Linhof M679 e
Linhof M679 e
M A D E - Mamiya RB back - Mamiya 6x8 motor back - Linhof Rapid Rollex slide-in back 6x7 - Horseman 6x9 cassette - Silvestri accessories - Accepts all digital backs for Mamiya RB Digital Back Adapter plates: - for Hasselblad V und H1 - for Mamiya 645 AF/AFD - for Contax 645 Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 with Hasselblad adapter or Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide for Digital Back Adapter plates: - for Hasselblad V und H1 - for Mamiya 645 AF/AFD - for Contax 645 G E R M A N Y Normal bellows Wide angle bellows Filter holder SYSTEM Adapter for Mamiya RZ backs Back with interchangeable groundglasses M 679 Basic compendium cs Fresnel screen M 679 Multi-Adapter M 679 Pro compendium Universal Adapter Lensboards for lenses f 24 - 250 mm M 679 Polaroid Back Rapid change adapter slide M 679 M 679cs with integrated bench holder M 679 Systainer I Systainer II for accessories LINHOF M 679cs incl. bellows, front and rear standard, with integrated benchholder with stepless lateral levelling, without lens and back M 679 Groundglass back Groundglass scoring 3x3 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x6 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x7 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x8 M 679 Groundglass scoring S 6x9 M 679 Groundglass scoring 24x36 / 36x63 M 679 Groundglass scoring 37x37 / 37x71 M 679 Groundglass scoring 37x49 / 49x71 M 679 Groundglass scoring 31,7x42,3 Groundglass scoring 72x88 M 679 (Anagramm) Fresnel Screen M 679 Format dial 6x7 M 679cs for format 6x6 - 6x8 (included in camera price M 679cs) Format dial 3x3 M 679cs Format dial 6x9 M 679cs Basic Lighthood M 679 Magnifier Viewing System 8x8 for Basic Lighthood 000117 001698 021833 021834 021835 021836 021842-S 021837 021838 021840 021841 021839 002523 003905 003906 003907 002763 002757 M 679 Adapter for Hasselblad backs M 679 Adapter for Mamiya RZ backs Adapter for Anagramm Scanning back Multi Adapter for Mamiya RB, Mamiya 6x8 motor cassette, Linhof Rapid Rollex 6x7, Horseman 6x7/6x8/6x9 Universal Adapter for camera adapter plates 001694 001696 064924 Groundglass Silvestri 6x9 Focusing Bellows with Magnifier /Silvestri 6x9 Right Angle Attachment / Silvestri 6x Polaroid Back M 679 Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 24x36 / 36x63 with Hasselblad V Adapter Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 37x37 / 37x71, S-24011 S-25010 S-25030 001692 001695 001697 002760 37x49 / 49x71 with Hasselblad V Adapter Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 24x36 / 36x63 Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 37x37 / 37x71 und Format 37x49 / 49x71 Adapter plate for Hasselblad V Adapter plate for Hasselblad H1 Adapter plate for Mamiya 645 AF / AFD Adapter plate for Contax 645 Flexible shafts for M 679cs shift (2 pcs.) Lensboard adapter M 679 for Technika lensboards 002761 002765 002766 001700 001701 001702 001703 002769 Wide Angle Bellows M 679 Normal Bellows M 679 (spare) Basic Compendium Lensshade M 679 Pro Compendium M 679 Pro Compendium M 679 M105x1 u. 10x10 cm Vignetting Mask Holder M 679 Leaf filter-wheel holder (former type) Adapter plate for Scitex LCD-Shutter and Leaf filter-wheel (current type) Flat Lensboard M 679 size 0 Flat Lensboard M 679 size 1 Flat Lensboard M 679 size 3 Recessed Lensboard M 679 size 0 Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter Double Recessed Lensboard M 679 size 0 Double Rec. Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter 3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 0 3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter Lensboard Adapter M 679 / Technika 45 lensboard 002754 002753 001939 001940 001941 001942 003904 Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter 001101 001102 001103 001104 001105 Linhof Kardan for M 679 Sinar / Horseman for M 679 Cambo for M 679 plate for Hasselblad Finder plate for Arca Swiss Bino Tube on M 679 Systainer M 679 Systainer II M 679 for Accessories 001108 001160 001161 001173 001163 001164 001176 001174 001175 001177 001100 022491 022492 