Good News


Good News
November 2015
Good News
Saint John Lutheran Church — Hattiesburg, Mississippi
When Jesus took the Passover bread,
eye-witness Matthew reports, he gave
thanks. Matthew observes the same thing
when after supper Jesus takes the cup. He
gives thanks.
Jesus seems to argue that thankfulness is really at the core of who he is. If
that’s true, that thankfulness is integral to
the core of who Jesus is, then I figure it’s
something worth our attention as well, to
be deeply reflective of a thankful heart.
In a nation where we are raised to be
independent of others, pull ourselves up by “Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for he is
our own bootstraps, claim our destiny, create good,” the psalmist declares.
our own future, and seize every opportunity,
I want you, dear people of Saint John to
there’s little need for us to seemingly give
know how deeply thankful I am to be here
thanks. Self-congratulations, maybe. Deep in Hattiesburg. To be exploring the dusty
ways of Jesus together, relying on God’s
gratitude, not so much.
grace and provisions for our every move,
Which is a problem when we encounter
gathering around table and font, longing
Jesus at the table, giving thanks. It seems
weak, passive, dependent. Not just once at for a stable center, seeking the Light of the
world, welcoming friend and stranger,
the beginning, or to wrap things up at the
end, but apparently each of his table actions delighted to break bread together, and
is almost bathed, dripping with thanksgiving. giving thanks.
Intimate. Priceless. Deep gratitude.
I wonder how our lives might be different
if we were to choose just this way of Jesus:
Each action bathed in gratitude. To God for
his sufficient provision. To our neighbors for
their sacrifice, their good will. “Thank you” . .
It’s no small thing that in some Christian
. central and full of meaning. Not just an
traditions the Lord’s Supper is called
afterthought or a nicety.
simply The Eucharist. That’s the Greek
How much we have loved speed, quick- word for Thanksgiving. Eucharist. Because
ness, immediacy, accomplishment! What if thanksgiving is the heart of Jesus . . . and
that’s one of the devil’s chief distractions, to his people.
convince us of how little time there is, how
we must hurry, be on time, avoid lateness or
delay, in order to have a full life? What if it’s – John Eric Karle
the devil convincing us there’s no time for
Exploring. Equipping. Encouraging.
thankfulness anymore?
Ephesians 4:11-16
November 2015
All Saints’
12pm AA
12pm AA
10am AA
12pm AA 12pm AA 10am AA
12pm AA 12pm AA 12pm AA
Conversa- Prayer Mtg.
tions Class
12pm AA 12pm AA
12pm AA
Elder Mtg Conversations Class
Council 6pm Choir
12pm AA
12pm AA
10am AA
12pm AA 12pm AA 12pm AA
6pm Choir
Provision Square
12pm AA
12pm AA
12pm AA
10am AA
Serving in November
Pastor — John Karle
Elder — Bob Cubley
Music Director — Jason Sims
Altar Care Team — Pat and Don Shields
November 1
Ethan Potesta
Warner Boortz
Jerry Frederick
November 8
Colin Cubley
Wayland Johnson
Terry Lovdahl
November 15
Sawyer Chaney
Bill Coll
Charles Snyder
November 22
Macy Reid
Mark Keyl
Shelley Songy
November 29
Warner Boortz
The Edward Street Fellowship Food Center is a Christian Organization formed in
1979 to assist the hungry in our community. St. John Lutheran Church collects nonperishable food items on most Sundays to support this effort. On the second
Sunday of each month, we collect food items for the Breadbasket Organization another Christian effort to help the hungry in Hattiesburg. Please continue to bring
your donations for these two worthy organizations. Thank you!
From the Altar Guild
Looking ahead: Let’s decorate the church: December 5 at 9:00 a.m.
All available Altar Guild and available church members are asked to assist
in decorating the church for Christmas this year. There’s something for
everyone to do! Let’s make our church beautiful for the very special
upcoming Holydays. See you then!
All Saints’ Sunday
What does “Saint” mean, and who qualifies as a Saint? “Saint” derives from
the Latin sanctus and means “holy.” God declares everyone who has
been baptized and believes the promise of the gospel to be justified, holy,
and blameless. We give thanks to God for such examples as those who
have lived and those who continue to live faith-filled lives.
White symbolizes purity, holiness, and virtue, as well as respect and
reverence. In reference to the Book of Revelation, God’s saints are those
who have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the
Lamb” (Revelation 7:14).
Appointments are the various items you see on the Altar and around the
sanctuary used for the purposes of worshiping, glorifying, and
acknowledging the presence of our Lord in our lives.
