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t h e: L a fay e 11 e z
September 17, 2004
volume 131 I number 3
Tne Oldest College Newspaper in Pennsylvania
First Class Mail
Postage Paid
Permit No. 108
Easton, Pa
Dramatic plans drive development
Hiird Street progress
m>^ 'Pw.M^'w—_ur -?r«^..
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A check pr(3sentatJon at the Williams Visual Arts Building
officially m arked the start of College and city-sponsored
improvements to the Third Street area.
Ninemillion doUar grant
presentted by Rendell
A nine million dollcir grant from
x V t l i e Commonweadth of Pennsylvania has made po ssible the expansive plans for the development
of Third Street and the Bushkill
Creek area. At a cei•emony held
August 20"' at the Wi liams Visual
Arts Building, Goveriior Ed Rendell presented a check to Lafayette
College and the city o f Easton.
In October 2003, .a letter from
the Governor's Office? was sent to
the mayors of 53 thir d-class cities
in Pennsylvania, in(:luding Michael McFadden, fornner mayor of
"^^ these austere times, my
economic stimulus plan reflects
increased appropriations for redevelopment activities," Rendell
wrote in this letter. "If Penn sylvania
is to become competitive hr jobs,
we must not only create a b)usinessfriendly environment, we nlust also
keep our communities vibi'ant and
inviting places for families) to live,
work, and play."
Chuck Ardo of Rende! I's press
office said that Easton an(i Lafayette were not necessarily competing against 52 other cities for the
~ continuedon page 3
afayette, situated atop College Hill, was thought to be a
fortress against the weatherings of
time. Due to the College's recent
acquisition of Third Street properties located at the campus's base,
however, it is now subject to several
environmental factors that do not
affect the hilltop campus.
According to Frederick Quivey,
Vice President for Business Affairs
and Treasurer, the T h i r d Street
buildings reside in a 100-year flood
plane zone. T h e federal government classifies any land near water
to be a flood plane. Each zone is
given a time frame in which the
water basin is expected to flood.
Therefore, the government places
restrictions on the types of buildings that can be erected on those
Quivey explained that the Third
Street property is in a 100-year
time zone and that the Bushkill
C r e e k , which r u n s u n d e r the
structures, is expected to flood
soon based on geological surveys.
Since flooding is a possibility, "you
have to have everything built one
foot above the flood plane mark,"
said Quivey.
Another issue Quivey addressed
was that the Third Street properties are also situated in a floodway
zone. To accommodate high waters, the structures must be built on
stilts, so that the flood waters are
not restricted. If the floodwaters
were blocked, their pressure would
eventually erode structural walls
and cause instability.
In the long run, the College
plans to rehabilitate the buildings that it does own, namely by
bringing those properties up to
code. College President Arthur
Rothkopf speculated that it will
cost "upwards of half a million
dollars" to bring Club Mohican
up to code alone.
Once the buildings are brought
up to code, the College will decide what their function will be.
VoUeyball off to
its best start in
ll yc^s...page
Scott Hawkins
'08 scores dramatic goal to
lift men's soccer to OT win...
page 12
~ continued on page 4
Emmy Preview,
Thai Review,
and tons ofa
cappeUa inside...
pages 5-8
Once the Third Street properties are brought up to governmental
code, the College is considering the construction of restaraunts,
offices, and residences.
Adjunct Professor Lorenz
Maycher releases CD... page 4
McCartney's canceUed classesfrustratestudents
t is hard enough for students
to drag themselves away from
summer vacation to come back to
school, but for 46 Lafayette students, this task was met with even
greater challenge by die realization
that their government and law
classes were*cancelled.
J o h n McCartney, professor of
Government and Law and department head, took a medical leave
that resulted in the last-minute
cancellation of two of his classes.
The students were then left with the
responsibility of finding alternate
classes^in an already full government department.
Both classes were dropped during the first week of school. Politics
of Western Europe was cancelled
Wednesday, S e p t e m b e r 1, and
Politics of Africa was dropped
Thursday, September 2.
McCartney was originally scheduled to be able to return back to
school after his surgery. However,
as the semester continued, the certainty of his return date became
less clear.
Although Registrar Frank
Benginia said that "the students
were notified as soon as wc found
out," most aflbcted students felt lost
at the start of classes this fall.
"We weren't told anything during the process," said Mitchell Feld
'05. "It seemed as if professors, administrators, and students all knew
different things. We were frustrated
that we didn't know what was happening for the rest of the semester
or even the rest of the week.'"
"Plan A was to fill in for a week
~ continued on page 3
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Page 2
Clean money counts in election
this week's question:
September 17, 2 0 0 4
shoes of a busy lawmaker with a
stack of phone messages on your
desk. O n e of those messages is
from a $4,000 contributor to your
This year's Presidential race campaign. Would you put that
is the most expensive in history. message near the top of the pile?
At the end of July, S e n a t o r j o h n O f course you would. Ultimately,
Kerry a n d President Bush h a d what this means is that a stack of
spent about $182,467,480 a n d legislation on a lawmaker's desk is
S207,994,857, respectively. Much placed in a very specific order— the
of this money came from individ- most "important" and "most likely
ual contributors. If you wouldn't to be passed" legislation is on the
mind, please raise your hand if you very top. These "important" bills
were one of these contributors. I are those backed by private money,
would venture to say that not many money that only a select few can
of you were. I would even go so afford to contribute. Therefore,
far as to say that a majority of you lawmakers are not consistently
didn't spend one dime on any indi- passing legislation with the intervidual currently running for politi- ests of their constituency in mind,
cal office. What does this mean to but are instead influenced by the
you? Well, it essentially means that "special interests" of a privileged
your voice is unlikely to be heard few.
come November— whether you
This phenomenon is not limited
vote or not.
simply to Maryland. It exists in
I know you are shaking your all states, at every level. Politicians
head right now in disbelief. So run for office, private donors assist
let me explain myself with an politicians with their campaign
example. T h e state of Maryland's expenses, and, once elected, these
"General .\ssembly" meets 90 days politicians pay back the favors they
out of the entire yean During these owe to private donors by passing
busy 90 days, lawmakers have little legislation in their favor. We cannot
time to return every phone call, blame the politicians either—the
let alone grant every request for problem is inherently systemic.
a meeting. So, who gets access to However, it is our duty to make
the politicians? Put yourself in the sure those same politicians fashion
If you could construct a new building (or addition
to) Lafayette's campus, what would it be?
Ashley Dvorak '05
An outdoor swdmming
pool center.
Stephanie Benash '05
A b a r o r p u b for upperclassmen.
Brad Woodfield'08 —
A c o m p l e t e d Skillm a n Library, in its
current location.
an alternative system that better
reflects our democratic principles.
What is a viable alternative?
Clean Money Campaign Reform
(CMCR) is a comprehensive, constitutional, and comprehensible option
of campaign finance reform that institutionaUzes a system of full public
financing. The result: public, not
private interest servants. In distinct
contrast to most other forms of
reform that seek to limit the supply of campaign contributions,
C M C R addresses the demand for
campaign contributions, thereby
freeing the candidate of special
interest influence and increasing
the time a candidate can spend
addressing constituency concerns.
C M C R currently exists in five
states—Maine, Arizona, Vermont,
New Mexico, and North Carolina.
In these states, both candidates and
incumbents spend their time on the
issues, not on the money chase. As
a result, more people run for office,
more races are contested (more
competition), a n d more people
vote. Furthermore, elected officials
are accountable to voters, not donors (publicly financed campaigns
mean that elected officials will not
owe contributors favors, because
there will be no contributors to
Expanded opinion policies
The Editorial Board of Tke Iafayette would like to announce its expanded Opinion Page Policy.
Please consult the following guidelines when submitting letters to the editor or opinion pieces for
publication consideration.
The Lafayette always welcomes opinions and letters from the campus community. Please send
submissions to [email protected], or to Box 9470.
Ian Friedman '05
Give Anthropology
a n e w building, so it
d o e s n ' t look like t h e
b a r g a i n - b a s e m e n t of
college departments.
Marianna Macri
Brian Geraghty
l\lana,^in^ Editor
Megan Zaroda
News I'klitor
Helen Duffy
Arts a n d I'^iitcrtainment
John R a y m o n d
Sports Editor
1. Length. Opinion articles will be Hmited to a maximum of 700 words. Letters to the editor will
he limited to 300 words.
2. Editing. Opinion articles and letters to the editor may be edited for length, not content. However, all imsolicited submissions will be piinted at the discretion of the Editorial Board. The Lafayette
reser\'es the right to not publish submissions containing profanity.
?>. Frequency.
The Lafayetle will publish a niiiximum of three opinion articles per contributor per
semester, but will not limit the number ol" published letters to the editor by a given contributor.
-1. Factuality.
Tlie IMfayette will not print any opinion articles contiuning suspect information.
the Lafayette
T n e Olaest Cplle^e Newspaper in Pennsylvania
Editorial and Opinion Policy
Ixiitorials appearing in The Lifrivellc represent a consensus of the majority of the Editorial Board. Those
opinions do not necessarily rcHect the opinions of the administration of Lafayette College. Opinions apjiearing
in 1 he iMfayette are solely those of the authors. 'Fhey do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial stalf,
reporters, or advisor of The IMfayette.
Greg Herchenroether
Ad\'erlisiiig Editor
Kevin Barry
P h o t o Editor
Letters to the Editor Policy
1 he Ixfayetle resenes the righl lo edit the length of letters t(j the Editor. The IMfayette reser\'es the right to
not print letters which it considers luijirintable. Anonymous letters will only be accepted for print if they are
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Editor. Fax:(610)3.30-5724
Jessica Lasak
J e s s Cygler
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Web Development
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Subscriptions lor a full year of The Lafayetle are $49, or $30 per semester 'lb subscribe, send a letter marked
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Kenneth Briggs
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September 17, 2 0 0 4
t h e I, a f a y e tic-
Page 3
College, city joint efForts
to further discuss the plans.
Ordinarily, in order for a city to
"There is a large pool of mon- receive grant money, it must also
ey. . .designated for the [Redevelop- agree to match the funds put up
ment and Assistance Capital] Pro- by the state. However, since the
gram," Ardo said. Grant money College had already invested about
is available to "small and large eight and a half million dollars in
communities throughout the Com- the Third Street project, Rendell
agreed to let that money go towards
monwealth," according to Ardo.