LINHOF PRÄZISIONS - SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH | RUPERT - MAYER - STRASSE 45 | D - 81379 MÜNCHEN TEL. +49 (0)89 /72 492 -0 | FAX +49 (0)89 /72 492 -250 | [email protected] | PRINTED IN GERMANY 025107 / 11.2005/ 5 E - Mamiya RZ - Polaroid back RZ - Accepts all digital backs for Mamiya RZ Adapter for Hasselblad backs I N Basic lighthood TECHNISCHE ÄNDERUNGEN VORBEHALTEN - Hasselblad backs - Polaroid back 100 - Accepts all digital backs for Hasselblad Magnifier viewing system for Basic lighthood L I N H O F P R Ä Z I S I O N S - S Y S T E M T E C H N I K G M B H M Ü N C H E N E Y O U R D E C I S I O N F O R Y O U R F U T U R E The integrated panorama bench holder now I N N O V AT I O N I N T H E S T U D I O: L I N H O F M 679cs features a stepless lateral levelling of 10 degrees each side by means of self-aligning micro drives. Practically all photographic problems can now be solved Normal bellows Groundglass back interchangeable against wide angle bellows. interchangeable against Rapid Change Adapter Slide, adapters for digital backs, rollfilm magazines and focusing aids for image control. without the need Accessory shoe for filter holder and compendium. of an additional tripod head. Even the smallest correction of the image composi- Interchangeable lenses Interchangeable with mechanical or electronic shutters mounted on M 679 lensboards groundglasses for different picture formats Lateral and horizontal shifts at the rear standard. Micro drives for correction of image section. tion can easily be handled with this integrated panorama bench Perspective holder. control, avoiding converging lines, use of Scheim- Lateral and horizontal pflug rule for shifts at the lens standard with micro drives Horizontal tilting at the lens and the rear standard. Micro drives to control the depth-of-field according to Scheimpflug. depth-of-field control, Rack and pinion drive for tilting Anti Scheimflug of the lens standard and the rear standard around the horizontal axis for depth-of-field control according to Scheimpflug. for obtaining extreme un-sharpness: Images which Basic tilting Optical bench can only be for indirect parallel displacement. with two parallel rails for instant bellows extension. produced by using a professional view camera system. This is the photographer to with stepless self-aligning lateral levelling and panorama rotation. optimizer plus safety locking. express his own way of creating images. 2 A photographer who wants to be suc- graphy. Without any complicated modi- trol of depth-of-field, most precise con- cessful in these days requires optimum fications the photographer can change trol of image composing. Easy handling software – his creativity – and optimum from digital to analogue imaging. All is guaranteed. hardware – his equipment. Linhof has commonly used digital backs and me- The Linhof system is designed to meet again improved their camera system dium format rollfilm backs for 6x6 to all future requirements. The latest inno- M 679cs without changing the complete 6x9 cm can be adapted without any vations in digital backs, lenses and shut- now micro compatibility. With this compact view problem. ters have already been integrated. drives for lateral camera system every advanced photo- The Linhof M 679cs was designed to The system will accept further modules grapher is free to select either analogue meet all requirements of applied photo- and accessories without the need of standard. or digital imaging. CCD-chip backs for graphy. The system includes all control- modifications. The result: per- fast shooting, scan backs for utmost ling elements for the professional pho- resolution or rollfilm for classic photo- tographer, control of perspective, con- The Linhof M 679cs offers and horizontal shifts at the lens spective controls are decisively facilitated. P H O TO G R A P H Y: W O L F F / D R I S C H E L , A M E T S B I C H L E R / M E L L E N T H I N chance for the Integrated panorama bench holder Focusing with depth-of-field P H O TO G R A P H Y: K L A U S J . A . M E L L E N T H I N , M 6 7 9 / L E A F B A C K P E R F