The appointment to the left of the Altar is the Sanctuary Lamp (or Sanctuary
Light or Eternal Candle). This Light originally indicated the presence in a
tabernacle on the altar of the Body of Christ reserved from the Sacrament
of the Altar. The Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle was
intended for the Communion of the sick and dying and for those unable to
attend the Sunday celebration. Today, where the tabernacle and reserved
Host are lacking, this Lamp is understood to symbolize the eternal
presence of God in His Word and all Sacraments. Some such Lamps
burn continuously, as does ours, to show reverence for Christ’s
continuing presence in our midst.
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit)
Chris Thornhill
Altar Guild Chair
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
On Sunday, October 4th, LWML MITES collected totaled $48.54. Thank you
for your prayers and support of the National and Gulf States District
LWML. MITES will be collected next on Sunday, November 1st.
On Saturday, October 17th, I attended and represented our church at the Fall
Rally at Christ Lutheran Church in Pascagoula. Final plans have been
made for the Gulf States District Convention to be held at the Marriott on
April 29-May 1, 2016 in Gulfport, Mississippi. Saint John LWML will be in
charge of the “Ingathering” of gifts brought to the convention from
members to support the Harrison County Youth Court Child Emergency
Shelter in Gulfport. Watch the up-coming newsletters and bulletins for
more details as the date approaches.
COMING IN NOVEMBER...On Sunday, November 15th, there will be a
special congregational potluck immediately following the worship service
to celebrate “Harvest Time” and an early Thanksgiving. Mark your
calendar now and make plans to join in this fellowship with your Christian
friends along with GREAT FOOD! Members are asked to bring—main
dishes, sides, desserts, etc. LWML will provide the drinks. Hope to have a
record turnout! Let’s make this a special time of thanks for all the blessings
we receive daily.
At the December 6th meeting, Election of Officers will be held for the
upcoming year. It was just nine short years ago when the LWML at Saint
John was re-organized after being inactive for over fourteen years. It has
been such a joy to me to see the blessing of serving the Lord in this place.
Also at the December meeting, we will be electing a new Treasurer. After
nine years of faithfully counting pennies and small change (MITES) every
month, Mary Gohlke has been unable to continue due to health reasons.
I’m praying that someone will volunteer to accept this task—a most
important one for our society. We thank Mary for her dedicated service—
she always says to me “It’s the one thing I can do!”
UNTIL NEXT TIME . . . Serve the Lord with Gladness!!!
-Shirley Thone
President LWML
The Avenues Halloween Parade — The fourth annual Halloween Parade is planned
for Thursday, October 29th at 5:30pm. The parade is sponsored by The Avenues of
Hattiesburg, with primary leadership by the Parkhaven Neighborhood Association.
Our Longleaf Heights and the Kamper Park neighborhood associations
are also participating by working on a float together.
Since we're a part of the neighborhood and the parade passes directly in
front of the church building, we want to love this place join in the
party. We're planning to offer free hot dogs and small bottled waters again this year
from the bell tower parking lot. This is a family-friendly activity for all ages.
You are encouraged to contact the church office if you'd like to help, to invite your
family and friends to join us, and to bring your own lawn chair to sit a spell and visit
with new and longtime friends!
Zoo Boo — at the Hattiesburg Zoo the week of Halloween, October 23-31.
Petal Fall Festival — Petal’s Hinton Park October 31, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
ARTS AND COMMUNITY — St. Paul in the Marigny - New Orleans will host a free
Mega-Block Party on Saturday, November 7th from 10am-6pm with local artists,
musicians, and authors; stage performances; a children's interactive art area; tours
of the church sanctuary; and, food trucks with delicious fare available for sale!
November 15th Harvest Potluck — Our fall potluck congregational meal will take
place on Sunday, November 15th, following worship. You're encouraged to plan for
this event and bring a main dish plus a side, salad, or dessert to share. Especially
welcome are dishes (and pies!) that reflect Thanksgiving and Harvest Meals. It's also
a great time to invite friends to worship with you and meet other good people who
love the Lord Jesus and build up the body of Christ. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!
Communion of the Homebound — We believe that God is eager and passionate
about getting his grace to his people. We want to be useful to him in his mission
and bring his grace, forgiveness, and hope to those who are sometimes neglected
and often find themselves at the margins of life. To that end the elders of the
congregation are considering how they might bring the Lord's Supper to the sick
and homebound, as a faithful consolation and healing movement of the body of
Christ, in concert with the pastoral staff of the congregation. Please anticipate the
elders' sharing of additional information, and seeking of individual and
congregational wisdom and insight, as we pursue God's larger will and mission for
those who seek his kingdom.