T h e Fall 2003 letter from Ren- matching the funds, according to
dell invited the 53 cities to send Rothkopf
proposals for development a n d
T h e "Bushkill Creek Initiative"
revitalization projects that could includes redevelopment of Bushbe funded with state money.
kill Creek and the rehabilitation
"I would ask that you include of Third Street, said Rothkopf.
key community partners in your Three of the nine million dollars
community development activi- will go directly to Lafayette, to
finance plans for the Third Street
ties," Rendell wrote at the close of
&. L A F A Y E T T E C O L L E O E
the letter. H e specifically encour- properties owned by the College.
aged collaboration with "anchor The remaining six million will go
E A S T O N ,
employers" such as colleges, which to the Creek itself
3F»3e^i5t.s;]F*:]e:ci!Tri>^'je ssjKje^TTczijt^
are often key economic resources in
Rothkopf said the city is planthird-class cities.
ning on improving the area around
rw%vm ^ A / v i
Lafayette College P r e s i d e n t Bushkill Creek by doing things such
Arthur Rothkopf and McFadden as constructing a bike path and
made a joint presentation to Com- soccer fields.
monwealth officials later in the fall,
Rothkopf also said that after the
proposing a project known as the grant money has been used, the
"Bushkill Creek Initiative."
College "hopes it can go back to Lafayette College President Arthur Rothkopf and Former Easton Mayor Mike McFadden presented
Injuly, Rendell requested a meet- the state for further funding after their vision, the "Bushkill Creek Initiative," to Pennsylvania Govenor Ed Rendell in order to obtain a
grant from the Redevelopment and Assistance Capital Program.
ing with Rothkopf and McFadden we have shown results."
~ continuedfrompage 1
architerra, pc-
Sexual assault hits campus, panel discusses prevention
cording to PuWic Safety crime
statistiiSS. " I n V i ^ 2 2 years of
experience, I have not found any
stranger-involved rape case," said
James Meyer, Assistant Director
of Public Safety. "Mostly, t h e
assaulter is a friend. But t h a t
doesn't mean that it can't happen to never walk alone at night. If
ter will be offering self-defense
students feel uncomfortable in classes for women on Thursdays,
In 2001, two rapes went on re- any situation, M e y e r said that S e p t e m b e r 23 a n d 3 0 . Cheryl
cord, but in 2002, no rapes were Public Safety officers are always Fuhrmann, the New Jersey state
espite Lafayette's small
reported. Meyer explained that available to serve as escorts.
director of American Women's Self
student body, three forcible
In the event of a n assault, the Defense Association, will serve as the
in recent years, there has been a
rapes were reported in 2003 acpush for students to report sexual panel requested that victims no- instructor.
assaults. This could be the reason tify the Sexual Assault CounselThe participants will be taught
for the j u m p in the crime statis- ing and Education Coordinators not only "fight-back" techniques,
or a resident advisor immediately. but iilso how to ;i\'()id such situations.
They encouraged students to pre- Students will acquire conlidence iind
Despite the encouraging nudge
all physiciil evidence, such the ability to turn simple objects
er said. "If anyone asks, I am available
~ continuedfrompage 1
are still reluctant to report sexual as clothes, a n d to seek medical like pens or books into instruments
to help pick up die ovciflow:"
of defense. The reason for olfering
or two until McCartney returned,"
H i e Government imd I ^w Depart- assaults. "People tell mc it's be- attention as quickly as possible.
W h e n h e l p i n g a victim, the the course is to "lielj) women feel
cause it's a small c o m m u n i t y
said Joshua Miller, Professor of
ment already luid a short supply of
Government and Law.
upper level courses iiviulable its a rt^sult and word gets around fast," said panel suggested to iivoid iisking empowerc^d iigiiinst physiciil ;itt;ick,"
cjuestions that imply thai the vic- Siiid C^hris Fairehilcl, .\ssisuini DirecDuring this transition period, of the sabbatical k>a\'es of fac:ult>' Meyer.
tim was responsible for what hiid tor oi" the Kirby Sports Center.
StuHelena SUvcrstein, a.ssociate pro- members, such as James Lennertz,
hiippened. Instead, listen carefully
discusThe Sports Center has offered
fessor of Government and Law, Associate Professor of Ciovernmenl
jumping to conclusions; this course once every >'ear since
was appointed to serve as acting and Law.
Department Head. Dana Professor
Garett Copp '05, a Government of sexuiil iissaults on campus. T h e let the victim make the decision. 2000. In each class, the enrollof Social Sc ience and Government and Liiw and History coordinate panel—which included Meyer, Suggest counseling resources. And iiient is l)pic;illy belween ten to
15 people.
and Law Ilan Peleg took over the niiijor, not only luid the diOicuity Dean of Students James Krivoski, most importantly, be sympathetic
Any form of se.xual misconduct
Western European class while Vis- of trying t(j fill his government class
Forbes h i g h l i g h t e d thai t h e —sexual harassment, sexual asiting Professor Samuel Hay filled in iifter losing o n e of McCartney's Patty Martino, a n d Director oi"
lor Politics f )f Aiiica. Professor of Re- classes, but he also had to fill a cliiss the Counseling Center Dr. Karen Counseling C e n t e r is planning sault, or nipe—is considered to be
ligious Studies Kofi Opoku iilso filled that was dropped by John Henry Forbes—discussed the programs to work with male students on a violaticm of the College Clode of
in widl a class on the Black Experience MacCracken Professor of History Lafayette will be undertaking to campus in an eflort to increase Conduct. Students w h o violate
course that he decided to continue for Doniild Miller due to anodier un- promote sexual assault awareness responsibility. T h e Center plans the Code of Conduct are subject
among its students.
to cover topics such as "What it to disciplinary actions. These
the rest of the semester.
expected medical absence.
M e y e r a n d o t h e r s first dis- means to be a n i e m b e r of the i n c l u d e a w a r n i n g p r o b a t i o n ,
O n e of the main concerns of
"I never got into another governdisciplinary probation level I or
students, especially among seniors, ment class," said Copp. "I tried a cussed guidelines to follow in case Lafayette Community."
To add lo the awareness pro- disciplinary probation le\el 11,
was how diey were going to get their couple different options, but to no of eniergency. They encouriiged
requirements filled and get into new avail. They were either full or didn't students to stay in groups a n d g r a m , t h e K i r b y S p o r t s C e n - suspension, and even expulsion.
fit my schedule. T h e biggest incon"All I wanted to know was what was venience was finding two classes in
iictually happening so 1 could figure my major. I wish the administration
out my scheduling," said Charles could hiive given us some options
Landon '06.
rather than leaving us with t h e
At 12:05 a.m., student reported rtxeixinj; thre;it.s while on insiiint messagcr on
"I eventually got into a class," said entire burden."
Terroristic Threats
his conipiiur in South College, Upon fmiher investigation, the responsible
Dave Meyers '07, "but I felt it was
Feld shared the frustration of
\v;i.s identified. Complainant did not wish to pursue internal or
unfiur how they left the entire bur- many of McCiirtney's students.
external eharges. (R. \anisehi
den on the already shorthanded
"[The College] could have inprofessors of the department."
formed us that it could be advisable
Al 2:05 ii.ni., student reported someone had ripped items ofl' a rooin door
M e m b e r s of the d e p a r t m e n t to sign up tor another class ahead
at McKeen Hall. Ineideni under investigation. (G. Voorhees)
were able to help accommodate a of time. It would have been better
majority of the excess students by to warn the students that there was
This security log is compiled by the Office of Public Safety and submitted to 7?je Lafayetle. It is an acxx)unt of ali crimes handled by Public
taking on larger classes.
a chance Uiat they could have been
Safety officers and does not cover non-criminal reports. All reports printed here have been listed and also submitted to the Easton Police
"We iue all available and open to cancelled, rather than to wait until
talking witli any of the stucfents," Mill- the last minute," said Feld.
Student frustration
Public Safety Crime Log
9/9/04 through 9/13/04
t: h c; L a f a y v. 1.1 v
September 17, 2004
Maycher's music now Colatch steps in as chaplain
available beyond VK\C
Page 4
BY A i x i s o N S H A P P
There was a big pipe organ in the
auditorium, and Maycher knew
instantly that he wanted to play it.
"I was always fascinated with that
organ. I didn't know why or what
it meant, but I had this desire to
play it," Maycher said.
He started piano lessons at age
uring the dead of this past
winter, as a result of a recent
snowstorm, the pipes of the Aeolian-Skinner organ at the Trinity
Episcopal Church in Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, had
begun to freeze.
T h e organ was
not left to slumber
very long, however, as L o r e n z
Maycher, adjunct
Professor of Music
at Lafayette, did
nol let the weather
d e t e r h i m from
recording his second C D of organ
music. Bundled
u p in a w i n t e r
coat and sock cap,
Maycher culminated his months
of rehearsing in
CD in collaboration
his newest CD, enwith
titled The AeolianSkinner Sound.
T h e C D is the
first in a series that will feature six, started playing the organ for
organists from acro.ss the United churches at ten, and earned his
States playing on diflerent organs Bachelors and Masters degrees
from the Aeolian-Skinner com- in Organ Performance from Rice
pany. T h e series will be produced University in Houston, Texas.
by Maycher and will also include
Maycher then moved to Mansome older recordings from the hattan and worked four church
1950s that illustrate the sound jobs, including some masses at St.
of these organs when they were Patrick's Cathedral. He moved to
b r a n d new. Some of these are Easton five years ago, but only in
from private collections that have the last year has he stopped comnever been heard before.
muting back to the city. He has
" I ' m interested in getting all ended his New York career with
these recordings out for people to over 7000 masses under his belt
hear because many of these organs in 14 years.
have been destroyed," Maycher
Maycher is in his fourth year
said. "Just because they're old of teaching at Lafayette. He was
doesn't mean they're bad. They're hired to service the growing numworks of art, and people need to ber of piano students. "It's a really
learn how to appreciate them."
nice working environment, and
T h e idea for the CD came from I'm lucky to have such a diverse
Maycher's friend, also an organist, group of students who are taking
who pointed out that die organ at die lessons really just because they
Trinity church was so beautiful that enjoy playing the piano," Maycher
it deserved to be recorded so people said in describing his experience at
who did not live locally could hear the ccjllegc.
it. Maycher initially blew ofl" die
His students enjoy his unique peridea because of a previous record- spective on music as well. "[Maying experience of the composer's, cher| allows for a lot of expression
Sowcrby's, music in 1995 that had in music, something a lot of teachbeen less than enjoyable.
ers are more wary of, sticking more
"I was pliiying the organ ;ind the to the sheet music rather than inhair on the biuk of my neck stcjod dividuid iiiterjjretiition," saidjiiiro
up. 1 thought to myself 'This organ Amarillo '05, one of Maycher's
is so c>xciting I can hardly stand it,'" current piano students.
