Course Home Course-wide Information About ANGEL


Course Home Course-wide Information About ANGEL
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Course Home
Introduction to SRA 365
The use of statistics in SRA related fields is very diverse. Many of our graduates have reported working
with statistics in varying degrees. Some alumni have been directly responsible for analyzing and making
sense of large volumes of data through running various statistical analyses, whereas others have mainly
needed to be effective consumers of statistical information. Given the diversity of knowledge needed in
this field, this course is a hybrid between a traditional statistical theories course and a course focused
on learning how to detect data manipulation techniques in statistical reports. At the end of the class,
students are expected to be able to both produce their own statistical reports and to also evaluate a
third-party’s reports for bias.
This course is divided into three units:
1. Unit 1: Critical Thinking
2. Unit 2: Introduction to Data Analysis and Chi-Square Tests
3. Unit 3: Correlation and Regression
These objectives will be met through the use of readings, lectures, and activities that focus on critical
thinking and conducting and interpreting statistical analyses.
Course-wide Information
What is ANGEL?
ANGEL is a web-based tool to help you access and manage your courses at Penn State. ANGEL enables
you to view and save course materials, participate in online discussions and chats, share files, easily
communicate with faculty and other students, check your grades and lots more!
Accessing Your Courses with ANGEL
Access ANGEL from any computer with an Internet connection.
Use Internet Explorer or Firefox to go to [1]
Click <Log On> and enter your Access Account User ID and password
Your Profile page is displayed with links to tools and to your ANGEL courses and groups.
Editing Personal Information and Forwarding ANGEL Email
Edit your ANGEL personal information by clicking <Preferences> from any page in ANGEL. Then,
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click on <Personal Information> and enter your information.
ANGEL mail is separate from your Penn State email. To make sure you don’t miss any messages, you
can set up ANGEL email forwarding by clicking <Preferences>, then <System Settings>. Scroll down,
enter your Penn State email address, and change the forwarding settings. Click <Save>.
Navigating within a Course
From your Profile page, click on the course you want to work with.
The Lessons tab will open automatically. This is where most of the course materials are found.
The Communicate tab provides access to course mail, chat tools, and the roster.
The Report tab provides information about your ANGEL activity, attendance and grade
The Resources tab provides access to library reserves and other course resources. All items in
the library reserves are named exactly as they appear on the Roadmaps and are in
The Calendar and Syllabus tabs are self-explanatory!
Accessing Readings from the Course Reserves
Transcript of Video (pdf) [2]
Getting Help
Click <Help> from any screen within ANGEL for extensive "how to" information. Access the "Quick Start
Guide for Students" from the Help screen by clicking <Student Topics> in the list on the left.
Logging Off
When you are finished using ANGEL, click <Log Off> on the left side of the screen. Logging off ensures
that your activity will be accurately logged within ANGEL.
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Tips on Using and Configuring ANGEL
Tip on Using and Configuring ANGEL
To get started with our ANGEL course site, please follow the steps below. You may find it useful to print
this page so that you can follow along with the directions!
1. Familiarize yourself with our online "classroom" by taking a look around at the tabs in
1. Syllabus--this is our official (i.e., most up to date) syllabus for the course.
2. Calendar--a monthly look at what we are doing in the course (i.e. assignments and office
3. Lessons--the main "Table of Contents" page for supplemental materials.
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4. Resources--our "Start" page. Includes announcements and other tools.
5. Communicate--to email "quick message" to group "All Faculty".
6. Report--your gradebook (choose reports "Grades" and click "Run")
Update your "Personal Information Settings" for ANGEL to make sure that the rest of us
have current information about you! (If this is new to you, you will want to print out this page
first so you'll have the following directions handy!)
1. Click on the Profile button at the upper-right of this window. (Or, if you use the default
"frames" version of ANGEL, you can click on the My Profile link in the left-hand menu
bar--they both lead to the same page.)
2. Under the My Tools section, click on My Settings.
3. Under My Settings, click on the Personal Information Editor link.
4. Fill in the boxes on the resulting page with your current information. Be sure to include
the URL for your personal home page at Penn State. That how your instructor and
classmates will access your online teaching portfolio.
5. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the form; you will return to the My Settings
6. Click on the Exit button at the upper- right to return to the course.
7. Click on the Class tab and you will see a summary of your personal information as part of
our class list. (Details can be seen by clicking on the User Profile link under each entry on
that page.)
Set up your course e-mail preferences. You have the option of forwarding a copy of your
course e-mail to your personal e-mail address. You will not be able to reply to class e-mail that
way, but it is a way to be notified of e-mail sent to you in the course. If you want your mail
forwarded, follow the steps below. If not, you can skip these directions! (If this is new to you, you
might want to print out this page first so you'll have the following directions handy!)
1. Click on the Profile button at the upper-right of this window. (Or, if you use the default
"frames" version of Angel, you can click on the My Profile link in the left-hand menu
bar--they both lead to the same page.)