National Youth Gathering
In Christ Alone
July 16th—20th
New Orleans, Louisiana
Contribution Statements for the third quarter are now available in the foyer
mailboxes. Included is a thank you letter and information about the annual
budgeting process. Please review the statements and communications this week.
Oktoberfest Income and Reimbursements — Please turn in any remaining income
or expense items for reimbursement related to the general Oktoberfest account by
Sunday, November 1st. Reimbursement request forms are located in the manila
folder in the center section of the foyer mailboxes. This timeline will permit us to
give a final report at the November 22nd voters assembly. Thanks!
Hattiesburg Civic Light Opera — presents A Christmas Carol The Musical at the
Saenger Theater on November 19th-21st at 7:30pm and November 22nd at 2pm.
Tickets range from $16.00 to $26.00 and go on sale on November 19th at
1-800-838-3006 or Don't miss the classic musical delight, featuring
dozens of your favorite Christmas Carols.
Brown Bag Concert Series — Come and enjoy a lunch and live music at the City Hall
Plaza every Thursday in the month of October from 11:30-1pm.
Teach the Children — We have three age groups for children's Sunday school in need
of volunteer teachers for each month this fall. Coordination and coaching is
provided by Lorhetta Lawrence ([email protected] or 601.467.4561).
Oktoberfest Committee Meeting — November 1st after worship.
Fall Voters' Assembly — Following worship on Sunday, November 22nd, a meeting of
the congregation is planned to 1) adopt a 2016 Mission Spending Plan (budget),
2) receive the report of the Oktoberfest Committee on our
2015 event, 3) nominate good candidates for election to top
positions in synodical leadership at our denomination's triennial national convention next July, 4) receive other pertinent reports and encouragement. For good order and due diligence,
all matters to come before the congregation must be brought
to the attention of President Dewey Case one week in advance,
by Sunday, November 15th.
Preparatory information for the Voters' Assembly will be distributed following worship
two weeks in advance on Sunday, November 8th.
Funeral Planning — All Saints' Day, November 1st, is our annual reminder that we
want you to take action to complete the funeral planning packet provided by Saint
John Hattiesburg (or something similar). This includes the two documents: 1) A Holy
Rest and Peace and 2) Five Wishes. It's important that your family knows the safe,
accessible place where you keep this should it be needed in an emergency. As a part
of our congregation's ministry, we are willing to hold confidentially a copy of these
documents for you if you'd like. Please speak with any of the elders or the pastor for
more information. Copies of these two documents are available in the manila
envelopes at the foyer mailboxes. For members they are provided free of charge; for
your friends and family we ask for a $5 donation per copy in the church offering
plate. Peace be to you!
Pregnancy Choices Orientation Training
Hardy Street Baptist Church-Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, October 27
10:00 am or 6:30 pm
Anyone who would like to learn more about Pregnancy Choices Hattiesburg
is welcome to come to the training. For more information please contact
Karen Sims at 601.325.3971 or [email protected].
St. John Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Summary
Note: The minutes of the meeting and copies of all reports are available for review by
members of the congregation. They are maintained in a black three-ring binder at the church
member mailboxes. Please do not remove the binder from the building.
Attendance – Dewey Case, Steve Lawrence, Lorhetta Lawrence, Wayland Johnson, Dennis Smith,
Lori Coleman, Pat Potesta, and John Karle.
September Minutes – The September 15th Council Meeting Summary was approved as the minutes
for the meeting.
Financial Report – Finance Committee Chair Wayland Johnson presented a written report for
September, which showed the total cash received from offerings for the month was $17,011.97.
The general fund received $14,424.97. Designated/dedicated funds received $2,587.00. General
fund expenditures for September were $17,141.97. Expenses exceeded income by $2,267.00 for
the month. We have an operating deficit of $14,488.69 for the year. At the end of September, cash
available in the general fund stands at $9,560.80, down sharply from our January 1 st cash
reserves of $23,449.50. Contributions to the Building Fund during September totaled $1,073.00 (to
be applied in October). We are thankful for the generosity of the congregation and its solidarity in
seeking the kingdom of God and joining Jesus on his mission.
Pastor’s Report – John Karle presented a written report that provided updates on MISSION:
1) community development, 2) youth confirmation, 3) National Youth Gathering, 4) discipleship
and new members, 5) harvest potluck meal, 6) congregational foundation/endowment for mission
– GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS: 7) congregational organization, 8) electronic giving,
9) church office computer, 10) 2015 third quarter financial evaluation, 11) budgeting process for
2016 mission spending plan, 12) synodical convention nominations – BUILDING AND CAMPUS
ENVIRONMENT: 13) classrooms mini-makeover, 14) church office renovation, 15) sun-shutters
for west-facing windows (music room and library), 16) comprehensive landscaping plan,
17) children’s playground, 18) renovation of church restrooms and expansion of foyer,
19) fellowship hall roof leak, 20) generous volunteers – STAFF: and 21) professional and family
time away.