Maycher said, when he described
Maycher calls attention to the
the moment in spring of 2003 that pipe organ that is right here on
he decided to heed his friend's ad- the Lafayette campus. liOcated
vice and make the CD.
in Colton Chapel, the organ was
T h e C D was r e c o r d e d a n d made in Hartford, Connecticut,
and includes over 3500 pipes emdigitally edited by the beginning of
February 2004 and was produced bedded in the chapel walls. T h e
about three months later. Maycher organ has been in the chapel since
described the repertoire as "a top- the late 1960's when it replaced
ten Ust of organ music." It includes the previous organ that was deBach's Toccata and Fugue in D stroyed in the fire that ravaged
Colton Chapel in 1962. "Most
minor and Westminster Carillon.
Maycher first became interested people don't even know about it,"
in playing the organ when he was said Maycher. "Last year we had
three years old and his mother took a workshop on it, and we're hophim with her to work at the Okla- ing to stir up some more student
homa State School for the Blind. interest in it."
magine a place where you were
always made to feel welcome, a
place where you could ask the most
embarrassing question without
fear of being made to feel fooUsh.
Imagine a place where the door
was always open, a place you were
encouraged to use as a resource any
time you needed friendly advice or
just someone to talk to. Not many
places like this are easy to find, but
one exists just mere steps from the
Farinon Student Center in Hogg
Hall. This is the office of Reverend
J o h n Patricl Colatch, Lafayette
College's nev\ chapliiin and director
of religious life.
It is a direct result of this kind
of friendly enxironment that convinced Colatch that he wanted to
work on a college campus. While
an undergraduate at West "Virginia
Wesleyan College, Colatch says that
the chaplain there was his staunch
"friend and advocate." While he
had wanted to be a minister from
the time he was 14, Colatch said
that this college experience was the
time that convinced him to work
with odicr college siudents.
Colatch is already making his
presence felt. Robert Weiner, Jones
Professor of History, described him
as an "open, loving, extremely intelligent member of our community."
Weiner expects that Colatch will
continue the same general tradition
that was experienced under previous Director of Religious Life Gary
"[Colatch] will give energy and
focus to the religious program of
the College. . . . All members of
die community should get to know
him," said Weiner.
Landis Community Outreach
Center Director Chariene Gray
said that Colatch had "clarity
about creating a community that
supports religious life," as well as
the desire to help students from all
backgrounds explore their reUgious
Colatch worked at Allegheny
CoUege for the last ten years, but
decided to move on when Allegheny restructured his position to the
point where it had lost some of its
importance, cutting liis job from a
year-round to a nine month position. He said that this eliminated
the time he had previously used to
plan programs for the following
semester. Colatch felt that the program was not mox'ing in a favorable
direction; therefore, he decided that
it was a "good time to move on."
Colatch said that he wanted to
find a school that was serious about
the religious director's position,
and was impressed by Lafayette's
"strong commitment to [its] reUgious life program" and its desire
to raise the program's profilc\ C^olatch said that this, along with the
coUege's overall outstanding reputation, led him to choose Lafayette.
Colatch had developic^d many
programs during his tenure at Allegheny that he said he hopes to
incorporate at Lafayette. H e has
already brought one such program
to fruition wilh his Bible Studies
class available exclusively to firstyear students. He idso hopes to start
a Religious Awareness Week.
Colatch said that the pinnacle
of his career wiU most likely occur
next month when Allegheny students who were involved with his
ReUgious Life Program will come
back from aU parts of the country
for their first reunion. He is thriUed
that they wanted to put so much
effort into seeing each other again.
He hopes to create the same type
of tight-knit community here at
Colatch said that one of the hardest parts about changing schools
has been being separated from his
family. With his children in college and his wife back in Western
Pennsylvania selUng their house,
Colatch currendy resides in a Keefe
HaU faculty residence. However, he
said that the many welcoming and
supportive people at Lafayette have
eased his transition.
According to a Lafayette press
release, Colatch is an ordained
minister in the United Methodist
Church. He was "campus pastor
and executive tiirector of the Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry at
the University of Delaware (19861990), then as chiiplain at Ferrum
College in Virginia (1990-1994)"
before going to Allegheny. Colatch
earned his doctorate last year from
Colgate Rochcfitcr Crozer Divinity School, which he said was a life
changing experience. "It further
energized the social justice impetus
in me," said Colatch.
Bookstore, funicular proposed
~ conlinuedfrom page 1
Rothkopf said that the College is
currently considering a "combination of college properties, along
with r e s t a u r a n t s , cafes, or offices.. .things that are attractive to
both the students
of Lafayette and
t h e c i t i z e n s of
Easton, as well as
enterprises that
will create jobs in
the community."
Q^u i V e y e xplained that the
College plans
a b o u t 50 years
out into the fulure.
O n c e c o nstruclion begins
on t h e lol, the
buildings would
be leased oul to
companies and
used as incomeproducing pieces
for the College, said Quivey.
Lafayette owns almost all of
the property on the Third Street
block, with the exception of the
building directly next to the Williams Visual Arts Building, and
the building in which the J a c and
Co. restaurant formerly resided.
T h e College has not yet bought
these buildings because, though
e a c h b u i l d i n g is for sale, the
asking prices are quite high and
the College is "nol prepared lo
pay more than the p r o p e r l y is
worth," Rothkopf said. However,
Roihkopf did add lhal the College may want lo look closely inlo
acquiring the building next to the
was mostly from the county and
the city, and ran oul before the
project was finished, according
lo Rothkopf
T h e r e is also t h e possibility of opening an expanded college bookstore on T h i r d Street,
possibly in collaboration with
a chain such as
Barnes & Noble. However,
R o i h k o p f said
that the Ccjllege
"needs a,plan,
and we are not
there yet."
Fhere are
other projects
t h e C o l l e g e is
though these
will likely not
c o m m e n c e in
the near future.
Last fall, a
technology clinic
Arts Center al some later dale.
studied Third Street and made recT h e project will first "work on ommendations lo the College as to
beautification of the property by whal can be done.
erecting fencing," said Rothkopf
O n e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n made
T h e fencing would be around the was the construction of a railway
two corners of the property that funicular to carry studenis from the
face Snyder and Third Street.
hiUlop to Third Street. Rothkopf
T h e project's second objective said he is very interested in pursuis to finish the street and sidewalk ing this option, although he beprojecl that was begun last spring. lieves that the cost will be al least
T h e money frorn lhal project double the $500,000 estimation.
September 17, 2004
/A.I Lj q.nci ryij.LcrL<LirxiiiciiL
Page 5
A & E predicts the Emmy's
BY H E L E N D U F F Y , B I L L
t's that lime again. This Sunday
night the 56th Annual Emmy
.\wards wiU air on ABC at 8 p.m.
VVilh all the talented casts and
actors nominated this year, it was
difficult to predict who would lake
home the mosl prestigious honors
in television. However, after reviewing the nominees, several staff writers picked their selections for this
year's show.
Best TV C o m e d y :
This year the award for best comedy will most likely go to the new
show of the bunch, "Arrested Development." "Sex and the City"
is already off the air and "WiU &
Grace" and "Everybody Loves
Raymond" (last year's winner) are
considered old news. As for "Curb
Your Enthusiasm," audiences lend
to be mixed, as some people consider the show too frustrating. (JZ)
Best Actor i n a C o m e d y :
This is the mosl bitlensweet calegory to discuss. The nominees are
all very talented, bul John Ritter
wiU take this category. It wiU be a
fitting farewell to a great aclor who
departed from us loo soon. I do not
see how any other,nominec will win
the Emmy. (BO) '
Best Supporting Actor in a
This is an extremely tough calegory
lo predict, as all the nominees are
exceUent choices. Brad Garret from
"Everybody Loves Raymond" is my
prediction to lake the award based
on talent alone, but since when are
Hollywood ilwards based only on
talent? Do not be surprised if one
of the other nominees takes the
iiward. (BO)
Best Actress in a Comedy:
I have m i x e d e m o t i o n s a b o u t
this category. 1 feel lhal Patricia
Heaton from "Everybody Loves
Raymond" should win this Emmy.
Unfortunately, Sarah Jessica Parker
will likely rob Patricia of a welldeserved Emmy. None of the "Sex
and the City" women have ever
won an Emmy. Look for Sarah lo
be the firsl (and only one of the
nighl). (BO)
Best Supporting Actress in a
I predict that Doris Roberts from
" E v e r y b o d y Loves R a y m o n d "
will win this "Sex and the City"
dominated calegory (Kim Catlrall,
Cynthia Nixon, and Kristin Davis
are all nominated). The presence of
all three women will work against
each olher in the selection. If a "Sex
and the City" diva is to win, look for
Kristin Davis to be the dark horse
of the calegory. (BO)
B e s t TV D r a m a :
Unfortunately, I feel that this year's
award for best T V drama will most
likely go to the v<^Jeran "The Sopranos." WhUe I would love lo see Fox's
hit show "24" win the award, I do
not see it happening, although it has
an incredible cult following. Also
nominated, bul nol likely lo win,
is the "West Wing," which, afler so
much Emmy success, is running on
its lasl wheels. (HD)
B e s t Actor i n a D r a m a :
As in mosl of the categories, " I h e
Sopranos" is the favorite to win this
one as well. James Gandolfini is the
perennial favorite to win this award.
Many entertainment sources report that Anthony LaPiiglia from
"Without a Trace" will take home
the award. WhUe Gandolfini is my
favorite, I will trust the entertainment sources and predict LaPagUa
will lake the Emmy home. (BO)
Best Supporting Actor in a
Again, "The Sopranos" will dominate this category. Steve Buscemi
gave an outstanding performance
on this season of the show, but was
outshined by Michael Imperioli.
Look for Imperioli to take home the
Emmy. Victor Garber of "Alias" is
the underdog pick. (BO)
B e s t Actress i n a D r a m a :
As much as she iippcals to the male
demographics,Jennifer Garner becomes the long-shot in this category.
As E! News points oul, Mariska
Hartigay is lucky to be nominated,
and the ratings drop that "The
West Wing" took will hurl Allison
Janney's chances. This leaves Edie
Falco of "The Sopranos" and Amber Tamblyn of 'Joan of Arcadia."