E C T W O R K F L O W HIGH-END D I G I TA L R A P I D An image is the imagination of the brain. The the use of all commonly available backs. The Linhof from 24 to 210 mm M 679cs – focal length with the ideal decision for the right camera is the choice of An extensive range of accessories gives room the photographer. The proof of quality is to follow up creative ideas. electronic and platform for genuine applied photography – digital. In order to achieve optimum professional mechanical shutter digital profes- systems (Rollei, sional photo- Schneider, Copal) graphy. The M 679cs not only assists in assembling quality the photographer can select special image data but also helps to create your digital lenses for small chip sizes with extre- mounted on Linhof image with your complete photographic me optical resolution thus guaranteeing ima- lensboards. know-how. The Linhof M 679cs offers the ges without color fringes. In combination freedom to use your favourite digital back. with electronic shutters all different controls A carefully designed series of adapters permit of chip backs can be used. E L E C T R O N I C D I G I T A L S H U T T E R L E N S E S The Linhof Flexible shafts M 679 Rapid (code 002769) Change Adapter permit smooth Slide permits vertical or continuous work horizontal flow by rapidly shifting with changing the adapted Rapid complete image Change Adapter composition to Slide. picture taking. Integrated stops C H A N G E at the Rapid A D A P T E R Change Adapter S L I D E Slide permit stit- 4 Digital lenses ching: 2 or 3 Schneider shots enlarge the electronic image size of shutter and digital backs. control unit. 5 G R E A T With the aid of the integrated panorama tilt head the camera is set to the object. Scheimpflug for increased depth-of-field. In this case, the lens standard has to be tilted. Use micro drives for direct vertical and lateral shifts. Determine depth-offield and aperture with the aid of the depth-of-field optimizer. 3 Typical studio situation W I D E T E L E S C O P E A N G L E E X T R E M E L Y A L L I L L U S T R AT I O N S : L I N H O F M 6 7 9 c s / P H A S E O N E 2 C O M P A C T The Linhof M 679cs is an all-metal (light alloy) camera with precise scales, zero clickInterchangeable stops, integrated clamping systems – a real format ground- Linhof. Self-aligning micro drives with full glasses with shift and tilt for control of depth-of-field, scoring for control of perspective and image composition stitching facilities in combination make for ease of workflow for the photogra- with rapid pher. The cropping correction facility is the change adapter latest positive amendment. slide. F L E X I B I L I T Y The base of the The basic position Lens and rear camera is an optical of the camera. standard are bench with two Camera shown in steplessly moved parallel rails. Although compact position: in tilt segments extremely compact, Measurements only around the vertical the camera offers a 170 x 153 x 294 mm and horizontal maximum extension (6.7 x 6.0 x 11.6"). axis for yaw-free P R E C I S E camera move- of 326 mm (12.8") for long focal lengths. The wide angle ments. The camera Lenses from 24 mm bellows are remains stable at wide-angle to 250 mm double-folded any displacement. The integrated tele are usable. permitting Zero click stops panorama The depth-of-field extreme for practically all bench holder optimizer of the extensions. adjustments permit now features a optical bench of The bellows fast findings of stepless lateral the M 679cs with are used for basic positions. levelling of interchangeable focal lengths 10 degrees format dial serves of 24 – 90 mm. each side by for exactly deter- The picture means of self- mining the depth- shows a shifted aligning micro of-field. camera. drives. 