Elders’ Report – A written report was presented on behalf of the elders. Elders and deacons partner
with congregation members and guests to care for one another spiritually and extend God’s
kingdom of grace. Items of discussion at the October elders’ meeting included care of members,
elder communion of the homebound, and congregational finances.
Trustee Report – Ongoing needs are addressed through the leadership of Bill Lowry and John Karle.
New Business – The financial condition of the congregation was reviewed in view of our commitment
to live within our giving and the current operating deficit. After significant deliberation, the Council
was compelled to immediately reduce the salaries of the pastor by $3750 and the musician by
$500. Should 2015 congregational finances improve sufficiently, the Council will consider restoring
salaries near the end of the year. President Dewey Case and Head Elder Dennis Smith will make
themselves available to the congregation for concerns following worship services. Dewey will write
a letter explaining the situation to the congregation. Additionally, the elders are particularly mindful
of these matters since stewardship and giving are spiritual matters.
St. John Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Summary Continued
The Council reviewed the proposed 2016 Mission Spending Plan as prepared by Pastor Karle. The
initial proposal keeps in place the current practices of the congregation for full and part time staff.
Through other anticipated savings, a budget of $230,434 was presented, as compared to the
revised 2015 budget of $238,015. The original budget for 2015 was $258,356. Options for a
smaller 2016 budget by reducing staff salaries by $11,000 were presented. The Council moved
to place the $230,434 proposed spending plan before the congregation at its November 22 nd
voters’ assembly.
The meeting closed with prayer.
Note: The minutes of the meeting and copies of all reports are available for review by
members of the congregation. They are maintained in a black three-ring binder at the church
member mailboxes. Please do not remove the binder from the building.
Ron and Regina Johnson started Legacy Group Home because they felt that it was a
need in the Hattiesburg Community. We noticed that there were not enough places
for people with mental illnesses to live in a safe and healthy environment. Serious
mental illnesses must involve the whole person. Legacy Group Home
focuses on their strengths, not their illnesses. The community offers respect, hope,
relationships, and opportunities for friendship and employment.
For this project we are asking if you have any of the following items:
Dishes (Kitchenware, Pots, Pans, Plates, etc.)
Linen (Bed Sheets, Pillowcases, Quilts, Blankets, etc.)
Men’s Clothing (Shoes, Pants, Shirts, etc.)
Lamps, Window Curtains, Table Clothes
Appliances (Toaster, Can Opener, Coffee Maker, Washer,
Dryer etc.)
For more information our email address is: [email protected]
Ellen Heck
Darlene Boortz
Sonja Chaney
Ashely Green
Lore Giles
Jerry Herrington
Sam Hollomon
Luke Johnson
Jane Johnson
Jennifer Karle
John Karle
James Killingbeck
Jane Kersh
Patrick Kirkley
Braxton Lee
Lee McMichael
Mary McMichael
Shawn O’Connor
Ethan Potesta
W.F. Perkins
Dawn Reid
Macy Reid
Haley Trahan
Carol Varga
Donna and John Blair
Dori and Bill Carver
Wayland and Jane Johnson
William and Christina Noffke
Eric and Dawn Reid
Have you heard about Oxford House? There’s one near us!
Hi, friends of Hattiesburg!
Ellen Heck
Oxford House is very excited and thrilled to be starting a new Chapter of homes
Brenda Ogle
in Hattiesburg, MS. Oxford Houses are self-run and self -supporting sober-living
Mary Cubley
homes. Every house consists of people working a recovery program as well as
using the tool of accountability to help keep the structure, principles,
and traditions in the house. Since earlier this year we have opened three homes
in Hattiesburg: two women's houses and one men's house. We are excited and
thrilled about the growth of Oxford House in this community. Because of the
beautiful growth that we have seen, we are asking for support from our local
community. We are a new chapter, building and growing in our essentials.
Therefore any aid or assistance with food, linens, or furniture would be greatly
appreciated. We are excited to be in need, which means we are rowing! Thanks!
Oxford Houses of Hattiesburg.
Contact Jennifer Reed 601-331-5991 or Amanda Barnette 601-454-2245
Love. Like. Jesus.
Saint John Lutheran Church
2001 Hardy Street
Hattiesburg MS 39401
Telephone: 601.583.4898
Email: [email protected]
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