While many are predicting Amber's
victory, you do nol "go against the
family." My prediction is for "The
Sopranos" to extend their dominance with Edie Falco leaving wilh
the Emmy. (BO)
B e s t Supporting A c t r e s s i n a
I predict that this is one of the easier
categories to judge. Il was a break-
Office of the Dean of Studies
Spiegelberg Test-Preparation Workshops
I'Horo couRTi",sv OF AKri:Ria.i.iiN.co.M
After a successful run on HBO, the leading ladies of "Sex and
the City" are all rewarded with Emmy nominations.
out year on "The Sopranos" for
Adriana. Look for Drea de Matteo
lo take home this award. Il would
be shocking lo see anyone but her
walk home with that cmmy. (BO)
torn, simply due to the fact lhal
so many of my favorite shows
were n o m i n a t e d . While "Lale
Night with Conan O'Brien" and
the "Late Show with Diivid Letterman" are staples to this category, I
do not feel as if either has a chiince
of winning due lo their almost annual nominations. "Saturday Night
Live" proved to be a little stale this
season, and the new cast pales in
comparison lo those in years gone
by. My money is on the "Daily
Show with John Stewart," a show
thiit consistently proves its wit and
humor to nightly audiences captivated by its host. However, 1 would
nol discount "Chapelle's Show,"
which was a surprise nominee to
begin with; its rapid cull following
leaves room for an improbable, but
possible, win. (HD)
Best Reality/Competition
Even reality T V is getting awards
now. This year's list of nominees
has many popular fan favorites,
including "Survivor," "American
Idol," and "Last Comic Standing."
However, in my opinion, there is
no way that "The Apprentice" is
going to lose this category. Seriously, does the Donald ever lose?
B e s t Variety, M u s i c , o r C o m edy Series:
Personally, this category left me
Spiegelberg Test-Preparation Workshops
Spring Semester 2005
Part I I Mar. 10, 2005 i6 p.m.-9:00 p.in.
Part II jMar. 21. 2005 6 p.tn.-9:00 p.m. Simon Ctr Atid
iMar. 28, 2005 6 p.m.-O:0O p.m.
Workshop Registration Deadline:
Friday, September 24, 2004
Part I iMar. 3, 2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Part ll iMar. 24. 2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
The Office of the I)can of Studies will offer a scries of GRK. l.SAT. and MCAT test-preparation workshops
during the uciidemic year and summer. The workshops are aimed ul teaching students test-taking skills and (he
relevant logical, rhetorical, and mathematical problem-solving techniques. Siudents will leam test management
strategies including iiow to reduce test anxiety and how to better process infonnation.
Simon Ctr Aud
JMar. 31, 2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.tn.
MCAxr" "
'""^""f ™ """ " ' ' ' " i
Part I IMar. 7. 2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Part H IMar. 22,2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Simon Ctr Aud
lMar.29. 2005 16 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Spiegelberg Educational Consulting AsstK'iatcs will administer the workshops. Students in their junior
year a r e especially e n c o u r a g e d to participate, students wto participate in fall semester otrcampus study are accommodated with workshop seminars during Interim.
Summer Semester 2005 — Fee to be Announced
For EXCFX, Alhlcte&, and Summer Students
Classes may be compressed or cancelled, depending on enrollment.
Tuition: A tee of $450 per student/workshop will be charged for students who register during Ihe academic
year. A fee for Ihe sumnicr session will tw established prior to the start of the wwrkshopts). In extraordinary
circumstances, studenis may receive a subsidy of fees by the OtTice of the Dt"an of Studies.
Rc^istnition; The registration deadline for (all semester workshops is Friday. September 24, 2004. Students
interested in the test-preparation workshops should contact Ms. June A. Tltompson, Postgraduate Studies and
Fellowship Assistant, ai extension 5521, email; thompso) a tafayeiic.edu.
Simon Ctr Aud j
MCAT Oct. 7 and 18. 2004 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Nov. 3.2004
i6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Simon Ctr Aud
6 p.m.-9;0U p.m.
Simon Ctr Aud
|LSAT JFeb. 7. 10, 21, and 28, 2005 16 p.m..9:00 p.m.
Simon Ctr Aud
IMCAT {Feb. 7, lb. and 24. 2005
[MCAT jJuly/Aug. - D^es x i A 2005 |6 p.m.-9K)b p.m. I Simon Ctr Aud
Tuesday, September 28, 2004, 12:00 noon-1:00 PM
100 Gagnon Lecture Hall
Register to attend by Friday, Sep 24"*
Winter Semester 2005
For Study Abroad Students
Classes may be compressed or cancelled, depending on enrollment.
Feb. 8 and 17. 2005
pLSAT Jjuiy/Aug.-batesTBA 2005 |6p.m.-9:0bp.m. I Simon Cd-Aud
Office of the Dean of Studies
Law School Application Meeting
Juniors and Seniors
Simon Ctr Aud i
LSAT Oct. 7 and ] 8,2004 |6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Oct. 21 and 28. 2004 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Spiegelberg Test-Preparation Workshops
Fall Semester 2004
Oct. 4 and 25,2004 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
gJuly/Aug. - Dates TBA 2005 6 p.m.-9:00 p.m. i Simon Ctr Aud
All juniors and seniors planning to applj to law sch»x>l aa- encouraged to attend this meeting whea' members oi
the legal Professions ,\dvisor\ Committee will discuss the application priKess. Hoxt\l lunch provided to
students who register with Mrs I hompson '^thompsoj > b\' I'riday. Sep 24"'.
|6 p.m.-9:00 p.m. i Simon Ctr Aud
Page 6
Arts and Entertainment
September 17, 2004
Whaf s your sign?
OUR WEEKLY (9/19 - 9/25)
Last Weeks Answer
65"" 66
K j3
i jn
8 1
n 0
0 it V
s w i 1
3 0 V
3 0 1 V
N o
s s 3 U Q
0 1 N n
3 3
H 3 1 s
3 1
1 n H
3 3 i n
1 o H u 3
3 O
V 8 n 0
D 1
A O 8 3 1 ^ ¥
2 8 ~ 29
8 0
i^H 1 t
I 1 V
u n 3 s
V o
i 0 V
1 3 H
V a 1
O 0
H 8
3 i
V 3
V a
T J 3
3 3 t
1 d
\ «
^ 3 N1
s >.4 "» «l
1. Swollen
6. See
9. Annual horse race
14. Liquid from a kidney
15. River in central Russia
16. Great grandmother of King David
17. A one celled organism
i d . More unwell
20. Huts where monks prayed
21. State North of CT
22. Denial
23 Use an interior designer
24 Accessory for a cove'let
26. Plural ending in Hebrew words
28, Anarchists
33. City on the Rio Grande
37. Set to a duty
38. Name meaning "Gift of Isis"
39. Chestnut clam
43. Beast of burden
45. Immature egg call of an ovary
46. Crowning achievements
52. Latin origin prefix
53. Shortest distance between two
54. Cards dealt
57. Before noon
59. "Ill be home tonight
60. Woven wools
63. Four stringed musical instrument
65. Ground plan of a railroad
a happy note
69, "What's up
70, Angiospermous plant
71, These held up llowers
72, First man in Scandinavian myth
73, Sour look
1,010 boat
2. Russian lake
3. Hydrous silicate of aluminum
4. What a problem foot may be
5. Tractor brand
6. Father of the phonograph
7. "It had to be
8. Tangle up
9. A mammal, e.g.
10. Italian snack
11 Deoression in a mountain range
12. Name ol movie horror series
13. Novice
18. Slang for "radical"
25. Non continental state
26. Relating to the hiptwne
27. Western Italy marble city
29. In case
30, Shortening brand
31. All (musical)
32, Dutch painter Jan
34. Coarse file
35. To perform a duty
36. Yellow metal in heraldry
40. Musical note
and pro
42. Schoiariy
44. Education degree
47. Ski maneuver
48. "Clash of the
49. Faucet choice
50. Las Vegas home state
51. Comic routine
55, Plant bnslle
56, Penuries
57, Latin hellos
58, Coin producer
61, Art
62, Ice-crystal precipitation
64 Lync poem
66. Spanish plural article
67. Photographic light meter (abbrev.)
ARIES (March 21-April 20) Turmoil
seems to be everywhere this week. Just
remember that a great deal of criticism
can be delivered eifectively with a
smile. It will make more sense to keep
people on your side if you can channel
your rage in a more direct way. Joy
could be just as habit forming as pessimism is.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) You may
have the opportunity to invest in a creative enterprise with unexpected money
coming from a faiTiily member who is
looking out for your best interests. If
a relationship is starting to feel a little
stagnant, try tofindways to increase
vitality, or get out.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) It's time
to take a lead from an ambitious acquaintance, and take your shot at fame
and fortune. Your love life may be a bit
rocky this week, so try to accentuate the
positive. It's time to sew up any loose
ends, leaving no stone unturned as you
finish up.
CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
Changes do not come easy, but those
that may occur in your personal life will
probably be more accepted than most.
Quiet time with family will give you the
opportunity to catch up with each others'
lives. When you put your mind to it, you
can accomplish just what you want.
LEO (July 24- August 23) You seem
to have a choice of paths to take. Make
sure that you are not achieving success
at the cost of others. Such ambition will
no doubt reap rewards you may not wish
for It feels as if you are running around
in circles; everything does not have to be
done by the book.
VIRGO (August 24 - September 23)
If you are getting too attached, you are
only setting yourself up for disappointment. Live in the here and now. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Much of
what you have been striving for is within
your grasp, but you may have to count
on others to help you reach tliat goal.
LIBRA (September 24 - October
23)Change is in the air Allow old
habits and emotions to be swept away
and you'll be surprised how fast new
and exciting situations will materialize.
Chances are that you've been trying
to work at things alone; stop and get
feedback from others.
SCORPIO (October 24 - November
22) During the week your physical
energy will abound. Use this new found
energy well and include others in the
activities, possibly children. Tie up any
loose ends and expect something in the
workplace to come to a head. You have
a lot to share with those around you.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21) There is someone close to
you in desperate need offinancialhelp.
Look around you closely; this individual
may not be obvious. Feelings of passion
will follow you during the week. Direct
thisfieryenergy in a positive way. It is a
good time to express yourself romantically.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January
20) Try to maintain your sunny spirit
in the face of seemingly depressing
circumstances. Do what you can and try
to stop worrying. You can do much to
change the situations youfindyourself
in. Do your best to act fairly, for money
matters are coming to a head.
AQUARIUS (January 21 - February
19) An existing relationship will flourish
if you trust the other person completely.
There is a real possibility for a new and
intense love. Your spark of enthusiasm
brings out the best in those around you.
This opportunity could pave the way for
more responsibility.
PISCES (February 20 - March 20)
You are doing well in your career
choice, but know you could be doing better if given the chance. That
opportunity for advancement is right
around the corner. Be sure you can
make good on your promises. There
is an introspective friend who needs
your emotional support this week.