6 C O M F O R T DESIGNED FOR YOUR C R E AT I V I T Y 1 To avoid converging vertical details lens and rear standard are adjusted to vertical with the aid of the spirit level. O P E R A T I N G 7 T H E P R O F E S S I O N A L C A M E R A S Y S T E M L I N H O F M 6 7 9 c s SYSTEM ACCESSORIES T H E The Linhof M 679cs offers compatibility to professional medium format techniques, digital or analogue with a complete range of accessories. Special adapters for rollfilm backs and digital backs are the basic links in an universal system. A D A P T E R L E N S E S The Hasselblad Adapter The Mamiya-Adapter Multi-Adapter accepts the Highly efficient lenses accepts the complete to be used for RZ backs, Mamiya RB back, the 28 – 250 mm made by Hasselblad back range Polaroid cassette RZ and Mamiya 6x8 motor casset- Schneider and Roden- such as rollfilm magazi- all digital backs adapted te, the Linhof Rapid Rollex stock with mechanical or nes, Polaroid magazine to Mamiya RZ. slide-in cassette 6x7, electronic shutters moun- 100 and all digital backs Silvestri system accessories, ted on Linhof adapted to Hasselblad. Horseman 6x9 cassette and all digital backs M 679 lensboards. Furthermore: High efficiency lenses in me- adapted to Mamiya RB. chanical and electronic shutters, different L E N S B O A R D S Interchangeable format Flat and recessed lens- groundglasses for diffe- various viewing aids for optimum image boards, right: lensboard rent formats. control. adapter for Technika compendiums, a Polaroid back as well as lensboard. The filter holder M 679 G R O U N D G L A S S B A C K The easily detach- The Fresnel screen can able groundglass be moved up and down back accepts the to increase the brightness groundglasses as of the image corners. well as various vie- This is a decisive advan- wing aids. tage when displacing the C O M P E N D I U M camera. can also be ordered separately. This accessory is mounted on the accessory shoe accepting gelatine filters and up to 2 acrylic V I E W I N G A I D S glass filters 10x10 cm (4x4") as well as M 105 x 1 screw-in filters. The basic compendium consists of a small flexible selfsupporting bellows and is supplied complete with filterholder. A compendium ensures the best possible exposures with flare-free definition, contrast and colour saturation. The basic lighthood serves The magnifier viewing The Polaroid back as a light shield permitting adapter 8x8 can be linked utilizes the total range of viewing in brighter areas. to the basic lighthood. Polaroid films and shows the entire area. The M 679 professional compendium consists of the filterholder, a normal bellows and the vignetting mask holder and is supplied as a complete unit. S Y S T A I N E R The Linhof M 679 is packed This compendium is centered in the Systainer, also to be used automatically. It is inserted into as camera case. A second Systai- the optical bench and is there- ner can be ordered as an additio- fore always in the optical axis. nal accessory. A patented latch For special effects etc. vignet- allows quick and safe linking of ting blades are available. several Systainers which can then be transported on a single handle. 8 9 C O M P A T I B I L I T Y T O D I G I T A L B A C K S UNIVERSAL ADAPTER SYSTEM Groundglass 24x36 / 36x63 (021837) Groundglass 37x37 / 37x71 (021838) Groundglass 37x49 / 49x71 (021840) Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 (002765 u. 002766) Universal Adapter for CameraAdapter Boards (001697) Adapter plate for Hasselblad H1 (001701) The new adapter system Linhof M 679cs now offers even more Adapter plate for Hasselblad V (001700) Adapter plate for Contax 645 (001703) Adapter plate for Mamiya 645 AF/AFD (001702) Contax 645 using if required in paral- CHIP SIZE 37x37 mm ged by stitching. By two exposures lel the Linhof M 679 as an adjustable For larger chip formats of 37x37 and the area will reach 49x71 mm. view camera for applied photography. 