PARIS BISS American Grand Champion/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY DESIDERATA PARTYGAL CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ IS BECOMING A REALITY FOR “PARIS” Paris was dreaming of another wonderful time at the specialties and all breed shows in Vallejo California in May, 2011. Her dreams came true when she went AOM at the Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Specialty Friday May 20, BOS at the Coyote Hills Kennel Club all breed show May 21, Select at the LACNC Specialty May 21, and Select again at the Coyote Hills Club show May 22/11. Thank you to Judges Ms. Donelle Richards, Ms. Mary Ellen Meyer, Mr. Rick Weyrich (shown above) and Ms. Gloria Geringer respectively for their appreciation and awards to Paris. Paris plans to take maternity leave in the late fall of 2011. 38 CO-BREEDERS, CO-OWNERS Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] Arlene Miller, ROM Breeder DESIDERATA LHASA APSOS [email protected] PARIS BISS American Grand Champion/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY DESIDERATA PARTYGAL Am/Can. Ch. Palasa’s Knight Shadow X Am/Can. Ch. Desiderata Milehaus Déjà Vu A BALANCED EQUATION “PARIS” CO-BREEDERS, CO-OWNERS Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] Arlene Miller, ROM Breeder DESIDERATA LHASA APSOS [email protected] Thank you to Mr. Ken Buxton for this Group 2nd at the Alberta Kennel Club Show July 29/11 39 Moxie American/Canadian Champion APSOLUTELY MY MONEY’S ON MOXIE Am/Can Ch. Desiderata Milehaus Blaz’n Hot x Am/Can Ch. Apsolutely Caught in the Act HOT ON THE TRAIL FOR HER GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP Moxie loves Oregon, and Oregon seems to love Moxie. Thanks to Mrs. Janice Pardue and Mrs. Robert Smith for their awards of Select and Award of Merit, and BOS respectively at the Willamette Valley Lhasa Apso Specialties July 22/11. Thank you also to Miss Virginia Lyne and Ms. Dorothy Dalton for awarding Moxie BOS at the Portland Kennel Club all breed supported entry shows July 23/24 2011. Moxie is well on the way towards achieving her Grand Championship. 40 BREEDER, OWNER, HANDLER Shirley M. Clark, Am/Can. ROM Breeder APSOLUTELY LHASA APSOS [email protected] 403-887-3421
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