Lights! Camera! Action!
September 1/ - September Vy
' President Munxtw •
Part two
By Allan Amanik ^ '06
I Js££n) Xoo -rus. ftcsr
OFF cAwPiJS VoT^:^
Find out what is going on around campus by
clicking on the ^^Caiendar of Events" linic at
Regal Cinemas
Regal Cinemas
Pohatcong 12
3740 Nazareth Highway
Easton, PA
1246 Rt22
Phillipsburg. NJ
The C o o k o u t ( P G - 1 3 ) 9:50
Garden State (R) 1:35 4:15
7:15 10:10 Princess Diaries
2: The R o y a l E n g a g e m e n t
(G) 12:15 3:10 7:00 Without
A Paddle (PG-13) 1:50 4:20
7:25 10:35 Anacondas: The
Hunt for the Blood Orchid
(PG-13) 9:45 Collateral (R)
12:10 3:00 7:10 9:55 Hero
(PG-13) 1:30 4:30 7:25 10:05
Vanity Fair ( P G - 1 3 ) 12:00
3:00 7:00 10:00 Wicker Park
(PG-13) 1:00 4:00 7:15 10:05
Cellular (PG-13) 12:10 2:45
5 : 2 0 8:00 1 0 : 3 0 R e s i d e n t
Evil: A p o c a l y p s e (R) 12:05
2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 I, Robot
(PG-13) 12:30 3:15 7:05 Napoleon Dynamite (PG) 12:15
2:35 4:45 7:10 9:30 Mr. 3000
(PG-13) 12:20 2:50 5:25 8:05
10:35 Sky Captain and the
W o r l d of T o m o r r o w ( P G )
12:00 2:40 5:10 7:45 10:15
W i m b l e d o n ( P G - 1 3 ) 12:35
3:05 5:20 7:50 10:20
The Bourne Supremacy (PG13) 1 2 : 0 5 2 : 3 5 5 : 0 0 7 : 4 0
10:10 Princess Diaries 2: The
Royal Engagement (G) 12:00
2:30 5:00 Without A Paddle
(PG-13) 12:20 2:45 5:10 7:35
10:00 H e r o ( P G - 1 3 ) 12:35
2:55 5:15 7:35 9:55 Wicker
Park (PG-13) 12:00 2:30 5:00
7:30 10:00 Cellular (PG~13)
12:15 2:30 4 : 4 5 7:10 9:25
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
(R) 12:10 12:40 2:25 2:55 4:40
5:10 7:00 7:30 9:15 9:45 Mr.
3000 (PG-13) 12:25 2:50 5:15
7:40 10:00 Sky Captain and
the World of Tomorrow (PG)
12:05 2:35 5:05 7:35 10:05
W i m b l e d o n ( P G - 1 3 ) 12:20
2:40 5:00 7:20 9:40 I, Robot
(PG-13) 7:25 9:55 Napoleon
D y n a m i t e (PG) 12:45 2:55
5:05 7:15 9:25
September 17, 2004
Arts and Fntertainment
he Lalaver
Page 7
Numerous a cappella groups bring camaraderie and music to campus
erhaps it is because the current g e n e r a t i o n of college
students grew up on the music
of Rockapella from Where in the
World is Carmen Sandiego? that the
a capella craze has become definitive of campus life. T h e r e always
seems to be an a cappella performance that people are bustling
off to see, whether it be Cadence,
C h o r d u r o y s , Q u i n t e s s e n c e , or
Soulfege. All four groups have
become the centerpiece of Laiayette a cappella. Few, however,
are aware of the vast distinctions
of each of the groups.
Cadence, Lafayette's resident
all-female a cappella group, is
the oldest a cappella group on
( ampus. It originated in the early
1990s, when the group 8 Days to
Midnight disbanded. Two female
members, Missy Labov Dwcck
and Jody Forester, founded Cadence in their sophomore year.
Cadence now receives competitive turnouts at their auditions
and l a r g e a u d i e n c e s at t h e i r
Cadence president Toni Ahrens
'05 said, "A cappella has evolved
a lot on campus since my freshman year and has gained a very
positive and dedicated following.
It's great to be a part of something that so many other people
T h e Chorduroys are Lafayette's
all-male a c a p p e l l a g r o u p on
campus. They were started back
in 1996 under the name "Chaos."
Tryouts for Chorduroys tend to
receive a mixed reaction.
Chorduroys m e m b e r Dave
Mitchell '05 points out, "While
we receive a good turnout, we
one of its own.
Soulfege concerts usually receive a very positive turnout.
Dave Castelletti '05 said, " O u r
solid pack of groupies grows every year, and they
feel like they're 'in
the family' too."
Quintessence is
Lafayette's newer
co-ed a c a p p e l l a
group, founded by
Mitchell last year.
"I began wondering how I could
c o m b i n e two of
my musical loves, a
cappella and jazz,"
he said. " N o t i n g
the up-and-coming
success of Soulfege
as a new co-gender
a cappella group, I
felt it was time to
b r a n c h out even
Within weeks
Cadence, Lafayette's all-female a cappella group, performs frequently to o f a u d i t i o n s ,
campus crowds. Q u i n t e s s e n c e
was p e r f o r m i n g
in the back room
usually do not get as many new c o n c e r t s , like the o n e d u r i n g of Gilberts for live audiences.
people as Cadence does."
Family Weekend, the shows are Although it started off with just
Chorduroys m e m b e r Andrew extremely well attended."
five members, the membership
Segan '05 said, "Tryouts are deS o u l f e g e , n a m e d a f t e r t h e quickly g r e w t h r o u g h o u t t h e
cent for a small school. You have solfeggio scale, is Lafayette's older next few auditions.
to realize that this school is not co-ed a cappella group, founded
With so many groups in exa primarily arts school. So the during the 2002-03 school year by i s t e n c e on c a m p u s , h o w d o
turnout according to those who Lisa Oliveri '04, who had trans- t h e y c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h o n e
actually get involved in this scene ferred here from Boston Univer- another?
is good."
sity. Having been surrounded by
"We perform together at cerRegarding concert attendance, a multitude of co-gender a cap- tain concerts, eat dinner togethMitchell said, "While our con- pella groups at Boston University, er after rehearsals that coincide,
certs in downstairs Farinon and Oliveri felt that Lafayette needed a n d a t t e n d each o t h e r s ' conGilberts receive a great crowd
[usually packed to capacity], our
p e r f o r m a n c e s in the Williams
Center tend to be poorly attended. When groups do combination
certs. T h e r e are also numerous
people in more than one group,"
Ahrens said.
" E v e r y o n e in a c a p p e l l a at
this school has different talents,
and if we were to share these
talents, it would probably make
for a b e t t e r p r o d u c t , " a d d e d
W h e n a s k e d a b o u t t h e resurgence of a cappella music,
M i t c h e l l said, " I n g e n e r a l , a
c a p p e l l a g r o u p s ' r e c e n t surge
has b e e n for a few different
reasons: Rockapella, internet
file-sharing, and regional a cappella competitions. Two outside
g r o u p s that helped c o n t r i b u t e
to the resurgence are: Mainly A
Cappella a n d CASA (The Cont e m p o r a r y a c a p p e l l a Society
of America). Since 1996, they
have p r o d u c e d r e c o r d i n g s of
collegiate a cappella."
Write for A &E!
Yon know^ you
want to.
General Staff
every Monday
night at 9 p.m.
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Visit Lafayette's Vote '04 ciiannei.
Arts and Entertainment
September 17, 2004
The right "Touch of Thai"
ot knowing what to do with
my family d u r i n g Parent's
Weekend, aside from the generic
c a m p u s tour, I decided to take
t h e m somewhere different and
try something new, namely, I'hai
T h e Touch of T h a i restaurant
on North 2nd Street in Easton has
a small, intimate, and authentic
setting. With no more than 15
tables, you and your party will
feel the genuine, personal experience of T h a i dining.
U p o n entering the restaurant,
you will pass through a small,
tropical g a r d e n with a golden
statue of Buddha. Moving into
the dining room, the walls are
lined with pictures and photos of
T h a i landscapes. In the corner of
the dining area, a television plays
T h a i music videos, allowing you
to learn a little about Thai culture
as you dine.
T h e service at Touch of T h a i
was very personable. T h e waiters
are knowledgeable of the menu
and of T h a i cuisine in general.
T h e y were able to answer all of
our questions about what exactly
my family and I were ordering.
In addition to the pleasant service, the owner of the restaurant
walked from table to talkie, asking
about the food and the service,
confirming that every aspect of
the meal was to our liking.
My family and I ordered an
a r r a y of different a p p e t i z e r s ,
entrees, and desserts, all of which
tasted excellent and werc proportioned generously. A large silver
bowl of white rice came-with all
of the entrees to complement the
chicken, beef, or fish dinners that
were ordered.
Specifically, some of my favorites were p h o t - p r e a w - w a n - k a i
(chicken, c a r r o t s , c u c u m b e r s ,
and pineapple all in a sweet and
sour sauce). T h e dificrences in
flavoring a n d c o m b i n a t i o n of
ingredients made it distinct and
Also tasty was our satay-kai
appetizer, which is m a r i n a t e d
c h i c k e n skewers with p e a n u t
sauce. Lastly, one of the spicier
dishes listed on the menu was the
him-ma-pon-kai, which is beef
with vegetables a n d c a s h e w s .
While the dish itself was quite
tasty, I was a little dissapointed
by its lack of spiciness.
Overall, I found all the things
we ordered to be delicious - they
were cooked well, and to me,
tasted like a good Chinese meal.
A common misconception of
T h a i food (that I initially shared)
is that Thai food is almost identical to Indian food. I learned it is
vastly dilTerent.
T h e spicy dishes on the menu
at Touch of T h a i are not as spicy
as I imagined. Every dish that wc
ordered was seasoned well and
tasted great.
Overall Experience
The price of dining at Touch of
Thai is very reasonable. T h e meal
totaled $60 for four people, not
including a tip. This $60 included
drinks, appetizers, entrees, and
dessert. And for all of you over
21 years old who wish to eat out
at Touch of Thai, you must bring
your own beer or other alcoholic
beverages, because the restaurant
does not have a liquor license.
Overall, my trip to Touch of
Thai was a pleasant experience.
I would highly recommend the
restaurant and testify that Touch
of Thai is a great place to take
your family or your friends.
All Students with ID: $20/19/16
Hailed as "one of the most whimsical
and original singer-songwriters to
come along in years" (Tlie New Yoric
Times), the pop-romantic sings his
wry, heart-wrenching melodies.