37x49 mm the Universal Adapter compatability to digital backs: Slide code 002766 is available. USE WITH 9x12 / 4x5 CAMERAS VIEWING VIA GROUNDGLASS Chip format 37x37 mm with ground- The Universal Adapter code 001697 For digital photography with profes- glass code 021840 can be enlarged as well as both Universal Adapter sional displacements via groundglass by stitching (2 exposures) reaching a Slides 002765 and 002766 can be combined with digital backs for control we recommend the Linhof total format of 37x71 mm. attached to 9x12 / 4x5 view came- use with the ingenious view Rapid Change Adapter Slide which Digital backs adapted to different medium format cameras can be camera system Linhof M 679cs. P H O T O G R A P H Y : K R E U T Z B R U C K / W O L F F, L I N H O F M 6 7 9 c s / A N A G R A M M C O M P L E T E ras such as Linhof Kardan, Sinar, is now also offered as Universal CHIP SIZE 37x49 mm Horseman and Cambo. Adapter Slide with additional Adapter Also here the Universal Adapter The Linhof Adapters 001101, plates. This slide permits the quick Slide code 002766 is needed in 001102 and 001103 for different and easy move from composition to combination with groundglass code Linhof and non-Linhof cameras offer exposure. 021840. Exposure area can be enlar- compatibility to the Linhof M 679. T E C H N I C A L D A T A M 6 7 9 cs Overall camera dimensions in basic position with integrated panorama bench holder Length: 170 mm, width: 153 mm, height: 294 mm 6.7 x 6.0 x 11.6“ The digital back and the Universal Weight Approximately 4.500 g with integrated bench holder Adapter Slide with corresponding Maximum camera extension of non-adjusted camera in normal position (lens to film plane) 326 mm / 12.8“ Minimum camera extension with wide-angle bellows (lens to film plane) 53 mm with recessed lensboard 40 mm with double recessed lensboard 35 mm with triple recessed lensboard Indirect parallel adjustment (up/down), maximum extension and tilting angle of the optical bench of 30° 168 mm / 6.6“ Indirect vertical parallel shift (up/down) minimum extension and tilting angle of optical bench 30° 38 mm / 1.5“ (limitations with focal lengths of less than 47 mm) Indirect horizontal parallel shift (lateral shift left/right) 168 mm / 6.6“ maximum extension Indirect horizontal parallel shift (lateral shift left/right) minimum extension 38 mm / 1.5“ (limitations with focal lengths of less than 47 mm) Direct cropping correction lens standard Lateral shift right - left 20 mm, Vertical shift 20 mm Adapter plate are perfectly linked by a safety locking system with either Hasselblad H1, Hasselblad V, Mamiya 645 AF/AFD or Contax 645. Adapter for Mamiya RZ (001696) Multi Adapter (001695) Adapter for Hasselblad (001694) CHIP SIZE 24x36 mm Adapter for 4x5” cameras Linhof Kardan (001101) We offer 2 alternatives for different VIEWING VIA MONITOR chip sizes relating to the exposure A combination of precision adapters area: For sensor size 24x36 mm you is the link of the Linhof M 679cs with will require our Universal Adapter the digital back. When controlling Slide code 002765 with correspon- Direct cropping correction rear standard Lateral shift right - left 20 mm, Vertical shift 20 mm via monitor the new Universal ding groundglass code 021837. Panorama bench holder Adapter code 001697 will be requi- Thanks to integrated stops (white Tilting front 45°, rear tilting 45° Panorama rotation 360°, lateral levelling 10° each side red. Now the photographer can work marks) stitching is made possible: with digital backs of either Hassel- 3 exposures will enlarge the exposure blad V, H1, Mamiya 645 AF/AFD or area to 36x63 mm. 10 Sinar, Horseman (001102) Cambo (001103) Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 / Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide (002760, 002761, 002765, 002766) Tilts of front and rear standard to optical bench 30° each front and rear Front standard / Rear standard Vertical axis swing +/- 30° Tilting around the horizontal axis front 18° / 12° Tilting around the horizontal axis rear 12° / 18° 11 M A D E - Mamiya RB back - Mamiya 6x8 motor back - Linhof Rapid Rollex slide-in back 6x7 - Horseman 6x9 cassette - Silvestri accessories - Accepts all digital backs for Mamiya RB Digital Back Adapter plates: - for Hasselblad V und H1 - for Mamiya 645 AF/AFD - for Contax 645 Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 with Hasselblad adapter or Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide for Digital Back Adapter plates: - for Hasselblad V und H1 - for Mamiya 645 AF/AFD - for Contax 645 G E R M A N Y Normal bellows Wide angle bellows Filter holder SYSTEM Adapter for