2. Under the My Tools section, click on My Settings.
3. Under My Settings, click on the System Settings link.
4. Scroll down to the Mail Settings section.
5. Enter the e-mail address where you want copies of your course e-mail sent.
6. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the form; you will return to the My Settings
7. Click on the Exit button at the upper- right to return to the course.
Turn on the "What's New" setting. On your Profile page you have the option of being alerted
to any new items that have been added to your courses, including message board posts and email messages. We recommend that you turn on that feature to ensure you don't miss anything!
1. Click on the Profile button at the upper-right of this window. (Or, if you use the default
"frames" version of Angel, you can click on the My Profile link in the left-hand menu
bar--they both lead to the same page.)
2. Click on the Edit Page link that appears just below "My Profile Page."
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the box next to "What's New" (you can
also adjust the "state," "area," and "sequence").
4. Click on the Save button.
Have questions about our course site? Post your questions to our course message board!
That way we will all see the question and will all benefit from the answer. There is no such thing
as a dumb question!
1. Click on the In Touch tab (above).
2. Scroll down to the "Message Boards" section, then click on the link to the "ANGEL
Questions" (or "Question Cafe," etc.) message board.
3. In the message space provided, type in your question(s).
4. Click on the Save button to post your message.
5. To see what other folks have asked, click on their messages. Answer their questions if
you can!
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Viewing Tips
Switch to "No Frames"
To get the most "screen real estate," we strongly encourage you to use the "No Frames" option in
ANGEL (if you haven't done so already). This will eliminate the left-hand ANGEL menu bar, leaving more
viewing space for the course content. You will still have all of the functionality you need within the
course. To switch to "no frames," click on the "Display Options " link in the left-hand menu bar, then
select "No Frames."
Site navigation
Always use the navigational buttons or links on the pages themselves instead of the buttons on your
browser. This will ensure consistent display of pages within this Web site.
New windows
Please keep in mind that links to external sites open in a new window. (This window will be offset from
the main browser window. If you do not readily see this new window, it may be opening off-screen.) To
return to our course site, simply close the new window.
Font/size selection
Most of the popular Web browsers allow you to select the kind, and size, of typeface ("font") that you
want to be used when viewing Web pages. First and foremost, choose a font style and size that is easy
on your eyes. If you need help making a selection, check out our side-by-side comparison of text styles
Using the HTML Editor
Generally, when ever you have a textbox to enter content (i.e. essay questions in a quiz or exam), you
will have the option of switching to a WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
Click on the "HTML Editor" link at the bottom left-hand corner of the textbox (you may have to
scroll down) to activate this editing mode.
Once you enter the HTML Editor, you cannot switch back to the "plain text" editing mode.
Additional commands
A number of useful commands are not immediately visible from the tool bar. Look for the various "black
triangle" buttons for additional feature sets. For example, the useful "Paste from [Microsoft] Word"
command is located in the "Edit Menu" that is the third button from the left-hand side of the menu bar.
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Uploading and linking a file to your entry
1. Click on the "Insert Content Link" button which looks like a yellow file folder with a link at the
2. Then use the navigation and commands from the dialog box to find, select, and upload the file
you would like to add to your entry.
Creating tables
turn on the HTML Editor (see above)
click on the "Insert Menu" button (see red arrow below) and then
choose the "Templates" menu option.
From the dialog box, select "Text and Table" and
uncheck the "Replace actual contents" option field.
Right-click on the table to edit its properties or add new rows/ columns.
Use the various tug points to adjust the size of the table and its enclosing field.
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Subscribing to Discussion Forums
Don't miss any of the action! Adjust your subscription settings and never miss important updates and
click on the "Communicate [4]" link
locate the "Discussion Forums" section
locate the discussion forum you're intersted in
toggle the subscribe/ unsubscribe link to turn notifications on and off
that's it!
Checking Class/ Team Rosters
1. click on the "Communicate [4]" link
2. click on the "Course Roster" link
3. to find team rosters, click on the "Team" link in the upper-right hand corner of your screen
4. then click on the "Members" link under the team you are interested in
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Penn State WebApps and WebFiles
What are Penn State WebApps and WebFiles?
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WebApps and WebFiles are two related services that give you access to a number of applications
licensed by Penn State. All you need is a modern browser. These services can be accessed from desktop
and mobile browser versions. Now you can do desktop-level computing from your iPad or other tablet
WebApps allows you to use your Penn State Access ID to use dozens of applications without installing
any software on your local or mobile computer. These are fully-featured applications and will allow you
to do practically anything you would in a standard installation environment.
WebFiles complements WebApps by allowing you to easily upload, download, and manage your files.
Any file you would like to edit, needs to be uploaded to WebFiles before you launch WebApps.
See more: Supported Browsers and Available Applications [6]
To get started with WebApps, visit this URL: [5]
To get started with WebFiles, visit this URL: [7]
See more: Printing Tips [8] and iPad Tips [9]
For even more great tips, visit ITS's WebApps page [6]
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Where can you go for more help?
1. Ask your fellow classmates, team members and faculty team in the Question Cafe discussion
forum in ANGEL.
2. Reset your stored profile [10] on the server.
3. Technical problems? Contact the World Campus Technical Support [11].
4. Find info from our very own Penn State ITS [6] group.
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