Touch of Thai reataurant, located in Easton, provides a unique
dining experience.
Jason Mraz's new live album, Tonighty
Not Again, better thaa his flrst
o most people Jason Mraz is
that guy who had one hit on
the radio, " T h e Remedy (I Won't
Worry)." To those who have his
studio album, WailingforMy Rocket
to Come, he is an artist who is talented in both songwriting and
the exploration of pop through
various genres.
Those familiar with Rocket are
probably vaguely aware that his
pop music is an amalgam of many
musical styles, including country,
jazz, singer/songwriter folk, and
hip-hop rhythms.
However, someone who is lucky
enough to have experienced Jason
Mraz live has a true awareness
of the power of his wide-ranging
voice, and ability to warp genres
as he hammers out a set of cclec-
Sat., Sept. 25/ 8 pm
tic tunes.
Mraz's new live album, Tonight,
.Not Again, is successful in capturing the energy and pizazz of his
live show. T h e talent that Mraz
showcases contrasts sharply with
the vibe of his bland debut studio album. Mraz is a confident
master of the stage, revealing his
personality through dialogue and
improvisation during his sets.
H e also gets some help on the
album from an enhanced b a n d
a n d featured guests.
T h e song that best captures
Mraz's live energy and ability is
"Too M u c h Food," which features J o h n Popper, the frontman
of Blues Traveler, the blues/rock
quartet that found great success
in the mid nineties.
Popper infuses the song with
t h e soul t)f his signature harm o n i c a playing, while M r a z
fills the vocals with energy as
he unleashes his hip-hop styled
delivery of the lyrics. D u r i n g
the h a r m o n i c a solo, the drumm e r a d d s a disco beat, which
creates a danceable blues tune.
Elsewhere, M r a z showcases his
versatility as he moves from a
passionate ballad crooner on the
title track to the hip-hop inspired
"Curbside Prophet."
On " C o m m o n Pleasure," a
song not found on the studio effort, M r a z makes full use of his
guests from the Chicago S t o r m /
O h i o Players H o r n s , which include a trumpet, trombone, and
saxophone. T h e strong jazz flavor
is apparent in both the vocals—
which incorporates Mraz's sig-
nature tongue rolling—and from
the jazz rhythms on guitar and
"No Stopping Us" is the perfect
example of a song that sounds
sleepy and overproduced on the
album but is packed with an energized funk beat when performed
live. T h e energy level is also
enhanced by Mraz's comprehensive band. T h e featured member
is Toca R i v e r a , w h o performs
backup vocals, plays percussion,
and carries out an onstage banter
with Mraz throughout the show.
T h e rest of the band is composed
of guitar, bass, keyboards, drums,
and the less conventional banjo.
Even though great use is made
of the b a n d , M r a z clearly can
stand on his own with his classically trained voice. He executes
"Absolutely-Zero" with almost
no backup -just a mild band accompaniment. Mraz croons the
sultry ballad, which at times has a
George Michael eighties feel to it,
and later sounds like his contemporary, Rufus Wainwright, but
overall retains his characteristic
Tonight, Not Again, is a nobrainer purchase for any serious
Mraz fan, and for anyone looking
to pick up a high-energy Hve album by a n eclectic artist. Unlike
many live albums, Mraz does not
simply regurgitate the songs on
his record for the sake of getting a
ne\y album on the market. Tonight,
Not Again includes some new gems,
as well as Mraz's best tunes, that
make it appropriate for tonight,
and again.
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Septeinber 17, 2004
Page 9
Men's tennis sweeps One-gpal losses dropfieldhockey
he members of the Men's Tennis Team proved they know how
lo start a season on a positive note.
Last Saturday saw Lafayette face
its first opponent of the season in
La Salle University. T h e Explorers
proved to be anything but difficult for
the Leopards en route to a 7-0 victory
at Sullivan Courts.
While the early matches consisted
mostly of doubles contests, senior capt;unJohn Zazzu played his first singles
match against La Salle freshman Eric
Click and glided to a 6-0, 6-1 victory
over the young Explorer.
Without looking back, Zazzu got
off to a quick start by putting away
multiple winners. One notable play
occurred when Click, looking to gain
an early advantage in a game, hit the
ball hard over the net, not exjjecting
a return shot. Suddenly, Zazzu, widi
arms stretched out, put the ball away
vvitli a well-placed wanner.
"It was a good way to start off' die
season," Zazzu said. "My teammates
played well, and I don't think I
would be where I am today without
the support of my fan club."
Zazzu entered his senior season
with a career singles record of 26
vvdns and 21 losses, and was a career 27-20 in doubles play. He was
named captain for a second-straight
H e a d Coach Eric Ratchford,
entering his second season at the
Leopards' helm, is welcoming back
four of his top singles players from
a year ago, including Zazzu. Seven
freshmen have joined the squad and
are looking to gain eariy success in this
year's competition.
Sunday's action showed litde difference for Lafayette, as the Leopards
rolled past Robert Morris in the
morning matches 6-1, and Rider
University 6-1 in the afternoon. This
time, Zazzu teamed up with doubles
partner Andrew Mott '06 as they
eased to an 8-3 win over Robert
Morris's Mhamed Mekaovi and
Youssef Mekaovi, and an 8-3 win
over Rider's EUot Eiche and Ragdec
Ratchford had nothing but praise
for diis year's freshman squad, who
went undefeated during the weekend's matches. Brett Kraft '08 and
Paul Cuarino '08 won their singles
matches against La Salle, Robert
Morris, and Rider, and went undefeated as a doubles team against the
three schools as well.
"We got off to a good start, and
we look to continue at this level as the
season continues," said Ratchford.
T h e Leopards will see action
tliis weekend as tlie squad embarks
upon their first road trip of die year.
Lafayette visits Siena College in
Loudonxdlle, New York tomorrow
afternoon, and then drives south to
play Delaware State at Dover on
Sunday at noon.
r. 3 0 t ^
t was a tough week for the Lafayette Field Hockey Team, as
two strong defensive efforts went
to waste. T h e Leopards lost two
games by one goal apiece to both
Davidson (1-2) and the University
of Pennsylvania (2-3). Lafayette
(2-3) now looks towards tonight's
meeting at Penn State to try a n d
get back on the winning track.
T h e Leopards' first loss of the
week came at the hands of D a vidson on Saturday at R a p p o l t
Field. Lafayette o u t - s h o t the
Wildcats 32-7, but could manage
only one goal, which c a m e off
the stick of A m a n d a Eggleston
'06 on an assist from Kasey Gall a g h e r ' 0 6 . T h e goal tied the
g a m e at 1-1 with 13 m i n u t e s
Davidson scored the winning
goal nearly 1 2 minutes into
overtime to hand the Leopards
the difficult loss. Freshman Kayli
Maxwell scored the goal on a
corner pass from senior Courtney
Davidson goalie Sarah Nolan,
the 2003 NorPac Defensive Player of the Year, put up 14 saves
a g a i n s t a relentless Lafayette
attack, allowing just one goal to
secure the Wildcats' first win of
the season.
Lafayette looked to r e b o u n d
A Leopard battles a defender to get a shot on goal at Rappolt Field.
from the loss in a s h o w d o w n
meeting with Ivy League member
and regional rival, UPenn. T h e
L e o p a r d s defeated U P e n n last
year, but could not m a n a g e to
repeat the task this past Tuesday
night at Rappolt Field.
Kristen Gray gave UPenn a 1-0
lead 11:06 into the first half off
of a penalty corner. T h e goal was
all either team could manage, as
Leopard goaliejill Lambert '07
and Q u a k e r keeper Liz Schlossbcrg stagnated bolh ofl'enscs the
rest of the game. T h e Lafayette
attack could only manage three
shots on goal against a stingy
Q u a k e r defense.
T o n i g h t , Lafayette will take
to the road to take on nationally ranked Penn State at 7 p.m.
T h e Nittany Lions sit at 2-4 on
the season but are ranked 19"'
in the nation with two of their
four losses coming against North
C a r o l i n a and the University of
T h e Leopards defeated the
then fourth-ranked Nittany
Lions last year on two goals by
c u r r e n t c o - c a p t a i n Missy Farrand '05.
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Page 10
Princeton up next for football
nother daunting task faces the
Lafayette Football Team early
in tlie season. T h e Leopards will
march into Princeton University
tomorrow evening facing the unknown, as well as a Tigers' team
that has only surrendered two wins
on its home field to the Leopards
since 1883. The only two Lafayette
victories were a 6-0 win in 1909,
and a 47-37 win in 1984. However,
the Leopards have won two of the
last three games against Princeton,
including a 28-13 win in Easton
last season.
"I..ast year we came out flat, and
our kids want to avenge for that
loss," said Princeton Head Coach
Roger Hughes. "The only thing we
have to go on is I'V footage, which
is not so great because we cannot
analyze the Leopard defense due to
the poor angles. I am especially concerned about their special teams."
Lafayette wdll be at a disadvantage
as well. Tomorrow is the season
opener for the Tigers, so the Leopards' coaching staff wall not have any
Princeton game footage to analyze
in order to create counter offensive
and defensive strategies.
"We have two games under our
belt, which could be to our advantage," Lafayette Head Coach Frank
Tavani said, "but we don't have any
film of them.- \\'ip beat them last year,
so I'm sure they are pounding that
into their kids. The bottom line is,
we have to go down there and make
Lafayette will be monitoring
several experienced players from a
Tigers' roster that is returning 19
of 24 starters from last year. Senior
quarterback Matt Verbit leads an
offense that averaged 388 yards per
game in 2003. Verbit direw for 2,499
yards and 15 touchdowns last year,
while the running back duo of Jon
Veach and Brendan Benson is an
equally letlud force. Veach compiled
642 yards last season, including a
205-yard peribrmance at Harvard,
while Benson finished second on die
team vrith 467 yards and a 128-yard
performance at Brown.
Chnton Wu, Eric Walz, Derek
Davis, and Greg Fields wdll be the
main threats at an evenly matched
wide receiver position. J e r e m y
Moore, Andrew Wilson, and Dave
Szelingowski, three of the five starting offensive lineman in 2003, will
be returning this season. A fourth
lineman, Ben Brielmaier, started on
the defensive line in 2003.