Mamiya RZ backs Back with interchangeable groundglasses M 679 Basic compendium cs Fresnel screen M 679 Multi-Adapter M 679 Pro compendium Universal Adapter Lensboards for lenses f 24 - 250 mm M 679 Polaroid Back Rapid change adapter slide M 679 M 679cs with integrated bench holder M 679 Systainer I Systainer II for accessories LINHOF M 679cs incl. bellows, front and rear standard, with integrated benchholder with stepless lateral levelling, without lens and back M 679 Groundglass back Groundglass scoring 3x3 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x6 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x7 M 679 Groundglass scoring 6x8 M 679 Groundglass scoring S 6x9 M 679 Groundglass scoring 24x36 / 36x63 M 679 Groundglass scoring 37x37 / 37x71 M 679 Groundglass scoring 37x49 / 49x71 M 679 Groundglass scoring 31,7x42,3 Groundglass scoring 72x88 M 679 (Anagramm) Fresnel Screen M 679 Format dial 6x7 M 679cs for format 6x6 - 6x8 (included in camera price M 679cs) Format dial 3x3 M 679cs Format dial 6x9 M 679cs Basic Lighthood M 679 Magnifier Viewing System 8x8 for Basic Lighthood 000117 001698 021833 021834 021835 021836 021842-S 021837 021838 021840 021841 021839 002523 003905 003906 003907 002763 002757 M 679 Adapter for Hasselblad backs M 679 Adapter for Mamiya RZ backs Adapter for Anagramm Scanning back Multi Adapter for Mamiya RB, Mamiya 6x8 motor cassette, Linhof Rapid Rollex 6x7, Horseman 6x7/6x8/6x9 Universal Adapter for camera adapter plates 001694 001696 064924 Groundglass Silvestri 6x9 Focusing Bellows with Magnifier /Silvestri 6x9 Right Angle Attachment / Silvestri 6x Polaroid Back M 679 Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 24x36 / 36x63 with Hasselblad V Adapter Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 37x37 / 37x71, S-24011 S-25010 S-25030 001692 001695 001697 002760 37x49 / 49x71 with Hasselblad V Adapter Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 24x36 / 36x63 Universal Rapid Change Adapter Slide M 679 - 37x37 / 37x71 und Format 37x49 / 49x71 Adapter plate for Hasselblad V Adapter plate for Hasselblad H1 Adapter plate for Mamiya 645 AF / AFD Adapter plate for Contax 645 Flexible shafts for M 679cs shift (2 pcs.) Lensboard adapter M 679 for Technika lensboards 002761 002765 002766 001700 001701 001702 001703 002769 Wide Angle Bellows M 679 Normal Bellows M 679 (spare) Basic Compendium Lensshade M 679 Pro Compendium M 679 Pro Compendium M 679 M105x1 u. 10x10 cm Vignetting Mask Holder M 679 Leaf filter-wheel holder (former type) Adapter plate for Scitex LCD-Shutter and Leaf filter-wheel (current type) Flat Lensboard M 679 size 0 Flat Lensboard M 679 size 1 Flat Lensboard M 679 size 3 Recessed Lensboard M 679 size 0 Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter Double Recessed Lensboard M 679 size 0 Double Rec. Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter 3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 0 3x Recessed Lensboard M 679, size 1 / Rollei Shutter Lensboard Adapter M 679 / Technika 45 lensboard 002754 002753 001939 001940 001941 001942 003904 Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter 001101 001102 001103 001104 001105 Linhof Kardan for M 679 Sinar / Horseman for M 679 Cambo for M 679 plate for Hasselblad Finder plate for Arca Swiss Bino Tube on M 679 Systainer M 679 Systainer II M 679 for Accessories 001108 001160 001161 001173 001163 001164 001176 001174 001175 001177 001100 022491 022492 LINHOF PRÄZISIONS - SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH | RUPERT - MAYER - STRASSE 45 | D - 81379 MÜNCHEN TEL. +49 (0)89 /72 492 -0 | FAX +49 (0)89 /72 492 -250 | [email protected] | PRINTED IN GERMANY 025107 / 11.2005/ 5 E - Mamiya RZ - Polaroid back RZ - Accepts all digital backs for Mamiya RZ Adapter for Hasselblad backs I N Basic lighthood TECHNISCHE ÄNDERUNGEN VORBEHALTEN - Hasselblad backs - Polaroid back 100 - Accepts all digital backs for Hasselblad Magnifier viewing system for Basic lighthood L I N H O F P R Ä Z I S I O N S - S Y S T E M T E C H N I K G M B H M Ü N C H E N E
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