Arguably, Princeton's greatest
strength is the linebacker corps led
by 2002 All-Ivy League First Team
m e m b e r Zak Keasey. Although
he missed the 2003 season due to
eligibility issues, Keasey compiled
a team-high 88 tackles in 2002, including a season high 13 tackles and
a momentum changing interception
in a 31-19 win over Lafayette. Keasey wdll be flanked by the league's
leading tackier in 2003, Justin Stull,
who had 114 tackles as an All-Ivy
Cornerback Jay McCareins and
free safety Brandon Mueller are also
returning All-Ivy selections. T h e
defensive line is the least experienced
unit of the Tigers' defense. Peter
KeUy is the only returning starter,
and will be flanked by an inexperienced sophomore and junior
Princeton is selected to finish
sixth in the eight-team league. The
Tigers were 2-8 in 2003, wdth three
losses coming on the final play of the
game. Lafayette is 4-33-3 all-time
against the Tigers.
The Leopards' defense is ranked
second in Division I-AA, having only
surrendered an average of 134.5
yards per game. Pordand State is
first with 99 yards per game. Lafayette is also ranked second in pass
defense wdth 59 yards, and fourth
in scoring defense wdth 6.5 points
surrendered per game.
"Marvin Snipes ['07], Dan Liseno
['07J, and Maurice Bennett ['06] are
all strong and quick," said Hughes.
"Lafayette's defense blitzes a lot wdth
pressure, and we need an answer to
those secondary zone blitzes."
Enjoy what you are
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Farinon 105
September 17, 2004
Aarts *06 ivins tourney
an eight-foot putt for a birdie.
"[That putt] started the momensolid showing, including a tour- tum that carried me through the
nament winning performance, rest of the day," Aarts said.
capped the opening weekend for
One factor not to be overlooked
the Lafayette Men's Golf Team. was the outstanding play of O'Neil,
Colgate hosted the Colgate Fall In- who placed eighth overall with a
vitational last Saturday and Sunday score of 76 on day one and a 73
at the Seven Oaks Golf Course in on day two for a total of 149.
H a m i l t o n , ----------------------LafayNew York.
"I felt confident going into the
LafayCoach J i m
ette's Mike tournament. I've played the Hutnik felt
Aarts '06 led course a number of times, t h a t t h a t
the team in
and it is set up well for my his golfers
the individplayed veryual s t a n d - game. I felt like I hit the ball well.
ings when he really well this weekend."
came back
Aarts'06 a r e t w o
from a fiveshot deficit
'~'"'"~'~''~~~~'~~~'''"''''~' quality golfto emerge as number one in the ers who have done well on this
95-participant field with a score of
course before," said Hutnik. "Mike
74 on Saturday and 71 on Sunday, has worked hard on his game and
finishing with an impressive 145. that work has paid off"."
The mark wasjust one stroke over
T h e rest of the team finished
strong, but Hutnik feels the team
Brandon Mitchel '08, Tom Palm- can do even better this season.
er '06, and seniors Garett Copp
"Our hopes in every tournament
andJeremiah O'Neill helped place arc to be competitive and finish
Ijafayette 11 di out of 19 teams with near the top," Hutnik said. "If wc
an overall team score of 625.
continue to have a performance
"I felt confident going into the like this from Mike and Jeremiah
t o u r n a m e n t , " said Aarts. "I've it will keep us in the ball park. We
played the course a n u m b e r of have a tough schedule ahead, but
times, and it is set up well for my hopefully we will fare better than
game. I felt like I hit the ball really we did at Colgate."
well this weekend. I hit 32 of the
Lafayette travels to Lewisburg,
36 greens. My iron playing was Pennsylvania tomorrow to parvery consistent and a key factor in ticipate in the weekend Bucknell
helping me wdn."
University Fall Invitational. T h e
O n the second day, the score was Leopards wdil also pay a visit to
tight, but Aarts gained momentum R i d e r for a Tuesday afternoon
on the fourth hole when he made match-up next week.
Volleyball goes 3-0
^conlinuedfrom page 12
mate and outside hitter Michaela
Donohue '08 recorded 11 kills and
20 digs.
In the first match of the day on
Saturday, the Leopards defeated a
tough Howard University squad by
a score of 3-0. Lafayette dominated
the match and had a key performance from Donohue, who had 13
The Ixopards traveled to take on
Wagner last night, but results were
unavailable at time of press.
Lafayette resumes play tomorrow
in the Leopard Tri-Match at the
Kirby Sports Center and wdll be
looking to improve upon its stellai'
performance thus far this season.
The Leopards wdll batde Hofstra at
11 a.m., followed by Coppin State al
6 p.m. Lafayette defeated Coppin
State earlier this season by a score of
3-0 on September 4 al the La Salle
lournamenl in Philadelphia.
O n l\iesday, the Leopards will
head lo Princelon for an evening
"We are going to take it one day al
a time, and one opponent at a time,"
said Campbell. "When we step on
the court we want to be focused
and limit the number of errors we
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September 17, 2004
Page 11
1926 FG mark tied Women's soccer foiled in OT
"Conlinuedfrom page 12
f)lacing the Leopards at their own
1.') for second and five. Facing third
and two, quarterbacJk Pat Davis '06
fired a pass downfield to open tight
end Chad Walker for a 22-yard reception to the Hoyas 30. T h e drive
almost ended on third and one at the
20, as Davis fumbled the ball on a
draw-play, but he fell on the ball at
tlie 19 for the first down.
;\fter the Georgetown defensive line
was able to stuff taOback Joe Mc(lourt '05 for a net gain of negative
one yards, Davis fired a pass on third
nnd 11 that found towering receiver
Joe Ort '06 in the end zone for the
20-yard score.
Widl 2:20 remaining in the game,
the 17-6 Lafayette advantage sealed
the game. Bennett, Marvin Snipes
06, and Blake Costanzo '05 sacked
/Mien on three consecutive plays to
place an exclamation point on the
"Earlier in the game, [wide receiver Brandon] Stanford ['06] ran
a curi route and faked inside," said
Ort. "I just ran the same route, went
to the fade, and left the defender
behind me."
Early in Saturday's contest, it
looked as if the game would end in
a scoreless tie. Georgetown punted
each of its six possessions in the first
half, while the Leopards turned the
ball over two times. Lafayette held
Georgetown to a combined 26 yards
on both turnovers. Leopard kicker
Rick Ziska '07 put the first points
on the board with a 48-yard field
goal just 12 seconds before halftime.
The kick tied the second longest in
Lafayette histoiy. Paul Grube dropkicked a 48-yard field goal against
Washington andjeflcrson in 1926.
T h e all-time record is a 53-yard
]}lacekickby Geoi^e McCaa against
Brown in 1909.
"RicJi and I feel we arc a greal part
of diis team," said Davis. "Although
we are the kickers, our situation is
diflerent from other teams. We are
always involved with the defense
in. practice. They have confidence
in us, and we have confidence in
them. Wie are aware we can be a big
T h e Leopards begah the second half with the ball before an
avalanche of t u r n o v e r s b e g a n .
Stanford gained 11 yards rushing
before fumbling at the Lafayette 44.
Georgetown lost t^vo yards on the
following possession.
With 7:17 to play in the third
quarter, Ijafayette regained the ball.
O n third and nine at their own 39,
quarterback Brad Maurer '07 was
intercepted by Sheldon Epps at the
Georgetown 47 and returned the
ball to the Lafayette 35. T h e Hoyas
drove to die 14, narrowly missing die
first down on third and eight. Kicker
Michael Gillman booted a 31-yard
field goal to knot the score 3-3.
On the next drive, Tavani replaced
Maurer wdth Davis. O n Davis's first
attempt, a pass hit Walker's shoulder
and was deflected into the air. Maurice Banks came down with the ball
for the Hoyas at the Lafayette 36. In
five plays, Georgetown drove to the
nine before being halted. Gillman
gave the Hoyas a 6-3 lead on a 25yard field goal one minute into the
fourdi quarter.
"Maurer took some hits since we
had some internal line problems,"
Tavani said. "[Offensive lineman
Joe] Ungrady ['05] was injured right
before the game, and we had a different front than we practiced with.
We had a guard switch to tackle,
and there were some errors made
in protection. Maurer took the brunt
of it."
However, the L^eopards' offensive
efforts did not go unrecognized. MgCourt, who gained 104 yards on 24
carries along wdth two receptions for
21 yards, was named Patriot League
Offensive Player of the Week for his
efforts. Conversely, Georgetown's
Michael Ononibaku was named
Defensive Player of the Week by
recording 12 tackles, three sacks,
and a forced fumble.
Georgetown lomning back Kim
Sarin, who was the Patriot League
Player of the Week in Week one, was
limited to 78 yards on 27 carries fbr
an average of 2.9 yards per rush. In
week one. Sarin gained 154 yards
on 21 carries wdth an average of 7.3
yards per rush. '
tudents, family members, and
friends filled t h e stands at
Metzgar Fields Saturday night to
cheer on the Lafayette Women's
Soccer Team during Family Weekend. With three freshmen in the
starting line-up, the Lady Leopards (2-4) set out against Cornell
University (1-0-1), who has won
all four previous match-ups against
Lafayette, including a 5-1 victory in
2002. Unfortunately for the Leopards, a fifth game has been added
to the Big Red's winning streak by
taking a 1-0 'Golden Goal' oventime victory.
" T h e Cornell games all have
been very close," said Head Coach
Wayne Miller "We knew going in
they were going to be good, so we
wanted to be solid defensively and
get some chances on the offensive
end. We held them scoreless for
over 90 minutes; we just didn't
get enough scoring opportunities
Playing without injured captains
Meghan Sweeney '05 and Kelly
Brady '05, Lafayette battled for
most of the game in the center of
the field. Lafayette's new triangular
center midfield formation, consisting of Carolyn Fisher '07, Trista
Burke '07, and Jennifer Ryan '06,
used strong, aggressive plays to
distribute the ball up the field.
"We were trying to play together
in the center to make the right
combinations,"" ^aid Ryan. "Unfortunately, Cornell has a tough
midfield to penetrate, so it was hard
to beat them."
Burke, notorious for her power in
the air, directed the ball forward to
Kelli McMahon '07 and Caroline
Tutde '08 for execution. Both offensive players' aggressiveness led
to forward movement and a total of
six shots on goal. Substitutes Alison
Hingley '08 and Ashley Yelland
'08 also plowed through Cornell's
defensive midfield with the help
of Hingley's speed and Yelland's
persistent .slide tackles in the center
of the field.
Tuttle almost led Lafayette to
a goal when she was fouled just
outside Cornell's box. While fans
cheered for a penalty kick, officials
placed the ball right outside the
line. With a solid strike, Tuttle's
shot just missed the left bottom
corner Only minutes later, in retaliation, Cornell received its own
free kick outside Lafayette's 18-yard
box. However, the kicker's shot was
blocked by the soUd two-man wall
of Ellie Burke '06 and Arielle Fields
Despite constant battling in the
center, the score may have been
different had it not been for the
solid, impermeable defensive line
of Kelly Galen '08, captain Emily
Kellner '05, and Zoe Gavriilidis
"It always hurts the team chemistry when two of your senior starters
and captains are missing from the
lineup," said Miller, "but the overall
play of Kelly Galen and some minor adjustments to the rest of the
defensive unit has responded very
well. Emily and Zoe are veterans
wdth playoff experience and know
what their responsibilities are."
Not only was Lafayette's defense
instrumental in the 0-0 regulation
time score, but goalkeeper Amy
Kalista '05 tallied six saves for her
teammates. O n e crucial save took
place towards the end of regulation
when a chaotic bobble in the sixyard box was confidcndy recovered
by Kalista to save a potential goal.
Still scoreless when the 90-minute
buzzer rang, Lafayette went into
'Golden Goal' overtime. Six minutes and 13 seconds in, Cornell's
Kara Ishikawa ripped an unstoppable shot from eighteen yards
out into the upper left corner of
the goal.
"It was a great team effort tonight," Kalista said. "Everybody
played so well, from the front to the
midfield to the back. It was a solid
performance, and wejust needed to
finish the game with a goal in the
O n Wednesday, Lafayette lost
at Monmouth 3-2 in a see-saw affair After Lafayette scored the first
goal, the Hawks scored two straight
entering halftime. T h e Leopards
tied the game 2-2 just 7:48 into
the second half on a Ryan goal.
However, a goal by Monmouth two
minutes later turned out to be the
game winner
Tomorrow, Lafayette will host
rival Lehigh University. The Patriot
League opener for both teams is
slated for 7 p.m. at Metzgar Fields.
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September 17, 2004
Home Game Dates
Women's Soccer vs. Lehigh 9/18
the Lafayette
^- Volleyball vs. Hofstra 9/18
Volleyball vs. Coppin St. 9/18
Volume 131 Number 3
Cross Country
Football I Soccer
Field Hockey | Golf
Volleyball | Tennis
Lafayette College
Volleyball sweeps competition, best start since 1993
t took just two weeks for the Lafayette Women's Volleyball Team
to equal a feat that took all of last
season to achieve. T h e Leopards
improved to a record of 6-3 this past
weekend, which matches their wdn
total of the entire 2003 campaign.
Lafayette emerged as the champions of the Lafayette Tournament
held at the Kirby Sports Center last
Friday and Saturday. The Leopards
achieved this impressive triumph by
defeating Sacred Heart, Fairleigh
Dickinson University, and Howard
University in nine of ten games. The
6-3 mark is the best Leopards start
since a 5-3 record in 1993.
"It's very exciting to match the
number of wdns that we had all last
season," said Head Coach Terri
Dadio Campbell. "It allows us to
go into Patriot League play with
a lot more confidence, but we are
not taking any opponent or match
for granted. We plan on working
hard and working to get better each
Campbell also commented that
I'lioic) BY M A R K W I S H A R P
The Volleyball Team looks to set and spike the ball in tournament action this past weekend.
the tournament this past weekend
had a "very nice atmosphere,"
considering it was Family Weekend.
The occasion gave the girls extra
incentive to wdn, as this was the first
time many of their families had seen
them play for Lafayette.
Tournament play began on Friday with the Leopards dominating
Sacred Heart 3-0 wdth game scores
of 30-17, 30-18, and 30-23. Veronica Canto-Ponce '07 and Shannon
Fisher '07 led the match wdth 15 and
11 kills, respectively.
O n the second day of the tournament, the Leopards knew they had
to come out strong, considering they
were playing a tough FDU squad
that had defeated Lafayette 3-2 the
previous year
" O n e of our team goals this
year was to wdn one of our home
tournaments," senior captain Heidi
Olichwier said. "We knew going
Freshman phenom leads men's
soccer to OT victory, 2-1
nder the lights of Metzgar
Fields last Friday night, all
eyes were on the waving jersey of
Lafayette's Men's Soccer Team
freshman Scott Hawkins. T h e r e
was certainly cause for celebration,
as Hawkins netted the game-winning goal against Rider University
in overtime in the opening round
of t h e Lafayette P u m a Soccer
T h e Leopards (4-1) defeated
R i d e r in a close 2-1 decision.
Rider notched an early goaljn the
first half, putting the Broncs ahead,
but Lafayette soon answered, tying
the score 1 - 1 .
Senior captain Victor Krasij
scored on a rebound after a shot by
Thomas Harju '07, who had both
assists Friday night. Krasij, after
facing enormous pressure from
Rider, also picked up a yellow card
in the match.
"Fhe score remained at a deadlock through the second half, leading the teams into overtime. Lafayette keeper Mike Tortora '06 kept
the defense strong with 14 saves.
"Fhe.performance helped Tortora
earn Patriot League Defensive
Player of the Week honors.
However, it was Hawkins who elevated the Leopards to victory just
minutes into overtime. T h e goal
came on a header off a corner kick
by Harju. Hawkins has three goals
this season, proving he is ready to
fill the shoes of former Leopard
star and hometown friend, Paulo
Coelho '04.
"Scott has scored some big goals
for us," said Head Coach Dennis
Bohn. " H e ' s just done tremendously. I see him as a tenacious kid
that plays with a lot of energy."
Flawkins's hard work has paid
off, earning him a starting spot on
the team, along with his classmate
Luke Sullivan '08.
"We worked so hard in pre-season, and I am glad it all has paid
off," said Hawkins. "Hopefully
we can keep this winning streak
going. I'm just happy that Coach
has given me the chance to play
as a freshman. T h e goals are an
added bonus, but I don't care who
is scoring the goals as long as we
T h e 2008 recruiting class has
c e r t a i n l y s t e p p e d up, h e l p i n g
Lafayette achieve its 4-1 start
after graduating nine starters last
Lafayette Leoparcls
semester Four wdns in five matches
equals Lafayette's mark at this
point last season, when the team
started 4-0-1.
T h e Leopards won their second game of the weekend 2-1 by
dominating Duquesne the entire
m a t c h . T h e D u k e s ' only goal
came on a penalty kick. Krasij
and Chris Doney '07 chipped in
the goals on Sunday. Nathan Jolly
'05 assisted on Krasij's goal in the
fifth minute, while Harju assisted
on Doney's first career goal at the
15:40 mark.
"With the win on Sunday, we
have won two straight t o u r n a ments and are building confidence
going into the Patriot League
season, which starts in a couple
weeks," Krasij said.
Krasij was named Most Valuable Player of the Puma Classic
and earned a spot on the All-Tournament team along with Hawkins
and Harju.
T h e L e o p a r d s will face St.
Joseph's this afternoon at 5 p.m.
in the opening round of the Lehigh Soccer Classic in Bethlehem.
Lafayette's second match of the
t o u r n a m e n t will be at noon on
Sunday against Jacksonville.
into this tournament that FDU was
going to be a tough match because
we had a hard-fought loss against
them last year, but we did not know
much about the other teams in the
Lafayette was coming off a tough
three-game loss on September 9
against Kutztown University, and
the Leopards needed to psychologically prepare themselves.
"We wanted to go into the match-
es intense and refocus after our loss
on Wednesday," said Olichwier "We
wanted to find our intensity and to
all have the same goals to wdn."
Lafayette found the intensity level
it needed and defeated the Knights
by a score of 3-1. In the first game,
the score was 10-7 in favor of FDU
before Olichwder and Canto-Ponce
dominated on the Leopards' serve to
put together a seven-point run that
brought the Leopards to a 21-11
"Serving was very impressive this
weekend," said Olichwier "In the
first couple matches no one had
missed. It made a big difference
because serving is such an individual
thing, and it really helped to keep
our momentum up."
Canto-Ponce had an impressive
match all-around with a team high
20 kills to lead the squad to a wdn
in the second game of the match.
FDU gained a wdn in the third game,
but the Leopards came back wdth a
vengeance in the fourth and final
game, 30-26, to win the match.
Olichwder ended the match wdth
46 assists and 13 digs, while team~ continued on page 10
Defense, special
teams key football
efense wins games. If one
were to have any doubts alxjut
this phrase, just ask the Lafayette
Football Team. Despite surrendering five turnovers, the Leopards
(2-0) defense held the Georgetown
Hoyas (1-1) to two field goals and
132 yards last Saturday in Washington, D C . And not only did the
L e o p a r d s ' defense stagnate t h e
Hoyas' offense, the defense scored
the winning touchdown with 10:24
remaining in the game.
"I am extra proud of how we
played," said Head Coach Frank
Tavani. "I talked to the team the
night before about facing adversity, of which, up until game time,
we had not seen any. We had five
turnovers, mostly in their scoring
territory, and our defense h a d a
monumental effort and just focused
on the next play."
With Georgetown clinging to a
6-3 lead early in the fourth quarter, Lafayette punter Mike Davis
'05 was forced to kick from the
G e o r g e t o w n 42. Davis b o o t e d
a squib kick as linebacker Larry
Johnson '06 husded downfield and
downied the ball at the Georgetown
one-yard line. After two consecutive
rushes that gained only one yard,
Georgetown quarterback Keith Allen attempted a pass that was tipped
by linebacker Dion Witherspoon
'06 at the two-yard line. As the ball
was dancing in the air, defensive
end Andrew Brown '06 grabbed
the ball and fell into the end zone
for the go-ahead 10-6 touchdown.
"High school was the last time I
scored," said Brown. "I am excited,
but not just for myself Mike Davis
had a great kick, Johnson downed
the ball at the one, Witherspoon
hit the quarterback, and Bennett
tipped the ball. When I had the ball
I knew I was close to the end zone.
As I got hit, I just tried to cross the
first line I saw, so I didn't know if it
was the five or the goal Une."
, |
The Leopard defense imm'^diately supported its score f.y halting
a Georgetown drive at the Lafayette
49. Despite the momentum swing,
the game was hardly oven T h e
Georgetown defense had caused
Lafayette to turn the ball over on
three of its last five drives.
Starting at the Lafayette 26,
running back Jonadian Hurt '06
gained 19 yards on three canies,
~ continued on page 11
Women's Soccer vs. Cornell L 1-0 OT Men's Tennis vs. La Salle, Robert Morris, Rider W, W, W
Football at Georgetown W 17-6
Women's Soccer at Monmouth L 3-2 Volleyball vs. Sacred Heart W 3-0, vs. FDU W 3-1, vs.
Men's Soccer vs. Rider W 2-1 OT
Howard W 3-0
Men's Soccer vs. Duquesne W 2-1 Field Hockey vs. UPenn L l - O